User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-n - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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哈德遜 {prop} /Hādéxùn/ :: Hudson
哈德遜河 {prop} /Hādéxùnhé/ :: Hudson River
哈德遜灣 {prop} /Hādéxùn Wān/ :: Hudson Bay
哈尔滨 {def} SEE: 哈爾濱 ::
哈尔科夫 {def} SEE: 哈爾科夫 ::
哈尔札克 {def} SEE: 哈爾札克 ::
哈爾濱 {prop} /Hā'ěrbīn/ :: (~ 市) 哈爾濱 (prefecture-level city/and/sub-provincial city/provincial capital)
哈爾科夫 {prop} /Hā'ěrkēfū/ :: 哈爾科夫 (city)
哈爾札克 {n} [obsolete] /hā'ěrzhákè/ :: alternative name for 艾捷克
哈佛 {prop} /Hāfó/ :: Harvard
哈該 {prop} [Protestantism] /Hāgāi/ :: Haggai
哈該書 {prop} [Protestantism] /Hāgāishū/ :: Haggai (book of the Bible)
哈该 {def} SEE: 哈該 ::
哈该书 {def} SEE: 哈該書 ::
哈盖 {def} SEE: 哈蓋 ::
哈蓋 {prop} [Catholicism] /Hāgài/ :: Haggai (prophet)
哈蓋 {prop} [Catholicism] /Hāgài/ :: Haggai (book of the Bible)
哈工大 {prop} /Hāgōngdà/ :: abbreviation of
哈哈 {adj} [onomatopoeia] /hāhā,tl/ :: the sound of someone laughing out loud
哈哈 {adv} [onomatopoeia] /hāhā,tl/ :: the sound of someone laughing out loud
哈哈鏡 {n} /hāhājìng/ :: distorting mirror; magic mirror
哈哈镜 {def} SEE: 哈哈鏡 ::
哈哈笑 {v} /hāhāxiào/ :: to laugh
哈韓 {v} [slang, possibly dated] /hāhán/ :: to be fond of (South) Korean culture
哈韩 {def} SEE: 哈韓 ::
哈喇 {adj} [colloquial, of foods containing fat or oil] /hāla/ :: rancid; putrid; malodorous
哈喇 {adj} [colloquial, of an idea, figurative] /hāla/ :: useless
哈喇 {v} [in early vernacular novels, colloquial, now, obsolete] /hāla/ :: to kill; to put someone to death; to slaughter
哈喇 {n} [dated] /hāla,kāla,1nb/ :: abbreviation of 哈喇呢
哈喇 {n} [obsolete] /kāla/ :: alternative name for 佤
哈喇 {n} [only in compounds] /kāla/ :: black
哈喇 {n} [colloquial] /hālá/ :: abbreviation of 哈喇子
哈喇子 {n} [dialectal, colloquial] /hālázi/ :: saliva; drool
哈拉和林 {prop} /Hālāhélín/ :: Karakorum (former capital of the Mongol Empire)
哈拉峻 {prop} /Hālājùn/ :: (~ 鄉) 哈拉峻 (township)
哈拉雷 {prop} /Hālāléi/ :: 哈拉雷 (capital)
哈莱姆 {def} SEE: 哈萊姆 ::
哈萊姆 {prop} /Hāláimǔ/ :: Harlem
哈萊姆 {prop} /Hāláimǔ/ :: (~ 區) 哈萊姆 (neighbourhood)
哈佬 {interj} [chiefly Cantonese] /hālǎo/ :: hello
哈雷迪 {n} [Judaism] /hāléidí/ :: Haredi
哈雷彗星 {prop} [astronomy] /Hāléi huìxīng/ :: Halley's comet
哈里发 {def} SEE: 哈里發 ::
哈里发国 {def} SEE: 哈里發國 ::
哈里發 {n} /hālǐfā/ :: caliph
哈里發國 {n} /hālǐfāguó/ :: caliphate
哈里斯 {prop} /Hālǐsī/ :: Harris
哈里斯堡 {prop} /Hālǐsībǎo/ :: 哈里斯堡 (city/state capital)
哈里亞納 {prop} /Hālǐ亚nà/ :: (~ 邦) 哈里亞納 (state)
哈里亚纳 {def} SEE: 哈里亞納 ::
哈利法克斯 {prop} /Hālìfǎkèsī/ :: (~ 市) Halifax
哈利路亞 {interj} [Protestantism] /hālìlù亞/ :: hallelujah (exclamation to praise God)
哈利路亚 {def} SEE: 哈利路亞 ::
哈林 {prop} /Hālín/ :: 哈林 (neighborhood)
哈喽 {def} SEE: 哈嘍 ::
哈嘍 {interj} [slang] /hālou/ :: hello
哈卵 {n} [Southwestern Mandarin, Xiang, vulgar] /hǎluǎn/ :: stupid person; simpleton; fool; idiot
哈啰 {def} SEE: 哈囉 ::
哈囉 {interj} [rare, jocular] /hāluó/ :: hello
哈羅 {interj} [rare, jocular] /hāluó/ :: alternative form of 哈囉
哈罗 {def} SEE: 哈羅 ::
哈馬斯 {prop} /Hāmǎsī/ :: Hamas
哈马斯 {def} SEE: 哈馬斯 ::
哈迷 {n} /hāmí/ :: Harry Potter fan
哈米吉多頓 {prop} /Hāmǐjíduōdùn/ :: Armageddon
哈米吉多顿 {def} SEE: 哈米吉多頓 ::
哈密 {prop} /Hāmì/ :: (~ 市) 哈密 (city)
哈密尔顿 {def} SEE: 哈密爾頓 ::
哈密爾頓 {prop} /Hāmì'ěrdùn/ :: (~ 市) 哈密爾頓 (large port city)
哈密瓜 {n} /hāmìguā/ :: Hami melon; Chinese Hami melon
哈密瓜 {n} /hāmìguā/ :: cantaloupe
哈密瓜 {n} [slang, offensive, neologism] /hāmìguā/ :: Uyghur people
哈姆立克急救法 {n} /Hāmǔlìkè jíjiùfǎ/ :: Heimlich maneuver
哈尼喀塔木 {prop} /Hāníkātǎmù/ :: (~ 鄉) 哈尼喀塔木 (township)
哈尼族 {n} /hānízú/ :: Hani people
哈諾客 {prop} [Catholicism] /Hānuòkè/ :: Enoch
哈诺客 {def} SEE: 哈諾客 ::
哈珀 {prop} /Hāpò/ :: Harper
哈气 {def} SEE: 哈氣 ::
哈氣 {v} /hāqì/ :: to exhale with one's mouth open
哈氣 {v} /hāqì/ :: to sigh
哈氣 {n} /hāqì/ :: air that is exhaled with one's mouth open
哈氣 {n} [specifically] /hāqì/ :: yawn
哈氣 {n} /hāqì/ :: condensation (on a window, a glass, etc.)
哈欠 {n} /hāqiàn,tl/ :: yawn
哈日 {v} /hārì/ :: to be fond of the Japanese culture; to be Japanophilic
哈日族 {n} /hārìzú/ :: Japanophile
哈萨克 {def} SEE: 哈薩克 ::
哈萨克人 {def} SEE: 哈薩克人 ::
哈萨克斯坦 {def} SEE: 哈薩克斯坦 ::
哈萨克语 {def} SEE: 哈薩克語 ::
哈萨克族 {def} SEE: 哈薩克族 ::
哈薩克 {n} [historical, collective] /Hāsàkè,Hāsākè,2nb/ :: Kirghiz-Kazaks (people)
哈薩克 {n} /Hāsàkè,Hāsākè,2nb/ :: [obsolete] Kirghiz-Kazak (person)
哈薩克 {n} [Taiwan] /Hāsàkè,Hāsākè,2nb/ :: Kazakhstan
哈薩克人 {n} /hāsàkèrén/ :: Kazakh person
哈薩克斯坦 {prop} [Mainland China, Hong Kong] /Hāsàkèsītǎn,Hāsākèsītǎn,2nb/ :: Kazakhstan
哈薩克語 {n} /hāsàkèyǔ,hāsākèyǔ,2nb/ :: Kazakh (language)
哈薩克族 {n} /Hāsàkèzú,Hāsākèzú,2nb/ :: Kazak nationality (one of the officially recognised fifty-six nationalities of China; Chinese Kazakhs); Kazakh nationality or ethnicity (of Kazakhstan, etc.)
哈薩克族 {n} /Hāsàkèzú,Hāsākèzú,2nb/ :: (~ 人) person of Kazak nationality: Kazak; person of Kazakh nationality or ethnicity: Kazakh
哈什蚂 {def} SEE: 哈什螞 ::
哈什螞 {n} /hàshimǎ,hāshímǎ,1nb/ :: alternative name for 哈士蟆
哈士蟆 {n} /hàshimá,hāshìmá,hāshimǎ,1nb/ :: Chinese brown frog; Asiatic grass frog (Rana chensinensis)
哈士奇 {n} /hāshìqí/ :: husky (breed of dog)
哈特福德 {prop} /Hātèfúdé/ :: Hartford
哈瓦那 {prop} /Hāwǎnà/ :: 哈瓦那 (city/capital city)
哈希 {n} /hāxī/ :: hash
哈希树 {def} SEE: 哈希樹 ::
哈希樹 {n} [comptheory] /hāxīshù/ :: hash tree
哈腰 {v} [colloquial] /hāyāo/ :: to stoop; to bend over; to bow slightly
哈語 {n} /hāyǔ/ :: Kazakh language
哈语 {def} SEE: 哈語 ::
{def} /hā/ :: Hafnium (Hf)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /xiā/ :: shrimp; prawn; lobster (Classifier: m,c:隻)
{def} /xiā/ :: to bend; to curve; to flex
{def} [internet slang, derogatory] /xiā/ :: fan of Xiao Zhan
{def} /há/ :: only used in 蝦蟆
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
蝦兵蟹將 {n} [derogatory] /xiābīngxièjiàng/ :: a troop that is weak when in combat
蝦腸 {n} /xiācháng/ :: shrimp intestine (Classifier: 條)
蝦腸 {n} /xiācháng/ :: rice noodle rolls with shrimp (a common dim sum dish) (Classifier: 條)
蝦蛄 {n} /xiāgū/ :: stomatopod
蝦虎 {n} /xiāhǔ/ :: dark sleeper (Odontobutis obscura)
蝦虎 {n} /xiāhǔ/ :: (~ 科) goby (Gobiidae)
蝦虎 {n} /xiāhǔ/ :: alternative name for 蝦蛄
蝦虎 {prop} /xiāhǔ/ :: Alternative name of Yixing
蝦虎魚 {n} /xiāhǔyú/ :: goby (Gobiidae)
蝦餃 {n} /xiājiǎo/ :: har gow (traditional Cantonese shrimp dumpling) (Classifier: m,c:個c:隻c:粒c:籠)
蝦醬 {n} /xiājiàng/ :: shrimp paste
蝦蟆 {def} SEE: 蛤蟆 ::
蝦蟇 {def} SEE: 蛤蟆 ::
蝦米 {n} /xiāmi/ :: dried small shrimp
蝦米 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, chiefly northern China] /xiāmi/ :: small shrimp
蝦米 {n} [Xinjiang Mandarin] /xiāmi/ :: shrimp
蝦米 {n} [figurative, slang] /xiāmi/ :: rookie; newbie; noob
蝦米 {n} [dated, slang, chiefly Mandarin] /xiāmǐ,tl/ :: what
蝦米皮 {n} /xiāmipí/ :: papery, dried, unshelled shrimp
蝦麵 {n} /xiāmiàn/ :: prawn noodles; Hokkien mee (popular Min Nan dish)
蝦皮 {n} /xiāpí,er/ :: papery, dried, unshelled shrimp
蝦片 {n} /xiāpiàn/ :: prawn crackers; shrimp chips (a type of deep fried cracker made from shrimp and starch)
蝦仁 {n} /xiārén,er/ :: shelled fresh shrimp
蝦仁兒 {n} /xiārénr/ :: erhua form of shelled fresh shrimp
蝦條 {n} /xiātiáo/ :: shrimp cracker; prawn cracker (in a short stick shape)
蝦線 {n} /xiāxiàn/ :: Shrimp/Prawn's digestive system, or the (usually) dark line running down its back. It is removed by some when cleaning the shrimp/prawn
蝦野 {prop} /Xiāyě/ :: (~ 市) 蝦野 (city)
蝦夷 {n} /xiāyí/ :: Emishi (ancient ethnic group living in eastern Japan)
蝦夷葱 {def} SEE: 蝦夷蔥 ::
蝦夷蔥 {n} /xiāyícōng/ :: chives (Allium schoenoprasum)
蝦子 {n} /xiāzi/ :: shrimp; prawn
蝦子 {n} [Changsha Xiang, figurative, humorous] /xiāzi/ :: tea leaf
蝦子 {n} [Sichuanese, figurative] /xiāzi/ :: coward; chicken; scaredy cat
蝦子 {n} /xiāzǐ/ :: shrimp roe
{def} /hāi/ :: sound of laughter
{def} /hāi/ :: happy; joyful
{def} /hāi/ :: [alternative form 嗨] sound of lament
{def} /ké,kài,2nb/ :: to cough
{def} /ké,kài,2nb/ :: cough
{def} /hāi/ :: sound of sighing
{def} [of infant] /hái/ :: to laugh; to cackle
{def} /hái/ :: alternative form of
{def} /hái/ :: interjection for sighing or order
{def} /hái/ :: alternative form of
咳嗽 {v} /késou,késòu,1nb/ :: to cough
咳嗽 {v} [figurative, literary] /késou,késòu,1nb/ :: to make a sound; to speak
咳嗽糖浆 {def} SEE: 咳嗽糖漿 ::
咳嗽糖漿 {n} /késòu tángjiāng/ :: cough syrup
咳痰 {v} [symptom] /kétán/ :: to have a productive cough
咳血 {v} [medical sign] /ké血/ :: to cough up blood; to have haemoptysis
咳药水 {def} SEE: 咳藥水 ::
{def} [colloquial] /hāi/ :: hey; hi
{def} [colloquial] /hāi/ :: high; to be exhilarated (may or may not be under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs)
{def} /hāi/ :: alternative form of
嗨喽 {def} SEE: 嗨嘍 ::
嗨嘍 {interj} [slang] /hāilou/ :: hello
嗨皮 {v} [neologism, slang] /hāipí/ :: to be happy; to enjoy oneself
嗨森 {adj} [neologism, slang] /hāisēn/ :: alternative form of 開心
嗨哟 {def} SEE: 嗨喲 ::
嗨喲 {interj} /hāiyō,tl/ :: heave-ho; yo-heave-ho; yo-ho
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hái/ :: a male crab
{def} /hái/ :: child; youngster; baby
{def} /hái/ :: young and small; childish
{def} /hái/ :: to have tender affection for
{def} /hái/ :: to regard as a child
{def} /hái/ :: alternative form of
{def} /hái/ :: surname
孩儿 {def} SEE: 孩兒 ::
孩儿参 {def} SEE: 孩兒參 ::
孩兒 {n} /hái'ér,háir/ :: child
孩兒 {n} /hái'ér,háir/ :: son
孩兒 {n} /hái'ér,háir/ :: erhua form of []
孩兒參 {n} /hái'érshēn/ :: root of the false starwort, Pseudostellaria heterophylla (An adaptogenic herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to improve "yin" and "qi" energies, and to treat "dryness" of the lungs.)
孩提 {n} /háití/ :: infant, young child
孩童 {n} [formal] /háitóng/ :: child; children
孩砸 {n} [neologism, slang] /háiza/ :: alternative form of 孩子
孩紙 {n} [neologism, jocular] /háizhǐ,tl/ :: child, kid
孩纸 {def} SEE: 孩紙 ::
孩子 {n} /háizi/ :: child (person who has not yet reached adulthood); children; kid (Classifier: 個)
孩子 {n} /háizi/ :: child (someone's son or daughter, regardless of age); children; kid (Classifier: 個)
孩子们 {def} SEE: 孩子們 ::
孩子們 {n} /háizimen/ :: plural of 孩子: children
孩子气 {def} SEE: 孩子氣 ::
孩子氣 {n} /háiziqì/ :: childishness
孩子氣 {adj} /háiziqì/ :: childish
孩子王 {n} /háiziwáng/ :: grown-up popular with children or leader of a group of children
孩子王 {n} [humorous] /háiziwáng/ :: teacher at a primary school or kindergarten
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
还报 {def} SEE: 還報 ::
还贷 {def} SEE: 還貸 ::
还都 {def} SEE: 還都 ::
还给 {def} SEE: 還給 ::
还给老师 {def} SEE: 還給老師 ::
还好 {def} SEE: 還好 ::
还魂 {def} SEE: 還魂 ::
还魂草 {def} SEE: 還魂草 ::
还击 {def} SEE: 還擊 ::
还家 {def} SEE: 還家 ::
还价 {def} SEE: 還價 ::
还可以 {def} SEE: 還可以 ::
还款 {def} SEE: 還款 ::
还来 {def} SEE: 還來 ::
还镭 {def} SEE: 還鐳 ::
还礼 {def} SEE: 還禮 ::
还没 {def} SEE: 還沒 ::
还纳 {def} SEE: 還納 ::
还钱 {def} SEE: 還錢 ::
还清 {def} SEE: 還清 ::
还山 {def} SEE: 還山 ::
还是 {def} SEE: 還是 ::
还手 {def} SEE: 還手 ::
还书 {def} SEE: 還書 ::
还俗 {def} SEE: 還俗 ::
还拖 {def} SEE: 還拖 ::
还系 {def} SEE: 還係 ::
还乡 {def} SEE: 還鄉 ::
还押 {def} SEE: 還押 ::
还有 {def} SEE: 還有 ::
还有这种操作 {def} SEE: 還有這種操作 ::
还原 {def} SEE: 還原 ::
还原剂 {def} SEE: 還原劑 ::
还愿 {def} SEE: 還願 ::
还债 {def} SEE: 還債 ::
还政 {def} SEE: 還政 ::
还嘴 {def} SEE: 還嘴 ::
{def} /huán/ :: to return to a place; to go back to a place
{def} /huán/ :: to return an object; to give back
{def} /huán/ :: to do or give something in return
{def} /huán/ :: surname
{def} /hái,huán,1nb/ :: still; yet; indicates that the phenomenon or observation still exists or the action is still ongoing
{def} /hái,huán,1nb/ :: also; as well
{def} /hái,huán,1nb/ :: even more; indicates an increase from a certain level or a supplement
{def} [before adjectives, mostly positive] /hái,huán,1nb/ :: passably; (surprisingly) quite
{def} [often in rhetorical questions] /hái,huán,1nb/ :: indicates condition and contrast, interchangeable with 都; even
{def} /hái,huán,1nb/ :: indicates unexpectedness; really
{def} /hái,huán,1nb/ :: indicates past events; emphasising earliness
{def} /xuán/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /xuán/ :: [obsolete] nimble; agile
{def} /xuán/ :: [obsolete] immediately
還報 {v} [archaic] /huánbào/ :: to report back to
還貸 {v} /huándài/ :: to repay a loan; to return goods
還都 {v} [literary] /huándū/ :: to return to the capital
還給 {v} /huángěi/ :: to give back to someone; to return to owner
還給老師 {phrase} [idiomatic] /huángěi lǎoshī/ :: to forget everything one has learnt
還好 {adj} /háihǎo/ :: not bad; quite OK; passable
還好 {adj} /háihǎo/ :: fortunate; lucky
還好 {adv} /háihǎo/ :: fortunately; luckily
還魂 {v} /huánhún/ :: to return from the dead; to revive after death
還魂 {v} [obsolete] /huánhún/ :: to recycle; to be reprocessed
還擊 {v} /huán击/ :: to fight back; to hit back
還家 {v} [literary] /huánjiā/ :: to return home
還家 {v} [literary, figurative] /huánjiā/ :: to return to the original place
還價 {v} /huánjià/ :: to bargain; to haggle
還可以 {adj} /háikěyǐ/ :: OK; sufficiently likable; not bad
還款 {v} /huánkuǎn/ :: to pay back money that is owed
還來 {v} [literary] /huánlái/ :: to return; to come back
還禮 {v} /huánlǐ/ :: to present a gift in return
還禮 {v} /huánlǐ/ :: to return a politeness; to salute back
還沒 {adv} /háiméi/ :: not yet
還納 {v} [literary] /huánnà/ :: to repay; to pay back
還納 {v} [medicine] /huánnà/ :: to reduce (e.g. a hernia); to close (stoma)
還錢 {v} /huánqián/ :: to pay back money
還錢 {v} [Singapore] /huánqián/ :: to pay (for something)
還清 {v} /huánqīng/ :: to pay back in full; to pay off
還是 {adv} /háishì,tl/ :: still
還是 {adv} /háishì,tl/ :: nevertheless; yet
還是 {adv} /háishì,tl/ :: had better; it would be best (to do something); one would be well-advised to
還是 {conj} /háishì,tl/ :: or
還手 {v} /huánshǒu,er/ :: to hit back; to retaliate
還書 {v} /huánshū/ :: to return a book
還俗 {v} [religion, of a monk or nun] /huánsú/ :: to return to secular life
還鄉 {v} /huánxiāng/ :: to return to one's hometown; to return home
還鄉 {v} [figurative] /huánxiāng/ :: to retire from public life
還押 {v} [Hong Kong, law] /huányā/ :: to remand in custody
還有 {v} /háiyǒu/ :: to still have
還有 {conj} /háiyǒu/ :: besides; furthermore; and
還有這種操作 {phrase} [neologism, slang, originally, gaming slang] /háiyǒu zhèzhǒng cāozuò,háiyǒu zhèizhǒng cāozuò/ :: There's this trick too? / You can even do it like this? / How is this even possible?
還原 {v} /huányuán/ :: to return to the original condition or shape; to restore
還原 {v} [chemistry] /huányuán/ :: to reduce; to make a substance gain electron(s)
還原 {v} [mathematics] /huányuán/ :: to use inverse operation to solve for a variable
還原 {adj} [attributive] /huányuán/ :: recursive
還原劑 {n} [chemistry] /huányuánjì/ :: reductant; reducing agent
還願 {v} /huányuàn/ :: to fulfill a promise; to redeem a vow
還債 {v} /huánzhài/ :: to repay a debt
還政 {v} [literary] /huánzhèng/ :: to return control of the government (to someone else)
還嘴 {v} /huánzuǐ/ :: to talk back; to answer back; to retort
{def} /kē/ :: chin
頦勒嗦 {n} [dialectal, anatomy] /kēlesù,er/ :: Adam's apple (the lump in the throat)
{def} SEE: ::
颏勒嗉 {def} SEE: 頦勒嗦 ::
骸骨 {n} [anatomy] /háigǔ/ :: skeleton bones; skeletal remains (usually of a human)
{def} /hǎi/ :: sea; ocean
{def} /hǎi/ :: big lake
{def} [Cantonese] /hǎi/ :: wide river
{def} /hǎi/ :: overseas; abroad
{def} [figurative] /hǎi/ :: sea; abundance; infiniteness
{def} [regional] /hǎi/ :: profuse; numerous
{def} /hǎi/ :: unrestrainedly; randomly; casually
{def} /hǎi/ :: surname Hai (mainland China, Taiwan), Hoi (Hong Kong)
海安 {prop} /Hǎi'ān/ :: (~ 市) 海安 (county-level city)
海安 {prop} /Hǎi'ān/ :: (~ 鎮) 海安 (town)
海安 {prop} /Hǎi'ān/ :: (~ 社區) 海安 (residential community)
海安集 {prop} /Hǎi'ānjí/ :: (~ 鄉) [historical] 海安集 (township)
海岸 {n} /hǎi'àn/ :: coast; seashore
海岸線 {n} /hǎi'ànxiàn/ :: coastline; shoreline
海岸线 {def} SEE: 海岸線 ::
海拔 {n} /hǎibá/ :: altitude; height above sea level
海拔 {n} [humorous] /hǎibá/ :: height of a person
海報 {n} [advertising, decoration] /hǎibào/ :: poster; placard
海报 {def} SEE: 海報 ::
海豹 {n} /hǎibào/ :: earless seal (Classifier: m:隻)
海豹人 {n} /hǎibàorén/ :: selkie
海北 {prop} /Hǎiběi/ :: (~ 藏族自治州) Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
海北藏族自治州 {prop} /Hǎiběi Zàngzú Zìzhìzhōu/ :: Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
海貝 {n} /hǎibèi/ :: seashell
海贝 {def} SEE: 海貝 ::
海边 {def} SEE: 海邊 ::
海邊 {n} /hǎibiān/ :: seaside; beach
海滨 {def} SEE: 海濱 ::
海濱 {n} /hǎibīn/ :: seashore; waterfront; beach
海冰 {n} /hǎibīng/ :: sea ice
海波 {n} /hǎibō/ :: sea wave
海波 {n} [inorganic compound, colloquial] /hǎibō/ :: sodium thiosulfate
海舶 {n} [literary] /hǎibó/ :: seagoing vessel
海舶 {n} [literary] /hǎibó/ :: foreign vessel
海不扬波 {def} SEE: 海不揚波 ::
海不揚波 {idiom} /hǎi不yángbō/ :: calm and tranquil; peaceful and carefree
海埔新生地 {n} [Taiwanese Mandarin] /hǎipǔ xīnshēngdì/ :: reclaimed land
海菜 {n} /hǎicài/ :: edible seaweed, sea vegetable
海参 {def} SEE: 海參 ::
海参崴 {def} SEE: 海參崴 ::
海參 {n} /hǎishēn/ :: sea cucumber
海參崴 {prop} /Hǎishēnwǎi,Hǎishēnwēi/ :: 海參崴 (city/seaport/administrative centre)
海蓡 {def} SEE: 海參 ::
海沧 {def} SEE: 海滄 ::
海滄 {prop} /Hǎicāng/ :: (~ 區) 海滄 (district)
海草 {n} /hǎicǎo/ :: seagrass
海蟾蜍 {n} /hǎichánchú/ :: cane toad
海产 {def} SEE: 海產 ::
海產 {n} /hǎichǎn/ :: seafood
海肠 {def} SEE: 海腸 ::
海腸 {n} /hǎicháng/ :: fat innkeeper worm (Urechis unicinctus)
海城 {prop} /Hǎichéng/ :: (~ 市) 海城 (city)
海澄 {prop} /Hǎichéng/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] 海澄 (county)
海澄 {prop} /Hǎichéng/ :: (~ 鎮) 海澄 (town)
海程 {n} /hǎichéng/ :: voyage (distance of sea travel)
海船 {n} /hǎichuán/ :: seagoing vessel
海床 {n} /hǎichuáng/ :: seabed; seafloor
海牀 {def} SEE: 海床 ::
海唇 {def} SEE: 海脣 ::
海大 {prop} /Hǎidà/ :: short fo ^中國^海洋^大學 (Ocean University of China)
海大 {prop} /Hǎidà/ :: short fo ^海南^大學 (Hainan University)
海带 {def} SEE: 海帶 ::
海带丝 {def} SEE: 海帶絲 ::
海带芽 {def} SEE: 海帶芽 ::
海帶 {n} /hǎidài/ :: kelp; seaweed (Saccharina japonica)
海帶 {n} [neologism, humorous] /hǎidài/ :: alternative form of 海待
海帶絲 {n} /hǎidàisī/ :: shredded kelp
海帶芽 {n} /hǎidàiyá/ :: wakame
海待 {n} [neologism] /hǎidài/ :: a Chinese who has studied overseas and returned to China, but is unable to find employment in China
海胆 {def} SEE: 海膽 ::
海膽 {n} /hǎidǎn/ :: sea urchin
海岛 {def} SEE: 海島 ::
海島 {n} /hǎidǎo/ :: island (in the sea)
海島 {prop} /hǎidǎo/ :: (~ 鄉) 海島 (township)
海盗 {def} SEE: 海盜 ::
海盗船 {def} SEE: 海盜船 ::
海盗旗 {def} SEE: 海盜旗 ::
海盜 {n} /hǎidào/ :: pirate
海盜船 {n} /hǎidàochuán/ :: pirate ship
海盜旗 {n} /hǎidàoqí/ :: pirate flag; Jolly Roger
海得拉巴 {prop} [Mainland China] /Hǎidélābā/ :: 海得拉巴 (caplc)
海得拉巴 {prop} [Mainland China] /Hǎidélābā/ :: 海得拉巴 (district)
海德 {prop} /Hǎidé/ :: Hyde
海德 {prop} /Hǎidé/ :: Head
海德 {prop} [Buddhism] /Hǎidé/ :: the Eight Virtues of the Ocean
海德堡 {prop} /Hǎidébǎo/ :: Heidelberg
海德公园 {def} SEE: 海德公園 ::
海德公園 {prop} /Hǎidé Gōngyuán/ :: Hyde Park
海德拉巴 {prop} [Taiwan] /Hǎidélābā/ :: Hyderabad
海堤 {n} /hǎi堤/ :: seawall; coastal wall
海笛 {n} /hǎidí/ :: the smaller size of suona (a conical Chinese double reed woodwind instrument with a metal bell, in the oboe or shawm category)
海底 {n} /hǎidǐ/ :: seabed; seafloor; bottom of the sea
海底摸針 {idiom} /hǎidǐmōzhēn/ :: to look for a needle in a haystack
海底摸针 {def} SEE: 海底摸針 ::
海底針 {n} [figurative] /hǎidǐzhēn/ :: something unknowable; something hard to gauge, reach or understand
海底针 {def} SEE: 海底針 ::
海地 {prop} /Hǎidì/ :: 海地 (country)
海淀 {prop} /Hǎidiàn/ :: Haidian District in Beijing, China
海鯛 {n} /hǎidiāo/ :: sea bream
海鲷 {def} SEE: 海鯛 ::
海东 {def} SEE: 海東 ::
海东青 {def} SEE: 海東青 ::
海東 {prop} /Hǎidōng/ :: (~ 市) 海東 (prefecture-level city)
海東青 {n} /hǎidōngqīng/ :: gyrfalcon
海頓 {prop} /Hǎidùn/ :: Haydn
海端 {prop} /Hǎiduān/ :: (~ 鄉) Haiduan, Taitung (mountain indigenous township in Taitung, Taiwan)
海顿 {def} SEE: 海頓 ::
海法 {prop} /Hǎifǎ/ :: 海法 (city)
海防 {n} /hǎifáng/ :: coastal defense
海防 {prop} /hǎifáng/ :: (~ 市) Hải Phòng city, Vietnam
海丰 {def} SEE: 海豐 ::
海豐 {prop} /Hǎifēng/ :: (~ 縣) 海豐 (county)
海豐 {prop} /Hǎifēng/ :: (~ 社區) 海豐 (residential community)
海豐 {prop} /Hǎifēng/ :: (~ 村) 海豐 (rural village)
海風 {n} /hǎifēng/ :: sea breeze
海风 {def} SEE: 海風 ::
海港 {n} /hǎigǎng/ :: seaport
海沟 {def} SEE: 海溝 ::
海溝 {n} [geology] /hǎigōu/ :: oceanic trench
海狗 {n} /hǎigǒu/ :: fur seal
海瓜子 {n} /hǎiguāzǐ/ :: Musculus senhousei (a kind of mussel)
海怪 {n} /hǎiguài/ :: sea monster
海怪 {n} [Xiamen, Zhangzhou Min Nan] /hǎiguài/ :: horseshoe crab
海关 {def} SEE: 海關 ::
海關 {n} /hǎiguān/ :: customs (government department); customhouse
海归 {def} SEE: 海歸 ::
海歸 {n} [neologism] /hǎiguī/ :: an overseas returnee; one who has studied/lived overseas and returned to China
海龜 {n} /hǎiguī/ :: sea turtle (Classifier: m:隻)
海龜 {n} [neologism, humorous, slang] /hǎiguī/ :: alternative form of 海歸
海龟 {def} SEE: 海龜 ::
海涵 {v} [polite] /hǎihán/ :: to be generous enough to forgive or excuse (like the sea which unconditionally accepts all rivers)
海核 {prop} /Hǎihé/ :: (~ 社區) 海核 (community)
海河 {prop} /Hǎi Hé/ :: Hai River
海鲎 {def} SEE: 海鱟 ::
海皇羹 {n} /hǎihuánggēng/ :: Cantonese seafood soup (a soup in Cantonese cuisine)
海基会 {def} SEE: 海基會 ::
海基會 {prop} /Hǎijīhuì/ :: Straits Exchange Foundation
海鸡母 {def} SEE: 海雞母 ::
海建 {prop} /Hǎijiàn/ :: (~ 社區) 海建 (residential community)
海椒 {n} [chiefly Southwestern Mandarin] /hǎijiāo/ :: chili pepper, especially Capsicum frutescens
海角 {n} [geography] /hǎijiǎo/ :: cape; promontory
海津 {prop} /Hǎijīn/ :: (~ 市) 海津 (city)
海金沙 {n} /hǎijīnshā/ :: spores of Lygodium japonicum (a medicinal substance used in traditional Chinese medicine to "induce diuresis and excrete dampness"
海金砂 {n} /hǎijīnshā/ :: spores of Lygodium japonicum (a medicinal substance used in traditional Chinese medicine to "induce diuresis and excrete dampness"
海禁 {n} [historical] /hǎijìn/ :: haijin; sea ban; ban on foreign trade
海景 {n} /hǎijǐng/ :: seascape; sea view
海鷲 {n} /hǎijiù/ :: sea eagle
海鹫 {def} SEE: 海鷲 ::
海军 {def} SEE: 海軍 ::
海军蓝 {def} SEE: 海軍藍 ::
海军陆战队 {def} SEE: 海軍陸戰隊 ::
海军上将 {def} SEE: 海軍上將 ::
海軍 {n} [military] /hǎijūn/ :: navy
海軍藍 {n} /hǎijūnlán/ :: navy blue
海軍陸戰隊 {n} /hǎijūn lùzhànduì/ :: marine corps
海軍上將 {n} /hǎijūn shàngjiàng/ :: admiral
海康 {prop} /Hǎikāng/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] Haikang County in Guangdong, now Leizhou
海客 {n} /hǎikè/ :: seafarer; navigator
海客 {n} /hǎikè/ :: itinerant
海口 {n} /hǎikǒu/ :: mouth of a river; estuary
海口 {n} /hǎikǒu/ :: border
海口 {n} /hǎikǒu/ :: seaport
海口 {n} [Min Nan] /hǎikǒu/ :: coastal area
海口 {n} [figurative] /hǎikǒu/ :: big, deep mouth
海口 {n} [figurative] /hǎikǒu/ :: boast; brag
海口 {prop} /hǎikǒu/ :: (~ 市) 海口 (prefecture-level city/provincial capital)
海寇 {n} [literary] /hǎikòu/ :: pirate
海葵 {n} /hǎikuí/ :: sea anemone
海闊天空 {adj} /hǎikuòtiānkōng/ :: as boundless as the sea and sky
海闊天空 {adj} /hǎikuòtiānkōng/ :: unrestrained and far-ranging
海闊天空 {adj} /hǎikuòtiānkōng/ :: straying from the subject; discursive
海阔天空 {def} SEE: 海闊天空 ::
海兰泡 {def} SEE: 海蘭泡 ::
海蓝宝石 {def} SEE: 海藍寶石 ::
海藍寶石 {n} /hǎilán bǎoshí/ :: aquamarine
海蘭泡 {prop} /Hǎilánpāo/ :: 海蘭泡 (city/administrative center)
海浪 {n} /hǎilàng/ :: sea wave
海老 {v} [literary, of a sea] /hǎilǎo/ :: to dry up
海老 {n} [literary] /hǎilǎo/ :: alcohol
海老名 {prop} /Hǎilǎomíng/ :: (~ 市) 海老名 (city)
海了去了 {phrase} [dialectal] /hǎileqùle/ :: many; much; a lot of; numerous
海狸 {n} /hǎilí/ :: beaver
海里 {n} /hǎilǐ/ :: nautical mile
海蛎 {def} SEE: 海蠣 ::
海蛎煎 {def} SEE: 海蠣煎 ::
海蛎子 {def} SEE: 海蠣子 ::
海蠣 {n} /hǎilì/ :: oyster
海蠣煎 {n} /hǎilìjiān/ :: oyster omelette (local delicacy in Chaoshan, Southern Fujian and Taiwan)
海蠣子 {n} /hǎilìzi/ :: oyster
海量 {n} /hǎiliàng/ :: huge amount; massive volume
海量 {n} [honorific] /hǎiliàng/ :: generosity; magnanimity
海量 {n} /hǎiliàng/ :: capability of holding liquor; huge tolerance
海林 {prop} /Hǎilín/ :: (~ 市) 海林 (city)
海流 {n} [oceanography] /hǎiliú/ :: ocean current
海陸 {n} /hǎilù/ :: sea and land
海陸 {n} [literary] /hǎilù/ :: exotic delicacies
海陸 {n} /hǎilù/ :: (~ 腔) Hailu dialect of Hakka
海陸豐 {prop} /Hǎilùfēng/ :: Haifeng and Lufeng (two neighbouring county-level divisions in Shanwei, Guangdong)
海陸軍 {n} /hǎilùjūn/ :: navy and army; armed forces
海陸空 {n} [often, attributive, of transport, battles, etc.] /hǎilùkōng/ :: sea, land and air
海龍 {n} /hǎilóng/ :: pipefish
海龍 {n} /hǎilóng/ :: Thalattosaur
海龍 {n} /hǎilóng/ :: halon
海龙 {def} SEE: 海龍 ::
海路 {n} /hǎilù/ :: sea route; seaway; sea lane
海陆 {def} SEE: 海陸 ::
海陆丰 {def} SEE: 海陸豐 ::
海陆军 {def} SEE: 海陸軍 ::
海陆空 {def} SEE: 海陸空 ::
海伦 {def} SEE: 海倫 ::
海倫 {prop} /Hǎilún/ :: Helen (given name)
海倫 {prop} [Greek mythology] /Hǎilún/ :: Helen of Troy
海倫 {prop} /Hǎilún/ :: (~ 市) 海倫 (county-level city)
海螺 {n} /hǎiluó/ :: conch (shell, musical instrument)
海洛因 {n} /hǎiluòyīn/ :: heroin (powerful and addictive drug)
海洛因时尚 {def} SEE: 海洛因時尚 ::
海洛因時尚 {n} [fashion] /hǎiluòyīn shíshàng/ :: heroin chic
海洛英 {n} /hǎiluòyīng/ :: heroin (powerful and addictive drug)
海馬 {n} /hǎimǎ/ :: sea horse
海馬 {n} [obsolete] /hǎimǎ/ :: walrus
海馬 {n} [obsolete] /hǎimǎ/ :: frog
海馬 {n} /hǎimǎ/ :: abbreviation of 海馬體
海馬旁回 {n} [neuroanatomy] /hǎimǎpánghuí/ :: parahippocampal gyrus
海馬旁迴 {def} SEE: 海馬旁回 ::
海馬體 {n} [neuroanatomy] /hǎimǎtǐ/ :: hippocampus
海马 {def} SEE: 海馬 ::
海马旁回 {def} SEE: 海馬旁回 ::
海马体 {def} SEE: 海馬體 ::
海門 {prop} /Hǎimén/ :: (~ 市) 海門 (city)
海门 {def} SEE: 海門 ::
海米 {n} /hǎimǐ/ :: dried, shelled shrimps
海綿 {n} /hǎimián/ :: sponge
海綿蛋糕 {n} /hǎimián dàngāo/ :: spongecake
海綿骨 {n} [anatomy] /hǎimiángǔ/ :: cancellous bone; spongy bone
海綿體 {n} [physiology] /hǎimiántǐ/ :: cavernous tissue (in the penis and clitoris)
海绵 {def} SEE: 海綿 ::
海绵蛋糕 {def} SEE: 海綿蛋糕 ::
海绵骨 {def} SEE: 海綿骨 ::
海绵体 {def} SEE: 海綿體 ::
海面 {n} [oceanography] /hǎimiàn,er/ :: sea level; sea surface
海明頓 {prop} /Hǎimíngdùn/ :: (~ 市) alternative name for 咸美頓
海明顿 {def} SEE: 海明頓 ::
海南 {prop} /Hǎinán/ :: (~ 島) Hainan Island
海南 {prop} /Hǎinán/ :: (~ 省) Hainan Province of the People's Republic of China, comprising Hainan Island, surrounding islands, and the Chinese claims in the South China Sea
海南 {prop} /Hǎinán/ :: (~ 藏族自治州) Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
海南 {prop} /Hǎinán/ :: (~ 區) Hainan District
海南 {prop} /Hǎinán/ :: (~ 市) 海南 (city)
海南𫛚 {def} SEE: 海南鳽 ::
海南藏族自治州 {prop} /Hǎinán Zàngzú Zìzhìzhōu/ :: Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
海南岛 {def} SEE: 海南島 ::
海南島 {prop} /Hǎinán Dǎo/ :: Hainan Island
海南話 {n} /hǎinánhuà/ :: Hainanese (group of Min dialects spoken in Hainan)
海南话 {def} SEE: 海南話 ::
海南雞飯 {n} /Hǎinán jīfàn/ :: Hainanese chicken rice (dish)
海南鸡饭 {def} SEE: 海南雞飯 ::
海南鳽 {n} /hǎinánjiān/ :: white-eared night heron (Gorsachius magnificus)
海南人 {n} /hǎinánrén/ :: Hainanese person
海难 {def} SEE: 海難 ::
海難 {n} /hǎinàn/ :: maritime disaster (e.g. a shipwreck, becoming stranded, sinking, etc.)
