Film Couples That Are Total Couple Goals

Kelsey Berish

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Film Couples That Are Total Relationship Goals

There's nothing quite like a perfect movie couple to give people unrealistic expectations of love. From Jake and Melanie in Sweet Home Alabama to Baby and Danny in Dirty Dancing, the chemistry of these couples literally flies off the screen, making viewers want something similar in their own lives. Keep reading because these famous movie couples are definitely goals.

Jack And Rose In Titanic


Young forbidden lovers from totally different worlds. Jack and Rose in Titanic are doomed from the start, but that doesn't make them any less of a perfect couple. Even though Rose's mother literally tells her never to see Jack again and her fiancé spies on her, they don't let anything get in the way of their romance.

The fact that both of them don't make it, in the end, broke more than one moviegoer's heart. But, at the same time, it also made people believe that, just maybe, love, at first sight, is a possibility. And, Jack, those people won't let go of that feeling.

Do you remember Westly and Buttercup? Well, their relationship is coming up soon!

Patrick And Cat In 10 Things I Hate About You

Patrick And Cat In 10 Things I Hate About You

As far as high school romances go, who doesn't want one like Patrick and Cat's in 10 Things I Hate About You. Yes, their whole relationship might have started as a bet, but that doesn't mean their feelings weren't real by the end.

From Patrick singing to Cat on the bleachers while being chased by security to Cat reading her raw and emotional poem that was clearly about Patrick in front of the class, their overall dramatic and pure relationship was about as real as it gets.

Edward And Vivian In Pretty Woman

Pretty Woman

Considering Pretty Woman is arguably one of the greatest rom-coms of all time, it only makes sense that Edward and Vivian are couples' goals. Well, perhaps not the part about being a lady of the night, but the way they treat and cherish one another is what makes them perfect.

Who wouldn't want a guy that enjoys their quirks and then gives them his platinum credit card to go on a shopping spree? It's pretty much what dreams are made of! And the way they realize their love for one another, in the end, is the cherry on top of the romantic cake.

Westley And Buttercup In The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride

What is more romantic than Westley sailing to Buttercup's rescue, defeating a skilled swordsman, a giant, and a witty thief in the process? Answer: nothing. He literally goes through something called the Pit of Despair, death, and bluffing his way out of a fight with a prince to get by her side.

The Princess Bride is an epic romance that has people asking themselves, "why doesn't my significant other say, 'as you wish?'" Their love for each other is so strong it's almost impossible not to feel the chemistry through the television screen.

Peter Parker And Mary-Jane In Spider-Man


The original three Spider-Man movies have something over the new ones, and it's the love between Mary-Jane and Peter Parker. Even before MJ knew Peter's alter web-slinging ego, their relationship was based on a years-long friendship that was only made better when she started saying, "go get 'em, tiger."

And, hello, who else is able to make an upsidedown kiss in the rain so iconic? Peter really should have just outed himself to MJ right after that kiss and bypassed all of the heartbreak when she started dating/getting engaged to other guys. Either way, they're still goals.

This upcoming character built the love of his life her dream house. If that's not goals then what is? Learn more soon.

Derek And Sara In Save The Last Dance

Save The Last Dance

While Save the Last Dance is the stereotypical plot of two teenagers falling in love over dance, the romance between Derek and Sara hits differently. A ballerina and a hip-hop dancer, the two teach one another the ins and outs of the other form, bringing them closer together.

Not only that, but Derek teaches Sara that she's born to dance, even though she wants to give it up after her mom passed away, rushing to one of her auditions. And Sara teaches Derek that he is worth more than hanging around with people from the wrong side of the tracks. They both save each other in beautiful ways.

Gus And Hazel In The Fault In Our Stars

The Fault In Our Stars

Does The Fault in Our Stars make a majority of people cry? Probably. But that doesn't make the romance between Gus and Hazel any less romantic. Both diagnosed with terminal cancer, the two teenagers find love in the most hopeless and helpless situations. But they make the best of it and have one of the purest on-screen romances.

