User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-g - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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gabinet {m inan} :: study (room)
gabinet {m inan} :: office, a room where professional or clerical duties are performed
gabinet {m inan} :: doctor's office, surgery (UK sense)
gabinet {m inan} [politics] :: cabinet
gabinet {m inan} [dated] :: exhibition room
Gabon {prop} {m} :: Gabon
Gabonka {f} :: a female Gabonese
Gabończyk {m pers} :: a male Gabonese
Gabriel {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Gabriel {prop} {m pers} :: Gabriel (archangel)
Gabriela {prop} {f} :: given name
gacek {m anim} :: Any bat of the genus Plecotus; a long-eared bat
gacek {m pers} :: Someone with large, protruding ears
gacek {m inan} [regional] :: The thong of a flail
gach {m pers} [colloquial] :: lover (sexual partner)
gach {m pers} [archaic] :: suitor, wooer
gach {m anim} :: male hare
gacie {p} [colloquial] :: panties, briefs, undies
gacie {p} [colloquial] :: trousers
gacoperz {m anim} [Łowicz] :: bat (mammal)
gacoperz {m anim} [obsolete] :: A bat of the genus Vespertilio
gacopiyrz {m anim} [Zaolzie] :: bat (chiropteran)
gad {m anim} :: reptile (cold-blooded vertebrate of the class Reptilia)
gad {m anim} [Cieszyn Silesia, Upper Silesia, Bukovina] :: snake (reptile of the suborder Serpentes)
gad {m pers} :: scoundrel (villain)
gadać {v impf} :: to jabber, to yak
gadać {v impf} :: to talk
gadatliwy {adj} :: talkative, loquacious (tending to talk or speak freely or often)
gadka {f} [colloquial] :: talk, conversation
gadka {f} [colloquial] :: gossip, rumour
gadka {f} [obsolete] :: tale, story
gadolin {m inan} :: gadolinium (chemical element, Gd, atomic number 64)
gadożer {m anim} :: snake eagle, bird of prey of the genus Circaetus
gadu-gadu {interj} [colloquial] :: yackety-yak, chit-chat
gaduła {m pers} :: A male person who is very or excessively loquacious; a chatterbox; a windbag
gaduła {f} :: A female person who is very or excessively loquacious; a chatterbox; a windbag
gadułka {f} :: gadulka (musical instrument)
gadułka {f} [rare] :: diminutive of gaduła (female person)
gadułka {f} [archaic] :: chat (informal conversation)
gadułka {m pers} [rare] :: diminutive of gaduła (male person)
gadzi {adj} [relational] :: reptile, reptilian (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of reptiles)
gadzinka {f} :: diminutive of gadzina
gadzinka {f} [Bukovina] :: frog (amphibian)
gadzinówka {f} [historic] :: newspaper published in the local language that serves the interests of a foreign occupant
gadzinówka {f} [derogatory] :: newspaper that publishes mainly political propaganda
gadżet {m inan} :: gadget, gimmick (any device or machine)
gafa {f} :: blunder, faux pas
gagauski {adj} :: Gagauz
gaik {m inan} :: A small grove or copse
gaik {m inan} :: A Slavic spring ritual in which a decorated pine branch, or small tree, is carried from house to house
gaik {m inan} :: The branch or tree used during the Slavic spring ritual
gaj {m inan} :: grove
Gaja {prop} {f} :: Gaea, Gaia (Greek goddess of the earth)
gajer {m inan} [colloquial] :: suit, lounge suit
gajerek {m inan} :: diminutive of gajer
gajowy {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a grove
gajowy {m pers} [dated or colloquial] :: ranger, gamekeeper; forestkeeper
gajowy {m pers} [politics, derogatory] :: Bronisław Komorowski, a reference to his hunting habits
gajowy {m pers} :: leshy (a male woodland spirit in Slavic mythology)
gajówka {f} :: garden warbler (Sylvia borin)
gajówka {f} :: forestkeeper's house
gal. {noun} :: abbreviation of galijski
gal {m inan} :: gallium
gal {m inan} :: A galileo
Gal {m pers} :: Gaul (person)
gala {f} :: gala (showy and festive party)
gala {f} :: costume for gala, formal dress
galaktoza {f} [biochemistry] :: galactose
galaktycznie {adv} :: galactically; in a galactic manner
galaktyczny {adj} :: galactic
galaktyka {f} :: galaxy
galareta {f} :: jelly, aspic
galas {m inan} :: gall (blister or tumor-like growth found on the surface of plants)
galeon {m inan} :: galleon
galeria {f} [architecture] :: gallery (institution, building, or room for the exhibition and conservation of works of art)
galeria {f} :: shopping centre
galernik {m pers} :: galley slave (slave in a galley)
galernik {m pers} :: convict (person deported to a penal colony)
Galia {prop} {f} :: Gaul [region]
Galicja {prop} {f} :: Galicia, historical kingdom in Central Europe
galicyjski {adj} :: Galician (of or pertaining to Galicia in Central Europe)
galicyzm {m inan} [linguistics] :: Gallicism
galijski {adj} :: Gaulish
Galilea {prop} {f} :: Galilea (region)
galimatias {m inan} [colloquial] :: mishmash, hotchpotch
galisyjski {adj} :: Galician (of or pertaining to Galicia in Iberia)
galop {m inan} :: canter (three-beat horse gait)
galopować {v impf} :: to canter
galopowanie {n} :: verbal noun of galopować
galoty {nv} [colloquial] :: panties
galoty {nv} [Upper Silesia] :: trousers
gała {f} :: augmentative of gałka
gała {f} [colloquial] :: football
gała {f} [colloquial, usually plural] :: eye
gała {f} [school slang] :: bad mark, F
gała {f} [slang] :: blowjob
gała {f} [slang] :: penis
gała {f} [Białystok, derogatory] :: loser
gałązka {f} :: diminutive of gałąź
gałąź {f} :: branch, limb
gałeczka {f} :: diminutive of gałka
gałęzatka {f} :: Any green algae of the genus Cladophora
gałęzatkowiec {m inan} :: Any green alga of the order Cladophorales
gałęziak {m anim} :: branchling; a juvenile owl which has left its nest but is not yet able to fly
gałęziak {m inan} [botany] :: cladode
gałęziak {m inan} :: Any moss of the genus Eucladium
gałęziak {m inan} [obsolete] :: Any fungus of the genus Ramaria
gałęź {f} [proscribed] :: alternative form of gałąź
gałga {f} [archaic] :: sweet flag
gałgan {m inan} :: rag, damaged piece of fabric
gałgan {m inan} [colloquial] :: clothes, attire
gałgan {m inan} [archaic] :: sweet flag
gałgan {m pers} [colloquial] :: ne'er-do-well
gałgan {m pers} [dated] :: pauper
gałka {f} :: knob
gałka {f} :: scoop (e.g. of ice cream)
gałka {f} :: control knob, dial (control on a device)
gałka {f} [colloquial] :: snowball
gałka {f} [archaic] :: ballot
gałka muszkatołowa {f} :: nutmeg (seed)
gamajda {m pers} :: clumsy person, numbskull, slouch, oaf
Gambia {prop} {f} :: Gambia (country)
Gambijczyk {m pers} :: a male Gambian
Gambijka {f} :: a female Gambian
gamepad {m inan} :: gamepad
gamoń {m pers} :: gawk, bumpkin, nincompoop
gamrat {m pers} [obsolete] :: companion, friend
gamrat {m pers} [obsolete] :: lover
gamratka {f} [obsolete] :: prostitute
gancarski {adj} :: alternative form of garncarski
gancarz {m pers} :: alternative form of garncarz
Gandawa {prop} {f} :: Gandawa (capital city)
ganeczek {m inan} :: diminutive of ganek
ganek {m inan} :: porch
Ganges {prop} {m} :: Ganges (river in India and Bangladesh)
gangrena {f} :: gangrene
ganić {vt impf} :: to reprimand, to reprove
ganienie {n} :: verbal noun of ganić; reprimanding, reproving
Ganimedes {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Ganymede
Ganimedes {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Ganymede (moon of Jupiter)
gankowy {adj} [relational] :: porch
gap {m pers} [usually, in the plural, pejorative] :: gawker, gaper, mindless onlooker, rubbernecker
gapa {f} :: booby (person)
gapa {f} [Poznań] :: rook, raven, crow
gapić {vr impf} [colloquial] :: to stare, to gawk, to gape
gapowicz {m pers} :: fare dodger, passenger without a ticket
gapowicz {m pers} :: gawker, gaper, mindless onlooker, rubbernecker
gar {m inan} [colloquial] :: augmentative of garnek
garaż {m inan} :: garage (place to store a car)
garb {m inan} :: a hump (rounded fleshy mass)
garb {m inan} :: a hump (deformity of the human back)
garbarz {m pers} :: tanner (person whose occupation is to tan hides or convert them into leather)
garbaty {adj} :: humpbacked, hunchbacked
garbaty {adj} :: hooked
garbować {v impf} :: to tan (animal skin)
garbowanie {n} :: verbal noun of garbować
garbus {m pers} [colloquial] :: hunchback
garbus {m anim} [colloquial] :: Volkswagen Beetle car
garcorz {m pers} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: potter (one who makes pots and other ceramic wares)
gardełko {n} :: diminutive of gardło
gardenia {f} :: gardenia (any plant of the genus Gardenia)
garderoba {f} :: wardrobe
gardlinek {m anim} :: Any antwren of the genus Epinecrophylla
gardło {n} :: throat
gardzić {v impf} :: to despise, to hold in contempt, to disdain
gardziel {f} [literary, often, figurative] :: throat, especially of an animal
gargamel {m anim} [humorous] :: unsightly building, eyesore
gargantuiczny {adj} :: gargantuan (of the giant Gargantua or his appetite)
gargantuiczny {adj} :: gargantuan (immense)
gargulec {m inan} [architecture] :: gargoyle
garnąć {vt impf} :: to draw; to scoop
garnąć {vt impf} :: to win over
garnąć {vt impf} :: to give refuge