海內 {n} /hǎinèi/ :: within the country's borders
海內 {n} [archaic] /hǎinèi/ :: the world
海內存知己,天涯若比鄰 {idiom} /hǎinèi cún zhījǐ, tiānyá ruò bǐlín/ :: to feel a closeness to a friend or loved one despite being separated by a great distance (this phrase is often used when talking about the internet, long-distance phones, etc.)
海內人望 {idiom} [archaic] /hǎinèi rénwàng/ :: a person that all the people put their hopes in
海內外 {n} /hǎinèiwài/ :: home and abroad; domestic and international
海內一統 {idiom} /hǎinèi 一tǒng/ :: the country is united
海内 {def} SEE: 海內 ::
海内存知己,天涯若比邻 {def} SEE: 海內存知己,天涯若比鄰 ::
海内人望 {def} SEE: 海內人望 ::
海内外 {def} SEE: 海內外 ::
海内一统 {def} SEE: 海內一統 ::
海鳥 {n} /hǎiniǎo/ :: seabird
海鳥 {n} [Quanzhou, &, Malaysia Hokkien, specifically] /hǎiniǎo/ :: seagull
海鳥糞 {n} /hǎiniǎofèn/ :: guano
海鸟 {def} SEE: 海鳥 ::
海鸟粪 {def} SEE: 海鳥糞 ::
海宁 {def} SEE: 海寧 ::
海寧 {prop} /Hǎiníng/ :: (~ 市) 海寧 (city)
海牛 {n} /hǎiniú/ :: manatee, lamantin, sea cow
海鷗 {n} /hǎi'ōu/ :: seagull
海鸥 {def} SEE: 海鷗 ::
海派 {prop} [historical] /Hǎipài/ :: haipai (the avant-garde but unique "East Meets West" culture prevalent in Shanghai in the 20th and 21st centuries)
海派 {adj} [metaphor] /Hǎipài/ :: generous with money
海盘车 {def} SEE: 海盤車 ::
海盤車 {n} /hǎipánchē/ :: starfish
海螵蛸 {n} /hǎipiāoxiāo/ :: cuttlebone (An substance used in traditional Chinese medicine.)
海平面 {n} [oceanography] /hǎipíngmiàn,er/ :: sea level
海青 {n} /hǎiqīng/ :: broad-sleeved robe, especially the black loose-sleeved robe worn by Buddhist monks
海青 {n} /hǎiqīng/ :: alternative name for 海東青
海鳅 {def} SEE: 海鰍 ::
海曲 {n} /hǎiqū/ :: remote place by the sea
海森堡不确定性原理 {def} SEE: 海森堡不確定性原理 ::
海森堡不確定性原理 {n} /Hǎisēnbǎo 不quèdìngxìng yuánlǐ/ :: Heisenberg uncertainty principle
海蔘 {def} SEE: 海參 ::
海山 {prop} /Hǎishān/ :: (~ 村) 海山 (village)
海鱔 {n} /hǎishàn/ :: moray; moray eel
海鳝 {def} SEE: 海鱔 ::
海上 {adj} [attributive] /hǎishàng/ :: maritime; at sea; on the sea
海上丝绸之路 {def} SEE: 海上絲綢之路 ::
海上絲綢之路 {prop} /Hǎishàng Sīchóu zhī Lù/ :: Maritime Silk Road
海蛇 {n} /hǎishé/ :: sea snake
海蛇尾 {n} /hǎishéwěi/ :: brittle star
海葠 {def} SEE: 海參 ::
海薓 {def} SEE: 海參 ::
海神 {n} /hǎishén/ :: sea god
海神 {n} /hǎishén/ :: Poseidon; Neptune
海神 {n} /hǎishén/ :: Davy Jones
海狮 {def} SEE: 海獅 ::
海獅 {n} /hǎishī/ :: sea lion (member of the Otariidae family)
海事 {n} /hǎishì/ :: maritime affairs
海事 {n} /hǎishì/ :: accident at sea
海市 {n} [literary] /hǎishì/ :: mirage
海市 {n} [literary] /hǎishì/ :: seaside city
海市蜃楼 {def} SEE: 海市蜃樓 ::
海市蜃樓 {n} /hǎishìshènlóu/ :: mirage (optical illusion)
海市蜃樓 {n} [figurative] /hǎishìshènlóu/ :: castles in the air; illusion
海誓山盟 {idiom} /hǎishìshānméng/ :: alternative form of 山盟海誓
海水 {n} /hǎishuǐ/ :: seawater; ocean water
海水淡化 {n} /hǎishuǐ dànhuà/ :: desalination of seawater
海水平 {n} [oceanography] /hǎishuǐpíng/ :: sea level
海水浴 {n} /hǎishuǐyù/ :: sea bathing
海水浴場 {n} /hǎishuǐ yù場/ :: swimming beach, bathing resort, seaside resort
海水浴场 {def} SEE: 海水浴場 ::
海獭 {def} SEE: 海獺 ::
海獺 {n} /hǎi獺/ :: sea otter
海苔 {n} /hǎitái/ :: nori (Pyropia yezoensis, especially in its dried and processed form)
海滩 {def} SEE: 海灘 ::
海滩排球 {def} SEE: 海灘排球 ::
海灘 {n} /hǎitān/ :: beach (on a coast)
海灘排球 {n} /hǎitān páiqiú/ :: beach volleyball
海坛 {def} SEE: 海壇 ::
海壇 {prop} /Hǎitán/ :: (~ 島) alternative name for 平潭, an island in the Taiwan Strait
海棠 {n} /hǎitáng/ :: Chinese crabapple tree (Malus spectabilis), cultivated as an ornamental tree in Chinese gardens
海棠 {n} /hǎitáng/ :: various similar trees, crabapple, including the Hall crabapple (Malus halliana)
海棠 {n} /hǎitáng/ :: various similar flowers, including begonias (Begoniaceae)
海淘 {v} [colloquial] /hǎitáo/ :: to buy goods from abroad on the Internet
海特公园 {def} SEE: 海特公園 ::
海特公園 {prop} /Hǎitè Gōngyuán/ :: Hyde Park
海兔 {n} /hǎitù/ :: sea hare (Anaspidea)
海豚 {n} /hǎitún/ :: dolphin
海豚座 {prop} [constellation] /Hǎitúnzuò/ :: Delphinus
海外 {n} /hǎiwài/ :: overseas; abroad
海湾 {def} SEE: 海灣 ::
海湾战争 {def} SEE: 海灣戰爭 ::
海灣 {n} /hǎiwān/ :: bay; gulf
海灣戰爭 {prop} /Hǎiwān Zhànzhēng/ :: Gulf War
海碗 {n} /hǎiwǎn/ :: very big bowl
海王星 {prop} /Hǎiwángxīng/ :: Neptune (eighth planet of the solar system)
海卫一 {def} SEE: 海衛一 ::
海味 {n} /hǎiwèi/ :: seafood (especially delicacies)
海味 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, specifically] /hǎiwèi/ :: dried seafood
海衛一 {prop} /Hǎiwèi一/ :: Triton (seventh moon of Neptune)
海西 {prop} /Hǎixī/ :: (~ 蒙古族藏族自治州) 海西 (autonomous prefecture)
海西蒙古族藏族自治州 {prop} /Hǎixī Měnggǔzú Zàngzú Zìzhìzhōu,Hǎixī Ménggǔzú Zàngzú Zìzhìzhōu,1nb/ :: 海西蒙古族藏族自治州 (autonomous prefecture)
海豨 {n} [literary] /hǎixī/ :: dolphin
海狶 {n} [literary] /hǎixī/ :: dolphin
海峡 {def} SEE: 海峽 ::
海峡殖民地 {def} SEE: 海峽殖民地 ::
海峽 {n} /hǎixiá/ :: strait; channel
海峽 {n} /hǎixiá/ :: abbreviation of 臺灣海峽
海峽殖民地 {prop} /Hǎixiá Zhímíndì/ :: Straits Settlements (former British territories)
海鮮 {n} /hǎixiān/ :: seafood
海鮮價 {n} /hǎixiānjià/ :: price of seafood (in a restaurant)
海鮮價 {n} [figurative, chiefly Cantonese] /hǎixiānjià/ :: variable price; price changeable at the whim of the seller or service provider
海鮮醬 {n} /hǎixiānjiàng/ :: hoisin sauce
海鮮雀巢 {n} /hǎixiān quècháo/ :: seafood birdsnest (a dish in Cantonese cuisine)
海鮮沙司 {n} /hǎixiān shāsī/ :: seafood sauce [usually in Western cuisine]
海鮮沙司 {n} [rare] /hǎixiān shāsī/ :: alternative name for 海鮮醬
海鲜 {def} SEE: 海鮮 ::
海鲜价 {def} SEE: 海鮮價 ::
海鲜酱 {def} SEE: 海鮮醬 ::
海鲜雀巢 {def} SEE: 海鮮雀巢 ::
海鲜沙司 {def} SEE: 海鮮沙司 ::
海象 {n} /hǎixiàng/ :: walrus
海啸 {def} SEE: 海嘯 ::
海嘯 {n} /hǎixiào/ :: tsunami
海协会 {def} SEE: 海協會 ::
海協會 {prop} /Hǎixiéhuì/ :: Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits
海新 {prop} /Hǎixīn/ :: (~ 社區) 海新 (residential community)
海星 {n} /hǎixīng/ :: starfish; sea star
海选 {def} SEE: 海選 ::
海選 {n} /hǎixuǎn/ :: to hold an open audition; to hold a preselection for a competition
海牙 {prop} /Hǎiyá/ :: 海牙 (administrative capital)
海盐腔 {def} SEE: 海鹽腔 ::
海鹽腔 {n} [opera] /hǎiyánqiāng/ :: A singing style originating from Haiyan County, Zhejiang, and used in local opera
海燕 {n} /hǎiyàn/ :: any of the northern storm petrel (Hydrobatidae)
海燕 {n} [literary] /hǎiyàn/ :: swallow
海洋 {n} /hǎiyáng/ :: ocean; sea (as a whole) (Classifier: m:個)
海洋 {adj} [attributive] /hǎiyáng/ :: maritime; marine
海洋化学 {def} SEE: 海洋化學 ::
海洋化學 {n} [chemistry] /hǎiyáng huàxué/ :: marine chemistry
海洋学 {def} SEE: 海洋學 ::
海洋學 {n} /hǎiyángxué/ :: oceanography; oceanology; thalassography
海洋洲 {prop} /Hǎiyángzhōu/ :: Oceania
海阳 {def} SEE: 海陽 ::
海陽 {prop} /Hǎiyáng/ :: (~ 市) 海陽 (county-level city)
海陽 {prop} /Hǎiyáng/ :: (~ 省) 海陽 (province)
海陽 {prop} /Hǎiyáng/ :: (~ 市) 海陽 (city)
海椰子 {n} /hǎi椰zi/ :: coco-de-mer
海乙那 {n} [dated] /hǎiyǐnà/ :: hyena
海英 {prop} /Hǎiyīng/ :: (~ 社區) 海英 (residential community)
海鷹 {n} /hǎiyīng/ :: fishhawk; osprey
海鸚 {n} /hǎiyīng/ :: puffin
海鹦 {def} SEE: 海鸚 ::
海鹰 {def} SEE: 海鷹 ::
海永 {prop} /Hǎiyǒng/ :: (~ 鎮) Haiyong township, an pene-exclave of Haimen, Jiangsu, originally on the separate island of Yonglongsha but now merged with the northern shore of Chongming Island
海涌 {def} SEE: 海湧 ::
海隅 {n} /hǎiyú/ :: remote regions by the sea
海隅 {n} [formal] /hǎiyú/ :: coastal areas; coastland
海魚 {n} /hǎiyú/ :: sea fish
海鱼 {def} SEE: 海魚 ::
海宇 {n} [archaic] /hǎiyǔ/ :: the nation; everything that is bounded by the seas and the heavens
海域 {n} /hǎiyù/ :: maritime region; sea area
海玉竹 {n} /hǎiyùzhú/ :: root of the Polygonatum macropodium. (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat yin deficiency.)
海原 {prop} /Hǎiyuán/ :: (~ 縣) 海原 (county)
海员 {def} SEE: 海員 ::
海員 {n} /hǎiyuán/ :: seaman; mariner; sailor
海运 {def} SEE: 海運 ::
海運 {n} /hǎiyùn/ :: maritime shipping
海運 {v} /hǎiyùn/ :: to ship by sea, to transport by sea
海葬 {n} /hǎizàng/ :: burial at sea
海枣 {def} SEE: 海棗 ::
海棗 {n} [literary] /hǎizǎo,er/ :: a kind of fruit in Chinese mythology
海棗 {n} [literary, figuratively] /hǎizǎo,er/ :: chimerical thing
海棗 {n} /hǎizǎo,er/ :: date palm (Phoenix dactylifera)
海藻 {n} /hǎizǎo/ :: seaweed
海藻酸 {n} [carboxylic acid, carbohydrate] /hǎizǎosuān/ :: alginic acid
海藻酸鈉 {n} [organic compound] /hǎizǎosuānnà/ :: sodium alginate
海藻酸钠 {def} SEE: 海藻酸鈉 ::
海藻糖 {n} [carbohydrate] /hǎizǎotáng/ :: trehalose
海藻醣 {def} SEE: 海藻糖 ::
海賊 {n} /hǎizéi/ :: pirate
海贼 {def} SEE: 海賊 ::
海战 {def} SEE: 海戰 ::
海戰 {n} /hǎizhàn/ :: naval battle; sea warfare
海戰 {v} /hǎizhàn/ :: to fight a battle on the sea
海蟑螂 {n} /hǎizhāngláng/ :: ligiid
海蜇 {n} /hǎizhé/ :: jellyfish, especially the flame jellyfish (Rhopilema esculentum) (Classifier: 隻條)
海蜇皮 {n} /hǎizhépí/ :: jellyfish tegument (cold dish)
海震 {n} [geology] /hǎizhèn/ :: seaquake
海蜘蛛 {n} /hǎizhīzhū/ :: sea spider
海州 {prop} /Hǎizhōu/ :: (~ 市) 海州 (city)
海州 {prop} /Hǎizhōu/ :: (~ 區) 海州 (district)
海州 {prop} /Hǎizhōu/ :: (~ 區) 海州 (district)
海猪 {def} SEE: 海豬 ::
海猪仔 {def} SEE: 海豬仔 ::
海珠 {prop} /Hǎizhū/ :: (~ 區) 海珠 (district)
海豬 {n} [dialectal] /hǎizhū/ :: dolphin
海竹 {n} /hǎizhú/ :: root of the Polygonatum macropodium. (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat yin deficiency.)
海子 {n} [northern and southwestern Mandarin, chiefly in toponyms] /hǎizi/ :: lake
{def} /hǎi/ :: dry; parched; arid
{def} /hǎi/ :: minced pickled meat
{def} /hǎi/ :: mince
{def} /hài/ :: [obsolete] to move; to shake
{def} /hài/ :: [obsolete] to decrease
{def} /wèi/ :: [obsolete] to carry; to shoulder
{def} /hài/ :: name of a kind of beast
{def} /huī/ :: only used in 獏㺔
{def} /hài/ :: twelfth of twelve earthly branches (十二支)
{def} /hài/ :: pig (*豬) of Chinese zodiac
亥时 {def} SEE: 亥時 ::
亥時 {n} [literary] /hàishí/ :: the hours of the pig (9:00pm to 11:00pm)
亥月 {prop} [archaic] /Hàiyuè/ :: The tenth month of the Chinese lunar calendar
{def} /hài/ :: alas (an interjection)
{def} /hài/ :: to harm; to maim; to injure
{def} /hài/ :: to cause to do; to result in (something unfavourable)
{def} /hài/ :: to kill; to murder
{def} /hài/ :: to suffer from
{def} /hài/ :: to feel (an adverse sentiment)
{def} /hài/ :: harm; disaster; calamity
{def} /hài/ :: crucial point; vital point
{def} /hài/ :: harmful; injurious
{def} [Min Nan] /hài/ :: broken
{def} /hé/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
害病 {v} /hàibìng/ :: to fall ill; to catch a disease; to contract an illness
害虫 {def} SEE: 害蟲 ::
害蟲 {n} /hàichóng/ :: harmful insect; insect pest
害處 {n} /hàichù,tl/ :: harm; damage
害处 {def} SEE: 害處 ::
害民 {v} [literary] /hàimín/ :: to cause harm to the people
害鳥 {n} /hàiniǎo,er/ :: harmful bird; birds harmful to humans
害鸟 {def} SEE: 害鳥 ::
害怕 {v} /hàipà/ :: to be afraid; to be scared; to be frightened
害羣之馬 {def} SEE: 害群之馬 ::
害群之馬 {n} [idiomatic] /hàiqúnzhīmǎ/ :: bad apple
害群之马 {def} SEE: 害群之馬 ::
害人 {v} /hàirén/ :: to harm people; to inflict suffering; to victimize
害人不淺 {idiom} /hàirén不qiǎn/ :: do great harm to others
害人不浅 {def} SEE: 害人不淺 ::
害臊 {v} [colloquial] /hàisào/ :: to be shy; to be bashful; to be embarrassed
害兽 {def} SEE: 害獸 ::
害獸 {n} /hàishòu/ :: harmful animal; destructive animal
害死 {v} [sometimes, hyperbole] /hàisǐ/ :: to harm (a person) to death (by various means, deliberate or ignorant, direct or indirect); to harass someone to death
害喜 {v} /hàixǐ/ :: to experience nausea, vomiting or food cravings during pregnancy; to have morning sickness
害心 {n} [literary] /hàixīn/ :: malice; evil designs
害羞 {v} /hàixiū/ :: to be shy; to be bashful
{def} [chemical element] /hài/ :: helium
氦核 {n} [physics] /hàihé/ :: helion
{def} /hài/ :: terrify, frighten
{def} [computing] /hài/ :: to hack
駭客 {n} [mainly Taiwan] /hàikè/ :: hacker
駭怕 {def} SEE: 害怕 ::
駭然 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /hàirán/ :: astonished; dumbstruck; shocked; aghast
駭人 {adj} /hàirén/ :: terrifying; shocking; dreadful
駭人聽聞 {idiom} /hàiréntīngwén/ :: shocking; horrifying; atrocious; terrible
{def} SEE: ::
骇客 {def} SEE: 駭客 ::
骇怕 {def} SEE: 駭怕 ::
骇然 {def} SEE: 駭然 ::
骇人 {def} SEE: 駭人 ::
骇人听闻 {def} SEE: 駭人聽聞 ::
唅饭 {def} SEE: 唅飯 ::
{def} /hān/ :: foolish; stupid; silly
{def} /hān/ :: [obsolete] simple; naive; innocent
{def} /hān/ :: [obsolete] coarse
{def} /hān/ :: surname
憨厚 {adj} /hānhòu,tl/ :: simple and honest; straightforward
憨实 {def} SEE: 憨實 ::
憨實 {adj} /hānshí/ :: honest and considerate; straightforward
憨直 {adj} /hānzhí/ :: honest and straightforward
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /shǎn/ :: the light from fires
{def} /hān,qú/ :: ark clam
蚶壳草 {def} SEE: 蚶殼草 ::
蚶壳钱草 {def} SEE: 蚶殼錢草 ::
蚶婆鲨 {def} SEE: 蚶婆鯊 ::
酣暢 {adj} /hānchàng/ :: merry and lively (with drinking)
酣暢 {adj} /hānchàng/ :: sound (asleep)
酣暢 {adj} /hānchàng/ :: with ease and verve; unrestrained
酣暢淋漓 {idiom} [of writing] /hānchànglínlí/ :: to one's heart's content; expressing something fully; fully and delightedly; in a flowing and lucid style
酣畅 {def} SEE: 酣暢 ::
酣畅淋漓 {def} SEE: 酣暢淋漓 ::
酣斗 {def} SEE: 酣鬥 ::
酣鬥 {v} [literary] /hāndòu/ :: to engage in a fierce battle
酣鬬 {def} SEE: 酣鬥 ::
酣夢 {n} /hānmèng/ :: sweet dream
酣梦 {def} SEE: 酣夢 ::
酣睡 {v} /hānshuì/ :: to be fast asleep
酣战 {def} SEE: 酣戰 ::
酣戰 {v} [archaic] /hānzhàn/ :: to fight a pitched battle; to fight desperately
酣醉 {v} /hānzuì/ :: to be dead drunk
{def} /àn/ :: [historical dictionaries] of head, bald
{def} SEE: ::
顸颟 {def} SEE: 頇顢 ::
{def} /hān/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} [literary or Min Nan] /hān/ :: to snore
{def} /hān/ :: snore; snoring
鼾齁 {n} [literary, onomatopoeia] /hānhōu/ :: sound of snoring; snore
鼾声 {def} SEE: 鼾聲 ::
鼾聲 {n} /hānshēng/ :: sound of snoring
鼾睡 {v} /hānshuì/ :: to be sound asleep; to fall into a snoring sleep
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hàn,hán/ :: long-haired horse
{def} /hán/ :: a kind of rat
{def} /hán/ :: lizard
{def} /hān/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gàn/ :: only used in 僋佄
{def} /hán/ :: to include
{def} /hán/ :: box
{def} /hán/ :: letter
函谷关 {def} SEE: 函谷關 ::
函谷關 {prop} /Hángǔ Guān/ :: Hangu Pass
函館 {prop} /Hánguǎn/ :: (~ 市) 函館 (city)
函馆 {def} SEE: 函館 ::
函件 {n} /hánjiàn/ :: letters; correspondence
函人 {n} /hánrén/ :: armorer; armourer
函售 {v} /hánshòu/ :: to sell by mail
函授 {n} /hánshòu/ :: distance learning; teaching by correspondence course
函數 {n} [mathematics] /hánshù,er/ :: function
函数 {def} SEE: 函數 ::
函子 {n} [category theory] /hánzǐ/ :: functor
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hán,hén,2n/ :: to hold or keep in the mouth
{def} /hán,hén,2n/ :: to bear; to endure
{def} /hán,hén,2n/ :: to contain inside; to comprise; to include
{def} /hán,hén,2n/ :: to harbor (emotion); to nurse; to endure; to hold back
{def} /hán,hén,2n/ :: surname
{def} [biblical character] /hán,hén,2n/ :: Ham
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] original form of
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] to put gems and pearls into a corpse's mouth
含巴拢 {def} SEE: 含巴攏 ::
含饭 {def} SEE: 含飯 ::
含服 {v} [pharmacology] /hánfú/ :: to take (a medicine) by having it naturally melt in the mouth without chewing or swallowing (i.e. sublingually)
含含糊糊 {adj} /hánhánhūhū,hánhánhúhú,tl3/ :: ambiguous; vague
含含胡胡 {def} SEE: 含含糊糊 ::
含糊 {adj} /hánhu,hánhú,1nb/ :: ambiguous; vague
含糊 {adj} /hánhu,hánhú,1nb/ :: careless; sloppy; slapdash
含糊 {v} [usually in the negative] /hánhu,hánhú,1nb/ :: to show weakness; to flinch; to recoil
含糊其辞 {def} SEE: 含糊其辭 ::
含糊其辭 {idiom} /hánhúqící/ :: to talk in ambiguous or unclear terms
含胡 {def} SEE: 含糊 ::
含混 {adj} /hánhùn/ :: unclear; ambiguous
含金量 {n} /hánjīnliàng/ :: gold content (of ore, jewelry, etc.)
含金量 {n} [figurative] /hánjīnliàng/ :: real worth; value
含泪 {def} SEE: 含淚 ::
含淚 {v} /hánlèi/ :: to have tears in one's eyes; to be teary-eyed
含量 {n} /hánliàng/ :: content; quantity contained
含脓 {def} SEE: 含膿 ::
含片 {n} /hánpiàn/ :: lozenge
含鉛 {adj} [attributive] /hánqiān/ :: leaded (containing lead)
含鉛汽油 {n} /hánqiān qìyóu/ :: leaded gasoline
含铅 {def} SEE: 含鉛 ::
含铅汽油 {def} SEE: 含鉛汽油 ::
含情 {v} /hánqíng/ :: to be affectionate; to be full of emotion
含情脈脈 {idiom} /hánqíngmòmò/ :: full of tender affection, (eyes) exuding tenderness and love
含情脉脉 {def} SEE: 含情脈脈 ::
含沙射影 {idiom} /hánshāshèyǐng/ :: to attack or slander by insinuation
含水 {v} /hánshuǐ/ :: to contain water or moisture
含水层 {def} SEE: 含水層 ::
含水層 {n} [geology] /hánshuǐcéng/ :: aquifer
含水量 {n} /hánshuǐliàng/ :: water content; moisture content
含水率 {n} /hánshuǐlǜ/ :: water content; moisture content
含稅 {adj} [attributive] /hánshuì/ :: tax-inclusive; taxable
含稅收入 {n} /hánshuì shōurù/ :: taxable income
含税 {def} SEE: 含稅 ::
含税收入 {def} SEE: 含稅收入 ::
含桃 {n} [literary] /hántáo/ :: cherry (plant and fruit)
含笑 {v} /hánxiào/ :: to wear a smile
含笑 {n} /hánxiào/ :: (~ 花) banana shrub; port wine magnolia (Magnolia figo)
含笑九泉 {idiom} /hánxiàojiǔquán/ :: to smile in one's grave; to have no regrets in life; to die with satisfaction
含辛茹苦 {idiom} /hánxīnrúkǔ/ :: to suffer untold hardships (to bring up one's child); to endure sufferings
含羞 {v} [literary] /hánxiū/ :: to feel ashamed and resentful
含羞 {v} [literary] /hánxiū/ :: to have a shy look; to be bashful
含羞草 {n} /hánxiūcǎo/ :: mimosa; shameplant (Mimosa, especially Mimosa pudica, the sensitive plant)
含蓄 {adj} /hánxù/ :: implicit; implied; unspoken
含蓄 {adj} [of a criticism] /hánxù/ :: veiled; covert
含蓄 {adj} [of a person] /hánxù/ :: reserved; quiet; reticent
含蓄 {v} /hánxù/ :: to contain; to embody
含血喷人 {def} SEE: 含血噴人 ::
含血噴人 {idiom} /hán血pēnrén/ :: to slander someone; to falsely accuse someone
含氧酸 {n} [chemistry] /hányǎngsuān/ :: oxyacid
含义 {def} SEE: 含義 ::
含呓 {def} SEE: 含囈 ::
含囈 {v} [literary] /hányì/ :: to talk in one's sleep; to sleeptalk
含意 {n} [pragmatics] /hányì/ :: implication; intended meaning; implicature
含義 {n} /hányì/ :: connotation; implication; meaning; significance
含英咀华 {def} SEE: 含英咀華 ::
含英咀華 {idiom} [figurative] /hányīngjǔhuá/ :: to savour the merits of a literary work; to appreciate the subtleties in a literary work by rumination
含有 {v} /hányǒu/ :: to have; to contain
含冤 {v} /hányuān/ :: to suffer an injustice; to be wronged; to suffer false accusations
含早 {v} /hánzǎo/ :: to include breakfast (of hotel room bookings)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hán/ :: cold; wintry; chilly
{def} /hán/ :: poor; poverty-stricken
{def} /hán/ :: humble; petty and low
{def} /hán/ :: desolate; deserted
{def} /hán/ :: dreary; miserable
{def} /hán/ :: withered; limp
{def} [humble] /hán/ :: my
{def} /hán/ :: to feel cold
{def} /hán/ :: to fear; to dread
{def} /hán/ :: winter
{def} /hán/ :: cold weather; cold day or night
{def} [TCM] /hán/ :: cold; chill
{def} /hán/ :: The fourteenth day of the month in Chinese telegraph messages
寒伧 {def} SEE: 寒傖 ::
寒傖 {adj} [colloquial] /hánchen,háncāng,háncheng,1nb/ :: ugly; shabby; squalid
寒傖 {adj} [colloquial] /hánchen,háncāng,háncheng,1nb/ :: shameful; disgraceful
寒傖 {v} [colloquial] /hánchen,háncāng,háncheng,1nb/ :: to ridicule; to embarrass
寒蝉 {def} SEE: 寒蟬 ::
寒蝉效应 {def} SEE: 寒蟬效應 ::
寒蟬 {n} [literally] /hánchán/ :: cicada in winter
寒蟬 {n} [literary] /hánchán/ :: a kind of cicada that is small in size and bluegreen-red in colour
寒蟬 {n} [literary, figurative] /hánchán/ :: one who stays silent
寒蟬效應 {n} /hánchán xiàoyìng,tl/ :: chilling effect
寒蟾 {n} [literary] /hánchán/ :: moon
寒顫 {def} SEE: 寒戰 ::
寒潮 {n} [meteorology] /háncháo/ :: cold wave (Classifier: m:股)
寒碜 {def} SEE: 寒磣 ::
寒磣 {adj} [colloquial] /hánchen/ :: ugly; shabby; squalid
寒磣 {adj} [colloquial] /hánchen/ :: shameful; disgraceful
寒磣 {v} [colloquial] /hánchen/ :: to ridicule; to embarrass
寒窗 {n} [literary] /hánchuāng/ :: (sitting by a) cold window on a chilly winter day (to study)
寒窗 {n} [figurative] /hánchuāng/ :: harsh conditions for learning
寒带 {def} SEE: 寒帶 ::
寒帶 {n} /hándài/ :: polar climate; frigid zone
寒冬 {n} /hándōng/ :: midwinter; deep winter; cold winter
寒冬腊月 {def} SEE: 寒冬臘月 ::
寒冬臘月 {idiom} /hándōnglàyuè/ :: the coldest period of winter
寒風 {n} /hánfēng/ :: cold (winter) wind
寒风 {def} SEE: 寒風 ::
寒號蟲 {n} /hánháochóng/ :: alternative name for 寒號鳥
寒號鳥 {n} /hánháoniǎo/ :: complex-toothed flying squirrel (Trogopterus xanthipes)
寒号虫 {def} SEE: 寒號蟲 ::
寒号鸟 {def} SEE: 寒號鳥 ::
寒河江 {prop} /Hánhéjiāng/ :: (~ 市) 寒河江 (city)
寒极 {def} SEE: 寒極 ::
寒極 {n} [geography] /hánjí/ :: pole of cold
寒假 {n} /hánjià/ :: winter break
寒噤 {n} /hánjìn/ :: shiver
寒噤 {v} /hánjìn/ :: to shiver (with cold or fear)
寒冷 {adj} /hánlěng/ :: cold; freezing
寒林 {n} /hánlín/ :: a forest in winter
寒林 {n} [Buddhism] /hánlín/ :: charnel ground
寒流 {n} /hánliú/ :: cold current; cold stream
寒露 {prop} /Hánlù/ :: Hanlu (one of twenty-four solar terms)
寒毛 {n} /hánmáo/ :: fine human body hair; down
寒梅 {n} /hánméi/ :: plum tree blossoming in winter
寒門 {n} [literary] /hánmén/ :: humble and poor family
寒門 {n} [literary, humble] /hánmén/ :: my family
寒门 {def} SEE: 寒門 ::
寒暖 {n} /hánnuǎn/ :: coldness and warmness [especially of weather]; changes in temperature
寒暖 {n} [figurative] /hánnuǎn/ :: daily life; living conditions
寒魄 {n} [literary] /hánpò/ :: moon; moonlight
寒气 {def} SEE: 寒氣 ::
寒氣 {n} /hánqì/ :: cold air
寒氣 {n} /hánqì/ :: chill (sense of cold)
寒热 {def} SEE: 寒熱 ::
寒热仔 {def} SEE: 寒熱仔 ::
寒日 {n} [literary] /hánrì/ :: cold weather
寒日 {n} [literary] /hánrì/ :: winter sun
寒日 {n} /hánrì/ :: alternative form of 寒食節
寒色 {n} /hánsè/ :: cold colour (blue, violet)
寒舍 {n} [literary, humble] /hánshè/ :: (one's own) humble home; (one's own) humble abode
寒舍 {n} /hánshè/ :: (one's own) modest home
寒食 {n} [literary] /hánshí/ :: cold food (usually eaten around the Qingming Festival)
寒食 {prop} /hánshí/ :: abbreviation of 寒食節
寒食節 {prop} /Hánshíjié/ :: Cold Food Festival (a traditional Chinese festival celebrated for three days around the Qingming Festival)
寒食节 {def} SEE: 寒食節 ::
寒食散 {n} /hánshísǎn/ :: cold-food powder (a poisonous psychoactive drug popular in ancient China)
寒士 {n} [literary] /hánshì/ :: poor scholar
寒暑 {n} /hánshǔ/ :: cold and heat
寒暑 {n} /hánshǔ/ :: winter and summer
寒暑 {n} [figurative] /hánshǔ/ :: a year's time; time
寒暑表 {def} SEE: 寒暑錶 ::
寒暑錶 {n} /hánshǔbiǎo/ :: thermometer
寒暑錶 {n} [figurative] /hánshǔbiǎo/ :: indication (of); gauge (of)
寒水 {n} /hánshuǐ/ :: cold water
寒水石 {n} /hánshuǐshí/ :: calcitum or gypsum rubrum (A mineral used in traditional Chinese medicine to reduce "heat" and "fire".)
