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{{DISPLAYTITLE:WorldwideWindows DevelopersSpeech ConferenceRecognition}}

{{TakrorlanuvchiDasturiy tadbirtaʼminot bilgiqutisi

| imagenom = Windows Speech Recognition

| imagesizelogo = 200px

| captionscreenshot =

| first screenshot izohi = {{start date and age|1983}}

| muallif =

| last = June 10–14, 2024 (both online and in-person)

| turi =

| next = June 2025

| developer = [[Microsoft]]

| frequency = 1983; 2006: Avgust<br />1984: Aprel<br />1986: Yanvar<br />1987: Mart va aprel<br />1988: Aprel va sentabr<br />Yillik (1989-yildan beri)<br />1989–2002: Har may oyida<br />2003; 2005; 2007–: Har iyun oyida<br />2004: Iyunning oxiri–iyulning boshlari

| reliz = {{Start date and age|2006|11|30}}

| venue = 1983: Dunfey Mehmonxonasi<br />1984: [[Moscone Center]]<br />1986: [[Brooks Hall]]<br />1987: [[Universal Amphitheater]] va [[Santa Clara Convention Center]]<br />1988–2002; 2017–19: [[San Jose Convention Center]]<br />2003–16: [[Moscone Center|Moscone West]]<br />2020–21: [[Apple Park]]da oldindan roʻyxatdan oʻtkazilgan (Konfrensiya COVID-19 pandemiyasi sababli onlayn oʻtkazilgan)<br /> 2022–: Apple Parkda oldindan roʻyxatdan oʻtkazilgan (Konfrensiya onlayn va yuzma-yuz oʻtkazilgan)<ref>{{Cite web |archive-url= |url= |access-date=2023-06-04 |archive-date=2023-06-04 |website=Apple Developer |title=Special Event at Apple Park}}</ref>

| tashkil topdi =

| location = 1987: [[Santa Clara, California]]<br /> 2003–16: San Francisco, California<br />1988–2002; 2017–19: [[San Jose, California]]<br />2020–21: [[Cupertino, California]] (Raqamli konfrensiya)<br />2022–: [[Cupertino, California]] (Yuzma-yuz va raqamli konfrensiya)

| oxirgi versiyasi =

| country = Amerika qoʻshma shtatlari

| oxirgi reliz =

| attendance = 23 million onlayn tomoshabinlar (2020)

| oxirgi demo =

| footnotes =

| oxirgi demo sanasi =

| organized = [[Apple Inc.]]

| qoʻllab-quv_OT =

| website = {{URL|}}

| operatsion sistema = [[Windows Vista]] va undan keyingi versiyalar

| logo = Apple WWDC wordmark 2024.svg

| platforma =

| til =

| bogʻlovchi =

| status =

| janr = [[Nutqni aniqlash]]

| oldingi =

| keyingi =

| litsenziya =

| vebsayt =

| birinchi_oʻyin =

| soʻnggi_oʻyin =


'''Windows Speech Recognition''' ('''WSR''') - [[Microsoft]] tomonidan [[Windows Vista]] uchun ishlab chiqilgan [[nutqni aniqlash]] tizimi bo‘lib, u ovozli buyruqlar bilan ish stoli [[foydalanuvchi interfeysi]]ni boshqarish, elektron hujjatlar va elektron pochtalardagi matnlarni o'qib berish, veb-saytlarda navigatsiya qilish, klaviatura yorliqlarini bajarish va sichqoncha kursorini boshqarish imkonini beradi. WSR qo‘shimcha vazifalarni bajarish uchun maxsus [[makros]]larni tayinlaydi.

'''Butunjahon dasturchilar konferensiyasi''' (Worldwide Developers Conference, WWDC) har yili [[Apple Inc.]] tomonidan oʻtkaziladigan axborot texnologiyalari konferensiyasidir. Konferensiya odatda Kaliforniyadagi [[Apple Park]]da oʻtkaziladi. Tadbir odatda [[macOS]], [[iOS]], [[iPadOS]], [[watchOS]], [[tvOS]] va [[visionOS]] oilalarida hamda boshqa Apple dasturlarida yangi dasturiy taʼminot va texnologiyalarni namoyish qilish uchun tashkillashtiriladi; baʼzan yangi apparat mahsulotlari ham eʼlon qilinadi. WWDC, shuningdek, [[iPhone]], [[iPad]], [[Macintosh|Mac]] va boshqa Apple qurilmalari uchun ilovalarda ishlaydigan uchinchi tomon dasturiy taʼminot dasturchilari uchun oʻtkaziladigan tadbirdir<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=WWDC 2022: New rumours, new OS software, and new devices|access-date=2022-04-17|language=en}}</ref>. Ishtirokchilar Apple muhandislari bilan amaliy laboratoriyalarda koʻrishishlari va turli mavzularni qamrab oluvchi chuqurlashtirilgan sessiyalarda qatnashishlari mumkin.

WSR - lokal tarzda qayta ishlanadigan nutqni aniqlash platformasi; u aniqlik, o'qib berish yoki tanib olish uchun [[bulutli hisoblash]]ga tayanmaydi, aksincha kontekstlar, grammatikalar, nutq namunalari, trening mashg‘ulotlari va lug‘atlarga asoslangan holda moslashadi. WSR foydalanuvchilarga so‘zlarni yoki iboralarni o'qib berish, kiritish yoki istisno qilish va tanib olish aniqligini oshirish uchun talaffuzlarni saqlab borish imkonini beruvchi shaxsiy lug‘atni taqdim etadi. Maxsus til modellarini ham qo'llab-quvvatlaydi.

Birinchi WWDC 1983-yilda Apple Basic taqdimoti bilan boʻlib oʻtdi, ammo 2002-yilgacha Apple konferensiyadan yangi mahsulotlarni taqdimot qilish uchun asosiy ishga tushirish paneli sifatida foydalanishni boshlamagan. 1987-yildan boshlab WWDC [[Santa Clara, California|Santa Clara]] shahrida boʻlib oʻtdi. Yaqin atrofdagi San-Jose shahrida 15 yil oʻtgach, konferensiya San-Fransiskoga koʻchib oʻtdi va u yerda Apple kompaniyasining yilning asosiy media tadbiriga aylandi va muntazam ravishda sotildi. WWDC 13 yildan keyin San-Josega qaytdi.

