⚓ T115158 Write a Zotero translator and document process for creating new Zotero translator and getting it live in production

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Write a Zotero translator and document process for creating new Zotero translator and getting it live in production

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I went through the documentation about Zotero, and even made a translator halfway (using the browser plug-in). I have experience in (non-)technical editing, so I think I will be comfortable with documenting the whole process. I am in the final year of college but I have my college vacations from Dec to mid Feb i.e. approximately 10-11 weeks of vacations that coincide with the Outreachy internship period, so I can easily give 40+ hours to it.
I have started working on the microtask T95128, but I needed some direction, can you please guide me with that?

I went through the documentation about Zotero, and even made a translator halfway (using the browser plug-in). I have experience in (non-)technical editing, so I think I will be comfortable with documenting the whole process. I am in the final year of college but I have my college vacations from Dec to mid Feb i.e. approximately 10-11 weeks of vacations that coincide with the Outreachy internship period, so I can easily give 40+ hours to it.
I have started working on the microtask T95128, but I needed some direction, can you please guide me with that?

That wasn't very clear, sorry! Those first two bugs were bugs that were reported to us, but it is actually a bug with a Zotero translator, so you should report the bug to https://github.com/zotero/translators and then note in the bug report here what you have done.

@Mvolz @czar @LuisVilla hello! for the very first time, we are considering to submit Wikimedia's application for the Rails Girls Summer of Code program: http://railsgirlssummerofcode.org. It is like Outreachy, and has the same goal of fostering diversity in Open Source. Though it sounds from the program's name that the projects submitted should be ROR/ Rails but that's not true. Projects could be any programming language. I'm wondering what's the current status of this task, and if anyone of you would be interested in mentoring? A faster reply would be much appreciated, as we are pretty close to the deadline (less than 6 days remaining!) :) Thank you!

@srishakatux as far as I know, this is still a basically undocumented process, so I still think it'd be a good project for someone.

(To be clear, though, I can't mentor - I can only test/proof/edit the resulting document.)

@srishakatux Cool! With current commitments, I won't be able to give more than cursory support, but it'll move off the backburner eventually so keep me apprised

@srishakatux I'm mentoring RGSOC this year for another project, but I'm still awaiting for confirmation whether they accept our projects or not, otherwise Let me know the criteria for mentoring Wikimedia's projects in RGSOC.

@Amit_gkp thanks for showing your interest in mentoring for RGSOC! To be a mentor, you need to be familiar with atleast one of our project's codebase. Could you share which Wikimedia projects are you currently involved with?

@Mvolz and team: Very soon we will be submitting Wikimedia's application for GSOC 2017 and Outreachy round 14, wondering if you would be interested in mentoring this project for either of those?

Hii Developers
I am Sunakshi. And I am willing to participate in the Outreachy Round 14. The Zotero translator-server is successfully build in my system. and is running on port:1969. I want to know what are the easy-pick issues I can work on (since the issues under the zotero/translator-server are not labeled)in order to contribute :-)
Thank you.


I also interested in this project in oureachy 14. What is the good task for newcomer? Could I just pick up any issue in Zotero translator project, that labeled as easy?


Hello, I would like to introduce myself. I am Sonali and am also interested in taking this project in outreachy round-14.

Hey @Mvolz @czar
I am Vrinda and I would like to apply for this project in Outreachy round 14. Could you give some idea for a micro task to get acquainted with the repository?

Hmm, as this is a documentation one, I don't think it's eligible for GSoC, only Outreachy? Removing from GSoC... feel free to add back if incorrect.

Is there an IRC channel for communications specific to outreachy/GSoC or we need to communicate on phabricator itself?

I don't think there's a specific one, but for this project,
#mediawiki-services on IRCnode is appropriate.

I think it is #wikimedia-services, I didn't find #mediawiki-services on irccloud
Please let me know if I am mistaken.

We still have two more weeks until the application deadline so we should perhaps find a few more and leave them for other people to do so everyone has a fair shot at applying.

czar added a comment.EditedMar 12 2017, 9:21 AM

@Mvolz, I was just perusing through the Github issues—didn't even know/realize they were also microtasks on Phabricator!

How small are microtasks supposed to be? I think it would be a good introductory exercise to write a translator using Framework (FW). Relatively easy to bang these out—for example, here's one I did today for frieze.com—get acquainted with XPath, basic Zotero.Utilities functions, follow a template, etc. Then someone could move on to those mid-level translators which should be coded without Framework (FW) from the ground up.

Concerning the tutorial to be written (on how to write translators): any suggestions for the website to be used as the example? Ideally it would be a site available under a free use license such that we can take screenshots of its design and code.

Concerning the tutorial to be written (on how to write translators): any suggestions for the website to be used as the example? Ideally it would be a site available under a free use license such that we can take screenshots of its design and code.

I believe http://www.example.com is designed for a similar purpose. Although it doesn't have very rich metadata, it would probably be fine for this. Or we could always use a WMF site!

@czar I am learning to write a translator. I have some questions related to Scaffold and about the use of framework.js
Since I couldn't find you on IRC, Can you provide a medium to talk?

Hello! Thank you for featuring this project in the previous edition of Outreachy. Did the student complete the project requirements? In any case, please help modify the task description and add/remove the tags accordingly. Thank you!

Mvolz closed this task as Resolved.Jun 14 2018, 3:43 PM

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