These Creepy Abandoned Places Are Giving Us The Chills


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When something is built, we don't always take into consideration what's going to happen when we don't need it anymore. A time will come when whatever was built won't be needed anymore.

It's crazy to think that churches, amusement parks, cities and more have been created only to be entirely forgotten about over time. It's no wonder that many of us jump to the conclusion that some of them may be haunted.

Slowly Becoming Part Of Nature Again

cars left at Fukushima

These cars are radioactive and are inside the exclusion zone of the Fukushima disaster. The event was started by an earthquake and tsunami, which created a chain reaction of events that would lead to an explosion.

That's A Lot Of Sand In The House

an abandoned building full of sand

This once happy and humble home is being taken over by the Namib Desert in Kolmanskoppe, Namibia. It must have been the wind that collected all the sand and blew it in through the house over time.

This Was Once A Public School

a sunken school

Willow Grove School is at the bottom of what is now Dale Hollow Lake in Tennessee. It was once part of a thriving community, but in 1942 the government bought the land and forced families away from their homes so they could build a dam.

Exactly What You Want In Your Final Resting Place

a statue in an old mausoleum in Poland

This statue sits in an abandoned mausoleum at the edge of a forest in Poland. The mausoleum was built in 1891, but the statue was brought in much after the fact to add an extra creepy ambiance to the mausoleum for the filming of a horror film.

This Would Be A Very Solemn Place

a trench in France's Red Zone

This is a WWI trench in France's Red Zone. After the war, large parts of the Western Front were uninhabitable because of the dangers of unexploded mines and toxic chemicals.

Still, It Thrives

an abandoned green house

Even though this greenhouse was abandoned long ago, this agave plant is thriving. Who knew that they grew to get so big? Maybe someday someone will come and take it over again.

How Come Things Underwater Are So Spooky?

a sunken plane in Wales

This is the remains of a crashed P-38 Lightning on a beach in Wales. They were used largely by the US during WWII as a fighter plane and as a tactical bomber.

No One Should Go Down There

an old coal mine

Working in a coal mine must be an awful job. This abandoned coal mine is nothing short of scary. The large pieces of steel were to try and ensure that the tunnels didn't collapse.

That's A Lot Of Barbed Wire

a bunch of barbed wire in an old psych hospital

This barbed wire was collected and put in this abandoned psychiatric hospital. It's hard to know by who, but one assumption made was to stop people from entering too far into the building.

That Looks Like A Long Way Down

the inside of an abandoned tower

This creepy staircase is inside an abandoned Flak Tower in Vienna. They were used as anti-aircraft gun blockhouse towers that were built by Nazi Germany during WWII. They also served as air raid shelters.

Nothing Like a Funeral Home To Creep You Out

abandoned funeral home

This embalming room was only abandoned in the early 2000s, but that was still long enough ago to give this place a super creepy feel. Don't worry, the stains left behind are from embalming fluid.

The Green Is Overwhelming

abandoned hospital in Germany

This is the Beelitz Heilstätten, a sanatorium that was opened in Germany in the late 19th century to cure patients mostly of lung diseases. During both WWI and WWII, it was used as a military hospital.

I'm Willing To Bet It's Not Full Of Smiles

an old building that has a door that says,

Any room that's called 'The Smile Room' is probably not a very friendly place. This photo was taken in an abandoned mental institution in Richmond, Virginia. Let's be real, there was probably a clown in this room at one point.

How Classy, A Museum And Taxidermy

an abandoned taxidermy museum

This lovely gem is located near Bluestone Dam in West Virginia. It looks pretty friendly on the outside, but it's a safe bet that that combo would lead to some scary discoveries.

Would You Go On This Roller Coaster Ride?

an abandoned roller coaster in Japan

This abandoned roller coaster is from the Nara Dreamland park in Japan. It was very heavily inspired by Disneyland in California. It ran for over 45 years until it was closed in 2005.

It's Crazy This Was Someone's Home

an old parlour room in an abanonded house

One of the spookiest things about exploring abandoned places is when you come across a house that is still very similar to how it would have been when someone was living there.

That Is One Scary Staircase

old hotel stairs in Bali

Even though these look like the elaborate staircase you would take to walk into a temple, they actually lead into an old abandoned hotel. Many buildings in Bali have that vibe to them.

This Chapel Is 100% Haunted

an old chapel in a cemetery

The fog and the spooky forest doesn't help, either. It's likely that the photo has been edited, because trees aren't usually see-through, but it stands to reason that coming across this place wouldn't be for the faint of heart.

This Was Probably Always Creepy

an Enchanted Forest amusement park

This lovely gingerbread cottage was part of an amusement park that was themed after the Enchanted Forest. Needless to say, it was probably a scary place even before it was abandoned.

It's Like The Real Westworld

an prop from a theme park in Japan

Anyone who stepped into a building and saw this guy waiting to greet them is someone who is going to end up with nightmares. This was taken at the former Western Village, a theme park in Japan that was closed in 2006.