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三藩市製作嘅《哈利波特:被詛咒的孩子》演出咗393場之後喺2022年9月11號閉幕<ref>{{cite web |last1=Janiak |first1=Lilly |title=‘Harry Potter’ to close, raising questions about this S.F. theater’s future |url=https://datebook.sfchronicle.com/theater/harry-potter-to-close-raising-questions-about-this-s-f-theaters-future |website=San Francisco Chronicle |access-date=17 January 2023 |date=28 July 2022}}</ref>。

三藩市製作嘅《哈利波特:被詛咒的孩子》演出咗393場之後喺2022年9月11號閉幕<ref>{{cite web |last1=Janiak |first1=Lilly |title=‘Harry Potter’ to close, raising questions about this S.F. theater’s future |url=https://datebook.sfchronicle.com/theater/harry-potter-to-close-raising-questions-about-this-s-f-theaters-future |website=San Francisco Chronicle |access-date=17 January 2023 |date=28 July 2022}}</ref>。

=== 漢堡(2018年—而家) ===

[[File:Mehr! Theater am Großmarkt, Außenansicht.jpg|thumb|right|2020年2月,梅爾劇院的遮篷。]]

2018年7月5日,有關方面宣布果齣舞台劇將會喺[[漢堡]]嘅{{le|梅爾劇院|Mehr! Theater}}製作佢嘅德國首演<ref name="variety.com"/>。佢嘅標題係《哈利波特與『著魔』的孩子(Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind)》,呢個標誌住呢齣劇嘅第一個非英語製作<ref name="variety.com"/>。呢個由兩部分組成嘅舞台劇原定喺2020年3月13號開幕,但由於COVID-19大流行而推遲<ref>{{cite web|access-date=2020-03-13|date=2020-03-13|title=Deutschlandpremiere von Harry Potter verschoben|url=https://www.ndr.de/kultur/Coronavirus-Harry-Potter-Premiere-in-Hamburg-verschoben,harrypotter600.html}}<!-- auto-translated by Module:CS1 translator --></ref>。

呢個舞台劇嘅飛喺2019年3月25號預售<ref>{{cite web|access-date=2019-03-18|date=2019-03-18|title=Bald in Deutschland: Trailer zur Potter-Fortsetzung "Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind"|url=http://www.filmstarts.de/nachrichten/18524129.html}}<!-- auto-translated by Module:CS1 translator --></ref>。為咗德國嘅製作而做嘅大規模翻新喺2019年5月開始,估計成本係€4,200萬歐羅<ref>''[https://www.travelcircus.de/harry-potter-theater-hamburg Harry Potter Theater ab Frühjahr 2020 in Hamburg.]'' In: travelcircus.de, 19 December 2018.</ref><ref name="NDR-HP">[https://www.ndr.de/kultur/Harry-Potter-in-Hamburg-mit-plattdeutscher-Szene,harrypotter584.html NDR.de: "Harry Potter" in Hamburg mit plattdeutscher Szene“], retrieved 7 February 2020</ref>。卡士包括做哈利·波特嘅馬庫斯·舍特爾(Markus Schöttl)、做榮恩·衛斯理嘅賽巴斯汀·維特(Sebastian Witt)、做妙麗·格蘭傑嘅姬莉安·安東尼(Jillian Anthony)、金妮·波特嘅莎拉·舒茲(Sarah Schütz),同埋艾倫·霍佐維奇(Alen Hodzovic)嘅跩哥·馬份。卡士仲包括咗做阿不思·波特嘅文森·朗(Vincent Lang)、做天蠍·馬份嘅馬蒂亞斯‧賴瑟(Mathias Reiser),同埋做露絲·格蘭傑-衛斯理嘅麥迪娜·弗萊(Madina Frey)<ref>{{cite web |last1=West |first1=Mary |title=Casting Announced for "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" in Hamburg |url=https://www.mugglenet.com/2019/10/casting-announced-for-harry-potter-and-the-cursed-child-in-hamburg/ |website=Muggle-Net |access-date=24 January 2023 |date=21 October 2019}}</ref>。

德國嘅製作喺2021年12月5號開始<ref name="variety.com"/><ref>{{cite web |title=German premiere of Harry Potter enthralls Hamburg |url=https://www.hamburg-news.hamburg/en/congresses-events/german-premiere-harry-potter-enthralls-hamburg |website=Hamburg News |access-date=24 January 2023 |date=7 December 2021}}</ref>。果齣舞台劇喺2023年1月8號喺漢堡做咗最後兩部分版本嘅演出。果齣劇喺2023年2月9號重新開幕,作為修訂之後嘅單元劇<ref>{{cite web |last1=Christ |first1=Kelly |title="Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" Hamburg Announces Transition to One-Part Production |url=https://www.mugglenet.com/2022/09/harry-potter-and-the-cursed-child-hamburg-announces-transition-to-a-one-part-production/ |website=MuggleNet |access-date=24 January 2023 |date=24 September 2022}}</ref>。

