Wikidata:WikiProject Visual arts/Item structure/Art movements

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Article description field of work country location inception end time Commons category influenced by discoverer or inventor Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID Freebase ID Renaissance cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century Europe 16th century Renaissance 300021140 /m/06cvx rapping musical genre characterized by the practice of rapping; art movement; musical delivery involving rhythmic speech Rap /m/06bxc
/m/0gg77kj Dada avant-garde art movement in the early 20th century 190s Dada Ubu roi
anti-war movement
African art 300021500 /m/0298q neoclassicism Western cultural movement inspired by ancient Greece and Rome 1830 Neoclassicism 300021477
300108149 /m/0190t4 street art art that is public and temporary in public spaces Street art 300056477 /m/07vwy6 Art Nouveau international philosophy and style of art, architecture and applied art 1890 190s Art Nouveau 300021430 /m/0g6pl Romanticism artistic, literary, musical, and intellectual movement 19th century Romanticism 300172863 /m/06hsk Baroque cultural movement, starting around 1600 Europe
New World 170s Baroque art Council of Trent 300021147 /m/0194x modern art artistic works produced during the period extending roughly from the 1860s to the 1970s Modern art /m/015r61 First Athenian School poetical movement active in Athens, Greece from 1830 to 1880 Greece /m/010hn5dl surrealism international cultural movement that began in the early 1920s 190s 190s Surrealism Dada
metaphysical painting
communism 300021512 /m/073_6 Impressionism 19th-century art movement 180s Impressionism Louis Leroy
Francesco Filippini
Claude Monet 300021503 /m/03xj1 Cubism early-20th-century avant-garde art movement France 1907 Cubism Paul Cézanne
African art 300021495 /m/09ff3 Romanesque art artistic style of Europe from approximately 1000 AD to the 13th century Europe 12th century Romanesque art Byzantine art
Insular art 300020768 /m/08bx3w Gothic art style of Medieval art developed in Northern France France
Holy Roman Empire 150s Gothic art 300020775 /m/03mmhl postmodernism philosophical and artistic movement Postmodernism 300022208 /m/05wkc Naturalism art movement Naturalist paintings 300311115 /m/06wdmm Caravaggisti followers of the 16th-century Italian Baroque painter Caravaggio Caravaggeschi 300386054 /m/0c3v8gh Expressionism modernist art movement Expressionism The Blue Rider
Die Brücke 300021502 /m/0pybl avant-garde works that are experimental or innovative Avant-garde art 300055775 /m/0k345 Fluxus international network of artists, composers and designers performance art
visual arts
urban planning
design 190s 190s Fluxus John Cage
Marcel Duchamp George Maciunas 300022168 /m/0lvd8 Bauhaus school in Germany that combined crafts and the fine arts Germany 1919 Bauhaus Deutscher Werkbund
De Stijl 300021432 /m/018cy abstract art art with a degree of independence from visual references in the world Abstract art 300417511
300108127 /m/0197s6 futurism artistic and social movement Italy
Poland 1909 Futurism Cubism 300021374 /m/01hl64 kitsch art or other objects that appeal to popular rather than high art tastes Kitsch 300056181 /m/0p632 mannerism style of European art 1600 Mannerism 300021144 /m/05095 pop art art movement 190s Pop art Dada
popular culture
abstract expressionism 300022205 /m/0q4mn Zero group of artists Germany 1958
1957 1966 ZERO Color Field /m/0h3r32j Barbizon school artistic movement of landscape painters of the first part and mid-19th century Barbizon 1825 Barbizon School 300264658 /m/01yfx3 magic realism style of literary fiction and art 300021351 /m/0127jb neo-impressionism art movement Art Institute of Chicago Neo-Impressionist paintings Félix Fénéon 300021505 /m/049xrv Die Brücke German expressionist artist group Germany 1905-06-07 1913 Die Brücke Albrecht Dürer
Matthias Grünewald
Lucas Cranach the Elder
primitivism /m/02xdhk Biedermeier Era in Central Europe between 1815 and 1848 Biedermeier 300021434 /m/05gnv8 degenerate art term used by the German Nazi regime to describe modern art Germany Entartete Kunst 300021341 /m/017mfk Carolingian Renaissance 8th-9th century renaissance within the Carolingian Empire 09th century /m/0vjmf New Objectivity attitude of public life in Weimar Germany as well as the art, literature, music, and architecture created to adapt to it New Objectivity Art Deco 300056541
300378891 /m/03jk24 Group E group of Attic vase painters of the black-figure style Group E /m/0h97tv2 Symbolism late nineteenth-century art movement of French, Russian and Belgian origin France
Russian Empire
Second Polish Republic 1857 Symbolism (arts) 300021514 /m/0nk1p
/m/011bwy9t fauvism artistic style that emphasized painterly qualities and strong color over the representational or realistic values retained by Impressionism 1904 Fauvisme 300021300 /m/04lx1 post-impressionism predominantly French art movement that developed roughly between 1886 and 1905 1905 Post-Impressionism 300021508 /m/015xrq classicism art movement; architectural style 1725 Classicism 300056513 /m/0pbzd minimalism movements in various forms of art and design Minimalism modernism 300065758 /m/057k3 Art Deco influential visual arts design style which first appeared in France during the 1920s applied arts
interior design
industrial design
graphic arts France 190s
1925 Art Deco Société des artistes décorateurs
modern architecture
Eugène Grasset
Georges Braque
Paul Cézanne 300021426 /m/0tyq Thirties Generation art and literary movement in Greece Greece abstract expressionism American post–World War II art movement Abstract expressionism 300022099 /m/012yb9 socialist realism Art style depicting communist values Soviet Union 1932 Socialist realism AKhRR
communism 300021404 /m/0hkjj op art style of visual art that uses optical illusions 190s Op art 300022195 /m/018dgm Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood group of English painters, poets, and critics, founded in 1848 1848 Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood John Ruskin 300021225 /m/0q245 ukiyo-e Japanese art genre, fl. 17th–19th c., consisting of woodblock prints and paintings of such subjects as female beauties, kabuki actors, sumo wrestlers, scenes from history and folk tales, travel scenes, landscapes, flora, fauna, and erotica Japan 17th century 19th century Ukiyo-e Hishikawa Moronobu 300106769 /m/0bwbv contemporary art art of the present time beginning with Pop Art and Conceptual Art Contemporary art conceptual art
pop art 300264737 /m/0h0vk academic art style of painting and sculpture produced under the influence of European academies of art Academic art 300056465
300055954 /m/021gt_ Brazilian academic art art movement in Brazil Brazil Academic paintings in Brazil academic art /m/05mqmkr suprematism early 20th-century art movement Russian Empire 1913 Suprematism Cubism 300021405 /m/01qvqj eclecticism conceptual approach Eclectic art 300056522 /m/01k8zx conceptual art contemporary art movement 190s Conceptual art Marcel Duchamp
found object
formalism 300264827
300265224 /m/018dx9 constructivism artistic and architectural philosophy Constructivism Cubism 300021393 /m/07fzg6 bohemianism practice of an unconventional lifestyle 300055776 De Stijl Dutch artistic movement abstract art Netherlands 1917 1932-01 De Stijl Cubism
M. H. J. Schoenmaekers
Hendrik Petrus Berlage
Frank Lloyd Wright
Kazimir Malevich
Dada 300021259 /m/01g_xm Vienna Secession group of Austrian artists and architects Austria
Austria-Hungary 1897-04-03 Vienna Secession /m/04zh55 COBRA artist collective and art movement Belgium 1948-11-08 COBRA (movement) James Ensor /m/01gd5x Quattrocento Italian Renaissance Republic of Florence
Republic of Venice 15th-century art of Italy /m/03pdx_ Zopf style variant of late Baroque in Central Europe in the 18th century Zopfstil 300108106 Hellenistic art art movement Hellenistic art 300020101 /m/0g37f_ Viking art term for art of Scandinavia and Viking settlements of 8th-11th centuries CE Norway
