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CHAPTER 119. STATE ROAD COMMISSION. An Act Creating a State Road Commission, Defining Its Duties, Creating a System of State Roads, a State Road Building Fund and Providing for its Expenditure, and Repealing Chapter 4, Title 30, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907.

[page is missing] shall have prepared a map of the County, showing the location of all the County roads, and shall designate on said map the roads upon which there is the most traffic and travel, both locally and with adjoining counties. Said map shall be prepared according to the instructions of the State Road Commission, shall be certified to as to its correctness by the County Surveyor, approved by the County Commissioners and filed with the State Road Commission within six months from the date of the request of said Commission.

Sec. 5. Designation of Roads to Form Part of System.

From the maps furnished by the County Commissioners, supplemented by such other information as the State Road Commission may have, said State Road Commission shall designate which roads shall form a part of a system of State roads. After having selected such roads, the State Road Commission shall have prepared a map of each county, designating thereon the roads so selected, approving the same, and shall file a copy of said map with the County Recorder of each County. The roads so designated shall be known as "State Roads," and all other roads designated on the map furnished by the County Commissioners shall be known as "County Roads."

Sec. 6. State Appropriation. Proportionate Amounts to Be Paid by Counties.

CHAPTER 57. Senate Bill No. 26. Compiled Laws, 1917, p. 623. STATE ROAD COMMISSION. An Act to amend Sections 2852, 2853, 2855 and 2857, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, providing for duties of State Road Commission, manner of designating county roads to be part of State road system, appropriations, apportionment to counties, notice of construction, right to fund special road tax for State and county purposes; how levied and collected, and providing that county and city officers shall remit moneys as requisitioned by State Road Commission.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Utah:

SECTION 1. Sections amended. That Sections 2852, 2853, 2855 and 2857, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows:

2852. Powers and duties of Commission.

The duties of the State Road Commission shall be as follows:

To have charge of all the expenditures of all moneys in the State road fund, and to make all necessary rules and regulations to properly safeguard the expenditure of said fund in the construction and maintenance of State roads and to carry out and effectuate the provisions of this chapter.

To furnish plans, specifications and estimates for culverts, bridges, and for road construction, together with such necessary information with respect thereto as may be desired by Boards of County Commissioners for use on state or county roads.

To test road materials, and to conduct experiments and make investigations with reference to road construction whenever the Commission shall deem it necessary, and to prepare and issue a comprehensive manual of road building and maintenance for the information and guidance of officials having supervision of such work.

To employ such competent assistants as may be necessary to properly carry into effect the provisions of this chapter.

To keep all records, maps, profiles and papers in the office of the Commission for public inspection and reference.

To submit a report biennially to the Governor of all expenditures, containing a statement of the work accomplished; also a statement of the general condition of the roads of the State, together with recommendations, at least twenty days prior to the regular session of the Legislature.

2853. Duty of County Commissioners.

Where there is no county road in the location designated for a State road, the Board of County Commissioners of the several counties of the State are hereby authorized to secure the right of way for such State road in accordance with the laws of the State relating to procuring right of way for public roads.

2855. Recommendations to Legislature — maps — State roads designated.

From the maps furnished by the County Commissioners, supplemented by such other information as the State Road Commission may have, said State Road Commission shall from time to time make recommendations to the Legislature as to roads that should in the judgment of said Commission be designated as State roads. After designation and selection of such roads, the State Road Commission shall have prepared a map of each county, showing thereon the roads so selected, and shall file a copy of said map with the County Recorder of each county. The following named roads are hereby designated as "State roads" and shall comprise the "system of State roads," to-wit:

[a-o listed]

(p) Also all federal aid projects which have been approved, or which may hereafter be approved, by the State Road Commission.

2857. Special road tax — levy and collection — distribution.