Wikidata:WikiProject Catalan creators - Wikidata

Illustrators & Comic authors

Article Images

The WikiProject Catalan creators is a WikiProject to have a Wikidata item for every notable Catalan creator.*

On Wikipedia we have a lot of experience breaking down large amounts of work into smaller chunks that can be completed. Examples of this are the WikiProject sum of all paintings or Wiki Loves Monuments (Q1353202). For Catalan creators we can use the same strategy: We break it down into smaller parts that can be handled and then we can utilize Wikidata to document creators of Catalan speaking areas through linked open data!

Catalan speaking areas

The scope of this project is documenting creators born or active in the Catalan speaking territories. This include artists, writers, translators, performing artists, musicians, designers and architects, so far. The scope can always be expanded: in the future we could include other disciplines, or even researchers, institutions, notable get the picture! The scope of this project is notable people.

  • Use the guidelines of item structure when adding data to each entry. Think of it like a collections management database of information.
  • If you come across an item (i.e. a creator, institution, organization, educational center, award) that does not exist, please create it on Wikidata. (Click the red link:) )

Getting the data for all creators of Catalan Speaking areas and importing this data and curating the items is a lot of work. To make this manageable we subdivide it by discipline. This way people can focus on one discipline (literature, visual arts...,)...we get it to a certain standard and then move on to another group of creators. For this to work every human needs to have occupation property.

Creators should be properly described. We'll highlight some important ones for creators here. The two statements every person here should have:

And to make it a good start item add the following statements:

Property Data type description required
instance of (P31) Item that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform) yes
occupation (P106) Item occupation of a person; see also "field of work" (Property:P101), "position held" (Property:P39) yes
sex or gender (P21) Item sex or gender identity of human or animal. For human: male, female, non-binary, intersex, transgender female, transgender male, agender, etc. For animal: male organism, female organism. Groups of same gender use subclass of (P279) yes
place of birth (P19) Item most specific known birth location of a person, animal or fictional character yes
date of birth (P569) Point in time date on which the subject was born yes
languages spoken, written or signed (P1412) Item language(s) that a person or a people speaks, writes or signs, including the native language(s) yes

Questions, issues? Just ask on the talk page (click "Discussion")

Add notable works

To link notable works to their creators, we need to have items about these creators. You can help creating items of both missing works and creators. You can also use Mix'n'Match] to match existing items to these authority control databases.

Know about a database/catalog describing Catalan speaking areas creators? Feel free to add it to the project! This is a wiki!

Cinema & Audiovisual


  • Add your catalogue of catalan areas sculptors

Translators from/to Catalan

  • Add catalogue of Catalan language translators

Artists existing online catalogues or databases

  • Add catalogue of Catalan studies professionals from Catalan Areas
  • Add catalogue of Cinema playwright from Catalan Areas
  • Guionistes de Catalunya

All institutions have metadata of some sort – this data is super important to making the most out of this project. Our dream is that all cultural institutions open their collections metadata under a Creative Commons Zero (CC0). This allows us to easily upload data to Wikidata using automated processes and saves us time and people power to focus on other parts of the project. It also means that those GLAMs who have released that data, like the Rijksmuseum (Q190804), already have their data on Wikidata. You can learn more about why you should open your data CC0 here. Right now, only a small group of institutions have done that.

But my data is published under a CC-BY-SA license! We can't use it through auto mass import because it is incompatible with the license of Wikidata. It's a restrictive license for data and goes against our mission of providing free, reusable data.

We haven't released our metadata, but we do have some of our databases online - Great! Then we can slowly work on manually putting your items on Wikidata. Please list it below and help us by adding your data manually on Wikidata. It's a long process, but better than not having your collective represented.

This is a wiki. Anyone can help! Feel free to add yourself to this list:

  1. Kippelboy (talk) 09:28, 31 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]