Hilarious Things That Elevator Cameras Caught People Doing

Karyn Bailey

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Elevator cameras have caught some pretty hilarious moments over the years. From people dancing like no one's watching to awkward encounters between strangers, elevator security footage can be a gold mine for funny moments. Read on for some of the most entertaining images captured from elevator rides.

Graffiti Newbies


These ladies may have thought that they were being hardcore by painting graffiti in the elevator, but they clearly had no idea what they were doing. If they were experienced vandalists, then they would know about the security camera in the corner.

Plus, they aren't exactly drawing something meaningful for future riders to consider. They're spraypainting hearts all over the elevator like a little kid might. The next security footage of these two was of them scrubbing the elevator clean.

Just One Slice!


It can be easy to overlook how much trust is put into those who handle food. This delivery person is showing us just how easy it can be to dig into someone else's meal.

Granted, it's very obvious if a pizza slice is missing. We would think he'd at least leave the pie whole and just pick off the toppings. Then again, he wasn't smart enough to notice the security camera, so maybe he did think a missing slice would go unnoticed.

Keep reading to see what one woman did when she spotted the elevator camera. (Hint: it has to do with gum).

Help! I'm Stuck In A Star Wars Dance Party!


This man was minding his own business and talking on the phone in an elevator when some unexpected guests walked in. The first was Darth Vader, who led the man to become noticeably unsettled.

His hesitance only grew when three Storm Troopers and a guy wearing a Yoda hood came into the elevator. The best part was when they all broke out into dance, causing the man to squeeze into the corner as much as humanly possible.

He's Taking A Time Out


As kids, time out was a punishment. As adults, it's a gift. That seems to be what this young man was aiming for when he decided to bury his face in the corner of the elevator and ignore the man riding along with him.

The older man is looking at him like he's concerned about the guy. We've all had those days where we'd rather not look anyone in the eye. Sometimes, an elevator is as private as it gets.

Excuse Me, Sub-Zero


This lady doesn't appear to mind the fact that the person already in the elevator is dressed (and posed) like Sub-Zero. Gamers will know that the character is from the Mortal Kombat franchise, which isn't exactly reassuring for those looking to skip the stairs.

We admire the woman's bravery. She looks a little unsure of the situation, but certainly not frightened. Despite the guy's extended fist, she's heading into the elevator like she has a few tricks up her sleeve.

A Camera Lens Is The Perfect Gum Collector


This woman is one of the few elevator riders on this list who actually noticed the camera. Instead of using that as an incentive to be on her best behavior, she decided to do the exact opposite.

The woman took the chewing gum she had in her mouth and placed it right over the camera! Realistically, that's probably some sort of security violation. At the very least, it's vandalism. But it's also hilarious how bold she is while doing it.

Coming up, see why this elevator couple looked like they had something to hide.

Finally, A Moment Alone To Dance


This man may work in a sheriff's office, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to boogie. Behind closed elevator doors, this serious worker turns into a nightclub dancer.

The best part is that later on in the video, officers board the elevator, and something amazing happens. This one man's dance vibes rub off onto everyone else, and the elevator becomes a full-blown dance party! That's one way to relieve stress amid a hard workday.

Don't Mind All The Robber Face Masks


This man had the elevator to himself until a pile of people dressed in black with over-the-head face masks came in. The funny part is that they were sure to situate themselves around the poor guy, so he was completely trapped in the middle.

Don't worry, though; this isn't a massive group of robbers on their way to a big job. They're part of a prank meant to frighten the innocent man. Judging by the look on his face, it worked!

Glass Panes And Elevators Don't Mix Well


This image may look like a typical guy waiting for the elevator to reach his floor, but it's actually a huge accident waiting to happen. The two white lines in the image are the subtle outline of a glass pane.

The man is part of a team of workers who are trying to transport the giant piece of glass to a higher floor. The problem is that it doesn't fit, and the elevator doors have closed. A moment later, the entire thing shattered.

