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Qator 1: Qator 1:

{{DISPLAYTITLE:Android Cupcake}}


{{Qisqa tavsif|2008-yilda HTC tomonidan yaratilgan Android smartfon}}

{{Operatsion tizim

{{Bilgiquti mobil telefon

|nomi = Android Cupcake

| nom = HTC Dream

|logotip = Android logo (2007-2014).svg

| tasvir =

|logotip kengligi = 150px

| tasvirizoh =

|tasvir = Android Cupcake home screen.jpg

| sana =

|tagyozuv = Android Cupcake bosh ekrani

| brend =

|ishlab chiquvchi = [[Google]]

| yaratuvchi = [[HTC]] va [[Google]]

|oilasi =

| ishlabchiqaruvchi = HTC

|negizi =

| seriya = '''orginali''' [[Android 1.0]] </br> '''oxirgisi''' [[Android Donut|Android 1.6 "Donut"]]

|negiz kodi =

| operator =

|yozilgan tili =

| formfaktor =

|ilk reliz sanasi = {{Start date and age|2009|4|27}}

| hajm = 117.7 mm balandligi<br />55.7 mm kengligi<br />17.1 mm qalinligi

|ilk marta chiqishi =

| vazn = 158 gr

|soʻnggi versiyasi =

| ishlatuvtizim =

|eʼlon qilingan soʻnggi versiyasi =

| sayt = []

|soʻnggi versiyasi chiqqan sana =

|qoʻllash mumkin boʻlgan eng soʻnggi versiyasi =

|yangilanish chastotasi =

|soʻnggi test versiyasi =

|soʻnggi test versiyasi chiqqan sana =

|yangilanish uslubi =

|paket menedjerlari = [[Google Play]]

|qoʻllaydigan tillari =

|qoʻllaydigan platformalari =

|yadro = [[Monolithic kernel|Monolitik]] ([[Linux]])

|interfeys =

|litsenziya =

|holati =

|repozitoriy =

|oldingisi = [[Android 1.1]]

|keyingisi = [[Android Donut|Android 1.6 „Donut“]]

|sayt =



'''HTC Dream''' - (Qo'shma shtatlar va yevropaning bir qismida '''T-Mobile G1''' va Polshada '''Era G1''' nomi bilan mashxur) HTC tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan smartfon. Birinchi marta 2008-yil oktabr oyida T-Mobile bilan 2 yillik shartnoma asosida 179 dollar narxda chiqarilgan Dream, [[Symbian]], [[BlackBerry|BlackBerry OS]] va [[iOS|iPhone OS]] kabi o'z davrining yirik smartfon platformalariga ochiq raqobatchi qilib yaratilgan, [[Google]] va [[Open Handset Alliance]] tomonidan sotib olingan va keyinchalik rivojlantirilgan [[Linux]]ga asoslangan [[Android]] operatsion tizimida ishlovchi ilk tijorat qurilmasi. Operatsion tizim sozlanuvchan grafik foydalanuvchi interfeysi, [[Gmail]] kabi Google xizmatlari bilan integratsiya, oxirgi ishlatilgan ilovalar ro'yxatidan yuboriladigan tizim bildirishnomasi va qo'shimcha ilovalarni yuklash uchun [[Google Play|Android market]]ni taklif qiladi.

'''Android Cupcake''' — [[Google]] tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan [[Android]] operatsion tizimining uchinchi versiyasi boʻlib, [[Android 1.1]]ning oʻrinbosari hisoblanadi. Versiya 2009-yil 27-aprelda ommaga taqdim qilindi va 2009-yil 15-sentabrda [[Android Donut]] versiyasi chiqqunga qadar eʼtibor markazida boʻldi.

Dream omma tomonidan ijobiy qabul qilindi. Dream o'zining mustahkam qurilma dizayni uchun maqtovga sazovor bo'lgan bo'lsa-da, Android operatsion tizimining joriy etilishi ko'proq o'rnatilgan platformalarga nisbatan ma'lum funksionallik va uchinchi tomon dasturlari yo'qligi uchun tanqidga uchradi, ammo baribir ochiq manbasi, bildirishnoma tizimi va [[Gmail]] kabi Google xizmatlari bilan integratsiyasi tufayli innovatsion hisoblandi.

Android Cupcake [[HTC Dream]]da taqdim etilgan jismoniy klaviaturadan voz kechib, virtual klaviaturani taqdim qildi. Cupcake operatsion tizimda oldindan oʻrnatilgan ilovalarning xususiyatlarini yaxshiladi; videolarni [[YouTube]]ga toʻgʻridan toʻgʻri yuklash imkoni, xuddi shunday rasmlarni [[Picasa]]ga, [[Gmail]]da umumiy harakatlarni qoʻllab-quvvatlash imkoni va yangi JavaScript mexanizmi, nusxalash, joylashtirish imkoniyatlari veb brauzerda yangilandi. Android Cupcake [[Android]]ning qandolatchilik mavzusidagi nomlash sxemasidan foydalangan birinchi yirik versiyasi boʻldi, ushbu nomlash sxemasi 2019-yilda [[Android 10]] taqdim etilguncha davom etdi<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Even Android 11 is cake |date=July 23, 2020 |last=Gartenberg |first=Chaim |work=[[The Verge]] |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>.

2010-yil iyul oyiga kelib Android Cupcakeʼda ishlaydigan qurilmalar soni Android operatsion tizimida ishlaydigan faol qurilmalarning chorak qismidan kamrogʻini tashkil etdi<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=How to have your (Cup)cake and eat it too |date=July 12, 2010 |last=Powell |first=Adam |work=Android Developers Blog |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>. Keyingi oylarda foydalanuvchilarning Android Cupcakeʼni oʻrnatishlari koʻrsatkichi pasayishni boshladi, 2011-yil yanvariga kelib Android Cupcakeʼdan foydalanadigan qurilmalar 4,7 foizini tashkil etdi<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Android Platform Version Chart Updated: Froyo Dominates, Éclair Still Strong, Cupcake And Donut On The Way Out |date=January 5, 2011 |last=Kimmey |first=Nate |work=Android Police |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>. 2017-yil 30-iyunga kelib Google Cupcakeʼdagi [[Google Play]]ni qoʻllab-quvvatlashni toʻxtatdi<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Google is ending support for the Android Market on Android 2.1 and earlier |date=June 20, 2017 |last=Whitwam |first=Ryan |work=Android Police |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>.

