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This Privacy Notice is effective as of, and was last updated on, May 10, 2019.

The National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences (“the Academy”, "we," "us," or "our") offers a website located at and (the "Site"), as well as the blogs, social media pages, and other services provided through email correspondence, events, newsletters, or other interactions with the Academy’s representatives (collectively “Platform”).

This Privacy Notice is intended to inform visitors, users, members, registrants or attendees at events (“user”, “you” or “your”) about the collection and use of information or personal data about them that is collected directly or in connection with their attendance at events, or interactions with the Platform. It also explains the conditions under which we use and disclose that information, and your rights in relation to that information.

This Privacy Notice is part of, and is governed by, the terms and conditions set forth in our Terms of Service.

This Privacy Notice provides information so that users are able to understand and consent to the processing of their personal data, where appropriate. The Academy is the data controller regarding all personal data processing conducted through the Platform.

1. Contact Information

The data controller and operator of the Platform is the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences with a postal address at: 3030 Olympic Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90404, USA

2. Definitions

Applicable Laws” means for individuals located in the European Economic Area (EEA), the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), together with protection law of the EEA Member State of where the employee resides; and for individuals located outside the EEA, the Federal and state laws of the United States unless the data protection laws of the country where the individual resides specify otherwise, in which case, such country’s data protection law will apply in accordance to its terms.

"Personal Data" means any information relating to an identifiable natural person (“data subject”); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. Personal data does not include information that has been irreversibly anonymized or aggregated so that it can no longer enable us, whether in combination with other information or otherwise, to identify you.

3. Data Protection Principles

We are committed to complying with the principles for the processing of Personal Data under Applicable Laws. In processing your Personal Data in accordance with these principles, we take steps to ensure the Personal Data we hold about you is:

-    Used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way;
-    Collected only for valid purposes that we have clearly explained to you and not used in any way that is incompatible with those purposes;
-    Relevant to the purposes we have told you about and limited only to those purposes;
-    Accurate and kept up to date;
-    Kept only as long as necessary for the purposes we have told you about; and
-    Kept securely

4. Collected Data

We collect the data that a user chooses to provide, for example, by completing a form to request a document. We also collect information by analyzing a user’s behavior on the Platform over time, to the extent permitted by applicable law; this information is collected through cookies and similar technologies. For information about cookies, see our Cookie Policy at Section 10.

Applicable Laws that govern the processing of Personal Data of users located in the European Economic Area and other countries may limit our ability to collect Personal Data as described below, or may grant users the right to limit or prohibit the use of their Personal Data.  These rights and restrictions are explained below in this Privacy Notice.

4.1 Log Data

When a user uses, or interacts with, our Platform, or clicks on a link that directs the user to our Platform, the user’s browser automatically provides, and we automatically collect and store, certain information about the user’s device (computer, tablet, smartphone) and the user’s activities. This includes:

- Preferences and settings: time zone, language, and character size;
- Identifiers: IP address;
- Technical information: type of device, operating system name and version, device manufacturer, browser information (type, version), screen resolution; and,
- Coarse Geographic information: geographic location derived from the IP address.

We collect this data for the proper operation of our Platform. Until the user registers with us, this data cannot be linked to a specific individual.

4.2 Traffic Data

Data generated by the use of the Platform also include:

- Information about use of the Platform: date stamp, URL of the visited page, URL of the last webpage visited before visiting our Platform or a website using our Platform. URL of the first webpage visited after visiting our Platform; and,

- History of interaction with our webpages: pages viewed, time spent on a page, click through, clickstream data; queries made, search history, search results selected; comments made, type of service requested, purchases made.

The data described above is collected through the use of cookies and helps us understand how an individual reacts to our content.

4.3 Name, Contact Details

In various sections of the Platform users are asked to provide information about themselves, such as their name, e-mail address, phone number, billing address and organization, as applicable. This happens, for example, when a user requests to sign up for a newsletter, to receive our press releases by email, communicate with any of our member services department, or if the user participates in a survey that we conduct through our Platform.

Only the minimum amount of information necessary to operate or manage the account is mandatory. The user may elect to provide additional information, which we use to enhance the Platform, for example by offering access to social media accounts.

