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Character variations

  • (Roman numeral one): , i,
  • ("Cardinal number read ordinal", i.e. ordinal): I.

From the Etruscan letter 𐌉 (i), from the Ancient Greek letter Ι (I, iota), derived from the Phoenician letter 𐤉 (y, yod), from the Egyptian hieroglyph 𓂝.

I (lower case i)

  1. The ninth letter of the basic modern Latin alphabet.

I (lower case ı)

  1. The letter i without a dot above, in both the upper case and the lower case versions.


  1. (chemistry) Symbol for iodine.
  2. (physics) Isotopic spin.
  3. (license plate codes) Italy
  4. (physics, electronics) Electrical current.
  5. (physics, kinematics) moment of inertia.
  6. (biochemistry) IUPAC 1-letter abbreviation for isoleucine
  7. (mathematics, linear algebra) identity matrix
  8. (mathematical analysis, topology) the (closed) unit interval; [0, 1]
  9. (inorganic chemistry) Specifying an oxidation state of 1
  10. (music) major tonic triad
  11. (linguistics) A wildcard for a front vowel or a high vowel
    synonyms: E for a front vowel, Ɨ for a high vowel
  12. (actuarial notation) arithmetically increasing payments
  13. (clothing) Bra cup size.

I (upper case Roman numeral, lower case i)

  1. cardinal number one.
  2. (especially in the names of aristocracy) the first.
  • Letter styles
  • Uppercase and lowercase versions of I, in normal and italic type

  • Uppercase and lowercase I in Fraktur

The template Template:Letter does not use the parameter(s):
Please see Module:checkparams for help with this warning.

Other representations of I:

From Middle English I (also ik, ich), from Old English ih (also ic, iċċ (I)), from Proto-West Germanic *ik, from Proto-Germanic *ik, *ek (I), from Proto-Indo-European *éǵh₂ (I).

Cognate with Scots I, ik, A (I), Saterland Frisian iek (I), West Frisian ik (I), Dutch ik (I), Low German ik (I), German ich (I), Bavarian i (I), Yiddish איך (ikh, I), Danish and Norwegian Bokmål jeg (I), Norwegian Nynorsk eg (I), Swedish jag (I), Icelandic ég, eg (I), Gothic 𐌹𐌺 (ik, I), and more remotely with Latin ego (I), Ancient Greek ἐγώ (egṓ, I), Russian я (ja, I), Lithuanian (I), Armenian ես (es, I), Sanskrit अहम् (ahám, I), Hittite 𒌑𒊌 (ūk, I). See also English ich. Doublet of ego and Ich.

Capitalized since 13th century to mark it as a distinct word and prevent misreading and omission (due to cursive writing).

I (first person singular subject personal pronoun, objective me, possessive my, possessive pronoun mine, reflexive myself)

  1. The speaker or writer, referred to as the grammatical subject, of a sentence.
  2. (nonstandard) The speaker or writer, referred to as the grammatical object, of a sentence.

    Mom drove my sister and I to school.

  • The word I is always capitalised in written English. Other forms of the pronoun, such as me and my, follow regular English capitalisation rules.
  • I is the subject (nominative) form, as opposed to me, which is the objective (accusative and dative) form. Me is also used emphatically, like French moi. In some cases there are differing views about which is preferred. For example, the traditional rule followed by some speakers is to use I as the complement of the copula (It is I), but it is now more usual to choose me in this context (It's me).
  • When used in lists, it is often thought better to refer to oneself last. Thus it is more natural to say John and I than I and John. In such lists, the traditional rule is to use the same case form one would choose if there were only one pronoun. Thus, since we say I am happy, we say John and I are happy, but since we say Jenny saw me, so we say Jenny saw John and me. However, one frequently hears John and me are happy, which is traditionally seen as a case error. Similarly, probably as a hypercorrected reaction to this, one can occasionally hear phrases like Jenny saw John and I.

I (countable and uncountable, plural I's)

  1. (metaphysics) The ego.
    Synonym: me
    • a. 1733, Thomas Boston, edited by [Thomas Boston the younger], Sermons and Discourses on Several Important Subjects in Divinity. [], volume I, Edinburgh: [] William Gray, [], published 1753, page 333:

      They are called men, becauſe each of them poſſeſſeth the whole man, though not wholly. There are by their means two I’s in every believer, Rom. vii. 15. For that which I do, I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. There is not one part of the man that is in Chriſt, but grace has a part of it, and corruption has a part of it: as in the twilight there is light over all, and darkneſs over all too, the darkneſs being mixed in every part with the light. So my renewed part is I, a man having an underſtanding enlightened, a will renewed, affections ſpiritualized, uſing my body conform: but my unrenewed part is I too, having an underſtanding darkened, a will rebellious, affections corrupted, and uſing my body accordingly.