== Tarixi ==

== Tarixi ==

2008-yil dekabrda Android oʻz manbalarini yangilab, „cupcake“ versiyasini ommaga ochiqladi. Ushbu versiya [[Bluetooth]] stereoni qoʻllab quvvatlardi va Androidning elektron pochta foydalanuvchilari bilan bogʻliq bir nechta muammolarni hal qilardi. Shu vaqtga kelib, [[HTC Dream]] Android Cupcake versiyasini yangilanish sifatida qabul qilishi haqida xabarlar paydo boʻldi<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Google secretly crafts Android codename "cupcake," fixes and features aplenty |date=December 18, 2008 |last=Ziegler |first=Chris |work=[[Engadget]] |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>. Cupcake versiyasi chiqarilgandan keyin har oy yangilanib bordi va 2009-yilning yanvar oyida ekran klaviaturasi va bloknot ilovasi qoʻshildi<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Android Cupcake in all its keyboard-having glory, T-Mobile plays dumb |date=January 23, 2009 |last=Ziegler |first=Chris |work=[[Engadget]] |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>. Fevral oyida [[HTC Magic]] Cupcake bilan ishga tushirilgan va ayniqsa jismoniy klaviyaturasi mavjud boʻlmagan birinchi qurilma sifatida taqdim etildi<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Android, take two: HTC Magic to launch sans keyboard |date=February 17, 2009 |last=Sadun |first=Erica |work=[[Ars Technica]] |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>.

=== Rivojlanishi ===

Android Cupcake 2009-yil 27-aprelda rasman ommaga taqdim etildi<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Android 1.5 "Cupcake" SDK and firmware now available |date=April 27, 2009 |last=Oryl |first=Michael |work=Android Authority |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>. Cupcake chiqarilgandan keyingi kunlarda HTC Dream Android Cupcake uchun simsiz yangilanishni qabul qila boshladi<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=T-Mobile Pushing Android 1.5 'Cupcake' Update to Select G1s |date=April 30, 2009 |last=Herrman |first=John |work=[[Gizmodo]] |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>.

[[File:HTC HT722G700375 20080211.jpg|thumb|left|160px|"Sooner" prototipi Dream foydasiga kechiktirildi]]

2005-yil iyul oyida [[Google]] mobil qurilmalar uchun noma`lum dasturiy ta`minot ustida ishlayotgan [[Andy Rubin]] boshchiligidagi Android Inc kompaniyasini sotib oldi. Google boshchiligida jamoa [[Symbian]] va [[Windows Mobile]] kabi operatsion tizimlar bilan raqobatlasha oladigan mobil telefonlar uchun standartlashtirilgan, [[Linux]]ga asoslangan operatsion tizimni ishlab chiqish jarayonida edi. Android ilk e`tiborini "Sooner" nomli prototipga qaratdi. Qurilma [[BlackBerry]] uslubidagi, sensorsiz kichik ekranli, yo'naltirish tugmalari va jismoniy QWERTY klaviaturasi bo'lgan xabar almashish telefoni edi. The January 2007 unveiling of the [[iPhone (1st generation)|iPhone]], [[Apple Inc.|Apple]]'s first [[smartphone]], and its pioneering design aspects, caught Rubin off-guard and led to a change in course for the project. The operating system's design was quickly reworked, and attention shifted to a new prototype device codenamed "Dream"—a touchscreen device with a sliding, physical keyboard. The inclusion of a physical keyboard was intentional, as Android developers recognized users did not like the idea of a [[virtual keyboard]] as they lacked the physical feedback that makes hardware keyboards useful.<ref name=atlantic-startover>{{cite news|title=The Day Google Had to 'Start Over' on Android|url=|work=The Atlantic|access-date=20 December 2013|last1=Vogelstein|first1=Fred|archive-date=16 May 2021|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref><ref name="AndroidInc">{{cite web |url= |title=Google Buys Android for Its Mobile Arsenal |last=Elgin |first=Ben |date=17 August 2005 |work=Bloomberg Businessweek |publisher=Bloomberg |archive-url= |archive-date=27 February 2011 |access-date=2012-02-20 |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref name="EngadgetMobileOS">{{cite web |url= |title=Google is working on a mobile OS, and it's due out shortly |last=Block |first=Ryan |work=[[Engadget]] |date=28 August 2007 |access-date=2012-02-17 |archive-date=1 August 2017 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>

The Android operating system was officially unveiled in November 2007 along with the founding of the [[Open Handset Alliance]] (OHA); a consortium of [[computer hardware|hardware]], software, and telecommunication companies devoted to advancing [[open standard]]s for mobile devices. These companies included Google, along with [[HTC]], a company which was at the time, one of the largest manufacturers of phones.<ref name="AndroidAnnouncement">{{cite press release |url= |title=Industry Leaders Announce Open Platform for Mobile Devices |publisher=[[Open Handset Alliance]] |date=5 November 2007 |access-date=17 February 2012 |archive-date=17 January 2013 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref><ref name="NYT200808">{{cite news | last = Holson | first = Laura | author2 = Helft, Miguel | title = Smartphone Is Expected via Google | work = The New York Times | date = 14 August 2008 | url = | access-date = 15 August 2008 | archive-date = 1 September 2008 | archive-url = | url-status = live }}</ref> While Google indicated in 2008 that several Linux devices were being tested in preparation for the official public launch of Android, only one was to be released in the United States that year—the HTC Dream. Plans called for the Dream to be released on [[T-Mobile US|T-Mobile USA]] by the end of the year (with some reports suggesting October 2008), targeting the [[Christmas and holiday season#Shopping|holiday shopping season]]. [[Sprint Corporation|Sprint]] had worked with the OHA, but had not yet unveiled any plans to release an Android phone of its own, while [[Verizon Wireless]] and [[AT&T Mobility|AT&T]] did not have any plans for Android devices yet at all.<ref name="NYT200808"/>

== Tizim xususiyatlari ==

=== Bluetooth ===

[[Bluetooth]] stereo qoʻshildi va avtomobil ichki funksiyalarini Bluetooth orqali qoʻllab-quvatlash muammolari hal qilindi<ref name="CNETFeatures">{{Cite web |url= |title=Android 1.5 SDK: What's new, Cupcake? |date=April 28, 2009 |last=Trenholm |first=Richard |work=[[CNET]] |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>. Android Cupcakeʼda avtomatik ulanish funksiyasi qoʻshildi<ref name="CNETFeatures2"/>. Audio/videolarni masofadan boshqarish imkonini beruvchi Bluetooth profillari qoʻshildi<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Meet Andy: Android's History In A Nutshell |date=July 29, 2010 |last=Hamelin |first=Ron |work=Android Police |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref><ref name="AndroidDevFeatures">{{Cite web |url= |title=Android 1.5 Platform Highlights |date=April 26, 2009 |work=Android Developers |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>.