4.4 Payment Information

If a user requests services for which payment is required, the user is asked to provide payment information. This information is collected and processed by an external payment processor; it is not accessed or stored by the Academy.

4.5 Member Area; Registered User Information

Restricted Member Area

Certain areas of the Site are accessible only by Members of the Academy in good standing. To access those areas, a Member must first register on the Platform and select a password. As part of such registration, we may request: first and last name; company or business name; email address; street address, including country and telephone number.

Only the minimum amount of information necessary to operate or manage the Members’ restricted area is mandatory. The Registered Member may elect to provide additional information (at the time of registration or later), which we use to enhance the Platform.


Users can sign-up to receive newsletters and other communications from the Academy.  To sign-up a user is required to provide an email address. Each user can, at any time, request that we cease sending these newsletter. To do so, you can follow the directions provided at the bottom of each mailing, or you can contact us as indicated in the “How to Contact Us section.

4.6 Communication from Users

When a user completes an online form, visits our Platform (for example on social media), or otherwise contacts us, by email, phone or text, we automatically collect and store certain information about that user and the user’s activities, as we receive from such user, for example: the user’s name and contact information; information that the user provides to us; the user’s company or business information, if any; the nature of the communication; the purpose of the interaction, and the action we took in response to the user’s inquiry or request; and, any action the user takes upon receipt of such communication (for example, whether the user registers to attend an event that we offer, or requests to receive documentation).

The information collected in connection with each type of interaction is retained in accordance with our record retention policy, so that we can continue interaction with the requestor with respect to our Platform.

4.7 Membership Submission and Renewal; Communications with Members

New Membership

Each year, the Academy seeks recommendations from its members and nonmembers regarding the addition of new voting members and professional members.  The process is described here. After the recommendations are evaluated, qualified individuals are invited to complete a career profile, which is available on the Platform.  The information requested through this profile and the follow-up interaction with the candidates or the renewing members are intended to help us evaluate each individual’s submission, credentials, and the extent to which an individual’s background, qualifications, achievements, profile and contributions to the music industry meet the criteria for membership in the Academy.  The information collected from these submissions is also used in aggregate for statistical purposes, to evaluate the characteristics of our membership.

Membership Renewal

Existing members must requalify periodically, per Academy Membership Rules.  To do so, they must complete online forms available on the Platform.  The information collected is the same as for a new member submission.  It is used and retained in the same manner as the information collected for new membership.

Student Membership

Student membership is open to students who are currently enrolled full-time in a college, university or trade school preparing for a career in the recording industry. The process for seeking membership does not require recommendations from industry professionals.  However, the information requested through this profile and the follow-up interaction with the candidates are similarly intended to help us evaluate each individual’s submission, credentials, and the extent to which an individual’s background, qualifications, and achievements meet the criteria for membership in the Academy.


The online forms used to present a career profile include a field where individuals may elect to indicate the ethnicity to which they relate. The provision of this information is optional. Ethnicity is used to assess the diversity of our membership and ensure that we are reaching out to all members of the music industry.

When you elect to provide ethnicity information in a career profile, you provide your explicit consent to the use of this information as described in this section on Membership Submissions.

You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. If you have provided ethnicity information, and decide to make a change, please contact us as indicated in the “How to Contact Us” section.

Gender and Age Information

The online forms used to present a career profile include a field where individuals may elect to indicate their gender and age. The provision of this information is optional. It is used to assess the diversity of our membership and ensure that we are reaching out to all members of the music industry.

You have the right to request that this information be removed from our records at any time.  To do so, please contact us as indicated in the “How to Contact Us” section.

Aggregate Information

We examine ethnicity information in the aggregate in the context of new membership  or membership renewal to derive information about the diversity of our membership.  We carefully review these statistics in order to ensure that the composition of each class of new members meets the then-current diversity goals of the music industry.

Incomplete Submissions

If an individual initiates a submission but does not complete it, we retain the information provided for a reasonable time, so that we can communicate with the individuals and assist in completing the process as needed.  If a submission is not completed after we have communicated with the individual, or if we have been unable to establish contact, the related information is deleted.