=== 多倫多 ===

=== 多倫多 ===

2019年5月22日,有關方面宣布果齣劇將會喺多倫多嘅{{le|埃德米爾維什劇院|Ed Mirvish Theatre}}做第一次喺加拿大嘅首映<ref>{{Cite web |date=22 May 2019 |title=Harry Potter and the Cursed Child to make Canadian premiere in 2020 |url=https://www.cbc.ca/books/harry-potter-and-the-cursed-child-to-get-canadian-premiere-in-2020-1.5144823 |publisher=CBC News |access-date=2022-09-03 |archive-date=2020-11-17 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20201117095832/https://www.cbc.ca/books/harry-potter-and-the-cursed-child-to-get-canadian-premiere-in-2020-1.5144823 |dead-url=no }}</ref>。由於疫情大流行,佢嘅開幕日期已經被推遲去到2022年5月31號,到時佢將會作為北美開發嘅新上演單場演出嘅版本呈現<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.mirvish.com/shows/harry-potter-and-the-cursed-child|title=Harry Potter and the Cursed Child|website=Mirvish.com|access-date=27 February 2022|archive-date=2023-03-12|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230312000216/https://www.mirvish.com/shows/harry-potter-and-the-cursed-child|dead-url=no}}</ref>。

2019年5月22日,有關方面宣布果齣舞台劇將會喺多倫多嘅{{le|埃德米爾維什劇院|Ed Mirvish Theatre}}做第一次喺加拿大嘅首映<ref>{{Cite web |date=22 May 2019 |title=Harry Potter and the Cursed Child to make Canadian premiere in 2020 |url=https://www.cbc.ca/books/harry-potter-and-the-cursed-child-to-get-canadian-premiere-in-2020-1.5144823 |publisher=CBC News |access-date=2022-09-03 |archive-date=2020-11-17 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20201117095832/https://www.cbc.ca/books/harry-potter-and-the-cursed-child-to-get-canadian-premiere-in-2020-1.5144823 |dead-url=no }}</ref>。由於疫情大流行,佢嘅開幕日期已經被推遲去到2022年5月31號,到時佢將會作為北美開發嘅新上演單場演出嘅版本呈現<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.mirvish.com/shows/harry-potter-and-the-cursed-child|title=Harry Potter and the Cursed Child|website=Mirvish.com|access-date=27 February 2022|archive-date=2023-03-12|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230312000216/https://www.mirvish.com/shows/harry-potter-and-the-cursed-child|dead-url=no}}</ref>。

=== 東京 ===

=== 東京 ===

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
File:Harry Potter Cursed Child Play.jpg



哈利波特:被詛咒的孩子》(英文Harry Potter and the Cursed Child)係積克·索恩寫劇本同做編劇嘅2016年舞台劇[1][2],根據J·K·羅琳約翰·帝夫尼嘅原創故事改編,羅琳叫呢齣舞台劇做「《哈利波特》系列第八輯故事」[3],呢個亦都係賣飛嘅銷售噱頭。劇情設定喺羅琳嘅2007年小說《哈利波特:死神的聖物》中事件嘅19年之後,舞台劇講述而家喺魔法部做咗魔法法律執法司司長嘅哈利·波特,佢個仔阿不思·賽佛勒斯·波特霍格華茲讀書,仲入咗去史萊哲林學院,唔能夠繼承佢阿爸嘅名聲,令到佢對自己阿爸充滿怨恨,繼而發展咗一連串事件[4][5]


















喺啱啱讀霍格華茲嘅頭幾年入面,阿不思被認為係辜負咗佢嘅父母,而天蠍就因為一啲未經證實嘅謠言話佢係佛地魔個仔,呢兩個男仔因為呢啲原因就俾其他同學hap1。天蠍嘅阿媽翠菊後嚟因為致命嘅病而死咗。由於阿不思跟佢老豆嘅陰影鬥緊,同埋哈利對點樣處理阿仔問題嘅不確定性,搞到阿不思同哈利漸行漸遠。阿不思喺識到天蠍之前,佢同露絲嘅關係好密切,不過佢後嚟同露絲各行各路。喺四年級之前嘅果個暑假,阿不思聽到西追·迪哥里老豆—阿默·迪哥里同哈利嘅對話,哈利話當年搞到西追死咗件事令佢愧疚到而家。迪哥里先生提出利用魔法部啱啱喺黑巫師西奥多·諾特(Theodore Nott)果度繳獲嘅時光器,仲利用佢返去22年前嚟拯救西追條命,仲可以阻止到佢個仔嘅死,不過就俾哈利拒絕咗。後嚟阿不思喺榮恩果度攞到佢老豆張嬰兒毯同愛情魔藥之後,佢同佢老豆發生咗爭執。喺爭執入面,哈利好嬲咁話自己有時希望阿不思唔係佢個仔,阿不思就將藥水灑喺張嬰兒毯上面。