Windows Vista bilan WSR Windowsning bir qismi sifatida ishlab chiqilgan, chunki nutqni aniqlash ilgari [[Windows Media Player]] kabi ilovalar uchun maxsus yaratilgan edi. WSR [[Windows 7]], [[Windows 8]], [[Windows 8.1]], [[Windows RT]], [[Windows 10]] va [[Windows 11]] [[operatsion tizim]]larida mavjud. Windows Vista Beta`ning "Startup" deb ataladigan versiyasi aslida nutqni aniqlash qo‘llanmasining boshlanishi bo'lgan va Vista beta [[Windows XP]] tovushlaridan foydalangan<ref>{{Cite AV media |url= |title=Windows Vista Beta 1 Startup sound (Animated) |date=2014-03-16 |last=inf¹ |access-date=2024-06-17 |via=YouTube}}</ref><ref>{{Cite AV media |url= |title=Windows Vista Speech Recognition Tutorial - Welcome Sequence |date=2022-02-15 |last=ThatRandomToast |access-date=2024-06-17 |via=YouTube}}</ref>.

WWDC 2020 va WWDC 2021 [[COVID-19 pandemiyasi]] tufayli faqat onlayn konferensiyalar sifatida oʻtkazildi. WWDC 2022 dasturchilar va matbuotni COVID-19 pandemiyasiga qaramay, taxminan uch yil ichida birinchi marta [[Apple Park]]ga taklif qildi. Mijozlar va isteʼmolchilar tadbirni onlayn jonli efir orqali tomosha qilishdi. Ushbu tadbirlarning barchasi Kaliforniyaning Kupertino shahridagi Apple Parkda boʻlib oʻtdi. WWDC 2023 ham onlayn, ham shaxsan oʻtkazildi; WWDC 2024 deb nomlangan eng soʻnggi konferensiya ham 2024-yil 10-iyun va 14-iyun kunlari onlayn va shaxsan oʻtkazildi.

== Ishtirok Tarixi==

Microsoft WSR`dan oldin ko‘p yillar davomida [[nutqni aniqlash]] va nutq sintezi tadqiqotlari bilan shug‘ullangan. 1993-yilda Microsoft [[Carnegie Mellon]] universitetidan [[Xuedong Huang]]ni nutqni rivojlantirish bo‘yicha sa’y-harakatlarga rahbarlik qilish uchun yolladi; kompaniyaning tadqiqotlari orqali 1994-yilda taqdim etilgan Speech API (SAPI) ishlab chiqildi<ref name="TalkingWindowsVista">{{cite web |url= |title=Exploring New Speech Recognition And Synthesis APIs In Windows Vista |last=Brown |first=Robert |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=MSDN Magazine |archive-url= |archive-date=March 7, 2008 |access-date=June 26, 2015}}</ref>. Nutqni aniqlash avvalgi Microsoft mahsulotlarida ham ishlatilgan.

[[File:In line for the Keynote (3608785470).jpg|thumb|left|Ishtirokchilar 2009-yilgi asosiy nutqni tomosha qilish uchun [[Moscone West]]ga kirishni kutishyapti.]]

[[Office XP]] va [[Microsoft Office 2003|Office 2003]] [[Internet Explorer]] va [[Microsoft Office]] ilovalari orasida nutqni aniqlash imkoniyatlarini taqdim etdi<ref name="SpeechXP">{{cite web |url= |title=How To Use Speech Recognition in Windows XP |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=Windows Support |archive-url= |archive-date=March 14, 2015 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref>; shuningdek, [[Windows 98]], [[Windows Me]], [[Windows NT 4.0]] va [[Windows 2000]] operatsion tizimlarida cheklangan nutq funktsiyalarini ishga tushirdi<ref name="Description">{{cite web |url= |title=Description of the speech recognition and handwriting recognition methods in Word 2002 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=Windows Support |archive-url= |archive-date=July 3, 2015 |access-date=March 26, 2018}}</ref>. [[Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2002]] Tablet PC Input Panel bilan nutqni aniqlash imkoniyatlarini o‘z ichiga oldi<ref name="WindowsXPTabletPCEdition">{{cite web |url= |title=Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Review |last=Thurrott |first=Paul |date=June 25, 2002 |publisher=[[Penton (company)|Penton]] |work=Windows IT Pro |archive-url= |archive-date=July 19, 2011 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref><ref name="Natural">{{cite web |url= |title=Natural Input On Mobile PC Systems |last=Dresevic |first=Bodin |date=2005 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |format=PPT |archive-url= |archive-date=December 14, 2005 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref> va Windows XP uchun Windows Media Player`da ovozli buyruqlar yoqildi<ref name="VoiceCommand">{{cite web |url= |title=Plus! for Windows XP Review |last=Thurrott |first=Paul |date=October 6, 2010 |publisher=[[Penton (company)|Penton]] |work=Windows IT Pro |archive-url= |archive-date=July 5, 2011 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref>. However, these all required installation of speech recognition as a separate component; before Windows Vista, Windows did not include integrated or extensive speech recognition.<ref name="Natural"/> [[Microsoft Office 2007|Office 2007]] and later versions rely on WSR for speech recognition services.<ref name="Office2007SR">{{cite web |url= |title=What happened to speech recognition? |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=Office Support |archive-url= |archive-date=November 10, 2016 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref>

===Windows Vista===

2020-yilgacha konferensiyaga kirish uchun 1599 dollarlik chipta<ref>{{Cite web|last=Macro|first=Ashleigh|title=Complete guide to scoring WWDC 2019 tickets|url=|access-date=2021-05-24|website=Macworld UK}}</ref><ref name=":3">{{Cite web|last=Haslam|first=Karen|title=Everything Apple announced at WWDC 2020|url=|access-date=2021-05-24|website=Macworld UK}}</ref> talab qilingan. Chiptalar onlayn lotereya orqali olingan. Grantlar talabalar va [[Fan, texnologiya, muhandislik va matematika|STEM]] tashkilotlari aʼzolari uchun mavjud. Ishtirokchilar 13 yosh va undan katta boʻlishi va [[Apple Developer]] dasturining aʼzosi boʻlishi kerak<ref>{{cite web|title=WWDC18 Registration and Attendance Policy|work=Apple Developer|publisher=Apple|date=2018|access-date=June 10, 2018|url=}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=Scholarships|work=Apple Developer|publisher=Apple|date=2018|access-date=June 10, 2018|url=}}</ref>.

[[File:WindowsVistaPreliminaryWSR.PNG|thumb|right|A prototype speech recognition [[Windows Aero#Aero Wizards|Aero Wizard]] in [[Windows Vista]] (then known as "Longhorn") [[Development of Windows Vista#Milestone 7|build 4093]].]]

