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dab {n} (fingerprint) SEE: fingerprint ::
dab {v} (softly tap) :: потупвам
dab {v} (apply softly tapping) :: цапвам, мацвам
dab {n} (soft tap) :: потупване {n}
dab {n} (small amount, blob) :: мазка {f}
dab {n} (one skilful or proficient, an expert, an adept) :: майстор {m}, специалист {m}
dab {n} (flatfish of the family Pleuronectidae) :: писия {f}
dabble {v} (to cause splashing by moving a body part in soft mud, water, etc.) :: пляскам, пръскам
dabble {v} (to participate in a casual or superficial way) :: меся се, бъркам се
dabbler {n} (one who dabbles) :: lлюбител {m}, дилетант {m}
dabchick {n} (type of bird) :: малък гмурец
dace {n} (Leuciscus leuciscus) :: клен {m}
dacha {n} (Russian villa or summer house) :: дача {f}
dachshund {n} (breed of dog) :: дакел {m}
Dacia {prop} (ancient kingdom and Roman province) :: Дакия {f}
dad {n} (informal: a father) :: татко {m}
daddy {n} (father) :: татко {m}
daffodil {n} (flower) :: нарцис {m}
daft {adj} (foolish, silly, see also: foolish; silly) :: неразумен
daft {adj} (crazy, insane, see also: crazy; insane; mad) :: побъркан, ненормален
daft {adj} (stupid, see also: stupid) :: глупав
Dagestan {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: Дагестан {m}
dagga {n} (cement) SEE: cement ::
dagger {n} (a stabbing weapon) :: кама {f}
dago {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop ::
Dagon {prop} (main god of the Phoenicians) :: Дагон, Даган
dahlia {n} (any plant of the genus Dahlia) :: далия {f}, гергина {f}
daily {adj} (that occurs every day) :: всекидневен {m}, ежедневен {m}
daily {n} (newspaper) :: ежедневник {m}
daily {adv} (every day) :: всекидневно, ежедневно
dainty {n} (a delicacy) :: деликатес, лакомство
dainty {adj} (delicately small and pretty) :: нежен, изискан
dainty {adj} (fastidious and fussy when eating) :: придирчив
dairy {n} (place, where milk is processed) :: мандра {f}
dairy {n} (shop selling dairy products) :: млекарница {f}
dairy {n} (products produced from milk) :: млечни произведения
dairy {adj} (referring to products produced from milk) :: млечен
dais {n} (raised platform) :: подиум {m}, естрада {f}
daisy {n} (Bellis perennis) :: паричка {f}, маргаритка {f}
Dalai Lama {n} (the supreme head of Tibetan Buddhism) :: далай-лама {m}
dale {n} (valley) :: долина {f}
dalliance {n} (playful flirtation) :: флирт {m}
dalliance {n} (a wasting of time in idleness or trifles) :: губене на време
dally {v} (to waste time) :: губя си времето, играя си
dally {v} (to interchange caresses) :: флиртувам
dally {v} (to delay unnecessarily) :: отлагам
Dalmatian {prop} (extinct Romance language of Croatia) :: далматински език {m}
daltonic {adj} (color blind) SEE: color blind ::
dam {n} (structure placed across a flowing body of water) :: бент {m}
dam {v} (block) :: заприщвам
damage {n} (abstract measure of something not being intact; harm) :: щета {f}
damage {n} (cost or expense) :: вреда {f}
damage {v} (to make something less intact or even destroy it; to harm or cause destruction) :: повреждам
Damascus {prop} (the capital city of Syria) :: Дамаск {m}
damask {n} (fabric) :: дамаска {f}
damn {v} (theology: to condemn to hell) :: проклинам {impf}
damn {v} (to put out of favor; to ruin; to label negatively) :: осъждам, порицавам
damn {v} (to put a curse upon) :: кълна, проклинам
damn {adj} (generic intensifier) :: проклет
damn {adv} (awfully, extremely) :: ужасно
damn {n} (use of damn as a swear word) :: проклятие {n}
damnable {adj} (capable of being damned) :: проклет
damnable {adj} (deserving of damnation) :: осъдителен
damnation {n} (The state of being damned; condemnation; openly expressed disapprobation) :: проклятие {n}
damnation {n} (Condemnation to everlasting punishment in the future state, or the punishment itself) :: вечни мъки {p}
damned {adj} (god-forsaken) :: прокълнат
damnify {v} (law: to cause injury or loss) :: причинявам щета
damp {adj} (Being in a state between dry and wet) :: влажен
damp {adj} (Dejected) :: унил, потиснат
damp {n} (moisture) :: влага {f}, влажност {f}
damp {n} (dejection) :: униние {n}, потиснатост {f}
damp {n} (gaseous product) :: рудничен газ
damp {v} (To render damp) :: овлажнявам
damp {v} (To put out, as fire) :: задушавам
damp {v} (To suppress vibrations or oscillations) :: заглушавам, затихвам
dampen {v} (make damp) :: навлажнявам
dampen {v} (depress, lessen) :: обезсърчавам, угнетявам
dampen {v} (become damp, to deaden) :: навлажнявам се
dampproof {adj} (resistant to the effects of damp) :: непромокаем
damsel {n} (girl, maiden (without sexual experience)) :: госпожица {f}
damselfish {n} (fish of Pomacentridae) :: кестенка
damson {n} (fruit) :: синя слива {f}
dance {n} (movements to music) :: танц {m}
dance {v} (move rhythmically to music) :: танцувам {impf}
dancer {n} (person who dances) :: танцьор {m}, балетист {m}
dancer {n} (a female person who dances) :: танцьорка {f}
dancer {n} (euphemism for stripper) :: танцьорка {f}
dandelion {n} (plant, wild flower of the genus Taraxacum) :: глухарче {n}
dandify {v} (dress as a dandy) :: наконтвам, натруфвам
dandle {v} (to move up and down on one's knee or in one's arms, in affectionate play) :: дундуркам
dandle {v} (to treat with fondness, as if a child) :: глезя, приласкавам
dandruff {n} (skin flakes) :: пърхот {m}
dandy {adj} (like a dandy) :: контешки
dandy {n} (man very concerned about his clothes and his appearance) :: конте, франт {m}
dandy {n} (yawl) SEE: yawl ::
Dane {n} (person from Denmark or of Danish descent) :: датчанин {m}
dang {adj} (damn) SEE: damn ::
danger {n} (exposure to likely harm) :: опасност {f}
danger {n} (instance or cause of liable harm) :: заплаха {f}
dangerous {adj} (full of danger) :: опасен, рискован
dangle {v} (hang loosely) :: вися
dangle {v} (hang or trail something loosely) :: закачвам, провесвам
Danish {prop} (language) :: датски
Danish {adj} (of Denmark) :: датски
Danish {n} (native of Denmark) SEE: Dane ::
Danish crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow ::
dank {adj} (dark, damp and humid) :: влажен, усоен
Danube {prop} (river of Europe that flows to the Black Sea) :: Дунав {m}
Danzig {prop} (Gdańsk) SEE: Gdańsk ::
daphne {n} (shrub in the genus Daphne) :: бясно дърво {n}, вълче лико {n}
dapper {adj} (neat, trim) :: спретнат
dapper {adj} (stylishly or neatly dressed) :: докаран, елегантен
dapple {adj} (having a spotted skin or coat) :: пъстър, петнист
dapple {v} (to mark with spots) :: изпъстрям, изпъстрям се
darbuka {n} (goblet drum) SEE: goblet drum ::
darby {n} (tool) :: маламашка
Dardanelles {prop} (strait) :: Дарданели {f-p}
dare {v} (to have courage) :: смея, дръзвам
dare {v} (to defy or challenge) :: предизвиквам
dare {v} (to brave or face up to) :: осмелявам се
dare {n} (a challenge) :: предизвикателство {n}
daredevil {n} (person who engages in risky behavior) :: луда глава, смелчага
daredevil {adj} (recklessly bold; adventurous) :: безразсъден
daring {adj} (willing to take on risks) :: дързък, авантюристичен
daring {adj} (courageous) :: смел, безстрашен
daring {n} (boldness) :: смелост {f}, безстрашие {n}
Darius {prop} (any of several Persian kings) :: Дарий {m}
dark {adj} (having an absolute or relative lack of light) :: тъмен
dark {adj} (hidden, secret) :: тъмен
dark {adj} (without moral or spiritual light) :: мрачен
dark {adj} (not bright or light, deeper in hue) :: тъмен, мрачен
dark {n} (a complete or partial absence of light) :: мрак {m}, тъмнина {f}
dark {n} (ignorance) :: невидение {n}, незнание {n}
dark {n} (nightfall) :: свечеряване {n}
darken {v} (to make dark by reducing light) :: затъмнявам
darken {v} (to become darker (less bright)) :: потъмнявам
darken {v} (to become dark(er) in colour) :: потъмнявам
darkey {n} ((slang, offensive) a person with dark skin) :: чернилка {f}
dark-haired {adj} (brunette) SEE: brunette ::
darkly {adv} (with a dark appearance) :: мрачно
dark magic {n} (black magic) SEE: black magic ::
dark matter {n} (particles of matter that cannot be detected by their radiation) :: тъмна материя {f}
darkness {n} (state of being dark) :: мрак {m}, тъмнина {f}
darling {n} (person who is dear to one) :: любим {m}, любима {f}
darling {adj} (dear, cherished) :: любим, мил, скъп
darmstadtium {n} (transuranic chemical element with atomic number 110) :: дармщадтий {m}
darn {adj} (damn) SEE: damn ::
darn {interj} (damn) SEE: damn ::
darn {v} (damn) SEE: damn ::
darn {v} (stitch with thread) :: замрежвам, закърпвам
darnel {n} (type of ryegrass found in wheatfields) :: глушица
dart {n} (sharp-pointed missile weapon) :: стреличка {f}
dart {n} (game) :: дартс {p}
dart {v} (to throw with a sudden effort) :: мятам, хвърлям
dart {v} (to throw suddenly or rapidly) :: мятам, хвърлям
dart {v} (to fly or pass swiftly) :: спускам се
dart {v} (to start and run with velocity; to shoot rapidly along) :: хуквам
dart {n} (zoology: fish) SEE: dace ::
darter {n} (snakebird) :: змиешийка {f}
Darth Vader {n} (Malevolent individual) :: Дарт Вейдър {m}
Darwinism {n} (principles of natural selection) :: дарвинизъм {m}
dash {n} (colloquial: hyphen) SEE: hyphen ::
dash {n} (typographic symbol) :: тире {n}
dash {n} (Morse code symbol) :: тире {n}
dash {n} (short run) :: втурване {n}, спринт {m}
dash {v} (to run short distance) :: втурвам се, спринтирам
dash {v} (informal: to leave) :: напускам
dash {v} (to destroy) :: разбивам
dash {v} (to throw violently) :: хвърлям
dash {v} (to dishearten) :: обезкуражавам
dash {n} (dashboard) SEE: dashboard ::
dashboard {n} (panel under the windscreen of a motor car or aircraft) :: арматурно табло {n}
dasheen {n} (cocoyam) SEE: cocoyam ::
dashing {adj} (spirited, audacious and full of high spirits) :: жив, енергичен
dashing {adj} (chic, fashionable) :: елегантен
data {n} (information) :: данни {n-p}
databank {n} (database) SEE: database ::
database {n} (collection of information) :: база данни {f}, база от данни {f}
database management system {n} (suite of interrelated computer programs) :: система за управление на бази от данни {f}
data set {n} (modem) SEE: modem ::
date {n} (fruit of the date palm) :: фурма {f}, финик {m}
date {n} (that which specifies the time of writing, inscription etc.) :: дата {f}
date {n} (point of time at which a transaction or event takes place) :: дата {f}
date {n} (point in time) :: време {n}
date {n} (assigned end; conclusion) :: срок {m}
date {n} (pre-arranged social meeting) :: среща {f}
date {n} (meeting with a lover or potential lover; a person so met) :: среща {f}
date {v} (to note the time of writing or executing) :: датирам {impf} {pf}
date {v} (to note or fix the time of, as of an event) :: датирам {impf} {pf}
date {v} (to determine the age of something) :: датирам {impf} {pf}
date {n} (date palm) SEE: date palm ::
dated {adj} (marked with a date) :: датиран
dated {adj} (out of date) :: остарял, отживял, старомоден
date of birth {n} (birthday) SEE: birthday ::
date of birth {n} (date and year when something was born) :: дата на раждане {f}
date palm {n} (Phoenix dactylifera) :: финикова палма {f}
date tree {n} (date palm) SEE: date palm ::
dative {adj} (grammar: noting the case of noun which expresses indirect object) :: дателен
dative {n} (dative case) SEE: dative case ::
dative case {n} (case used to express direction towards an indirect object) :: дателен падеж {m}
datum {n} (single piece of information) :: данна {f}, изходна величина
datura {n} (A plant of the genus Datura) :: татул {m}
daub {n} (soft coating of mud, plaster etc) :: мазилка {f}
daub {n} (crude or amateurish painting) :: цапотене {n}
daub {v} (to apply something in hasty or crude strokes) :: цапам, мажа
daughter {n} (female offspring) :: дъщеря {f}, щерка {f}
daughter-in-law {n} (wife of one's child) :: снаха {f}
daunt {v} (to discourage) :: сплашвам
daunt {v} (to overwhelm) :: обезкуражавам
dauntless {adj} (invulnerable to fear or intimidation) :: неустрашим
daw {n} (Coloeus monedula) SEE: jackdaw ::
daw {v} (dawn) SEE: dawn ::
dawdle {v} (to spend time idly and unfruitfully, to waste time) :: безделнича
dawdle {v} (to spend (time) without haste or purpose) :: разтакавам се, туткам се
dawdle {v} (to move or walk lackadaisically) :: шляя се
dawn {v} (to begin to brighten with daylight) :: съмва се, зазорява се
dawn {v} (to start to appear, to be realized) :: изгрявам, появявам се
dawn {n} (morning twilight period) :: зора {f}, разсъмване {n}
dawn {n} (rising of the sun) :: зора {f}, разсъмване {n}
dawn {n} (time) :: зори {p}
day {n} (period of 24 hours) :: денонощие {n}, ден {m}
day {n} (period from midnight to the following midnight) :: денонощие {n}, ден {m}
day {n} (rotational period of a planet) :: денонощие {n}
day {n} (part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc.) :: ден {m}
day {n} (period between sunrise and sunset) :: ден {m}
day after tomorrow {adv} (on the day after tomorrow; in two days - translation entry) :: вдругиден
daybed {n} (couch) :: кушетка, канапе
day before yesterday {n} (day before yesterday - translation entry) :: онзи ден {m}
day before yesterday {adv} (on the day before yesterday - translation entry) :: завчера
daybook {n} (A daily chronicle; a diary) SEE: diary ::
daybook {n} (A logbook) SEE: logbook ::
daybreak {n} (dawn) :: зазоряване {n}
daydream {n} (a spontaneous and fanciful series of thoughts) :: блян {m}, мечта {m}
daydream {v} (to have such a series of thoughts) :: бленувам {impf}, мечтая {impf}
daydreamer {n} (one who daydreams) :: мечтател {m}
day laborer {n} (laborer who is paid one day at a time) :: надничар
daylight {n} (daybreak) SEE: daybreak ::
daylight savings time {n} (daylight saving time) SEE: daylight saving time ::
daylight saving time {n} (an adjustment of the official time during summer) :: лятно време {n}
daylily {n} (plant of Hemerocallis) :: хемерокалис
day off {n} (a day of vacation etc.) :: свободен ден {m}
daypack {n} (small backpack) :: еднодневка
day-to-day {adj} (ordinary or mundane) :: всекидневен
day-to-day {adj} (happening every day) :: ежедневен
daze {n} (the state of being dazed) :: шемет {m}, замаяност {f}
daze {v} (to stun or stupefy) :: замайвам, зашеметявам
dazed {adj} (stunned) :: зашеметен
dazzle {v} (confuse the sight) :: заслепявам
dazzle {v} (figuratively) :: смайвам, поразявам
dazzling {adj} (shining intensely) :: ослепителен
dazzling {adj} (astounding) :: смайващ, зашеметяващ
deacon {n} (a designated minister of charity in the early Church) :: дякон {m}
deacon {n} (a clergyman ranked directly below a priest) :: дякон {m}
dead {adj} (no longer alive) :: мъртъв
dead {adj} (figuratively, not alive) :: мъртъв
dead {adj} (fully and completely motionless) :: неподвижен
dead {adj} (without emotion) :: неодушевен
dead {adj} (of a device: completely inactive; without power) :: изгасен
dead {adv} (exactly) :: направо, напълно
dead {adv} (Very, absolutely, extremely, suddenly) :: абсолютно, безусловно
dead {n} (those who have died) :: мъртвите {p}
dead-alive {adj} ( Dull; lifeless) :: вял, скучен
deadbeat {n} (lazy person, depending upon financially independent people for support) :: безделник {m}
deadbeat {adj} (exhausted, dead tired) :: капнал от умора
dead calm {n} (condition of a flat sea without waves) :: затишие {n}
dead end {n} (street or path that goes nowhere) :: задънена улица {f}
dead-end {n} (position) SEE: impasse ::
dead-end {n} (road with no exit) SEE: dead end ::
dead-end {adj} (blocked) :: задънен
deadfall {n} (cheap, rough bar or saloon) SEE: dive ::
deadline {n} (date on or before which something must be completed) :: краен срок
deadlock {n} (standstill) :: застой {m}, мъртва точка {f}
deadly {adj} (lethal) :: убийствен, смъртоносен
deadly {adj} (very accurate) :: много точен
deadly {adj} (very boring) :: много скучен
deadly nightshade {n} (deadly nightshade; Atropa belladonna) :: беладона {f}, лудо биле {n}
Dead Sea {prop} (lake in the Middle East) :: Мъртво море {n}
dead wall {n} (A blank wall) :: калкан {m}
deaf {adj} (unable to hear) :: глух
deaf aid {n} (hearing aid) SEE: hearing aid ::
deafen {v} (to make deaf) :: оглушавам
deafen {v} (to make soundproof) :: заглушавам, правя звуконепроницаем
deafening {adj} (loud enough to cause hearing loss) :: оглушителен
deaf-mute {adj} (unable to hear or speak) :: глухоням
deafness {n} (condition of being deaf) :: глухота {f}
deal {n} (large number or amount or extent) :: количество {n}
deal {v} (to give out as one’s portion or share) :: раздавам, разпределям
deal {v} (to administer in portions) :: разпределям
deal {v} (to distribute (cards)) :: раздавам
deal {v} (to trade) :: търгувам
deal {v} (to be concerned with) :: имам работа с
deal {v} (to handle, manage) :: справям се
deal {n} (distribution of cards) :: раздаване {n}
deal {n} (instance of buying or selling, see also: transaction) :: сделка {f}
deal {n} (wood that is easy to saw) :: чам {m}
deal {n} (plank of softwood) :: чамова дъска
deal {adj} (made of deal) :: елов, чамов
deal {v} (to conduct oneself) SEE: behave ::
dealer {n} (one who deals in things, e.g. automobiles) :: търговец {m}
dealer {n} (a particular type of stock broker or trader) :: дилър {m}
dealer {n} (the person who deals the cards in a card game) :: раздавач {m}
dealer {n} (drug dealer) SEE: drug dealer ::
dean {n} (senior official in college or university) :: декан {m}
dean {n} (church dignitary) :: главен свещеник
dear {adj} (loved; lovable) :: любим, мил, драг
dear {adj} (loving, affectionate, heartfelt) :: мил, драг
dear {adj} (precious to or greatly valued by someone) :: скъп
dear {adj} (formal way of addressing) :: уважаем, драг
dear {adj} (an informal way of addressing the recipient in a letter's opening line) :: скъп
dear {n} (a very kind, loving person) :: любим {m}, възлюбен {m}
dear {adj} (high in price; expensive) SEE: expensive ::
dear {n} (beloved#noun) SEE: beloved ::
dear {adj} (sore) SEE: sore ::
dearly {adv} (in a dear manner) :: скъпо
dearth {n} (period when food is rare) :: оскъдица {f}, глад {m}
dearth {n} (scarcity) :: недоимък {m}
death {n} (cessation of life) :: смърт {f}
deathbed {n} (the bed on which someone dies) :: смъртно легло {n}
death camp {n} (facility) :: лагер на смъртта {m}
death cap {n} (Amanita phalloides) :: зелена мухоморка
death duty {n} (inheritance tax or estate tax) :: данък наследство
deathlike {adj} (deadly) SEE: deadly ::
death seat {n} (the front passenger seat of an automobile) SEE: shotgun ::
death sentence {n} (sentence) :: смъртна присъда {f}
deathwatch {n} (a vigil beside a dying person) :: бдение при умиращ
deathwatch {n} (a deathwatch beetle) :: бръмбар-гробар
debar {v} (To exclude or shut out; to bar) :: възпирам, препятствам
Debar {prop} (a city in North Macedonia) :: Дебър {m}
debark {v} (to disembark) SEE: disembark ::
debark {v} (to unload) :: свалям, стоварвам
debark {v} (to remove bark) :: свалям кората
debarment {n} (The act, an instance of debarring) :: възпиране {n}, препятстване {n}
debase {v} (lower in character, etc) :: понижавам, унижавам
debatable {adj} (controversial) :: спорен, дискусионен
debate {n} (argument, or discussion, usually in an ordered or formal setting) :: дебати {m-p}
debate {n} (informal and spirited but generally civil discussion of opposing views) :: разискване {n}, дискусия {f}
debate {n} (discussion of opposing views) :: дискусия {f}
debate {v} (participate in a debate) :: дебатирам, дискутирам
debauch {n} (orgy) SEE: orgy ::
debauch {n} (act of debauchery) :: разврат {m}
debauch {v} ((transitive) to morally corrupt someone; to seduce) :: покварявам, развращавам
debauch {v} ((transitive) to debase something) :: развалям, изопачавам
debauchery {n} (debauchery) :: разврат {m}
debenture {n} (certificate that certifies an amount of money owed to someone) :: разписка за дълг {f}
debenture {n} :: облигация {f}
debilitate {v} (to make feeble; to weaken) :: отслабвам, омаломощавам
debility {n} (state of weakness) :: безсилие, немощ
debit {n} (in bookkeeping, an entry in the left hand column of an account) :: дебит {m}
debit {adj} (of or relating to debit card function) :: дебитен
debone {v} (remove the bones from something) :: обезкостявам
debris {n} (rubble, wreckage, scattered remains of something destroyed) :: отломки {m-p}, развалини {f-p}
debris {n} (litter and discarded refuse) :: остатъци {p}, отпадъци {p}
debris {n} (ruins of a broken-down structure) :: отломки {p}
debt {n} (action, state of mind, or object one has an obligation to perform for another) :: задължение {n}
debt {n} (state or condition of owing something to another) :: дълг {m}
debt {n} (money that one person or entity owes or is required to pay to another) :: дълг {m}
debtor {n} (a person or firm that owes money) :: длъжник {m}
debunk {v} (to discredit or expose the falsehood of something) :: развенчавам, изобличавам измама
debut {n} (a performer's first-time performance to the public) :: дебют {m}
debut {v} (to make one's initial formal appearance) :: дебютирам
deca- {prefix} :: дека-
decade {n} (period of ten years) :: десетилетие {n}
decade {n} (series of ten things) :: десятка {f}, декада {f}
decadence {n} (state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration) :: упадък {m}, декадентство {n}
decadent {adj} (characterized by moral or cultural decline) :: упадъчен
decadent {n} (person affected by moral decay) :: декадент {m}
decaf {n} (a decaffeinated drink) :: безкофеиново кафе
decagon {n} (polygon with ten sides) :: десетоъгълник {m}
decal {n} (design or picture to be transferred) :: ваденка
Decalogue {prop} (the Ten Commandments) SEE: Ten Commandments ::
decangle {n} (decagon) SEE: decagon ::
decant {v} (to pour off gently so as not to disturb the sediment; to decant wine) :: отдекантирам
decant {v} (to pour from one vessel into another) :: преливам
decanter {n} (receptacle for decanted liquor) :: гарафа
decapitate {v} (remove the head of) SEE: behead ::
decapitation {n} (beheading) :: обезглавяване {n}
decathlon {n} (athletic contest) :: десетобой {m}
decay {n} (process or result of being gradually decomposed) :: разлагане {n}
decay {n} (deterioration of condition) :: влошаване {n}
decay {v} (to deteriorate) :: разлагам се, развалям се
decay {v} (to rot) :: гния, загнивам
decease {n} (departure, especially departure from this life; death) :: смърт {f}, кончина {f}
decease {v} (to die) :: умирам
deceased {adj} (no longer alive) :: умрял, покоен
deceased {n} (dead person) :: покойник {m}
deceit {n} (act or behavior intended to deceive) :: измама {f}, лъжа {f}
deceitful {adj} (deliberately misleading or cheating) :: измамен, неверен
deceitful {adj} (deceptive) :: измамнически
deceive {v} (trick or mislead) :: мамя, измамвам
decelerate {v} (reduce the acceleration of something) :: намалявам скоростта