    • 1873, Henry Ward Beecher, “Paul”, in The Great Bible Renowns, page 45:

      In other words, he said: “I have two natures. I have a flesh nature, an outside nature, and that keeps sinning; and then I have another nature—an inside, a spiritual nature—and that does not like sinning; and with my heart-power, my conscience-power, my love-power, with the power of the divine element that is in me, I look and see what this body outside, which clothes me, is trying to do. And here are two I’s that are fighting. The inside I is arrayed against the outside I; and the outside has the advantage.”

    • 1916, S. A. Steel, “Down the James Long Ago—I”, in Christian Advocate, volume 77, page 1094, column 1:

      Am I a double personality? Are there two “I’s” in my anatomy—one a conscious “I,” giving attention to what I am doing, and another unconscious “I,” giving attention to something entirely different?

    • 1962, Arthur Osborne, editor, The Teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi in His Own Words, London: Rider & Company, published 1975, page 122:

      B. (smiling): Have you come to examine me? You must say who you are. / D.: However much I may try, I do not seem to catch the ‘I’. It is not even clearly discernible. / B.: Who is it that says that the ‘I’ is not discernible? Are there two ‘I’s in you, that one is not discernible to the other?

    • 2011, Michael Gluckman, Making Your Wisdom Come Alive: A Guide to the Source of Your Wisdom and Joy, Light Up Your Life, →ISBN:

      Who is it that says that ‘I’ is not perceptible? Is there an ignorant ‘I’ and an elusive ‘I’? Are there two ‘I’s in the same person? It is the mind that says that ‘I’ is not perceptible. Where is that mind from? Know the mind. You will find it a myth. / We all feel that there is only one I; not two, one ignorant of the other.

    • 2012, “Demiurge”, in Mårten Hagström (lyrics), Koloss, performed by Meshuggah, track 9:

      Sucking vomit, acting like its honey
      Deprived of I
      Falling while thrusting squares through circles
      Serving one single new dimension

Old French i, from Latin ī, from Etruscan I (i).

I (upper case, lower case i, plural Is or I's)

  1. The ninth letter of the English alphabet, called i and written in the Latin script.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The ordinal number ninth, derived from this letter of the English alphabet, called i and written in the Latin script.


I (countable and uncountable, plural Is)

  1. (US, roadway) Interstate.
    I-95 begins at Houlton, Maine and terminates at Miami, Florida, connecting numerous major cities in the East Coast.
  2. (grammar) Abbreviation of instrumental case.
  3. (computing) Abbreviation of instruction.
  4. (US politics) Abbreviation of independent.


  1. Obsolete spelling of aye.

I (lowercase i)

  1. The ninth letter of the Afar alphabet, written in the Latin script.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The ninth letter of the Afrikaans alphabet, written in the Latin script.

I (plural I's, diminutive I'tjie)

  1. I


  1. The fifth letter of the Angami alphabet, written in the Latin script.

I upper case (lower case ı)

  1. The thirteenth letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet, written in the Latin script.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The ninth letter of the Basque alphabet, called i and written in the Latin script.


  1. I, 1st person singular subject personal pronoun

Cameroonian Pidgin personal pronouns

Subject personal pronouns
singular plural
1st person I we, wu
2nd person you wuna
3rd person i dey
Object and topic personal pronouns
1st person me we
2nd person you wuna
3rd person yi, -am dem, -am
  • For the origin of /e/, see E.
  • /i/ is from Middle High German i in open syllables; in Ripuarian from ī before velars.
  • /iː/ is from ī before non-velars in Ripuarian; from ē in Ripuarian and northern Moselle Franconian; from ie, üe in southern Moselle Franconian; from æ (œ) in some dialects.
  • IPA(key): (short open) /e/, (short closed) /i/, (long) /iː/


  1. A letter in the German-based alphabet of Central Franconian.
  2. A letter in the Dutch-based alphabet of Central Franconian.
  • In the German-based spelling, /e/ is usually represented by E (see there).