At [[Windows Hardware Engineering Conference|WinHEC 2002]] Microsoft announced that Windows Vista (codenamed "Longhorn") would include advances in speech recognition and in features such as [[microphone array]] support<ref name="WinHEC2002">{{cite web |url=,2817,1183143,00.asp |title=WinHEC: The Pregame Show |last=Stam |first=Nick |date=April 16, 2002 |publisher=[[Ziff Davis Media]] |work=[[PC Magazine]] |archive-url=,2817,1183143,00.asp |archive-date=July 3, 2015 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref> as part of an effort to "provide a consistent quality audio infrastructure for natural (continuous) speech recognition and (discrete) command and control."<ref name="AudioConsiderations">{{cite web |url= |title=Audio Considerations for Voice-Enabled Applications |last=Flandern Van |first=Mike |date=2002 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Windows Hardware Engineering Conference]] |format=EXE |archive-url= |archive-date=May 6, 2002 |access-date=March 30, 2018}}</ref> [[Bill Gates]] stated during [[Professional Developers Conference|PDC 2003]] that Microsoft would "build speech capabilities into the system — a big advance for that in 'Longhorn,' in both recognition and synthesis, real-time";<ref name="SpeechCapabilities">{{cite web |url= |title=Bill Gates' Web Site — Speech Transcript, Microsoft Professional Developers Conference 2003 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |date=October 27, 2003 |archive-url= |archive-date=February 3, 2004 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref><ref name="SpeechPDC2003">{{cite web |url= |title=Live from PDC 2003: Day 1, Monday |last2=Furman |first2=Keith |last1=Thurrott |first1=Paul |date=October 26, 2003 |publisher=[[Penton (company)|Penton]] |work=Windows IT Pro |archive-url= |archive-date=September 11, 2013 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref> and pre-release builds during the [[development of Windows Vista]] included a speech engine with training features.<ref name="Windows2006">{{cite web |url= |title=Your Next OS: Windows 2006? |last=Spanbauer |first=Scott |date=December 4, 2003 |publisher=[[International Data Group|IDG]] |work=TechHive |access-date=June 25, 2015}}</ref> A PDC 2003 developer presentation stated Windows Vista would also include a user interface for microphone feedback and control, and user configuration and training features.<ref name="UserInputPDC2003">{{cite web |url= |title=Keyboard, Speech, and Pen Input in Your Controls |last2=Chambers |first2=Rob |last1=Gjerstad |first1=Kevin |date=2003 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Professional Developers Conference]] |format=PPT |archive-url= |archive-date=December 19, 2012 |access-date=March 30, 2018}}</ref> Microsoft clarified the extent to which speech recognition would be integrated when it stated in a pre-release [[software development kit]] that "the common speech scenarios, like speech-enabling menus and buttons, will be enabled system-wide."<ref name="SpeechRecognitionLonghorn">{{cite web |url= |title=Interacting with the Computer using Speech Input and Speech Output |date=2003 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[MSDN]] |archive-url= |archive-date=January 4, 2004 |access-date=June 28, 2015}}</ref>

During WinHEC 2004 Microsoft included WSR as part of a strategy to improve productivity on mobile PCs.<ref name="MobilePCs">{{cite web |url= |title=Windows For Mobile PCs And Tablet PCs — CY05 And Beyond |last=Suokko |first=Matti |date=2004 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |format=PPT |archive-url= |archive-date=December 14, 2005 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref><ref name="MobilePCs04">{{cite web |url= |title=Windows For Mobile PCs and Tablet PCs — CY04 |last=Fish |first=Darrin |date=2004 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |format=PPT |archive-url= |archive-date=December 14, 2005 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref> Microsoft later emphasized [[accessibility]], new mobility scenarios, support for additional languages, and improvements to the speech user experience at WinHEC 2005. Unlike the speech support included in Windows XP, which was integrated with the Tablet PC Input Panel and required switching between separate Commanding and Dictation modes, Windows Vista would introduce a dedicated interface for speech input on the desktop and would unify the separate speech modes;<ref name="NaturalInput">{{cite web |url= |title=Natural Input on Mobile PC Systems |last=Dresevic |first=Bodin |date=2005 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |format=PPT |archive-url= |archive-date=December 14, 2005 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref> users previously could not speak a command after dictating or vice versa without first switching between these two modes.<ref name="CommandingandDictation">{{cite web |url= |title=Commanding and Dictation — One mode or two in Windows Vista? |last=Chambers |first=Rob |date=August 1, 2005 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |access-date=June 30, 2015}}</ref> Windows Vista Beta 1 included integrated speech recognition.<ref name="WindowsVistaBeta1">{{cite web |url= |title=Windows Vista Beta 1 Review (Part 3) |last=Thurrott |first=Paul |date=October 6, 2010 |publisher=[[Penton (company)|Penton]] |work=Windows IT Pro |archive-url= |archive-date=August 23, 2014 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref> To incentivize company employees to analyze WSR for software [[software bug|glitch]]es and to provide feedback, Microsoft offered an opportunity for its testers to win a Premium model of the [[Xbox 360]].<ref name="MicrosoftWSRPoster">{{cite web |url= |title=Microsoft Speech Recognition poster |last=Levy |first=Brian |date=2006 |archive-url= |archive-date=October 11, 2006 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref>

2007-yilgacha ishtirokchilar soni 2000 dan 4200 gacha boʻlgan; ammo, WWDC 2007 davomida, [[Stiv Jobs]] 5000 dan ortiq ishtirokchilar borligini taʼkidladi. 2008-yildan 2015-yilgacha boʻlib oʻtgan WWDC tadbirlari cheklandi va 5 000 ishtirokchiga sotildi (5 200 ta maxsus ishtirokchilar bilan birga). WWDC 2018 ga 77 mamlakatdan 6000 ta ishtirokchi<ref>{{cite web|title=WWDC 2018 keynote: Apple to stop Facebook tracking on iOS 12 – as it happened|first=Alex|last=Hern|work=The Guardian|date=June 4, 2018|access-date=June 10, 2018|url=}}</ref>, jumladan, 350 ta stipendiya oluvchilar ham kirdi<ref>{{cite news|title=This third-year WWDC scholarship winner built an ML model to recognize beer in one day|first=Daniel Eran|last=Dilger|work=AppleInsider|date=June 6, 2018|access-date=June 10, 2018|url=}}</ref>.

