User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-f - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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f {letter} :: letter
F {letter} :: letter
{m} /ˈfa/ :: fa (musical note)
{mf} /fɐ̃/ :: fan (admirer or aficionado)
FAB {prop} {f} :: acronym of Força Aérea Brasileira (Brazilian Air Force)
Fabiano {prop} {m} /fa.ˈbjɐ.nu/ :: given name
Fábio {prop} {m} :: given name
fabliau {m} [literature] :: fabliau (genre of short farcical tales)
fábrica {f} /ˈfa.βɾi.kɐ/ :: factory (manufacturing place)
fabricação {f} /fɐ.βɾi.kɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: fabrication, manufacture
fabricado {adj} :: manufactured, fabricated
fabricando {v} :: gerund of fabricar
fabricante {m} /ˌfaβɾiˈkɐ̃tɨ/ :: manufacturer (one who manufactures a product)
fabricar {v} /fɐ.βɾi.ˈkaɾ/ :: to manufacture
fabricar {v} :: to fabricate
fábula {f} /ˈfa.bu.lɐ/ :: fable, myth
fabulosamente {adv} :: fabulously (in a fabulous manner)
fabuloso {adj} :: fabulous, great, wonderful
faca {f} /ˈfa.kɐ/ :: knife
faça chuva ou faça sol {adv} [idiomatic] :: rain or shine (regardless of the circumstances)
facada {m} :: stab, stabbing (blow with a knife or similar)
faca de dois gumes {f} [idiomatic] :: double-edged sword (benefit that is also a liability)
faça favor {adv} :: please (used to make a polite request)
faça-me o favor {phrase} :: do me a favour
faça-me o favor {phrase} [sarcastic] :: please! (expression of annoyance or disbelief)
façanha {f} /fɐ.ˈsɐ.ɲɐ/ :: feat, achievement; deed (rare or difficult accomplishment)
façanha {f} :: prowess (distinguished bravery or courage)
facão {m} /fa.ˈkɐ̃w̃/ :: machete
facção {f} /fak.ˈsɐ̃õ/ :: faction (group of people)
facção {f} [politics] :: a subdivision of a political party
facção {f} [religion] :: sect
face {f} [anatomy, geometry] /ˈfa.sɨ/ :: face
face {f} [anatomy] :: the cheek
face a face {adv} :: vis-à-vis; face to face; in person
Facebook {prop} {m} /ˈfejzbuk/ :: Facebook (a social-networking website)
faceiro {adj} [of a person] /fa.ˈse(j).ɾu/ :: joyous (full of joy)
facêro {adj} :: eye dialect of faceiro
faceta {f} :: facet (flat surface cut into a gem)
faceta {f} [figurative] :: facet (one among many similar yet distinct things)
faceta {f} [anatomy] :: facet (component of a compound eye)
facetar {v} :: to facet (to cut facets into an object)
fachada {f} [architecture] /fɐ.ˈʃa.ðɐ/ :: façade (of a building)
fachada {f} [figuratively] :: anything used to hide something, especially criminal activities
fáci {adj} :: eye dialect of fácil
facial {adj} :: facial (of the face)
facil {adj} :: obsolete spelling of fácil
fácil {adj} /ˈfa.siɫ/ :: easy (requiring little skill or effort)
facilidade {f} :: ease, facility, easiness
facílimo {adj} :: superlative of fácil
facilíssimo {adj} :: most or very easy
facilitador {m} :: enabler (one who helps something happen)
facilitando {v} :: gerund of facilitar
facilitar {v} :: to facilitate
facilmente {adv} /fa.siɫ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: easily
facínora {mf} :: thug (a criminal who treats others violently or roughly)
fácio {adj} :: eye dialect of fácil
fácir {adj} :: eye dialect of fácil
fáciu {adj} :: eye dialect of fácil
facochero {m} :: alternative form of facoquero
facoquero {m} :: warthog (a species of wild pig)
factício {adj} /fakˈt͡ʃi.sju/ :: artificial; factitious; man-made
factício {adj} :: artificial; factitious; fake; fabricated
factível {adj} /fɐ(k).ˈti.vɛɫ/ :: feasible
facto {m} [European orthography, Portugal] /ˈfak.tu/ :: fact (something which is real)
factor {m} :: obsolete spelling of fator
factorial {m} :: obsolete spelling of fatorial
factorial {adj} :: obsolete spelling of fatorial
factoto {m} :: alternative form of factótum
factótum {m} :: factotum (person having many responsibilities)
factual {adj} :: factual (consisting of facts)
factura {f} :: obsolete spelling of fatura
facturar {v} :: obsolete spelling of faturar
facul {f} [familiar, colloquial] :: uni; abbreviation of faculdade
faculdade {f} /fɐ.kuɫˈ.da.d(ə)/ :: faculty (all senses)
faculdade {f} :: college, school
faculdade {f} :: power, ability
facultando {v} :: gerund of facultar
facultar {v} :: to facilitate
facultar {v} :: to provide
facultativo {adj} :: facultative; optional (not compulsory)
fada {f} /ˈfa.ðɐ/ :: fairy
fada dos dentes {f} :: tooth fairy (a figure of modern myth)
fada madrinha {f} :: fairy godmother (benevolent female fairy)
fadiga {f} /fɐ.ˈði.ɣɐ/ :: fatigue, weariness
fadiga de combate {f} [historical] :: shell shock (post-traumatic stress disorder in World War I soldiers)
fadigando {v} :: gerund of fadigar
fadigar {v} /fɐ.ði.ˈɣaɾ/ :: to tire (cause fatigue)
fadista {mf} :: fadista
fado {m} /ˈfa.ðu/ :: fate
fado {m} [music genre] :: fado
Fael {prop} {m} :: given name
Faetão {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Faetonte
Faeton {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Faetonte
Faetonte {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Phaëthon (son of Helios)
Fafe {prop} /ˈfaf(ɨ)/ :: Fafe (city/and/municipality)
-fagia {suffix} :: -phagy (the consumption of)
-fago {suffix} :: -phage
-fago {suffix} :: -phagous
fagocitar {v} [biology] :: to absorb, swallow up
fagócito {m} /fa.ɡɔ.ˈ :: phagocyte (cell of the immune system)
fagocitose {f} [immunology, cytology] :: phagocytosis (the process by which a cell internalises foreign bodies)
fagópiro {m} :: buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum, a plant)
fagote {m} :: bassoon (musical instrument in the woodwind family)
fagotista {mf} :: bassoonist (person who plays the bassoon)
fagotte {m} :: obsolete spelling of fagote
fagueiro {adj} :: mild, gentle
fagueiro {adj} :: affectionate
fagueiro {adj} :: pleasant
fagueiro {adj} :: pleasurable
fagulha {f} :: spark (particle of glowing matter)
fagulhar {v} :: to spark (to emit sparks)
Fagundes Varela {prop} :: Fagundes Varela (municipality)
faia {f} :: beech (tree of genus Fagus)
faia branca {f} :: American beech (Fagus grandifolia, a beech of North America)
faiança {f} /faj.ˈɐ̃.sɐ/ :: faience (type of tin-glazed earthenware ceramic)
faia-preta {f} :: aspen (tree of genus Populus)
faina {f} [nautical] :: work onboard a ship
faina {f} [by extension] :: any type of hard work
faina {f} [by extension] :: task, job
faisão {m} :: pheasant
faísca {f} /fɐ.ˈiʃ.kɐ/ :: spark
faiscar {vi} :: to spark (to emit sparks)
faisquinha {contraction} :: diminutive of faísca
fait accompli {m} :: fait accompli (an established fact)
faixa {f} /ˈfaj.ʃɐ/ :: band, strip
faixa {f} [fashion] :: belt, ribbon, strap, sash
faixa {f} [music] :: track (on a record)
faixa {f} :: lane (on a road)
faixa {f} [heraldiccharge] :: fess (horizontal band across the middle of the shield)
faixa {f} :: short for faixa de pedestres
Faixa de Gaza {prop} {f} :: Faixa de Gaza (exclave)
faixa de ônibus {f} :: bus lane
faixa de pedestres {f} :: pedestrian crossing (place marked for pedestrians to cross a street)
fajã {f} [geology, regional, Azores, Madeira] :: flat surface near the sea, created from collapsing cliffs or lava flows
fajr {mf} [Islam, rare] :: fajr (dawn prayer)
fajuto {adj} [colloquial, Brazil] :: tacky (of low quality)
fajuto {adj} [of a person] :: untrustworthy
fajuto {adj} :: fake; false; falsified
fake {m} [Internet slang] /ˈfejk(i)/ :: a fake account in a social network or other online community; a sock puppet
fake {adj} [Internet slang, of an image or video shared on the web] :: fake, manipulated, not genuine
fala {f} [uncountable] /ˈfa.lɐ/ :: speech (the ability to speak; the state of not being mute)
fala {f} :: a speech, a discourse
fala {f} :: accent (the way someone speaks)
fala {f} :: a dialect or regional variant of a language
fala {f} :: a line of dialogue in a screenplay or script
falá {v} :: eye dialect of falar
fala aí {interj} :: See: pt fala
fala aí {interj} [colloquial] :: hi; what's up (a greeting)
falacia {f} :: fallacy
falácia {f} :: fallacy
falacioso {adj} :: fallacious (characterized by fallacy; false or mistaken)
falado {adj} /fɐ.ˈla.ðu/ :: spoken
falador {adj} :: talkative (tending to talk or speak freely or often)
faláfel {m} :: falafel (a Middle Eastern dish made from ground chickpeas)
fala inglês {phrase} :: do you speak English?
falando do diabo {phrase} [idiomatic, humorous] :: speak of the devil (expression used when a person mentioned in the current conversation happens to arrive)
falange {f} [skeleton] /fɐ.ˈlɐ̃.ʒɨ/ :: phalanx; phalange
falange {f} [skeleton, dated] :: proximal phalange
falange {f} [military, historical, Ancient Greece] :: phalanx
falange distal {f} [skeleton] :: distal phalange
falange média {f} [skeleton] :: intermediate phalange
falange proximal {f} [skeleton] :: proximal phalange
falangeta {f} [dated, skeleton] /fa.lɐ̃.ˈʒe.ta/ :: distal phalange
falanginha {f} /fa.lɐ̃.ˈʒi.ɲa/ :: diminutive of falange
falanginha {f} [skeleton, dated] :: intermediate phalange
falante {mf} /fɐˈlɐ̃tɨ/ :: speaker
falante {adj} :: talking
falante nativa {f} :: feminine noun of falante nativo
falante nativo {m} :: native speaker
falar {vi} /fɐ.ˈlaɾ/ :: to speak; to talk (to say words out loud)
falar {v} [by extension] :: to communicate by any means
falar {vt} :: to say something
falar {v} [com] :: to talk to
falar {v} [para] :: to tell (to convey by speech)
falar {v} [de, sobre] :: to talk about
falar {v} [de] :: to speak ill of
falar {vt} :: to speak (to be able to communicate in a language)
falar {m} :: a cant, dialect or regional language
falar coisa com coisa {adv} [idiom] :: to express oneself coherently, concisely, or in a way that makes sense
falar com a porta {v} [idiom] :: To speak while the interlocutor is not paying attention
falar em línguas {v} :: to speak in tongues (to speak in an elaborate but apparently meaningless speech)
falar mais do que a boca {v} :: alternative form of falar mais que a boca
falar mais que a boca {v} [idiom] :: to talk or speak excessively
falar mal {v} [colloquial] :: to badmouth (to criticise or malign)
falar pelos cotovelos {vi} [idiom] :: to talk excessively
falar sério {vt} :: to mean it (to have conviction in what one says)
falar sério {v} :: to mean something seriously, without the intention to be a joke or irony
fala sério {interj} :: no way (implies the speaker is astonished and/or does not believe something said)
fala sério {interj} :: really?! (implies the speaker is annoyed with something)
fala sério {interj} :: See: pt falar sério
falas português {phrase} [colloquial] :: Do you speak Portuguese?
falatório {m} :: chatter (talk, especially meaningless or unimportant talk)
falcão {m} /faw.ˈkɐ̃w̃/ :: falcon, hawk
falcão-americano {m} :: sparrow hawk (Falco sparverius, a bird of prey)
falcão peregrino {m} :: peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus, a bird of prey)
falcata {f} /fawˈka.ta/ :: falcata (ancient Iberian sword)
falcatrua {f} /faɫkɐˈtɾuɐ/ :: trickery, fraud, fiddle
falciforme {adj} :: falciform (sickle-shaped)
falcoar {vi} :: to hawk (to hunt with a hawk)
falcoaria {f} [uncountable] :: falconry (sport of hunting by using trained birds of prey)
falcoaria {f} :: a place or cage where birds of prey are kept
falcoeiro {m} :: falconer (a person who breeds or trains hawks)
falcoens {m} :: obsolete spelling of falcões
falcoẽs {m} :: obsolete spelling of falcões
falconete {m} :: falconet
falda {f} :: foot, lower slope (of a mountain)
falda {f} :: border, edge
falecendo {v} :: gerund of falecer
falecer {v} /fɐ.lɨ.ˈseɾ/ :: to die
falecimento {m} :: death, demise
falena {f} /fɐˈlenɐ/ :: moth
falência {f} :: bankruptcy (inability to pay creditors)
faleriense {mf} :: Faliscan (member of an ancient Italic people who lived in southern Etruria)
faleriense {adj} :: Faliscan (of or relating to the Faliscans)
falésia {f} :: cliff (a (near) vertical rock face)
falha {f} /ˈfa.ʎɐ/ :: A flaw
falha {f} [geology] :: A fault
falhanço {m} :: failure
falhar {v} /fɐ.ˈʎaɾ/ :: to fail
falicismo {m} :: phallicism (phallus worship)
fálico {adj} :: phallic (having to do with the penis)
falido {adj} :: bankrupt
falir {v} :: to go bankrupt
falisco {adj} :: Faliscan
falisco {m} :: Faliscan
falível {adj} :: fallible (capable of making mistakes or being wrong)
falla {f} :: obsolete spelling of fala
fallar {v} :: obsolete spelling of falar
fallecer {v} :: obsolete spelling of falecer
falo {n} [entomology] /ˈfaɫu/ :: phallus
falou {interj} [Brazil, familiar] /fɐ.ˈlow/ :: see you; bye
falou e disse {phrase} [colloquial] :: you said it (used to express total agreement to a previous statement)
falous {interj} [slang] :: alternative form of falou
falow {interj} [internet slang] :: alternative form of falou
falows {interj} [internet slang] :: alternative form of falou
falsamente {adv} :: In false context; not conforming to facts or reality; untruthfully; falsely
falsear {v} :: to fake; to falsify
falsete {m} [music] :: falsetto (vocal register occupying the frequency range just above the modal voice)
falsidade {f} /faɫ.si.ˈða.ðɨ/ :: falsehood, falsity
falsidade ideológica {f} :: fraud (assumption of a false identity to such deceptive end)
falsificação {f} :: the act of faking, counterfeiting something
falsificação {f} :: counterfeit; a fake object
falsificado {adj} :: bogus; counterfeit; fake; falsified
falsificador {m} :: counterfeiter (a person who creates forgeries), forger
falsificador {adj} :: which or who counterfeits
falsificar {vt} :: to falsify (to alter so as to be false)
falso {adj} /ˈfaɫ.su/ :: false; untrue; not factual; wrong
falso {adj} :: false; artificial; fake
falso {adj} [logic] :: false
falso {adj} :: that which deceives or lies
falso amigo {m} :: See: pt falso amigo
falso amigo {m} [linguistics] :: false friend (word in a foreign language bearing a deceptive resemblance to a word in a language)
falta {f} /ˈfaw.tɐ/ :: lack (the condition of not having, needing, or needing more of something)
falta {f} :: [education] absence; truancy (an instance of missing a class)
falta {f} :: fault (a mistake, error, sin or transgression, especially a minor one)
falta {f} :: [sports] foul (breach of game rules)
falta {f} :: [association football] direct free kick (free kick following a foul committed outside the penalty area)
falta {f} [only in sentir falta] :: the condition of missing someone or something
falta de ar {f} :: breathlessness (state of being breathless or out of breath)
falta de ar {f} :: See: pt falta de ar
faltante {adj} :: missing; lacking
faltar {vi} /faɫˈtaɾ/ :: there to be not; to be missing; to be lacking;
faltar {v} [a] :: to be lacking from; to be absent from;
faltar {v} [a] :: not to attend;
faltar {vi} :: to remain; to be left (for completing something)
falto {adj} [usually, with de] :: in need (of) (lacking something)
faltoso {adj} :: wrongful
falua {f} [nautical] :: felucca (type of boat used to transport passengers and goods across the river Tagus)
Falun Gong {prop} {m} :: Falun Gong (a spiritual practice founded in China in 1992)
fama {f} /ˈfɐ.mɐ/ :: reputation
fama {f} :: fame
Fama {prop} :: Fama (municipality)
famigerado {adj} :: famed; famous (known by many people)
famigerado {adj} [deprecative] :: infamous; notorious
familha {f} :: obsolete form of família
familia {f} :: obsolete spelling of família
família {f} /fɐ.ˈmi.ljɐ/ :: family; nuclear family (a father, mother and their sons and daughters)
família {f} :: family; bloodline; kin
família {f} [taxonomy] :: family
família {f} [linguistics] :: language family
família {f} :: things which are classed together
família {f} :: a Mafia family
família elementar {f} :: nuclear family (father, mother and children)
familial {adj} :: familial (relating to families)
família linguística {f} [linguistics] :: language family (set of related languages)
família nuclear {f} :: nuclear family (father, mother and children)
familiar {adj} /fɐ.mi.ˈljaʁ/ :: familiar (known to one)
familiar {adj} :: of or relating to a family
familiar {m} [usually, in the plural] :: relative (person in the same family)
familiar {m} :: familiar (attendant spirit)
familiaridade {f} :: familiarity; acquaintance (state of being familiar with something)
familiaridade {f} :: familiarity (the state of being close friends)
familiarização {f} :: familiarization
familiarizando {v} :: gerund of familiarizar
familiarizar {v} :: to familiarize
faminto {adj} /fɐ.ˈmĩ.tu/ :: hungry, famished
famoso {adj} /fɐ.ˈmo.zu/ :: famous
famoso {adj} :: very good; excellent
fanática {f} :: feminine noun of fanático
fanaticamente {adv} :: fanatically
fanático {m} :: fanatic (one who is zealously enthusiastic)
fanático {adj} :: fanatical; fanatic (characterised by extreme enthusiasm)
fanatismo {m} :: fanatism (excessive or intolerance of opposing views)
fanatismo {m} :: fanaticism (characteristic or practice of being a fanatic)
fancaria {f} /fɐ̃.ka.ˈɾi.ɐ/ :: fabric shop
fancaria {f} [mass noun] :: low-quality goods
fanfarra {f} :: fanfare (a flourish of trumpets or horns)
fanfarrão {adj} :: who is a braggart; who often brags
fanfarrão {m} :: braggart (one who boasts)
fanfarrice {f} :: alternative form of fanfarronice
fanfarronice {f} /ˈfã.fa.ʁ :: the behaviour of telling lies and acting falsely about one's own qualities and capacities
fanfic {f} {m} :: fan fiction (fiction made by fans)
faniquito {m} :: tantrum (or similar minor nervous breakdown)
fantasia {f} :: fantasy (imagining)
fantasia {f} [literature] :: fantasy (literary genre)
fantasia {f} :: costume (outfit or a disguise worn as fancy dress)
fantasiado {adj} :: wearing a costume
fantasiado {m} :: person wearing a costume
fantasiar {vr} [usually in the, _] :: to put a costume on someone
fantasiar {v} :: to imagine (use one’s imagination; conjure in one’s mind)
fantasioso {adj} :: fantastical (seemingly only possible in fantasy)
fantasma {mf} {m} /fɐ̃.ˈt̪aʒ.mɐ/ :: ghost (spirit appearing after death)
fantasma de Pepper {m} :: Pepper's ghost (an illusionary technique used to make objects appear or disappear)
fantasmagórico {adj} :: spooky
fantasticamente {adv} :: fantastically (in a fantastic manner)
fantasticamente {adv} :: fantastically (to a fantastic extent)
fantástico {adj} :: fantastic
fantochada {f} :: puppet show (theatrical performance with puppets)
fantochada {f} :: a great amount of puppets
fantoche {m} :: puppet
fantocheiro {m} :: puppeteer (person who uses a puppet)
fapar {v} [slang, mainly on the Internet] /fa.ˈpaɾ/ :: to fap; to masturbate
FAQ {m} [Internet] /ˈfak/ :: FAQ (webpage containing questions and answers about the website)
faqueiro {m} :: canteen (box with compartments for storing eating utensils)
faqueiro {m} [by extension] :: cutlery
faqueiro {m} :: knifemaker, cutler
faquir {m} [Hindu] :: fakir (an ascetic mendicant)
farad {m} [physics] :: farad (unit of capacitance)
farândola {f} [dance] :: farandole
farândola {f} [colloquial, collective] :: rabble
faraó {m} /fɐ.ɾɐ.ˈɔ/ :: pharaoh (supreme ruler of Ancient Egypt)
Farc {prop} {fp} /ˈfaʁk/ :: FARC (Marxist guerilla groups operating in Colombia)
FARC {prop} {fp} :: alternative form of Farc
farda {f} /ˈfaɾ.ðɐ/ :: military uniform; fatigues
farda {f} [by extension] :: any uniform
fardado {adj} :: in uniform; uniformed
fardão {m} :: A type of sword, most associated with being part of the regalia of a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters
fardão {m} :: augmentative of fardo: large bundle
fardar {vt} :: to dress in uniform
fardar {vp} :: to put on one's uniform
fardo {m} :: bale, truss, bundle
fardo {m} :: package, parcel
fardo {m} [by extension] :: burden
farejar {v} /fɐ.ɾɨˈʒaɾ/ :: to sniff
farejar {v} :: to find out
farejar {v} :: to sniff out
farelo {m} [uncountable] /fɐ.ˈɾɛ.lu/ :: bran (outside layer of a grain)
farelo {m} [uncountable] :: crumbs (tiny pieces of baked food)
farelo {m} :: an individual piece of crumb
farelo {m} [figuratively] :: something insignificant
fáretra {f} [poetic] :: quiver (arrow container)
farfalhar {v} :: to rustle (to move with a soft crackling sound, as leaves in the wind)
farfalhar {v} [figurative] :: to speak excessively
Faria Lemos {prop} :: Faria Lemos (municipality)
faringe {f} :: pharynx
faríngeo {adj} :: pharyngeal
faringiano {adj} :: pharyngeal (of or pertaining to the pharynx)
faríngico {adj} :: pharyngeal (of or pertaining to the pharynx)
faringite {f} [pathology] :: pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx)
farinha {f} /fɐ.ˈɾi.ɲɐ/ :: flour (ground cereal grains)
farinha do mesmo saco {phrase} [idiomatic] :: much of a muchness (indicates little difference between multiple things)
farinhento {adj} :: mealy; floury (resembling flour in consistency or taste)
farinhento {adj} [of food] :: containing a lot of flour
farisaico {adj} :: pharisaic; self-righteous (piously self-assured and smugly moralistic)
fariseu {m} :: Pharisee (member of a Jewish movement that flourished during the Second Temple Era)
farjuto {adj} :: alternative form of fajuto
farmacêutico {adj} :: pharmaceutical
farmacêutico {m} :: pharmacist
farmácia {f} /fɐɾ.ˈɐ/ :: pharmacy (a place where prescription drugs are dispensed)
farmácia {f} [uncountable] :: the science of creating medicine
fármaco {m} :: pharmaceutical, medication
farmacologia {f} :: pharmacology
farmacologicamente {adv} :: pharmacologically
farmacológico {adj} :: pharmacological (relating to pharmacology)
farmacologista {mf} [pharmacology] :: pharmacologist (person who studies pharmacology)
farmacólogo {m} [pharmacology] :: pharmacologist (person who studies pharmacology)
farmacoterapia {f} [medicine] :: pharmacotherapy (use of pharmaceuticals to treat disease)
farnel {m} :: picnic; snack; provision
farnel {m} :: lunchbox
faro {m} /ˈfa.ɾu/ :: sense of smell, especially that of an animal
faro {m} [figurative] :: the ability to recognise opportunities
