利用者‐会話:T.Saito - Wikipedia

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こんにちは、co.kyotoと申します。気になっていたことを少し。「ご用件の方はウィクショナリーへ~」ということなのですが、T.Saitoさんに連絡するためだけにウィクショナリーへユーザ登録を求めるのは、あまり適切ではないと思います。T.Saitoさんが完全にjawp上での活動を休止されているならばわかるのですが、ブロック依頼にも出入りされているようですから、連絡へ障壁を作成するのはよろしくないかなと。--co.kyoto 2007年9月17日 (月) 03:11 (UTC)返信

了解しました。--T.Saito(Talk/Contribs/Mail) 2007年9月17日 (月) 09:50 (UTC)返信

尚このお知らせは賛成者様各位にお知らせしております。--目蒲東急之介 2007年9月22日 (土) 14:27 (UTC)返信

投票済み。--T.Saito(Talk/Contribs/Mail) 2007年9月22日 (土) 21:24 (UTC)返信


世の中を舐めるのもいい加減にして下さい。これ以上騒ぎを起こしたくないのなら、おとなしく記事書いて下さい。よろしくお願いします。--ちゃたま会話|投稿記録2007年9月24日 (月) 09:48 (UTC)返信

先ほど、T.Saitoさんの投稿ブロックを解除しました。 -- NiKe 2007年9月27日 (木) 23:00 (UTC)返信

了解しました。--T.Saito(Talk/Contribs/Mail) 2007年10月10日 (水) 11:22 (UTC)返信
こんばんは ZERBERUSと申します。はじめまして以前「コメント依頼/KHAT」を編集していましたので、連絡に伺いました。「Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/KHAT」が提出されました。宜しければ参加をお願いします--ZERBERUS 2007年11月9日 (金) 13:25 (UTC)返信

Please, do not delete this - this would help many souls from hellish condition and spiritual suicide. So let it be here please, at least in history of this page. Hare Krishna. A person who calls one Vaishnava a `big Vaishnava' and another Vaishnava a `little Vaishnava' may be peaceful and happy for now, but for how long will he remain peaceful and happy? On the preText of rebuking His mother, Lord Chaitanya, the supreme teacher (siksha-guru), taught everyone to carefully avoid offending a Vaishnava. Anyone who jumps over lionlike Lord Chaitanya's order and foolishly offends a Vaishnava will be punished for his offense. Please give me your attention and hear why Lord Chaitanya spoke as He did. Lord Chaitanya knows everything that happens in all three phases (past, present, and future, of time. He knows that in the future some demoni people will serve Lord Advaita. They will refer to Lord Advaita by the name "Shri Krishna". In this way they will reject the words of the true Vaishnavas. These sinners will thus disobey the devotees who affirm that Advaita is "the greatest Vaishnava". Many persons will consider themselves the followers of Lord Advaita, but they will not have the power to see how in the future they will be punished. Lord Chaitanya, the crest jewel of they who know everything, knew all this. Therefore He did something to try to stop this from happening. By punishing His mother, Lord Chaitanya showed the result that comes from offending Lord Advaita or any other Vaishnava. No one can protect a person who has offended a Vaishnava. Therefore one should avoid persons who offend Vaishnava. One should avoid an offender, even if the offender is otherwise very qualified. A little association with an offender will make one fall down. Who has the power to understand why the Lord gives punishment? By punishing His mother, He taught everyone. Anyone who blasphemes they who use the word `Vaishnava" to address Lord Advaita will be punished. He will perish. Lord Chaitanya is theSupreme Personality of Godhead, the master of all. To be called His follower is very great praise. Without any intention to deceive, Lord Chaitanya openly said that Lord Nityananda is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. By Lord Nityananda's mercy I know Lord Chaitanya. By Lord Nityananda's mercy I know the Vaishnavas. By Lord Nityananda's mercy offenses are destroyed. By Lord Nityananda's mercy one attains devotion to Lord Vishnu. Blasphemy directed to Lord Nityananda's servants never enters my mouth. Day and night I happily sing Lord Chaitanya's glories. I carefully serve Lord Nityananda's devotees. Lord Chaitanya is the life and wealth of Lord Nityananda's servants. A person who has only a little good fortune will not become Lord Nityananda's servant, for Lord Nityananda's servant is able to see Lord Chaitanya. Anyone who hears this story of Lord Visvarupa becomes a servant of the limitless Supreme Personality of Godhead. He feels that Lord Nityananda is his very life. Lord Nityananda and Lord Visvarupa do not have different bodies. This Mother Saci knew. Some other great souls also knew. Glory to Lord Nityananda, who takes shelter of Lord Chaitanya! Glory, glory to Lord Nityananda, who is thousand-faced Ananta Sesha! O Lord Nityananda, O king of Gauda-desa, glory to You! Who can attain Lord Chaitanya without first attaining Your mercy? Anyone who loses Lord Nityananda will not be happy in this life. Will I some day see Lord Chaitanya, Lord Nityananda, and their associates all thogether in one place? Lord Chaitanya is my master. With great faith and hope I meditate on Him within my heart. I bow down before Lord Advaita's feet. I pray that he will always be dear to me and that He will always stay in my thoughts. The two moons Shri Krishna Chaitanya and Shri Nityananda are my life and soul. I, Vrindavana dasa, sing the glories of Their feet.