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澤岡 昭(さわおか あきら、1938年 - )は日本の学者





現在も宇宙航空研究開発機構 (JAXA) の研究統括として、宇宙の産業利用についての推進役、2008年より政府の宇宙開発戦略専門調査会の座長代理を務めた。


著書・学術論文等の名称 単著・共著別 発表年 出版元の名称 備考
Shock Compression Technology and Material Science 単著 1992 KTK Scientific Publishers, Tokyo
Shock Compression Chemistry of Materials 共著 1993 KTK Scientific Publlishers, Tokyo 共著者:Y.Horie
Shock Waves in Materials Science 単著 1993 Springer-Verlag, Tokyo
電子材料 単著 1993 森北出版
危機管理と人間力 共著 2001 丸善 共著者:小野二朗、他12名

ISBN: 4621048864

日本企業はNASAの危機管理に学べ! 単著 2002 ニッポン放送プロジェクト ISBN: 4594036600
衝撃のスペースシャトル事故調査報告 単著 2004 中央労働災害防止協会 ISBN: 4805909544
著書、学術論文等の名称 単著・共著別 発表年 発表雑誌・学会等の名称 備考
Pressure and Temperature History in Diamond Silicon Mixtures During Dynamic Compaction 共著 1991 Shock Waves p.165-167

共著者:H.Kunishige, T.Akashi and Y. Horie

Formation Process of Carbyne Produced by Shock Compression 共著 1991 Naturwissen schaften 78 p.450-452

共著者:K.Yamada and H.Kunishige

Diamond formation inaluminium compressed with nickel-graphite under shock loading 共著 1992 Journal of Materials Science 27 p.1735-1740

共著者:I.Simonsen, Y.Horie and T.Akashi

Possibility of Synthesis of Diamond Thin Film under Microgravity Environment 共著 1992 Microgravity Q. Vol.2, No.1 p.39-42

共著者:Y.Takagi, S.Sato, K.Kaigawa and Liya L.Regel

Laser-prearc railgun: Development for the application to a fuelpellet injector of a nuclear fusion reactor 共著 1992 Rev. Sci. Instrum. Vol.63, No.5 p.3102-3107

共著者:T.Tamura, Y.Oda, M.Onozuka, S.Kuribayashi and K.Shimizu

Epitaxial Growth of Strain-freeGe Films on Si Substrates by Solid Phase Epitaxy at Ultrahigh Pressure 共著 1992 Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol.61, No.16 p.1951-1953

共著者:H.Ishiwara and T.Sato

Lateral Solid Phase Epitaxy of Amorphous Si Films under Ultrahigh Pressure 共著 1993 Jpn.J.Appl. Phys.,Vol.32 p.308-311

共著者:H.Ishiwara, H.Wakabayashi, K.Miyazaki and K.Fukao

Higher Acceleration Technique of Microprojectiles in a Magnetoplasmadynamic Accelerator 共著 1993 Rev.Sci. Instrum., Vol.64, No.3 p.724-727


Sprayingof the Brittle Ceramic Zirconium Diboride by a Wire Explosion Technique 共著 1994 J.Appl.Phys., 75, (3) p.1789-1797

共著者:H.Tamura, T.Ogura, M.Nagahama and Y,Tanabe

Unique Fine Microstructures of Iron Caused by Intense Shearing under ShockCompression 共著 1994 Jpn.J.Appl. Phys.,Vol.33, Pt.1, No.5A p.2667-2672

共著者:K.Dan, H.Tamura, T.Mori, Minder Hwang and Y. Horie

Nucleation and Growth of Diamond in Detonation Products 共著 1994 J.Am.Ceram. Soc.,Vol.77, No.4 p.1104-1106


Microstructures of Carbon Polymorphs Formed in Shock Compressed DiamondPowder Utilizing an Interaction of Oblique Shock Waves 共著 1994 Carbon, Vol.32 No.7 p.1197-1213

