ζωῆς (zōēs) -- 47 Occurrences

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ζωῆς (zōēs) — 47 Occurrences

John 5:29 N-GFS
GRK: εἰς ἀνάστασιν ζωῆς οἱ δὲ
NAS: [deeds] to a resurrection of life, those
KJV: the resurrection of life; and
INT: to a resurrection of life those moreover

John 6:35 N-GFS
GRK: ἄρτος τῆς ζωῆς ὁ ἐρχόμενος
NAS: the bread of life; he who comes
KJV: the bread of life: he that cometh
INT: bread of life he that comes

John 6:48 N-GFS
GRK: ἄρτος τῆς ζωῆς
NAS: I am the bread of life.
KJV: am that bread of life.
INT: bread of life

John 6:51 N-GFS
GRK: τοῦ κόσμου ζωῆς
NAS: I will give for the life of the world
KJV: will give for the life of the world.
INT: of the world life

John 6:68 N-GFS
GRK: ἀπελευσόμεθα ῥήματα ζωῆς αἰωνίου ἔχεις
NAS: words of eternal life.
KJV: the words of eternal life.
INT: will we go [the] words of life eternal you have

John 8:12 N-GFS
GRK: φῶς τῆς ζωῆς
NAS: but will have the Light of life.
KJV: shall have the light of life.
INT: light of life

Acts 2:28 N-GFS
GRK: μοι ὁδοὺς ζωῆς πληρώσεις με
KJV: the ways of life; thou shalt make
INT: to me paths of life you will fill me

Acts 3:15 N-GFS
GRK: ἀρχηγὸν τῆς ζωῆς ἀπεκτείνατε ὃν
NAS: the Prince of life, [the one] whom
KJV: killed the Prince of life, whom God
INT: [the] Author of life you killed whom

Acts 5:20 N-GFS
GRK: ῥήματα τῆς ζωῆς ταύτης
NAS: message of this Life.
KJV: the words of this life.
INT: words of the life this

Acts 13:46 N-GFS
GRK: τῆς αἰωνίου ζωῆς ἰδοὺ στρεφόμεθα
NAS: of eternal life, behold,
KJV: of everlasting life, lo,
INT: of eternal life Behold we turn

Romans 5:18 N-GFS
GRK: εἰς δικαίωσιν ζωῆς
NAS: justification of life to all
KJV: unto justification of life.
INT: to justification of life

Romans 6:4 N-GFS
GRK: ἐν καινότητι ζωῆς περιπατήσωμεν
NAS: might walk in newness of life.
KJV: in newness of life.
INT: in newness of life should walk

Romans 8:2 N-GFS
GRK: πνεύματος τῆς ζωῆς ἐν Χριστῷ
NAS: of the Spirit of life in Christ
KJV: of the Spirit of life in
INT: Spirit of life in Christ

2 Corinthians 2:16 N-GFS
GRK: ὀσμὴ ἐκ ζωῆς εἰς ζωήν
NAS: an aroma from life to life.
KJV: the savour of life unto
INT: a fragrance from life to life

2 Corinthians 5:4 N-GFS
GRK: ὑπὸ τῆς ζωῆς
NAS: will be swallowed up by life.
KJV: might be swallowed up of life.
INT: by life

Ephesians 4:18 N-GFS
GRK: ἀπηλλοτριωμένοι τῆς ζωῆς τοῦ θεοῦ
NAS: excluded from the life of God
KJV: alienated from the life of God
INT: alienated from the life of God

Philippians 1:20 N-GFS
GRK: εἴτε διὰ ζωῆς εἴτε διὰ
NAS: whether by life or
KJV: whether [it be] by life, or by
INT: whether by life or by

Philippians 2:16 N-GFS
GRK: λόγον ζωῆς ἐπέχοντες εἰς
NAS: the word of life, so
KJV: Holding forth the word of life; that I
INT: [the] word of life holding forth for

Philippians 4:3 N-GFS
GRK: ἐν βίβλῳ ζωῆς
NAS: names are in the book of life.
KJV: [are] in the book of life.
INT: in [the] book of life

1 Timothy 4:8 N-GFS
GRK: ἐπαγγελίαν ἔχουσα ζωῆς τῆς νῦν
NAS: for the present life and [also] for the [life] to come.
KJV: promise of the life that now is,
INT: promise having of life of that which [is] now

1 Timothy 6:12 N-GFS
GRK: τῆς αἰωνίου ζωῆς εἰς ἣν
NAS: of the eternal life to which
KJV: eternal life, whereunto
INT: of eternal life to which

1 Timothy 6:19 N-GFS
GRK: τῆς ὄντως ζωῆς
NAS: that they may take hold of that which is life indeed.
KJV: they may lay hold on eternal life.
INT: of that which is indeed life

2 Timothy 1:1 N-GFS
GRK: κατ' ἐπαγγελίαν ζωῆς τῆς ἐν
NAS: to the promise of life in Christ
KJV: the promise of life which
INT: according to promise of life which [is] in

Titus 1:2 N-GFS
GRK: ἐπ' ἐλπίδι ζωῆς αἰωνίου ἣν
NAS: of eternal life, which
KJV: hope of eternal life, which God,
INT: in [the] hope of life eternal which