Faro {prop} {m} /ˈfa.ɾu/ :: Faro (district)
Faro {prop} {m} :: Faro (city/and/municipality)
Faroé {prop} {fp} :: Faroé (archipelago/and/autonomous territory)
faroês {m} :: alternative form of feroês
faroês {adj} :: alternative form of feroês
faroeste {m} :: western (a movie of western genre)
farofa {f} [Brazil, culinary] :: food made from manioc flour cooked in fat
farofa {f} [figuratively] :: brag; boast
farofeiro {m} :: (pejorative) one who takes farofa to the beach
farol {m} /fɐ.ˈɾɔɫ/ :: lighthouse (building containing a light to warn or guide ships)
farol {m} :: automobile light
farol {m} [Brazil] :: traffic light
faroleiro {m} :: lighthouse keeper (person who lives in a lighthouse and tends the light)
faroleiro {adj} [colloquial, dated] :: bragging, ostentatious, proud
farpa {f} :: splinter (long, sharp fragment of material, often wood)
farpa {f} [figuratively, chiefly in the plural] :: taunt, jibe (facetious or insulting remark)
farra {f} /ˈfa.ʁɐ/ :: carousal (noisy feast or social gathering, especially one with alcohol)
farra {f} :: spree (uninhibited activity)
farra do boi {f} :: A bloodsport that consists of beating a bull to exhaustion
farrapo {m} /fa.ˈʁa.pu/ :: tatter; rag (piece of old, tattered cloth)
farrapo {m} :: rags (tattered clothes)
farrapo {m} :: a person who wears rags; a shabby person
farrapo {m} [Brazil, historical] :: a participant in the Farroupilha Revolution
farrapo {adj} :: of or relating to the Farroupilha Revolution
farro {m} :: emmer (Triticum turgidum, a species of wheat)
Farroupilha {prop} :: Farroupilha (municipality)
farsa {f} [theatre] /ˈfar.sɐ/ :: farce
fartando {v} :: gerund of fartar
fartar {v} :: to satiate
farto {adj} /ˈfaɾ.tu/ :: stuffed
farto {adj} :: abundant, rich, hearty
farto {adj} [figurative] :: fed up, tired, annoyed
fartura {f} /faɾ.ˈtu.ɾa/ :: abundance or excess of food or other resources; glut; luxury
fartura {f} :: eating satisfaction
Fartura {prop} :: Fartura (municipality)
fáscia plantar {f} :: plantar fascia (the thick connective tissue which supports the arch of the foot)
fascículo {m} :: instalment
fascículo {m} :: fascicle
fascículo {m} :: bundle
fasciite {f} [pathology] :: fasciitis (inflammation of the fascia)
fascinação {f} :: fascination
fascinante {adj} :: fascinating
fascinar {v} :: to fascinate (evoke interest or attraction)
fascínio {m} :: amazement; fascination (overwhelming wonder)
fascismo {m} /fa.ˈ :: fascism (extreme totalitarian political regime)
fascista {adj} /fa.ˈsis.tɐ/ :: fascist (of or relating to fascism)
fascista {adj} :: fascist (supporting the principles of fascism)
fascista {adj} [colloquial] :: fascist (unfairly oppressive or needlessly strict)
fascista {mf} :: fascist (proponent of fascism)
fase {f} /ˈfa.zɨ/ :: phase
fase {f} :: stage
fase {f} :: period
fase {f} [video games] :: level
fase aquosa {f} [chemistry] :: aqueous phase (homogeneous part of a heterogeneous system that consist of water or a solution in water of a substance)
fase da lua {f} /fa.zɨ.ðɐ.ˈlu.ɐ/ :: lunar phase
fashion {adj} [slang] /ˈfɛ.ʃõ/ :: fashionable, trendy
fast food {mf} :: fast food (type of meal that is often pre-prepared and served quickly)
fast-food {mf} :: alternative spelling of fast food
fastio {m} :: tedium (boredom or tediousness; ennui)
fatal {adj} /fɐ.ˈtaɫ/ :: fatal
fatal {adj} :: terrible, very bad
fatalidade {f} /fɐ.tɐ.li.ˈða.ðɨ/ :: fatality
fatalidade {f} :: fate, fatefulness
fatalismo {m} /fɐ.tɐ.ˈliʒ.mu/ :: fatalism (doctrine that all events are subject to fate)
fatalista {adj} :: fatalistic
fatalista {mf} :: fatalist
fata morgana {f} {m} :: alternative case form of Fata Morgana
Fata Morgana {f} {m} /ˌfa.tɐ moʁˈɡɐ.nɐ/ :: Fata Morgana (form of mirage caused by temperature inversion)
Fatec {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of FATEC
Fatec {f} :: alternative spelling of FATEC
FATEC {prop} {f} :: A technological college, with various units located in São Paulo, Brazil
FATEC {f} :: Any of the FATEC units
fatela {adj} [Portugal, colloquial, derogatory] :: cheesy, tacky (cheap, of poor quality)
fatia {f} /fɐ.ˈti.ɐ/ :: slice (thin, broad piece cut off)
fatia de mercado {f} :: market share
fatiar {v} :: to slice (to cut into slices)
fático {adj} [linguistics] :: phatic (which serves perform a social task, as opposed to conveying information)
fatídico {adj} :: fateful
fatídico {adj} :: fatal, tragic
fatífero {adj} [poetic] :: deadly (likely to cause death)
fatigando {v} :: gerund of fatigar
fatigar {v} :: to weary, tire, fatigue
Fátima {prop} {f} [Islam] :: Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad
Fátima {prop} {f} :: given name used by Muslims and Roman Catholics
Fátima {prop} {f} :: A town and place of Roman Catholic pilgrimage in Portugal, named from the Arabic given name
Fátima {prop} {f} :: Fátima (municipality)
fationa {f} :: augmentative of fatia
fatiota {f} [dialectal] /fatʃiˈɔtɐ/ :: a suit or other piece of cloth
fato {m} /ˈfa.tu/ :: a set of clothing traditionally worn together, such as a uniform or national costume
fato {m} [Portugal] :: suit (formal clothing, male or female)
fato {m} [Portugal] :: entrails (internal organs of an animal, especially the intestines)
fato {m} [Brazil] :: fact (something which is real)
fato {m} [collective] :: a small herd of goats; a flock
fato espacial {m} [European Portuguese] :: space suit
fator {m} /fa.ˈtoʁ/ :: factor; doer; maker
fator {m} :: factor; influence
fator {m} [mathematics] :: factor
fatorar {v} [mathematics] :: to factorise (create a list of factors)
fatorar {v} [mathematics] :: to factorise (divide an expression into listing items)
fatorial {m} [mathematics, combinatorics] /ɾi.ˈaw/ :: factorial (mathematical operation or its result)
fatorial {adj} [mathematics] :: factorial
fátua {f} :: rare spelling of fatwa
fatual {adj} :: alternative form of factual
fátuo {adj} :: dull; foolish
fatura {f} /fa.ˈtu.ɾɐ/ :: invoice, bill
fatura {f} :: manufacture
faturar {vt} :: to invoice (to send a bill)
faturar {vt} :: to earn an amount of money
faturar {vi} :: to earn a lot of money
faturar {vi} [Brazil, slang] :: to score (to have sexual intercourse)
fatwa {f} [Islam] /ˈfa.twɐ/ :: fatwa (legal opinion issued by a mufti)
faúlha {f} :: spark (particle of glowing matter)
fauna {f} :: fauna (animals of a region considered as a group)
fauno {m} /ˈ :: faun
Fausta {prop} {f} :: given name
fausto {adj} :: happy or fortunate
fausto {m} :: ostentation; pomposity
faustoso {adj} /faws.ˈto.zu/ :: pompous, opulent, luxurious (showing wealth)
fava {f} /ˈfa.vɐ/ :: fava bean (Vicia faba)
favela {f} :: a species of tree, Cnidoscolus quercifolius, native to northeastern Brazil
favela {f} [Brazil] :: slum (dilapidated neighborhood)
favelado {m} :: someone who lives in a favela
favicon {m} [web design] :: favicon (icon for a website)
favo {m} :: honeycomb (bee's)
favor {m} /fɐˈvoɾ/ :: favour (instance of voluntarily assisting someone)
favor {m} :: favour; goodwill (benevolent regard)
favor {adv} [before a verb in the infinitive] :: please (seen on warnings and the like)
favoravel {adj} :: superseded spelling of favorável
favorável {adj} /fəvuˈɾavɛɫ/ :: favorable
favoravelmente {adv} /fɐ.vu.ɾa.vɛɫ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: In context of being convenient; favorably; conveniently
favoràvelmente {adv} :: obsolete spelling of favoravelmente
favorecendo {v} :: gerund of favorecer
favorecer {v} /fɐ.vu.ɾɨ.ˈseɾ/ :: to favor / favour
favorecer {v} :: to protect, support
favorecido {adj} /fɐ.vu.ɾɨ.ˈsi.ðu/ :: favoured
favoritismo {m} :: favouritism (unfair favouring of a person or group)
favorito {adj} :: favourite; preferred
favorito {m} :: favourite (person who enjoys special regard or favour)
favorito {m} :: favourite (person who is preferred or trusted above all others)
favorito {m} :: favourite (contestant or competitor thought most likely to win)
favorito {m} [computing] :: bookmark (record of the address of a file or page)
fax {m} :: fax (document transmitted by telephone)
faxina {f} :: cleaning of a environment, specially a domestic one
Faxinal dos Guedes {prop} :: Faxinal dos Guedes (municipality)
Faxinal do Soturno {prop} :: Faxinal do Soturno (municipality)
Faxinalzinho {prop} :: Faxinalzinho (municipality)
faxinar {v} :: to bottom the house (to clean a house extremely thoroughly)
faxinar {v} :: to set up fascines in a location
faxineira {f} :: female equivalent of faxineiro
faxineiro {m} :: one who performs the cleaning or part of it; cleaner; janitor; sweeper
fayança {f} :: obsolete spelling of faiança
fazedor {m} :: doer, maker
fazenda {f} /fɐ.ˈzẽ.dɐ/ :: farm (a place where agricultural activities take place)
fazenda {f} [economics] :: public finances
fazenda {f} :: a cloth
Fazenda Vilanova {prop} :: Fazenda Vilanova (municipality)
fazendeiro {m} :: landowner
fazendeiro {m} :: farmer
fazer {vt} /fɐ.ˈzeɾ/ :: to make
fazer {v} :: to create; to produce
fazer {v} :: to do; to execute; to perform
fazer {v} [auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal infinitive as the second object] :: to cause to
fazer {v} :: to arrange; to clean up; to tidy
fazer {v} :: to cook; to prepare (e.g. food)
fazer {v} [de, .pronominal] :: to play; to pretend to be
fazer {vt} :: to turn; to reach an age; to have a birthday
fazer {v} [por] :: to sell for a given price (usually to make cheaper in a bargain)
fazer {vt} :: to attend a course (academic or not)
fazer {vt} [impersonal] :: to pass (said of time)
fazer {vt} [impersonal] :: to be; to occur (said of a weather phenomenon)
fazer a barba {vi} :: to shave one’s or someone else’s beard
fazer a barba {vi} :: to get a shave
fazer a cama {v} /fɐ.ˈze.ɾ ɐ. ˈkɐ.mɐ/ :: to make the bed
fazer amor {v} :: to make love, to have sex
fazer aniversário {v} [Brazil, idiom] :: to turn years, to have a birthday
fazer anos {vi} [Portugal, idiom] :: to turn years, to have a birthday
fazer anos {vt} [idiom] :: to turn ... years old
fazer as pazes {v} [com, .idiomatic] :: to make up, to make peace, to reconciliate (to resolve, forgive or smooth over an argument or fight)
fazer bem {v} :: to do well, to benefit, to favour
fazer cara feia {vi} [idiomatic] :: to express dislike for something with a facial expression
fazer cócegas {vt} :: to tickle (to touch in a manner that causes tingling sensation)
fazer cocô {v} [informal childish] :: to poop; to defecate
fazer companhia {vt} :: to accompany (to keep company)
fazer de conta {v} [idiomatic] :: to pretend, to make believe
fazer de tudo {v} [idiomatic] :: to bend over backwards (to make a great effort)
fazer de tudo {v} [idiomatic] :: to be responsible for several different things; to be a jack of all trades
fazer doce {vi} :: to pretend to not want something while wanting it
fazer falta {v} [idiomatic] :: to be missed, to be needed
fazer fronteira {v} [of a country, used with com] :: to border (to share a border with another country)
fazer hora {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to take too much time on purpose; to stall, waste time
fazer ideia {v} [usually in the negative] :: to know at least a bit about something
fazer jus a {vt} :: to deserve
fazer mal {v} :: See: pt fazer mal
fazer mal {v} :: to be unhealthy
fazer média {v} [idiom] :: to adopt certain ideas or attitudes that would make someone accepted by someone else or a group
fazer merda {v} [vulgar] :: to fuck things up (to commit severe mistakes)
fazer o bem sem olhar a quem {proverb} :: alternative form of fazer o bem sem ver a quem
fazer o bem sem ver a quem {proverb} :: When being altruist, one should not consider who is the person benefited, but the action itself (or the quality thereof) instead
fazer o diabo {v} :: to make or cause a disorderly situation, ruckus, turmoil
fazer o possível e o impossível {v} [idiom] :: to try very hard to accomplish something
fazer o quê {phrase} [rhetorical question] :: Indicates that the speaker is passively accepting a situation that is at least a little unpleasant
fazer parte {v} [used with conjunction de] :: to be part of; to constitute
fazer ponte {v} [figuratively, Portugal] :: To take a long weekend; to take an extra day off work in addition to a public holiday that falls on a Thursday or Tuesday, or between two public holidays, thereby making a four-day weekend
fazer pouco {v} :: See: pt fazer pouco
fazer pouco {v} [de] :: to underestimate
fazer questão {v} [idiomatic] :: to make a point (to make sure something is done)
fazer rodeios {v} [idiom] :: to beat around the bush (to treat a topic but omit its main points)
fazer sala {v} [idiomatic] :: To entertain a guest
fazer sentido {vi} :: to make sense (to be coherent)
fazer sexo {v} :: to have sex (take part in a sexual act)
fazer tempestade em copo d'água {v} [idiomatic] :: to make a mountain out of a molehill [literally: make a storm in a glass of water]
fazer tipo {vi} :: to pretend, to feign something
fazer vista grossa {v} [idiomatic] :: to turn a blind eye (to ignore or deliberately overlook)
fazer voar {v} :: to throw something or things angrily
fazer xixi {vi} [euphemistic] :: to urinate
faz favor {interj} :: please
faz favor {interj} :: asking for a favour
faz favor {interj} :: expressing annoyance or impatience
fazível {adj} :: doable (able to be done)
faz tudo {m} :: alternative spelling of faz-tudo
faz tudo {m} :: See: pt fazer tudo
faz-tudo {m} :: handyman (man who does odd tasks)
FB {prop} {m} [chiefly internet slang or text messaging] :: abbreviation of Facebook
f*der {v} :: euphemistic spelling of foder
fdp {mf} :: initialism of filho da puta SOB
fdp {mf} :: initialism of filha da puta
FDP {m} :: initialism of filho da puta
FDP {f} :: initialism of filha da puta
fds {m} [Internet slang, text messaging] :: abbreviation of final de semana
fds {m} [Internet slang, text messaging, vulgar] :: abbreviation of foda-se
{f} /ˈfɛ/ :: faith
{f} :: obsolete spelling of
fealdade {f} :: ugliness
Febe {prop} {f} [Greek god] /ˈfɛ.bi/ :: Phoebe (Titan associated with the moon)
Febe {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: Phoebe (moon of Saturn)
Febe {prop} {f} [biblical character] :: Phoebe (deacon mentioned in the Epistle to the Romans)
febre {f} [symptom] /ˈfɛ.βɾɨ/ :: fever (high body temperature due to disease)
febre {f} [figuratively] :: craze (a temporary passion for a new amusement or fashion)
febre aftosa {f} [disease] :: foot-and-mouth disease
febre amarela {f} [pathology] :: yellow fever (acute febrile illness of tropical regions)
febre catarral {f} :: bluetongue (disease of ruminants)
febre de feno {f} [allergology] :: hay fever (allergy to pollen)
febre de Lassa {f} [disease] :: Lassa fever (deadly viral infection endemic to West Africa)
febre de ouro {f} :: alternative form of febre do ouro
febre do feno {f} :: alternative form of febre de feno
febre do ouro {f} :: gold rush (period of heavy immigration into an area where gold has been discovered)
febre Q {f} [pathology] :: Q fever (disease caused by the bacterium Coxiella burnetii)
febre reumática {f} :: rheumatic fever (inflammation of joints and heart)
febre suína {f} :: swine flu or swine influenza
febre tifoide {f} [pathology] :: typhoid fever (illness)
febril {adj} :: febrile; feverish
fecal {adj} :: fecal (relating to feces)
fechado {adj} /fɨ.ˈʃa.ðu/ :: closed, shut
fechado {adj} :: locked
fechadura {f} /fɨ.ʃɐ.ˈðu.ɾɐ/ :: lock (of a door)
fechamento {m} :: the act of closing
fechamento {m} :: close; conclusion (final part of an event or project)
fechar {v} /fɨˈʃaɾ/ :: to close
fechar {v} :: to conclude (an agreement)
fechar {v} [video games] :: to complete (all levels of a video game)
fechar com {v} [Brazil, slang] :: to be fond of, to like
fechar com {v} [Brazil, slang] :: to agree with or accept someone's opinions
fechar com {v} :: See: pt fechar com (see also fechar com chave de ouro)
fechar com chave de ouro {v} [idiomatic] :: to conclude something already successful in an efficient, advantageous or otherwise positive way
fecho {m} /ˈfɐjʃu/ :: closure
fecho {m} :: zip, zipper
fecho {m} :: latch
fecho {m} :: clasp
fecho algébrico {m} [field theory] :: algebraic closure (field which is algebraically closed over another one)
fecho de correr {m} :: zip fastener (a fastener used in clothing, bags)
fecho éclair {m} :: zip fastener
fecho ecler {m} [Brazil] :: alternative form of fecho éclair
fecho-relâmpago {m} [rare] :: zip fastener
fecial {adj} [Ancient Rome] :: of or relating to the Roman priests who dealt with enemies
fécula {f} :: starch (powdery substance extracted from plants)
fecundabilidade {f} :: fecundability (condition of being fecund)
fecundação {f} :: fertilization (act of fecundating)
fecundidade {f} :: fecundity, fertility
fecundo {adj} :: fertile
fedelho {m} /fɨ.ˈðɐ.ʎu/ :: brat (unruly or spoiled child)
feder {v} /fɨ.ˈðeɾ/ :: to stink (have a strong bad smell)
federação {f} /fɨðɨɾɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: federation
Federação Russa {prop} {f} :: Federação Russa (country)
federal {adj} /fɨðɨˈɾaɫ/ :: federal
federalismo {m} [politics] :: federalism (system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and regions)
federalização {f} :: federalization (unification of states to form a union)
federativo {adj} :: federative, federal
fedido {adj} :: of bad smell; stinky; smelly
fedor {m} /fɨ.ˈðoɾ/ :: stench (a strong foul smell, a stink)
fedorenta {f} :: feminine noun of fedorento
fedorento {adj} /fɨ.ðu.ˈɾẽ.tu/ :: Of bad smell; stinky; smelly
fedorento {m} :: stinker (a stinky person)
feed {m} [Internet] /ˈfid͡ʒ/ :: feed (encapsulated online content that one can subscribe to)
feedback {m} /ˌfid͡ʒ.ˈbɛk/ :: feedback (assessment on information produced)
feição {f} /fɐj.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: figure, form, aspect
feieza {f} :: ugliness
feijão {m} /fɐj.ˈʒɐ̃w̃/ :: bean (seed)
feijão-com-arroz {adj} :: ordinary, everyday, common, mundane
feijão-com-arroz {adj} :: simple, basic
feijão comum {m} :: alternative spelling of feijão-comum
feijão-comum {m} :: common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, a plant grown for its edible bean)
feijão-frade {m} :: black-eyed pea (Vigna unguiculata)
feijoa {f} :: feijoa (shrub)
feijoada {f} /fɐj.ˈʒwa.ðɐ/ :: feijoada
feio {m} /ˈfɐj.u/ :: an ugly person
feio {adj} :: ugly (visually unpleasant)
feio {adj} [figurative] :: wrong, immoral
feio {adj} [figurative] :: disrespectful, impolite, rude
feio {adv} :: uglily, in an ugly manner
feio {adv} :: severely, critically, very much (used when the result is negative)
feiosa {f} :: feminine noun of feioso
feioso {adj} /fej.ˈo.zu/ :: ugly
feira {f} /ˈfɐj.ɾɐ/ :: market
feira {f} :: fair
feira {f} :: confusion
feira {f} :: designation for a weekday in Portuguese: e.g. segunda-feira for Monday, terça-feira for Tuesday, etc
feira da ladra {f} [Portugal] :: flea market (an outdoor market selling inexpensive curiosities)
Feira da Mata {prop} :: Feira da Mata (municipality)
feira de comércio {f} [business] :: trade fair (exhibition for companies in a specific industry to showcase their products)
Feira de Santana {prop} :: Feira de Santana (municipality)
Feira Mundial {prop} {f} :: World Exposition (a regular international exposition)
feirinha {f} :: diminutive of feira
feitiçaria {f} :: sorcery; witchcraft
feiticeira {f} :: feminine noun of feiticeiro; sorceress
feiticeiro {m} :: sorcerer, wizard
feitiço {adj} /fɐjˈ :: feigned, false
feitiço {m} :: witchcraft, sorcery
feitiço {m} :: amulet, charm
feitiço {m} :: incantation
feitio {m} /fɐj.ˈti.u/ :: form; shape (visible structure of something)
feitio {m} :: manner (the way something or someone acts of behaves)
feitio {m} :: work (something done or made by someone)
feito {adj} /ˈfɐj.tu/ :: done, made, produced, created
feito {m} :: feat, deed, accomplishment
feito {adv} [idiom] :: like; just alike; similarly to
feito {interj} :: deal (seals an agreement)
feito nas coxas {adj} [colloquial] :: half-ass (produced in an incompetent manner)
feitor {m} [management] :: overseer
feitoria {f} [history] :: feitoria
feitura {n} :: short for feitura de santo
feitura de santo {f} [religion] :: initiation in Candomblé (Afro-Brazilian religion)
feiura {f} :: ugliness (condition of being ugly)
feiúra {f} :: superseded spelling of feiura
feixe {m} /ˈfɐj.ʃɨ/ :: bundle
feixe {m} :: sheaf
feixe {m} [collective] :: faggot (bundle of wood)
feixe {m} :: portion
fel {f} :: sourness, acerbity, bitterness
fel {f} [figuratively] :: sorrow
fel {f} [medicine] :: gall; bile
felação {f} :: fellatio
feldspato {m} [mineral] :: feldspar (type of rock-forming mineral)
Felgueiras {prop} /ˌfɛɫˈɡɐjɾɐʃ/ :: Felgueiras (city/and/municipality)
Felgueiras {prop} {mf} :: surname
felicidade {f} /fɨˈða.ðɨ/ :: happiness
Felício dos Santos {prop} :: Felício dos Santos (municipality)
felicitação {f} :: congratulation (act of congratulating)
felicitações {f} :: congratulation words
felicitar {v} :: to congratulate
felídeo {m} /fe.ˈ :: felid
felino {adj} /fɨ.ˈ :: feline
felino {m} :: feline
Felipe {prop} {m} :: given name
Felisburgo {prop} :: Felisburgo (municipality)
Félix {prop} {m} /ˈfɛ.liks/ :: given name
Felixlândia {prop} :: Felixlândia (municipality)
feliz {adj} /fɨ.ˈliʃ/ :: happy
Feliz {prop} :: Feliz (municipality)
feliz aniversário {interj} :: happy birthday (good wishes for birthday)
feliz ano novo {phrase} /feˈliz‿ɐnu ˈnovu/ :: Happy New Year
felizardo {adj} [colloquial] :: lucky, happy
felizardo {m} :: a lucky person
felizmente {adv} /fɨ.liʒ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: In context of being happy; happily
felizmente {adv} :: fortunately
Feliz Natal {phrase} /fɨ.liʒ.nɐ.ˈtaɫ/ :: Merry Christmas
Feliz Natal e Bom Ano Novo {phrase} :: alternative form of Bom Natal e Feliz Ano Novo
Feliz Natal e próspero Ano Novo {phrase} :: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
