These Pictures Comparing Things Will Make You Stop And Think

Jennifer Hillhouse

Article Images

The world is a big and complicated place and we can often get caught up and fail to notice the things around us. Sometimes we need to realize how much things have changed to really be able to see what's going on.

Check out these side-by-side images that really show how time and other factors change things. Take a few moments to really think about how different things are to one another because I assure you it will give you a little perspective. Or maybe just tell you something you already know.

Xrays Of Congested And Un-congested Sinuses Will Make You Grateful For Air

congested and uncongested xray

This is really wild. This person had bad congestion and allergies so their sinuses were completely swelled up.

If this doesn't make you breathe a little easier then I don't know what will because I am feeling thankful for my un-congested sinuses right now.

This Picture Of A New Water Filter And A Three-Month-Old One Might Make Me Reconsider Drinking From The Tap

brown water filter versus white new one

This is crazy.

Even just a couple of months can accumulate this much dirt and honestly, this would be a great ad for a water filter company because it's totally convinced me.

Once You Notice The Differences Between This Real $20 And This Counterfeits You Can't Unsee Them

two $20 bills one real one fake

You can just barely tell at first glance, but the counterfeit is slightly more pixellated and saturated.

Good thing people are trained to spot the difference because I know I would have a hard time if I was trying to do it under a time crunch.

After only a couple of months after he broke his heel, his calf looked very different.

They Drew 100 Mouths, Here Are The First 15 And The Last Six

lots of mouths drawings

This is some great way to get in some practice figure drawing and you can really see how their style changed even just over one day.

Their touch got lighter with their pencil and their style got a little more refined.

A Megalodon Could've Eaten A Great White For Breakfast

greta white shark smaller than a megladon's mouth

This just proves that the world truly was a scary place back in the day. Basically everything was massive and could've killed us.

I'm so glad I'm born here and now where the biggest threat to my life is heart disease.

Now We Know Why They Made This Ski Trail Sign So Tall

ski sign in the summer and the winter

These photos taken in the summer and the winter shows just how much it snows on the slopes here.

It would be confusing if you didn't know to visit during the summer and see that massive sign.

After Breaking His Heel Three Months Ago, His Left Calf Looked A Lot Different

left leg and right leg for comparison

This guy's left calf muscle has atrophied since he broke his heel three months ago and this just shows how much work our muscles truly do.

We use them every day and it's not often we think about them, but if we stop using them we lose them.

Believe it or not, these two kids coming up are the exact same age.

Who Would Win In A Fight: Australia Or Pluto?

pluto is the size of australia

It's hard to believe but the diameter of Pluto is slightly smaller than Australia.

This is seriously shocking and actually makes the decision to stop calling a planet make much more sense. It's just a floating continent.

This 10MB Hard Drive From The 60s And This TB One From Today

big hardrive and little hard drive

It's mind-blowing to see how much our technology has improved in such a small amount of time.

It's wild to think that computers used to take up entire rooms, when nowadays more powerful ones fit right in our pocket.

The Titanic Was Big For Its Time, But Today It Would Feel Cramped

titanic in front of modern curise ship

This picture of the Titanic in front of a modern cruise ship today just demonstrates how far we've come in engineering.

What was big back then looks like a little tugboat next to today's behemoths.

Nacho The Cat After A Month Of Adoption

cat looking happy and healthy after one month of adoption

This picture proves that we can make a huge impact in a pet's life.

Even just a month can completely transform a cat, and let me just tell you, this is definitely the cat's meow.

Two 13-Year-Olds, Two Very Different Heights

two kids different heights one tall one short

This picture embodies the saying that not everyone grows at the same pace. These two friends are the exact same age but so very different heights.

We love their friendship and how they both work to see things from the other's perspective.

This cross-section of an elephant foot will shake you to the core... and your arch.

The Garden Mushrooms Bigger Than A Men's 10.5 Shoe

mushroom and shoe

This would be quite the find in the garden! This looks less like a mushroom and more like a piece of packing for a home good product.

Do we think mushroom risotto and portabello burgers are on the menu tonight?

Two Of The Same Seasoning, 30 Years Apart

italian seasoning 30 years apart bottles

This just shows how much brands change their looks and labels throughout the years.

