Dosya:Obama and Biden await updates on bin Laden.jpg - Vikipedi

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English: U.S. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, along with members of the national security team, receive an update on Operation Neptune Spear, a mission against Osama bin Laden, in one of the conference rooms of the Situation Room of the White House, May 1, 2011. They are watching live feed from drones operating over the bin Laden complex.

Seated, from left to right, are:

  1. a person with black hair (only part of the head is visible);
  2. Vice President of the United States Joe Biden,
  3. President Obama,
  4. Brigadier General Marshall B. "Brad" Webb, USAF, Assistant Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command;
  5. Denis McDonough, Deputy National Security Advisor;
  6. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State; and
  7. Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense.

Standing, from left to right, are:

  1. Admiral Mike Mullen, USN, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
  2. Tom Donilon, National Security Advisor;
  3. Bill Daley, Chief of Staff;
  4. Tony Blinken, National Security Advisor to the Vice President;
  5. Audrey Tomason, Director for Counterterrorism;
  6. a person in a beige shirt (only part of the shoulder is visible);
  7. John Brennan, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism;
  8. James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence; and
  9. a person in a black suit with a white tie, similar to the one seen here.

A classified document in front of Hillary Clinton has been obscured by the White House.

Photographer's note:

"Much has been made of this photograph that shows the President and Vice President and the national security team monitoring in real time the mission against Osama bin Laden. Some more background on the photograph: The White House Situation Room is actually comprised of several different conference rooms. The majority of the time, the President convenes meetings in the large conference room with assigned seats. But to monitor this mission, the group moved into the much smaller conference room. The President chose to sit next to Brigadier General Marshall B. “Brad” Webb, Assistant Commanding General of Joint Special Operations Command, who was point man for the communications taking place. With so few chairs, others just stood at the back of the room. I was jammed into a corner of the room with no room to move. During the mission itself, I made approximately 100 photographs, almost all from this cramped spot in the corner. There were several other meetings throughout the day."

Français : Le président américain Barack Obama et le vice-président Joe Biden, avec les membres du Conseil national de sécurité, dans la Situation Room de la Maison Blanche, reçoivent des informations sur le déroulement de l'opération Géronimo, une mission contre Ousama Ben Laden le 1er mai 2011.

Assis à partir de la gauche : le vice-président Biden, le président Obama, le Brigadier General Marshall B. “Brad” Webb, adjoint au commandement général du Joint Special Operations Command; le conseiller adjoint à la sécurité nationale Denis McDonough; la secrétaire d'Etat Hillary Rodham Clinton et le secrétaire à la Défense Robert Gates.

Debout, à partir de la gauche, on trouve : l'amiral Mike Mullen, Chef d'état-major des armées des États-Unis; le conseiller à la sécurité nationale Tom Donilon; le secrétaire général de la Maison Blanche Bill Daley; Tony Blinken, le conseiller à la sécurité nationale du vice-président; Audrey Tomason Directeur du contre-terrorisme; John Brennan, conseiller du Président pour la sécurité du territoire et le contre-terrorisme et le Directeur du renseignement national James Clapper.

Merci de noter qu'un document classifié et visible sur la photographie a été flouté.

Italiano: Il presidente degli Stati Uniti Barack Obama e il vice presidente Joe Biden, insieme con i membri del team di sicurezza nazionale, ricevono un aggiornamento sull'Operazione Geronimo, una missione contro Osama bin Laden, in una delle sale conferenze della Casa Bianca il 1° maggio 2011.

Seduti, da sinistra a destra, sono i seguenti:

  1. Il vicepresidente Biden,
  2. Il presidente Obama,
  3. Il generale di brigata Marshall B. "Brad" Webb, aggiunto al comando generale del Joint Special Operations Command;
  4. il vice consigliere alla sicurezza nazionale Denis McDonough,
  5. Il Segretario di Stato USA Hillary Clinton,
  6. Il Segretario della Difesa USA Robert Gates.

In piedi, da sinistra a destra, sono:

  1. L'ammiraglio Mike Mullen, Presidente del Joint Chiefs of Staff,
  2. Tom Donilon, Consigliere per la sicurezza nazionale,
  3. Bill Daley, Capo di gabinetto della Casa Bianca,
  4. Tony Blinken, consigliere del vicepresidente per la sicurezza nazionale,
  5. Audrey Tomason, direttore dell'antiterrorismo,
  6. un individuo con una camicia beige,
  7. John Brennan, Assistente del Presidente per la sicurezza interna e l'antiterrorismo,
  8. James Clapper, Direttore dell'Intelligence Nazionale,
  9. un individuo in abito nero con una cravatta bianca.

Nota: un documento classificato e visibile in questa fotografia è stato oscurato.

Nederlands: V.S. President Barack Obama en Vice President Joe Biden, samen met leden van het nationaal veiligheidsteam, ontvangen een update over Operation Neptune's Spear, een operatie tegen Osama bin Laden, in één van de conferentie kamers van het Witte huis, 1 mei 2011. Ze bekijken live beelden van de drones die opereerden boven het huis van Bin Laden.

Zittend, van links naar rechts, zijn:

  1. Vice President Biden,
  2. President Obama,
  3. Brigade generaal Marshall B. “Brad” Webb, USAF, Assistent commandant generaal, Joint Special Operations Command;
  4. Denis McDonough, plaatsvervangend nationaal beveiligingsadviseur;
  5. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Staatssecretaris; en
  6. Robert Gates, Secretaris van Defensie.

Staand, van links naar rechts, zijn:

  1. Admiral Mike Mullen, USN, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
  2. Tom Donilon, Nationaal beveiligingsadviseur ;
  3. Bill Daley, Stafchef;
  4. Tony Blinken, Nationaal beveiligingsadviseur van de Vice president
  5. Audrey Tomason, antiterrorisme directeur;
  6. een persoon met een beige t-shirt (enkel een deel van de schouder is zichtbaar);
  7. John Brennan, Assistent van de president voor binnenlandse beveiliging en antiterrorisme;
  8. James Clapper, Directeur van de nationale inlichtigingsdiensten; en
  9. een persoon in een zwart pak met een witte das, vergelijkbaar met degene hier here.

Opmerking: een geheim document voor Hillary Clinton is verduisterd door het Witte huis.