garnąć {vr impf} :: to feel attracted; to crave something
garncarski {adj} :: Of or pertaining to pottery (craft or profession)
garncarski {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a potter (someone who makes pots and other ceramic wares)
garncarz {m pers} :: potter (one who makes pots and other ceramic wares)
garncarz {m anim} :: hornero (any bird of the genus Furnarius)
garnczek {m inan} [colloquial] :: small pot (vessel used for cooking)
garnek {m inan} :: pot (vessel used for cooking)
garniec {m inan} :: augmentative of garnek
garnirunek {m inan} :: garnish
garnitur {m inan} :: suit, lounge suit
garnitur {m inan} :: ensemble (group of separate things that contribute to a coordinated whole)
garnitur {m inan} :: A group of people who have similar competence in the same areas
garniturek {m inan} :: diminutive of garnitur
garniturowy {adj} [relational] :: suit
garnizon {m inan} :: garrison
garnuszek {m inan} :: diminutive of garnek
garstka {f} :: diminutive of garść, small hand
garstka {f} :: handful, small number
garść {f} :: hand understood as a tool to hold something in it; grasp, grip
garść {f} :: handful, fistful
gasić {vt impf} :: to put out, extinguish
gasić {vt impf} :: to quench
gasić {vt impf} :: to switch off, turn off
Gaskonia {prop} {f} :: Gascony
gasnąć {vi impf} :: to go out, extinguish
gasnąć {vi impf} :: to fade, to wane
gastarbajter {m pers} :: guest worker
gastrofaza {f} [slang] :: munchies; hunger
gaszek {m pers} :: diminutive of gach
gaszenie {n} :: verbal noun of gasić
gaśnica {f} :: fire extinguisher
gaśniczy {adj} :: Pertaining to firefighting
gatki {p} [colloquial] :: diminutive of gacie
gatunek {m inan} :: species
gatunek {m inan} :: genre, sort
gatunek {m inan} :: breed
gatunek {m inan} :: quality, brand
gawęda {f} [literary] :: An informal, social conversation
gawęda {f} [literary] :: A tale; a story
gawęda {f} :: gawęda (Polish genre of literature, stylized as an oral tale)
gawędziarz {m pers} :: storyteller, raconteur
gawędzić {vi impf} :: to chat, to chit-chat
gawiedź {f} [derogatory] :: rabble (the mass of common people; the lowest class of people)
gaworzyć {v impf} :: to babble (utter indistinctly)
gawot {m inan} :: gavotte
gawra {f} :: bear den
gawron {m anim} :: rook (Corvus frugilegus)
gawroni {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a rook (Corvus frugilegus)
gawronię {n} :: rook chick (young Corvus frugilegus)
gaz {m inan} :: gas
gaz {m inan} :: accelerator, throttle; the pedal that controls engine speed in cars
gaz do dechy {interj} [idiom] :: hit the gas, put the pedal to the metal
gaz łupkowy {m inan} :: shale gas
gaz ziemny {m inan} :: natural gas
gaza {f} :: gauze (thin fabric with open weave)
gaza {f} [medicine] :: gauze (cotton fabric used as surgical dressing)
gazela {f} :: gazelle, antelope of the genus Gazella
gazeta {f} :: newspaper (publication)
gazetowy {adj} :: of, or pertaining to newspapers
gazetówka {f} [colloquial] :: newsprint
gazociąg {m inan} :: gas pipeline
gazowy {adj} [relational] :: gas, gaseous
gazowy {adj} [relational] :: gauze
gaźnik {m inan} :: carburetor
gaża {f} :: wage, fee
gąbka {f} :: sponge (invertebrate)
gąbka {f} :: sponge (material used for washing)
gąbka {f} :: diminutive of gęba
gąsiątko {n} :: diminutive of gąsię
gąsienica {f} :: caterpillar (the larva of a butterfly)
gąsienica {f} :: caterpillar track
gąsię {n} :: gosling
gąsior {m anim} :: gander (male goose)
gąsior {m inan} :: carboy; jug for wine
gąsior {m inan} :: A type of roof tile
gąsiorek {m anim} :: diminutive of gąsior (male goose)
gąsiorek {m anim} :: red-backed shrike (passerine bird)
gąsiorek {m inan} :: diminutive of gąsior (type of jug)
gąsiorek {m inan} :: diminutive of gąsior (type of roof tile)
gąska {f} :: diminutive of gęś
gąska {f} :: Tricholoma (genus of fungi in the family Tricholomataceae)
gąska {f} [slang] :: chick (young attractive woman)
gąszcz {m inan} :: thicket (copse)
gąszcz {f} :: thicket (copse)
gąszczak {m anim} :: scrubbird (bird of the genus Atrichornis)
gąść {v impf} [obsolete] :: to play a musical instrument
gązew {f} :: alternative form of gązwa
gązewnik {m inan} :: Any of various showy mistletoe (family Loranthaceae) belonging to genera Loranthus or Plicosepalus
gbur {m pers} [derogatory] :: arrogant, uncultured person
gbur {m pers} [archaic, regional] :: landed peasant
gdakać {vi impf} :: to cluck (to produce cluck sound)
gdakać {v impf} [colloquial] :: to yap; to talk a lot in an annoying manner
gdakanie {n} :: verbal noun of gdakać
gdakanie {n} :: clucking (sound made by a hen or any similar sound)
gdanisko {n} [architecture] :: dansker
Gdańsk {prop} {m} :: Gdańsk (a city in Poland, capital of the Pomeranian voivodeship)
gdański {adj} :: Gdańsk (of, from or pertaining to Gdańsk in Poland)
gdańszczanin {m pers} :: A male resident or native of Gdańsk
gdańszczanka {f} :: A female resident or native of Gdańsk
GDDKiA {f} :: initialism of Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad
gdy {conj} :: when, as
gdyby {conj} :: if
gdybym {conj} :: Combined form of gdyby + -m
gdybyś {conj} :: Combined form of gdyby +
gdybyście {conj} :: Combined form of gdyby + -ście
gdybyśmy {conj} :: Combined form of gdyby + -śmy
Gdynia {prop} {f} :: City in the Pomeranian Voivodeship of Poland. Part of Tricity
gdyński {adj} :: Gdynian (of, from or pertaining to Gdynia in Poland)
gdyż {conj} [formal] :: because, for
gdzie {pron} :: where, in what place
gdzie {pron} [colloquial, proscribed] :: to what place, whither
gdzie {conj} :: where
gdzie bądź {adv} [idiom, humorous] :: wherever, anywhere
gdzie dwóch Polaków, tam trzy opinie {phrase} :: Where there are two Poles, there are three opinions; alternative form of gdzie dwóch Polaków, tam trzy zdania
gdzie dwóch Polaków, tam trzy partie {phrase} :: Where there are two Poles, there are three political parties; alternative form of gdzie dwóch Polaków, tam trzy zdania
gdzie dwóch Polaków, tam trzy poglądy {phrase} :: Where there are two Poles, there are three views; alternative form of gdzie dwóch Polaków, tam trzy zdania
gdzie dwóch Polaków, tam trzy punkty widzenia {phrase} :: Where there are two Poles, there are three points of view; alternative form of gdzie dwóch Polaków, tam trzy zdania
gdzie dwóch Polaków, tam trzy zdania {proverb} :: Polish people are quarrelsome and rarely agree with each other
gdzie indziej {adv} :: elsewhere
gdzie kucharek sześć, tam nie ma co jeść {proverb} :: too many cooks spoil the broth
gdzie Rzym, gdzie Krym {phrase} [humorous, idiom] :: what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
gdziekolwiek {pron} :: wherever
gdzieniegdzie {adv} :: here and there, in places
gdzieś {pron} :: somewhere, in some place
gdzieś {pron} [colloquial, proscribed] :: to some place, somewhither
gdzieś {pron} :: in questions: anywhere
gehenna {f} [figuratively] :: ordeal
gehenna {f} [archaic] :: hell
gej {m pers} :: gay (homosexual man)
gejowski {adj} :: gay (typical of homosexual appearance)
gejsza {f} :: geisha
gejzer {m inan} :: geyser
gekon {m anim} :: gecko (lizard of the family Gekkonidae)
Geldria {prop} {f} :: Gelderland
geldryjski {adj} :: adjective of Geldria
geminata {f} :: geminate
gen {m inan} :: gene
gender {m inan} :: gender (identification as a man, a woman, or something else)
genealogia {f} :: genealogy
genealogiczny {adj} :: genealogical
generalnie {adv} :: generally
generalnie {adv} :: completely
generalny {adj} :: general, broad
generalny {adj} :: principal
generał {m pers} :: general
genetycznie {adv} :: genetically
genetyczny {adj} :: genetic
Genewa {prop} {f} :: Genewa (city)
genewski {adj} :: Genevan
geneza {f} :: origin, genesis
geniusz {m pers} :: genius
Genk {prop} {m} :: Genk (city)
genotyp {m inan} [genetics] :: genotype
Genowefa {prop} {f} :: given name
Genua {prop} {f} :: Genua (capital city)
Genua {prop} {f} :: Genua (metropolitan city)
genueński {adj} :: Genoese, Genovese
geodeta {m pers} :: surveyor
geodezja {f} :: geodesy
geofizyka {f} :: geophysics
geognozja {f} [historical] :: geognosy
geograf {m pers} :: geographer
geograf {f} :: geographer
geografia {f} :: geography
geograficzny {adj} :: geographical (relating to geography)
geolog {m pers} :: geologist
geolog {f} :: geologist
geologia {f} :: geology
geometria {f} :: geometry
geometryczny {adj} :: geometric, geometrical
geopolityka {f} :: geopolitics
Georgia {prop} {f} :: Georgia (state)
geosfera {f} :: geosphere
gepard {m anim} :: cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus, large mammal belonging to the cat family)
germ. {adj} :: abbreviation of germański
german {m inan} :: germanium, a chemical element
germanistyka {f} [humanities] :: German studies
germanizm {m inan} [linguistics] :: Germanism
germański {adj} :: Germanic
gerundium {n} [grammar] :: gerund
gest {m inan} :: gesture
gestia {f} :: management, administration
gestykulacja {f} :: gesticulation