Denmark Scandinavia 08th century 11th century Viking art 300021010 /m/06p86p Transavantgarde art movement Italy /m/03nps28 Delft school school in 17th-century Dutch painting Dutch Republic /m/03chyfd Kanō school school of Japanese painting, late 15th century until Meiji Period, 1868 Japan 15th century 1868 Kanō school Chinese painting 300018653 /m/029wkm nova cançó artistic movement and music genre in catalan spoken territories /m/02prpm2 aestheticism art movement emphasizing aesthetic considerations over social values United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 180s Aestheticism 300018124 /m/0182g8 Incoherents 19th-century French art movement France 180s Arts incohérents /m/0bdczx École de Nancy art movement Nancy 1901 École de Nancy /m/0fp_6q2 School of Paris art movement École de Paris /m/06b94t Nouveau réalisme artist group and art movement 1960 1970 Nouveau réalisme Dada 300112105 /m/0543z4 Sots Art artistic movement Soviet Union Socialist art /m/03gr_jv historicism art and architecture movement Historicism 300391347 /m/03d0c1k naïve art art movement Naïve art 300263555 /m/01b8q0 Beuron Art School Art movement developed in the late 19th century in Germany 1868 Beuroner Kunstschule /m/027btt8 Munich school art movement Munich School /m/02w9zjj land art form of art creation in which landscape and the work of art are inextricably linked Land art 300047857 /m/018q2s Arts and Crafts movement international design movement decorative art 1910 Arts and Crafts movement 300266319 /m/0d28s New Figuration New Figuration 300022191 hard-edge painting movement in painting 1959 Jules Langsner 300022175 /m/01rg39 auricular style style of ornamental decoration Auricular style /m/0j7kclp agitprop political art from Soviet Russia propaganda
political agitation Soviet Union 1991 300055540 /m/01c6hm new media art type of art that uses media technology New media art 300386814 /m/04z_yl Pont-Aven School art movement 1850 Paintings of Pont-Aven /m/09d_w1 Non-conformists of the 1930s avantgarde movement during the inter-war period in France France /m/0119g4z0 neo-romanticism movements from the era of Romanticism 300021476 /m/01f56t Nazarene movement early 19th century German Romantic painters Confederation of the Rhine 1809-07-10 Nazarener /m/03m3nw Neo-geo art movement 300265635 /m/05myvf4 Early Netherlandish painting work of artists active in the Low Countries during the 15th- and 16th-century Northern Renaissance art of painting
art of drawing Burgundian Netherlands
Habsburg Netherlands Tournai
City of Brussels 150s Early Netherlandish painters 300387753 /m/03d02m American Renaissance art movement and architectural style United States of America 1917 /m/01vztg American scene painting art movement 300164372 /m/07ftr1 environmental art genre of art engaging nature and ecology Environmental art 300121451 /m/025ss97 Antwerp Mannerism style of painting and drawing practiced by artists working in Antwerp during the period from circa 1500 to 1530 Southern Netherlands Antwerp 15th century /m/0c1qv2 kitchen sink realism British social realist artistic movement /m/04fy52 Amsterdam Impressionism art movement Netherlands /m/0c2n08 purism French art movement art of painting
architecture France 1918 1925 Purism 300122664 /m/06kl18 Analytische Malerei Les Nabis artist collective 1888 Les Nabis /m/015ym8 Young British Artists loose group of visual artists installation art United Kingdom 1988 Young British Artists Freeze
East Country Yard Show 300263412 /m/014wxs Orphism art movement abstract art 1912 Orphism fauvism
Paul Signac
Michel Eugène Chevreul
Charles Henry Lee Guillaume Apollinaire 300134101 /m/03rgzj Photo-Secession group of photographers and art movement photography United States of America 1902 Photo-Secession The Linked Ring 300108181 /m/027bcpb process art art in which the process of creating it becomes the subject matter Brazil 300022209 /m/02q0l5r Activism art movement in Hungary (1910s-1920s) Kingdom of Hungary Art & Language American, Australian and British artists United Kingdom
United States of America
Australia 1968 Art & Language modern art
Clement Greenberg /m/01d8x3 Wu School school of Chinese painting /m/0djdnl Lyon School style of painting that flourished around 1800 Lyon School /m/04_134d Macchiaioli art movement art of painting 180s Macchiaioli /m/07xq2x Eurasiatic animal style Iron Age art movement characterized by the use of animal motifs -00th millenium Animal style /m/0492g2 Arte Povera Italian art movement Italy 1967 1972 Arte Povera Germano Celant 300047851 /m/04_d7p Neoclassical painting painting movement 170s 1830 Neoclassical paintings School of Fontainebleau art movement by artists active at Fontainebleau 1530s-1610 École de Fontainebleau /m/034ltq Danube school art movement Danube School 300263782 /m/04lh89 neo-expressionism art movement 300022189 /m/03r8n4 outsider art art created outside the boundaries of official culture by those untrained in the arts Outsider art 300056472
300266230 /m/017b87 New Romantic 1970s British pop culture movement 1979 /m/01b4p4 subjective photography photography genre 300181199 Bloomsbury Group influential group of associated English writers, intellectuals, philosophers and artists Bloomsbury Group /m/0bjkt Venetian school Renaissance art movement Venetian school /m/080c2h7 Northern Renaissance Renaissance that occurred in the European countries north of the Alps Northern Europe 300252246 /m/03mgmk Insular art style of art produced in the post-Roman history of the British Isles manuscript illumination
art of sculpture British Isles 05th century
07th century 11th century Insular art Celtic Christianity
Celtic art
Anglo-Saxon art 300021018
300021025 /m/028084f Carolingian art art of the Frankish empire, ca. 780–900 Carolingian art 300020764 /m/06qtv2 Russian Futurism movement of Russian poets and artists /m/0c_q4g archaic Greek sculpture period in ancient Greek sculpture art of sculpture -0480 Archaic Greek art Realism sculpture France Neue Wilde German art movement Germany /m/03r8n4 psychedelia movement, subculture, style or aesthetic that is resembled in the psychedelic subculture of the 1960s and the psychedelic experience produced by certain psychoactive substances Psychedelia /m/0cgxt intimism art movement of paintings and drawings of quiet domestic scenes Armeleutemalerei type of painting Madí Argentinian art group and art movement Argentina 1944 /m/04q1mxy Viennese Actionism Austrian short-lived art movement performance art
art of painting
body art
cinematography Austria Vienna 1960 1971 300047933 /m/029m7b Berlin Secession German artistic movement Germany 1898-05-02 Berlin Secession /m/0g99vx Vormärz Period of German history before the 1848 revolution /m/026dkl1 pre-Romanesque art art style of Europe between the fall of Rome and the 11th century Pre-Romanesque art 300020760 Ashcan School American art movement United States of America 1910 Ashcan School 300120324 /m/039wln Congrès International d'Architecture Moderne organization, network and series of congresses about the Modern Movement in architecture Europe 1928-06 Congrès International d'Architecture Moderne /m/02322_ Pompeian Styles artistic styles of Roman murals Ancient Roman frescos of Pompeii 300020605 /m/0dtv_q hyperrealism art movement Hyperrealism /m/0f404j Japonisme European imitation of Japanese art during the 19th and 20th centuries Japonisme Japanese art
music of Japan 300055785 /m/05xkth metaphysical painting painting movement 1917
1910 1920 Metaphysical art 300021376 /m/06r_26 art of the Paleolithic oldest form of prehistoric art Cave art /m/063ymzj Renaissance of the 12th century period during the High Middle Ages of European history /m/08_l2z ink wash painting painting technique Ink and wash paintings 300114433
300053388 /m/01d0jv Lettrism French avant-garde movement founded by Isidore Isou in mid-1940s Paris 1945 Lettrism Dada
