Foydalanuvchi munozarasi:Edgars2007 - Vikipediya

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Salom, Edgars2007! Vikipediyaga xush kelibsiz! Qoʻshajak hissangiz uchun oldindan rahmat. Umid qilamizki, sizga vikipediyachi boʻlish manzur boʻlgay! Sizga yordam tariqasida quyidagi sahifalar bilan tanishib chiqishni taklif qilamiz:

Iltimos, munozara sahifalarida oʻz fikringizni bildirganingizdan soʻng imzo chekishni unutmang (bu toʻrtta tilda belgisini yozish bilan amalga oshiriladi: ~~~~; bu belgilar avtomatik ravishda foydalanuvchi nomingiz va sanaga aylantiriladi). Agarda yordamga muhtoj boʻlsangiz, mana bu sahifaga tashrif buyuring yoki sizni qiziqtirgan savolni munozara sahifamda soʻrang. Vikiiqtibos, Vikilugʻat, Vikimaʼlumotlar, Vikiombor kabi Vikipediyaga qardosh boshqa loyihalar ham bor. Ularni boyitishga ham hissa qoʻshishingiz mumkin.

Yana bir bor xush kelibsiz! Abdullamunozara 14:06, 15 iyun 2012 (UTC)

I found another typo for the bot to fix (39 instances) "kursatgan" should be "koʻrsatgan". Thanks. --PlanespotterA320 (munozara) 17:51, 1-Avgust 2018 (UTC)

@Edgars2007: Ok, I probably long owe you an explanation of "abbreviations and suffixes 101".

  • "lar" makes a word plural. So for example, "universitet" is singular for university, "universitetlar" is "universities". Not found after a word like Yanvar (january).
  • the suffix "i" (which if in a plural word is after "lar", as "lari"; or as "si" if following a vowel, ex provisiyasi) It basically is "of"; The Uzbek name for Uzbekistan Airways is Oʻzbekiston havo yoʻllari, basically Uzbekistan-Airways-of.

Most articles from Uzbek Wikipedia are from O'zME, which is basically a shorter version of the really old Uzbek Soviet Encyclopedia but with even more abbreviations, and the occasional update (population figures are a from the 1990's), with a once-in-a-while "literature" (Adabiyot) section of an article listing slightly more recent books in Uzbek for further reading. A few years ago all the articles from it were transferred to the wiki by a bot. The page-scanner that digitized the encyclopedia didn't guess every letter correctly so letters that look similar in Cyrillic (like q and k, h and x), which is what it was written in, were occasionally switched. Sometimes a dash or space would appear in a place were there shouldn't be one, like in ("a. lar") and it took a while to compile a full list of abbreviations (some abbreviations are a lot more common than others). Having a text full of abbreviations and typos is kinda hard to read and less encyclopedic, and becomes like more like deciphering a text than reading an encyclopedia. I really look forward to seeing your bot take care of all the abbreviations and typos, and wish you the best of luck at your wikipedia projects. Thank you, --PlanespotterA320 (munozara) 20:23, 2-Avgust 2018 (UTC)