They've really made their's lighter and brighter, but we totally see how they're selling less product now.

1927 Pennies Look Like They Cost $1 To Make

big penny and little penny

A lot of people want the penny phased out because we make them at a loss, but it looks like we've actually gotten way more sensible since 1927.

This penny is huge compared to today's and definitely didn't make any cents to make.

This Dog Couldn't Fit This Lemon In Its Mouth

dog with a big lemon

This is a lemon, but it's not a lemon in the metaphorical sense.

This isn't a screw-up on nature's part but instead, it just shows how cool nature can truly be. I'd pay to see Fido try and fetch that citrus boulder.

France Sells Giant Babybel And It Dwarfs The American One

babybel cheese massive

This photo is seriously making me hungry. I'm about to take a trip to France to grab one of these massive Babybels for myself.

Can you just imagine how satisfying it would be to peel off all that wax?

You Can See The Difference Between Triple-A And Quadruple-A Batteries

batteries in hand

Who knew that differently charged batteries actually had different sizes?

I just assumed that they were different sizes to make them harder to mix up. I'm charged up by this new information.

This Cross Section Of An Elephant's Foot Next To A Human One Proves They Love Heels As Much As We Do

elephant and human foot comparison

So are elephants just walking around on their tippy-toes all the time then?

Is the material in the rest of the foot just muscle, skin, and nail? Whatever it is, it's one heck of a wedge heel.

The Titanic would've been named the "Tiny-tanic" today.

This Mutant M&M Looks Like Bacteria Next To This Normal One

m and m one is mutant

This mutant M&M looks like some bacteria splitting beside its normal counterpart.

Even though I'm sure it still tastes great, it's definitely less appealing and shows why we have quality control testers for our food.

Water Used To Clean A Mousepad Looks Like It's From A Swamp

clean and dirty water from moutsepad

This is why you should clean your mousepad, folks.

It gets dirty even if you think it doesn't. Just think, that's all this person's hand grime from over the years... anyway, want to shake hands?

Not All Eggs Are Created Egg-ually

eggs on the coutner

This big egg and its small counterpart demonstrate that you can't expect all your food to come out of the package looking like clones.

I wonder if they're from the same carton or even the same farm.

Branded Condiments Because Generic Ones Show The Grocery Store Shelves Are War Zones

mustard and ketchup branded and unbranded

Which would you buy? If you're really brand loyal you might say Heinz or French's, but if it all tastes the same to you you might reach for the generic.

I know my tastebuds aren't developed enough to care.

There Are Just Two Weeks Between These Photos Of This Tree

tree changing color in the seasons

We all look forward to the time of year when the leaves change colors, but this happening all at once over the course of two weeks is so cool.

This Ginko tree is truly magic and I'd love to see a whole forest of them.

A Maine Coon And A Siamese Cat Just So You Know How Big They Get

big cat and little cta layign on bed

This picture has convinced me that the maine coon cats are probably just dogs in disguise.

These felines are big and thick, and I'm hoping it doesn't decide to choose this moment to roll over onto the siamese.

The McDonald's Free Kiddie Cone Is A Major Size Down From The Small

mcdonalds ice cream cones

No wonder the kiddie cone is free. This is so tiny it's not even a scoop of ice cream, it's like the suggestion of ice cream.

It's giving off an ice cream vibe but I'm not sure because I can't see it.

A Cheap And Expensive Egg Shows A Little More Than I Wanted

good egg versus bad egg

Some people said that the egg on the left looks rotten but who knows.

All I can say for sure is that I'd rather eat the more orange egg on the right.

These Two-Year-Old Birkenstocks Actually Look A Lot Better Than Mine Ever Have

dirty birks versus clean birks

After this person retired their two-year-old Birkenstocks when they got new ones they decided to take a picture.

Honestly, these look pretty good for being two years old and I wouldn't replace them until the straps are falling off.

It's Cool How Similar And How Different Human And Gorilla Skeletons Are

human and gorilla skeletons

Look at the size of the gorilla's upper arm bone! It's basically the size of our femur. Those massive eye sockets are staring right into our souls too.