=== Klaviatura ===

=== Release ===

[[File:T-Mobile G1 launch event 2.jpg|thumb|right|A bronze T-Mobile G1 carrier-branded version of the Dream]]

[[iPhone]]dagi kabi virtual klaviatura qoʻshildi. Virtual klaviatura [[HTC Magic]]ga oʻxshash jismoniy klaviaturasi mavjud boʻlmagan qurilmalar uchun juda muhim hisoblanadi<ref name="ZDNetFeatures">{{Cite web |url= |title=Top 5 features in Android 1.5 (Cupcake) |date=April 14, 2009 |last=Burnette |first=Ed |work=[[ZDNet]] |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>. Virtual klaviatura avtomatik tuzatish, oldindan taxmin qilish, lugʻatlarni tahrirlash kabi funksiyalarni qoʻllab-quvvatlaydi<ref name="TechCrunchFeatures">{{Cite web |url= |title=Android "Cupcake" build nearly golden brown: Preview SDK released, feature list finalized |date=April 13, 2009 |last=Kumparak |first=Greg |work=[[TechCrunch]] |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>.

HTC officially announced the Dream on 23 September 2008. It would first be released by [[T-Mobile International AG|T-Mobile]] as the T-Mobile G1, starting in the [[T-Mobile US|United States]] on 20 October 2008 in its [[3G]]-enabled markets only (it became available in all markets on 24 January 2009),<ref name="cnet-tmobileretailer">{{cite web | url= | title=All T-Mobile retail stores to carry G1 | work=[[CNET]] | publisher=[[CBS Interactive]] | access-date=17 June 2013 | archive-date=19 October 2013 | archive-url= | url-status=dead }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=T-Mobile G1: Full Details of the HTC Dream Android Phone |author=Mark Wilson | |date=2008-09-23 |access-date=2013-12-27 |archive-date=9 February 2014 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> followed by a British release in November 2008, and a release in other European territories in early 2009.<ref name=HTC>{{cite news|archive-url=|publisher=HTC|url=|access-date=19 May 2009|title=T-Mobile Unveils the T-Mobile G1 – the Second Phone Powered by Android|archive-date=12 July 2011}}</ref> On 10 March 2009, it became available in Poland as the Era G1 on [[T-Mobile (Poland)|Era]].<ref>{{cite web|language=pl |url= |title=Era G1 |access-date=15 February 2009 |publisher=[[T-Mobile (Poland)|Era GSM]] |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=13 February 2009 }}</ref> On 2 June 2009, both the Dream and its successor (the [[HTC Magic]]) were released by [[Rogers Wireless]] in [[Canada]].<ref name=bgr-rogersdream>{{cite web|title=Rogers announces HTC Dream (G1) and Magic coming in June|url=|work=[[Boy Genius Report]]|date=7 May 2009|publisher=[[PMC (company)|Penske Media Corporation]]|access-date=17 June 2013|archive-date=8 July 2013|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>

=== Foydalanuvchi interfeysi ===

Android Cupcakeʼning foydalanuvchi interfeysiga biroz oʻzgartirishlar kiritildi, jumladan shaffoflik<ref name="TheVergeFeatures">{{Cite web |url= |title=Android: a 10-year visual history |date=December 7, 2011 |work=[[The Verge]] |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>.

The Dream was [[End-of-life (product)|discontinued]] by T-Mobile on 27 July 2010.<ref name=softpedia-discontinued>{{cite web|title=T-Mobile G1 (HTC Dream) Discontinued|url=|work=Softpedia|date=27 July 2010|access-date=18 June 2013|archive-date=21 October 2016|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> The G1 was spiritually succeeded in October 2010 by the [[HTC Desire Z|T-Mobile G2]], a new HTC device which also featured stock Android and a sliding keyboard, and was T-Mobile USA's first "[[4G]]" smartphone.<ref name=geek-tmobileg2>{{cite web|title=The T-Mobile G2 fades away|url=||publisher=[[Ziff Davis Media]]|access-date=18 June 2013|archive-date=4 July 2017|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref> In Canada, Rogers suspended sales of the Dream on 15 January 2010 due to a bug affecting the proper use of [[emergency call]]s.<ref name=bgr-rogerspulled>{{cite web|title=Rogers halts all sales of the HTC Dream due to 911-GPS issue|url=|work=[[Boy Genius Report]]|date=16 January 2010|access-date=6 August 2013|archive-date=19 October 2013|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>

=== Vidjetlar ===

Endilikda bosh ekranga vidjetlarni qoʻshish mumkin. Taqvim, musiqa ijrochisi vidjetlari operatsion tizim tomonidan oldindan oʻrnatiladi. Dasturchilar oʻz vidjetlarini yarata olishadi<ref name="ZDNetFeatures"/>.

=== Boshqa xususiyatlar ===

== Features ==

Android Cupcakeʼda[[MMS]] joʻnatmalari<ref name="CNETFeatures"/>, yuklanishlarni toʻxtatish va davom ettirish<ref name="CNETFeatures"/>, [[MPEG-4]] va [[3GP]] video formatlarini qoʻllab-quvvatlash, [[Secure Digital|SD card]] fayl tizimini tekshirish kabi boshqa xususiyatlar qoʻshildi. Android operatsion tizimining asosiy yadrosi Linux 2.6.27 versiyaga yangilandi.<ref name="CNETFeatures2"/>

== Ilova xususiyatlari ==

=== Hardware ===

[[File:HTC Dream flipside.jpg|thumb|A white HTC Dream with back cover removed]]

=== Google Play Store ===

Android Cupcakeʼda [[Google Play Store]]ga qidirish uchun turkum va filtrlar qoʻshildi<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Every Android version from the T-Mobile G1 to Android Pie |last1=La |first1=Lynn |last2=Mitroff |first2=Sarah |last3=Dolcourt |first3=Jessica |work=[[CNET]] |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>.