寒酸 {adj} /hánsuān/ :: shabby and miserable (usually of a poor scholar)
寒酸 {adj} /hánsuān/ :: poverty-stricken; poor
寒酸 {n} /hánsuān/ :: poor person; person of humble origin
寒天 {n} /hántiān,er/ :: chilly weather; cold weather
寒天 {n} [Hakka, Min Dong, Min Nan, Puxian Min, Wu] /hántiān,er/ :: winter
寒天 {n} /hántiān,er/ :: alternative name for 洋菜
寒腿 {n} [pathology, colloquial] /hántuǐ/ :: rheumatism in the legs
寒微 {n} [literary, of one's status, position, etc.] /hán微/ :: lowly; humble
寒武 {prop} /Hánwǔ/ :: the Cambrian
寒武紀 {prop} /Hánwǔjì/ :: the Cambrian period
寒武纪 {def} SEE: 寒武紀 ::
寒心 {adj} /hánxīn/ :: shivering with fear; struck with fear
寒心 {adj} /hánxīn/ :: disappointed
寒喧 {def} SEE: 寒暄 ::
寒暄 {n} [literary] /hánxuān/ :: cold and warm
寒暄 {n} [literary, figurative] /hánxuān/ :: cold and warm seasons; years
寒暄 {v} [literary] /hánxuān/ :: to enquire about another person's well-being (i.e. to inquire if they are feeling cold or warm)
寒暄 {v} [nowadays, commonly] /hánxuān/ :: to exchange pleasantries; to make small talk; to exchange greetings
寒鴉 {n} /hányā/ :: jackdaw (Corvus monedula)
寒鴉 {n} /hányā/ :: crow in winter
寒鸦 {def} SEE: 寒鴉 ::
寒意 {n} /hányì/ :: nip in the air; chilliness
寒战 {def} SEE: 寒戰 ::
寒戰 {n} /hánzhàn,tl/ :: shivering due to cold weather
寒颤 {def} SEE: 寒顫 ::
寒着 {def} SEE: 寒著 ::
{def} /hán/ :: to soak; to wet
{def} /hán/ :: to tolerate; to forgive; to be lenient
{def} /hán/ :: to immerse
{def} /hán/ :: a culvert
{def} /hán/ :: alternative form of *含
涵洞 {n} /hándòng/ :: culvert
涵盖 {def} SEE: 涵蓋 ::
涵蓋 {v} /hángài/ :: to contain; to cover; to comprise; to include
涵哥 {n} /hángē/ :: Han Ge is a respectful name for a person whose name contains Han characters, For example, a person named Huang Han can be called Han Ge
涵沟 {def} SEE: 涵溝 ::
涵江 {prop} /Hánjiāng/ :: (~ 區) Hanjiang
涵空龟 {def} SEE: 涵空龜 ::
涵蓄 {def} SEE: 含蓄 ::
涵养 {def} SEE: 涵養 ::
涵養 {n} /hányǎng/ :: self-possession; self-restraint
涵養 {v} /hányǎng/ :: to conserve (e.g. water)
涵义 {def} SEE: 含義 ::
涵意 {def} SEE: 含意 ::
涵義 {n} /hányì/ :: connotation; implication; meaning; significance
涵有 {v} /hányǒu/ :: to imply
{def} /hán/ :: enthalpy
{def} [historical] /hán/ :: gems and pearls put into the mouth of a corpse
{def} /hán/ :: only used in 筨𥳔
筨𥳔 {n} [literary] /hánduò/ :: a kind of bamboo that is solid in the middle
{def} /hán/ :: only used in 邯鄲
{def} /hán/ :: alternative form of 𣵷
{def} /hán/ :: surname
{def} /hàn/ :: only used in 邯淡
邯郸 {def} SEE: 邯鄲 ::
邯郸学步 {def} SEE: 邯鄲學步 ::
邯鄲 {prop} [historical] /Hándān/ :: Handan (capital of the State of Zhao during the Warring States period, in present-day Handan City)
邯鄲 {prop} /Hándān/ :: (~ 市) 邯鄲 (prefecture-level city)
邯鄲 {prop} /Hándān/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] 邯鄲 (former county)
邯鄲 {prop} /Hándān/ :: surname
邯鄲學步 {idiom} /hándānxuébù/ :: to badly imitate others, and lose one's individuality in the process
{def} /hán/ :: [obsolete] fence surrounding a well, puteal
{def} /hán/ :: (~ 國) [historical] Han, an ancient Chinese county, viscounty, and kingdom of the Zhou Dynasty and the Qin-Han interregnum
{def} /hán/ :: The realm of this former state under other rulers
{def} [astronomy] /hán/ :: The star Zeta Ophiuchi in traditional Chinese astronomy, named for the state
{def} /hán/ :: surname named for the state
{def} [historical] /hán/ :: common designation of Mahan confederacy, Byeonhan confederacy, and Jinhan confederacy, three ancient tribal federations located on the southern part of the Korean Peninsula
{def} /hán/ :: abbreviation of 韓國
韓半島 {prop} /Hánbàndǎo/ :: Korean Peninsula
韓棒子 {n} [pejorative slang] /Hánbàngzi/ :: a Korean (person)
韓城 {prop} /Hánchéng/ :: (~ 市) 韓城 (county-level city)
韓方 {n} /hánfāng/ :: the Korean side; the Koreans (in negotiations, etc.)
韓非子 {prop} /Hán Fēizǐ/ :: Han Fei (Chinese philosopher of the Warring States period)
韓非子 {prop} /Hán Fēizǐ/ :: Han Feizi (ancient Chinese text)
韓服 {n} /hánfú/ :: hanbok (traditional Korean dress)
韓服 {n} [gaming] /hánfú/ :: South Korean server
韓國 {prop} [chiefly mainland China] /Hánguó/ :: South Korea, the modern state on the Korean peninsula
韓國 {prop} [historical] /Hánguó/ :: Han, an ancient Chinese county, viscounty, and kingdom of the Zhou dynasty
韓國 {prop} [historical] /Hánguó/ :: the realm of this former state under other rulers
韓國大醬 {n} /hánguó dàjiàng/ :: Korean soybean paste (doenjang)
韓國話 {n} [colloquial] /hánguóhuà/ :: Korean language
韓國泡菜 {n} /Hánguó pàocài/ :: kimchi
韓國人 {n} /hánguórén/ :: Korean (person)
韓國學 {n} /hánguóxué/ :: Koreanology; Korean studies
韓國語 {n} /hánguóyǔ/ :: Korean language
韓集 {prop} /Hánjí/ :: (~ 鄉) 韓集 (town)
韓家灣 {prop} /Hánjiāwān/ :: (~ 村) 韓家灣 (village)
韓江 {prop} /Hánjiāng/ :: Han River (Guangdong) (in Guangdong, China)
韓劇 {n} /hánjù/ :: Korean TV drama; K-drama (Classifier: m:部)
韓料 {n} /hánliào/ :: abbreviation of 韓國料理
韓流 {n} /hánliú/ :: Korean Wave
韓流 {n} [Taiwan] /hánliú/ :: insanity for Han Kuo-yu (a Taiwanese politician)
韓媒 {n} /hánméi/ :: (South) Korean media
韓圈 {n} [neologism, slang] /hánquān,er/ :: Korean showbiz
韓圈 {n} [neologism, slang] /hánquān,er/ :: group formed by the fans of Korean music, drama, etc
韓灣 {prop} /Hánwān/ :: (~ 村) 韓灣 (village)
韓文 {n} /hánwén/ :: Korean language
韓文 {n} /hánwén/ :: Hangeul (Korean national script)
韓文 {n} [literary] /hánwén/ :: prose of Han Yu (韓愈)
韓系 {n} /hánxì/ :: (South) Korean origin or style
韓星 {n} [neologism] /hánxīng/ :: K-pop star; Korean celebrity
韓娛 {n} /hányú/ :: Korean entertainment (circle, news, etc.)
韓語 {n} /hányǔ/ :: Korean language
韓戰 {prop} [colloquial] /Hánzhàn/ :: Korean War
{def} SEE: ::
韩半岛 {def} SEE: 韓半島 ::
韩棒子 {def} SEE: 韓棒子 ::
韩城 {def} SEE: 韓城 ::
韩方 {def} SEE: 韓方 ::
韩非子 {def} SEE: 韓非子 ::
韩服 {def} SEE: 韓服 ::
韩国 {def} SEE: 韓國 ::
韩国大酱 {def} SEE: 韓國大醬 ::
韩国话 {def} SEE: 韓國話 ::
韩国泡菜 {def} SEE: 韓國泡菜 ::
韩国人 {def} SEE: 韓國人 ::
韩国学 {def} SEE: 韓國學 ::
韩国语 {def} SEE: 韓國語 ::
韩国仔 {def} SEE: 韓國仔 ::
韩集 {def} SEE: 韓集 ::
韩家湾 {def} SEE: 韓家灣 ::
韩江 {def} SEE: 韓江 ::
韩剧 {def} SEE: 韓劇 ::
韩料 {def} SEE: 韓料 ::
韩流 {def} SEE: 韓流 ::
韩媒 {def} SEE: 韓媒 ::
韩圈 {def} SEE: 韓圈 ::
韩湾 {def} SEE: 韓灣 ::
韩文 {def} SEE: 韓文 ::
韩系 {def} SEE: 韓系 ::
韩星 {def} SEE: 韓星 ::
韩娱 {def} SEE: 韓娛 ::
韩语 {def} SEE: 韓語 ::
韩战 {def} SEE: 韓戰 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary, of a tiger] /hǎn/ :: to roar; to growl
{def} /kǎn/ :: only used in 㙳坷
㙳坷 {def} SEE: 坎坷 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hǎn/ :: to shout; to cry; to yell; to howl
{def} /hǎn/ :: to call out for (someone)
{def} [Cantonese] /hǎn/ :: to cry; to sob; to weep
喊道 {v} /hǎndào/ :: to yell; to shout
喊話 {v} [military] /hǎnhuà/ :: to shout messages to the enemy
喊話 {v} /hǎnhuà/ :: to communicate by tele-equipment
喊话 {def} SEE: 喊話 ::
喊叫 {v} /hǎnjiào/ :: to cry out; to shout
喊卡 {v} /hǎnkǎ/ :: to call off; to cancel; to abort; to pull the plug on something; to suspend
喊杀 {def} SEE: 喊殺 ::
喊殺 {v} [archaic] /hǎnshā/ :: to shout out war cries
喊声 {def} SEE: 喊聲 ::
喊声震天 {def} SEE: 喊聲震天 ::
喊聲 {n} [literary] /hǎnshēng/ :: sound of people shouting
喊聲震天 {idiom} /hǎnshēngzhèntiān/ :: loud screams and shouting seemingly shakes the heavens
喊线 {def} SEE: 喊線 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hǎn/ :: name of a river
{def} /hǎn/ :: rare; scarce
{def} /hǎn/ :: surname
罕艾日克 {prop} /Hǎn'àirìkè/ :: (~ 鎮) 罕艾日克 (town)
罕病 {n} /hǎnbìng/ :: rare disease
罕覯 {adj} [literary] /hǎngòu/ :: synonym of 罕見
罕觏 {def} SEE: 罕覯 ::
罕見 {adj} /hǎnjiàn/ :: rare; rarely seen
罕见 {def} SEE: 罕見 ::
罕时 {def} SEE: 罕時 ::
罕有 {v} /hǎnyǒu/ :: to be rare; to rarely have
{def} /hàn,hǎn,1nb/ :: only used in 蔊菜
蔊菜 {n} /hàncài,hǎncài,1nb/ :: Rorippa indica
{def} [literary] /kàn/ :: alternative form of
{def} [literary] /kàn/ :: to approach; to be near to
{def} /kàn/ :: surname
{def} [literary] /hǎn/ :: angry roaring or growling (of tiger)
{def} [literary] /hǎn/ :: loud
{def} /xiàn/ :: [historical dictionaries] sound of dogs [Guangyun]; sound of angry beasts [Jiyun]
{def} /hàn/ :: (same as ) envy
{def} /hàn/ :: jealousy
{def} /hàn/ :: to be jealous of
{def} /hàn/ :: to hate
{def} /hàn/ :: dangerous
{def} /hàn/ :: lofty
{def} /hàn/ :: steep
{def} /hàn/ :: high and dangerous
{def} /xín/ :: used in girl names
{def} /hàn,kǎn/ :: thin and sickly in appearance, emaciated look
{def} /hàn,kǎn/ :: to move one's head
{def} /hàn/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hàn/ :: brave; bold
{def} /hàn/ :: fierce; ferocious
{def} /hàn/ :: vigorous; valiant
悍馬 {n} /hànmǎ/ :: Hummer
悍马 {def} SEE: 悍馬 ::
悍然 {adv} /hànrán/ :: outrageously; brazenly; flagrantly
{def} /hàn/ :: regret
{def} [literary] /hàn/ :: resentment
憾事 {n} /hànshì/ :: matter of regret; regrettable matter
{def} /hàn/ :: to resist
{def} /hàn/ :: to offend
{def} /hàn/ :: to prevent
{def} /hàn/ :: to cover
{def} /hàn/ :: leather sleeve
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hàn/ :: alternative form of
扞格 {v} /hàngé/ :: to be contradictory, incompatible
扞格不通 {idiom} /hàngé不tōng/ :: contradictory, incompatible
{def} /hàn/ :: to defend; to guard; to protect
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] to resist
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] firm; solid
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] leather oversleeve
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
捍车 {def} SEE: 捍車 ::
捍脉 {def} SEE: 捍脈 ::
捍头 {def} SEE: 捍頭 ::
捍卫 {def} SEE: 捍衛 ::
捍衛 {v} /hànwèi/ :: to defend; to safeguard; to protect; to uphold
捍衞 {def} SEE: 捍衛 ::
捍御 {def} SEE: 捍禦 ::
捍禦 {v} [literary] /hànyù/ :: to defend; to guard; to protect
{def} /hàn/ :: to shake; to vibrate
{def} [Cantonese] /hàn/ :: to fight
撼动 {def} SEE: 撼動 ::
撼動 {v} /hàndòng/ :: to shake up
撼動 {v} [figurative] /hàndòng/ :: to shake; to stir
{def} [of land] /hàn/ :: dry; arid
{def} /hàn/ :: drought; dry spell; aridness
{def} /hàn/ :: dry land
旱魃 {n} /hànbá/ :: drought demon
旱冰 {n} /hànbīng/ :: roller skating
旱稻 {n} /hàndào/ :: upland or dry rice
旱地 {n} /hàndì/ :: dry land
旱暵 {n} [literary] /hànhàn/ :: drought
旱涝 {def} SEE: 旱澇 ::
旱澇 {n} /hànlào/ :: drought and flood
旱苗 {n} [literary] /hànmiáo/ :: a parched seedling
旱情 {n} /hànqíng/ :: drought situation; damage to crops by drought; ravages of a drought
旱伞 {def} SEE: 旱傘 ::
旱傘 {n} /hànsǎn/ :: parasol
旱獭 {def} SEE: 旱獺 ::
旱獺 {n} /hàntǎ/ :: marmot
旱天 {n} /hàntiān/ :: dry day; days of drought
旱田 {n} /hàntián/ :: nonirrigated farmland; dry land
旱鴨子 {n} /hànyāzi/ :: one who cannot swim
旱鸭子 {def} SEE: 旱鴨子 ::
旱烟 {def} SEE: 旱煙 ::
旱烟袋 {def} SEE: 旱煙袋 ::
旱煙 {n} /hànyān/ :: tobacco (smoked in a long-stemmed Chinese pipe)
旱煙袋 {n} /hànyāndài/ :: long-stemmed Chinese pipe
旱菸 {def} SEE: 旱煙 ::
旱菸袋 {def} SEE: 旱煙袋 ::
旱災 {n} /hànzāi/ :: drought (Classifier: m:場m:次)
旱災 {n} /hànzāi/ :: (~ 卦) The combination 三上三下 in the Lingqijing
旱灾 {def} SEE: 旱災 ::
{def} [literary] /hàn/ :: to dry by exposing to the sun
{def} [literary] /hàn/ :: to wither; to become dry
{def} [literary] /hàn/ :: dry; hot
{def} SEE: ::
汉白玉 {def} SEE: 漢白玉 ::
汉堡 {def} SEE: 漢堡 ::
汉堡扒 {def} SEE: 漢堡扒 ::
汉堡包 {def} SEE: 漢堡包 ::
汉堡排 {def} SEE: 漢堡排 ::
汉藏 {def} SEE: 漢藏 ::
汉藏语 {def} SEE: 漢藏語 ::
汉藏语系 {def} SEE: 漢藏語系 ::
汉草 {def} SEE: 漢草 ::
汉臣 {def} SEE: 漢臣 ::
汉城 {def} SEE: 漢城 ::
汉川 {def} SEE: 漢川 ::
汉传 {def} SEE: 漢傳 ::
汉传佛教 {def} SEE: 漢傳佛教 ::
汉代 {def} SEE: 漢代 ::
汉地 {def} SEE: 漢地 ::
汉方 {def} SEE: 漢方 ::
汉丰 {def} SEE: 漢豐 ::
汉服 {def} SEE: 漢服 ::
汉高祖 {def} SEE: 漢高祖 ::
汉化 {def} SEE: 漢化 ::
汉化组 {def} SEE: 漢化組 ::
汉籍 {def} SEE: 漢籍 ::
汉家 {def} SEE: 漢家 ::
汉奸 {def} SEE: 漢奸 ::
汉江 {def} SEE: 漢江 ::
汉江路 {def} SEE: 漢江路 ::
汉剧 {def} SEE: 漢劇 ::
汉军 {def} SEE: 漢軍 ::
汉口 {def} SEE: 漢口 ::
汉乐 {def} SEE: 漢樂 ::
汉罗 {def} SEE: 漢羅 ::
汉密尔顿 {def} SEE: 漢密爾頓 ::
汉墓 {def} SEE: 漢墓 ::
汉娜 {def} SEE: 漢娜 ::
汉南 {def} SEE: 漢南 ::
汉诺塔 {def} SEE: 漢諾塔 ::
汉诺威 {def} SEE: 漢諾威 ::
汉俳 {def} SEE: 漢俳 ::
汉普 {def} SEE: 漢普 ::
汉人 {def} SEE: 漢人 ::
汉日词 {def} SEE: 漢日詞 ::
汉日语 {def} SEE: 漢日語 ::
汉诗 {def} SEE: 漢詩 ::
汉史 {def} SEE: 漢史 ::
汉室 {def} SEE: 漢室 ::
汉书 {def} SEE: 漢書 ::
汉水 {def} SEE: 漢水 ::
汉他病毒 {def} SEE: 漢他病毒 ::
汉坦病毒 {def} SEE: 漢坦病毒 ::
汉唐 {def} SEE: 漢唐 ::
汉土 {def} SEE: 漢土 ::
汉王 {def} SEE: 漢王 ::
汉文 {def} SEE: 漢文 ::
汉文训读 {def} SEE: 漢文訓讀 ::
汉文训读体 {def} SEE: 漢文訓讀體 ::
汉文字 {def} SEE: 漢文字 ::
汉武 {def} SEE: 漢武 ::
汉武帝 {def} SEE: 漢武帝 ::
汉姓 {def} SEE: 漢姓 ::
汉学 {def} SEE: 漢學 ::
汉学家 {def} SEE: 漢學家 ::
汉阳 {def} SEE: 漢陽 ::
汉药 {def} SEE: 漢藥 ::
汉医 {def} SEE: 漢醫 ::
汉音 {def} SEE: 漢音 ::
汉英 {def} SEE: 漢英 ::
汉语 {def} SEE: 漢語 ::
汉语拼音 {def} SEE: 漢語拼音 ::
汉语拼音方案 {def} SEE: 漢語拼音方案 ::
汉语水平考试 {def} SEE: 漢語水平考試 ::
汉语族 {def} SEE: 漢語族 ::
汉越 {def} SEE: 漢越 ::
汉越词 {def} SEE: 漢越詞 ::
汉越音 {def} SEE: 漢越音 ::
汉越语 {def} SEE: 漢越語 ::
汉贼不两立 {def} SEE: 漢賊不兩立 ::
汉朝 {def} SEE: 漢朝 ::
汉赵 {def} SEE: 漢趙 ::
汉中 {def} SEE: 漢中 ::
汉渚 {def} SEE: 漢渚 ::
汉装 {def} SEE: 漢裝 ::
汉子 {def} SEE: 漢子 ::
汉字 {def} SEE: 漢字 ::
汉字词 {def} SEE: 漢字詞 ::
汉字文化圈 {def} SEE: 漢字文化圈 ::
汉族 {def} SEE: 漢族 ::
{def} /hàn/ :: sweat; perspiration (Classifier: 滴)
{def} [literary] /hàn/ :: to sweat; to perspire
{def} [literary] /hàn/ :: condensation on bamboo when put over fire
{def} [internet slang] /hàn/ :: Word used to express embarrassment, speechlessness or helplessness
{def} /hán/ :: abbreviation of 可汗
{def} /gān/ :: only used in 餘汗/馀汗
汗八里 {prop} /Hánbālǐ/ :: Khanbalik, the capital of the Mongolian Yuan dynasty at the site of present-day Beijing
汗斑 {n} /hànbān/ :: sweat stain
汗斑 {n} [disease] /hànbān/ :: tinea versicolor; pityriasis versicolor
汗臭 {n} /hànchòu/ :: stink of sweat; foul odor of sweat
汗褟 {n} [dialectal] /hàntā,er/ :: undershirt
汗褟儿 {def} SEE: 汗褟兒 ::
汗褟兒 {n} /hàntār/ :: Mandarin erhua form of undershirt
汗国 {def} SEE: 汗國 ::
汗國 {n} /hánguó/ :: khanate
汗孔 {n} /hànkǒng/ :: pore (opening in the skin)
汗流浃背 {def} SEE: 汗流浹背 ::
汗流浹背 {idiom} /hànliú浹bèi/ :: to sweat profusely; drenched in sweat
汗毛 {n} /hànmáo,er/ :: fine human body hair; down
汗毛孔 {n} /hànmáokǒng,er/ :: pore (opening in the skin)
汗牛充栋 {def} SEE: 汗牛充棟 ::
汗牛充棟 {idiom} [figurative, of books] /hànniúchōngdòng/ :: to be numerous
汗青 {n} [archaic] /hànqīng/ :: bamboo slip
汗青 {n} [literary] /hànqīng/ :: chronicles, annals, history
汗衫 {n} /hànshān/ :: undershirt, singlet
汗衫 {n} /hànshān/ :: T-shirt
汗水 {n} /hànshuǐ/ :: sweat
汗腺 {n} [anatomy] /hànxiàn/ :: sweat gland (Classifier: 條)
汗血馬 {n} [historical] /hàn血mǎ/ :: Ferghana horse
汗血马 {def} SEE: 汗血馬 ::
汗顏 {v} [literary] /hànyán/ :: to perspire (on face)
汗顏 {v} [figurative] /hànyán/ :: to feel ashamed; to blush with shame
汗顏 {v} [figurative, neologism] /hànyán/ :: to be embarrassed or shocked
汗颜 {def} SEE: 汗顏 ::
汗疹 {n} /hànzhěn/ :: miliaria, sweat rash
汗蒸 {n} /hànzhēng/ :: sauna
汗珠 {n} /hànzhū,er/ :: beads of sweat
汗渍 {def} SEE: 汗漬 ::
汗漬 {n} /hànzì/ :: sweat stains
{def} /hàn/ :: only used in 涆涆
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hàn/ :: (~ 水) Han River, a tributary of the Yangtze
{def} [classical] /hàn/ :: the Milky Way
{def} /hàn/ :: (~ 江) Han River, the fourth-longest river on the Korean peninsula
{def} /hàn/ :: (~朝) Han Dynasty
{def} /hàn/ :: Chinese; Chinese people
{def} /hàn/ :: abbreviation of 漢語
{def} /hàn/ :: man; guy; bloke
{def} /hàn/ :: surname
漢白玉 {n} /hànbáiyù/ :: white marble
漢堡 {n} /hànbǎo/ :: hamburger
漢堡 {prop} /hànbǎo/ :: 漢堡 (the second-largest <<city>> in <<c/Germany>>)
漢堡 {prop} /hànbǎo/ :: 漢堡 (a <<state>> of <<c/Germany>> containing the city of the same name)
漢堡扒 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /hànbǎopá/ :: hamburger patty
漢堡包 {n} /hànbǎobāo/ :: hamburger
漢堡排 {n} /hànbǎopái/ :: hamburger patty
漢藏 {adj} [attributive] /hàn-zàng/ :: Sino-Tibetan
漢藏語 {n} /hànzàngyǔ/ :: Sino-Tibetan languages
漢藏語系 {n} [linguistics] /Hàn-Zàng yǔxì/ :: Sino-Tibetan language family
漢臣 {n} [archaic] /Hàn chén/ :: an official of the Han Dynasty court
漢城 {prop} [dated or colloquial] /Hànchéng/ :: Seoul
漢城 {prop} [historical] /Hànchéng/ :: Hanseong (Seoul during the Joseon dynasty)
漢川 {prop} /Hànchuān/ :: (~ 市) 漢川 (county-level city)
漢傳 {adj} [attributive] /hànchuán/ :: transmitted in the Chinese language; Chinese (of Buddhism)
漢傳佛教 {prop} /Hànchuán Fójiào/ :: Chinese Buddhism
漢代 {prop} /Hàndài/ :: the Han dynasty (202 BCE–220 CE)
漢地 {n} /hàndì/ :: lands of the Han Chinese
漢方 {n} /hànfāng,er/ :: traditional Chinese medicine prescription
漢豐 {prop} /Hànfēng/ :: (~ 街道) 漢豐 (subdistrict)
漢服 {n} /hànfú/ :: clothing worn by Han Chinese ethnicity persons (as opposed to the clothing worn by historical non-Han ethnicity rulers)
漢服 {n} [neologism] /hànfú/ :: traditional Han Chinese clothing; Hanfu
漢高祖 {prop} /Hàn Gāozǔ/ :: Emperor Gaozu of Han (256 B.C.E. or 247 B.C.E.–June 1, 195 B.C.E.)
漢化 {v} /hànhuà/ :: to sinicize
漢化 {v} [computing] /hànhuà/ :: to implement Chinese localization; to translate into Chinese or convert into a Chinese interface
漢化組 {n} [especially, internet jargon] /hànhuàzǔ/ :: (non-official) Chinese translation team; fan translation team
漢籍 {n} /hànjí/ :: Chinese texts (chiefly premodern Chinese texts circulated outside China)
漢籍 {n} /hànjí/ :: Han dynasty texts
漢家 {prop} /Hàn Jiā/ :: the house of Han; the Han Dynasty
漢奸 {n} [originally] /hànjiān/ :: traitor to the Han ethnicity or the Chinese
漢奸 {n} [by extension] /hànjiān/ :: traitor in general
漢奸 {n} [Beijing] /hànjiān/ :: spinning top
漢江 {prop} /Hànjiāng/ :: Han River (in Shaanxi and Hubei, China)
漢江 {prop} /Hànjiāng/ :: Han River (in Seoul, South Korea)
漢江 {prop} /Hànjiāng/ :: (~ 街道) 漢江 (subdistrict)
漢江路 {prop} /Hànjiānglù/ :: (~ 街道) 漢江路 (subdistrict)
漢劇 {n} /hànjù/ :: Han opera (a style of Chinese opera originating in Hubei)
漢劇 {n} /hànjù/ :: Han opera (a style of Chinese opera originating in southern Shaanxi)
漢劇 {n} /hànjù/ :: alternative name for 廣東漢劇
漢軍 {n} [literary] /hànjūn/ :: Han troops
漢口 {prop} /Hànkǒu/ :: (~ 市) [historical] 漢口 (former city)
漢口 {prop} [colloquial] /Hànkǒu/ :: The northern area of Wuhan in the area of the former city, including the present-day districts of Jiang'an, Jianghan, and Qiaokou
漢樂 {n} /hànyuè/ :: traditional Chinese music
漢樂 {prop} /Hànlè/ :: (~ 村) 漢樂 (village)
漢羅 {n} /hànluó/ :: A method of writing in Min Nan in which text is half-Hanzi and half-pe̍h-ōe-jī (romanized) (as not all Min Nan words have known or standardized Hanzi). Below is an example where a Min Nan word 𠢕早 /gâu-chá/ is written in three methods:
漢密爾頓 {prop} /Hànmì'ěrdùn/ :: (~ 市) Hamilton
漢墓 {n} /hànmù/ :: Han-dynasty tomb (Classifier: m:座)
漢娜 {prop} /Hànnà/ :: Hannah
漢南 {prop} /Hànnán/ :: (~ 區) 漢南 (district)
漢諾塔 {n} [Mainland China] /Hànnuò tǎ/ :: Tower of Hanoi
漢諾威 {prop} /Hànnuòwēi/ :: Hanover
漢俳 {n} /hànpái/ :: Chinese haiku
漢普 {prop} /Hànpǔ/ :: (~ 郡) Hampshire
漢人 {n} /hànrén/ :: Han Chinese (the largest ethnic group indigenous to China)
漢人 {n} [literary, historical] /hànrén/ :: people of the Han dynasty
漢日詞 {n} /hànrìcí/ :: Sino-Japanese vocabulary, kango
漢日語 {n} /hànrìyǔ/ :: Sino-Japanese vocabulary, kango
漢詩 {n} /hànshī/ :: Chinese poetry; Chinese poem
漢史 {n} [literary] /Hàn shǐ/ :: history of the Han Dynasty
漢室 {n} [archaic] /Hàn shì/ :: the Han Dynasty; the house of Han
漢書 {prop} /Hànshū/ :: Book of Han (history of the Western Han dynasty finished in 111)
漢水 {prop} /Hànshuǐ/ :: alternative name for 漢江
漢他病毒 {n} /hàntābìngdú/ :: orthohantavirus; hantavirus
漢坦病毒 {n} /hàntǎnbìngdú/ :: orthohantavirus; hantavirus
漢唐 {prop} /Hàn-Táng/ :: the Han and Tang dynasties; Han through Tang dynasties
漢土 {n} /hàntǔ/ :: lands of the Han Chinese
漢王 {prop} /Hànwáng/ :: synonym of 嶓冢山
漢文 {n} /hànwén/ :: written Chinese
漢文 {n} /hànwén/ :: Chinese literature
漢文 {n} /hànwén/ :: Literary Chinese
漢文 {n} /hànwén/ :: Classical Chinese
漢文訓讀 {n} [linguistics] /hànwén xùndú/ :: reading Literary Chinese text in the vernacular language by literal translation; kanbun kundoku (in Japan); hanmun hundok (in Korea)
漢文訓讀體 {n} /hànwén xùndútǐ/ :: a form of Literary Japanese influenced by kanbun kundoku (literal translation of Chinese into Japanese)
漢武 {prop} /Hàn Wǔ/ :: Emperor Wu of Han
漢武帝 {prop} /Hàn Wǔ Dì/ :: Emperor Wu of Han
漢姓 {n} /hànxìng/ :: surnames used by Han Chinese persons
漢姓 {n} /hànxìng/ :: Chinese surname (adopted by non-Han ethnicity persons)
漢學 {n} /hànxué/ :: Han school of classical Chinese (i.e. study of classical Chinese during the Han dynasty)
漢學 {n} /hànxué/ :: Chinese studies (by non-Chinese); Sinology
漢學家 {n} /hànxuéjiā/ :: sinologist, scholar of Chinese
漢陽 {prop} [historical] /Hànyáng/ :: Hanyang (an old term for Seoul)
漢陽 {prop} /Hànyáng/ :: (~ 區) 漢陽 (district)
漢藥 {n} [chiefly Taiwan Hakka, Min Nan] /hànyào/ :: traditional Chinese medicine
漢醫 {n} [chiefly Taiwan Hakka, Min Nan] /hànyī/ :: doctor who practices traditional Chinese medicine
漢音 {n} /hànyīn/ :: the kan'on reading of Chinese characters (kanji) in Japanese, descended from the Middle Chinese pronunciation from the late Tang Dynasty through the early Song Dynasty in Chinese history
漢英 {adj} [attributive] /Hàn-Yīng/ :: Chinese-English (languages)
漢語 {n} /hànyǔ/ :: the Chinese language (usually spoken Chinese)
漢語拼音 {n} /hànyǔ pīnyīn/ :: Pinyin; Hanyu Pinyin (official romanization for Mandarin Chinese adopted in the PRC)
漢語拼音方案 {prop} /Hànyǔ Pīnyīn Fāng'àn/ :: Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet
漢語水平考試 {n} /Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì/ :: HSK, a standardized test of Standard Mandarin Chinese proficiency for non-native speakers
漢語族 {prop} /Hànyǔzú/ :: Sinitic languages
漢越 {adj} [attributive] /hànyuè/ :: Han-Viet; Sino-Vietnamese (vocabulary, culture, history, etc.)
