Nativo: Connect Your Content to Outcomes

Article Images

Content-Based Advertising

Whether it’s articles, videos, influencer content, stories, images or PR— brands produce a tremendous amount of content. The challenge is making sure that content reaches the right people and has impact. Nativo makes it easy to activate, scale, and measure your content.

Dynamic A/B Testing

Audience Insights

Connect to Outcomes

Nativo's content performance module

Content Based Advertising

Dynamic A/B Testing

Nativo can increase the performance of your creative by 5x by automatically A/B testing a combination of headlines, images, and content. Test different types of content. Should you lead with images? A video? Test it. Nativo will make your content work harder for you.

Audience Insights

Connect to Outcomes

Nativo Insights Platform

Content-Based Advertising

Dynamic A/B Testing

Audience Insights

What type of people are engaging with your content? What else are they interested in? What will work in the future? Nativo takes the guess work out with its advanced insight platform. Get the richest engagement insights available in the market.

Connect to Outcomes

Custom survey to prove business outcomes

Content-Based Advertising

Dynamic A/B Testing

Audience Insights

Connect to Outcomes

Nativo also has integrated lift measurement to see your campaigns impact on purchase intent and brand perception. You can also connect this impact on consideration to action by targeting audiences that are most likely to engage with your content with lower funnel messaging and ads that link directly to your site so they can take action.