The Dream's exterior uses a soft, smooth matte plastic shell, and was made available in white, black, and bronze colors. The Dream's design features a distinctive "chin" on the bottom, which houses 5 navigation buttons ("Call", "Home", "Menu", "Back", and "End Call") and a clickable [[trackball]] in the center which can be used for scrolling and selecting.<ref name=cnet-tmobileretailer/> The device uses a {{convert|3.2|in|cm}} [[touchscreen#Capacitive|capacitive touchscreen]] [[Liquid Crystal Display|LCD]] at a resolution of 320×480; the screen can be slid along a curved hinge to expose a five-row [[QWERTY]] keyboard—as the first releases of Android did not include a [[virtual keyboard]], the keyboard was originally the only method of text input on the device. While supporting [[multitouch]] at the hardware level, the [[Linux kernel]] in the Dream's Android distribution was patched to remove multitouch support from its touchscreen [[device driver|driver]]s for undisclosed reasons.<ref name="ars-g1multitouch">{{cite web | url= | title=Blogger says G1 multitouch capable | publisher=[[Condé Nast Publications]] | work=[[Ars Technica]] | date=18 November 2008 | access-date=17 June 2013 | archive-date=19 October 2013 | archive-url= | url-status=live }}</ref> The Dream does not include a traditional headphone jack, requiring an adapter for HTC's proprietary (but Mini-USB compatible) "ExtUSB" port located on the bottom of the device. The rear of the device houses a 3.15-megapixel rear camera with auto-focus.<ref name="Engadget hardware review">{{cite web | url= | title=T-Mobile G1 review, part 1 | publisher=[[AOL]] | work=Engadget | date=16 October 2008 | access-date=18 October 2013 | author=Topolsky, Joshua | author-link=Joshua Topolsky | archive-date=19 October 2013 | archive-url= | url-status=live }}</ref><ref name="techradar-review">{{cite web | url= | title=T-Mobile G1 review | publisher=[[Future Publishing]] | work=TechRadar | access-date=17 June 2013 | author=Brandon, John | date=27 March 2009 | archive-date=8 June 2017 | archive-url= | url-status=live }}</ref>

=== Kamera ===

Foydalanuvchilar videolarni kameradan toʻgʻridan toʻgʻri [[YouTube]]ga yuklasha oladi<ref name="ArsTechnicaFeatures">{{Cite web |url= |title=Google unwraps Cupcake, announces preview of Android 1.5 |date=April 15, 2009 |last=Paul |first=Ryan |work=[[Ars Technica]] |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>, suratlarni esa [[Picasa]]ga<ref name="CNETFeatures2">{{Cite web |url= |title=Google touts Android 1.5 features to coders |date=April 14, 2009 |last=Shankland |first=Stephen |work=[[CNET]] |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>. Kamera ilovasini ishga tushirish vaqti yaxshilandi<ref name="AndroidDevFeatures"/>.

The Dream uses a 528&nbsp;MHz [[Qualcomm]] [[MSM7201A]] [[system on a chip]] with 192&nbsp;MB of RAM, and comes with 256&nbsp;MB of internal storage, which can be expanded by up to 16&nbsp;GB using a [[Secure Digital|Micro SD card]] slot.<ref name="Engadget hardware review"/> For network connectivity, the Dream supports [[Multi-band device|Quad-band]] [[GSM frequency bands|GSM 850/900/1800/1900]] MHz and [[General Packet Radio Service|GPRS]]/[[Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution|EDGE]], plus [[Dual band]] [[UMTS frequency bands|UMTS Bands I and IV]] (1700 & 2100&nbsp;MHz) and [[High-Speed Downlink Packet Access|HSDPA]]/[[High-Speed Uplink Packet Access|HSUPA]] (in US/Europe) at 7.2/2&nbsp;Mbit/s. The device also supports standalone [[GPS]] and [[Assisted GPS|A-GPS]].<ref name=gsmarena-review>{{cite web|title=T-Mobile G1 review: The whole cagoogle|url=|work=GSMArena|access-date=17 June 2013|archive-date=23 June 2013|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>

=== Kontaktlar ===

Kontaktlarga foydalanuvchi rasmlarini yuklash imkoniyati qoʻshildi<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Android through the ages: from Cupcake to Pie and everything in between |date=August 6, 2018 |last1=Hanson |first1=Matt |last2=McCann |first2=John |work=[[TechRadar]] |access-date=December 17, 2022}}</ref>. Kontaktlar ilovasi bilan [[Google Talk]] oʻrtasida integratsiya oʻrnatildi<ref name="TheVergeFeatures"/>. Qoʻngʻiroqlar jurnali aniq sana va vaqt belgilarini koʻrsatadi<ref name="PCWorldFeatures"/>.

=== Gmail ===

=== Software ===

[[Gmail]] ilovasida umumiy harakatlar, masalan bittada koʻp xabarlarni arxivlash yoki oʻchirish kabi imkoniyatlar qoʻshildi<ref name="CNETFeatures2"/>.

The HTC Dream was the first ever smartphone to include the [[Android (operating system)|Android]] operating system. The operating system heavily integrates with, and provides apps for various Google services, such as [[Gmail]] (with [[push email]] support), [[Google Maps|Maps]], [[Google Search|Search]], [[Google Talk|Talk]], and [[YouTube]], while the contacts and calendar apps can sync with the online [[Google Contacts]] and [[Google Calendar]] services respectively. The device also ships with an email app supporting other [[POP3]] and [[IMAP]]-based mail services, an instant messaging app with support for multiple services, and a [[WebKit]]-based web browser. A notification system displays icons for certain events (such as e-mails and text messages) on the left side of the status bar across the top of the screen; dragging down from the top of the screen exposes a tray with more detailed information for each notification. The [[Android Market]] can be used to download additional apps for the device. The G1 as sold by T-Mobile also shipped with an [[Amazon MP3]] app, allowing users to purchase [[Digital rights management|DRM-free]] music online, and download them straight to the device via Wi-Fi.<ref name="engadget-review">{{cite web|url=|title=T-Mobile G1 review, part 2: software and wrap-up|date=16 October 2008|work=[[Engadget]]|publisher=[[AOL]]|access-date=29 August 2017|archive-date=31 July 2017|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>

=== Veb brauzer ===

Android Cupcakeʼning veb brauzeri JavaScriptning [[WebKit|Squirrelfish]] mexanizmidan foydalanadi va sahifada nusxalash, joylashtirish va qidirish funksiyalarini ishlatadi<ref name="TechCrunchFeatures"/>. Kitob belgisi va qidiruv tarixi xususiyatlarini ham oʻz ichiga oladi<ref name="PCWorldFeatures">{{Cite web |url= |title=Android Gets Updated to Version 1.5 |date=May 7, 2009 |last=Ionescu |first=Daniel |work=[[PC World]] |access-date=December 20, 2022}}</ref>.