漢越詞 {n} /hànyuècí/ :: Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary
漢越音 {n} /hànyuèyīn/ :: Sino-Vietnamese pronunciation
漢越語 {n} /hànyuèyǔ/ :: Sino-Vietnamese (vocabulary, pronunciation, etc.)
漢賊不兩立 {idiom} /hàn zéi 不 liǎnglì/ :: one or the other has got to go; both cannot coexist in the same place; this town isn't big enough for the two of us
漢朝 {prop} /Hàncháo/ :: the Han dynasty (202 BCE–220 CE)
漢趙 {prop} /Hànzhào/ :: Former Zhao (304–329)
漢中 {prop} /Hànzhōng/ :: (~ 市) 漢中 (prefecture-level city)
漢渚 {n} [literary] /hànzhǔ/ :: near the Han River (Hubei); Han River (Hubei)
漢渚 {n} [literary] /hànzhǔ/ :: Milky Way
漢裝 {n} /hànzhuāng/ :: Hanfu; Han Chinese clothing
漢子 {n} [colloquial] /hànzi/ :: man; fellow; guy
漢子 {n} /hànzi/ :: strong and courageous man
漢子 {n} [regional] /hànzi/ :: husband
漢字 {n} /hànzì/ :: Chinese character; Han character; hanzi
漢字詞 {n} /hànzìcí/ :: words with Sino-Xenic pronunciations
漢字詞 {n} [specifically] /hànzìcí/ :: Sino-Korean vocabulary; "Hanja-eo"
漢字文化圈 {n} /hànzì wénhuàquān/ :: Chinese character cultural sphere; Sinosphere
漢族 {n} /hànzú/ :: Han Chinese (the largest ethnic group indigenous to China)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /hàn/ :: vast; wide; extensive
瀚海 {prop} [historical] /Hànhǎi/ :: An ancient placename in northern China, which variously referred to the Hulun Lake, Buir Lake and Lake Baikal lakes, or the Khangai Mountains
瀚海 {n} [literary] /Hànhǎi/ :: vast desert
{def} /hàn/ :: to weld; to solder
焊工 {n} /hàngōng/ :: welding; soldering
焊工 {n} /hàngōng/ :: welder; solderer
焊机 {def} SEE: 焊機 ::
焊機 {n} /hànjī/ :: welding machine; welder
焊接 {v} /hànjiē/ :: to weld; to solder
焊料 {n} /hànliào,er/ :: solder (alloy used for joining metals)
{def} [literary] /hàn/ :: dry; arid
{def} [literary] /hàn/ :: to dry with fire
{def} [literary] /hàn/ :: to burn; to flame
{def} [dialectal] /hàn/ :: to bake over a slow fire
{def} [dialectal] /hàn/ :: to dry with little oil; to sauté
{def} [dialectal] /hàn/ :: to steam
{def} /hàn/ :: alternative form of
{def} [literary] /rǎn/ :: deferential; respectful
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary, of eyes] /hàn/ :: big and protuberant
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] golden pheasant
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] to fly high
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] long and hard feather
{def} [literary] /hàn/ :: writing brush
{def} [literary] /hàn/ :: writing; literary work
{def} [literary or polite] /hàn/ :: letter of correspondence
{def} [literary] /hàn/ :: literary talent
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] white horse
翰飛 {v} [Classical] /hànfēi/ :: to soar; to fly high
翰飞 {def} SEE: 翰飛 ::
翰林 {prop} [historical] /Hànlín/ :: Hanlin Academy
翰林 {prop} [historical] /Hànlín/ :: Hanlin Academy scholar
翰林 {prop} [literary] /Hànlín/ :: literary circles
翰林学士 {def} SEE: 翰林學士 ::
翰林學士 {n} [archaic] /Hànlín xuéshì/ :: a scholar of the Hanlin Academy
翰林院 {prop} [historical] /Hànlínyuàn/ :: Hanlin Academy
翰墨 {n} /hànmò/ :: writing, painting or calligraphy
{def} /hàn/ :: only used in 菡萏
菡萏 {n} [literary] /hàndàn/ :: lotus flower, especially one that has not blossomed
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] a venomous caterpillar which stings
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] a kind of insect
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] to talk big; to boast
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] to make fun of; to tease
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] to howl; to bellow; to snarl
{def} [Wenzhou Wu] /hàn/ :: to tell a lie; to lie
{def} /xiàn/ :: only used in 譀䜕
譀镜 {def} SEE: 譀鏡 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hàn/ :: a kind of oversleeve
{def} /hàn/ :: metallic sheath under handle of dagger-axe
{def} SEE: ::
銲接 {def} SEE: 焊接 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] alternative name for 白鹇
{def} [anatomy] /頜,,hàn,3nb/ :: jaw
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /Gé/ :: surname
頜骨 {n} [anatomy] /hégǔ/ :: jawbone
頜下腺 {n} [anatomy] /héxiàxiàn/ :: submandibular gland
{def} /hàn/ :: chin; jowl
{def} /hàn/ :: to nod
{def} [Min Nan] /hàn/ :: neck
{def} /hàn/ :: surname
頷䫀 {def} SEE: 頷頸 ::
頷管 {def} SEE: 頷頸 ::
頷管 {def} SEE: 頷胿 ::
頷首 {v} [literary] /hànshǒu/ :: to nod (one's head)
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] chin
顄淡 {n} /hàndàn/ :: the appearance of rippling waves
{def} SEE: ::
颔𫖱 {def} SEE: 頷䫀 ::
颔布 {def} SEE: 頷布 ::
颔垂 {def} SEE: 頷垂 ::
颔垂仔 {def} SEE: 頷垂仔 ::
颔颈 {def} SEE: 頷頸 ::
颔颈骨 {def} SEE: 頷頸骨 ::
颔颈仔 {def} SEE: 頷頸仔 ::
颔颈珠 {def} SEE: 頷頸珠 ::
颔管 {def} SEE: 頷管 ::
颔管骨 {def} SEE: 頷管骨 ::
颔管珠 {def} SEE: 頷管珠 ::
颔胿 {def} SEE: 頷胿 ::
颔胿腺 {def} SEE: 頷胿腺 ::
颔环 {def} SEE: 頷環 ::
颔巾 {def} SEE: 頷巾 ::
颔链 {def} SEE: 頷鏈 ::
颔盘 {def} SEE: 頷盤 ::
颔首 {def} SEE: 頷首 ::
颔头 {def} SEE: 頷頭 ::
颔踅 {def} SEE: 頷踅 ::
颔仔 {def} SEE: 頷仔 ::
颔仔颈 {def} SEE: 頷仔頸 ::
颔仔骨 {def} SEE: 頷仔骨 ::
颔仔筋 {def} SEE: 頷仔筋 ::
颔仔领 {def} SEE: 頷仔領 ::
颔珠 {def} SEE: 頷珠 ::
颔捘 {def} SEE: 頷捘 ::
{def} /hán,hàn/ :: [obsolete] name of a tribe in eastern China
{def} /hán,hàn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /hán,hàn/ :: A surname.
{def} [literary, of horse] /hàn/ :: wild; fierce
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /hāng/ :: to carry on the shoulder (forcefully)
{def} /hāng/ :: rammer
{def} /hāng/ :: to ram
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hāng/ :: to strike forcefully
夯歌 {n} [music] /hānggē/ :: rammerschant
夯汉 {def} SEE: 夯漢 ::
夯漢 {n} /hānghàn/ :: man carrying heavy loads on his shoulders; labourer
夯漢 {n} /hānghàn/ :: crude man
夯曲 {n} [Taiwan, music] /hāngqǔ/ :: hit; popular song
夯实 {def} SEE: 夯實 ::
夯實 {v} /hāngshí/ :: to tamp; to ram
夯實 {v} [figurative] /hāngshí/ :: to establish a solid foundation
夯土 {v} /hāngtǔ/ :: to ram the earth
夯土 {n} /hāngtǔ/ :: rammed earth
{def} /hàng/ :: [obsolete] arrogant
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hāng/ :: only used in 咉忼
忼慨 {def} SEE: 慷慨 ::
{def} /háng/ :: birds flying up and down
{def} /kēng/ :: to utter; to utter a sound
{def} /háng/ :: throat (of birds)
{def} /háng/ :: throat in general
{def} /hàng/ :: voice
{def} /hàng/ :: to swallow
吭气 {def} SEE: 吭氣 ::
吭氣 {v} /kēngqì/ :: to utter a sound; to say a word; to speak
吭声 {def} SEE: 吭聲 ::
吭聲 {v} /kēngshēng/ :: to utter a sound; to say a word; to speak
{def} /háng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /háng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /háng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} [dialectal] /háng/ :: suddenly; all of a sudden
{def} /háng/ :: abbreviation of 杭州
{def} /háng/ :: surname
{def} /kāng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /kàng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /kàng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /kàng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
杭盖 {def} SEE: 杭蓋 ::
杭蓋 {prop} /Hánggài/ :: (~ 村) 杭蓋 (village)
杭桂 {prop} /Hángguì/ :: (~ 鎮) 杭桂 (town)
杭育 {interj} [onomatopoeia] /hángyō/ :: heave-ho (exclamation chanted collectively in heavy manual work)
杭州 {prop} /Hángzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 杭州 (prefecture-level city/provincial capital)
杭州 {prop} /Hángzhōu/ :: (~ 灣) 杭州 (the adjacent <<bay>> of the <<sea/East China Sea>>, separating Shanghai from Ningbo)
杭州 {prop} [historical] /Hángzhōu/ :: 杭州 (<<former division>> of imperial <<c/China>>)
{def} /héng,háng/ :: crossbeams of a roof
桁架 {n} [architecture] /héngjià/ :: truss
絎縫 {v} /hángféng/ :: to quilt
絎縫 {n} /hángféng/ :: quilting
{def} SEE: ::
绗缝 {def} SEE: 絎縫 ::
{def} /háng/ :: ship; boat
{def} [of airplane] /háng/ :: to sail; to navigate; to fly
航班 {n} /hángbān/ :: flight (timetabled journey made by an airplane) (Classifier: 次)
航班號 {n} [aviation, travel] /hángbānhào/ :: flight number; flight code
航班号 {def} SEE: 航班號 ::
航标 {def} SEE: 航標 ::
航標 {n} /hángbiāo/ :: navigation mark; buoy; channel marker
航餐 {n} /hángcān/ :: airline meal; in-flight meal
航程 {n} /hángchéng/ :: run of a ship; flight of an airplane; voyage
航程 {n} /hángchéng/ :: distance of voyage or flight
航程 {n} [aeronautics] /hángchéng/ :: cruising distance
航船 {n} /hángchuán/ :: boat that piles regularly between inland towns
航道 {n} /hángdào/ :: channel; lane; course; waterway (Classifier: m:個m:條)
航海 {v} /hánghǎi/ :: to sail the seas
航海 {n} /hánghǎi/ :: maritime navigation; sailing; voyage by sea
航海家 {n} /hánghǎijiā/ :: seafarer
航行 {v} /hángxíng/ :: to sail or fly; to navigate; to cruise
航跡 {n} [nautical] /háng迹/ :: wake (path left behind a ship on the surface of the water)
航跡 {n} [aviation] /háng迹/ :: flight path; track
航迹 {def} SEE: 航跡 ::
航开济师 {def} SEE: 航開濟師 ::
航開濟師 {prop} /Háng-Kāi-Jì-Shī/ :: Beihang University, Nankai University, Tongji University and Beijing Normal University (four major universities in Mainland China, often regarded as tier 2 universities after 清北復交, China University of Technology and Nanjing University)
航空 {n} /hángkōng/ :: aviation
航空 {v} [of an aircraft] /hángkōng/ :: to fly in the air; to navigate by air
航空港 {n} /hángkōnggǎng/ :: large commercial airport
航空公司 {n} /hángkōng gōngsī/ :: airline (Classifier: m:家)
航空航天工程 {n} [engineering] /hángkōnghángtiāngōngchéng/ :: aerospace engineering
航空母舰 {def} SEE: 航空母艦 ::
航空母艦 {n} /hángkōng mǔjiàn/ :: aircraft carrier
航空器 {n} /hángkōngqì/ :: aircraft
航空信 {n} /hángkōngxìn/ :: airmail (letter)
航空邮件 {def} SEE: 航空郵件 ::
航空郵件 {n} /hángkōng yóujiàn/ :: airmail
航空站 {n} /hángkōngzhàn/ :: airport
航路 {n} /hánglù/ :: sea route, course
航母 {n} [colloquial] /hángmǔ,er/ :: abbreviation of 航空母艦
航拍 {v} /hángpāi/ :: to photograph from the air
航权 {def} SEE: 航權 ::
航權 {n} /hángquán/ :: freedoms of the air
航厦 {def} SEE: 航廈 ::
航廈 {n} /hángshà/ :: airport terminal; air terminal
航太 {n} /hángtài/ :: aviation and space (industry); aerospace
航天 {n} /hángtiān/ :: space flight
航天飛機 {n} /hángtiān fēijī/ :: space shuttle
航天飞机 {def} SEE: 航天飛機 ::
航天局 {n} /hángtiānjú/ :: space agency
航天器 {n} /hángtiānqì/ :: spacecraft; space vehicle
航天员 {def} SEE: 航天員 ::
航天員 {n} [chiefly Mainland] /hángtiānyuán/ :: astronaut; cosmonaut; taikonaut
航天站 {n} [space] /hángtiānzhàn/ :: space station
航線 {n} /hángxiàn/ :: course (of a ship or plane); air or shipping line; route
航线 {def} SEE: 航線 ::
航运 {def} SEE: 航運 ::
航運 {n} /hángyùn/ :: shipping
航站 {n} [aviation] /hángzhàn/ :: airport terminal
航站楼 {def} SEE: 航站樓 ::
航站樓 {n} [aviation] /hángzhànlóu/ :: airport terminal; air terminal
{def} /háng/ :: [obsolete] a kind of grass
{def} /háng/ :: [obsolete] a wild silkworm which eats artemisia leaves
{def} /háng/ :: [obsolete] large cowrie shell
{def} [literary or dialectal] /xíng/ :: to walk
{def} /xíng/ :: to go; to move
{def} /xíng/ :: to carry out; to execute
{def} /xíng/ :: to perform (a salute)
{def} /xíng/ :: OK; good
{def} /xíng/ :: to be good; to work
{def} /xíng/ :: to be good (opposed to bad) (usually in negative sentences, or with )
{def} /xíng/ :: to be able to do something (usually mentioned before)
{def} [often, sarcastic] /xíng/ :: remarkable
{def} /háng/ :: profession; industry; trade; business
{def} /háng/ :: place for specific transaction
{def} /háng/ :: line of objects; row
{def} [Mainland] /háng/ :: row (in data tables)
{def} [Taiwan] /háng/ :: column (in data tables)
{def} /行/ :: [obsolete] behaviour; conduct
{def} /héng,háng,2nb/ :: skill from monk training
{def} /hàng/ :: [obsolete] used in 行行
{def} /hàng/ :: used in 樹行子
行百里者半九十 {proverb} /xíngbǎilǐzhěbànjiǔshí/ :: Things become more difficult when we approach closer to success
行百里者半於九十 {proverb} /xíngbǎilǐzhěbànyújiǔshí/ :: alternative form of 行百里者半九十
行百里者半于九十 {def} SEE: 行百里者半於九十 ::
行板 {n} [music] /xíngbǎn/ :: andante
行帮 {def} SEE: 行幫 ::
行幫 {n} [old] /hángbāng/ :: trade association
行輩 {n} /hángbèi/ :: seniority among generations in a family or clan; position in the family hierarchy
行辈 {def} SEE: 行輩 ::
行笔 {def} SEE: 行筆 ::
行筆 {v} /xíngbǐ/ :: to take up the pen; to start writing; to put pen to paper
行筆 {v} [literary] /xíngbǐ/ :: to write an essay or composition
行筆 {v} [Chinese calligraphy] /xíngbǐ/ :: to continue writing the stroke of a Chinese character (after putting pen to paper)
行不改名,坐不改姓 {idiom} /xíng 不 gǎi míng, zuò 不 gǎi xìng/ :: to do things in an aboveboard and straightforward manner
行不改名,坐不改姓 {idiom} /xíng 不 gǎi míng, zuò 不 gǎi xìng/ :: to have nothing to hide
行不通 {v} /xíngbutōng/ :: to not be feasible; to not work
行不由径 {def} SEE: 行不由徑 ::
行不由徑 {idiom} /xíng不yóujìng/ :: to act justly and honestly
行步 {n} [literary] /xíngbù/ :: to walk
行部 {v} [archaic] /xíngbù/ :: to travel to each county under one's jurisdiction in order to check up on their progress
行差踏错 {def} SEE: 行差踏錯 ::
行車 {v} [formal] /xíngchē/ :: to drive a vehicle
行車 {n} [literary] /xíngchē/ :: moving vehicle
行車記錄儀 {n} /xíngchē jìlùyí/ :: dashcam
行車綫 {def} SEE: 行車線 ::
行車線 {n} [Hong Kong] /xíngchēxiàn/ :: lane (of a road)
行车 {def} SEE: 行車 ::
行车记录仪 {def} SEE: 行車記錄儀 ::
行车线 {def} SEE: 行車線 ::
行成 {v} [literary] /xíngchéng/ :: to sue for peace; to negotiate peace; to hold peace talks; to extend an olive branch
行成 {v} [literary] /xíngchéng/ :: to develop moral integrity
行程 {n} /xíngchéng/ :: travel distance
行程 {n} /xíngchéng/ :: trip; journey; excursion
行程 {n} /xíngchéng/ :: process
行程 {n} [Taiwan, computing] /xíngchéng/ :: process
行程表 {n} /xíngchéngbiǎo/ :: itinerary
行迟 {def} SEE: 行遲 ::
行遲 {v} [archaic] /xíngchí/ :: to go slowly; to move slowly
行船 {v} /xíngchuán/ :: to sail a boat; to navigate
行船 {n} /xíngchuán/ :: passing boats
行春門 {prop} /Xíngchūn Mén/ :: Xingchun Gate (famous ancient city gate in Liandu District, Lishui, Zhejiang Province, China)
行春门 {def} SEE: 行春門 ::
行刺 {v} /xíngcì/ :: to assassinate
行当 {def} SEE: 行當 ::
行當 {n} [colloquial] /hángdàng,tl/ :: trade; profession; line of business
行當 {n} /hángdàng,tl/ :: type of role (in traditional Chinese operas)
𫧃行得 {def} SEE: 𣍐行得 ::
行得通 {v} /xíngdetōng/ :: to be feasible; to work
行动 {def} SEE: 行動 ::
行动电话 {def} SEE: 行動電話 ::
行动电源 {def} SEE: 行動電源 ::
行动碟 {def} SEE: 行動碟 ::
行动载具 {def} SEE: 行動載具 ::
行动主义 {def} SEE: 行動主義 ::
行动自由 {def} SEE: 行動自由 ::
行动自由论 {def} SEE: 行動自由論 ::
行动自由论者 {def} SEE: 行動自由論者 ::
行動 {v} /xíngdòng/ :: to act; to take action
行動 {n} /xíngdòng/ :: operation; action; act (Classifier: m:個)
行動 {adj} /xíngdòng/ :: mobile; portable
行動 {adv} [obsolete, usually of something undesirable] /xíngdòng/ :: often; frequently; happening easily
行動 {v} /xíngdòng/ :: to move about; to get about; to be mobile
行動電話 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, formal] /xíngdòng diànhuà/ :: mobile phone
行動電源 {n} [Taiwan] /xíngdòng diànyuán/ :: powerbank (for mobile phones, etc.); portable charger
行動碟 {n} [computer hardware] /xíngdòngdié/ :: USB flash drive; memory stick
行動載具 {n} [Taiwan] /xíngdòng zàijù/ :: mobile device
行動主義 {n} /xíngdòng zhǔyì/ :: activism
行動自由 {n} /xíngdòng zìyóu/ :: freedom of movement
行動自由論 {n} /xíngdòngzìyóulùn/ :: libertarianism
行動自由論者 {n} /xíngdòngzìyóulùnzhě/ :: libertarian
行法 {v} [literary] /xíngfǎ/ :: to take action according to law or procedure
行法 {n} [literary] /xíngfǎ/ :: method; way of doing something; way of making something
行法 {n} [literary, calligraphy] /xíngfǎ/ :: semi-cursive script style
行法 {n} [literary] /xíngfǎ/ :: executive power
行方 {prop} /Xíngfāng/ :: (~ 市) 行方 (city)
行房 {v} [euphemism, chiefly of a couple] /xíngfáng/ :: to have sex; to make love
行風 {n} /hángfēng/ :: prevailing custom; current practice (in an industry, profession, etc.)
行风 {def} SEE: 行風 ::
行宫 {def} SEE: 行宮 ::
行宮 {n} /xínggōng/ :: temporary imperial abode
行規 {n} /hángguī/ :: guild regulations
行规 {def} SEE: 行規 ::
行行好 {interj} /xíng xíng hǎo/ :: do me a favour; please; I beg you
行號 {n} /hánghào/ :: line number (number of a line in a text file)
行好 {v} /xínghǎo/ :: to act charitably; to be merciful; to be charitable; to do good
行号 {def} SEE: 行號 ::
行話 {n} /hánghuà/ :: professional jargon
行话 {def} SEE: 行話 ::
行賄 {v} /xínghuì/ :: to bribe
行会 {def} SEE: 行會 ::
行會 {n} [old] /hánghuì/ :: guild
行會 {prop} /hánghuì/ :: Executive Council of Hong Kong
行贿 {def} SEE: 行賄 ::
行貨 {n} /hánghuò/ :: legally imported goods; legally imported products
行貨 {n} /hánghuò/ :: licensed goods
行貨 {n} /hánghuò/ :: goods (usually clothes and appliances) coarsely made and of poor quality
行货 {def} SEE: 行貨 ::
行跡 {n} /xíng跡/ :: tracks of a person; traces
行迹 {def} SEE: 行跡 ::
行鸡 {def} SEE: 行雞 ::
行家 {n} /hángjiā,tl/ :: expert; connoisseur; cognoscente
行家裡手 {n} /hángjiā lǐshǒu/ :: expert; connoisseur
行家里手 {def} SEE: 行家裡手 ::
行間 {n} /hángjiān/ :: between the lines
行间 {def} SEE: 行間 ::
行将 {def} SEE: 行將 ::
行将就木 {def} SEE: 行將就木 ::
行將 {adv} /xíngjiāng/ :: to be about to; to be on the verge of; to be just going to; to be on the point of
行將就木 {idiom} /xíngjiāngjiùmù/ :: to be close to death; to approach death
行脚 {def} SEE: 行腳 ::
行腳 {v} [of a monk] /xíngjiǎo/ :: to travel wide and far on foot
行街紙 {n} [chiefly Hong Kong Cantonese, colloquial] /xíngjiēzhǐ/ :: immigration recognizance form; temporary identification document (that allows the holder to stay in Hong Kong)
行街纸 {def} SEE: 行街紙 ::
行进 {def} SEE: 行進 ::
行進 {v} /xíngjìn/ :: to march; to parade
行經 {v} /xíngjīng/ :: to go by (a place); to pass by
行經 {v} /xíngjīng/ :: to menstruate
行经 {def} SEE: 行經 ::
行径 {def} SEE: 行徑 ::
行徑 {n} /xíngjìng/ :: act (of barbarism, aggression, etc.)
行徑 {n} [literary] /xíngjìng/ :: path; way
行徑 {n} [literary] /xíngjìng/ :: tracks; movements; whereabouts
行酒 {v} [archaic] /xíngjiǔ/ :: to toast one's guests; to toast
行酒令 {v} /xíng jiǔlìng,er/ :: to play a drinking game
行拘 {v} /xíngjū/ :: abbreviation of 行政拘留
行军 {def} SEE: 行軍 ::
行军教授 {def} SEE: 行軍教授 ::
行军司马 {def} SEE: 行軍司馬 ::
行軍 {v} /xíngjūn/ :: to march (to walk with long, regular strides, as a soldier does)
行軍 {v} [literary] /xíngjūn/ :: to make use of troops; to resort to arms
行軍教授 {n} [archaic] /xíngjūn jiàoshòu/ :: senior military advisor
行軍司馬 {n} [archaic] /xíngjūn sīmǎ/ :: aide-de-camp
行开 {def} SEE: 行開 ::
行廊 {n} /xíngláng/ :: corridor; hallway
行乐 {def} SEE: 行樂 ::
行樂 {v} /xínglè/ :: to seek amusement; to engage in activities for pleasure
行李 {n} /xínglǐ,tl/ :: belongings one carries for travelling; luggage; baggage (Classifier: m,c:件mn:跤)
行李 {n} [Classical] /xínglǐ,tl/ :: herald; messenger
行李車 {n} /xínglǐchē,tl2/ :: luggage cart; baggage cart
行李车 {def} SEE: 行李車 ::
行李架 {n} /xínglǐjià,er/ :: luggage rack
行李箱 {n} /xínglǐxiāng,tl2/ :: suitcase; trunk
行李箱 {n} /xínglǐxiāng,tl2/ :: luggage compartment
行礼 {def} SEE: 行禮 ::
行禮 {v} /xínglǐ/ :: to salute; to make one's salutations (e.g. by bowing)
行禮 {v} /xínglǐ/ :: to conduct a ceremony
行禮 {v} [dialectal] /xínglǐ/ :: to present gifts
行立 {n} [literary] /xínglì/ :: to walk and stand; to get around; to be mobile
行列 {n} /hángliè/ :: row or column
行列 {n} /hángliè/ :: ranks; procession; rows
行列式 {n} [math] /hánglièshì/ :: determinant
行列式 {n} [architecture] /hánglièshì/ :: block-like arrangement of buildings
行令 {v} /xínglìng/ :: to issue an order
行令 {v} /xínglìng/ :: to play a drinking game
行令 {n} /xínglìng/ :: (~ 卦) The combination 一上四中三下 in the Lingqijing
行路 {n} [literary] /xínglù/ :: path; road
行路 {n} [literary] /xínglù/ :: pedestrian
行路 {v} [chiefly Cantonese, Min Nan, Hakka] /xínglù/ :: to walk; to get somewhere by foot
行蛮 {def} SEE: 行蠻 ::
行囊 {n} [formal] /xíngnáng/ :: travelling bag (Classifier: m:隻個)
行騙 {v} /xíngpiàn/ :: to cheat; to deceive
行骗 {def} SEE: 行騙 ::
行期 {n} [formal] /xíng期/ :: departure date (for one's trip)
行棊 {def} SEE: 行棋 ::
行棋 {v} [literary or Min, Taiwan Hakka] /xíngqí/ :: to play chess
行碁 {def} SEE: 行棋 ::
行气 {def} SEE: 行氣 ::
行气药 {def} SEE: 行氣藥 ::
行氣 {v} [TCM] /xíngqì/ :: to promote the flow of qi
行氣 {v} [Taoism] /xíngqì/ :: to practise Taoist breathing exercises
行氣藥 {n} [TCM] /xíngqìyào/ :: qi-activating materia medica (herbs and other medicinal substances that are used to activate or regulate the qi or energy in the body)
行前 {adj} [attributive] /xíngqián/ :: pre-departure
行前 {v} [literary, military] /xíngqián/ :: to march in the van
行桥 {def} SEE: 行橋 ::
行橋 {prop} /Xíngqiáo/ :: (~ 市) 行橋 (city)
行窃 {def} SEE: 行竊 ::
行竊 {v} /xíngqiè/ :: to steal; to commit theft
行箧 {def} SEE: 行篋 ::
行篋 {n} [literary] /xíngqiè/ :: travelling suitcase
行情 {n} /hángqíng/ :: market price
行情 {n} /hángqíng/ :: market condition
行情 {n} /hángqíng/ :: knowledge of a market
行权 {def} SEE: 行權 ::
行权立断 {def} SEE: 行權立斷 ::
行權 {v} [literary] /xíngquán/ :: to implement something quickly
行權立斷 {v} [literary] /xíngquán lìduàn/ :: to act decisively
行人 {n} /xíngrén/ :: one who walks; pedestrian; foot passenger; passerby
行人 {n} [literary] /xíngrén/ :: traveller on foot
行人 {n} [historical] /xíngrén/ :: envoy; messenger
行人 {n} [historical] /xíngrén/ :: official responsible for arranging audiences with the emperor
行人 {n} [obsolete] /xíngrén/ :: matchmaker
行人 {prop} /xíngrén/ :: surname
行人穿越道 {n} /xíngrén chuānyuèdào/ :: pedestrian crossing (place for pedestrians to cross a street)
行人道 {n} [Jianghuai Mandarin, Cantonese, Min, Wu] /xíngréndào/ :: sidewalk
行人电梯 {def} SEE: 行人電梯 ::
行人電梯 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /xíngrén diàntī/ :: escalator
行若狗彘 {idiom} /xíngruògǒuzhì/ :: shameless; repulsive; base
行若無事 {idiom} /xíngruòwúshì/ :: to behave as if nothing had happened
行若无事 {def} SEE: 行若無事 ::
行色 {n} /xíngsè/ :: circumstances or style of departure
行山 {v} [literary, Cantonese] /xíngshān/ :: to hike up a mountain
行山 {v} [Xiamen, &, Taiwanese Hokkien] /xíngshān/ :: to pay respects to a dead person at the tomb
行山 {v} [literary] /xíngshān/ :: to patrol tall and lofty mountains
行善 {v} /xíngshàn/ :: to do good deeds
行商 {n} /xíngshāng/ :: itinerant trader; travelling merchant; pedlar
行商 {v} /xíngshāng/ :: to engage in commercial activities; to do business; to trade
行省 {n} [historical] /xíngshěng/ :: province (in Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties)
行尸走肉 {def} SEE: 行屍走肉 ::
行屍走肉 {idiom} /xíngshīzǒuròu/ :: walking corpse; walking dead; zombie
行屍走肉 {idiom} [figurative] /xíngshīzǒuròu/ :: layabout; idler; person who lives only on the material level
行时 {def} SEE: 行時 ::
行時 {v} /xíngshí/ :: to be in vogue; to be all the rage (of a thing)
行時 {v} /xíngshí/ :: to be in the ascendant (of a person)
行使 {v} /xíngshǐ/ :: to exercise (one's power, authority etc.)
行駛 {v} /xíngshǐ/ :: to travel along a route; to go (of vehicles, boats, etc.)
