πολλά (polla) -- 66 Occurrences

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πολλά (polla) — 66 Occurrences

Matthew 9:14 Adj-ANP
GRK: Φαρισαῖοι νηστεύομεν πολλά οἱ δὲ
INT: Pharisees do fast often the however

Matthew 13:3 Adj-ANP
GRK: ἐλάλησεν αὐτοῖς πολλὰ ἐν παραβολαῖς
NAS: And He spoke many things to them in parables,
KJV: And he spake many things unto them in
INT: he spoke to them many things in parables

Matthew 16:21 Adj-ANP
GRK: ἀπελθεῖν καὶ πολλὰ παθεῖν ἀπὸ
NAS: and suffer many things from the elders
KJV: and suffer many things of the elders
INT: to go away and many things to suffer from

Matthew 19:22 Adj-ANP
GRK: ἔχων κτήματα πολλά
NAS: for he was one who owned much property.
KJV: for he had great possessions.
INT: he has possessions many

Matthew 27:19 Adj-ANP
GRK: δικαίῳ ἐκείνῳ πολλὰ γὰρ ἔπαθον
NAS: I suffered greatly in a dream
KJV: I have suffered many things this day
INT: righteous that [man] many things indeed I suffered

Matthew 27:52 Adj-NNP
GRK: ἀνεῴχθησαν καὶ πολλὰ σώματα τῶν
NAS: were opened, and many bodies
KJV: and many bodies
INT: were opened and many bodies of the

Mark 1:34 Adj-ANP
GRK: καὶ δαιμόνια πολλὰ ἐξέβαλεν καὶ
NAS: and cast out many demons;
KJV: and cast out many devils; and
INT: and demons many he cast out and

Mark 1:45 Adj-ANP
GRK: ἤρξατο κηρύσσειν πολλὰ καὶ διαφημίζειν
NAS: to proclaim it freely and to spread
KJV: to publish [it] much, and
INT: the began to proclaim much and to spread abroad

Mark 3:12 Adj-ANP
GRK: καὶ πολλὰ ἐπετίμα αὐτοῖς
NAS: And He earnestly warned
KJV: And he straitly charged them
INT: And much he rebuked them

Mark 4:2 Adj-ANP
GRK: ἐν παραβολαῖς πολλά καὶ ἔλεγεν
NAS: And He was teaching them many things in parables,
KJV: them many things by
INT: in parables many things and said

Mark 5:10 Adj-ANP
GRK: παρεκάλει αὐτὸν πολλὰ ἵνα μὴ
NAS: And he [began] to implore Him earnestly not to send
KJV: he besought him much that he would
INT: he begged him much that not

Mark 5:23 Adj-ANP
GRK: παρακαλεῖ αὐτὸν πολλὰ λέγων ὅτι
NAS: and implored Him earnestly, saying,
KJV: besought him greatly, saying,
INT: he begged him much saying

Mark 5:26 Adj-ANP
GRK: καὶ πολλὰ παθοῦσα ὑπὸ
NAS: and had endured much at the hands
KJV: And had suffered many things of many
INT: and much having suffered under

Mark 5:38 Adj-ANP
GRK: καὶ ἀλαλάζοντας πολλά
NAS: a commotion, and [people] loudly weeping
KJV: and wailed greatly.
INT: and wailing greatly

Mark 5:43 Adj-ANP
GRK: διεστείλατο αὐτοῖς πολλὰ ἵνα μηδεὶς
NAS: And He gave them strict orders
KJV: he charged them straitly that no man
INT: he instructed them much that no one

Mark 6:13 Adj-ANP
GRK: καὶ δαιμόνια πολλὰ ἐξέβαλλον καὶ
NAS: And they were casting out many demons
KJV: And they cast out many devils, and
INT: And demons many they cast out and

Mark 6:20 Adj-ANP
GRK: ἀκούσας αὐτοῦ πολλὰ ἠπόρει καὶ
NAS: And when he heard him, he was very perplexed;
KJV: him, he did many things, and heard
INT: having heard him many things did and

Mark 6:23 Adj-ANP
GRK: ὤμοσεν αὐτῇ πολλά ὅ ἐάν
INT: he swore to her whatever that if

Mark 6:34 Adj-ANP
GRK: διδάσκειν αὐτοὺς πολλά
NAS: to teach them many things.
KJV: to teach them many things.
INT: to teach them many things

Mark 7:4 Adj-NNP
GRK: καὶ ἄλλα πολλά ἐστιν ἃ
NAS: they cleanse themselves; and there are many other
KJV: not. And many other things there be,
INT: and other things many there are which

Mark 7:8 Adj-ANP
GRK: παρόμοια τοιαῦτα πολλὰ ποιεῖτε
KJV: cups: and many other such
INT: like [things] such much you do