During a demonstration by Microsoft on July 27, 2006—before Windows Vista's [[release to manufacturing]] (RTM)—a notable incident involving WSR occurred that resulted in an unintended output of "Dear aunt, let's set so double the killer delete select all" when several attempts to dictate led to consecutive output errors;<ref name="GoodDemos">{{cite web |url= |title=Updated – When good demos go (very, very) bad |last=Auchard |first=Eric |date=July 28, 2006 |publisher=[[Thomson Reuters]] |archive-url= |archive-date=May 21, 2011 |url-status=dead |access-date=March 29, 2018}}</ref><ref name="MSNBC">{{cite web|url= |title=Software glitch foils Microsoft demo |date=August 2, 2006 |publisher=[[NBC News]] |archive-url= |archive-date=March 28, 2018 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref> the incident was a subject of significant derision among analysts and journalists in the audience,<ref name="NeedsWork">{{cite web |url= |title=Vista voice-recognition feature needs work |last=Montalbano |first=Elizabeth |date=July 31, 2006 |publisher=[[International Data Group|IDG]] |work=[[InfoWorld]] |archive-url= |archive-date=August 5, 2006 |access-date=June 26, 2015}}</ref><ref name="Stammers">{{cite web |url= |title=Vista's Voice Recognition Stammers |last=Montalbano |first=Elizabeth |date=July 31, 2006 |publisher=[[International Data Group|IDG]] |work=TechHive |archive-url= |archive-date=July 3, 2015 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref> despite another demonstration for application management and navigation being successful.<ref name="GoodDemos"/> Microsoft revealed these issues were due to an audio [[Gain (electronics)|gain]] glitch that caused the recognizer to distort commands and dictations; the glitch was fixed before Windows Vista's release.<ref name="FAM">{{cite web |url= |title=FAM: Vista SR Demo failure — And now you know the rest of the story ... |last=Chambers |first=Rob |date=July 29, 2006 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |archive-url= |archive-date=May 22, 2011 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref>

== Tarkibi ==

WWDC har yili iyun oyida bir hafta dushanbadan jumagacha oʻtkaziladi. Konferensiya asosan asosiy nutq, taqdimot sessiyalari, yakkama-yakka „laboratoriya“ yigʻinlari, maxsus uchrashuvlar va tadbirlardan iborat<ref name="Schedule">{{cite web|title=Schedule|work=Apple Developer|publisher=Apple|date=2018|access-date=June 10, 2018|url=}}</ref>.

Reports from early 2007 indicated that WSR is vulnerable to attackers using speech recognition for malicious operations by playing certain audio commands through a target's speakers;<ref name="SpeechRecognitionHole">{{cite web |url= |title=Vista has speech recognition hole |date=February 1, 2007 |publisher=[[British Broadcasting Corporation|BBC]] |work=[[BBC News]] |archive-url= |archive-date=February 3, 2007 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref><ref name="RemoteExploit">{{cite web |url= |title=Remote 'exploit' of Vista Speech reveals fatal flaw |last=Miller |first=Paul |date=February 1, 2007 |publisher=[[AOL]] |work=[[Engadget]] |access-date=June 28, 2015}}</ref> it was the first vulnerability discovered after Windows Vista's [[Software release life cycle#General availability|general availability]].<ref name="PCWorld">{{cite web |url=,128737-c,vistalonghorn/article.html |title=Honeymoon's Over: First Windows Vista Flaw |last=Roberts |first=Paul |date=February 1, 2007 |publisher=[[International Data Group|IDG]] |work=[[PCWorld]] |archive-url=,128737-c,vistalonghorn/article.html |archive-date=February 4, 2007 |access-date=June 28, 2015}}</ref> Microsoft stated that although such an attack is theoretically possible, a number of mitigating factors and prerequisites would limit its effectiveness or prevent it altogether: a target would need the recognizer to be active and configured to properly interpret such commands; microphones and speakers would both need to be enabled and at sufficient volume levels; and an attack would require the computer to perform visible operations and produce audible feedback without users noticing. [[User Account Control]] would also prohibit the occurrence of privileged operations.<ref name="SpeechIssue">{{cite web |url= |title=Issue regarding Windows Vista Speech Recognition |date=January 31, 2007 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft TechNet|TechNet]] |archive-url= |url-status=dead |archive-date=May 20, 2016 |access-date=March 31, 2018}}</ref>

[[File:WWDC17 Platforms State of the Union.jpg|thumb|right|WWDC 2017 koʻrgazmasida Platformalar Ittifoqining holati]]

===Windows 7===

Konferensiya dushanba kuni ertalab [[Timothy D. Cook|Tim Kuk]] va Apple kompaniyasining boshqa rahbarlarining asosiy nutqi bilan boshlanadi. (1998-yildan boshlab isteʼfoga chiqishi va 2011-yilda vafotigacha Stiv Jobs asosiy nutq soʻzlagan, ommaviy axborot vositalari uni koʻpincha ''Stevenote'' deb atagan<ref>{{cite magazine|last=Calore |first=Michael |url= |title=Macworld: The Stevenote by the numbers. |magazine=Wired |date=January 15, 2008 |access-date=February 27, 2018}}</ref>.) Unda konferensiya ishtirokchilari ham, ommaviy axborot vositalari ham ishtirok etadilar, chunki Apple tadbirda muntazam ravishda mahsulot eʼlon qiladi. . Murojaat paytida eʼlon qilingan texnik vositalar baʼzan konferensiya zalida koʻrgazmaga qoʻyiladi. Kunning ikkinchi yarmida asosiy maʼruzadan soʻng, hafta oxiridagi sessiyalarda batafsil bayon qilinadigan Apple dasturiy taʼminot ishlab chiquvchi platformalaridagi oʻzgarishlar taʼkidlangan va namoyish etilgan „Platforma State of Union“ murojaati eshitiladi. [[Apple Design Awards]] ham konferensiyaning birinchi kunida eʼlon qilinadi<ref name="Schedule" />.

[[File:DictationScratchpad.png|thumb|200px|The dictation scratchpad in Windows 7 replaces the "enable dictation everywhere" option of Windows Vista.]]