Communications with Members

Once an individual’s submission or membership renewal have been accepted we use the individual’s contact information to communicate on Academy-related business, such as to invite the individual to serve on a committee or attend an event.  In addition, members have the ability to elect to receive newsletters and information about the Academy.


Submissions for consideration for membership require that individuals have previously received recommendations from industry professionals.  A person who completes a recommendation for a potential new member is required to provide certain personal information (such as name, address, proof of identity, or proof of eligibility to make a recommendation).  This information is used only for the purpose of assisting in the membership consideration process.  It is retained for auditing purposes and is archived.

4.8 Correspondence Sent to Users

Unless we are prohibited by applicable law from using cookies and a user has not otherwise indicated his/her preference regarding our use of cookies, we insert in some of our correspondence images or links that when viewed or clicked, allow us to know whether the user has accessed or declined to open correspondence. This action may also generate a cookie that allows us to count unique clicks or visits, and potentially track the recipient.

This information helps us understand how the individual reacts to our communications and limit the amount and nature of information provided.

4.9 Surveys and Contests

From time-to-time, we invite users to participate in surveys or contests. Participation is voluntary. These surveys are organized for the purposes of our marketing efforts. When a user participates, we request certain personal data such as name and email address.

This is necessary to ensure that responses are categorized properly and are not duplicated. Depending on the nature of the survey or contents, we use this information to send the survey results to the participants, or, if applicable, to notify contest winners and award prizes.

We also use the information in aggregate form, for analytics purposes, to understand our market, to monitor site traffic or app usage, or to modify our Platform to meet the needs or interests of users.

If we use a third-party service provider to conduct these surveys, the information collected by the service provider may be subject to both the service provider’s privacy policy and ours. We will provide information about the applicable privacy policies with the Survey rules and will seek your explicit consent to these rules when required by law. You should read the terms of the survey or contest to understand the extent to which the service provider is allowed to use or reuse the information collected.

4.10 Comments on our Platform

Some portions of the Platform (for example our presence on Social Media) allow users to submit comments, reviews, ratings and other information that may be displayed on the Platform and viewed by others. We recommend that you do not post on or through the Platform any information that you do not want to make available to other users or the public generally. You assume all responsibility for any loss of privacy or other harm resulting from information you post on the Platform.

4.11 Social Media

Our Platform offers integration with third-party social media platforms. These services collect the user’s IP address and which page of our Platform the user is visiting. They may set a cookie to enable their features to function properly. Social media features and widgets are hosted by a third party or directly on our website. Your interactions with these features are at your sole discretion, and are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing the feature.

If you post any comments, reviews, photos or other information on our Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest pages, we may display those comments, reviews, photos or information on the Site. In addition, your use of these social media services may result in the collection or sharing of information about you by these social media services. We have no control over, and decline all responsibility for, the use of your personal data by these third parties. We encourage you to review the privacy policies and settings on the social media services with which you interact to make sure you understand the information that may be collected, used, and shared by those social media services.

4.12 Children

Our Platform is not directed to individuals under the age of 16. We do not solicit or knowingly collect Personal Data from such individuals. If you become aware that a child under the age of 16 has provided us with Personal Data, please contact us as indicated in the “How to Contact Us” section below. If we obtain actual knowledge that we have collected Personal Data from a child under the age of 16, we will take steps to delete such information from our database.

4.13 Other Information

Certain areas of the Platform include free text fields, where you can write messages to other users, or post content that may contain Personal Data. Some countries, including by way of example, the EEA, significantly restrict the use of certain information deemed “sensitive”.  Other countries, such as the United States try to limit the use and sharing of certain information such as Social security number or financial account information, to limit identity theft.

We request that you do not disclose (unless specifically requested in the form that you are completing) :

- Any data revealing your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data or data concerning your health, sex life or sexual orientation;
- Any social security number, national identification number, financial account information or any other information that might be deemed highly sensitive or confidential; and,
- Any data related to other persons.

5. Information Collected by Third Parties

Applicable Laws that govern the processing of Personal Data of users located in the European Economic Area and other countries may limit third parties’ ability to collect and use Personal Data as described below, or may grant users the right to limit or prohibit the use of their Personal Data.  These rights and restrictions are explained below in this Privacy Notice.