surrealism /m/01h2l4 Bergen School 1915–1925 movement in Dutch painting /m/05c4hcx en plein air act of painting outdoors Painting en plein air 300266829 /m/064s0 Harlem Renaissance African-American cultural movement in New York City in the 1920s Harlem Renaissance Great Migration 300121558 /m/019y_2 Inuit art Art created by Inuit peoples of the Arctic Inuit art /m/02z1j3b Kerch style art movement Kerch style 300020202 /m/0g8dw5 social realism art showing conditions of the working class Weimar Republic Social realism 300061066 /m/01p0s6 shin-hanga Japanese printmaking style, ca. 1915 to 1950 woodblock printing Japan 1915 190s Shin Hanga ukiyo-e Shōzaburō Watanabe 300262954 /m/07gjf9 Mail-Art Swiss art space Switzerland 1982-10-02 Mail art Fluxus 300121462 /m/01h8m6 neoplasticism art theory Neo-plasticism 300021262 Decadent movement late-19th-century artistic and literary movement centered in Western Europe 300021439 /m/0dzpjp cinquecento the 16th century as a period of Italian art, architecture, or literature Republic of Florence
Republic of Venice /m/0c0t6b primitivism art movement Primitivism 300174254
300056548 /m/06s0d7 pictorialism photography movement 180s Pictorialism 300111559 /m/01cwxk neorealism art movement /m/0955rx Company style hybrid Indo-European style of paintings made in India by Indian artists in the 18th and 19th centuries 18th century Company style 300018959 /m/02qt5pc Biomorphism art movement Biomorphism /m/06c8jp International Gothic art style International Gothic 300020786 /m/01fg2w New Leipzig School art movement art of painting Germany Leipzig 190s Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig
German reunification /m/0cnx300 modernism movement of art, culture, philosophy and architecture Modernism 300021474 /m/04y41 cloisonnism style of post-Impressionist painting art of painting Édouard Dujardin 300021297 /m/04xgs1 Nine lyric poets group of humans /m/08kgxd Bolognese school art movement art of painting Italy Bologna 15th century 16th century /m/08_chs Borre style Scandinavian animal style which is named after a boat grave in Borre, Norway Borre style 300263132 /m/03qd9rn Migration Period art art movement 04th century Migration period art Roman art 300106978 /m/06n90k vorticism short-lived modernist movement in British art and poetry of the early 20th century Vorticism Cubism 300021515 /m/01584j Streamline Moderne art movement between Art Deco and modernism Streamline Moderne architecture 300253564 /m/04h9yl ero guro literary and artistic movement originating circa 1930 in Japan Japan Ero guro /m/07f9tc Novecento Italiano Italian artistic movement Italy 300265843 /m/04gspws Neo-Dada art movement Dada Barbara Rose 300022187 /m/049684 Renaissance sculpture art of sculpture in the Renaissance Renaissance sculptures Mexican muralism global movement inspired by Mexican muralism Mexico Murals in Mexico 300107850 /m/04ycq4h photorealism art genre and movement Photorealism 300022201 /m/02cywx Rayonism art movement Rayonism 300021397 /m/020hdb Hudson River school American art movement United States of America Hudson River School 300379047 /m/023ts6 Bengal School of Art an art movement and a style of Indian painting in the early 20th century Bengal school of art /m/0623x0 Anglo-Saxon art art of the Anglo-Saxon period Anglo-Saxon art Germanic animal ornamentation /m/06lh4s classical Greek sculpture ancient Greece sculpture Ancient Greek sculptures New Valencian School Spain Proto-Renaissance cultural movement preceding the Italian Renaissance Italy 12th century 300020787 Merovingian art art of the Franks under the Merovingian dynasty 05th century Merovingian art 300019512 /m/0cs6sw Európai Iskola Hungary 1945 Informalism art movement in Europe, parallel to abstract expressionism Europe 190s Michel Tapié 300022176 /m/0wymp9l Centro de Arte y Comunicación Argentine art organization and conceptual art movement Argentina 1968-08 /m/0g0fgz Ottonian art art style in Germany under the Ottonian emperors 10th century Ottonian art Carolingian art
early Christian art and architecture
Byzantine art 300020766 /m/06rfl7 Chen-style t'ai chi ch'uan Chinese martial art created by the Chen family /m/041ngr Section d'Or art group 1911 Section d'or /m/09n6sv studio glass the use of glass as an artistic medium to produce sculptures or three-dimensional artworks Glass art /m/0bmhdjq Catalan modernism architectural and artistic movement originating in late-19th-century Catalonia, Spain Spain Catalonia 1911 Art Nouveau in Catalonia 300312268 /m/01t1ys Post-romanticism cultural movement /m/09p_xf hip hop culture culture including hip hop music, turntablism, breakdancing and graffiti 190s Hip hop culture 300266490 /m/07t13s Young Poland 1890–1918 modernist arts movement in Poland visual arts
music Poland 1890 Young Poland Positivism in Poland 300266311 /m/02vdrk Costumbrismo art movement Costumbrismo /m/0886m1 Polish School of Posters art movement Poland /m/06w5f52 Zhe school painters of Southern School, which thrived during Ming dynasty of China /m/06prpf Escuela de Vallecas Spain 1927 Luminism late-impressionist or neo-impressionist style in painting art of painting Luminism 300411669 /m/08cvxr Color Field art movement emerging in New York during the 1940s, using large fields of flat, solid color, with less emphasis on brushstrokes 190s Color field paintings 300022120 /m/03hmqc Hague School artistic movement Netherlands The Hague 1860 Hague School /m/05xlq3 feminist art art that reflects women’s lives and experiences Feminist art /m/0_89b15 Glasgow School art movement part of Art Nouveau in Glasgow, Scotland decorative art
textile art
art of painting 180s 190s Glasgow School 300375728 /m/065sw6 Neue Slowenische Kunst micronation 1984 Neue Slowenische Kunst /m/015gb9 food art set of artistic practices using food as a creative material Jugendstil artistic movement; German equivalent of art nouveau 300021313 ligne claire drawing style Klare lijn /m/01lj9l Mammen style art movement of Viking Age Scandinavia Scandinavia 10th century 11th century Mammen style 300021011 /m/03qd1zc Sienese school painting style developed in 14th-century Siena Italy Siena 13th century Sienese School of painting /m/0rsfz Groupe de Recherche d’Art Visuel artist collective kinetic art France 1960-07
1961-07 /m/0vxgkfh Spin art Spin art /m/03ch4bp historically informed performance approach to the performance of classical music 190s Historically informed performance /m/01_h9x Stuckism international art movement 1999 Stuckism 300265674 /m/0fxh8 School of Porto art movement of architecture Portugal Porto ethnofuturism literary genre Cretan school art movement Greece Crete 13th century Cretan School /m/0272d48 Poetism Czech art and literature movement Czechoslovakia 1923 Dada Figuration Libre French art movement /m/02q2d_g Ottonian Renaissance renaissance of Late Antique art in Central/Southern Europe under the first 3 Ottonian dynasty Holy Roman Emperors Holy Roman Empire 1002 /m/0bxqv_ Cubo-Futurism Russian art movement art of painting
art of sculpture Russian Empire 1913 Cubo-Futurism 300021394 /m/07fsyb Russian avant-garde influential wave of modern art that flourished in Russia about 1890 to 1930 Russian Empire
Soviet Union 180s 190s Russian avant-garde /m/05jm04 School of Ferrara painter and book illuminators who follow the style of Cosimo Tura Ferrara Italy Ferrara /m/08_0_q Vienna School of Fantastic Realism art group Austria 1946 300022160 /m/02vjkc filk folk music of science fiction fandom Filk /m/02wm1 dark romanticism romanticism sub-genre /m/09g39h Seicento Italian history and culture during the 17th century Republic of Venice 1700 /m/0dctrr Mir iskusstva Russian Empire 1899 Mir iskusstva 300021414 /m/06jkrc Franco-Saxon School style of Carolingian illumination art of Carolingian illumination West Francia 09th century Franco-Saxon School 300106976 Neo-Attic art movement Neo Atticism 300020212 /m/0f71vg Neue Frankfurter Schule Group of satirical artists and writers Germany Neue Frankfurter Schule Superflat art movement Japan 2000 manga
lolicon Takashi Murakami 300266360 /m/03y7_9 Early Renaissance art movement 140s 1500 300021141 Poetic realism French film movement France 1939 /m/04xdyd High Renaissance short period of the most exceptional artistic production during the Italian Renaissance Italy 1527 Renaissance paintings 300021142 /m/01z__d Oseberg style Oseberg style 300263131 /m/03qdckr sōsaku-hanga art movement in early 20th-century Japan Empire of Japan 1904 Sōsaku-hanga ukiyo-e