Mark 7:13 Adj-ANP
GRK: παρόμοια τοιαῦτα πολλὰ ποιεῖτε
NAS: and you do many things such
KJV: and many such
INT: like [things] such many you do

Mark 8:31 Adj-ANP
GRK: τοῦ ἀνθρώπου πολλὰ παθεῖν καὶ
NAS: suffer many things and be rejected
KJV: suffer many things, and
INT: of man many things to suffer and

Mark 9:12 Adj-ANP
GRK: ἀνθρώπου ἵνα πολλὰ πάθῃ καὶ
NAS: that He will suffer many things and be treated with contempt?
KJV: he must suffer many things, and
INT: of man that many things he should suffer and

Mark 9:26 Adj-NNP
GRK: κράξας καὶ πολλὰ σπαράξας ἐξῆλθεν
NAS: out and throwing him into terrible convulsions,
KJV: him sore, and came out of him:
INT: having cried out and many having thrown him into convulsions it came out

Mark 10:22 Adj-ANP
GRK: ἔχων κτήματα πολλά
NAS: for he was one who owned much property.
KJV: for he had great possessions.
INT: he has possessions many

Mark 12:41 Adj-ANP
GRK: πλούσιοι ἔβαλλον πολλά
NAS: were putting in large sums.
KJV: that were rich cast in much.
INT: rich were casting [in] much

Mark 15:3 Adj-ANP
GRK: οἱ ἀρχιερεῖς πολλά
NAS: [began] to accuse Him harshly.
KJV: accused him of many things: but he
INT: the chief priests harshly

Luke 3:18 Adj-ANP
GRK: Πολλὰ μὲν οὖν
NAS: So with many other exhortations
KJV: And many other things
INT: Many indeed therefore

Luke 8:30 Adj-NNP
GRK: εἰσῆλθεν δαιμόνια πολλὰ εἰς αὐτόν
NAS: Legion; for many demons
KJV: because many devils
INT: were entered demons many into him

Luke 9:22 Adj-ANP
GRK: τοῦ ἀνθρώπου πολλὰ παθεῖν καὶ
NAS: suffer many things and be rejected
KJV: suffer many things, and
INT: of man many things to suffer and

Luke 10:41 Adj-ANP
GRK: θορυβάζῃ περὶ πολλά
NAS: and bothered about so many things;
KJV: troubled about many things:
INT: troubled about many things

Luke 12:19 Adj-ANP
GRK: Ψυχή ἔχεις πολλὰ ἀγαθὰ κείμενα
NAS: Soul, you have many goods laid
KJV: Soul, thou hast much goods laid up
INT: Soul you have many good things laid up

Luke 12:19 Adj-ANP
GRK: εἰς ἔτη πολλά ἀναπαύου φάγε
NAS: laid up for many years
KJV: for many years;
INT: for years many take your rest eat

Luke 17:25 Adj-ANP
GRK: δεῖ αὐτὸν πολλὰ παθεῖν καὶ
NAS: suffer many things and be rejected
KJV: he suffer many things, and be rejected
INT: it behoves him many things to suffer and

Luke 22:65 Adj-ANP
GRK: καὶ ἕτερα πολλὰ βλασφημοῦντες ἔλεγον
NAS: And they were saying many other things
KJV: And many other things blasphemously
INT: And other things many blaspheming they said

John 3:23 Adj-NNP
GRK: ὅτι ὕδατα πολλὰ ἦν ἐκεῖ
NAS: because there was much water
KJV: because there was much water there:
INT: because waters many were there

John 8:26 Adj-ANP
GRK: πολλὰ ἔχω περὶ
NAS: I have many things to speak
KJV: I have many things to say and
INT: Many things I have concerning

John 10:32 Adj-ANP
GRK: ὁ Ἰησοῦς Πολλὰ ἔργα ἔδειξα
NAS: them, I showed you many good
KJV: answered them, Many good works
INT: Jesus Many works I showed

John 11:47 Adj-ANP
GRK: ὁ ἄνθρωπος πολλὰ ποιεῖ σημεῖα
NAS: man is performing many signs.
KJV: man doeth many miracles.
INT: man many does signs

John 14:30 Adj-ANP
GRK: οὐκέτι πολλὰ λαλήσω μεθ'
NAS: I will not speak much more
KJV: not talk much with you:
INT: no longer much I will speak with

John 16:12 Adj-ANP
GRK: Ἔτι πολλὰ ἔχω ὑμῖν
NAS: I have many more things
KJV: yet many things to say
INT: Yet many things I have to you

John 20:30 Adj-ANP
GRK: Πολλὰ μὲν οὖν
NAS: Therefore many other signs
KJV: And many other signs
INT: Many indeed therefore

John 21:25 Adj-NNP
GRK: καὶ ἄλλα πολλὰ ἃ ἐποίησεν
NAS: And there are also many other things
KJV: there are also many other things which
INT: also other things many whatever did

