If You Don’t Want To Sleep Tonight, Check Out These Creepy Discoveries People Have Made In Their Homes

Rose Reilly

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Buying a brand new house is a good investment, but older houses have some incredible qualities. Older homes usually have a lot of character, beautiful high ceilings, and sometimes a creepy dungeon-like room. What's not to love?

It's not just memories that haunt the walls. These people made some terrifying discoveries in the basements, attics, and backyards of their homes. Unless you're one of those impressive people who doesn't get scared watching horror films, you probably won't be able to sleep tonight. Sorry.

Do You Want To Play A Game?


Anyone who watches HGTV knows that the best scenario when you rip up carpet is finding beautiful, untouched hardwood floors underneath. This guy, however, ripped up his carpet to find something that he never, ever could have expected to see in his home.

After tearing up the carpeting he discovered this bizarre Monopoly flooring throughout an entire room. A backstory on this crazy creepy and home improvement decision would be really interesting.

One person actually spent months digging to discover an old bomb shelter.

A $50,000 Haul Is Worth a Creepy Scavenger Hunt

Photo credit: sarmik / Imgur

Two new homeowners found a safe and the corresponding safe codes while remodeling their dated kitchen. In it, they found $51,080, and a bottle of bourbon from James E. Pepper, the inventor of the Old Fashioned.

To make it extra creepy though, they found a book called "A Guide For The Perplexed" by E.F. Schumacher that contained clues on pages 1, 7, 11, and 14. Our advice? Burn the book and keep the cash and bourbon.

Alas, An Ancient Relic

Only kids who grew up in the '90s or earlier will understand how impressive this ancient relic is. Someone bought an abandoned home with the intention to flip it and found this Blockbuster sign in the basement. It's practically an antique at this point!

What would have been really scary would be if they found stock papers for Blockbuster LLC. RIP. You know that there will be a bidding war for this sign, though.

Keep reading to see how one person spent months digging to discover a Cold War bomb shelter.

Life... Finds a Way To Save Your Marriage

Never underestimate nature's way of making things happen. Here's a great (and really weird) example. A German man lost his wedding ring while gardening. Three years later, he harvested a carrot.

That's not the weird part. Guess what was in the carrot? Yep, his missing wedding ring. It may be a coincidence, or it was the Carrot God's way of saving a marriage that was on the rocks. He's just lucky no one chipped a tooth on it.

The Moment When You Realize You Have A Secret, Extra Roommate

After finding a hidden locker in their basement, some students living in a rental house at Ohio State University discovered they had a secret roommate. They found a room that was outfitted with bedding, textbooks, clothes, and even a small sink.

The belongings were for someone named "Jeremy." Apparently, he was nice enough, but he wasn't supposed to be there. If I were them, I'd get the locks changed just in case.

I Need A Tin Of Survival Biscuits ASAP

After hearing several rumors that there was a possible bomb shelter on the property, a new homeowner started digging in his backyard in Arizona. His search and hard work sure paid off.

He eventually found a latch and slowly dug out a staircase which led down into the earth, into a bomb shelter straight out of the 1960s. In it, he even found supplies like "Survival Water" and "Survival Biscuits."

Keep reading to see the terrifying room someone discovered in their attic.

This Man Found a 'BS Bomb' Used To Trick Enemies


Digging up a regular bomb in your backyard is scary, but this man dug up an old "BS Bomb," also called a "propaganda bomb." They were used in warfare during the 20th century in order to demoralize the enemy.

The army would fill BS Bombs with leaflets telling the enemy that if they surrendered, they would be treated well and given food. At least we know this creepy find isn't BS.

Sometimes Your Shot Is So Bad It Take 120 Years To Find Your Golf Ball

Whoever decided that golfing in the Bronx was a good idea, found this relic that belonged to an equally bad golfer. This golf ball was dug up in someone's backyard and has been dated back to 1899.

The ball looks a little different because we hadn't invented the plaster and rubber ones we use today until the 1900s. This ball is made out of a latex-type of material called gutta-percha.

Nothing To See Here, Just A Creepy Hostage Room In An Attic

This one just goes to show that you never know what you'll find in an old house! Some homeowners noticed a small door barely four feet tall at the end of their attic. They opened it up to find a room that could only lock from the outside.

It had a small cot, some shells, and a metal grate over the door's window. Finding a secret attic room is always weird, but it feels like something horrible wrong definitely happened in this one.

