Electric Bombs

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Electric Bombs
A linked pair of bombs.

The Electric Bombs (as named in Metroid Prime Hunters: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide) are the Alt Form Weapon of the Lockjaw. Similar to the Bombs of Samus Aran's Morph Ball, these bombs, like the Lockjaw and the rest of Sylux's equipment, are stolen Galactic Federation prototypes. In Lockjaw form, Sylux can drop two bombs and link them together, unless they are obstructed by something or not close enough to each other. The link forms a trap that will trigger if a rival Bounty hunter should touch the tripwire linking the two bombs, resulting in the two bombs being drawn towards the snared enemy.

Alternatively, once a rival Bounty Hunter is in range, a third bomb can be dropped to form a triangle of links that will enclose the enemy. If successful, the bombs will be drawn towards the snared enemy and detonate all at once. This is a powerful attack, as if it does not kill the enemy, it will at least reduce their energy to critical levels, as it takes near 200 units of energy to survive the triple attack. The two Bombs on their own deal much less damage. Placing a third bomb when there is no enemy in position to snare will cause all three bombs to detonate immediately.

Unlike the Morph Ball Bombs, the Electric Bombs take longer to explode; after a certain amount of time, the bombs will discharge their energy and cease to exist.

The Lockjaw can be propelled into the air using its Bombs, in a manner similar to the Bomb Jump of Samus's Morph Ball and the equivalent jumps Kanden can achieve using Larva Bombs in his Stinglarva form. In low-gravity areas, the Lockjaw can gain an unlimited amount of height this way (much like the Turbo Bomb technique) and also stay airborne as long as it continues to place Electric Bombs. This has led to a popular multiplayer tactic of using the Electric Bombs to stay in the air and snipe foes with the Imperialist. In normal gravity areas, the Bombs can be used to make Sylux glide, enabling Sylux to skip gaps or reach certain hidden spots, such as a Secret World on the Harvester map.

Alt-Forms and Weapons
Morph Ball/Bomb | Lockjaw/Electric Bombs
Halfturret/Halfturret Slice | Dialanche/Fire Blade | Vhoscythe/Spin Attack
Stinglarva/Larva Bomb | Triskelion/Jump Strike

See also: Template:Morph Ball.