art for art's sake 300310626 /m/07gjpf Tingatinga contemporary painting style in Tansania Tingatinga /m/0dln815 Gustavian style art movement Sweden internet art art that uses the Internet as a medium or subject Internet art internet culture 300419940 /m/019vtn Precisionism art movement Cubism
futurism /m/02m0r8 Hellenistic sculpture sculpture of the Hellenistic culture of antiquity Hellenistic sculptures Het Monochrome Banketje term for Dutch minimalist still life paintings by Pieter Claesz, coined by N.R.A. Vroom, between "laid table" and "pronk still life" Monochrome Banketjes 300265043 Utrecht Caravaggism art movement Dutch Republic Utrecht 160s 1630 Utrecht Caravaggisti Caravaggio /m/06rbhl Cologne Progressives Left wing art movement in Germany in the 1920s-30s Germany Cologne Progressives /m/0123lr01 nishiki-e Japanese multi-colored woodblock printing woodblock printing 1765 Nishiki-e Suzuki Harunobu 300114379
300041507 /m/062m49 Junk art genre of art made using rubbish or found objects Ringerike style art style from Scandinavia Scandinavia 11th century 12th century Ringerike style 300021012 /m/03nxgys Urnes style Viking Age style of ornament 11th century Urnes style 300020939 /m/03nx27r capitalist realism term for commodity-based art, from Pop Art in the 1950s and 1960s to the commodity art of the 1980s and 1990s Capitalist realism 300253478 /m/0260tsd Karelianism 19th-century Finnic cultural phenomenon Finland
Russian Empire /m/090td_ Fantastic Realism art movement or genre Austria
Soviet Union 1960 surrealism
Hans Bellmer
Salvador Dalí /m/0dn_7v severe style term for a period of of Greek sculpture Severe style Greek sculptures 300020221 /m/03m7vrk concretism movement in arts and literature Lowbrow art movement arose in Los Angeles, California Lowbrow art 300375132 /m/057_ny Tonalism 19-20th-century US artistic movement using landscapes with colored atmosphere or mist, often gray, brown or blue 1915 300132908 /m/05_7nw Neues Sehen 1920's photography and art movement 190s Bauhaus
New Objectivity 300263414 /m/0j65v8v Laren School art movement Netherlands Larense School ledger art Native American narrative art Ledger art /m/05f30fc Genkse School Belgium Animisme Belgium Bruges School Belgian artistic movement Belgium Brugse School Russian symbolism activities and events of the Symbolist movement in 19th-century Russia /m/06jl5k straight photography photography with a sharp focus and detail photography 300134613 /m/022j_x Czech Cubism avant-garde art movement Czech Republic
Czechoslovakia 1912 Czech Cubism 300265838 /m/02q53zv Merz term used by Kurt Schwitters 300021345 /m/0zwnhst Scapigliatura Milanese artistic and literary movement of the sixties of the 1800s Scapigliatura 300122761 /m/0g7xlp Molse School Belgium /m/0gmc_hv Stroganov school major Russian icon-painting school Stroganov School /m/079y3s Neukunstgruppe Flemish Baroque painting painting movement Habsburg Netherlands 1585 1700 Flemish Baroque painters /m/03cv6h0 return to order European art movement /m/053yjq4 Visigothic art art of the Visigoths Iberian Peninsula 05th century Visigothic art 300019494 /m/08k80d Brabant fauvism Belgian art movement surimono genre of Japanese woodblock print woodblock printing 170s 180s Surimono 300041296 /m/04grdfx Pioneer Group a number of red-figure vase painters working in Kerameikos or the potters' quarter of Athens around the beginning of the 5th century BCE Pioneer Group /m/0g57_1 Kapists Twentieth century art movement in Poland Poland /m/02pw3xf Antwerp school artists active in Antwerp in the 16th and 17th Century Belgium Antwerp 16th century 17th century Antwerp School Beeldenstorm /m/02qzz41 psychogeography exploration of urban environments that emphasizes interpersonal connections to places and arbitrary routes /m/01gbmv Norwich school of painters founded in 1803 in Norwich, the school was the first provincial art movement in Britain Norfolk
Norwich 1803 Norwich School (painters) /m/01j9b5 Swiss School absolute schilderkunst New Hague School movement in the fine arts 1950s and 1960s Netherlands Flemish painting paintings from Flanders from the early 15th century until the 17th century Belgium Flemish paintings /m/0b2f61 Groep van de figuratieve abstractie maximalism art movement /m/04vnk9 Sestigers afrikaans writers' movement /m/02z43cg Colonie d'Anseremme Belgium Neo-figurative expressionist revival art movement /m/0d9hlw English Renaissance cultural and artistic movement in England dating from the late 15th century to the early 17th century United Kingdom 17th century Renaissance in the United Kingdom /m/03sxn4 Movimento Spaziale art movement 1947 Spatialism Lucio Fontana /m/02wb9qd Generation of '50 Spanish literary movement Spain /m/011q58gs Regong arts popular arts on the subject of Tibetan Buddhism Mao-Spontex libertarian Maoist ideology Mao-spontex geometric abstraction form of abstract art involving geometry Geometric abstraction 300056509 /m/05bw0l noordelijk realisme onafhankelijk realisme Dutch independent realism Atmospheric impressionism Toyism Netherlands Toyism /m/03np4by artistic indianism Brazilian literary and artistic movement Brazil postminimalism art movement influenced by the aesthetic of minimalism 190s minimalism Robert Pincus-Witten 300112731 /m/01qs5n interactive art art that involves the spectator installation art Interactive art 300266754 /m/012_28 fairy painting Victorian painting genre and movement Paintings of fairies A Midsummer Night's Dream /m/044tm0 Daedalic style style of Greek sculpture art of sculpture Ancient Greece Daedalic statues 300020208 École de Calmpthout Belgium political pop German Romanticism intellectual movement in the culture of German-speaking countries in the late-18th and early 19th centuries Romanticism in Germany /m/017vjg Umbrian school Italy Umbria Umbrian School of painting nadaism Colombian counterculture movement Colombia 190s /m/0268ggx Off-Off-Broadway avant-garde theatrical productions in New York City United States of America 1958 /m/0395tw didacticism philosophy /m/030h7l Vendel style business art Madhubani style of painting practiced in Bihar, India India Madhubani painting /m/06sg0q art movement /m/03w22q relational art tendency in fine art 1996 Relational art Nicolas Bourriaud 300391190 /m/02p_hjr visual poetry literary and artistic movement Visual poetry 300194347 /m/025t1yk fundamentele kunst Dutch-Belgian art movement related to minimal art Netherlands
Belgium minimalism Synchromism art movement /m/058wt3 existentiële kunst Baroque sculpture sculpture of the Baroque movement art of sculpture Baroque sculptures Hellenistic period /m/03m3slf Scottish Renaissance literary movement of the early to mid- 20th century Scotland 190s /m/03xns2 africanism artistic movement aizuri-e Japanese woodblock prints woodblock printing 180s Aizuri-e Prussian blue /m/04zwhxw aka-e Japanese woodblock prints Aka-e Anti-poetry art movement cybernetic art contemporary art form 1956 cybernetics 300047918 /m/0wy0gm3 Nasrid art Emirate of Granada Nasrid art Art singulier art movement Art sous l'iconoclasme Sociological art /m/03cst43 Solar artwork equitable art 2000s art movement Novgorod school Russian school noted for its icon and mural painters Novgorod Republic
Grand Principality of Moscow Veliky Novgorod 11th century 15th century Byzantine art
Theophanes the Greek /m/09d_f2 Bad Painting art movement United States of America 300263413 /m/05c1crd Belgian comics distinct subgroup in the comics history Belgium Comics of Belgium /m/08h0gv Abstracción constructiva Spain benizuri-e type of Japanese woodblock prints woodblock printing Japan 170s Benizuri-e Emiya Kichiemon 300041515 /m/05b5dd_ Antropophagia Brazilian cultural movement Brazil 190s Oswald de Andrade