A Cheeky Glance


Not even grainy elevator footage could miss the chemistry between these two riders. The woman is looking over at the man like she has something extremely amusing on her mind.

Meanwhile, the guy is looking straight ahead but can't tame his budding smirk. The sparks between these two become much more apparent a moment later when the woman passes the man a note before exiting. All we know is that the man's smile grew substantially upon reading it.

Coming up, this person wasn't afraid of their elevator mate, but rather the questionable items they carried in their hands.

Don't Mind Me, I'm Just Doing Vertical Splits


This young lady doesn't seem very considerate of the other person riding the elevator, given that she's doing the splits and talking on speakerphone. We're all for stretching, but is it really necessary to open up the hamstrings while on an elevator?

The smirk on the other girl's face is priceless. She has her arms crossed and is leaned against the elevator wall as though she's trying to get as far from the lifted leg as possible.

An Elevator Rollercoaster He Didn't Ask For


The first thing you're probably wondering is why this man is on the floor of the elevator. He has a plain look on his face and is gripping the handrail like this is a comfortable position.

This screenshot captures a man in the middle of an elevator prank. The joke consisted of the elevator freefalling for a few stories before catching just in time. The fall must have been pretty scary to put this guy on the floor.

The Bubble That Got Away


This man looks like a typical guy chewing gum on an elevator. The interesting part isn't how large a bubble he blew (though that is pretty impressive), but what happened next.

Just as the elevator doors part, the man's bubble pops, and the momentum causes the gum to fly out of his mouth! He doesn't leave it there, though. He reaches down to throw the gum back into his mouth before anyone notices, or so he thought.

One Too Many Jokes


This elevator camera caught one man pulling one too many jokes on his fellow rider. When the doors were set to close, the man would put his leg out to trigger the motion sensors.

He did this again and again, just to get a rise out of the female patiently waiting beside him. At first, she didn't react. But after enough times, she tossed him out of the elevator! Way to show him who's boss, lady!

Dancing Police Officers


Apparently, police officers oftentimes dance in elevators. If you thought the man working at the sheriff's office was an outlier, think again! This is another crew of officers who broke into dance on the elevator.

With high-stress jobs like that, we would imagine that getting that emotional release is imperative. It's pretty challenging to dance without feeling any joy whatsoever. It's kind of like smiling; whether you feel like doing it or not, it tends to make you feel better after.

Don't Mind The Bees


Riding in an elevator is generally a pretty mundane thing. That is, unless you're riding next to boxes full of swarming bees! This man was trying to keep his cool while riding with a beekeeper and their three boxes full of bees!

The man couldn't be closer to the elevator wall as he waits for this nightmare to be over. It's not like a bee would have anywhere to go if it escaped, and this guy clearly isn't a bee charmer.

Keep reading to see what happened when one woman fell through the elevator floor!

Super Excited


There is always that one scene in a romantic comedy where the lead female gets good news and does a little victory dance when she thinks she's alone... little does she know that her crush was watching her the whole time.

That seems to be what's going on in this image. This woman waited until she got into the elevator to let her excitement show, not knowing that there's a camera watching her joyful outburst.

Taking A Bite Of Everything!


Take a look at this delivery guy, and prepare to be disappointed. He waited until he was in the elevator to try a bit of everything in the bag of food.

He took a piece of something from every package and even tried out the soup! It's stories like this that make us leery about ever trusting a delivery driver again. We sincerely hope he didn't have a cold coming on at the time.

The Urban Outdoor Cat


Some cats prefer living on their own terms, visiting their owner only when necessary. That's the case with this feline, who likes to roam her apartment building as though she owns it.

The cat isn't afraid of the elevator doors, either. She'll hop in and travel to another floor, do some exploring, and repeat. Fortunately, the neighbors are all very considerate of the cat and help ensure that she has safe travels throughout the building.

Shaking It Off On The Elevator


This young man didn't wait until he got off the elevator to take Taylor Swift's advice and "shake it off." He was shaking and moving about like no one was watching, only there was someone watching.