WSR was updated to use [[Microsoft UI Automation]] and its engine now uses the [[Technical features new to Windows Vista#Audio stack architecture|WASAPI]] audio stack, substantially enhancing its performance and enabling support for [[echo suppression and cancellation|echo cancellation]], respectively. The document harvester, which can analyze and collect text in email and documents to contextualize user terms has improved performance, and now runs periodically in the background instead of only after recognizer startup. Sleep mode has also seen performance improvements and, to address security issues, the recognizer is turned off by default after users speak "stop listening" instead of being suspended. Windows 7 also introduces an option to submit speech training data to Microsoft to improve future recognizer versions.<ref name="SRWindows7">{{cite web |url= |title=What's new in Windows Speech Recognition? |last=Brown |first=Eric |date=January 29, 2009 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |archive-url= |archive-date=January 28, 2011 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref>

A new dictation scratchpad interface functions as a temporary document into which users can dictate or type text for insertion into applications that are not compatible with the [[Text Services Framework]].<ref name="SRWindows7"/> Windows Vista previously provided an "enable dictation everywhere option" for such applications.<ref name="DictationWSR">{{cite web |url= |title=Where does dictation work in Windows Speech Recognition? |last=Brown |first=Eric |date=October 24, 2007 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |access-date=March 28, 2018}}</ref>

Seshanbadan jumagacha bir vaqtning oʻzida bir nechta seans treklari ishlaydi. Taqdimotlar kirishdan tortib to yuqori darajagacha dasturlash, dizayn va boshqa mavzularni qamrab oladi. Deyarli barcha muntazam ravishda rejalashtirilgan taqdimotlar Apple xodimlari tomonidan taqdim etiladi. Ushbu taqdimotlar jonli efirda uzatiladi va yozuvlarni konferensiyaning iOS va tvOS ilovalarida [[Apple Developer]] veb-saytida talab boʻyicha koʻrish mumkin<ref name="Schedule" />. Tushlik seanslari texnologiya va fan boʻyicha soha mutaxassislari boʻlgan turli mehmon maʼruzachilar tomonidan beriladi; bu seanslar translyatsiya qilinmaydi yoki yozib olinmaydi<ref name="Special">{{cite web|title=Special Events|work=Apple Developer|publisher=Apple|date=2018|access-date=June 10, 2018|url=}}</ref>. Ilgari baʼzi sessiyalar savol-javob vaqtini oʻz ichiga olgan va mashhur Stump the Experts sessiyasida Apple xodimlari va ishtirokchilar oʻrtasida oʻzaro aloqa mavjud boʻlgan.

===Windows 8.x and Windows RT===

[[File:StumpTheExperts2010 CrazySwissGui.jpg|thumb|right|WWDC 2010 Stump the Experts]]

WSR can be used to control the [[Metro (design language)|Metro]] user interface in Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows RT with commands to open the [[Windows shell#Charms|Charms bar]] ("Press Windows C"); to dictate or display commands in [[Universal Windows Platform apps#In Windows 8.x|Metro-style apps]] ("Press Windows Z"); to perform tasks in apps (e.g., "Change to Celsius" in [[MSN#Weather|MSN Weather]]); and to display all installed apps listed by the [[Start menu#Third version|Start screen]] ("Apps").<ref name="Windows8SR">{{cite web |url= |title=How to use Speech Recognition |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=Windows Support |archive-url= |archive-date=October 25, 2012 |access-date=December 24, 2018}}</ref><ref name="UpdatedGuidelines">{{cite web |url= |title=How to use Speech Recognition in Windows |date=August 31, 2016 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=Windows Support |access-date=December 24, 2018}}</ref>

===Windows 10===

Hafta davomida ishlaydigan laboratoriyalarda Apple muhandislari dasturchilar bilan shaxsan maslahatlashishlari mumkin<ref name="Schedule" />. Shuningdek, [[foydalanuvchi interfeysi dizayni]] va foydalanish imkoniyati boʻyicha mutaxassislar uchrashuv boʻyicha maslahat olishlari mumkin<ref>{{cite web|title=Consultation Labs|work=Apple Developer|publisher=Apple|date=2018|access-date=June 10, 2018|url=}}</ref>.

WSR is featured in the [[Settings (Windows)|Settings]] application starting with the Windows 10 April 2018 Update ([[Windows 10 version history|Version 1803]]); the change first appeared in [[Windows Insider|Insider]] Preview Build 17083.<ref name="WSRInsider">{{cite web |url= |title=Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17083 for PC |last=Sarkar |first=Dona |date=January 24, 2018 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=Windows Blogs |archive-url= |archive-date=January 24, 2018 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref> The April 2018 Update also introduces a new {{keypress|Win}}+{{keypress|Ctrl}}+{{keypress|S}} keyboard shortcut to activate WSR.<ref name="KeyboardShortcutsAccessibility">{{cite web |url= |title=Windows keyboard shortcuts for accessibility |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=Windows Support |archive-url= |archive-date=October 12, 2018 |access-date=January 8, 2019}}</ref>

===Windows 11===

Apple konferensiya davomida texnologiya sohasidagi ayollar yoki globallashtirish yoki mashinani oʻrganishga qiziqqan dasturchilar kabi turli guruhlar uchun ijtimoiy uchrashuvlar tashkil qiladi. Payshanba oqshomida yaqin atrofdagi parkda (ilgari Beer Bash) 21 yosh va undan katta barcha ishtirokchilar uchun jonli musiqa, taom va ichimliklar taqdim etiladi.<ref name="Special" />.

In Windows 11 version 22H2, a second Microsoft app, Voice Access, was added in addition to WSR.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Set up voice access - Microsoft Support |url= |access-date=2022-12-10 |}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |last=Hachman |first=Mark |title=New Windows 11 build tests Voice Access, Spotlight backgrounds |url= |access-date=2022-12-10 |website=PCWorld |language=en}}</ref> In December 2023 Microsoft announced that WSR is deprecated in favor of Voice Access and may be removed in a future build or release of Windows.<ref name="DeprecatedFeatures">{{cite web |url= |title=Deprecated features in the Windows client - What's new in Windows |author=[[Microsoft]] |access-date=December 7, 2023}}</ref>