felonia {f} :: felony
felosa {f} :: warbler (bird of the Sylviidae family)
felosa-comum {f} :: chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita, a small species of warbler)
felpa {f} :: fuzz (frizzy mass of hair or fibre)
felpudo {adj} :: fluffy (covered with fluff)
felpudo {adj} :: shaggy (rough with long or thick hair)
feltrar {vt} :: to felt (to make into felt)
feltrar {vt} :: to felt (to cover with felt)
feltro {m} :: felt (cloth made of matted fibres of wool)
fêmea {f} /ˈfe.mjɐ/ :: female
fementido {adj} :: artful
fementido {adj} :: treacherous
femicídio {m} [neologism] /fe.mi.ˈsi.d(ʒ)ju/ :: femicide
feminicídio {m} [neologism] /ˈsi.d(ʒ)ju/ :: femicide
feminidade {f} :: feminity, feminineness, womanlikeness
feminilidade {f} /fɨˈða.ðɨ/ :: femininity
feminino {adj} [comparable] /fɨ.mi.ˈ :: Having womanly qualities; womanly; feminine
feminino {adj} [not comparable, grammar] :: Of feminine gender; feminine
feminismo {m} /ˌfɨ.mɨ.ˈniʒ.mu/ :: feminism (the social theory or political movement)
feminista {adj} :: feminist (relating to or in accordance with feminism)
feminista {mf} :: feminist (advocate of feminism)
feministo {n} [Internet slang, non-standard] :: a male advocate of feminism
feministo {n} [Internet slang, non-standard, usually pejorative] :: a male who advocates for feminism online, but not in real life
feminização {f} :: feminization
feminizar {vt} :: to feminize
femme fatale {f} [narratology] :: femme fatale (seductive and dangerous woman)
femoral {adj} :: femoral (of, pertaining to, or near the femur or thigh)
fémur {m} [European orthography, skeleton] /ˈfɛ.muɾ/ :: femur
fêmur {m} [skeleton] /ˈfe.muɻ/ :: femur; thighbone
fenação {f} [agriculture] :: haymaking (the process of cutting grass and turning it into hay)
fenar {v} :: to hay (to cut green plants for fodder)
fenazona {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: phenazone (a particular analgesic)
fenda {f} :: slit, crack, cleft
fenda {f} [slang] :: female genitals; vagina
fenda glútea {f} [anatomy] :: anal cleft (groove between buttocks)
fenda interglútea {f} [anatomy] :: anal cleft (groove between buttocks)
fender {v} :: to split, cleave, rip
fender {v} :: to crack
fender {v} :: to separate
fenecer {v} :: To finish, end, conclude
feneco {m} [rare] :: fennec (Vulpes zerda, a fox species of the Sahara)
fenestra {f} [dated, formal] /fɨ.ˈnɛʃ.tɾɐ/ :: window
fénice {f} [European orthography] :: alternative form of fênix
fênice {f} :: phoenix
Fenícia {prop} {f} /fe.ˈɐ/ :: Fenícia (ancient civilisation)
fenício {m} [uncountable] /fe.ˈ :: Phoenician (language)
fenício {m} :: Phoenician (person from Phoenicia)
fenício {adj} :: Phoenician
fenilalanina {f} [amino acid] :: phenylalanine (an amino acid)
fenilmercúrio {m} [organic compound] :: phenylmercury
fénix {f} [European orthography] :: alternative form of fênix
Fénix {prop} {f} [European orthography, mythology] :: Phoenix (mythical firebird)
fênix {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: phoenix
Fênix {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of Fénix
feno {m} /ˈ :: hay
fenobarbital {m} [pharmacology] :: phenobarbital
feno-grego {m} :: fenugreek (spice)
fenol {m} [organic compound] :: phenol
fenólico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: phenolic (of, relating to or derived from phenols)
fenológico {adj} :: phenological
fenoloxidase {f} [enzyme] :: phenoloxidase (an enzyme which catalyzes phenol oxidation)
fenomenal {adj} :: phenomenal; remarkable (extremely good)
fenomenalmente {adv} :: phenomenally
fenómeno {m} /fe.ˈ :: phenomenon (observable fact or occurrence)
fenómeno {m} [figuratively] :: a talented person
fenômeno {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative spelling of fenómeno
fenomenologia {f} /fe.ˌˈʒi.a/ :: phenomenology (philosphy based on intuitive experience of phenomena)
fenomenologicamente {adv} :: phenomenologically
fenomenológico {adj} :: phenomenological
Fenoscândia {prop} {f} [geography] :: Fennoscandia (geographic area)
Fenoscândia {prop} {f} [geology] :: Fennoscandia (geological area)
fenotípico {adj} :: phenotypic (of, or relating to a phenotype)
fenótipo {m} [genetics] :: phenotype
fenóxido {m} [chemistry] :: phenoxide (any metallic salt of a phenol)
Feodosia {prop} {f} :: Feodosia (a <<port>> and <<resort city>> in <<pen/Crimea>>, internationally recognized as part of <<c/Ukraine>> but de facto in <<c/Russia>>)
Feodosiya {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Feodosia, Feodosiya (a <<port>> and <<resort city>> in <<pen/Crimea>>, internationally recognized as part of <<c/Ukraine>> but de facto in <<c/Russia>>)
fera {f} /ˈfɛ.ɾa/ :: beast (non-human animal)
fera {f} :: beast (particularly impressive person)
fera {f} [São Paulo] :: nice person
fera {adj} :: skillful
fêra {f} :: eye dialect of feira
ferberita {f} [mineral] :: ferberite
Ferdinando {prop} {m} :: given name
féretro {m} /ˈfɛ.ɾə.tɾu/ :: coffin
fereza {f} :: ferocity, fierceness
fereza {f} :: cruelty, barbarity, inhumanity
fergusonita {f} [mineral] :: fergusonite
féria {f} /ˈfɛ.ɾjɐ/ :: holiday
feriado {m} /fe.ɾi.ˈa.du/ :: holiday
feriado {adj} [of a day or period] :: which is a holiday
feriante {mf} [rare] :: holiday-maker (somebody on a holiday)
ferida {f} /fɨ.ˈɾi.dɐ/ :: wound; injury
ferido {adj} /fɨ.ˈɾi.ðu/ :: injured, hurt, sore, wounded
ferido {adj} :: stricken (struck by something)
ferido {adj} :: offended (having been insulted)
ferido {adj} :: emotionally hurt
ferido {m} :: injured person
ferimento {m} :: injury, hurt, harm
ferimento {m} :: blow (from a weapon)
ferimento {m} :: wound
ferindo {v} :: gerund of ferir
ferino {adj} :: beastly (behaving like a beast; cruel or savage)
ferino {adj} :: scathing (harshly or bitterly critical)
ferir {v} /fɨ.ˈɾiɾ/ :: to hurt, injure
fermata {f} [music] :: fermata (holding a note beyond its usual duration or the notation representing it)
fermentação {f} :: fermentation
fermentação {f} :: ferment
fermentado {adj} :: fermented
fermentando {v} :: gerund of fermentar
fermentar {v} :: to ferment
fermento {m} /feɻ.ˈmẽ.to/ :: yeast (fungus)
fermento químico {m} :: baking powder (a dry leavening agent used in baking)
fermião {m} [Portugal, particle] :: fermion (a particle with totally antisymmetric composite quantum states)
férmio {m} :: fermium (chemical element)
férmion {m} [Brazil] :: alternative form of fermião
Fernanda {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine form of Fernando
Fernandes {prop} {mf} /fɨɾ.ˈnɐ̃.dɨʃ/ :: surname
Fernandes Tourinho {prop} :: Fernandes Tourinho (municipality)
Fernando {prop} {m} :: given name
Fernandópolis {prop} :: Fernandópolis (municipality)
Fernando Prestes {prop} :: Fernando Prestes (municipality)
Fernão {prop} {m} [historical] :: given name
Fernão {prop} {m} :: Fernão (municipality)
feroês {m} :: Faroese (person from the Faroe Islands)
feroês {m} :: Faroese (a language of the Faroe Islands)
feroês {adj} :: Faroese (of or relating to the Faroe islands or its people)
feroês {adj} :: Faroese (of or relating to the Faroese language)
feromónio {m} [European orthography, biochemistry] :: pheromone (chemical secreted by an animal that affects the behaviour of other animals)
feromônio {m} [biology, chemistry] :: pheromone
feroz {adj} :: fierce (extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage)
feroz {adj} :: fierce (threatening in appearance or demeanor)
ferozmente {adv} :: ferociously
ferrado {adj} :: fitted with horseshoes
ferrado {adj} [Brazil, slang] :: screwed (beset with difficult or impossible situation)
ferrador {m} :: farrier (person who trims and shoes horses’ hooves)
ferradora {f} :: feminine noun of ferrador
ferradura {f} /fɨʁɐˈðuɾɐ/ :: horseshoe
ferragem {f} :: ironware, hardware (individual implement)
ferragens {fp} :: hardware (metal implements)
ferramenta {f} /ˌfɛʁɐˈmẽtɐ/ :: tool (mechanical device intended to make a task easier)
ferrão {m} :: stinger (pointed portion of an insect)
ferrar {v} :: to horseshoe (to apply horseshoes to a horse or other hooved animal)
ferrar {v} [Brazil, slang] :: to screw (to beset with unfortunate circumstances)
ferrar {v} [archaic, nautical] :: to anchor (to cast a ship’s anchor)
Ferraz de Vasconcelos {prop} :: Ferraz de Vasconcelos (municipality)
ferreira {f} :: feminine noun of ferreiro
Ferreira {prop} {mf} /fɨ.ˈʁɐj.ɾɐ/ :: surname
Ferreira do Alentejo {prop} /fɨˈʁeɾɐ ðu ɐlẽˈtɛʒu/ :: Ferreira do Alentejo (village/and/municipality)
Ferreira do Zêzere {prop} /fɨˈʁɐjɾɐ ðu ˈzezɨɾ(ɨ)/ :: Ferreira do Zêzere (village/and/municipality)
ferreirinha {f} /fe.ʁe(j).ˈɾi.ɲɐ/ :: accentor (bird of the genus Prunella)
ferreiro {m} /fɨ.ˈʁɐj.ɾu/ :: blacksmith (iron forger)
Ferreiro {prop} {mf} :: surname
ferrenhamente {adv} :: staunchly and fiercely
ferrenho {adj} /fɨ.ˈʁɐj.ɲu/ :: staunch, steely, uncompromising
férreo {adj} :: Made of or containing the properties of iron
férreo {adj} :: Persistent, being determined; tenacious
férrico {adj} :: ferric
ferrimagnético {adj} [physics] :: ferrimagnetic
ferrita {f} [mineral] :: ferrite
ferritina {f} [protein] :: ferritin (any of a family of iron-carrying globular protein complexes consisting of 24 protein subunits)
ferro {m} /ˈfɛ.ʁɯ̥̽/ :: iron (metal)
ferro {m} :: sword; blade, spearhead
ferroada {f} :: sting (bite or sting (by an insect))
ferro corrugado {m} :: corrugated iron (iron sheets used as building material)
ferro de engomar {m} [Portugal] :: iron (for pressing clothes)
ferro de passar {m} :: iron (for pressing clothes)
ferro de passar roupa {m} :: iron (for pressing clothes)
ferro fundido {m} :: cast iron (hard, brittle alloy of iron, carbon and silicon)
ferro gusa {m} :: pig iron
ferrolho {m} :: bolt (sliding pin or bar in a lock)
ferromagnético {adj} [physics] :: ferromagnetic
ferromagnetismo {m} [physics] :: ferromagnetism (the phenomenon whereby certain substances can become permanent magnets)
ferronióbio {m} :: ferroniobium
Ferros {prop} :: Ferros (municipality)
ferroso {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: ferrous (all senses)
ferrovanádio {m} :: ferrovanadium
ferro-velho {m} :: scrapyard (a junkyard, a place where scrap is stored, discarded or resold)
ferro-velho {m} [uncountable] :: scrap (discarded metal)
ferrovia {f} /fe.ʁo.ˈvi.ɐ/ :: railway (track, consisting of parallel rails)
ferroviário {adj} :: railway; rail (attributively)
ferrugem {f} /fɨ.ˈʁu.ʒɐ̃j̃/ :: rust (result of oxidation of iron)
ferrugem {f} [plant disease] :: rust; ferrugo (plant disease caused by fungus)
ferrugento {adj} :: rusty
fértil {adj} /ˈfɛɾ.tiɫ/ :: fertile (capable of growing abundant crops)
fértil {adj} :: fertile (capable of reproducing)
fertilidade {f} :: fertility
fertilização {f} :: fertilization
fertilizante {m} /fɛɾtiliˈzɐ̃tɨ/ :: fertiliser (substance used to make the ground more suitable for growing plants)
fertilizar {v} :: to fertilize
Fervedouro {prop} :: Fervedouro (municipality)
fervente {adj} :: boiling (that is boiling)
fervente {adj} :: fervent (exhibiting enthusiasm, zeal, conviction, persistence or belief)
ferver {vt} /fɨɾˈveɾ/ :: to boil (heat a liquid until it begins to turn into a gas)
ferver {vi} :: to boil (of a liquid); to turn into gas
ferver {vi} :: (figuratively) to be crowded with people
férvido {adj} :: fervent (very hot)
férvido {adj} :: fervent (having particular enthusiasm, zeal, conviction, persistence or belief)
férvido {adj} :: fervent (having emotional warmth, fervour or passion)
fervilhar {v} :: to be swarming or teeming with something
fervilhar {v} :: to boil (to cook in boiling water)
fervor {m} /fɨɾ.ˈvoɾ/ :: fervour (passionate enthusiasm)
fervorosamente {adv} :: fervently
fervoroso {adj} :: fervent; fervorous (having particular enthusiasm, zeal, conviction, persistence or belief)
fervoroso {adj} :: fervent; fervorous (having emotional warmth, fervour or passion)
fervura {f} :: the act of boiling (changing into vapour)
festa {f} /ˈfɛʃ.tɐ/ :: party
festa {f} :: celebration
festa {f} :: festival
festa {f} [religion] :: feast
festa americana {f} :: potlatch (meal to which guests bring dishes to share)
festa do sacrifício {f} :: Eid al-Adha (Islamic festival)
festa julina {f} :: An off-season "festa junina" (June party), taking place in July
festa junina {f} :: A traditional summer solstice festivity in Brazil and Portugal held in June
festança {f} :: celebration; great fun and enjoyment
festança {f} :: a modest but fun and noisy party
festar {vi} :: to party (to celebrate at a party)
festejando {v} :: gerund of festejar
festejar {v} :: to celebrate (all senses)
festejo {m} :: celebration
festim {m} :: diminutive of festa
festim {m} :: feast (large, ceremonial meal)
festim {m} :: blank (firearm cartridge without a projectile)
festinha {f} :: diminutive of festa
festival {m} /fəʃ.tiˈval/ :: festival
festivamente {adv} :: festively
festividade {f} :: festivity; celebration
festivo {adj} :: festive (having the atmosphere, decoration, or attitude of a festival or party)
Festo {prop} {m} /ˈfɛs.tu/ :: Festo (ancient city)
feta {m} :: feta (a variety of curd cheese)
fetal {adj} :: fetal (pertaining to fetuses)
fetiche {m} /fe.ˈt͡ʃi.ʃe/ :: fetish, amulet (magical object)
fetiche {m} :: sexual fetish
fetichismo {m} :: fetishism (belief that natural objects have supernatural powers)
fetichismo {m} :: fetishism (sexual attraction to an inanimate object or a part of the body)
fétido {adj} :: fetid (foul-smelling)
feto {m} [embryology] /ˈfɛ.tu/ :: fetus (human embryo after the eighth week of gestation)
feto {m} [biology] :: fetus (unborn or unhatched vertebrate showing signs of the mature animal)
feto {m} [Portugal] :: fern (any of a group of plants in the division Pteridophyta)
feto-águia {m} :: bracken (any of several coarse ferns)
feudal {adj} /fewˈðaɫ/ :: feudal
feudal {adj} [euphemism] :: violent
feudalismo {m} /fewdaˈlismu/ :: feudalism (social system)
feudo {m} /ˈfew.du/ :: fief, fiefdom, manor
Feuerstein {prop} {mf} :: surname
fêvera {f} :: fibre
fevereiro {m} /fɨ.vɨ.ˈɾɐj.ɾu/ :: February
Fevereiro {m} :: superseded spelling of fevereiro
fevreiro {m} [obsolete or dialectal] :: alternative form of fevereiro
feyra {f} :: obsolete spelling of feira
fez {f} [rare] /ˈfɛs/ :: a piece of faeces
Fez {prop} {f} :: Fez (city)
fêz {m} :: fez
FFLCH-USP {prop} {f} :: A group of units of the University of São Paulo in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, dedicated to some liberal arts (including linguistics, literature, philosophy, history and geography)
FHC {prop} {m} :: initialism of Fernando Henrique Cardoso (born 1931), 34th president of Brazil (1994–1998)
fi {m} /fi/ :: phi (name of the Greek letter Φ)
fia {f} :: eye dialect of filha
fía {f} :: eye dialect of filha
fiabilidade {f} :: reliability (the quality or degree of being reliable, trustworthy)
fiação {f} :: spinning (thread)
fiacre {m} :: fiacre (small carriage for hire)
fiador {m} :: guarantor
fiador {m} :: surety
fiador {m} :: sponsor
fiador {m} :: guarantee
fiambre {m} /ˈfjɐ̃.bɾɨ/ :: cold cuts, cold meat
fiambre {m} :: ham (cooked and sliced)
fiança {f} :: bail (money payed for the release of an arrested person as a guarantee of that person’s appearance for trial)
fiapo {m} :: slender thread
fiar {v} /ˈfjaɾ/ :: to spin (thread)
fiar {v} [Portugal] /ˈfjaɾ/ :: to trust
fiasco {m} :: fiasco (ludicrous or humiliating situation)
fiável {adj} :: reliable (fit to be relied on)
fibra {f} :: fibre (single elongated piece of material)
fibra alimentar {f} :: dietary fibre (substance which is not digested on passage through the alimentary tract)
fibra óptica {f} :: obsolete spelling of fibra ótica
fibra ótica {f} :: optical fibre (fibre used for transmitting light)
fibriloso {adj} :: fibrillose (covered with hair-like appendages)
fibrodisplasia ossificante progressiva {f} [disease] :: fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (disease in which fibrous tissue becomes ossified when damaged)
fibromialgia {f} [pathology] :: fibromyalgia (chronic pain, stiffness, and tenderness of the muscles, tendons, and joints)
fibrose cística {f} [pathology] :: cystic fibrosis (condition in which the exocrine glands produce abnormally viscous mucus)
fibroso {adj} :: fibrous
fibroso {adj} :: stringy (of meat)
fíbula {f} [skeleton] /ˈ :: fibula
ficante {mf} [Brazil, slang] :: friend with benefits
ficar {v} /fi.ˈkaɾ/ :: [copulative] to become; to get; to end up
ficar {v} :: [em, -another locational preposition] to be [in a fixed location]
ficar {v} :: [em] to stay (at); to remain
ficar {vi} :: to remain (to be left over)
ficar {v} :: [em] to stay (to remain in a particular place)
ficar {vi} :: [figurative] not to go any further
ficar {v} :: [auxiliary, followed by a verb in the gerund] forms the habitual aspect
ficar {v} :: [com, .Brazil, .slang] to engage in a romantic relationship with someone for one night or some short period of time
ficar chato {v} [idiom] :: to cause an awkward, uncomfortable situation
ficar com o pé atrás {vi} [idiomatic] :: to distrust; to doubt
ficar de cara {v} :: See: pt ficar de cara
ficar de cara {v} :: See: pt ficar de cara
ficar de cara {v} [idiomatic] :: to become angry or perplexed with someone or something
ficar de enrolação {v} [Brazil] :: to putter around (to engage in meaningless activity)
ficar de fora {vi} :: to abstain or be excluded from participation
ficar de olho em {v} :: to keep an eye on
ficar em {vt} :: to be located at
ficar enfiado {v} :: stick (to remain close by)
ficar esperto {v} [slang] :: to be alert
ficar no aguardo {v} :: to wait
ficar para trás {v} :: See: pt ficar para trás
ficar para trás {v} :: to stay behind (to remain where one is, whilst others leave)
ficar para trás {v} [idiomatic] :: to be superseded
ficção {f} /fik.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: fiction
ficção científica {f} :: science fiction
ficcionismo {m} :: fiction (literary type)
ficha {f} /ˈfi.ʃɐ/ :: record, file; index card
ficha {f} :: sheet; form
ficha {f} :: handout
ficha {f} :: ticket
ficha {f} [electronics] :: plug
ficha {f} [electronics, colloquial] :: socket
ficha {f} [poker] :: chip
ficha {f} :: a telephone token
Ficha Limpa {prop} {f} :: The Supplementary Law no. 135 of 2010 of Brazil, designed to prevent some candidates from running for political office: those who have been convicted of corruption crimes, those that have been impeached, and those that have renounced a political office to avoid impeachment
Ficha Limpa {mf} :: A politician with a "clean slate" and thus able to run for elections according to the aforementioned law
ficheiro {m} [Portugal] :: archive
ficologia {f} :: phycology (study of algae)
fictício {adj} /fik.ˈti.sju/ :: fictitious
fidalgo {m} /fi.ˈðaɫ.ɣu/ :: nobleman
fidedigno {adj} :: faithful, trustworthy, reliable
fideicomissário {m} :: trustee
fideicomisso {m} :: fideicommissum (inherited benefit subject to the obligation of bequeathing it to another)
fidelidade {f} :: fidelity
fidelidade {f} :: faithfulness
fidelidade {f} :: allegiance
fidúcia {m} /fiˈdu.sja/ :: trust, confidence, security
fidúcia {m} [derogatory] :: an audacious act, an outrage
fidúcia {m} [derogatory] :: presumption, boastfulness
fidúcia {m} :: a tax over a property that belongs to the fiduciary until their death, after which it is transferred to the heir
fiduciária {f} :: female equivalent of fiduciário
fiduciário {adj} :: fiduciary
fiduciário {adj} [law, economy] :: related to trust and trustees
fiduciário {adj} :: pertaining or related to fiat money
fiduciário {m} [law] :: fiduciary, trustee
fiel {adj} /ˈfjɛɫ/ :: faithful, loyal
fiel {adj} :: true, trustworthy, accurate
fielmente {adv} :: faithfully
fígado {m} [anatomy] /ˈfi.ɣɐ.ðu/ :: liver (organ of human or animal)
fígado {m} [culinary] :: liver (organ of animal used as food)
figo {m} /ˈfi.ɡu/ :: fig (fruit)
figo-da-índia {m} :: alternative spelling of figo-da-Índia
figo da Índia {m} :: alternative spelling of figo-da-Índia
figo-da-Índia {m} :: prickly pear (cactus fruit)
figueira {f} /fi.ˈɡɐj.ɾɐ/ :: fig tree
Figueira da Foz {prop} {f} /fiˈɣɐjɾɐ ðɐ ˈfɔʃ/ :: Figueira da Foz (city/and/municipality)
figueira-da-índia {f} :: alternative spelling of figueira-da-Índia
figueira da Índia {f} :: alternative spelling of figueira-da-Índia
figueira-da-Índia {f} :: prickly pear (any of various spiny cacti of the genus Opuntia)
figueira-de-bengala {f} :: banyan (tropical Indian fig tree)
figueira de Bengala {f} :: alternative spelling of figueira-de-bengala
figueira-de-Bengala {f} :: alternative spelling of figueira-de-bengala
Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo {prop} /fiˈɣɐjɾɐ ðɨ kɐʃˈtɛlu ʁuˈðɾiɣu/ :: Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo (village/and/municipality)
figueira-do-diabo {f} :: thorn apple (Datura stramonium, a toxic herb used in traditional medicine)
figueira-do-inferno {f} :: thorn apple (Datura stramonium, a toxic herb used in traditional medicine)
figueiral {m} /fi.ɡɐj.ˈɾal/ :: a place with an abundance of fig trees; an orchard of fig trees
figueiredo {m} /fi.ˌɡɐj.ˈɾe.du/ :: a place with an abundance of fig trees; an orchard of fig trees
Figueiró dos Vinhos {prop} /fiɣɐjˈɾɔ ðuʒ ˈviɲuʃ/ :: Figueiró dos Vinhos (village/and/municipality)
figura {f} /fi.ˈɣu.ɾɐ/ :: figure (graphical representation)
figura {f} :: figure (shape of something)
figura {f} :: character (notable or eccentric person)
figuração {f} /fi.ɡu.ɾa.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: form
figura de Lichtenberg {f} :: Lichtenberg figure (branching patter on an insulator subject to an electric discharge)
figura de linguagem {f} :: Figure of speech
figura de proa {f} [literally and figuratively] :: figurehead
figurando {v} :: gerund of figurar
figurante {mf} :: extra, bit player, walk-on (in a film, play, TV show etc.)