Not only was the man busting a move in front of the security camera, but he was doing so in front of an older gentleman not two feet away. The expression on this curious bystander's face is straight out of a movie.

An Elevator Trap Door!


It's one thing to freefall in an elevator, but it's another thing to have the floor open up from under you. One prank show does just that. The oblivious contestants walk into the elevator like it's an ordinary day.

Then the trapdoor opens from underneath and they fall into what seems to be a black hole. Fortunately, there's a fun slide to catch their fall and smiling faces at the end of their frightful journey.

Bad Elevator News


This woman looks like she just got some pretty terrible news from the person she's talking to on her cellphone. However, her reaction is actually tied to the thing she's looking at.

She doesn't know it yet, but this elevator is part of a prank. The wall she's facing was cleverly designed to look like it's breaking apart, when really it's just an elaborate joke. In a moment the doors will part and she'll be greeted by friendly faces and a camera crew.

Busting A Move On The Elevator


Dancing on elevators must be a very popular thing to do, because here's another person who was doing so while oblivious to the security camera overhead. This woman was breaking out all sorts of moves.

As the only rider, she had plenty of room to move about. Though there wasn't anyone else in the space to witness her live, she did have a delighted audience in the security office. This sort of a thing must make their day.

Keep reading to see what surprising sight caused this woman to take the stairs instead.

No Worries, It's Just A Faceless Man


This poor guy was thoroughly frightened when he entered the elevator and not for anything overtly terrifying. The only scary thing about his ride was that it was shared with someone wearing a pillowcase on their head.

Perhaps it triggered his childhood days of wearing sheets overhead and pretending to be a ghost. After all, the mystery man is just standing there and keeping to himself. Odds are, it's his best friend under there playing a simple prank.

One High Heel Didn't Want To Leave


People walk in and out of elevators wearing high heels all the time, but this woman is a cautionary tale of why that one little crack can be dangerous. While she was strutting out, her stiletto got caught right between the doors!

The woman then had to rush to yank her heel out before the doors smashed it in. Fortunately, she was able to get to it just in time, but she had to get on her hands and knees to do so.

An Elevator Disco Party


While most of the pranks on this list were meant to scare riders, this one was done in good fun. Passengers were all dressed up in '70s attire, and the elevator was made up to look like a retro party.

It was even complete with a disco ball! The best part is that the woman waiting for the elevator didn't even react. She saw what was inside and merely turned away to take the stairs instead.

Coming up, this woman took a dance break to do something even more embarresing in the elevator.

Another Dancer


This is yet another elevator dancer busting a move while no one was around. We can only imagine what kind of party music was pumping into his headphones while waiting for the doors to open.

The thing that makes this rider unique is that he wasn't using the elevator as a haven to let out his inner dancer. As soon as the doors parted, he kept on busting a move and even moonwalked out of there.

Terrified Reactions To A Successful Prank


We've seen lots of different reactions to elevator pranks, and they just keep getting better. This couple was also subjected to a prank, and their reactions are even more animated.

The girl is leaned against the wall and appears to be screaming. The guy is next to her and is so frightened that he's dropped to the ground as though to stabilize himself. It's amazing what visual effects can do.

Don't Worry, It's All A Joke


This is another rider who fell victim to the elevator prank where a wall seemed to be spontaneously breaking down. In the reflection, you can see that the elevator is actually traveling up.

The pranking crew constructed a fake elevator wall that sits in front of the window so that it appears to be shattering as they climb levels. This woman definitely bought the illusion, and she's gripping onto the walls for dear life even though the rest of the elevator is perfectly fine.

Time To Get That Wedgie!


This woman started out like many people on this list: dancing her heart out in the elevator. All that moving must have made her aware of her wedgie because she proceeded to dig it out.

She's so focused on getting her pants in order that her tongue is even sticking out! After, she goes back to dancing like nothing just happened. Little does she know that her hilarious elevator ride was captured on a security camera.

Keep going for hilarious airport pickup signs caught on camera.