行驶 {def} SEE: 行駛 ::
行世 {v} [literary] /xíngshì/ :: to come into being
行世 {v} [literary] /xíngshì/ :: to conduct oneself (in society)
行事 {v} [literary] /xíngshì/ :: to take action; to act
行事 {n} [literary] /xíngshì/ :: behaviour; conduct
行事历 {def} SEE: 行事曆 ::
行事曆 {n} [Taiwan] /xíngshìlì/ :: schedule; calendar; timetable
行势 {def} SEE: 行勢 ::
行勢 {def} SEE: 行市 ::
行首 {n} /hángshǒu/ :: head (of a column)
行书 {def} SEE: 行書 ::
行書 {n} [calligraphy] /xíngshū/ :: semi-cursive script; running hand; running script
行踏 {v} [Taiwan] /xíngtà/ :: to walk
行唐 {adj} [literary] /xíngtáng/ :: slack; lazy
行唐 {v} [literary] /xíngtáng/ :: to pace back and forth
行唐 {v} [literary] /xíngtáng/ :: to do something perfunctorily
行唐 {n} [literary] /xíngtáng/ :: alternative name for 天仙子
行唐 {prop} /xíngtáng/ :: (~ 縣) 行唐 (county)
行田 {prop} /Xíngtián/ :: (~ 市) 行田 (city)
行头 {def} SEE: 行頭 ::
行頭 {n} /xíngtou/ :: outfit; actor's costume and paraphernalia
行頭 {n} /xíngtou/ :: person's wardrobe
行頭 {n} [dated] /hángtóu/ :: team leader
行頭 {n} [dated, historical] /hángtóu/ :: shopkeeper (during the Han dynasty)
行为 {def} SEE: 行為 ::
行为科学 {def} SEE: 行為科學 ::
行为能力 {def} SEE: 行為能力 ::
行为艺术 {def} SEE: 行為藝術 ::
行为主义 {def} SEE: 行為主義 ::
行为准则 {def} SEE: 行為準則 ::
行為 {n} [countable, uncountable] /xíngwéi/ :: behaviour; conduct (Classifier: m:個m:種)
行為 {n} [countable, uncountable] /xíngwéi/ :: action; act (Classifier: m:個m:種)
行為科學 {n} /xíngwéi kēxué/ :: behavioural science
行為能力 {n} /xíngwéi nénglì/ :: capacity
行為藝術 {n} /xíngwéi yìshù/ :: performance art
行為主義 {n} /xíngwéizhǔyì/ :: behaviorism
行為準則 {n} /xíngwéi zhǔnzé/ :: code of conduct
行為準則 {n} /xíngwéi zhǔnzé/ :: standard of conduct
行爲 {def} SEE: 行為 ::
行文 {v} /xíngwén/ :: to write; to compose; to put pen to paper
行文 {v} /xíngwén/ :: to send an official document (of a government office)
行文 {n} /xíngwén/ :: style or manner of writing
行伍 {n} /hángwǔ/ :: army
行伍 {n} /hángwǔ/ :: rows
行香 {v} /xíngxiāng/ :: to burn incense
行香 {v} [Hokkien] /xíngxiāng/ :: to worship a bodhisattva
行香 {v} [Zhangzhou Hokkien] /xíngxiāng/ :: to present a gift to someone with power and influence
行銷 {v} /xíngxiāo/ :: to sell, to be on sale
行销 {def} SEE: 行銷 ::
行星 {n} [astronomy] /xíngxīng/ :: planet (Classifier: m:顆)
行星际 {def} SEE: 行星際 ::
行星際 {adj} /xíngxīngjì/ :: interplanetary
行星系 {n} /xíngxīngxì/ :: planetary system
行星系統 {n} /xíngxīng xìtǒng/ :: planetary system
行星系统 {def} SEE: 行星系統 ::
行星状星云 {def} SEE: 行星狀星雲 ::
行星狀星雲 {n} [astronomy] /xíngxīng zhuàng xīngyún/ :: planetary nebula
行刑 {v} [formal, legal] /xíngxíng/ :: to carry out a punishment
行刑 {v} [formal, legal] /xíngxíng/ :: to execute; to sentence to death; to carry out the death penalty
行刑队 {def} SEE: 行刑隊 ::
行刑隊 {n} /xíngxíngduì/ :: firing squad
行幸 {v} [literary, archaic] /xíngxìng/ :: to set out on a journey (of an emperor)
行幸 {v} [literary, archaic] /xíngxìng/ :: to say overnight in the chambers of an imperial concubine (of an emperor)
行兇 {v} /xíngxiōng/ :: to commit murder; to physically attack
行凶 {def} SEE: 行兇 ::
行业 {def} SEE: 行業 ::
行業 {n} /hángyè/ :: line of work; profession; industry; trade; business
行医 {def} SEE: 行醫 ::
行醫 {v} /xíngyī/ :: to practise medicine
行營 {n} /xíngyíng/ :: field headquarters
行营 {def} SEE: 行營 ::
行有余力 {def} SEE: 行有餘力 ::
行有餘力 {idiom} /xíngyǒuyúlì/ :: to have time and energy remaining after doing something
行語 {n} /hángyǔ/ :: jargon; lingo; patois
行語 {n} /hángyǔ/ :: slang
行语 {def} SEE: 行語 ::
行雨 {v} [literary] /xíngyǔ/ :: to rain
行雨 {n} [literary, figuratively] /xíngyǔ/ :: beautiful woman; beauty; lovely lady
行院 {n} [dated] /hángyuàn/ :: houses of prostitutes or actresses (during the Jin and Yuan dynasties)
行云 {def} SEE: 行雲 ::
行云流水 {def} SEE: 行雲流水 ::
行雲 {n} [literary] /xíngyún/ :: a drifting cloud
行雲流水 {idiom} [of calligraphy, writing, etc.] /xíngyúnliúshuǐ/ :: very smooth and natural; natural and unforced style
行运 {def} SEE: 行運 ::
行運 {n} /xíngyùn/ :: fortune [in fortune-telling]; luck
行運 {v} [formal or Cantonese] /xíngyùn/ :: to have good luck; to be in luck; to be lucky
行在 {prop} [historical, euphemism] /Xíngzài/ :: Xingzai ("Temporary Residence"), a former nickname of Lin'an (now Hangzhou) when it was the capital of the Southern Song dynasty
行者 {n} /xíngzhě/ :: passerby
行者 {n} /xíngzhě/ :: pedestrian
行者 {n} /xíngzhě/ :: wandering Buddhist monk
行阵 {def} SEE: 行陣 ::
行陣 {n} /hángzhèn/ :: troops; rank and file
行政 {n} /xíngzhèng/ :: administration; administration of government
行政 {n} /xíngzhèng/ :: executive (branch of government)
行政 {adj} [attributive] /xíngzhèng/ :: administrative
行政 {adj} [attributive] /xíngzhèng/ :: executive
行政 {v} /xíngzhèng/ :: to execute power; to administer (of a nation-state)
行政裁量权 {def} SEE: 行政裁量權 ::
行政裁量權 {n} /xíngzhèng cáiliáng quán/ :: administrative discretionary power
行政長官 {n} /xíngzhèng zhǎngguān/ :: chief executive (official position in several countries and territories, especially China's Special Administrative Regions)
行政长官 {def} SEE: 行政長官 ::
行政法 {n} /xíngzhèngfǎ/ :: administrative law
行政机关 {def} SEE: 行政機關 ::
行政機關 {n} /xíngzhèng jīguān/ :: administrative authority; branch of government
行政拘留 {v} [law] /xíngzhèng jūliú/ :: to administratively detain
行政命令 {n} [legal] /xíngzhèng mìnglìng/ :: executive order
行政區 {n} /xíngzhèngqū/ :: administrative region
行政區劃 {n} /xíngzhèng qūhuà/ :: administrative division
行政區畫 {n} /xíngzhèng qūhuà/ :: alternative form of 行政區劃
行政区 {def} SEE: 行政區 ::
行政区划 {def} SEE: 行政區劃 ::
行政区画 {def} SEE: 行政區畫 ::
行政学 {def} SEE: 行政學 ::
行政學 {n} /xíngzhèngxué/ :: public administration
行政院 {prop} /Xíngzhèngyuàn/ :: Executive Yuan, the executive branch of government under the constitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan
行政院長 {n} /xíngzhèng yuànzhǎng/ :: prime minister; premier (in Taiwan); head of the Executive Yuan
行政院长 {def} SEE: 行政院長 ::
行之有效 {idiom} /xíngzhīyǒuxiào/ :: effective
行止 {n} /xíngzhǐ/ :: whereabouts
行止 {n} /xíngzhǐ/ :: behavior; conduct
行至 {v} [literary] /xíngzhì/ :: to arrive
行中书省 {def} SEE: 行中書省 ::
行中書省 {n} [historical] /xíng zhōngshūxǐng/ :: province [in Yuan dynasty]
行装 {def} SEE: 行裝 ::
行裝 {n} [narrowly] /xíngzhuāng/ :: outfits and bedclothes for a journey; [broadly] luggage
行裝 {n} /xíngzhuāng/ :: military attire
行状 {def} SEE: 行狀 ::
行狀 {n} /行zhuàng/ :: brief biography of a deceased person (usually accompanying an obituary notice)
行踪 {def} SEE: 行蹤 ::
行蹤 {n} /xíngzōng/ :: whereabouts; track
行走 {v} /xíngzǒu/ :: to walk
行坐不安 {idiom} /xíngzuò不'ān/ :: so nervous that one doesn't know whether to walk or sit
{def} /háng/ :: [obsolete] large clam
{def} /háng/ :: [obsolete] fish grease
{def} /háng/ :: [obsolete] a kind of red-and-white fish
{def} SEE: ::
䟘牀 {def} SEE: 䟘床 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /xiàng/ :: a kind of water bird
{def} /xiàng/ :: second name for another kind of water bird ()
{def} /xiàng,hàng/ :: alley; lane; tunnel
巷道 {n} /xiàngdào/ :: narrow street
巷道 {n} [Mainland, mining] /hàngdào/ :: tunnel, usually dug for transport, drainage and ventilation
巷口 {n} /xiàngkǒu,er/ :: entrance of an alley or lane
巷陌 {n} [literary] /xiàngmò/ :: streets and lanes
巷弄 {n} /xiànglòng/ :: alley; lane; alleyway
巷头 {def} SEE: 巷頭 ::
巷仔头 {def} SEE: 巷仔頭 ::
巷战 {def} SEE: 巷戰 ::
巷戰 {n} /xiàngzhàn/ :: streetfighting
巷子 {n} /xiàngzi/ :: lane; alley
{def} /hàng/ :: Used in 沆漭 and 沆瀣, etc
{def} /hàng/ :: [historical dictionaries] (big) pool; lake
{def} /háng/ :: [historical dictionaries] the appearance of water flowing
{def} /háng/ :: [historical dictionaries] synonym of 渡
沆溉 {def} SEE: 沆瀣 ::
沆瀣 {n} [literary] /hàngxiè/ :: evening mist
沆瀣一气 {def} SEE: 沆瀣一氣 ::
沆瀣一氣 {idiom} [pejorative] /hàngxiè一qì/ :: to act in collusion
蒿本 {n} /hāoběn/ :: Ligusticum (a herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat "wind-cold" symptoms.)
蒿草 {n} [literary] /hāocǎo/ :: weeds; shrubs
蒿坪 {prop} /Hāopíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 蒿坪 (town)
蒿子 {n} /hāozi/ :: wormwood; artemisia
{def} /hāo/ :: to pull off weeds
{def} /hāo/ :: to pull; to grab
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /háo/ :: howl (like a wolf); wail
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [of an animal] /háo/ :: to roar; to howl
{def} [of people] /háo/ :: to shout
{def} [dialectal] /háo/ :: to cry; to weep
{def} /háo/ :: moat; channel
{def} [military] /háo/ :: trench
{def} [internet slang] /háo/ :: alternative form of 土豪
壕沟 {def} SEE: 壕溝 ::
壕溝 {n} /háogōu/ :: trench, ditch
{def} /háo/ :: fine hair
{def} /háo/ :: a measure of length, equal to 100 micrometres
{def} /háo/ :: milli- (SI unit prefix)
{def} /háo/ :: a unit of weight equal to one tenth of a 釐
{def} [Cantonese, Hakka, Teochew] /háo/ :: one tenth of a yuan or dollar; 10 cents; dime
毫安时 {def} SEE: 毫安時 ::
毫安時 {n} /háo'ānshí/ :: abbreviation of 毫安培小時 mAh
毫巴 {n} /háobā/ :: millibar (a non-SI unit of pressure)
毫不 {adv} /háo不,tl/ :: not at all
毫不迟疑 {def} SEE: 毫不遲疑 ::
毫不遲疑 {idiom} /háo不chíyí/ :: without the slightest hesitation; did not hesitate (to)
毫不費力 {idiom} /háo不fèilì,tl3/ :: without the slightest effort; easily
毫不费力 {def} SEE: 毫不費力 ::
毫不留情 {idiom} /háo不liúqíng/ :: to show no mercy; ruthless; relentless
毫克 {n} /háokè/ :: milligram
毫毛 {n} /háomáo/ :: soft hair on the body
毫米 {n} /háomǐ/ :: millimetre
毫米汞柱 {n} /háomǐ gǒngzhù,er/ :: millimeter of mercury
毫米水銀柱 {n} /háomǐ shuǐyínzhù,er/ :: millimeter of mercury
毫米水银柱 {def} SEE: 毫米水銀柱 ::
毫秒 {n} /háomiǎo/ :: millisecond
毫無 {adv} /háowú/ :: not in the least; without any
毫無顧忌 {idiom} /háowúgùjì/ :: without scruple; of no scruple
毫無疑問 {idiom} /háowúyíwèn/ :: undoubtedly; without a doubt; certainly
毫無疑義 {idiom} /háowúyíyì/ :: without the slightest doubt; beyond all doubt; undoubtedly
毫升 {n} /háoshēng/ :: millilitre
毫无 {def} SEE: 毫無 ::
毫无顾忌 {def} SEE: 毫無顧忌 ::
毫无疑问 {def} SEE: 毫無疑問 ::
毫无疑义 {def} SEE: 毫無疑義 ::
毫子 {n} [Southwestern Mandarin, Gan, Hakka, Teochew, Xiang] /háozi/ :: coin (of small value)
毫子 {n} [Xiang] /háozi/ :: lifting cord of a steelyard
毫子 {classifier} [chiefly Cantonese, Hakka] /háozi/ :: dime; 10 cents
{def} /háo/ :: moat, trench, ditch
{def} /háo/ :: Australia
濠賭股 {n} [Hong Kong] /háodǔgǔ/ :: Macau casino stock
濠赌股 {def} SEE: 濠賭股 ::
濠沟 {def} SEE: 濠溝 ::
濠溝 {n} /háogōu/ :: ditch; trench
濠溝 {n} /háogōu/ :: moat  
濠江 {prop} [dated] /Háojiāng/ :: alternative name for 澳門
濠江 {prop} /Háojiāng/ :: (~ 區) Haojiang District (district in Shantou, Guangdong province, China)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /háo/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gāo/ :: used in personal names
{def} /háo/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /hào/ :: name; alias
{def} [specifically] /hào/ :: art name
{def} /hào/ :: to order; to command
{def} /hào/ :: shop; store
{def} /hào/ :: mark; symbol
{def} /hào/ :: number
{def} [colloquial] /hào/ :: day of the month
{def} [musical instrument] /hào/ :: brass wind instrument
{def} [Zhongyuan Mandarin, Lanyin Mandarin, Sichuan] /hào/ :: to correct; to mark (school work)
{def} /háo/ :: to shout; to bawl; to cry loudly
{def} [of animal] /háo/ :: to roar
{def} /háo/ :: to cry (to shed a tear) (loudly)
{def} [of wind] /háo/ :: to howl; to roar
號稱 {v} /hàochēng,er/ :: to be known as
號稱 {v} /hàochēng,er/ :: to claim to be
號房 {n} /hàofáng/ :: reception office; janitor's room; janitor
號寒啼飢 {idiom} /háohántíjī/ :: synonym of 啼飢號寒
號火 {n} [literary] /hàohuǒ/ :: beacon-fire
號角 {n} [musical instruments] /hàojiǎo/ :: bugle horn (Classifier: 枝)
號角 {n} /hàojiǎo/ :: bugle call
號叫 {v} /háojiào/ :: to howl; to yell
號哭 {v} /háokū/ :: to wail; to bawl
號令 {v} /hàolìng/ :: to order; to command
號令 {v} [archaic] /hàolìng/ :: to publicly carry out the punishment of a criminal so that everyone can see
號令 {n} /hàolìng/ :: order; command; directive
號碼 {n} /hàomǎ,er/ :: number; code; digit
號碼兒 {n} /hàomǎr/ :: erhua form of number
號脈 {v} [TCM] /hào脈/ :: to take someone's pulse
號牌 {n} /hàopái/ :: number plate; license plate
號砲 {n} [archaic] /hàopào/ :: a signal flare; a cannon used for signaling purposes (in battle)
號泣 {v} [literary] /háoqì/ :: to sob loudly; to cry uncontrollably
號喪 {v} [dated] /háosāng,tl/ :: to keen; to howl at a funeral
號喪 {v} [vulgar] /háosāng,tl/ :: to shout or cry loudly and unpleasantly
號聲 {n} /hàoshēng/ :: bugle call
號啕 {v} /háotáo/ :: to cry loudly; to wail
號筒 {n} /hàotǒng/ :: bugle
號頭 {n} [colloquial] /hàotóu,er/ :: number
號頭 {n} [dated] /hàotóu,er/ :: foreman; overseer
號頭 {n} [Min Nan] /hàotóu,er/ :: symbol; sign; mark, especially trademark
號外 {n} /hàowài,er/ :: (newspaper) extra; an extra edition of a newspaper, which is printed outside of the ordinary news cycle
號召 {v} /hàozhào/ :: to appeal (for support); to call; to rally; to galvanize; to mobilize
號召 {n} /hàozhào/ :: appeal; call; rally
號召力 {n} /hàozhàolì/ :: ability to rally support; charisma
號誌 {n} /hàozhì/ :: signal; sign
號子 {n} /hàozi/ :: labour chant
號子 {n} [Mainland Mandarin, classifier] /hàozi/ :: sort; kind (of people or thing)
號子 {n} [Mainland Mandarin, Xiang, regional] /hàozi/ :: prison cell; jail cell; prison; jail
號子 {n} [Taiwan, colloquial] /hàozi/ :: brokerage firm
號子 {n} [Xiang] /hàozi/ :: number; code; digit
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiāo/ :: [historical dictionaries] sound of tiger
{def} /háo/ :: oyster
蠔豉 {n} /háochǐ/ :: dried oyster
蠔菇 {n} /háogū/ :: oyster mushroom
蠔煎 {n} /háojiān/ :: oyster omelette (local delicacy in Chaoshan, Southern Fujian and Taiwan)
蠔烙 {n} [chiefly Teochew] /háolào/ :: oyster omelette (local delicacy in Chaoshan, Southern Fujian and Taiwan)
蠔油 {n} /háoyóu/ :: oyster sauce
蠔子 {n} /háozi/ :: oyster
{def} /háo/ :: [obsolete] porcupine
{def} /háo/ :: [obsolete] great; extraordinary
{def} /háo/ :: open-minded; straightforward
{def} [dialectal, Mandarin] /háo/ :: kite (toy)
豪車 {n} /háochē/ :: abbreviation of 豪華汽車
豪车 {def} SEE: 豪車 ::
豪宕 {adj} [literary] /háodàng/ :: uninhibited; bold and unconstrained
豪放 {adj} /háofàng/ :: bold and unconstrained
豪放 {adj} /háofàng/ :: powerful and free (said of a vigorous and sprightly style of ci, such as is characteristic of Su Shi and Xin Qiji)
豪放不羁 {def} SEE: 豪放不羈 ::
豪放不羈 {idiom} /háofàng 不jī/ :: bold and uninhibited
豪光 {n} [literary] /háoguāng/ :: extremely bright light source
豪华 {def} SEE: 豪華 ::
豪华轿车 {def} SEE: 豪華轎車 ::
豪华型 {def} SEE: 豪華型 ::
豪華 {adj} /háohuá/ :: extravagant; luxurious
豪華 {adj} /háohuá/ :: grand; majestic; sumptuous
豪華轎車 {n} /háohuá jiàochē/ :: limousine
豪華型 {n} /háohuáxíng/ :: deluxe model
豪強 {adj} /háoqiáng/ :: despotic; tyrannical
豪強 {n} /háoqiáng/ :: despot; tyrant
豪傑 {n} [literary] /háojié/ :: man of outstanding ability
豪杰 {def} SEE: 豪傑 ::
豪桀 {def} SEE: 豪傑 ::
豪迈 {def} SEE: 豪邁 ::
豪邁 {adj} /háomài/ :: bold and generous; heroic
豪門 {n} /háomén/ :: rich and powerful family
豪门 {def} SEE: 豪門 ::
豪气 {def} SEE: 豪氣 ::
豪氣 {n} [literary] /háoqì/ :: heroism
豪强 {def} SEE: 豪強 ::
豪情 {n} /háoqíng/ :: lofty sentiment; lofty ideals; noble aspiration
豪权 {def} SEE: 豪權 ::
豪權 {n} [literary] /háoquán/ :: power; might
豪奢 {adj} /háoshē/ :: extravagant; luxurious; sumptuous
豪紳 {n} /háoshēn/ :: despotic gentry
豪绅 {def} SEE: 豪紳 ::
豪爽 {adj} /háoshuǎng/ :: forthright; candid; outspoken; bold; uninhibited; straightforward
豪斯多夫維數 {n} [analysis] /Háosīduōfū wéishù/ :: Hausdorff dimension
豪斯多夫维数 {def} SEE: 豪斯多夫維數 ::
豪侠 {def} SEE: 豪俠 ::
豪俠 {adj} /háoxiá/ :: brave and chivalrous; gallant
豪俠 {n} /háoxiá/ :: bravery and chivalry; gallantry
豪俠 {n} /háoxiá/ :: gallant man
豪俠 {n} /háoxiá/ :: knight-errant
豪兴 {def} SEE: 豪興 ::
豪興 {n} /háoxìng/ :: exuberant spirit; high spirits
豪雨 {n} /háoyǔ/ :: heavy rain; downpour; torrential rain
豪宅 {n} /háozhái/ :: mansion; luxury house
豪宅 {n} [figurative] /háozhái/ :: rich household
豪猪 {def} SEE: 豪豬 ::
豪豬 {n} /háozhū/ :: porcupine
{def} /mò/ :: alternative form of
貉子 {n} /háozi/ :: raccoon dog (Classifier: m:隻)
{def} /hè,háo,1nb/ :: crane (bird)
{def} /hè,háo,1nb/ :: white
{def} /hè,háo,1nb/ :: surname
鶴壁 {prop} /Hèbì/ :: (~ 市) 鶴壁 (prefecture-level city)
鶴草牙 {n} /hècǎoyá/ :: agrimony. (a herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to kill parasites.)
鶴草芽 {n} /hècǎoyá/ :: agrimony. (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to kill parasites.)
鶴島 {prop} /Hèdǎo/ :: (~ 市) 鶴島 (city)
鶴髮 {n} [literary] /hè髮/ :: white hair
鶴髮童顏 {idiom} /hè髮tóngyán/ :: white hair and ruddy complexion; healthy in old age; hale and hearty
鶴峰 {prop} /Hèfēng/ :: (~ 縣) 鶴峰 (county)
鶴峰 {prop} /Hèfēng/ :: (~ 鄉) 鶴峰 (township)
鶴岡 {prop} /Hègāng/ :: (~ 市) 鶴岡 (city)
鶴崗 {prop} /Hègǎng/ :: (~ 市) 鶴崗 (city)
鶴咀 {prop} /Hèjǔ/ :: 鶴咀 (cape)
鶴佬話 {def} SEE: 學佬話 ::
鶴佬人 {def} SEE: 學佬人 ::
鶴立雞羣 {def} SEE: 鶴立雞群 ::
鶴立雞群 {idiom} /hèlìjīqún/ :: a crane standing in a flock of chickens; an outstanding man in a group of common people
鶴立鷄群 {def} SEE: 鶴立雞群 ::
鶴夢 {n} [poetic] /hèmèng/ :: transcendental yearning; other-worldly longing
鶴山 {prop} /Hèshān/ :: (~ 市) 鶴山 (county-level city)
鶴山 {prop} /Hèshān/ :: (~ 區) 鶴山 (district)
鶴山 {prop} /Hèshān/ :: (~ 鎮) 鶴山 (town/and/former township)
鶴虱 {def} SEE: 鶴蝨 ::
鶴蝨 {n} /hèshī/ :: Lappula myosotis
鶴蝨 {n} /hèshī/ :: The fruit of Lappula myosotis or Carpesium Abrolanoides. (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to kill intestinal parasites.)
鶴鴕 {n} /hètuó/ :: cassowary
{def} /hǎo/ :: good; well
{def} /hǎo/ :: Used as an interjection
{def} /hǎo/ :: good; very well; nice
{def} /hǎo/ :: OK; alright
{def} /hǎo/ :: fine
{def} /hǎo/ :: nice; kind
{def} /hǎo/ :: friendly; close; acquainted
{def} /hǎo/ :: to form a friendly or close relationship; to be friends; to be on good terms
{def} [specifically] /hǎo/ :: to start dating; to become romantic partners
{def} /hǎo/ :: done; ready
{def} /hǎo/ :: to be good to; easy to
{def} /hǎo/ :: (making it) convenient; easy for
{def} /hǎo/ :: so that
{def} /hǎo/ :: to recover from an illness
{def} [somewhat, dialectal] /hǎo/ :: very; quite; rather; so
{def} /hǎo/ :: a pleasure to VERB
{def} /hǎo/ :: properly; carefully
{def} /hǎo/ :: Particle used after verbs to denote the completion or near-completion of an action
{def} /hǎo/ :: Used after a noun or pronoun as a greeting
{def} /hǎo/ :: greeting
{def} /hǎo/ :: Particle denoting agreement, support or wish to terminate a conversation
{def} /hǎo/ :: Particle denoting dissatisfaction in ironical sentences
{def} /hǎo/ :: such; what
{def} /hào,a/ :: to be fond of; to like
{def} /hào,a/ :: to have a tendency to; to be prone to; good to; easy to
{def} [dialectal Mandarin, Wu] /hào,a/ :: can; to be able to
{def} /hào,a/ :: surname
好白菜都讓豬拱了 {phrase} [literally] /hǎo báicài dōu ràng zhū gǒng le/ :: All the good cabbage crops have been eaten or ruined by the pigs
好白菜都讓豬拱了 {phrase} [figurative, humorous or derogatory] /hǎo báicài dōu ràng zhū gǒng le/ :: Those that of high quality have all been spoiled or taken by someone unfitting
好白菜都讓豬拱了 {phrase} [figurative, humorous or derogatory, specifically] /hǎo báicài dōu ràng zhū gǒng le/ :: All the good(-looking) girls have been taken or ruined by the ugly men (or scumbags)
好白菜都让猪拱了 {def} SEE: 好白菜都讓豬拱了 ::
好棒 {interj} /hǎobàng/ :: excellent!; superb!; bravo!
好報 {n} /hǎobào/ :: recompense; reward
好报 {def} SEE: 好報 ::
好鼻狮 {def} SEE: 好鼻獅 ::
好比 {v} /hǎobǐ/ :: can be compared to; to be just like
好比 {v} /hǎobǐ/ :: to take for example; for example; for instance; such as
好不 {adv} /hǎo不/ :: very
好不 {adv} /hǎo不/ :: Used other than a set phrase: + ; not at all
好不好 {phrase} /hǎo不hǎo,tl2/ :: Is it good?; Is it OK?
好不好 {interj} /hǎo不hǎo,tl2/ :: Hey!
好不容易 {adj} /hǎo不róngyì/ :: very difficult
好彩 {adv} [Cantonese, Hakka] /hǎocǎi/ :: luckily; fortunately
好彩 {n} [obsolete] /hǎocǎi/ :: good luck in gambling
好彩 {n} [obsolete or Cantonese, Hakka] /hǎocǎi/ :: good luck; good fortune
好采 {def} SEE: 好彩 ::
好仓 {def} SEE: 好倉 ::
好倉 {n} [trading] /hǎocāng/ :: bull position (i.e. a position which benefits when the underlying equity performs well)
好吃 {adj} /hǎochī/ :: delicious; delectable; tasty; scrumptious; yummy
好吃 {adj} /hàochī/ :: fond of eating; gluttonous
好吃懒做 {def} SEE: 好吃懶做 ::
好吃懶做 {idiom} /hàochīlǎnzuò/ :: to be fond of eating and averse to work; to be piggish
好處 {n} /hǎochù/ :: advantage; good point; benefit
好處 {n} /hǎochù/ :: gain; profit
好處 {adj} [obsolete] /hǎochǔ/ :: to be easy to deal with; to be easy to manage
好處 {adj} /hǎochǔ/ :: to be easy to get along with
好處費 {n} /hǎochùfèi/ :: kickback (payment)
好处 {def} SEE: 好處 ::
好处费 {def} SEE: 好處費 ::
好大 {v} /hàodà/ :: to like to do grandiose things
好大 {v} /hàodà/ :: to like to exaggerate, to be fond of bragging
好大喜功 {idiom} /hàodàxǐgōng/ :: to crave greatness and success; to rejoice in grandiose deeds
好歹 {n} /hǎodǎi/ :: good and evil
好歹 {n} /hǎodǎi/ :: mishap; misadventure; accident
好歹 {adv} /hǎodǎi/ :: in any case; after all
好歹 {adv} /hǎodǎi/ :: somehow; just; simply
好胆 {def} SEE: 好膽 ::
好当当 {def} SEE: 好當當 ::
好的 {interj} /hǎo de/ :: okay; all right; no worries
好动 {def} SEE: 好動 ::
好動 {adj} /hàodòng/ :: active; lively
好斗 {def} SEE: 好鬥 ::
好鬥 {adj} /hàodòu/ :: aggressive; bellicose
好端端 {adj} /hǎoduānduān/ :: in perfectly good condition; perfectly all right
好炖 {def} SEE: 好燉 ::
好燉 {n} /hǎodùn/ :: synonym of 關東煮
好多 {adj} /hǎoduō/ :: many; much; a lot
好多 {adj} /hǎoduō/ :: much better
好多 {adj} [dialectal] /hǎoduō/ :: how many; how much
好额 {def} SEE: 好額 ::
好额人 {def} SEE: 好額人 ::
好惡 {n} /hàowù/ :: likes and dislikes; love and hate
好呷 {def} SEE: 好食 ::
好感 {n} /hǎogǎn/ :: good feeling; goodwill; favor (as in, to be in favor with someone)
好鋼用在刀刃上 {idiom} /hǎogāng yòngzài dāorènshàng/ :: to use the best resources in the most important areas
好钢用在刀刃上 {def} SEE: 好鋼用在刀刃上 ::
好高騖遠 {idiom} /hàogāo-wùyuǎn/ :: bite off more than one can chew
好高骛远 {def} SEE: 好高騖遠 ::
好古 {v} /hàogǔ/ :: to love antiquity
好管閒事 {idiom} /hào guǎn xiánshì/ :: like to stick one's nose in other's affairs
好管闲事 {def} SEE: 好管閒事 ::
好過 {v} /hǎoguò/ :: to have an easy time
好過 {v} /hǎoguò/ :: to feel better
好过 {def} SEE: 好過 ::
好过冇 {def} SEE: 好過冇 ::
好汉 {def} SEE: 好漢 ::
好汉不吃眼前亏 {def} SEE: 好漢不吃眼前虧 ::
好汉架不住三泡稀 {def} SEE: 好漢架不住三泡稀 ::
好漢 {n} /hǎohàn/ :: brave man; true man; hero
好漢不吃眼前虧 {proverb} /hǎohàn bù chī yǎnqián kuī/ :: A wise man does not fight when the odds are against him; A wise man knows when to retreat
好漢架不住三泡稀 {proverb} /hǎohàn jià不zhù sān pāo xī/ :: even a manly man cannot withstand three bouts of diarrhea
好好 {adv} /hǎohǎo,hǎohāo,2er/ :: all out; to one's heart's content; earnestly; hard (of way of working)
好好 {adv} /hǎohǎo,hǎohāo,2er/ :: behaving oneself
好好 {adj} /hǎohǎo,hǎohāo,2er/ :: very good; very well
好好 {adj} /hǎohǎo,hǎohāo,2er/ :: in perfectly good condition
好好 {phrase} [chiefly Cantonese] /hǎo hǎo/ :: sum of parts of 好 好: very good; excellent
好好儿 {def} SEE: 好好兒 ::
好好兒 {adj} /hǎohāor/ :: erhua form of []
好好兒 {adv} /hǎohāor/ :: erhua form of []
好好先生 {n} [colloquial] /hǎohǎo xiānsheng,hǎohǎo xiānshēng,1nb/ :: yes man
好好学习,天天向上 {def} SEE: 好好學習,天天向上 ::
好好學習,天天向上 {phrase} /hǎohǎo xuéxí, tiāntiān xiàngshàng,hǎohāo xuéxí, tiāntiān xiàngshàng,2er/ :: study hard and you will improve day by day
好喝 {adj} [of drinks] /hǎohē/ :: tasty; delicious
好合 {n} /hǎohé/ :: happy union (marriage)
好戲 {n} /hǎoxì/ :: good play; good drama
好戲 {n} [figurative] /hǎoxì/ :: great fun; best part
好戲 {n} [used ironically] /hǎoxì/ :: embarrassment; quarrel
好戲還在後頭 {idiom} /hǎoxì hái zài hòutou/ :: the best is yet to come
好花插在牛粪上 {def} SEE: 好花插在牛糞上 ::
好花插在牛糞上 {idiom} /hǎo huā chāzài niúfèn shàng/ :: synonym of 一朵鮮花插在牛糞上
好話 {n} /hǎohuà/ :: fine words (Classifier: 句)
好話 {n} /hǎohuà/ :: words of praise, or comfort (Classifier: 句)
好話 {n} /hǎohuà/ :: good advice (Classifier: 句)
好話 {n} /hǎohuà/ :: plea; apology (Classifier: 句)
好话 {def} SEE: 好話 ::
好话唔好听 {def} SEE: 好話唔好聽 ::
好坏 {def} SEE: 好壞 ::
好壞 {n} /hǎohuài/ :: good and bad; good or bad
好壞 {n} /hǎohuài/ :: quality
好壞 {adj} [Cantonese] /hǎohuài/ :: very bad; very rotten
好基友 {n} [neologism, slang] /hǎojīyǒu,er/ :: close friend [especially of the same sex]; best friend forever
好基友 {n} [neologism, slang] /hǎojīyǒu,er/ :: gay partner
好幾 {n} /hǎojǐ/ :: several; quite a few
好幾 {n} /hǎojǐ/ :: well over (a certain age, number of years, etc.)
好极了 {def} SEE: 好極了 ::
好極了 {adj} /hǎo jíle/ :: fantastic; excellent
好几 {def} SEE: 好幾 ::
好家伙 {interj} [colloquial] /hǎojiāhuo/ :: my goodness!; my God!
好強 {adj} /hàoqiáng/ :: eager to do well in everything; eager to be first
好景不長 {idiom} /hǎojǐng不cháng/ :: good things do not last forever
好景不长 {def} SEE: 好景不長 ::
好久 {adv} /hǎojiǔ/ :: for a long time; for ages
好久不見 {interj} /hǎojiǔ不jiàn/ :: long time no see
好久不见 {def} SEE: 好久不見 ::
好久冇见 {def} SEE: 好久冇見 ::
好酒 {n} /hǎojiǔ/ :: good alcohol; fine liquor
好酒 {v} [literary] /hàojiǔ/ :: to like drinking (alcohol)
好酒沉瓮底 {def} SEE: 好酒沉甕底 ::
好酒沉甕底 {proverb} /hǎo jiǔ chén wèng dǐ/ :: The best is saved for last; It ain't over until the fat lady sings
好聚好散 {phrase} /hǎojùhǎosàn/ :: Those who got together happily should also break up happily. / to part without hard feelings
好看 {adj} /hǎokàn/ :: good-looking; beautiful; pretty
好看 {adj} /hǎokàn/ :: interesting; good; worth seeing; worth reading
好看 {adj} /hǎokàn/ :: proud
好看 {adj} [sarcastic] /hǎokàn/ :: embarrassed
好看无好食 {def} SEE: 好看無好食 ::
好康 {n} [Taiwan, southern Fujian] /hǎokāng/ :: benefit; advantage
好康 {adj} [Min Nan] /hǎokāng/ :: rich
好康 {adj} [Taiwan] /hǎokāng/ :: lucky; fortunate
好客 {adj} /hàokè/ :: hospitable
好啦,好啦 {interj} /hǎo la, hǎo la/ :: there, there
好啦,好啦 {interj} /hǎo la, hǎo la/ :: all right, all right!
好來好去 {idiom} [now, chiefly Cantonese] /hǎoláihǎoqù/ :: to begin well and end well
好来好去 {def} SEE: 好來好去 ::
好莱坞 {def} SEE: 好萊塢 ::
好萊塢 {prop} /Hǎoláiwù,Hǎoláiwū,2nb/ :: Hollywood
好賴 {n} /hǎolài/ :: good and evil
好賴 {v} /hǎolài/ :: to make do with; to accept reluctantly
好賴 {adv} /hǎolài/ :: in any case; after all
好赖 {def} SEE: 好賴 ::
好礼 {def} SEE: 好禮 ::
好利 {v} /hàolì/ :: to seek (monetary) gain
好利忘义 {def} SEE: 好利忘義 ::
好利忘義 {idiom} /hàolì wàng yì/ :: to abandon principles for the sake of personal (monetary) gain
好脸 {def} SEE: 好臉 ::
好料 {n} [Min Nan, Hakka, Taiwan Mandarin] /hǎoliào/ :: something good (especially delicious food)
好料 {n} [Min Nan, Mandarin] /hǎoliào/ :: good people(usually in negative form, eg:他不是什么好料。)
好料 {adj} [Min Nan] /hǎoliào/ :: good (quality)
好流摆 {def} SEE: 好流擺 ::
好馬不吃回頭草 {proverb} /hǎo mǎ bù chī huítóu cǎo/ :: A smart person does not dwell on past actions
好马不吃回头草 {def} SEE: 好馬不吃回頭草 ::
好卖 {def} SEE: 好賣 ::
好賣 {adj} /hǎomài/ :: a good seller; selling well (having many people buy it)
好眉好貌生沙虱 {def} SEE: 好眉好貌生沙蝨 ::
好夢 {n} /hǎomèng/ :: good dream
好梦 {def} SEE: 好夢 ::
好命 {adj} /hǎomìng/ :: having a fortunate life; having a lucky life
好謀 {v} [literary] /hàomóu/ :: to be fond of or good at scheming
好謀無斷 {idiom} /hàomóu wú duàn/ :: to be fond of scheming but lacking in judgement
好谋 {def} SEE: 好謀 ::
好谋无断 {def} SEE: 好謀無斷 ::
好耐冇见 {def} SEE: 好耐冇見 ::
好耐唔见 {def} SEE: 好耐唔見 ::
好朋友 {n} /hǎopéngyou,hǎopéngyǒu,1nb/ :: good friend; best friend
好朋友 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, euphemistic, slang] /hǎopéngyou,hǎopéngyǒu,1nb/ :: monthly friend; menstruation; period
好評 {n} /hǎopíng/ :: favourable review; good reputation; popularity
好评 {def} SEE: 好評 ::
好谱 {def} SEE: 好譜 ::
好奇 {adj} /hàoqí/ :: curious; inquisitive
好奇害死猫 {def} SEE: 好奇害死貓 ::
好奇害死貓 {proverb} /hàoqí hàisǐ māo/ :: curiosity killed the cat
好奇心 {n} /hàoqíxīn/ :: curiosity
好气又好笑 {def} SEE: 好氣又好笑 ::
好氣又好笑 {idiom} /hǎo qì yòu hǎo xiào/ :: to not know whether to laugh or get angry
好强 {def} SEE: 好強 ::
好情 {n} [literary] /hǎoqíng/ :: good intentions; kindness
好逑 {n} [literary] /hǎoqiú/ :: good mate; ideal spouse
好人 {n} /hǎorén/ :: good person (of upright character)
好人 {n} /hǎorén/ :: healthy person
好人 {n} [sometimes, derogatory] /hǎorén/ :: person who tries to get along with everyone; mediator
好人 {n} /hǎorén/ :: beautiful woman
好人好事 {idiom} /hǎorénhǎoshì/ :: good people and good deeds
好人家 {n} /hǎorénjiā/ :: respectable family
好人家 {n} /hǎorénjiā/ :: woman from a respectable family
好人家 {n} /hǎorénjiā/ :: rich family
好人卡 {n} [neologism, usually derogatory] /hǎorénkǎ/ :: the "good person's card" given to men romantically rejected by women (i.e. You are a good person, but ...)