喺知道西追·迪哥里嘅死係由於佢同哈利一齊贏到三巫鬥法大賽嘅結果之後[2],阿不思同天蠍就同埋蝶菲夾埋用變身水偷咗妙麗喺魔法部辦公室入面嘅時光器,仲利用佢返到去1994年三巫鬥法大賽嘅第一項任務。佢哋兩個扮成德姆蘭嘅學生嚟蓄意阻止西追·迪哥里贏得到。佢哋兩個嘅計劃失敗咗,而佢哋嘅假扮令到當時嘅妙麗對德姆蘭嘅學生維克多·喀浪(Viktor Krum)有懷疑,轉咗同榮恩一齊參加聖誕舞會。結果,榮恩從來未經歷過對佢同妙麗嘅關係最重要嘅妒忌,搞到佢哋兩個嘅關係無辦法繼續向前發展,佢哋兩個亦都從來未結婚。榮恩反而喺舞會上面同芭瑪·巴提墜入愛河,而妙麗後嚟做咗霍格華茲裡面去教黑魔法防禦術嘅一個沮喪而刻薄嘅教授,而阿不思·波特而家喺呢個時空係葛萊分多學院嘅學生。














製作 場地/地點 預演日期 首演日期 結束日期/而家狀態 備註
英國 倫敦西區劇院 倫敦皇宮劇院 第一幕:
美國 紐約百老匯 抒情劇場 第一幕:
澳洲 墨爾本 公主劇院 第一幕:
2019年2月23號 2023年7月9號[40] 兩部分:
美國 三藩市 柯倫劇院 第一幕:
2019年12月1號 2022年9月11號 兩部分:
德國 漢堡 梅爾劇院
加拿大 多倫多 埃德米爾維什劇院 預期喺2022年上旬 2022年6月19號 2023年7月2號[41]
日本 東京 TBS赤坂ACT劇場 2022年6月16號 2022年7月8號


呢個戲劇由帝夫尼執導[45][46]史提芬·豪傑特負責編舞[47],佈景設計就由姬斯汀·鍾斯負責[48],卡特里娜·林賽(Katrina Lindsay)擔任服裝設計[49]尼爾·奧斯汀負責燈光設計[50]伊莫珍·希普負責音樂部分[51],而加雷斯·弗萊(Gareth Fry)負責聲音設計[52]。此外,謝洛美·切爾歷(Jeremy Chernick)創建咗特殊效果[53],占美·哈里森(Jamie Harrison)製作咗特殊幻覺,而馬田·洛(Martin Lowe)擔任音樂監督[54]









2022年1月29號,之前已經離開咗劇組嘅演員喬納森·凱斯(Jonathan Case)喺第二部分返嚟演出,只係為咗重新扮演天蠍·馬份呢個角色[81]。果個舞台劇目前將會持續到2023年2月26號[82]




2017年5月4號,有關方面宣布《哈利波特:被詛咒的孩子》將會喺百老匯劇場抒情劇院進行首演 [84]。抒情劇院為咗準備果齣劇而進行咗大規模嘅翻新工作,其中包括喺禮堂拆除咗400個座位仲將劇院入口移到第43街[85]。《紐約時報》估計呢個係有史以嚟最貴嘅百老匯非音樂劇演出,開場費約為$6,800萬美金[86]。啲飛最初喺2017年10月18號開始賣[87],演出日期係2018年3月16號去到11月18號[88]


2019年3月,有關方面公佈咗第二年嘅卡士,其中包括詹姆斯·施奈德做哈利·波特、珍妮·朱爾斯做妙麗·格蘭傑、麥特·穆勒(Matt Mueller)做榮恩·衛斯理、黛安·戴維斯(Diane Davis)係金妮·波特、喬諾·羅伯茲(Jonno Roberts)係跩哥·馬份、尼可拉斯·波達尼(Nicholas Podany)係阿不思·波特、娜迪雅·布朗(Nadia Brown)係露絲·格蘭傑-衛斯理,同埋布巴·韋勒(Bubba Weiler)做天蠍·馬份[92]