Not The Selfie Stick


It appears as though Simon and his girlfriend might have had a discussion in the past about her issues with him using a selfie stick. Looks like he promised to give it up for good but couldn't bring himself to throw it away.

Now, she’s discovered the forbidden selfie stick hidden while he was gone and they’re going to have some serious problems. Simon’s stomach must have dropped when he walked out of the plane to see this sign waiting for him. Was it worth it Simon?

Tell It How It Is


While this sign may be more on the rude side, we're sure that it got the job done. Nothing quite like coming home and an insult is the first thing that you see! We’re just going to assume that this is part of some inside joke that doesn’t make this as rude as it may appear at first glance.

Surely, the "noisy pale-faced lady" received a warmer welcome than just this sign, or she might want to get someone else to pick her up next time.

Could It Be?


Now, the question is whether this is either 1) a joke 2) the person they are picking up is actually named Michael Jordan, or 3) if it's actually Michael Jordan himself? No matter what, you know other people in the airport might see this and hang around a while to see if Michael Jordan emerges from an airplane terminal.

Maybe this isn’t even a joke for the person they’re picking up, but a prank to all of the other people in the airport. Would someone really think that Michael Jordan was flying on a regular airline?



In case you were unaware, Imodium is a medication for diarrhea relief, so you can imagine how whoever was greeted with this sign felt. Not only were the people that made this sign trying to embarrass them, but it also looks like they used a box that they found in the airport dumpster.

If you're going to insult someone coming back home, at least make the sign look like you put a little thought into it. We hope everything’s okay Sarah.

Short, Simple, Effective, and Cringeworthy


We have to give it to this guy for his creativity. He looks like your stereotypical driver picking up a woman at the airport — except for the fact that he replaced her name with "SMOKIN HOT ITALIAN CHICK". While it's possible that whoever this sign was for (hopefully his girlfriend or wife) was flattered, it’s a little cringeworthy to us.

Still, it’s not every day you see something like this, so chances are this sign had countless people laughing to themselves as they walked by. The real question is who was this for?

It's The Thought That Counts


If you look closely, you can make up the word "welcome" at the top of the sign, which is just too cute to handle. Seeing this would be better than any other clever or extremely detailed signs that other people might bring to the airport.

We can't be sure what the sign says, but it’s clear that this little girl had something that she wanted to say and did her best to write it down. This must have melted the hearts of everyone that walked by.

Just A Sprinkle Of Irony


Looks like this person didn't have much confidence that this girl was going to survive her trip, and he doesn’t seem very happy about it either. Hopefully, he didn’t make big plans in case she didn’t return because she’s here now.

He doesn’t appear to be very good at sign making either, because we can’t crack the code as to why some of the letters are colored-in and some aren’t. Maybe he knows something that we don’t. One thing is for sure, she’s home and he’s going to to have to accept that now.

Going All In


Wow, this person really went the whole nine yards with this pickup sign. They even dressed up and everything, and we all know that dressing up like an Oompa Loompa is no easy task. We wonder how long it took to get all of that makeup on?

Either way, we're not entirely sure what "Chocolate Johnny" means, but we’re going to guess that it’s most likely the person’s nickname. This would certainly be quite a sight to come home to.

Using Kids To Your Advantage


Nothing would be cuter than to come home only to see your baby behind such an adorable sign. That baby sure looks happy to be seeing its daddy and we would be too if we were a baby in charge of taking care of a fully-grown woman.

Now, the baby can go back to its regularly-scheduled baby business. Except now the dad just has to just take care of both Mom and a baby. Best of luck, dad!

Now That's What We’re Talking About


Nothing says welcome back better than a margarita bar at the airport entrance. It looks like someone's dad or grandpa took it upon themselves to have a drink with their loved one as soon as possible upon their arrival.

You know that everyone else walking by this setup was desperate and in need of a margarita after a long flight. We’re pretty sure this isn’t allowed at an airport, but who was going to deny this adorable older gentleman after all the work he put in?

