Facts About Pierce Brosnan: Life Isn’t Easy, Even If You’re James Bond

Angela Renner

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Pierce Brosnan is best known for his role as James Bond, but the actor has not always lived a charmed life. From being abandoned by his father as a boy to multiple tragic losses throughout his life, Pierce has overcome to find success and happiness. Explore a list of little-known facts, passions, and sorrows of the Irishman.

Humble Beginnings


Pierce Brosnan was born in Ireland in 1953 to very humble beginnings. His father was a carpenter and initially supported the family, but later abandoned them when Pierce was still an infant. At the point, his mother began working as a nurse so Pierce ended up being raised primarily by his grandparents.

His mother moved to London to get a job and was only able to come home and see her son once or twice a year. Later, Pierce was able to be united with his mother and her new husband. He felt ostracized at his British school for being from Ireland, and his nickname was “Irish." It was his mother’s new husband that took him to see his first James Bond film.

First Marriage


Pierce met Australian Cassandra Harris in 1977, he didn’t know at the moment, but the beautiful woman would become his wife. The couple married in 1980 and Pierce later adopted Cassandra’s two children from a previous relationship, named Charlotte and Christopher, after their biological father passed away in 1986.

Cassandra and Pierce also went on to have a son of their own named Sean. In 1987, Cassandra became very ill and was later diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Four years later Pierce’s wife Cassandra passed away at the age of forty-three. She left behind three children and Pierce continued to care for them.

Beginnings of Acting Career


Pierce began his career in the late 1970s acting in London’s theater season. He was even once handpicked by legendary playwright Tennessee Williams to star in one of his plays called The Red Devil Battery Sign.

By the early 80’s he began transitioning into film, one of the first being The Long Good Friday starring Helen Mirren. He also starred in a mini-series that introduced him to audiences in America. The show was called The Manions of America and the show centered around a family of Irish immigrants fleeing a famine and their home country and seeking refuge in the United States.

Gaining Recognition

After his success in The Manions of America, his popularity was slowly but surely beginning to grow. Eventually, all of London was talking about him, and he was even nominated for the Best Supporting Actor at the 1985 Golden Globe Awards.

He was nominated for his portrayal of Robert Gould Shaw II, in the theatre documentary of the life of Lady Nancy Astor, the first woman to sit in British Parliament. As his popularity grew, he received a telegram his stepfather sent to him which said, "Thank God for you, dear boy" which he still has today.

From London to L.A.


In 1982 Pierce finally made the move from his old stomping grounds to chase his dreams in Tinseltown. It was at this time that he really began gaining fame in Hollywood in the TV series Remington Steele. It was this role that more than likely set him up for his future as Bond.

Even the Washington Post commented at the time that he “could make it as a young Bond.” He starred in quite a few different films and movies, one of the most notable being Mrs. Doubtfire alongside Robin Williams and Sally Field. Soon Pierce was catapulted to fame as he became more and more of a recognizable face.

Bond Beginnings


One of Pierce’s wife’s dreams for her husband was for him to play the role of James Bond. She had a major role alongside Roger Moore’s incantation of the character in For Your Eyes Only. It was on this set that Pierce first met Bond producer Albert Broccoli.

In 1987, Pierce was offered the role of Bond but surprisingly decided to stay with the sitcom Remington Steele, so the deal was revoked. Timothy Dalton instead took on the role for two separate Bond films.



Due to Pierce's great success on the television show Remmington Steele, it actually presented him with the opportunity to meet his father that he hadn't seen since he was just a boy. He made contact with his son, and Brosnan met him at a hotel in Ireland while he was shooting for the television series.

When they reunited, his father apologized and regretted meeting him on that particular occasion, and wished that they could have met in a more private and serious setting. However, he noted that they shared a Sunday together, a few pints of Guinness, and then parted ways. he said that "He was a good whistler and he had a good walk...that's about all I know about him."

Fourth Protocol


Before acting as James Bond, Pierce actually acted in a spy movie titled The Fourth Protocol in 1987, alongside Michael Caine. The film was a British Cold War spy film with Pirce Brosnan as a KGB officer by the name of Major Valeri Petrofsky who is sent on a mission to the United Kingdom to set up what looks like an accidental nuclear disaster.