decelerate {v} (reduce the rate of advancement of something) :: намалявам скоростта
decelerate {v} (to go slower) :: забавям
December {prop} (twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: декември {m}
decency {n} (quality of being decent) :: благоприличие
decent {adj} (appropriate, suitable for the circumstances) :: приемлив
decent {adj} (showing integrity, fairness, moral uprightness) :: благоприличен, приличен, пристоен
decent {adj} (sufficiently clothed) :: приличен
decent {adj} (fair; good enough; okay) :: приличен
decent {adj} (significant; substantial) :: приличен, значителен
deception {n} (instance of actions fabricated to mislead) :: измама {f}, лъжа {f} [lie], заблуждение {n} [delusion]
deceptive {adj} (misleading, attempting to deceive) :: измамен, заблуждаващ
decide {v} (to resolve or settle) :: решавам {impf}, реша {pf}, разрешавам {impf}
decide {v} (give judgement) :: решавам, разрешавам
decided {adj} (determined) :: решителен
decidua {n} (a mucous membrane that lines the uterus) :: плацента {f}
deciduous {adj} (of or pertaining to trees which lose their leaves in winter or the dry season) :: листопаден
decimal {n} (number system) :: десетична система {f}
decimal {adj} (concerning numbers expressed in decimal or calculations using decimal) :: десетичен
decimal {n} (number expressed in this system) SEE: decimal number ::
decimal number {n} (number expressed in the decimal system) :: десетично число {n}
decipher {v} (to decode or decrypt a code or cipher) :: дешифрирам
decipher {v} (to read illegible or obscure text) :: разчитам
decisecond {n} (a unit of time) :: децисекунда {f}
decision {n} (choice or judgement) :: решение {n}
decision {n} (firmness of conviction) :: решителност {f}
decision {n} (result arrived at by the judges) :: по точки
decisive {adj} (having the power or quality of deciding a question or controversy) :: решаващ
decisive {adj} (marked by promptness and decision) :: решителен
deck {n} (pack of playing cards) :: тесте {n}, колода {f}
deck {n} (floorlike covering on a ship) :: палуба {f}
deck {v} (decorate) SEE: decorate ::
deckhand {n} (a member of the crew) :: матрос
deckhouse {n} (cabin on the deck of a boat) :: рубка {f}
deck out {v} (decorate) SEE: decorate ::
declaim {v} (to recite in theatrical way) :: декламирам, рецитирам
declaration {n} (written or oral indication of a fact, opinion, or belief) :: заявление {n}, декларация {f}
declaration {n} (list of items for various legal purposes) :: декларация {f}
declaration {n} (act or process of declaring) :: заявяване {n}, деклариране {n}
declarative {adj} (In grammar) :: разказвателен, разказвателен
declare {v} (to make a declaration) :: декларирам
declare {v} (to announce one's support, choice, opinion, etc) :: провъзгласявам, заявявам
declare {v} (to announce something formally or officially) :: обявявам, заявявам
declare {v} (To make outstanding debts, e.g. taxes, payable.) :: декларирам
declension {n} (act) :: скланяне {n}
declension {n} (way of categorizing) :: склонение {n}
declination {n} (declension) SEE: declension ::
declination {n} (at a given point, the angle between magnetic north and true north) :: отклонение {n}, деклинация
declination {n} (at a given point, the angle between the line connecting this point with the geographical center of the earth and the equatorial plane) :: деклинация {f}; отказ {m}
decline {n} (downward movement, fall) :: западане {n}, упадък {m}
decline {n} (sloping downward) :: склон
decline {n} (weakening) :: влошаване {n}
decline {v} (move downwards) :: спадам, наклонявам се надолу
decline {v} (become weaker or worse) :: западам, влошавам се
decline {v} (refuse) :: отказвам
decline {v} (inflect) :: скланям
declivity {n} (downward slope) :: наклон надолу {m}
decollate {v} (behead) SEE: behead ::
decollete {adj} (having a low-cut neckline) :: деколтиран
decompose {v} (to separate) :: разглобявам
decompose {v} (to decay) :: разлагам се
decomposition {n} (biological process) :: гниене {n}, разлагане {n}
decomposition {n} (act of taking something apart) :: разглобяване {n}
decomposition {n} (splitting into constituent parts) :: разлагане {n}
decompress {v} (To relieve the pressure or compression on something) :: намалявам налягането
decompress {v} (To bring someone (such as a diver) back to normal atmospheric pressure) :: декомпресирам
decompress {v} (To restore compressed data to its normal size) :: разгъвам
deconstruction {n} (disassembly) SEE: disassembly ::
decorate {v} (to furnish with decorations) :: украсявам, декорирам
decorate {v} (to improve the appearance of a house, room, office and so forth) :: ремонтирам, реновирам
decoration {n} (act of adorning) :: украсяване {n}
decoration {n} (that which adorns) :: украса {f}, украшение {n}
decoration {n} (any mark of honor to be worn upon the person) :: орден {m}
decorative {adj} (that serves to decorate) :: декоративен
decorous {adj} (behaving properly) :: пристоен, благоприличен
decorticate {v} (peel or remove the bark, husk or outer layer from something) :: обелвам
decorum {n} (appropriate social behavior; propriety) :: благоприличие {n}
decorum {n} (a convention of social behavior) :: етикет {m}
decouple {v} (to unlink) :: разделям, отсъединявам
decoy {n} (person or object meant to lure something to danger) :: примамка
decoy {n} (animal used by hunters to lure game) :: изкуствена птица {f}
decoy {v} (to act or use a decoy) :: примамвам
decrease {v} (become smaller) :: намалявам се
decrease {v} (make smaller) :: намалявам
decrease {n} (amount of decrease) :: намаляване {n}, намаление {n}
decree {n} (edict or law) :: декрет {m}, указ {m}
decree {n} (judicial decision) :: постановление {n}
decrepit {adj} (weakened or worn out) :: грохнал, вехт
decrepitude {n} (the state of being decrepit) :: грохналост {f}
decry {v} (to denounce as harmful) :: заклеймявам
decry {v} (to blame for ills) :: порицавам
dectuple {adj} (tenfold) SEE: tenfold ::
dectuple {v} (tenfold) SEE: tenfold ::
decumbent {adj} (having upward pointing tips) :: стелещ се
decuple {adj} (tenfold) SEE: tenfold ::
decuple {v} (tenfold) SEE: tenfold ::
dedicate {v} (to set apart for a deity or for religious purposes; consecrate) :: посвещавам
dedicate {v} (to set apart for a special use) :: предназначавам
dedicate {v} (to commit (oneself) to a particular course of thought or action) :: посвещавам се
dedicate {v} (to address or inscribe (a literary work, for example) to another as a mark of respect or affection) :: надписвам
dedicate {v} (to open (a building, for example) to public use) :: откривам
dedicated {adj} (devoted, loyal, conscientious) :: предан, посветен
dedication {n} (note prefixed to a work of art) :: посвещение {n}
Ded Moroz {prop} (Father Frost) SEE: Father Frost ::
deduce {v} (reach conclusion by logic) :: заключавам
deduct {symbol} (to take one thing from another) :: изваждам, намалявам, удържам
deductible {n} (excess) SEE: excess ::
deduction {n} (that which is subtracted or removed) :: отбив {m}, удържане {n}
deduction {n} (process of reasoning) :: размишление {n}
deduction {n} (conclusion) :: умозаключение {n}
deduction {n} (ability or skill to deduce) :: дедукция {f}
deed {n} (action) :: действие {n}, постъпка {f}, акт {m}
deed {n} (brave or noteworthy action, feat or exploit) :: подвиг {m}
deed {n} (legal instrument) :: акт {m}, документ {m}
deem {v} (to hold in belief or estimation) :: смятам
deem {v} (to have or hold as an opinion) :: смятам, считам, мисля
deem {n} (an opinion, judgment) SEE: opinion ::
deen {n} (religion) SEE: religion ::
deen {n} (Islam) SEE: Islam ::
deep {adj} (having its bottom far down) :: дълбок
deep {adj} (profound) :: дълбок
deep {adj} (of a sound or voice, low in pitch) :: нисък
deep {adj} (of a color, dark and highly saturated) :: тъмен, наситен
deep {adj} (difficult to awake) :: дълбок
deep {adv} (deeply) :: дълбоко
deep {n} ((literary) part of a lake, sea, etc) :: глъбина {f}
deep blue {adj} (dark blue) SEE: navy ::
deepen {v} (to make deep or deeper) :: задълбочавам, удълбочавам
deepen {v} (to make darker or more intense) :: усилвам
deepen {v} (to become deeper) :: задълбочавам се
deep-fat fryer {n} (heated vessel for frying food by immersing in hot fat or oil) SEE: deep fryer ::
deep freeze {n} (freezer) SEE: freezer ::
deep fryer {n} (vessel for deep frying) :: фритюрник {m}
deep-sea {adj} (of or related to deeper part of sea) :: дълбоководен
deer {n} (animal of the family Cervidae) :: елен {m}
deface {v} (to void or devalue) :: анулирам
deface {v} (to damage) :: обезобразявам
defalcate {v} (embezzle) :: злоупотребявам
defalcation {n} (act of cancelling part of a claim) :: злоупотреба
defamation {n} (act of injuring another's reputation by any slanderous communication) :: клевета {f}, хула {f}
defamatory {adj} (damaging to someone's reputation) :: клеветнически
defame {v} (to harm, to diminish the reputation of) :: позоря, хуля
defame {v} (to disgrace, bring into disrepute) :: клеветя
default {n} ((finance) condition of failing to meet an obligation) :: неустойка {f}, неизпълнение {n}
default {n} (value used when none has been given.) :: стойност по подразбиране
defeasance {n} (annulment) :: отмяна, анулиране
defeat {v} (to overcome in battle or contest) :: разбивам, побеждавам
defeat {n} :: поражение {n}
defeatism {n} (acceptance of defeat without struggle) :: дефетизъм {m}
defect {n} (fault or malfunction) :: недостатък {m}, повреда, дефект {m}
defect {v} (to abandon; to change one's loyalty) :: дезертирам {impf} {pf}
defection {n} (act or incidence of defecting) :: отстъпничество {n}
defective {adj} (having one or more defects) :: повреден, неизправен
defence {n} (defence) SEE: defense ::
defenceless {adj} (defenceless) SEE: defenseless ::
defend {v} (ward off attacks against) :: защитавам {impf}, браня {impf}
defendant {n} (person prosecuted or sued, the accused) :: обвиняем {m}, ответник {m}
defender {n} (someone who defends) :: защитник {m}, бранител {m}
defender {n} (sports term) :: защитник {m}
defense {n} (action of protecting from attack) :: защита {f}, отбрана {f}
defense {n} (anything employed to oppose attack) :: отбрана, отбранителни съоръжени {p}
defenseless {adj} (lacking any form of defense; vulnerable; open to attack) :: беззащитен
defensible {adj} (capable of being defended) :: защитим
defensive {adj} (intended for defence; protective) :: защитен, отбранителен
defensive {n} (means, attitude or position) :: отбрана
defer {v} ((transitive) to delay) :: отлагам, отсрочвам
defer {v} (to submit to the opinion or desire of another) :: отстъпвам
deference {n} (great respect) :: почит {f}
deference {n} (the willingness to carry out the wishes of others) :: отстъпка {f}, съобразяване {n}
deferent {adj} (Showing deference) :: почтителен
deferential {adj} (showing deference) :: почтителен
deferment {n} (act or instance of deferring) :: отсрочка {f}, отлагане {n}
deferred {adj} (delayed) :: отсрочен, забавен
defiance {n} (the feeling of being defiant) :: непокорство {n}
defiant {adj} (defying) :: непокорен, неподчиняващ се
defiant {adj} (boldly resisting opposition) :: предизвикателен
deficiency {n} (inadequacy or incompleteness) :: недостатък {m}
deficiency {n} (insufficiency) :: недостиг {m}, дефицит {m}
deficient {adj} (lacking something essential) :: несъвършен, с недостатъци
deficient {adj} (insufficient or inadequate in amount) :: недостатъчен, недостигащ
deficit {n} (situation wherein spending exceeds government revenue) :: дефицит {m}
deficit {n} (deficiency) SEE: deficiency ::
defile {v} (to make impure or dirty) :: опетнявам, осквернявам
defile {n} (narrow passage) :: дефиле {n}, проход {m}, боаз {m}
defile {v} (to march in a single file) :: дефилирам
defilement {n} (act of defiling) :: замърсяване {n}, оскверняване {n}
define {v} (to determine) :: определям
define {v} (express the essential nature of) :: изразявам
define {v} (state meaning of) :: дефинирам, формулирам
define {v} (describe, explain, make definite and clear) :: очертавам
define {v} (demark the limits of) :: обозначавам
definite {adj} (having distinct limits) :: определен
definite {adj} (free from any doubt) :: сигурен
definite article {n} (article introducing a noun and specifying it as the particular noun considered) :: определителен член {m}
definitely {adv} (without question and beyond doubt) :: със сигурност
definition {n} (statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol) :: определение {n}, дефиниция {f}
definition {n} (statement expressing the essential nature of something) :: определение {n}, дефиниция {f}
definition {n} (action or process of defining) :: определяне {n}
definition {n} (act of defining) :: определяне {n}
definition {n} (product of defining) :: дефиниция {f}
definition {n} (clarity of visual presentation, distinctness of outline or detail) :: рязкост {f}, разделителна способност {f}
definition {n} (clarity, especially of musical sound in reproduction) :: ясност {f}
definition {n} (sharp demarcation of outlines or limits) :: рязкост {f}
definitive {adj} (explicitly defined) :: експлицитен
definitive {adj} (conclusive or decisive) :: решителен
definitive {adj} (definite, authoritative and complete) :: окончателен
deflagrate {v} (to burn with intense light and heat) :: изгарям
deflate {v} (reduction, usually in volume) :: изпразвам, намалявам, изпускам въздуха
deflation {n} (decrease in the general price level) :: дефлация {f}
deflect {v} (to make deviate) :: отклонявам
deflect {v} (to deviate) :: отклонявам се
deflection {n} (deviation of a needle) :: отклонение {n}
defloration {n} (the act of deflowering) :: обезчестяване {n}
deflower {v} (to take the virginity of a woman or girl) :: обезчестявам
defoliate {v} (to remove foliage from plants) :: обезлистявам
defoliation {n} (separation of ripened leaves from a branch or stem) :: обезлистяване {n}, листопад {m}
deform {v} (to spoil the form of) :: деформирам
deform {v} (to spoil the looks of; to disfigure) :: обезобразявам
deform {v} (to alter the shape of by stress) :: деформирам
deform {v} (to become misshapen or changed in shape) :: деформирам се
deformation {n} (act of deforming, or state of being deformed) :: деформация {m}, обезобразяване {n}
deformed {adj} (unusual of shape) :: обезобразен, уродлив
deformity {n} (The state of being deformed) :: уродливост
deformity {n} (Something which is deformed) :: урод
defraud {v} (to obtain money or property by fraud) :: измамвам
defray {v} (to pay or discharge (a debt, expense etc.); to meet (the cost of something)) :: плащам
deft {adj} (skillful) :: сръчен, изкусен, ловък
defunct {adj} (deceased) :: покоен
defunct {n} (The dead person) :: покойник {m}
defy {v} (to renounce or dissolve all bonds) :: игнорирам, пренебрегвам
defy {v} (to challenge (someone)) :: предизвиквам
defy {v} (to provoke to combat or strife) :: предизвиквам
defy {n} (challenge) SEE: challenge ::
degeneracy {n} (degeneration) SEE: degeneration ::
degenerate {adj} (having deteriorated, degraded or fallen from normal) :: изроден, дегенерирал
degenerate {n} (one is degenerate, who has fallen from previous stature) :: дегенерат {m}
degenerate {v} (to lose good or desirable qualities) :: израждам се, дегенерирам
degeneration {n} (process or state of growing worse) :: израждане {n}
degeneration {n} (condition of a tissue or an organ in which its vitality has become diminished) :: дегенерация {f}
degradation {n} (act of reducing in rank, character, or reputation, or of abasing) :: понижаване {n}, упадък {m}, деградация {m}
degradation {n} (state of being reduced in rank, character, or reputation) :: падение {n}
degradation {n} (diminution or reduction of strength, efficacy, or value; degeneration; deterioration) :: упадък {m}
degrade {v} (to lower in value or social position) :: понижавам, разжалвам
degrade {v} (to reduce in quality or purity) :: упадам, деградирам, разлагам се
degrading {adj} (that degrades) :: унизителен
degree {n} (in geometry: unit of angle) :: градус {m}
degree {n} (unit of temperature) :: градус {m}
degree {n} (amount, proportion, extent) :: степен {f}
degree {n} (academic award) :: научна степен {f}
degree {n} (in algebra: the maximal exponent of a polynomial) :: степен {f}
degree of comparison {n} :: степени за сравнение {p}
degree of freedom {n} (minimum number of coordinates usable to describe a mechanical system) :: степен на свобода {f}
dehort {v} (to dissuade) SEE: dissuade ::
deification {n} (Act of deifying) :: боготворене
deify {v} (to make a god of) :: обожествявам {impf}, боготворя {impf}
deign {v} ((intransitive) to condescend) :: благоволявам, снизхождавам
Dei gratia {adv} (by the Grace of God) SEE: by the Grace of God ::
deism {n} (belief) :: деизъм {m}
deity {n} :: божество {n}
deity {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity ::
deject {v} (make sad or dispirited) :: обезсърчавам
dejected {adj} (sad and dispirited) :: обезсърчен, унил
dejection {n} (a state of melancholy or depression) :: униние {n}
delay {n} (period of time before an event occurs) :: отлагане {n}, забавяне {n}, закъснение {n}
delay {v} (put off until a later time) :: отлагам, забавям
delectation {n} (great pleasure; delight) :: наслада, удоволствие
delegacy {n} (position or state of being a delegate) :: делегация
delegacy {n} (collection of delegates) :: делегация {f}
delegate {n} (deputy, envoy, representative) :: делегат {m}, представител {m}
delegate {v} (to commit a task to someone) :: делегирам, упълномощавам
delegation {n} (a group of delegates) :: делегация {f}
delete {v} (to remove) :: премахвам, изтривам
deleterious {adj} (harmful) :: вреден
deletion {n} :: премахване {n}, изтриване {n}
Delhi {prop} (city in India) :: Делхи
deliberate {adj} (intentional) :: умишлен, преднамерен
deliberate {adj} (carefully considered) :: обмислен
deliberate {adj} (not hasty or sudden) :: обмислен
deliberate {v} (consider carefully) :: обмислям
deliberation {n} (the act of deliberating, or of weighing and examining the reasons for and against a choice or measure) :: обмисляне {n}, преценяване {n}
deliberation {n} (careful discussion and examination of the reasons for and against a measure) :: разискване {n}
delicacy {n} (quality of being delicate) :: изтънченост {f}, деликатност {f}
delicacy {n} (something appealing, especially a pleasing food) :: лакомство {n}, деликатес {m}
delicacy {n} (elegance of construction or appearance) :: изтънченост {f}
delicacy {n} (refinement in taste) :: изтънченост {f}
delicate {adj} (easily damaged or requiring careful handling) :: нежен, деликатен
delicate {adj} (refined, gentle) :: изтънчен
delicate {adj} (pleasing to the senses; refined) :: изтънчен
delicate {adj} (slight and shapely; lovely; graceful) :: нежен, деликатен
delicate {adj} (of exacting tastes and habits; dainty; fastidious.) :: изтънчен
delicate {adj} (highly discriminating or perceptive) :: чувствителен
delicious {adj} (pleasing to taste) :: вкусен
delict {n} (law: wrongful act) :: нарушение на закона {n}
delight {n} (joy, pleasure) :: наслада {f}, удоволствие {n}
delight {v} (to give pleasure to) :: доставям удоволствие
delightful {adj} (pleasant; pleasing) :: възхитителен
delimit {v} (to mark or fix the limits of) :: определям граница
delimit {v} (to demarcate) :: разделям, разграничавам
delimitation {n} :: разграничаване {n}, ограничение
delineate {v} (sketch out, draw or trace an outline) :: очертавам
delineate {v} (depict, represent with pictures) :: скицирам
delineate {v} (describe or depict with words or gestures) :: обрисувам
delineation {n} (the act of delineating; depiction) :: очертаване {n}, скициране {n}
delineation {n} (an image of the outline of an object) :: очертание {n}
delineation {n} (a graphic verbal description) :: обрисуване {n}
delinquency {n} (misconduct) :: простъпка {f}, пропуск {m}
delinquency {n} (a criminal offense) :: правонарушение
delinquency {n} (a debt that is overdue for payment) :: просрочен дълг
delinquent {n} (one who breaks the law) :: нарушител {m}, виновник {m}
delirious {adj} (being in the state of delirium) :: бълнуващ
delirium {n} (mental state of confusion) :: бълнуване {n}, делириум {m}
deliver {v} (to set free) :: освобождавам, избавям
deliver {v} (to give birth) :: раждам {impf}
deliver {v} (to bring or transport something to its destination) :: доставям
deliverance {n} (Extrication from danger, imprisonment, etc.) :: избавяне {n}, освобождение {n}
delivery {n} (act of conveying something) :: доставка {f}
delivery {n} (item which has been conveyed) :: доставка {f}
delivery {n} (act of giving birth) :: раждане {n}
delivery room {n} :: родилна зала {f}
dell {n} (valley) SEE: valley ::
delphinium {n} (plant) SEE: larkspur ::
delta {n} (fourth letter of modern Greek alphabet) :: делта {f}
delta {n} (landform at the mouth of a river) :: делта {f}
delude {v} (to deceive) :: заблуждавам
deluge {n} (a great flood) :: потоп {m}
deluge {n} (overwhelming rain) :: проливен дъжд {m}
deluge {v} (to flood with water) :: наводнявам
Deluge {prop} (the Biblical flood) :: Потопът {m}
delusion {n} (act of deluding; deception; a misleading of the mind) :: заблуда {f}, илюзия {f}
delusion {n} (state of being deluded or misled) :: заблуда {f}, заблуждение {n}
delusive {adj} (inappropriate to reality) :: измамен, илюзорен
delve {v} (to dig in the ground) :: копая
delve {v} (to search carefully for information) :: ровя се
demagogue {n} ((pejorative) a political orator or leader who gains favor by pandering to or exciting the passions and prejudices of the audience rather than by using rational argument) :: демагог
demand {n} (desire to purchase goods and services) :: търсене {n}
demand {n} (forceful claim for something) :: потребност {f}
demand {v} (to request forcefully) :: искам, изисквам
demarcate {v} (mark the limits or boundaries of something) :: разграничавам
demarcation {n} (act of marking off a boundary or setting a limit) :: разграничаване {n}
demarcation {n} (thus fixed limit) :: разграничение {n}
demarcation {n} (strictly defined separation) :: разграничение {n}
demean {v} (to debase) :: унижавам
demean {v} (to humble, humble oneself; to humiliate) :: унижавам
demean {v} (to conduct; to behave; to comport) :: държа се
demean {n} (behavior; conduct; bearing; demeanor) :: държание {n}
demeanor {n} (outward way in which a person behaves) :: държание {n}, поведение {n}
demented {adj} (insane or mentally ill) :: луд, побъркан
demented {adj} (suffering from dementia) :: дементен
dementia {n} (progressive decline in cognitive function) :: слабоумие {n}
dementia {n} (madness or insanity) :: слабоумие {n}
demerit {n} (quality of being inadequate) :: недостатък
demesne {n} (a lord's chief manor place) :: имение {n}
Demeter {prop} (Greek goddess of the harvest) :: Деметра {f}