Tell Them How You Really Feel


Now, this sign is just cold-hearted. Jody was probably excited to see her friends and family only to see this when she walked off of the plane, a warm welcome indeed. We're not entirely sure why they felt the need put the number "2" instead of the word “to” but to each their own.

Other people probably had heart-warming signs to welcome their loved ones and then there was Jody’s crew, ready to start bashing on her before she even stood a chance.

The Ultimate Dad Joke


If this isn't one of the best dad jokes out there, then we don’t know what one is. Surely, Rebecca was pleased to see her father dressed in full Darth Vader regalia, patiently waiting to humiliate her when she exited her plane.

We wonder if Rebecca’s dad already had that costume (which we’re willing to bet) or if he went and bought one for this exact reason. No matter what, this is hilarious and we’re positive Rebecca’s dad got the exact reaction that he was going for.

Everything Falls Apart When Mom Leaves


Everyone knows that when mom leaves on a long trip, things have a tendency to fall apart. The fridge and pantry start to run out of food, nobody does laundry, and the dog is now allowed on the couch.

It looks like these two boys had a similar experience when their mom left and are now asking her to put their lives back together. Things could have been worse than not having underwear. Their sign could have said, "We burned the house down."

They Came Prepared


While some people might slap together a sign on their way out the door leaving for the airport, not these people. They came prepared with not one but two signs, one of which is a giant blow-up picture.

Those aren't easy to come by, so it’s obvious that they’ve been planning this for quite some time. We’re willing to bet that they stole the show at the airport and "Mokie" had a big smile on his face when he saw this scene.

Tell The World Why Don't You


Whether you're coming home from rehab or not, nothing says welcome home quite like this sign. Now, everyone that sees you walking toward the sign assumes that you’ve just come back from a stint at rehab or that you have friends or family that really like to give you a hard time.

If this is actually a joke, some people might take offense about making fun of what is not a laughing matter everyone. You might want to be careful about this one!

The Whole Gang Is Here


Whoever made this sign killed two birds with one stone, and we must say, they did a real bang-up job on it. Nothing quite like humiliating your family with ugly pictures for all the public and Internet to see.

We appreciate the craftsmanship of the poster and their creativity to find the ugliest pictures they could find of these two. Not everyone is willing to put this much time into their airport artwork but these two certainly did.

Welcome Home, 'Babe!'


Oof, this is not a sign that you want to be greeted with. At first glance it looks friendly enough, but it quickly becomes clear that this isn't a love letter. "I’ve had access to your cell phone records the entire time…132 acts of infidelity… I think we should see other people"

This sign has gotten so much attention there’s even a Reddit thread devoted to it, in which one curious user poses the question we’re all asking ourselves: “would anyone really do nothing for 212 days and pretend all is well just to make an airport sign??” Apparently so, and we’re glad they decided to share it with us.

Send Cash


We're not sure if this is cute, TMI, or both. We’re going to go with both. Either way, this lady looks very happy to see her boyfriend? Husband? Sugar daddy? By the looks of it, he looks really happy too, so either this is a cheeky joke or he is proud to be a real-life sugar daddy.

It’s 2019 people, nothing is off the table these days. Get that money, honey.

So That's What Dad Was Up To


This is a great airport pickup sign because it pokes fun at two people while only calling one of them out. Is this guy really picking up who he says? We're willing to bet his dad got off the plane with his mom or a girlfriend.

If you are going to create the perfect airport pickup sign it really needs to embarrass the person you are picking up. It also needs to embarrass them in a creative way that has you thinking outside of the box. For the record, the other side of this sign read "Fifth times a charm."

Letting Them Down Easy


There's nothing worse than coming home from a trip only to discover that your dog destroyed something of relative value. At least this person’s significant other was kind enough to let them know at the airport rather than have them come home to a surprise.

Hopefully, they already got another couch or else this person won’t have anywhere to put their feet up after their flight! Maybe they learned their lesson not to leave their dog for that long again.