Who knew something so closely related could look so different?

The Wheels Of The Cat 797F Go Round And Round Right Over The School Bus

CAT 797F and a school bus

The kinds of equipment we use in construction and terra-forming are a lot bigger than we can ever imagine.

This beast of a vehicle can move a lot of lands, and that's equally terrifying and cool.

Rice Has Nothing On The World's Smallest Computer

close up image of grain of rice beside world smallest computer

Most people don't remember this but back when computers were first invented, they weighed tonnes and took up entire warehouses.

Now, the world's smallest computer is a fraction of a grain of rice.

Art Imitates Nature

a falcon in a diving position and a stealth bomber plane shaped the same way

There's a reason why aircraft have always been modeled after and took inspiration from nature.

In a nosedive, falcons can reach speeds up to 198 miles per hour! All thanks to it's aerodynamic form.

And That's Why You Don't Smoke, Kids

two windows with blinds where one set is yellow thanks to smoking cigarettes

We've known about the dangers of smoking for decades but this photo makes it hit even closer to home.

The left window is from a room occupied by a smoker while the right window is a non-smoker.

Looks Like You Can Never Leave Home Again

side by side photo of a dog when their owner comes home versus when they are leaving

A dog owner took this comparison photo of their pup's reaction to when they get home from work, versus when they leave for work.

The sadness in the doggo's eyes just proves that you should never leave home again.

What A Time To Be Left-Handed

left and right handle on door where right handle has more wear and tear

Let's face it, the lefties of the world get the short end of the stick. Spiral notebooks, whiteboard markers, and even scissors designed for righties can take a toll.

At least they can rest assured knowing they have the door handles that have less bacteria.

The California Wild Fires Have Taken A Toll

photo from a house with clear skies and same photo during California's wild fires

Unless you're one to experience the realities of the California wild fires, it's hard to imagine the impact.

Well, this photo of someone's house on a normal day versus during the fires will give a little perspective.

Sharks May Be Bigger, But Dolphins Are Smarter

a shark and a dolphin's brain side by side, with the shark's being significantly smaller

The incredible thing about this photo comparing the brain size of a shark and dolphin isn't how small the shark's brain is.

It's about how similar the dolphin brain is to a human brain. When the apocalypse comes, the dolphins will take over the planet.

Los Angeles Would Lose The Battle Against Space

the rosetta comet CGI over the city of los angeles for scale

A space enthusiast decided to photoshop the Rosetta Comet over the city of Los Angeles for size and all we're going to say is...

We hope space never actually tries to battle us, because humanity doesn't stand a chance.

This Will Make You Feel Small

man standing between 200-foot driftwood on beach in Washington

The west coast of America is known for its giant redwood trees but it's rare you get to see them cut down and floating through the ocean as driftwood.

Standing beside something this massive can certainly make you feel a little insignificant.

That Boat Is Only 75 Feet Long

75 foot boat sailing beside blue whale

This is your friendly reminder that the blue whale is the largest animal ever on earth.

We're not talking the largest animal currently alive, we mean the largest animal to ever live on this planet over the course of billions of years. Cool.

A Penny For Your Thoughts In 2019 And 1849

how much the penny has changed

Even though it costs roughly 2 cents now to make a penny and many people are up in arms about that, it looks like this has been a problem for over a hundred years.

That 1848 coin sure looks a lot more ornate than it's worth.

Guess This Typist's Favorite Letter Is "S"

s key on keyboard

It's always so interesting to see which letter is the one we use the most.

S, T, E, and A are up there but they're all unfortunately placed on the left-hand side of the keyboard while most of the population is right-handed.

Out With The Old Xbox One Joystick, In With The New

xbox controller

If I was this person, I'd use this worn down controller as an excuse why I haven't been playing well with my friends.

It's definitely not coming down to my skills as a player, of course not.

This Lizard's New Tail Doesn't Quite Match The Rest Of It

different tail lizard

It's so interesting how this works! But this lizard is pretty relatable since it probably wanted to change up its style after having it for a while.

For me, this always annoyingly happens after I leave the house.

New Fry Oil Looks Like The One I'd Put My Fries In Rather Than the Week-Old Stuff

dirty fry oil

When I worked in fast food they warned us about the danger of dirty oil.