The Dream could also be upgraded to [[Android version history|newer versions of Android]], which added new features and enhancements to the platform. The latest version of Android officially made available for the Dream, 1.6 "Donut", was released for T-Mobile USA's G1 in October 2009.<ref name=pcmag-donut>{{cite web|title=T-Mobile Rolls Out 'Donut' Android Update|url=,2817,2353668,00.asp|work=PC Magazine|publisher=[[Ziff Davis Media]]|access-date=17 June 2013|archive-date=26 April 2013|archive-url=,2817,2353668,00.asp|url-status=live}}</ref><ref name=geek-g1donut>{{cite web|title=G1 might run the Android 1.6 Donut update after all, says Google|url=||access-date=17 June 2013|archive-date=15 November 2013|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref> The 1.6 update was not released on the Rogers HTC Dream in Canada (which stayed on 1.5 "Cupcake"); Rogers claimed that the update was only being made available for "'Google'-branded" models of the device.<ref name=bgr-rogersnodonut>{{cite web|title=Rogers' HTC Dream and Magic to be deprived of Donut|url=|work=[[Boy Genius Report]]|date=19 December 2009|publisher=[[PMC (company)|Penske Media Corporation]]|access-date=18 June 2013|archive-date=8 July 2013|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>

== Dasturchilar uchun API ==

Android Cupcake dasturchilar foydalanishi uchun [[API]] taqdim qiladi. Android 1.1 va Cupcake oʻrtasida 1000 dan ortiq oʻzgarishlari kiritildi<ref>{{Cite book |last=Burnette |first=Ed |date=January 7, 2009 |title=Hello, Android: Introducing Google's Mobile Development Platform |url= |location=Raleigh |publisher=Pragmatic Bookshelf |page=14 |isbn=9781934356494}}</ref>. Dasturchilar quyidagi imkoniyatlarga ega:

* Bosh ekran vidjetlarini yaratish<ref name="ZDNetFeatures"/>

* Audio va videolarni ijro qilish va yozib olish uchun API`lardan foydalanish<ref name="CNETFeatures2"/>

* Klaviaturaga oʻzgartirish kiritish<ref name="TheVergeFeatures"/>


Android Cupcake [[OpenGL]] grafik API`larini ham qoʻllab-quvvatlaydi<ref name="CNETFeatures2"/>.

== Manbalar ==

== Development and modding ==


Due to the [[Open-source software|open source]] nature of the Android platform, the Dream became a popular target for [[modding]]. Shortly after the release of the Dream, developers discovered a [[Exploit (computer security)|software exploit]] which would allow a user to gain [[superuser]] access to the phone—a process which would be referred to as "[[Android rooting|rooting]]". As a parallel to "[[iOS jailbreaking|jailbreaking]]" on [[iOS]] devices, root access would enable users to perform tweaks and other changes at the system level that cannot be performed under normal circumstances (such as adding auto-rotation, and installing a custom [[Linux kernel|kernel]] that restored the aforementioned multitouch support).<ref name=ars-g1multitouch/><ref name=pcw-rooting>{{cite web|title=A Jailbreak for Google's Android|url=|work=PC World|publisher=[[International Data Group|IDG]]|access-date=17 June 2013|archive-date=25 May 2013|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>

After the Dream's [[bootloader]] was dumped, work began on modifying it so that it could install third-party [[firmware]], and on converting official Android update files into a format that could be installed using the modified bootloader.<ref name=ars-bootloader>{{cite web|title=G1 bootloader dumped: big step forward for G1 jailbreakers|url=|work=Ars Technica|date=4 December 2008|publisher=[[Condé Nast Publications]]|access-date=17 June 2013|archive-date=7 June 2013|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> Around the same time, Google made the [[Android Dev Phone#Android Dev Phone 1|Android Dev Phone 1]] available for registered Android developers; the Dev Phone 1 was a SIM- and hardware-unlocked version of the HTC Dream that came pre-configured for superuser access to the internal files of the phone, allowing users to completely replace the bootloader and operating system.<ref name="devphone1">{{cite web|url=|title=Google introduces developer G1 phones|date=7 December 2008|work=Ars Technica|publisher=[[Condé Nast Publications]]|access-date=18 October 2013|archive-date=10 March 2012|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref><ref name="cravedevphone1">{{cite web|url=|title=Google unleashes unlocked G1 on developers|date=6 December 2008|work=CNET|publisher=[[CBS Interactive]]|access-date=9 January 2009|archive-date=19 October 2013|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref>

As a result of these developments, a dedicated community, centered on [[Internet forum|forums]] such as [[XDA Developers]], emerged surrounding the creation of custom firmware ("[[Read-only memory|ROMs]]") built from the Android [[source code]]. Projects such as [[CyanogenMod]] continued to produce ports of newer versions of Android for the Dream and later Android devices, while adding their own features and enhancements to the operating system as well.<ref name=pcw-modding>{{cite web|title=Add amazing new features to your phone and camera|url=|work=PC World Australia|publisher=[[International Data Group|IDG]]|access-date=17 June 2013|archive-date=29 June 2013|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>

On later Android devices, where a number of factors (including carrier practices, and custom software provided by device manufacturers that sit atop Android, such as [[HTC Sense]] and [[TouchWiz|Samsung TouchWiz]]) led to [[Fragmentation (programming)|fragmentation]] regarding the availability of newer versions of the OS for certain devices, the development and use of custom ROMs (which are usually based on the "stock" version of Android) have ultimately become an important, yet controversial aspect of the Android ecosystem.<ref name="verge-c">{{cite web | url= | title=Access Denied: why Android's broken promise of unlocked bootloaders needs to be fixed | work=[[The Verge]] | publisher=[[Vox Media]] | date=20 November 2012 | access-date=24 November 2012 | last=Kopfstein | first=Janus | archive-date=10 February 2017 | archive-url= | url-status=live }}</ref> In August 2012, a group of users released an unofficial port of a later version of Android, 4.1 "[[Android Jelly Bean|Jelly Bean]]", for the Dream as a proof of concept. However, the port lacked key functionality, and had severe performance issues due to the phone's relatively weak hardware in comparison to the modern devices that 4.1 was designed for.<ref name=verge-jellybeang1>{{cite web|title=Android 4.1 ported to the venerable HTC G1|url=|work=The Verge|date=9 August 2012|publisher=[[Vox Media]]|access-date=17 June 2013|archive-date=14 September 2018|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>