Demetrius {prop} (male given name) :: Димитър {m}
demigod {n} (a half-god or hero) :: полубог {m}
demijohn {n} (bottle) :: дамаджана {f}
Demir Hisar {prop} (town in the Republic of Macedonia) :: Мургашево {n}
demise {n} (the conveyance or transfer of an estate, either in fee for life or for years) :: прехвърляне {n}
demise {n} (transmission by formal act or conveyance to an heir or successor) :: предаване по наследство {n}
demise {n} (death, see also: death) :: смърт {f}
demobilize {v} (to release someone from military duty) :: демобилизирам
demobilize {v} (to disband troops) :: разпускам
democracy {n} (rule by the people) :: демокрация {f}
democracy {n} (government under the rule of its people) :: демокрация {f}
democrat {n} (supporter of democracy) :: демократ {m}
democratic {adj} (pertaining to democracy) :: демократически
Democratic People's Republic of Korea {prop} (country in East Asia (official name)) :: Корейска народно-демократична република {f}, КНДР {f}
Democratic Republic of the Congo {prop} (large central African nation, formerly called Zaire) :: Демократична република Конго {f}
democratic socialism {n} (socialism based on democratic principles) :: демократичен социализъм {m}
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka {prop} (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka) :: Демократична социалистическа република Шри Ланка {f}
Democritus {prop} (Greek philosopher) :: Демокрит
demogeron {n} (member of a demogerontia) :: демогеронт {m}
demographic {adj} (of or pertaining to demography) :: демографски
demographical {adj} (demographic) SEE: demographic ::
demolish {v} (to destroy) :: събарям, разрушавам
demolition {n} (the action of demolishing or destroying) :: събаряне {n}, срутване {n}
demon {n} (evil spirit) :: демон {m}
demoniacal {adj} (of a demon, evil, devilish) SEE: demonic ::
demonic {adj} (Pertaining to evil spirits) :: демоничен
demonize {v} (turn into a demon) :: демонизирам
demonology {n} (study of demons) :: демонология {f}
demonstrate {v} (to show how to use something) :: показвам, демонстрирам
demonstrate {v} (to participate in a demonstration) :: демонстрирам
demonstration {n} (act) :: демонстрация {f}
demonstration {n} (event) :: демонстрация {f}
demonstration {n} (public display of opinion) :: демонстрация {f}
demonstrative {adj} (that serves to demonstrate, show or prove) :: показателен, демонстративен
demonstrative {adj} (given to open displays of emotion) :: нагледен
demonstrative {adj} ((grammar) that specifies the thing or person referred to) :: показателен
demonstrator {n} (forefinger) SEE: forefinger ::
demote {v} (To lower the rank or status of) :: понижавам в ранг
demotic {adj} (of or for the common people) :: на простолюдието
demur {v} (intransitive: To delay; to pause; to suspend proceedings) :: , колебая се, отлагам
demur {v} (intransitive: To balk; to oppose.) :: , противя се, опъвам се
demur {v} (transitive, obsolete: To cause delay to; to put off) :: , отлагам
demur {n} (hesitation as to proceeding; suspense of decision or action; scruple) :: , колебание {n}, скрупули {p}
demure {adj} (modest, quiet, reserved) :: сериозен, скромен
den {n} (home of certain animals) :: бърлога {f}, леговище {n}
denary {adj} (based on number ten) :: десетичен
dendrite {n} (projection of a nerve cell) :: дендрит {m}
dendrite {n} (crystal) :: дендрит
dendrochronology {n} (science of counting tree rings) :: дендрохронология {f}
dendron {n} (dendrite) SEE: dendrite ::
Deng {prop} (Chinese surname) :: Дън {m} {f}
denial {n} (negation in logic) :: отричане {n}
denial {n} (refusal to comply with a request) :: отказ {m}
denigrate {v} (to criticise so as to besmirch) :: очерням
denigrate {v} (to treat as worthless) :: омаловажавам
denigrate {v} (blacken) :: почерням
denigration {n} (blackening or defamation) :: очерняне {n}, почерняне {n}
denim {n} (textile with diagonal pattern) :: деним {m}
denizen {n} (an inhabitant of a place; one who dwells in) :: жител {m}, обитател {m}
denizen {n} (one who frequents a place) :: постоянен посетител {m}
denizen {n} ((UK) a citizen naturalized through letters patent) :: натурализиран чужденец
Denmark {prop} (country in Northern Europe) :: Дания {f}
denominal {adj} :: нарицателен
denominate {v} (to name) :: наричам, именувам
denominate {v} (to express in a monetary unit) :: деноминирам
denomination {n} (act of naming, designation) :: наричане {n}, именуване {n}
denomination {n} (name, designation, or title) :: име {n}, название {n}
denomination {n} (class or society with the same name, a sect) :: секта {f}
denomination {n} (unit in a series of units) :: стойност {f}
denominative {adj} (being a name) :: нарицателен
denominator {n} (number or expression written below the line in a fraction) :: знаменател {m}
denotation {n} (act of denoting) :: означаване {n}
denotation {n} (primary or explicit meaning) :: главно значение {n}
denotation {n} (something signified or referred to) :: обозначение {n}
denote {v} (to indicate, mark) :: означавам
denote {v} (to make overt) :: показвам, издавам
denounce {v} (to make known in a formal manner) :: оповестявам
denounce {v} (to criticize or speak out against) :: порицавам, осъждам
denounce {v} (to make a formal or public accusation against) :: обвинявам
denounce {v} (to announce the termination of; especially a treaty) :: денонсирам
de novo {adv} (anew) SEE: anew ::
dense {adj} (having relatively high density) :: гъст, плътен
dense {adj} (compact; crowded together) :: плътен, компактен
dense {adj} (thick; difficult to penetrate) :: гъст
dense {adj} (opaque; allowing little light to pass through) :: непрозрачен
dense {adj} (slow to comprehend; of low intelligence) :: тъп, глупав
density {n} (physics: amount of matter contained by a given volume) :: плътност {f}, гъстота {f}
density {n} (number of particles or other quantity contained by a given volume) :: плътност {f}
dent {n} (shallow deformation in the surface) :: вдлъбнатина {f}, щърбел
dent {v} (produce a dent) :: нащърбвам
dental {adj} (of or concerning the teeth) :: зъбен
dental {adj} (of or concerning dentistry) :: зъболекарски
dental floss {n} (cord of thin filaments used to clean the areas between the teeth) :: конец за зъби {m}
dentate {adj} (Having teeth or toothlike projections) :: назъбен
dentation {n} (toothed form) :: назъбеност {f}
dentifrice {n} (any substance for cleaning the teeth) :: паста за зъби {f}
dentist {n} (specialized tooth doctor) :: зъболекар {m}
denture {n} (set of teeth, the teeth viewed as a unit) :: захапка {f}
denture {n} (artificial replacement of one or more teeth) :: изкуствени зъби {p}
denture {n} (complete replacement of all teeth in a mouth) :: чене {n}
denude {v} (divest of all covering) :: оголвам
deny {v} (disallow) SEE: forbid ::
deny {v} (to assert that something is not true) :: отричам {impf}, опровергавам {impf}
deodorant {n} (any agent to eliminate, reduce, mask, or control odor) :: дезодорант {m}
deodorant {n} (odor-controlling cosmetic for the underarm) :: дезодорант {m}
deodorant {adj} (acting to control odor) :: дезодорант
depart {v} (to leave) :: напускам, тръгвам, отивам си
depart {v} (to die) :: умирам
depart {v} (to deviate) :: отклонявам се
depart {v} (to go away from) :: заминавам
departed {adj} (euphemistic: dead) :: покоен
department {n} (part, portion, subdivision) :: отдел {m}, отделение {n}
department {n} (subdivision of organization) :: отдел {m}
department store {n} (store containing many departments) :: универсален магазин {m}
departure {n} (the act of departing) :: заминаване {n}, тръгване {n}
departure {n} (deviation from a plan or procedure) :: отклонение {n}
departure {n} (death) :: смърт {f}
depend {v} (be contingent or conditioned) :: завися {impf}, разчитам {impf} [to rely]
depend {v} (trust) :: вярвам, разчитам
depend {v} (hang down) :: вися
dependability {n} (characteristic of being dependable) :: надеждност
dependable {adj} (able to be depended on) :: надежден, сигурен
dependence {n} (state of being dependent) :: доверие {n}, зависимост
dependence {n} (irresistible need) :: зависимост {f}
dependent {adj} (relying upon; depending upon) :: зависим, подчинен
dependent {n} (one who relies on another for support) :: протеже {n}
depict {v} (to render a representation of something, see also: describe) :: описвам, изобразявам
depilate {v} (to remove hair from the body) :: обезкосмявам
depilation {n} (epilation) SEE: epilation ::
deplete {v} (exhaust) SEE: exhaust ::
deplete {v} (empty or unload) :: изпразвам, изчерпвам
deplorable {adj} (deserving strong condemnation; shockingly bad) :: плачевен
deplorable {adj} (lamentable, to be felt sorrow for, worthy of compassion) :: за оплакване
deplore {v} (to bewail; to weep bitterly over; to feel sorrow for) :: оплаквам, съжалявам
deplore {v} (transitive: To condemn; to express strong disapproval of) :: осъждам, не одобрявам
deploy {v} (to prepare and arrange (usually military unit or units) for use) :: разгръщам
deploy {v} (to unfold, open, or otherwise become ready for use) :: разгръщам се
deport {v} (to evict, especially from a country) :: изселвам, изгонвам
deportation {n} (act of deporting or exiling) :: изселване {n}, депортиране {n}
depose {v} (to put - or lay something down) :: депонирам
depose {v} (to remove (a leader) from office) :: детронирам
depose {v} (to give evidence or testimony) :: давам показания
depose {v} (to take an oath) :: давам клетва
deposit {n} (sediment or rock different from the surrounding material) :: залеж {m}
deposit {n} (asset that was left to the care of the other) :: депозит {m}
deposit {n} (money placed in an account) :: влог {m}
deposit {v} (to lay down) :: отлагам се
deposit {v} (to entrust one's assets to the care of another) :: депонирам
deposit {v} (to put money or funds into an account) :: влагам
deposition {n} (removal of someone from office) :: сваляне от длъжност
deposition {n} (act of depositing material, especially by a natural process; resultant deposit) :: отлагане {n}, утаяване {n}
deposition {n} (production of a thin film of material onto an existing surface) :: отлагане {n}
deposition {n} (process of taking sworn testimony out of court; the testimony so taken) :: показания под клетва
depositor {n} (person) :: вложител
depository {n} (a place where something is deposited) :: склад {m}, хранилище {n}
depot {n} (warehouse or similar storage facility) :: склад {m}
depot {n} (bus or railway station) :: гара {f}
deprave {v} (To make bad or worse) :: развалям, влошавам
depravity {n} (The state or condition of being depraved) :: поквара {f}, поквареност {f}
depravity {n} (A particular depraved act or trait) :: извратеност {f}
depravity {n} (Inborn corruption) :: греховност {f}
deprecate {v} (express disapproval of) :: не одобрявам
deprecation {n} (act of deprecating) :: възражение {n}, протест {m}
depreciate {v} ((tr.) to lessen in price or value) :: обезценявам
depreciate {v} ((intr.) to decline in value over time) :: обезценявам се
depreciate {v} (to belittle) :: подценявам
depreciation {n} (the decline in value of assets) :: обезценяване {n}
depreciation {n} (the measurement of the decline in value of assets) :: обезценка {f}, амортизация {f}
depredate {v} (to ransack or plunder) :: грабя, плячкосвам
depredation {n} (A raid or predatory attack) :: плячкосване {n}
depredatory {adj} (Tending or designed to depredate) :: грабителски
depress {v} (to press down on) :: натискам
depress {v} (to make depressed, sad or bored) :: гнетя, потискам
depressed {adj} (severely despondent and unhappy) :: унил, потиснат
depressed {adj} (suffering from clinical depression) :: депресиран
depressing {adj} (causing depression or sadness) :: тягостен, угнетителен
depression {n} (geography: low area) :: падина {f}
depression {n} (psychology: state of mind) :: униние {n}, депресия {f}
depression {n} (meteorology: area of lowered air pressure) :: депресия {f}
depression {n} (economics: period of major economic contraction) :: икономическа криза {f}
deprivation {n} (state of being deprived) :: лишаване {n}, отнемане
deprive {v} (take something away; deny someone of something) :: лишавам, отнемам
depth {n} (vertical distance below a surface) :: дълбочина {f}
depths {n} (plural of depth) SEE: depth ::
deputy {n} (representative) :: представител {m}, заместник {m}
deputy {n} (legislator) :: депутат {m}, депутатка {f}
derail {v} (to come off the tracks) :: дерайлирам
derange {v} (to cause someone to go insane) :: побърквам
derange {v} (to cause disorder in something, to distort it from its ideal state) :: разбърквам, размествам, размествам
derange {v} (to disrupt somebody's plans, to inconvenience someone) :: обърквам
deranged {adj} (disturbed or upset, especially mentally) :: объркан
deranged {adj} (insane) :: побъркан
derby {n} (horse race) :: конно надбягване
derby {n} (bowler hat) SEE: bowler hat ::
derelict {adj} (abandoned) :: изоставен, напуснат
deride {v} (to harshly mock; ridicule) :: осмивам {impf}, осмея {pf}
derision {n} (act of treating with contempt) :: присмиване {n}, осмиване {n}
derisive {adj} (expressing or characterized by derision; mocking) :: насмешлив, подигравателен
derisive {adj} (deserving or provoking derision) :: смехотворен
derivation {n} (leading or drawing off of water) :: деривация
derivation {n} (act of receiving anything from a source) :: извеждане
derivation {n} (act of tracing origin or descent) :: етимология
derivation {n} (math: operation of deducing) :: диференциране
derivative {n} (something derived) :: производно {n}
derivative {n} (chemical derived from another) :: производно
derivative {n} (in analysis: value) :: производна {f}
derive {v} (obtain (something) from something else) :: добивам
derive {v} (deduce (a conclusion) by reasoning) :: извличам
derive {v} (create (a compound) from another by means of a reaction) :: добивам
derive {v} (originate (from)) :: произхождам
dermal {adj} (of or pertaining to skin or integument) :: кожен
dermis {n} (skin layer underlying epidermis) :: дермис {m}
dernier {adj} (final, last) SEE: final ::
derogate {v} (to detract from something; to belittle; disparage) :: омаловажавам
derogate {v} (to take away or detract from) :: отнемам от
derogate {v} (to remove a part; to detract from (a quality of excellence, authority etc.)) :: подбивам
derogate {v} (to debase oneself) SEE: debase ::
derogatory {adj} (tending to lessen the value of) :: пренебрежителен, подценяващ
derrick {n} (device used for lifting and moving large objects) :: кран {m}, подемник {m}
derrick {n} (framework constructed over a mine or oil well) :: сондажна кула {f}
dervish {n} (a member of Dervish fraternity of Sufism) :: дервиш {m}
desaturate {v} (lessen saturation) :: разреждам
descend {v} (to pass from a higher to a lower place) :: слизам, спускам се
descend {v} (to make an attack, or incursion, as if from a vantage ground) :: налитам, нахвърлям се
descend {v} (to come down to a lower state or station; to lower oneself) :: снижавам се
descend {v} (to come down as from source or original) :: произлизам, предавам се по наследство
descendant {n} (one who is the progeny of someone) :: потомък {m}
descending {adj} (of a sequence: ordered such that each element is less than or equal to the previous element) :: намаляващ
descent {n} (instance of descending) :: слизане {n}, спускане {n}
descent {n} (way down) :: слизане {n}
descent {n} (sloping passage or incline) :: нанадолнище {n}
descent {n} (lineage or hereditary derivation) :: произход {m}
descent {n} (drop to a lower status or condition) :: понижение {n}
describe {v} (to represent in words) :: описвам {impf}
describe {v} (to give rise to a geometrical structure) :: очертавам
description {n} (account in words) :: описание {n}
description {n} (set of characteristics) :: описание {n}
description word {n} (adjective) SEE: adjective ::
descriptive {adj} (of, or relating to description) :: описателен, нагледен
descriptive {adj} (describing a language) :: описателен
descry {v} (see) SEE: see ::
descry {v} (to discover; to detect) :: съзирам, забелязвам
desecrate {v} (to profane or violate sacredness) :: осквернявам {impf}
desecration {n} (act of disrespect towards sacred) :: оскверняване {n}
desert {n} (that which is deserved or merited; a just punishment or reward) :: заслужено {n}
desert {n} (barren area) :: пустиня {f}
desert {adj} (Abandoned, deserted, or uninhabited) :: пуст, пустинен
desert {v} (to abandon) :: напускам, изоставям
desert {v} (to leave military service) :: дезертирам {impf} {pf}
deserter {n} (person who leaves a military or naval unit) :: дезертьор {m}
desertion {n} (deserting) :: изоставяне, напускане, дезертьорство
deserve {v} (to merit) :: заслужавам {impf}, заслужа {pf}
deserving {adj} (worthy of reward or praise) :: похвален, достоен
deserving {adj} (meriting, worthy) :: заслужаващ
deserving {n} (desert, merit) :: заслуга, достойнство
desiccate {v} (to remove moisture from, see also: dry) :: изсушавам
desiccate {v} (to preserve by drying) :: суша
desiderate {v} (To long for, to feel the absence of) :: желая, чувствам липсата на
design {n} (plan) :: план {m}, конструкция {f}, дизайн {m}
design {n} (pattern) :: шарка {f}, десен {m}
design {n} (composition) :: композиция {f}, конструкция {f}
design {n} (intention) :: намерение {n}
design {n} (appearance) :: дизайн {m}
design {n} (art of designing) :: дизайн {m}
design {v} (to plan an artwork etc.) :: замислям, проектирам
designate {v} (to mark out and make known; to point out; to name; to indicate) :: означавам, обозначавам
designate {v} (to call by a distinctive title; to name) :: назначавам, именувам
designate {v} (to indicate or set apart for a purpose or duty) :: определям, предназначавам
designation {n} (indication) :: цел {f}
designation {n} (use or application) :: предназначение {n}
designedly {adv} (in a designed manner) :: преднамерено, умишлено
designer {n} (person who designs) :: дизайнер {m}
desirable {adj} (suitable to be desired) :: желан, желателен
desire {v} (desire) SEE: want ::
desire {v} (wish for earnestly) :: желая {impf}, искам {impf}
desire {v} (want emotionally or sexually) :: желая {impf}, жадувам {impf}
desire {n} (something wished for) :: желание {n}
desire {n} (strong attraction) :: желание {n}, жадуване {n}
desire {n} (feeling of desire) :: желание {n}
desist {v} (to cease to proceed or act) :: въздържам се, спирам
desk {n} (table for writing and reading) :: бюро {n}, писалище {n}
desman {n} (insectivore of the mole family) :: мускусен плъх
Des Moines {prop} (the capital city of the state of Iowa) :: Де Мойн {m}
desolate {adj} (deserted) :: безлюден, необитаван
desolate {adj} (barren / lifeless) :: пуст
desolate {adj} (unfit for habitation) :: необитаем
desolate {adj} (hopeless) :: безнадежден, безутешен
desolate {v} (to deprive of inhabitants) :: обезлюдявам, опустошавам
desolation {n} (act of desolating or laying waste) :: обезлюдяване {n}
desolation {n} (state of being desolated or laid waste) :: изоставеност {f}
desolation {n} (place or country wasted and forsaken) :: пустош {f}
despair {v} (to despair of) :: отчайвам се {impf}
despair {v} (to cause to despair) :: отчайвам
despair {v} (to be hopeless) :: губя надежда
despair {n} (loss of hope) :: отчаяние {n}
desperado {n} (bold outlaw) :: разбойник
desperate {n} (filled with despair) :: отчаян
desperate {n} (having reckless abandon) :: безразсъден
desperation {n} (the act of despairing or becoming desperate; a giving up of hope) :: отчаяние {n}
desperation {n} (a state of despair, or utter hopelessness) :: безнадеждност {f}
despicable {adj} (deserving to be despised) :: презрян, жалък [pathetic]
despise {v} (to regard with contempt or scorn) :: презирам {impf}
despite {prep} (in spite of) :: въпреки
despoil {v} (To deprive for spoil; to take spoil from; to plunder; to rob;) :: ограбвам
despoil {v} (To violently strip (someone), with indirect object of their possessions etc.; to rob.) :: грабя, плячкосвам
despoilment {n} (act of plundering) :: ограбване, плячкосване
despond {v} (to give up the will, courage, or spirit) :: падам духом
despondence {n} (despondency) SEE: despondency ::
despondency {n} (loss of hope or confidence) :: отчаяние, безнадеждност
despondency {n} (a feeling of depression or disheartenment) :: униние
despondent {adj} (in low spirits from loss of hope or courage) :: загубил надежда, паднал духом, унил
despot {n} (ruler with absolute power; tyrant) :: деспот {m}
despotic {adj} (of or pertaining to a despot) :: деспотичен
despotic {adj} (acting or ruling as a despot) :: деспотичен
despotism {n} (government by a singular authority) :: деспотизъм {m}
dessert {n} (sweet confection served as the last course of a meal) :: десерт {m}
destination {n} (the act of destining or appointing) :: назначение {n}
destination {n} (purpose for which anything is destined) :: предназначение {n}, цел {f}
destination {n} (the place set for the end of a journey, or to which something is sent) :: местоназначение {n}
destine {v} (intransitive: to assign for a use) :: предназначавам
destiny {n} (predetermined condition; fate; fixed order of things) SEE: fate ::
destitute {adj} (lacking something, devoid; poor, impoverished, poverty-stricken) :: лишен
destitution {n} (extreme state of poverty) :: мизерия {f}
destroy {v} (to damage beyond use or repair) :: унищожавам
destroy {v} (to cause destruction) :: разрушавам
destroy {v} (to put down or euthanize (e.g. an animal)) :: изтребвам
destroy {v} ((computing) to remove data (e.g., from memory)) :: изтривам
destruct {v} (to cause the destruction of) :: разрушавам
destruction {n} (act of destroying) :: разрушение {n}, унищожение {n}
destructive {adj} (causing destruction; damaging) :: разрушителен
destructure {v} (dismantle) SEE: dismantle ::
desuetude {n} (disuse, obsolescence) :: неупотреба, отживялост
desultory {adj} (jumping, or passing, from one thing or subject to another, without order or rational connection) :: безреден, безсистемен
desultory {adj} (leaping or skipping about) :: разхвърлян
detach {v} (to take apart or take off) :: отделям, откачам, отцепвам
detachable {adj} (designed to be unfastened) :: отделяем, подвижен
detached {adj} (of a house: not joined to another house on either side) :: отделен, самостоятелен
detached {adj} (not influenced by anyone else; characterized by an impersonal objectivity; impartial) :: безпристрастен
detachment {n} (separation) :: отделяне, откъсване
detachment {n} (indifference) :: отчужденост
detachment {n} (impartiality) :: безпристрастност
detachment {n} (military unit) :: отряд, чета
detail {n} (something small enough to escape casual notice) :: детайл {m}, подробност {f}
detail {n} (uncountable: a profusion of details) :: детайлност {f}
