Amical Wikimedia/March 2017 - Meta

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Welcome to Amical Wikimedia monthly report of March 2017. We celebrated 16 years, we did some writing challenges, including our Catalan Culture challenge, we started some new eduwiki courses and we attended Wikimedia Conference

Volunteer led projects supported by Amical


Workshops, follow ups and internal training


Note: Some follow up meetings in real life are kept in private and not included in this report for respecting lower voices.

Outreach, workshops & events


  • March 9 - Kick of session of new Wiki course at University of Barcelona - Kippelboy
  • March 15 - Kick of session of new edition of Latin Classics Wiki course at Autonomous University of Barcelona - Kippelboy
  • March 3- Meeting with Fundació La Caixa Research Manager - Kippelboy
  • March 28 - Meeting with "Catalan abroad" branch of Institut Ramon llull to schedule a conference in July - Kippelboy

This month we started a new Wikipedian in residence project at Girona History Museum, led by a Local volunteer.

Outreach, campaigns & events


  • March 1- Follow up meeting with CCCB Representatives- Kippelboy
  • March 1 - Meeting with Ramon Llull Institute to prepare our Bologna Children Books festival writing challenge - Kippelboy
  • March 10 - Meeting with Fira Tarrega executive Director- Kippelboy

On March we celebrated our 16th anniversary with an international writing challenge based on Catalan Scientists biographies. This was the third time we run this challenge. This year wasn't as successful as previous editions, probably due to the overlap of other writing challenges and wiki-related activities, but we are happy with the results.

This edition of Catalan Culture challenge was focused on Catalan scientists
Fourth edition of of Nit de la Llengua Digital (Night of the Digital Language) in Tarragona.
  • March 13 - Meeting with ViaSona executive Director- Kippelboy
  • March 13 - Meeting Public Administration teaching school to schedule an Autumm editathon- Kippelboy
Note: These metrics only report events or projects which took place or ended during this month. Longer term projects like Educational or Wikipedian in Residence are reported on our semester report or the month where the project finishes.
Program Event/project/task #Active Editors #New editors # People involved Media Used #Articles improved #Bytes Other Comments
3 - CORE Rock Music Editathon (Enderrock) in Girona 2 0 5 7 25 N/A
3 - CORE Wikipedia workshop to University of Barcelona Heritage library 1 3 5 5 10 N/A
3 - CORE Women and sport editathon in Palafrugel 1 12 15 5 10 N/A
3 - CORE Wikipedia editathon at Olesa public library 3 5 10 5 7 N/A
3 - CORE Local artist edtitathon at Figueres 2 4 7 N/A 2 N/A
3 - CORE Local festivity editathon in Vilanova 3 8 15 8 11 N/A
3 - CORE Conference on the future of public libraries in Girona 2 0 25 0 0 0 Conference regarding bibliowikis project
3 - CORE L'Olleria municipality editathon 4 2 8 N/A 7 N/A bibliowikis library
3 - CORE Catalan culture challenge 2017 7 0 15 N/A 35 N/A Third year organising it
3 - CORE Bologna Children Book Fest Writing challenge 2 4 8 2 15 N/A
3 - CORE World poetry day 2017 3 0 5 N/A 15 N/A
3 - CORE Art and Feminism editathon 9 7 16 N/A 59 320.772 in collaboration with Wikimedia Spain
3 - CORE Digital Language editathon, 2017 5 129 150 N/A 200 N/A
3 - CORE Maths editathon 1 5 12 8 19 N/A
Total (estimated) 45 179 296 40 415 >320.772