User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-r - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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rabdomyosarkom {m} :: rhabdomyosarcoma (tumor)
rabiát {m} :: hooligan
rabín {m} :: rabbi
rabinát {m} :: rabbinate
rabovat {v impf} :: to pillage, plunder
racčí {adj} :: gull, gull's
racek {m} :: gull
racionalismus {m} :: rationalism
racionalista {m} :: rationalist
racionalita {f} :: rationality
racionalizace {f} :: rationalization (of an economic process)
racionalizace {f} :: rationalization (concealment of true motivation)
racionální {adj} :: rational, sensible
racionální {adj} [arithmetic] :: rational
racionální číslo {n} [mathematics] :: rational number
račí {adj} [relational] :: crayfish
ráčkování {n} :: rhotacism (mispronouncing of /r/)
ráčkovat {v impf} :: to mispronounce r
rád {adj} :: glad
rada {f} :: advice, counsel
rada {f} :: council
Ráďa {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given names Radek and Radim
Radan {prop} {m} :: given name
Radana {prop} {f} :: given name
radar {m inan} :: radar
radar {m inan} :: speed camera
rádce {m} :: adviser
Radeček {prop} {m} :: given name
raději {adv} :: comparative of rád
Radek {prop} {m} :: given name
radiace {f} [physics] :: radiation
radiační {adj} :: radiation (when used attributively)
radián {m} :: radian
radiátor {m} :: radiator (heater)
radikál {m} :: radical (person with radical opinions)
radikál {m} [chemistry] :: radical, free radical
radikalismus {m} :: radicalism
radikalizace {f} :: radicalization
radikalizovat {v impf} :: to radicalize
radikální {adj} :: radical
radikálnost {f} :: radicalness
Radim {prop} {m} :: given name
rádio {n} :: radio (radio broadcasting)
rádio {n} :: radio (radio receiver)
radioaktivita {f} :: radioactivity
radioaktivní {adj} :: radioactive
radioaktivní rozpad {m} :: radioactive decay
radioamatér {m} :: a radio amateur (amateur radio operator)
radiobiologie {f} [biology] :: radiobiology (the study of the effects of ionizing radiation on living organisms)
radiofrekvence {f} :: radiofrequency, radio frequency
radiografický {adj} :: radiographic
radiografie {f} :: radiography
radiolog {m} :: radiologist
radiologický {adj} :: radiological, radiologic
radiologie {f} :: radiology
radiolokace {f} :: radiolocation
radiolokátor {m} :: radar
radiometr {m} :: radiometer
radiometrie {f} :: radiometry
radionuklid {m} [physics] :: radionuclide
radiopřijímač {m} :: radio receiver
radioterapie {f} :: radiotherapy, radiation therapy
rádiovka {f} :: beret
rádiový {adj} :: radio (when used attributively)
radista {m} :: operator
radit {v impf} :: to advise
Radka {prop} {f} :: given name
rádkyně {f} :: A female adviser
rádlo {n} :: plow
Radmila {prop} {f} :: given name
radní {m} :: councillor (member of a local authority)
radnice {f} :: town hall, city hall
Radomila {prop} {f} :: given name
Radomír {prop} {m} :: given name
radon {m} :: radon
rádo se stalo {phrase} :: you're welcome
Radoslav {prop} {m} :: given name
radost {f} :: joy (feeling)
radostnější {adj} :: comparative of radostný
radostný {adj} :: joyous, cheerful
radostný {adj} :: gladdening, gratifying
Radovan {prop} {m} :: given name
radovánky {noun} :: festivity
radovat {v impf} :: to rejoice
radši {adv} :: comparative of rád
Radunka {prop} {f} :: A pet form of female given names Radka and Radmila
Raduška {prop} {f} :: A pet form of female given names Radka and Radmila
rádža {m} :: rajah
raf {interj} :: a sound that a dog makes (while biting)
rafinace {f} :: refinement
rafinerie {f} :: refinery
rafinérie {f} :: refinery
rafinovaný {adj} :: refined (of a material substance such as sugar or petroleum, without impurities)
rafinovat {v impf} :: to refine (to free a material substance from impurities)
raft {m} :: raft (inflatable floating craft)
ragby {n} :: rugby
ragú {n} :: ragout
ráhno {n} :: yard (a long tapered timber hung on a mast to which is bent a sail)
rachitický {adj} :: rickety, rachitic
rachitida {f} :: rachitis
rachot {m} :: clatter
ráj {m} :: paradise
rajcovat {v} [colloquial] :: to arouse, to excite
rajčátko {n} :: diminutive of rajče
rajčatový {adj} [relational] :: tomato
rajče {n} :: tomato
rajčí {adj} :: bird of paradise
rajka {f} :: bird of paradise (bird)
rajón {m} :: a raion
rajské jablíčko {n} :: tomato (savoury fruit of tomato plant, red when ripe)
rajský {adj} [relational] :: paradise
rajský {adj} [relational] :: tomato
rajtky {fp} :: riding breeches, jodhpurs
rajz {m} [archaic, colloquial] :: travel
rajzovat {v impf} [archaic, colloquial] :: to travel
rak {m} :: crayfish
rak {m} [colloquial, archaic] :: cancer
Rak {m} [zodiac constellations] :: Cancer (constellation)
Rak {m} [astrology] :: Cancer (astrological sign)
Rak {m} :: a person born with the astrological sign of Cancer
raketa {f} :: rocket
raketa {f} :: racquet
raketka {f} :: diminutive of raketa
raketodrom {m} :: rocket launch site
raketoplán {m} :: space shuttle
raketový {adj} :: rocket (when used attributively)
rakev {f} :: coffin
rakle {f} [printing, colloquial] :: squeegee
rakle {f} [printing, colloquial] :: doctor blade
rákos {m} :: reed
rákosí {n} [uncountable] :: reed (any of various types of tall stiff perennial grass-like plants growing together in groups near water)
rákoska {f} :: switch (a slender woody plant stem used as a whip)
rákosník {m} :: warbler (some of various small passerine songbirds)
rákosník {m} [derogatory, ethnic slur] :: a Vietnamese person
rákosovec {m} :: the canes (the genus Arundinaria, the sole temperate genus of bamboo native to the New World)
Rakousko {prop} {n} :: Rakousko (country)
Rakousko-Uhersko {prop} {n} :: Austria-Hungary (former country in Central Europe from 1867 to 1918)
rakousko-uherský {adj} :: Austro-Hungarian
rakouskouherský {adj} :: rare form of rakousko-uherský
rakouský {adj} :: Austrian
rakovina {f} :: cancer
rakovina jícnu {f} [pathology] :: esophageal cancer
rakovinný {adj} [relational] :: cancer
rakovinotvorný {adj} :: carcinogenic, cancer-causing
Rakovnicko {prop} {n} :: Rakovník region
Rakušák {m} [colloquial] :: Austrian
Rakušan {m anim} :: Austrian (person)
Rakušanka {f} :: female Austrian
rally {f} :: rally (motor racing event)
rallye {f} :: rally (motor racing event)
rám {m} :: frame (of a picture)
rambajz {m} :: loud noise
rámě {n} [literary, archaic] :: alternative form of rameno
rámec {m} :: framework (basic conceptual structure)
rámeček {m} :: diminutive of rám
ramenáč {m} :: a man with square shoulders
ramenatý {adj} :: having broad shoulders (person)
raménko {n} :: crus: a shank
raménko {n} :: diminutive of rameno
ramenní {adj} :: shoulder
rameno {n} :: shoulder
ramenonožec {m} :: brachiopod
ramínko {n} :: coat hanger
ramínko {n} :: shoulder strap
ramlice {f} [colloquial] :: female rabbit
ramlice {f} [colloquial] :: female hare
ramlík {m} [colloquial] :: male rabbit or hare
rampouch {m inan} :: icicle
rámus {m} :: noise, racket
rána {f} :: wound (injury)
rána {f} :: bang (a sudden percussive noise)
randál {m} [colloquial] :: racket, noise, uproar
rande {n} :: date, appointment (meeting with a lover or potential lover)
ranec {m} :: bundle
raneček {m} :: diminutive of ranec
raněný {adj} :: wounded, hurt
Rangún {prop} {m} :: Rangún (city)
ranit {v pf} :: to hurt, wound (emotionally)
ranní {adj} :: early morning (when used attributively)
ranní hygiena {f} :: morning wash, morning routine
ranní ptáče dál doskáče {proverb} :: the early bird gets the worm
ráno {n} :: early morning
ranocel {m inan} [colloquial, rare] :: ribwort (Plantago lanceolata)