Use of the digraph IE

  • In the German-based spelling, long i is generally written ie except when the German cognate has /iː/ as well and spells it i. Either spelling may be used in the following cases:
    • when the German cognate has only one vowel letter: Kies, Kis (German Käse);
    • at the beginning of a word: ielig, ilig (German eilig).
  • In the Dutch-based spelling, both short /i/ and long /iː/ are generally written ie except when the Dutch cognate has /i/ and spells it i. The short vowel is optionally indicated in open syllables by doubling the following consonant: piemmele, piemele.

Note: Often realised as one syllable.


  1. The ninth letter of the Latin alphabet.


  1. The ninth letter used in Pinyin.
  • The pronunciation above are only used while referring to letters in Pinyin. They are not used in other context (such as English).
  1. IPA(key): /i/

I (lower case ı)

  1. A letter of the Chipewyan alphabet, written in the Latin script.

From Old East Norse *īʀ, from Proto-Germanic *jūz, from Proto-Indo-European *yū́. Cognate with Swedish ni, Norwegian Nynorsk de, Faroese tær, and Icelandic þér.

I (objective jer, possessive jeres)

  1. (personal) you, you all (second person plural)

    I må ikke gå derind!

    You can't go in there!
    • 2014, Diverse forfattere, Fire uger blev til fire år - og andre beretninger, Lindhardt og Ringhof →ISBN

      Og så er der forresten lidt mere med det samme: I må love os een ting. mor og far, I må ikke efterligne os unge! — For gør I det, ja, så kommer I til at se så morsomme ud. — I må ikke prøve på at løbe fra jeres alder, for det kan I alligevel ikke.

      And by the way, there's something else: You must promise us one thing, mum and dad, you may not imitate us young! — For if you do, you will look so funny. — you may not try to run way from your age, for you can't do that anyway.
    • 1981, Mogens Wolstrup, Vild hyben: danske forfattere skriver om jalousi
      Men det er ikke jeres skyld, siger Ditte. I er unge og kloge. I er grimme og fantastisk smukke. I har modet! I er på rette vej med jeres show. Jeg føler med jeres oprør, og måske derfor kunne jeg ikke klare mere. Jeres hud er glat, I er startet i tide.
      But it is not your fault, Ditte says. You are young and intelligent. You are ugly and amazingly beautiful. You have the courage! You are on the right path with your show. I feel with your rebellion, and perhaps for that reason, I couldn't take any more. Your skin is smooth, you started in time.
    • 2011, Per Ullidtz, Absalons Europa, BoD – Books on Demand →ISBN, page 229
      Og lidt senere ”I har hørt at det er sagt: øje for øje og tand for tand. Men jeg siger jer, at I må ikke sætte jer imod det onde; men dersom nogen giver dig et slag på din højre kind, da vend ham også den anden til! ...
      And a little later ”you have heard it said: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you, you may not resist evil; but if anyone hits you on the right cheek, turn the other towards [whoever hit you]! ...
  • Norwegian Bokmål: I

I (capital, lowercase i)

  1. the ninth letter of the Dutch alphabet
  • Previous letter: H
  • Next letter: J

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The twelfth letter of the Esperanto alphabet, called i and written in the Latin script.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The ninth letter of the Estonian alphabet, called ii and written in the Latin script.

The Finnish orthography using the Latin script was based on those of Swedish, German and Latin, and was first used in the mid-16th century. No earlier script is known. See the Wikipedia article on Finnish for more information, and I for information on the development of the glyph itself.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The ninth letter of the Finnish alphabet, called ii and written in the Latin script.


  1. Abbreviation of improbatur.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The ninth letter of the French alphabet, written in the Latin script.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The ninth letter of the German alphabet.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The fifteenth letter of the Hungarian alphabet, called i and written in the Latin script.
Inflection (stem in long/high vowel, front unrounded harmony)
singular plural
nominative I I-k
accusative I-t I-ket
dative I-nek I-knek
instrumental I-vel I-kkel
causal-final I-ért I-kért
translative I-vé I-kké
terminative I-ig I-kig
essive-formal I-ként I-kként
inessive I-ben I-kben
superessive I-n I-ken
adessive I-nél I-knél
illative I-be I-kbe
sublative I-re I-kre
allative I-hez I-khez
elative I-ből I-kből
delative I-ről I-kről
ablative I-től I-ktől
possessive - singular
I-é I-ké
possessive - plural
I-éi I-kéi
Possessive forms of I
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. I-m I-im
2nd person sing. I-d I-id
3rd person sing. I-je I-i
1st person plural I-nk I-ink
2nd person plural I-tek I-itek
3rd person plural I-jük I-ik

I (lower case i)