2017年10月24號,有關方面宣布《哈利波特:被詛咒的孩子》將會喺墨爾本公主劇院製作佢嘅澳洲首演[99],米高·卡塞爾集團(Michael Cassel Group)宣布將會製作《哈利波特:被詛咒的孩子》嘅澳洲首映禮。根據報導,果齣舞台劇將會喺公主劇院獨家駐場兩年[100][101]


有關方面喺2018年9月2日公佈咗35個澳洲演員陣容,當中包括做哈利·波特嘅加雷斯·李維斯(Gareth Reeves)、寶拉·阿倫德爾係妙麗·格蘭傑、吉頓·格蘭特利係榮恩·衛斯理、露西·戈爾比(Lucy Goleby)係金妮·波特、伊娃·里斯(Eva Rees)係阿不思·波特、湯姆·雷恩(Tom Wren)係跩哥·馬份,仲有威廉·麥肯納(William McKenna)就係天蠍·馬份[106][107]

《哈利波特:被詛咒的孩子》嘅演出喺2019年1月18號喺墨爾本嘅公主劇院開始佢嘅預演,跟住定喺2月23號做正式嘅開幕之夜。不過在2020年3月16號,舞台劇演出由於COVID-19大流行而暫停[108]。演出喺2021年2月25號恢復[109]。大部分原班嘅主要演員都返嚟演出,班·華特(Ben Walter)加入舞台劇做阿不思·波特,而艾莎·艾達拉(Aisha Aidara)就做露絲·格蘭傑·衛斯理[110]

2021年11月14號,劇組宣布原先兩部分劇場嘅最終演出將會喺2022年3月27號喺墨爾本舉行,而喺經過短暫的停頓後,果齣劇喺2022年5月4號重新上演作為新上演單場演出版本嚟呈現[111][112]。唯一值得注意嘅卡士變化係拉克蘭·活士(Lachlan Woods)會加入做跩哥·馬份嘅角色[113]




呢齣戲劇嘅卡士喺2019年8月2號公佈,約翰·斯凱利(John Skelley)做哈利·波特、雅娜·麥金托什(Yanna McIntosh)做妙麗·格蘭傑、大衛·阿貝爾斯 (David Abeles)做榮恩·衛斯理、安祖拉·里德(Angela Reed)做金妮·波特,同埋路卡斯·賀爾(Lucas Hall)做跩哥·馬份。其他主演仲有班傑明·帕帕克(Benjamin Papac)做阿不思·波特、喬恩·史泰格(Jon Steiger)做天蠍·馬份,同埋馥琳美·威廉斯(Folami Williams)做露絲·格蘭傑-衛斯理[119]


柯倫劇院為咗對應COVID-19大流行嘅出現而宣布暫時將佢嘅容納人數減少到1,000個觀眾[120]。不過佢哋喺2020年3月11號宣布因為COVID-19大流行而暫停晒所有演出[121]。呢齣戲劇喺2022年2月9號重新上演,呢次係新上演嘅單集版[122]。大部分主演同新嘅演員一齊重新扮演佢哋嘅角色,包括做榮恩·衛斯理嘅史蒂夫·奧康奈爾(Steve O’Connell)、做妙麗·格蘭傑嘅莉莉·莫耶庫(Lily Mojekwu),同埋做金妮·波特嘅艾比·霍克(Abbi Hawk)[123]




2018年7月5日,有關方面宣布果齣舞台劇將會喺漢堡梅爾劇院製作佢嘅德國首演[13]。佢嘅標題係《哈利波特與『著魔』的孩子(Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind)》,呢個標誌住呢齣劇嘅第一個非英語製作[13]。呢個由兩部分組成嘅舞台劇原定喺2020年3月13號開幕,但由於COVID-19大流行而推遲[125]

呢個舞台劇嘅飛喺2019年3月25號預售[126]。為咗德國嘅製作而做嘅大規模翻新喺2019年5月開始,估計成本係€4,200萬歐羅[127][128]。卡士包括做哈利·波特嘅馬庫斯·舍特爾(Markus Schöttl)、做榮恩·衛斯理嘅賽巴斯汀·維特(Sebastian Witt)、做妙麗·格蘭傑嘅姬莉安·安東尼(Jillian Anthony)、金妮·波特嘅莎拉·舒茲(Sarah Schütz),同埋艾倫·霍佐維奇(Alen Hodzovic)嘅跩哥·馬份。卡士仲包括咗做阿不思·波特嘅文森·朗(Vincent Lang)、做天蠍·馬份嘅馬蒂亞斯‧賴瑟(Mathias Reiser),同埋做露絲·格蘭傑-衛斯理嘅麥迪娜·弗萊(Madina Frey)[129]