== Reception ==

=== Critical reception ===

The Dream was released to mixed reviews. The design of the Dream was considered to be solid and robust; [[Joshua Topolsky]] of [[Engadget]] considered its hardware design a contrast to that of the [[iPhone]], due to its numerous navigation buttons (in comparison to just a home button) and its "charming, [[Retro-futurism|retro-future look]]; like a gadget in a 1970's sci-fi movie set in the year 2038." The Dream's keyboard, as the only method of text input prior to Android 1.5's introduction of a [[virtual keyboard]], was considered to be sufficient, although some felt that its keys were too small.<ref name="Engadget hardware review"/><ref name=techradar-review/><ref name=gsmarena-review/> Its display was considered sufficient for a phone of its class, but John Brandon of [[TechRadar]] felt that it was not good enough for watching videos due to its poor contrast and small size in comparison to the iPhone.<ref name=techradar-review/><ref name=gsmarena-review/> Android itself was considered to still be in its infancy (primarily due to its bare-bones functionality in certain areas, limited application catalog, lack of multitouch gestures, or syncing with certain enterprise platforms), but showed promise through its customizable interface, increased flexibility over [[iOS]], its notification system, ability to display security permissions when downloading apps, and its heavy integration with Google services.<ref name=techradar-review/><ref name="engadget-review"/>

Brandon gave the Dream a 4.5/5, despite stating that it was "no Apple iPhone killer", given its lower quality of its application selection and multimedia features in comparison. In conclusion, the Dream was considered to be a "stellar" phone that "points to a future when a phone is as flexible and useful as the PC on your desk."<ref name=techradar-review/> Engadget felt that the Dream "isn't going to blow anyone's mind right out of the gate" due to its hardware, but that the Android platform as a whole held its own against its competitors, and that early adopters of Android through the G1 were "buying into one of the most exciting developments in the mobile world in recent memory."<ref name="engadget-review"/> ''GSMArena'' noted that the Dream would have been "another average smart QWERTY messenger" had it not been for its introduction of Android; in conclusion, the Dream was considered "far from the perfect package", but still believed that "it gets the things that matter done and gets them done right."<ref name=gsmarena-review/>

=== Commercial reception ===

In April 2009, T-Mobile announced that it had sold over a million G1s in the United States, accounting for two-thirds of the devices on its 3G network. [[AdMob]] estimated in March 2009 that Android and the G1 had reached a market share of 6% in the United States.<ref name=g1-sales>{{cite web|title=T-Mobile has sold 1 million G1 Android phones|url=|work=CNET|publisher=[[CBS Interactive]]|access-date=3 September 2013|archive-date=26 October 2013|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref>

== See also ==

{{Commons category|HTC Dream}}

* [[HTC Hero]], HTC's first Android device with its [[HTC Sense|Sense]] software.

* [[Nexus One]], an Android device developed for Google by HTC to launch the [[Google Nexus|Nexus series]] of flagship devices

*[[HTC Touch Diamond]], HTC's Windows Mobile flagship at the time

== References ==


== External links ==

*[ T-Mobile G1 product page] (archived)



{{HTC Android devices|phones=yes|tablets=yes|smart=yes}}

{{Linux devices}}

{{Authority control}}

{{Good article}}



[[Category:2009-yilgi dasturlar]]

[[Category:Deutsche Telekom]]

[[Category:HTC smartphones]]

[[Category:Touchscreen portable media players]]

[[Category:Mobile phones introduced in 2008]]

[[Category:Discontinued smartphones]]

[[Category:Android (operating system) devices]]

[[Category:Mobile phones with an integrated hardware keyboard]]

[[Category:Mobile phones with user-replaceable battery]]

[[Category:Slider phones]]

2024-yil 6-may, 07:59 dagi koʻrinishi

HTC Dream
Yaratuvchi HTC va Google
Ishlab chiqaruvchi HTC
Seriya orginali Android 1.0
oxirgisi Android 1.6 "Donut"
Hajmi 117.7 mm balandligi
55.7 mm kengligi
17.1 mm qalinligi
Vazni 158 gr
Vebsayt []

HTC Dream - (Qo'shma shtatlar va yevropaning bir qismida T-Mobile G1 va Polshada Era G1 nomi bilan mashxur) HTC tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan smartfon. Birinchi marta 2008-yil oktabr oyida T-Mobile bilan 2 yillik shartnoma asosida 179 dollar narxda chiqarilgan Dream, Symbian, BlackBerry OS va iPhone OS kabi o'z davrining yirik smartfon platformalariga ochiq raqobatchi qilib yaratilgan, Google va Open Handset Alliance tomonidan sotib olingan va keyinchalik rivojlantirilgan Linuxga asoslangan Android operatsion tizimida ishlovchi ilk tijorat qurilmasi. Operatsion tizim sozlanuvchan grafik foydalanuvchi interfeysi, Gmail kabi Google xizmatlari bilan integratsiya, oxirgi ishlatilgan ilovalar ro'yxatidan yuboriladigan tizim bildirishnomasi va qo'shimcha ilovalarni yuklash uchun Android marketni taklif qiladi.

Dream omma tomonidan ijobiy qabul qilindi. Dream o'zining mustahkam qurilma dizayni uchun maqtovga sazovor bo'lgan bo'lsa-da, Android operatsion tizimining joriy etilishi ko'proq o'rnatilgan platformalarga nisbatan ma'lum funksionallik va uchinchi tomon dasturlari yo'qligi uchun tanqidga uchradi, ammo baribir ochiq manbasi, bildirishnoma tizimi va Gmail kabi Google xizmatlari bilan integratsiyasi tufayli innovatsion hisoblandi.



"Sooner" prototipi Dream foydasiga kechiktirildi

2005-yil iyul oyida Google mobil qurilmalar uchun noma`lum dasturiy ta`minot ustida ishlayotgan Andy Rubin boshchiligidagi Android Inc kompaniyasini sotib oldi. Google boshchiligida jamoa Symbian va Windows Mobile kabi operatsion tizimlar bilan raqobatlasha oladigan mobil telefonlar uchun standartlashtirilgan, Linuxga asoslangan operatsion tizimni ishlab chiqish jarayonida edi. Android ilk e`tiborini "Sooner" nomli prototipga qaratdi. Qurilma BlackBerry uslubidagi, sensorsiz kichik ekranli, yo'naltirish tugmalari va jismoniy QWERTY klaviaturasi bo'lgan xabar almashish telefoni edi. The January 2007 unveiling of the iPhone, Apple's first smartphone, and its pioneering design aspects, caught Rubin off-guard and led to a change in course for the project. The operating system's design was quickly reworked, and attention shifted to a new prototype device codenamed "Dream"—a touchscreen device with a sliding, physical keyboard. The inclusion of a physical keyboard was intentional, as Android developers recognized users did not like the idea of a virtual keyboard as they lacked the physical feedback that makes hardware keyboards useful.[1][2][3]