ráno moudřejší večera {proverb} :: sleep on it; instead of making hasty decisions in the evening, it is better to postpone them to the morning
ransomware {noun} [computing] :: ransomware
ranvej {f} :: runway (section for landing or take-off)
raný {adj} :: early
rapl {m} :: crackpot (eccentric, crazy or foolish person)
rapl {m} :: fit of crackpottery
rarach {m} :: evil spirit, demon
rarášek {m} :: diminutive of rarach
rarášek {m} :: dust devil
raroh {m anim} :: hierofalcon
rasa {f} :: race (group of people)
rasismus {m} :: racism
rasista {m} :: racist
rasistický {adj} :: racist
rasistka {f} :: female racist
rasizmus {m} :: racism
rasově {adv} :: racially
rasový {adj} :: racial (of a race)
rastrová grafika {f} :: raster graphics
rašelina {f} :: peat
rašeliniště {n} :: bog
rašple {f} :: rasp
rašplovat {v impf} :: to rasp (to use a rasp)
raťafák {m} [colloquial] :: nose
Ratiboř {prop} {f} :: Racibórz
ratifikace {f} :: ratification
ratifikovat {v p-i} :: to ratify
raut {m} :: rout, a big evening party, bash
Raynaudova choroba {f} :: Raynaud's disease
ráz {m} :: character
ráz {m} :: glottal stop
raz dva {adv} :: in no time, in two shakes
razie {f} :: police raid
razit {v impf} :: to coin
razítko {n} :: rubber stamp (device)
ražba {f} :: minting, coining, coinage
ražniči {n} :: a Balkan dish of meat pieces grilled on a skewer
rdousit {v} :: to strangle (to squeeze the throat so as to cut off the oxygen supply)
re {n} [card games] :: double raise (multiplies the current stake by 4)
reagens {n} [chemistry] :: agent, reagent
reagovat {v impf} :: to react
reakce {f} [chemistry] :: reaction
reakční {adj} :: reaction (when used attributively)
reaktor {m} :: reactor
reál {m} [colloquial] :: reality
reál {m} :: real (former unit of currency of Spain and Spain's colonies)
realismus {m} :: realism
realista {m} :: realist
realistický {adj} :: realistic
realita {f} :: reality
realizace {f} :: implementation, realization, execution
realizátor {m} :: implementer
realizovat {v} :: to implement, to realize
realizovatelný {adj} :: feasible
reálné číslo {n} [mathematics] :: real number
reálný {adj} :: real (not imaginary or fabricated)
reálný {adj} [mathematics] :: real
reálný {adj} [economics] :: real (not nominal; adjusted for inflation)
reb {m} :: reb (an honorific used by traditional Jews)
rebarbora {f} :: rhubarb (any plant of the genus Rheum, especially R. rharbarbarum, having large leaves and long green or reddish acidic leafstalks)
Rebeka {prop} {f} :: Rebekah (biblical character)
Rebeka {prop} {f} :: given name
rebel {m} :: rebel
rebelie {f} :: rebellion
reboxetin {m} :: reboxetine
recentní {adj} :: recent
recenze {f} :: review (account intended as a critical evaluation of a text or a piece of work)
recenzent {m} :: reviewer
recenzovat {v} :: to review (to write a critical evaluation of a new art work etc.; to write a review)
recepce {f} :: reception (celebratory party)
recepce {f} :: reception desk
recepis {m} [archaic] :: prescription (physician's written order)
recept {m} :: recipe
recept {m} :: prescription (physician's written order)
receptura {f} :: formula (ingredients of a mixture)
recese {f} :: recession (a period of reduced economic activity)
recese {f} :: eccentric humour
recesivita {f} :: recessiveness, recessivity
recesivní {adj} [genetics] :: recessive
recidiva {f} :: relapse, recurring (of a disease or crime)
recidivista {m} :: recidivist
recidivní {adj} :: (medical) recidivous
recitace {f} :: recitation (act of reciting)
recitátor {m} :: reciter
recitovat {v} :: to recite
recyklace {f} :: recycling (the practice of sorting and collecting waste materials for new use)
recyklační {adj} :: recycling
recyklovat {v} :: to recycle
recyklovatelnost {f} :: recyclability
recyklovatelný {adj} :: recyclable
redaktor {m} :: editor (person)
redaktorka {f} :: female editor
redefinice {f} :: redefinition
redigovat {v} :: to edit
redukce {f} [chemistry] :: reduction
redukcionismus {m} :: reductionism
redundantní {adj} :: redundant
refaktorizace {f} [programming] :: refactoring
refaktorování {n} [programming] :: refactoring
refaktorovat {v pf} [computing] :: to refactor
referenční {adj} :: reference (when used attributively)
referenční příručka {f} :: reference manual
referendum {n} :: referendum (direct popular vote)
referent {m} :: a person in a certain role
referent {m} :: referent (the specific entity in the world that a word or phrase identifies or denotes)
reflektor {m} :: spotlight
reflektor {m} :: reflector (reflecting telescope)
reflex {m} :: reflex
reflexe {f} :: reflection (consideration)
reflexivní {adj} [set theory] :: reflexive
reflexivum {n} [grammar] :: reflexive pronoun
reflexivum {n} [grammar] :: reflexive verb
reflexní oblouk {m} [neuroanatomy] :: reflex arc
reforma {f} :: reform
reformace {f} :: Reformation (religious movement)
reformátor {m anim} :: reformer
reformovat {v} :: to reform
reformulace {f} :: reformulation (act of formulating anew)
reformulovat {v pf} :: to reformulate
refrén {m} :: chorus (repeated part of a song)
regál {m} :: shelf (a flat, rigid, rectangular structure used to store or display objects)
regata {f} :: regatta (boat race)
regent {m} :: regent (one who rules in place of the monarch)
Regina {prop} {f} :: given name
Regína {prop} {f} :: given name
regionální {adj} :: regional
registr {m} [computing] :: register (part of central processing unit)
registrace {f} :: registration
registrovaná ochranná známka {f} :: registered trademark
registrované partnerství {noun} :: civil partnership, civil union, registered partnership (legal union similar to marriage)
registrovaný {adj} :: registered
registrovat {v impf} :: to register
reglementarismus {m} :: the policy of subjecting social behaviors seen as problematic to stringent, detailed regulation rather than outright prohibition
regresivní {adj} :: regressive (of a tax, whose rate decreases as the amount increases)
regulace {f} :: regulation
regulační {adj} :: regulatory
regulární výraz {m} [computing theory] :: regular expression
regulátor {m} :: governor (device)
regulátor {m} :: regulator (device)
regulátor {m} :: regulator (organization)
regulatorní {adj} :: regulatory
regule {f} :: bylaw (of an organization)
regulovat {v impf} :: to regulate
rehabilitace {f} :: rehabilitation
rehek {m anim} :: redstart
reinstalovat {v pf} :: to reinstall
rejda {f} :: roadstead
rejnočí {adj} :: ray, ray's (of the fish)
rejnok {m} :: ray (fish)
rejsek {m} :: shrew
rejstřík {m} :: index (alphabetical list)
rejstřík {m} :: register
rejža {m} [film, theatre, colloquial] :: director
rek {m} [archaic] :: hero
rekapitulace {f} :: recapitulation (subsequent enumeration of the major points)
reklama {f} :: advertisement (commercial solicitation)
reklamace {f} :: complaint (about quality of purchased product)
reklamace {f} :: sales returns, consumer complaints department
reklamní {adj} :: advertising (when used attributively)
rekonstrukce {f} :: reconstruction
rekord {m} :: record (previously unrecorded achievement)
rekordní {adj} :: record (of or pertaing to the most extreme known value of something)
rekovný {adj} :: heroic
rekovský {adj} :: heroic
rekreace {f} :: recreation
rekreovat {v} :: to recreate (to enjoy or entertain oneself)
rekrut {m} :: recruit
rekrutovat {v impf} :: to recruit
rektangulární {adj} :: rectangular
rektascenze {f} [astronomy] :: right ascension
rektor {m} :: rector, chancellor, master, principal (headmaster of a university)
rektorát {m} :: rectorate
rekurentní {adj} [medicine] :: recurrent
rekurze {f} [mathematics and computing] :: recursion