  1. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child". Harry Potter The Play. harrypottertheplaylondon.com. 2016. 原著喺2015-08-21歸檔. 喺2016-07-26搵到.
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – Parts One and Two". J.K. Rowling. 2016. 原著喺2023-03-15歸檔. 喺18 July 2022搵到.
  3. Domanico, Anthony (23 October 2015). "J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter play 'Cursed Child' is an official sequel". CNET. 喺2 February 2023搵到.
  4. "Grown-up Harry must juggle working at the Ministry of Magic with being a father to three children, including his youngest Albus". Sky (United Kingdom). 23 October 2015. 原著喺2016-03-04歸檔. 喺23 October 2015搵到.
  5. Lawson, Mark (21 July 2016). "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – 'It's extraordinary the story still isn't out'". The Guardian. London, UK. 原著喺2018-06-19歸檔. 喺22 July 2016搵到.
  6. Rabinovitz, Chloe (30 December 2019). "HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD Sets Records in Both New York and San Francisco". Broadway World. 喺2 February 2023搵到.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Lyall, Sarah (2016-06-07). "'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' Begins Previews in London, as Magic Continues". The New York Times. 原著喺2016-06-15歸檔. 喺2016-06-29搵到.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Vine, Hannah (22 April 2018). "Inside the Opening Night of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on Broadway". Playbill.
  9. Evans, Greg (2 January 2019). "Broadway's 'Harry Potter' & 'To Kill A Mockingbird' Break Box Office Records; Musicals Set House. Records". Deadline Hollywood. 原著喺2019-10-19歸檔. 喺12 January 2019搵到.
  10. Williams, Tom (28 June 2018). "Harry Potter And The Cursed Child' 2019 Australian Dates Announced". Music Feeds. 喺2 February 2023搵到.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Pocock, Emma (30 November 2019). "'Harry Potter And The Cursed Child' Opens Officially In San Francisco This Weekend". Forbes. 喺31 January 2023搵到.
  12. Tapp, Tom (28 June 2021). "Reimagined 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' To Premiere On Broadway In November". Deadline. 原著喺2021-07-08歸檔. 喺28 June 2021搵到.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Clarke, Stewart (5 July 2018). "'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' Heads to Germany, First Non-English Production". Variety. 喺24 January 2023搵到.
  14. Yeo, Debra (28 June 2021). "'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' will be onstage in Toronto in May 2022". Toronto Star. 喺16 January 2023搵到.
  15. 6月16日レビュー公演開幕決定!舞台リー・ポッターと呪いの子レビュー公演スケジュール、キャスト情報が解禁! (日文)。Horipro。17 February 2022。喺24 March 2022搵到
  16. 16.0 16.1 "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play to be split in two". The Guardian. 25 September 2015. 喺16 October 2015搵到.
  17. Hudson, Caitlin (28 June 2021). "'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' to return to Broadway as one show". Broadway News. 喺2 February 2023搵到.
  18. Tapp, Tom (28 June 2021). "Reimagined 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' To Premiere On Broadway In November". Deadline. 喺28 June 2021搵到.
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  20. "Harry Potter turned into stage play". The Guardian. 20 December 2013. 喺27 June 2015搵到.
  21. Battersby, Matilda (26 June 2015). "JK Rowling confirms new Harry Potter story for the theatre". The Independent. London. 原著喺28 June 2015歸檔. 喺27 June 2015搵到.
  22. "JK Rowling to collaborate on Harry Potter play for West End". The Guardian. 9 May 2014. 喺27 June 2015搵到.
  23. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, a new play by JK Rowling, will hit the West End in 2016". The Daily Telegraph. London. 26 June 2015. 原先內容歸檔喺11 January 2022. 喺27 June 2015搵到.
  24. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, a new play by JK Rowling, will hit the West End in 2016". The Daily Telegraph. London. 26 June 2015. 原先內容歸檔喺11 January 2022. 喺27 June 2015搵到.
  25. "JK Rowling reveals new Harry Potter theatre show". The Scotsman. 26 June 2015. 喺27 June 2015搵到.
  26. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". bloomsbury.com. 原著喺26 June 2015歸檔. 喺27 June 2015搵到.
  27. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". bloomsbury.com. 原著喺26 June 2015歸檔. 喺27 June 2015搵到.
  28. "Here's The One Thing J.K. Rowling Wants Everyone To Know About The New Harry Potter Play". BuzzFeed. 喺23 December 2015搵到.
  29. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play to debut in London in 2016". The Sydney Morning Herald. 26 June 2015. 喺9 August 2015搵到.
  30. "'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child': Everything you need to know". mashable.com. 27 June 2015. 喺9 August 2015搵到.