detail {n} (something considered trivial enough to ignore) :: детайл {m}
detail {v} (to explain in detail) :: излагам подробно
detain {v} (to detain) SEE: hold ::
detain {v} (keep someone from proceeding) :: задържам
detain {v} (put under custody) :: запрещавам, задържам под стража
detainee {n} (one who is detained) :: задържан {m}, арестант {m}
detect {v} (to detect) SEE: notice ::
detect {v} (to discover or find by careful search, examination, or probing) :: откривам, намирам
detection {n} (act of detecting or sensing something) :: откриване, разкриване
detective {n} (police officer who looks for evidence) :: детектив {m}
detective {n} (person employed to find information) :: разузнавач {m}
detector {n} (device capable of registering a specific substance or physical phenomenon) :: детектор {m}, датчик {m}
detention {n} (act or state) :: задържане {n}, арестуване {n}
deter {v} (to prevent something from happening) :: възпирам
deter {v} (to persuade someone not to do something) :: разубеждавам
detergent {n} (any non-soap cleaning agent, especially a synthetic surfactant) :: препарат за почистване {m}
deteriorate {v} (make worse) :: развалям, влошавам
deteriorate {v} (grow worse) :: развалям се, влошавам се
deterioration {n} (process of making or growing worse) :: разваляне, влошаване
determinant {n} (scalar that encodes certain characteristics of a square matrix) :: детерминанта {f}
determinate {adj} (distinct, defined) :: определен, установен, ограничен
determination {n} (act of determining, or the state of being determined) :: определяне {n}, установяване {n}
determination {n} (quality of mind which reaches definite conclusions; decision of character; resoluteness) :: решителност {f}
determination {n} (state of decision; a judicial decision, or ending of controversy) :: решение {n}
determination {n} (that which is determined upon; result of deliberation; purpose; conclusion formed; fixed resolution) :: определение {n}
determination {n} (act, process, or result of any accurate measurement) :: определяне {n}
determination {n} (act of defining a concept or notion by giving its essential constituents) :: определение {n}
determinative {n} (determiner) SEE: determiner ::
determine {v} (to set the limits of) :: определям, установявам
determine {v} (to ascertain definitely) :: определям
determined {adj} (decided or resolute) :: решителен
determiner {n} (class of words) :: детерминанта
deterrent {adj} (serving to deter) :: предпазен
detest {v} (to dislike intensely) :: мразя, ненавиждам
detestable {adj} (stimulating disgust or detestation) :: противен, омразен
detestation {n} (hate coupled with disgust) :: отвращение {n}, омраза {f}
detonate {v} (to explode) :: избухвам
detonate {v} (to cause to explode) :: възпламенявам
detonation {n} (an explosion) :: взрив {m}, експлозия {f}, избухване {n}
detonator {n} (device used to detonate an explosive device) :: детонатор {m}, запалка {f}
detour {n} (diversion or deviation) :: отклонение {n}, заобикаляне {n}, обиколка {f}
detour {v} (intransitive: to make a detour) :: заобикалям
detour {v} (transitive: to direct or send on a detour) :: карам да заобиколи
detract {v} (to take away; to withdraw or remove) :: отнемам
detract {v} (to take credit or reputation from; to defame or decry) :: злословя
detractor {n} (a person that belittles the worth of another person or cause) :: злословник {m}
detriment {n} (harm, hurt, damage) :: вреда {f}
detrimental {adj} (causing damage or harm) :: вреден, увреждащ
detrition {n} (attrition, erosion by friction) :: изтъркване {n}
dette {n} (debt) SEE: debt ::
detune {v} (intentionally lower or raise the pitch produced by a musical instrument) :: разстройвам
deuce {n} (playing card) :: двойка {f}
deuce {n} (side of a dice with two spots) :: двойка {f}
deuce {n} (number two) :: двойка {f}
deuce {n} (Devil, used in exclamations of confusion or anger) :: дявол {m}
deuced {adv} (damned) :: дяволски
deuterium {n} (isotope of hydrogen, see also: heavy hydrogen) :: деутерий {m}
Deuteronomy {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Второзаконие {n}
deutzia {n} (genus Deutzia) :: дойция {f}
devaluation {n} (depreciation) :: обезценяване {n}, девалвация {f}
devastate {v} (to ruin many or all things over a large area) :: опустошавам
devastating {adj} (causing devastation) :: опустошителен
devastation {n} (act of devastating or state of being devastated) :: опустошение {n}
develop {v} (to progress) :: развивам се
develop {v} (to progress through stages) :: развивам се, развивам {impf} [transiitive]
develop {v} (to create) :: разработвам
develop {v} (to bring out photographic images) :: проявявам
development {n} (process of developing) :: развитие {n}, напредък {m}
development {n} (application of new ideas to practical problems (compare research)) :: усъвършенстване {n}
deviant {adj} (of or pertaining to a deviation) :: отклоняващ се
deviant {n} (thing that deviates) :: отклонение {n}
deviate {v} (To go off course from; to change course; to change plans) :: отклонявам се
deviate {v} (To fall outside of, or part from, some norm; to stray) :: отклонявам се
deviation {n} (act of deviating) :: отклонение {n}
deviation {n} (state or result of having deviated) :: отклонение {n}
deviation {n} (shortest distance between the center of the target and the point where a projectile hits or bursts) :: девиация {f}
device {n} (piece of equipment) :: устройство {n}, приспособление {n}
device {n} (project, stratagem, artifice) :: план {m}, проект {m}
device {n} (heraldry: personal motto or emblem) :: девиз {m}
devil {n} (a creature of hell) :: дявол {m}, гявол {m} [alternative, archaic]
devil {n} (the devil: the chief devil) :: сатана
devil {v} (annoy or bother) :: измъчвам, безпокоя
devilish {adj} (resembling or characteristic of a devil) :: дяволски, сатанински
devilish {adj} (extreme, excessive) :: голям, страхотен
devilry {n} (mischief) :: дяволия {f}
devilry {n} (wickedness, cruelty) :: злоба {f}, жестокост {f}
devious {adj} (cunning or deceiving, not straightforward) :: нечестен, неискрен
devious {adj} (roundabout, circuitous, deviating) :: околен, лъкатушен, непряк
devise {v} (use the intellect to plan or design) :: измислям, изобретявам
devise {v} (leave in a will) :: завещавам
devoid {adj} (empty, completely without) :: празен, лишен от
devolve {v} (to be inherited by someone) :: пада се на
devolve {v} (to delegate something to someone else) :: предавам, прехвърлям
devote {v} (to commit oneself for a certain matter) :: посвещавам, отдавам
devoted {adj} (vowed; dedicated; consecrated) :: посветен на
devoted {adj} (zealous; characterized by devotion) :: предан, верен
devotion {n} (the act or state of devoting or being devoted) :: преданост
devotion {n} (feelings of strong or fervent affection; dedication) :: привързаност, вярност
devotion {n} (religious veneration, zeal, or piety) :: набожност
devotion {n} (ecclesiastical: a prayer) :: молитви
devotional {adj} (of or pertaining to devotion or worship) :: набожен, благочестив
devour {v} (to eat greedily) :: поглъщам, ям лакомо
devout {adj} (devoted to religion or to religious feelings and duties) :: набожен, благочестив
devshirme {n} (collection of non-Muslim children to be converted to Islam) :: девширме, кръвен данък
dew {n} (moisture in the air that settles on plants, etc) :: роса {f}
dew {v} (moisten) :: оросявам
dewberry {n} (Rubus caesius) :: полска къпина
dewy {adj} (covered by dew) :: росен, оросен
dexter {adj} (right) :: десен
dexterity {n} (skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands) :: сръчност {f}, ловкост {f}
dexterous {adj} (skillful with one's hands) :: сръчен, умел
dexterous {adj} (skillful in some specific thing) :: ловък, сръчен, умел, изкусен, находчив
dexterous {adj} (agile; flexible) :: ловък
Dhivehi {n} (an Indo-Aryan language) :: дхивехи
diabetes {n} (A group of metabolic diseases) :: диабет {m}
diabolic {adj} (showing wickedness typical of a devil) :: дяволски, сатанински
diabolic {adj} (extremely evil or cruel) :: зъл, жесток
diadem {n} (ornamental headband) :: диадема {f}
diadem {n} (crown) :: корона {f}
diagnose {v} (determine the root cause of) :: диагностицирам
diagnosis {n} (identification of the nature and cause of an illness) :: диагноза {f}
diagnostic {adj} (of, or relating to diagnosis) :: диагностичен
diagonal {n} (slash) SEE: slash ::
diagonal {adj} (geometry: joining two nonadjacent vertices) :: диагонален
diagonal {adj} (having a slanted or oblique direction) :: кос
diagonal {n} (something forming or resembling a diagonal line) :: диагонал {m}
diagonal {n} (geometry: diagonal line or plane) :: диагонал {m}
diagram {n} (plan, drawing, sketch or outline to show workings or parts relationships) :: план {m}, скица {f}, чертеж {m}
diagram {n} (graph or chart) :: диаграма {f}
dial {n} (sundial) SEE: sundial ::
dial {n} (graduated, circular scale over which a needle moves) :: циферблат {m}
dial {n} (disk with finger holes on a telephone) :: телефонна шайба
dial {v} (To measure or indicate something with a dial) :: отчитам
dial {v} (To select a number, or to call someone, on a telephone) :: набирам
dial {v} (То read (a clock)) :: показвам
dial {n} (clock face) SEE: clock face ::
dialect {n} (particular variety of a language) :: диалект {m}
dialectology {n} (the study of dialects) :: диалектология {f}
dialog {n} (conversation or other discourse between individuals) SEE: dialogue ::
dialog {n} (verbal part of a literary or dramatic work) SEE: dialogue ::
dialog {n} (literary form resembling a conversation) SEE: dialogue ::
dialog {n} (computing: dialogue box) SEE: dialogue ::
dialog {v} (discuss) :: разговарям
dialogue {n} (conversation or other discourse between individuals) :: разговор {m}, диалог {m}, беседа {f}
dialogue {n} (verbal part of a literary or dramatic work) :: диалог {m}
dialogue {n} (literary form resembling a conversation) :: диалог {m}
dialogue {v} (discuss) :: разговарям
dialysis {n} (chemical method) :: диализа {f}
dialysis {n} (medicine: artificial removal of waste products from the blood) :: диализа {f}
diameter {n} (line) :: диаметър {m}
diametral {adj} :: диаметрален; насрещен, противоположен
diamond {n} (rhombus) SEE: rhombus ::
diamond {n} (uncountable: mineral) :: диамант {m}, елмаз {m}
diamond {n} (gemstone) :: диамант {m}, брилянт {m}
diamond {n} (geometry: polyiamond) :: ромб {m}
diamond {n} (card games: card of the diamonds suit) :: каро {n}
diamond {adj} (made of, or containing diamond) :: диамантен
diamond {adj} (of, relating to, or being a sixtieth anniversary) :: диамантен
diamondback {n} (rattlesnake with diamond pattern on its back) :: диамантена гърмяща змия {f}
diamonds {n} (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♦) :: кари {p}
diaper {n} (absorbent garment worn by a baby, or by someone who is incontinent) :: пелена {f}
diaphanous {adj} (of a fine, almost transparent texture) :: прозирен
diaphanous {adj} (transparent; allowing light to pass through) :: прозрачен
diaphragm {n} (anatomy: sheet of muscle separating thorax from abdomen) :: диафрагма {f}
diaphragm {n} (anatomy: separating membrane or sheet of muscle) :: мембрана {f}
diaphragm {n} (mechanics: flexible membrane) :: мембрана {f}
diaphragm {n} (acoustics: vibrating membrane in a speaker) :: мембрана {f}
diaphragm {n} (optics: structure with a central aperture used to limit the passage of light) :: диафрагма {f}, бленда {f}
diaphragm {n} (chemistry: permeable or semipermeable membrane) :: мембрана {f}
diarchy {n} (form of government) :: двувластие, диархия {f}
diarrhea {n} (medical condition) :: диария {f}
diary {n} (daily log of experiences) :: дневник {m}
diaspora {n} (dispersion of a group of people) :: диаспора {f}
Diaspora {prop} (dispersion of a group of people) SEE: diaspora ::
dibber {n} (tool) :: садилка
dice {n} (polyhedron used in games of chance) SEE: die ::
dicentra {n} (Dicentra) :: дамско сърце {n}
dicey {adj} (fraught with danger) :: потенциално опасен
dicey {adj} (of uncertain, risky outcome) :: рискован
dichotomy {n} (separation or division into two) :: разполовяване {n}
dichotomy {n} (such a division involving apparently incompatible or opposite principles) SEE: duality ::
dick {n} (slang: penis) :: кур {m}, хуй {m}
dicotyledon {n} (in botany) :: двусемеделни
dictaphone {n} (dictation machine) SEE: dictation machine ::
dictate {n} (an order or command) :: заповед {f}, нареждане {n}, диктат {m}
dictate {v} (to order, command, control) :: командвам, нареждам
dictate {v} (to speak in order for someone to write down the words) :: диктувам
dictation {n} (the process of speaking for someone else to write down the words) :: диктовка {f}
dictation {n} (an activity in school where the teacher reads a passage aloud and the students write it down) :: диктовка {f}
dictation {n} (the act of ordering or commanding) :: нареждане {n}
dictation {n} (orders given in an overbearing manner) :: предписание {n}
dictation machine {n} (sound recording device) :: диктофон {m}
dictator {n} (totalitarian leader of a dictatorship) :: диктатор {m}
dictatorship {n} (a government led by a dictator) :: диктатура {f}
diction {n} (clarity of word choice) :: дикция {f}
dictionary {n} (publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words) :: речник {m}
dictum {n} (authoritative statement) :: сентенция {f}
diddle {v} (to cheat; to swindle) :: измамвам, изигравам
Didymoteicho {prop} (city) :: Димотика
die {v} (to stop living) :: умирам {impf}, умра {pf}, издъхвам
die {n} (device for cutting into a specified shape) :: матрица {f}
die {n} (device used to cut an external screw thread) :: метчик {m}
die {n} (embossed device used in stamping) :: щампа {f}
die {n} (polyhedron used in games of chance) :: зар {m}
dielectric {n} (physics: nonconducting material) :: изолатор {m}
dielectric {adj} (electrically insulating) :: изолационен
diet {n} (food a person or animal consumes) :: диета {f}, храна {f}
diet {n} (controlled regimen of food) :: диета {f}
diet {n} (habitual consumption) :: диета {f}
dietary {n} (of, or relating to diet) :: диетичен
differ {v} (not to have the same characteristics) :: различавам се
differ {v} (to have diverging opinions, disagree) :: не съм съгласен
difference {n} (quality of being different) :: разлика {f}, различност
difference {n} (characteristic of something that makes it different from something else) :: различие {n}
difference {n} (disagreement or argument about something important) :: несъгласие {n}, разногласие {n}
difference {n} (arithmetic: result of a subtraction) :: разлика {f}
difference {v} (to distinguish or differentiate) :: различавам
different {adj} (not the same) :: друг, различен
differential {adj} (relating to a difference) :: отличителен
differential {adj} (dependent on) :: разграничителен
differential {adj} (relating to differentiation or differential calculus) :: диференциален
differential {n} (infinitesimal change) :: диференциал {m}
differential {n} (differential gear) SEE: differential gear ::
differential gear {n} (differential gear) :: диференциал {m}
differentiate {v} (to show or be the distinction) :: различавам се
differentiate {v} (to perceive the difference) :: отличавам се, разграничавам се
differentiate {v} (to modify, be modified) :: видоизменям
differentiate {v} (math: to calculate the derivative) :: диференцирам
differentiate {v} (math: to calculate the differential) :: диференцирам
differentiation {n} (act of differentiating) :: раличаване {n}
differentiation {n} (act of distinguishing or describing a thing, by giving its different, or specific difference) :: разграничаване {n}, разграничение {n}
differentiation {n} (gradual formation or production of organs or parts by a process of evolution or development) :: видоизменение {n}
differentiation {n} (in analysis) :: диференциране {n}
differently {adv} (in a different way) :: различно, другояче
different strokes for different folks {proverb} (there's no accounting for taste) SEE: there's no accounting for taste ::
difficult {adj} (hard, not easy) :: труден, мъчен, тежък
difficultly {adv} (in a difficult manner) :: трудно
difficulty {n} (state of being difficult) :: трудност {f}, мъчнотия {f}
difficulty {n} (obstacle) :: пречка {f}, затруднение {n}, препятствие {n}
diffidence {n} (The state of being diffident, timid or shy; reticence or self-effacement) :: неувереност, нерешителност, стеснителност
diffident {adj} (lacking confidence in oneself) :: неуверен
diffract {v} (transitive) :: разлагам, пречупвам
diffract {v} (intransitive) :: разлагам се, пречупвам се
diffraction {n} (the breaking up of an electromagnetic wave as it passes a geometric structure) :: дифракция {f}
diffuse {v} ((transitive) to spread over or through) :: разпръсвам, разсейвам, разпространявам
diffuse {v} ((intransitive) to be spread over or through) :: разпръсвам се, разсейвам се
diffuse {adj} (not focused or concentrated) :: дифузен, разсеян
diffusion {n} ((physics) the intermingling of the molecules) :: дифузия {f}
dig {v} (to move hard-packed earth out of the way) :: копая, разкопавам, ровя, рия
dig {v} (get by digging, take up from the ground) :: изкопавам
dig {n} (archeological investigation) :: разкопки {p}
digest {v} (to separate food in the alimentary canal) :: смилам
digest {v} (to think over and arrange methodically in the mind) :: разбирам, усвоявам
digest {v} (to undergo digestion) :: смилам се
digest {n} (compilation of statutes or decisions analytically arranged) :: сборник {m}
digest {n} (magazine of abridged articles) :: резюме {n}
digestible {adj} (capable of being digested) :: смилаем
digestion {n} (process in gastrointestinal tract) :: храносмилане {n}
digestion {n} (ability to use this process) :: храносмилане {n}
digestive {adj} (of, relating to, or functioning in digestion) :: храносмилателен
digger {n} (spade (playing card)) SEE: spade ::
digger {n} (nickname for a friend) SEE: bugger ::
digger {n} (large piece of machinery) :: екскаватор {m}
digger {n} (one who digs) :: копач {m}
digger {n} (gold miner) SEE: gold digger ::
dig into {v} (to research a particular subject) :: ровя
digit {n} (finger or toe) :: пръст {m}
digit {n} (numeral) :: цифра {f}
digital {adj} (having to do or performed with a finger) :: пръстов, на пръстите
digital {adj} (representing discrete values) :: цифров, дигитален
digital {adj} (of or relating to computers) :: цифров, дигитален
digitalis {n} (genus) :: напръстник {m}
digitigrade {adj} (walking on the toes) :: който ходи на пръстите си
digits {n} (slang: telephone number) :: телефон {m}
dignified {adj} (respectable) :: достоен, величествен
dignify {v} (to invest with dignity or honour) :: величая, придавам достойнство
dignify {v} (to exalt in rank) :: въздигам, повишавам
dignify {v} (to honor) :: удостоявам
dignitary {n} (important or influential person) :: сановник {m}
dignity {n} (quality or state) :: достойнство {n}
dignity {n} (high office or rank) :: титла {f}
digress {v} (to deviate) :: отклонявам се
digression {n} (a departure from the main subject in speech or writing) :: отклонение {n}
digs {n} (clothes) SEE: clothes ::
dilapidate {v} (to fall into ruin or disuse) :: руша се, разнебитвам се
dilapidate {v} (to cause to become ruined or put into disrepair) :: руша, разрушавам
dilapidate {v} (to squander or waste) :: прахосвам
dilapidation {n} (the state of being dilapidated) :: разнебитено състояние
dilatable {adj} (that can be dilated) :: разтегаем
dilate {v} (to enlarge; to make bigger) :: разширявам, разтварям
dilate {v} (to become wider or larger; to expand) :: разширявам се, разпростирам се
dilation {n} (delay) SEE: delay ::
dilative {adj} (that dilates, or causes dilation) :: разширяващ
dilatory {adj} (intentionally delaying) :: отлагащ
dilatory {adj} (slow or tardy) :: бавен, муден
dildo {n} (artificial phallus) :: изкуствен пенис {m}, дилдо {n}, фалос {m}
dilemma {n} (circumstance in which a choice must be made between two alternatives) :: дилема {f}
dilettante {adj} (pertaining to or like a dilettante) :: дилетантски, любителски
dilettantism {n} (the act of behaving like a dilettante, of being an amateur) :: дилетантизъм {m}
diligence {n} (qualities of a hard worker, including conscientiousness, determination, perseverance) :: старание {n}, прилежание {n}, усърдие {n}
diligence {n} (public stage-coach) :: дилижанс {m}
diligence {n} (one of the seven contrary virtues) :: трудолюбие {n}
diligent {adj} (hard-working and focused) :: прилежен, усърден, старателен, трудолюбив
dill {n} (fool) SEE: fool ::
dill {n} (herb of the species Anethum graveolens) :: копър {m}
diluent {n} (That which dilutes) :: разредител {m}
diluent {n} (A solvent or other liquid preparation used to dilute a sample prior to testing) :: разредител {m}
dilute {v} (to add more of a solvent to a solution; especially to add more water) :: разреждам, разводнявам
dilute {adj} (having a low concentration) :: разреден
dilution {n} (process of making something dilute) :: разреждане {n}
diluvial {adj} (Relating to a flood) :: делувиален
dim {adj} (not bright, not colourful) :: мътен
dim {adj} (indistinct) :: неясен, замъглен
dim {v} (to make something less bright) :: помътнявам
dim {v} (to become darker) :: потъмнявам
dim-bulb {adj} (slow-witted, stupid) SEE: stupid ::
dime {n} (A coin worth one-tenth of a dollar) :: монета от 10 цента
dimension {n} (single aspect of a thing) :: аспект {m}
dimension {n} (measure of spatial extent) :: размер {m}
dimension {n} (in geometry) :: размерност {f}
dimension {n} (in physics) :: измерение {n}
dimension {n} (in computing) :: измерение {n}
dimension {n} (in science fiction) :: измерение {n}
dimension {v} (to mark, cut or shape something to specified dimensions) :: оразмерявам
dimidiate {v} (To divide into two) :: разполовявам
diminish {v} (To make smaller) :: намалявам
diminish {v} (To become smaller) :: отслабвам
diminish {v} (To taper) :: заострям
diminution {n} (lessening, decrease or reduction) :: намаляване {n}, намаление {n}
diminutive {adj} (very small) :: мъничък, миниатюрен
diminutive {adj} (serving to diminish) :: умалителен
diminutive {n} (grammar: word form expressing smallness) :: умалително име {n}
Dimitrovgrad {prop} (town) :: Димитровград
dimness {n} (state of being dim) :: полумрак {m}
dimple {n} (small depression or indentation in generic surface) :: падина {f}
dimple {n} (skin depression, especially at corners of the mouth) :: трапчинка {f}
din {n} (loud noise) :: врява {f}, глъчка {f}
dine {v} (to eat; to eat dinner or supper) :: обядвам, вечерям
diner {n} (a small and inexpensive type of restaurant which may be modelled to resemble a dining car) :: вагон-ресторант {m}
diner {n} (dining car) SEE: dining car ::