5.1 Google Analytics

Users of the Platform who have JavaScript enabled are tracked using Google Analytics. Unless the Google Analytics feature is blocked, as explained below, it collects the following types of information from the user:

- Type of user agent (web browser) used, software manufacture and version number.
- Type of user agent (web browser) used, software manufacture and version number
- Type of operating system
- Screen colors (color processing ability of the users screen)
- JavaScript support
- Flash version
- Screen resolution
- Network location and IP address
- Country, city, state, region, county, or any other geographic data
- Hostname
- Bandwidth (internet connection speed)
- Time of visit
- Pages visited
- Time spent on each page of the website
- Referring site statistics
- The website (URL) visited before arriving at the Site
- Search engine query used (example: typing in a phrase into a search engine like Google, and clicking on a link from that search engine)

The data collected by Google Analytics is primarily used to optimize the Site for our visitors.

However, we also use this data for marketing purposes, for example, to tell potential partners how many users visit the Site, where visitors come from, and how they arrive at the Site. See also Section 10.9.

5.2 Other Third Party Services

In addition to Google Analytics, we use other third party services to automatically collect information from users. The information automatically collected through the Site is used solely for our internal analytics purposes and these service providers are not permitted to use this information for its own purposes.

Parts of the Platform include third-party advertising, links to other websites, and other content from third party businesses. These third-party sites, businesses, and advertisers, or advertising companies working on their behalf, sometimes use cookies and similar technologies to measure the effectiveness of their ads, personalize or optimize advertising content, to track users who link from their respective website to the Site, and track the actions of users online over time and across different websites or platforms to deliver targeted electronic advertisements to an individual user.

Before visiting a third-party website, whether by means of a link on the Platform or otherwise, and before providing any information to any third party, you should inform yourself of the privacy policies and practices (if any) of the third party responsible for the applicable third-party website.

6. Purposes of processing

We use the information we gather through the Platform to help us better understand how the Platform is are being used. By identifying patterns and trends in usage, we are able to better design the Site to improve your experiences, both in terms of content and ease of use.  We also use this information for direct marketing purposes, to contact and communicate with users, including to send them information about products or services we think might of interest to you and to respond to your communications and requests.

Applicable Laws that govern the processing of Personal Data of users located in the European Economic Area and other countries may limit our ability to process Personal Data as described below, or may grant users the right to limit or prohibit the use of their Personal Data.  These rights and restrictions are explained below in this Privacy Notice.

Specifically, we use Personal Data for the following purposes:

6.1 Service

-  In the regular course of our business to interact with other entities such as in communications with artists, product companies, record labels, talent agencies, publicists and managers;
-  To allow users to create and maintain a registered user account, verify a user’s identity and assist users who have misplaced or forgotten their login or password;
-  To respond to users’ inquiries, allow users to sign up for newsletters, request white papers, or other information, in order to contribute to or download the Academy white paper or content;
-  To finalize purchase orders and deliver services to the user;
-  To process and evaluate membership submission and membership renewal requests; and interact with the individuals who have elected to make recommendations for the addition of new members;
- To carry out market research and surveys; and,
- For interaction on social media.

6.2 Marketing

- For marketing purposes via e-mail, text, phone, instant messaging, regarding the Academy’s products and services, such as our newsletters.  The newsletters are sent automatically to members, as part of their membership, and to non-members who have specifically requested to receive one or more of our newsletters;
- For marketing purposes via e-mail, text, phone, instant messaging, regarding the products or services offered by selected third parties, such as sponsors (text messaging originator opt-in data and consent information will not be shared with any third parties);
- To interact with existing users by sending marketing communications regarding products and services that are identical or similar to those the user has previously purchased or requested via the Platform; and,
- Each communication provides a means to opt-out of receiving such type of communication.

6.3 Profiling

To create a profile of a Platform user, through the use of profiling cookies and by collecting and analyzing information on the user’s interest in order to serve to each information and advertisements that may be relevant to that user. All algorithms involved in this processing are regularly tested, to ensure the processing’s fairness and control for bias.