gestykulować {vi impf} :: to gesticulate (make gestures or motions, as in speaking)
geszefcik {m inan} :: diminutive of geszeft
geszeft {m inan} [colloquial, dated] :: unfair business
getry {p} :: leg warmers
getto {n} :: ghetto
gęba {f} [colloquial, pejorative] :: face, gob
gębacz {m pers} [dated] :: Someone with prominent lips or a wide mouth
gębacz {m pers} [dated] :: bigmouth, loudmouth (one who talks too much or too loudly)
gębacz {m anim} [zoology] :: mouthbrooder
gębal {m anim} :: Any frogmouth of the genus Batrachostomus
gębusia {f} :: diminutive of gęba
gęg {m inan} :: gaggling, cackling (sound made by a goose or any similar sound)
gęgać {v impf} :: to gaggle; to make the sound of a goose
gęgać {v impf} [pejorative] :: to speak inanely, to speak nonsense, to jabber
gęgała {m pers} :: One who speaks unintelligibly or inanely; a jabberer
gęganie {n} :: verbal noun of gęgać
gęganie {n} :: gaggling, cackling (sound made by a goose or any similar sound)
gęgawa {f} :: greylag goose (Anser anser)
gęgot {m inan} :: gaggling, cackling (sound made by a goose or any similar sound)
gęsi {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of geese
gęsiarz {m pers} [rare, dialectal] :: gooseherd
gęsiarz {m anim} [hunting] :: A red fox with patches of white fur
gęsiarz {m anim} [hunting] :: A wolf that preys on geese
gęsię {n} :: alternative form of gąsię
gęsina {f} :: goose meat
gęsina {f} [colloquial] :: A goose that is scrawny or in poor condition
gęsiówka {f} :: rockcress (any plant of the genus Arabis)
gęsto {adv} :: densely, thickly
gęsto {adv} :: repeatedly
gęstość {f} :: density
gęstszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of gęsty
gęstwa {f} :: thicket, copse
gęstwa {f} :: throng, swarm
gęstwina {f} :: thicket (copse)
gęsty {adj} :: thick, viscous (of a liquid)
gęsty {adj} :: dense, thick, crowded (e.g. of a forest)
gęsty {adj} [mathematics] :: dense
gęś {f} :: goose (a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae)
gęściej {adv} :: comparative of gęsto
gęśle {nv} [musical instruments] :: gusle
Ghana {prop} {f} :: Ghana (country)
giąć {vt impf} :: to bend
gibanie {n} :: verbal noun of gibać
gibki {adj} [bookish] :: flexible, pliable, agile
gibki {adj} [Upper Silesia] :: fast (capable of moving with great speed)
gibon {m anim} :: gibbon (small ape)
gibon {m anim} [slang] :: joint, marijuana cigarette
gid {m pers} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: alternative form of gizd
gid {m pers} [literary] :: guide (someone who guides)
gid {m inan} [travel] :: guide book
gierka {f} :: diminutive of gra
giermek {m pers} :: squire (armor-bearer who attended a knight)
gierny {adj} [rare, relational] :: game
giez {m anim} :: botfly, gadfly (any insect of the family Oestridae)
giezełko {n} :: diminutive of giezło
giezło {n} [obsolete] :: shirt (article of clothing)
gięcie {n} :: verbal noun of giąć
giętki {adj} :: pliable
giętki {adj} :: flexible
giętki {adj} :: adaptable
gigant {m pers} :: giant [mythical human]
gigant {m pers} :: giant [large organisation]
gigantomachia {f} :: gigantomachy
gigantycznie {adv} :: gigantically
gigantyczny {adj} :: gigantic
gigantyzm {m inan} :: gigantism
gil {m anim} :: bullfinch, bird of genus Pyrrhula
gil {m inan} {m anim} [colloquial] :: snot (nasal mucus)
gilgotać {v impf} :: to tickle
gilotyna {f} :: guillotine
giluszek {m anim} :: long-tailed rosefinch (Carpodacus sibiricus)
gimbaza {f} [slang] :: gimnazjum; a type of secondary school in Poland
gimbaza {f} [slang, derogatory, mass noun] :: pupils of these secondary schools
gimbus {m inan} :: school bus that transports students to a gimnazjum
gimbus {m pers} [slang, derogatory] :: student of a gimnazjum
gimnastyka {f} :: gym, gymnastics
gimnazjalista {m pers} :: a male gimnazjum student
gimnazjalistka {f} :: a female gimnazjum student
gimnazjalny {adj} :: of or pertaining to gimnazjum
gimnazjum {n} :: A type of secondary school in Poland, starting at age of 13, and following 6 years of primary school; gymnasium
ginąć {vi impf} :: to be killed, to die, to perish
ginąć {vi impf} :: to get lost (lose one's way)
ginekolog {m pers} :: gynaecologist
ginekolog {f} :: gynaecologist
ginekologiczny {adj} :: gynecological (pertaining to gynecology)
ginięcie {n} :: verbal noun of ginąć
gips {m inan} :: plaster (a paste applied to the skin for healing)
gips {m inan} :: plaster (mixture for coating)
gips {m inan} :: gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O)
girlanda {f} :: garland (wreath of flowers)
giros {m inan} :: alternative spelling of gyros
git {interj} [colloquial] :: excellent!
git {adj} [colloquial] :: just right
gitara {f} :: guitar
gitarzysta {m pers} :: guitarist
gitarzystka {f} :: female guitarist
giwera {f} [colloquial] :: firearm
gizd {m pers} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: Someone who is considered repugnant
gizd {m pers} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: callow youth; rascal; scapegrace
Giżycko {prop} {n} :: Giżycko (town)
glacjalny {adj} :: glacial
glacjologia {f} :: glaciology (study of glaciers, or more generally of natural phenomena that involve ice)
glan {m inan} :: bovver boot
glazura {f} :: wall tiles
glazura {f} :: glaze
gleba {f} :: soil
gleba {f} [colloquial] :: bail, wipeout; a fall, especially during a sports activity
gleba {f} [mycology] :: gleba
glebogryzarka {f} :: rototiller, cultivator
gleboznawca {m pers} :: soil scientist
gleboznawstwo {n} :: soil science
glej {m inan} :: gleization
glej {m inan} :: gley, gleysol (type of hydric soil)
glej {m inan} [neuroanatomy] :: glia, neuroglia
glejak {m inan} [oncology] :: glioma
glewik {m inan} :: hornwort
ględzić {v impf} [colloquial] :: to blather; to talk in a long-winded, boring, or inane manner
ględzić {v impf} [hunting, of a doe] :: to call (during mating season)
glicyna {f} :: glycine
glif {m inan} :: glyph
glikogen {m inan} [biochemistry] :: glycogen
glin {m inan} :: aluminum
glina {f} :: clay
glina {f} :: loam
glina {m pers} {f} [colloquial] :: cop (police officer)
gliniany {adj} :: made of clay
gliniarz {m pers} [colloquial] :: cop (a police officer)
gliniasty {adj} :: argillaceous, clayey
glista {f} :: roundworm (animal of the phylum Nematoida)
glista {f} [colloquial] :: earthworm
glistnik {m inan} :: greater celandine (Chelidonium majus)
Gliwice {prop} {p} :: City in southern Poland
gliwicki {adj} :: Gliwice (of, from or pertaining to Gliwice in Poland)
gliwienie {n} :: verbal noun of gliwieć
glizda {f} [regional] :: earthworm
glob {m inan} :: globe
globalizacja {f} :: globalisation
globalne ocieplenie {n} :: global warming
globalnie {adv} :: globally
globalny {adj} :: global (concerning all parts of something, especially all parts of the world)
globus {m inan} :: globe (a spherical model of Earth)
glon {m inan} [biology] :: alga
glonojad {m anim} :: algae eater, algivore
glonowy {adj} :: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of algae
glukometr {m inan} [medicine] :: glucometer
glukoza {f} :: glucose
gluon {m inan} [physics] :: gluon
glut {m inan} [colloquial] :: goo (semi-solid substance)
glut {m inan} [colloquial] :: booger (mucus)
glutamina {f} :: glutamine
glutenowy {adj} :: of or pertaining to gluten
gł. {f} :: abbreviation of głębokość
gł. {adj} :: abbreviation of główny
gł. {adv} :: abbreviation of głównie
gładki {adj} :: smooth (lacking friction, not rough)
gładko {adv} :: smoothly
gładysz {m pers} [obsolete] :: an overly well-mannered, refined, or good-looking man, dandy, coxcomb
gładysz {m inan} :: Any fungus of the genus Ionaspis
gładysz {m inan} [archaic] ::  file, tool used to smoothen or polish
gładysz {m inan} [archaic] :: snowdrop (plant of the genus Galanthus)
gładysz {m inan} [dialectal] :: A handleless jug
gładyszka {f} :: folding-bone, folding-stick, bonefolder
gładyszka {f} :: feminine noun of gładysz
gładzenie {n} :: verbal noun of gładzić
gładzić {vt impf} :: to stroke, caress
gładzić {vt impf} :: to smooth, calender
gładzik {m inan} [colloquial] :: A touchpad; a trackpad
gładzik {m inan} :: A smooth file (20–45 teeth per cm)
gładzik {m inan} :: A type of plane (tool for smoothing wood)
gładzik {m inan} :: A hone (tool for honing)
gładzik {m inan} :: A tool used by bookbinders to smooth leather
głagolica {f} :: Glagolitic alphabet
głaskać {vt impf} :: to fondle, to caress, to stroke (move one's hand over a surface)
głaskanie {n} :: verbal noun of głaskać
głasnost {f} [historical] :: glasnost
głaszczka {f} :: palp, palpus (invertebrate appendage)
głaszczka {f} :: cell spreader, plate spreader (tool used to spread cells or bacteria on a culture plate)
głaz {m inan} :: boulder; large rock
głąb {m inan} {m anim} :: cabbage stump
głąb {m pers} {m anim} [derogatory] :: fool
głąb {f} :: depth(s) (deep or remote part)
głąbiel {f} :: common whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus)
głąbik {m inan} :: diminutive of głąb
głąbik {m inan} [botany] :: scape