rekurzivně {adv} [computing] :: recursively
rekurzivně spočetný {adj} [computing theory] :: recursively enumerable
rekurzivní {adj} [mathematics] :: recursive (of an expression, each term of which is determined by applying a formula to preceding terms)
rekurzivní {adj} [computing] :: recursive (of a program or function that calls itself)
rekurzívní {adj} :: alternative spelling of rekurzivní
rekvizita {f} :: prop (item used on stage with which an actor interacts)
relace {f} [set theory] :: relation
relace {f} :: radio show
relace ekvivalence {f} :: equivalence relation
relační {adj} :: relational
relační databáze {f} :: relational database
relační model {m} :: relational model
relaps {m} :: relapse
relativismus {m} :: relativism
relativista {m} :: relativist
relativistický {adj} :: relativistic (of or relating to theory of relativity)
relativistický {adj} :: relativistic (of or relating to relativism)
relativita {f} :: relativity
relativizace {f} :: relativization
relativně {adv} :: relatively
relativní {adj} :: relative
relativní četnost {f} :: relative frequency
relativní frekvence {f} :: relative frequency
relativnost {f} :: relativity
relé {n} :: relay
relevance {f} :: relevance
relevantní {adj} :: relevant
reliéf {m} :: embossment (especially that on a map)
reliéf {m} [geology] :: relief, topography
reliéf {m} :: relief (type of artwork)
religionista {m} :: religion scholar
religionistika {f} [humanities] :: religious studies
religiózní {adj} :: religious (committed to the practice of religion)
relikviář {m} :: reliquary (container to hold or display religious relics)
relikvie {f} [religion] :: relic
remake {m} :: remake (of a film)
remcat {v impf} [dialectal] :: to grouse, grumble, gripe
Remeš {prop} {f} :: Reims
remise {f} [medicine] :: remission
remitenda {f} :: returns (of unsold publications)
remíza {f} :: draw, tie (situation in which one or more participants in a competition or game are placed equally)
remizovat {v pf} :: to draw, tie (in a competition)
remorkér {m} :: tugboat
remunerace {f} :: remuneration
renální {adj} :: renal
Renata {prop} {f} :: given name
Renáta {prop} {f} :: given name
Renátka {prop} {f} :: given name
Renča {prop} {f} :: A pet form of the female given name Renáta
rendezvous {n} :: date, appointment (meeting with a lover or potential lover)
René {prop} {m} :: given name
renesance {f} :: Renaissance (historical period)
renesance {f} :: Renaissance (any revival)
renesanční {adj} :: Renaissance
renomé {n} :: renown
renomovaný {adj} :: renowned
rentgen {m} :: X-ray
reparace {f} :: reparation (a payment of time, effort or money to undo past transgression)
repatriace {f} :: repatriation
repatriovat {v} :: to repatriate
repelent {m} :: repellent (a substance used to repel insects)
repertoár {m} :: repertoire (dramas, operas, pieces, parts, etc., which a company or a person has rehearsed and is prepared to perform or display)
replika {f} :: replica
replika {f} :: reply
reportér {m} :: reporter (journalist)
reportérka {f} :: female reporter (journalist)
repozitář {m} [computing] :: repository
reprezentace {f} :: representation (that which represents another)
reprezentovat {v impf} :: to represent (to stand in the place of)
reprezentovatelný {adj} :: representable
repríza {f} :: rerun, repeat (show shown after its initial presentation)
reprodukce {f} :: reproduction (visual arts, music)
reprodukovatelný {adj} :: reproducible
reproduktor {m} :: loudspeaker, speaker
reptat {v} :: to grouse, grumble, gripe
republika {f} :: republic
republikán {m} :: republican
republikán {m} :: Republican
republikanismus {m} :: republicanism
republikánský {adj} :: Republican (when used attributively)
republikánství {n} :: republicanism
reputace {f} :: reputation
reraisovat {v p-i} [poker] :: to reraise
resetovat {v impf} :: to reset (to set back to the initial state)
resorbce {f} :: resorption
resorpce {f} :: resorption
resorpční {adj} :: resorptive
resp. {adv} :: abbreviation of respektive
respektovaný {adj} :: respected
respektovat {v} :: to respect (to have respect for; to hold in esteem)
respektovat {v} :: to keep, to follow, to abide by, to comply with
respirace {f} [biology] :: respiration, breathing
respirační {adj} :: respiratory
respirátor {m} :: respirator
respiratorní {adj} :: respiratory
respondent {m} :: respondent (one who responds to questions or questionnaire as part of research)
restartování {n} :: restart
restartovat {v p-i} :: to restart
restaurace {f} :: restaurant
resumé {n} :: summary
rešerše {f} :: library research
rešerže {f} :: alternative spelling of rešerše
ret {m inan} :: lip
retardovaný {adj} :: retarded
retikulocyt {m} :: reticulocyte (immature red blood cell, having a reticular network of RNA)
retinoblastom {m} :: retinoblastoma (malignant tumor of the retina)
retinovaný {adj} :: retained
rétor {m} :: rhetorician, orator (eloquent public speaker)
rétorická figura {f} :: figure of speech
rétoricky {adv} :: rhetorically (in a rhetorical manner)
rétorický {adj} :: rhetorical
rétorika {f} :: rhetoric (art of using language for persuasion)
rétorománština {f} :: Romansch (language)
retorta {noun} [chemistry] :: retort
retroaktivní {adj} :: retroactive
retrográdní {adj} :: retrograde
retroorbitální {adj} :: retro-orbital, retroorbital (behind the orbit of the eye)
réva {f} :: grapevine, any member of the genus Vitis
revanšismus {m} :: revanchism
revanšista {m} :: revanchist
revanšistický {adj} :: revanchist
revers {m} :: a legal document, in which an inpatient, leaving a hospital against his medical doctor's advice, assumes responsibility for any potential consequences of his leaving
revers {m} :: reverse, verso, tail
reverz {m} :: alternative form of revers
revidovat {v impf} :: to revise (to review, alter and amend)
revír {m inan} :: district, territory
revize {f} :: revision
revize {f} :: review
revizionismus {m} :: revisionism
revmatická artritida {f} :: rheumatoid arthritis
revmatismus {m} :: rheumatism
revmatoidní artritida {f} :: rheumatoid arthritis
revolta {f} :: revolt
revoluce {f} :: revolution
revolucionář {m} :: revolutionary
revoluční {adj} :: revolutionary
revolver {m} :: revolver (handgun)
revue {f} :: revue, review, show
revue {f} :: (periodical) review
Reyeův syndrom {m} [pathology] :: Reye's syndrome
Reykjavík {prop} {m} :: Reykjavík (capital city)
rez {f} :: rust
rezavět {v impf} :: to rust
rezavý {adj} :: rusty
rezekvítek {m} :: germander speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys)
rezerva {f} :: reserve
rezerva {f} :: grain of salt
rezervace {f} :: booking (A reservation for a service, such as accommodation in an hotel)
rezervovaný {adj} :: reserved (slow to reveal emotion or opinions)
rezervovaný {adj} :: reserved (set aside for a particular person or purpose)
rezervovat {vt impf} :: to book, reserve
rezervovat {vr impf} [si] :: to book, reserve
rezignace {f} :: resignation
rezignovat {v pf} :: to resign
rezohlávek {m anim} :: antpecker
rezoluce {f} :: resolution (formal statement adopted by an assembly)
rezonátor {m} :: shell (body of a drum)
režie {f} [film, theatre, etc.] :: direction
režim {m} :: regime, mode (mode of rule or management)
režim {m} :: regime (form of government)
režírovat {v} [film, theatre, etc.] :: to direct
režisér {m anim} [film] :: director
režisérka {f} :: female director (in film, theater and the like)
rhizosféra {f} :: rhizosphere (the soil region subject to the influence of plant roots and their associated microorganisms)
Rhoďan {m} :: Rhodian
Rhodesie {prop} {f} :: Rhodesia
Rhodézie {prop} {f} :: rare form of Rhodesie