好日子 {n} /hǎorìzi/ :: auspicious day
好日子 {n} /hǎorìzi/ :: wedding day
好日子 {n} /hǎorìzi/ :: happy life; good days
好容易 {adj} [literally] /hǎoróngyì/ :: so easy; not difficult at all
好容易 {adj} [idiomatic, often used adverbially] /hǎoróngyì/ :: with much difficulty; very difficult
好色 {v} /hàosè/ :: to be fond of women; to lust for women
好色 {n} [literary] /hǎosè/ :: charm; loveliness (of a woman)
好色之徒 {idiom} /hàosèzhītú/ :: person who is fond of women; lady's man; womanizer; lothario; lecher; libertine
好声 {def} SEE: 好聲 ::
好声好气 {def} SEE: 好聲好氣 ::
好声嗽 {def} SEE: 好聲嗽 ::
好生 {adv} /hǎoshēng/ :: very; quite
好生 {adv} [regional] /hǎoshēng/ :: carefully; properly; well
好生 {v} /hàoshēng/ :: to cherish life
好生之德 {idiom} /hàoshēngzhīdé/ :: life-loving virtue; the virtue of cherishing lives and not killing people and animals
好聲好氣 {adv} /hǎoshēnghǎoqì/ :: in a kindly manner; gently
好勝 {adj} /hàoshèng/ :: striving to outdo others; eager to win; competitive; aggressive
好胜 {def} SEE: 好勝 ::
好使 {adj} /hǎoshǐ/ :: work well; convenient to use
好事 {n} /hǎoshì,er/ :: good thing
好事 {n} /hǎoshì,er/ :: happy event; joyous occasion (e.g. a wedding, marriage, etc.)
好事 {n} /hǎoshì,er/ :: good deed; charitable act
好事 {n} /hǎoshì,er/ :: Buddhist ceremony
好事 {n} [colloquial, sarcastic] /hǎoshì,er/ :: bad thing
好事 {adj} /hàoshì,er/ :: meddlesome; officious
好事不出門,壞事傳千里 {proverb} /hǎoshì bù chūmén, huàishì chuán qiānlǐ/ :: good news goes on crutches, but bad news travels fast
好事不出门,坏事传千里 {def} SEE: 好事不出門,壞事傳千里 ::
好事多磨 {idiom} /hǎoshìduōmó/ :: the road to happiness is strewn with setbacks
好事者 {n} [literary] /hàoshìzhě/ :: busybody; meddler
好势 {def} SEE: 好勢 ::
好市围 {def} SEE: 好市圍 ::
好市圍 {prop} /Hǎoshìwéi/ :: 好市圍 (suburb)
好手 {n} /hǎoshǒu/ :: good hand; expert; professional
好受 {adj} /hǎoshòu/ :: feeling good; feeling comfortable
好說 {interj} [colloquial] /hǎoshuō/ :: That's a great idea!
好說 {interj} [colloquial] /hǎoshuō/ :: You flatter me; I don't deserve such praise
好說 {interj} [colloquial] /hǎoshuō/ :: No problem!; Sure thing!
好说 {def} SEE: 好說 ::
𫧃好死 {def} SEE: 𣍐好死 ::
好死 {n} /hǎosǐ/ :: good death; agreeable death
好死不如賴活著 {proverb} /hǎosǐ 不rú lài huózhe/ :: it’s better to live a wretched existence than to experience a good death; better a bad life than a good death; a living ass is better than a dead lion
好死不如赖活著 {def} SEE: 好死不如賴活著 ::
好似 {v} /hǎosì/ :: to be like; to be as if
好似 {v} /hǎosì/ :: to be better than
好疼 {adj} /hǎoténg/ :: very painful
好疼 {adj} [Min Dong] /hǎoténg/ :: lovable; cute
好疼 {adj} [Min Dong] /hǎoténg/ :: obedient
好天 {n} /hǎotiān,er/ :: fine day; day of lovely weather
好天时 {def} SEE: 好天時 ::
好听 {def} SEE: 好聽 ::
好聽 {adj} /hǎotīng/ :: pleasant-sounding; nice to the ears; euphonious
好聽 {adj} /hǎotīng/ :: honorable; decent
好哇 {interj} /hǎowā/ :: hurray!, hurrah!, yippee!
好玩 {adj} /hǎowán,er/ :: fun
好玩 {v} /hàowán,er/ :: to be playful; to be fond of playing
好玩 {n} [obsolete] /hào玩/ :: toy; object for appreciation; plaything
好玩儿 {def} SEE: 好玩兒 ::
好玩兒 {adj} /hǎowánr/ :: erhua form of fun
好玩兒 {v} /hàowánr/ :: erhua form of to be playful; to be fond of playing
好望狐 {n} /Hǎowànghú/ :: bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis)
好望角 {prop} /Hǎowàngjiǎo/ :: Cape of Good Hope
好为人师 {def} SEE: 好為人師 ::
好為人師 {idiom} /hàowéirénshī/ :: to be fond of teaching others; to like to be a master to others
好维是 {def} SEE: 好維是 ::
好恶 {def} SEE: 好惡 ::
好物 {n} [literary] /hǎowù/ :: good stuff; valuable things; valuables
好希 {v} [Beijing, dated] /hàoxī,tl/ :: to like; to be fond of; to be keen on
好戏 {def} SEE: 好戲 ::
好戏还在后头 {def} SEE: 好戲還在後頭 ::
好賢禮士 {idiom} /hàoxiánlǐshì/ :: to prize men of virtue and to show courtesy to talented men of letters
好贤礼士 {def} SEE: 好賢禮士 ::
好险 {def} SEE: 好險 ::
好險 {adj} [colloquial] /hǎoxiǎn/ :: dangerous
好險 {adj} [colloquial] /hǎoxiǎn/ :: That was close!
好像 {v} /hǎoxiàng/ :: to seem; to be like; as if
好像 {v} /hǎoxiàng/ :: to be similar (to); to be analogous (to)
好象 {def} SEE: 好像 ::
好笑 {adj} /hǎoxiào/ :: funny; hilarious
好笑 {adj} /hǎoxiào/ :: laughable; ridiculous
好些 {adj} /hǎoxiē/ :: quite a lot; a good deal of
好心 {n} /hǎoxīn/ :: goodheartedness; kindness
好心 {adj} /hǎoxīn/ :: goodhearted; kind
好心 {adv} [Cantonese] /hǎoxīn/ :: for goodness' sake
好心好意 {idiom} /hǎoxīnhǎoyì/ :: with good intentions and kindness
好心沒好報 {idiom} /hǎoxīn méi hǎobào/ :: no good deed goes unpunished; those who help often end up being resented by those whom they help
好心没好报 {def} SEE: 好心沒好報 ::
好心人 {n} /hǎoxīnrén/ :: good-hearted person
好兄弟 {n} /hǎoxiōngdì/ :: good buddy; good mate
好兄弟 {n} [euphemistic] /hǎoxiōngdì/ :: ghost
好学 {def} SEE: 好學 ::
好学不倦 {def} SEE: 好學不倦 ::
好學 {v} /hàoxué/ :: to be eager to study; to be fond of learning; to be studious; to be scholarly
好學 {v} /hǎoxué/ :: to be easy to learn
好學不倦 {idiom} /hàoxué不juàn/ :: to like to learn without feeling tired
好言 {n} [literary] /hǎoyán/ :: kind or favorable words
好言相劝 {def} SEE: 好言相勸 ::
好言相勸 {v} [literary] /hǎoyán xiāngquàn/ :: to give well-meaning advice
好样的 {def} SEE: 好樣的 ::
好样儿的 {def} SEE: 好樣兒的 ::
好樣的 {n} /hǎoyàngde,er/ :: fine example; great fellow
好樣的 {adj} /hǎoyàngde,er/ :: great; fine; man enough
好樣兒的 {n} /hǎoyàngrde/ :: erhua form of fine example; great fellow
好樣兒的 {adj} /hǎoyàngrde/ :: erhua form of great; fine; man enough
好一阵 {def} SEE: 好一陣 ::
好一陣 {adv} /hǎo一zhèn/ :: quite a while
好意 {n} /hǎoyì/ :: good intention; kindness
好意思 {v} /hǎoyìsi,hǎoyìsī,2nb/ :: to feel no shame; to have the nerve
好饮 {def} SEE: 好飲 ::
好勇斗狠 {def} SEE: 好勇鬥狠 ::
好勇鬥狠 {idiom} /hàoyǒngdòuhěn/ :: eager to demonstrate bravery and fight with others; bellicose
好用 {adj} /hǎoyòng/ :: easy to use
好用 {adj} /hǎoyòng/ :: user-friendly
好用 {adj} /hǎoyòng/ :: effective
好友 {n} /hǎoyǒu/ :: good friend
好运 {def} SEE: 好運 ::
好運 {n} /hǎoyùn/ :: good luck
好在 {adv} /hǎozài/ :: fortunately; luckily
好战 {def} SEE: 好戰 ::
好戰 {adj} /hàozhàn/ :: warlike; belligerent; pugnacious; hawkish
好整以暇 {idiom} /hàozhěngyǐxiá/ :: remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs; take things easy
好轉 {v} /hǎozhuǎn/ :: to take a turn for the better; to take a favorable turn; to improve
好转 {def} SEE: 好轉 ::
好字运 {def} SEE: 好字運 ::
好走 {adj} /hǎozǒu/ :: good for travelling or walking through
好走 {interj} /hǎozǒu/ :: goodbye!; take care!
好嘴 {def} SEE: 好喙 ::
{def} /hǎo/ :: surname
{def} /hǎo/ :: a place in modern-day Shanxi province
郝店 {prop} /Hǎodiàn/ :: (~ 鎮) 郝店 (town)
郝穴 {prop} /Hǎo穴/ :: (~ 鎮) 郝穴 (town)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hào/ :: to make a deceptive show of power, not really strict
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hào/ :: [historical dictionaries] Name of a kind of grass
{def} /huò/ :: hot wind, wind of heat
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hào/ :: an ancient placename in northern China
{def} SEE: ::
号称 {def} SEE: 號稱 ::
号吹 {def} SEE: 號吹 ::
号房 {def} SEE: 號房 ::
号寒啼饥 {def} SEE: 號寒啼飢 ::
号火 {def} SEE: 號火 ::
号角 {def} SEE: 號角 ::
号叫 {def} SEE: 號叫 ::
号哭 {def} SEE: 號哭 ::
号令 {def} SEE: 號令 ::
号码 {def} SEE: 號碼 ::
号码儿 {def} SEE: 號碼兒 ::
号脉 {def} SEE: 號脈 ::
号名 {def} SEE: 號名 ::
号牌 {def} SEE: 號牌 ::
号炮 {def} SEE: 號砲 ::
号泣 {def} SEE: 號泣 ::
号丧 {def} SEE: 號喪 ::
号声 {def} SEE: 號聲 ::
号啕 {def} SEE: 號啕 ::
号筒 {def} SEE: 號筒 ::
号头 {def} SEE: 號頭 ::
号外 {def} SEE: 號外 ::
号召 {def} SEE: 號召 ::
号召力 {def} SEE: 號召力 ::
号志 {def} SEE: 號誌 ::
号子 {def} SEE: 號子 ::
号做 {def} SEE: 號做 ::
{han} :: the appearance, shape, or morphology of a mountain
{def} /hào/ :: (of the sky) vastness
{def} /hào/ :: surname
昊天 {n} [literary] /hàotiān/ :: heaven; the sky; firmament
昊天 {n} [literary] /hàotiān/ :: clear sky
昊天 {n} [literary] /hàotiān/ :: summer; summertime
昊天 {n} [literary] /hàotiān/ :: vast area; expanse
昊天 {n} [literary] /hàotiān/ :: parent's love
{def} /hào/ :: daybreak
{def} /hào/ :: bright and brilliant
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hào/ :: grand; vast;
{def} /hào/ :: numerous; abundant
{def} [Sichuanese] /hào/ :: small port or harbor
{def} /gé/ :: only used in 浩亹
浩博 {adj} [literary] /hàobó/ :: vast and plentiful
浩大 {adj} /hàodà/ :: great; huge; vast
浩荡 {def} SEE: 浩蕩 ::
浩蕩 {adj} /hàodàng/ :: onrushing
浩蕩 {adj} /hàodàng/ :: vast and mighty
浩繁 {adj} /hàofán/ :: vast and enormous
浩罕 {prop} /Hàohǎn/ :: (~ 汗國) [historical] Khanate of Kokand
浩罕 {prop} /Hàohǎn/ :: 浩罕 (city)
浩罕 {prop} /Hàohǎn/ :: (~ 鄉) 浩罕 (township)
浩瀚 {adj} /hàohàn/ :: vast; boundless
浩瀚 {adj} /hàohàn/ :: vast; many and varied
浩浩 {adj} [of water] /hàohào/ :: vast
浩浩 {adj} /hàohào/ :: vast; extensive
浩浩荡荡 {def} SEE: 浩浩蕩蕩 ::
浩浩蕩蕩 {adj} /hàohàodàngdàng/ :: vast and mighty
浩浩湯湯 {adj} /hàohàoshāngshāng/ :: alternative form of 浩浩蕩蕩
浩浩汤汤 {def} SEE: 浩浩湯湯 ::
浩劫 {n} /hàojié/ :: catastrophe; scourge; calamity; apocalypse
浩茫 {adj} [of water or an area] /hàománg/ :: vast; boundless
浩淼 {def} SEE: 浩渺 ::
浩渺 {adj} /hàomiǎo/ :: vast; extending into the distance
浩气 {def} SEE: 浩氣 ::
浩氣 {n} /hàoqì/ :: noble spirit
浩然 {adj} [literary] /hàorán/ :: grand; vast
浩然 {adj} [literary] /hàorán/ :: overwhelming; great
浩然 {adj} [literary] /hàorán/ :: upright and principled
浩穰 {adj} [of people] /hàoráng/ :: numerous; multitudinous; populated
浩如烟海 {def} SEE: 浩如煙海 ::
浩如煙海 {idiom} [of literature, data, etc.] /hàorúyānhǎi/ :: a tremendous amount; voluminous
浩室音乐 {def} SEE: 浩室音樂 ::
浩室音樂 {n} /hào室 yīnyuè/ :: house music
浩特 {n} [Mongolia] /hàotè/ :: nomadic camp, town or village
{def} /hào/ :: [obsolete] prolonged rain
{def} /hào/ :: used in 滈滈
{def} /hào/ :: alternative form of
{def} [of water] /xuè/ :: only used in 滈瀑
{def} /hào/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hào/ :: vast, large, grand, expansive
{def} /hào/ :: bright; luminous; clear
{def} /hào/ :: white; hoary
{def} /hào/ :: surname
{def} /hào/ :: Same as 昊
皓白 {adj} [literary] /hàobái/ :: purely white
皓齒 {n} [literary] /hàochǐ/ :: white teeth
皓齿 {def} SEE: 皓齒 ::
皓矾 {def} SEE: 皓礬 ::
皓礬 {n} /hàofán/ :: zinc sulfate; heptahydrate
皓旰 {adj} [literary] /hàogàn/ :: bright; well-lit
皓然 {adj} [literary] /hàorán/ :: purely white
皓然 {adj} [literary] /hàorán/ :: grand; vast
皓日 {n} /hàorì/ :: bright sun
皓日 {n} [figuratively] /hàorì/ :: monarch
皓天 {def} SEE: 昊天 ::
皓腕 {n} [literary] /hàowàn/ :: white wrist (of a woman)
皓月 {n} /hàoyuè/ :: bright moon
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /hào/ :: bright; brilliant
{def} [literary] /hào/ :: happy
{def} [literary] /hào/ :: vast and boundless
{def} /hào/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hào,mào/ :: to waste, to squander
{def} /hào,mào/ :: to wane
{def} /hào,mào/ :: a rat
{def} /hào/ :: consume, use up
{def} /hào/ :: waste, squander
{def} /máo/ :: all used up, nothing left
{def} /máo/ :: dizzy, unconscious
耗材 {v} /hàocái/ :: to consume materials
耗材 {n} /hàocái/ :: consumable materials
耗电 {def} SEE: 耗電 ::
耗电量 {def} SEE: 耗電量 ::
耗電 {v} /hàodiàn/ :: to consume power
耗電 {n} /hàodiàn/ :: power consumption
耗電量 {n} /hàodiànliàng/ :: power consumption
耗費 {v} /hàofèi/ :: to expend; to consume; to use up; to spend
耗費 {n} /hàofèi/ :: expenditure; consumption; spending
耗费 {def} SEE: 耗費 ::
耗竭 {v} /hàojié/ :: to be exhausted; to become depleted
耗盡 {v} /hàojìn/ :: to exhaust; to use up completely; to deplete
耗尽 {def} SEE: 耗盡 ::
耗神 {v} /hàoshén/ :: to consume one's energy
耗时 {def} SEE: 耗時 ::
耗時 {adj} /hàoshí/ :: time-consuming
耗损 {def} SEE: 耗損 ::
耗損 {v} /hàosǔn/ :: to consume; to waste; to lose
耗用 {v} /hàoyòng/ :: to expend; to consume; to use up; to spend
耗用 {n} /hàoyòng/ :: expenditure; consumption; spending
耗油 {v} /hàoyóu/ :: to consume oil or petrol
耗資 {v} /hàozī/ :: to spend; to expend
耗资 {def} SEE: 耗資 ::
耗子 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /hàozi/ :: mouse; rat
{def} /hào/ :: only used in 薃葔
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hào/ :: [obsolete] large sea prawn
{def} /hē,ō,2nb/ :: alternative form of
{def} /hē,ō,2nb/ :: to shout; to cry out
{def} /hē,ō,2nb/ :: to cherish; to treasure; to protect
{def} [onomatopoeia] /hē,ō,2nb/ :: Sound of laughing
{def} /hē,ō,2nb/ :: Exclamation particle for expressing surprise
{def} [dialectal] /hē,ō,2nb/ :: to smoke (tobacco)
{def} /hē/ :: to expel breath; to slowly breathe out
{def} /kē/ :: used in transcriptions of foreign words
{def} /hā/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /ā/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of *啊
{def} /a/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of *啊
{def} [dialectal] /huō/ :: to cheat; to deceive
呵叱 {v} /hēchì/ :: to scold severely; to chide; to berate  
呵斥 {v} /hēchì/ :: to scold severely; to chide; to berate
呵呵 {interj} [onomatopoeia] /hēhē/ :: sound of laughter
呵呵 {interj} [onomatopoeia, ironic] /hēhē/ :: sound of derisive or perfunctory laughter
呵呵 {suffix} /hēhē/ :: an expressive suffix for adjectives
呵呵哒 {def} SEE: 呵呵噠 ::
呵呵噠 {interj} [neologism, slang, ironic, cute-sounding] /hēhēdā/ :: synonym of 呵呵
呵呵大笑 {idiom} /hēhē dàxiào/ :: to laugh uproariously
呵护 {def} SEE: 呵護 ::
呵護 {v} /hēhù/ :: to look after; to take care of
呵護 {v} /hēhù/ :: to take good care of; to cherish
呵護 {v} /hēhù/ :: to protect; to guard
呵護 {v} /hēhù/ :: to bless and protect; to be safeguarded
呵叻 {prop} /Kēlè,Hēlè/ :: 呵叻 (city)
呵叻 {prop} /Kēlè,Hēlè/ :: (~ 府) 呵叻 (province)
呵利市 {prop} /Hēlìshì/ :: (~ 埠) [dated] 呵利市 (city)
呵羅單 {prop} /Kēluódān/ :: (~ 國) [historical] An ancient state in modern-day Indonesia
呵罗单 {def} SEE: 呵羅單 ::
呵欠 {n} /hēqiàn,tl/ :: yawn
呵献 {def} SEE: 呵獻 ::
呵責 {v} [literary] /hēzé/ :: to berate; to censure
呵责 {def} SEE: 呵責 ::
{def} /hē/ :: to drink
{def} /hè/ :: to shout; to call out
{def} /yè/ :: [obsolete] [of one's voice] hoarse
{def} /hē,hè/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: 𡁁 ::
喝彩 {v} /hècǎi/ :: to acclaim; to cheer
喝采 {def} SEE: 喝彩 ::
喝茶 {v} /hēchá/ :: to drink tea; to have some tea
喝茶 {v} [figurative, euphemistic] /hēchá/ :: to be taken in for questioning by a teacher or the police
喝茶 {v} /hēchá/ :: to betroth a girl
喝叱 {v} /hēchì,hèchì/ :: to scold loudly
喝斥 {def} SEE: 喝叱 ::
喝大 {v} [colloquial, usually followed by *了] /hēdà/ :: to drink too much alcohol; to be hammered
喝倒彩 {v} /hèdàocǎi/ :: to boo; to jeer
喝倒采 {def} SEE: 喝倒彩 ::
喝道 {v} [literary, of an entourage] /hèdào/ :: to yell at the people on the road to tell them to make way for an approaching government official
喝高 {v} [colloquial] /hēgāo/ :: to get drunk; to drink too much alcohol
喝颔 {def} SEE: 喝頷 ::
喝酒 {v} /hē jiǔ/ :: to drink alcohol
喝礼生 {def} SEE: 喝禮生 ::
喝玲琅 {def} SEE: 喝玲瑯 ::
喝令 {v} /hèlìng/ :: to shout an order or command
喝墨水 {v} [figurative] /hē mòshuǐ,er/ :: to attend school; to have knowledge
喝湯 {v} /hētāng/ :: to eat soup; to have some soup
喝湯 {v} [Zhongyuan Mandarin, Jilu Mandarin, Jiaoliao Mandarin] /hētāng/ :: to have a meal (especially dinner); to eat
喝水 {v} /hēshuǐ/ :: to drink water
喝汤 {def} SEE: 喝湯 ::
喝西北風 {idiom} /hē xīběifēng,er/ :: to have nothing to eat
喝西北风 {def} SEE: 喝西北風 ::
喝戏 {def} SEE: 喝戲 ::
喝止 {v} /hèzhǐ/ :: to yell at another in order to command them to cease what they are doing
喝住 {v} [archaic] /hèzhù/ :: to yell at someone to stop
喝醉 {v} /hēzuì/ :: to become inebriated; to get drunk
嗬嗬 {interj} /hēhē/ :: hehe
{def} /hē/ :: commander (of troops, etc.)
{def} /hē/ :: conductor (person who conducts music ensembles)
{def} /hē/ :: to command (troops, etc.)
{def} /hè/ :: to shoulder, to bear, undertake
{def} /qiā/ :: seize, grasp, clutch
{def} /qiā/ :: choke, strangle
{def} /qiā/ :: hold fast, take by hand
訶護 {def} SEE: 呵護 ::
訶陵 {prop} /Hēlíng/ :: Kalingga Kingdom
訶子 {n} /hēzǐ/ :: chebulic myrobalan (Terminalia chebula)
訶子 {n} [fashion] /hēzǐ/ :: form of undershirt or underbodice worn in ancient China
{def} SEE: ::
诃护 {def} SEE: 訶護 ::
诃陵 {def} SEE: 訶陵 ::
诃子 {def} SEE: 訶子 ::
{def} /hé/ :: to make ready the leather for shoes
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hé,jiān/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /hé,jiān/ :: [obsolete] castrated bull
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hé/ :: A variety of grass
{def} /hé/ :: healthy, strong
{def} /kě/ :: hairless
{def} /kàn,hé/ :: a kind of nightingale which is said to sing for the dawn
{def} /kàn,hé/ :: name for a large bat with a wingspan of two feet
{def} /kàn,hé/ :: a kind of pheasant
{def} /hé/ :: a marmot-like rat with a big head
{def} [interrogative pronoun asking for the specification of an identity, quantity, quality, etc. of something] /hé/ :: what; which
{def} /hé/ :: where; what place
{def} [interrogative pronoun asking for reason, manner, etc. of an action] /hé/ :: why; how
{def} /hé/ :: [obsolete] [forming emphatic sentences] so; such; what; how
{def} /hé/ :: surname
{def} /hè/ :: [obsolete] original form of *荷
{def} /hē/ :: [obsolete] original form of *呵
何必 {adv} [in rhetorical questions] /hébì/ :: why; why on earth (i.e. there is no need); why bother
何不 {adv} [literary] /hé不/ :: why not
何不食肉糜 {phrase} [sarcastic] /hé不shíròumí/ :: Describing an impractical, ridiculous and often arrogant advise from someone uninvolved: If they have no bread to eat, let them eat cake
何嘗 {adv} [used in rhetorical questions] /hécháng/ :: when is it ever the case that ...; ever so
何尝 {def} SEE: 何嘗 ::
何處 {pron} [literary] /héchù/ :: what place; where
何处 {def} SEE: 何處 ::
何得 {adv} [literary] /hédé/ :: how can one (rhetorical)
何德何能 {idiom} [usually, humble] /hédéhénéng/ :: what virtues and abilities (do I have to deserve something good like this?); what good have I done?
何等 {adv} [literary] /héděng/ :: what kind
何等 {adv} [literary] /héděng/ :: how; what
何店 {prop} /Hédiàn/ :: (~ 鎮) 何店 (town)
何电 {def} SEE: 何電 ::
何電 {prop} /Hédiàn/ :: (~ 村) 何電 (village)
何方 {n} [literary] /héfāng/ :: where
何妨 {adv} [literary] /héfáng/ :: why not; might as well
何干 {adv} [literary] /hégān/ :: what does it matter (to you)
何敢 {adv} [literary] /hégǎn/ :: how dare (you)
何故 {adv} [literary] /hégù/ :: for what reason; why
何后 {prop} /Hé Hòu/ :: Empress He (died 189)
何許 {pron} [literary] /héxǔ/ :: what place; where
何許 {pron} [literary] /héxǔ/ :: how
何居 {adv} [literary] /héjū/ :: why; for what reason
何苦 {adv} /hékǔ/ :: why bother
何苦來 {adv} /hékǔlái/ :: synonym of 何苦
何苦來哉 {adv} /hékǔláizāi/ :: Augmented form of 何苦
何苦来 {def} SEE: 何苦來 ::
何苦来哉 {def} SEE: 何苦來哉 ::
何况 {def} SEE: 何況 ::
何況 {conj} /hékuàng/ :: let alone; not to mention; much less
何況 {conj} /hékuàng/ :: what's more; in addition
何乐而不为 {def} SEE: 何樂而不為 ::
何樂而不為 {phrase} /hé lè ér 不 wéi/ :: why not do it? why unwilling to do it?
何乃 {adv} [archaic] /hé'nǎi/ :: why
何其 {adv} [literary] /héqí/ :: how; why
何其 {adv} [literary] /héqí/ :: how
何去何從 {idiom} /héqùhécóng/ :: what course to follow or take; where to proceed from here
何去何从 {def} SEE: 何去何從 ::
何人 {pron} [literary] /hérén/ :: which person; who; whoever; anyone
何日 {adv} /hérì/ :: which day; when
何如 {adv} [archaic or Min Bei] /hérú/ :: how; what; in what way
何如 {conj} [archaic] /hérú/ :: it would be better to; might as well; let's
何时 {def} SEE: 何時 ::
何時 {pron} [literary] /héshí/ :: when; what time
何事 {n} [literary] /héshì/ :: what is it; what is the matter
何事 {pron} [literary] /héshì/ :: why
何氏鰩 {n} /héshìyáo/ :: yellow-spotted skate (Okamejei hollandi)
何氏鳐 {def} SEE: 何氏鰩 ::
何首乌 {def} SEE: 何首烏 ::
何首烏 {n} [TCM] /héshǒuwū/ :: Fallopia multiflora
何太后 {prop} /Hé Tàihòu/ :: Empress Dowager He (died 189)
何为 {def} SEE: 何為 ::
何為 {adv} [literary] /héwéi/ :: what is
何為 {adv} [literary] /héwéi/ :: do what
何為 {adv} [literary] /héwèi/ :: why
何謂 {adv} [formal] /héwèi/ :: what is meant by; what is the meaning of; what is
何谓 {def} SEE: 何謂 ::
何文田 {prop} /Héwéntián/ :: 何文田 (area)
何西阿 {prop} [Protestantism] /Héxī'ā/ :: Hosea
何西阿书 {def} SEE: 何西阿書 ::
何西阿書 {prop} [Protestantism] /Héxī'āshū/ :: Hosea (book of the Bible)
何須 {adv} [literary] /héxū/ :: what need is there to; why does one need to
何须 {def} SEE: 何須 ::
何许 {def} SEE: 何許 ::
何阳店 {def} SEE: 何陽店 ::
何陽店 {prop} /Héyángdiàn/ :: (~ 村) 何陽店 (village)
何以 {adv} [literary] /héyǐ/ :: how; why; with what
何意 {n} [literary] /héyì/ :: what meaning; why; for what reason
何由 {n} [literary] /héyóu/ :: why; for what reason; how could it be that
何在 {adv} [literary] /hézài/ :: where; at what location
何者 {adv} [literary] /hézhě/ :: why
何者 {n} [interrogative] /hézhě/ :: which one; who
何者 {n} /hézhě/ :: whichever; whoever
何止 {particle} [used in rhetorical questions to indicate the actual extent is far greater] /hézhǐ/ :: be much more than
何自 {adv} [archaic] /hézì/ :: why; for what reason
何足 {adj} [literary] /hézú/ :: why would it be worth; not worth
何足挂齿 {def} SEE: 何足掛齒 ::
何足掛齒 {idiom} /hézú guàchǐ/ :: insignificant, not even worth mentioning
{def} /hé/ :: to close; to shut
{def} /hé/ :: to join; to combine; to unite; to bring together
{def} /hé/ :: to suit; to fit
{def} /hé/ :: to have sexual intercourse
{def} /hé/ :: to fight, to have a confrontation with
{def} /hé/ :: to be equivalent to, to add up
{def} /hé/ :: spouse
{def} /hé/ :: whole; entire
{def} /hé/ :: together
{def} /hé/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} [game, battle] /hé/ :: round
{def} [astronomy] /hé/ :: conjunction
{def} [Chinese phonetics] /hé/ :: abbreviation of 合口
{def} /hé/ :: [obsolete] Classifier for the number of fights
{def} /hé/ :: surname
{def} /gě/ :: One tenth of a 升; one decilitre
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [music] /hé/ :: Gongche notation of low sol (5̣)
合艾 {prop} /Hé'ài/ :: 合艾 (city)
合办 {def} SEE: 合辦 ::
合辦 {v} /hébàn/ :: to jointly organise; to run in cooperation
合璧 {v} [literary, of two halves of a jade annulus] /hébì/ :: to rejoin to form a circular piece of jade
合璧 {v} [figurative, of two different things] /hébì/ :: to combine harmoniously; to match well
合編 {v} /hébiān/ :: to edit or compile in collaboration; to co-edit; to co-compile
合編 {v} /hébiān/ :: to edit two or more texts into one
合編 {v} [military] /hébiān/ :: to merge and reorganize (a unit)
合编 {def} SEE: 合編 ::
合兵 {v} [literary] /hébīng/ :: to join forces
合併 {v} /hébìng/ :: to merge; to amalgamate
合併 {v} [medicine] /hébìng/ :: to experience complications resulting from a secondary medical condition
合併症 {n} [medicine] /hébìngzhèng/ :: complication
合并 {def} SEE: 合併 ::
合并症 {def} SEE: 合併症 ::
合册 {def} SEE: 合冊 ::
合唱 {v} /héchàng/ :: to sing in a chorus
合唱 {n} [music] /héchàng/ :: chorus
合唱曲 {n} [music] /héchàngqǔ/ :: chorus
合唱团 {def} SEE: 合唱團 ::
合唱團 {n} [music] /héchàngtuán,er/ :: choir
合称 {def} SEE: 合稱 ::
合稱 {v} /héchēng/ :: to call two or more things of the same kind by a common name
合稱 {n} /héchēng/ :: common term; combined category; general term
合衬 {def} SEE: 合襯 ::
合襯 {v} [literary or Cantonese] /héchèn/ :: to suit; to match
合成 {v} /héchéng/ :: to compose; to compound
合成 {v} [chemistry] /héchéng/ :: to synthesise
合成 {n} /héchéng/ :: synthesis; compound
合成 {n} [chemistry] /héchéng/ :: synthesis; production
合成 {prop} /héchéng/ :: (~ 里) 合成 (urban village)
合成詞 {n} [linguistics] /héchéngcí/ :: compound word (word composed of others)
合成词 {def} SEE: 合成詞 ::
合成代謝 {n} [biochemistry] /héchéng dàixiè/ :: anabolism
合成代谢 {def} SEE: 合成代謝 ::
合成器 {n} [music] /héchéngqì/ :: synthesizer
合成气 {def} SEE: 合成氣 ::
合成氣 {n} [chemistry] /héchéngqì/ :: synthesis gas; syngas
合成數 {n} [number theory] /héchéngshù,er/ :: synonym of 合數
合成数 {def} SEE: 合成數 ::
合從 {def} SEE: 合縱 ::
合从 {def} SEE: 合從 ::
合当 {def} SEE: 合當 ::
合當 {v} [archaic] /hédāng/ :: should
合得來 {v} /hédelái/ :: to get along well
合得来 {def} SEE: 合得來 ::
合訂本 {n} /hédìngběn/ :: one-volume edition (single-volume publication composed of what were separate volumes)
合订本 {def} SEE: 合訂本 ::
合而为一 {def} SEE: 合而為一 ::
合而為一 {idiom} /hé'érwéi一/ :: to combine into one; to merge into a single whole
合二为一 {def} SEE: 合二為一 ::
合二為一 {idiom} /hé'èrwéi一/ :: to combine (two things) into one; to merge into a single whole
合法 {adj} /héfǎ/ :: legal; lawful; legitimate
合法化 {v} /héfǎhuà/ :: to legalize
合法化 {n} /héfǎhuà/ :: legalization
合法性 {n} /héfǎxìng/ :: legality; lawfulness; legitimacy
合肥 {prop} /Héféi/ :: (~ 市) 合肥 (prefecture-level city/provincial capital)
合丰沙 {def} SEE: 合豐沙 ::
合豐沙 {prop} [obsolete or historic] /Héfēngshā/ :: synonym of 永隆沙
合该 {def} SEE: 合該 ::
合该其然 {def} SEE: 合該其然 ::
合该然 {def} SEE: 合該然 ::
合格 {v} /hégé/ :: to qualify; to reach standard; to pass
合格 {adj} /hégé/ :: qualified; up to standard
合格 {n} [education] /hégé/ :: "qualified" or pass in a pass/no pass grading system
合共 {adv} /hégòng/ :: in total; altogether; in all; in sum
合股 {v} /hégǔ/ :: to pool capital; to form a partnership
合股 {v} /hégǔ/ :: to combine (of fibres)
合股 {adj} [attributive] /hégǔ/ :: joint-stock (company)
合股公司 {n} [business, finance, legal] /hégǔ gōngsī/ :: joint-stock company
合規 {v} /héguī/ :: to comply with regulations
合規 {n} /héguī/ :: compliance (with regulations)
合规 {def} SEE: 合規 ::
合后 {def} SEE: 合後 ::
合後 {n} [archaic] /héhòu/ :: the rear guard (of a military force)
合乎 {v} /héhū/ :: to conform to; to accord with
合懽 {def} SEE: 合歡 ::
合欢 {def} SEE: 合歡 ::
合歡 {v} /héhuān/ :: to get together and celebrate; to have a get-together
合歡 {v} [specifically] /héhuān/ :: to have sexual intercourse; to make love
合歡 {n} /héhuān/ :: pink silk tree; Persian silk tree (Albizia julibrissin)
合歡 {n} /héhuān/ :: a kind of decorative design representing harmony and joy
合驩 {def} SEE: 合歡 ::
合伙 {def} SEE: 合夥 ::
合伙人 {def} SEE: 合夥人 ::
合夥 {v} /héhuǒ/ :: to form a partnership
合夥人 {n} /héhuǒrén,er/ :: partner (in a partnership business)
合火 {def} SEE: 合夥 ::
合击 {def} SEE: 合擊 ::
合擊 {v} /hé击/ :: to attack jointly; to make a concerted attack on
合集 {n} /héjí/ :: collection; compilation
合剂 {def} SEE: 合劑 ::
合劑 {n} [pharmacy] /héjì/ :: mixture
合計 {v} /héjì/ :: to total; to add up; to amount to
合計 {v} /héji,héjì,1nb/ :: to think over
合计 {def} SEE: 合計 ::
合家 {n} [literary] /héjiā/ :: entire family; whole family
合脚 {def} SEE: 合腳 ::
合腳 {adj} /héjiǎo/ :: fitting one's feet (of shoes, socks, etc.)
