washout - 维基词典,自由的多语言词典

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wash out動詞派生詞[1][2]

washout (可數 不可數,複數 washouts)

  1. (内部的)清洗冲洗
    • 1944 March–April, E. S. Waterhouse, “Two Footplate Rides on ‘Merchant Navy’ Locomotives”, 出自 The Railway Magazine, London: Tothill Press, →ISSN, →OCLC,頁號 88:

      No. 21C9 was in need of a boiler washout and though she was carefully and assiduously fired and use made of the fire-irons during the run, it was not possible to maintain steam, which often fell as low as 210 lb.

    • 1959 April, “Motive Power Miscellany: Eastern Region”, 出自 Trains Illustrated, London: Ian Allan Publishing, →ISSN, →OCLC,頁號 224:

      In recent months, as we have already reported, boiler washouts of Stratford's "Britannia" Pacifics have been carried out at Norwich, owing to the better staff situation at the latter shed, []

  2. (内部的)清洗用具

    The cistern was fitted with washouts and air-valves.

  3. 冲刷造成的侵蚀;冲出来的水渠
    1. (原用于美國鐵路運輸道路運輸) 洪水造成的铁路或路面缺口
      近義詞:(多用于澳大利亚) washaway
      • 2020年8月26日, “Network News: [Grant] Shapps Orders Rapid Review of Flash Flood Resilience from NR”, 出自 Rail, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire: Bauer Media, →ISSN, →OCLC,頁號 9:

        In a message to NR [National Rail] staff on August 14, Haines said: "It's not just Scotland impacted by extreme wet weather. This week we have seen, and will continue to see, heavy rain fall. This has caused washouts and landslips across the length and breadth of Great Britain."

  4. (俚語)
    1. 雨天取消活动
    2. 决定性胜利大胜
      • 2011年3月28日, “Illawarra turns blue in Liberal washout”, 出自 ABC News[1], Sydney, N.S.W.,2023-03-03歸檔自原頁面:

        Illawarra turns blue in Liberal washout [title]

      • 2020年11月5日, Jack Elsom, “‘We were told this was going to be a landslide!’ Piers Morgan blames the Democrats and Joe Biden’s lacklustre campaign for closer than predicted presidential race”, 出自 Daily Mail[2], London: DMG Media, →ISSN, →OCLC2020-11-19歸檔自原頁面:

        [Joe] Biden failed to flip crucial toss-up states such as Florida and Ohio and pull off the blue washout his supporters had been touting.

    3. 令人失望惨败
    4. 失败的人

      As an actor he was a complete washout, so he went back to accounting.

  5. (航空)
    1. (航空學) (空气作用下)机翼扭曲
    2. (英國空军俚語) 损坏飞机;飞机残骸
    3. (英國原為空军俚語) 没能完成训练任务飞行员
  6. (醫學)
    1. 将药物完全排出的时间
    2. (生物學) 冲洗;冲洗液;冲洗出的物体
  7. (氣象學) 冲洗冲刷
  8. (礦業) 矿物冲刷走的地方
  1. wash-out, n.”,OED Online  ,Oxford, Oxfordshire:Oxford University Press,September 2023年
  2. washout, n.”,Dictionary.com UnabridgedDictionary.com, LLC,1995–present, reproduced from Stuart Berg Flexner, editor in chief, Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 2nd edition, New York, N.Y.: Random House, 1993, ISBN 978-0-679-42441-3