  31. "JK Rowling reveals new Harry Potter play will be two-part epic". The Independent. 25 September 2015. 原先內容歸檔喺9 May 2022. 喺16 October 2015搵到.
  32. "JK Rowling reveals new Harry Potter play will be two-part epic". The Independent. 25 September 2015. 原先內容歸檔喺9 May 2022. 喺16 October 2015搵到.
  33. "First peek at Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play". bbc.co.uk/newsbeat. 23 October 2015. 喺23 October 2015搵到.
  34. "In New Play, Harry Potter Is a Father". The New York Times. 23 October 2015. 喺23 October 2015搵到.
  35. "ere's How You Can See 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' Without Robbing Gringotts". MTV. 23 October 2015. 喺30 October 2015搵到.
  36. "Grown-up Harry must juggle working at the Ministry of Magic with being a father to three children, including his youngest Albus". Sky (United Kingdom). 23 October 2015. 喺23 October 2015搵到.
  37. Lawson, Mark (21 July 2016). "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – 'It's extraordinary the story still isn't out'". The Guardian. London, UK. 喺22 July 2016搵到.
  38. Grice, Elizabeth (2016-07-21). "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child exclusive cast interview: 'Being a wizard is the best job ever'". The Telegraph. London, UK. 原著喺2016-07-22歸檔. 喺2016-07-21搵到.
  39. "Pottermore – How to pre-order Cursed Child Parts I & II". Pottermore. 原著喺2016-06-12歸檔. 喺2016-05-24搵到.
  40. "HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD to close on July 9 | News". AussieTheatre.com (澳洲英文). 2023-02-05. 喺2023-02-12搵到.
  41. Yeo, Debra (16 April 2023). "'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' will end in Toronto July 2". Toronto Star. 喺17 April 2023搵到.
  42. "EXPLORE THE STORY – Harry Potter and the Cursed Child". Pottermore. J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World. 2016. 喺22 July 2016搵到.
  43. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child". harrypottertheplaylondon.com. 喺26 July 2016搵到.
  44. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child gets five star reviews". BBC News. 26 July 2016. 喺26 July 2016搵到. The play, written by Jack Thorne, is set 19 years after the seventh and final book in the series by JK Rowling.
  45. "About The Show". Harry Potter The Play. Palace Theatre. 原著喺19 April 2017歸檔. 喺22 July 2016搵到.
  46. "Harry Potter Coming Back, This Time on Stage in New Play". The New York Times. 26 June 2015. 喺27 June 2015搵到.
  47. "World Premiere of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Sets London Premiere". Playbill. 26 June 2015. 喺27 June 2015搵到.
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  49. Barraclough, Leo (26 June 2015). "Harry Potter Play to Open in London Next Year". Variety. 喺27 June 2015搵到.
  50. "'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' To Open in London's West End Summer 2016". Deadline Hollywood. 26 June 2015. 喺27 June 2015搵到.
  51. "JK Rowling reveals new Harry Potter stage play". The Scotsman. 26 June 2015. 喺27 June 2015搵到.
  52. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play to open in London in 2016, JK Rowling confirms". Digital Spy. 26 June 2015. 喺27 June 2015搵到.
  53. "Harry Potter stage play to premiere in the West End next summer". The Stage. 26 June 2015. 喺27 June 2015搵到.
  54. "HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD TO BE PRESENTED IN TWO PARTS". soniafriedman.com. 25 September 2015. 喺16 October 2015搵到.
  55. "Meet the Harry Potter fans 'keeping the secrets' of the Cursed Child". BBC News. 8 June 2016.
  56. Raisa Bruner (6 June 2016). "J.K. Rowling Asks Harry Potter Fandom to 'Keep the Secrets' of 'Cursed Child'". Time. 喺26 May 2019搵到.
  57. "Harry Potter fans asked to keep a secret". The Washington Post. 9 June 2016. 喺26 May 2019搵到.
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  59. Wiegand, Chris (26 June 2015). "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play to open in West End in 2016". The Guardian.
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  61. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: West End play focuses on Harry's youngest son". The Guardian. 23 October 2015. 原著喺2022-09-03歸檔. 喺23 October 2015搵到.
  62. 62.0 62.1 "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child run extended to April 2017 as touted tickets go on sale for £3,000". The Daily Telegraph. 29 October 2015. 原先內容歸檔喺11 January 2022. 喺30 October 2015搵到.
  63. "More than 175,000 tickets for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on London's West End were snapped up in eight hours". The Hollywood Reporter. 29 October 2015. 喺29 October 2015搵到.