The Android operating system was officially unveiled in November 2007 along with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance (OHA); a consortium of hardware, software, and telecommunication companies devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices. These companies included Google, along with HTC, a company which was at the time, one of the largest manufacturers of phones.[4][5] While Google indicated in 2008 that several Linux devices were being tested in preparation for the official public launch of Android, only one was to be released in the United States that year—the HTC Dream. Plans called for the Dream to be released on T-Mobile USA by the end of the year (with some reports suggesting October 2008), targeting the holiday shopping season. Sprint had worked with the OHA, but had not yet unveiled any plans to release an Android phone of its own, while Verizon Wireless and AT&T did not have any plans for Android devices yet at all.[5]


A bronze T-Mobile G1 carrier-branded version of the Dream

HTC officially announced the Dream on 23 September 2008. It would first be released by T-Mobile as the T-Mobile G1, starting in the United States on 20 October 2008 in its 3G-enabled markets only (it became available in all markets on 24 January 2009),[6][7] followed by a British release in November 2008, and a release in other European territories in early 2009.[8] On 10 March 2009, it became available in Poland as the Era G1 on Era.[9] On 2 June 2009, both the Dream and its successor (the HTC Magic) were released by Rogers Wireless in Canada.[10]

The Dream was discontinued by T-Mobile on 27 July 2010.[11] The G1 was spiritually succeeded in October 2010 by the T-Mobile G2, a new HTC device which also featured stock Android and a sliding keyboard, and was T-Mobile USA's first "4G" smartphone.[12] In Canada, Rogers suspended sales of the Dream on 15 January 2010 due to a bug affecting the proper use of emergency calls.[13]



A white HTC Dream with back cover removed

The Dream's exterior uses a soft, smooth matte plastic shell, and was made available in white, black, and bronze colors. The Dream's design features a distinctive "chin" on the bottom, which houses 5 navigation buttons ("Call", "Home", "Menu", "Back", and "End Call") and a clickable trackball in the center which can be used for scrolling and selecting.[6] The device uses a 3.2 inches (8.1 cm) capacitive touchscreen LCD at a resolution of 320×480; the screen can be slid along a curved hinge to expose a five-row QWERTY keyboard—as the first releases of Android did not include a virtual keyboard, the keyboard was originally the only method of text input on the device. While supporting multitouch at the hardware level, the Linux kernel in the Dream's Android distribution was patched to remove multitouch support from its touchscreen drivers for undisclosed reasons.[14] The Dream does not include a traditional headphone jack, requiring an adapter for HTC's proprietary (but Mini-USB compatible) "ExtUSB" port located on the bottom of the device. The rear of the device houses a 3.15-megapixel rear camera with auto-focus.[15][16]

The Dream uses a 528 MHz Qualcomm MSM7201A system on a chip with 192 MB of RAM, and comes with 256 MB of internal storage, which can be expanded by up to 16 GB using a Micro SD card slot.[15] For network connectivity, the Dream supports Quad-band GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz and GPRS/EDGE, plus Dual band UMTS Bands I and IV (1700 & 2100 MHz) and HSDPA/HSUPA (in US/Europe) at 7.2/2 Mbit/s. The device also supports standalone GPS and A-GPS.[17]


The HTC Dream was the first ever smartphone to include the Android operating system. The operating system heavily integrates with, and provides apps for various Google services, such as Gmail (with push email support), Maps, Search, Talk, and YouTube, while the contacts and calendar apps can sync with the online Google Contacts and Google Calendar services respectively. The device also ships with an email app supporting other POP3 and IMAP-based mail services, an instant messaging app with support for multiple services, and a WebKit-based web browser. A notification system displays icons for certain events (such as e-mails and text messages) on the left side of the status bar across the top of the screen; dragging down from the top of the screen exposes a tray with more detailed information for each notification. The Android Market can be used to download additional apps for the device. The G1 as sold by T-Mobile also shipped with an Amazon MP3 app, allowing users to purchase DRM-free music online, and download them straight to the device via Wi-Fi.[18]

The Dream could also be upgraded to newer versions of Android, which added new features and enhancements to the platform. The latest version of Android officially made available for the Dream, 1.6 "Donut", was released for T-Mobile USA's G1 in October 2009.[19][20] The 1.6 update was not released on the Rogers HTC Dream in Canada (which stayed on 1.5 "Cupcake"); Rogers claimed that the update was only being made available for "'Google'-branded" models of the device.[21]

Development and modding

Due to the open source nature of the Android platform, the Dream became a popular target for modding. Shortly after the release of the Dream, developers discovered a software exploit which would allow a user to gain superuser access to the phone—a process which would be referred to as "rooting". As a parallel to "jailbreaking" on iOS devices, root access would enable users to perform tweaks and other changes at the system level that cannot be performed under normal circumstances (such as adding auto-rotation, and installing a custom kernel that restored the aforementioned multitouch support).[14][22]

After the Dream's bootloader was dumped, work began on modifying it so that it could install third-party firmware, and on converting official Android update files into a format that could be installed using the modified bootloader.[23] Around the same time, Google made the Android Dev Phone 1 available for registered Android developers; the Dev Phone 1 was a SIM- and hardware-unlocked version of the HTC Dream that came pre-configured for superuser access to the internal files of the phone, allowing users to completely replace the bootloader and operating system.[24][25]

As a result of these developments, a dedicated community, centered on forums such as XDA Developers, emerged surrounding the creation of custom firmware ("ROMs") built from the Android source code. Projects such as CyanogenMod continued to produce ports of newer versions of Android for the Dream and later Android devices, while adding their own features and enhancements to the operating system as well.[26]

On later Android devices, where a number of factors (including carrier practices, and custom software provided by device manufacturers that sit atop Android, such as HTC Sense and Samsung TouchWiz) led to fragmentation regarding the availability of newer versions of the OS for certain devices, the development and use of custom ROMs (which are usually based on the "stock" version of Android) have ultimately become an important, yet controversial aspect of the Android ecosystem.[27] In August 2012, a group of users released an unofficial port of a later version of Android, 4.1 "Jelly Bean", for the Dream as a proof of concept. However, the port lacked key functionality, and had severe performance issues due to the phone's relatively weak hardware in comparison to the modern devices that 4.1 was designed for.[28]


Critical reception

The Dream was released to mixed reviews. The design of the Dream was considered to be solid and robust; Joshua Topolsky of Engadget considered its hardware design a contrast to that of the iPhone, due to its numerous navigation buttons (in comparison to just a home button) and its "charming, retro-future look; like a gadget in a 1970's sci-fi movie set in the year 2038." The Dream's keyboard, as the only method of text input prior to Android 1.5's introduction of a virtual keyboard, was considered to be sufficient, although some felt that its keys were too small.[15][16][17] Its display was considered sufficient for a phone of its class, but John Brandon of TechRadar felt that it was not good enough for watching videos due to its poor contrast and small size in comparison to the iPhone.[16][17] Android itself was considered to still be in its infancy (primarily due to its bare-bones functionality in certain areas, limited application catalog, lack of multitouch gestures, or syncing with certain enterprise platforms), but showed promise through its customizable interface, increased flexibility over iOS, its notification system, ability to display security permissions when downloading apps, and its heavy integration with Google services.[16][18]