głęb. {f} :: abbreviation of głębokość
głębia {f} :: depth, deep
głębia {f} :: abyss
głębiej {adv} :: comparative of głęboko
głębiel {f} :: alternative form of głąbiel
głębienie {n} :: verbal noun of głębić
głębina {f} :: depths; particularly deep part of a body of water
głęboki {adj} :: deep
głęboko {adv} :: deeply (at depth)
głębokość {f} :: depth (vertical distance below a surface)
głębszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of głęboki
głodnieć {vi impf} :: to become hungry
głodniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of głodny
głodny {adj} :: hungry
głodny jak wilk {adj} [simile] :: very hungry, hungry as a wolf
głodomór {m pers} [colloquial] :: One who is constantly hungry
głodomór {m pers} [obsolete] :: One who is suffering from starvation
głodówka {f} :: hunger strike
głodzić {vt impf} :: to starve, famish
głodzić {vt impf} :: to underfeed
głos {m inan} :: voice
głos {m inan} :: vote, an individual's choice in an election
głos {m inan} :: floor, right to speak during a debate, e.g. in a parliament
głos {m inan} :: call, cry, sound made by an animal, especially a bird
głos {m inan} [colloquial] :: sound, volume
głosić {vt impf} :: to preach, to profess, to proclaim
głosić {vt impf} :: to recite, to retell
głosić {vt impf} :: to read (consist of certain text)
głosik {m inan} :: diminutive of głos; a high-pitched or quiet voice
głoska {f} [linguistics] :: phone
głosować {v impf} :: to vote [ for ... = na + accusative]
głosowanie {n} :: vote (instance of voting)
głosowanie {n} :: verbal noun of głosować
głośnia {f} :: glottis
głośniej {adv} :: comparative of głośno
głośniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of głośny
głośnik {m inan} :: loudspeaker
głośnikowy {adj} [relational] :: loudspeaker
głośno {adv} :: loudly
głośność {f} :: loudness
głośny {adj} :: loud, noisy
głośny {adj} :: renowned, celebrated, prominent
głowa {f} :: head (part of the body)
głowa państwa {f} :: head of state
głowacz {m anim} :: Any of various freshwater sculpins of the genus Cottus
głowacz {m pers} [obsolete] :: wise man (a man who is wise)
głowacz {m pers} [obsolete] :: head (a leader or chief)
głowacz {m inan} [colloquial] :: cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)
głowiak {m inan} :: A liverwort belonging to the genus Cephalozia
głowica {f} :: head (any device part that is placed at the end of something), e.g. warhead, print head, cylinder head; often disambiguated with adjectives
głowica {f} :: pommel, knob on the end of the hilt of a sword
głowica {f} [architecture] :: capital, the uppermost part of a column
głowica {f} [heraldry] :: chief
głowica {f} :: bovine malignant catarrhal fever
głowienka {f} :: diminutive of głownia
głowienka {f} :: Any of several diving duck species in the genus Aythya:
głowienka {f} :: prunella, selfheal (any plant of the genus Prunella)
głownia {f} :: brand (burning or smoldering wood)
głownia {f} :: smut (range of fungi that cause crop disease); fungus of the genus Ustilago
głownia {f} :: blade (flat cutting part)
głowocis {m inan} :: A conifer of the genus Cephalotaxus; plum yew; cowtail pine
głowonóg {m anim} :: cephalopod
głowotułów {m inan} :: cephalothorax
głowy nie urywa {phrase} [idiom, colloquial] :: mediocre; average; middling; lame; neither good nor bad
głożyna {f} :: Any plant of the genus Ziziphus
głód {m inan} :: hunger
głód {m inan} :: famine
głóg {m inan} :: hawthorn; any member of the genus Crataegus
główka {f} :: diminutive of głowa
główka {f} [masonry] :: end; the smallest face of a brick
głównie {adv} :: mainly, mostly
główny {adj} :: main
głuchnąć {vi impf} :: to go deaf, become deaf
Głuchoniemcy {m pers-p} :: the Walddeutsche
głuchoniemy {adj} :: deaf-mute, deaf and dumb
głuchoniemy {m pers} :: deaf-mute person
głuchota {f} :: deafness
głuchy {adj} :: deaf
głuchy {adj} [of a sound] :: muffled
głuchy jak pień {adj} [simile] :: deaf as a post
głuchy telefon {m inan} :: Chinese whispers
głupek {m pers} [pejorative] :: fool (person with poor judgement or little intelligence)
głupi {adj} :: stupid, silly, dumb
głupi jak but {adj} [simile] :: thick as a brick; dumber than a rock
głupiec {m pers} [pejorative] :: fool
głupiej {adv} :: comparative of głupio
głupio {adv} :: stupidly, foolishly, inanely
głupol {m pers} [colloquial] :: fool (person with poor judgement or little intelligence)
głupota {f} :: stupidity, nonsense
głupszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of głupi
głuptak {m anim} :: gannet (Morus), especially the northern gannet (Morus bassanus)
głuptak {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] :: dimwit, fool
głuptak {m pers} [obsolete] :: imbecile (person who lacks the capacity to develop beyond the mental age of a normal seven-year-old child)
głuptas {m pers} [affectionate] :: a person that is silly in an endearing way
głuptaś {m pers} :: diminutive of głuptas
głusza {f} :: wilderness, solitude
głusza {f} :: dead silence
głuszak {m anim} :: capercaillie hatchling
głuszec {m anim} :: capercaillie
głuszek {m anim} :: rock bunting (Emberiza cia)
głuszyca {f} :: female capercaillie
głuż. {adj} :: abbreviation of górnołużycki
głynsiór {m anim} [Gniezno, Greater Poland] :: alternative form of gąsior
gmach {m inan} :: building
gmach {m inan} :: edifice
gmatwanie {n} :: verbal noun of gmatwać
gmina {f} :: commune; municipality; township; the first level of local government in Poland, below powiat and województwo
gmina {f} :: kahal; organized Jewish religious community (usually disambiguated as gmina żydowska)
gmina miejsko-wiejska {f} :: urban-rural commune; a gmina that includes at least one settlement with city rights as well as rural communities in its territory
gmina wiejska {f} :: rural commune; a gmina which does not include a settlement with city rights
gnać {vi impf} [literary] :: to speed, to scamper, to rush
gnać {vt impf} :: to drive, to chase
gnanie {n} :: verbal noun of gnać
gnat {m anim} [colloquial] :: large bone
gnat {m anim} [slang] :: gun
gnębiciel {m pers} :: oppressor
gnębić {vt impf} :: to oppress, to harass
gnębienie {n} :: verbal noun of gnębić
gniady {adj} :: sorrel, bay
gniazdko {n} :: wall socket, power outlet
gniazdko {n} :: diminutive of gniazdo; small nest of an animal
gniazdo {n} :: nest (bird-built structure)
gniazdo {n} :: socket (mechanical opening)
gniazdo {n} [computing] :: socket
gnić {v impf} :: to rot; to decay
gnida {f} :: nit; egg of a louse
gnida {f} [offensive, mildly, vulgar] :: scumbag (contemptible person)
gnidosz {m inan} :: lousewort (any plant of the genus Pedicularis)
gniecenie {n} :: verbal noun of gnieść
gnieciuch {m inan} :: inadequately or badly baked cake or other baked good
gniem. {adj} :: abbreviation of górnoniemiecki
gnieść {vt impf} :: to knead
gniew {m inan} :: anger, wrath, ire
gniewać {vt impf} :: to anger
gniewny {adj} :: wrathful, wroth
Gniewosz {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name; diminutive of Gniewomir
Gniezno {prop} {n} :: city in central Poland, seat of the oldest Catholic archdiocese
gnieźnik {m inan} :: twayblade (any orchid of the genus Neottia)
gnijący {adj} :: rotting
gnocchi {n} :: gnocchi
gnojek {m pers} [derogatory] :: dipshit, shithead (a contemptible person, usually a youth)
gnojek {m pers} [obsolete, derogatory] :: pauper (a poor person)
gnojek {m pers} [obsolete, derogatory] :: slob, pig (a dirty, unkempt person)
gnojek {m pers} [obsolete, derogatory] :: scrooge, skinflint, tightwad
gnojówka {f} :: liquid manure
gnom {m anim} :: gnome
gnom {m anim} [derogatory] :: midget, runt
gnomon {m inan} :: gnomon
gnoseologia {f} [philosophy] :: epistemology (branch of philosophy studying knowledge)
gnoseologiczny {adj} :: epistemological
gnostycyzm {m inan} :: Gnosticism
gnot {m pers} [Lwów] :: kid, child
gnot {m inan} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: A tree trunk used for chopping wood
gnot {m inan} [Gniezno, Greater Poland] :: bone
gnój {m inan} :: manure, dung
gnój {m inan} :: fertilizer, compost
gnój {m pers} [derogatory] :: brat, snot (annoying child)
gnój {m pers} [derogatory] :: dick, asshole (contemptible person)
gnu {n} :: gnu
gnuśnie {adv} :: idly; in an idle manner
gnuśny {adj} :: apathetic (about a person)
gnuśny {adj} :: inactive, idle
gnuśny {adj} :: caused by apathy or idleness
go {n} :: go
gobelin {m inan} :: Gobelin (rich, textured type of hand-stitched tapestry, fit to decorate a wall)
goblin {m anim} :: goblin
goc. {noun} :: abbreviation of gocki
gocha {f} :: augmentative of gorzałka
gochna {f} :: augmentative of gorzałka
gocki {adj} :: Gothic (of, or pertraining to Goths)
gocki {m inan} :: Gothic (language)
Gocław {prop} {m pers} [archaic] :: given name
Gocław {prop} {m} :: Gocław (neighbourhood)
Gocław {prop} {m} :: Gocław (suburb)
Gocław {prop} {m} :: Gocław (village)
Gocław {prop} {m} :: Gocław (village)
godło {n} :: emblem
godność {f} :: dignity, pride
godność {f} [dated] :: surname