It can be understood that this role in particular really helped to set the tone for how he would construct his own personal image of Bond in only a matter of years.

How Diet Coke Helped Pierce


Pierce became reluctant to talk about having the Bond offer revoked from him for numerous reasons, but one was mainly because Dalton was a close friend. Yet, after an issue with Diet Coke commercials portraying Pierce as a "dashing bond-like character" as well as in television shows, Bond producers had an issue with distribution rights which led to the cancellation of the Dalton's third Bond film.

After everything had been resolved, Dalton ultimately decided he didn't want to be a part of the franchise anymore. So, in 1994, Pierce officially signed on for his first Bond role.

Bond Legacy


Pierce went on to star in multiple Bond films, fulfilling his first wife’s dream. He starred in GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World Is Not Enough, and Die Another Day. By this point, Pierce became a major celebrity and a household name. Pierce also formed a production company with their first film being the Thomas Crown Affair which he starred in alongside Renee Russo.

In 2005, Pierce ended his Bond tenure with Daniel Craig taking over the role. Even the famed late critic Roger Ebert enjoyed Pierce’s version of Bond saying that he made the character, “somehow more sensitive, more vulnerable, more psychologically complete" than other versions and past castings for Bond.

Injury During Tomorrow Never Dies


During the filming of Tomorrow Never Dies, Brosnon managed to get pretty hurt during filming. While filming an action scene, a stuntman's helmet accidentally flew off and hit Brosnan right in the face. This split the side of his face open, and he needed to receive 8 stitches in total.

So, because the injury was on his face, for certain parts of filming they had to shoot the movie only showing one side of his face until the wound had fully healed. You would think they'd just use a makeup artist, right?

Pierce Was An Exception


Pierce was the only person allowed to act in another movie while still in Contract for James Bond. Lucky man, considering that he was the only one allowed to make a little money on the side, even though he didn't need it.

However, he was forbidden to wear a tuxedo in other movies or even in his private life because that was technically James Bond material. Yet, he appears with a tuxedo in the film The Mirror Has Two faces, only a year after completing his first Bond film.

Irish Dreamtime


In 1996, Pierce co-founded a production company named "Irish Dreamtime" with his producer and friend Beau St. Clair. The production company's first movie project was a film titled The Thomas Crown Affair in 1999 with Pierce as the lead role.

The film was met with critic and box office success. In the movie, Pierce did all of his own stunts, even the ones during a big boat crash scene. He also even took golf lessons for one scene in which he hits a ball out of a sand trap. That's dedication to an art.

Second Marriage


Pierce met the woman that was to become his second wife, journalist Keely Shaye Smith, in 1994. The couple married in 2001 in Pierce’s home country – Ireland. They went on to have two sons together named Dylan and Paris. Keely has worked on a variety of TV programs including Unsolved Mysteries, Good Morning America, and Entertainment Tonight.

The two apparently first met while on a beach in Mexico and have now been married for over fifteen years. The still loving couple also continued to raise Pierce’s children from his first marriage together. Pierce is also now a grandfather to three children!

Mamma Mia


Pierce continued to star in a variety of films in his post-Bond world including Laws of Attraction, After the Sunset, and The Matador. Perhaps most publicized was his return to his theater roots when he starred alongside Meryl Streep in the film version of Mamma Mia.

He even sang in the musical and practiced by singing to himself while walking on the beach. Although critics didn’t give him the greatest reviews for his voice, the film was still generally well-received. Some critics even compared his singing to sound like various animals like a water buffalo, a donkey, and a wounded raccoon. Ouch!

Seraphim Falls


In 2006, Pierce was cast as Gideon in the film Seraphim Falls alongside Liam Neeson, a fellow Irishman. What was ironic about the casting was that the two Irish men Liam Neeson and Pierce both played Americans when the American actor Xander Berkely played an Irishman in the fil.

Brosnan noted that both he and Neeson really enjoyed shooting the film because they both loved Westerns as a kid, and this was their chance to be a part of one. The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival and was released to theatres in limited release in the U.S. grossing $418,296 in domestic ticket sales.

