What Is Your Most Used Life Hack As A Woman?


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There's no denying that everyone loves a good life hack. After all, if given the opportunity, people should work smarter and not harder, and often these little life hacks help us save time, money, or even our sanity.

One Reddit user took to the community and asked women what is their most-used life hack, and women had a lot of advice to share.

The Reddit Post

Reddit user FloydianCrazyDiamond recently took to the Ask Women subreddit and asked the community, "What is your most used lifehack as a woman?"

A Reddit app with two notifications.

From personal hygiene, household responsibilities, setting boundaries with others, and learning to love yourself, here are some of the top-rated answers.

Learning To Say "No"

Some of us are people pleasers, and so, telling people "No" can be a bit of a challenge. But perhaps it shouldn't be.

A woman holds her hand out towards the camera.

"Learning to say no without feeling guilty gave me a level of control in my life that made me finally feel like an adult. Every person should learn how!! It also helps you understand and respect when other people say no to you." - Arya_kidding_me

The Pink Tax

You've probably heard of the "pink tax" before. This refers to how products advertised towards women are often more expensive than men's products. With this in mind, many users said it's time to switch things up.

Speed Stick deodorants on a store shelf.

Whether you're buying deodorant or razors, purchasing men's products instead will save you money without sacrificing quality.

Always Be Prepared

Other women are big proponents of always being prepared. They said that from hygienic products to cash, clothes, and makeup, they have an emergency bag tucked away in their car for those "Just in case" life moments.

A gray backpack in the trunk of a car.

"It's saved my butt on numerous occasions such as impromptu meetings, having to stay over at a family member's house, dates you may need to rush to." - aussieidiot229

Practicing Safe Sex

Sex is simply a part of life, and users had a lot to say about safe sex. Some women recommended peeing after sex to reduce the risk of contracting a UTI (urinary tract infection), while others had a specific recommendation for birth control.

A man and a woman lie in bed and kiss.

"I never have to worry about taking pills and as an added bonus, I stopped getting a period. I would get an IUD [intrauterine device] for that reason alone." - 01122127

Unfriend Social Media

Most of us have some sort of social media, but some women recommended giving themselves a mental break by hitting the "Unfriend" button.

Social media apps on a cell phone, including Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

"Deleting Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat three years ago has helped my anxiety immensely! Now looking back, I find it uncomfortable that so much was shared on social media." - Glum_Spot_465

Feminine Hygiene

Once a month our dear Aunt Flo pays us an expected — but unwelcome — visit. Every woman has a preference for feminine hygiene products, but whether they're saving money or not getting yeast infections, many users praised menstrual cups in lieu of traditional products.

Colorful tampons and a menstrual cup against a pink background.

"Literally changed my life. I'm so convinced I rarely get any sort of infection there because I don’t dry it out with tampons." - perksofbeingcrafty

Step It Up

You've probably heard the saying before that getting in 10,000 steps per day is ideal. While 10,000 steps each day is a big number, users recommend finding little ways to effortlessly hit your walking goal each day.

A woman in light-colored leggings and sneakers walks down the street.

These include parking a bit further from your destination, taking the stairs, or walking along a scenic route.

Up Your Shopping Game

One woman said to jot down your body measurements (such as foot size and bust-hip-waist size) into your phone and make a note of any clothes that fit you perfectly (including brand and size).

A woman in a red coat holds several colorful shopping bags.

That way, if you're online shopping you can compare your notes to sizing charts and increase your chances of choosing the right fit.

Sometimes It's Okay To Be Rude

From manipulative family members to men who think they're entitled to your time, one user said that going from nice girl to not-so-nice girl is often justified — and if people react negatively, take it as proof it worked.

A woman holds up a middle finger.

"Some dude interrupted me reading a book to start talking to me about something I wasn't interested in...and after repeatedly stating I dislike their aesthetic, I finally flatly replied with, 'Wow, that was a really boring story.'" - Lady von Stinkbeaver

Make Vinegar And Lemon Juice Your Friend

Whether you're cooking or cleaning, acids such as vinegar and lemon juice are your best friend.

Lemons and a spray bottle.

A squeeze of lemon juice can amplify flavors in your dishes while vinegar is great for removing odors, softening fabrics, and can be used as a cleaning solution in lieu of harsh chemical cleaners.

Budget, Budget, Budget

Women love to splurge on self-care, such as manicures/pedicures, massages, and hair cuts.

A person holds several hundred dollar bills in their hands.

While traditional at-home beauty routines and self-care can only go so far, if you like visiting your local salon to look and feel your best, make sure you budget for those extra expenses.

Kitchen Tips Worthy Of A Chef's Kiss

Any beautifully prepared and delicious meal will leave behind a slew of dirty dishes and garbage. Instead of leaving your kitchen looking like a city landfill after every meal, women suggest cleaning as you cook to cut down on the mess.

A woman cooks on the stovetop and tastes her dish.

Other users also suggested keeping a garbage bowl nearby so you can toss scraps away as you're cooking.

Cans Of Shaving Gel

When summer rolls around every year, we often also roll up our sleeves and get busy shaving. But from our underarms to our legs, shaving is a time-consuming process.

A white tiled shower and a shelf with hygiene products.

For people who use a shaving gel that comes in aluminum cans, one user recommends first applying clear nail polish to the bottom of the can before putting it in your shower, thereby preventing a ring of rust from forming.

Shaving In General

Other users suggested that when it comes to shaving, women should just ditch shaving gel altogether.

A woman shaves her legs with a purple razor.

"I use [an] inexpensive hair conditioner. A small amount goes a long way. The razor glides over your skin and has the added benefit of leaving your skin soft." - taylortj

Save Every Last Drop

Not being able to squeeze out the last bit of lotion or shampoo at the bottom of a container is a big pet peeve, so instead of throwing away valuable product, women recommended cutting the container in half to scoop up what's left.

A woman squeezes body lotion onto her hand.

"I purchased a tiny spatula to get inside of foundation bottles and squeegee every last little bit out of the container. It was a game-changer!" - galactic-narwhal

Feminine Hygiene On The Go

Inside every woman's purse is a sad single tampon or pad that's been torn to shreds after bouncing around in the bottom of the bag for too long. Perhaps you shouldn't use a dirty and old product down there, so women have an easier solution instead.

Tampons and pads.

Keep all hygiene products in a clear Ziploc bag, or even old candy containers, to keep them fresh and easily accessible.

What Would A Man Do?

"When I'm not feeling so hot/sexy or when I’m stressing about meeting my own standards, I ask myself: what would a guy do? The answer is usually much much less than all this. So then I sit back, accept my existence and presence is a gift to everyone and enjoy!

A man in a red sweater smiles and holds his hands in fists.

There it is. Being a guy. That's my life hack. You're welcome." - throwawayfallenangel

Say "Goodbye" To Clothing Chaos

"I double up hangers. I have 3 tank tops on a hanger for example, or a button-up with a t-shirt on another. Saves me from buying hangers and saves closet room." - The_Doops

A woman with a sunflower on her belt puts her hand in her pocket.

"A purchase of clothing without pockets is a vote against pockets!!" - Schrodinger_cube

Learning To Love Yourself

"Never be afraid that you might not find a better person that's why you settle for less. You always deserve better, and most, peace of mind." - TakeThatOut

"Learning when someone isn't worth your time or energy. Save it for those who matter." - LovelyxMae