合金 {n} /héjīn/ :: alloy (metal combined of two or more elements)
合卺 {v} [figurative] /héjǐn/ :: to get married
合口 {v} [literary] /hékǒu/ :: to close the mouth
合口 {v} [literary] /hékǒu/ :: to say together; to speak in unison
合口 {v} [literary] /hékǒu/ :: to quarrel
合口 {v} [of food, dishes] /hékǒu/ :: to be to one's taste; to be tasty
合口 {v} [of a wound] /hékǒu/ :: to heal up; to form a scab
合口 {n} [literary] /hékǒu/ :: junction; point of convergence (of two rivers)
合口 {n} [Chinese phonetics] /hékǒu/ :: abbreviation of 合口呼
合口呼 {n} [Chinese phonetics] /hékǒuhū/ :: class of finals with /u/ (u in Pinyin, except when written after j, q, x and y) as their medial or nucleus
合適 {adj} /héshì/ :: suitable; applicable; appropriate; becoming; right
合乐 {def} SEE: 合樂 ::
合樂 {v} [archaic, music] /héyuè/ :: to play several instruments together
合理 {adj} /hélǐ/ :: reasonable; equitable; rational
合理合法 {adj} /hélǐhéfǎ/ :: reasonable and lawful; reasonable and legitimate
合理化 {n} /hélǐhuà/ :: rationalization
合理化 {n} /hélǐhuà/ :: streamlining
合理化 {v} /hélǐhuà/ :: to rationalize
合理化 {v} /hélǐhuà/ :: to streamline
合理怀疑 {def} SEE: 合理懷疑 ::
合理懷疑 {n} [legal] /hélǐ huáiyí/ :: reasonable doubt
合理使用 {n} [law] /hélǐ shǐyòng/ :: fair use
合理使用 {v} /hélǐ shǐyòng/ :: See: zh 合理 使用 to use rationally
合理性 {n} /hélǐxìng/ :: rationality
合力 {v} /hélì/ :: to make a concerted effort; to cooperate; to work collaboratively
合力 {n} [physics] /hélì/ :: resultant force
合力 {prop} /hélì/ :: (~ 村) 合力 (village)
合力 {prop} /hélì/ :: (~ 村) 合力 (village)
合两为一 {def} SEE: 合兩為一 ::
合兩為一 {idiom} /héliǎngwéi一/ :: synonym of 合二為一
合流 {v} /héliú/ :: to flow together; to converge
合流 {v} /héliú/ :: to merge; to come together
合拢 {def} SEE: 合攏 ::
合攏 {v} /hélǒng/ :: to close (the mouth, eyes, etc.); to fold (the arms)
合攏 {v} /hélǒng/ :: to crowd around; to gather around
合攏 {v} [of views] /hélǒng/ :: to be consistent; to agree
合萌 {n} /héméng/ :: Indian jointvetch; kat sola; budda pea (Aeschynomene indica)
合模綫 {def} SEE: 合模線 ::
合模線 {n} /hémóxiàn/ :: parting line
合模线 {def} SEE: 合模線 ::
合萬 {def} SEE: 敆萬 ::
合萬櫃 {def} SEE: 敆萬櫃 ::
合謀 {v} /hémóu/ :: to conspire (together as a group)
合谋 {def} SEE: 合謀 ::
合纽仔 {def} SEE: 合紐仔 ::
合拍 {v} [music] /hépāi/ :: to be on beat; to be in time with; to be in rhythm with
合拍 {v} [figurative] /hépāi/ :: to be in step with; to be harmonious
合拍 {v} [film] /hépāi/ :: to co-produce a film
合拍 {v} /hépāi/ :: to take a photo together; to take a group photo
合浦 {prop} /Hépǔ/ :: (~ 縣) 合浦 (county)
合浦珠还 {def} SEE: 合浦珠還 ::
合浦珠還 {idiom} [figurative, of a person] /hépǔzhūhuán/ :: to return after leaving; [of something] to be regained after being lost
合气道 {def} SEE: 合氣道 ::
合氣道 {n} /héqìdào/ :: aikido
合氣道 {n} /héqìdào/ :: hapkido
合纤 {def} SEE: 合纖 ::
合情合理 {idiom} /héqínghélǐ/ :: fair and reasonable; fair and sensible
合躯 {def} SEE: 合軀 ::
合羣 {def} SEE: 合群 ::
合群 {adj} /héqún/ :: able to get on well with others; able to fit in; sociable
合山 {prop} /Héshān/ :: (~ 市) 合山 (city)
合葉 {n} /héyè/ :: hinge (device for the pivoting of a door)
合身 {adj} [of clothes] /héshēn/ :: fit; well-fitting
合十 {v} [Buddhism] /héshí/ :: to put the palms together before one (usually as a Buddhist greeting)
合时 {def} SEE: 合時 ::
合时宜 {def} SEE: 合時宜 ::
合時 {adj} /héshí/ :: fashionable; timely
合時宜 {adj} /héshíyí/ :: timely; at the right moment; appropriate to the occasion
合适 {def} SEE: 合適 ::
合手瓜 {n} /héshǒuguā/ :: chayote
合數 {n} [number theory] /héshù,er/ :: composite number
合数 {def} SEE: 合數 ::
合算 {adj} /hésuàn,tl/ :: having more benefits than harms; worthwhile; profitable; reasonably priced
合算 {v} /hésuàn,tl/ :: to calculate the total
合桃 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, Hakka, Teochew] /hétáo/ :: walnut (Classifier: c:粒)
合体 {def} SEE: 合體 ::
合体字 {def} SEE: 合體字 ::
合體 {v} /hétǐ/ :: to have a close relationship; to have an intimate relationship
合體 {v} [euphemistic, jocular] /hétǐ/ :: to have sexual intercourse
合體 {adj} [of clothes] /hétǐ/ :: fit; well-fitting
合體 {n} /hétǐ/ :: synonym of 合體字
合體字 {n} /hétǐzì/ :: multi-component character (Chinese character which can be broken down into smaller components)
合同 {n} /hétóng,hétong,1nb/ :: contract; agreement (Classifier: m:份)
合同 {n} [mathematics] /hétóng,hétong,1nb/ :: congruence [chiefly of matrix]
合头 {def} SEE: 合頭 ::
合頭 {n} [music] /hétóu/ :: the practice of using similar or the same tunes in the first one or two lines of the several pieces played consecutively
合万 {def} SEE: 合萬 ::
合万柜 {def} SEE: 合萬櫃 ::
合尾 {n} [music] /héwěi/ :: the practice of using similar or the same tunes in the last one or two lines of the several pieces played consecutively
合味道 {prop} /Héwèidào/ :: Cup Noodles (a brand of instant cup noodle ramen)
合胃口 {v} /hé wèikǒu/ :: to suit one's taste; to one's taste
合纖 {n} /héxiān/ :: synthetic fibre
合宪 {def} SEE: 合憲 ::
合憲 {v} /héxiàn/ :: to be constitutional; to be in compliance with the constitution
合心 {adj} /héxīn/ :: of one mind
合心 {v} /héxīn/ :: to be pleased (with); to suit; to be to one's liking
合心 {prop} /héxīn/ :: (~ 村) 合心 (village)
合心 {prop} /héxīn/ :: (~ 村) 合心 (village)
合心 {prop} /héxīn/ :: (~ 村) 合心 (village)
合眼 {v} /héyǎn/ :: to close one's eyes; to sleep
合眼 {v} [euphemistic] /héyǎn/ :: to pass away
合約 {n} /héyuē/ :: treaty; contract
合約 {v} [literary] /héyuē/ :: to form an alliance
合約橋牌 {n} [card games] /héyuē qiáopái/ :: contract bridge
合叶 {def} SEE: 合葉 ::
合一 {v} /hé一/ :: to merge into one
合一 {v} /hé一/ :: to be uniform; to be consistent
合一 {v} /hé一/ :: to be united; to have union
合宜 {adj} /héyí/ :: appropriate; suitable
合意 {v} /héyì/ :: to be pleased (with); to suit; to be to one's liking
合議 {v} /héyì/ :: to confer; to hold a conference; to consult; to hold a panel discussion
合议 {def} SEE: 合議 ::
合音 {n} [linguistics] /héyīn/ :: contraction
合營 {adj} [attributive] /héyíng/ :: jointly owned; jointly operated
合營 {n} /héyíng/ :: joint venture
合营 {def} SEE: 合營 ::
合影 {v} /héyǐng/ :: to take a group photo
合影 {n} /héyǐng/ :: group photo (Classifier: m:個m:張)
合用 {v} /héyòng/ :: to use together; to share
合用 {adj} [literary or Min Nan] /héyòng/ :: acceptable; suitable; applicable; usable; fit for use
合於 {v} /héyú/ :: to conform to; to accord with
合于 {def} SEE: 合於 ::
合约 {def} SEE: 合約 ::
合约桥牌 {def} SEE: 合約橋牌 ::
合葬 {v} /hézàng/ :: to be given a joint burial
合箦仔 {def} SEE: 合簀仔 ::
合掌 {v} /hézhǎng/ :: to put one's hands together to pray; to press one's palms together
合掌瓜 {n} /hézhǎngguā/ :: chayote
合爪 {v} [archaic, Buddhism] /hézhuǎ/ :: to press the palms of one's hands together in devotion
合照 {n} /hézhào/ :: group photo (two or more people)
合照 {v} /hézhào/ :: to take a group photo
合着 {def} SEE: 合著 ::
合志 {prop} /Hézhì/ :: (~ 市) 合志 (city)
合众国 {def} SEE: 合眾國 ::
合眾國 {n} /hézhòngguó/ :: federated nation; federation; united states
合眾國 {n} [rare] /hézhòngguó/ :: 合眾國 (country)
合著 {v} /hézhù/ :: to coauthor; to write jointly
合著 {v} [colloquial] /hézhe/ :: to be equivalent to
合著 {adv} [colloquial] /hézhe/ :: Indicates sudden realisation: so; in fact; actually; after all
合著者 {n} /hézhùzhě/ :: coauthor
合資 {n} /hézī/ :: joint venture
合資公司 {n} /hézī gōngsī/ :: joint venture
合資企業 {n} /hézī 企yè/ :: joint venture
合资 {def} SEE: 合資 ::
合资公司 {def} SEE: 合資公司 ::
合资企业 {def} SEE: 合資企業 ::
合子 {n} /hézǐ/ :: zygote
合子 {n} /hézi/ :: alternative form of 盒子
合子 {n} /hézi/ :: alternative form of 盒子
合字 {n} /hézì/ :: typographic ligature
合縱 {n} [historical] /hé縱/ :: Vertical Alliance (an alliance against the state of Qin)
合总 {def} SEE: 合總 ::
合纵 {def} SEE: 合縱 ::
合奏 {v} /hézòu/ :: to play several musical instruments together; to perform music as an ensemble
合奏 {v} [obsolete, of several people together] /hézòu/ :: to memorialize an emperor
合租 {v} /hézū/ :: to rent together; to share a tenancy
合作 {v} /hézuò/ :: to cooperate; to collaborate; to work together
合作 {prop} /hézuò/ :: (~ 鎮) 合作 (town)
合作 {prop} /hézuò/ :: (~ 市) 合作 (county-level city)
合作方 {n} /hézuòfāng/ :: partner (in cooperation)
合作化 {v} /hézuòhuà/ :: to organize cooperatives
合作伙伴 {n} /hézuò huǒbàn/ :: partner (in cooperation)
合作夥伴 {def} SEE: 合作伙伴 ::
合作經濟 {n} /hézuò jīngjì/ :: cooperative economy; cooperative sector of the economy
合作经济 {def} SEE: 合作經濟 ::
合作無間 {idiom} /hézuòwújiàn/ :: to have good collaboration with someone; to cooperate in perfect harmony
合作社 {n} /hézuòshè/ :: cooperative, co-op
合作无间 {def} SEE: 合作無間 ::
合作医疗 {def} SEE: 合作醫療 ::
合作醫療 {n} [health, medicine] /hézuò yīliáo/ :: community-sponsored medical service
合作者 {n} /hézuòzhě/ :: collaborator (person who works on a project with someone)
合作者 {n} /hézuòzhě/ :: partner (in cooperation)
合作者 {n} /hézuòzhě/ :: collaborator (person who cooperates with an enemy)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hé/ :: peaceful; harmonious
{def} /hé/ :: gentle; kind
{def} /hé/ :: warm; temperate
{def} /hé/ :: sum; total
{def} /hé/ :: to make peace; to become reconciled
{def} [chess] /hé/ :: to tie
{def} [music] /hé/ :: An ancient mouth organ similar to the sheng, but smaller; no longer used
{def} /hé/ :: Japanese
{def} /hé/ :: surname He
{def} /hé,hàn,hài,1nb/ :: and
{def} /hé,hàn,hài,1nb/ :: with
{def} /hè/ :: [obsolete] to make sounds in concert with; to echo
{def} /huó,huò,1nb/ :: to mix with water to make something stick together; to knead
{def} /huò/ :: to mix (usually substances in powder or grain form)
{def} /huò/ :: to add water to make something less thick
{def} /huò/ :: classifier for the number of rinses when washing clothes
{def} /huò/ :: classifier for the number of times a dose of traditional Chinese medicine is boiled
{def} /hú/ :: to have a winning hand (at mahjong etc)
{def} /huo/ :: [obsolete] warm
和蔼 {def} SEE: 和藹 ::
和蔼可亲 {def} SEE: 和藹可親 ::
和藹 {adj} /hé'ǎi/ :: kind; nice; amiable
和藹可親 {idiom} /hé'ǎikěqīn/ :: affable; approachable
和暢 {adj} [of wind] /héchàng/ :: gentle and pleasant
和畅 {def} SEE: 和暢 ::
和得來 {v} /hédelái/ :: to get along well
和得来 {def} SEE: 和得來 ::
和而不同 {idiom} /hé'ér不tóng/ :: harmonious even when there exists different opinions
和風 {n} /héfēng/ :: breeze
和風細雨 {idiom} /héfēngxìyǔ/ :: gentle breeze and mild rain
和風細雨 {idiom} [figuratively] /héfēngxìyǔ/ :: in a gentle and mild way
和风 {def} SEE: 和風 ::
和风细雨 {def} SEE: 和風細雨 ::
和服 {n} /héfú/ :: kimono (Classifier: m,c:件m,c:套mn:領)
和歌 {n} /hégē/ :: waka (a style of Japanese poetry)
和歌山 {prop} /Hégēshān/ :: (~ 縣) 和歌山 (prefecture)
和歌山 {prop} /Hégēshān/ :: (~ 市) 和歌山 (city)
和鼓 {n} [music, historical] /hégǔ/ :: A type of drum used in the Yuan Dynasty
和光 {prop} /Héguāng/ :: (~ 市) 和光 (city)
和国汉字 {def} SEE: 和國漢字 ::
和国字 {def} SEE: 和國字 ::
和國漢字 {n} /héguóhànzì/ :: Japanese characters (kanji); Japanese characters originally invented in Japan; kokuji
和國字 {n} /héguózì/ :: Japanese characters (kanji); Japanese characters originally invented in Japan; kokuji
和好 {v} /héhǎo/ :: to become reconciled
和好 {adj} /héhǎo/ :: on good terms; amicable; friendly; harmonious
和好教 {n} /héhǎojiào/ :: Hòa Hảo (Buddhist new religious movement in Vietnam)
和合 {adj} [formal] /héhé/ :: harmonious
和合本 {n} [biblical, Christianity] /héhéběn/ :: Chinese Union Version
和緩 {adj} /héhuǎn/ :: mild; gentle
和緩 {v} /héhuǎn/ :: to ease up; to relax
和緩 {prop} /héhuǎn/ :: name of two physicians in the ancient state of Qin: zh:医和 and zh:医缓
和缓 {def} SEE: 和緩 ::
和解 {v} /héjiě/ :: to become reconciled; to make peace
和解 {v} [legal] /héjiě/ :: to reach a settlement; to settle (a dispute)
和解 {n} /héjiě/ :: reconciliation
和解 {n} [legal] /héjiě/ :: settlement (of a dispute)
和局 {n} [chess, sports] /héjú/ :: tie
和乐 {def} SEE: 和樂 ::
和樂 {adj} /hélè/ :: happy and harmonious
和理非 {adj} [Hong Kong Cantonese, neologism] /hélǐfēi/ :: peaceful, rational and non-violent
和理非 {n} [Hong Kong Cantonese, neologism] /hélǐfēi/ :: the principle of peace, rationality and non-violence in protests
和理非 {n} [Hong Kong Cantonese, neologism] /hélǐfēi/ :: people who support peaceful, rational and non-violent protests
和林 {prop} /Hélín/ :: abbreviation of 哈拉和林
和龍 {prop} /Hélóng/ :: (~ 市) 和龍 (city)
和龙 {def} SEE: 和龍 ::
和美 {adj} /héměi/ :: perfectly harmonious
和美 {prop} /héměi/ :: (~ 鎮) 和美 (urban township)
和面 {def} SEE: 和麵 ::
和麪 {def} SEE: 和麵 ::
和麵 {v} /huómiàn,huòmiàn,1nb/ :: to knead dough
和鳴 {v} [literary, of birds] /hèmíng,hémíng/ :: to echo each other in singing
和鳴 {v} [literary, figurative, of music] /hèmíng,hémíng/ :: to sing or play in harmony
和鳴 {v} [literary, figurative, of a married couple] /hèmíng,hémíng/ :: to be in perfect harmony; to be in sync; to live in peace
和鸣 {def} SEE: 和鳴 ::
和睦 {adj} /hémù/ :: harmonious; amicable; friendly; peaceful
和睦相處 {idiom} /hémùxiāngchǔ/ :: to get along; to live together in peace; to be on friendly terms with somebody
和睦相处 {def} SEE: 和睦相處 ::
和南 {n} [Buddhism] /hénán/ :: obeisance; reverence (to a religious elder)
和暖 {adj} /hénuǎn/ :: pleasantly warm; warm and genial; soft and warm
和牌 {v} [mahjong, cards] /húpái/ :: to win by having a completed hand
和盘托出 {def} SEE: 和盤托出 ::
和盤托出 {idiom} [metaphor] /hépántuōchū/ :: to come clean; to reveal all
和平 {n} /hépíng/ :: peace (state free of war or animosity)
和平 {n} /hépíng/ :: Rosa Peace (rose cultivar)
和平 {adj} /hépíng/ :: peaceful; tranquil; calm
和平 {adj} [of drug effect, etc.] /hépíng/ :: mild; moderate; gentle
和平 {adj} /hépíng/ :: harmonious
和平 {prop} /hépíng/ :: (~ 區) 和平 (mountain indigenous district)
和平 {prop} /hépíng/ :: (~ 區) 和平 (district)
和平 {prop} /hépíng/ :: (~ 區) 和平 (district)
和平 {prop} /hépíng/ :: (~ 街道) 和平 (subdistrict)
和平 {prop} /hépíng/ :: (~ 縣) 和平 (county)
和平 {prop} /hépíng/ :: (~ 鎮) zh:和平镇 (several towns in China)
和平 {prop} /hépíng/ :: (~ 省) 和平 (province)
和平 {prop} /hépíng/ :: (~ 市) 和平 (capital)
和平 {prop} [historical] /hépíng/ :: several era names in Chinese history (150; 354–355; 460–465; 551–554)
和平 {prop} /hépíng/ :: Mir (Soviet and Russian space station)
和平鴿 {n} /hépínggē/ :: dove of peace
和平鸽 {def} SEE: 和平鴿 ::
和平共處 {idiom} [politics] /hépíng gòngchǔ/ :: peaceful coexistence
和平共处 {def} SEE: 和平共處 ::
和平共存 {n} /hépíng gòngcún/ :: peaceful coexistence
和平崛起 {v} [neologism, political, of a nation] /hépíng juéqǐ/ :: to develop peacefully; to rise peacefully
和平日 {n} /hépíngrì/ :: day of peace
和平使者 {n} /hépíng shǐzhě/ :: peace envoy; peacemaker; messenger of peace
和平談判 {n} /hépíng tánpàn/ :: peace talks
和平谈判 {def} SEE: 和平談判 ::
和平演变 {def} SEE: 和平演變 ::
和平演變 {prop} /Hépíng Yǎnbiàn/ :: Peaceful Evolution theory (alleged attempt to effect a political transformation of the Chinese socialist system by peaceful means, primarily by the United States)
和平主义 {def} SEE: 和平主義 ::
和平主义者 {def} SEE: 和平主義者 ::
和平主義 {n} /hépíngzhǔyì/ :: pacifism
和平主義者 {n} /hépíngzhǔyìzhě/ :: pacifist
和齐 {def} SEE: 和齊 ::
和气 {def} SEE: 和氣 ::
和氣 {adj} /héqi,héqì,1nb/ :: friendly; kind; polite; amiable
和氣 {n} /héqi,héqì,1nb/ :: friendship; harmony
和洽 {adj} /héqià/ :: on good terms; amicable; friendly; harmonious
和謙 {prop} /Héqiān/ :: (~ 鎮) 和謙 (town)
和谦 {def} SEE: 和謙 ::
和亲 {def} SEE: 和親 ::
和親 {v} [historical] /héqīn/ :: to attempt to pacify minority ethnic groups in the border areas, by marrying princesses (usually from minor branches of the royal family) to rulers of those minority states
和親 {adj} [archaic] /héqīn/ :: peaceful; harmonious; cordial
和泉 {prop} /Héquán/ :: (~ 市) 和泉 (city)
和人 {n} /hérén/ :: Yamato people; Japanese people
和散那 {interj} [Protestantism] /hésànnà/ :: hosanna!
和善 {adj} /héshàn/ :: kind and gentle; genial; good-natured
和尙 {def} SEE: 和尚 ::
和尚 {n} [Buddhism] /héshàng,tl/ :: preceptor; high priest; head monk
和尚 {n} [by extension] /héshàng,tl/ :: any Buddhist monk
和尚 {n} [Gan] /héshàng,tl/ :: knee
和尚打伞——无法无天 {def} SEE: 和尚打傘——無法無天 ::
和尚打傘——無法無天 {idiom} [xiehouyu] /héshàng dǎ sǎn, wúfǎwútiān/ :: no respect for law and order; unruly
和尚头 {def} SEE: 和尚頭 ::
和尚頭 {n} [colloquial] /héshangtóu/ :: shaven head
和尚頭 {n} [colloquial] /héshangtóu/ :: man; boy; guy; male
和声 {def} SEE: 和聲 ::
和聲 {n} [music] /héshēng/ :: harmony
和碩 {prefix} [historical] /héshuò/ :: a prefix added to ranks of nobility in the Qing dynasty
和碩親王 {n} [historical] /héshuò qīnwáng/ :: Prince of the First Rank; the first rank of male members of imperial clan in Qing dynasty
和食 {n} /héshí/ :: Japanese food; Japanese cuisine; Japanese-style food
和事佬 {n} [colloquial] /héshìlǎo,er/ :: mediator; peacemaker (especially one that tries to achieve peace without principles)
和順 {adj} /héshùn/ :: gentle; amiable; sweet-tempered; compliant
和顺 {def} SEE: 和順 ::
和硕 {def} SEE: 和碩 ::
和硕亲王 {def} SEE: 和碩親王 ::
和談 {n} /hétán/ :: peace talks
和谈 {def} SEE: 和談 ::
和田 {prop} /Hétián/ :: (~ 河) 和田 (river)
和田 {prop} /Hétián/ :: (~ 地區) 和田 (prefecture)
和田 {prop} /Hétián/ :: (~ 市) 和田 (county-level city)
和田 {prop} /Hétián/ :: (~ 縣) 和田 (county)
和闐 {prop} /Hétián/ :: Hotan
和闐 {prop} [historical] /Hétián/ :: (~ 專區) 和闐 (district)
和阗 {def} SEE: 和闐 ::
和文 {n} /héwén/ :: Japanese written language, text, characters or writing system
和息 {v} [literary] /hé息/ :: to reconcile; to be reconciled
和稀泥 {v} [idiomatic, figurative, colloquial] /huò xī ní/ :: to try to smooth things over (by blurring the line between right and wrong, in disregard of principles)
和弦 {n} [music] /héxián/ :: chord
和弦进行 {def} SEE: 和弦進行 ::
和弦進行 {n} [music] /héxiánjìnxíng/ :: chord progression
和协 {def} SEE: 和協 ::
和協 {adj} [Min Nan] /héxié/ :: harmonious; having friendly relations
和諧 {adj} /héxié/ :: harmonious; peaceful; conflict-free
和諧 {v} /héxié/ :: to harmonise; to bring together; to ensure the safety of
和諧 {v} [slang, often of the Communist Party of China, jocular] /héxié/ :: to censor; to enforce censorship
和谐 {def} SEE: 和諧 ::
和煦 {adj} [usually of the sun] /hé煦/ :: pleasantly warm
和顏悅色 {idiom} /héyányuèsè/ :: amiable and cheerful countenance
和颜悦色 {def} SEE: 和顏悅色 ::
和約 {n} /héyuē/ :: peace treaty
和药 {def} SEE: 和藥 ::
和音 {n} /héyīn/ :: harmonious tune; pleasing combination of sounds
和音 {n} [music] /héyīn/ :: chord
和约 {def} SEE: 和約 ::
和悅 {adj} [literary] /héyuè/ :: amiable and cheerful; kind and joyful
和悦 {def} SEE: 和悅 ::
和紙 {n} /hézhǐ/ :: washi, traditional Japanese paper
和纸 {def} SEE: 和紙 ::
和制汉语 {def} SEE: 和製漢語 ::
和制英语 {def} SEE: 和製英語 ::
和製漢語 {n} [linguistics] /hézhì hànyǔ/ :: Japanese-made Chinese-character-based words, wasei-kango
和製英語 {n} [linguistics] /hézhì yīngyǔ/ :: Japanese pseudo-anglicisms
和衷共濟 {idiom} /hézhōnggòngjì/ :: to work together to overcome difficulties
和衷共济 {def} SEE: 和衷共濟 ::
和卓 {n} /hézhuó/ :: khoja (Turkestan) (Central Asian title)
{def} [Cantonese] /hé/ :: final particle expressing surprise
{def} /hé/ :: [obsolete] why, what, where, when
{def} /hé,hú,2nb/ :: seed; pit; stone; kernel; core; nut (Classifier: c:粒)
{def} [physics, chemistry, biology] /hé,hú,2nb/ :: nucleus
{def} [physics] /hé,hú,2nb/ :: nuclear
{def} /hé/ :: rigorous; detailed; reliable
{def} /hé/ :: to examine; to check; to verify
{def} /gāi/ :: a kind of tree
{def} /gāi/ :: alternative form of
{def} /kài/ :: eaves of a house
核安全 {n} /hé'ānquán/ :: nuclear safety; nuclear security
核裁军 {def} SEE: 核裁軍 ::
核裁軍 {n} /hécáijūn/ :: nuclear disarmament
核查 {v} /héchá/ :: to check; to verify; to inspect
核磁共振 {n} /hécí gòngzhèn/ :: nuclear magnetic resonance
核磁共振成像 {n} /hécí gòngzhèn chéngxiàng/ :: magnetic resonance imaging, MRI
核彈頭 {n} /hédàntóu/ :: nuclear warhead
核蛋白 {n} [biochemistry] /hédànbái/ :: nucleoprotein
核电 {def} SEE: 核電 ::
核电厂 {def} SEE: 核電廠 ::
核电站 {def} SEE: 核電站 ::
核電 {n} /hédiàn/ :: nuclear power
核電廠 {n} /hédiànchǎng/ :: nuclear power plant
核電站 {n} /hédiànzhàn/ :: nuclear power plant
核定 {v} /hédìng/ :: to check and ratify; to appraise and decide
核冬天 {n} /hédōngtiān/ :: nuclear winter
核动力 {def} SEE: 核動力 ::
核動力 {n} /hédònglì/ :: nuclear power
核对 {def} SEE: 核對 ::
核對 {v} /héduì/ :: to check; to verify
核對 {v} /héduì/ :: to collate; to contrast
核儿 {def} SEE: 核兒 ::
核兒 {n} /hér,húr,2nc/ :: erhua form of kernel; seed
核反应 {def} SEE: 核反應 ::
核反應 {n} /héfǎnyìng/ :: nuclear reaction
核分裂 {n} [physics] /héfēnliè/ :: nuclear fission
核苷 {n} [biochemistry] /hégān/ :: nucleoside
核苷酸 {n} /hégānsuān/ :: nucleotide
核果 {n} /héguǒ/ :: stone fruit; drupe
核核儿 {def} SEE: 核核兒 ::
核化学 {def} SEE: 核化學 ::
核化學 {n} [chemistry] /héhuàxué/ :: nuclear chemistry
核黃素 {n} [vitamin] /héhuángsù/ :: riboflavin
核黄素 {def} SEE: 核黃素 ::
核計 {v} /héjì/ :: to verify through calculation; to examine and calculate; to assess
核计 {def} SEE: 核計 ::
核檢 {v} /héjiǎn/ :: to verify and check
核檢 {n} [neologism, medicine] /héjiǎn/ :: abbreviation of 核酸檢測
核聚变 {def} SEE: 核聚變 ::
核聚變 {n} [physics] /héjùbiàn/ :: nuclear fusion
核孔 {n} [cytology] /hékǒng/ :: nuclear pore
核孔蛋白 {n} [protein, cytology] /hékǒng dànbái/ :: nucleoporin
核力 {n} [physics] /hélì/ :: nuclear force
核裂变 {def} SEE: 核裂變 ::
核裂變 {n} [physics] /hélièbiàn/ :: nuclear fission
核酶 {n} [enzyme] /héméi/ :: ribozyme
核膜 {n} [cytology] /hé膜,er/ :: nuclear membrane
核能 {n} /hénéng/ :: nuclear energy
核平 {v} [neologism, slang] /hépíng/ :: to nuke; to pacify with nuclear weapons
核燃料 {n} /héránliào/ :: nuclear fuel
核仁 {n} /hérén,er/ :: kernel
核仁 {n} [cytology] /hérén,er/ :: nucleolus
核融合 {n} [physics] /hérónghé/ :: nuclear fusion
核融合炉 {def} SEE: 核融合爐 ::
核融合爐 {n} /hérónghélú/ :: fusion reactor
核实 {def} SEE: 核實 ::
核實 {v} /héshí/ :: to verify, to check
核試 {n} /héshì/ :: nuclear test
核试 {def} SEE: 核試 ::
核素 {n} [physics] /hésù/ :: nuclide
核酸 {n} [biochemistry] /hésuān/ :: nucleic acid
核酸检测 {def} SEE: 核酸檢測 ::
核酸檢測 {n} [medicine] /hésuān jiǎncè/ :: nucleic acid test
核算 {v} /hésuàn/ :: to verify through calculation; to examine and calculate; to assess
核算 {n} /hésuàn/ :: calculation (especially for verification purposes)
核算 {n} /hésuàn/ :: accounting; audit; valuation
核弹头 {def} SEE: 核彈頭 ::
核糖 {n} [biochemistry] /hétáng/ :: ribose
核糖核蛋白 {n} [biochemistry] /hétáng hédànbái/ :: ribonucleoprotein
核糖核酸 {n} [biochemistry] /hétánghésuān/ :: ribonucleic acid (RNA)
核糖体 {def} SEE: 核糖體 ::
核糖體 {n} [biochemistry, cytology] /hétángtǐ/ :: ribosome
核醣 {def} SEE: 核糖 ::
核醣核酸 {def} SEE: 核糖核酸 ::
核醣體 {def} SEE: 核糖體 ::
核桃 {n} /hétao,hétáo,1nb/ :: walnut (nut) (Classifier: m:顆)
核酮糖 {n} [carbohydrate] /hétóngtáng/ :: ribulose
核酮醣 {def} SEE: 核酮糖 ::
核威慑 {def} SEE: 核威懾 ::
核威懾 {n} /héwēi慑/ :: nuclear deterrent
核武 {n} /héwǔ/ :: abbreviation of 核武器
核武器 {n} /héwǔqì/ :: nuclear weapon; atomic weapon
核物理学 {def} SEE: 核物理學 ::
核物理學 {n} /héwùlǐxué/ :: nuclear physics
核显 {def} SEE: 核顯 ::
核顯 {n} /héxiǎn/ :: abbreviation of 核心顯卡
核心 {n} /héxīn/ :: core; centre; the most important part
核心 {n} /héxīn/ :: nucleus; kernel
核心 {adj} /héxīn/ :: centrally important; core
核心家庭 {n} /héxīn jiātíng/ :: nuclear family
核心价值 {def} SEE: 核心價值 ::
核心價值 {n} /héxīn jiàzhí/ :: core value
核心期刊 {n} /héxīn 期kān/ :: core journal (as determined by the Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index)
核心显卡 {def} SEE: 核心顯卡 ::
核心顯卡 {n} [computing] /héxīn xiǎnkǎ/ :: core graphics card
核質 {n} [cytology] /hé质/ :: nucleoplasm
核质 {def} SEE: 核質 ::
核准 {v} /hézhǔn/ :: to check and approve
核准 {v} /hézhǔn/ :: to ratify
核子 {n} [Taiwan, physics] /hézǐ/ :: nucleus
核子 {n} [physics] /hézǐ/ :: nucleon
核走私 {n} /hézǒusī/ :: nuclear smuggling
{def} /hé/ :: [obsolete] woollen blanket
{def} /hé/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /hé/ :: [obsolete] Yellow River, Huang He
{def} /hé/ :: [obsolete] [Chinese mythology] Hebo; the god of the Yellow River
{def} /hé/ :: [obsolete] [Chinese mythology] Yellow River Map; the plan of the Yellow River (mystic diagram said to have been supernaturally revealed)
{def} [by extension] /hé/ :: river, especially a smaller river, creek, or stream, as distinguished from *江 and *川
{def} /hé/ :: streamside; riverside
{def} /hé/ :: [obsolete] [figurative] Milky Way
{def} [chiefly Cantonese] /hé/ :: abbreviation of 河粉
{def} /hé/ :: surname He; Ho
河岸 {n} /hé'àn/ :: riverside; riverbank
河坝水 {def} SEE: 河壩水 ::
河蚌 {n} /hébàng/ :: mussel; bivalve grown in rivers and lakes
河北 {prop} /Héběi/ :: (~ 省) 河北 (province)
河北 {prop} [historical] /Héběi/ :: region north of the Yellow River
河北 {prop} /Héběi/ :: (~ 市) 河北 (city)
河北梆子 {prop} [opera] /Héběi Bāngzi/ :: Hebei bangzi, a genre of Chinese opera from the northern province of Hebei and nearby cities such as Beijing and Tianjin
河边 {def} SEE: 河邊 ::
河邊 {n} /hébiān/ :: riverside; river bank; waterfront
河滨 {def} SEE: 河濱 ::
河濱 {n} /hébīn/ :: riverside; river bank; waterfront
河伯 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Hébó/ :: Hebo (god of the Yellow River)
河槽 {n} [geology] /hécáo/ :: riverbed
河池 {prop} /Héchí/ :: (~ 市) 河池 (prefecture-level city)
河川 {n} /héchuān/ :: rivers
河床 {n} [geology] /héchuáng/ :: riverbed
河道 {n} /hédào/ :: watercourse of a river; river channel
河堤 {n} /hé堤/ :: dike; levee
河堤 {prop} /hé堤/ :: (~ 村) 河堤 (village)
河底 {n} /hédǐ/ :: bottom of a river; riverbed
河底 {prop} /hédǐ/ :: (~ 鎮) 河底 (town)
河底 {prop} /hédǐ/ :: (~ 村) 河底 (village)
河东 {def} SEE: 河東 ::
河东狮吼 {def} SEE: 河東獅吼 ::
河东狮子 {def} SEE: 河東獅子 ::
河東 {prop} [historical] /Hédōng/ :: Hedong Commandery
河東獅吼 {idiom} /hédōng-shīhǒu/ :: the "lioness's roar", used to describe the loud complaining of an overbearing wife from the perspective of her henpecked husband.