Tarsila do Amaral chanson réaliste Style of music performed in France /m/051_k2w Rajput painting art style that evolved in the courts of Rajputana in India Rajput painting /m/06s40h Massurrealism Art movement started in the 1990's /m/03m18d analytical cubism early phase of cubism (ca. 1908–1912) 1908 1912 300133798 /m/070vcg synthetic cubism later phase of cubism (ca. 1912–14) 1912 300021499 /m/07pcpz Radical period avant-garde architecture movement Radical design /m/02wckvh Heidelberg School late 19th century Australian art movement focusing on Australian life, the bush, and the harsh sunlight that typifies the country Australia 180s Heidelberg School Impressionism /m/01y0kv Figuration narrative Yokohama-e Ukiyo-e Japanese woodblock prints depicting foreigners and scenes of Yokohama woodblock printing 1859 180s Yokohama-e 300114356 /m/05b2gcl Forma 1 Italian artistic group active 1947–1961 1947 kappazuri Japanese art genre woodblock printing /m/05b4z7b Cuzco school Roman Catholic art movement from Cusco, Peru Peru
Bolivia 1534 Cuzco School 300018086 /m/02vxydp Dutch School Art movement Group of Thirteen France 1912 Belgische affichekunst Amsterdamer Luminismus L'art pompier derogatory term for some academic art /m/0268fjx polystylism use of multiple styles or techniques in literature, art, film, or, especially, music /m/03gmpy Matterism a style of painting featuring heavy impasto. Mec Art 20th-century art movement Onirism Literary trend Romania surrealism /m/02vyntb Flemish School art movement of Flanders of the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries Belgium
Southern Netherlands Mingei Japanese folk art movement Japan Mingei 300260035 /m/0fqv9s Mono-ha group of 20th-century Japanese artists Japan Mono-ha /m/0h3l76s Peintres de la Réalité /m/012nvqpy Movimento Arte Concreta artistic and social movement art
industrial design Italy 1948
1948-12-22 1959 Movimento Arte Concreta futurism
Piet Mondrian
Jean Arp
Theo van Doesburg
Wassily Kandinsky 300265840 Musicalism artistic movement Nieuwe Kunst Art Nouveau from the Netherlands nikuhitsu-ga Japanese paintings in ukiyo-e style art of painting Ukiyo-e paintings /m/027bkz3 Nouvelle école d'Avignon Nouvelle école of Avignon neo-pop postmodern art movement of the 1980s and 1990s 300251301 /m/027xgnf nòva cançon music genre 1965 /m/02r90fv Florentine School naturalistic painting style developed in the 14th century Florence Italy Florence 13th century Florentine school 300386003 /m/02q1f4l paradoxism Byzantine icon painting art movement & religious practice metamodernism movement which emerged from and reacts to postmodernism /m/0gffw49 Romantic realism artistic movement that combines elements of both romanticism and realism /m/0988qv Italian primitives artistic movement and painting group from the beginning of Italian Renaissance Italy productivism Soviet Union /m/09nbc_ Pre-Code Hollywood US cinema before the Motion Picture Production Code introduction Hollywood 1934-07-01 /m/087lqx Proto-Cubism transition phase in art history toward Cubism 1906 1910 /m/0rpg1yc Medieval renaissances cultural renewal across medieval Western Europe 12th century /m/0gtv2cp renouveau du conte Rondisme sanzisme Seiz Breur Breton art movement France 1923 Seiz Breur /m/08x6mr Signalism literary and art movement (1959-) Yugoslavia
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Serbia and Montenegro
Serbia 1959 Miroljub Todorović /m/010xby48 Permian animal style bronze casts with religious meanings toreutics Perm Permian animal style /m/0gjdcdm simultanism movement in abstract painting 1910 Michel Eugène Chevreul Henry II style artistic movement in sixteenth century France Kingdom of France /m/043qhnx Atomstil Sapin style artistic movement derivated from Art Nouveau and present in late-19th-century in Switzerland Troubadour style French historical painting of the early 19th century with idealised depictions of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance France Troubadour style /m/0403q1m Supports/Surfaces art movement Belgian surrealism Manipravalam Lilatilakam Manipravalam /m/06z8qd uki-e genre of Japanese images 170s 19th century Uki-e Okumura Masanobu 300114381 /m/0bmc86t Volcano school Hawaiian art Volcano School painters /m/02qp_2l Shijō school Japanese school of painting. Shijō school /m/0992hs School of Brussels comics movement comics Belgium Crozant School 1870 /m/0j264tt École de Dakar Senegal Dakar 1960 École de Metz 1870 École de Pigalle Rouen School art of painting France École de Rouen /m/0j7lsnx Bay Area Figurative Movement American art movement United States of America 190s /m/0g8_x5 École de Tunis art movement in Tunisia art of painting Tunisia 1949 Wissant school art movement Brussels School of Sculpture art movement Belgium /m/0h3r56z École des Pâquis Switzerland Lombard school Renaissance art movement Neapolitan school of painting Direction of painting École romaine Rome Scuola Romana 20th-century Italian art movement /m/0gtsz0f Veronese school Baroque art art movement Baroque art Flavian art Roman Empire artistic production arte nucleare art movement /m/0glpc3y medieval art Epoch of European art Medieval art /m/01xzhr Pahari painting form of Indian painting Pahari painting 300018997 /m/07d0v9 Cynical realism contemporary movement in Chinese art /m/03cb0_8 Chiarismo Milan Moscow Conceptualists Russian artistic movement Russia 190s /m/02q6gxt Cracking Art art movement, Italy Cracking Art Group Gruppo Labronico Italian artistic association (since 1920) Italy 1920-07-15 In arte libertas Kingdom of Italy Rome 1886 new genre public art type of activist public art pittura colta 300073920 Lombard painting Lombard paintings Proun artistic style Liutprandean Renaissance Kingdom of the Lombards rovinismo Romanesque sculpture sculpture of Europe from approximately 1000 AD to the 13th century Europe Romanesque sculptures École grise en Italie Genoa school 1960s cultural and artistical movement originating in Genoa, Italy Nul Dutch branch of the ZERO movement Netherlands 1960 1965 Zero superrealismo supermodernity Metarealism A direction in Russian poetry and art /m/06thlw Mizerabilizm France 190s Moscow Actionism modern art and activist movement in Russia Russia Necrorealism Russian art movement Neo-conceptual art art movement 190s conceptual art /m/0264tfg neosurrealism cultural movement surrealism /m/0930bg New British Sculpture Art movement begun in the 1980s art of sculpture
installation art United Kingdom 190s /m/0bwglsc abstract impressionism art movement 190s Impressionism
lyrical abstraction Elaine de Kooning 300022107 /m/013367 style sévère Kristiania Bohemians Norway Kristiania Bohemians (movement) altermodern term for art that reacts against standardisation and commercialism 2009 globalisation
commercialism Nicolas Bourriaud /m/04gj8k4 American modernism American philosophical movement /m/09s_zk American realism style in art, music and literature that depicted contemporary social realities and the lives and everyday activities of ordinary people /m/02r9nsg Anglo-Japanese style hybrid artistic style Anglo-Japanese style 300265613 /m/02r38kg Angry Penguins art and literary movement in Australia Australia 190s /m/08m6jh artistic dress medieval-inspired dress reform movement Artistic dress /m/06r8pm Atomic Age design style that refers to the period roughly corresponding to 1940–1960, when concerns about nuclear war dominated Western society during the Cold War /m/0ll4q_2 Australian Tonalism 1910s art movement Australia Melbourne 190s 190s Heidelberg School