figurão {m} :: big cheese (an important figure)
figura pública {f} :: public figure (person subject to public interest)
figurar {vt} /ˌfi.ɡu.ˈɾa(ʁ)/ :: to look like; to resemble (be similar in appearance to)
figurar {vt} :: to symbolize; to represent (be symbolic of)
figurar {v} [em, entre] :: to figure among (be a part of)
figurar {vt} :: to fake; to feign; to simulate (make a false display of)
figurar {v} [que] :: to consider (assign some quality to)
figurar {v} [em] :: to star in; to act in (work as an actor in)
figurativamente {adv} :: figuratively (in a figurative manner)
figurativo {adj} :: figurative (metaphorical; not literal)
figurinha {f} :: diminutive of figura
figurinha {f} [Brazil] :: trading card (collectible card featuring information of interest to purchasers)
figurinista {mf} :: costume designer
figurino {m} [haute couture] :: a design or pattern of an item of clothing
figurino {m} [chiefly acting] :: costume; outfit (set of clothing)
Fiji {prop} {fp} :: Fiji (country/and/archipelago)
fijiano {adj} :: Fijian (of or relating to Fiji)
fijiano {adj} :: Fijian (of or relating to the Fijian language)
fijiano {m} :: Fijian (a person from Fiji)
fijiano {m} :: Fijian (language spoken in Fiji)
fila {f} /ˈfi.lɐ/ :: queue (line of people)
fila {f} :: queue (waiting list)
fila {f} [computing] :: queue (FIFO data structure)
filaça {f} :: fibres used to make textiles
Filadélfia {prop} {f} :: Filadélfia (large city)
Filadélfia {prop} {f} :: Filadélfia (municipality)
fila indiana {f} :: single file (line or queue one person wide)
filamento {m} :: filament (fine thread or wire)
filamento {m} :: filament (wire in an incandescent light bulb)
filamento {m} [botany] :: filament (stalk of a stamen in a flower)
filantropia {f} :: philanthropy (benevolent altruism with the intention of increasing the well-being of mankind)
filantropicamente {adv} :: philanthropically
filantrópico {adj} :: philanthropic
filantropo {m} :: philanthropist (person who loves mankind)
filantropo {m} :: philanthropist (very generous person or institution)
filão {m} [mineralogy] /fiˈlɐ̃w̃/ :: vein, lode, streak
filão {m} [figuratively] :: an advantageous or beneficial situation
filão {m} [Brazil, countryside of São Paulo (state)] :: pão francês
filar {vt} /fi.ˈla(ʁ)/ :: to grab; to seize; to catch; to take hold of
filar {v} [Brazil, colloquial] :: to get for free
filar {v} [Brazil, colloquial, dialectal] :: to cheat on an exam or test
filarial {adj} [medicine] :: filarial (pertaining to filaria)
filaríase {f} :: alternative form of filariose
filariose {f} :: filariasis (disease caused by the infestation of the lymphatic system with nematodes)
filarmónica {f} [European orthography, music] :: philharmonic (full-sized symphonic orchestra)
filarmônica {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of filarmónica
filarmónico {adj} [European orthography, music] :: philharmonic (appreciative of the performance of music)
filarmônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of filarmónico
filatelia {f} :: philately (stamp collecting)
filatelista {mf} :: philatelist
filáucia {f} /fi.ˈlaw.sjɐ/ :: self-love (regard for oneself)
filáucia {f} :: philauty, selfishness
filé {m} /fiˈlɛ/ :: fillet (strip of deboned meat or fish)
fileira {f} /fi.ˈlej.ɾɐ/ :: file, row, line
fileira {f} [chess] :: rank
Filemom {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Filémon
Filémon {prop} {m} [book of the bible] :: Philemon (book of the New Testament)
Filémon {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Philemon (an early Christian in Asia Minor)
Filêmon {prop} {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of Filémon
filha {f} /ˈfi.ʎɐ/ :: daughter
filha da puta {f} :: feminine noun of filho da puta
filharada {f} :: collectively, sons and/or daughters
filhinha {f} :: diminutive of filha
filho {m} /ˈfi.ʎu/ :: son (male offspring)
filho {m} :: child (offspring of any sex)
filho {m} :: [colloquial] son (term of address for a younger male)
filho {m} :: [somewhat, poetic] son; child (any descendant)
filho {m} :: child (any person or thing heavily influenced by something else)
filho {m} :: [graph theory] child (a node, of a tree, that has a parent node)
filhó {f} [culinary] /fiˈʎɔ/ :: A traditional christmas treat prepared with eggs and flour, fried in olive oil; beignet, fritter
filho da mãe {m} [euphemism] :: son of a gun; euphemism of filho da puta
filho da puta {m} [pejorative] :: son of a bitch (objectionable person)
filho-da-puta {m} :: rare spelling of filho da puta
Filho de Deus {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Son of God (Jesus)
filho de peixe, peixinho é {proverb} :: apple does not fall far from the tree (a child is similar to its parents)
filho de peixe sabe nadar {proverb} /ˈfi.ʎu ðɨ ˈpɐj.ʃɨ ˈsa.βɨ nɐˈðaɾ/ :: like father, like son (a child will have traits similar to its parents)
filho duma égua {m} [pejorative, euphemistic] :: son of a bitch (objectionable person)
filho duma rapariga {m} [pejorative, vulgar] :: son of a bitch (objectionable person)
filho pródigo {m} :: prodigal son (one who returns after living extravagantly)
filhote {m} /fi.ˈʎɔ.tɨ/ :: pup; cub (youth of an animal)
filhote {m} [affectionate] :: diminutive of filho
filho único {m} :: only child (a person who has no siblings)
-filia {suffix} [pathology] :: -philia (forming words denoting abnormal linking towards a given thing)
filiação {f} :: adoption
filiação {f} :: filiation
filial {adj} /fiˈljaɫ/ :: filial (pertaining to a son or daughter)
filial {f} :: branch (office of an organisation)
filiando {v} :: gerund of filiar
filiar {v} :: to adopt
filiar {v} :: to join [a group]
filiável {adj} :: affiliable (capable of being affiliated to)
filicídio {m} :: filicide (the murder of one’s child)
filigrana {f} /filiˈɣɾɐnɐ/ :: filigree
filigrana {f} :: watermark
Filipa {prop} {f} /fi.ˈli.pɐ/ :: given name
Filipe {prop} {m} :: Philip, the apostle
Filipe {prop} {m} :: given name
Filipenses {prop} {mp} :: Philippians (a book of the Bible)
filipina {f} :: feminine noun of filipino
Filipinas {prop} {fp} :: Filipinas (archipelago/and/country)
filipino {adj} :: Filipino (of or pertaining to the Philippines or its people)
filipino {m} :: Filipino (native or inhabitant of the Philippines)
filipino {m} :: Filipino (prestige register of the Tagalog language)
Filipkowski {prop} {mf} :: surname
Filipowski {prop} {mf} :: surname
filisteu {m} :: philistine
filisteu {m} :: Philistine
film {m} :: superseded spelling of filme
filmagem {f} :: (an instance of) filming, shooting
filmar {v} /fiw.ˈma(ʁ)/ :: to film
filme {m} /ˈfiɫ.mɨ/ :: film; movie; motion picture
filme {m} :: plastic film (thin layer of plastic used to wrap objects, usually food)
filme {m} [photography] :: film
filme {m} [colloquial, figurative] :: drama (a dramatic situation)
filme mudo {m} [cinematography] :: silent film
filme trash {m} [colloquial, film] :: B-movie (a low-budget motion picture, especially one with poor production values)
-filo {suffix} :: -phile
filo {m} [taxonomy] :: phylum (rank below kingdom and above class)
filogenia {f} [systematics] :: phylogeny (evolutionary history of an organism)
filoginia {f} :: philogyny (love or respect for women)
filóloga {f} :: feminine noun of filólogo
filologia {f} :: philology
filologicamente {adv} :: philologically
filológico {adj} :: philological
filologista {adj} :: philological (pertaining to the history of literature)
filologista {mf} :: philologist (person who engages in philology)
filólogo {m} :: philologist
Filomena {prop} {f} /ˌfi.lo.ˈme.nɐ/ :: given name
filósofa {f} :: feminine noun of filósofo
filosofal {adj} /fi.ˌlo.zo.ˈfaw/ :: having philosophical importance
filosofar {v} :: to philosophise (to philosophically ponder or reason)
filosofia {f} /ˈfi.ɐ/ :: philosophy (academic discipline)
filosofia analítica {f} [philosophy] :: analytic philosophy (style of philosophy emphasising argumentative clarity and precision)
filosoficamente {adv} :: philosophically
filosófico {adj} :: philosophical
filósofo {m} /fi.ˈlɔ.zu.fu/ :: philosopher (person who studies philosophy)
filotraquéia {f} [arachnology] :: book lung
filoxera {f} :: phylloxera
filtração {f} :: filtration
filtração {f} :: percolation
filtrar {vt} :: to filter (sort, sift, or isolate)
filtro {m} :: filter (device for separating impurities from a fluid or other substance)
filtro labial {m} :: philtrum (groove on upper lip)
fim {m} /fĩ/ :: end
fim de jogo {phrase} :: See: pt fim de jogo
fim de jogo {phrase} :: game over (acknowledges the end of some ongoing situation, especially due to failure)
fim de mundo {m} :: alternative form of fim do mundo
fim de mundo {m} :: hellhole; shithole (unpleasant region, godforsaken place)
fim de mundo {m} :: middle of nowhere, the sticks (far and isolated place)
fim de papo {phrase} :: that’s that (there is nothing more to say or to do concerning the matter)
fim de semana {m} :: weekend (break in the working week)
fim-de-semana {m} :: dated spelling of fim de semana
fim do mundo {m} :: end of the world (destruction of the planet Earth or humans)
finado {adj} :: late, deceased, dead
finados {prop} {m} :: clipping of Dia de Finados
final {adj} /fi.ˈnaɫ/ :: final, ultimate, last
final {m} :: an end
final {f} [sports] :: final
final de semana {m} :: weekend (break in the working week)
final-de-semana {m} :: dated spelling of final de semana
finale {m} [chiefly arts] /fiˈ :: finale (grand end of a show or piece of music)
final feliz {m} [literature] :: happy ending (situation in which all main characters become content)
finalidade {f} :: goal, objective
finalista {mf} :: finalist
finalização {f} /finɐlizɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: ending; termination; conclusion
finalizar {v} /fi.nɐ.li.ˈzaɾ/ :: to finish
finalizar {v} :: to finalise (to finish or complete)
finalizar {v} [sports] :: to score after arriving near the goal
finalmente {adv} /fi.naɫ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: eventually; at last (after a long time)
finalmente {adv} :: lastly; finally; in the end (at the conclusion)
finalzinho {m} /fi.naw.ˈzi.ɲu/ :: diminutive of final
finamente {adv} :: slightly (in a manner to produce a fine result)
finanças {fp} /fi.ˈnɐ̃.sɐs/ :: finance (management of money and other assets)
finanças {fp} :: finances (monetary resources or a person or organisation)
finanças públicas {fp} :: public finance (field of economics)
financeiramente {adv} :: financially (of or referring to finance or money)
financeiro {adj} /fi.nɐ̃.ˈsej.ɾu/ :: financial
financiamento {m} :: funding (the act of providing funds)
financiar {vt} /fi.nɐ̃.si.ˈa(ʁ)/ :: to fund; to finance (pay for)
finando {v} :: gerund of finar
finar {v} /fi.ˈnaɾ/ :: to finish (to come to an end)
finar {v} :: to debilitate; to enfeeble
finar {v} [euphemistic] :: to die (to become dead)
fincar {v} :: to stick in
findando {v} :: gerund of findar
findar {v} /fĩ.ˈdaɾ/ :: to finish, terminate, conclude
findo {adj} /ˈfĩ.du/ :: finished
finês {adj} :: Finnish (of Finland)
finês {adj} :: Finnish (of the Finnish language)
finês {m} :: Finnish (language)
fineza {f} /fi.ˈne.zɐ/ :: thinness (state of being thin)
fineza {f} :: slenderness (state of being slender)
fineza {f} :: finesse (property of having grace, elegance, skill, or balance)
fineza {f} :: a favour owed to someone
fineza {f} :: suavity (quality of being sweet or pleasing to the mind)
fineza {f} [of metals and gems] :: purity (state or degree of being pure)
finge {v} :: second-person singular imperative of fingir
fingimento {m} /fĩ.ʒi.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: deception
fingimento {m} :: hypocrisy
fingimento {m} :: pretence
fingimento {m} :: camouflage
fingir {v} /fĩ.ˈʒiɾ/ :: to pretend (to act as though something is different from what it is)
finidade {f} :: finity (state or characteristic of being finite)
fininho {adj} :: diminutive of fino, very thin
finíssimo {adj} :: superfine
finito {adj} /fi.ˈni.tu/ :: finite; limited
finito {adj} :: finished; over
finlandês {m} :: Finnish (language)
finlandês {m} :: Finnish (person from Finland)
finlandês {adj} :: Finnish (pertaining to Finland or its people)
finlandesa {f} :: feminine noun of finlandês
Finlândia {prop} {f} /fĩ.ˈlɐ̃.di.ɐ/ :: Finlândia (country)
finlandização {f} [politics] :: Finlandization (the influence of a state on a smaller neighbouring state)
finlandizar {vt} [rare] :: to Fennicize (to make Finnish)
fino {adj} /ˈ :: thin (having little thickness)
fino {adj} :: slender; slim (having little body fat or flesh)
fino {adj} :: fine (of superior quality)
fino {adj} [of sound] :: high-pitched
fino {adj} :: exhibiting finesse; elegant; graceful
fino {m} :: [Portugal, regional] draft beer (usually served in a small glass)
finório {adj} :: wily; sly; cunning
finório {m} :: a wily person
fino-úgrico {adj} [linguistics] :: Finno-Ugric (of or relating to the Finno-Ugric language family)
finura {f} :: thinness (as opposed to thickness)
finura {f} :: fineness (as opposed to roughness), sharpness, precision
finura {f} :: acuity, discernment
finura {f} :: ingeniosity
fio {m} [textiles] /ˈfi.u/ :: thread
fio {m} :: string
fio {m} [jewellery] :: chain
fio {m} [electronics] :: wire
fio {m} :: eye dialect of filho
fío {m} :: eye dialect of filho
fio da meada {m} :: train of thought (flow of thinking)
fio dental {m} :: dental floss (floss used to clean the areas between the teeth)
fio dental {m} [by extension] :: microkini (a very skimpy bikini that covers just the genitals and nipples)
fiofó {m} [colloquial] :: anus
Fiónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] :: Fiónia (island)
Fiônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of Fiónia
fiorde {m} [geography] /fiˈɔʁ.d͡ʒi/ :: fjord (long, deep inlet)
fios de ovos {mp} /ˈfius di ˈɔvus/ :: fios de ovos (traditional Portuguese sweet food)
firewall {mf} [computer security] :: firewall (computer software that monitors traffic in a network)
firma {f} :: company
firma {f} [legal] :: signature
firmamente {adv} :: firmly, tightly
firmamente {adv} :: resolutely
firmamento {m} :: firmament (the vault of the heavens)
firmamento {m} :: the act of making something firm, secure
firmando {v} :: gerund of firmar
firmar {v} :: to sign
firmar {v} :: to stabilize
firmar {v} :: to fix
firme {adj} /ˈfiɾ.mɨ/ :: firm
firmemente {adv} /ˌfiɾmɨˈmẽtɨ/ :: firmly (in a firm or definite or strong manner)
firmeza {f} :: firmness
firmeza {f} [São Paulo, of a person] :: fine
Firmino Alves {prop} :: Firmino Alves (municipality)
firmware {m} [computing] :: firmware (software closely tied to the hardware on which it runs)
first-person shooter {m} :: first-person shooter
firula {f} [Brazil, slang] /fi.ˈɾ :: the act of beating around the bush (omitting facts to avoid a topic)
firula {f} [soccer] :: a very ingenious albeit purposeless move
fiscal {adj} :: fiscal (relating to taxes)
fiscal {mf} :: fiscal, inspector
fiscal do Sarney {mf} [historical] :: In Brazil, in 1986–1987, any citizen who demanded the prices of products to remain frozen as planned in José Sarney's Plano Cruzado
fiscalização {f} :: inspection, oversight
fiscalizar {v} :: to inspect, to control, to supervise
fisco {m} :: fisc; exchequer; national treasury; public treasury
fisga {f} [Portugal] :: slingshot (device for shooting small projectiles)
fisga {f} [fishing] :: gig (a forked spear used to catch fish)
fisga {f} :: barb (a point that stands backwards, especially in a fishhook or gig)
fisgar {vt} :: to hook (to catch with a hook)
física {f} [uncountable] /ˈfi.zi.kɐ/ :: physics (branch of science)
física {f} :: feminine noun of físico
física de partículas {f} :: particle physics (branch of physics that studies the elementary constituents of matter)
fisicamente {adv} :: physically (in a physical manner)
física nuclear {f} :: nuclear physics (branch of physics that studies the nucleus of the atom)
físico {adj} /ˈfi.zi.ku/ :: physical (having to do with the body)
físico {adj} :: physical (existing as an actual object or objects)
físico {adj} :: physical (having to do with physics)
físico {m} :: physicist (scientist who studies of physics)
físico {m} :: build; physique
fisiculturismo {m} :: bodybuilding (sport of muscle development)
fisio {f} :: abbreviation of fisioterapia
fisioculturismo {m} :: alternative form of fisiculturismo
fisiognomia {f} :: physiognomy (the art or pseudoscience of deducing someone’s personality from their appearance)
fisiognomonia {f} :: alternative form of fisiognomia
fisióloga {f} :: female equivalent of fisiólogo
fisiologia {f} :: physiology (branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life)
fisiologicamente {adv} :: physiologically
fisiológico {adj} :: physiological
fisiólogo {m} :: physiologist (person who studies or specialises in physiology)
fisionomia {f} /ˈmi.ɐ/ :: physiognomy
fisionomia {f} :: face, semblance
fisionômico {adj} :: physiognomic / physiognomical
fisiopatológico {adj} :: physiopathological
fisioterapeuta {mf} :: physiotherapist (therapist who treats physical dysfunction)
fisioterapia {f} :: physiotherapy
fissão {f} [physics] :: fission
fissão nuclear {f} [physics] :: nuclear fission (nuclear reaction that releases energy)
fissil {adj} :: alternative form of físsil
físsil {adj} :: fissile
fissionando {v} :: gerund of fissionar
fissionar {v} :: to fission
fissionável {adj} :: fissionable
fissíparo {adj} [biology] :: fissiparous (that reproduces by splitting into two)
fissíparo {adj} :: fissiparous (factious, tending to break into pieces)
fissíparo {adj} :: fissiparous (causing division or fragmenting something)
fissura {f} :: fissure
fissurando {v} :: gerund of fissurar
fissurar {v} /fisuˈɾaɾ/ :: to fissure
fisting {m} :: fisting (sexual practice of inserting a hand into the vagina or rectum)
-fita {suffix} [botany] /fi.tɐ/ :: -phyte (forms the name of plant groupings)
fita {f} /ˈfi.tɐ/ :: tape, ribbon, band
fita {f} [colloquial] :: film, movie
fita {f} [Portugal, education, slang] :: a colored ribbon to indicate membership of a faculty
fita {f} :: act, deception, lie
fita adesiva {f} :: sticky tape (tape with glue on its surface)
fita-cola {f} :: adhesive tape; sticky tape (tape with glue on its surface)
fita crepe {f} :: masking tape (sticky tape made of paper)
fita de Möbius {f} [topology] :: Möbius strip (surface formed by connecting two opposite edges of a square in opposite directions)
fita-do-mar {f} :: eelgrass (Zostera marina), a beach plant with long, slender leaves
fita gomada {f} :: sticky tape (tape with glue on its surface)
fita magnética {f} :: magnetic tape (acrylic tape used for recording data)
fita métrica {f} :: measuring tape (tape with marks for measuring distance)
fitar {vt} :: to stare at; to gaze at
fítico {adj} :: phytic
fitness {m} /ˈfit͡ʃ.nes/ :: fitness (cultivation of an attractive and healthy physique)
fitness {m} [artificial intelligence] :: fitness (degree of appropriateness of an answer in a genetic algorithm)
fitoesterol {m} [biochemistry] :: phytosterol (any of a group of steroid alcohols occurring in plants)
fitófago {adj} [zoology] :: phytophagous (feeding on plants)
fitogeográfico {adj} :: phytogeographical, geobotanic
fito-hormona {f} [Portugal] :: phytohormone (plant hormone)
fito-hormônio {m} :: alternative form of fitormônio
fitopatógeno {m} [biology] :: phytopathogen (anything that is pathogenic to plants)
fitormônio {m} [Brazilian orthography, biochemistry] :: phytohormone (plant hormone)
Fittipaldi {prop} :: Fittipaldi; surname
fivela {f} [countable] /fi.ˈvɛ.lɐ/ :: buckle (belt clasp)
fixação {f} :: fixation (all senses)
fixador {adj} :: fixative
fixador {m} :: fixative
fixador {m} :: fixer
fixador {m} :: holder, retainer
fixamente {adv} :: fixedly
fixando {v} :: gerund of fixar
fixar {v} /fi.ˈksaɾ/ :: to fix, fasten, secure
fixe {adj} [Portugal, colloquial] /ˈfi.ʃ(ə)/ :: cool, awesome
fixe {interj} [Portugal, colloquial] :: cool!, great!