==Overview and features==

== Yana qarang ==

WSR allows a user to control applications and the Windows [[desktop metaphor|desktop]] [[user interface]] through voice commands.<ref name="Guide"/> Users can dictate text within documents, email, and forms; control the operating system user interface; perform [[keyboard shortcut]]s; and move the [[cursor (computing)|mouse cursor]].<ref name="CommonCommands">{{cite web |url= |title=Windows Speech Recognition commands |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=Windows Support |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref> The majority of integrated applications in Windows Vista can be controlled;<ref name="Guide">{{cite web |url= |title=Windows Vista Speech Recognition Step-by-Step Guide |last=Phillips |first=Todd |date=2007 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[MSDN]] |access-date=June 30, 2015}}</ref> third-party applications must support the Text Services Framework for dictation.<ref name="TalkingWindowsVista"/> [[American English|English (U.S.)]], [[British English|English (U.K.)]], [[French language|French]], [[German language|German]], [[Japanese language|Japanese]], [[Mandarin Chinese]], and [[Spanish language|Spanish]] are supported languages.<ref name="SpeechRecognition">{{cite web |url= |title=Windows Speech Recognition |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=Microsoft Accessibility |archive-url= |archive-date=February 4, 2007 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref>

When started for the first time, WSR presents a microphone setup wizard and an optional interactive step-by-step tutorial that users can commence to learn basic commands while adapting the recognizer to their specific voice characteristics;<ref name="Guide"/> the tutorial is estimated to require approximately 10 minutes to complete.<ref name="MSR8">{{cite web |url= |title=The Windows weakness no one mentions: Speech recognition |last=Hachman |first=Mark |date=May 10, 2017 |publisher=[[International Data Group|IDG]] |work=[[PC World]] |access-date=March 28, 2018}}</ref> The accuracy of the recognizer increases through regular use, which adapts it to contexts, grammars, patterns, and vocabularies.<ref name="SpeechRecognition"/><ref name="Privacy"/> Custom language models for the specific contexts, phonetics, and terminologies of users in particular occupational fields such as legal or medical are also supported.<ref name="CustomizedVocabularies">{{cite web |url= |title=Customized speech vocabularies in Windows Vista |last=Chambers |first=Rob |date=September 20, 2005 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |access-date=March 29, 2018}}</ref> With [[Windows Search]],<ref name="ThurrottAllchin">{{cite web |url= |title=Jim Allchin Talks Windows Vista |last=Thurrott |first=Paul |date=October 6, 2010 |publisher=[[Penton (company)|Penton]] |work=Windows IT Pro |archive-url= |archive-date=March 28, 2018 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref> the recognizer also can optionally harvest text in documents, email, as well as handwritten [[tablet PC]] input to contextualize and disambiguate terms to improve accuracy; no information is sent to Microsoft.<ref name="Privacy">{{cite web |url= |title=Windows Vista Privacy Statement |date=2006 |format=RTF |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |archive-url= |archive-date=August 30, 2008 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref>

* [[Apple Music Festival|Apple musiqa festivali]]

* [[Google I/O]]

WSR is a locally processed speech recognition platform; it does not rely on cloud computing for accuracy, dictation, or recognition.<ref name="MicrosoftPrivacyStatement">{{cite web |url= |title=Microsoft Privacy Statement |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |access-date=May 12, 2020}}</ref> Speech profiles that store information about users are retained locally.<ref name="Privacy"/> Backups and transfers of profiles can be performed via [[Windows Easy Transfer]].<ref name="Transfer">{{cite web |url= |title=Transferring Windows Speech Recognition profiles from one machine to another |last=Chambers |first=Rob |date=February 15, 2007 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |access-date=June 28, 2015}}</ref>

== Manbalar ==



[[Turkum:Apple Worldwide Developers Conference]]

[[File:WSRRecognizerStates.png|thumb|right|The speech recognizer displaying information based on different modes; the color of the recognizer button changes based on user interaction.]]

[[Turkum:Iyun tadbirlari]]

The WSR interface consists of a status area that displays instructions, information about commands (e.g., if a command is not heard by the recognizer), and the status of the recognizer; a voice meter displays visual feedback about volume levels. The status area represents the current state of WSR in a total of three modes, listed below with their respective meanings:

* '''Listening''': The recognizer is active and waiting for user input

* '''Sleeping''': The recognizer will not listen for or respond to commands other than "Start listening"

* '''Off''': The recognizer will not listen or respond to any commands; this mode can be enabled by speaking "Stop listening"

Colors of the recognizer listening mode button denote its various modes of operation: blue when listening; blue-gray when sleeping; gray when turned off; and yellow when the user switches context (e.g., from the desktop to the taskbar) or when a voice command is misinterpreted. The status area can also display custom user information as part of [[Windows Speech Recognition#Macros|Windows Speech Recognition Macros]].<ref name="WSRMacrosPreview">{{cite web |url= |title=BETA: 'Windows Speech Recognition Macros' Technology Preview |last=Shintaku |first=Kurt |date=April 29, 2008 |access-date=March 17, 2016}}</ref><ref name="ControlPCLifehacker">{{cite web |url= |title=Control Your PC with Your Voice |last=Pash |first=Adam |date=May 20, 2008 |publisher=[[Gawker Media]] |work=[[Lifehacker]] |access-date=March 17, 2016}}</ref>

[[File:WSR-AlternatesPanel.png|thumb|200px|right|The alternates panel displaying suggestions for a phrase.]]

====Alternates panel====

An alternates panel disambiguation interface lists items interpreted as being relevant to a user's spoken word(s); if the word or phrase that a user desired to insert into an application is listed among results, a user can speak the corresponding number of the word or phrase in the results and confirm this choice by speaking "OK" to insert it within the application.<ref name="Modes">{{cite web |url= |title=Speech Macros, Typing Mode and Spelling Mode in Windows Speech Recognition |last=Chambers |first=Rob |date=November 19, 2007 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |access-date=August 25, 2015}}</ref> The alternates panel also appear when launching applications or speaking commands that refer to more than one item (e.g., speaking "Start Internet Explorer" may list both the web browser and a separate version with add-ons disabled). An ''ExactMatchOverPartialMatch'' entry in the [[Windows Registry]] can limit commands to items with exact names if there is more than one instance included in results.<ref name="Clarification">{{cite web |url= |title=Windows Speech Recognition — ExactMatchOverPartialMatch |last=Chambers |first=Rob |date=May 7, 2007 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |access-date=August 24, 2015}}</ref>

===Common commands===

Listed below are common WSR commands. Words in ''italics'' indicate a word that can be substituted for the desired item (e.g., "direction" in "scroll ''direction''" can be substituted with the word "''down''").<ref name="CommonCommands"/> A "start typing" command enables WSR to interpret all dictation commands as keyboard shortcuts.<ref name="Modes"/>

: '''Dictation commands:''' "New line"; "New paragraph"; "Tab"; "Literal ''word''"; "Numeral ''number''"; "Go to ''word''"; "Go after ''word''"; "No space"; "Go to start of sentence"; "Go to end of sentence"; "Go to start of paragraph"; "Go to end of paragraph"; "Go to start of document" "Go to end of document"; "Go to ''field name''" (e.g., go to ''address'', ''cc'', or ''subject''). Special characters such as a comma are dictated by speaking the name of the special character.<ref name="CommonCommands"/>

: '''Navigation commands:'''

:: '''Keyboard shortcuts:''' "Press ''keyboard key''"; "Press ''{{Keypress|SHIFT}}'' plus ''{{Keypress|a}}''"; "Press capital ''{{Keypress|b}}''."