  64. "Extended booking dates confirmed for Harry Potter and The Cursed Child general sale". Digital Spy. 29 October 2015. 喺29 October 2015搵到.
  65. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child extends booking YET AGAIN – this time to May 2017". Digital Spy. 30 October 2015. 喺7 November 2015搵到.
  66. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child announces lead cast". BBC News. 21 December 2015. 喺21 December 2015搵到.
  67. Hooton, Christopher (21 December 2015). "JK Rowling shuts down anyone with a problem about Hermione being black on Twitter: 'Frizzy hair is canon'". The Independent. 原先內容歸檔喺9 May 2022. 喺21 December 2015搵到. Responding to (a small pocket of) negative discussion of the casting, she tweeted: "Canon: brown eyes, frizzy hair, and very clever. White skin was never specified. Rowling loves black Hermione." UPDATE: Hold up, maybe the logic isn't quite so airtight.
  68. "In Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, a black actress will play Hermione". The New York Times. 21 December 2015. 喺21 December 2015搵到.
  69. Maltby, Kate. "There's nothing confusing about a black actress playing Hermione Granger – Spectator Blogs". Spectator Blogs. 原著喺22 December 2015歸檔. 喺23 December 2015搵到. JK Rowling tweeted this morning that she'd never specified Hermione's skin color in the books
  70. J·K·羅琳 [@jk_rowling] (21 December 2015). "Canon: Brown eyes, frizzy hair, and very clever. White skin was never specified. Rowling loves black Hermione" (推文). 原先內容歸檔喺20 January 2016 –透過Twitter.
  71. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child cast photos released". BBC News.ukwork=BBC News. 31 May 2016. 喺31 May 2016搵到.
  72. "42 Member multicultural cast revealed for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child". Playbill. 26 February 2016. 喺7 March 2016搵到.
  73. "Full casting announced for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child". whatsonstage.com. 26 February 2016. 喺7 March 2016搵到.
  74. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child full casting announced". BestofTheatre.co.uk. Best of Theatre. 1 September 2021. 原著喺2023-01-16歸檔. 喺2 September 2021搵到.
  75. "How to get tickets to Harry Potter and the Cursed Child". whatsonstage.com. 23 October 2015. 原著喺2019-04-07歸檔. 喺30 October 2015搵到.
  76. "Harry Potter stage show producers warn scalpers that resold tix will not fly". Playbill. 29 October 2015. 原著喺2021-06-13歸檔. 喺14 February 2016搵到.
  77. "The Friday Forty". Palace Theatre. Palace Theatre. 原著喺2017-04-09歸檔. 喺22 July 2016搵到.
  78. Lyall, Sarah (7 June 2016). "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' Begins Previews in London, as Magic Continues". The New York Times. 喺29 June 2016搵到.
  79. 引用錯誤 無效嘅<ref>標籤;無文字提供畀叫做playbill.com嘅參照
  80. Vine, Hannah (22 May 2017). "Meet the New Cast of West End Harry Potter and the Cursed Child". Playbill. 喺1 February 2023搵到.
  81. "Jonathan Case returns to Cursed Child". Twitter.com. WestEndCovers. 29 January 2022. 原著喺2023-01-16歸檔. 喺29 January 2022搵到.
  82. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Extends Again!". Londonboxoffice.co.uk. London Box Office. 17 February 2022. 原著喺2023-01-16歸檔. 喺18 February 2022搵到.
  83. Gans, Andrew (14 October 2021). "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Returns to West End October 14". Playbill. 喺1 February 2023搵到.
  84. Lawler, Kelly (4 May 2017). "Here's when you can see 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' on Broadway". USA Today. 喺31 January 2023搵到.
  85. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child to Bow on Broadway in 2018". Broadway.com. 喺25 October 2017搵到.
  86. "Another Harry Potter Landmark: At $68 Million, the Most Expensive Broadway Nonmusical Play Ever". The New York Times. 14 April 2018.
  87. "First Wave of Tickets to HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD Sold Out Before You Could Say 'Quidditch'". BroadwayWorld. 18 November 2017. 喺31 January 2023搵到.
  88. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Play | Broadway". Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. 原著喺2021-07-03歸檔. 喺25 October 2017搵到.
  89. Gerard, Jeremy (4 May 2017). "'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' Sets April 22, 2018 Broadway Opening". Deadline Hollywood. 原著喺2017-05-04歸檔. 喺4 May 2017搵到.
  90. McPhee, Ryan. " 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' Officially Opens on Broadway April 22" 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期2023年1月18號,. Playbill, 22 April 2018
  91. Gerard, Jeremy (2 August 2017). "'Harry Potter And The Cursed Child' Broadway Cast Announced". Deadline. 喺31 January 2023搵到.