fixismo {m} [biology] :: fixism (the theory that species alive today were identical to those of the past)
fixismo {m} [beekeeping] :: the use of beehives with fixed honeycombs
fixo {adj} /ˈfi.ksu/ :: fixed, immoveable
fixo {adj} :: permanent
flabelar {v} :: to fan with a hand-held fan
flabelo {m} :: fan (hand-held device waved back and forth to cool someone)
flácido {adj} :: flaccid; limp; flabby
fla-flu {m} [association football, Brazil] :: a match between Clube de Regatas do Flamengo and Fluminense Football Club
fla-flu {m} [Rio Grande do Sul] :: foosball (table soccer)
fla-flu {m} [figuratively, Brazil] :: a polarization between two opposite viewpoints, especially political ones
flag {mf} [programming] :: flag (true-or-false variable)
flagelar {v} :: to scourge (to strike with a scourge)
flagelo {m} /flɐˈʒelu/ :: scourge; a whip, especially one used to hit people
flagelo {m} :: scourge (a persistent pest, illness, or source of trouble)
flagelo {m} :: bane, a cause of suffering or source of pain and anguish
flagelo {m} [microbiology] :: flagellum (whip-like appendage in bacteria and protists)
flagrante {adj} /fla.ˈɡɾɐ̃.t͡ʃi/ :: blatant; obvious; glaring
flagrante {adj} [law, of a crime] :: caught in the act
flagrante {m} [law] :: the act of catching a crime in the act
flama {f} [poetic] :: flame (visible part of fire)
flama {f} [figuratively] :: liveliness, ardor
flamejante {adj} :: flaming (on fire with visible flames)
flamejar {vi} :: to burn in flames
flamejar {vi} [figuratively] :: to shine
flamejar {v} [cuisine] :: to quickly pass through a flame after bathing in alcoholic liquid
flamengo {adj} /flɐ.ˈmẽ.ɡu/ :: Flemish (of, from or relating to Flanders)
flamengo {adj} :: Flemish (of or relating to the Flemish dialect)
flamengo {m} :: someone from Flanders
flamengo {m} [uncountable] :: Flemish (the Dutch dialect spoken in Flanders)
flamengo {m} :: alternative form of flamingo
flamenguista {adj} [Brazil, soccer] :: Pertaining to, or related to Clube de Regatas do Flamengo
flamenguista {mf} [Brazil, soccer] :: A player or supporter of Clube de Regatas do Flamengo sports team, especially the association football (soccer) team
flamífero {adj} /fla.ˈmi.fe.ɾu/ :: flaming, blazing
flamígero {adj} /fla.ˈmi.ʒe.ɾu/ :: flaming, blazing
flamingo {m} /flɐ.ˈmĩ.ɡu/ :: flamingo (bird)
flamingo andino {m} :: Andean flamingo (Phoenicopterus andinus, a flamingo of Chile)
flâmula {f} :: pennant (type of small flag)
flanco {m} /ˈflɐ̃.ku/ :: flank
Flandres {prop} {f} /ˈflɐ̃.dɾis/ :: Flandres (region)
Flandres {prop} {f} [historical] :: Flandres (county)
flanela {f} /flɐ.ˈnɛ.lɐ/ :: flannel
flanelinha {f} :: diminutive of flanela; a small flannel (soft cloth material)
flanelinha {f} [colloquial, Brazil] :: A person who watches over cars on the street, in exchange for money
flango {m} /ˈflɐ̃.ɡu/ :: eye dialect of frango
flanquear {vt} :: to flank (to attack the flank(s))
flanquear {vt} :: to flank (to be located by the side(s) of something)
flarte {m} :: alternative form of flerte
flashback {m} [narratology] /ˌflɛʃ.ˈbɛk/ :: flashback (earlier event inserted into the normal chronological flow of a narrative)
flash card {m} :: flashcard (card with information serving as a memorisation aide)
flashcard {m} :: alternative spelling of flash card
flato {m} [medical] :: flatus (expulsion of gas through the anus)
flatulência {f} /ˌfla.tu.ˈlẽ.si.a/ :: flatulence (state of having gas in digestive system)
flatulento {adj} :: flatulent
flauta {f} [musical instruments] /ˈflaw.ta/ :: flute
flauta de Pã {f} [music instrument] :: panpipes (wind instrument consisting of a series of tubes of different lengths)
flauta doce {f} [musical instruments] :: recorder (flute-like musical instrument)
flautim {m} [musical instruments] :: piccolo (musical instrument)
flautista {mf} :: flautist
flautista de Hamelin {mf} :: pied piper (anyone or anything that draws many followers)
Flávia {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine of Flávio
flavina {f} [organic chemistry] :: flavin
Flávio {prop} {m} :: given name, masculine of Flávia
flecha {f} /ˈflɛ.ʃɐ/ :: arrow (projectile)
flecha {f} :: arrow (symbol)
flecha {f} :: spire
flecheira {f} :: feminine noun of flecheiro
flecheiro {m} :: archer
flegma {morf} :: rare form of fleuma
Flensburg {prop} {f} :: Flensburg (city)
Flensburgo {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Flensburg
fleróvio {m} [neologism] :: flerovium (chemical element with atomic number 114)
flertar {v} :: to flirt; to philander; to cocket; to dally
flerte {m} /ˈfleɾ.t͡ʃi/ :: flirt (instance of flirting, courting)
flerte {m} :: flirtation; courtship
flêrte {m} :: superseded spelling of flerte
flete {m} :: flat (apartment)
fleugma {morf} :: rare form of fleuma
fleuma {f} /ˈ :: phlegm (historical: humour)
fleuma {f} [uncountable] :: tranquillity; calmness
fleumático {adj} [of a person] :: phlegmatic (not easily excited to action)
fleumático {adj} [of a person] :: cold, insensible, emotionless, impassible
Flevoland {prop} {f} :: Flevoland (province)
Flevolândia {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Flevoland
flexão {f} [grammar] :: inflection (change in the form of a word that reflects a change in grammatical function)
flexão {f} [grammar] :: an inflected form of a word
flexão {f} :: push-up (exercise performed by resting on one’s toes and hands and pushing one’s weight off the floor)
flexibilidade {f} :: flexibility
flexibilização quantitativa {f} [economics] :: quantitative easing (monetary policy where the central bank buys assets from private institutions)
flexionar {vt} [grammar] :: to inflect
flexível {adj} :: flexible (all senses)
flexível {adj} :: supple, pliable
flexível {adj} :: pliant
flibusteiro {m} :: pirate; corsair; freebooter (criminal who plunders at sea)
flíper {m} :: clipping of fliperama
fliperama {m} [gaming] :: arcade (establishment running coin-operated games)
flip-flop {m} [electronics] /ˌflip ˈflɔp/ :: flip-flop (electronic circuit able to switch between two states)
fliscorne {m} [musical instrument] :: flugelhorn (a brass instrument)
floco {m} :: flake (a thin chiplike layer of anything)
floco {m} :: tuft (bunch of feathers, grass or hair, etc., held together at the base)
floco de neve {m} /flɔ.ku.ðɨ.ˈnɛ.vɨ/ :: snowflake
flocos de milho {mp} :: corn flakes (breakfast cereal)
floculação {f} :: flocculation
floema {m} [botany] :: phloem (vascular tissue of plants)
flogístico {m} [chemistry, historical] :: phlogiston (hypothetical fiery principle)
flogístico {adj} :: phlogistic (pertaining to phlogiston)
flogisto {m} [chemistry, historical] :: phlogiston (hypothetical fiery principle)
flogose {f} [medicine, dated] :: phlogosis; inflammation
flood {m} [Internet slang] /ˈflɐd͡ʒ/ :: a flood of superfluous text messages
floodar {v} [Internet slang] :: to flood, to disrupt an online conversation by sending superfluous text
flor {f} /ˈfloɾ/ :: flower
flôr {f} :: superseded spelling of flor
flora {f} :: flora (plants of a region considered as a group)
Flora {prop} {f} /ˈflɔ.ɾɐ/ :: given name
Flora {prop} {f} [Roman god] :: Flora (goddess of nature)
floração {f} :: flowering
floração {f} :: inflorescence
floração {f} :: blossom, bloom
florada {f} :: blossom (state or season for such flowers)
floral {adj} :: floral
florão {m} :: crocket (floral decoration)
Flora Rica {prop} :: Flora Rica (municipality)
flor de lis {f} :: alternative spelling of flor-de-lis
flor-de-lis {f} [heraldiccharge] :: fleur-de-lis (design representing a flower with three petals)
flor de lótus {f} :: lotus (Nelumbo, a flower)
Flor do Sertão {prop} :: Flor do Sertão (municipality)
Floreal {prop} :: Floreal (municipality)
florear {v} :: to plant flowers
florear {v} :: to blossom (to open into blossoms)
florear {v} [figuratively] :: to embroider (to add imaginary detail to a narrative)
floreio {m} :: flourish; ornamentation
floreio {m} :: elegance of writing style
floreira {f} :: flower box (flower container)
floreira {f} :: feminine noun of floreiro
floreiro {m} :: florist (a person who sells flowers)
Florença {prop} {f} /flo.ˈɾẽ.sɐ/ :: Florença (city/and/province)
Florência {prop} {f} :: given name
florentino {adj} :: Florentine
florentino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Flores Island (Azores)
florentino {m} :: Florentine
florentino {m} :: Someone from Flores Island
florescência {f} [botany] :: anthesis; blooming; flowering (the event of a flower opening)
florescente {adj} [of a flower] :: blooming; flowering (opening in blossoms)
florescente {adj} :: blooming; thriving; growing
florescer {v} /ˌflo.ɾe.ˈse(ɹ)/ :: to flower; to blossom (to put forth blooms)
florescer {v} :: to adorn with flowers
florescer {v} :: to flourish; to prosper
florescer {v} :: to spring (to start to exist)
florescimento {m} :: flowering
Florescu {prop} {mf} :: surname
Flores da Cunha {prop} :: Flores da Cunha (municipality)
floresta {f} /fluˈɾɛʃ.tɐ/ :: forest (dense collection of trees)
Floresta Amazônica {prop} {f} :: Amazon Rainforest
Floresta Azul {prop} :: Floresta Azul (municipality)
florestal {adj} [ecology] :: relating to forests
Florestal {prop} :: Florestal (municipality)
florestamento {m} :: alternative form of aflorestamento
floresta negra {m} :: clipping of bolo floresta negra
floresta negra {f} :: See: pt floresta negra
Floresta Negra {prop} {f} :: Floresta Negra (forest/and/range)
floresta primária {f} :: primeval forest (large forest unaffected by humans)
florestar {vt} :: to forest; to wood (to plant trees in an area)
floresta tropical {f} :: tropical rainforest
floresta virgem {f} :: virgin forest (a forest being more or less free from human ecological disturbance)
florete {m} [fencing] /flu.ˈɾe.tɨ/ :: foil
Floriano Peixoto {prop} :: Floriano Peixoto (municipality)
Florianópolis {prop} :: Florianópolis (municipality/state capital)
florianopolitano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Florianópolis
florianopolitano {m} :: Someone from Florianópolis
floricultura {f} :: floriculture (the farming of flowers)
floricultura {f} :: a place where flowers are grown and/or sold
Flórida {prop} {f} :: Flórida (state)
Flórida Paulista {prop} :: Flórida Paulista (municipality)
floridense {mf} :: Floridian (inhabitant of Florida)
floridense {adj} :: Floridian (of, from or relating to Florida)
floridiano {m} :: Floridian (inhabitant of Florida)
floridiano {adj} :: Floridian (of, from or relating to Florida)
florim {m} :: guilder (unit of currency used in Curaçao and Sint Maarten and formerly in the Netherlands, Bonaire, Saba, Sint Eustatius and Suriname)
Florina {prop} {f} :: Florina (town/and/regional unit)
Florínea {prop} :: Florínea (municipality)
Floripa {prop} {f} [colloquial] :: Nickname for the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil
florir {v} /flu.ˈɾiɾ/ :: to flower; to blossom (to put forth blooms)
florir {v} :: to adorn with flowers
florista {mf} /flu.ˈɾiʃ.tɐ/ :: florist
florzinha {f} /ˌfloʁ.ˈzi.ɲɐ/ :: diminutive of flor
flotação {f} :: flotation
flotilha {f} [nautical] :: flotilla
fluência {f} /flu.ˈẽ.sja/ :: fluency
fluente {adj} :: fluent
fluente {adj} :: flowing
fluentemente {adv} :: fluently (expressing oneself easily)
fluentemente {adv} :: fluently (having graceful movements)
flugelhorn {m} [musical instrument] :: flugelhorn (a brass instrument)
fluidez {f} :: flow (smoothness or continuity)
fluido {adj} :: fluid (subject to change)
fluido {adj} :: fluid (moving smoothly)
fluido {m} [physics] :: fluid (any state of matter which can flow)
fluído {m} [proscribed] /flu.ˈi.du/ :: alternative form of fluido
fluido pré-ejaculatório {m} :: pre-ejaculate
fluindo {v} :: gerund of fluir
fluir {v} :: to flow, run
fluir {v} :: to pour
flume {m} [obsolete or poetic] /ˈflu.mɨ/ :: river
flúmen {m} /ˈflu.mɛn/ :: alternative form of flume
fluminense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
fluminense {mf} :: Anything related to the state of Rio de Janeiro
flúor {m} :: fluorine
fluoração {f} :: fluorination
fluorando {v} :: gerund of fluorar
fluorante {adj} :: fluorinating
fluorapatita {f} [mineral] :: fluorapatite
fluorar {v} :: to fluorinate
fluoretação {f} [chemistry, public health] :: fluoridation (the act or process of adding fluoride to something, especially water)
fluoretando {v} :: gerund of fluoretar
fluoretar {v} :: to fluoridate
fluoreto {m} [chemistry] :: fluoride
fluorfosfato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: fluorophosphate
fluoridreto {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: fluorohydride
fluorídrico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrofluoric
fluorita {f} [mineral] :: fluorite
fluortantalato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: fluorotantalate
flush {m} [poker] :: flush (hand consisting of all cards with the same suit)
flutuação {f} :: fluctuation
flutuador {m} :: float
flutuador {m} :: buoy
flutuando {v} :: gerund of flutuar
flutuante {adj} :: floating, afloat
flutuante {adj} :: buoyant
flutuante {adj} :: supernatant
flutuar {v} :: to float
flutuar {v} :: to fluctuate
flutuável {adj} :: Able to float; floatable
fluvial {adj} /flu.ˈvjaɫ/ :: fluvial
fluxo {m} /ˈflu.ksu/ :: flow
fluxo {m} [Brazil, slang, music] :: baile funk
fluxograma {m} :: flow chart (representation of how the different stages in a process are interconnected)
fluxo piroclástico {m} [volcanology] :: pyroclastic flow
flw {interj} [Internet slang, text messaging] :: abbreviation of falou
flw {interj} [Internet slang, text messaging] :: abbreviation of falow
FMI {prop} :: IMF (International Monetary Fund)
-fobia {suffix} :: -phobia (used to form nouns meaning fear)
fobia {f} /fuˈβi.ɐ/ :: phobia
fobia social {f} [psychiatry] :: social anxiety disorder (intense fear in social situations)
-fóbico {suffix} :: -phobe
-fóbico {suffix} :: -phobic
-fobo {suffix} :: -phobe
-fobo {suffix} :: -phobic
fobofobia {f} :: phobophobia
Fobos {prop} {f} :: Phobos (moon of Mars)
Fobos {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Phobos (son of Ares)
foca {f} [mammals] /ˈfɔ.kɐ/ :: seal
foca da Groenlândia {f} :: harp seal (a species of seal)
focal {adj} [optics] :: focal (relating to foci)
focal {adj} [medicine] :: focal (limited to a small area)
focalizar {vt} :: to focus (to cause light to converge at a single point)
focalizar {vi} [of light rays] :: to converge at a single point
focalizar {vt} :: to focus (to adjust the lens of an optical instrument))
focalizar {v} [with em] :: to focus (to concentrate one’s attention)
focar {vt} [optics] /fo.ˈka(ʁ)/ :: to focus (to cause (rays of light, etc) to converge at a single point)
focar {v} :: to focus; to concentrate
Fócida {prop} {f} /ˈfɔ.si.dɐ/ :: Fócida (regional unit)
focinheira {f} :: muzzle (device to stop an animal from biting, worn over its snout)
focinho {m} /fu.ˈsi.ɲu/ :: snout
foco {m} [optics] /ˈfɔ.ku/ :: focus (point at which rays of light converge)
foco {m} [geometry] :: focus (point of a conic at which rays reflected from a curve or surface converge)
foco {m} [photography] :: focus (convergence of light on the photographic medium)
foco {m} [epidemiology] :: the source of transmission of a disease
foco {m} :: focus (concentration of attention)
foco {m} :: objective; intent
foco {m} :: headquarters
foco {m} [regional] :: lamp
foda {f} [slang] /ˈfɔ.da/ :: fuck (an act of sexual intercourse)
foda {adj} [slang, mildly vulgar] :: awesome; amazing
foda {adj} [slang, mildly vulgar] :: bad, annoying
foda {adj} [slang, mildly vulgar] :: [of a person] badass, dumbass
fodão {adj} /fɔˈdɐ̃w̃/ :: augmentative of foda
foda-se {interj} [slang, vulgar] :: fuck it (expressing indifference or frustration)
foda-se {interj} [vulgar] :: fuck you!
fodástico {adj} [neologism, mildly vulgar] :: Badass and fantastic
fodedor {m} [vulgar] :: fucker, shagger (one who fucks)
foder {v} [vulgar] /fuˈdeɾ/ :: to fuck
foder {vt} :: to sexually penetrate someone
foder {vit} [by extension] :: to bang (to have sex)
foder {vt} :: to screw, to ruin, to mess up with
foderoso {adj} [colloquial] :: Badass and powerful
foder-se para {vr} [vulgar slang] :: to give a shit; to care
fodeu {interj} [vulgar] :: fucked-up - fodeu is short for agora fodeu tudo or agora fodeu geral, both expressions meaning "puta que pariu" or "now the situation is hopeless"
fodido {adj} [vulgar] :: fucked, fucked up
fodinha {adj} :: diminutive of foda
fodível {adj} :: fuckable
fofo {adj} /ˈfo.fu/ :: spongy, fluffy, soft
fofo {adj} [colloquial] :: cute
fofoca {f} [Brazil] /fɔ.ˈfɔ.ka/ :: gossip (idle talk)
fofocar {v} [Brazil] :: to gossip (to talk about someone else's private or personal business)
fofoqueira {f} :: feminine noun of fofoqueiro
fofoqueiro {m} [Brazil] :: gossiper (one who gossips)
fofoqueiro {adj} :: gossipy (who likes to gossip)
fofura {f} [colloquial] /fo.ˈfu.ɾa/ :: cuteness
fofura {f} [colloquial] :: fatness
fofura {f} [colloquial] :: something or someone with those qualities
fogaça {f} :: a type of sweet and spongy cake or bread
Fogaça {prop} /fo.ˈɡ :: surname
fogal {m} [historical, taxes] /fuˈ.ɡaɫ/ :: hearth tax, a tax levied on each household
fogão {m} /fuˈɣɐ̃w̃/ :: fire (heater or stove)
fogaréu {m} /fu.ɣɐ.ˈɾɛw/ :: bonfire
fogaréu {m} :: cresset
fogaréu {m} :: an architectural ornament in the form of a flickering flame
fogo {m} [uncountable] /ˈfo.ɣu/ :: fire (chemical reaction producing a flame)
fogo {m} :: fire (destructive occurrence of fire in a certain place)
fogo {m} [military] :: fire (projectiles in mid-air)
fogo {m} [uncountable, slang] :: pain in the ass (someone or something that is hard to deal with)
fogo {m} [poetic] :: flame (intense emotions)
fogo {m} :: a device that produces a flame; a lighter or match
fogo {m} [colloquial] :: heat (tense situation)
fogo {m} :: house, family
fogo {interj} [military] :: fire! (an order for soldiers to shoot)
fogo {interj} [colloquial] :: euphemistic form of foda-se
fogo amigo {m} :: friendly fire (fire from allied or friendly forces)
fogo corredor {m} [folklore] :: will o' the wisp (strange ball of light)
fogo-corredor {m} :: alternative spelling of fogo corredor
fogo cruzado {m} [military] :: crossfire (interlocking lines of fire)
fogo cruzado {m} [figurative] :: crossfire (heated confrontation)
fogo de artifício {m} :: firework (exploding device used in celebrations)
fogo de palha {m} [idiomatic] :: flash in the pan (transient occurrence with no long-term effect)
fogo de santelmo {m} :: St. Elmo's fire (electrical discharge seen around pointed objects)
fogo-de-santelmo {m} :: alternative spelling of fogo de santelmo
fogo de Santelmo {m} :: alternative spelling of fogo de santelmo
fogo-fátuo {m} [folklore] :: will o' the wisp (strange ball of light)
fogo grego {m} [historical] :: Greek fire (flammable substance used to set fire to ships)
fogo no rabo {m} [idiom] :: restlessness (an inability to be still, quiet, at peace or comfortable)
fogos {m} :: short for fogos de artifício
fogoso {adj} :: enthusiastic
fogoso {adj} :: salacious (promoting sexual desire or lust)
fogoso {adj} :: hot-headed
fogueira {f} /fu.ˈɣɐj.ɾɐ/ :: blaze
fogueira {f} :: bonfire
foguete {m} /fuˈɣetɨ/ :: rocket (non-guided missile)
foguete {m} :: firework
foguista {mf} :: stoker (person who feeds coal into a boiler)
foi {interj} /ˈfoj/ :: indicates that an action has been undertaken; done
foice {f} /ˈfoj.sɨ/ :: scythe
foice {f} :: sickle
foice e martelo {f} [Soviet iconography] :: hammer and sickle (symbol of the Soviet Union)
foie gras {m} /fwa ˈɡɾa/ :: foie gras (fattened liver of geese or ducks)
foi mal {interj} :: See: pt foi mal
foi mal {interj} [Brazil, colloquial] :: sorry, my bad (expression of regret or sorrow)
folar {m} [culinary] :: folar (traditional Portuguese bread served at Passover and Easter)
folclore {m} :: folklore
folclorismo {m} :: folkloristics (study of folklore)
folclorística {f} :: folkloristics (study of folklore)
folder {m} [Brazil] :: leaflet (small piece of paper with information)
fôlder {m} :: alternative spelling of folder
fole {m} :: bellows (flexible container used to blow air)
folegar {v} [obsolete] /ˌfo.le.ˈɡa(ʁ)/ :: to breathe
fôlego {m} :: breath
fôlego {m} :: wind (ability to breathe properly)
fôlego {m} [by extension] :: impetus, spirit
folga {f} :: rest, day off (from work)
folga {f} :: respite; break (a brief interval of rest or relief)
folga {f} :: slack (extent to which a part of a mechanism can move freely)
folgado {adj} :: loose
folgado {adj} :: free
folgado {adj} :: comfortable
folgado {adj} :: happy, satisfied
folgar {vi} :: to have time off
folgar {vi} :: to rest, to relax
folgar {vi} :: to rejoice, to have fun
folha {f} [botany] /ˈfo.ʎɐ/ :: leaf
folha {f} :: sheet (of paper)
folhado {adj} :: leafy
folhado {adj} [culinary] :: flaky
folhado {m} :: foliage, leafage
folhado {m} [culinary] :: puff pastry (pastry that is made by repeatedly folding the rolled pastry into many layers)
folhado {m} :: laurestine (Viburnum tinus, a shrub of southern Europe)
folhado {m} :: Clethra arborea, a tree of Macaronesia
folhagem {f} :: foliage (the leaves of plants)
folheação {f} :: the budding of leaves
folheação {f} :: the time of the year when leaves bud
folheação {f} [topology] :: foliation (a set of subspaces coextensive with a manifold)
folheando {v} :: gerund of folhear
folhear {v} /fu.ˈʎjaɾ/ :: to browse, leaf through, peruse
folhear {v} :: to veneer
folheca {f} :: snowflake (small snow crystal)
folhetim {m} :: The bottom half of a newspaper page, containing other than news
folhetim {m} :: episode of a serialised novel
folheto {m} :: flyer; brochure; leaflet
folhinha {f} :: leaflet
folhinha {f} :: page / sheet of a calendar
folhoso {adj} :: leafy (containing much foliage)
folia {f} /fu.ˈli.ɐ/ :: merrymaking
folia {f} :: merriment
folia {f} [music] :: folia
folia {f} [dance] :: an old Portuguese dance
foliã {f} :: feminine of folião
foliáceo {adj} :: leafy (shaped like a leaf or leaves)
folião {m} :: reveller (partygoer)
folião {m} :: merrymaker
folião {adj} :: playful
folião {adj} :: merry
foliar {adj} :: foliar
fólico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: folic
folicular {adj} :: follicular (of or pertaining to the follicles)
folículo {m} [anatomy] :: follicle (small cavity or sac)
folículo {m} [botany] :: follicle (type of primitive dry fruit)
folk {m} [music genre] /ˈ :: folk music (contemporary music in traditional style)
folosa {f} :: alternative form of felosa
Fomalhaut {prop} {f} [star] :: Fomalhaut
fome {f} [uncountable] /ˈfɔ.mɨ/ :: hunger (need or compelling desire for food)
fome {f} [figurative] :: hunger (any strong desire)
fome {f} :: famine (extreme shortage of food in a region)
fomentar {v} :: to foment (to incite or cause)
fominha {mf} [sports, slang] :: ball hog (player who keeps the ball to themselves, rather than passing it)
fominha {adj} [sports, slang, of a player] :: being a ball hog