6.4 Analytics

For development and administration of the Platform, in order to improve the Academy’s offerings and troubleshoot any technical issues that may arise in connection with the use of the Platform (“Analytics”).

6.5 Misuse or Fraud

To prevent and detect any misuse of the Platform, or any fraudulent activities carried out through the Platform (“Misuse/Fraud”).

7. Legal Grounds for Processing

For users located in certain countries, we are required to explain on which legal grounds we are permitted to collect and/or use the Personal Data as described above.

The grounds on which we rely to process Personal Data as explained above, according to the purposes identified, include the following.  We also explain whether the provision of information is mandatory or not, and the consequences for not providing the mandatory information:

Purpose Legal Ground Mandatory/Not
Membership The information requested (i.e. identified as mandatory) in the career profile is necessary to examine the detail of each individual’s credentials, the nature and scope of their knowledge, their achievements in their career, or their body of work. Yes if you want your submission to be reviewed for membership in the Academy.
Ethnicity In the context of a career profile, we invite applicants to provide information about the ethnicity to which the relate. No
Service The information necessary to provide the services, fulfil the request that you make, take steps before entering into a contract with you, or perform a contract entered into with you. No
Marketing The collection of information for marketing is needed for the legitimate interest of the Academy so that it can understand its market and have opportunities to communicate with potential or current customers so long that the use of the data is no overridden by the interest of the individual. No
Marketing to Existing Customer Marketing to existing customers is based on the Academy’s legitimate interest in expanding its relationship with individuals who have previously purchased or shown interest in goods or services provided by the Academy that are identical or similar to those the individual has previously purchased or requested through the Platform. No
Profiling For some users, processing is based on the user’s consent, collected by means of the cookie pop-up banner and/or a specific tick box. No
Analytics The Academy has a legitimate interest in understanding how users use its Platform, so that it can improve them accordingly both to enhance the user’s user experience, and to troubleshoot technical issues. No
Misuse; Fraud The Academy has a legitimate interest in preventing and detecting fraudulent activities or misuse of the Platform for potentially criminal purposes. No

8. Sharing with Third Parties

We share Personal Data as indicated below.

Applicable Laws that govern the processing of Personal Data of users located in certain countries may limit our ability to share Personal Data as described below, or may grant users the right to limit or prohibit such sharing.  These rights and restrictions are explained below in this Privacy Notice.

8.1 Service providers

We provide some of the Personal Data that we have collected to our service providers, which includes affiliated entities, hosting providers, e-mail platform providers; technical maintenance providers, contractors, affiliates, distributors, dealers, vendors and suppliers who provide certain services to us or on our behalf, such as operating and supporting the Platform, analyzing data, or performing marketing or consulting services, identifying and serving targeted advertisements, providing mailing or email services, tax and accounting services, payment processing, data enhancement services, analytics services, fraud prevention services, and similar services.

These Service Providers only have access to the information needed to perform these limited functions on our behalf and are prohibited from using your information for any purpose other than the purpose for which the Service Provider was engaged by us and/or as stated in this Privacy Notice.

8.2 Our Affiliates

We share some or all of your information with our subsidiaries and corporate affiliates, joint venturers, or other companies under common control with us, such as the GRAMMY Museum Foundation Inc., MusiCares Foundation, Inc. or the Latin Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences, Inc. We require these entities to comply with the terms of this Privacy Notice with regard to their use of our users’ information. This sharing is necessary for our legitimate interest and business purposes because we conduct joint activities with these entities, which require the sharing of contact and other information.

8.3 The Public

When a user provides feedback or posts questions, comments, or other content on our Platform, these comments and any other information that the user may provide (such as the user’s name) may be displaced on our Platform, for example, on our social media pages.

8.4 DMCA Infringement Notifications, Counter Notices, Notices of Violations of Site Terms of Use

We may share Personal Data with third parties if a person submits a Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") Infringement Notification or Counter Notification as described in our Copyright Notice. In addition, we may share Personal Data with third parties if we receive other notices regarding violations of our Terms of Use or other user's rights (including communications about content stored on or transmitted through the Platform). For notices other than DMCA Infringement Notifications and Counter Notices, upon request, we will edit out the user’s name and contact information. However, DMCA Infringement Notifications and Counter Notifications will be forwarded as submitted to us without any deletions.

