Uroboros by Mistyrious

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Prologue and Chapter 1 out!

Currently 50k words w/ code

UROBOROS . A 17+ fantasy interactive fiction novel written in Twine. Play as the deity of eternity, powerless and deemed useless among gods, for nothing lasts forever. A struggle between mortals and gods sparks a conflict that may bring an end to the age of the divine rule.

YOUR CHOICES . Through the choices you make, develop character traits and skills that will define your player's identity and influence the course of the plot. You will dramatically change the outcome of the story through your own agency.

This game will be free to play in its entirety, and no necessary in-game content will ever be monetized. Updates may continue after the completion of the game as well.

Tumblr 🌿 Website

You are the deity of All That Lasts Forever, a being born of the Chaotic Universe and moulded in divinity. One that exists among gods of lore, with the power to change seasons, conjure great storms, and raise life from dust.

Yet, you wield no power. Nothing lasts forever.

Relegated to an errand god, you assist the god of death with the afterlife, guiding lost spirits and hearing the dead's grievances.

Life was simple; the gods weaved the starry night that mortals slept beneath, raised the sun that humans rose to and drew the tides that guided vessels along. All was peaceful.

Until someone dared to defy death.

Your investigations into a strange occurrence will lead you to know far more than you ever intended to, unravelling what may be the precursor to the collapse of the reign of gods…

An outcast among gods and mortals, you are the grey area that bridges the two, and you will decide the fate of the world. Will you side with divinity, preserving power and maintaining order? Or will you support the struggle against them, ending a long era of oppressive rule?

✧CONTENT WARNING: depictions of war, violence, and death; mentions of cannibalism (not heavily depicted) . Potentially sexually suggestive themes. 🌿

PLAY AS THE DEITY OF ETERNITY . 🌿 Though do not expect to be powerful or beloved, with nothing within your domain. Choose your own name, personality, "gender" and "sexuality". 

FOUR CHARACTERS TO DEVELOP DEEPER RELATIONSHIPS WITH . 🌿 Four characters to develop deeper relationships with.

A SHIFT AWAY FROM TRADITIONAL NUMERICAL STATS . 🌿 Focused on immersive storytelling, make decisions true to your character, and develop complex relationships with characters that are not easily quantifiable. Your choices will seal your fate, rather than your skill at stat-raising.

DECIDE THE FATE OF THE WORLD . 🌿 Overthrow the current order of divinity, or fight to maintain the status quo


NOTE . 🌿 Gods canonically do not have a gender; merely their mortal forms will take on a certain gender presentation, which will be selectable.

Humans have united under one rule, one civilization—Galaio (“one place”). A prosperous and thriving civilization where no one shall go hungry, forgotten or abused — free from the misery and pain of the war that tore the world in the past.

Galaio is beautiful, with cities of gold and flowers, and villages of forests and hearth. Vines hug marble pillars, and trees line the streets. The earth has humans in her loving embrace, and the humans love the gods in return.

Deities rule the humans closely, the space that once seemed vast between them now closed. They've grown wary of humans' ability to govern themselves—they must save them from themselves.

Although many are comfortable with the idyllic lives they lead, they've become oblivious to the corruption and dissidence that grows within them — sentiments that cry for change. 🌿

This list will only cover characters you can form a deeper relationship with, platonic or romantic. All characters are available for everyone and gender presentation selectable. They are, by no means, the only important characters in the story.

SALVATORE // Sal-va-to-reh. Deity of the sun, and the child of the goddess of the gods and goddess of mountains. They have a smile that lights up all their features, and radiates onto others like blessed sunlight. Vivid and cheerful, they possess a deep sense of duty to humanity, one they uphold steadfastly. Always earnest in their efforts, their optimism blinds others from the burdens they bear. Full portrait and character profile here!

LUCIEL // Loo-see-el . Deity of death and one of the original Twelve gods. Their kindness belies their distance, preferring to keep others at arm’s length. They seem to be absent from all matters that concern both divine and mortal beings. Yet, their mere presence brings immutable peace, and you can confidently say they are the kindest of all the gods. Full portrait and character profile here!

CIOCANA // Show-sah-na . Deity of misfortune and suffering, and child of the deity of natural disasters and goddess of the moon and stars. Their smile is charming and practiced, yet the corners of their mouth twist with mischief. Plagued by the role of their own existence, they manage to maintain their confidence, quick-witted and charismatic, yet biting and cynical. Though they're not well-liked among deities, this appears to bother them little. Full portrait and character profile here!

ALESSI // Al-ess-ee . The champion to free humanity from the reign of gods, child to human parents. Their easygoing smile is magnetic, inviting others to take a closer look like moth to fire. A natural leader, they are deeply attuned to the suffering of others and passionate about their cause. However, hidden beneath their friendliness is a righteous fury that consumes them from the inside and threatens to swallow their heart whole. Full portrait and character profile here!

Salvatore, Luciel, Ciocana and Alessi from left to right.


COVER ART . Thanks to Lenoka for an amazing cover!

✧ BANNER . Thanks to nuavanxi for such a gorgeous banner!

✧ CHARACTER PORTRAITS . Thanks to princepol for the beautiful portraits!! 

✧ ICON . Thanks to JennyH for the icon!

CHARACTER SKETCHES . Thanks to GiraffeLeggos for the sketches! 

DESIGN . Thanks to my amazing partner for editing the sidebar, background images, and headers! Original stock photos by Lana Veter, who made many wonderful abstract, watercolor images!!


TEMPLATE . Used Vahnya's extraordinary template! Link to template!!

MACROS . Thanks to Chapel for multiple macros (preload, notifications, pronouns, and dialog API)! Link to their macros!! Also thanks to HiEv for their ScrollTo macro! (Link removed, since website seems to hazve malware now!)


  • HiEv, using their splash screen code as base for the start menu!
  • HiEv and greyelf, using their jQuery code as base to develop the code for the radio buttons!
  • TheMadExile, for using their code as base to make black and white fade passage transitions possible!
  • WT3Schools, for teaching me the basic HTML stuff that I forgot from school and kept me sane!
  • Anastasia Goodwin, for their code on twinkling stars background! Their work falls under the MIT licence, which gives the rights to use and copy code freely. Here is the link to the code!!

CODEDIVING — FOR STYLING .FEEL FREE to look into the stylesheet for reference! However, it is incredibly scuffed and you must know what you're looking at to be able to use it properly. For the most part, also feel free to look into the passages to see how the code is implemented! 

However, please do not heavily reference. Code can be copied as a base or even entirely, as long as it's for functional or gameplay purposes (the black and white fade, the radio buttons, making the start menu, etc).

I should honestly have no issue with 90% of things—just please do not completely rip out the stylesheet and use visually similar images in combination! If you use my code as base, as long as over 70% of it is not copied, credit is appreciated, but not necessary. Otherwise, please do credit!

CODEDIVING — FOR SPOILERS . I get the curiosity. I can't police you, but surprises can be fun! If you're like me and like a little spoilers, though, do feel free to analyze the code. If you know it'll be canon rather than just a theory, however, all I ask is that you don't spoil anyone!

For a more exhaustive list of boundaries, however, take a look at my website!