godny {adj} :: worthy, dignified
gody {nv} :: Christmas, New Year
gody {nv} :: mating
godz. {f} :: abbreviation of godzina
godzić {vt impf} :: to reconcile, bring together, accommodate
godzić {v impf} [literary] :: to aim at
godzić {vr impf} :: to agree
Godziemba {prop} {f} :: A Polish noble coat of arms
godzien {adj} :: dated form of godny
Godzięba {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Godziemba (Polish noble coat of arms)
Godzięba {prop} {f} :: A village in Gmina Gniewkowo, Inowrocław County, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship
godzina {f} :: hour
godzina {f} :: o'clock
godzina policyjna {f} :: curfew (a regulation requiring people to be off the streets and in their homes by a certain time)
godziniorz {m pers} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: clockmaker, watchmaker, horologist
godzinki {p} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: watch (portable or wearable timepiece)
godzinnik {m inan} [archaic] :: clock
godzinnik {m inan} [archaic] :: hour hand
-godzinny {suffix} :: -hour-long; -hour
-godzinny {suffix} :: -hour-old
godzinny {adj} :: hourlong
godziny {p} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: clock
gofr {m inan} :: waffle (flat pastry)
gogle {nv} :: goggles (protective eyewear)
goguś {m pers} :: dandy, fop, pretty boy (a man who is overly concerned about his clothes and appearance)
goić {vt impf} :: to heal
goić {vr impf} :: to cicatrize
goj {m pers} :: male goy, Gentile
gojenie {n} :: verbal noun of goić
gol {m anim} [soccer] :: goal (point scored)
golarka {f} :: shaver (electric razor)
golarz {m pers} :: barber
golas {m pers} :: A naked person
golec {m pers} [derogatory] :: A poor man
golec {m pers} [colloquial] :: A naked man
golec {m anim} [archaic] :: A naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber)
golec {m anim} :: saibling, Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)
golec {m anim} :: scaleless carp
golec {m inan} :: A hide (animal skin) after the hair has been removed
golem {m pers} [mythology] :: golem (creature)
golenie {n} :: verbal noun of golić
golenie {n} :: shave, shaving
goleń {f} :: shin, front part of the leg below the knee
goleń {f} :: strut, load-bearing part of the landing gear of an aircraft that connects the wheels to the fuselage
goleń {m inan} [regional] :: shin
golf {m inan} :: golf
golf {m inan} :: turtleneck, polo-neck
golf {m anim} :: Volkswagen Golf car
golfista {m pers} :: golfer
golfistka {f} :: female equivalent of golfista
golibroda {m pers} [archaic or regional] :: barber
golić {vt impf} :: to shave
golić {vri impf} :: to shave (oneself)
golonka {f} :: pork knuckle
golusi {adj} :: diminutive of goły
gołąb {m anim} :: pigeon
gołąb {m anim} :: dove
Gołąb {prop} {m anim} {m pers} {f} [astronomy] :: Columba constellation
gołąbek {m anim} [often, affectionate] :: diminutive of gołąb; pigeon, dove
gołąbek {m anim} :: A pigeon or dove hatchling
gołąbek {m inan} :: Any mushroom of the genus Russula
gołąbek {m inan} :: One piece of gołąbki (Polish dish)
gołąbek {m pers} [affectionate] :: Used as a term of endearment
gołąbek {m pers} [jocular] :: lovebird (person)
gołąbka {f} :: diminutive of gołębica
gołąbka {f} :: A young female pigeon; a young female dove
gołąbka {f} [affectionate] :: woman
gołąbki {p} :: Traditional Polish dish; gołąbki, cabbage rolls
gołębi {adj} [relational] :: pigeon, dove (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of columbids)
gołębi {adj} [color] :: dove grey
gołębica {f} :: female pigeon, female dove
gołębię {n} :: doveling, dovelet
goło {adv} :: naked
gołodupiec {m pers} :: A naked person
gołodupiec {m pers} [colloquial] :: A poor person
gołoledź {f} :: black ice, glazed frost
gołoliczka {f} :: sunbird-asity (Neodrepanis)
gołota {f} [rare] :: The poor (those who have little or no possessions or money, taken as a group)
gołota {f} [obsolete] :: A poor individual (someone with little or no possessions)
gołota {f} [obsolete] :: A group of impoverished, landless nobles
gołota {f} [obsolete] :: An impoverished, landless member of the nobility
gołowąs {m pers} [archaic] :: A young, male person
goły {adj} :: naked, bare
goły {adj} :: unfurnished
goły {adj} :: penniless, having no money
goły jak święty turecki {adj} [simile] :: butt-naked
goły jak święty turecki {adj} [simile, humorous] :: completely broke; broke as a joke
gomóła {f} [hunting] :: A stag that has shed its antlers
gomóła {f} :: clump, lump
gomóła {f} :: augmentative of gomółka
gonada {f} :: gonad (sex gland such as a testicle or ovary)
gondola {f} :: gondola (narrow boat, especially in Venice)
gondola {f} :: gondola (enclosed car attached to a cable mechanically lifted up the side of a mountain)
gondola {f} :: gondola (car or basket of an airship)
Gondwana {prop} {f} :: Gondwana (southern supercontinent)
gonić {vt impf} :: to chase
goniec {m pers} [dated] :: messenger
goniec {m anim} [chess] :: bishop
gonitwa {f} :: chase, pursuit (act of pursuing)
gonitwa {f} [horse racing] :: race
gont {m inan} :: shake, a type of wooden shingle
gońba {f} [archaic or Góral] :: chase, race
Google {prop} {m inan} :: Google
googlować {v impf} [colloquial] :: to google
gorąc {m inan} [colloquial] :: heatwave
gorąca stopka {f} [photography] :: hot shoe
gorąco {adv} :: hot, hotly
gorący {adj} :: hot (having high temperature)
gorący {adj} :: warm, cordial (referring to, e.g., a welcome)
gorączka {f} :: fever (having a higher than normal or elevated body temperature)
gorbusza {f} :: humpback salmon
gorczyca {f} :: Any mustard plant belonging to the genus Sinapis
gorczyca polna {f} :: Sinapis arvensis (wild mustard)
gorczycznik {m inan} :: Any plant of the genus Barbarea; wintercress; yellow rocket
gorczycznik pospolity {m inan} :: bittercress (Barbarea vulgaris)
goręcej {adv} :: comparative of gorąco
gorętszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of gorący
gorgonie {noun} :: plural of gorgonia
gorliwie {adv} :: ardently
gorliwie {adv} :: zealously
gorliwiej {adv} :: comparative of gorliwie
gorliwość {f} :: zealousness, eagerness
gorliwszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of gorliwy
gorliwy {adj} :: ardent
gorliwy {adj} :: zealous
gorol {m pers} [Upper Silesia] :: A non-Silesian Pole
gorol {m pers} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: A góral; male inhabiting mountainous or hilly terrain, particularly in southern Poland and northern Slovakia
gorszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of zły; worse
gorycz {f} :: bitterness, bitter (quality of being bitter in taste)
gorycz {f} :: acrimony
goryczka {f} :: gentian, any plant of the genus Gentiana
goryczkowaty {adj} :: bitterish
goryl {m anim} :: gorilla (large ape, native to the forests of central Africa)
goryl {m pers} [colloquial] :: bodyguard, especially a tall and muscular one
gorzała {f} :: augmentative of gorzałka
gorzałka {f} [dated] :: vodka, distilled spirits
gorzeć {vi impf} [archaic] :: to burn
gorzej {adv} :: comparative of źle
gorzej {adv} [colloquial] :: more
gorzelnia {f} :: distillery; a factory that produces distilled alcoholic beverages, especially vodka
gorzkawy {adj} :: bitterish
gorzki {adj} :: bitter
gorzko {adv} :: bitter, bitterly
gorzko {interj} :: bitter! (an old Polish tradition: a shout by wedding guests urging the newlyweds to kiss, thus removing the "bitterness")
gorzoła {f} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: augmentative of gorzołka
gorzołka {f} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: vodka
gorzowianin {m pers} :: A male inhabitant of Gorzów Wielkopolski
gorzowianin {m pers} :: A male inhabitant of Gorzów Śląski
gorzowianin {m pers} :: A male inhabitant of Gorzów
gorzowianka {f} :: A female inhabitant of Gorzów Wielkopolski
gorzowianka {f} :: A female inhabitant of Gorzów Śląski
gorzowianka {f} :: A female inhabitant of Gorzów
gorzowski {adj} [relational] :: Gorzów Wielkopolski
gorzowski {adj} [relational] :: Gorzów Śląski
gorzowski {adj} [relational] :: Gorzów
Gorzów {m inan} :: Gorzów (village)
Gorzów {m inan} [colloquial] :: Gorzów (one of two <<capitals>> of <<voi/Lubusz Voivodeship>>, <<c/Poland>>)
Gorzów {m inan} [colloquial or historic] :: Gorzów (town)
Gorzów Śląski {prop} {m inan} :: Gorzów Śląski (town)
Gorzów Śląski {prop} {m inan} :: Gorzów Śląski (An urban-rural <<commune>> (gmina miejsko-wiejska) in <<voi/Opole Voivodeship>>, <<c/Poland>>)
Gorzów Wielkopolski {prop} {m inan} :: Gorzów Wielkopolski (one of two <<capitals>> of <<voi/Lubusz Voivodeship>>, <<c/Poland>>)
Gorzów Wlkp. {prop} {m inan} :: abbreviation of Gorzów Wielkopolski
Gosia {prop} {f} :: given name
gospel {m inan} :: gospel music
gospoda {f} :: inn, diner
gospodarka {f} :: economy
gospodarny {adj} :: thrifty, frugal, economical
gospodarstwo {n} :: farm; place of agricultural production
gospodarstwo {n} :: household; group of people living together and the dwelling they share
