Ronald Reagan: From Hollywood To The Oval Office

Scott Croker

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Born in 1911, no one could have predicted how Reagan’s life would mirror that of the movie characters he played. Before Ronald Reagan was America’s 40th President, he was the Governor of California. Before that, he was a successful actor in Hollywood.

From humble beginnings in sports broadcasting to running the country for two terms, this is the life of Ronald Reagan. You won’t believe how enlisting in the Army cost Reagan his chance to be a movie star!

Ronald Reagan Grew Up Poor In Illinois

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Photo Credit: CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images

Born in 1911 at his parent’s apartment in Illinois, Ronald Reagan’s unconventional start to life was only a preview of things to come. The youngest son of Jack Reagan and Nelle Clyde, Ronald was not born into money. Jack worked as a salesman and storyteller.

At a young age, Reagan was given an unfortunate “Dutchman” haircut and was nicknamed “Dutch.” The name, given to him by his father, followed him until he went to college and moved away from home. Unsurprisingly, Reagan lists his mother as one of his life’s biggest influences. He once wrote, “she always expected to find the best in people.”