Pierce's Love For His Wife Keely


Pierce’s wife Keely Shaye Smith came under fire for appearing publicly after her appearance changed. Gossip rags even tore into the formerly svelte journalist, however, Pierce remains undeterred. He has remained committed to his wife and often publicly posts about his undying love for her.

Brosnan has said, "She is in my eyes the most beautiful woman in the world, she raised by five children with love. In the past, I already loved her for her personality and not just for her beauty."

Working With Roman Polanski


In 2010, Pierce worked with the infamous director Roman Polanski on the film The Ghost Writer, alongside Ewan McGregor. Many in Hollywood have come under fire for choosing to work with the director who is unable to travel back to the United States. Polanski was famously charged with misconduct back in the late 1970s.

He later fled the U.S. in order to avoid being prosecuted. Polanski has also faced much tragedy in his personal life and has personal connections to Charles Manson.

His Daughter’s Passing


In 2013, Pierce Brosnan faced tragedy again with the passing of his daughter Charlotte. He adopted Charlotte while married to his first wife Cassandra. Charlotte’s biological father died as well in 1986. Sadly, Charlotte succumbed to the same illness that claimed her mother – ovarian cancer.

Pierce later went to participate in a celebrity benefit, Stand Up 2 Cancer, where he discussed losing his first wife and daughter to the horrible disease. He has said of the horrible experience, "To watch someone you love have his or her life eaten away bit by bit by this insidious disease, that part of your sorrow becomes an indelible part of your psyche.”

Honors From Other Countries


In 2003, Pierce Brosnan received a major honor given by the Queen of England. Pierce was made an honorary Officer of the Order of the British Empire. The Queen endowed him with this award because of what was said to be an "outstanding contribution to the British film industry".

Although, interestingly, this honor is normally reserved for British citizens, not those of other nationalities. However, he was still given the award only without full OBE honors. Pierce also became a citizen of the county of which he resides – the United States – in 2004. However, he did not give up his Irish citizenship.

Catholic Faith


Pierce was raised in the Catholic religion and considers himself a follower to this day. However, he also holds the tenets of other religions, particularly Buddhism is close to his heart. Pierce was interviewed by the New York Daily News about the loss of both his first wife and daughter to cancer and Pierce credited Catholicism with getting him through the tragedies.

He credited his strength to his beliefs, saying, “I would say faith, being Irish, being Catholic. It’s ingrained in my DNA.” Although, Pierce also previously criticized the religion because he blamed it for ostracizing his mother in the 1950’s after his father abandoned them after Pierce was born. He still credits the religion for his faith and said that he enjoys the ritual of it.

Environmental Work


Pierce and his wife Keely are avid environmentalists and have been active in a variety of causes. In the '90s, he helped aid Greenpeace by lending his name and face to their cause about nuclear testing. He and his wife also volunteered for various organizations like the Natural Resources Defense Council and the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

One of Pierce’s hobbies is painting and he uses the funds raised from the sale of various paintings to raise money for charity. On his Instagram recently, Pierce has even been advocating for the saving of the whales which is a cause he has been a longtime supporter of.

Helping Out in Hawaii


Pierce Brosnan and his wife Keely have donated $100,000 to replace an unsafe playground at an elementary school in Kuai, where they also own a home. The money was donated to Hawaii's non-profit organization 3R's (Repair, Remodel, and Restore Hawaii's public schools).

Keely Brosnan was on the playground planning committee and the couple knew they wanted to help in some way. Pierce stated that "We were disheartened that the playground equipment was condemned for so long, and we wanted to find a way to help...we believe play activities enhance children's educational experiences and they were missing out."

Tragic Fire


In 2016, Pierce Brosnan’s $18.5 million eco-friendly Malibu home, unfortunately, sustained major damage in a horrible fire. Although California has been the subject of many brush fires, this was not the case. Authorities determined that the fire was electrical in nature.

It caused over one million dollars in damage, and totally destroyed Pierce’s Aston Martin Vanquish. Pierce and family were actually home when the fires started although luckily no one was injured in the fire, which is always the most important thing.

James Corden Claims


On a recent episode of The Late Late Show With James Corden, James played the game "Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts" with his guest Khloe Kardashian. During the segment, James discussed a run-in he had with Pierce Brosnan.