gospodarz {m pers} :: host (person who allows a guest)
gospodyni {f} :: hostess, landlady
Gostyń {prop} {m inan} :: Toponym used to describe several cities and villages in Poland
gościć {vt impf} :: to host, to receive, to entertain
gościec {m inan} :: rheumatism, especially rheumatoid arthritis
gościniec {m inan} [dated or literary] :: wide rural road
gościnnie {adv} :: hospitably
gościnniej {adv} :: comparative of gościnnie
gościnność {f} :: hospitality (act or service of welcoming, receiving, hosting, or entertaining guests)
gościnny {adj} :: hospitable
gościnny {adj} :: guestly
gościnny {adj} :: guest (of or pertaining to a visit of an invited person)
gość {m pers} :: guest (recipient of hospitality)
gość {m pers} [colloquial] :: guy, fellow
Göteborg {prop} {m inan} :: Göteborg (city)
Gotlandia {prop} {f} :: Gotland (island in the Baltic sea)
gotować {vt impf} :: to cook (to prepare food for eating)
gotować {vt impf} :: to boil (to heat to boiling temperature)
gotowanie {n} :: verbal noun of gotować
gotowość {f} :: readiness, preparedness
gotowość {f} :: willingness
gotowy {adj} :: ready, prepared, finished, done, completed
gotowy {adj} :: willing, set, poised
gotowy {adj} :: ready-made, off-the-peg
gotów {adj} :: dated form of gotowy
gotówka {f} :: cash (money in the form of notes/bills and coins)
gotówkowy {adj} :: relating to or involving the use of cash
gotycki {adj} [art, architecture] :: Gothic
gotyk {m inan} [art, architecture] :: Gothic art
gotyk {m inan} [typography] :: black letter
gouda {f} :: gouda (semi-hard Dutch cheese)
goździk {m anim} :: carnation; pink; plant from the genus Dianthus or its flower
góra {f} :: mountain
góra {f} :: top
góra {f} [colloquial] :: higher-ups
góra {adv} :: at most
góra lodowa {f} :: iceberg
góral {m pers} :: A male inhabiting mountainous or hilly terrain, particularly in southern Poland and northern Slovakia
góral {m pers} [colloquial, cycling] :: climbing specialist, climber
góral {m anim} [colloquial] :: mountain bike
góralek {m anim} :: hyrax
góralka {f} :: A female inhabiting mountainous or hilly terrain, particularly in southern Poland and northern Slovakia
góralski {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Gorals
górka {f} :: diminutive of góra; hillock
górniak {m anim} :: A rodent belonging to the genus Aepeomys (two species of montane mouse)
górnictwo {n} :: mining (business of removing solid valuables from the earth)
górniczy {adj} [relational] :: mining
górniczy {adj} [relational] :: miner, miner's
górnik {m pers} :: miner (a person who works in a mine)
górnik {m pers} [obsolete] :: One who lives in mountainous or hilly terrain
górnolotny {adj} [pejorative] :: pompous, bombastic, grandiloquent
górnołużycki {adj} :: Upper Sorbian
górnoniemiecki {adj} :: High German
górny {adj} :: upper
Górny Śląsk {prop} {m} :: Upper Silesia
górolasek {m anim} :: striped mouse (any rodent of the genus Hybomys)
górołaz {m pers} [rare] :: mountain tourist
górołaz {m anim} :: speckled dasyure (Neophascogale lorentzi)
górotwór {m inan} [geology] :: orogen
górować {v impf} :: to tower
górski {adj} :: highland
górski {adj} :: mountainous, mountain
Górski Karabach {prop} {m} :: Nagorno-Karabakh
Góry Skaliste {prop} {fp} :: Rocky Mountains
górzak {m anim} :: Any vole of the genus Alticola
górzysty {adj} :: mountainous (having many mountains)
gówienko {n} :: diminutive of gówno
gówniak {m anim} [slang, vulgar, offensive] :: crib lizard; highly derogatory term for a toddler
gówniany {adj} [vulgar] :: shitty
gówniarz {m pers} [vulgar, offensive] :: brat; immature youth
gówno {n} [vulgar] :: shit, excrement
gówno {n} [vulgar] :: piece of shit, something of low quality or frustratingly inadequate
gówno {n} [vulgar] :: nothing, fuck all
gówno prawda {interj} [vulgar] :: bullshit!
gówno prawda {f} [vulgar] :: bullshit
gównoburza {f} [internet slang, vulgar] :: shitstorm
góźdź {m inan} [obsolete] :: alternative form of gwóźdź
gr. {noun} :: abbreviation of grecki
gr {noun} :: abbreviation of grosz
gra {f} :: play
gra {f} :: game
grab {m inan} :: hornbeam, any tree of genus Carpinus
graba {f} [colloquial] :: hand
graba {f} [colloquial] :: handshake
grabarz {m pers} :: gravedigger
grabarz {m anim} :: sexton beetle
grabić {v impf} :: to rake (to use a rake on)
grabić {v impf} :: to rob, to plunder, to pillage
grabie {nv} [plurale tantum] :: rake (garden tool)
grabież {f} :: pillage, plunder, robbery
grabieżca {m pers} :: plunderer, robber
grabina {f} [colloquial] :: hornbeam (a tree of the genus Carpinus)
grabina {f} :: hornbeam forest or copse
grabina {f} :: hornbeam (wood)
grabina {f} :: hornbeam twigs or branches
grabniak {m inan} :: hornbeam forest or copse
graca {f} :: mattock
gracja {f} :: grace (elegant movement, poise or balance)
gracja {f} :: beauty, doll (very attractive woman)
Gracjan {prop} {m pers} :: given name
gracz {m pers} [gaming] :: player (who plays any game)
grać {vit impf} :: to play (produce music using a musical instrument)
grać {vi impf} :: to play (participate in a certain game)
grać {vit impf} :: to act (perform a theatrical role)
grad {m inan} :: hail
grad {m inan} [geometry, trigonometry] :: gradian
gradient {m inan} [mathematical analysis] :: gradient (differential operator that maps each point of a scalar field to a vector pointed in the direction of the greatest rate of change of the scalar)
gradient {m inan} :: gradient (change in color)
gradobicie {n} :: hailfall (instance of hail falling)
gradzina {f} :: hailstone
gradzina {f} :: tooth chisel
graf {m inan} [mathematics] :: graph
graf spójny {m inan} :: connected graph
graffiti {n} :: graffiti (drawings on a surface)
graffiti {n} [archaeology] :: graffiti (informal inscriptions, figure drawings, etc., as opposed to official inscriptions)
graficzny {adj} :: graphical (related to graphics)
grafik {m pers} :: illustrator, graphic designer
grafik {m inan} :: timetable, schedule
grafika {f} [arts] :: graphics
grafika {f} :: graphic (drawing or picture)
grafitowy {adj} :: made of or related to graphite
grafitowy {adj} :: having the color of graphite; very dark grey
grafoskop {m inan} [dated] :: overhead projector
graham {m inan} :: Graham bread
grahamka {f} :: roll made of graham flour
grajcar {m anim} [currency] :: kreutzer
grajcar {m inan} [archaic] :: corkscrew
grajcar {m inan} [historical] :: gun worm (corkscrew-like device used to remove unspent charges from the barrel of a gun)
grajdoł {m inan} [colloquial, derogatory] :: jerkwater town, one-horse town, backwater
grajek {m pers} :: An amateur musician
grajek {m pers} [colloquial, soccer] :: A weak player
-gram {suffix} :: -gram (something written, drawn or otherwise recorded)
gram {m inan} :: gram (unit of mass)
gramatycznie {adv} :: grammatically
gramatyczność {f} :: grammaticality, grammaticalness
gramatyczny {adj} :: grammatical
gramatyk {m pers} :: grammarian
gramatyka {f} :: grammar (rules for speaking and writing a language)
gramofon {m inan} :: gramophone, phonograph
gramorównoważnik {m inan} :: equivalent weight, gram equivalent
granat {m inan} :: pomegranate, fruit of tree of genus Punica
granat {m inan} :: navy blue
granat {m inan} :: grenade (explosive device)
granat {m inan} [mineralogy] :: garnet
granatnik {m inan} :: grenade launcher
granatowiec {m inan} :: pomegranate (shrub/tree)
granatowy {adj} :: navy blue
granatowy {adj} [relational] :: pomegranate
graniastosłup {m inan} :: prism (polyhedron with parallel ends of the same size and shape)
graniastosłupowy {adj} :: prismatic (having the shape of a prism)
granica {f} :: border; frontier
granica {f} [mathematics] :: limit
graniczny {adj} [relational] :: border; of, or relating to frontiers
graniczny {adj} :: terminal, extreme, final (denoting the end of something)
graniczny {adj} [mathematics] :: limit
graniczyć {vi impf} :: to border
granie {n} :: verbal noun of grać
graniówka {f} :: Bangs's mountain squirrel (Syntheosciurus brochus)
granit {m inan} :: granite (type of rock)
granulat {m inan} :: pellets (granulated substance)
grań {f} :: arête
grat {m anim} [colloquial, pejorative] :: piece of junk; useless or broken item
grat {m anim} [colloquial, pejorative] :: clunker, decrepit car
grat {m anim} [colloquial, usually, in the plural] :: gear, equipment
gratis {m inan} :: perquisite, free gift
gratis {adv} :: gratis, free of charge
gratulacje {nv} :: congratulations
grawerować {v impf} :: to engrave
grawerowanie {n} :: engraving, something engraved
grawerowanie {n} :: verbal noun of grawerować
grawitacja {f} :: gravitation, gravity
grawitacyjny {adj} :: gravitational
grawiton {m inan} [physics] :: graviton
grażdanka {f} :: Civil Script
Grażyna {prop} {f} :: given name
grąd {m inan} :: A type of deciduous forest with many species but usually dominated by hornbeam and oak trees
grąd {m inan} [regional] :: A dry elevated area amid wetlands