Rhodos {prop} {m} :: Rhodos (island)
rhodský {adj} :: Rhodian
ribonukleový {adj} :: ribonucleic
ribozom {m} :: ribosome (organelle)
Riga {prop} {f} :: Riga (capital city)
rigidní {adj} :: rigid
rigorózní {adj} :: rigorous
Richard {prop} {m} :: given name
Richterova stupnice {f} :: Richter scale
Richterova škála {f} :: Richter scale
rikša {f} :: rickshaw (two-wheeled carriage pulled along by a person)
rimbaudovský {adj} :: Rimbaudian
ring {m inan} :: ring (place where some sports take place; boxing ring and similar)
rinitida {f} [pathology] :: rhinitis
rinosinusitida {f} :: rhinosinusitis
risk {m} [colloquial] :: risk
riskantně {adv} :: hazardously
riskantní {adj} :: risky
risknout {v pf} [colloquial] :: to take a risk, to risk, to take a chance
riskovat {v} :: to gamble (to take a risk, with the potential of a positive outcome)
Ríša {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given name Richard
rituál {m} :: ritual, rite
rituální {adj} :: ritual
rivalita {f} :: rivalry
riziko {n} :: risk
rizikový {adj} :: risk, risky
rizoto {n} :: risotto
Rjazaň {prop} {f} :: Rjazaň (city)
rmoutit {v impf} :: to sadden, to make sad
rmoutit {v impf} :: to grieve, to be sad
RNDr. {noun} :: abbreviation of rerum naturalium doctor: a degree similar to and smaller than Ph.D., in math and sciences
{n} :: rho (Greek letter)
rob {m} [obsolete] :: slave, serf
roba {f} [dialect, Moravia] :: woman
roba {f} [dialect, Moravia] :: wife
róba {f} :: female evening dress, evening gown
robátko {n} :: diminutive of robě (baby, little child)
robě {n} [literary] :: baby, small child
Robert {prop} {m} :: given name
robertek {m} :: dildo
Robertek {prop} {m} :: given name
Robin {prop} {m} :: given name
robinsonáda {f} :: alternative spelling of robinzonáda
robinzonáda {f} :: robinsonade
robinzonáda {f} :: acrobatic move of a goalkeeper
robit {v impf} [dialect] :: to do
robot {m} :: robot
robota {f} :: serfdom, villeinage
robota {f} :: corvee
robota {f} [colloquial, usually, pejorative] :: any arduous work; drudgery, grind, slog
robotický {adj} :: robotic
robotika {f} :: robotics (the science and technology of robots, their design, manufacture, and application)
robustní {adj} :: robust
robův {adj} [archaic] :: slave's, serf's
rock {m} :: rock (style of music)
rockový {adj} :: rock (style of music, when used attributively)
ročenka {f} :: yearbook
ročně {adv} :: annually, per year
roční {adj} :: yearly, annual
ročník {m} :: year (a level or grade at school or college)
roční období {n} :: season (quarter of the year)
rod {m} :: family, stock, lineage
rod {m} [botany] :: genus
rod {m} [grammar] :: gender
rod {m} [grammar] :: voice
rodák {m} :: A native, countryman
rodeo {n} :: rodeo
rodič {m anim} :: parent
rodičovský {adj} :: parent, parental
rodičovství {n} :: parenthood
rodilý mluvčí {m} :: native speaker
rodina {f} :: family
rodina písma {f} :: font family, typeface
rodinka {f} :: diminutive of rodina
rodinný {adj} [relational] :: family
rodiště {n} :: birthplace
rodit {v impf} :: to bear, to give birth
rodný {adj} :: native
rodný list {m} :: birth certificate
rodokmen {m} :: pedigree
rodokmen {m} :: family tree
roh {m} :: horn (a hard growth of keratin that protrudes from the top of the head of certain animals)
roh {m} :: horn (any of several musical wind instruments)
roh {m} :: corner (of a street)
roh {m} :: corner (the space in the angle between converging walls which meet in a point)
rohatý {adj} :: horned (having horns)
rohatý {m anim} :: devil
roh hojnosti {m} :: cornucopia, horn of plenty
rohlík {m} :: roll (a form of bread)
rohovka {f} :: cornea
rohovkový {adj} :: corneal
rohový kop {m} :: corner kick
rohožka {f} :: doormat
rocháda {f} [obsolete, chess] :: alternative form of rošáda (castling)
roj {m} :: swarm
rojník {m anim} [rugby] :: forward
rok {m inan} :: year, the time it takes a planetary body to complete one revolution around a star
rok {m inan} [science] :: year, exactly 365.25 days
rok {m inan} :: year, a period between set dates that denotes a year
rok {m inan} :: year, a scheduled part of a year spent in a given activity
rokfór {m} :: Roquefort (blue cheese)
rokle {f} :: gorge
roklina {f} :: gorge, ravine, gully
roklinka {f} :: diminutive of roklina
rokoko {n} :: rococo
rokyta {f} [archaic or dialectal] :: willow
roláda {f} :: Swiss roll
rolák {m} :: turtleneck collar [US], turtleneck [US], polo-neck [UK]
rolák {m} :: turtleneck sweater [US], turtleneck [US], polo-neck sweater [UK]
Roland {prop} {m} :: given name
role {f} :: role, part (of an actor)
role {f} :: lines (spoken text of an actor playing a part)
role {f} :: role (e. g. of a person in a society)
role {f} [linguistics] :: role (function of a constituent in a clause)
role {f} :: scroll
role {f} [obsolete, literary] :: field (area to grow crops)
role {f} :: old unit of field measurement
role {f} [obsolete, literary] :: area, domain (of activity)
rolička {f} :: diminutive of role
rolnička {f} :: jingle bell
rolník {m anim} :: peasant (member of the agriculture low class)
Rom {m} :: a Roma
romadúr {m} :: a kind of cheese
Roman {prop} {m} :: given name
román {m inan} :: novel
Romana {prop} {f} :: given name
romanistika {f} :: Romance studies
Romanka {prop} {f} :: given name
romanopisec {m} :: novelist (author of novels)
románský {adj} :: Romance (of or dealing with languages or cultures derived from Roman influence and Latin)
romantický {adj} :: romantic
romantik {m} :: romantic
romantismus {m} :: romanticism
rombický {adj} :: rhombic
rombus {m} [rare] :: rhombus
Romča {prop} {f} :: A pet form of the female given name Romana
romský {adj} :: Romani
romština {f} :: (language) Romani
ron {noun} [geography] :: rainwash
ropa {f} :: petroleum (crude)
ropná skvrna {noun} :: oil spill, oil spot
ropné zásoby {noun} :: oil reserves
ropný {adj} [relational] :: oil, petroleum
ropný vrt {m} :: oil well
ropovod {m} :: petroleum pipeline, oil pipeline
ropucha {f} :: toad
rorýs {m} :: swift (bird)
rosa {f} :: dew
rosela {f} :: rosella
rosenkrucián {m} :: Rosicrucian
rosenkruciánský {adj} :: Rosicrucian
rosička {f} :: finger grass, crabgrass, any member of the genus Digitaria
rosnička {f} :: tree frog (family Hylidae)
rosný {adj} [relational] :: dew
rosný bod {m} :: dew point
rosolovka {f} :: tremella (any fungus of genus Tremella)
rosolozub {m inan} :: Pseudohydnum (genus of fungi in the order Auriculariales)
rosolozub huspenitý {noun} :: toothed jelly fungus, jelly tooth, false hedgehog mushroom (Pseudohydnum gelatinosum, the only species of fungi in the genus Pseudohydnum in the order Auriculariales)
rosomáčí {adj} :: wolverine, wolverine's
rosomák {m} :: wolverine
Rosťa {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given name Rostislav
Rostislav {prop} {m} :: given name
rostlina {f} :: plant
rostlinka {f} :: diminutive of rostlina
rostlinný {adj} [relational] :: plant (made from or related to plants)
rostlinopis {m} [archaic] :: botany (scientific study of plants, a branch of biology)
rostoucí {adj} :: increasing, growing
rošáda {f} [chess] :: castling
rošáda {f} :: change of a person in a position
rotace {f} :: rotation
rotačka {f} :: rotary printing press
rotmistr {m} :: technical sergeant
rotný {m} :: staff sergeant
rotoped {m} :: stationary bicycle
rotor {m} :: rotor (rotating part of a mechanical device)
rotovat {v impf} :: to rotate, spin, revolve
rotunda {f} :: rotunda (building)
rotyka {f} [colloquial] :: fuss, ado
roub {m} :: graft, scion
roubení {n} :: timbering
roubování {n} :: grafting (horticulture)
rouhač {m} :: blasphemer
rouhačský {adj} :: blasphemous
rouhání {n} :: verbal noun of rouhat
