Ai-ki̍p Tē-25 Ông-tiâu


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Ai-ki̍p Tē-25 Ông-tiâu (埃及第25王朝, Eng-gí: Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt) sī Kó͘-tāi Ai-ki̍p Tē-3 Tiong-kan-kî sî-kî ê ông-tiâu, chū chiân 754 nî kàu chiân 656 nî. Chia ông-tiâu iû chheng-ho̍k Ai-ki̍p ê Nubia Kush Ông-kok kiàn-li̍p.

Ai-ki̍p Tē-25 Ông-tiâu
Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt

chiân 754 nî–chiân 656 nî

Ai-ki̍p Tē-25 Ông-tiâu Statues of various rulers of the late 25th Dynasty–early Napatan period. From left to right: Tantamani, Taharqa (rear), Senkamanisken, again Tantamani (rear), Aspelta, Anlamani, again Senkamanisken; Kerma Museum.[1]

Statues of various rulers of the late 25th Dynasty–early Napatan period. From left to right: Tantamani, Taharqa (rear), Senkamanisken, again Tantamani (rear), Aspelta, Anlamani, again Senkamanisken; Kerma Museum.[1]

Kushite heartland, and Kushite Empire of the 25th dynasty of Egypt, circa 700 BC.[2]

Kushite heartland, and Kushite Empire of the 25th dynasty of Egypt, circa 700 BC.[2]

Thong-iōng gí-giânAi-ki̍p-gí, Meroitic
Chong-kàu Kó͘-tāi Ai-ki̍p chong-kàu, Kush chong-kàu
Chèng-húChoa̍t-tùi kun-chú-chè
Le̍k-sú sî-kîAi-ki̍p Tē-3 Tiong-kan-kî

• Kiàn-li̍p

chiân 754 nî

• Pang-hoāi

chiân 656 nî
í-chêng kok-ka í-āu kok-ka
Ai-ki̍p Tē-22 Ông-tiâu
Ai-ki̍p Tē-23 Ông-tiâu
Ai-ki̍p Tē-24 Ông-tiâu
Kush Ông-kok
Ai-ki̍p Boa̍t-kî Ông-tiâu
Assyria cheng-ho̍k Ai-ki̍p
Ai-ki̍p Tē-26 Ông-tiâu
Kush Ông-kok
  1. Elshazly, Hesham. "Kerma and the royal cache" (ēng Eng-gí).
  2. "Dive beneath the pyramids of Sudan's black pharaohs". National Geographic. 2 July 2019. goân-loē-iông tī 2 July 2019 hőng khó͘-pih.