They might only have two working lungs and three legs between the two of them, but they made each day together count. While their relationship sets the bar very high, it also reminds people not to take their loved ones for granted.

Danny And Baby In Dirty Dancing

Dirty Dancing

For any girl who wanted nothing more than to be with the guy she loved without her father's judgment, then Danny and Baby were the couple to aspire to. In the Catskills for what she thought was going to be a boring summer with her parents, Baby falls for the dance instructor at the resort.

Long story short, her summer is anything but boring, and Baby and Danny show off a lift that is the epitome of iconic. Viewers can't help root for them, especially when Vivian tries to ruin everything. But they didn't let an adulterous wife and class get in their way of summer love!

Noah And Allie In The Notebook

The Notebook

Noah and Allie in The Notebook aren't only adorable, but they also were realistic. They kissed as much as they fought, but they didn't care what other people said about them, as they were from two totally different worlds. Allie being from a well-off family and Noah and his father being lower class, no one really thought things would work between them.

The thing is, no matter how many letters her mother stole, that man built Allie her dream house. Because that, folks, mixed with an epic miss in the rain, is true love.

If you thought Allie and Noah were from two different worlds, wait until you read about this upcoming couple. Their families were literally feuding! Still, they were in love.

Ennis And Jack In Brokeback Mountain

Brokeback Mountain

Ennis and Jack set the relationship bar very high. Even though they're never technically a couple and they hide their true feelings from everyone around them, their story on Brokeback Mountain is enough to make a viewer cry because it's so hard not to root for them and their relationship.

Beyond raw and emotional, Ennis and Jack deserve so much better than what happens at the end of the film. Even though they don't wind up together, their fleeting romance on the mountain is a fairytale.

Sandy And Danny In Grease


Yes, Danny pretty much ignores and makes fun of Sandy in front of the rest of the T-Birds when she first arrives at Rydell High, but not everything is as it seems with this Grease romance. In the typical good girl falling for the leather-clad bad boy, Sandy and Danny have a summer fling and never think they'll see each other again.

After an entire will-they-won't-they film, the two finally realize that no matter what, they just want to be together. They both actually go to extreme lengths to "fix" themselves for the other.

Tony And Maria In West Side Story

West Side Story

Tony and Maria in West Side Story are true couple goals. Well, maybe without the family feuding, shootouts, and deaths. But, hey, a retelling of Romeo and Juliet is going to have some drama, right? Either way, their love is something for the ages.

Not caring that they come from two totally different worlds, ones that just so happen to hate each other, Tony and Maria fall in love and find a way to be together even though the odds are greatly stacked against them. Their story is the epitome of "love conquers all," and it is beautiful.

Han Solo And Princess Leia In Star Wars

Star Wars

Nothing says true love quite like confessing said love while a guy is about to be frozen in carbonite. And leave it to Han Solo to say "I know" after Princess Leia says she loves him. If any other guy said, "I know," it wouldn't have hit nearly as hard.

But their witty banter throughout Star Wars makes their romance so much better. And the fact that Han really doesn't care that Leia is actually a princess makes their relationship that much more real. Take away the intergalactic empire and rebellion, and the romance between Han and Leia is absolute goals.

Emma And Adele In Blue Is The Warmest Colour

Blue Is The Warmest Colour

The relationship between Emma and Adele is one a lot of people can relate to -- a first love that they think is going to last a lifetime. It's a coming of age story, and viewers can't help but root for the two girls as they explore romance and life together.

Unfortunately, it's life that gets in the way. And while their romance definitely sets the bar very high for people outside of film, it was more of a beautiful disaster that was bound to explode in their face eventually. Still, viewers are rooting for the two at the end of Blue is the Warmest Colour.

John And Jane In Mr. And Mrs. Smith

Mr. And Mrs. Smith

On top of the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Smith brought Brangelina into the world, it also brought one of the best onscreen couples. Yes, they might have lied to one another in the beginning, being highly-skilled assassins assigned to take the other out, and all.