ding-a-ling {n} (dick) SEE: dick ::
dinghy {n} (small boat) :: корабна лодка {f}
dinghy {n} (inflatable boat) :: надуваем сал {m}
dingle {n} (small, narrow or enclosed, usually wooded valley) :: дол {m}
dingy {adj} (drab; shabby; dirty; squalid) :: мръсен, изцапан, окъсан
dining car {n} (restaurant carriage) :: вагон-ресторант {m}
dining room {n} (room, in a home or hotel, where meals are eaten) :: столова {f}, трапезария {f}
dinky {adj} ((informal, British) Tiny and cute; small and charmful) :: изящен
dinky {adj} ((informal, US) Tiny and insignificant; small and undesirable) :: дребен, незначителен
dinner {n} (main meal of the day) :: вечеря {f} [eaten in the evening, but the midday meal is the main meal]
dinner {n} (a meal given to an animal) :: хранене {n}
dinner {n} (midday meal) :: обед {m}
dinner {n} (a formal meal) :: банкет {m}
dinner jacket {n} (type of formal suit) SEE: tuxedo ::
dinosaur {n} (extinct reptile) :: динозавър {m}
dint {n} (a dent) :: вдлъбнатина от удар {f}
diocese {n} (region administered by a bishop) :: епархия {f}
dip {n} (lower section of a road or geological feature) :: откос {m}, спускане {n}
dip {n} (short swim to refresh) :: топване {n}
dip {v} (to lower into a liquid) :: топвам
dip {v} (to lower a flag) :: спускам
diphthong {n} (complex vowel sound) :: дифтонг {m}
diplodocus {n} (dinosaur) :: диплодоци {m}
diploma {n} (certificate) :: диплома {f}
diplomacy {n} (art of conducting international relations) :: дипломация {f}
diplomacy {n} (tact and subtle skill in dealing with people) :: такт {m}
diplomat {n} (person who is accredited to represent a government) :: дипломат {m}
diplomatic {adj} (concerning relationships between governments) :: дипломатически
diplomatic {adj} (exhibiting diplomacy) :: дипломатичен
diplomatist {n} (diplomat) SEE: diplomat ::
diplopia {n} (ophthalmologic condition where one perceives two images) :: двоен образ {m}
dipper {n} (bird) :: воден кос {m}
dipper {n} (vessel) :: черпак {m}
dipsomania {n} (addiction to alcohol) :: алкохолизъм {m}
dipterous {adj} (having two wings) :: двукрил
diptych {n} (picture or series of pictures painted on two tablets) :: диптих {m}
dire {adj} (warning of bad consequences) :: зловещ
dire {adj} (expressing bad consequences) :: страшен, ужасен
direct {adj} (Straight, constant, without interruption) :: пряк, непосредствен
direct {v} (to manage, control, steer) :: ръководя, управлявам
direct {v} (to aim at) :: упътвам, насочвам
direct current {n} (electric current in which the electrons flow in one direction, but may vary with time) :: прав ток {m}, постоянен ток {m}
direction {n} (indication of the point toward which an object is moving) :: посока {f}, направление {n}
direction {n} (work of the director (manager)) :: управление {n}, ръководство {n}
directions {n} (direction) SEE: direction ::
directive {n} (instruction or guideline) :: указание {n}
directive {n} (authoritative decision) :: директива {f}
directive {n} (form of legislative act addressed to the EU member states) :: директива {f}
directive {adj} (that directs) :: направляващ, ръководещ
directly {adv} (in a direct manner) :: директно
directly {adv} (in a straightforward way) :: непосредствено
directly {adv} (plainly, without circumlocution or ambiguity) :: пряко, непосредствено
directly {adv} (exactly; just) :: точно
directly {adv} (soon; next; when it becomes convenient) :: веднага
directly {adv} (immediately) SEE: immediately ::
director {n} (supervisor, manager, see also: film director) :: ръководител {m}, директор, режисьор {m} [film]
directory {n} (list of names, addresses etc.) :: указател {m}
directory {n} (structured listing of files) :: директория {f}
dirge {n} (mournful poem or piece of music) :: погребална песен {f}
dirigible {n} (a self-propelled airship that can be steered) :: дирижабъл {m}
dirigible {adj} (steerable) :: направляем
dirk {n} (A long Scottish dagger with a straight blade) :: кинжал {m}
dirt {n} (soil or earth) :: земя {f}, почва {f}
dirt {n} (stain or spot (on clothes etc)) :: петно {n}, мръсотия {f}
dirt {n} (previously unknown negative information, kompromat) :: компромат {m}
dirty {adj} (covered with or containing dirt) :: мръсен, изцапан
dirty {adj} (that makes one dirty) :: мръсен
dirty {adj} (morally unclean, obscene or indecent) :: циничен, неприличен
dirty {adj} (dishonourable, violating standards or rules) :: нечестен
disability {n} (state of being disabled) :: инвалидност {f}
disability {n} (legal incapacity or incompetency) :: неправоспособност {f}
disable {v} (to render unable; to take away the ability) :: правя неспособен
disable {v} (to deactivate a function of an electronic or mechanical device) :: изключвам, деактивирам
disabled {adj} (made incapable of use or action) :: изключен
disabled {adj} (having a disability) :: недъгав, инвалиден
disabled {adj} (for the use of people with physical disabilities) :: инвалиден
disabled {n} (disabled one) :: инвалид {m}
disaccord {n} (absence or reverse of accord) :: разногласие, разединение
disaccustom {v} (to cause someone to break a habit or become unaccustomed to something) :: отвиквам
disadvantage {n} (weakness) :: недостатък {m}
disadvantage {n} (setback or handicap) :: неизгодно положение
disadvantage {n} (loss; detriment; hindrance) :: пречка {f}, неудобство {n}
disadvantageous {adj} (not advantageous) :: неизгоден, неблагоприятен
disaffected {adj} (estranged) :: неприязнен
disaffection {n} (discontent) :: недоволство {n}
disagree {v} :: различавам се, не съвпадам
disagreeable {adj} (not agreeable, unsuitable) :: неподходящ
disagreeable {adj} (exciting repugnance) :: неприятен, противен
disagreement {n} (An argument or debate) :: разногласие {n}
disagreement {n} (A condition of not agreeing or concurring) :: несъответствие {n}
disallow {v} (to refuse to allow) SEE: forbid ::
disallow {v} (to reject as invalid, untrue, or improper) :: отхвърлям, не приемам
disappear {v} (to vanish) :: изчезвам {impf}, изчезна {pf}
disappearance {n} (action of disappearing or vanishing) :: изчезване {n}
disappoint {v} (to displease by underperforming etc.) :: разочаровам
disappointed {adj} (defeated of hope or expectation) :: разочарован
disappointment {n} (emotion) :: разочарование {n}
disappointment {n} (circumstance) :: неприятност {f}
disapprobation {n} (act of disapproval) :: неодобрение
disapproval {n} (disapproval) :: неодобрение {n}, порицание {n}
disapprove {v} (to condemn) :: осъждам, порицавам
disarm {v} (to deprive of arms) :: обезоръжавам
disarm {v} (to lay down arms) :: разоръжавам се
disarm {v} (to reduce the size of one's own military forces) :: разоръжавам се
disarmament {n} (the reduction of military forces and armaments) :: разоръжаване {n}
disarrange {v} (undo the arrangement of) :: разбърквам, разбутвам
disarrangement {n} (upset of the normal order) :: разбъркване, разбутване
disarray {v} (To throw into disorder; to break the array of) :: разбърквам
disarray {v} (To take off the dress of; to unrobe) :: събличам
disarray {n} (Want of array or regular order) :: бъркотия {f}, безпорядък {m}
disarticulate {v} (to disjoint) :: разглобявам, разчленявам
disassemble {v} (to take to pieces) :: разглобявам, демонтирам
disassembly {n} (process of disassembling) :: разглобяване
disaster {n} (unexpected catastrophe causing physical damage, etc.) :: злополука {f}, катастрофа {f}
disaster {n} (unforeseen event causing great loss, etc.) :: бедствие {n}
disastrous {adj} (of the nature of a disaster; calamitous) :: бедствен, катастрофален
disastrous {adj} (foreboding disaster; ill-omened) :: пагубен
disavow {v} (to refuse to own or acknowledge) :: отричам се
disavow {v} (to deny or show the contrary of) :: отказвам се
disavowal {n} (denial) :: отказване {n}, отричане {n}
disband {v} (to break up or cause to cease to exist) :: разпускам, разформировам
disbelief {n} (unpreparedness, unwillingness, or inability to believe that something is the case) :: недоверие {n}, скептицизъм {m}
disbelief {n} (astonishment) :: учудване {n}
disbelieve {v} (not believe) :: не вярвам, скептичен съм
disburse {v} (to pay out) :: изплащам, разплащам се
disc {n} (disk) SEE: disk ::
discard {v} (to throw away, reject) :: захвърлям, изхвърлям
discard {v} (to throw out a playing card) :: чистя
discard {n} (anything discarded) :: захвърляне {n}, изоставяне {n}
discard {n} (discarded playing card) :: изчистена карта {f}
discern {v} (to detect with the senses, especially with the eyes) :: съзирам
discern {v} (to perceive, recognize or comprehend with the mind; to descry) :: забелязвам
discern {v} (to distinguish something as being different from something else; to differentiate) :: разпознавам, различавам
discern {v} (to perceive differences) :: различавам
discernible {adj} (possible to discern) :: забележим, различим
discerning {adj} (of keen insight) :: прозорлив, проницателен
discharge {v} (to accomplish or complete, as an obligation) :: изпълнявам
discharge {v} (to expel or let go) :: освобождавам, изпускам
discharge {v} ((electricity) the act of releasing an accumulated charge) :: разреждам
discharge {v} ((medicine) to release (an inpatient) from hospital) :: изписвам
discharge {v} ((military) to release (a member of the armed forces) from service) :: уволнявам
discharge {v} (to operate (any weapon that fires a projectile, such as a shotgun or sling)) :: изстрелвам
discharge {n} (act of accomplishing (an obligation)) :: изпълнение {n}
discharge {n} (act of expelling or letting go) :: освобождаване {n}, изпускане {n}
discharge {n} (act of releasing an accumulated charge) :: разряд {m}
discharge {n} (act of releasing an inpatient from hospital) :: изписване {n}
discharge {n} (act of releasing a member of the armed forces from service) :: уволнение {n}
discharge {n} (volume of water transported by a river in a certain amount of time) :: дебит {m}
disciple {n} (person who learns from another) :: ученик {m}
disciple {n} (active follower or adherent) :: последовател {m}
discipline {n} (controlled behaviour, self-control) :: дисциплина {f}
discipline {n} (punishment) :: наказание {n}
discipline {n} (specific branch or knowledge or learning) :: дисциплина {f}
discipline {n} (category in which a certain activity belongs) :: дисциплина {f}
discipline {v} (to train someone by instruction and practice) :: възпитавам
discipline {v} (to teach someone to obey authority) :: дисциплинирам
discipline {v} (to impose order on someone) :: дисциплинирам
disclaim {v} (renounce all claim to) :: отказвам се от
disclaimer {n} (public disavowal) :: отричане {n}
disclose {v} (physically expose to view) :: показвам, разкривам
disclose {v} (make known) :: откривам, издавам
disclosure {n} (the act of revealing something) :: разкритие {n}
discoid {adj} (shaped like a disc/disk) :: дисковиден
discomfit {v} (to embarrass greatly) :: обърквам, смущавам
discomfiture {n} (a feeling of frustration, disappointment, perplexity or embarrassment) :: объркване {n}, смущение {n}
discomfort {n} (mental or bodily distress) :: притеснение {n}
discomfort {n} (something that disturbs one’s comfort) :: неудобство {n}
discompose {v} (to disturb or agitate) :: безпокоя, смущавам
disconcert {v} (upset the composure) :: разстройвам
disconcert {v} (bring into confusion) :: обърквам
disconcert {v} (frustrate) :: смущавам
disconnect {v} (to sever or interrupt a connection) :: разединявам, разделям, прекъсвам
disconnect {v} (to remove the connection between an appliance and an electrical power source) :: откачам, прекъсвам
disconnected {adj} (that is no longer connected) :: откъснат, изключен
disconnected {adj} (feeling a lack of empathy or association with something) :: несвързан
disconsolate {adj} (cheerless, dreary) :: тъжен, печален
disconsolate {adj} (inconsolable) :: неутешим
discontent {n} (a discontented person) :: недоволник {m}
discontent {n} (dissatisfaction) SEE: dissatisfaction ::
discontention {n} (discontent) SEE: discontent ::
discontinuation {n} (interruption of continuity) :: прекъсване {n}
discontinue {v} (to stop a process) :: прекъсвам, преустановявам
discontinuity {n} (lack of continuity) :: прекъснатост {f}
discontinuity {n} (point in the range of a function) :: точка на прекъсване {f}
discontinuous {adj} (in mathematics) :: прекъснат
discord {n} (lack of agreement) :: несъгласие {n}, разногласие {n}
discord {n} (strife resulting from lack of agreement; dissension) :: раздор {m}
discord {n} (musical dissonance) :: дисонанс {m}
discordance {n} (state of discord) :: несъответствие {n}
discordance {n} (music: lack of harmony) :: дисхармония {f}
discordant {adj} (not in harmony or accord) :: несъгласуван, нехармоничен
discount {v} (to deduct from an account, debt, charge, and the like) :: отбивам
discount {n} (reduction in price) :: отбив {m}, отстъпка {f}
discourage {v} (to dishearten) :: обезсърчавам, обезкуражавам
discourage {v} (to persuade somebody not to do something) :: разубеждавам
discourse {n} (formal lengthy exposition of some subject) :: доклад {m}, лекция {f}
discourse {n} (verbal exchange or conversation) :: разговор {m}
discourse {v} (engage in discussion or conversation) :: разговарям, дискутирам
discourse {v} (write or speak formally and at length) :: докладвам, държа реч
discourse {v} (to debate) :: дискутирам
discourteous {adj} (impolite) :: неучтив, невъзпитан
discover {v} (expose something previously covered) :: намирам {impf}
discover {v} (find something for the first time) :: откривам {impf}
discovery {n} (something discovered) :: откритие {n}
discovery {n} (the discovering of new things) :: откритие {n}
discredit {v} (harm reputation) :: дискредитирам
discreet {adj} (respectful of privacy or secrecy; quiet; diplomatic) :: дискретен, тактичен
discreet {adj} (not drawing attention, anger or challenge; inconspicuous) :: предпазлив, сдържан
discrepancy {n} (inconsistency) :: несъответствие {n}, несъгласие {n}
discrepancy {n} (discrepant state) :: несъгласие {n}, различие {n}
discrete {adj} (Separate; distinct; individual) :: отделен
discretion {n} (the quality of being discreet or circumspect) :: дискретност {f}
discretion {n} (the ability to make wise choices or decisions) :: благоразумие {n}
discretion {n} (the freedom to make one's own judgements) :: усмотрение {n}, преценка {f}
discriminate {v} (to distinguish) :: различавам, разграничавам
discriminate {v} (to make decisions based on prejudice) :: дискриминирам
discriminate {adj} (Having the difference marked) :: отчетлив
discrimination {n} (the act of making a distinction, noting differences between things) :: проницателност {f}
discrimination {n} (distinct treatment of an individual or group to their disadvantage) :: дискриминация {f}
discursive {adj} (tending to digress from the main point; rambling) :: безсистемен, несвързан
discus {n} (round plate-like object for throwing) :: диск {m}
discus {n} (athletics sport of throwing the discus) :: мятане на диск {n}
discus fish {n} (fish from the genus Symphysodon) :: дискус {m}
discuss {v} (to converse or debate concerning a particular topic) :: разисквам, обсъждам
discussion {n} (conversation or debate) :: разискване {n} , обсъждане {n}
discussion {n} (text giving further detail on a subject) :: дискусия {f}
discus throw {n} (athletic event where a discus is thrown) :: диск хвърляне {n}
disdain {n} (feeling of contempt or scorn) :: презрение {n}, пренебрежение {n}
disdain {v} (to regard with strong contempt) :: презирам
disdainful {adj} (showing contempt or scorn) :: презрителен, пренебрежителен
disease {n} (an abnormal condition of the body causing discomfort or dysfunction) :: болест {f}, заболяване {n}
diseased {adj} (Affected with of suffering from disease) :: болен, заболял
disembark {v} (remove from on board a vessel) :: дебаркирам
disembark {v} (to go ashore, to leave a train or airplane) :: дебаркирам
disembody {v} (to cause one's soul, spirit, or consciousness to become separated from the physical body) :: обезплътявам
disembogue {v} ((of a river or waters) to pour out, to debouch) :: вливам се
disembowel {v} (to take or let out the bowels) :: изкормям
disengage {v} (release, detach) :: отвързвам, освобождавам
disentangle {v} (extricate) :: разплитам, размотавам
disfavour {n} (the state of being out of favour) :: немилост {f}
disgorge {v} (to vomit or spew) :: повръщам, изхвърлям лава
disgrace {n} (condition of being out of favor) :: позор {m}
disgrace {n} (state of being dishonored) :: позор {m}, безчестие {n}, срам {m}
disgrace {v} (bring shame upon) :: позоря
disgraceful {adj} (bringing or warranting disgrace) :: срамен, позорен
disgruntled {adj} (unhappy, dissatisfied) :: недоволен, раздразнен
disguise {n} (attire to hide/assume an identity) :: дегизиране {n}
disguise {n} (that which masks what's beneath) :: маскиране {n}
disguise {v} (to change the appearance) :: маскирам
disguise {v} (to prevent revealing something secret) :: прикривам
disgust {v} (to cause an intense dislike for something) :: отвращавам
disgust {n} (an intense dislike or repugnance) :: отвращение {n}
disgusting {adj} (repulsive, distasteful) :: отвратителен, противен
dish {n} (vessel for holding/serving food) :: чиния {f}, блюдо {n}
dish {n} (contents of such a vessel) :: блюдо
dish {n} (specific type of food) :: ястие
dish {n} (tableware to be/being washed) :: съдове
dish {n} (type of antenna) :: чиния
disharmonic {adj} (not harmonic) SEE: disharmonious ::
disharmonious {adj} (not harmonious) :: дисхармоничен
disharmony {n} (the absence of harmony) :: разногласие {n}, дисхармония {f}
dishearten {v} (discourage someone by removing their enthusiasm or courage) :: обезсърчавам
dishevel {v} (throw into disorder) :: разхвърлям
dishevelled {adj} (uncombed) :: разчорлен
dishevelled {adj} (untidy in appearance) :: размъкнат
dishonest {adj} (not honest) :: нечестен, непочтен
dishonesty {n} (characteristic or condition of being dishonest) :: нечестност {f}, непочтеност {f}
dishonesty {n} (an act which is fraudulent or dishonest) :: измама {f}, мошеничество {n}
dishonor {n} (dishonour) SEE: dishonour ::
dishonor {v} (dishonour) SEE: dishonour ::
dishonorable {adj} (without honour) :: нечестен, непочтен
dishonour {n} (shame or disgrace) :: срам {m}, позор {m}
dishonour {v} (to bring disgrace upon someone or something) :: позоря
dishwasher {n} (machine) :: съдомияна машина {f}, съдомиялня {f}
dishwasher {n} (person) :: мияч на съдове {m}
dishwater {n} (washing water) :: помия {f}
disinclination {n} (the state of being disinclined) :: нежелание {n}, неохота {f}
disinfect {v} (sterilize by the use of cleaning agent) :: дезинфекцирам, обеззаразявам
disinfection {n} (treatment) :: дезинфекция {f}, обеззаразяване {n}
disinformation {n} (intentionally false information) :: дезинформация {f}
disinherit {v} (to exclude from inheritance) :: лишавам от наследство
disintegrate {v} (cause to break into parts) :: разлагам
disintegrate {v} (break up into one's parts) :: разлагам се, разпадам се
disintegration {n} :: разлагане, разпадане
disinter {v} (To take out of the grave or tomb; to unbury; to exhume; to dig up) :: изравям, ексхумирам
disinterested {adj} (having no stake in the outcome) :: безкористен
disinterested {adj} (lacking interest) :: незаинтересован
disjoin {v} (To separate) :: откъсвам, отделям
disjoint {v} (To render disjoint) :: разглобявам
disk {n} (a thin, flat, circular plate) :: диск {m}
disk {n} (a vinyl phonograph/gramophone record) :: плоча {f}
diskette {n} (small, flexible, magnetic disk for storage and retrieval of data) SEE: floppy disk ::
dislike {n} (feeling of distaste) :: антипатия {f}, неприязън {f}
dislike {v} (not to like something) :: не харесвам
dislocate {v} (to put something out of its usual place) :: измествам, премествам
dislocate {v} (to dislodge a bone) :: изкълчвам
dislocation {n} (act or state of displacing) :: изместване {n}
dislocation {n} (dislocating of a joint) :: изкълчване {n}
dislocation {n} (A linear defect in a crystal lattice) :: дислокация {f}
dislodge {v} (To remove or force out from a position or dwelling previously occupied) :: измествам, изтиквам
dismal {adj} (gloomy and bleak) :: мрачен
dismal {adj} (depressing) :: тъжен, унил
dismantle {v} (divest) :: събличам
dismantle {v} (remove fittings or furnishings) :: оголвам, разоборудвам
dismantle {v} (take apart) :: разглобявам
dismay {v} (to disable with alarm or apprehensions) :: уплашвам, ужасявам
dismay {n} (a sudden loss of courage) :: страх {m}, смут {m}
dismiss {v} (to discharge) :: уволнявам {impf}
dismiss {v} (to order to leave) :: отпращам
dismiss {v} (to reject, refuse to accept) :: отхвърлям
dismissal {n} (act of sending someone away) :: отпращане {n}
dismissal {n} (deprivation of office) :: уволнение {n}
dismissal {n} (rejection of a legal proceeding, or a claim) :: отхвърляне {n}
dismount {v} (to get off) :: слизам
Disney {prop} (Walt Disney Company) :: Уолт Дисни Къмпани
Disneyland {prop} (Disneyland, theme park) :: Дисниленд {m}
disobedience {n} (refusal to obey) :: непослушание {n}, неподчинение {n}
disobedient {adj} (not obedient) :: непослушен, непокорен
disobey {v} (to refuse to obey) :: не се подчинявам
disorder {n} (absence of order) :: безпорядък {m}
disorder {n} (disturbance of civic order or of public order) :: безредици {p}
disordered {adj} (chaotic) :: разбъркан, неподреден
disorderly {adj} (not in order) :: безпорядъчен
disorient {v} (to cause to lose orientation or direction) :: разориентирам, обърквам
disorientation {n} (the loss of one's sense of direction) :: дезориентация {f}
disorientation {n} (a state of confusion with regard to time, place or identity) :: дезориентация {f}
disown {v} (to refuse to own) :: отричам се, отказвам се
disparage {n} (marriage) :: неравностоен брак {m}
disparage {v} (to match unequally) :: омаловажавам
disparage {v} (to dishonor by a comparison) :: подценявам
disparate {adj} (composed of inherently different elements) :: несравним, несъизмерим
disparity {n} (the state of being unequal; difference) :: разлика {f}, неравенство {n}
disparity {n} (incongruity) :: несъответствие {n}, несъразмерност {f}
dispassionate {adj} (not showing, and not affected by, emotion, bias, or prejudice) :: безстрастен
dispatch {v} (To send with promptness) :: пращам
dispatch {v} (To hurry) :: бързам
dispatch {n} (A message sent quickly) :: депеша {f}, телеграма {f}
dispatch {n} (The act of dispatching) :: експедиция {f}
dispatch {n} (dismissal) SEE: dismissal ::
dispatcher {n} (One who dispatches (something)) :: експедитор {m}
dispatcher {n} (A person who controls the movements of vehicles) :: диспечер {m}
dispel {v} (to drive away by scattering) :: разсейвам, разпръсквам
dispensable {adj} (able to be done without; able to be expended; easily replaced) :: неналожителен, без който може