  1. The ninth letter of the Ido alphabet, written in the Latin script.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The ninth letter of the Indonesian alphabet, written in the Latin script.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The ninth letter of the Irish alphabet, written in the Latin script.
  • (letter name) IPA(key): /ˈi/*
    • Rhymes: -i
    • Hyphenation: Ì
  • (phonemic realization) IPA(key): /i/
  • (phonemic realization when followed by a vowel in the same syllable) IPA(key): /j/

I f or m (invariable, upper case, lower case i)

  1. The ninth letter of the Italian alphabet, called i and written in the Latin script.


  1. Rōmaji transcription of

The Kashubian orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See the Kashubian alphabet article on Wikipedia for more, and I for development of the glyph itself.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The thirteenth letter of the Kashubian alphabet, written in the Latin script.

Proposed in 1908 as part of the new Latvian spelling by the scientific commission headed by K. Mīlenbahs, which was accepted and began to be taught in schools in 1909. Prior to that, Latvian had been written in German Fraktur, and sporadically in Cyrillic.


I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The thirteenth letter of the Latvian alphabet, called i and written in the Latin script.
  • (Name of letter) IPA(key): [ai̯]
  • (Phoneme) IPA(key): [i]
  • (Phoneme, Closed ultima) IPA(key): [e]


  1. The ninth letter of the Malay alphabet, written in the Latin script.

From Old English , from Proto-West Germanic *ik, from Proto-Germanic *ek, Proto-Germanic *ik, from Proto-Indo-European *éǵh₂. More at English I.

The loss of /t͡ʃ/ at first occurs in unstressed positions when the following word begins with a consonant. The pronunciation /iː/ results from restressing the unstressed pronunciation.

I (accusative me, genitive min, genitive determiner mi, min)

  1. I (first-person singular subject pronoun)
    • c. 1395, John Wycliffe, John Purvey [et al.], transl., Bible (Wycliffite Bible (later version), MS Lich 10.)‎[3], published c. 1410, Joon 15:19, page 51v, column 1; republished as Wycliffe's translation of the New Testament, Lichfield: Bill Endres, 2010:

      If ȝe hadden be of þe woꝛld .· þe woꝛld ſchulde loue þat þing þat was his / but foꝛ ȝe ben not of þe woꝛld · but I chees ȝou fro þe woꝛld .· þerfoꝛ þe woꝛld hatiþ ȝou

      If you had been of the world, the world would love that which is its [own]; so the world hates you, because you aren't of the world. Instead I picked you from the world.
  • Capitalized since 13th century to mark it as a distinct word and prevent misreading.
  • English: I, ik (obsolete), ich (obsolete)
  • Geordie English: aw
  • Scots: A, I, ik (rare)
  • Yola: ich

Middle English personal pronouns

nominative accusative dative genitive possessive
singular 1st-person I, ich, ik me min
2nd-person þou þe þin
3rd-person m he him
him his his
f sche, heo hire
hire hire
hires, hiren
n hit hit
his, hit
dual3 1st-person wit unk unker
2nd-person ȝit inc inker
plural 1st-person we us, ous oure oure
oures, ouren
2nd-person4 ye yow your your
youres, youren
3rd-person inh. he hem
hem here here
heres, heren
bor. þei þem, þeim þeir þeir
þeires, þeiren

1Used preconsonantally or before h.
2Early or dialectal.
3Dual pronouns are only sporadically found in Early Middle English; after that, they are replaced by plural forms. There are no third-person dual forms in Middle English.
4Sometimes used as a formal 2nd-person singular.

From Danish I, from Old East Norse *īʀ, from Proto-Germanic *jūz. Cognate with Swedish ni, Norwegian Nynorsk de, Faroese tær, and Icelandic þér.

I (objective case jer or eder)

  1. (rare, archaic) ye: a second-person plural nominative pronoun
    Synonym: dere

From Latin I.

I (lower case i, definite singular I-en, indefinite plural I-ar, definite plural I-ane)

  1. The ninth letter of the Norwegian alphabet, called I and written in the Latin script.

From Old Norse ek, from Proto-Norse ᛖᚲ (ek), from Proto-Germanic *ek, *ik, from Proto-Indo-European *éǵh₂. The upper case spelling might be an orthographic influence from cognate English I, or as a means to differenciate from native preposition i (in).

I (objective me, possessive min)

  1. (dialectal) alternative form of eg (first person singular pronoun)

Possibly through Danish I. From Old Norse ér, ír, from Proto-Germanic *jūz, from Proto-Indo-European *yū́. Compare with de. The upper case spelling might be explained either by its use as an honorific, or with its plausible Danish origins.