grążel {m inan} :: any of several species of water lilies of the genus Nuphar
grdyka {f} [anatomy] :: laryngeal prominence, Adam's apple
Grecja {prop} {f} :: Greece
grecka tragedia {f} :: See: pl grecki tragedia
grecka tragedia {f} :: a completely hopeless situation
grecki {adj} :: Greek
grecki {m inan} :: Greek (language)
Greczynka {f} :: Greek woman; female person of Greek nationality
grej {m inan} :: gray (unit)
grejpfrut {m anim} :: grapefruit
grejpfrutowy {adj} :: grapefruit; grapefruity
Grek {m pers} :: Greek; person of Greek nationality
greka {f} [literary] :: Ancient Greek (language)
gremium {n} :: assembly, body (organisation, company or other authoritative group)
Grenada {prop} {f} :: Grenada (island/and/country)
Grenlandczyk {m pers} :: A male Greenlander
Grenlandia {prop} {f} :: Greenland (island, autonomous territory belonging to Denmark)
Grenlandka {f} :: A female Greenlander
grenlandzki {adj} :: Greenlandic
grill {m inan} :: barbecue (cooking device)
grill {m inan} :: barbecue (event with meal, typically held outdoors)
grindwal {m anim} :: pilot whale
grobowiec {m inan} :: tomb
grobowiec {m inan} :: repository
grobowiec {m inan} :: sepulchre
grobowy {adj} [relational] :: grave
grobowy {adj} :: gloomy, grim, sombre, funereal
groch {m inan} :: pea
groch z kapustą {m inan} [idiom, colloquial, pejorative] :: mish-mash, a mixture of highly disparate components
grochówka {f} :: pea soup
grochówka {f} [obsolete] :: Any fungus belonging to the genus Pisolithus
grochy {nv} :: polka dot
grochy {nv} [slang] :: ecstasy tablets
Grodno {prop} {n} :: Grodno (city)
grododzierżca {m pers} [historical] :: castellan, steward
grodzić {vt impf} :: to fence, fence off, enclose
grodziski {adj} :: Grodzisk (of, from or pertaining to Grodzisk in Poland)
grodziski {adj} :: Grodzisk Mazowiecki (of, from or pertaining to Grodzisk Mazowiecki in Poland)
grodziski {adj} :: Grodzisk Wielkopolski (of, from or pertaining to Grodzisk Wielkopolski in Poland)
grodziski {adj} :: Grodzisko (of, from or pertaining to Grodzisko in Poland)
grodziski {adj} :: Grodzisko Dolne (of, from or pertaining to Grodzisko Dolne in Poland)
grom {m inan} [dated, literary] :: thunder
grom dźwiękowy {m inan} :: sonic boom
gromada {f} :: flock, troop, bunch, group
gromada {f} [botany, taxonomy] :: division, phylum
gromada {f} [zoology, taxonomy] :: class
gromada {f} [astronomy] :: cluster (of stars)
gromada {f} [historical] :: gromada (village organization)
gromadnik {m anim} :: A capelin (Mallotus villosus)
gromadnik {m anim} :: A bird of the genus Pseudonigrita
gromadzić {vt impf} :: to gather, to collect
gromadzić {vt impf} :: to amass
gromadzić {vt impf} :: to hoard
gromadzić {vr impf} :: to mass, to assemble, to congregate
gromadzić {vr impf} :: to gather, to accumulate, to build up
gromnica {f} :: "thunder candle"; a consecrated, ceremonial candle believed to offer protection from misfortune
Groningen {prop} {n} :: Groningen (city/and/capital)
Groningen {prop} {n} :: Groningen (province)
groningski {adj} :: adjective of Groningen
gronko {n} :: diminutive of grono
gronkowiec {m anim} :: staphylococcus (any bacterium of the genus Staphylococcus)
grono {n} :: circle, group
grono {n} :: bunch, cluster
grono {n} [botany] :: raceme
grono {n} [anatomy] :: acinus
gronostaj {m anim} :: stoat, ermine (Mustela erminea)
gronostaj {m inan} :: ermine (fur)
gronostaj {m inan} [tincture] :: ermine
grosik {m inan} :: diminutive of grosz
grosik za twoje myśli {phrase} :: penny for your thoughts
grosz {m inan} :: grosz
grosze {mp} [colloquial] :: a small amount of money
groszek {m inan} :: pea
grot {m inan} :: arrowhead
grot {m inan} :: mainsail
grota {f} :: grotto (small cave)
groteskowy {adj} :: grotesque, ludicrous, farcical
grotołaz {m pers} :: caver; spelunker (one who explores caves)
growy {adj} [colloquial, nonstandard, relational] :: game, pertaining to games
groza {f} :: dread; terror; doom (feeling of danger)
grozić {vit impf} :: to threaten
grozić {vit impf} :: to menace
Grozny {prop} {m inan} :: Grozny (regional capital/and/largest city)
groźba {f} :: threat
groźba {f} :: menace
groźba {f} :: danger
groźny {adj} :: dangerous, formidable
grób {m inan} :: grave, tomb (burial place)
gród {m inan} :: stronghold, walled place
gród {m inan} [archaic] :: city, town
gróniczek {m inan} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: hillock, hummock
gróń {m inan} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: mountain, hill
gruba ryba {f} [idiom] :: big cheese, bigwig
grubachny {adj} :: augmentative of gruby
grubas {m pers} [derogatory] :: fatso (obese person)
grubaśny {adj} :: augmentative of gruby
grubianin {m pers} :: boor (uncultured person)
grubianka {f} :: female boor (uncultured person)
grubiański {adj} [archaic, bookish] :: rude, coarse, boorish, uncivil, unmannerly
grubodziób {m anim} :: hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes)
grubogonik {m anim} :: dunnart (any marsupial of the genus Sminthopsis)
grubopalczyk {m anim} :: Any bat of the genus Glischropus
grubosz {m inan} :: crassula (any plant of the genus Crassula)
grubowarg {m anim} :: Any cyprinid of the genus Epalzeorhynchos
grubszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of gruby
gruby {adj} :: thick
gruby {adj} :: fat, overweight, corpulent
gruby {adj} [obsolete] :: vulgar; rude; crass
gruby {adj} [slang] :: awesome; great; excellent
grubymi nićmi szyty {adj} [idiom, colloquial] :: highly suspicious, very likely to be false or fraudulent
grucha {f} :: augmentative of grusza
gruchot {m inan} :: A sound produced by something falling or striking something else
gruchot {m anim} [colloquial] :: Something which is old or decrepit, particularly a car; clunker
gruchot {m pers} [colloquial] :: An old or sick person
gruczoł {m inan} [anatomy] :: gland
gruda {f} :: lump, clod
gruda {f} :: mud fever, scratches, pastern dermatitis
grudka {f} :: diminutive of gruda
grudka {f} :: papule
grudniowy {adj} [relational] :: December (month)
Grudziądz {prop} {m} :: Grudziądz
grudzień {m inan} :: December (twelfth month in the Gregorian calendar, which has 31 days)
grudź {f} [archaic, now, dialectal] :: land, field
grunt {m inan} [construction, geology] :: soil
grunt {m inan} :: ground (the bottom of a body of water)
gruntować {vt impf} [decorating] :: to prime
gruntować {vt impf} [archaic] :: to consolidate, to strengthen, to solidify
grupa {f} :: group (a number of things or persons being in some relation to one another)
grupa {f} [chemistry] :: group
grupa {f} [mathematics] :: group
grupa przemienna {f} :: commutative group, abelian group
grusza {f} :: pear tree, a tree of genus Pyrus
gruszeczka {f} :: diminutive of gruszka
gruszka {f} :: pear (fruit)
gruszka {f} [rare] :: diminutive of grusza
gruszki na wierzbie {fp} [idiom] :: something desirable but impossible
gruszkowy {adj} [relational] :: pear
gruszyczka {f} :: any plant of the genus Pyrola; wintergreen
gruz {m inan} :: rubble
Gruzin {m pers} :: Georgian (person from the country of Georgia)
Gruzinka {f} :: Georgian (female from the country Georgia)
gruziński {adj} :: Georgian (of, from, or pertaining to the country of Georgia, the Georgian people or the Georgian language)
gruziński {m inan} :: Georgian (language)
Gruzja {prop} {f} :: Georgia (country)
gruźlica {f} [disease] :: tuberculosis
gruźliczka {f} :: A woman or girl afflicted with tuberculosis
gruźliczy {adj} :: tubercular, phthisic (of or pertaining to tuberculosis)
gruźlik {m pers} :: A man or boy afflicted with tuberculosis
gryczany {adj} [relational] :: buckwheat
gryf {m anim} :: griffin
gryf {m inan} :: neck (extension of a stringed instrument)
gryf {m inan} :: bar (straight rod with grip for weightlifting to which weights are attached)
gryf {m inan} :: calk
gryka {f} :: Any plant of the genus Fagopyrum; buckwheat
grymas {m inan} :: grimace, wince
grynszpan {m inan} :: verdigris (all meanings)
grypa {f} :: influenza; flu
grypsera {f} :: Grypsera
gryz {m inan} [colloquial] :: bite (piece of food)
gryz {m inan} [obsolete] :: biting
gryzak {m inan} :: chew toy; teething ring
gryzak {m inan} :: A type of drill bit
gryzak {m inan} [obsolete] :: tooth
gryziel {m anim} :: Any of various spiders belonging to the genus Atypus
gryzienie {n} :: verbal noun of gryźć
gryzipiórek {m pers} [colloquial, pejorative] :: pencil pusher, pen-pusher, desk jockey
gryzipiórek {m pers} [pejorative] :: scribbler, hack (untalented writer)
gryzoń {m anim} :: rodent, any mammal of the order Rodentia
gryźć {vt impf} :: to bite
gryźć {vt impf} :: to gnaw
gryźć {vt impf} :: to nag at, to bother
grzać {vt impf} :: to heat
grzać {vt impf} :: to warm
grzałka {f} :: immersion heater
grzaniec {m inan} :: mulled wine
grzanka {f} :: crouton
grzanka {f} :: toast
grządka {f} :: diminutive of grzęda
grząski {adj} :: boggy, miry
grzbiecik {m inan} :: diminutive of grzbiet
grzbiet {m inan} :: back (of animals)
grzbiet {m inan} :: ridge