The photo coming up has a terrifying question written underneath it, and we truly hope that you can't answer it.

Looks Like He'll Have To Eat His Overalls

While ripping out the wallpaper in their new house, these people found a note on the wall. It wasn't a map to buried treasure or even instructions on how to use the HVAC system.

For those of you having trouble reading the faded words here, it says "If the Spice Girls are still popular next time this room's decorated I'll eat my overalls." We guess they really weren't fans of the pop group.

A Crawl Space, Or a Way To Haunt A House?


This secret swinging bookcase is straight out of a WWII novel. This girl discovered it in her room but was way too creeped out to find out exactly where it went. She could see that it goes through most of the home.

A lot of old houses had passages like this for servants to use instead of the main stairwells. But if you don't have servants, then it's just plain creepy.

I Do Not See Him, And I Never Want To See Him

Most of us would love to have a vacation home, but this guy's experience might make you change your mind. A Reddit user found this photo in his vacation home and decided to share it and give us all nightmares.

Thankfully, we don't see any human form in the picture. The user who posted it got it enhanced, said they could see the outline of a house. Whoever wrote "Do you see him?" is either a prankster or possessed.

It's all fun and games until someone might be hiding under your bed, like the person coming up discovered on move-in day.

Even In England, A Hidden Underground Church Isn't Very Common

Sites in Europe are usually treasure troves for ancient artifacts, but two homeowners hit the creepy jackpot when they found a secret church under their house in Great Britain.

Historians have said that the space could possibly have been used for persecuted Catholics to worship, but to us it looks like a place to make a sacrifice to the gods. Definitely not something we'd be happy to find under the floors of our house.

A Ouija Board Hidden In The Wall = You're Cursed For Life


We understand that finding creepy things can seem really cool and exciting, but we draw the line at the hidden Ouija board. One guy bought an old abandoned house with the intention of flipping it, and found this game board hidden away in a room that was "like a dungeon."

If it was hidden, it was obviously for a reason. He definitely opened up Pandora's box by digging out this board.

It's Either An Elaborate Joke Or A Major Red Flag

The last thing you want to find after a long day of moving is the message "I'm Under The Bed" written on the ceiling as you're getting ready to spend your very first night in your new place.

A Reddit user commented on the photo and said that they did this same thing to their old bedroom because of the movie Idle Hands, but it turns out they lived in Georgia, and the house here is in Massachusetts.

Keep reading to find out which strange item someone found in military rations hidden away in their basement.

Who Digs A Creepy Hole Just To Have It Go Nowhere?

We're pretty skeptical of anything like this that doesn't have a creepy ending. The wooden board coving this creepy hole was held down up with heavy cinder blocks, and it was probably for a good reason.

No one digs a hole in their basement this deep and this terrifying, only to have it lead to nowhere. The person who found it says it's filled with water, but who knows what might be in the water...

I'd Listen To It If I Were You


We're really not trying to overreact here, but if you stumble only a door with this message, then maybe take its advice. Someone found this heavily reinforced door in the basement of their workplace and didn't dare open it.

Logic says it might just be a cold freezer. But it could be a freezer that stores the body parts of murder victims. As another Redditor commented, "So, you got a job just outside of Hell."

Skittles Should Be In Everyone's Rations


When we think of military rations, we think of canned soup, dehydrated meats, new socks, and maybe a pack of smokes. Well, someone found old military rations in their basement and opened them up to discover a surprise: a bag of skittles.

It's not what we expected, but we wouldn't complain if someone sent me a monthly ration of candy. We would prefer something chocolate if possible, like a Snickers bar, but Skittles would be OK.

This Isn't Their Last Supper... It's Yours

Someone on Imgur found this really strange doll arrangement in the basement of a bar in Phoenix. Is it just us, or does this look way too similar to The Last Supper?

This could have just been an innocent little girl's playtime area (if it wasn't in a bar), but we all know they probably come to life at night to sacrifice humans to the doll gods so they can live forever.

This Grandfather Is Definitely Red Forman


Sometimes the strange discoveries happen in your own family homes. This Imgur user was remodeling their grandfather's basement and found this note under the wallpaper. They wrote, "Remodeling my Grandfather's basement and found this... he's still yelling at us from the grave."

We can't decide what's worse: being haunted by a ghost that's a complete stranger, or being watched over by your grandfather who is probably disappointed by everything you do.