modern art /m/0fqnv0d La Decadència /m/02wbm4k Bezalel school art school in late Ottoman and British Mandatory Palestine Bezalel school /m/03wdd2s Billboard Utilising Graffitists Against Unhealthy Promotions Australian artistic movement practicing defacement of billboards billboard hacking Australia 1979 /m/04_k0z Black Arts Movement African American–led art movement, active between the 1960s and 1970s /m/03hyf8 California Impressionism art movement /m/0c01m6g California Tonalism 1890–1920 art movement in California /m/0c3xbty Chicago Imagists art movement 300116666 /m/02qxbdd Chicano art movement movements by Mexican-American artists United States of America Chicano Art Movement Chicano Movement /m/0hr6hjd Classical Realism artistic movement Colourist painting art style; way of painting characterised by the use of intense colour /m/09v5t_h Contemporary Realism art movement New York City 190s Realism /m/09gfs50 Cyberformance Theatrical performances in which remote participants work together in real time through the Internet /m/043slqf electronic art art that uses or refers to electronic media Electronic art electronic media 300387714 /m/021y9c artcore anti-art punk movement started in the 1980s Funk art American art movement United States of America 300047891 /m/02x7x94 Neocubism art movement Halqa-e Arbab-e Zauq /m/0h_f14t Heptanese school school of painting Greece Ionian Islands 19th century /m/02w921s Counter-Maniera 16th-century Italian artistic trend Italy 16th century /m/09g800w costumbrismo andaluz Spain Generación Doliente Spain crudismo Escuela de Madrid photography Spain Modern sculpture Era of sculpture beginning with Auguste Rodin Modern sculptures Neoclassical sculpture Neoclassical sculptures Flemish Expressionism ugly design Generación del 45 Uruguayan artistic (litterary) movement Uruguay Generación del 45 /m/0vsg7qz Hoosier Group American group of painters /m/0d6ncl Historieta de autor hypermodernism cultural, artistic, literary and architectural movement /m/03wfjv Herat school school of Persian miniature painting Art of Herat 300021797 شعر موج سوم Saqqa-khaneh school art movement in Iran Iran Saqqakhaneh Movement Los Panidas Colombia 19th century Idyllic school /m/0bby22_ Igbo art visual art by the Igbo people art of sculpture
textile art Nigeria Southeast Nigeria 08th century Igbo art /m/04g1kd2 Indochristian art Art in Latin America combining Christian and native influences Mexico information art emerging artforms inspired by data and information technology /m/027fcl Intentism /m/0b6nmhy Classicist painting painting movement art of painting 1725 Classicist paintings Kalighat painting school of Indian painting India Kalighat painting 300018988 /m/079vqz Escuela sevillana de pintura Spain Light and Space art movement United States of America Southern California 190s John McLaughlin
op art
geometric abstraction 300375712 /m/0b__grn Little Theatre Movement Little Theatre Movement /m/027wgh0 Ljubljana Graphic School /m/0j29bkl low-complexity art art that can be described by a short computer program /m/024cj3 minimalism visual arts movement 300065758 /m/0j44lxv Minjung art South Korean art of the Minjung movement South Korea Gwangju Uprising /m/0b4h_g Mission School art movement in 1990s & 2000s, Mission District, San Francisco, California. /m/02683tp Mississippian copper plates toreutics Mississippian copper artwork /m/0jt47xy Modern Indian painting Modern School of Painting /m/0hr7rqr Modular constructivism 190s /m/026v8gh Nanyang Style art movement in 20th-century Singapore Singapore /m/0cnw_zg Neo-Fauvism poetic style of painting /m/0478wk9 New Sincerity artistic and philosophical movement /m/0g1p3n Northwest School American art movement /m/06mbbg Nouvelle tendance artistic movement /m/0j7lnyq Nuagisme /m/064njr3 passionism contemporary art movement in Scandinavia, anti-avantgarde in its approach /m/03hnzgq Pattern and Decoration art movement /m/07khf0w Ponce Creole architectural style created in Ponce, Puerto Rico United States of America /m/0by1rcn Post-expressionism post-war art movement Expressionism /m/0gx24nx Post-surrealism Artistic movement /m/0jplr Quito School Latin American artistic tradition Colombia Quito School 300107841 /m/080nc95 Rasa Renaissance movement in the art of painting /m/0j679tc Remodernism revival of modernism /m/0htzd Rivington School American art movement 1983 /m/07s9bmc Rococo Revival 19th-century furniture style 19th century Rococo revival Rococo 300021466 /m/0l8hs5g Russian neoclassical revival /m/04jbbcm Samikshavad India /m/0cfynj scratch video 1980s British video art movement /m/03wg4xn shock art form of contemporary art /m/03cq9f3 SoFlo Superflat art movement in Miami, USA United States of America Miami 190s SoFlo Superflat Superflat
pop art
Takashi Murakami /m/0gxzr82 super-architecture artistic movement /m/02wcyc2 Symbolist movement in Romania symbolist literature and visual arts in Romania during the late 19th and early 20th centuries /m/0gkz823 Edinburgh School 20th-century artistic group art of painting United Kingdom Edinburgh 190s 190s /m/0btt7g Quilts of Gees Bend, Alabama Quilting tradition of Gee's Bend, Alabama Quilts of Gee's Bend, Alabama /m/03cb00_ Tranimal United States of America Ukrainian avant-garde avant-garde movements in 20th-century Ukraine Ukraine Ukrainian avant-garde /m/0h54fd6 Vitralism 21st-century art movement that uses broken color (similar to Impressionism) and line extension to achieve a "stained glass" look and effect Washington Color School visual art movement of the late 1950s through the late-1960s centered in Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. 190s /m/09zz5p Yoruba art art of the Yoruba people art of sculpture
textile art
architecture Nigeria
Sierra Leone 13th century 300016031 /m/03mb0fh Youthquake fashion and cultural movement United Kingdom 190s /m/06y3jg Escuela de Barcelona (arquitectura) Spain Los disidentes Venezuela Brazilian modernism cultural movement in the 20th century Artifizialismus (Kunst) avant-pop popular music that is experimental, new and distinct from previous styles while retaining an immediate accessibility for the listener expressionism modernist movement in painting Germany 1910 Expressionist paintings Fifth Moon Group Chinese painters group in Taiwan island Taiwan 1957 realism movement in 19th-century theatre /m/027tz05 Arte Nova Portuguese art movement Portugal 300393154 Brutesco cubismo sintético Arcadic indianism literary movement Brazil 18th century Brazil Movimento Armorial Brazil neo-concrete movement art movement in Brazil Brazil 190s Madí
Gestalt psychology
concrete art
Bridget Riley
Victor Vasarely
Brasília neo-primitivism Russian art movement Russian Empire 1913 Neo-Primitivism Paul Cézanne
lubok /m/0271xsy queer art art movement romantisme du Brésil Brazil Aemilia Ars organization lace Italy 1900
1898 Aemilia Ars Halmstadgruppen Swedish artist group active in early to mid-20th century Sweden 1929 Halmstadgruppen /m/0g53fw_ concrete art art movement Concrete art 300021436 /m/027x428 libre art libre licenced artistic movement Libre art /m/04zy0__ realism artistic style of representing subjects realistically Realism 300056550 /m/07sbg7f late Gothic last years of the Gothic period and style in architecture and other arts in Europe 300020783 Lingnan School style of Chinese painting art of painting China 190s Mavo Art movement in Japan Mavo New Wave movement of manga artists and critics in the late 1970s and early 1980s Japan 1979 New York Dada Dada Art Movement activities in New York City, circa 1913-1923 United States of America New York City /m/0j9mhq9 Brussels style commonly used term for artistic style, asserting in architecture and applied arts in Czechoslovakia at the end of the 50s, the 60s and 70s of the 20th century Czechoslovakia Brussels style in the Czech Republic Kyō-Kanō School Kyoto branch of the Kano School Japan Kyō-Kanō School Kaga Hōshō uchiwa-e Japanese art genre, consisting of woodblock prints for hand fans woodblock printing Uchiwa-e /m/0wr7scf Ikebukuro Montparnasse Empire of Japan Ikebukuro 190s Asakusa Opera Empire of Japan Asakusa Kōen Rokku Asakusa Opera kabuki modernization movement during the Meiji Restoration in Japan to modernize kabuki theater Japan benigirai type of ukiyo-e that was popular during the Edo period Mladé Polsko New Sculpture movement in late 19th-century British sculpture United Kingdom 300021223 /m/0frn_2 Modernism in Camprodon cultural movement Spain Can Brandia (Camprodon) Genoese School Italian art movement دراما سورية Euskal Pizkundea Spain Euskal Pizkundea Bansko art school icon and art school, 18-19 c Bansko Art School Native Art Bulgarian artistic movement Kingdom of Bulgaria Samokov art school art movement Samokov Art School Skønvirke 1914 Skønvirke Socialist realism in Poland Soviet cultural doctrine in Poland Poland Socialist realism in Poland /m/0288tj1 Russian romanticism Nova umjetnička praksa Tinerimea artistică artistic organization 1901-12-03 neosymbolism artistic movement /m/0530vdr pattu movement urushi-e two types of Japanese artworks art of painting