共著者:K.Yamada, G.Burkhard, K.Dan and Y.Tanabe

Characterizations and Modification ofAmorphous Carbon Films Consisting of sp2 and sp3 Bonds Using Magneto ? Plasma Dynamic Arc-Jet 共著 1994 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol.33, Part1, No.12A p.6684-6690

共著者:Y.Tanabe, G.Burkhard, T.Ishikura, K.Tsunoda, H.Hasuo, M.Tamaru, H.Tamura and K.Uematsu

Explosive Gasification of Aluminum Nitride Powder and Rapid Condensation of Ultrasupersaturated Gas in the Rarefaction Wave Front 共著 1995 Philosophical Magazine A, Vol.71, No.3 p.497-522


Anisotropic Heating of a Copper and Graphite Powder Mixture during an Electrical Column Explosion 共著 1995 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol.34, Pt.1, No.4A p.2004-2005

共著者:S.Miyakawa, G.Burkhard, H.Tamura and Y.Tanabe

Debris Formation from Layered Plate Target by Microprojectile Impact 共著 1995 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol.34, Pt.1,No.4A p.2062-2070

共著者:H.Tamura and K.Ueda

Debris Formation from an Aluminum Nitride Ceramic Plate by Microprojectile Impact 共著 1995 Jpn. J. Appl.Phys. Vol.34, Part2, No.7B p.L951-L954

共著者:H.Tamura and S.Fukushima

Crater Formation ofCarbon Materials By Impact of a High Velocity Sphere 共著 1995 Carbon, Vol.33, No.11 p.1547-1552

共著者:Y.Tanabe, T.Saitoh and T.Akatsu

Dendrites of Silicon Nitride Grown in Free Space by Rapid Condensation Method 共著 1996 Philosophical Magazine A, Vol.73,No.1 p.147-157


An in-situobservation of amorphization of carbyne particle under electron-beam irradiation 共著 1996 Carbon, Vol.34 p.1601-1602

共著者:K.Yamada, G.Burkhard and Y.Tanabe

NewApplication of a Magnetro-Plasma Dynamic Arc-Jet to Amino Acid Synthesis 共著 1997 Jpn. J. Apply. Phys.,Part1, Vol.36, No.7A p.4481-4485


共著者:H.Tamura and M.Konoue:S.Miyakawa, H.Tamura and K. Kobayashi

Zirconium Boride and Tantalum Carbide Coatings Sprayed by Electrothermal Explosion of Powders 共著 1997 J.Thermal Spray Technology, 6
Amino Acid Synthesis from an Amorphous Substance Composed of Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen 共著 1998 Applied PhysicsLetters, Vol.72, No.8 p.990-992

共著者:S.Miyakawa and H.Tamura

Generationof a High-Velocity jet in the Electrothermal Explosion of Conductive Ceramic Powders 共著 1998 Journal of Thermal Spray Technology. Vol.7, No.1 p.87-92

共著者:H.Tamura, M.Konoue, Y.Ikeda and T.Soda

Mechanisms of Amino Acid Formation using Optical Emission Spectroscopy 共著 1999 Journal of AppliedPhysics, Vol.85, No.9 p.6853-6857

共著者:S.Miyakawa, K. Ushio and K.Kobayashi

Cytosine and Uracil Synthesis by Quenching with High-Temperature Plasma 共著 1999 Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol.121, No.36 p.8144-8145

共著者:S.Miyakawa, K.Murasawa and K. Kobayashi

Allotropes of Carbon Shock Synthesized at Pressures up to 15 Gpa 共著 2000 Philosophical Magazine A, Vol.80,No.8 p.1811-1828

共著者:K.Yamada and Y.Tanabe

Abiotic Synthesis of Guanine with High-Temperature Plasma 共著 2000 Origin of Life and Evolution of the Bioshere, Vol. 30 p.557-566

共著者:S.Miyakawa, K.Murasawa and K. Kobayahi