fominha {f} :: diminutive of fome
fona {f} /ˈfo.nɐ/ :: spark (small particle of glowing matter)
fonação {f} :: phonation
fondue {mf} /fõ.ˈd͡ʒi/ :: fondue (dish of molten cheese)
fone {m} :: phone (all senses)
fone {m} :: headset
fone {m} [in plural] :: headphones
fone de cabeça {m} [Portugal] :: headphones (listening device)
fone de ouvido {m} :: earphone (sound device held near the ear)
fonema {m} [phonetics] /fuˈnɛmɐ/ :: phoneme (indivisible unit of sound)
fonemática {f} [linguistics] :: phonemics (the study of phonemes)
fonémica {f} [European orthography, linguistics] :: phonemics (the study of phonemes)
fonêmica {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of fonémica
fonémico {adj} [Portugal, linguistics] :: phonemic (related to phonemes)
fonêmico {adj} [Brazil, linguistics] /fo.ˈne.mi.ku/ :: phonemic (related to phonemes)
fones {n} :: headphones (pair of speakers worn over or in the ears)
fonética {f} [linguistics] :: phonetics (study of speech sounds and their representation by written symbols)
foneticamente {adv} :: phonetically
fonético {adj} [linguistics] :: phonetic (relating to sounds of spoken language)
fónix {interj} [slightly vulgar] :: Used as an intensifier to represent displeasure or anger, approximately translates to fuck, but not quite as severe; but also to represent indifference or contempt
fono- {prefix} :: phono-
fonoaudiólogo {m} :: speech therapist (clinician who treats speech disorders)
fonográfico {adj} :: phonographic
fonógrafo {m} :: phonograph (device that plays cylinder records)
fonóloga {f} :: female equivalent of fonólogo
fonologia {f} [linguistics, uncountable] :: phonology (subfield of linguistics concerned with the way sounds function in languages)
fonologia {f} [linguistics, countable] :: phonology (way sounds function within a given language)
fonologicamente {adv} :: phonologically
fonológico {adj} :: phonological (of or relating to phonology)
fonólogo {m} :: phonologist (person who specialises in phonology)
fonómetro {m} [European orthography] :: phonometer (instrument for measuring sound)
fonômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of fonómetro
fônon {m} [Brazilian orthography, physics] :: phonon (quantum of acoustic or vibrational energy)
fontanela {f} :: fontanelle (soft spot on the head of babies)
fonte {f} /ˈfõ.tɨ/ :: spring (water source)
fonte {f} :: fountain
fonte {f} :: source (that from which something comes or is acquired)
fonte {f} [anatomy] :: temple of the head
fonte {f} [typography] :: font
fonte batismal {f} :: font (a receptacle in church for holy water)
Fontoura Xavier {prop} :: Fontoura Xavier (municipality)
foot-ball {m} :: dated spelling of futebol
football {m} :: dated spelling of futebol
for {m} [programming] /ˈfɔʁ/ :: for loop (a loop that uses a counter)
fora {adv} /ˈfɔ.ɾɐ/ :: outside (on the outside of a building or location)
fora {adv} :: abroad; overseas (in another country)
fora {adv} :: out (away from home or one’s usual place)
fora {adv} :: away (to be discarded)
fora {prep} :: except (with the exception of)
fora {m} [Brazil, slang] :: rejection of a romantic proposal
fora {interj} :: out! (demanding that someone leave)
fora da caixa {adv} [idiomatic, most commonly used in pensar fora da caixa] :: outside the box (beyond convention)
fora de {prep} :: outside (on the outside of)
fora de {prep} :: out of (towards the outside of)
fora de controle {adj} :: out of control
fora de controle {adv} :: out of control
fora de hora {adv} [idiomatic] :: out of turn (in an inappropriate time)
fora-de-lei {mf} :: outlaw (a fugitive from the law)
fora de linha {adj} :: offline (of a system, not connected to a larger network)
fora de linha {adj} :: no longer being produced or supported
fora de linha {adj} :: unaligned
fora do comum {adj} [idiomatic] :: out of the ordinary; unusual
fora do normal {adj} [idiomatic] :: out of the ordinary; unusual
foragido {adj} :: fugitive (fleeing or running away)
foragido {m} :: fugitive (a person who is fleeing or escaping from something)
foraminífero {m} :: foraminifer
forasteira {f} :: feminine noun of forasteiro
forasteiro {adj} /fu.ɾɐʃ.ˈtɐj.ɾu/ :: foreign
forasteiro {m} :: foreigner
forasteiro {m} :: stranger
forca {f} :: gallows (wooden framework on which persons are put to death by hanging)
força {f} /ˈfoɾ.sɐ/ :: force; strength
força {f} :: power
força {interj} /ˈfɔɹ.sa/ :: Expression used to wish someone the strength to persevere whatever hardship they are experiencing
fôrça {f} :: superseded spelling of força
força aérea {f} :: air force (branch of the military devoted to air warfare)
força Casimir {f} [quantum field theory] :: Casimir force (attraction between very closely separated objects)
força centrífuga {f} :: centrifugal force (force that seems to push all bodies away from the centre of rotation)
forçadamente {adv} :: By force; forcefully
força de van der Waals {f} [chemistry] :: van der Waals force (weak attraction between neutral atoms and molecules)
força de vontade {f} :: willpower (strength of will)
forcado {m} :: pitchfork (farm tool)
forçado {adj} /fuɾ.ˈsa.ðu/ :: forced, coercive, compulsory
forçado {adj} :: insincere, artificial, false, not occurring naturally
forçado {adj} :: unlikely, far-fetched, exaggerated
força do hábito {f} [idiomatic] :: the tendency of doing something because it is a habit even when it is not necessary or expected
força maior {f} [legal] :: force majeure (unavoidable occurrence, voiding legal obligation)
forçar {v} /fuɾ.ˈsaɾ/ :: to force
forçar a barra {v} [idiomatic] :: to insist, to persist too much (in a negative sense)
forças armadas {fp} :: armed forces (the military forces of a nation)
força-tarefa {f} :: task force
fórceps {m} :: forceps (instrument used in surgery to grasp objects)
forçosamente {adv} :: By force; forcefully
forçosamente {adv} :: In necessity; inevitably; necessarily
forense {adj} :: forensic (relating to the scientific investigation of evidence for a court of law)
forja {f} /ˈfɔɾ.ʒɐ/ :: forge (workshop in which metals are shaped)
forjador {m} :: forger (person who creates a forgery)
forjador {m} :: forger (person who forges metals)
forjadora {f} :: female equivalent of forjador
forjadura {f} :: forgery (the act of forging metal into shape)
forjadura {f} :: forgery (the act of forging, fabricating or producing falsely)
forjamento {m} :: forgery (the act of forging metal into shape)
forjamento {m} :: forgery (the act of forging, fabricating or producing falsely)
forjar {v} [metallurgy] :: to forge (to shape a metal)
forjar {v} :: to forge (to create a forgery of)
forma {f} /ˈfɔɾ.mɐ/ :: form; shape (the visible structure of a thing)
forma {f} :: [geometry] shape; figure (a geometric object)
forma {f} :: form (a conventional method way of doing something)
forma {f} :: [grammar] form (each of the possible inflections of a lexeme)
forma {f} :: [military] formation (alignment of troops)
forma {f} /ˈfoɾ.mɐ/ :: tin (metal pan used for baking)
forma {f} :: mould (hollow object into which a liquid is poured so that it solidifies into a specific shape)
forma {f} :: [typography] type; sort (block used to print a character)
fôrma {f} :: alternative spelling of forma
forma canónica {f} [European orthography, mathematics] :: canonical form (standard or normal presentation of a mathematical entity)
forma canónica {f} [European orthography] :: See: pt forma canónica
forma canônica {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of forma canónica
formação {f} /fuɾ.mɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: formation
formação {f} :: organization
formação {f} :: development
formação {f} :: background
formação de quadrilha {f} [legal] :: collaboration (cooperation in order to commit crime)
forma de vida {f} :: lifeform (living organism)
formado {adj} /fuɾ.ˈma.ðu/ :: graduated, having a degree
formador {m} /fuɾ.mɐ.ˈðoɾ/ :: former (something or someone who forms something)
formador {m} :: teacher (someone who teaches)
formador {m} :: trainer; instructor
formador {adj} :: which forms things
formador {adj} :: which graduates people
formadora {f} :: feminine noun of formador
formal {adj} /fuɾˈmal/ :: formal (being in accord with established forms)
formal {adj} :: formal (official)
formal {adj} :: formal (relating to the form or structure of something)
formal {adj} :: formal (ceremonial)
formal {adj} [logic] :: formal (involving mere manipulations of symbols)
formaldeído {m} [organic compound] :: formaldehyde
formalidade {f} :: formality (quality of being formal)
formalismo {m} :: formalism
formalístico {adj} :: formalistic
formalmente {adv} :: formally
forma-pensamento {f} [spiritualism] :: thought-form (a manifestation of the thoughts, ideas or emotions of someone)
formar {v} /fuɾ.ˈmaɾ/ :: to form
formar {v} [with se] :: to graduate, to receive a degree
forma-sonata {f} [music] :: sonata form (a form of classical music)
formatação {f} :: formatting
formatar {v} :: to format (create or edit the layout of a document)
formatar {v} [computing] :: to format (to prepare a mass storage medium for initial use)
formato {m} /foʁ.ˈma.tu/ :: format (layout of a document)
formato {m} :: format (form of presentation)
formato {m} [computing] :: format (file type)
formatura {f} :: graduation (the act of receiving a diploma from an institution)
formatura {f} :: a graduation party
formicário {m} :: formicarium (vivarium with an ant colony)
formicar-se {vr} [ornithology] :: to engage in anting (rubbing live ants into the feathers)
fórmico {adj} [zoology] :: formic (relating to ants)
fórmico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: formic (relating to formic acid)
formidável {adj} :: fantastic; great; amazing
formiga {f} /fuɾ.ˈmi.ɣɐ/ :: ant
Formiga {prop} :: Formiga (municipality)
formiga argentina {f} :: alternative spelling of formiga-argentina
formiga-argentina {f} :: Argentine ant (an small, black ant belonging to the invasive species Linepithema humilis)
formiga-correição {f} :: army ant
formiga-leão {f} :: antlion (larva of the insects of the family Myrmeleontidae)
formigamento {m} [physiology] :: tingling; formication (sensation similar to insects crawling over or within the skin)
formigar {vi} :: to formicate; to tingle
formigar {v} :: to be swarming or teeming with something
formigueiro {m} /fuɾ.mi.ˈɣɐj.ɾu/ :: anthill, ant colony
formigueiro {adj} [of a thief] :: who steals objects of little value; petty
formigueiro {adj} :: en masse (in a single body or group)
formigueiro {adj} [in animal names] :: anteating
Formigueiro {prop} :: Formigueiro (municipality)
formiguento {adj} :: antlike (resembling an ant)
formiguês {m} [childish] :: "antese", language of ants
formiguinha {f} :: diminutive of formiga
Formosa {prop} {f} /foɹ.ˈmɔ.za/ :: Formosa (island)
Formosa do Rio Preto {prop} :: Formosa do Rio Preto (municipality)
Formosa do Sul {prop} :: Formosa do Sul (municipality)
formosíssimo {adj} :: superlative of formoso
formoso {adj} /fuɾ.ˈmo.zu/ :: beautiful
Formoso {prop} :: Formoso (municipality)
formosura {f} [obsolete] :: beauty
fórmula {f} /ˈfɔɾ.mu.lɐ/ :: formula (in all senses)
fórmula {f} [mathematics] :: formula
Fórmula 1 {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Fórmula Um
formulação {f} :: formulation
fórmula de Bhaskara {prop} {f} [mathematics, Brazil] /ˈfɔʁ.mu.lɐ d͡ʒi ˈbas.ka.ɾɐ/ :: quadratic formula (a formula for finding roots of a quadratic equation)
fórmula de Euler {f} [complex analysis] :: Euler’s formula
formulando {v} :: gerund of formular
fórmula química {f} :: molecular formula
formular {adj} :: formulaic
formular {adj} :: formal
formular {v} :: to formulate
formular {v} :: to say, enunciate
formulário {m} /foʁ.mu.ˈla.ɾju/ :: form (to be filled in)
formulário {m} :: formulary
formulário {m} :: missal
Fórmula Um {prop} {f} :: Formula One (discipline in motor racing)
fornada {f} :: batch (quantity of baked goods made at one time)
fornalha {f} /fuɾ.ˈna.ʎɐ/ :: furnace
fornalheiro {m} :: stoker (person who feeds coal into a boiler)
fornecedor {m} :: provider, caterer, vendor, supplier
fornecedora {f} :: provider, caterer, vendor, supplier (female)
fornecendo {v} :: gerund of fornecer
fornecer {v} /foʁ.ne.ˈse(ʁ)/ :: to supply, provide, furnish
fornecimento {m} /fuɾnɨsiˈmẽtu/ :: supply, provision
fornicação {f} :: fornication (sexual intercourse, especially on the part of an unmarried person)
fornicando {v} :: gerund of fornicar
fornicar {v} :: to fornicate
forno {m} /ˈfoɾnu/ :: oven
forno de micro-ondas {m} :: microwave oven
forno de microondas {m} :: superseded spelling of forno de micro-ondas
Fornos de Algodres {prop} /ˈfɔɾnuʒ ðɨ ɐɫˈɣoðɾɨʃ/ :: Fornos de Algodres (village/and/municipality)
foro {m} /ˈfo.ɾu/ :: forum
Forquetinha {prop} :: Forquetinha (municipality)
forquilha {f} :: pitchfork (farm tool with tines)
forquilha {f} :: fork; bifurcation
Forquilhinha {prop} :: Forquilhinha (municipality)
forrado {adj} /fu.ˈʁa.ðu/ :: lined
forrado {adj} :: covered
forrado {adj} :: padded
forrado {adj} :: upholstered
forrado {adj} :: wallpapered
forragem {f} [agriculture] /fo.ˈʁa.ʒẽj̃/ :: forage; fodder (food stored for farm animals)
forrar {v} /fuˈʁaɾ/ :: to line, to insert a lining
forrar {v} :: to cover, to put a cover on
forrar {v} :: to carpet
forrar {v} :: to save; to economize
forreta {mf} :: miser; scrooge
forro {adj} /ˈfo.ʁu/ :: enfranchised; emancipated
forro {adj} :: free; freed
forro {m} :: Forro; Sãotomense (a Portuguese-based creole spoken in São Tomé and Príncipe)
forro {m} /ˈfo.ʁu/ :: lining
forro {m} :: drop ceiling (secondary ceiling, hung below the structural ceiling)
forro {m} :: an individual tile or plank of a drop ceiling
forró {m} [music genre, dance] /fɔˈʁɔ/ :: type of music and dance that originated in Northeastern Brazil
forró {m} :: confusion
fôrro {adj} :: obsolete spelling of forro
fôrro {m} :: obsolete spelling of forro
forrobodó {m} [Brazil, colloquial] /fo.ˌʁɔ.bo.ˈdɔ/ :: a chaotic situation involving many people
fortalecendo {v} :: gerund of fortalecer
fortalecer {v} /foʁ.ta.le.ˈse(ʁ)/ :: to strengthen, fortify
fortalecimento {m} :: fortifying, strengthening
fortalecimento {m} :: fortification
fortaleza {f} /ˌfoʁ.taˈle.zɐ/ :: fortress; fortification; stronghold (a large place built to withstand attacks)
fortaleza {f} [figurative] :: bulwark; stronghold (something that offers protection, especially in a psychological sense)
fortaleza {f} :: fortitude; inner strength (emotional strength in the face of adversity)
fortaleza {f} :: strength (the quality of being physically strong)
Fortaleza {prop} {f} :: Fortaleza (municipality/state capital)
Fortaleza de Minas {prop} :: Fortaleza de Minas (municipality)
Fortaleza dos Valos {prop} :: Fortaleza dos Valos (municipality)
fortaleza moral {f} :: character (moral strength)
forte {m} /ˈfɔɾ.tɨ/ :: strength (pronounced quality), strong suit
forte {m} :: fortress
forte {adj} :: capable of producing great force; strong; forceful
forte {adj} :: capable of withstanding great force; strong; durable
forte {adj} :: highly stimulating to the senses; intense; extreme; strong
forte {adj} [euphemism] :: fat
fortemente {adv} /fɔɾ.tɨ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: strongly
fortificação {f} /fɔɾtifikɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: fortification (the act of fortifying)
fortificação {f} :: fortification (works erected to defend a place against attack)
fortificado {adj} :: fortified (strengthened with fortifications)
fortificar {vt} :: to fortify (to build fortifications in or around a place)
fortificar {vt} :: to fortify; to strengthen (to make stronger)
fortim {m} :: small fort
fortíssimo {adj} :: very loud
fortíssimo {adj} [music] :: fortissimo
fortuito {adj} :: fortuitous (happening by chance, not necessarily a lucky one)
fortuna {f} /fuɾ.ˈtu.nɐ/ :: fortune (destiny)
fortuna {f} :: fortune (good luck)
fortuna {f} :: fortune (lots of riches)
Fortuna de Minas {prop} :: Fortuna de Minas (municipality)
fortúnio {m} :: fortune, prosperity or success
fórum {m} /ˈfɔ.ɾũ/ :: A justice court
fórum {m} :: The building where such court is located
fórum {m} :: An Internet forum; occasionally appended with the clarification "fórum de discussão" (discussion forum)
fosca-se {interj} [slightly vulgar] :: Used as an intensifier to represent displeasure or anger, approximately translates to fuck, but not quite as severe; but also to represent indifference or contempt
fosco {adj} :: Not shiny; having a matte finish or no particular luster
fosfatação {f} :: phosphating
fosfatando {v} :: gerund of fosfatar
fosfatar {v} :: to phosphate
fosfatase {f} [enzyme] :: phosphatase (an enzyme that hydrolyzes phosphate esters)
fosfato {m} /fos.ˈfa.tu/ :: phosphate (any salt or ester of phosphoric acid)
fosfo- {prefix} [chemistry] :: phospho-
fosfocálcico {adj} :: phosphocalcic
fosfodiéster {m} [biochemistry] :: phosphodiester
fosfolipase {f} [enzyme] :: phospholipase
fosfolipíde {m} [organic compound] :: phospholipid
fosfolipídio {m} [organic chemistry] :: phospholipid
fosfolípido {m} :: alternative form of fosfolipíde
fosfonato {m} [organic chemistry] :: phosphonate
fosforado {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: phosphide
fosfóreo {adj} [chemistry] :: phosphorous (of, pertaining to or containing phosphorus)
fosforescência {f} :: phosphorescence
fosforescendo {v} :: gerund of fosforescer
fosforescer {v} :: to phosphoresce
fosfórico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: phosphoric
fosforilação {f} [chemistry] :: phosphorylation
fosforilar {v} [chemistry] :: to phosphorylate
fósforo {m} /ˈfɔʃ.fu.ɾu/ :: match (device to make fire)
fósforo {m} :: phosphorus
fosforoso {adj} [chemistry] :: phosphorous (of, pertaining to or containing phosphorus)
fosfotúngstico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: phosphotungstic
fosga-se {interj} [slightly vulgar] :: Used as an intensifier to represent displeasure or anger, approximately translates to fuck, but not quite as severe; but also to represent indifference or contempt
Fossa das Marianas {prop} {f} :: Mariana Trench (trench in the North Pacific Ocean)
fossando {v} :: gerund of fossar
fossar {v} :: to nuzzle
fossar {v} :: to grub (around)
fossar {v} :: to probe, investigate
fóssil {m} [paleontology] :: fossil
fotão {m} [physics] :: photon
foto- {prefix} /fɔ.tɔ/ :: photo-
foto {f} /ˈfɔ.tu/ :: photo; photograph
fotocélula {f} :: photocell
fotocondutor {m} :: photoconductor
fotocópia {f} /ˌfɔtʊ.ˈkɔ.pjɐ/ :: photocopy
fotocopiar {v} :: to photocopy (make a copy using a photocopier)
fotodetetor {m} :: photodetector
fotodiodo {m} :: photodiode
fotoelétrico {adj} :: photoelectric
fotoemissor {m} :: photoemitter
fotofobia {f} :: photophobia
fotogénico {adj} [European orthography] :: photogenic (looking good when photographed)
fotogênico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of fotogénico
fotógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of fotógrafo
fotografar {v} /ˌfɔ.to.ɡɾa.ˈfa(ɻ)/ :: to photograph; to take a picture
fotografia {f} /fu.tu.ɣɾɐ.ˈfi.ɐ/ :: photography (the art of taking photographs)
fotografia {f} :: photograph (picture created by projecting an image onto a photosensitive surface)
fotografia {f} :: [figurative] carbon copy (something that looks very similar to something else)
fotograficamente {adv} :: photographically
fotográfico {adj} :: [photography] photographic (pertaining to photographs or photography)
fotográfico {adj} :: [of memory] photographic (able to remember images in detail)
fotógrafo {m} :: photographer (person who takes photographs)
fotólise {f} :: photolysis
fotómetro {m} [European orthography, physics] :: photometer (instrument that measures light intensity)
fotômetro {m} :: photometer
fotômetro {m} [photography] :: exposure meter
fóton {m} [Brazil, physics] :: alternative form of fotão
fotônico {adj} [physics] :: photonic
fotooxidação {f} :: photooxidation
fotoprotetor {m} :: sunscreen; sunblock (cream to prevent sunburns)
fotorresistência {f} :: photoresistance
fotosensível {adj} :: photosensitive
fotosfera {f} [astronomy] :: photosphere (the visible surface layer of a star)
fotossensível {adj} :: photosensitive
fotossíntese {f} :: photosynthesis
fotossintético {adj} :: photosynthetic
fotossistema {f} :: photosystem
fotovoltaico {adj} :: photovoltaic
fouce {f} /ˈfow.sɨ/ :: alternative form of foice
foz {f} /fɔʃ/ :: mouth of a river
Foz {prop} {f} :: clipping of Foz do Iguaçu
Foz {prop} {f} :: clipping of Foz do Douro
Foz do Iguaçu {prop} {f} :: Foz do Iguaçu (city/and/municipality)
FPS {m} :: FPS (initialism of "frames per second")
FPS {m} [video games] :: FPS (initialism of "first-person shooter")
fracamente {adv} :: weakly
fracamente {adv} :: slightly
fração {f} /fɾaˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: fraction
fracassar {vi} :: to fail (to be unsuccessful)
fracasso {m} /fɾa.ˈ :: the sound of objects crashing
fracasso {m} :: failure
fracção {f} :: superseded spelling of fração
fraccionamento {m} :: obsolete spelling of fracionamento
fraccionando {v} :: gerund of fraccionar
fraccionar {v} :: alternative form of fracionar
fracionador {m} [chemistry] :: fractionator (apparatus used to separate the components of a mixture by fractionation)
fracionamento {m} :: fractioning; fragmentation (act or instance of splitting something into fractions)
fracionando {v} :: gerund of fracionar
fracionar {v} :: to fractionate
fraco {adj} /ˈfɾa.ku/ :: weak (lacking in force or ability)
fraco {adj} :: weak (lacking in taste or potency)
fraco {adj} [colloquial] :: who cannot handle their drink
fracote {mf} :: weakling (weak person)
fractal {m} [mathematics] :: fractal (self-similar geometric figure)
frade {m} /ˈfɾa.ðɨ/ :: friar
frade {m} :: angelfish (a marine fish of the family Pomacanthidae)
fraga {f} /ˈfɾa.ɣɐ/ :: cliff
fragata {f} /fɾɐ.ˈɣa.tɐ/ :: frigate ship
frágil {adj} /ˈfɾa.ʒiɫ/ :: Prone to physically break easily; fragile; frail
frágil {adj} :: Not comfortable or confident in oneself; insecure
frágil {adj} :: Having a tendency to change; not stable; unstable
fragilidade {f} /fɾɐʒiliˈðaðɨ/ :: fragility
fragilização {f} :: embrittlement
fragilmente {adv} :: fragilely
fragmentação {f} :: fragmentation
fragmentação {f} :: comminution
fragmentadora {f} :: shredder (machine that tears up objects into smaller pieces)
fragmentando {v} :: gerund of fragmentar
fragmentar {v} :: to fragment
fragmento {m} :: fragment
fragmento de Okazaki {m} [genetics] :: Okazaki fragment
fragrância {f} /fɾɐ.ˈɣɾɐ̃.sjɐ/ :: fragrance (pleasant smell or odour)
fragrância {f} :: perfume
fragrante {adj} :: aromatic; fragrant (giving off a scent)
frágua {f} /ˈfɾa.ɣwɐ/ :: forge; furnace
Fraiburgo {prop} :: Fraiburgo (municipality)
fralda {f} /ˈfɾaɫ.dɐ/ :: diaper; nappy (an absorbent garment worn by a baby, or by someone who is incontinent.)
