3122. μάλιστα (malista) -- 12 Occurrences

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Strong's Greek: 3122. μάλιστα (malista) — 12 Occurrences

Acts 20:38 Adv
GRK: ὀδυνώμενοι μάλιστα ἐπὶ τῷ
NAS: grieving especially over the word
KJV: Sorrowing most of all for the words
INT: distressed most of all for the

Acts 25:26 Adv
GRK: ὑμῶν καὶ μάλιστα ἐπὶ σοῦ
NAS: I have brought him before you [all] and especially before
KJV: you, and specially before thee,
INT: you and especially before you

Acts 26:3 Adv
GRK: μάλιστα γνώστην ὄντα
NAS: especially because you are an expert
KJV: Especially [because I know] thee
INT: especially acquainted being

Galatians 6:10 Adv
GRK: πρὸς πάντας μάλιστα δὲ πρὸς
NAS: to all people, and especially to those
INT: toward all especially moreover toward

Philippians 4:22 Adv
GRK: οἱ ἅγιοι μάλιστα δὲ οἱ
NAS: greet you, especially those
KJV: you, chiefly they that are of Caesar's
INT: the saints especially moreover those

1 Timothy 4:10 Adv
GRK: πάντων ἀνθρώπων μάλιστα πιστῶν
NAS: of all men, especially of believers.
KJV: men, specially of those that believe.
INT: of all men especially of believers

1 Timothy 5:8 Adv
GRK: ἰδίων καὶ μάλιστα οἰκείων οὐ
NAS: for his own, and especially for those of his household,
KJV: and specially for those of his own house,
INT: own and especially [his] household not

1 Timothy 5:17 Adv
GRK: τιμῆς ἀξιούσθωσαν μάλιστα οἱ κοπιῶντες
NAS: honor, especially those
KJV: honour, especially they who labour
INT: honor let be counted worthy especially those straining

2 Timothy 4:13 Adv
GRK: τὰ βιβλία μάλιστα τὰς μεμβράνας
NAS: and the books, especially the parchments.
KJV: the books, [but] especially the parchments.
INT: the books especially the parchments

Titus 1:10 Adv
GRK: καὶ φρεναπάται μάλιστα οἱ ἐκ
NAS: and deceivers, especially those
KJV: deceivers, specially they of
INT: and deceivers especially those of

Philemon 1:16 Adv
GRK: ἀδελφὸν ἀγαπητόν μάλιστα ἐμοί πόσῳ
NAS: brother, especially to me, but how much
KJV: beloved, specially to me,
INT: a brother beloved especially to me how much

2 Peter 2:10 Adv
GRK: μάλιστα δὲ τοὺς
NAS: and especially those who indulge
KJV: But chiefly them that walk after
INT: especially moreover those who

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