Proposal:Regional WikiAcademy program - Wikimedia Australia

Wikimedia Australia

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This page is a proposal approved by the committee.  The proposal was moved by John Vandenberg. If you are not a member of the organisation, you may request an account on this wiki using special:RequestAccount, and discuss this proposal on the discussion page.

This proposal is to establish a WikiAcademy program for wiki workshops to be held in regional areas of Australia, and allocate funding for the first round.

Annual program

Wikimedia Australia will annually allocate a pool of funds for this program.

There will be one round per year. An expression of interest (EOI) for applications will be sent out in the first quarter of each year, and the results will be published before the end of the second quarter.


The committee allocates $50,000 to this program for workshops to be held in the 2012-13 financial year.

The EOI will be sent out in the middle of March, with a closing date around mid-May.

The committee will approve between 10-15 applications and announce the results in June.


Host town

This program is limited to workshops held in areas outside the main population centres of Australia. As a rough guide, the host town should be at least 1 hour away from an urban centre of 50,000 or more people, and 2 hours away from an urban centre of 200,000 or more people, using the latest census data as a guide. (Currently this is the 2006 census, which can be found at Wikipedia)

A cultural organisation or government body located in the host town must agree to be a partner. The partner organisation should provide the venue, if it is within their reach. Each partner will have different strengths and Wikimedia Australia will evaluate each application with this in mind.


The application should select one of either outreach:GLAM and outreach:NEXT as its primary target.

Preference will be given to workshops that define both the objectives and outcomes, and those that draw together people along a thematic line.


Applications should include an estimate of the number of attendees expected and will need to indicate from which organisations the attendees will be drawn.

Applications which cannot reasonably guarantee ten attendees will be rejected.

The attendees should be drawn from multiple organisations in the region for workshops consisting of less than 15 attendees.

Wikimedia contributors

Applications may include names of Wikimedia contributors who will be acting as facilitator or trainer for the workshop. The username must be provided in the application and their userpage must be categorised under w:Category:Wikipedians in Australia into a city or region within a state. The Wikimedia contributors must reside in the state the WikiAcademy is to be held.

At least two Wikimedia contributors must attend any WikiAcademy. Where a Wikimedia contributor has not previously conducted a workshop funded by Wikimedia Australia, the budget must allow for attendence by a committee member or a Wikimedia contributor who has previously conducted a similar workshop.

Where specific trainers are not specified in the application the budget should allow for two Wikimedia contributors to travel from the state's capital city. Wikimedia Australia will cover the additional costs for flights if a Wikimedia contributor needs to travel from interstate.


Wikimedia Australia will provide up to $3,000 per workshop, or up to $5,000 in exceptional cases due to remoteness or number of anticipated attendees. This funding is expected to be used primarily for transport, accommodation and catering.

Applications must provide a budget of estimated costs which will be published if the application is successful.