User:Goonsquad LCpl Mulvaney/DRAFTCannabisNZ - Wikipedia

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This is a draft which will be moved to articlespace only when it has been proofread. The original version is here: en:Cannabis_in_New_Zealand
He pua puawai maroke o te tipu sativa Cannabis

Ko te whakamahi tarukino i a Niu Tireni e whakahaerehia ana e te Misuse of Drugs Act 1975, e kore ai e hoatu he mana kore mana mo tetahi tarukino . Ko te Cannabis te tuawha whakangahau tuuturu -maha e whakamahia ana i Aotearoa, whai muri iho i te kawhe, te waipiro me te tupeka, me te tarukino e tino whakamahia nuitia ana. I te taupori neke atu i te wha miriona, 13.4% o te hunga 16-664 te pakeke ki te whakamahi tarukino. Koinei te tūnga o te taumata kai tarutaru te iwa-teitei rawa atu o te ao. [1]

Mai i te Hakihea 18 o Tihema 2018, ka whakatauhia e te Raupatu o te Hauhokohoko i te Ture Moni (Nga Mate Kore rongoa) Te Ture Whakatikatika 2018 (2018 No 54) kia nui ake te whakamahinga o te tarukino hauora, me te whakamahi i te tarukino ki te whakamutu i nga turoro i nga tau 12 marama o te koiora.

I te 18 Hakihea, ka whakaputahia e te kawanatanga o Reipa tetahi motu ki te motu, e pa ana ki te kaupapa ture o te tarutaru hei whakamahi mo te tangata ake, kua whakaritea hei waahanga o te pooti pooti 2020 . I te 7 o Mei 2019, ka kii mai ko te kaupapa whaikorero he waa / kaore he patai hei tono kia kore ano he hanganga ture. Ahakoa te taunga o te pooti mai i te kawanatanga ka herea te kaitautoko ki te ture, me paahitia kia rite ki era atu ture me te pooti; no reira, kaore te kawanatanga e whai mana ki nga hua o te takahi. [2]

  1. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2006). World Drug Report 2006. United Nations Publication. ISBN 92-1-148215-1. 
  2. "Cannabis referendum: A simple yes or no question on reform at 2020 General Election" (in Ingarihi).