Датотека:Newton-WilliamBlake.jpg — Википедија

Article Images


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Коментар на датотеку JPEGObject ID: PUBLIC"-//University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill::Carolina Digital Library and Archives::The William Blake Archive//NONSGML(UK::TATE::N05058::Newton::Object 1)//EN"

Title: Newton Object 1 Butlin 306 Origination: William Blake: inventor, delineator, printer, colorist Date of Composition: 1795 Print Date: c. 1805 Present Location and Contact Information

  Tate Collection at Tate Britain
  London SW1P 4RG
  United Kingdom
  telephone: 020-7887-8000
  fax: 020-7887-8900
  email: robin.hamlyn@tate.org.uk
  URL: www.tate.org.uk
  Collection:  Tate Collection

   Note: URL: -{R|http://www.blakearchive.org/}-

Sponsored by: Library of Congress, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and University of Rochester

Funded by: The National Endowment for the Humanities, 2010-2013 Funded by: Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, University of Virginia, 1995-2007 Funded by: The National Endowment for the Humanities, 2000-02 Funded by: Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 1997-98 Funded by: Inso Corporation (now Enigma Corporation), software grant, 1996-2006 Funded by: Sun Microsystems, hardware and software grants, 1996-2006 Funded by: The Getty Grant Program, 1995-98

Copyright (c) 2012 by Morris Eaves, Robert N. Essick, and Joseph Viscomi, all rights reserved.  Items in the Archive may be shared in accordance with the Fair Use provisions of U.S. copyright law. Redistribution or republication on other terms, in any medium, requires express written consent from the editors and advance notification of the publisher, Carolina Digital Library and Archives.  Permission to reproduce the graphic images in this archive has been granted by the owners of the originals for this publication only.  This image copyright (c) 2012 Tate Collection.  

Editors: Morris Eaves, Robert Essick, Joseph Viscomi

   Note: Information below pertains to the source file for the in-line 100 dpi and the enlarged 300 dpi JPEG (ISO/IEC 10918) images that are displayed in the Archive after having been individually color-corrected in Adobe Photoshop by the editors. The source files themselves are in TIFF format and are retained by the Archive's editors. Image Production Information

  Film Stock: Ektachrome 100 EPN
  Generation: first
  Institution: Tate, London
  Shoot Date: unknown
  color positive
  Source Dimensions
     Width:  60.0 cm
     Height:  46.0 cm
  Scanning Technician: Sarah Ficke
  Item type: 4x5 transparency
  Hardware: Microtek Scanmaker 5
  Software: Scanwizard PPC 3.1.2
  File Information
     File Name: BUT306.1.1.CP.600.tif
     File Size:  221.5
     File Format: TIFF
  Color Setting: 24-bit color
  Orientation: portrait
  Color Correction Turned On: yes
  Scanner Setting: manual
  Image Scaling Information
     Input Dimensions
        Width:  10.0 cm
        Height:  7.7 cm
     Scaling:  397.0
     Output Dimensions
        Width:  40.0 cm
        Height:  30.7 cm
     Scanner Resolution: 600 dpi
     Final Resolution:  600 dpi
  Aspect Setting: free
    The Board of Trustees of the Tate Gallery [05058/117]   
  Contact information and certain other items recorded above are subject
to change over time. All information is accurate as of Thu Feb 09 17:05:32 EST 2012
Водоравна резолуција300 тпи
Вертикална резолуција300 тпи
Коришћени софтверAdobe Photoshop 7.0
Датум и време последње промене датотеке15:25, 30. јул 2004.
Простор бојеsRGB