People Who Took Things A Bit Too Literally

Dannie Hayes

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No matter what we do in our lives, people tend to take things a little too far. For every request we have, there's always that one person that follows it just a little too far. Literally though, when someone offers you half of their snack, there's a chance they'll take a whole bite. They aren't in the wrong of doing it, but it doesn't qualify as right either.

Cold Hard Cash

That right there is the face of a son who wants nothing to do with his parents for the rest of the day. We don't need the reason why he wanted this as a birthday gift, but he was probably being a wise guy and his parents took it literally.

Safety First

Here's looking at you, kid. Good on this guy for closing his eyelid so we don't have to see what's inside that. It could be a prank and he's just posing with a fake eye to get our attention. Either way, this is a clever pun and an important notice to stay safe on the road.

Holding On For Dear Life

Oh boy, that left curb is so clingy. He went so much lower than we would have hoped for, but when you're in love, you do some drastic things. Left curb had such a bad outing since right curb probably got more attention.

Just ahead, when the sign says touch it with your eye, don't do it.

Fall Over

At first glance, he kind of looks like Benedict Cumberbatch. On the other hand, let's hope he didn't actually fall and hurt himself. It's really surprising to see a "please fall in line" sign right near the elevator of this mall. That's so much organization for one building.

Shoes At The Door

That's what you get for raising a kid who likes to think outside of the box. As cute as this is, that's one daughter you don't want to mess with. When she's old enough to have a party, there's a very strong chance she's going to put the shoes at the front door, just in case the cops want to show up.

Touch With Your Eyes

Yeah, don't do it. Not sure why this guy bothered to do it but part of me feels like he's going to get a case of poison ivy.

Wait until the next sign. It has something that doesn't belong and one kid thinks they're an OG because of it.

Realistic Point Of View

One of the best and most realistic test answers our eyes will ever lay on. The science teacher should give this student extra marks for creativity along with a remarkable sense of humor. It would be so cruel if the teacher gave the student no marks.

One Word

Well, that's taking instructions a little too seriously. Also, it just shows how lazy we are that we'll just take the easy answer that's sitting right in front of us. Although, it would be a little obsessive to see some boy's name written all over the notes. All work and no play makes this one dull person.

OG Thug

Sure, the shirts aren't hats, but look at this guy's fingers. What's funny about this is that he's taking it in stride like one original gangster. He didn't choose the thug life, or that 'hat'.

He's taking it too literally, but just ahead is a street sign that tells you more than just where you're going.

They Say It's Your Birthday

Honestly, though, the cater did their job. Thy simply followed the instructions and wrote down the message word for word. That's the best kind of autocorrect out there. Sometimes, it would be such a perfect world if people actually paid attention to what the customers want, since they're always right, right?

Half And Half, Please

When you and a friend can't decide on toppings for a pizza, just put in a request. The pizza place will literally do the request, but somehow, they managed to screw it up. You always have to laugh whenever you see a plain, boring pizza like this one.

Draw Bridge

What a delightful drawing that looks like, especially with the Kraken drawn in the middle of the bridge. That would be so intimidating if that happened in real life. Better yet, it would make for a great movie plot.

Coming up, someone tried to use the drive-thru, but probably didn't get what they ordered.

Toss Them Pillows

Furniture stores make it so easy for their customers to have fun. This guy is clearly bored out of his mind so he decided to toss some pillows for fun. One way to pass the time in the store is time yourself on how many pillows you can throw in a matter of a minute.

Portland Is Weird

No, it's not, well maybe. Despite the sign, the person on the unicycle and the Darth Vader mask makes for one of those "WTF" moments we have in our lifetimes. Sure, laugh it off with your friends, but doing something like this is the perfect example of how anything is possible.

Drive-Thru The Wall

All in all, it's just another brick in the wall. The car literally went through the wall, kind of like Wile E. Coyote. This wasn't done on purpose, they probably got excited about their new medication arriving.

Despite going through the wall, the next sign will make so much sense. It's so perfect.

Tuck Rule In Effect

We see what you did here, you superstitious Vikings fan. This is all apart of the pregame ritual thanks to the last name on his jersey. That's dedication from a passionate sports fan right there. Even though Minnesota has won the Super Bowl, this guy will go out of his way to make sure another trip is in the cards.

Way To Eat Rice

It's not like there's an unhealthy way to eat rice. To answer your question from this epic failure courtesy of Google, you should have put in a destination that's actually close to where you live. No one is going to make that trek to Jersey for healthy rice.

Unicycles Are Allowed

The sign makes sense and this unicyclist is one big rebel. They're going to tell all their other unicycle enthusiasts that this is the newest hot spot for their kind. The cops can't do anything to you so you're pretty much okay to get away with this.

Want Some Half Eaten Grapes?

Even if you were offered $1,000, would you still eat these half-eaten grapes? As disgusting as it sounds, you would be wise enough to simply toss them out. Even if grapes are your favorite fruit, who knows what exactly your brother did to it. They're probably contaminated with germs.

Just Drink Already

College is such a fun time for us all. You never know who you're going to meet at a party. He probably made a bet with her to chug that drink in a matter of seconds before she agrees to a date. In fact, some people say that she is still drinking to this day.