rouhání {n} :: blasphemy
rouhat {v impf} :: to blaspheme, to commit blasphemy
rouhavý {adj} :: blasphemous
roucho {n} :: garment
rouno {n} :: fleece (insulating skin with the wool attached)
roura {f} [computing] :: pipe, pipeline (means of interprocess communication)
rouška {f} :: veil
rouška {f} :: face mask
rouška {f} :: guise
rovina {f} :: plain, flatland (expanse of land)
rovina {f} [geometry] :: plane (a flat surface extending infinitely in all directions)
rovina {f} :: level
rovinka {f} :: diminutive of rovina
rovinka {f} :: straight (of a road, track)
rovinný {adj} :: planar
rovinný úhel {m} :: plane angle
rovnat {v impf} :: to equal
rovnátka {noun} :: dental braces
rovněž {adv} :: as well
rovnice {f} :: equation
rovník {m} :: equator (circle around the earth)
rovníkový {adj} :: equatorial
rovnítko {n} :: equal sign
rovnoběžka {f} [geometry] :: parallel
rovnoběžka {f} [geography] :: parallel
rovnoběžník {m} [geometry] :: parallelogram
rovnoběžnost {f} [geometry] :: parallelism
rovnoběžnostěn {m} :: parallelepiped
rovnoběžný {adj} [geometry] :: parallel
rovnocennost {f} :: equality (fact of being equal)
rovnodennost {f} :: equinox
rovnoměrné rozdělení {n} [statistics] :: uniform distribution
rovnoměrnost {f} :: evenness
rovnoměrný {adj} :: even, uniform (without great variation)
rovnoramenný {adj} [geometry] :: isosceles
rovnost {f} :: equality
rovnostářský {adj} :: egalitarian
rovnostářství {f} :: egalitarianism
rovnostranný {adj} [geometry] :: equilateral
rovnou {adv} :: straight away, right away
rovnováha {f} :: balance, equilibrium
rovný {adj} :: even (flat and level)
rovný {adj} :: equal
roz- {prefix} :: dis-; apart
Rozálie {prop} {f} :: given name
rozbalit {v} :: to unpack, to unwrap
rozbalit {v} :: to unpack, to decompress
rozbít {v pf} :: to break
rozbít se {v} :: reflexive of rozbít
rozbitý {adj} :: broken
rozbor {m} :: analysis
rozbřesk {m} :: dawn
rozcestí {n} :: fork (junction)
rozcestí {n} :: crossroads
rozcestník {m} :: fingerpost, milepost
rozcestník {m} :: (in Wikicontext) disambiguation page
rozcuchaný {adj} :: tousled
rozcvička {f} :: warm-up
rozčarování {n} :: disillusionment, disillusion
rozčarovaný {adj} :: disillusioned
rozčepýřený {adj} :: ruffled (puffed up like bird's feathers)
rozčílit {vt pf} :: to anger
rozčílit {v pf} :: to get angry
rozčilovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of rozčílit
rozčtvrtit {v pf} :: to quarter (divide into quarters)
rozdávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of rozdat
rozdělení {n} :: verbal noun of rozdělit
rozdělení {n} [statistics] :: distribution
rozdělení pravděpodobnosti {n} :: probability distribution
rozdělit {v pf} :: to divide, to split
rozdělovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of rozdělit
rozdíl {m inan} :: difference
rozdílnost {f} :: disparity; difference (the quality of being different)
rozdílnost {f} :: dissimilarity
rozdílný {adj} :: different
rozdrcený {adj} :: Crushed, pulverized
rozdrtit {v pf} :: To crush
roze- {prefix} :: A prefix, sometimes used instead of roz- in front of a consonant
rozebírat {v impf} :: to dismantle, to disassemble
rozebírat {v impf} :: to dwell on, to dwell upon
rozebrat {v pf} :: to take apart, to disassemble
rozebrat {v pf} :: to analyze
rozedma plic {f} [pathology] :: emphysema
rozehrát {v pf} :: to start, open (a game, match or competition)
rozehrát {v pf} :: (sport) to knock up
rozejít {v pf} :: to part (to leave one another)
rození {n} :: verbal noun of rodit
rozený {adj} :: born
rozepře {f} :: dispute
rozesmát {v} :: to make laugh
rozesmát {v} :: to start laughing
rozesraný {adj} [vulgar] :: fucked up, messed up
rozeta {f} :: rosette
rozeznat {v pf} :: to distinguish
rozhlas {m} :: radio
rozhlasový {adj} :: radio (when used attributively)
rozhněvaný {adj} :: angry (displaying anger)
rozhněvat {v} :: to get angry
rozhněvat {v} :: to make angry, to anger
rozhodčí {m} [sports] :: referee
rozhodčí {f} [sports] :: referee
rozhodčí {adj} :: related to arbitration
rozhodně {adv} :: definitely
rozhodnost {f} :: determination, decisiveness, firmness, resolve
rozhodnout {v pf} :: to decide (come to a resolution or judgment)
rozhodnout {v pf} :: to decide
rozhodnout {v pf} :: to decide, determine, settle
rozhodnutelnost {f} :: decidability
rozhodnutelný {adj} :: decidable
rozhodnutí {n} :: verbal noun of rozhodnout
rozhodnutí {n} :: decision (choice or judgement)
rozhodnutý {adj} :: determined, decided
rozhodný {adj} :: decisive (marked by promptness and decision)
rozhodopádně {adv} :: absitively posolutely; no way
rozhodování {n} :: decision making
rozhodovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of rozhodnout
rozhodující {adj} :: decisive
rozhořčení {n} :: verbal noun of rozhořčit
rozhořčení {n} :: indignation
rozhovor {m} :: conversation
rozhovor {m} :: interview
rozhraní {n} :: limit, frontier
rozhraní {n} [computing] :: interface
rozhřešení {n} :: absolution
rozinka {f} :: raisin
rozjímání {n} :: meditation, contemplation (attention of the mind to a particular subject)
rozjímat {v impf} :: to meditate, to contemplate
rozkaz {m} :: order, command
rozkázat {v pf} :: To order, command
rozkazovací {adj} :: imperative
rozkazovací způsob {m} :: imperative mood
rozklad {m} :: decomposition
rozklad {m} [set theory] :: partition
rozkládat {v impf} :: imperfective form of rozložit
rozkládat se {v} :: reflexive of rozkládat
rozklad na prvočísla {m} :: prime factorization
rozklepaný {adj} [colloquial] :: shivering, shaking (because of fear or hangover)
rozkoš {f} :: pleasure
rozkošný {adj} :: adorable, darling, delightful
rozkoukat {v pf} :: [colloquial] to look around
rozkrok {m} :: groin, crotch
rozkulačení {n} [derogatory, historical, singulare tantum] :: dekulakization, finishing the process of deculacization (the communist repression of wealthy peasants or farmers including collectivization of their property)
rozkulačený {adj} [historical] :: Of a farmer or peasant: dekulakized, having been the subject of forced collectivization and dekulakization
rozkulačený {adj} [historical] :: Of a property of a farmer or peasant: dekulakized, collectivized by force
rozkulačený {noun} [historical] :: A dekulakized farmer or peasant, one who has been a subject of forced collectivization and dekulakization
rozkulačit {vt pf} [derogatory, historical] :: to dekulakize, to collectivize the property of a kulak (a wealthy peasant)
rozkulačování {n} [derogatory, historical, singulare tantum] :: dekulakization, the communist repression of wealthy peasants or farmers including collectivization of their property
rozkulačovat {vt impf} [historical] :: to dekulakize or keep dekulakizing (collectivizing the property of a prosperous peasant or farmer)
rozkvět {m} :: blossom (state or season)
rozkvět {m} :: prosperity
rozkvetlý {adj} :: blooming, flowering
rozlehlý {adj} :: vast
rozlehnout {v pf} :: to resound, to reverberate
rozlehnout {v pf} :: to carry a sound well
rozličný {adj} :: various, diverse
rozličný {adj} :: different
rozlišení {n} :: verbal noun of rozlišit
rozlišení {n} :: resolution (number of pixels in an image)
rozlišit {v pf} :: to distinguish
rozlišování {n} :: discrimination (the act of making a distinction, noting differences between things)
rozlišovat {v impf} :: to differentiate (to discriminate)
rozlišující {adj} :: distinguishing
rozlít {v} :: to spill
rozloha {f} :: area (measure of squared distance)
rozloučení {n} :: farewell
rozloučit {v pf} :: to say goodbye
rozložení {n} :: verbal noun of rozložit
rozložení {n} :: layout (keyboard layout)