dispensary {n} (institution that dispenses medical supplies and advice) :: диспансер {m}
dispensation {n} (act of dispensing) :: раздаване {n}, разпределяне {n}
dispense {v} (to issue, distribute, or give out) :: раздавам, разпределям
dispense {v} :: минавам без
disperse {v} (to scatter) :: разпилявам, разпръсквам, разсейвам
dispersion {n} (state) :: разхвърляност, разпиляност
dispersion {n} (process) :: разпръскване, разпиляване
dispersion {n} (degree of scatter of data) :: разсейване
dispersion {n} (optics: separation of visible light to its component frequencies) :: разсейване
dispirit {v} (Lower the morale of) :: обезкуражавам, обезсърчавам
dispirited {adj} (without spirit) SEE: despondent ::
displace {v} (to supplant, or take the place of something or someone; to substitute) :: замествам
displace {v} (have a weight equal to that of the water displaced) :: измествам
displacement {n} (the state of being displaced) :: изместване {n}, отместване {n}
displacement {n} (the quantity of anything, as water, displaced by a floating body, as by a ship) :: водоизместимост {f}
displacement {n} (physics: vector quantity which denotes distance with a directional component) :: преместване {n}
display {n} (spectacle) :: излагане {n}, показ {m}
display {n} (electronic screen) :: монитор {m}
display {v} (to show conspicuously) :: показвам
displeasure {n} (feeling of being displeased with someone or something) :: неудоволствие {n}
displeasure {n} (disapproval) :: неодобрение {n}
disport {v} (to amuse oneself divertingly or playfully) :: развличам се, забавлявам се
disport {n} (pastime, see also: pastime) :: забава {f}, забавление {n}
disposable {adj} (that is designed to be discarded rather than refilled or repaired) :: за еднократна употреба
disposable {adj} (available to be used) :: наличен, разполагаем
disposal {n} (disposing of) :: отстраняване {n}, избавяне от
disposal {n} (power to use something) :: разположение {n}, разпореждане {n}
dispose {v} (to get rid of something) :: отстранявам, избавям се от
dispose {v} (to distribute and put in place) :: разполагам
disposition {n} (tendency or inclination) :: предразположение {n}, склонност {f}
disposition {n} (The arrangement or placement of certain things) :: разоложение {n}, разставяне {n}
disposition {n} (Temperamental makeup or habitual mood) :: характер {m}, нрав {m}
disproof {n} (act of refuting something) :: оборване {n}, опровержение {n}
disproportion {n} (the state of being out of proportion) :: несъразмерност {f}
disproportionate {adj} (not proportionate) :: несъответен
disproportionate {adj} (out of proportion) :: непропорционален
disprove {v} (to refute) :: опровергавам, оборвам
disputable {adj} (of opinions, propositions or questions, subject to dispute) :: спорен
dispute {n} (argument, failure to agree) :: спор {m}, полемика {f}
dispute {n} (verbal controversy) :: караница {f}
dispute {v} (to argue against) :: споря
dispute {v} (to argue pro and con; to discuss) :: дискутирам
dispute {v} (to strive or contend about; to contest) :: оспорвам
disqualification {n} (act of disqualifying) :: дисквалификация {f}
disqualify {v} (make ineligible) :: дисквалифицирам, лишавам от права
disquiet {n} (want of quiet) :: безпокойство {n}, тревога {f}
disquiet {v} (To make (someone) worried or anxious) :: безпокоя, тревожа
disquisition {n} (lengthy, formal discourse) :: изследване {n}, дисертация {f}, трактат {m}
disregard {n} (not paying attention or caring about) :: пренебрежение {n}, незачитане {n}
disregard {v} (to ignore) :: пренебрегвам, игнорирам
disrepair {n} (the state of being in poor condition) :: неизправност {f}
disreputable {adj} (not respectable) :: дискредитиран
disrespect {n} (lack of respect) :: неуважение {n}
disrespect {v} (to show a lack of respect) :: не уважавам
disrespectful {adj} (lacking respect) :: неуважителен
disrobe {v} (undress someone or something) :: събличам
disrobe {v} (undress oneself) :: събличам се
disrupt {v} (to throw into confusion or disorder) :: разстройвам
disrupt {v} (to interrupt or impede something) :: прекъсвам, разкъсвам
disruption {n} (interruption) :: прекъсване {n}, разрив {m}
disruption {n} (disorder) :: безредие {n}
dissatisfaction {n} (unhappiness or discontent) :: недоволство {n}
dissect {v} (to study a dead animal's anatomy by cutting it apart) :: правя дисекция
dissection {n} (the act of dissecting, of cutting a dead body apart) :: дисекция {f}
dissection {n} (examination) :: анализ {m}
dissemble {v} (to disguise or conceal something) :: прикривам
dissemble {v} (to feign) :: преструвам се
dissemble {v} (to deliberately ignore something) :: правя се че не виждам
dissemble {v} (to falsely hide one's opinions or feelings) :: лицемеря
dissembler {n} (someone who dissembles) :: лицемер
disseminate {v} (transitive: to sow and scatter principles, etc. for propagation, like seed) :: разпръсквам, разпространявам
disseminate {v} (intransitive: to become scattered) :: разпространявам се
disseminate {v} (to disseminate) SEE: disperse ::
dissemination {n} (act of disseminating) :: разпръскване {n}, разпространение {n}
dissension {n} (an act of expressing dissent, especially spoken) :: разногласие {n}, раздор {m}
dissension {n} (strong disagreement; a contention or quarrel; discord) :: препирня {f}
dissent {v} (to disagree) :: не се съгласявам
dissent {n} (disagreement with the ideas of an authority) :: несъгласие {n}
dissent {n} (act of disagreeing with an authority) :: разногласие {n}, разкол {m}
dissertation {n} (formal exposition of a subject) :: дисертация {f}
disserve {v} (to do a disservice to) :: правя лоша услуга
disservice {n} (service that results in harm) :: лоша услуга {f}
disservice {v} (disserve) SEE: disserve ::
dissever {v} (separate; split apart) :: отделям
dissever {v} (divide into separate parts) :: разделям
dissident {n} (person who opposes the current political structure, group or laws) :: дисидент {m}, дисидентка {f}
dissident {n} (ecclesiastical: one who disagrees) :: разколник {m}
dissimilar {adj} (not similar) :: различен, неприличащ, несходен
dissimilate {v} (make dissimilar) :: правя различен
dissimulate {v} (to deceive by concealment or omission) :: преструвам се, симулирам
dissimulation {n} (the act of concealing the truth) :: преструвка, лицемерие
dissipate {v} (to dissipate) SEE: disperse ::
dissipate {v} (to drive away) :: разсейвам, разпръсквам
dissipate {v} (to use up or waste) :: пропилявам
dissipated {adj} (wasteful of health or possessions in the pursuit of pleasure) :: прахоснически
dissipation {n} (act or state of dispersing) :: разсейване {n}
dissipation {n} (dissolute way of life) :: прахосничество {n}
dissipation {n} (loss of energy) :: разсейване {n}
dissociate {v} (to make unrelated) :: разделям, разединявам
dissociate {v} (to part, stop associating) :: отделям се, откъсвам се
dissociate {v} (chemistry: to separate compounds into simpler parts) :: разлагам
dissociate {v} (chemistry: to undergo dissociation) :: дисоциирам
dissociation {n} (act of dissociating) :: разделяне {n}, разединение {n}
dissociation {n} (chemistry: process of breaking up) :: разлагане {n}, дисоциация {f}
dissoluble {adj} (which can be dissolved or disintegrated) :: разтворим
dissolute {adj} (dissolute) :: разпуснат, развратен
dissolution {n} (termination of an organized body or legislative assembly) :: разпускане {n}
dissolution {n} (dissolving, or going into solution) :: разтваряне {n}
dissolve {v} (to terminate a union of multiple members actively) :: разпускам
dissolve {v} (transitive: to disintegrate into a solution by immersion) :: разтварям
dissolve {v} (intransitive: to be disintegrated into a solution by immersion) :: разтварям се
dissolve {v} (to disperse a group) :: разпускам
dissonance {n} (a harsh, discordant combination of sounds) :: неблагозвучие {n}, дисонанс {m}
dissonance {n} (conflicting notes that are not overtones of the note or chord sounding) :: дисхармония {f}
dissonance {n} (a state of disagreement or conflict) :: несъгласие {n}
dissuade {v} (convince not to try or do) :: разубеждавам, разубедя
distaff {n} (device to which fibres are attached for temporary storage) :: хурка {f}
distaff {n} (part of a spinning wheel) :: хурка {f}
distaff {n} (anything traditionally done by or considered of importance to women only) :: женска работа
distaff {adj} (of, relating to, or characteristic of women) :: женски
distal {adj} (remote from the point of attachment or origin) :: периферен
distance {n} (amount of space between two points) :: разстояние {n}, дистанция {f}
distance {n} (remoteness of place; a remote place) :: отдалеченост {f}
distance {v} (move away) :: дистанцирам се
distant {adj} (far off) :: далечен, отдалечен
distant {adj} (emotionally unresponsive) :: хладен, резервиран
distaste {n} (feeling of dislike) :: отвращение, антипатия, неразположение
distasteful {adj} (having a bad or foul taste) :: отвратителен
distasteful {adj} (unpleasant) :: неприятен, противен
distasteful {adj} (offensive) :: отблъскващ
distemper {n} (disease) :: разстройство {n}, неразположение {n}
distemper {n} (paint) :: темперна боя {f}
distend {v} (To extend or expand) :: разтеглям, разширявам
distend {v} (To cause to swell) :: раздувам
distended {adj} (extended or expanded) :: раздут, разширен
distension {n} (the act or occasion of distending or swelling) :: разтегляне {n}, разширение {n}
distention {n} (act of distending) SEE: distension ::
distich {n} (a two line stanza making complete sense) :: двустишие {n}
distich {n} (couplet) SEE: couplet ::
distil {v} (to subject a substance to distillation) :: дестилирам
distil {v} (to undergo distillation) :: дестилирам се
distil {v} (to make by means of distillation) :: дестилирам
distil {v} (to exude in small drops) :: процеждам се
distil {v} (to trickle down in small drops) :: капя
distill {v} (subject to distillation) SEE: distil ::
distill {v} (undergo distillation) SEE: distil ::
distill {v} (make by distillation) SEE: distil ::
distill {v} (exude in small drops) SEE: distil ::
distill {v} (trickle down in small drops) SEE: distil ::
distillate {n} (liquid that has been condensed from vapour) :: дестилат, есенция
distillation {n} (falling in drips (act)) :: изкапване
distillation {n} (separation of a substance) :: дестилация {f}
distillation {n} (substance once extracted) :: дестилат {m}
distilled water {n} (water that has been purified by distillation) :: дестилирана вода
distinct {adj} (very clear) :: ясен, отчетлив
distinct {adj} (different from one another) :: отделен, различен
distinct {adj} (noticeably different) :: особен
distinction {n} (that which distinguishes) :: разлика {f}, различие {n}
distinction {n} (a feature that causes someone or something to be better) :: отличие {n}
distinctive {adj} (distinguishing) :: отличителен
distinctive {adj} (characteristic) :: характерен
distinctly {adv} (in a distinct manner) :: ясно, отчетливо
distinguish {v} (to see someone or something as different from others) :: различавам
distinguish {v} (to see someone or something clearly or distinctly) :: отличавам
distinguished {adj} (celebrated, well-known or eminent because of past achievements; prestigious) :: виден, изтъкнат
distort {v} (to bring something out of shape) :: изкривявам, деформирам
distort {v} (to give false account of) :: изопачавам
distortion {n} (act of distorting) :: изкривяване {n}, измятане {n}
distortion {n} (result of distorting) :: изкривяване {n}, деформация {f}
distortion {n} (misrepresentation of the truth) :: изопачаване {n}
distortion {n} (noise) :: изкривяване {n}
distract {v} (To divert the attention of) :: отвличам, разсейвам
distracted {adj} (having one's attention diverted; preoccupied) :: объркан
distraction {n} (something that distracts) :: развлечение {n}
distraction {n} (the process of being distracted) :: отвличане, разсейване {n}
distrain {v} (To seize somebody's property in place of payment of a debt) :: налагам запор
distrait {adj} (absent-minded) :: невнимателен, разсеян
distraught {adj} (deeply hurt, saddened, or worried) :: объркан
distress {n} (serious danger) :: беда {f}, бедствие {n}
distress {n} ((law) a seizing of property without legal process to force payment of a debt) :: запор {m}
distress {v} (to cause strain or anxiety) :: измъчвам, тревожа
distress {v} (to retain someone’s property) :: запорирам
distressed {adj} (anxious or uneasy) :: изтормозен
distressed {adj} (offered for sale after foreclosure) :: запориран
distribute {v} (to distribute) SEE: disperse ::
distribute {v} (to divide into portions and dispense) :: разпределям
distribute {v} (to deliver or pass out) :: раздавам
distribute {v} (to scatter or spread) :: разпръсквам
distribution {n} (act of distribution or being distributed) :: разпределяне {n}
distribution {n} (process by which goods get to final consumers) :: разпространение {n}
distribution {n} (frequency of occurrence or extent of existence) :: разпределение {n}
distribution {n} (the result of distributing; arrangement) :: разпределение {n}
distribution {n} (statistics: set of relative likelihoods, see also: probability distribution) :: разпределение {n}
distributive {adj} (relating to distribution) :: разпределителен
distributive {adj} (in grammar) :: разделителен
distributor {n} (one who distributes, a thing that distributes) :: разпределител {m}
distributor {n} (device that distributes current to the spark plugs) :: дистрибутор {m}
district {n} (administrative division) :: окръг {m}, околия {f}
district {n} (area or region) :: район {m}, участък {m}, област {f}
district {v} (to divide into districts) :: районирам
distrust {n} (lack of trust or confidence) :: недоверие {n}, съмнение {n}
distrust {v} (to put no trust in) :: съмнявам се
distrustful {adj} (marked by distrust; doubtful; suspicious) :: недоверчив, подозрителен
disturb {v} (confuse or irritate) :: безпокоя, смущавам
disturb {v} (have negative emotional impact) :: тревожа
disturbance {n} (act of disturbing, being disturbed) :: смущение {n}, смут {m}
disturbance {n} (interruption of that which is normal or regular) :: безредие {n}, бъротия {f}
disunite {v} (separate, sever, or split) :: разделям, разединявам
disuse {n} (disuse) :: излизане от употреба
ditch {n} (trench) :: канавка {f}, траншея {f}
ditch {v} (to abandon) :: изхвърлям
ditch {v} (to dig ditches) :: копая канавка
dither {v} (to shiver with cold) :: треперя
dither {v} (to be uncertain unable to make a decision) :: колебая се
dither {n} (state of being undecided) :: колебание {n}
dittany {n} (dittany of Crete) :: росен
dittany {n} (Dictamnus albus) SEE: gas plant ::
ditto {adv} (likewise) SEE: likewise ::
ditto {n} (the aforesaid) :: същото, горното
ditto {n} (informal: duplicate) :: копие {n}
ditto {v} ((transitive) To repeat the aforesaid, the earlier action etc) :: повтарям
diurnal {adj} (happening during daylight; primarily active during the day) :: дневен
diurnal {adj} (done once every day) :: ежедневен
divagate {v} (stray from a subject) :: отклонявам се, лутам се
divan {n} (sofa) :: диван
dive {v} (to swim under water) :: гмуркам се
dive {v} (to descend) :: потапям се
dive {n} (a jump into water) :: скок във вода {m}
dive {n} (a swim under water) :: гмуркане {n}
dive {n} (a decline) :: спускане {n}
dive {n} (aerial descend with the nose pointed down) :: пикиране {n}
diver {n} (someone who dives) :: гмуркач {m}
diver {n} (someone who works underwater) :: водолаз {m}
diver {n} (the loon (bird)) SEE: loon ::
diverge {v} (to run apart) :: отклонявам се
diverge {v} (to have no limit) :: не се схождам
divergence {n} (the degree of divergence) :: отклонение {n}
divergent {adj} (growing further apart; diverging) :: отклоняващ се
divergent {adj} (of a series, not converging) :: разходящ
diverse {adj} (various) :: разнообразен
diverse {adj} (different) :: различен
diversify {v} (To make diverse) :: разнообразявам
diversion {n} (tactic used to draw attention away from the real threat or action) :: отвличане {n}
diversion {n} (hobby; an activity that distracts the mind) :: развлечение {n}
diversion {n} (act of diverting) :: отклоняване
diversion {n} (A detour, such as during road construction) :: отклонение {n}
diversity {n} (quality of being diverse; difference) :: разнообразие {n}
divert {v} (turn aside) :: отклонявам
divert {v} (distract) :: отвличам
divert {v} (entertain) :: забавлявам, развличам
divertimento {n} (eighteenth-century composition in several short movements) :: дивертисмент {n}, дивертименто {n}
divest {v} (to strip, deprive, or dispossess of something) :: отнемам, лишавам
divide {v} (split into two or more parts) :: разделям
divide {v} (divide up; share by dividing) :: разделям
divide {v} (calculate quotient) :: деля
divide {v} (separate into two or more parts) :: разделям
divide {v} (of a cell) :: деля се
divided {adj} (separated or split into pieces) :: разделен
divided {adj} (having conflicting interests or emotions) :: раздвоен
divided {adj} (disunited) :: разединен
dividend {n} (arithmetic: a number or expression) :: делимо {n}
dividend {n} (finance: a payment of money by a company to its shareholders) :: дивидент {m}
divider {n} (object that separates) :: разделител {m}, сепаратор {m}
divination {n} (act of divining) :: предсказване {n}
divination {n} (art of discovering secrets or seeing the future by supernatural means) :: гадаене {n}, врачуване {n}
divination {n} (indication of future, prediction) :: прогноза {f}
divine {n} (a deity) SEE: deity ::
divine {adj} (of or pertaining to a god) :: божествен
divine {adj} (eternal, holy or otherwise godlike) :: божествен, свръхестествен
divine {adj} (of superhuman or surpassing excellence) :: божествен
divine {adj} (beautiful, heavenly) :: небесен
divine {n} (theologian, cleric) :: богослов {m}
divine {v} (foretell (something)) :: предсказвам
divine {v} (guess (something)) :: гадая
diving {n} (action of the verb "to dive") :: гмуркане {n}
diving {n} (sport of jumping head first into water) :: скок във вода {m}
diving {n} (practice of swimming underwater) :: гмуркане {n}
diving bell {n} (airtight chamber used by divers) :: кесон {m}
divinity {n} (deity) SEE: deity ::
divinity {n} (godhood, state of being God or a god) :: божественост {f}
divinity {n} (study of religion or religions) :: богословие {n}
divisible {adj} (capable of being divided) :: делим
divisible {adj} (of an integer, that when divided leaves no remainder) :: делим
division {n} (act or process of dividing anything) :: делене {n}, разделяне {n}
division {n} (each of the parts resulting from division) :: част {f}, раздел {m}
division {n} (arithmetic: process of dividing a number by another) :: деление {n}
division {n} (arithmetic: calculation involving this process) :: деление {n}
division {n} (large military unit) :: дивизия {f}
division {n} (section of a large company) :: подразделение {n}
divisor {n} (arithmetic: a number or expression) :: делител {m}
divorce {n} (legal dissolution of a marriage) :: развод {m}
divorce {n} (separation of connected things) :: разрив {m}, разделяне {n}
divorce {v} (to legally dissolve a marriage) :: развеждам
divorce {v} (to end one's own marriage) :: развеждам се
divorce {v} (to separate something that was connected) :: разделям
divulge {v} (to make public) :: разгласявам
divulge {v} (to indicate publicly; to proclaim) :: разкривам
divulsion {n} (act of separating by force, especially by dilation or pulling apart) :: разкъсване
divvy up {v} (divide) SEE: divide ::
Diwali {prop} (Hindu festival of lights) :: Дивали
dizziness {n} (state of being dizzy) :: замайване {n}, замаяност {f}
dizzy {adj} (having a sensation of turning around) :: замаян
dizzy {adj} (producing giddiness) :: шеметен
dizzyness {n} (dizziness) SEE: dizziness ::
Djibouti {prop} (Republic of Djibouti) :: Джибути
Djiboutian {adj} (pertaining to Djibouti) :: джибутски {m}
Dmitry {prop} (transliteration of Дмитрий) :: Димитър {m}
Dnepropetrovsk {prop} (Dnipropetrovsk) SEE: Dnipropetrovsk ::
Dnieper {prop} (river to the Black Sea) :: Днепър {m}
Dnipropetrovsk {prop} (city) :: Днепропетровск {m}
Dönmeh {n} (Sabbatean crypto-Jews) :: Дьонме
do {v} (perform, execute) :: правя
doable {adj} (possible to do) SEE: feasible ::
dobra {n} (official currency of São Tomé and Príncipe) :: добра
Dobrich {prop} (city in Bulgaria) :: Добрич {m}
Dobruja {prop} (region) :: Добруджа
do business {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate ::
docile {adj} (yielding to control) :: податлив, послушен
docile {adj} (accepting instructions) :: схватлив, възприемчив
dock {n} (any plant in genus Rumex) :: лапад {m}
dock {n} (burdock) :: репей {m}
dock {v} (to reduce wages; to deduct) :: орязвам
dock {v} (to cut off a section of an animal's tail) :: подрязвам
dock {n} (body of water between two piers or wharves) :: док {m}
dock {n} (part of a courtroom where the accused sits) :: подсъдима скамейка {f}
docker {n} (dockworker) SEE: dockworker ::
dockworker {n} (worker at a dock) :: докер {m}
dockyard {n} (ship repair place) :: корабостроителница {f}
doctor {n} (person who has attained a doctorate) :: доктор {m}, докторка {f}
doctor {v} (act as a medical doctor to) :: лекувам
doctor {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian ::
doctor {n} (medical doctor) SEE: physician ::
doctrine {n} (belief) :: доктрина {f}, вяра {f}
doctrine {n} (body of beliefs or teachings) :: учение {n}, доктрина
document {n} (original or official paper) :: документ {m}
document {v} (to record in documents) :: документирам
documentary {adj} (of, related to or based on documents/that serves to document something) :: документален
documentary {n} (documentary film) :: документален филм {m}
documentation {n} (documents that explain the operation of a particular machine or software program) :: документация {f}
dodder {v} (shake or tremble) :: треперя от слабост
dodder {n} (parasitic plant (of about 100-170 species) of the genus Cuscuta) :: кукувича прежда {f}
Dodecanese {prop} (an island chain consisting of twelve main islands) :: Додеканези
dodge {v} (to avoid by moving out of the way) :: избягвам, отбягвам
dodge {v} (to avoid; to sidestep) :: избягвам
dodger {n} (one who dodges) :: хитрец {m}, мошеник {m}
dodger {n} (nautical: companionway cover in a sailboat) :: корабна тента {f}
dodgy {adj} (evasive and shifty) :: увъртащ, избягващ
dodgy {adj} (unsound and unreliable) :: ненадежден
dodgy {adj} (dishonest) :: нечестен
dodgy {adj} (risky) :: рискован
dodo {n} (Raphus cucullatus) :: додо {m}
doe {n} (female deer) :: сърна {f}
doe {n} (female fallow deer) :: кошута {f}
doer {n} (Someone who does) :: извършител {m}
does anyone here speak English {phrase} (does anyone here speak English?) :: има ли някой, който говори английски?