In the game, players have to decide whether to answer a question or digest something disgusting like fish eyeballs. One question came to James to name a famous person who has been rude to him, or Khloe gave him the bird saliva to drink. James decided he couldn’t drink down the saliva so he answered the question and his answer was Pierce Brosnan.

A U2 Run-In


Corden said, “I don't think he's a rude man, he just happened to be to me.” Corden said he had gone to see the band U2 with his wife and some friends. Pierce was also there with some friends and they left the area so Corden and his wife moved into where Pierce was previously.

Corden recounted, “literally, I've never felt anything like it, this arm went on here and just pushed me out the way. And I looked at him, and he didn't even glance at me and he just moved back into this area." Wow! What a story!

Mary Tyler Moore Connection


Mary Tyler Moore passed away at the age of 80 in January of 2017. Pierce Brosnan took to Instagram to express his condolences for the passing of the television legend. An interesting connection is that Mary Tyler Moore’s production company MTM Enterprises was the production company that produced Remington Steele.

Pierce said on Instagram that Mary Tyler Moore was responsible for giving him his big break in the United States with the show and that he would be forever grateful to her for giving him a chance. MTM Enterprises also produced notable shows like Hillstreet Blues, St. Elsewhere, and Newhart.

Pierce Is a Trained Illustrator


As mentioned earlier, Pierce Brosnan loves to paint and regularly donates the profits from his paintings to charities. But Brosnan is also a professionally-trained illustrator. Before he considered acting, he went to school for art. He began training to be an illustrator when he was just 16 years old but because his acting career took off in the early '80s after a sting in the TV series Remington Steele, he put art on the back burner.

Brosnan continued to paint and draw while working as an actor but never did it professionally. Today, he continues to express himself through his artwork and donates any profits he makes from his art.

He's An Ally


Pierce Brosnan is very philanthropic, regularly donating to various charities and working with groups he believes in. The actor is an Ambassador for UNICEF and has been a vocal supporter of the LGBTQ community and an advocate of same-sex marriage for decades.

The actor has even voiced his support for making a 007 film where James Bond is more open, saying, “Sure. Why not?” Don't get too excited though. Brosnan added, “Actually, I don’t know how it would work. I don’t think Barbara would allow a gay Bond to happen in her lifetime. But it would certainly make for interesting viewing.”

He Became a U.S. Citizen In 2004


Pierce Brosnan is one of the most famous actors in Hollywood—but the star wasn't even a U.S. citizen until 2004. Born in Drogheda, Ireland, he lived in Navan, County Meath for 12 years and says he considers that his hometown.

Brosnan moved to various locations around Ireland during his teenage years eventually relocating to London with his mother and stepfather. It wasn't until 1982 that the actor moved to Southern California where he soon rose to popularity for his role in the NBC romantic detective series Remington Steele. Today, he has dual citizenship in Ireland and the U.S. and owns homes in Kauai and Malibu.

He Really Crashed the Car In Shattered


In 2007, Shattered was released. The film follows Chicago residents Niel Randall (Gerard Butler) and his wife, Abby Randall (Maria Bello) who seemingly have the perfect life and marriage. But when their daughter is suddenly kidnapped by Tom Ryan (Pierce Brosnan) their world is turned upside down.

The movie is full of action and suspense, but one scene involving a car crash is particularly gripping. Interesting, Brosnan was actually in the car during the crash, which was filmed in a parking lot—and the stunned reaction from the other actors is very real.

Pierce Brosnan the Director?

Who knew Pierce Brosnan had directing skills too? Next time you watch The World Is Not Enough pay special attention to James Bond's hands. In the iconic film's underwater scene, if you look closely, you'll notice Brosnan adjusts his tie while submerged.

Although this little detail is subtle, it makes a big difference in the film. What's even cooler is that the idea to adjust the tie was Brosnan's own! He told the director he wanted to include the adjustment the director loved his idea.

He Watched James Bond As a Kid


Long before Pierce Brosnan starred as James Bond in GoldenEye in 1995, he was growing up in his hometown in Ireland. Ironically, the first movie he ever watched was the original Goldfinger in 1964. He was just 12 years old!

Fast forward three decades later and Bronson was starring in the same franchise he once watched as a young kid—only this time playing James Bond in GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, and The World Is Not Enough.