fralda {f} :: foot of a mountain or hill
fralda {f} :: the part of a shirt below the waist
framboesa {f} :: raspberry (the fruit of Rubus idaeus)
framboeseira {f} :: raspberry (plant)
frame {m} [networking] /ˈfɹejm/ :: frame (independent chunk of data)
frame {m} [Internet] :: frame (individually scrollable region of a webpage)
frame {m} :: frame (individual image emitted by a projector or monitor)
Franca {prop} :: Franca (municipality)
França {prop} {f} /ˈfɾɐ̃.sɐ/ :: França (country)
França {prop} {mf} :: surname
francamente {adv} [manner] :: frankly (in a frank, open or (too) honest manner)
francamente {adv} :: frankly (in truth, to tell the truth)
Frances {m} :: obsolete spelling of francês
Frances {adj} :: obsolete spelling of francês
francês {m} /fɾɐ̃.ˈse(j)s/ :: Frenchman (person from France)
francês {m} [uncountable] :: French (Romance language spoken in France, Belgium, Switzerland and former colonies of France)
francês {adj} :: French (of, from or relating to France)
francesamente {adv} :: Frenchly (in the manner of French people; in the context of France)
francesamente {adv} :: Frenchly (as said or written in French language)
francês antigo {m} :: Old French
francesidade {f} :: Frenchness
francesinha {f} :: A type of sandwich from Porto, Portugal containing several kinds of meat and served with sauce
francês médio {m} :: Middle French (language)
francez {adj} :: obsolete spelling of francês
francez {m} :: obsolete spelling of francês
franchise {m} :: franchise (business licensed to operate under a given business model and brand)
franchising {m} [business] :: franchise (authorisation granted to a company to use a given brand and business model)
frâncico {adj} :: Frankish (referring to the Franks)
frâncico {m} :: Frankish (the Germanic language of the Franks)
frâncio {m} :: francium
Francisca {prop} {f} /fɾɐ̃.ˈsis.kɐ/ :: given name
franciscano {adj} :: Franciscan
franciscano {m} :: Franciscan
Francisco {prop} {m} /fɾɐ̃.ˈsis.ku/ :: given name
Francisco Badaró {prop} :: Francisco Badaró (municipality)
Francisco Dumont {prop} :: Francisco Dumont (municipality)
Francisco Morato {prop} :: Francisco Morato (municipality)
Franciscópolis {prop} :: Franciscópolis (municipality)
Francisco Sá {prop} :: Francisco Sá (municipality)
franckeita {f} [mineral] :: franckeite
franco- {prefix} :: Franco- (relating to France or French)
franco {adj} :: Frankish (referring to the Franks)
franco {adj} :: frank (bluntly honest)
franco {m} :: franc (former currency of France and Belgium)
franco {m} :: franc (any of several units of currency)
franco {m} :: Frank (one of the Franks)
Franco {prop} {m} /ˈfɾɐ̃.ku/ :: given name
Franco {prop} {mf} :: surname
franco-atirador {m} [military unit] :: sniper (person who makes precise attacks from a far, concealed position)
Franco da Rocha {prop} :: Franco da Rocha (municipality)
francófilo {adj} :: Francophile (loving France, the French people or French culture)
francófilo {m} :: Francophile (one who loves France)
francofonia {f} :: Francophonie (French speakers or French-speaking countries and regions collectively)
francófono {adj} :: Francophone (French-speaking)
francófono {m} :: Francophone (a speaker of French)
Francoforte {prop} {f} :: Francoforte (largest city)
Francoforte {prop} {f} :: Francoforte (sizable town)
franco-maçom {mf} :: Freemason (member of the Free and Accepted Masons)
francomaçonaria {f} :: Freemasonry (institution and ways of the Freemasons)
Francónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] :: Francónia (traditional region/and/former duchy)
Francônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of Francónia
franco suíço {m} :: Swiss franc (currency of Switzerland)
franga {f} :: feminine noun of frango
frangalho {m} /fɾɐ̃.ˈɡa.ʎu/ :: tatter (shred of torn cloth)
frângão {m} [obsolete] /ˈfɾɐ̃.ɣɐ̃w̃/ :: a young chicken
frângão {m} [obsolete] :: chicken meat
frangível {adj} :: frangible (able to be broken)
frango {m} /ˈfɾɐ̃.ɡu/ :: a young chicken
frango {m} [culinary] :: chicken meat
frango {m} [figuratively, slang] :: a frightened and weak person, especially a man
frango {m} [association football] :: a goal resulting from a shameful mistake by the goalkeeper, especially when the ball passes between his legs
frango {m} :: the goalkeeper who makes this mistake
frango-d'água {m} :: common moorhen
franguinha {f} :: diminutive of franga
franguinha {f} [slang] :: chick (young woman)
franjando {v} :: gerund of franjar
franjar {v} :: to fringe
Frank {prop} {m} /ˈfɾɐ̃k/ :: given name
Frankfurt {prop} {f} /ˌfɾɐ̃k.ˈfuʁt͡ʃ/ :: Frankfurt (largest city)
Frankfurt {prop} {f} :: Frankfurt (sizable town)
franklinita {f} [mineral] :: franklinite
franquear {vt} :: to exempt from charge
franquear {vi} :: to clear (to go through as payment)
franqueza {f} :: frankness (sincere and open speech, honesty in expression)
franquia {f} [business] :: franchise (business licensed to operate under a given business model and brand)
franquiar {vt} [business] :: to franchise (to authorise a company to use a given brand and business model)
franquismo {m} [politics] :: Francoism (the politics of Francisco Franco in Spain)
franquista {adj} :: Franquist (pertaining to Francisco Franco)
franquista {mf} :: Franquist (supporter of Francisco Franco)
Franzese {prop} {mf} :: surname
franzimento {m} :: the act of frowning one’s face
franzino {adj} :: puny
franzino {adj} :: thin
franzir {v} :: to frown (to form wrinkles in forehead)
franzir o cenho {vi} :: to frown (to have a frown on one’s face)
frapê {m} /fɾaˈpe/ :: frappé
frapê {m} :: a similar beverage, such as milk shake
fraque {m} :: morning dress, white tie and tails
fraqueando {v} :: gerund of fraquear
fraquear {v} :: alternative form of fraquejar
fraquejando {v} :: gerund of fraquejar
fraquejar {v} /fɾɐ.kɨ.ˈʒaɾ/ :: to weaken
fraqueza {f} [uncountable] /fɾɐ.ˈke.zɐ/ :: weakness (the condition of being weak)
fraqueza {f} :: weakness; fault
fraquinho {m} [colloquial] :: crush, infatuation
fraquinho {adj} :: diminutive of fraco
frasal {adj} [grammar] :: phrasal (being a phrase)
frasal {adj} [grammar] :: of or relating to sentences
frasco {m} /ˈfɾaʃ.ku/ :: bottle (for medicine, perfume)
frasco {m} :: jar
frase {f} [grammar] /ˈfɾa.zɨ/ :: sentence (grammatically complete series of words)
frase {f} [music] :: phrase (a small, somewhat independent series of notes)
fraseado {m} :: wording; phrasing (choice and style of words)
frasear {v} :: to phrase (to express by means of words)
frasear {v} [music] :: to phrase (to perform a passage with the correct phrasing)
fraseologia {f} :: phraseology (the style in which words and phrases are used in writing or speech)
frase preposicional {f} [grammar] :: prepositional phrase (phrase that has both a preposition and its complement)
frasquinho {m} :: diminutive of frasco
fraternal {adj} :: brotherly (of or characteristic of brothers)
fraternidade {f} /fɾɐ.tɨɾ.ni.ˈða.ðɨ/ :: brotherhood
fraternidade {f} :: fraternity
fraterno {adj} :: brotherly (of or characteristic of brothers)
fratricida {adj} :: fratricidal
fratricida {mf} :: fratricide (person who kills his sibling)
fratricídio {m} :: fratricide (killing of one’s sibling)
fratura {f} :: fracture
fratura {f} :: break, breakage
fratura {f} :: rift
fraturação hidráulica {f} [oil drilling] :: hydraulic fracturing (technique in which a mixture of water and sand is forced down an oil well)
fraturado {adj} :: fractured; broken
fratura hidráulica {f} [oil drilling] :: hydraulic fracturing (technique in which a mixture of water and sand is forced down an oil well)
fraturamento hidráulico {m} [oil drilling] :: hydraulic fracturing (technique in which a mixture of water and sand is forced down an oil well)
fraturar {v} :: to fracture; to break
fraudador {m} :: fraudster (one who performs fraud)
fraudar {v} :: to defraud (to obtain money or property by fraud)
fraudar {v} :: to falsify (to alter so as to make false)
fraude {f} :: fraud (an act of deception)
fraude {f} :: hoax (anything deliberately intended to deceive or trick)
fraudulento {adj} :: fraudulent (dishonest; based on fraud or deception)
fraudulento {adj} :: fraudulent (false; phony)
frear {vt} /fɾeˈa(ʁ)/ :: to brake, to decelerate, to slow down, to rein in
freático {adj} [geology] :: phreatic
frecha {f} [obsolete or dialectal] :: alternative form of flecha
Frederico {prop} {m} /ˌfɾˈɾi.ku/ :: given name
Frederico Westphalen {prop} :: Frederico Westphalen (municipality)
freegan {mf} /ˈfɾi.ɡɐ̃/ :: freegan (a person who uses thrown-out items as a challenge to consumerism)
freeganismo {m} :: freeganism (the practice of living as a freegan)
freela {mf} [colloquial, nonstandard] :: clipping of freelancer
freelancer {mf} :: freelancer (someone who freelances)
freestyle {m} :: freestyle (form of rapping)
Freetown {prop} {f} :: Freetown (capital city)
freezer {m} :: alternative spelling of frízer
freguês {m} /fɾɛˈɣeʃ/ :: regular (frequent customer, client or business partner)
freguês {m} :: customer (one who purchases or receives a product or service from a business or merchant, or intends to do so)
freguês {m} [Brazil, sports, derogatory] :: sports team that often loses to a particular opponent, or member of such team
freguês {m} [Portugal] :: parishioner (citizen or inhabitant of an administrative parish of Portugal)
freguesa {f} :: feminine noun of freguês
freguesia {f} [political subdivision] /fɾɛɣɨˈziɐ/ :: an administrative parish of Portugal
freguesia {f} [business] :: the customers of a business, taken collectively
freguez {m} :: obsolete spelling of freguês
frei {m} /ˈfɾɐj/ :: alternative form of freire
Freia {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Freyja
freiar {vt} :: to brake (to operate brakes)
freiar {vi} :: to brake (to be stopped or slowed)
Freiburg im Breisgau {prop} {f} :: Freiburg im Breisgau (city)
Frei Gaspar {prop} :: Frei Gaspar (municipality)
Frei Inocêncio {prop} :: Frei Inocêncio (municipality)
Frei Lagonegro {prop} :: Frei Lagonegro (municipality)
freio {m} /ˈfɾej.u/ :: brake (device used to slow or stop a vehicle)
freio {m} [anatomy] :: frenulum
freio {m} :: bit (piece of metal placed in a horse's mouth and connected to reins to direct the animal)
freio ABS {m} :: antilock brake; ABS brake (brake that compensates for overbraking)
freio de mão {m} [automotive] :: handbrake (hand-operated brake in a car)
freira {f} /ˈfɾɐj.ɾɐ/ :: nun
freire {m} /ˈfɾɐj.ɾɨ/ :: friar
Frei Rogério {prop} :: Frei Rogério (municipality)
freixo {m} /ˈfɾɐj.ʃu/ :: ash (tree)
Freixo de Espada à Cinta {prop} /ˈfɾɐjʃu dɨ (ɨ)ʃˈpada ˈsĩtɐ/ :: Freixo de Espada à Cinta (village/and/municipality)
freixo-do-maná {m} :: manna ash (Fraxinus ornus, a southern European species of ash)
FRELIMO {prop} {f} :: alternative case form of Frelimo
fremente {adj} /fɾe.mẽ.ˈtʃi/ :: trembling, shaky
fremente {adj} [figuratively] :: excited, vibrating
frêmito {m} :: shudder, shiver, thrill
frenesi {m} :: frenzy (state of wild activity or panic)
frenesim {m} :: alternative spelling of frenesi
freneticamente {adv} :: frenetically
freneticidade {f} :: the quality of being frenetic
frenético {adj} /fɾe.ˈnɛ.t͡ʃi.ku/ :: frenetic; frantic (having extreme enthusiasm or energy)
frenologia {f} [medicine, biology] :: phrenology (the discredited science that studies the relationships between a person’s character and the morphology of the skull)
frente {f} /ˈfɾẽ.tɨ/ :: front (facing side)
frente {f} :: front (main entrance side)
frente {f} [military] :: front (area or line of conflict)
frente {f} [weather] :: front
frente a {prep} :: vis-à-vis (in relation to)
frente ártica {f} [meteorology] :: arctic front (southern boundary of the Arctic air mass)
frente de batalha {f} [military] :: battlefront (place between opposing armies where they engage in combat)
frente de batalha {f} [figurative] :: battlefront (situations and contexts where two entities are in conflict)
frentista {mf} :: pump attendant, an attendant at a gas station who is responsible for filling up vehicles
frénulo {m} [European orthography, anatomy] :: frenulum (fold of tissue that holds an organ)
frênulo {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of frénulo
frequência {f} /fɾɨ.ˈkwẽ.sjɐ/ :: frequency (rate of occurrence of anything)
freqüência {f} :: Obsolete alternative form of frequência
frequentador {m} :: denizen (one who frequents a place)
frequentando {v} :: gerund of frequentar
freqüentando {v} :: gerund of freqüentar
frequentar {v} /fɾɨ.kwẽ.ˈtaɾ/ :: to frequent, attend, visit
freqüentar {v} :: obsolete spelling of frequentar
frequente {adj} /fɾe.ˈkwẽ.tʃi/ :: frequent; common
freqüente {adj} :: superseded spelling of frequente
frequentemente {adv} :: frequently, often
freqüentemente {adv} /fɾeˌkwẽt͡ʃiˈmẽt͡ʃi/ :: superseded spelling of frequentemente
fresa {f} :: milling cutter (rotary cutting tool)
fresador {adj} :: milling (engineering)
fresco {adj} /ˈfɾeʃ.ku/ :: fresh (new or clean)
fresco {adj} [of plant material] :: fresh (of produce, not from storage)
fresco {adj} :: cool (having a slightly low temperature)
fresco {adj} [slang] :: fussy (tending to complain about petty details)
frescura {f} /fɾɨʃ.ˈku.ɾɐ/ :: freshness
frescura {f} [slang] :: overly sentimental, picky or effeminate behaviour
frésia {f} :: freesia (South African flower)
fresquear {vp} [Brazil, slang] /fɾes.ˈkja(ʁ)/ :: to behave in a fussy manner
fressura {f} :: offal (animal’s organs as food)
fresta {f} /ˈfɾɛʃ.tɐ/ :: chink, crack; a small hole or crack in a wall, curtain or other objects by which one can see what is beyond or outside them
fresta {f} :: a narrow window
fretar {v} :: to affreight (to hire for the transportation of freight)
frete {m} /ˈfɾɛ.t(ʃ)i/ :: freight
frete {m} :: shipping (charge)
freudianamente {adv} :: Relative to the psychoanalysis methods of Sigmund Freud; Freudianly
freudiano {adj} :: Freudian (relating to or influenced by Sigmund Freud)
freudiano {m} :: Freudian (a follower of Sigmund Freud)
Freya {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Freyja
Freyja {prop} {f} [Norse mythology] :: Freya (goddess associated with sex, death, and magic)
friagem {f} /fɾi.a.ʒẽj/ :: coolness, chilliness
frialdade {f} /fɾi.aɫ.ˈða.ðɨ/ :: coldness, coolness
frialdade {f} :: low temperatures, cold
frialdade {f} :: insensitivity
friamente {adv} :: coldly
friável {adj} :: friable
Friburgo {prop} {f} :: Friburgo (canton)
Friburgo {prop} {f} :: Friburgo (capital city)
Friburgo {prop} {f} :: Friburgo (city)
fricativa {f} [phonetics] :: fricative (consonant produced by constricting the flow of air)
fricçaõ {f} :: obsolete spelling of fricção
fricção {f} /fɾik.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: friction (the rubbing of objects)
friccionar {vt} :: to rub; to cause friction
frieira {f} :: chilblain (inflammation due do cold)
frieira {f} [disease] :: athlete's foot (fungal infection between toes)
frieza {f} :: coldness, coolness
frieza {f} :: frigidity
frieza {f} :: indifference, insensitivity
Frígia {prop} {f} [historical] :: Frígia (ancient kingdom)
frigideira {f} :: frying pan
frígido {adj} :: cold; frigid (having a low temperature)
frígido {adj} :: cold (emotionally distant or unfeeling)
frigir {v} /fɾi.ˈʒi(ʁ)/ :: to fry
frigobar {m} :: minibar
frigorífico {adj} :: refrigerated
frigorífico {m} :: refrigerator
frila {mf} :: freelance, freelancer
frila {m} :: freelance job
frincha {f} /ˈfɾĩ.ʃɐ/ :: crack (narrow opening)
fringilídeo {m} :: any bird of the family Fringillidae
frio {adj} /ˈfɾi.u/ :: cold
frio {adj} :: having low temperatures; cool
frio {adj} [figuratively] :: insensitive
frio {m} :: cold
frio {m} :: coldness
frioleira {f} :: frivolity; trifle; futility (something frivolous, unimportant, of little worth)
frioleira {f} :: stupidity (a stupid act)
frioleira {f} [sewing] :: a type of lace (light fabric with patterns of holes) used to decorate clothing
friolento {adj} :: alternative form of friorento
friorento {adj} /fɾi.u.ˈɾẽ.tu/ :: cold (of the weather)
friorento {adj} :: shivery; nesh (of a person: susceptible to cold weather)
frisada {f} :: gadwall (Mareca strepera (syn. Anas strepera), a dabbling duck of the northern hemisphere)
frisando {v} :: gerund of frisar
frisante {adj} :: sparkling; effervescent; fizzy (containing dissolved carbon dioxide)
frisante {m} :: sparkling wine (effervescent wine)
frisão {m} :: Friesian (a black breed of horse)
frisão {m} [rare] :: Frisian (member of the Germanic ethnic group which is native to Frisia)
frisão {m} [rare] :: Frisian (the Frisian language group)
frisão {adj} [rare] :: Frisian (of, from or relating to Frisia)
frisar {v} :: to curl, crimp (the hair etc)
frisar {v} :: to emphasise, to stress
frisbee {m} :: Frisbee (a disk thrown for recreation)
Frísia {prop} {f} :: Frísia (historical region)
Frísia {prop} {f} :: Frísia (province)
frísio {m} /ˈfɾi.zi.u/ :: Frisian (person from Frisia)
frísio {m} [uncountable] :: Frisian (any language of the Frisian language group)
frísio {m} [uncountable, specifically] :: West Frisian (language spoken in Friesland)
friso {m} [architecture] /ˈfɾi.zu/ :: frieze
fritadeira {f} :: deep fryer (vessel for deep frying)
fritar {v} :: to fry
fritas {fp} :: french fries
frito {adj} [cooking] :: fried (cooked by frying)
frito {adj} [slang] :: screwed (in unavoidable trouble)
Friul {prop} {m} :: Friul (traditional region)
friulana {f} :: female equivalent of friulano
friulano {adj} /fɾiw.ˈlɐ.nu/ :: Friulian
friulano {m} :: Friulian (inhabitant or native of Friulia)
friulano {m} :: Friulian (language spoken in Friulia)
friuliana {f} :: female equivalent of friuliano
friuliano {adj} :: alternative form of friulano
friuliano {m} :: alternative form of friulano
friuliano {prop} {m} :: alternative form of friulano
Friul-Venécia Juliana {prop} {m} [rare] :: Friul-Venécia Juliana (region)
frivolamente {adv} :: frivolously
frivolidade {f} :: frivolity (frivolous act)
frívolo {adj} /ˈfɾ :: frivolous (of little importance)
frívolo {adj} :: futile
frívolo {adj} :: inconstant
frívolo {adj} :: silly
frízer {m} :: freezer (section of a refrigerator)
Froila {prop} {m} :: historical given name
froixo {adj} /ˈfɾoj.ʃu/ :: alternative form of frouxo
frol {m} [dialectal] /ˈfɾɔɫ/ :: alternative form of flor
frol {m} :: water foam
fronde {f} [botany] :: frond
frondoso {adj} :: leafy (covered with leaves)
fronha {f} :: pillow case (sheet for covering a pillow)
frontal {adj} /fɾõ.ˈtaɫ/ :: frontal
frontal {m} :: frontal bone
frontalidade {f} :: straightforwardness; directness
frontão {m} :: gable, pediment (The triangular area of external wall adjacent to two meeting sloped roofs.)
frontaria {f} :: front, frontage, facade
fronte {f} /ˈfɾõtɨ/ :: forehead
fronteira {f} /fɾõ.ˈtɐj.ɾɐ/ :: border (a line or frontier area separating regions)
fronteira {f} :: the region near a border
fronteira {f} [figuratively] :: separation
fronteira {f} [figuratively] :: limit; boundary
Fronteira {prop} {f} /fɾõˈtɐjɾɐ/ :: Fronteira (village/and/municipality)
Fronteira {prop} {f} :: Fronteira (municipality)
Fronteira dos Vales {prop} :: Fronteira dos Vales (municipality)
fronteiriço {adj} :: located or living near a border
fronteiro {adj} :: front
fronteiro {adj} :: opposite
fronteyra {f} :: obsolete spelling of fronteira
frontispício {m} [publishing] :: frontispiece (an illustration on the page before the title page of a book)
frontispício {m} [architecture] :: façade (front of a building)
frota {f} /ˈfɾɔ.tɐ/ :: fleet
frouxamente {adv} :: flexibly
frouxamente {adv} :: softly
frouxamente {adv} :: loosely
frouxidão {f} /fɾo(w).ʃi.ˈdɐ̃w̃/ :: looseness, laxness
frouxidão {f} [figuratively] :: cowardice
frouxo {adj} /ˈfɾo(w).ʃu/ :: loose, lax
frouxo {adj} [figuratively] :: coward, pusilanimous
fructo {m} :: obsolete spelling of fruto
fructuoso {adj} :: obsolete spelling of frutuoso
frufru {adj} /fɾuˈfɾu/ :: overly decorated or colourful
frufru {m} :: rustle; rustling (of fabrics)
frugal {adj} :: frugal, economical
frugalidade {f} :: frugality; thrift (avoiding unnecessary expenditure)
frugívoro {adj} [ecology] :: frugivorous (having a diet that consists mostly of fruit)
frugívoro {m} [ecology] :: frugivore (animal that eats mostly fruit)
fruição {f} /fɾu.iˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: fruition
fruindo {v} :: gerund of fruir
fruir {v} :: to enjoy
fruita {f} [obsolete or dialectal] :: alternative form of fruta
fruiteira {f} /fɾuj.ˈtɐj.ɾɐ/ :: alternative form of fruteira
frustração {f} :: frustration (act of frustrating)
frustração {f} :: frustration (thing that frustrates)
frustração {f} :: frustration (feeling of annoyance when one’s actions are criticised or hindered)
frustrar {v} :: to frustrate
frustrar {v} :: to thwart
fruta {f} /ˈfɾu.tɐ/ :: An edible fruit or nut
Fruta de Leite {prop} :: Fruta de Leite (municipality)
frutado {adj} :: fruity (in aroma, taste)
fruta-do-conde {f} :: custard apple; sugar apple; sweetsop (Annona squamosa, a West Indian tree and its fruit)
Frutal {prop} :: Frutal (municipality)
fruta-pão {f} :: breadfruit (tree)
fruteira {f} /fɾu.ˈtɐj.ɾɐ/ :: fruit tree
fruteira {f} :: fruit bowl
fruteira {f} [Rio Grande do Sul] :: a store that sells fruits and sometimes other essential food products
fruteira {f} :: feminine noun of fruteiro
frutífero {adj} :: fruitful
fruto {m} [poetic, antiquated] /ˈfɾu.tu/ :: fruit (biology term)
fruto {m} [figuratively] :: fruit; result; reward
fruto {m} :: offspring (daughters and sons)
fruto-do-conde {m} :: alternative form of fruta-do-conde
fruto do mar {m} [usually plural] :: seafood (fish, shellfish, etc.; any edible aquatic life)
fruto proibido {m} :: forbidden fruit
fruto proibido {m} [biblical] :: the fruit forbidden to Adam
fruto proibido {m} [figurative] :: an illicit pleasure
fruto proibido {m} [figurative, colloquial] :: vagina (woman's genitalia)
frutose {f} [carbohydrate] :: fructose
frutuoso {adj} :: fruitful (yielding benefits)
ftalato {m} [organic chemistry] :: phthalate
ftálico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: phthalic
fubá {m} :: a flour made with milled corn or rice pertaining to the Brazilian cuisine, often combined with corn meal
fubica {mf} [Brazil, derogatory] :: short and unimportant individual
fubica {f} [Brazil, regional] :: small and often dilapidated car; jalopy
fuçar {v} [of an animal] :: to smell with its snout
fuçar {v} :: to pry; to explore or look curiously at something
fuçar {v} :: to rummage (to hastily and messily search for something)
fúchsia {f} :: alternative form of fúcsia
fúchsia {adj} :: alternative form of fúcsia
fúcsia {f} [botany] :: fuchsia (a popular garden plant)
fúcsia {f} [color] :: fuchsia (a purplish-red colour)
fúcsia {adj} :: fuchsia (purplish-red in colour)
fuder {v} :: eye dialect of foder
fuê {m} [cooking] /fwe/ :: whisk
fueguina {f} :: feminine noun of fueguino
fueguino {adj} /fwɨˈɣinu/ :: Of or from Tierra del Fuego; Fuegian
fueguino {m} :: Someone from Tierra del Fuego; Fuegian
fufa {f} [slang, pejorative] :: dyke; lesbian
fuga {f} :: escape, flight (act of fleeing)
fuga {f} :: leak (of water, gas, information etc.)
