Mysterious Statue Chamber (room)

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The Mysterious Statue Chamber (謎の彫刻部屋?)[1] is a room in Crateria. It appears in Super Metroid and is the successor to the Entrance to Tourian in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. It is also the final room in Crateria.

This room is set in a dark cavern that is partially flooded. The walls and floor have a green hue; whether this is their natural color or because of a reflection is unknown. Strange reeds, rocky columns and thin stalactites are visible in the background.

At some point during the events of the Metroid Prime series, the Mysterious Statue Chamber was built to guard the entrance to the reconstructed Tourian base. A large set of Golden Statues depicting Kraid, Phantoon, Draygon, and Ridley stands in a shallow pond of water. Each statue has glowing eyes - Kraid green, Phantoon yellow, Draygon blue and Ridley red. When each boss is defeated, the eye shines and then breaks, flying upwards while the statue turns grey. This signifies deactivation of the statue once the bosses' life signs fail. When all four bosses have been killed, the room begins to shake and the statue descends into the water. Samus can stand on their former resting place to fall through four rows of blocks, to an underwater elevator below. This elevator takes her into Tourian.

Samus can visit this room at any point after collecting the Bombs, but there is little incentive for her to do so. The door locks once she enters. If she enters before all bosses have been killed, the door will unlock after a few seconds. If she has killed one or all bosses, the door remains locked until the statues have deactivated and/or sunk.

Nintendo Power

Golden Gateway (volume 60, pg. 10)
"This statue of the four area leaders of Zebes blocks the entrance to the new Tourian Command Center."
Volume 95, pg. 65
"The Golden Statue of bosses doesn't block the path to Tourian any longer now that you've defeated all of the boss characters. Take the elevator down into Tourian."

Super Metroid Nintendo Player's Guide

"A large conglomeration of harmless golden statues blocks the path to Tourian. Samus won't be able to get down through this section and into Tourian until all of the major boss characters have been duly eradicated."

  • The room has its own theme music, serving as its namesake.
  • The room's lower section is shaped similarly to a Metroid larva.
  • It is possible to perform a Door Jump in this room (via a tool-assisted emulator) to bypass the statues and enter Tourian without killing any Space Pirate commanders. A demonstration of this can be viewed here.

Rooms on Zebes
Brinstar Corridor No. 1 • "Fake Block shaft" • "Overhang corridor" • Blue-tinted shaft • "Long Beam corridor"
Corridor No. 2Entrance to TourianGold-colored shaftCorridor No. 5 • "Transport to Norfair"
Corridor No. 3Corridor-connecting room • "Varia Suit corridor" • "Brinstar end shaft"
"Bomb access corridor" • "Brinstar Bomb room" • Corridor No. 4
Kraid Elevator • "Hidden tank shaft"

Corridor No. 1 • "Fake Block shaft" • "Overhang corridor"
"Green Brinstar Main Shaft‏" • "Dachora's room" • "Pink shaft" • "Spore Spawn Room"
"Super Missile drop" • "Early Supers Room" • "Jungle slope" • "n00b bridge"
"Red Tower" • "Transport to Norfair" • "Mini-Kraid's room" • "Kraid's room access" • Kraid's room
"Kraid's reliquary" • "Red Tower Elevator Room" • "Alpha Power Bomb Room"
"Red Brinstar Fireflea Room" • "X-Ray Scope room" • "Jungle trap" • Hell

Norfair Brinstar-to-Norfair elevator shaft • "Western lava-filled path" • "Transport to Crateria"
"Missile Tank tunnel" • "Norfair main corridor" • Blue-bubble shaft • "Ice Beam access corridor"
"Ice Beam room" • "Long bubble shaft" • Norfair's upper-right path • "Heated Missile corridor"
"Norfair's gauntlet" • "Hi-Jump access corridor" • "Hi-Jump room" • "Superheated runway"
"Brutal path" • "East green bubble shaft" • "Screw Attack corridor" • "Three rock corridor"
"Twin hill corridor‏‎" • "Precarious path" • "Fire-Sea Room" • "West green bubble shaft"
Hopping-Mad Corridor • "Dual tank chamber" • "Vine-infested passage‏‎"
"Single-block-wide bridge" • "Wave Beam access corridor" • Path of Destruction
"Kiru Giru larva hall‏‎" • "Path of vines‏" • "Kiru Giru's room" • Ridley Elevator
"Broken Statue room" • Lava-filled passage