woodblock printing in Japan Urushi-e 300041550 /m/02q7bl0 Hellenism art movement associated with Germany and England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries /m/026_42m dynamoarchismus Islamic metalwork metal artworks from Islamic cultures Regionalism American realist art movement Regionalism 300172866 /m/0b3791 Ghent-Bruges school school of manuscript illumination in the Southern Netherlands art of Netherlandish illumination Southern Netherlands 1550 Ghent-Bruges school Joseph Destrée /m/0_gw109 art of Classical Greece Acción Poética Neo-Grec Neoclassical revival style of the mid-to-late 19th century 300112469 /m/021jfr Armenian Renaissance /m/02vzcgl architettura radicale Contemporary sculpture Contemporary sculptures Ton Fan Group Chinese artistic movement oil painting
sculpture People's Republic of China 1956 Cubism
surrealism furry art art movement auto-destructive art art movement started in the 1960s 190s Gustav Metzger 300112718 /m/08_tyz absolute film film movement by a group of artists in Germany in the 1920s (H. Richter, W. Ruttmann, O. Fischinger, V. Eggeling), producing short films that did not reproduce the natural world but instead focused on light and form in the dimension of time 190s Dresden school baroque Neo-Renaissance architectural style art of sculpture
architecture Germany Dresden /m/02xf94 Plasticien Canadian painting movement Canada 1955 /m/02qdp44 Northern Landscape style /m/0g59twg Chicago Black Renaissance african-American cultural flowering in 1930s & 1940s Illinois /m/0vpt3sq Greek academic art of the 19th century Greece /m/0bmk7p6 Baghdad School school of Islamic art Iraq Baghdad 12th century 300021542 neo-futurism late 20th-early 21st century movement in the arts, design, and architecture Neo-futurist architecture /m/0ztdsym Mexican Renaissance /m/0zmz8nb feminist art movement efforts and accomplishments of feminists internationally to produce art that reflects women's lives and experiences feminism /m/0_86smr interstitial art Art of basic nature /m/0bl28m Nut art movement art movement United States of America 1960 /m/0105l3yy London Regionalism art movement centered on London, Ontario Canada London Regionalism /m/0j9q4gf Verdadism /m/03cw52r post-conceptual art theory John Baldessari
conceptual art 300116825 /m/0wbkdgp Late modernism Term for art and literature produced after 1945 /m/02w8lt8 post-internet movement in arts and criticism Postinternet /m/010x5jf0 Frankenthal school school of landscape artists living in Frankenthal, Germany, from c. 1586 to the 1620s Electoral Palatinate Egyptian Revival art movement 1800 Egyptian Revival art 300021448 NeoPopRealism Decorative painting in Hälsingland Folk art tradition focused on decorative interiors in Hälsingland, Sweden Sweden Interiors of farmhouses in Hälsingland New school tattoo style /m/0120_8hl fumisme The Dutch Wave movement in Dutch garden design Netherlands Porn Art Movement transgressive Brazilian avant-garde movement that started in 1980 and ended in 1982 Brazil 1980 /m/0tkds7p Pre Raphaelite women artists Pre-Raphaelite women artists (active 1848–1870s) Spontanism art movement art of painting Germanic animal ornamentation decorative style of early Germanic peoples 05th century Germanic animal style Young Figuratives title of a series of exhibitions /m/012hys82 Jewish Painters of Montreal group of Jewish artists in Montreal during the 1930s and 1940s Canada Montreal Jewish Painters of Montreal /m/012c5s05 Yushan School art movement initiated by Wang Hui Street art in the Land of Valencia Valencian Community Graffiti in the Land of Valencia Stile Liberty architectural and artistic movement derivated from Art Nouveau and present in late-19th-century in Italy 300021362 Tiffany (style) artistic movement derivated from Art Nouveau and present in late-19th-century in United States United States of America 300378920 Anti-form art movement from the 1960s United States of America 190s postminimalism /m/03wfwwf Geometry of Fear group of British sculptors United Kingdom posporn Potosi School 17th-century art movement in Bolivia Bolivia Potosí /m/0131zmj3 Escola del Nord estética alicantina Spain Teatro por la Identidad Argentina 2000 Neorruralismo Neo-Constructivism 20th century movement in visual arts 300112846 Art Resilience movement 2014 Art Résilience Cyborg art Haitian Vodou art associated with the Vodou religion of Haiti Charleston Renaissance period between World Wars I and II United States of America σύγχρονη Ελληνική ζωγραφική Deutscher Impressionismus British School 19th century unknown artist, 1800 - 1899 British School 17th century 1600 - 1699 United Kingdom Vodun art associated with the Vodon religion of West Africa Vodun art /m/013b7czb Dansaekhwa Korean painting movement South Korea Afro-Surrealism School of art and literature surrealism
Harlem Renaissance San Ildefonso Self-Taught Group Native American art movement (1900–1935) United States of America 1900 Border art art movement 300262958 Accidentalism Post-cubism Art movement extending from the late 1920s to the early 1950s Strandzha Iconographic School art movement abstract realism art movement Romantic art Romanticism French Romanticism literary and artistic movement France Association of watercolorists of Rome Italy 1875 Pre-Eyckiaanse kunst Writers in Paris France Materieschilderkunst Animalier school art movement Indigenouism aesthetic dress historically-inspired fashion movement emphasizing sensuality in dress Medieval clothing
Japonisme settecentismo 19th century 20th century proprealismus Klunketiden Grupo Logicofobista Surrealistic artistic group from Catalonia (1936) Spain 1936 Group X British artistic movement active in 1920 The YES! Association Sweden 2005 Réalisme socialiste soviétique Photoart a kind of fine art Photo art experimentele glaskunst Trash art art movement Verismo period of artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that started in 19th century Italy Purismus (Kunst) radical realism Boychukism 20th-century Ukrainian art movement Boychukism Chaekgeori genre of still-life painting from the Joseon period of Korea Joseon
South Korea 18th century Chaekgeori Asociación Arte Concreto-Invención Argentinian art movement Argentina Dvaravati art Dvaravati art Jape Art Blaue Rispe ceramics art movement/style 1903 1905 Blaue Rispe Hurufiyya movement art movement referring to traditional Islamic calligraphy within the precepts of modern art Sudan Neoclassicism in France overview of Neoclassicism in France վաթսունականներ 180s School of London 20th century art movement Egyptian Finger and Toe stalls Ancient Egyptian jewelry Sous-réalisme British School art movement United Kingdom British School
Artists from Great Britain abject art artworks which explore themes that transgress and threaten our sense of cleanliness and propriety 190s Julia Kristeva
feminism art brut art movement Jean Dubuffet Black Aesthetic cultural ideology 1968 école de Warmun Australian art movement Greek late classical period historical period 0323 300020100 Realismo NAS naturalism
surrealism original practice theatrical art movement that attempts to stage plays in a manner consistent with their original productions, especially plays by Shakespeare Denes Group Socialist Republic of Macedonia 190s Salon Cubism 190s Art for art contemporary art movemen naive symbolism Oriental Romanticism Cezannian cubism École de Concarneau Concarneau High Baroque full flowering of the Baroque cultural movement n the arts 1675 300021150 Ленинградская пейзажная школа Late Baroque final years of the Baroque style, from approximately 1675 to 1715 1715 300021151 École de Marseille (painting) Pictorial artistic movement initiated in 1851 by Emile Loubon France 1851-08-28 Marseille school Rutland Group New Zealand art association formed by students from the Elam School of Fine Arts New Zealand 1935 西湖畫派 Unilalianism internet-based, satifical art and aesthetic movement Art et Liberté Egyptian artistic movement 1938–1948 Egypt 1939 André Breton