doff {v} (to remove or take off, especially of clothing) :: свалям
doff {v} (to remove or tip a hat, as in greeting, salutation or as a mark of respect) :: снемам
doff {v} (to get rid of, to throw off) :: отказвам се от
dog {n} (slang: man) SEE: guy ::
dog {v} (to pursue with the intent to catch) :: преследвам
dog {v} (to follow in an annoying way) :: ходя по петите
dog {n} (animal) :: куче {n}, пес {m} [colloquial], псе {n} [colloquial]
dog {n} (male canine) :: пес {m}
dog collar {n} (collar for a dog) :: нашийник {m}
dog days {n} (the days between early July and early September) :: горещници {m-p}
dog days {n} (hot, lazy days) :: горещници {p}
doge {n} (chief magistrate in the republics of Venice and Genoa) :: дож
dog eat dog {adj} (harsh and ruthless) :: безскрупулен
dogend {n} (unsmoked end of cigarette) :: фас, угарка
dogfennel {n} (Anthemis cotula) :: подрумиче {n}
dogged {adj} (stubbornly persevering, steadfast) :: твърдоглав
doggish {adj} (currish) :: кучешки
doggy {n} (a dog, especially a small one) :: кученце {n}
doggy paddle {n} (swimming stroke) SEE: dog paddle ::
doghouse {n} (kennel) SEE: kennel ::
doghouse bass {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
dogma {n} (authoritative principle, belief or statement of opinion) :: догма {f}
dogma {n} (doctrine) :: доктрина {f}
dogmatism {n} (arrogance in stating opinion) :: догматизъм {m}
dog paddle {n} (swimming stroke) :: кучешката {f}
dog-paddle {v} (to swim dog paddle) :: плувам кучешката
dog rose {n} (the species Rosa canina) :: шипка {f}
dog sleep {n} (A shallow sleep) :: дрямка {f}
dog-tired {adj} (exhausted) :: капнал от умора
dogwood {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Cornus) :: кучешки дрян {m}
Doha {prop} (capital of Qatar) :: Доха {f}
do ill {v} (to harm, to injure) SEE: harm ::
doily {n} (ornamental piece) :: салфетка {f}
doing {n} (a deed or action) :: поведение {n}
doldrum {adj} (boring, uninteresting) SEE: boring ::
doldrums {n} (state of apathy or lack of interest) :: униние {n}, потиснатост {f}
dole {v} (to distribute in small amounts) :: раздавам
dole {n} (money or goods given as charity) :: милостиня {f}, подаяние {n}
dole {n} (unemployment benefit) :: помощ при безработица {f}
doleful {adj} (evoking sadness) :: скръбен, печален
doll {n} (a toy in the form of a human) :: кукла {f}
dollar {n} (designation for specific currency) :: долар {m}
dollop {n} (considerable lump) :: буца {f}, голямо парче {n}
dolly {n} (doll) SEE: doll ::
dolma {n} (any of a family of stuffed vegetable dishes) :: сарми {f-p}
dolorous {adj} (solemnly or ponderously sad) :: скръбен, печален
dolour {n} (painful grief or suffering) :: скръб, печал
dolphin {n} (aquatic mammal) :: делфин {m}
dolphinarium {n} :: делфинариум {m}
dolt {n} (A stupid person; a blockhead or dullard) :: глупак {m}, тъпак
domain {n} (geographic area owned or controlled by a single person or organization) :: владение {n}, царство {n}
domain {n} (a field or sphere of activity, influence or expertise) :: обсег {m}, сфера {f}
domain {n} (group of related items) :: област {f}
domain {n} ((mathematics) the set on which a function is defined) :: интервал на съществуване
dome {n} (architectural element) :: купол {m}, свод {m}
dome {n} (anything shaped like an upset bowl) :: кубе {n}
domestic {adj} (of or relating to the home) :: домашен, семеен
domestic {adj} ((of a domesticated animal) kept by someone) :: питомен
domestic {adj} (internal to a specific country) :: местен
domestic {n} (house servant; a maid) :: домашна помощница
domesticate {v} (to make domestic) :: опитомявам
domesticate {v} (to make fit for domestic life) :: опитомявам
domestication {n} (The act of domesticating the action of taming) :: опитомяване {n}
domestic violence {n} (violence committed in a domestic setting) :: домашно насилие {n}
domicile {n} (home or residence) :: резиденция {f}, местожителство {n}
dominance {n} (state of being dominant) :: господство {n}, преобладаване {n}
dominance {n} (property of a gene) :: доминантност {f}
dominant {n} (tone of a musical scale) :: доминанта {f}
dominant {adj} (ruling, governing) :: преобладаващ, господстващ
dominate {v} (to govern, rule or control by superior authority or power) :: господствам, преобладавам
dominate {v} (to exert an overwhelming guiding influence over something or someone) :: доминирам
dominate {v} (to enjoy a commanding position in some field) :: властвам
domination {n} (act of dominating) :: преобладаване {n}, господство
domineer {v} (rule over) :: тиранизирам, потискам
domineering {adj} (overbearing, dictatorial or authoritarian) :: властен, тираничен
Dominic {prop} (male given name) :: Доминик {m}
Dominica {prop} (Commonwealth of Dominica) :: Доминика {f}
dominical {adj} (of or pertaining to Sunday) :: неделен
Dominican Republic {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Доминиканска република {f}
dominion {n} (power or the use of power; sovereignty over something) :: суверенна власт
dominion {n} (a kingdom, nation, or other sphere of influence) :: доминион {m}
Domodedovo {prop} (airport in Russia) :: Домодедово {n}
don {v} (put on clothes) :: обличам, навличам
don {n} (professor) SEE: professor ::
Don {prop} (River in European Russia) :: Дон {m}
Donald Duck {prop} (Disney character) :: Доналд Дък {m}
donate {v} (to give away something of value) :: дарявам
donation {n} (a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause) :: дарение {n}, дар {m}, подаряване {n}
Donbas {prop} (An industrial region in eastern Ukraine.) :: Донбас {m}
Donbass {prop} (Donbas) SEE: Donbas ::
done {adj} ((of food) ready, fully cooked) :: сготвен
done {adj} (In a state of having completed or finished an activity) :: направен, извършен
done {adj} (being exhausted or fully spent) :: изтощен
Donets {prop} (one of several rivers) :: Донец {m}
Donetsk {prop} (city) :: Донецк {m}
donjon {n} (fortified tower) SEE: keep ::
donkey {n} (a domestic animal, see also: ass) :: магаре {n}, осел {m} [dated]
donkey {n} (a stubborn person) :: инат {m}
donnish {adj} (bookish) :: сух, педантичен
donor {n} (one who donates) :: дарител {m}
Don Quixote {prop} (the protagonist of a famous Spanish novel) :: Дон Кихот {m}
don't {v} (do not) :: не
don't look a gift horse in the mouth {proverb} (a phrase referring to unappreciatively questioning of a gift or handout too closely) :: на харизан кон зъбите не се гледат
don't mention it {phrase} (it is too trivial to warrant thanks) :: няма защо, моля
donut {n} (deep-fried piece of dough) SEE: doughnut ::
doodle {n} (a fool, simpleton) :: глупак {m}
doodle {n} (small mindless sketch) :: драскулка {f}
doodle {v} (to draw or scribble aimlessly) :: драскам си
doofer {n} (remote control for a television) SEE: remote control ::
doom {n} (death) :: гибел {f}
doom {n} (destiny, especially terrible) :: участ {f}
doom {n} (undesirable fate) :: орис {f}, участ {f}
doom {v} (to condemn) :: обричам
doomsday {n} (day when God is expected to judge the world) :: страшният съд {m}
door {n} (portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle) :: врата {f}
doorbell {n} (device on or adjacent to an outer door for announcing one's presence) :: входен звънец {m}
doorkeeper {n} (person in charge of an entryway) :: вратар {m}, портиер {m}
doormat {n} (coarse mat that appears at the entrance to a house) :: изтривалка {f}
doorstep {n} (threshold of a doorway) :: праг {m}
doorstep {n} (big slice of bread) :: дебела филия {f}
doorway {n} (passage of a door) :: вход {m}
dopamine {n} (the neurotransmitter) :: допамин {m}
dope {n} (viscous liquid used to prepare a surface) :: смазка {f}
dope {n} (absorbent material used to hold a liquid) :: поглътител {m}, абсорбент {m}
dope {n} (aeronautics: varnish used to waterproof, strengthen, etc.) :: аеролак
dope {n} (slang: any narcotic) :: наркотик {m}
dope {n} (slang: any illicit drug) :: допинг {m}
dope fiend {n} (drug addict) SEE: drug addict ::
doppelganger {n} (ghostly double of a living person) :: двойник {m}
Doppler effect {n} (change in frequency or wavelength) :: Доплеров ефект {m}
Dordogne {prop} (department) :: Дордон {f}
dork {n} (vulgar, slang: penis) :: кур {m}, хуй {m}
dormant {adj} (inactive, asleep, suspended) :: спящ, латентен, неактивен
dormitory {n} (room for sleeping) :: обща спалня {f}
dormitory {n} (building or part thereof) :: общежитие {n}
dormouse {n} (rodent) :: сънливец
dorsal {adj} (relating to the side in which the backbone is located) :: гръбен
dorsal {adj} (of a knife: having only one sharp side) :: едноостър
dory {n} :: Светипетрова риба {f}
dosage {n} (medication) :: доза {f}
dose {n} (measured portion of medicine) :: доза {f}
dose {n} (quantity of an agent administered at any one time) :: доза {f}
doss-house {n} (sleeping-place for the homeless) :: нощен приют {m}, приют {m}
dossier {n} (a collection of papers and/or other sources) :: досие {n}
dot {n} (small spot or mark) :: точка {f}, точица {f}
dot {n} (punctuation mark) :: точка {f}
dot {n} (decimal point) :: точка {f}
dot {n} (morse code symbol) :: точка {f}
dot {n} (dot in URL's or email addresses) :: точка {f}
dotage {n} (senility) :: изкуфяване {n}, сенилност {f}
dotard {n} (old person with impaired intellect) :: изкуфял старец {m}
dote {v} (to be foolishly fond of) :: влюбвам се до уши
dote {v} (to act in a foolish manner) :: изкуфявам, оглупявам
do the dishes {v} (to wash up dishes) :: мия чинии
dotterel {n} (bird in the plover family Charadriidae) :: планински дъждосвирец {m}
double {adj} (made up of two matching or complementary elements) :: двоен
double {adj} (twice the quantity) :: двойно
double {adj} (Designed for two users) :: двоен
double {adj} (folded in two; composed of two layers) :: удвоен, сгънат на две
double {adj} (having two aspects; ambiguous) :: двойнствен
double {adj} (false, deceitful, or hypocritical) :: двуличен
double {adj} (of flowers, having more than the normal number of petals) :: кичест
double {n} (twice the number or size etc) :: двойно {n}
double {n} (a person resembling or standing for another) :: двойник {m}
double {v} (to multiply by two) :: удвоявам
double {v} (to fold over so as to make two folds) :: сгъвам на две
double {v} (to clench) :: свивам
double {v} (to copy) :: копирам
double {v} (bridge: to make a call that will double certain scoring points) :: контрирам
double {v} (to act as substitute) :: дублирам
double {v} (to increase by 100%) :: удвоявам
double-barrelled shotgun {n} (type of shot-firing gun) :: двуцевка {f}
double bass {n} (largest instrument of violin family) :: контрабас
double bass {n} (deepest of male voices) :: бас профундо {m}
double bed {n} (a bed designed for two adults) :: легло персон и половина {n}
double-breasted {adj} (closing with an overlap) :: двуреден
doublecross {v} (betray) :: измамвам, предавам, играя двойна игра
double-cross {v} (to betray or go back on) :: измамвам, предавам
double-dealing {adj} (cheating, dishonest) :: двуличен
double-dealing {n} (deceit or treachery) :: двуличие, измама
double-decker {n} (bus with two decks) :: двуетажен автобус {m}
double Dutch {n} (incomprehensible language) :: неразбираем език {m}
double-edged {adj} (a blade that is sharp on both edges) :: двуостър
double-faced {adj} (hypocritical; treacherous) :: двуличен, лицемерен
double-minded {adj} (indecisive, vacillating, or ambivalent) :: нерешителен, колеблив
doublet {n} (pair of two similar or equal things) :: чифт {m}
doublet {n} (pair of cognates in a language) :: дублет {m}
doublet {n} (article of men's clothing) :: жакет {m}
double take {n} (reaction to surprising sight) :: закъсняла реакция {f}
doubleton {n} (math: set of two elements) :: дубъл {m}
doubleton {n} (bridge: two cards of same suit) :: дубъл {m}
doubletree {n} (device that connects two horses to a wagon) :: ок
doubling {n} (The process or an instance of making something double) :: удвояване {n}, дублиране {n}
doubloon {n} (former Spanish gold coin) :: дублон {m}
doubly {adv} (in a double manner) :: двойно
doubt {v} (to lack confidence in) :: съмнявам се {impf}
doubt {n} (disbelief or uncertainty (about something)) :: съмнение {n}
doubtful {adj} (subject to, or causing doubt) :: съмнителен
doubtful {adj} (experiencing or showing doubt) :: съмняващ се
doubtful {adj} (undecided or of uncertain outcome) :: несигурен
doubtful {adj} (improbable or unlikely) :: невероятен
doubtful {adj} (suspicious, or of dubious character) :: подозрителен
doubtless {adj} (characterized by no doubt) :: несъмнено, безспорно, сигурно
doubtlessly {adv} (doubtless) SEE: doubtless ::
douche {n} (a jet or current of water or vapour directed upon some part of the body to benefit it medicinally) :: душ {m}
dough {n} (mix of flour and other ingredients) :: тесто {n}
dough {n} (money (slang)) :: мангизи {p}
doughnut {n} (deep-fried piece of dough or batter) :: поничка {f}, донът {m}
doughty {adj} (bold; brave, courageous, see also: brave) :: смел, решителен
dour {adj} (stern, harsh and forbidding) :: строг, суров
dour {adj} (expressing gloom or melancholy) :: мрачен, намусен
Douro {prop} (river in northern Portugal and Spain) :: Дуеро {m}
douse {v} (plunge suddenly into water; duck; immerse) :: потапям, намокрям
douse {v} (put out; extinguish) :: гася
dove {n} (bird of the family Columbidae) :: гълъб {m}
dove's-foot {n} (columbine) SEE: columbine ::
dowel {n} (a pin fitting into holes, partly in one piece and partly in the other to keep them in their position) :: шпилка, щифт
dowel {n} (piece of wood fitted into a surface) :: клин {m}; дюбел {m}
dower {n} (property given to wife at marriage) :: зестра {f}
down {adv} (from a high to a low position, downwards) :: надолу
down {adv} (in a lower position) :: долу
down {adv} (south) :: юг
down {prep} (from one end to another) :: по
down {n} (soft, immature feathers) :: пух {m}, мъх {m}
down and out {adj} (in a condition of poverty or debility) :: обеднял
downbeat {adj} (sad) :: мрачен, песимистичен
downcast {adj} (looking downwards) :: сведен [очи]
downcast {adj} (feeling despondent) :: отчаян
downer {n} (drug) :: успокоително {n}
downfall {n} (precipitous decline in fortune; death or rapid deterioration, as in status or wealth) :: провал {m}, крах {m}
downgrade {v} (To place lower in position) :: понижавам
downhearted {adj} (sad or discouraged) :: отчаян, обезверен
downhill {adj} (easy) SEE: easy ::
downhill {adv} (down a slope) :: надолу
downhill {adj} (located down a slope) :: долен
downhill {adj} (going down a slope) :: нанадолен
downhill {n} (discipline of alpine skiing) :: спускане {n}
downing {n} (defeat) SEE: defeat ::
download {v} (to transfer data from a remote computer to a local one) :: свалям
downplay {v} (to de-emphasize; to present or portray something as less important or consequential) :: омаловажавам
downpour {n} (heavy rain) :: порой {m}
downright {adv} (really; actually; quite; thoroughly; utterly) :: съвсем, напълно
downside {n} (disadvantageous aspect of something that is normally advantageous) :: недостатък {m}
downspout {n} (vertical pipe or conduit) :: олук {m}
downstairs {adv} (downstairs (adverb)) :: надолу
downstream {adj} (lower down, in relation to a river or stream) :: по течението
downtime {n} (amount of time lost) :: престой {m}
down-to-earth {adj} (practical; realistic) :: практичен, реалистичен
downtown {n} (either the lower, or the business center of a city or town) :: център на града {m}
downward {adv} (toward a lower level) :: надолу
downward {adj} (moving down) :: спадащ
down with {interj} (away with) :: долу на
downy {adj} (having down) :: пухест, мъхест
dowry {n} (property or payment given at time of marriage) :: зестра {f}
do you accept credit cards {phrase} (do you accept credit cards?) :: приемате ли кредитни карти?
do you believe in God {phrase} (do you believe in God?) :: вярвате ли в Бог?, вярваш ли в Бог?
do you need help {phrase} (Do you need help?) :: имате ли нужда от помощ?, имаш ли нужда от помощ?
do you speak English {phrase} (do you speak English? (English specifically)) :: [informal] говориш ли английски?, [formal or plural] говорите ли английски?
do you speak English {phrase} (do you speak...? (fill with the name of the current foreign language)) :: говорите ли български?
doze {v} (to sleep lightly or briefly) :: дремя
doze {n} (short sleep or nap) :: дрямка {f}
dozen {n} (twelve) :: дузина {f}
dozen {n} (dozens: a large number) :: десетки {p}
dozy {adj} (sleepy) :: сънен, сънлив
DPRK {prop} (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) SEE: Democratic People's Republic of Korea ::
Dr {n} (Doctor) :: д-р {m}
drab {adj} (dull, uninteresting, see also: dull; uninteresting) :: еднообразен, сив, скучен
drab {n} (dirty or untidy woman, see also: slattern) :: повлекана {f}
drab {n} (promiscuous woman; prostitute) :: проститутка {f}
drachma {n} (currency) :: драхма {f}
draconian {adj} (severe, oppressive or strict) :: драконовски
draff {n} (dregs; the wash given to swine or cows) :: помия {f}
draft {n} (current of air coming in) :: течение {n}
draft {n} (draw through a flue) :: тяга {f}
draft {n} (amount of liquid that is drunk in one swallow) :: глътка {f}
draft {n} (depth of water needed to float ship) :: газене {n}
draft {n} (early version of a written work) :: чернова {f}
draft {n} (preliminary sketch or outline) :: скица {f}
draft {n} (order for money to be paid) :: менителница {m}
draft {n} (conscription) :: набор {m}
draft {n} (action or act of pulling something along) :: теглене, дърпане
draft {v} (to write a first version) :: скицирам
draft {v} (to conscript a person) :: мобилизирам
drafting {n} (act or process) :: начертаване {n}
drafting {n} (art) :: чертане {n}
drafty {adj} (characterized by gusts of wind; windy) :: изложен на течение
drag {n} (street) SEE: street ::
drag {n} (device for dragging along the bottom of a body of water) :: драга {f}
drag {n} (puff on cigarette) :: дърпане {n}
drag {n} (heavy harrow) :: брана {f-p}
drag {v} (to pull along a surface) :: тегля, дърпам
drag {v} (to move slowly) :: влача се, мъкна се
dragée {n} (a sweet or confection, originally used to administer drugs, medicine, etc.) :: драже {n}
dragline excavator {n} (any of several very large vehicles used for lifting) :: драглайн
dragon {n} (mythical creature) :: дракон {m}, змей {m}
dragonet {n} (fish of the family Callionymidae) :: морска мишка {f}
dragonfly {n} (insect of the infraorder Anisoptera) :: водно конче {n}
dragon fruit {n} (fruit) :: питая {f}
dragoon {n} (horse soldier) :: драгун {m}
dragoon {v} (to force someone into doing something; to coerce) :: принуждавам
drain {n} (conduit for liquids) :: канал {m}, водосток, утечка {f}, разход {m}
drain {v} (to lose liquid) :: изтичам, оттичам се
drain {v} (cause liquid to flow out of) :: отводнявам
drain {v} (dry out a wet place) :: пресушавам
drainage basin {n} (topographic region in which all water drains to a common outlet) :: водосборна зона {f}, водосборен басейн {m}
draisine {n} (light auxiliary rail vehicle) :: мотриса
drake {n} (male duck) :: паток {m}
dram {n} (Greek weight) SEE: drachma ::
dramatic {adj} (of or relating to the drama) :: драматичен
dramatic {adj} (striking in appearance or effect) :: драматичен
dramatic {adj} (having a powerful, expressive singing voice) :: драматичен
dramatic present {n} (tense) SEE: historical present ::
dramatics {n} (the art of acting and stagecraft) :: драматургия {f}
dramatist {n} (playwright) SEE: playwright ::
dramatization {n} (the act of dramatizing) :: драматизация {f}
dramatize {v} (to adapt a literary work) :: драматизирам
dramatize {v} (to present something in a dramatic or melodramatic manner) :: драматизирам
drape {n} (curtain, drapery) SEE: curtain ::
drape {v} (to cover or adorn with drapery or folds of cloth, or as with drapery) :: драпирам
drape {v} (to spread over; to cover) :: обвивам
drapery {n} (uncountable: cloth draped gracefully in folds) :: драперия {f}
drapes {n} (UK plural) SEE: drape ::
drastic {adj} (extreme, severe) :: драстичен
drat {v} (to damn or curse) :: проклинам
drat {interj} (cry of anger or frustration) :: по дяволите!