  92. Derschowitz, Jessica (19 March 2019). "See the new Harry, Ron, Hermione, and more joining Broadway's Harry Potter and the Cursed Child". Entertainment Weekly.
  93. Derschowitz, Jessica (9 October 2020). "Broadway shutdown extended again, theaters to remain closed until June 2021". Entertainment Weekly. 喺11 December 2020搵到.
  94. McPhee, Ryan (12 July 2021). "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Pushes Up Broadway Return". Playbill. 喺13 July 2021搵到.
  95. McPhee, Ryan (12 July 2021). "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Pushes Up Broadway Return". Playbill. 原著喺2023-01-16歸檔. 喺13 July 2021搵到.
  96. Evans, Greg (January 23, 2022). "'Harry Potter And The Cursed Child' Broadway Star James Snyder Fired Over Misconduct Allegations By Co-Star". Deadline Hollywood. 喺January 24, 2022搵到.
  97. "James Snyder's Contract Terminated at CURSED CHILD Following Misconduct Investigation". BroadwayWorld. January 23, 2022. 喺January 24, 2022搵到.
  98. Hipes, Patrick (January 1, 2024). "'Harry Potter And The Cursed Child' Among Broadway Shows Seeing Record Sales In 2023's Final Week". Deadline. 喺January 1, 2024搵到.
  99. Codrea-Rado, Anna (24 October 2017). "'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' Will Head to Australia in 2019". New York Times. 喺16 January 2023搵到.
  100. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child | Melbourne". HarryPotterThePlay.com. 原著喺2017-10-24歸檔. 喺25 October 2017搵到.
  101. Cooper, Nathanael (28 October 2017). "The secret is out: How Harry Potter and the Cursed Child came to Melbourne". The Sydney Morning Herald. 原著喺2023-01-16歸檔. 喺2022-09-03搵到.
  102. Jade, Shannon (13 December 2018). "Melbourne's Princess Theatre Gets a Makeover in Time for "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child"". MuggleNet. 喺16 January 2023搵到.
  103. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts One and Two". HarryPotterThePlay.com. 原著喺24 October 2017歸檔. 喺25 July 2018搵到.
  104. Cooper, Nathanael (1 September 2018). "Next generation of wizards: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child cast revealed". The Sydney Morning Herald. 原著喺2023-01-16歸檔. 喺2022-09-03搵到.
  105. "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts One and Two". HarryPotterThePlay.com. 原著喺2017-10-24歸檔. 喺25 July 2018搵到.
  106. Cooper, Nathanael (2 September 2018). "Next generation of wizards: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child cast revealed". The Sydney Morning Herald. 喺16 January 2023搵到.
  107. "Cast Announced For Australian Premiere Production - Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Melbourne". Harrypottertheplay.com. 30 August 2018. 原著喺2021-10-20歸檔. 喺2022-09-03搵到.
  108. Snee, Peter (16 March 2020). "HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD to temporarily close its doors". Aussie Theatre. 喺16 January 2023搵到.
  109. Meyer, Dan (26 February 2021). "Watch the Emotional Return of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in Australia". Playbill. 喺16 January 2023搵到.
  110. Hoggan, Jacob (25 February 2021). "Australian Cursed Child production welcomes new cast members". The Leaky Cauldron. 喺16 January 2023搵到.
  111. Hurley, Grace (2021-11-14). ""Cursed Child" Melbourne to Become a One-Part Production". Mugglenet.com (美國英文). 原著喺2023-01-16歸檔. 喺2022-02-02搵到.
  112. Hurley, Grace (2021-11-14). ""Cursed Child" Melbourne to Become a One-Part Production". Mugglenet.com (美國英文). 喺2022-02-02搵到.
  113. Rabinovitz, Chloe (23 February 2022). "Cast Announced for Australian Debut of Reimagined HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD". BroadwayWorld. 喺16 January 2023搵到.
  114. Ingenthron, Blair (5 February 2023). "HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD Announces Final Melbourne Extension". BroadwayWorld. 喺6 February 2023搵到.
  115. Review, Arts (2023-02-06). "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child to end its record-breaking run in July". Australian Arts Review (澳洲英文). 喺2023-02-12搵到.
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  119. Musbach, Amy (2 August 2019). "Cast Announced for San Francisco's HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD, Now in Rehearsals!". Broadway World. 喺31 January 2023搵到.
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  123. Rabinovitz, Chloe (4 November 2021). "Casting Announced for HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD in San Francisco". Broadway World. 喺31 January 2023搵到.
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  135. 6月16日レビュー公演開幕決定!舞台リー・ポッターと呪いの子レビュー公演スケジュール、キャスト情報が解禁! (日文)。Horipro。17 February 2022。原著喺2023-01-16歸檔。喺24 March 2022搵到
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