Leon Trotsky
Mahmoud Sa'id femmage Artistic activities practiced by women and using traditionnal techniques assigned in history to women 1977 Kharkiv School of Photography School Ukraine Kikuoka School Japanese group of swordsmiths Japan Kikuoka school Impossible Sites dans la rue art group 2008 Impossible Sites dans la rue British black arts movement art movement in the UK, led by African, Caribbean and Asian artists, active from the 1980s 1982 Stuart Hall Herdsmen art in Appenzell and Toggenburg Appenzeller und Toggenburger Senntumsmalerei Site works intrarealismo Beatniks art 190s Otra Figuración Romanos group artistic movement of the Macedonian Renaissance solarpunk political and aesthetic movement that advocates for the environment 2008 Solarpunk Arts and Crafts movement
organic architecture Синтетический кубизм Renaissance Comnène art protohistorique Movimento italiano per l'architettura razionale Italian architectural movement Italy 1930 300265841 Al-Rabita Al-Adabia Literary Society Argentina Buenos Aires 1949 British School 18th Century British art 1700-1799 United Kingdom École flamande urban surrealism art movement Escuela de Pamplona Pamplona Tryavna Iconographic School art movement Roman School Italian art movement 190s Deerfield embroidery movement art movement embroidery Aton Iconographic School art movement Khartoum School modernist artistic movement in Sudan Sudan 1960 Chiprovtsi iconographic school iconographic school Bulgaria Artistas Modernos de la Argentina Argentine group of artists formed in 1952 and active until 1954 elementarism art movement Praxis Nicaraguan group of painters and sculptors based in Managua and active from 1963 to 1972 Nicaragua Dutch Italianates school of Dutch painters and draughtsmen active in Rome from the early 17th century Prairie school of landscape design regional style of landscape design in America United States of America West Coast Pop art manifestation of Pop art in California during the early 1960s California Re-figuración Paraguayan art movement active in the 1970s New Image art art movement in painting and sculpture of the late 1970s and early 1980s 190s Ugly Realism art movement in Berlin in the 1970s Berlin worker photography movement international movement that documented social and political conditions from the viewpoint of the working class and flourished from around 1926 to 1939 Nahda literature New Empiricism architectural movement in war-time Sweden saz style of vegetal ornament popular in Ottoman decorative arts of the 16th century and art movement associated with it Saz style Zaria Rebels Art movement associated with Nigerian modernism 1958 Osogbo Art School Yoruba modernist art movement Nigeria 1962 experimentalism Romantic Classicism art movement merging of romantic sentiment with subject-matter drawn from Greek and Roman antiquity cold art branch of Constructivism based on geometric forms of unmodulated color Der Moderne Bund Art Group of Switzerland (1911) Switzerland 1911 Solentiname primitivist painting style of painting practiced from 1968 by a Nicaraguan group of rural laborers on the island of Mancarrón in the Solentiname archipelago of Lagos de Nicaragua Récupération art movement in Francophone Africa in the early 1990s Francophone Africa 190s Semantic art form of painting associated primarily with the Italian artist Luciano Lattanzi and the German Werner Schreib Escuela cordobesa de pintura École de Berck 1877 mannerist sculpture type of sculpture Cass Corridor art movement Art movement from mid-1960s–1977 in Detroit, Michigan United States of America Detroit
Cass Corridor
Wayne State University
Wayne State University College of Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts 1963 Murnauer Zeit 1914 Official Salon of Painting and Sculpture annual exhibition event in Bucharest, Romania (1864-1947) Romania 1864 Mexican American artists artists of Mexican American descent United States of America American artists of Mexican descent Transhylism artistic movement 1935 Lopburi art Thailand Lopburi art Movimento Architettura Razionale Italian architectural movement Geographical region of Italy 1928 Flemish fantastic art style Belgium The invisible sculptures series of installation by Salvatore Garau СМД-методология philosophy
history of philosophy
economics Codex Style style of Ancient Maya art Chilean muralism Chile proletarian art communist art movement Forces nouvelles artistic movement Early Baroque 1625 300021149 Pennsylvania Dutch style of art 300018071 De Brug (Kunstenaarsvereniging) artist association Kingdom of the Netherlands 1926 Vereniging De Brug Group of Modern Painters in Rijeka artistic and social movement Croatia Prior-Hamblen School American painter Posturbanism artistic and social movement 2000 Posturbanism Green urbanism
prehistoric art
land art
green anarchism escola de Catí Anti-monuments in Mexico politically-motivated art movement Mexico 2015 Antimonumento Women's Art Movement Australian feminist art movement, 1970s-1980s Australia feminism Néo-palisséens Polish School art movement Poland Art Spunkt Mameluke Revival architectural style, art movement (1878– 1914) Iran
Palestine Weense school Zuid Nederlandse school Allusive Abstractionists art movement 1981 French Impressionism subdivision of impressionism Impressionism in France Vohou-vohou Ivory Coast 190s DDR-Kunst linie art movement Czech Republic Nouvelle École de Paris 1960 Yaroslavl school Russia post-avant-garde Direction in art child empowerment child empowerment movement in Mexico, started in Acapulco in 2016 Cultural Violence
critical thinking
human rights Mexico 2016 Indonesian comics distinct subgroup in the comics history Techspressionism genre of art Broa style Broa style Stijl 58 Metodo Castiglioni Italian art movement art of sculpture
art of painting
architecture Italy 1880 French modernism art movement originating in France Rationalism of Lake Como artistic and social movement Kingdom of Italy 1965 Rationalism on Lake Como Cubism art revivalism Northeast Renaissance Contemporary Chinese literature, art movement Salin style III The last of the three Salin art styles describing the stages of Germanic animal art. Salin style III Salin style II The middle of the three Salin art styles describing the stages of Germanic animal art. Salin style II Salin style I The first of the three Salin art styles describing the stages of Germanic animal art. Salin style I Modern European ink painting global contemporary art movement Sezessionstil Art Nouveau from Vienna Anglo/Netherlandish School group of artists from the Netherlands active in England School of Avignon art movement around Avignon, France France Egnazia Group group of vase painters in Apulia, Magna Graecia Magna Graecia Impressionism in the Netherlands impressionist art movement in the Netherlands Netherlands Impressionism in the Netherlands Surrealist painting set of painted works from the Surrealist movement Surrealist paintings Sanur School Indonesia Sanur Ubud School Ubud urban art movement art movement within urban art Neo-Mexicanism artistic movement Mexico 190s Anthroposophischer Funktionalismus Art Nouveau
anthroposophy Metarealismus Indian Space Painters American modernist painting style Movimiento de surrealismo mexicano Mexico surrealism Lynn Beach Painters Artistic movement United States of America Black Speculative Arts Movement 2015 supraréalisme neo-pompeian style Pompeian revival style of the mid-to-late 19th century Italy Pompeian Style Grupo Bachue Colombia 190s pré-impressionnisme Art Deco Revival historicist art movement wederopbouwkunst ti-pop Canada 190s Pierre Maheu
Pierre Ayot pluréalisme Haiti 1973 Religious Art Renewal Movement art movement in Portugal (1953-1966) religious art Portugal 1953 1966

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