Brandon gave the Dream a 4.5/5, despite stating that it was "no Apple iPhone killer", given its lower quality of its application selection and multimedia features in comparison. In conclusion, the Dream was considered to be a "stellar" phone that "points to a future when a phone is as flexible and useful as the PC on your desk."[16] Engadget felt that the Dream "isn't going to blow anyone's mind right out of the gate" due to its hardware, but that the Android platform as a whole held its own against its competitors, and that early adopters of Android through the G1 were "buying into one of the most exciting developments in the mobile world in recent memory."[18] GSMArena noted that the Dream would have been "another average smart QWERTY messenger" had it not been for its introduction of Android; in conclusion, the Dream was considered "far from the perfect package", but still believed that "it gets the things that matter done and gets them done right."[17]

Commercial reception

In April 2009, T-Mobile announced that it had sold over a million G1s in the United States, accounting for two-thirds of the devices on its 3G network. AdMob estimated in March 2009 that Android and the G1 had reached a market share of 6% in the United States.[29]

See also


  1. Vogelstein, Fred. „The Day Google Had to 'Start Over' on Android“. The Atlantic. 2021-yil 16-mayda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 20-dekabr.
  2. Elgin, Ben „Google Buys Android for Its Mobile Arsenal“. Bloomberg Businessweek. Bloomberg (2005-yil 17-avgust). 2011-yil 27-fevralda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2012-yil 20-fevral.
  3. Block, Ryan „Google is working on a mobile OS, and it's due out shortly“. Engadget (2007-yil 28-avgust). 2017-yil 1-avgustda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2012-yil 17-fevral.
  4. Open Handset Alliance (2007-yil 5-noyabr). „Industry Leaders Announce Open Platform for Mobile Devices“. Press-reliz.
  5. 5,0 5,1 Holson, Laura; Helft, Miguel. „Smartphone Is Expected via Google“. The New York Times (2008-yil 14-avgust). 2008-yil 1-sentyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2008-yil 15-avgust.
  6. 6,0 6,1 „All T-Mobile retail stores to carry G1“. CNET. CBS Interactive. 2013-yil 19-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 17-iyun.
  7. Mark Wilson. „T-Mobile G1: Full Details of the HTC Dream Android Phone“. (2008-yil 23-sentyabr). 2014-yil 9-fevralda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 27-dekabr.
  8. „T-Mobile Unveils the T-Mobile G1 – the Second Phone Powered by Android“. HTC. 2011-yil 12-iyulda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2009-yil 19-may.
  9. „Era G1“ (pl). Era GSM. 2009-yil 13-fevralda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2009-yil 15-fevral.
  10. „Rogers announces HTC Dream (G1) and Magic coming in June“. Boy Genius Report. Penske Media Corporation (2009-yil 7-may). 2013-yil 8-iyulda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 17-iyun.
  11. „T-Mobile G1 (HTC Dream) Discontinued“. Softpedia (2010-yil 27-iyul). 2016-yil 21-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 18-iyun.
  12. „The T-Mobile G2 fades away“. Ziff Davis Media. 2017-yil 4-iyulda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 18-iyun.
  13. „Rogers halts all sales of the HTC Dream due to 911-GPS issue“. Boy Genius Report (2010-yil 16-yanvar). 2013-yil 19-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 6-avgust.
  14. 14,0 14,1 „Blogger says G1 multitouch capable“. Ars Technica. Condé Nast Publications (2008-yil 18-noyabr). 2013-yil 19-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 17-iyun.
  15. 15,0 15,1 15,2 Topolsky, Joshua. „T-Mobile G1 review, part 1“. Engadget. AOL (2008-yil 16-oktyabr). 2013-yil 19-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 18-oktyabr.
  16. 16,0 16,1 16,2 16,3 16,4 Brandon, John. „T-Mobile G1 review“. TechRadar. Future Publishing (2009-yil 27-mart). 2017-yil 8-iyunda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 17-iyun.
  17. 17,0 17,1 17,2 17,3 „T-Mobile G1 review: The whole cagoogle“. GSMArena. 2013-yil 23-iyunda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 17-iyun.
  18. 18,0 18,1 18,2 „T-Mobile G1 review, part 2: software and wrap-up“. Engadget. AOL (2008-yil 16-oktyabr). 2017-yil 31-iyulda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2017-yil 29-avgust.
  19. „T-Mobile Rolls Out 'Donut' Android Update“. PC Magazine. Ziff Davis Media. 2013-yil 26-aprelda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 17-iyun.
  20. „G1 might run the Android 1.6 Donut update after all, says Google“. 2013-yil 15-noyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 17-iyun.
  21. „Rogers' HTC Dream and Magic to be deprived of Donut“. Boy Genius Report. Penske Media Corporation (2009-yil 19-dekabr). 2013-yil 8-iyulda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 18-iyun.
  22. „A Jailbreak for Google's Android“. PC World. IDG. 2013-yil 25-mayda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 17-iyun.
  23. „G1 bootloader dumped: big step forward for G1 jailbreakers“. Ars Technica. Condé Nast Publications (2008-yil 4-dekabr). 2013-yil 7-iyunda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 17-iyun.
  24. „Google introduces developer G1 phones“. Ars Technica. Condé Nast Publications (2008-yil 7-dekabr). 2012-yil 10-martda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 18-oktyabr.
  25. „Google unleashes unlocked G1 on developers“. CNET. CBS Interactive (2008-yil 6-dekabr). 2013-yil 19-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2009-yil 9-yanvar.
  26. „Add amazing new features to your phone and camera“. PC World Australia. IDG. 2013-yil 29-iyunda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 17-iyun.
  27. Kopfstein, Janus „Access Denied: why Android's broken promise of unlocked bootloaders needs to be fixed“. The Verge. Vox Media (2012-yil 20-noyabr). 2017-yil 10-fevralda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2012-yil 24-noyabr.
  28. „Android 4.1 ported to the venerable HTC G1“. The Verge. Vox Media (2012-yil 9-avgust). 2018-yil 14-sentyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 17-iyun.
  29. „T-Mobile has sold 1 million G1 Android phones“. CNET. CBS Interactive. 2013-yil 26-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 3-sentyabr.

Andoza:HTC Android devices Andoza:Linux devices

Andoza:Good article