Titus 3:7 N-GFS
GRK: κατ' ἐλπίδα ζωῆς αἰωνίου
NAS: to [the] hope of eternal life.
KJV: the hope of eternal life.
INT: according to [the] hope of life eternal

Hebrews 7:3 N-GFS
GRK: ἡμερῶν μήτε ζωῆς τέλος ἔχων
NAS: nor end of life, but made like the Son
KJV: nor end of life; but made like
INT: of days nor of life end having

Hebrews 7:16 N-GFS
GRK: κατὰ δύναμιν ζωῆς ἀκαταλύτου
NAS: of an indestructible life.
KJV: the power of an endless life.
INT: according to power of life indestructable

James 1:12 N-GFS
GRK: στέφανον τῆς ζωῆς ὃν ἐπηγγείλατο
NAS: the crown of life which
KJV: the crown of life, which
INT: crown of life which he promised

1 Peter 3:7 N-GFS
GRK: συγκληρονόμοις χάριτος ζωῆς εἰς τὸ
NAS: of the grace of life, so
KJV: of the grace of life; that
INT: [being] joint-heirs of [the] grace of life so as

1 John 1:1 N-GFS
GRK: λόγου τῆς ζωῆς
NAS: concerning the Word of Life--
KJV: of the Word of life;
INT: Word of life

Revelation 2:7 N-GFS
GRK: ξύλου τῆς ζωῆς ὅ ἐστιν
NAS: of the tree of life which
KJV: of the tree of life, which is
INT: tree of life which is

Revelation 2:10 N-GFS
GRK: στέφανον τῆς ζωῆς
NAS: and I will give you the crown of life.
KJV: thee a crown of life.
INT: crown of life

Revelation 3:5 N-GFS
GRK: βίβλου τῆς ζωῆς καὶ ὁμολογήσω
NAS: from the book of life, and I will confess
KJV: the book of life, but
INT: book of life and will confess

Revelation 7:17 N-GFS
GRK: αὐτοὺς ἐπὶ ζωῆς πηγὰς ὑδάτων
NAS: of the water of life; and God
INT: them to living fountains of waters

Revelation 11:11 N-GFS
GRK: ἥμισυ πνεῦμα ζωῆς ἐκ τοῦ
NAS: days, the breath of life from God came
KJV: an half the Spirit of life from God
INT: a half [the] spirit of life from

Revelation 13:8 N-GFS
GRK: βιβλίῳ τῆς ζωῆς τοῦ ἀρνίου
NAS: in the book of life of the Lamb
KJV: in the book of life of the Lamb slain
INT: book of life of the Lamb

Revelation 16:3 N-GFS
GRK: πᾶσα ψυχὴ ζωῆς ἀπέθανεν τὰ
NAS: and every living thing
INT: every soul living died that was

Revelation 17:8 N-GFS
GRK: βιβλίον τῆς ζωῆς ἀπὸ καταβολῆς
NAS: in the book of life from the foundation
KJV: the book of life from
INT: book of life from [the] foundation

Revelation 20:12 N-GFS
GRK: ἐστιν τῆς ζωῆς καὶ ἐκρίθησαν
NAS: which is [the book] of life; and the dead
KJV: is [the book] of life: and
INT: is [that] of life And were judged

Revelation 20:15 N-GFS
GRK: βίβλῳ τῆς ζωῆς γεγραμμένος ἐβλήθη
NAS: in the book of life, he was thrown
KJV: in the book of life was cast into
INT: book of life written he was cast

Revelation 21:6 N-GFS
GRK: ὕδατος τῆς ζωῆς δωρεάν
NAS: of the water of life without cost.
KJV: of the water of life freely.
INT: water of life freely

Revelation 21:27 N-GFS
GRK: βιβλίῳ τῆς ζωῆς τοῦ ἀρνίου
NAS: in the Lamb's book of life.
KJV: the Lamb's book of life.
INT: book of life of the Lamb

Revelation 22:1 N-GFS
GRK: ποταμὸν ὕδατος ζωῆς λαμπρὸν ὡς
NAS: of the water of life, clear
KJV: river of water of life, clear as
INT: a river of water of life clear as

Revelation 22:2 N-GFS
GRK: ἐκεῖθεν ξύλον ζωῆς ποιοῦν καρποὺς
NAS: was the tree of life, bearing
KJV: [was there] the tree of life, which bare
INT: on that side [the] tree of life producing fruits

Revelation 22:14 N-GFS
GRK: ξύλον τῆς ζωῆς καὶ τοῖς
NAS: to the tree of life, and may enter
KJV: to the tree of life, and may enter
INT: tree of life and by the

Revelation 22:17 N-GFS
GRK: λαβέτω ὕδωρ ζωῆς δωρεάν
NAS: take the water of life without cost.
KJV: let him take the water of life freely.
INT: let him take water of life freely

Revelation 22:19 N-GFS
GRK: ξύλου τῆς ζωῆς καὶ ἐκ
NAS: from the tree of life and from the holy
KJV: out of the book of life, and out of
INT: tree of life and out of

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