:: Keys that can be pressed without first giving the press command include: {{Keypress|Backspace}}, {{Keypress|Delete}}, {{Keypress|End}}, {{Keypress|Enter}}, {{Keypress|Home}}, {{Keypress|Page Down}}, {{Keypress|Page Up}}, and {{Keypress|Tab}}.<ref name="CommonCommands"/>

:: '''Mouse commands:''' "Click"; "Click ''that''"; "Double-click"; "Double-click ''that''"; "Mark"; "Mark ''that''"; "Right-click"; "Right-click ''that''"; "[[Windows Speech Recognition#Mousegrid|MouseGrid]]".<ref name="CommonCommands"/>

:: '''Window management commands:''' "Close (alternatively maximize, minimize, or restore) window"; "Close ''that''"; "Close ''name of open application''"; "Switch applications"; "Switch to ''name of open application''"; "Scroll ''direction''"; "Scroll ''direction'' in ''number of pages''"; "Show desktop"; "[[Windows Speech Recognition#Show numbers|Show Numbers]]."<ref name="CommonCommands"/>

: '''Speech recognition commands:''' "Start listening"; "Stop listening"; "Show speech options"; "Open speech dictionary"; "Move speech recognition"; "Minimize speech recognition"; "Restore speech recognition".<ref name="CommonCommands"/> In the English language, applicable commands can be shown by speaking "What can I say?"<ref name="SpeechRecognition"/> Users can also query the recognizer about tasks in Windows by speaking "How do I ''task name''" (e.g., "How do I install a printer?") which opens related help documentation.<ref name="General Commands">{{cite web |url= |title=Windows Speech Recognition: General commands |last=Chambers |first=Rob |date=March 12, 2007 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |access-date=May 1, 2017}}</ref>

[[File:Mousegrid.png|thumb|160px|right|The MouseGrid command displaying a grid of numbers on the Windows Vista desktop.]]


''MouseGrid'' enables users to control the mouse cursor by overlaying numbers across nine regions on the screen; these regions gradually narrow as a user speaks the number(s) of the region on which to focus until the desired interface element is reached. Users can then issue commands including "Click ''number of region''," which moves the mouse cursor to the desired region and then clicks it; and "Mark ''number of region''", which allows an item (such as a [[icon (computing)|computer icon]]) in a region to be selected, which can then be clicked with the previous ''click'' command. Users also can interact with multiple regions at once.<ref name="CommonCommands"/>

====''Show Numbers''====

Applications and interface elements that do not present identifiable commands can still be controlled by asking the system to overlay numbers on top of them through a ''Show Numbers'' command. Once active, speaking the overlaid number selects that item so a user can open it or perform other operations.<ref name="CommonCommands"/> ''Show Numbers'' was designed so that users could interact with items that are not readily identifiable.<ref>{{Cite patent|country=US|number=7742923|title=Graphic user interface schemes for supporting speech recognition input systems|assign1=[[Microsoft Corporation]]|inventor4=Robert Chambers;Oliver Scholz|inventor3-last=Mowatt|inventor3-first=David|inventor2-last=Murillo|inventor2-first=Oscar|inventor1-last=Bickel|inventor1-first=Ryan}}</ref>

[[File:Show numbers.png|thumb|160px|left|The Show Numbers command overlaying numbers in the [[Games for Windows#Games Explorer|Games Explorer]].]]


WSR enables dictation of text in applications and Windows. If a dictation mistake occurs it can be corrected by speaking "Correct ''word''" or "Correct that" and the alternates panel will appear and provide suggestions for correction; these suggestions can be selected by speaking the number corresponding to the number of the suggestion and by speaking "OK." If the desired item is not listed among suggestions, a user can speak it so that it might appear. Alternatively, users can speak "Spell it" or "I'll spell it myself" to speak the desired word on letter-by-letter basis; users can use their personal alphabet or the [[NATO phonetic alphabet]] (e.g., "N as in November") when spelling.<ref name="CustomizedVocabularies"/>

Multiple words in a sentence can be corrected simultaneously (for example, if a user speaks "dictating" but the recognizer interprets this word as "the thing," a user can state "correct the thing" to correct both words at once). In the English language over 100,000 words are recognized by default.<ref name="CustomizedVocabularies"/>

====Speech dictionary====

A personal dictionary allows users to include or exclude certain words or expressions from dictation.<ref name="CustomizedVocabularies"/> When a user adds a word beginning with a capital letter to the dictionary, a user can specify whether it should always be capitalized or if capitalization depends on the context in which the word is spoken. Users can also record pronunciations for words added to the dictionary to increase recognition accuracy; words written via a [[stylus]] on a tablet PC for the Windows [[handwriting recognition]] feature are also stored. Information stored within a dictionary is included as part of a user's speech profile.<ref name="Privacy"/> Users can open the speech dictionary by speaking the "show speech dictionary" command.


[[File:WSRMacroOptions.png|thumb|160px|left|An Aero Wizard interface displaying options to create speech recognition macros.]]