Acts 2:43 Adj-NNP
GRK: ψυχῇ φόβος πολλὰ τε τέρατα
NAS: a sense of awe; and many wonders
KJV: soul: and many wonders and
INT: soul awe many and with wonders

Acts 5:12 Adj-NNP
GRK: καὶ τέρατα πολλὰ ἐν τῷ
NAS: of the apostles many signs
KJV: of the apostles were many signs and
INT: and wonders many among the

Acts 25:7 Adj-ANP
GRK: καταβεβηκότες Ἰουδαῖοι πολλὰ καὶ βαρέα
NAS: him, bringing many and serious
KJV: and laid many and grievous complaints
INT: who had come down Jews many and weighty

Acts 26:9 Adj-ANP
GRK: Ναζωραίου δεῖν πολλὰ ἐναντία πρᾶξαι
NAS: to do many things hostile
KJV: to do many things contrary
INT: Nazarene I ought many things contrary to do

Acts 26:24 Adj-NNP
GRK: Παῦλε τὰ πολλά σε γράμματα
NAS: you are out of your mind! [Your] great learning
KJV: thou art beside thyself; much learning
INT: Paul the much you learning

Romans 12:4 Adj-ANP
GRK: ἑνὶ σώματι πολλὰ μέλη ἔχομεν
NAS: as we have many members
KJV: as we have many members in
INT: one body many members we have

Romans 15:22 Adj-ANP
GRK: ἐνεκοπτόμην τὰ πολλὰ τοῦ ἐλθεῖν
NAS: For this reason I have often been prevented
KJV: I have been much hindered
INT: I was hindered the many [times] from coming

Romans 16:6 Adj-ANP
GRK: Μαρίαν ἥτις πολλὰ ἐκοπίασεν εἰς
NAS: who has worked hard for you.
KJV: who bestowed much labour on
INT: Mary who much toiled for

Romans 16:12 Adj-ANP
GRK: ἀγαπητήν ἥτις πολλὰ ἐκοπίασεν ἐν
NAS: who has worked hard in the Lord.
KJV: which laboured much in the Lord.
INT: beloved who much toiled in [the]

1 Corinthians 12:12 Adj-ANP
GRK: καὶ μέλη πολλὰ ἔχει πάντα
NAS: and [yet] has many members,
KJV: and hath many members, and
INT: and members many has all

1 Corinthians 12:12 Adj-NNP
GRK: τοῦ σώματος πολλὰ ὄντα ἕν
NAS: of the body, though they are many, are one
KJV: body, being many, are one
INT: of the body many being one

1 Corinthians 12:14 Adj-NNP
GRK: μέλος ἀλλὰ πολλά
NAS: is not one member, but many.
KJV: member, but many.
INT: member but many

1 Corinthians 12:20 Adj-NNP
GRK: νῦν δὲ πολλὰ μὲν μέλη
NAS: But now there are many members,
KJV: now [are they] many members,
INT: now however many even [are the] members

1 Corinthians 16:12 Adj-ANP
GRK: τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ πολλὰ παρεκάλεσα αὐτὸν
NAS: I encouraged him greatly to come
KJV: Apollos, I greatly desired him
INT: the brother much I exhorted him

1 Corinthians 16:19 Adj-ANP
GRK: ἐν κυρίῳ πολλὰ Ἀκύλας καὶ
NAS: greet you heartily in the Lord,
KJV: salute you much in the Lord,
INT: in [the] Lord much Aquila and

Galatians 4:27 Adj-NNP
GRK: ὠδίνουσα ὅτι πολλὰ τὰ τέκνα
KJV: the desolate hath many more children
INT: travail because many the children

2 Timothy 4:14 Adj-ANP
GRK: ὁ χαλκεὺς πολλά μοι κακὰ
NAS: did me much harm;
KJV: did me much evil: the Lord
INT: the smith many against me evil things

James 3:2 Adj-ANP
GRK: πολλὰ γὰρ πταίομεν
NAS: stumble in many [ways]. If
KJV: For in many things we offend all.
INT: much indeed we stumble

2 John 1:12 Adj-ANP
GRK: Πολλὰ ἔχων ὑμῖν
NAS: Though I have many things to write
KJV: Having many things to write unto you,
INT: Many things having to you

3 John 1:13 Adj-ANP
GRK: Πολλὰ εἶχον γράψαι
NAS: I had many things to write
KJV: I had many things to write, but
INT: Many things I had to write

Revelation 8:3 Adj-NNP
GRK: αὐτῷ θυμιάματα πολλὰ ἵνα δώσει
NAS: censer; and much incense
KJV: unto him much incense,
INT: to him incense much that he might give [it]

Revelation 19:12 Adj-NNP
GRK: αὐτοῦ διαδήματα πολλά ἔχων ὄνομα
NAS: and on His head [are] many diadems;
KJV: head [were] many crowns;
INT: of him diadems many having a name

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