But after years of marriage and one epic battle where both of them are wearing rain boots and button-down shirts, they finally come to a general understanding that they are perfect for one another. Their story is so unrealistic, but it also sets the bar high for romance.

Coming up soon, read about a man who survived the Great War of Middle Earth and didn't once lose the necklace given to him by the love of his life.

Harry And Sally In When Harry Met Sally...


Harry and Sally are one of the best onscreen couples out there. And while they are strictly friends (after not being friends) for a solid duration of the film, their relationship is something most people strive for in their lives.

After years of falling in and out of love with other people, Harry and Sally finally realize why none of their other relationships worked -- they were already in love with someone. The film is raw, and the romance is one of the most realistic looks at how people can come together after years of being apart.

Jake And Melaine In Sweet Home Alabama

Sweet Home Alabama

Even though they yell at one another and have a shaky history, Jake and Melanie in Sweet Home Alabama are totally couple goals. Seriously, there is just something about the scene where Jake asks, "what do you want to marry me for anyhow?," and Melanie answers, "so I can kiss you anytime I want," that just touches the soul.

It's kind of sad, though, considering Melanie was walking down the aisle when she realized something viewers knew the entire movie -- she's walking towards the wrong man. Thankfully, she figured it out just in time.

Mr. Darcy And Elizabeth in Pride & Prejudice

Pride & Prejudice

A few hundred years later and the relationship between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth in Pride & Prejudice is still one many people aspire to. Witty, romantic, and entirely based on a "will they, won't they" situation, the romance between the two characters sets the bar very high for normal folks.

Seriously, Jane Austin couldn't make Darcy or Elizabeth less likable? While it might have been love at first sight, there were factors working against the two and their fledgling relationship. Thankfully, true love won in the end, making people swoon even years after their initial story was released.

Aragorn And Arwen In Lord Of The Rings

Lord Of The Rings

Aragorn and Arwen didn't let a little thing like immortality get in the way of their love in Lord of the Rings. In fact, they powered through, not caring that one day Aragon will die because he comes from the world of men and she is an elf.

Even when he leaves for war and she the undying lands, they still think about each other. Aragorn even wears her necklace through every battle, and she ditches the boats for a future with him! Sorry, but they are goals.

Coming up soon, a tragic couple that people can't help but root for. Thanks, Shakespeare, for ruining that dream, though.

Matt And Jenna In 13 Going On 30

13 Going On 30

Jenna might have transformed into someone who was 30, flirty, and thriving, but she would be nothing without her better half, Matt. Best friends, it was only a matter of time before Matt and Jenna turned into something more. He constructed an entire dream house for her, after all!

While a tiny wish makes it, so Jenna was popular, pushing Matt to the side when they became adults, viewers can't help but hope they find each other in the end. Thankfully, a Thriller dance sequence and Razzles helps the situation, and, finally, the two wind up married.

Peeta And Katniss In All Of The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games

They started a relationship as a way to survive the horrible tradition of The Hunger Games. Still, there is something about the respect and loyalty Peeta and Katniss have for one another that makes them "relationship goals."

Not only do they save each other in the arena more than once, but during their first go as tributes, both were willing to eat poison berries because neither wanted to see the other one die. And when is Peeta giving Katniss that little pearl during their second Hunger Games? It's one of the sweeter things.

Jamal And Latika In Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire

How can people not want what Jamal and Latika have in Slumdog Millionaire? The guy literally goes on India's version of Who Wants to Be A Millionaire with one goal in mind -- to find the love of his life who was virtually kidnapped by some gangster.

Two of the three self-proclaimed Three Musketeers, Jamal and Latika, were friends since childhood, and he would do anything within his power to protect her. Their friendship and love for one another are so strong and beautiful it's difficult not to smile thinking about it.