grzbiet górski {m inan} [geology] :: mountain ridge
grzdyl {m pers} [colloquial] :: little boy
grzebacz {m anim} :: sphecoid wasp
grzebać {v impf} [dated] :: to bury
grzebać {v impf} :: to fiddle
grzebała {m pers} [derogatory] :: slowpoke (male)
grzebała {f} [derogatory] :: slowpoke (female)
grzebień {m inan} :: comb (toothed implement for grooming the hair)
grzebień {m inan} :: crest
grzebień {m inan} :: ridge
grzebuła {m pers} :: slowpoke (male)
grzebuła {f} :: slowpoke (female)
grzech {m inan} :: sin
Grzech {prop} {m pers} :: augmentative of Grzegorz
grzech pierworodny {m inan} [Christianity] :: original sin
grzechot {m inan} :: rattle (sound)
grzechotka {f} :: rattle (toy)
grzechotnik {m anim} :: rattlesnake
grzeczniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of grzeczny
grzeczność {f} :: politeness, niceness
grzeczny {adj} :: nice, polite, courteous
Grzegorz {prop} {m pers} :: given name
grzejniczek {m inan} :: diminutive of grzejnik
grzejnik {m inan} :: heater, heating radiator
Grzesiek {m pers} :: given name
grzeszek {m inan} :: diminutive of grzech
grzesznica {f} :: female sinner
grzesznik {m pers} :: sinner
grzeszny {adj} :: sinful, indulging in sin
grzeszny {adj} :: one who has committed sin, not sinless
grzeszyć {v impf} :: to sin
Grześ {m pers} :: given name
grześć {v} [obsolete] :: to bury
grzewczy {adj} :: heating
grzęda {f} [especially for poultry] :: perch, roost
grzęda {f} :: patch, bed (plot in a garden or a field)
grzęzawisko {n} :: swamp
grzęznąć {vi impf} :: to sink
grzęznąć {vi impf} :: to wade
grzęznąć {vi impf} :: to flounder
grzmieć {vi impf} :: to thunder, to roar
grzmot {m inan} :: rumble (low pitched noise, such as that of thunder)
grzyb {m inan} :: fungus, mushroom (a category of eukaryotic organism, having cell walls but no chlorophyll)
grzyb {m inan} :: mushroom cloud
grzyb {m pers} [derogatory] :: fogey, prune, fossil; old person
grzybek {m anim} :: diminutive of grzyb
grzybiarz {m pers} :: mushroomer
grzybica {f} :: mycosis
grzybienie {p} :: water lily, any plant of the genus Nymphaea
grzybień {m inan} [obsolete] :: water lily, any plant of the genus Nymphaea
grzybnia {f} :: mycelium
grzybobójczy {adj} :: fungicidal
grzybobranie {n} :: mushrooming, mushroom picking
grzybowa {f} :: mushroom soup
grzybowy {adj} :: fungal (of or relating to fungus); [relational] fungus
grzywa {f} :: mane (e.g., of lions and horses)
grzywa {f} :: human hairstyle resembling a mane
grzywa {f} :: augmentative of grzywka
grzywka {f} :: bangs; fringe; forelock
grzywna {f} :: fine (payment for breaking the law)
guacamole {n} :: guacamole
Guam {prop} {m inan} :: Guam (territory)
guawa {f} :: guava
gubić {vt impf} :: to lose, to mislay
gubić {vt impf} :: to ruin
gubić {vt impf} :: to shed
Gucio {prop} :: given name
gudżarati {n} :: Gujarati (language)
guglać {v impf} :: (rare) to google
Gujana {prop} {f} :: Gujana (country)
Gujana Francuska {prop} {f} :: Gujana Francuska (overseas department)
Gujanka {f} :: Guyanese (female person)
Gujańczyk {m pers} :: Guyanese (person)
gujański {adj} :: Guyanese
gul {interj} :: gobble (sound of a turkey)
gul {interj} :: gurgle
gul {m anim} [mythology] :: ghoul
gula {f} [colloquial] :: bump (swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury)
gula {f} [dialectal, regional] :: female turkey (bird)
gulasz {m inan} :: goulash (stew of beef or veal and vegetables, flavoured with paprika and sour cream)
gulaszowy {adj} [relational] :: goulash
gulgot {m inan} :: gurgle (gurgling sound)
gułag {m inan} :: gulag (Soviet labour camp)
gułag {m inan} :: gulag (system of all Soviet prison and/or labor camps in use during the Stalinist period)
guma {f} :: rubber (substance)
guma {f} :: chewing gum
gumiennik {m anim} :: ovinnik
gumienny {adj} [archaic] :: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a barn or threshing floor
gumienny {m pers} :: Someone in charge of a barn or threshing floor
gumka {f} :: eraser, rubber
gumka {f} :: elastic, elastic band, rubber band
gumka {f} :: hair tie, scrunchie (often gumka do włosów)
gumka {f} [colloquial] :: condom
gumno {n} [obsolete] :: barn
gumno {n} [obsolete] :: threshing floor
gumno {n} [obsolete] :: barnyard
gumowy {adj} :: rubber, rubbery
gumowy {adj} :: gum
gunia {f} [archaic] :: overcoat, topcoat, outercoat
gunia {f} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: A woolen coat worn by Gorals
guniok {m inan} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: A winter coat worn by Gorals
guńkorz {m pers} [Cieszyn Silesia, humorous] :: góral (inhabitant of mountainous or hilly terrain)
guru {m pers} [Hinduism] :: guru (spiritual teacher)
guru {m pers} :: guru (advisor or mentor)
gusiór {m anim} [regional, Greater Poland] :: alternative form of gąsior
gusła {nv} :: witchcraft
gusła {nv} :: superstitions
gust {m inan} :: taste, personal preference
Gustaw {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
guślarka {f} :: female volkhv
guślarz {m pers} :: volkhv
gutacja {f} :: guttation
guz {m inan} :: bump
guz {m inan} :: tumour
guzdrać {vr impf} [colloquial] :: to dawdle, to dilly-dally
guzdrała {m pers} :: slowpoke (male)
guzdrała {f} :: slowpoke (female)
guziczek {m inan} :: diminutive of guzik
guziec {m anim} :: warthog
guzik {m inan} :: button (knob or small disc serving as a fastener)
guzik {m inan} :: diminutive of guz
Gwadelupa {prop} {f} :: Gwadelupa (overseas department)
gwałciciel {m pers} :: rapist
gwałcicielka {f} :: a female rapist
gwałcić {v impf} :: to rape (to force sexual intercourse)
gwałt {m inan} :: rape (the act of forcibly having sex with someone)
gwałt {m inan} [dated] :: any illegal act of violence
gwałtownie {adv} :: violently
gwałtownie {adv} :: abruptly, sharply
gwałtowniej {adv} :: comparative of gwałtownie
gwałtowniejszy {adj} :: comparative of gwałtowny
gwałtowność {f} :: violence
gwałtowność {f} :: rashness, precipitation
gwałtowny {adj} :: violent
gwałtowny {adj} :: abrupt, sharp, steep
gwar {m inan} :: hubbub, buzz, bustle
gwara {f} [linguistics] :: non-standard dialect; vernacular
gwara {f} [linguistics] :: subdialect
gwara {f} [linguistics] :: jargon
gwarancja {f} :: guarantee
gwarowy {adj} :: dialectal
gwarzyć {vi impf} :: to chat, to converse
Gwatemala {prop} {f} :: Gwatemala (country)
Gwatemala {prop} {f} :: Gwatemala (capital)
gwatemalczyk {m pers} :: a male inhabitant of Guatemala City (capital of Guatemala)
Gwatemalczyk {m pers} :: a male Guatemalan (citizen of the country)
gwatemalka {f} :: a female inhabitant of Guatemala City (capital of Guatemala)
Gwatemalka {f} :: a female Guatemalan (citizen of the country)
gwatemalski {adj} :: Guatemalan
gwiazda {f} :: star (a luminous celestial body)
gwiazda {f} :: star (celebrity)
Gwiazda Poranna {f} :: The planet Venus on the horizon at dawn; morning star
gwiazdka {f} :: diminutive of gwiazda
gwiazdka {f} [colloquial] :: Christmas Eve
gwiazdka {f} :: asterisk (character)
gwiazdnica {f} :: Any plant of the genus Stellaria; chickweed; starwort
gwiazdnica pospolita {f} :: common chickweed (Stellaria media)
gwiazdor {m pers} :: celebrity, celeb, star
gwiazdor {m pers} [regional] :: Santa Claus
gwiazdor {m pers} [rare] :: star singers
gwiazdosz {m inan} :: Any mushroom of the genus Geastrum; earthstar
gwiazdosz {m anim} :: asterolecaniid
gwiazdozbiór {m inan} [astronomy] :: constellation
gwiaździanka {f} :: A liverwort belonging to the genus Asterella
gwiaździsty {adj} :: with a starry pattern
gwiezdny {adj} :: starry; astral
gwieździsty {adj} :: with a starry pattern
Gwinea {prop} {f} :: Gwinea (country)
Gwinea Bissau {prop} {f} :: Gwinea Bissau (country)
Gwinea Równikowa {prop} {f} :: Equatorial Guinea
gwinejski {adj} :: Guinean
gwint {m inan} :: screw thread
gwizd {m inan} :: whistle (sound made by whistling)
gwizd {m inan} :: A similar sound made by some bird species
gwizd {m inan} [hunting] :: The snout of a wild boar
gwizdać {v impf} :: to whistle (to produce a whistling sound)
gwizdek {m inan} :: whistle (device designed to be placed in the mouth in order to make a whistling sound)
gwizdodzierzba {f} :: shrike-vireo (any member of the genus Vireolanius)
gwoździk {m inan} :: diminutive of gwóźdź
gwoździk {m inan} [colloquial] :: alternative form of goździk
gwóźdź {m inan} :: nail (spike-shaped metal fastener)
gyros {m inan} :: gyro (Greek sandwich)
gzik {m inan} [Poznań, Kujawy] :: A dish made from cottage cheese, cream, chives, radishes, onions, or eggs
gzik {m inan} [Poznań] :: kid
gzło {n} [obsolete] :: alternative form of giezło
gzowski {adj} [relational] :: Gzy (of, from, or pertaining to Gzy)
gzowski {adj} [relational] :: Gzowo (of, from, or pertaining to Gzowo)
gzub {m inan} [Poznań] :: belly (abdomen)
gzub {m pers} [Poznań] :: kid, child
gzyms {m inan} [architecture] :: cornice
gzymsik {m inan} :: diminutive of gzyms
gzymsowy {adj} [relational] :: cornice
gżegżółka {f} [archaic] :: cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)