rozložit {v pf} :: to decompose
rozluštit {v pf} :: to decode, to decrypt (cipher)
rozluštit {v pf} :: to solve (riddle)
rozmanitost {f} :: diversity
rozmanitý {adj} :: diverse
rozmar {m} :: whim
rozmarýn {m} :: rosemary
rozmarýna {f} :: rosemary
rozmařilý {adj} :: profligate
rozmazaný {adj} :: blurred
rozmazat {v pf} :: to smear, smudge, blur
rozmazat {v pf} :: to become smudged
rozmazat {v pf} :: to blur, become unfocused
rozmazávat {v impf} :: to smear, smudge, blur
rozmazávat {v impf} :: to rub something in
rozmazlený {adj} :: spoiled, spoilt (overindulged)
rozmazlit {v pf} :: to spoil (to coddle to an extreme)
rozměr {m} :: dimension (measure of spatial extent)
rozměrný {adj} :: big, large
rozmezí {n} :: range (interval)
rozmístění {n} :: arrangement, layout
rozmlouvat {vi} :: to converse (to engage in conversation)
rozmlouvat {vt} :: to dissuade
rozmluvit {v pf} :: to dissuade
rozmnoženina {f} :: copy (the result of copying)
rozmnožit {vt pf} :: to reproduce (to produce a copy)
rozmnožit {v pf} :: to reproduce [biology]
rozmnožovací soustava {f} :: reproductive system
rozmnožování {n} :: reproduction
rozmotat {v pf} :: to untangle
rozmrdaný {adj} [vulgar] :: fucked up, messed up
rozmrznout {v} :: to unfreeze
rozostřovat {v impf} :: to blur, unfocus
rozostřovat {v impf} :: to blur, become unfocused
rozpačitý {adj} :: embarrassed, bashful, hesitant, confused, awkward
rozpad {m} :: decay
rozpakovat {v impf} :: to hesitate, be hesitant or reluctant
rozpaky {noun} :: embarrassment, misgivings, quandary
rozpinkat {v pf} :: (sport) to knock up
rozpočet {m} :: budget
rozpočtování {n} :: budgeting
rozpočtový {adj} [relational] :: budget
rozpolcený {adj} :: split
rozpor {m inan} :: discrepancy
rozporný {adj} :: contradictory, conflicting
rozporný {adj} :: inconsistent, ambivalent
rozporuplný {adj} :: inconsistent, self-contradictory
rozpoznání {n} :: recognition (the act of recognizing or the condition of being recognized)
rozpoznaný {adj} :: identified
rozpoznaný {adj} :: diagnosed
rozpoznat {v pf} :: to recognize
rozpracovat {v pf} :: to elaborate
rozprava {f} :: a discussion
rozprostírat {v impf} :: to extend
rozptyl {m} [statistics] :: variance
rozptyl {m} [physics] :: scattering
rozptýlení {n} :: diversion, entertainment
rozptýlit {v pf} :: to dispel
rozpůlení {n} :: bisection
rozpůlit {v pf} :: to halve (divide into halves)
rozpustit {v pf} :: to thaw (to cause to melt)
rozpustit {v pf} :: to dissolve (to disintegrate by immersing it into a liquid)
rozpustit {v pf} :: to dissolve (of a group of persons)
rozpustnost {f} :: solubility (the condition of being soluble)
rozpustný {adj} :: soluble (able to be dissolved)
rozpuštění {n} :: dissolution
rozrazil {m inan} :: speedwell, veronica (any plant of the genus Veronica)
rozruch {m} :: commotion
rozrušený {adj} :: upset (angry, distressed, unhappy)
rozředit {v pf} :: to dilute, thin out, water down
rozsah {m} :: scope (breadth, depth or reach)
rozsáhlý {adj} :: extensive
rozsivka {f} :: diatom
rozsudek {m} :: sentence, verdict (decision of a jury)
rozsudek {m} :: judgment (legal)
rozsudek smrti {m} :: death warrant
rozsvěcovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of rozsvítit
rozsvítit {v pf} :: to turn on (object: the light)
rozsypat {v pf} :: to spill (solid substance)
rozšířený {adj} :: extended, expanded
rozšířit {vt pf} :: to widen (to make wider)
rozšířit {v pf} :: to spread (to expand)
rozšiřitelnost {f} :: extensibility
rozšiřitelný {adj} :: extensible
rozšiřovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of rozšířit
rozštěpit {v pf} :: to split, rend, divide
rozštěpit {v pf} :: to split, divide
roztáhnout {v pf} :: to spread (to stretch out, expand)
roztahovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of roztáhnout
roztát {vi pf} :: to thaw
roztát {vi pf} :: to melt
roztavit {vt pf} :: to melt down (by heating)
rozteč {f} :: pitch (distance between evenly spaced objects), spacing
roztěkaný {adj} :: inattentive, not concentrated
roztěkaný {adj} :: desultory
roztíratelný {adj} :: spreadable (capable of being spread)
roztleskávačka {f} :: cheerleader
roztoč {m} :: acarus
roztok {m} [chemistry] :: solution
Roztoky {prop} {mp} :: small town on Vltava river bordering Prague on north
Roztoky {prop} {mp} :: Roztoky (city)
roztomilý {adj} :: cute
roztroušená skleróza {f} :: multiple sclerosis
roztroušený {adj} :: scattered
roztřetit {v pf} :: to third (divide into thirds)
roztřídit {v pf} :: to sort out (to organise or separate into groups)
roztříštit {v pf} :: to shatter, to smash, to break into pieces
rozum {m} :: reason (the thinking faculty)
rozumět {vt impf} [with dative] :: to understand
rozumět {v impf} :: to go without saying
rozumět {v impf} [, used with si] :: to understand (another person sympathetically); to sympathize with
rozumět jako koza petrželi {v} [simile] :: to not understand at all, to have no knowledge at all
rozumně {adv} :: reasonably
rozumnost {f} :: reasonableness
rozumný {adj} :: reasonable, sensible
rozvádět {v impf} :: imperfective form of rozvést
rozvaha {f} :: balance sheet
rozvázat {v pf} :: to untie (to loosen, as something interlaced or knotted)
rozvážný {adj} :: judicious, prudent
rozvedený {adj} :: divorced
rozvědka {f} :: intelligence (a political or military department, agency or unit designed to gather information, usually secret, about the enemy or about hostile activities)
rozvést {vt pf} :: to divorce, to separate (to legally dissolve a marriage)
rozvést {v pf} :: to divorce (of couple, to get divorced)
rozvést {v pf} :: to elaborate
rozvětvení {n} :: ramification (botany)
rozvinout {v pf} :: to develop
rozvinutý {adj} :: advanced, developed
rozvláčný {adj} :: long-winded, prolix
rozvod {m} :: divorce (legal dissolution of a marriage)
rozvoj {m} :: development
rozvojová země {f} :: developing country
rozvojový {adj} :: developing (of a country)
rozvojový plán {m} :: development plan
rozvrh {m} :: schedule (time-based plan of events)
rozvrhování {n} :: scheduling
rozzlobený {adj} :: angry (displaying anger)
rozzlobit {v pf} :: to get angry
rozzlobit {v pf} :: to make angry, to anger
rozzuřit {v pf} :: to enrage
rožeň {m inan} :: spit (thin rod on which meat is skewered)
rožnout {v pf} [dialectal, Moravia, only about light] :: to turn on
rtěnka {f} :: lipstick
RTG {noun} :: X-ray
rtík {m} :: diminutive of ret
rtuť {f} :: mercury (a metal)
rtuťový {adj} [relational] :: mercury, mercurial (related to the element mercury)
rub {m} :: back (the reverse side)
rub {m} :: the other (often negative) aspect of a situation
rubáš {noun} :: shroud, winding sheet
rubidium {n} :: rubidium
Rubikova kostka {f} :: Rubik's cube
rubín {m} :: ruby
rubl {m} :: ruble
rubrika {f} :: rubric (category)
ručička {f} :: diminutive of ruka
ručit {v impf} :: to guarantee
ručitel {m} :: guarantee, guarantor
ručně {adv} :: by hand, manually
ruční {adj} :: manual
ručník {m} :: towel
růčo {adv} [colloquial] :: by hand, manually
ruda {f} :: ore
Ruda {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given name Rudolf
Rudé moře {prop} {n} :: Red Sea
rudl {m} :: hand truck
rudnout {v} :: to redden (to become red)
rudoarmějec {m} :: Red Army man
rudoch {m} :: red man, redskin
rudokožec {m} :: redskin, red man
Rudolf {prop} {m} :: given name
Rudolfek {prop} {m} :: given name
rudolfínský {adj} :: Rudolphine (pertaining to Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor)
rudoušek {m anim} :: seedcracker
rudý {adj} :: red
rudý posuv {m} :: redshift
rugby {n} :: rugby
ruina {f} :: ruin
ruinovat {v impf} :: to ruin