It usually made the food taste worse and sometimes the floating crud would get stuck on people's fries. You can see firsthand how gross that would be.

NBA Player Kawhi Leonard's Hand Is Monstrous Next To And Average One

two hands pressed together

Looks like he was built to play basketball from the fingertips up!

Leonard's hands measure a whopping 11.25 inches from thumb to pinkie, and just knowing that you can definitely infer why he's so good at what he does.

Young boy gets photo taken moments after first plane hit World Trade Centre

boy standing for photo and in the background there's a plume of smoke on the tower

This is crazy this exact moment was captured. Notice how the people in the background haven't noticed yet.

9/11 was truly an awful event that shook the country and you can see how people and vacationers never saw it coming.

For Something That Saves Your Life, This 3-Year-Old Carabiner Looks A Little Rough

worn down carabiner

I would be more than slightly terrified if I was scaling a mountain using the hook on the right.

I'm glad those things are built to last because they sure look different than their fresh-out-of-the-package cousins.

These Three Trees Really Wanted To Be The Stars This Autumn

trees in the fall

It's so incredibly cool to see all the colors that come out during the fall season. But just like people, some trees are later bloomers than others.

These three are just really excited to start the season.

The Massive Garden Zucchini Looks Down On Grocery Store Ones

zucchinis on table

It's no secret that mass-produced food and factory farms can often alter the quality of the food we eat.

That's not to say it's bad for us, there's just a clear difference between store-bought and homegrown.

You Can See What Years Of Smoking Does To Walls When A Fresh Coat Of Paint Is Applied

stained wall

If this is what the walls look like, can you imagine what someone's lungs look like?

Luckily for these walls though, a fresh coat of paint solves a lot of issues.

Dad Is Clearly The More Relaxed Parent

kid riding slide with mom vs with dad

There's always one parent that is more relaxed on the rules when it comes to the children.

This dad is definitely the "toss your kid in the pool to learn how to swim" kind of dad.

It's Hard To Deny The Relationship

emu foot compared to foot of t-rex

In case you ever had any doubt about whether or not birds were actually related to dinosaurs...

This is a comparison between the foot of a T-rex and the foot of an emu.

You Can Buy All That Food For The Price Of Cigarettes In Australia

one pack of cigarettes compared to food for same price in australia

In an effort to deter smokers, the Australian government over the years has continually hiked up the price for a pack of cigarettes.

Now it costs more than $35 for one pack.

The Technology Of 1990 Vs. 2018

iphone compared to technology in 1990

We're all aware of the technological advancements that have been made over the past few decades.

Seeing the physical comparison really hits home that we're carrying super computers in our pockets.

The Difference Two Days Can Make

two day weather difference minnesota

Anyone who lives in the snow belt can tell you just how quickly the weather can change on a daily basis.

These photos were taken two days apart in Minnesota, but realistically, it could've been two hours.

Not Everything Is Hereditary

dad thats significantly shorter than son

"Like father, like son" may apply to some things but it clearly didn't apply to the height gene when it came to this father and son.

Clearly genetics is not an exact science.

In Case You Thought Students Were Exaggerating About Book Store Mark Ups

target vs bookstore chalk rpice

As a university student you quickly learn that your textbooks or anything you have to buy at the school bookstore are wildly overpriced.

This comparison of chalk at Target vs. at the bookstore shows you just how marked up things are.

Two Types Of People On Valentine's Day

someone buying fried chicken vs tulips on valentines day

There are two types of people on Valentine's Day:

The one buying a 12 piece pack of fried chicken and a bottle of whiskey, or the man buying a dozen pink tulips to go with his cupcakes.

The First Day Of School Vs. The Second Day

little boy on first day vs second day of school less happy

He was so full of hope and joy on that first day, but now he knows what's waiting for him.

The excitement of getting to go somewhere new and buy a new backpack has worn off — now he's just stuck at school all day.

Harvested During Three Different Seasons

three jars of honey different colors

Every color or flavor of honey can be different depending on where the bees were extracted from.

Apparently it can differ depending on what time of year the honey is harvested.