I (objective ær or ør or jærs, possessive ærs or ørs or jærs)

  1. (obsolete or dialectal, polite) you (second person singular)
  • “I” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.
  • Torp, Alf (1919) “I”, in Nynorsk etymologisk ordbok (in Norwegian Nynorsk), Kristiania: Aschehoug, page 240
  • Ivar Aasen (1850) “i”, in Ordbog over det norske Folkesprog[4] (in Danish), Oslo: Samlaget, published 2000
  • (phoneme): IPA(key): /i/, (after /n/ or /m/) /ĩ/

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The eleventh letter of the Nupe alphabet, written in the Latin script.

The Polish orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See the history of Polish orthography article on Wikipedia for more, and I for development of the glyph itself.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The twelfth letter of the Polish alphabet, called i and written in the Latin script.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The ninth letter of the Portuguese alphabet, written in the Latin script.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. (International Standard) The twelfth letter of the Romani alphabet, written in the Latin script.
  2. (Pan-Vlax) The thirteenth letter of the Romani alphabet, written in the Latin script.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The eleventh letter of the Romanian alphabet, called i and written in the Latin script.
  • Generally represents the phoneme /i/.
  • Before vowels, this letter usually takes on the sound of /j/
    ianuarie /ja.nuˈa.ri.e/
  • At the ends of words (except verb infinitives, and those ending in a consonant cluster ending in l or r), the letter palatalizes the previous syllable and is "whispered": /ʲ/
    băieți /bəˈjetsʲ/


  1. The eleventh letter of the Saanich alphabet, written in the Latin script.


  1. The ninth letter of the Scots alphabet, written in the Latin script.

From Middle English I, from Old English , from Proto-West Germanic *ik, from Proto-Germanic *ik, *ek, from Proto-Indo-European *éǵh₂.


  1. I

Scots personal pronouns

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The ninth letter of the Scottish Gaelic alphabet, written in the Latin script. It is preceded by h and followed by l. Its traditional name is iodh (yew).

The Silesian orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See the Silesian language article on Wikipedia for more, and I for development of the glyph itself.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The eleventh letter of the Silesian alphabet, written in the Latin script.

I (lower case i)

  1. The sixteenth letter of the Skolt Sami alphabet, written in the Latin script.

From Gaj's Latin alphabet I, from Czech alphabet I, from Latin I, from the Etruscan letter 𐌉 (i, i), from the Ancient Greek letter Ι (I, iota), derived from the Phoenician letter 𐤉 (y, yod), from the Egyptian hieroglyph 𓂝.

(phoneme) Pronunciation of I

(Standard Slovene, tonal) IPA(key): /ˈíː/, /ˈìː/, /ˈî/, /i/, [ˈɪ́ː], [ˈɪ̀ː], [ˈɪ̂], [ˈîː], [ˈǐː], [ˈɪ̂ː], [ˈɪ̌ː], SNPT: /ī/, /ȉ/, /i/
(Standard Slovene, non-tonal) IPA(key): /ˈiː/, /ˈi/, /i/, [ˈɪː], [ˈɪ], SNPT: /í/, /ì/, /i/

Note:different distinctions and accent shifts do not necessarily exclude other and most of them exist in both tonal and non-tonal Slovene.

(letter name) Pronunciation of I (ī)

(Standard Slovene, tonal) IPA(key): [ˈîː], [ˈǐː], SNPT: [ī]
(Standard Slovene, non-tonal) IPA(key): [ˈiː], SNPT: [í],

Note:different distinctions and accent shifts do not necessarily exclude other and most of them exist in both tonal and non-tonal Slovene.

The template Template:sl-pronounce-other does not use the parameter(s):
homophones=<span class="homophones">[[Appendix:Glossary#homophone|Homophone]]: <span class="Latn" lang="sl">[[i#Slovene|i]]</span></span>[[Category:Slovene terms with homophones|I]]
Please see Module:checkparams for help with this warning.


Rhymes: -iː ([-í]) (non-tonal)
Hyphenation: i

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The tenth letter of the Slovene alphabet, written in the Latin script.
  2. The fifteenth letter of the Slovene alphabet (Resian), written in the Latin script.
  3. The eleventh letter of the Slovene alphabet (Natisone Valley dialect), written in the Latin script.