Rujána {prop} {f} :: Rügen
ruka {f} :: hand
rukáv {m} :: sleeve
rukavice {f} :: glove (item of clothing)
rukavička {f} :: diminutive of rukavice
rukávník {m} :: muff (a piece of fur or cloth for keeping the hands warm)
rukcuk {adv} [colloquial] :: in no time
rukojeť {f} :: handle (part of an object which is held in the hand when used or moved)
rukojmí {n} :: hostage
rukola {f} :: arugula
rukopis {m} :: handwriting
rukopis {m} :: manuscript
rukověť {f} [archaic] :: handbook
ruku líbám {interj} [archaic, greeting] :: I kiss (your) hands
ruku na srdce {phrase} [idiomatic] :: in all honesty, in all fairness, honestly, frankly
rula {f} :: gneiss
ruleta {f} :: roulette (game of chance)
rum {m} :: rum
rum {m} :: rubble
rumba {f} :: rumba
rumpál {m} :: windlass
rumrejch {m} [colloquial] :: uproar, tumult
Rumun {m anim} :: Romanian (person)
rumunismus {m} :: word or other feature originating in the Romanian language that has been borrowed by another language
Rumunka {f} :: female Romanian (native of Romania)
Rumunsko {prop} {n} :: Romania
rumunský {adj} :: Romanian
rumunština {f} :: Romanian (language)
runda {f} :: round (of drinks)
runway {f} :: runway (section for landing or take-off)
rup {interj} [onomatopoeia] :: crack, burst, snap
rupie {f} :: rupee (any of several currencies used in modern India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Seychelles, Hyrule, or Mauritius)
ruptura {f} :: rupture
Rus {m anim} :: Russian (person)
Rusák {m} [colloquial] :: Russian (person)
rusismus {m} :: Russianism
rusista {m} :: Russianist
rusistika {f} :: Russian studies (academic discipline)
rusistka {f} :: female Russianist
Ruska {f} :: female Russian
Ruská federace {prop} {f} :: Russian Federation
ruská ruleta {f} :: Russian roulette
Rusko {prop} {n} :: Russia
rusky {adv} :: In a Russian manner
rusky {adv} :: In Russian (language)
ruský {adj} :: Russian (of or pertaining to Russia)
ruský {adj} :: Russian (of or pertaining to Russian language)
rusovláska {f} :: female redhead (person)
růst {m} :: growth
růst {v impf} :: to grow
růst jako z vody {v} [simile] :: to grow fast
růstový {adj} [relational] :: growth
růstový fond {m} :: growth fund
rusý {adj} :: red-haired
rušení {n} :: verbal noun of rušit
rušení {n} :: disturbance
rušit {v impf} :: to disturb
ruština {f} :: Russian (language)
ruštinář {m} :: teacher of Russian
Rút {prop} {f} :: given name
Rút {prop} {f} [religion] :: Ruth (book of the Bible)
ruthenium {n} :: ruthenium
rutherfordium {n} :: rutherfordium
rutina {f} :: skill, dexterity
rutina {f} :: a set of normal procedures, often performed mechanically; a routine
různit {v impf} :: to vary
různorodost {f} :: heterogeneity
různorodý {adj} :: heterogeneous
různost {f} :: difference
různý {adj} :: different
různý {adj} :: various
růž {f} :: rouge, blusher
Růža {prop} {f} :: A pet form of the female given name Růžena
růže {f} :: rose
růže {f} [pathology] :: erysipelas
růže {f} [heraldry] :: rose
Růžena {prop} {f} :: given name
růženec {m} :: rosary
Růženka {prop} {f} :: given name
růžice {f} :: rosette
růžička {f} :: diminutive of růže
růžičková kapusta {f} :: Brussels sprout (vegetable)
růžové víno {n} :: rosé wine
růžovka {f} :: blusher (Amanita rubescens)
růžový {adj} :: pink, rose-coloured
rváček {m anim} :: diminutive of rváč
rváček {m anim} [rugby] :: flanker
rváček {m inan} [rugby] :: position of flanker
rvačka {f} :: fight, brawl
rvát {v impf} :: to tear, to rend
rvát {v impf} :: to yank, to jerk, to pull sharply
rvát {v impf} :: to pick, to collect fruit
RVHP {prop} :: initialism of Rada vzájemné hospodářské pomoci
Rwanda {prop} {f} :: Rwanda (country)
Rwanďan {m} :: Rwandan (person)
rwandský {adj} :: Rwandan
ryba {f} :: fish
rybák {m anim} [archaic] :: fisher, fisherman
rybák {m anim} :: tern
rybář {m anim} :: fisher (person)
rybařit {v impf} :: to fish (to try to catch fish)
rybářský {adj} [relational] :: fishing
rybářský prut {m} :: fishing rod
ryba smrdí od hlavy {proverb} :: Problems with people at lower ranks of an organization are to be traced to similar problems with people in the leadership; the fish rots from the head
rybí {adj} [relational] :: fish, fish's
rybička {m} :: diminutive of ryba
rybíz {m} :: currant
rybka {f} :: diminutive of ryba
rybníček {m} :: diminutive of rybník
rybník {m inan} :: pond, fishpond
rybolov {m} :: fishing (the business of catching fish in large quantities for sale)
rýč {m} :: spade (tool)
rychle {adv} :: quickly
rychleji {adv} :: comparative of rychle
rychlejší {adj} :: comparative of rychlý
rychlé občerstvení {n} :: fast food
Rychlé šípy {prop} {mp} [idiom, ] :: a group of absolutely honest people
rychlík {m inan} :: express, express train, fast train
rychlobruslař {m} :: speed skater
rychlobruslařka {f} :: female speed skater
rychlobruslení {n} :: speed skating (the sport of racing around an oval course on ice skates)
rychlost {f} :: speed, velocity
rychlost světla {f} :: speed of light (the speed of electromagnetic radiation in a perfect vacuum)
rychlovarná konvice {f} :: electric kettle, electric jug
rychlovlak {m} :: express train, fast train
rychlý {adj} :: fast
rychlý jako blesk {adj} [simile] :: very fast
rychta {f} [historical] :: bailiff's house
rychta {f} [historical] :: bailiff's office
rychtář {m} [historical] :: bailiff, magistrate
ryk {m inan} [poetic] :: roar, roaring
rým {m} :: rhyme
rýma {f} [symptom] :: runny nose, rhinorrhea
rýmovačka {f} :: rhyme
rýmovačka {f} :: nursery rhyme
rýmovat {v impf} :: to rhyme
Rýn {prop} {m inan} :: the Rhine
rynecký {noun} [archaic] :: belonging to a town square, settled on a town square
ryneček {m inan} [obsolete] :: diminutive of rynek
rynek {m inan} [dated] :: square, an open space in a town
ryngle {f} :: greengage, Prunus domestica subsp. italica
rynk {m inan} [dated] :: square, an open space in a town
rýnský {adj} :: Rhine (when used attributively)
rýnský {m} :: gold coin of certain kind
ryolit {m} [geology] :: rhyolite
rypák {m} :: snout (long, projecting nose, mouth and jaw of a beast)
rypák {m} [vulgar] :: mouth or nose
rýpat {v impf} :: to dig
rýpat {v impf} :: to nag
rypouš {m} :: elephant seal
rypouš sloní {m} :: southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina)
rys {m anim} :: lynx
rys {m inan} :: trait, attribute
rys {m inan} :: technical drawing
rysí {adj} :: lynx, lynx's
rysice {f} :: female lynx
ryska {f} :: a marking on a ruler
rýsování {n} :: verbal noun of rýsovat
rýsování {n} :: technical drawing (activity)
rýsovat {v impf} :: to draw (in technical drawing)
ryšavý {adj} :: Red-haired
rýt {v impf} :: to dig (with a spade)
rýt {v impf} :: to engrave
rytec {m} :: engraver, woodcutter
rytina {f} :: engraving, carving
rytíř {m} :: knight
rytířský {adj} :: chivalrous
rytířství {n} :: chivalry, knighthood
rytmický {adj} :: rhythmic
rytmika {f} :: rhythm section
rytmus {m} :: rhythm
ryzec {m inan} :: milk-cap (mushroom of the genus Lactarius)
ryzí {adj} :: pure (free of foreign material or pollutants)
ryzost {f} :: purity (of material)
rýže {f} :: rice
rýžové mléko {n} :: rice milk
rýžovník {m anim} :: Java sparrow
rýžový {adj} :: rice (made from or related to rice)
ržání {n} :: neigh (the cry of a horse)
ržát {v} :: to neigh (of a horse, to make its cry)
ř {letter} :: The twenty-eighth letter of the Czech alphabet, after r and before s
řád {m} :: order (opposite to chaos)
řád {m} [taxonomy] :: order
řád {m} :: order (religious group)
řada {f} :: row (line of objects)
řada {f} :: series, succession
řada {f} [analysis] :: series
řada {f} [chess] :: rank
řádek {m} :: row (in a table)