8.5 Persons under Confidentiality Obligation

We also share Personal Data with employees or contractors working for the Academy, volunteers, and other persons or legal entities that provide accounting, administrative, legal, tax, financial and debt collection matters, who are bound by a confidentiality obligation.

8.6 By Law or in Response to Subpoenas or Court Orders or to Protect Rights and to Comply with Our Policies

To the extent permitted by law, we will disclose user Personal Data to government authorities or third parties if: (a) required to do so by law, or in response to a subpoena or court order; (b) we believe in our sole discretion that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect against fraud, to protect the property or other rights of us or other users, third parties or the public at large; or (c) we believe that the user has abused the Platform by using it to attack other systems or to gain unauthorized access to another system, to engage in spamming or otherwise to violate applicable laws.

8.7 Business Transfers; Bankruptcy

In the event of a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy or other sale of all or a portion of our assets, any user Personal Data owned or controlled by us may be one of the assets transferred to third parties. We reserve the right, as part of this type of transaction, to transfer or assign the Personal Data and other information we have collected from users of the Platform to third parties. Other than to the extent ordered by a bankruptcy or other court, the use and disclosure of all transferred user information will be subject to this Privacy Notice, or to a new privacy policy if you are given notice of that new privacy policy and you affirmatively opt-in to accept it. Any information you submit or that is collected after a transfer, however, may be subject to a new privacy policy adopted by the successor entity.

8.8 Aggregate Information

We may share information relating to users of the Platform with third parties on an anonymous, or aggregated basis. While this information will not identify you personally, in some instances these third parties may be able to combine this anonymous information with other data they have about an individual, or that they receive from third parties, in a manner that allows them to identify that individual personally.

9. Retention of Personal Data

Data uses Retention period
Providing the Service Retained as necessary to fulfil such purposes.
Marketing and Profiling Retained from the moment the user gives consent until consent is withdrawn.
Marketing to Customers Retained from the time when we receive it in the context of purchases or requests made via the Platform until the user objects to this processing.
Compliance Retained for the period required by the specific legal obligation or by the applicable law.
Analytics Retained as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected, unless the user objects to the processing and there are no other legal grounds justifying the retention of the information.
Misuse, Fraud Retained as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected, unless the user objects to the processing and there are no other legal grounds justifying the retention of the information.

10. Cookies and Other Technologies

10.1 Overview

Cookies are small text files that are sent to a user’s browser by the website visited or when an email is opened. They are used for numerous different purposes. Some operations within a website may not be performed without the use of certain cookies that are technically necessary for operation of the website. Other cookies may contain a unique ID code that allows tracking a user’s browsing activities within a website, for statistical or advertising purposes.

The use of cookies to create profiles on users and to send advertising messages that take into account the preferences revealed by the user while browsing websites may require prior consent from the user, according to the Applicable Law that applies to that user.

The Platform uses the following types of cookies:

- Browsing or session cookies: these cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of the website, and/or to allow the user to use the website content and the Platform.

- Analytics cookies: these cookies provide information that is used to understand how a website is used, and to track traffic to and from a website.\

- Functional cookies: these cookies are used to activate specific functions and to configure webpages according to the user’s preference such as font size or language.

- Profiling cookies: these cookies are used to observe a user’s interest based on activities on a website, and to send advertisements that take these preferences into account.

10.2 First Party Cookies

We use the following cookies

Technical name Cookie type, function and purpose Duration
has_js The has_js cookie is used by the Drupals Batch API and it is not related to user data. Session
mem_storage The cookie is used while a member is completing a form, to fetch member related information in our member database and assist in the completion of the form Session
SSESSd52c5d14dabfab1e18a22add3109f3bb Used to maintain the session of a logged in user 20 days
ah_app_server The cookie is associated with Acquia cloud. This cookie gets created when a new user logs in.  For any user with this permission, the site sets a cookie named ah_app_server. The cookie is deleted when the user logs out. One year

10.3 Analytics Cookies

We use Google Analytics to collect information that permits evaluation of the use of the Website, analysis of user’s behavior and improvement of user experience. See Section 5.1.