draught {n} (game piece) :: шашки {p}
draughts {n} (game for two players) :: дама {f}
draughtsman {n} (person skilled at drawing engineering or architectural plans) :: чертожник {m}
draw {v} (to produce a picture) :: рисувам {impf}, нарисувам {pf}
draw {v} (to pull out) :: тегля, дърпам, изтеглям
draw {v} (to attract) :: привличам, примамвам
draw {v} (to deduce or infer) :: заключавам
draw {v} (to close curtains etc.) :: дърпам
draw {v} (to end a game with neither side winning) :: завършвам наравно
draw {v} (to determine the result of a lottery) :: тегля
draw {n} (tie as a result of a game) :: равенство {n}
draw {n} (procedure by which the result of a lottery is determined) :: теглене {n}
draw {v} (to cause) SEE: cause ::
draw {v} (to inhale) SEE: inhale ::
draw {v} (to disembowel) SEE: disembowel ::
drawback {n} (a disadvantage) :: пречка {f}, затруднение {n}
drawer {n} (open-topped box in a cabinet used for storing) :: чекмедже {n}
drawer {n} (one who draws something) :: чертожник {m}, рисувач {m}
drawer {n} (artist who primarily makes drawings) :: график {m}
drawers {n} (plural of drawer) SEE: drawer ::
drawers {n} (long underpants) :: дълги гащи {p}
drawing {n} (picture, likeness, diagram or representation) :: рисунка {f}, чертеж {m}
drawing {n} (act of producing a picture) :: рисуване {n}, чертане {n}
drawing {n} (action where the outcome is selected by chance using a draw) :: теглене {n}
drawing pin {n} (tack for attaching paper) SEE: thumbtack ::
drawing room {n} (room where visitors may be entertained) :: гостна стая
drawl {v} (to speak with a drawl) :: говоря провлечено
drawl {n} (way of speaking slowly) :: провлечен говор
dray {n} (horse-drawn cart) :: каруца {f}
dread {v} (to fear greatly) :: страхувам се {impf}
dread {v} (to anticipate with fear) :: опасявам се {impf}
dread {n} (great fear in view of impending evil) :: страх {m}, боязън {f}
dreadful {adv} (causing dread) :: страшен, ужасен
dreadnought {n} (battleship) :: дредноут {m}
dream {n} (imaginary events seen while sleeping) :: сън {m}
dream {n} (hope or wish) :: сън {m}, сънища {p}, мечта {f}
dream {v} (see imaginary events while sleeping) :: сънувам
dream {v} (to hope, to wish) :: мечтая {impf}
dream {v} (to create an imaginary experience) :: мечтая {impf}
dream {v} (daydream) SEE: daydream ::
dreamcatcher {n} (decorative Native American object) :: ловец на сънища {m}
dreamer {n} (ladybird) SEE: ladybird ::
dreamish {adj} (resembling a dream) SEE: dreamlike ::
dreamlike {adj} (like something from a dream) :: приказен, фантастичен, мечтателен
dreamy {adj} (sexy or attractive) :: чудесен
dreamy {adj} (resembling a dream) SEE: dreamlike ::
dreary {adj} (drab) :: тъжен, мрачен
dredge {n} (dredging machine) :: драга {f}
dredge {v} (to make a channel deeper) :: драгирам
dredge {v} (to unearth) :: изгребвам
dredge {v} (to coat moistened food with powder) :: наръсвам
dreg {n} (sediment in a liquid) :: утайка {f}
drench {v} (to soak, to make very wet) :: намокрям, напоявам
Dresden {prop} (capital city of the German Federal State of Saxony) :: Дрезден {m}
dress {v} (to clothe (something or somebody)) :: обличам {impf}, облека {pf}
dress {v} (to clothe oneself) :: обличам се {impf}, облека се {pf}
dress {v} (to bandage (a wound)) :: превързвам
dress {n} (item of clothing worn by a woman) :: рокля {f}
dress {n} (apparel) :: облекло {n}
dressage {n} (schooling of a horse) :: обяздване {n}
dressage {n} (event of the horse sport) :: паркур {m}
dresser {n} (kitchen furniture) :: кухненскибюфет {m}
dresser {n} (bedroom furniture) :: тоалетка {f}
dressing {n} (material applied to a wound) :: превръзка {f}
dressing {n} (activity of getting dressed) :: обличане {n}
dressing-down {n} (reprimand) SEE: reprimand ::
dressing gown {n} (item of clothing) :: халат {m}, пеньоар {m}
dressing room {n} :: гримьорна, съблекалня
dressing table {n} (low table equipped with mirror for dressing and makeup) :: тоалетка {f}
dressmaker {n} (person who makes women's clothes) :: шивачка {f}
dressy {adj} (elegant, smart or stylish) :: натруфен, елегантен
dribble {v} (to let saliva drip from the mouth) :: лигавя се
dribble {v} (to fall in drops or an unsteady stream) :: капя, църцоря
dribble {v} (to move (with) a ball by kicking or bouncing it) :: дриблирам
dribble {v} (to let something fall in drips) :: изкапвам
dribble {n} (trickle) :: капене {n}, росене {n}
dribble {n} (small amount of liquid) :: капка {f}
dribble {n} (act of kicking or bouncing a ball) :: дрибъл {m}
dried {adj} (without water or moisture) :: сух, изсушен
drift {n} (shallow place in a river) SEE: ford ::
drift {n} (act or motion of drifting) :: течение {n}, дрейф {m}
drift {n} (course or direction along which anything is driven; setting) :: насока {f}
drift {n} (the tendency of an act, argument, course of conduct, or the like; object aimed at or intended; intention) :: тенденция {f}
drift {n} (mass of matter which has been driven or forced onward together in a body, or thrown together in a heap, etc.) :: навяване {n}
drift {n} (distance through which a current flows in a given time) :: дрейф {m}
drift {n} (angle which the line of a ship's motion makes with the meridian, in drifting) :: дрейф {m}
drift {n} (distance to which a vessel is carried off from her desired course by the wind, currents, or other causes) :: дрейф {m}
drift {v} (to move slowly, pushed by currents of water, air, etc) :: дрейфувам
drift {v} (to move haphazardly without any destination) :: нося се
drift {v} (to deviate gently from the intended direction of travel) :: дрейфувам
driftage {n} (Deviation from a ship's course) :: дрейф {m}
drill {v} (to make a hole) :: пробивам, сондирам
drill {v} (to practice) :: тренирам, обучавам се
drill {v} (to cause to drill, or practise) :: обучавам
drill {n} (tool) :: свредел {m}, бормашина {f}
drill {n} (driving part of a drill) :: бургия {f}
drill {n} (activity done as an exercise or practice) :: тренировка {f}, строева подготовка {f}
drill {n} (Old World monkey) :: мандрил {m}
drill {n} (cotton fabric) :: габардин {m}
drink {v} (consume liquid through the mouth) :: пия {impf}
drink {v} (consume alcoholic beverages) :: пия {impf}
drink {n} (served beverage) :: питие {n}, напитка {f}
drink {n} (type of beverage) :: напитка {f}
drink {n} (served alcoholic beverage) :: питие {n}
drink {n} (action of drinking) :: пиене {n}
drink {n} (alcoholic beverages in general) :: алкохолни напитки {p}
drink {v} (consume liquid through the mouth) :: пия {impf}
drink {v} (consume alcoholic beverages) :: пия {impf}
drinkable {adj} (safe to drink) :: питеен, годен за пиене
drinkable {adj} (of good or satisfactory quality) :: пивък
drinker {n} (one that drinks) :: пияч {m}
drinker {n} (regular drinker of alcohol) :: пияница {m}
drinking straw {n} (a long plastic or paper tube through which a drink is drunk) :: сламка {f}
drinking water {n} (water for humans) :: питейна вода {f}
drip {v} (to fall one drop at a time) :: капя
drip {v} (to leak slowly) :: капя
drip {v} (to let fall in drops) :: изкапвам
drip {n} (a drop of a liquid) :: капка {f}
drip {n} (an apparatus that slowly releases a liquid) :: система {f}
dripstone {n} (protective moulding) :: корниз {m}, навес {m}
dripstone {n} (stalactites and stalagmites collectively) :: сталактон {m}
drive {n} (motivation to do or achieve) :: подтик {m}
drive {n} (trip made in a motor vehicle) :: возене {n}
drive {v} (herd (animals) in a particular direction) :: гоня {impf}, карам {impf}
drive {v} (cause animals to flee out of) :: гоня {impf}
drive {v} (cause a mechanism to operate) :: задвижвам
drive {v} (operate (a wheeled motorized vehicle)) :: карам
drive {v} (to motivate) :: карам, мотивирам
drive {v} (compel (to do something)) :: карам, принуждавам
drive {v} (to travel by operating a motorized vehicle) :: возя се
drive {v} (convey (a person, etc) in a wheeled motorized vehicle) :: возя
drivel {n} (senseless talk) :: глупости {p}, безсмислици {p}
drivel {n} (saliva, drool) :: лиги {p}, слюнка {f}
drivel {v} (to have saliva drip from the mouth) :: лигавя се
drivel {v} (to talk nonsense) :: говоря глупости
driver {n} (one who drives something, e.g. cattle) :: водач {m}
driver {n} (person who drives a motorized vehicle, such as a car or a bus) :: шофьор {m}
driver {n} (program acting as interface between an application and hardware) :: драйвър {m}
driver's licence {n} (document) SEE: driver's license ::
driver's license {n} (documenting permitting a person to drive) :: шофьорска карта {f}, шофьорска книжка {f}
driving {adj} (that drives) :: движещ, двигателен
driving {adj} (forceful of rain) :: пороен
driving {n} (action of operating a motor vehicle) :: шофиране {n}
driving licence {n} (document) SEE: driver's license ::
drizzle {v} (to rain lightly) :: ръмя
drizzle {v} (to urinate) :: пикая
drizzle {n} (light rain) :: ситен дъжд
drizzly {adj} (abounding with drizzle; drizzling) :: ръмящ
drogue {n} (device used in whaling) :: поплавък {m}
drogue {n} (nautical: type of bag pulled behind a boat) :: плаваща котва {f}
droll {adj} (oddly humorous; whimsical) :: смешен, комичен
dromedary {n} (single-humped camel) :: едногърба камила {f}
drone {n} (male bee) :: търтей {m}
drone {n} (unmanned aircraft) :: дрон {m}
drone {n} (a low-pitched hum or buzz) :: бръмчене
drone {n} (hum or buzz) :: бръмчене {n}
drone {n} (fixed-pitch pipe in bagpipe) :: ручило {n}
drool {v} (secrete saliva) :: лигавя се, текат ми лигите
drool {v} (talk nonsense) :: говоря глупости
drool {n} (saliva) :: лиги {p}
droop {v} (to sink or hang downward; to sag) :: свеждам, клюмвам
droop {v} (to slowly become limp; to bend gradually) :: отслабвам, клюмвам
droop {v} (to lose all enthusiasm or happiness) :: унивам
droop {n} (a condition or posture of drooping) :: униние {n}
drop {n} (small mass of liquid) :: капка {f}
drop {n} (small, round piece of hard candy) :: драже {n}
drop {v} (to fall) :: падам
drop {v} (to allow to fall from one's grasp) :: изпускам
drop {v} (to decrease in value) :: спадам, понижавам се
drop {v} (to fail to pronounce) :: пропускам
droplet {n} (very small drop) :: капчица {f}
dropping {n} (animal excrement) :: курешки {f-p}
dropsy {n} (swelling) :: воднянка {f}
dropwort {n} (perennial herb) :: орехче {n}, отвратниче {n}
dross {n} (Waste or impure matter) :: отпадъци {m-p}
dross {n} (Residue that forms on the surface of a metal) :: шлака {f}
dross {n} (The impurities in metal) :: примес {m}
drought {n} (period of unusually low rain fall) :: суша {f}
droughty {adj} (lacking rain) :: сушав
drove {n} (a number of cattle driven to market or new pastures) :: черда, стадо
drove {n} (a large number of people on the move) :: тълпа {f}
drown {v} (to be suffocated in fluid) :: давя се, удавям се
drown {v} (to deprive of life by immerson in liquid) :: давя
drown {v} (to overwhelm in water) :: потапям, заливам
drown {v} (to overpower) :: заглушавам
drowse {v} (to be sleepy and inactive) :: дремя
drowse {v} (To nod off; to fall asleep) :: задрямвам
drowse {n} (state of being sleepy and inactive) :: дрямка
drowsiness {n} (State of being drowsy) :: сънливост
drowsy {adj} (inclined to drowse) :: сънлив
drowsy {adj} (disposing to sleep) :: приспивателен
drug {n} (substance used as a medical treatment, see also: medicine) :: лекарство {n}
drug {n} (psychoactive substance ingested for recreational use, especially illegal and addictive one) :: дрога {f}, наркотик {m}
drug {v} (to administer intoxicating drugs) :: дрогирам се, взимам наркотици
drug addict {n} (person with a chemical or psychological dependency on drugs) :: наркоман {m}, зависим {m}
drug addiction {n} (dependency on illegal drugs) :: наркомания {f}
drug dealer {n} (person who illegally sells drugs) :: дилър {m}
drugstore {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy ::
drum {n} (musical instrument) :: барабан {m}, тъпан {m}
drum {n} (barrel etc. for liquid) :: варел {m}
drum {v} (to beat a drum) :: бия барабан
drum {v} (to beat with a rapid succession of strokes) :: барабаня
drum {v} (to review to establish memorization) :: набивам
drummer {n} (one who plays the drums) :: барабанчик {m}, барабанист {m}
drummer {n} (traveling salesman) :: пътуващ търговец
drumstick {n} (stick used to play drums) :: палка {f}
drumstick {n} (leg bone of a chicken or other fowl) :: бутче {n}
drunk {adj} (intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol) :: пиян
drunk {adj} (elated by emotion) :: опиянен, въодушевен
drunk {n} (habitual drinker) :: пияница {m}
drunkard {n} (person who is habitually drunk) SEE: drunk ::
druse {n} (an inner surface with a crust of tiny crystals) :: друза {f}
dry {adj} (free from liquid or moisture) :: сух
dry {adj} (free of water in any state) :: сух
dry {v} (to become dry) :: съхна, изсъхвам
dry {v} (to make dry) :: суша, изсушавам
dryad {n} (female tree spirit) :: дриада {f}
drydock {n} (dock that can be drained of water) :: сух док {m}
dryer {n} (household appliance for drying clothing) :: сушилня {f}
dryer {n} (hairdryer) SEE: hairdryer ::
dryly {adv} (in a dry manner) :: хладно, безчувствено
drywall {n} (building material) :: гипсокартон {m}
dual {adj} (having two components) :: от две части
dual {adj} (double) :: двоен
duality {n} (mathematical equivalence of two seemingly different theoretical descriptions of a physical system) :: дуализъм {m}
dual number {n} (grammatical number denoting a quantity of exactly two) SEE: dual ::
dub {v} (to confer knighthood) :: посвещавам
dub {v} (to name, to entitle, to call) :: наричам
Dubai {prop} (one of the emirates of the United Arab Emirates) :: Дубай {m}
dubious {adj} (arousing doubt) :: съмнителен
dubious {adj} (in disbelief, uncertain) :: несигурен
dubitation {n} (process of doubting) :: съмнение {n}
Dublin {prop} (the capital of the Republic of Ireland) :: Дъблин
dubnium {n} (chemical element) :: дубний {m}
Dubrovnik {prop} (Croatian port-city) :: Дубровник
duchess {n} (female spouse or widow of a duke) :: херцогиня {f}, дукеса {f}
duchess {n} (female ruler of a duchy) :: херцогиня {f}, дукеса {f}
duchy {n} (a dominion or region ruled by a duke or duchess) :: херцогство {n}, княжество {n}
duck {v} (to quickly lower the head or body (intransitive)) :: навеждам се
duck {v} (to lower into the water) :: гмуркам се, потапям се
duck {v} (to try to evade doing something) :: избягвам
duck {n} (aquatic bird of the family Anatidae) :: патица {f}, патка {f}, паток {m}
duck {n} (female duck) :: патица {f}
duck {n} (flesh of a duck used as food) :: патешко месо {n}
duck {n} (cotton fabric) :: док {m}
duckbill {n} (duck-billed platypus) :: птицечовка
duckling {n} (young duck) :: пате {n}, патенце {n}, патенце {n}
duckwalk {v} (jump) :: патешко ходене
duckweed {n} (plant) :: водна леща {f}
duct {n} (a pipe, tube or canal which carries air or liquid from one place to another) :: канал {m}, тръба {f}
ductile {adj} (capable of being pulled or stretched into thin wire) :: ковък
ductile {adj} (molded easily into a new form) :: пластичен
ductile {adj} (easily led) :: податлив
ductility {n} (ability of material) :: разтегливост {f}
ductus deferens {n} (vas deferens) SEE: vas deferens ::
dude {n} (dandy) SEE: dandy ::
dude {n} (colloquial: man) :: пич {m}
dude {n} (colloquial: term of address for a young man) :: пич
due {adj} (owed or owing, to be paid by the stated time) :: дължим
due {adv} (used with compass directions: directly or exactly) :: право
due {n} (deserved acknowledgement) :: дължимо {n}, полагаемо
duel {n} (combat between two persons) :: дуел {m}, двубой
duel {n} (struggle between two parties) :: двубой {m}
duel {v} (engage in a duel) :: дуелирам се
duenna {n} (a chaperon of a young lady) :: компаньонка {f}
duenna {n} (a governess or nanny) :: гувернантка {f}
duet {n} (a musical composition for two performers) :: дует {m}
due to {prep} (caused by) :: благодарение на
duff {n} (the buttocks) :: задник {m}
duffer {n} (incompetent or clumsy person) :: некадърник {m}, нескопосник {m}
dug {n} (mammary gland on domestic mammal) :: цицка, бозка
dugong {n} (Dugong dugon) :: дюгон {m}
dugout {n} (canoe) :: еднодръвка {f}
dugout {n} (shelter) :: укритие {n}, землянка {f}
duke {n} (male ruler of a duchy) :: херцог {m}, дук {m}
duke {n} (male holder of a dukedom) :: херцог {m}, дук {m}
duke {n} (grand duke) :: велик херцог {m}
duke {n} (slang: fist) :: юмрук {m}
dukhan {n} (a small restaurant, tavern or a shop in the Caucasus and Crimea) :: дюкян {m}
dulcet {adj} (sweet (voice, tone), melodious) :: мелодичен
dulcet {adj} (generally pleasing, soothing, agreeable) :: приятен
dulcet {adj} (sweet to the taste) :: сладък
dulcimer {n} (musical instrument) :: цимбал
dull {adj} (lacking the ability to cut easily; not sharp) :: тъп
dull {adj} (boring) :: скучен
dull {adj} (not shiny) :: матов
dull {adj} (not bright or intelligent) :: тъп
dull {v} (to render dull) :: притъпявам
dull {v} (to soften, moderate or blunt) :: смекчавам
dull {v} (to become dull) :: притъпявам се
dullard {n} (A stupid person; a fool) :: тъпак {m}
duly {adv} (properly) :: съответно, надлежно
duly {adv} (regularly) :: навреме
duma {n} (lower house of Russian national parliament) :: дума {f}
dumb {adj} (unable to speak) SEE: mute ::
dumb {adj} (extremely stupid) :: тъп
dumbbell {n} (a weight with two disks attached to a short bar) :: гира {f}
dumbbell {n} (a stupid person) :: тъпак {m}
dumbfound {v} (to confuse and bewilder) :: смайвам, слисвам
dumbledore {n} (beetle) SEE: beetle ::
dumbledore {n} (bumblebee) SEE: bumblebee ::
dumbledore {n} (dandelion) SEE: dandelion ::
dumb show {n} (performance) :: пантомима
dumbwaiter {n} (small elevator) :: кухненски асансьор {m}
dummy {n} (an unintelligent person) :: тъпак {m}
dummy {n} (something constructed with the size and form of a human) :: манекен {m}
dummy {n} (a deliberately nonfunctional placeholder) :: бутафория {f}
dummy {n} ((bridge) the partner of the winning bidder, who shows his or her hand.) :: мор
dummy {n} (a feigned pass or play to deceive others in sport) :: финт {m}
dummy {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier ::
dump {n} (a place where waste or garbage is left) :: бунище {n}, отвал {m}
dump {v} (to release) :: стоварвам
dump {v} (to discard, to get rid of) :: отървавам се от
dumping {n} (selling goods at less than their normal price, especially in the export market) :: дъмпинг {m}
dumpish {adj} (Sad, melancholy) :: тъжен, мрачен
dumpling {n} (food) :: кнедла {f}
dumpling {n} (term of endearment) :: дундьо
dumpy {adj} (short and thick) :: тантурест, трътлест
dun {n} (colour) :: сиво-кафяв
dun {adj} (of a brownish grey colour) :: сиво-кафяв
Dundee {prop} (city) :: Дънди {m}
dune {n} (a ridge or hill of sand piled up by the wind) :: дюна {f}
Dunfermline {prop} (town in Fife) :: Дънфърмлин {m}
dung {n} (manure) :: оборски тор {m}, тор {m}
dung {v} (to fertilize with dung) :: торя
dungaree {n} (heavy denim fabric, often blue; blue jean material) :: дънков плат
dungeon {n} (underground prison or vault) :: тъмница {f}
dung heap {n} (dunghill) SEE: dunghill ::
dunghill {n} (heap of dung) :: торище {n}
dunk {v} (to submerge briefly in a liquid) :: потапям
dunk {v} (basketball) :: забивам
dunk {n} (basketball dunking) :: забивка
dunlin {n} (Calidris alpina) :: тъмногръд брегобегач
dunnock {n} (bird) :: сивогуша завирушка
duodecimal {adj} (expressed in a base-twelve number system) :: дванадесетичен
duodenum {n} (first part of the small intestine) :: дванадесетопръстник {m}
dupable {adj} (Capable of being duped) :: лековерен
dupe {n} (deceived person) :: лековерник {m}, будала {m}
dupe {v} (to swindle, deceive, or trick) :: мамя, измамвам
duplex {adj} (double) :: двоен, сдвоен
duplex {adj} (two direction) :: двупосочен
duplicate {adj} (identical) :: идентичен, аналогичен
duplicate {v} (to make a copy of) :: правя копие
duplicate {v} (to produce something equal to) :: дублирам
duplicate {n} (an identical copy) :: копие
duplication {n} (duplicating) :: удвояване, вадене на копия
duplicitous {adj} (given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech) :: двуличен
duplicity {n} (intentional deceptiveness) :: двойственост {f}, двуличие {n}
durability {n} (Permanence by virtue of the power to resist stress or force) :: трайност {f}
durable {adj} (able to resist wear; enduring) :: траен, устойчив
duramen {n} (heartwood) SEE: heartwood ::
duration {n} (amount of time) :: продължителност {f}, времетраене {n}
duress {n} (constraint by threat) :: принуда {f}
Durex {n} (condom) SEE: condom ::
durian {n} (fruit) :: дуриан {m}
during {prep} (for all of a given time interval) :: в продължение на
during {prep} (within a given time interval) :: по време на
durra {n} (Sorghum bicolor) :: двуцветно просо {n}
Durrës {prop} (Adriatic port city in Albania) :: Драч {m}
dusk {n} (period of time at the end of day when sun is below the horizon but before full onset of night) :: здрач {m}, сумрак {m}, привечер {f}
dusk {v} (to grow dusk) :: смрачава се
dusky {adj} (dimly lit, as at dusk evening) :: сумрачен
dust {n} (fine, dry particles) :: прах {m}
dust {v} ((intransitive) to clean by removing dust) :: бърша прах
dust {v} ((transitive) to remove dust from) :: бърша прах
dust {v} (to spray something with fine powder or liquid) :: поръсвам
dustman {n} (garbage collector) SEE: garbage collector ::
dustpan {n} (flat scoop for assembling dust) :: лопатка {f}
dusty {adj} (covered with dust) :: прашен
dusty {adj} (grey in parts) :: пепеляв
Dutch {adj} (of the Netherlands, people, or language) :: холандски
Dutch {prop} (the Dutch language) :: холандски
Dutch {n} (people from the Netherlands) :: холандец {m}
Dutch elm disease {n} (disease of elm trees) :: холандската брястова болест {f}
Dutchman {n} (a Dutch man) :: холандец {m}
Dutchwoman {n} (a Dutch woman) :: холандка {f}
duteous {adj} (obsequious; submissively obedient) :: покорен, послушен
dutiable {adj} (on which duty must be paid when imported or sold) :: облагаем с мито
duty {n} (that which one is morally or legally obligated to do) :: дълг {m}
duty {n} (period of time) :: дежурство {n}
duty {n} (tax; tariff) :: мито {n}
duty-free {adj} (exempt from duty, especially customs) :: безмитен
duvet {n} (quilt) :: юрган {m}
dwarf {n} (being from folklore, underground dwelling nature spirit) :: джудже {n}, гном {m}
dwarf {n} (small person) :: джудже {n}
dwarf {n} (something much smaller than the usual of its sort) :: мъниче {n}
dwarf {n} (astronomy: relatively small star) :: джудже {n}
dwarf {adj} (miniature) :: дребен
dwarfish {adj} (being especially small) :: дребен, недоразвит
dwell {v} (live, reside) :: живея {impf}, обитавам {impf}
dweller {n} (inhabitant) SEE: inhabitant ::
dwelling {n} (house or place in which a person lives) :: жилище {n}
dwell on {v} (to continue to think or talk about (something or someone)) :: спирам се на
dwindle {v} ((intransitive) to decrease, shrink, vanish) :: смалявам се, свивам се
dyad {n} (set of two different elements) :: двойка {f}, чифт {m}
dyad {n} (pair of things standing in particular relation) :: чифт {m}
dyad {n} ((chemistry) element, atom, etc., having a valence of two) :: двувалентен елемент {m}
dye {n} (a colourant, especially one that has an affinity to the substrate to which it is applied) :: боя {f}
dye {v} (to colour with dye) :: боядисвам
dye {n} (die) SEE: die ::
dyer {n} (one whose occupation is to dye) :: бояджия {m}
dying {adj} (approaching death) :: умиращ
dying {adj} (declining, or drawing to an end) :: пропадащ
dying {adj} (pertaining to the moments before death) :: предсмъртен
dying {n} (process of approaching death) :: умиране {n}
dying {n} (those who are currently expiring) :: умиращи {p}
dyke {n} (ditch) SEE: ditch ::
dyke {n} (ditch and bank running alongside each other) :: канавка {f}, отводнителен канал
dyke {n} (barrier to prevent flooding) :: дига {f}
dynamic {adj} (not steady; in motion) :: динамичен
dynamic {adj} (powerful) :: динамичен, енергичен
dynamic {adj} (able to change) :: променлив
dynamic {n} (a behavior) :: динамика {f}
dynamic {n} (the varying loudness or volume) :: динамика {f}
dynamics {n} (branch of mechanics) :: динамика {f}
dynamite {n} (class of explosives) :: динамит {m}
dynasty {n} (A series of rulers or dynasts from one family) :: династия {f}
dyne {n} (unit of force) :: дина
dyscalculia {n} (pathology: difficulty with numbers) :: дискалкулия
dysentery {n} (disease characterised by inflammation of the intestines) :: дизентерия {f}
dysgraphia {n} (language disorder) :: дисграфия, аграфия
dyslogistic {adj} (expressing censure or disapproval) :: неодобрителен
dyspepsia {n} (pathology: disorder of digestion) :: храносмилателно разстройство
dysphagia {n} (difficulty in swallowing) :: разстройство в дъвченето
dysphoria {n} (state of feeling unwell, unhappy, restless or depressed) :: дисфория {f}
dyspnea {n} (difficult respiration) :: затруднено дишане {n}
dysprosium {n} (chemical element) :: диспросий
dystopia {n} :: дистопия
dzhigit {n} (a brave equestrian in the Caucasus and Central Asia) :: джигит {m}