fuga {f} :: evasion (of responsibility, tax etc.)
fuga {f} [music] :: fugue (piece of music wherein a particular melody is played in a number of voices)
fuga de cérebros {f} :: brain drain (emigration of educated people)
fuga de informação {f} :: leak (disclosure of confidential information)
fugaz {adj} :: fleeting
fugidiço {adj} :: likely or tending to run away
fugidio {adj} :: likely or tending to run away
fugir {v} [de] /fu.ˈʒiɾ/ :: to run away; to flee (to move away from something unpleasant quickly or suddenly)
fugir {vt} [_, with an indirect objective pronoun] :: to be forgotten
fugitiva {f} :: female equivalent of fugitiva
fugitivo {adj} /fu.ʒi.ˈ :: fugitive (fleeing or running away, especially from the police)
fugitivo {m} :: fugitive (a person who is fleeing or escaping from something, especially from the police)
fugu {m} :: fugu (blowfish, as a Japanese delicacy)
fuhrer {m} :: alternative spelling of führer
Fuhrer {m} :: alternative spelling of führer
führer {m} :: Führer (leader exercising the powers of a tyrant)
Führer {m} :: alternative case form of führer
fui {interj} [slang] /ˈfuj/ :: a farewell
fuinha {f} /ˈfwiɲɐ/ :: beech marten
fuinha {f} :: weasel
fuinha {f} :: miser
fuinha {f} :: skinny person
fuinha {f} :: gossip
fujão {m} /fu.ˈʒɐ̃w̃/ :: someone who tends to flee
fujão {adj} :: who tends to flee
Fujihara {prop} {mf} :: surname
Fujii {prop} {mf} :: surname
Fujimatsu {prop} {m} :: given name
Fujimori {prop} {mf} :: surname
Fujimoto {prop} {mf} :: surname
Fujimura {prop} {mf} :: surname
Fujisaki {prop} {mf} :: surname
Fujisawa {prop} {mf} :: surname
Fujitani {prop} {mf} :: surname
Fujiwara {prop} {mf} :: surname
Fukuda {prop} {mf} :: surname
Fukui {prop} {mf} :: surname
Fukushima {prop} {f} :: Fukushima (city/and/prefecture)
Fukushima {prop} {f} :: surname
fula {m} :: Fula (a language spoken in West Africa)
fula {mf} :: one of the Fula (West-African people)
fulá {mf} [rare] /fu.ˈla/ :: one of the Fula (west African people)
fulá {adj} [rare] :: of or relating to the Fula people
fulano {m} :: alternative case form of Fulano
Fulano {prop} {m} /fu.ˈlɐ.nu/ :: what's-his-name; so-and-so
fulcral {adj} /fuw.ˈkɾaw/ :: key, central (of crucial importance)
fulcro {m} /ˈfuw.kɾo/ :: fulcrum (the pivot about which a lever turns)
fulereno {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: fullerene
fúlgido {adj} :: effulgent; shining
fulgurar {v} [dated, poetic] /fuɫɡuˈɾaɾ/ :: to fulgurate, to glow, to flare, to flash
fulgurar {v} [figuratively] :: to stand out (to be noticeable among many)
fuligem {f} /fu.ˈli.ʒẽj̃/ :: soot (fine black or dull brown particles)
fuliginoso {adj} :: fuliginous (pertaining to or resembling soot)
full house {m} [poker] :: full house (three of a kind and a pair)
fulmar {m} :: fulmar (seabird in the genus Fulmarus)
fulô {f} :: pronunciation spelling of flor
fulustreco {m} [derogatory] :: a worthless or useless individual
fulvo {adj} :: tawny; fulvous (light brown to brownish orange in colour)
fulvo {m} :: tawny (light brown to brownish orange)
fumaça {f} /fu.ˈma.sɐ/ :: smoke (particles and vapor/vapour given off by burning material)
fumacê {m} [Brazil, colloquial] /ˌfu.maˈse/ :: a truck mounted with an insecticide sprayer
fumacê {m} [Brazil, colloquial] :: an excessive amount of smoke
fumador {m} :: smoker (person who smokes tobacco habitually)
fumadora {f} :: feminine noun of fumador
fumal {m} :: tobacco plantation
fumante {mf} :: smoker (person who smokes tobacco habitually)
fumar {vi} /fu.ˈmaɾ/ :: to smoke, to deliberately inhale smoke
fumar {vt} :: to smoke, to deliberately inhale smoke
fumarento {adj} :: smoky
fumarola {f} :: fumarole (opening in the ground that emits gases)
fumeante {adj} /ˈã.t(ʃ)i/ :: smoky (producing smoke)
fumega {mf} [Brazil, derogatory] :: short and unimportant individual
fumegando {v} :: gerund of fumegar
fumegante {adj} /ˈɡã.t(ʃ)i/ :: smoky (producing smoke)
fumegante {adj} :: very hot
fumegar {v} :: to smoke, steam, reek
fumígeno {m} /fu.ˈmi.ʒ :: fumigant (substance that produces smoke)
fumígeno {adj} :: smoky (producing smoke)
fumo {m} /ˈ :: smoke
fumo {m} :: fume
fumo {m} :: tobacco
fumo passivo {m} :: second-hand smoke (smoke from cigarettes, that any person including non-smokers could breathe in)
fumoso {adj} /fu.ˈmo.zu/ :: smoky (producing smoke)
fumoso {adj} [figurative] :: boastful, presumptuous
Funafuti {prop} {f} :: Funafuti (capital city)
funâmbulo {m} :: tightrope walker (acrobat who practices tightrope walking)
funça {mf} [Brazil, humorous, derogatory] :: public officer
funçaõ {f} :: obsolete spelling of função
função {f} /fũˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: function
função algébrica {f} [algebra] :: algebraic function (function that only uses the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and raising to a rational power)
função analítica {f} [analysis] :: analytic function (real valued function which is uniquely defined through its derivatives at one point)
função caixa-negra {f} [optimization] :: black-box function
função de Ackermann {f} [comptheory] :: Ackermann function (a total computable function that is not primitive recursive)
função de onda {f} [physics] :: wavefunction (function that describes the propagation of the quantum mechanical wave associated with a particle)
função derivada {f} [calculus] :: derived function
função inversa {f} [mathematics] :: inverse function (function that does the opposite of another)
função trigonométrica {f} [trigonometry] :: trigonometric function (a function of an angle)
funcçaõ {f} :: obsolete spelling of função
funcção {f} :: obsolete spelling of função
funccionalidade {f} :: obsolete spelling of funcionalidade
funccionalmente {adv} :: obsolete spelling of funcionalmente
funccionamento {m} :: obsolete spelling of funcionamento
funccionar {v} :: obsolete spelling of funcionar
funchal {m} /fũ.ˈʃaɫ/ :: a field abounding in fennels
Funchal {prop} {m} /fũˈʃaɫ/ :: Funchal (city/and/municipality)
funcho {m} /ˈfũ.ʃu/ :: fennel (Foeniculum vulgare, a plant)
funcho {m} :: fennel (bulb, leaves, or stalks eaten as a vegetable)
funcho {m} :: fennel (spice used in cooking)
funcional {adj} :: functional (in good working order)
funcional {adj} :: functional (fulfilling a function)
funcionalidade {f} [uncountable] /ˌfũ.si.o.ˌˈ :: functionality (the ability to perform a task or function)
funcionalidade {f} [computing] :: feature
funcionamento {m} /fũˈmẽ.tu/ :: functioning (manner by which something works)
funcionar {v} /fũ.sju.ˈnaɾ/ :: to work; to function
funcionária {f} :: female equivalent of funcionário
funcionário {m} /fũsjuˈnaɾju/ :: official
funcionário {m} :: functionary
funcionário-fantasma {m} :: ghost employee (a registered employee receiving taxpayers' money without actually working)
funcionário público {m} :: public officer (one who holds a public office)
functor {m} [category theory] :: functor (a mapping between categories)
funda {f} /ˈfũ.dɐ/ :: sling (cloth weapon)
funda {f} :: catapult, slingshot (elastic weapon)
funda {f} :: sling (hanging bandage)
fundação {f} /fũdɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: foundation (endowed institution or charity)
fundacionalismo {m} [epistemology] :: foundationalism (the doctrine that beliefs derive justification from certain basic beliefs)
fundacionalista {mf} :: alternative form of fundacionista
fundacionismo {m} :: alternative form of fundacionalismo
fundacionista {mf} [philosophy] :: foundationalist (a supporter of foundationalism)
fundado {adj} :: founded (having a basis)
fundador {m} :: founder (one who founds, establishes)
fundamental {adj} /ˌfũ.da.mẽ.ˈtaw/ :: fundamental; essential (pertaining to the basic part or notion of something)
fundamentalismo {m} [religion] /ˌfũ.da.ˌmẽ.ta.ˈ :: fundamentalism
fundamentalista {mf} :: fundamentalist (one who reduces religion to strict interpretation of core or original texts)
fundamentalmente {adv} :: fundamentally
fundamentar {v} /fũ.da.mẽ.ˈta(ɾ)/ :: to ground in, base in
fundamento {m} :: foundation (that upon which anything is founded)
fundamento {m} :: the act of founding, establishing
fundando {v} :: gerund of fundar
fundão {m} /fũˈdɐ̃w/ :: augmentative of fundo
fundão {m} [Brazil] :: the part of a classroom farthest from the teacher, associated with unruly students
Fundão {prop} {m} /fũˈdɐ̃w/ :: Fundão (city/and/municipality)
fundar {v} /fũˈdaɾ/ :: to found, establish
fundeadouro {m} [nautical] :: anchorage (place for anchoring)
fundente {m} [metallurgy] :: flux (a chemical agent for cleaning metal prior to soldering or welding)
fundiário {adj} :: relative to land; agricultural; rural
fundiário {m} :: a program that offers low-budget farmers the possibility of buying rural property
fundíbulo {m} [weapon] :: sling (weapon used for throwing rocks)
fundição {f} /fũ.di.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: foundry
fundição {f} :: font (set of typefaces)
fundidor {adj} :: smelting
fundidor {m} :: smelter
fundilho {m} :: seat (part of trousers covering the buttocks)
fundilhos {mp} :: seat (part of trousers covering the buttocks)
fundindo {v} :: gerund of fundir
fundir {v} /fũ.ˈdiɾ/ :: to smelt
fundir {v} :: to fuse
fundível {adj} :: fusible
fundo {adj} /ˈfũ.du/ :: deep (having its bottom far down)
fundo {m} :: bottom
fundo do poço {m} :: See: pt fundo do poço
fundo do poço {m} [idiomatic] :: rock bottom (the very lowest possible level)
Fundo Monetário Internacional {prop} {m} :: International Monetary Fund
fundura {f} :: depth (vertical distance below a surface)
fúnebre {adj} :: funerary (relating to or similar in style or atmosphere to a funeral)
Funen {prop} {f} :: Funen (island)
funeral {m} /funɨˈɾaɫ/ :: funeral (ceremony to honour and bury a deceased person)
funeral {adj} :: funeral (relating to or similar in style or atmosphere to a funeral)
funerária {f} :: funeral home (business)
funerário {adj} :: funerary (relating to a funeral)
funéreo {adj} :: funeral (relating to or similar in style or atmosphere to a funeral)
funesto {adj} :: fatal
funesto {adj} :: gloomy, dismal
funfar {v} [slang] :: clipping of funcionar
fungar {vi} /fũˈɡaɾ/ :: to snivel (to breathe heavily)
fungar {vi} :: to sigh (to express frustration by exhaling audibly)
fungar {vt} [colloquial] :: to smell; to sniff (to detect a scent)
fungar {vi} :: to whimper (to cry or sob softly and intermittently)
fungar no cangote {v} :: See: pt fungar no cangote
fungar no cangote {v} [idiomatic] :: to breathe down someone's neck (to follow or supervise too closely)
fungicida {adj} /ˌfũ.ʒi.ˈsi.da/ :: fungicidal (having the ability to destroy or control fungus)
fungicida {m} :: fungicide
fúngico {adj} :: fungal
fungível {adj} :: fungible
fungo {m} /ˈfũ.ɡu/ :: fungus
funicular {adj} :: funicular (powered by a rope or cable)
funicular {m} :: funicular (rail transit system which ascends an incline)
funil {m} /fu.ˈniɫ/ :: funnel (utensil used to guide poured liquids)
Funilândia {prop} :: Funilândia (municipality)
funileiro {m} :: tinsmith (person who makes or repairs things with tin or other cheap metals)
funk {m} [Brazil, music] /ˈfɐ̃.kɨ/ :: funk (a genre of popular music derived from soul music)
funk {m} [Brazil, music] :: funk carioca (Brazilian music genre derived from Miami bass)
funk {m} [Brazil, music] :: a particular song or composition of funk carioca
funk carioca {m} [music genre, Brazil] :: popular Brazilian street music genre similar to rap, inspired by Miami bass and originating in Rio de Janeiro favelas in the 1980s
funkeira {n} :: feminine of funkeiro
funkeiro {m} [Brazil] /fɐ̃.ˈke(j).ɾu/ :: a person who likes or plays the music styles of funk carioca or funk ostentação
funk ostentação {m} [music, Brazil] :: a São Paulo-originating variation of the funk carioca which, conversely to the original genre whose themes typically surround the everyday life in favelas, focus on the prosperous life of the artists after they became famous and rich, somewhat similarly to some artists of rap music
funtor {m} :: alternative form of functor
funtorial {adj} [category theory] :: functorial (pertaining to functors)
fuque-fuque {m} [vulgar, slang] :: fucky-fucky (sexual intercourse)
fura-bolos {m} [humorous] /ˈfu.ɾɐ ˈbo.luʃ/ :: the index finger; literally: cake-piercer
furacão {m} [meteorology] /fuɾaˈkɐ̃w̃/ :: hurricane
furada {f} [colloquial] :: something deceitful
furadeira {f} /ˌfu.ɾa.ˈde(j).ɾa/ :: drill (tool)
furado {adj} :: pierced, perforated
furado {adj} [colloquial] :: containing mistakes, errors
furador {m} :: someone who or something which pierces
furador {m} :: awl (a pointed instrument used for piercing small holes)
furador {adj} :: who or which perces
Fura-Fila {prop} {m} [historical] :: A bus rapid transit (BRT) in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, proposed in 1995 and later canceled mid-construction. It was then converted into the Paulistão, which was ultimately canceled mid-construction too and converted into the Expresso Tiradentes, inaugurated in 2007
fura-greve {mf} :: strikebreaker (worker hired to replace a striking worker)
furando {v} :: gerund of furar
furano {m} [organic chemistry] :: furan (any of a class of aromatic heterocyclic compounds)
furão {m} /fu.ˈɾɐ̃w̃/ :: ferret
furão {m} :: meddler
furar {v} :: to pierce, puncture, make a hole in
furar {v} [idiomatic] :: to cut in line, break a strike
furar {v} :: to fall into a hole
furar {v} [idiomatic] :: to stand (someone) up (to miss an appointment or date without prior notification)
furar a fila {v} :: to jump the queue (move into a queue ahead of others)
furgão {m} :: van (a covered vehicle used for carrying goods)
furgoneta {f} :: a small van
fúria {f} /ˈfuɾjɐ/ :: rage
furibundo {adj} :: furious, wroth
furico {m} [colloquial] :: anus; asshole
furicozinho {m} :: diminutive of furico
furiosamente {adv} /fu.ɾjɔ.zɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: furiously
furiosamente {adv} :: intensely
furioso {adj} /fu.ɾi.ˈo.zu/ :: furious; enraged
furioso {adj} :: furious (moving or occurring with violence)
furiquinho {m} :: diminutive of furico
furna {f} :: cave, cavern
furna {f} :: crater
furo {m} :: hole, orifice
furo {m} [colloquial] :: puncture
furo {m} [Brazil, slang] :: the act of standing someone up (missing an appointment)
furô {m} :: alternative form of ofurô
furo jornalístico {m} :: scoop (news learned and reported before anyone else)
furor {m} :: furor (general uproar or commotion)
furor {m} :: furor; frenzy (state of intense excitement)
furor {m} :: fury (extreme anger)
furtar {v} :: to steal (to illegally take possession of)
furtivamente {adv} :: stealthily (in a stealthy manner)
furtividade {f} :: furtiveness; stealth (the characteristic of acting in secrecy)
furtivo {adj} :: furtive; stealthy
furtivo {adj} :: furtive (exhibiting guilty or evasive secrecy)
furto {m} /ˈfuɾtu/ :: theft (act of stealing property)
Furubayashi {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furube {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furuda {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furugawa {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furuhara {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furuhashi {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furuhata {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furui {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furuichi {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furuike {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furukawa {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furuki {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furuko {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furukubo {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furumi {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furumori {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furumoto {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furumura {prop} {mf} :: surname
furúnculo {m} :: boil (accumulation of pus)
Furuno {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furuoka {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furusaka {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furusaki {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furusato {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furusawa {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furushima {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furushiro {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furusho {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furuta {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furutake {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furutani {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furuto {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furuuchi {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furuya {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furuyama {prop} {mf} :: surname
Furuzawa {prop} {mf} :: surname
fusa {f} [music] /ˈfu.zɐ/ :: demisemiquaver (thirty-second note)
fusão {f} [physics] /fu.ˈzɐ̃w̃/ :: fusion
fusão {f} :: merger
fusão {f} :: liquefaction
fusão a frio {f} :: cold fusion (hypothetical form of nuclear fusion)
fusão nuclear {f} [physics] :: nuclear fusion (the combining of the nuclei of small atoms to form the nuclei of larger ones)
fusca {m} :: Beetle (a line of Volkswagen cars)
fusco {adj} [color] /ˈfuʃ.ku/ :: dark
fusco {adj} [figurative] :: sad
fuselagem {f} :: fuselage
fuselo {m} :: bar-tailed godwit
Fushimi {prop} {mf} :: surname
fusiforme {adj} [chiefly botany, zoology] :: fusiform (spindle-shaped)
fusionar {v} :: to fuse
fusível {adj} :: fusible
fusível {m} :: fuse (electrical)
fuso {m} [spinning] :: spindle (rod used for spinning and winding thread)
fuso horário {m} :: time zone
fustigado {adj} :: mistreated (treated badly)
fustigar {vt} /fuʃtiˈɣaɾ/ :: to flog, whip, lash, beat with force
fútbol {m} :: obsolete spelling of futebol
futebol {m} /ˌfu.tɯ.ˈbɔɫ/ :: football, soccer
futebol americano {m} [sports] :: American football
futebol canadense {m} :: Canadian football (a form of gridiron football played in Canada)
futebol canadense {m} :: See: pt futebol canadense
futebol de mesa {m} :: foosball (table soccer)
futebol de salão {m} :: futsal (form of soccer)
futebolismo {m} :: footballism
futebolista {mf} /ˌˈlis.ta/ :: footballer (a person who plays football)
futebolístico {adj} [attributive] :: football, footballing
futebol total {m} [association football] :: total football (tactic in which the outfield players assume different roles during a game)
futiba {m} [Brazil, slang] :: soccer
futibol {m} :: dated spelling of futebol, now used as eye dialect
futicar {v} /fu.t(ʃ)i.ˈka(ɾ)/ :: to sew at a wide point
futicar {v} :: to prick, to pierce, to spit
futicar {v} :: to annoy, to pester
fútil {adj} :: futile, useless
fútil {adj} :: unimportant, frivolous
futilidade {f} :: futility (quality of being futile)
futrica {f} /fu.ˈtɾi.ka/ :: a small, dirty and poorly kept place, often a bar
futrica {f} :: a bunch of old stuff
futrica {f} :: an intrigue, a plot
futrica {f} [figuratively] :: gossip
futrica {mf} :: an evil, selfish and/or despicable person
futrica {mf} [Brazil] :: a person with no social importance
futrica {mf} [Portugal, education] :: designation used by Coimbra students to refer to someone born in that city who is not a student
futrica {mf} [Brazil, education, dated] :: someone who is not a student
futricada {f} /fu.tɾi.ˈka.da/ :: the state of gossiping
futricada {f} :: treachery, trickery
futricada {f} :: a bunch of worn off objects, often clothes
futricagem {f} /ˈfu.tɾi.ka.ʒɐ̃j̃/ :: the state of gossiping
futricagem {f} :: treachery, trickery
futricagem {f} :: a bunch of worn off objects, often clothes
futricar {v} /fu.tɾi.ˈka(ɾ)/ :: to trick in business
futricar {v} :: to meddle in something, often to disturb or harm it
futricar {v} :: to gossip
futriqueiro {m} /fu.tɾi.ˈke(j).ɾu/ :: a gossiper
futriqueiro {m} :: someone who sells old stuff
futriqueiro {m} :: an establishment that sells old stuff
futsal {m} :: futsal (form of soccer)
futucar {vt} /fu.tu.ˈka(ɾ)/ :: to repeatedly touch
futucar {vt} :: to agitate or shake
futucar {vt} :: to remove filthiness from something
futucar {vt} :: to remember
futucar {vt} :: to annoy, to pester
futum {m} [Brazil, slang] /fuˈtũ/ :: stench; reek (foul smell)
futurismo {m} :: futurism (art movement)
futurista {adj} :: futuristic, futurist (advanced far beyond what is modern)
futurista {mf} :: futurist, futurologist
futurístico {adj} :: futuristic (advanced far beyond what is modern)
futuro {adj} /fu.ˈtu.ɾu/ :: future
futuro {m} :: future (the time ahead)
futuro {m} [grammar] :: future tense
futuro do pretérito {m} [grammar, chiefly Brazil] :: a Portuguese verb form used to express the conditional tense, futurity from a past perspective or to make polite requests
futurologia {f} :: futurology (forecasting of future trends in science, technology or society)
futurólogo {adj} :: futurological (pertaining to futurology)
futurólogo {m} :: futurologist
FUVEST {prop} {f} :: The institution responsible for the vestibular (admittance) tests for the University of São Paulo
fuxicar {v} [Brazil, colloquial] /fu.ʃi.ˈkaɾ/ :: to move or revolve
fuxicar {v} [Brazil, colloquial] :: to do something in a hurry, clumsily or without care
fuxicar {vt} [Brazil, colloquial] :: to palp (to slightly and repeatedly touch)
fuxicar {vi} [Brazil, colloquial] :: to gossip, to rumor (to talk about others' private affairs)
fuxico {m} /fu.ˈʃi.ku/ :: gossip
fuxico {m} :: the act of prying or being nosy (i.e. meddling with something that is not one's affair)
fuxico {m} [Brazil] :: a poorly made patch on a piece of cloth
fuxico {m} [Brazil] :: an indecent or scandalous affective relationship
fuxico {m} [Northeastern Brazil] :: a very close affective relationship
fuxiqueiro {m} [colloquial, Brazil] /fu.ʃi.ˈke(j).ɾu/ :: gossiper (person who gossips)
Fuyuko {prop} {f} :: given name
fuzil {m} /fu.ˈziw/ :: rifle
fuzilando {v} :: gerund of fuzilar
fuzilar {v} :: to shoot (with a gun)
fuzil de assalto {m} :: assault rifle (a rifle)
fuzileiro {m} :: rifleman, fusilier
fuzileiro naval {m} :: marine (member of a marine corps)
fuzuê {m} :: fuss (excessive complaining or noise)
Fyn {prop} {f} :: Fyn (island)