Hebrew Concordance: yi·ṣōq -- 2 Occurrences

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Englishman's Concordance

yi·ṣōq — 2 Occurrences

Leviticus 14:26
HEB: וּמִן־ הַשֶּׁ֖מֶן יִצֹ֣ק הַכֹּהֵ֑ן עַל־
NAS: The priest shall also pour some
KJV: And the priest shall pour of the oil
INT: some of the oil pour the priest and

Numbers 5:15
HEB: שְׂעֹרִ֑ים לֹֽא־ יִצֹ֨ק עָלָ֜יו שֶׁ֗מֶן
NAS: meal; he shall not pour oil
KJV: meal; he shall pour no oil
INT: of barley nor pour and oil

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