"Norfair entrance shaft" • "Hi-Jump room" • "Bubble Mountain" • "Speed Booster Hall"
Long horizontal path • "Ice Beam Gate Room" • Pirate-infested corridorCroc's pit
"Norfair Jump Room" • Grapple Crossing • "Lava Dive Room"

Kraid's Lair "Kraid entrance shaft" • "Barisute pit" • "Caged Sidehopper hall" • "Apex launcher shaft"
"Kraid's highest corridor" • "Zeela-infested shaft" • "Chozo machine hall" • "Acid Worm's room"
"Acidic concourse" • Bottomless Pond • "Mini-Kraid's room" • "Ball launcher speedway"
"Acid-filled runway" • "Kraid's gauntlet" • "Kraid's slope" • "Kraid's room access"
Kraid's room • "Kraid's reliquary" • "Block column shaft" • "Acid fall"
"Corrosive pool"
Ridley's Lair Eerie Cave • "Cocoon cavern" • Imago's hideout • "Hall of pillars" • Artificial Passage
"Path over lava" • "Shaft of doom" • "Ridley's maze" • Zebbo Nest • "Ridley's rightmost shaft"
"Chain reaction chamber" • "Ridley's runway" • Middle corridorMultiviola Nest • "Gambit shaft"
"Ridley's room access" • Ridley's room • "Ridley's reliquary" • "Ridley's shortcut"

Lava room • "Acid Statue Room" • Golden Torizo's chamberLava LakeRidley's room • "Lower Norfair Fireflea Room"

Tourian "Tourian entrance shaft" • "Tourian lava passage" • "Tourian ledged shaft" • Triple-tiered room
"Rinka hall" • Zebesian Command Center • "Tourian escape shaft"

"Tourian entrance shaft" • "Big Metroid's room" • Zebesian Command Center

Crateria "Crateria's undershaft" • Flooded cavern • "Chozo Ruins main cavern" • Water-filled hole
"Statuary shaft" • "Chozo reliquary" • "Crateria Chozo Ruins entrance"
Landing Site • "Crateria tube" • Rocky cave • "Weed-filled hall" • "Transport to Brinstar" • "Wrecked Ship entrance"

Landing SiteRocky cave • "Tourian escape shaft" • Zebesian Command Center
"Pre-Map Flyway" • "Crateria Map Station" • "Torizo's chamber" • "Crateria Missile cache"
"Crateria's undershaft" • "Crateria tube" • "Interior Lake" • Flooded cavern • "Old Tourian launchpad"
"Crateria Chozo Ruins entrance" • "The Gauntlet" • "Statues Hallway" • Mysterious Statue Chamber

Wrecked Ship "Wrecked Ship entrance" • "Wrecked Ship Main Shaft" • Phantoon's chamberTop corridor
"Walking Chozo chamber"
Maridia "Glass Tunnel" • "Maridia Main Shaft" • "Mount Death" • "Tatori's room" • "Aqueduct"
"Botwoon's chamber" • "Shaktool Chamber" • Draygon's chamber • "Plasma Spark Room" • "Plasma Chamber"
Chozodia "Mother Ship landing site" • "Mother Ship entrance" • "Mother Ship's first chamber" • "Tripwire corridor"
Escape-ship bay • "Hangar Shaft" • "Cracked surface shaft" • Laser room
Ship's large glass tube • "Chozodia's fork" • "Pitfall" • "Zebesian pit" • "Chacmool room"
"Chozo Shaft East" • "Chozo inner temple" • Flooded chamberTop of the ruins
"Chozodia lava pool" • Probe-packed corridor • "Mother Ship armory" • Ship's last chamber
Other rooms Metroid: BrinstarKraid's LairNorfairRidley's LairTourian
Metroid: Zero Mission: BrinstarNorfairCrateriaChozodiaKraidRidleyTourian
Super Metroid: CrateriaBrinstarNorfairWrecked ShipMaridiaTourian