2 New Thingies!

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Hello, Everyone!

Just so I don't mislead anyone, this is NOT an update to Robo Otto. The game itself is not getting any new content with this devlog.

However! I've made two form thingies of completely different natures for Robo Otto!

Form 1 (A Survey)

You and your thoughts matter to me, so I feel like I would benefit a lot from your feedback!

It's an 11 question survey that (I hope) would only take a few minutes to fill out.

Your answers will help me be a better game developer in the future!

Link to survey: https://forms.gle/v953KcBvPKrwTa749

**PLEASE NOTE: I will be closing responses on December 1st, 2024**

Form 2 (A Quiz)

This is a silly quiz I made for you to test your Robo Otto knowledge!!

It's 16 questions and graded, so you can see what you got right or wrong! Maybe you even get 100%!!

This one will stay up for the foreseeable future, so that anyone can take the quiz, whenever they want! You can also access it at the "Links" section on the store page!

Link to quiz: https://forms.gle/ru9GnQ7d1p2fqdfr8

In Conclusion

Oh, yeah! I should mention that neither forms collect any information from you, so there's no need to worry about that.

I hope you enjoy the new Robo Otto stuff! I look forward to seeing your responses!

As always, thank you for everything!

Bye-bye~! <3

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