He Plays the Ukelele


As if being a successful actor wasn't enough, Pierce Brosnan has a slew of other artistic capabilities too. As mentioned, he is a talented painter and commercial illustrator, but the actor also dabbles in music, playing the ukelele.

Brosnan became interested in the ukelele after spending time in Hawaii. He learned how to play and has even been featured in advertisements for Komoa brand ukeleles. "I love the ukulele. It's got a beautiful, melodic tone to it. There's something innocent and romantic, and it's just a grand instrument to play," Brosnan said.

He Loves Working With Independent Filmmakers


Pierce Brosnan has an impressive resume, having acted in over 70 movies, 10 television series, and even a handful of video games. But while the star has experienced it all, his favorite movies to act in may just be the smaller, independent roles.

"I love the intimacy and the passion and the danger that go into independent filmmaking because it comes out of a creative necessity," Brosnan said. "It comes from people who really want to make a movie and want to make a difference and want to grab an audience by the gullet and show them something different."

He's Claustrophobic


Watching Pierce Brosnan playing the harrowing role of James Bond, one might think he is rough and tough in real life. Interestingly. Brosnan admits to being absolutely terrified when it comes to tight spaces.

The actor is very claustrophobic, which made filming different movies he has been in very challenging for him. His role in Dante's Peak was especially difficult since he had to film numerous scenes in tight, cramped spaces.

His Facial Scar


Lots of actors and actresses have stunt doubles so they don't get hurt on the job and can maintain their movie star good looks. Pierce Brosnan had a stunt double, but things didn't exactly go according to plan during filming.

Next time you watch Pierce Brosnan in a film after his James Bond days, look closely at the star's face. While filming Tomorrow Never Dies, Pierce Bronson was accidentally hit in the face by a stuntman. The accidental hit by stuntman was strong enough to leave the actor with a permanent scar. Ouch!

Pierce was famously fired from the 007 franchise and pushed Daniel Craig to take the infamous part.

Daniel Craig Is The Newest James Bond


When James Bond took a four year break after Die Another Day, it almost seemed as if he'd retire his dapper tuxedo suit forever, but then British actor Daniel Craig stepped in. Craig jumped in on the role in 2006's Casino Royale. This film used an original Ian Fleming title, which hadn’t happened since The Living Daylights in 1987.

Craig kept the role for six years – but what many people don't know is that the actor was pretty much born to be bond. Daniel Craig had humble beginnings, but has always been intensely focused on his art since he was a little kid.

Craig Started Acting At Just Six Years Old


Daniel Craig has pretty much always had a knack for acting, and he's been pursuing the art since he was just six years old. The British-born actor started his career by starring in school plays. He later graduated to serious acting when he was accepted into the National Youth Theater at the ripe age of 16.

This is when Craig dropped out of Calday Grange Grammar School, where he was a sixth form student, and left Liverpool. He moved to London to pursue acting with the National Youth Theater, but that didn't mean it was smooth-sailing. He'd have to fail before he could succeed.

Craig Took Restaurant Jobs To Finance Acting School


There's the typical cliché of a hopefully Hollywood actor waiting tables in L.A. to make ends meet between auditions. America isn't the only place this happens because Daniel Craig lived this reality in London. The hopeful actor picked up part-time work in restaurants to finance his training while he was at the National Youth Theater.

He also continuously auditioned for acting schools, but faced multiple rejections. Eventually he was accepted into Guildhall School of Music and Drama, which had a highly competitive program. He graduated in 1991.

Craig Got His First Professional Role At 24 Years Old


Many actors start auditioning right out of the gate. They've got no real training and certainly no college degree. Daniel Craig took the opposite approach. He didn't land his first role until he graduated from Guildhall School of Music and Drama, where he received an undergraduate degree.

Craig's first role was in the 1992 film The Power of One. The young actor played a sergeant in the WWII-era film adaptation of Bryce Courtenay's eponymous novel. The movie was a box office failure. It brought in less than $3 million after spending a budget of $18 million.

Craig Got His First Starring Role In 1996


Craig worked steadily since he nabbed his first role in 1992. That same year he played Joe in the Royal National Theatre's production of Angels in America and Gilbert Stokesay in the TV mini-series Anglo Saxon Attitudes, among a couple other TV cameos.