10.4 Third Party Cookies

We also use cookies owned by third parties. For further information on how these third parties use information, please refer to their privacy policies:

Crazy Egg:



Google:; and




10.5 Web Beacons

A "Web Beacon" is an object that is embedded in a web page. It is usually invisible to you but allows us to check whether you have viewed a particular web page or email communication. We place Web Beacons on pages of the Platform, such as on our website and in emails we send to you. You may not decline Web Beacons.

10.6 How to Block or Disable Cookies

You may choose to block our Platform and other sites from setting cookies by changing the settings of your browser. Please note that blocking or disabling certain cookies may interfere with certain functionalities of some parts of our Platform.

(a.) To learn more about cookies:

All About Cookies:

Cookie Central:

Network Advertising:

(b.) To obtain information specific a particular browser:



Google Chrome:



Safari iOS:



Windows Phone:

10.7 Interest-based Advertising

We use information collected about a user’s use of our Platform to arrange for advertisements about our service to be served to a user on third party’s websites in accordance with our e-Marketing Policy. To do so, our advertising service provider places or recognizes a unique cookie on the user’s browser and uses other techniques, such as pixel tags.

If you would like more information about this practice and to learn about your choices, please visit in a new tab) or

10.8 Opt-out of Interest-based Advertising

Users may opt-out of receiving interest-based advertising as explained below. The opt-out may be provided through specific opt-out cookies.

(a.) To Control Advertising on Websites

**Digital Advertising Alliance:**\


**Network Advertising Initiative:**\

(b.) Please note the following:

Using a new computer or a different browser, upgrading certain browsers, or modifying or erasing a browser’s cookie file, may clear an opt-out cookie.

Opting out of receiving interest-based advertising does not result in blocking all advertisements served to your equipment. You will continue receiving advertisements; these advertisements will be generic or based on the content of a webpage that you are visiting, instead of being targeted to your specific interests.

There are many more companies listed on these sites than those that place cookies on your device when you access our Platform.

10.9 Google Analytics, Demographics and Interest Reporting

Information collected by the Google Analytics cookie is transmitted to, and stored by, Google in accordance with its privacy practices. For more information on Google's Privacy Policies, visit:

To see an overview of privacy at Google and how this applies to Google Analytics, please visit:

To opt out of Google Analytics, please visit:

We use demographic information we collect through our use of Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting solely for purposes of performing internal statistical analytics relating to the Site.

We also use Google Analytics for Display Advertising and, specifically, Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting, to help us display advertising for products or services that we think may be of interest to users. You can opt-out of receiving interest-based advertisements through the Site, as well as customize the types of advertisements that will be displayed to you through the Site, by following the instructions located at

10.10 Social Media

You can edit or remove the permissions you have granted to use information from your connected social media accounts by adjusting the privacy settings on your social media account. See the following for instructions on how to change or remove third party access on each platform:




11. Transfers of Personal Data

Personal Data is collected and processed in several different countries. To ensure the lawfulness of the transfers of personal data across borders, we rely on decisions from the European Commission, standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission.

12. Security of Personal data

We use commercially reasonable technical, organizational, and administrative safeguards to protect information within our control against unauthorized or unlawful access, use, modification, destruction, processing or disclosure, and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage. We believe that these measures are reasonably adapted to the nature of the information in our custody.

We limit access to our users’ personal data to only those employees and third parties who reasonably need access to it to perform the activities attached to their job responsibilities.

However, due to the realities of data security, no security system or storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% effective or secure. Thus, we cannot guarantee that any information provided to us, collected by us or transmitted by us will not be accessed, hacked, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by unauthorized parties.

12.1 Breach of Security

If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure (for example, if you feel that the security of any account you might have with us might have been compromised), or if you suspect someone else is using your account, please let us know immediately by contacting us as indicated in the “How to Contact Us” section.

12.2 Lost or Stolen Information

You must promptly notify us if your credit, bank, other financial institution information, username, or password is lost, stolen, or used without permission. In such an event, we will assist you in updating your account details.

