That your beloved may be delivered, save with your right hand, and answer us.

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6That Your beloved may be delivered,
         Save with Your right hand, and answer me!

7God has spoken in His holiness:
         “I will exult, I will portion out Shechem
         And measure out the valley of Succoth.

8“Gilead is Mine, Manasseh is Mine;
         Ephraim also is the helmet of My head;
         Judah is My scepter.

9“Moab is My washbowl;
         Over Edom I shall throw My shoe;
         Over Philistia I will shout aloud.”

10Who will bring me into the besieged city?
         Who will lead me to Edom?

11Have not You Yourself, O God, rejected us?
         And will You not go forth with our armies, O God?

12Oh give us help against the adversary,
         For deliverance by man is in vain.

13Through God we will do valiantly,
         And it is He who shall tread down our adversaries.

Parallel Verses

American Standard Version
That thy beloved may be delivered, Save with thy right hand, and answer us.Douay-Rheims Bible
that thy beloved may be delivered. Save with thy right hand and hear me. Darby Bible Translation
That thy beloved ones may be delivered: save with thy right hand, and answer me.English Revised Version
That thy beloved may be delivered, save with thy right hand, and answer us.Webster's Bible Translation
That thy beloved may be delivered: save with thy right hand, and answer me.World English Bible
That your beloved may be delivered, save with your right hand, and answer us.Young's Literal Translation
That Thy beloved ones may be delivered, Save with Thy right hand, and answer us.


Jesus is Arrested.
Jesus was standing with his three Apostles on the road between Gethsemani, and the Garden of Olives, when Judas and the band who accompanied him made their appearance. A warm dispute arose between Judas and the soldiers, because he wished to approach first and speak to Jesus quietly as if nothing was the matter, and then for them to come up and seize our Saviour, thus letting him suppose that he had no connection with the affair. But the men answered rudely, 'Not so, friend, thou shalt not escape
Anna Catherine Emmerich—The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Let us See How He Continues after This: "These Events...
Let us see how he continues after this: "These events," he says, "he predicted as being a God, and the prediction must by all means come to pass. God, therefore, who above all others ought to do good to men, and especially to those of his own household, led on his own disciples and prophets, with whom he was in the habit of eating and drinking, to such a degree of wickedness, that they became impious and unholy men. Now, of a truth, he who shared a man's table would not be guilty of conspiring
Origen—Origen Against Celsus

The Alarum
That is not, however, the topic upon which I now desire to speak to you. I come at this time, not so much to plead for the early as for the awakening. The hour we may speak of at another time--the fact is our subject now. It is bad to awake late, but what shall be said of those who never awake at all? Better late than never: but with many it is to be feared it will be never. I would take down the trumpet and give a blast, or ring the alarm-bell till all the faculties of the sluggard's manhood are
Charles Haddon Spurgeon—Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 17: 1871

The Mercy of God
The next attribute is God's goodness or mercy. Mercy is the result and effect of God's goodness. Psa 33:5. So then this is the next attribute, God's goodness or mercy. The most learned of the heathens thought they gave their god Jupiter two golden characters when they styled him good and great. Both these meet in God, goodness and greatness, majesty and mercy. God is essentially good in himself and relatively good to us. They are both put together in Psa 119:98. Thou art good, and doest good.' This
Thomas Watson—A Body of Divinity

The piety of the Old Testament Church is reflected with more clearness and variety in the Psalter than in any other book of the Old Testament. It constitutes the response of the Church to the divine demands of prophecy, and, in a less degree, of law; or, rather, it expresses those emotions and aspirations of the universal heart which lie deeper than any formal demand. It is the speech of the soul face to face with God. Its words are as simple and unaffected as human words can be, for it is the genius
John Edgar McFadyen—Introduction to the Old Testament


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