Most of his work was limited to one-off roles on television until he landed his first starring role in the 1996 BBC mini-series Our Friends in the North. The drama was rated as one of the 100 Greatest British Television Programmes of the 20th Century by the British Film Institute and won three British Academy Television Awards.

Craig's Breakthrough Role Was Angelina Jolie's Love Interest


Though some credit Our Friends in the North as Craig's breakout role, he was still a relatively unknown actor in America until he starred in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. In 2001, Tomb Raider was hot. It was one of the most popular video game series of early '00s, and the film, which saw Angelina Jolie as the title character, was highly anticipated.

Tomb Raider was the highest grossing film the weekend it opened, and Craig starred as Alex West, Croft's rival and love interest. Craig adopted an American accent for the role, while Jolie had to adopt an English accent.

Pierce Brosnan Convinced Daniel Craig To Play James Bond


When Daniel Craig got the offer to play James Bond, he was a little hesitant. It took some convincing from Pierce Brosnan, the last 007, who Craig ultimately replaced. Pierce was famously fired from the franchise and pushed Craig to take the infamous part. Even in 2016, when Craig swore he'd give up the role for good, Brosnan rallied in his favor.

“I’d love to see Daniel Craig go again," he said. "He definitely should make another one. He’s a magnificent, dynamic Bond who came onto the stage at a time when it really needed invigorating, and he did that brilliantly.”

He Lost His Front Teeth While Filming Casino Royale


Casino Royale was Daniel Craig's first film as James Bond, and he may have not been totally prepared for the level of physical activity required. Craig ended up losing his two front teeth while filming a fight scene for the flick in the Czech Republic.

The actor allegedly sustained a blow while he was filming with minor actors and stepped back, holding his face. Blood started to seep out through his fingers and producers flew a dentist in from London to fix him up. Craig reportedly didn't make a big fuss about the snafu, and his pearly whites are looking better than ever.

Daniel Craig Made Skyfall The Biggest Hit, Bringing In Over $1 Billion


Though Spectre had relatively good ratings, Daniel Craig's biggest hit as Bond was 2012's Skyfall. In fact, it was the biggest hit of the entire James Bond series, pulling in more cash than any other James Bond film before it. Previously, Thunderball held the title for a whopping 47 years before it was dethroned by Craig.

Skyfall is a historic film. It was released on Bond's 50th film anniversary andheld the record for the highest-gross UK film until 2015. Currently, Skyfall is the 15th highest-grossing film of all time. Plus, it gave us that awesome Adele song, so how could it be bad?

Craig's Gave James Bond More Depth Than His Predecessors


James Bond is typically portrayed as a heartless, sex-crazed super spy. He's lead by brains, not emotions, but part of the reason Craig was so successful in his role was because he gave the character additional depth. Craig's version of Bond had the least amount of love affairs out of all the other Bonds.

Part of this is because the terrible heartbreak he suffers at the hand of Vesper Lynd in Casino Royale. He's more troubled that his predecessor's too. Craig's bond is the heaviest drinker out of all the other incarnations in the 24-film series.

He Turned Down $100 Million To Do Another James Bond Movie


Daniel Craig hasn't been very secretive about having any interest in reprising his role as the world's most suave spy. Though he previously said he'd only do it for the money, apparently, it'll take a lot more to convince Craig to put on that infamous tuxedo.

According to Mashable, the actor was offered a whopping 100 million to film two more 007 movies, but he declined. According to reports, Craig was fed up after sustaining a knee injury while shooting Spectre. The injury causes him chronic pain, and was seemingly, the final straw. But was it actually? Keep reading to find out why Craig changed his mind.

Daniel Craig Eventually Gave Into A Fifth Movie


Even though Craig said he'd rather slit his wrists than spend another day as James Bond, the actor announced he'll be returning to the series for a fifth movie. In August of 2017, Craig announced the news during an episode of The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. He even admitted that giving such a strong no was really "stupid."

“Instead of saying something with style and grace, I said something really stupid,” he told the talk show host. "I think this is it. I just want to go out on a high note. I can't wait."

