Segimon I Jagelló el Vell

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Sigismund I the Old

King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania

  • Sigismund the Old
  • Zygmunt Stary
  • Zygmunt I Stary


Zygmunt I Stary (polonès)

Žygimantas Senasis (lituà)


Zygmunt I <re di Polonia>

1 referència

Zygmunt I Stary MBTI Personality Type: ISTJ (anglès)

Sigismóndo I Iagellone il Vecchio re di Polonia e granduca di Lituania

SIGISMONDO I Jagellone, re di Polonia e granduca di Lituania

Sigismund I, King of Poland

Zygmunt Sigismund I The Old, King of Poland Polski (Jagiello) aka of Poland (1 Jan 1467 - 1 Apr 1548)