Grants:Project/Rapid/UG ELiSo/Outreach leaflets 2018 - Meta

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UG ELiSo/Outreach leaflets 2018

Preparation and printing of outreach materials (leaflets) about Wikipedia and Wikimedia project. Targeting is on participants of our trainings and presentations.

targetWikipedias (primary in Esperanto, secondary in another languages)

start dateJuly 1

end dateAugust 6

budget (local currency)400 EUR

budget (USD)475.639 USD

grant typeorganization

non-profit statusnon-incorporated Wikimedia affiliation

contact(s)• KuboF Hromoslav• Petro666

organization (if applicable)• Esperanto kaj Libera Scio

Briefly explain what are you trying to accomplish with this project, or what do you expect will change as a result of this grant. Example goals include, "recruit new editors", "add high quality content", or "train existing editors on a specific skill".

Our User Group, Esperanto ad Free Knowledge, was doing presentations and trainings about Wikimedia projects for several years. But for the whole time we have felt some missing part. And while we have invested to improve quality of our trainings, we could not provide some materials for participants to sustain and develop their interest, nor to help them to internalise the Wikimedia principles and values. While Esperanto community, our target group, is usually happy to provide libre content and support growth of Wikimedia projects, usually they have lack of law understanding of copyrights (“yes, just upload it to Wikipedia”) and feel disempowered (“I can’t edit Wikipedia, but I can send you the text”).
In this project we will create high quality, modern look leaflets with empowering information about Wikipedia and calls to action. We will be using them during our trainings and presentations to support recruiting and retention of new users. Together with planned email engaging (proposed, to be confirmed) the leaflets will serve as reminder for participants about the possibility and worthness of editing Wikipedia. They will be the basis point to refresh knowledge about libre licenses, values of collabouration and simplicity of editing Wikipedia. This will protect the participants from problematic searching on Wikipedia itself (syndrome “in Wikipedia help namespace (or on Meta) is everything, the only one problem is to find it”). By completing this project, our work to recruit and retain new editors and help them to create high quality multilingual content will be easier and more efficient.
Side note: Our general target group is Esperanto speakers. De facto all Esperanto speakers are at least bilingual and experience of nowadays Esperanto speaking wikimedians shows that they are often active in more language projects (also visible on organized Wikimedians). So we suppose, that from this project will benefit several language communities (also, we have another project specifically designed to translations to many different languages).

Tell us how you'll carry out your project. What will you and other organizers spend your time doing?

We will prepare new leaflets about Wikipedia. We are going to take inspiration from leaflets in another languages and from the previous version from decade ago. The leaflets we will print in mass. We will plan during which events to organize training or presentation to provide the leaflets.
The actual use of leaflets will mostly follow after official end of this project.

How will you let others in your community know about your project (please provide links to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions)? Why are you targeting a specific audience?

The project was planned mostly offline between core activists of WUG Esperanto and Free Knowledge.
We are going to announce the publication of grant request, ask for help on creation of content, final version of the leaflet and ways to join and help by
  • Vilages Pumps of Esperanto Wikimedia projects
  • mailinglists of WUG Esperanto anf Free Knowledge and Esperanto Wikimedia community
  • social account of WUG Esperanto anf Free Knowledge and Esperanto Wikimedia community
  • instant messager channels of WUG Esperanto anf Free Knowledge, Esperanto Wikimedia community and general Esperanto community.

What will you have done at the end of your project? How will you follow-up with people that are involved with your project?

On the end we will have printed leaflets about Wikipedia and the plan of events suitable for trainings and presentations to use the leaflets. First burst of leaflets will be distributed during presentation of the photo competition ‘’Wiki Loves ZEOs’’ (objects named in honor of Esperanto and its iniciator Dr. Zamenhof) durign World Congress of Esperanto 2018.
During the follow-up trainings and presentations we will use sing-up forms in order to be in contact with the interested participants. We will use technics of email and social media engagement to help them fully participate in the Wikimedia movement.

How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets and feel free to add more specific to your project:

  1. Number of total participants: 2 000
  2. Number of articles created or improved (if applicable): not applicable
  3. Number of photos uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (if applicable): not applicable
  4. Number of photos used on Wikimedia projects (if applicable): not applicable
  5. Number of planed events for use: 5 / (whole) year

What resources do you have? Include information on who is the organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).

KuboF Hromoslav - project leader, main mainteiner of the content of the leaflets, administration, communication with WMF
Petro666 - planning, advising, comunication with printing company, distribution, strategic advices (have huge experience with managenment of big projects, including dissemination)

What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense:

  • printing of leaflets: 400 EUR
    • 2 000 leaflets (mass printing for better price per piece)
  • (re)tweet or two from Wikimedia Twitter accounts would be appreciated
  • I completely agree with the statements of this project and know it would be useful material to have. Psychoslave (talk) 20:03, 18 May 2018 (UTC)
  • Ĉar mi tradukas por Vikipedio mi deziras ke la projekto realiĝu. Ĉu ekzistas konto kie homoj povas finance helpi ? Alifono (talk) 20:37, 20 July 2018 (UTC)