Romeo And Juliet In Romeo + Juliet

Romeo + Juliet

Take away the whole faking her own death, resulting in the death of Romeo and then herself, and the love between Romeo and Juliet is totally goals. From opposite sides of the tracks, their romance is destined to fail. But that doesn't stop them from seeing one another and falling in love.

In a classic case of seeing a girl across the room and immediately falling for her, the story of Romeo and Juliet is a tale as old as time and one people wish would happen to them in real life. Again, minus the accidental deaths, shootouts, and family feuding.

Clark And Lois In Man Of Steel

Man Of Steel

Honestly, who wouldn't want a relationship like Clark Kent and Lois Lane? Not only is she a ridiculous investigative reporter, but he's Superman, for crying out loud! He's literally always there to save her in case she stumbles across something she's not supposed to.

Not only that, but Lois really doesn't care that Clark happens to be the Man of Steel. She loves him for his goofy, clutzy, Kansas boy self (even if he does happen to be an alien). Their love for one another runs deep, even if it did start with Lois telling Clark she would expose his identity. Whoops.

Clark and Lois' relationship is definitely goals but so is this upcoming couple from the MCU.

Will And Ronnie In The Last Song

The Last Song

The summer romance between Will and Ronnie in The Last Song is something a lot of people wish for in their own lives. Not looking for anything, the two teenagers find themselves falling for one another, even though they just met. Laughing, fun dates, and mud fights, Will and Ronnie's summer love is as innocent as they come.

Nicholas Sparks clearly knew what he was doing when he wrote the novel the movie is based on because more than one high schooler wished they'd find a summer love like theirs at the beach.

Four And Tris In Divergent


In a dystopian universe, it's hard not to root for two people who have nothing in common and yet ultimately figure out they're more similar than they ever imagined. Tris and Four in Divergent have to hide who they actually are from the world, as they don't fall into one of the specific factions.

Battling together through war, family, and friends who wind up wanting to kill them, Tris and Four come together in such a way that viewers can't help but yell, "just kiss her already."

Mark And Bridget In Bridget Jones's Diary

Bridget Jones's Diary

What relationship isn't going to go the distance when the first impression the woman gets is that the guy is arrogant and rude. Well, that was pretty much the start of Mark and Bridget's romance in Bridget's Jones's Diary. Even though he's a family friend, Bridget really wanted nothing to do with Mark in adulthood.

Of course, when a character is named after Mr. Darcy in Pride & Prejudice, feelings are going to start flying sooner rather than later. Even with another man in the picture, Bridget and Mark were written in the stars. Or, as it so happens, a diary.

Tony And Pepper In The MCU

Legendary Pictures

Starting with Iron Man, the chemistry and relationship between Tony Stark and Pepper Pots are evident. Even though she's nothing more than his assistant, it's clear that she's willing to do anything for Tony, and vice versa. Fast-forwarding to when they're actually in a relationship, they become absolute goals.

Pepper is pretty much the one person who can tell Tony "no," and he'll actually listen (at least for a little while). But on the other side of the coin, she knows how important keeping people safe is to him and supports him in every way.

The Beast And Belle In Beauty And The Beast

Beauty And The Beast

Beauty and the Beast is literally a tale as old as time. A rough around the edges guy falls for the beautiful girl, never thinking he'll be good enough for her even though she is secretly falling for him too. While Belle and the Beast definitely get off to a rocky start with the kidnapping, they eventually find common ground and make a beautiful story of their romance.

They might not be a perfect couple, but their disfunction and love for each other is something people should aspire to. It goes to show that people should never judge a book by its cover.

Henry And Lucy In 50 First Dates

50 First Dates

Take away the fact that Lucy has severe short-term memory loss, and the relationship between her and Henry in 50 First Dates is beyond adorable. As a serial dater, Henry wasn't looking for anyone to settle down with. Then he meets Lucy, a free-spirited girl who loves life and having fun.

Even when he learns about her condition, Henry makes it his mission to get her to fall in love with him each day, no matter what. He even goes as far as making her a home video to watch each morning, so she remembers. If that isn't love and relationship goals, we're not sure what is.