He Didn't Get Along With Skyfall's Director At First


Daniel Craig admitted that things were pretty tense on set between him and director Sam Mendes when they shot Skyfall. The pair allegedly "butted heads a lot" during the first film, but by the time they had to start work on Spectre, they managed to find some common ground. In fact, Craig actually begged Mendes to come back and film Spectre. It wasn't easy to sway the wary director who didn't like the film's time constraints.

“I was begging him. Begging him," Craig told Time Out New York. "They offered [Mendes] loads of money, of course, but I was also begging him to do [Specre]."

Daniel Craig Is The Shortest James Bond Ever


Normally, we think of James Bond as tall, handsome and incredibly charming. Daniel Craig is all of these things –sort of. While he's certainly handsome and charming, Craig is of average height. At 5'10" tall, he isn't short by any means, but he happens to be the shortest Bond there ever was.

The actors that played James Bond before Craig were notably tall. Both Sean Connery, who played Bond in the first five films, and Pierce Brosnan, who played the spy from 1995 to 2002, are 6' 2" tall. Does anyone really care about an extra four inches when you look like Daniel Craig, though?

Daniel Craig Helped Write Spectre's Script


When Spectre hit theaters in 2015, there rumors that Daniel Craig actually helped write the script. This was sort of true, but only made possible through his close relationship with director Sam Mendes (and to think, they hated each other at first).

"The writer John Logan came in and gave us the bones of something and then two writers came in and we worked with them and Sam," Craig told Time Out New York. "The way it works is that I’d wake up in the middle of the night with an idea and write it down and send it to Sam and he ignores me or doesn’t ignore me, or talks to me the following morning and we develop it from there. So I’m not physically writing things down."

Craig Hates The Bond Films' Heavy Emphasis On Good Looks


If there's one thing Daniel Craig always hated about his role in James Bond (before he decided he was over the whole thing) was the fact that the role really emphasized his good looks. What's James Bond without his famous tuxedo? According to Craig, a whole lot. In fact, he generally thinks the whole focus on aesthetics is a "drag."

"The best acting is when you’re not concerned about the surface. And Bond is the opposite of that," he told Time Out New York. "You have to be bothered about how you’re looking. It’s a struggle. I know that how Bond wears a suit and walks into a room is important. But as an actor I don’t want to give a [expletive] about what I look like!"

He Also Thinks James Bond Is A Misogynist – And Is Hoping For Change


James Bond is definitely known for having scantily clad women entertain him between missions. He may be the world's savviest spy, but he's also a cheater who isn't often depicted as holding women in very high regard. Daniel Craig admitted his role was a little misogynistic, and hoped he could change this fundamental part of Bond, or at least balance it out. Craig set out to make Spectre as empowering to women as possible in order to offset Bond's bad behavior.

“Hopefully my Bond is not as sexist and misogynistic as [earlier incarnations]. The world has changed," he said. “I am certainly not that person. But he is, and so what does that mean? It means you cast great actresses and make the parts as good as you can for the women in the movies.”

Craig Thinks Quantum Of Solace Is His Worst James Bond Film


Self-criticism can only make us better. That's why Daniel Craig had no problems admitting that Quantum of Solace wasn't really his best work. Craig attributes the writer's strike to the reason Quantum of Solace fell so flat. Though Craig tried to rewrite a bunch of the scenes, he admitted that he's not really a writer.

"There was me trying to rewrite scenes – and a writer I am not," he said. "Me and the director [Marc Forster] were the ones allowed to do it. The rules were that you couldn’t employ anyone as a writer, but the actor and director could work on scenes together. We were stuffed. We got away with it, but only just."

Daniel Craig Partnered With The Queen For A Skit At The 2012 Olympics


At the 2012 Olympics in London, Daniel Craig became the first Bond ever honored at the event. Mark Sutton, a British stuntman dressed as 007, parachuted into the Olympic stadium during the opening ceremony. Beside him was another British stuntman named Gary Connery, who was dressed as the Queen. This followed a four-and-a-half minute segment that the Queen filmed with Craig at Buckingham Palace.

She briefed him on a secret mission having to do with Olympics before they made their grand entrance. The queen reportedly got her part in in a single take (and we're guessing Craig was just as much of a natural!).