13. Rights of Individuals

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) grants individuals who are in the European Union and European Economic Area (EU/EEA) the following rights, with some limitations. The Academy extends these rights to all users and members, subject to the limitations set forth in Articles 15 to 23 of the GDPR. Individuals may contact us, at the address provided in the “How to Contact us” section below, to exercise any of those rights and we will respond as defined in the applicable provision(s) of the GDPR.

13.1 Right Not to Provide Consent or to Withdraw Consent

We may seek to rely on your consent in order to process certain personal data. Where we do so, you have the right not to provide your consent, and the right to withdraw your consent at any time. If you withdraw your consent, this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing conducted based on consent before its withdrawal.

13.2 Right of Access

You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not we collect or process personal data concerning you and, if this is the case, you have the right to request a copy of such personal data in digital format.

13.3 Right of Rectification

You have the right to require that we correct any inaccurate personal data concerning you, and that we complete incomplete personal data.

13.4 Right of Erasure

In certain circumstances, you have the right to request that we erase personal data concerning you; for example, if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was originally collected.

13.5 Right to Restrict Processing

In certain circumstances, you have the right to request that we restrict the processing of the personal data that we have collected about you; for example, where you believe that the personal data that hold about you is not accurate or lawfully held.

13.6 Right to Data Portability

In certain circumstances, you have the right to receive the personal data concerning you that you have provided us in a structured, commonly used, machine readable format, and the right to obtain that we transmit the data to another entity where technically feasible.

13.7 Right to Object to the Processing

In certain circumstances, you have the right to request that we stop processing your personal data.

13.8 Right to Object to the Processing for Direct Marketing Purposes

You have the right to request that we stop sending you marketing communications.

13.9 Right Not to be Subject to Decisions Based Solely on Automated Processing that Produce Legal Effects

In certain circumstances, you have the right no to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing - including profiling - that produces legal effects or similarly affects you.

13.10 Right to Complain to a Supervisory Authority

You have the right to lodge complaint with a supervisory authority or other dispute resolution mechanism if you believe that our processing of personal data relating to you infringes your rights under Applicable Law.

14. Rights of Users Located in California

California requires operators of websites or similar services to make certain disclosures to users who reside in California regarding their rights, specifically:

14.1 Shine the Light

Under California law, a business that has an established business relationship with an individual, and has, within the immediately preceding calendar year, disclosed personal data that is primarily used for personal, family or household purposes to third party for the third party’s direct marketing purposes, must disclose to its California users, upon request, the identity of any such third party, along with the type of personal data disclosed.

You can contact us to as provided in the “How to Contact Us” section. Please note that under California law, businesses are only required to respond to a user’s request once during any calendar year.

14.2 Do-Not-Track

Some browsers give individuals the ability to communicate that they wish not to be tracked while browsing on the Internet. California law requires that we disclose to users how we treat do-not-track requests. The Internet industry has not yet agreed on a definition of what “Do Not Track” means, how compliance with “Do Not Track” would be measured or evaluated, or a common approach to responding to a “Do Not Track” signal. Due to the lack of guidance, we have not yet developed features that would recognize or respond to browser-initiated Do Not Track signals in response to California law.

In the meantime, there are technical means to prevent some of the tracking, if any. See Section “Your Advertising Choices.”

15. Privacy Notice Changes

Because of changes in technology and the growth and development of our business, or for other business reasons, we may need to modify this Privacy Notice from time to time. We will notify you of changes to this Privacy Notice by posting the amended terms on the Site at least thirty (30) days before the effective date of the changes. If you do not agree to the new terms, you should stop using the Site, and you will not be bound by the new terms. Otherwise, the new terms will take effect after thirty (30) days.

We reserve the right to amend or update this Privacy Notice at any time. We will inform you of such changes as soon as they are introduced, and they will be binding as soon as they are published on the Platform or later, as provided by applicable law. Please regularly visit this page to acquaint yourself with the latest, updated version of the Privacy Notice.

16. How to Contact Us

The data controller is the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences, Inc. with a principal business address at 3030 Olympic Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90404.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice, you may:

Send an email to:


Send postal mail to:

National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences, Inc.

Privacy Office

3030 Olympic Blvd.

Santa Monica, CA 90404