WSR supports custom macros through a supplementary application by Microsoft that enables additional [[natural language processing|natural language]] commands.<ref name="WSRM">{{cite web |url= |title=Windows Speech Recognition Macros |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=Download Center |access-date=June 29, 2015}}</ref><ref name="Ars">{{cite web |url= |title=WSR Macros extend Windows Vista's speech recognition feature |last=Protalinski |first=Emil |date=April 30, 2008 |publisher=[[Condé Nast]] |work=[[ArsTechnica]] |access-date=June 29, 2015}}</ref> As an example of this functionality, an email macro released by Microsoft enables a natural language command where a user can speak "send email to ''contact'' about ''subject''," which opens [[Microsoft Outlook]] to compose a new message with the designated contact and subject automatically inserted.<ref name="MicrosoftOutlook">{{cite web |url= |title=Macro of the Day: Send Email to [OutlookContact] |last=Chambers |first=Rob |date=June 9, 2008 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |access-date=June 26, 2015}}</ref> Microsoft has also released sample macros for the speech dictionary,<ref name="SpeechDictionaryMacro">{{cite web |url= |title=Speech Macro of the Day: Speech Dictionary |last=Chambers |first=Rob |date=August 2, 2008 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |access-date=September 3, 2015}}</ref> for Windows Media Player,<ref name="MediaPlayer">{{cite web |url= |title=Macro of the Day: Windows Media Player |last=Chambers |first=Rob |date=July 1, 2008 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |access-date=June 26, 2015}}</ref> for [[Microsoft PowerPoint]],<ref name="NextSlide">{{cite web |url= |title=Macro of the day: Next Slide |last=Chambers |first=Rob |date=June 3, 2008 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |access-date=September 3, 2015}}</ref> for [[speech synthesis]],<ref name="ReadThat">{{cite web |url= |title=Macro of the Day: Read that |last=Chambers |first=Rob |date=May 28, 2008 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |access-date=June 26, 2015}}</ref> to switch between multiple microphones,<ref name="Microphone">{{cite web |url= |title=Macro of the Day: Microphone Control |last=Chambers |first=Rob |date=November 7, 2008 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |access-date=June 30, 2015}}</ref> to customize various aspects of audio device configuration such as volume levels,<ref name="SpeakersMacro">{{cite web |url= |title=Macro of the Day: Mute the speakers! |last=Chambers |first=Rob |date=August 18, 2008 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |access-date=September 3, 2015}}</ref> and for general natural language queries such as "What is the weather forecast?"<ref name="WeatherForecast">{{cite web |url= |title=Macro of the Day: Tell me the weather forecast for Redmond |last=Chambers |first=Rob |date=June 2, 2008 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |access-date=June 26, 2015}}</ref> "What time is it?"<ref name="ReadThat"/> and "What's the date?"<ref name="ReadThat"/> Responses to these user inquiries are spoken back to the user in the active [[Microsoft text-to-speech voices|Microsoft text-to-speech voice]] installed on the machine.

{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; font-size:80%; text-align: center;"


! scope="col" | Application or item

! scope="col" colspan="8" | Sample macro phrases (''italics'' indicate substitutable words)


| '''Microsoft Outlook''' || Send email

| Send email to

| Send email to ''Makoto''

| Send email to ''Makoto Yamagishi''

| Send email to ''Makoto Yamagishi about''

| Send email to ''Makoto Yamagishi about This week's meeting''

| Refresh Outlook email contacts


| '''Microsoft PowerPoint''' || Next slide

| Previous slide

| Next

| Previous

| Go forward ''5'' slides

| Go back ''3'' slides

| Go to slide ''8''


| '''Windows Media Player''' || Next track

| Previous song

| Play ''Beethoven''

| Play something by ''Mozart''

| Play the CD that has ''In the Hall of the Mountain King''

| Play something written in ''1930''

| Pause music


| '''Microphones in Windows''' || Microphone

| Switch microphone

| ''Microphone Array'' microphone

| Switch to ''Line''

| Switch to ''Microphone Array''

| Switch to ''Line'' microphone

| Switch to ''Microphone Array'' microphone


| '''Volume levels in Windows''' || Mute the speakers

| Unmute the speakers

| Turn off the audio

| Increase the volume

| Increase the volume by 2 times

| Decrease the volume by ''50''

| Set the volume to ''66''


| ''' WSR Speech Dictionary''' || Export the speech dictionary

| Add a pronunciation

| Add that [''selected text''] to the speech dictionary

| Block that [''selected text''] from the speech dictionary

| Remove that [''selected text'']

| [''Selected text''] sounds like...

| What does that [''selected text''] sound like?


| '''Speech Synthesis''' || Read that [''selected text'']

| Read the next 3 paragraphs

| Read the previous sentence

| Please stop reading

| What time is it?

| What's today's date?

| Tell me the weather forecast for ''Redmond''



Users and developers can create their own macros based on text transcription and substitution; application execution (with support for [[command-line interface#arguments|command-line arguments]]); keyboard shortcuts; emulation of existing voice commands; or a combination of these items. [[XML]], [[JScript]] and [[VBScript]] are supported.<ref name="Modes"/> Macros can be limited to specific applications<ref name="Application">{{cite web |url= |title=Making a Speech macro Application Specific |last=Chambers |first=Rob |date=June 30, 2008 |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |work=[[Microsoft Developer Network|MSDN]] |access-date=September 3, 2015}}</ref> and rules for macros can be defined programmatically.<ref name="MicrosoftOutlook"/>

For a macro to load, it must be stored in a ''Speech Macros'' folder within the active user's ''[[My Documents|Documents]]'' directory. All macros are [[digital signature|digitally signed]] by default if a [[public key certificate|user certificate]] is available to ensure that stored commands are not altered or loaded by third-parties; if a certificate is not available, an administrator can create one.<ref name="WSRMacros">{{cite web |url= |title=Windows Speech Recognition Macros Release Notes |date=2009 |format=DOCX |publisher=[[Microsoft]] |archive-url= |archive-date=September 30, 2011 |access-date=May 15, 2020}}</ref> Configurable security levels can prohibit unsigned macros from being loaded; to prompt users to sign macros after creation; and to load unsigned macros.<ref name="Application"/>


{{As of|2017}} WSR uses Microsoft Speech Recognizer 8.0, the version introduced in Windows Vista. For dictation it was found to be 93.6% accurate without training by Mark Hachman, a Senior Editor of ''[[PC World]]''—a rate that is not as accurate as competing software. According to Microsoft, the rate of accuracy when trained is 99%. Hachman opined that Microsoft does not publicly discuss the feature because of the 2006 incident during the development of Windows Vista, with the result being that few users knew that documents could be dictated within Windows before the introduction of [[Cortana (virtual assistant)|Cortana]].<ref name="MSR8"/>

==See also==

* [[Braina]]

* [[List of speech recognition software]]

* [[Microsoft Cordless Phone System]]

* [[Microsoft Narrator]]

* [[Microsoft Voice Command]]

* [[Technical features new to Windows Vista]]



==External links==

*[ Windows Vista Speech Recognition demonstration at Microsoft Financial Analyst Meeting]

{{Windows Components}}

[[Category:2006 software]]

[[Category:Speech processing software]]

[[Category:Speech recognition software]]

[[Category:Windows components]]

[[Category:Windows Vista]]