⚓ T328419 Displaying article text changes to Story watchers

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Displaying article text changes to Story watchers


To ensure that wikistories remain relevant and up-to date, story watchers are alerted with a custom notification when changes to an article involves text used in a story. Change can be partial (text used in a story haas been partially modified in the article) or complete (text used in the story is no longer present in the article).

For these scenarios, it would require:

  • Setting up a notification: UX copy, links, actions, bundling rules
  • Treatment in the story builder
Description/User story

As a wikistory watcher,
I want to be notified of changes to the underlying article,
so that I can update the wikistory accordingly.

As a story maintainer,
I want to understand the nature of the article changes and how they affect the wikistory,
so that I can update the wikistory correctly.

01. Discovery of problematic text inside story builder.

01. Discover.png (780×360 px, 295 KB)

  • Show a clear label indicating that the text is outdated and needs to be reviewed.
  • Label message "Outdated story text, replace?" (screenshot above outdated)
  • Place warning icon next to label message.
  • Place label message below the story text.
  • Divide the label message and story text using a separator.
  • Separator is 1 px border and has #C8CCD1 color.
  • Tap on "replace" take users to article view to select text.
02. Notification in story change

en.m.wikipedia.org_wiki_Cat(Moto G4) (1).png (1×1 px, 241 KB)

  • Show following notification message when text has changed in article. "(article_name) article has been edited, check Story:(story_name) for accuracy."
  • Make entire notification serve as primary link which opens problematic story page on story builder.
  • Only trigger notification when there is a change in article text which have been used in a story.

Design file

Acceptance Criteria


  • Showing alert of outdated text on builder with right UX copy
  • Showing alert on notices / alerts with right UX copy

CTA on builder:

  • Replace button allows user to select afresh/ a different text block.


  • Back arrow takes user to story builder
  • Device back key takes user to story builder
Test Scenarios
Open questions

Event Timeline

There are a very large number of changes, so older changes are hidden. Show Older Changes

PWaigi-WMF renamed this task from Displaying article changes to Story creators to Displaying article changes to Story creators: when Text and Properties have changed.Feb 20 2023, 1:52 PM

SBisson renamed this task from Displaying article changes to Story creators: when Text and Properties have changed to Displaying article text changes to Story watchers.Mar 21 2023, 7:56 PM

While trying to test this ticket, I see that the text that I am editing on betacluster does not display as the text to select from to create or edit a wikistory. Seems like this is expected based on this comment, so I am wondering how to test this on betacluster? Are there any test scenarios number for numbers 2-4 above, for making a change to an article on betacluster and having those changes show on the watchlist for a story, or cause a warning that the story text has changed?

Apart from the above, here are a couple of things that differ from the comp that are worth noting:

For the following AC:
❌ Label message "Outdated story text, review".

  • The linked text should be review instead of replace and should not have a question mark after it

And for the following AC:
❌ Place warning icon next to label message.

  • The icon linked actually is to warning.svg but the warning icon displayed is different than what is in the comp.

Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 2.38.35 PM.png (88×380 px, 31 KB)

Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 2.37.07 PM.png (158×636 px, 14 KB)

trying to test this ticket

Yes this one is a bit tricky to test, let's chat

❌ Place warning icon next to label message.

Good catch! Will confirm with design and update accordingly.

❌ Label message "Outdated story text, review".

I remember bringing it up during code review and I think we decided to leave it like that

After syncing with the team, I've updated the task description and created T344778 as a sub-task. The icon will be updated with the new patch above

Noting that T344822 will address 02. Notification in story change alert not showing for this ticket on betacluster

❌ Place warning icon next to label message.

Good catch! Will confirm with design and update accordingly.

✅ This icon is correctly updated now:

Screenshot 2023-09-14 at 11.02.46 AM.png (338×1 px, 253 KB)

❌ Show following notification message when text has changed in article. "(article_name) article has been edited, check Story:(story_name) for accuracy."

  • this copy is incorrect as seen in the pics below. It should be (article_name) article has been edited, check Story:(story_name) for accuracy.

Also, in the comp there is an > icon and View changes and in the build there is a different icon and the text diff, as well as a dropdown menu that does not exist in the comp.
Changes needed:

  1. The icon needs to change from > to match the one in the comp
  2. It should say 'View changes' instead of 'diff'.
  3. The dropdown should be removed.
  4. Article name and Story name should not be in bold
  5. Copy on the alert should say (article_name) article has been edited, check Story:(story_name) for accuracy. instead of (article_name) article was edited and Story:(story_name) needs to be reviewd

Thanks Vaughn for reporting this. @SGautam_WMF what do you think? If you think it's needed I can update the copy, otherwise can move to design sign off

Last open question here is about notification working. Moving to design sign off.

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