řádek {m} :: row, line (single horizontal row of text on a screen or printed paper)
řádění {n} :: horseplay, running wild
řadič {m inan} [computing] :: controller (physical device)
řadit {v impf} :: to sort (to arrange in order)
řádit {v} :: to wreak havoc (weather, animal, disease, criminal etc)
řádit {v} :: to raise hell, run wild
řádka {f} :: row (in a table)
řádka {f} :: row, line (single horizontal row of text on a screen or printed paper)
řádný {adj} :: regular (of session)
řadová číslovka {f} :: ordinal numeral
řadový {adj} :: ordinal
řach {interj} :: A sound of impact
řapík {m} :: leafstalk, petiole
řasa {f} :: eyelash
řasa {f} :: alga
řasenka {f} :: mascara
řasinka {f} [cytology] :: cilium
řebčík {m} :: fritillary (any of several bulbous perennial plants, of the genus Fritillaria)
řebříček {m} :: yarrow, milfoil, achillea ‎(any herb of the genus Achillea)
Řecko {prop} {n} :: Greece
řeckořímský {adj} :: Graeco-Roman
řeckořímský zápas {m} :: Graeco-Roman wrestling
řecký {adj} :: Greek (of the Greek language, people or country)
řeč {f} :: speech (faculty)
řeč {f} :: speech, oration
řeč {f} :: language
řečený {adj} :: called, nicknamed, AKA
řečiště {n} :: bed (of a river)
řečnická figura {f} :: figure of speech
řečnická otázka {f} :: rhetorical question
řečnický {adj} :: rhetorical
řečnictví {n} :: rhetoric (art of using language for persuasion)
řečník {m} :: orator
řečník {m} :: speaker
řečová figura {f} :: figure of speech
řečový {adj} [relational] :: speech
řečtina {f} :: Greek (language)
ředění {n} :: verbal noun of ředit
ředění {n} :: dilution
ředěný {adj} :: diluted
ředidlo {n} :: thinner (liquid that thins)
ředit {v impf} :: to dilute
ředitel {m anim} :: director (manager, not of film)
ředitel {m anim} :: principal, headmaster, headteacher (the chief administrator of a school)
ředitelka {f} :: female director
ředitelný {adj} :: dilutable
ředitelský {adj} :: directorial
ředitelství {n} :: headquarters (center of a organization's operations or administration)
ředitelství {n} :: directorate (agency headed by a director)
ředitelství {n} :: headship
ředkev {f} :: radish (Raphanus sativus)
ředkvička {f} :: radish (plant)
ředkvička {f} :: radish (edible root)
Řehoř {prop} {m} :: given name
Řehořek {prop} {m} :: given name
řehtání {n} :: neigh (the cry of a horse)
řehtat {v} :: to neigh (of a horse, to make its cry)
řehtat {v} [colloquial] :: to laugh
Řek {m anim} :: Greek (person)
řeka {f} :: river
Řekyně {f} :: female Greek (person)
řemdih {m} :: flail (weapon)
řemen {m} :: belt (band worn around the waist)
řemen {m} :: belt (band that is used in a machine to help transfer motion or power)
řemeslník {m} :: craftsman, artisan
řemeslný {adj} :: craft, artisan (when used attributively)
řemeslo {n} :: craft (skilled practice)
řepa {f} :: beet
Řepčín {prop} {m inan} :: a former village, nowadays a quarter of the city of Olomouc
řepčínský {adj} :: from, of, or pertaining to Řepčín
Řepčínští {m anim} :: people living in Řepčín
řepka {f} :: rapeseed
řepkový olej {m} :: rapeseed oil
řeřicha {f} :: watercress
řeřicha {f} :: garden cress
řeřicha {f} :: pepperwort
řeřišnice křivolaká {noun} :: Wavy bittercress, Cardamine flexuosa
řešení {n} :: verbal noun of řešit
řešení {n} :: solution (of a problem)
řešeto {n} [archaic] :: colander
řešit {v impf} :: to solve
řešit {v impf} :: to discuss
řešit {v impf} :: to bother
řešitel {m} :: solver
řešitelnost {f} :: solvability
řešitelný {adj} :: solvable, soluble
řešit sám sebe {v impf} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to be self-interested; to deal with, take care of or think especially about things related to oneself
Řešov {prop} {m} :: Rzeszów
řetěz {m inan} :: chain (of rings or links)
řetězcová izomerie {f} :: chain isomerism
řetězec {m inan} [business] :: chain
řetězec {m inan} [computing] :: string
řetězová pila {f} :: chainsaw
řetězová reakce {f} :: chain reaction
řev {m} :: roar
řevnit {v impf} :: to envy
řevnivý {adj} :: jealous, envious
řez {m} :: section, cutting
řezák {m} :: incisor
řezat {v impf} :: to cut (to perform an incision, for example with a knife)
řezat {v impf} :: to saw (with a saw)
řezbář {m} :: woodcarver
řezbářství {n} :: wood carving
Řezná {prop} {f} :: the Regen
řeznický {adj} :: butcher's
řeznictví {n} :: butcher's, butcher shop, butcher's shop
řezníček {m} :: diminutive of řezník
řezník {m anim} :: butcher
Řezno {prop} {n} :: Regensburg (city in Bavaria, Germany, also called Ratisbon)
řež {f} :: carnage (death and destruction)
říci {v pf} :: to say
říct {v pf} :: to say
říčka {f} :: diminutive of řeka: stream
říční {adj} [relational] :: river; fluvial
říční loď {f} :: riverboat
říďa {m} [slang] :: principal, headmaster, headteacher (the chief administrator of a school)
řídce {adv} :: sparsely
řidč. {adv} :: abbreviation of řidčeji
řidčeji {adv} :: comparative of řídce
řídící {adj} :: steering
řídící panel {m} :: control panel
řídící znak {m} :: control character
řidič {m} :: driver (person)
řidičák {m} [colloquial] :: driver's license
řidička {f} :: a female driver (person)
řidičský {adj} :: relating to driver
řidičský průkaz {m} :: driver's license
řídit {v impf} :: to control
řídit {v impf} :: to drive (a car)
řídit {v impf} :: to steer (a vehicle, including ship)
řídit {v impf} :: to govern
řídit {v impf} :: to follow (object: rules, instructions)
řiditelný {adj} :: drivable, driveable
řidítka {fp} :: handlebars
řídkost {f} :: sparseness (the state or quality of being sparse)
řídký {adj} :: thin (of low viscosity)
řídký {adj} :: sparse
řídký {adj} :: infrequent
řídnout {vi impf} :: to thin (become less dense)
Říha {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
říhání {n} :: belching, burping
říhat {v impf} :: imperfective form of říhnout
říhnout {v pf} :: to belch
říhnutí {n} :: belch
říje {f} :: rutting
říjen {m inan} :: October
říjnový {adj} [relational] :: October
říkanka {f} :: rhyme
říkanka {f} :: nursery rhyme
říkat {v impf} :: to say
říkat {v impf} :: to call, to name
Řím {prop} {m} :: Řím (capital city)
Říman {m} :: Roman
Říman {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
Římanka {f} :: female Roman
římsa {f} :: windowsill
římsa {f} :: mantelpiece
římsa {f} [architecture] :: moulding or dripstone
římská číslice {f} :: Roman numeral
římské právo {n} :: Ancient Roman law
římskokatolický {adj} :: Roman Catholic
římský {adj} :: Roman
římský kmín {m} :: cumin (spice)
řinčet {v impf} :: to clash, to clang, to rattle
řinout {v impf} :: to ooze
řípa {f} :: alternative form of řepa
říše {f} :: realm
říše {f} :: empire
říše {f} [taxonomy] :: kingdom
říšský {adj} :: imperial
řiť {f} :: anus
řítit {v impf} :: to career, hurtle, dash
řiťka {f} :: diminutive of řiť
řitní {adj} [medical] :: anal (related to anus)
řitní otvor {m} :: anus
řiťolez {m} :: ass-licker, brown noser, suck-up
řiťolezec {m} :: ass-licker, brown noser, suck-up
řízek {m} :: cutlet (slice of meat)
řízek {m} :: escalope
řízek {m} :: cutting, (leaf, stem, branch, or root removed from a plant and cultivated to grow a new plant)
řízení {n} :: verbal noun of řídit
řízení {n} :: driving (of a car)
řízení {n} :: steering
řízení {n} :: management
řízení {n} :: control (of a machine or system)
řízení času {n} :: time management
řízení projektů {n} :: project management
řízení rizik {n} :: risk management
řízený {adj} :: guided (of missiles)
řízený slovník {m} [information science] :: controlled vocabulary
říznutí {n} :: cut (act of cutting)
řvaní {n} :: roaring, hollering, bellowing
řvát {vi impf} :: to yell, roar
řvavý {adj} :: blaring, raucous, noisy
řvavý {adj} :: garish