Ī m inan

  1. The name of the Latin script letter I / i.
  • Overall more common
First masculine declension (soft o-stem, inanimate) , fixed accent, -j- infix
nom. sing. I
gen. sing. I-ja
singular dual plural
I I-ja I-ji
I-ja I-jev I-jev
I-ju, I-ji I-jema I-jem
I I-ja I-je
I-ju, I-ji I-jih I-jih
I-jem I-jema I-ji
(ogȏvorni imenovȃlnik)
I I-ja I-ji
  • More common when with a definite adjective
Third masculine declension (no endings) , fixed accent
nom. sing. I
gen. sing. I
singular dual plural
(ogȏvorni imenovȃlnik)
  • Dialectal, in common written language used till 19th century
First masculine declension (hard o-stem, inanimate) , -j- infix
nom. sing. I
gen. sing. I-ja
singular dual plural
I I-ja I-ji
I-ja I-jov I-jov
I-ju, I-ji I-joma I-jom
I I-ja I-je
I-ju, I-ji I-jih I-jih
I-jom I-joma I-ji
(ogȏvorni imenovȃlnik)
I I-ja I-ji
  • I”, in Slovarji Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU, portal Fran
  • (phoneme): IPA(key): /ɪ/, /i/
  • (letter name): IPA(key): /ʔɪ/

I upper case (lower case i)

  1. The twenty-fifth letter of the Somali alphabet, called i and written in the Latin script.
  1. The twenty-fifth letter of the Somali alphabet, which follows Arabic abjad order. It is preceded by E and followed by O.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. the ninth letter of the Spanish alphabet


  1. Abbreviation of ilustre.

    La I municipalidad de Valparaíso.

    The illustrious municipality of Valparaíso.

See the etymology at #Translingual.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The ninth letter of the Swedish alphabet.

From Old Swedish ī, īr, from Old Norse ír, variant of ér, from Proto-Germanic *jīz, variant of *jūz, from Proto-Indo-European *yū́.

I (personal pronoun)

  1. (archaic) ye (second-person plural nominative)
  • Lindström, Fredrik (2010) “Svårt att gissa arslets grundform [Hard to guess the lemma of arslet]”, in Språktidningen[5] (in Swedish), number 5, retrieved 14 July 2020

Borrowed from Spanish I. Each pronunciation has a different source:

  • Filipino alphabet pronunciation is influenced by English I.
  • Abakada alphabet pronunciation is influenced by Baybayin character (i).
  • Abecedario pronunciation is from Spanish I.
  • (Standard Tagalog)
    • IPA(key): /ˈʔaj/ [ˈʔaɪ̯] (letter name, Filipino alphabet)
    • IPA(key): /ˈʔi/ [ˈʔi] (letter name, Abakada alphabet, Abecedario)
      • Rhymes: -i
    • IPA(key): /ˈi/ [ˈi] (phoneme, stressed)
      • Rhymes: -i
    • IPA(key): /i/ [ɪ] (phoneme, unstressed)
      • Rhymes: -i
  • Syllabification: I

I (upper case, lower case i, Baybayin spelling ᜀᜌ᜔)

  1. The ninth letter of the Tagalog alphabet (the Filipino alphabet), called ay and written in the Latin script.

I (upper case, lower case i, Baybayin spelling )

  1. The eighth letter of the Tagalog alphabet (the Abakada alphabet), called i and written in the Latin script.
  2. (historical) The tenth letter of the Tagalog alphabet (the Abecedario), called i and written in the Latin script.
  • I”, in Pambansang Diksiyonaryo | Diksiyonaryo.ph, Manila, 2018

I (upper case, lower case ı)

  1. The eleventh letter of the Turkish alphabet, called ı and written in the Latin script.
  • (Hà Nội) IPA(key): [ʔi˧˧], [ʔi˧˧ ŋan˧˦]
  • (Huế) IPA(key): [ʔɪj˧˧], [ʔɪj˧˧ ŋaŋ˦˧˥]
  • (Saigon) IPA(key): [ʔɪj˧˧], [ʔɪj˧˧ ŋaŋ˦˥]
  • Phonetic spelling: i, i ngắn

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The twelfth letter of the Vietnamese alphabet, called i or i ngắn and written in the Latin script.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The thirteenth letter of the Welsh alphabet, called i or i dot and written in the Latin script. It is preceded by H and followed by J.
  • I cannot mutate but, being a vowel, does take h-prothesis, for example with the word iwrch (roe deer):
  • R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), chapter I, in Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The tenth letter of the Yoruba alphabet, called í and written in the Latin script.

I (upper case, lower case i)

  1. The ninth letter of the Zulu alphabet, written in the Latin script.