河東獅子 {idiom} /hédōngshīzi/ :: an overbearing wife (whose henpecking is comparable to a lioness's roar)
河粉 {n} /héfěn/ :: shahe fen; hor fun (a kind of broad, flat rice noodles used in Cantonese cuisine)
河沟 {def} SEE: 河溝 ::
河溝 {n} /hégōu/ :: brook; stream
河溝 {prop} /hégōu/ :: (~ 村) 河溝 (village)
河谷 {n} /hégǔ/ :: river valley
河鼓二 {prop} [star] /Hégǔ'èr/ :: Altair
河汉 {def} SEE: 河漢 ::
河漢 {n} [literary] /héhàn/ :: the Yellow River and the Han River (Hubei)
河漢 {n} [literary or Taiwan Hakka] /héhàn/ :: Milky Way
河漢 {n} [literary, figuratively] /héhàn/ :: something wide-ranging and profound
河漢 {n} [literary, figuratively] /héhàn/ :: empty talk
河漢 {v} [literary, figuratively] /héhàn/ :: to not believe; to ignore (someone's words)
河合 {prop} /Héhé/ :: A Japanese surname: Kawai
河患 {n} /héhuàn/ :: disaster caused by a river flood
河濟 {prop} [archaic] /Hé Jǐ/ :: The Yellow River and the Jishui River
河济 {def} SEE: 河濟 ::
河夹 {def} SEE: 河夾 ::
河夾 {prop} /Hé夹/ :: (~ 鎮) 河夾 (town)
河間 {prop} /Héjiān/ :: (~ 市) 河間 (county-level city)
河間 {prop} /Héjiān/ :: Hejian County
河间 {def} SEE: 河間 ::
河江 {prop} /Héjiāng/ :: (~ 省) 河江 (province)
河江 {prop} /Héjiāng/ :: (~ 市) 河江 (city)
河街 {prop} /Héjiē/ :: (~ 社區) 河街 (residential community)
河津 {prop} /Héjīn/ :: (~ 市) 河津 (city)
河静 {def} SEE: 河靜 ::
河靜 {prop} /Héjìng/ :: (~ 省) 河靜 (province)
河靜 {prop} /Héjìng/ :: (~ 市) 河靜 (city)
河咀 {prop} /Hézuǐ/ :: (~ 村) 河咀 (village)
河口 {n} /hékǒu,Hékǒu/ :: river mouth; estuary
河口 {prop} /hékǒu,Hékǒu/ :: (~ 瑤族自治縣) 河口 (county)
河口 {prop} /hékǒu,Hékǒu/ :: (~ 區) Hekou District (district in Dongying, Shandong province, China)
河口 {prop} /hékǒu,Hékǒu/ :: (~ 鄉) 河口 (township)
河口 {prop} /hékǒu,Hékǒu/ :: (~ 村) 河口 (village)
河口 {prop} /hékǒu,Hékǒu/ :: name of several other towns, townships, subdistricts and villages in China
河口瑤族自治縣 {prop} /Hékǒu Yáozú Zìzhìxiàn/ :: 河口瑤族自治縣 (county)
河口瑶族自治县 {def} SEE: 河口瑤族自治縣 ::
河口英語 {prop} /Hékǒu Yīngyǔ/ :: Estuary English
河口英语 {def} SEE: 河口英語 ::
河狸 {n} /hélí/ :: beaver
河流 {n} /héliú/ :: river (Classifier: m:條)
河洛 {n} /héluò/ :: Hoklo people
河洛 {n} /héluò/ :: abbreviation of 河圖洛書
河洛 {prop} /héluò/ :: Yellow River and Luo River
河洛 {prop} /héluò/ :: alternative name for 中原
河洛話 {n} [Taiwan] /héluòhuà/ :: Min Nan; Hoklo (a branch of Min Chinese)
河洛话 {def} SEE: 河洛話 ::
河馬 {n} /hémǎ/ :: hippopotamus; hippo
河马 {def} SEE: 河馬 ::
河漫滩 {def} SEE: 河漫灘 ::
河漫灘 {n} /hémàntān/ :: floodplain
河面 {n} /hémiàn,er/ :: surface of a river
河南 {prop} /Hénán/ :: (~ 省) 河南 (province)
河南 {prop} [historical] /Hénán/ :: region south of the Yellow River
河南 {prop} /Hénán/ :: zh:河南 (广州) (area in Guangzhou south of the Pearl River)
河南 {prop} /Hénán/ :: (~ 省) 河南 (province)
河內 {prop} /Hénèi/ :: Hanoi
河內 {prop} [historical] /Hénèi/ :: Henei (region just north of the middle reaches of the Yellow River)
河內 {prop} [historical] /Hénèi/ :: Henei Commandery (in present day Jiaozuo, Henan)
河內長野 {prop} /Hénèichángyě/ :: (~ 市) 河內長野 (city)
河內郡 {prop} [archaic] /Hénèi Jùn/ :: Henei Commandery (in present day Jiaozuo, Henan)
河内 {def} SEE: 河內 ::
河内长野 {def} SEE: 河內長野 ::
河内郡 {def} SEE: 河內郡 ::
河泥 {n} /héní/ :: river mud
河牌 {n} [poker] /hépái/ :: river
河畔 {n} /hépàn/ :: riverside; river bank; waterfront
河婆 {prop} /Hépó/ :: (~ 街道) 河婆 (subdistrict)
河曲 {n} /héqū/ :: river bend
河溶 {prop} /Héróng/ :: (~ 鎮) 河溶 (town)
河山 {n} /héshān/ :: river and mountains
河山 {n} [figurative] /héshān/ :: land; territory
河身 {n} [geology] /héshēn/ :: riverbed
河神 {n} /héshén/ :: river god
河神 {prop} [literary, specifically] /héshén/ :: alternative name for 河伯
河水 {n} /héshuǐ/ :: river water
河水 {prop} [archaic] /héshuǐ/ :: Yellow River
河水不犯井水 {idiom} /héshuǐ 不fàn jǐngshuǐ/ :: alternative form of 井水不犯河水
河朔 {n} /héshuò/ :: area north of the Yellow River
河滩 {def} SEE: 河灘 ::
河灘 {n} /hétān/ :: flood land
河灘 {n} /hétān/ :: riverbank; strand
河塘 {n} /hétáng/ :: river embankment
河套 {n} /hétào/ :: meander
河套 {prop} /hétào/ :: 河套 (region)
河豚 {n} /hétún/ :: blowfish; puffer
河豚 {n} /hétún/ :: river dolphin
河魨 {def} SEE: 河豚 ::
河鲀 {def} SEE: 河魨 ::
河西 {n} /héxī/ :: region west of the Yellow River
河西 {prop} /héxī/ :: (~ 街道) 河西 (subdistrict)
河西堡 {prop} /Héxībǔ,Héxībǎo,1nb/ :: (~ 鎮) 河西堡 (town)
河西走廊 {prop} /Héxī Zǒuláng/ :: Hexi Corridor
河仙 {def} SEE: 河僊 ::
河僊 {prop} /Héxiān/ :: (~ 市) 河僊 (city)
河僊 {prop} /Héxiān/ :: (~ 群島) 河僊 (archipelago)
河僊 {prop} /Héxiān/ :: (~ 省) 河僊 (former province)
河僊 {prop} /Héxiān/ :: (~ 鎮) Hà Tiên Protectorate (a former protectorate of Vietnam)
河鮮 {n} /héxiān/ :: freshwater seafood (from a river)
河鲜 {def} SEE: 河鮮 ::
河蟹 {n} /héxiè/ :: river crab (Classifier: m:隻)
河蟹 {v} [neologism, pun, slang] /héxiè/ :: alternative form of 和諧
河沿 {n} /héyán/ :: riverbank; riverside
河堰 {prop} /Héyàn/ :: (~ 鎮) 河堰 (town)
河魚 {prop} /Héyú/ :: (~ 鄉) 河魚 (township)
河鱼 {def} SEE: 河魚 ::
河源 {n} /héyuán/ :: source of a river
河源 {prop} /héyuán/ :: (~ 市) 河源 (prefecture-level city)
河岳 {def} SEE: 河嶽 ::
河嶽 {n} /héyuè/ :: mountains and rivers
河云 {def} SEE: 河雲 ::
河雲 {n} [literary] /héyún/ :: Milky Way
{def} [of bodies of water] /hé/ :: dry
{def} [of bodies of water] /hé/ :: to dry up
涸轍之鮒 {idiom} [figurative] /hé辙zhīfù/ :: a person in a desperate situation; a person in a tight spot
涸辙之鲋 {def} SEE: 涸轍之鮒 ::
{def} /hé/ :: of water, deep
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hé/ :: ancient ritual vessel
{def} [literary] /hé/ :: how; why
{def} [literary] /hé/ :: why not
{def} /hé,er/ :: box; case (generally small, with a lid) (Classifier: c:個)
{def} /hé,er/ :: classifier for boxes or cases
盒带 {def} SEE: 盒帶 ::
盒帶 {n} /hédài/ :: cassette tape
盒飯 {n} [Mainland] /héfàn,er/ :: boxed meal; packed or takeaway food; bento
盒饭 {def} SEE: 盒飯 ::
盒钥 {def} SEE: 盒鑰 ::
盒状图 {def} SEE: 盒狀圖 ::
盒狀圖 {n} [statistics] /hézhuàngtú/ :: boxplot
盒子 {n} /hézi/ :: box; case
盒子 {n} /hézi/ :: a kind of fried pie with meat or vegetable filling, common in Northern Chinese cuisine
盒子 {n} /hézi/ :: alternative name for 盒子槍
{def} /hé/ :: grain; cereal
{def} /hé/ :: rice plant
禾草 {n} /hécǎo/ :: grass (plant characterized by leaves that arise from nodes in the stem and leaf bases that wrap around the stem)
禾場 {n} /hé场/ :: threshing ground; threshing floor
禾场 {def} SEE: 禾場 ::
禾虫 {def} SEE: 禾蟲 ::
禾蟲 {n} /héchóng/ :: a ragworm (Tylorrhynchus heterochaeta), a delicacy in Vietnamese cuisine
禾稻 {n} [literary] /hédào/ :: unhusked rice
禾秆 {def} SEE: 禾稈 ::
禾秆草 {def} SEE: 禾稈草 ::
禾老虫 {def} SEE: 禾老蟲 ::
禾镰 {def} SEE: 禾鐮 ::
禾镰铁 {def} SEE: 禾鐮鐵 ::
禾苗 {n} /hémiáo/ :: seedling (of a cereal crop) (Classifier: 棵)
禾木旁 {n} /hémùpáng/ :: The Chinese character component
禾亭 {prop} /Hétíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 禾亭 (town)
{def} [literary] /hé,gé,1nb/ :: quill (of a feather)
{def} [literary] /hé,gé,1nb/ :: wing (of a bird)
{def} [literary] /hé,gé,1nb/ :: bird
{def} [literary] /hé,gé,1nb/ :: wind instrument
{def} /hé/ :: lotus
{def} /hé/ :: lotus leaf
{def} /hé/ :: abbreviation of 荷蘭
{def} /hé/ :: surname
{def} /he/ :: only used in 薄荷
{def} /hè/ :: to carry (a load on one's shoulder); to hold
{def} /hè/ :: to shoulder; to bear (e.g. responsibilities)
{def} /hè/ :: load; burden
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [physics] /hè/ :: load; charge
荷巴特 {prop} /Hébātè/ :: 荷巴特 (city/capital city)
荷巴特 {prop} /Hébātè/ :: Hobart (English surname)
荷包 {n} /hébāo,tl/ :: small bag; pouch; wallet
荷包 {n} [dialectal] /hébāo,tl/ :: pocket (in garments)
荷包蛋 {n} /hébāodàn/ :: poached egg; fried egg (without breaking yolk)
荷包豆 {n} /hébāodòu/ :: runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus)
荷尔蒙 {def} SEE: 荷爾蒙 ::
荷爾蒙 {n} [physiology] /hé'ěrméng,hè'ěrméng,1nb/ :: hormone
荷官 {n} /héguān/ :: croupier
荷荷芭 {n} /héhébā,er/ :: jojoba
荷花 {n} /héhuā,er/ :: lotus (flower) (Nelumbo nucifera)
荷花 {prop} /héhuā,er/ :: (~ 鎮) 荷花 (town)
荷花堰 {prop} /Héhuāyàn/ :: (~ 村) 荷花堰 (village)
荷兰 {def} SEE: 荷蘭 ::
荷兰豆 {def} SEE: 荷蘭豆 ::
荷兰门 {def} SEE: 荷蘭門 ::
荷兰芹 {def} SEE: 荷蘭芹 ::
荷兰人 {def} SEE: 荷蘭人 ::
荷兰薯 {def} SEE: 荷蘭薯 ::
荷兰水 {def} SEE: 荷蘭水 ::
荷兰王国 {def} SEE: 荷蘭王國 ::
荷兰文 {def} SEE: 荷蘭文 ::
荷兰西水 {def} SEE: 荷蘭西水 ::
荷兰语 {def} SEE: 荷蘭語 ::
荷蘭 {prop} /Hélán/ :: the Netherlands
荷蘭 {prop} /Hélán/ :: Holland
荷蘭豆 {n} /hélándòu/ :: pea, especially the snow pea
荷蘭門 {n} /hélánmén/ :: Dutch door
荷蘭芹 {n} /hélánqín/ :: parsley (herb)
荷蘭人 {n} /hélánrén/ :: Dutch (person, people)
荷蘭水 {n} [dated] /hélánshuǐ/ :: soft drink
荷蘭王國 {prop} /Hélán Wángguó/ :: the Kingdom of the Netherlands
荷蘭文 {n} /hélánwén/ :: the Dutch language
荷蘭語 {n} /hélányǔ/ :: the Dutch language
荷莲箬 {def} SEE: 荷蓮箬 ::
荷粮 {def} SEE: 荷糧 ::
荷糧 {n} /kēliáng/ :: tax grain
荷馬 {prop} /Hémǎ/ :: Homer
荷马 {def} SEE: 荷馬 ::
荷莫兹海峡 {def} SEE: 荷莫茲海峽 ::
荷莫茲海峽 {prop} [Taiwan] /Hémòzīhǎixiá/ :: Strait of Hormuz
荷枪实弹 {def} SEE: 荷槍實彈 ::
荷槍實彈 {idiom} /hèqiāngshídàn/ :: to carry loaded guns; to be fully armed
荷葉 {n} /héyè/ :: lotus leaf
荷葉包 {n} /héyèbāo,er/ :: lotus leaf bun (a bun shaped to look like a folded lotus leaf with an opening in the middle for filling)
荷属安的列斯 {def} SEE: 荷屬安的列斯 ::
荷属东印度 {def} SEE: 荷屬東印度 ::
荷属圣马丁 {def} SEE: 荷屬聖馬丁 ::
荷屬安的列斯 {prop} /Héshǔ Āndelièsī/ :: Netherlands Antilles
荷屬東印度 {prop} /Héshǔ Dōng Yìndù/ :: Dutch East Indies
荷屬聖馬丁 {prop} /Héshǔ Shèngmǎdīng/ :: Sint Maarten
荷塘 {n} /hétáng/ :: lotus-covered pond
荷西 {prop} /Héxī/ :: Jose
荷叶 {def} SEE: 荷葉 ::
荷叶包 {def} SEE: 荷葉包 ::
荷印 {prop} /Héyìn/ :: abbreviation of 荷屬東印度
荷月 {prop} [archaic] /Héyuè/ :: The sixth month of the Chinese lunar calendar
{def} /lì/ :: [obsolete] bulrush stems
{def} /lì/ :: [obsolete] wild garlic
{def} /lì/ :: [obsolete] mugwort
{def} [Min Nan, Hakka, Taiwanese Mandarin] /kè,é,1nb/ :: oyster
{def} /kè,kē,1nb/ :: only used in 屎蚵蜋
{def} /kè/ :: only used in 螪蚵
{def} /hé/ :: only used in 蚵蚾
蚵仔 {n} [chiefly Min Nan, Hakka] /kèzǐ,ézǐ,tl/ :: oyster
蚵仔煎 {n} [chiefly Hokkien, Taiwanese Mandarin, Taiwanese Hakka] /kèzǐjiān,ézǎijiān,tl2/ :: oyster omelette (local delicacy in Chaoshan, Southern Fujian and Taiwan)
{def} /hé,xiá/ :: only used in 輵螛
{def} /hé,xiá/ :: [obsolete] mole cricket
{def} /hé/ :: [alternative form 核] to examine; to check; to verify
{def} /hé/ :: [alternative form 核] rigorous; detailed; reliable
{def} [archaic] /hé/ :: vivid
{def} /hé/ :: leftover husk after pounding grains
覈實 {def} SEE: 核實 ::
{def} [Xuzhou Mandarin] :: to quarrel; to argue
{def} /hé,mò/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /hé,mò/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /kē/ :: only used in 趷蹬
{def} /hé,ài/ :: to separate; to cut off
{def} [literary] /hé/ :: door
{def} [literary] /hé/ :: all of; whole of; entire
{def} [literary] /hé/ :: to close; to shut
{def} /hé/ :: surname
闔家 {n} [literary, honorific] /héjiā/ :: entire family; whole family
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
阖家 {def} SEE: 闔家 ::
{def} /hé/ :: [obsolete] shoe
{def} /mò,hé,1nb/ :: only used in 鞨巾
{def} /ài/ :: [obsolete] [of food] to become spoiled after a long time
{def} /hé/ :: [obsolete] a kind of fried food made of flour
{def} SEE: ::
饸饹 {def} SEE: 餄餎 ::
饸饹面 {def} SEE: 餄餎麵 ::
鶡旦 {n} /hédàn/ :: alternative name for 寒號鳥
{def} SEE: ::
鹖旦 {def} SEE: 鶡旦 ::
齕吞 {v} [literary] /hétūn/ :: to bite and swallow; to swallow without chewing
𬺈龁 {def} SEE: 齮齕 ::
{def} SEE: ::
龁吞 {def} SEE: 齕吞 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /xì/ :: apprehensive
{def} /xì/ :: fearful, afraid
{def} /xì/ :: ashamed
{def} /xì/ :: uneasy in mind, not feeling at peace, disturbed
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huá/ :: distiller's grains or yeast
{def} /xì/ :: [obsolete] [dialectal] reddish black
{def} /xì/ :: [obsolete] bluish black
{def} /xī/ :: [obsolete] black
{def} /gé/ :: alternative form of 𢓜
{def} /hè/ :: surname
{def} /xià,hè/ :: to frighten; to scare
{def} /xià,hè/ :: to threaten; to intimidate
{def} /hè/ :: used to express disapproval or resentment. tut-tut; humph
{def} /hè/ :: used to express astonishment
嚇大 {v} [Cantonese] /xiàdà/ :: used to express one is not intimidated
嚇呆 {v} /xiàdāi/ :: to petrify; to scare stiff
嚇倒 {v} /xiàdǎo/ :: to be scared stiff; to be frightened
嚇唬 {v} [colloquial] /xiàhu/ :: to scare; to frighten; to threaten
嚇壞 {v} /xiàhuài/ :: to be scared senseless
嚇尿 {v} [slang] /xiàniào/ :: to frighten intoxicatedly
嚇人 {v} /xiàrén/ :: to make people afraid; to frighten
嚇人 {adj} /xiàrén/ :: frightening; scary
嚇死 {v} /xiàsǐ/ :: to scare someone to death; to freak someone out
嚇一跳 {v} /xià一tiào/ :: to be startled; to be scared out of one's skin
嚇阻 {v} /hèzǔ/ :: to scare others into silence or stopping certain behaviours
{def} /壑/ :: mountain valley; narrow ravine; bed of torrent; gully
{def} /壑/ :: hole; deep hole with water
暍风 {def} SEE: 暍風 ::
{def} /hè,huò/ :: fiery
{def} /hè,huò/ :: flaming red
{def} /hè,huò/ :: bright; light; brilliant
{def} /hè,hù/ :: blazing
{def} /hè,hù/ :: to burn
{def} /xiāo/ :: hot
{def} /kào,kǎo/ :: to bake
{def} /gé/ :: only used in 猲狚
{def} /hài/ :: [obsolete] scent of a dog
{def} /hè/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /xiē/ :: only used in 猲獢
{def} [of appearance] /hè/ :: white and glistening
{def} /hē,hè,chuò,shì,1nb/ :: [obsolete] [Southwestern Mandarin, Xiang] to sting
{def} /hē,hè,chuò,shì,1nb/ :: [obsolete] venom of an insect
{def} /hē,hè,chuò,shì,1nb/ :: [obsolete] pain (from a sting)
{def} /褐/ :: cloth made of coarse fiber
{def} /褐/ :: poor, dull
{def} /褐/ :: brown
褐煤 {n} /褐méi/ :: lignite; brown coal
褐色 {n} /褐sè/ :: the colour brown
褐云玛瑙螺 {def} SEE: 褐雲瑪瑙螺 ::
褐雲瑪瑙螺 {n} /褐yún mǎnǎoluó/ :: synonym of 非洲大蝸牛
{def} /hè/ :: to congratulate
{def} /hè/ :: to send present
{def} /hè/ :: surname
賀詞 {n} /hècí/ :: message of congratulation
賀電 {n} /hèdiàn/ :: congratulatory telegram; message of congratulation
賀功 {v} [literary] /hègōng/ :: to hold a celebration in honor of someone's accomplishment
賀家坪 {prop} /Hèjiāpíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 賀家坪 (town)
賀江 {prop} /Hèjiāng/ :: 賀江 (river)
賀卡 {n} /hèkǎ/ :: greeting card (Classifier: 張封)
賀蘭 {prop} /Hèlán/ :: abbreviation of 賀蘭山
賀蘭 {prop} /Hèlán/ :: (~ 縣) 賀蘭 (county)
賀蘭 {prop} /Hèlán/ :: surname
賀蘭 {prop} [obsolete] /Hèlán/ :: the Netherlands
賀蘭山 {prop} /Hèlán Shān/ :: Helan Mountains
賀禮 {n} /hèlǐ/ :: congratulatory gift
賀年 {v} /hènián/ :: to exchange New Year's greetings; to pay someone a courtesy call on New Year's Day or shortly thereafter, usually with a present
賀三納 {interj} [Catholicism] /hèsānnà/ :: hosanna!
賀壽 {v} /hèshòu/ :: to celebrate the birthday of an elderly person
賀喜 {v} /hèxǐ/ :: to congratulate somebody on a happy occasion (e.g. a wedding, the birth of a child, etc.); to offer congratulations
賀信 {n} /hèxìn/ :: congratulatory letter; letter of congratulations
賀儀 {n} /hèyí/ :: congratulatory gift
賀正 {v} /hèzhēng/ :: to exchange compliments on Lunar New Year's Day
賀州 {prop} /Hèzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 賀州 (city)
{def} SEE: ::
贺词 {def} SEE: 賀詞 ::
贺电 {def} SEE: 賀電 ::
贺功 {def} SEE: 賀功 ::
贺家坪 {def} SEE: 賀家坪 ::
贺江 {def} SEE: 賀江 ::
贺卡 {def} SEE: 賀卡 ::
贺兰 {def} SEE: 賀蘭 ::
贺兰山 {def} SEE: 賀蘭山 ::
贺礼 {def} SEE: 賀禮 ::
贺年 {def} SEE: 賀年 ::
贺三纳 {def} SEE: 賀三納 ::
贺寿 {def} SEE: 賀壽 ::
贺喜 {def} SEE: 賀喜 ::
贺信 {def} SEE: 賀信 ::
贺仪 {def} SEE: 賀儀 ::
贺正 {def} SEE: 賀正 ::
贺州 {def} SEE: 賀州 ::
{def} /hè/ :: [obsolete] bright red
{def} /hè/ :: [obsolete] bright; luminous
{def} /hè/ :: distinguished; eminent; glorious; awe-inspiring
{def} /hè/ :: [obsolete] to display; to show off
{def} /hè/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /hè/ :: [obsolete] angrily; furiously
{def} [physics] /hè/ :: abbreviation of 赫茲
{def} /hè/ :: surname
赫阿会使 {def} SEE: 赫阿會使 ::
赫兹 {def} SEE: 赫茲 ::
赫德岛和麦克唐纳群岛 {def} SEE: 赫德島和麥克唐納群島 ::
赫德島和麥克唐納羣島 {def} SEE: 赫德島和麥克唐納群島 ::
赫德島和麥克唐納群島 {prop} /Hèdédǎo hé Màikètángnà Qúndǎo/ :: Heard Island and McDonald Islands
赫尔 {def} SEE: 赫爾 ::
赫尔河畔金斯顿 {def} SEE: 赫爾河畔金斯頓 ::
赫尔河畔京士顿 {def} SEE: 赫爾河畔京士頓 ::
赫尔河畔京斯顿 {def} SEE: 赫爾河畔京斯頓 ::
赫尔辛基 {def} SEE: 赫爾辛基 ::
赫爾 {prop} /Hè'ěr/ :: Hull
赫爾 {prop} [chiefly Taiwan] /Hè'ěr/ :: Geel
赫爾 {prop} /Hè'ěr/ :: Höör
赫爾河畔金斯頓 {prop} /Hè'ěr Hépàn Jīnsīdùn/ :: Kingston upon Hull
赫爾河畔京士頓 {prop} /Hè'ěr Hépàn Jīngshìdùn/ :: Kingston upon Hull
赫爾河畔京斯頓 {prop} /Hè'ěrhé-Pàn Jīngsīdùn/ :: Kingston upon Hull
赫爾辛基 {prop} /Hè'ěrxīnjī/ :: 赫爾辛基 (city/capital city)
赫耳墨斯 {prop} [Greek god] /Hè'ěrmòsī/ :: Hermes
赫赫 {adj} [ideophonic, literary] /hèhè/ :: majestic; grand; magnificent; illustrious; distinguished
赫赫有名 {idiom} /hèhèyǒumíng/ :: having a great reputation; celebrated; illustrious
赫淮斯托斯 {prop} [Greek god] /Hèhuáisītuōsī/ :: Hephaestus
赫拉 {prop} [Greek god, Mainland China, Hong Kong] /Hèlā/ :: Hera
赫勒拿 {prop} /Hèlèná/ :: Helena
赫连 {def} SEE: 赫連 ::
赫連 {prop} /Hèlián/ :: surname
赫魯曉夫 {prop} /Hèlǔxiǎofū/ :: Khrushchev (Russian surname, especially in reference to Nikita Khrushchev)
赫鲁晓夫 {def} SEE: 赫魯曉夫 ::
赫羅圖 {n} /Hè-Luó tú/ :: Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
赫罗图 {def} SEE: 赫羅圖 ::
赫然 {adj} [literary] /hèrán/ :: unexpected and shocking
赫然 {adj} [literary] /hèrán/ :: terribly angry
赫然 {adv} [literary, of fire] /hèrán/ :: brightly; ablaze; with gleaming light
赫然 {adv} [literary] /hèrán/ :: shockingly; to one's horror; horribly
赫然 {adv} [literary] /hèrán/ :: with great vehemence; furiously
赫塞哥維納 {prop} [Taiwan] /Hèsègēwéinà/ :: Herzegovina
赫塞哥维纳 {def} SEE: 赫塞哥維納 ::
赫斯 {adj} [literary, of an emperor] /hèsī/ :: raging
赫斯 {adj} [literary, of an emperor] /hèsī/ :: mighty; formidable
赫斯 {prop} /hèsī/ :: Hess (surname)
赫斯提亞 {prop} [Greek god] /Hèsītí亚/ :: Hestia
赫斯提亚 {def} SEE: 赫斯提亞 ::
赫梯語 {n} /hètīyǔ/ :: Hittite language
赫梯语 {def} SEE: 赫梯語 ::
赫毋着 {def} SEE: 赫毋著 ::
赫胥黎 {prop} /Hèxūlí/ :: Huxley
赫伊曾 {prop} /Hèyīzēng/ :: Huizen
赫哲 {n} [collective] /Hèzhé/ :: Hezhens (people in Northeast Asia)
赫哲族 {n} /Hèzhézú/ :: Hezhen nationality (one of the officially recognised fifty-six nationalities of China)
赫哲族 {n} /Hèzhézú/ :: (~ 人) person of Hezhen nationality: Hezhen
赫茲 {prop} /Hèzī/ :: Hertz (surname)
赫茲 {classifier} [physics] /Hèzī/ :: hertz (frequency unit)
{def} /hú,hè/ :: a bird flying
{def} /hú,hè/ :: high ambition
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
鹤壁 {def} SEE: 鶴壁 ::
鹤草牙 {def} SEE: 鶴草牙 ::
鹤草芽 {def} SEE: 鶴草芽 ::
鹤岛 {def} SEE: 鶴島 ::
鹤发 {def} SEE: 鶴髮 ::
鹤发童颜 {def} SEE: 鶴髮童顏 ::
鹤峰 {def} SEE: 鶴峰 ::
鹤冈 {def} SEE: 鶴岡 ::
鹤岗 {def} SEE: 鶴崗 ::
鹤咀 {def} SEE: 鶴咀 ::
鹤佬话 {def} SEE: 學佬話 ::
鹤佬人 {def} SEE: 學佬人 ::
鹤立鸡群 {def} SEE: 鶴立雞群 ::
鹤梦 {def} SEE: 鶴夢 ::
鹤山 {def} SEE: 鶴山 ::
鹤虱 {def} SEE: 鶴虱 ::
鹤鸵 {def} SEE: 鶴鴕 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hēi/ :: hey (used to get attention)
嘿嘿 {interj} /hēihēi/ :: hehe; tee hee; lol
嘿咻 {v} [slang] /hēixiū/ :: to have sex; to get it on; to go at it
{def} /hēi/ :: ancient name for Black River (黑水) in today's Yongzhou Territory (雍州境)
{def} /hēi,hěi,hè,1nb/ :: black
{def} /hēi,hěi,hè,1nb/ :: dark; darkness
{def} /hēi,hěi,hè,1nb/ :: evening; night
{def} /hēi,hěi,hè,1nb/ :: illegal; clandestine; secret; shady
{def} [colloquial] /hēi,hěi,hè,1nb/ :: to illegally reside (in a country)
{def} /hēi,hěi,hè,1nb/ :: sinister; evil
{def} /hēi,hěi,hè,1nb/ :: to make fun of; to mock
{def} [computing] /hēi,hěi,hè,1nb/ :: to hack
{def} [colloquial] /hēi,hěi,hè,1nb/ :: to libel
{def} /hēi,hěi,hè,1nb/ :: one who libels
{def} [by extention] /hēi,hěi,hè,1nb/ :: hater
{def} /hēi,hěi,hè,1nb/ :: abbreviation of 黑龍江
{def} /hēi,hěi,hè,1nb/ :: surname
黑矮星 {n} [astronomy] /hēi'ǎixīng/ :: black dwarf
黑暗 {adj} /hēi'àn/ :: dark; unlighted
黑暗 {adj} [figurative] /hēi'àn/ :: backward; unenlightened; evil; corrupt; sordid; dark
黑暗 {n} [obsolete] /hēi'àn/ :: rhinoceros horn
黑暗面 {n} /hēi'ànmiàn/ :: dark side (e.g. of human nature or society)
黑暗时代 {def} SEE: 黑暗時代 ::
黑暗時代 {prop} /Hēi'ànshídài/ :: Dark Ages (a historical periodization traditionally referring to the Middle Ages)
黑黯 {def} SEE: 黑暗 ::
黑白 {n} [literally] /hēibái/ :: black and white
黑白 {n} [figurative] /hēibái/ :: right and wrong; good and evil
黑白 {adj} [attributive] /hēibái/ :: black-and-white (as opposed to colour); monochrome
黑白参 {def} SEE: 黑白參 ::
黑白參 {n} [Singapore] /hēibáicān/ :: a drink that mixes soy milk and grass jelly
黑白电视 {def} SEE: 黑白電視 ::
黑白电视机 {def} SEE: 黑白電視機 ::
黑白電視 {n} /hēibái diànshì/ :: black-and-white television (system, television set)
黑白電視機 {n} /hēibái diànshìjī/ :: black-and-white television (television set)
黑白無常 {prop} [religion] /Hēibáiwúcháng/ :: Heibai Wuchang (two deities in charge of escorting the spirits of the dead to the underworld)
黑白切 {n} /hēibáiqiē/ :: heibaiqie (“miscellaneous plate”, a Taiwanese snack)
黑白无常 {def} SEE: 黑白無常 ::
黑斑 {n} /hēibān/ :: black speckles
黑斑蚊 {n} /hēibānwén/ :: any mosquito in the genus Aedes
黑板 {n} /hēibǎn/ :: blackboard (Classifier: m,c:塊個)
黑板 {n} [literary, literally] /hēibǎn/ :: black plank
黑板報 {n} /hēibǎnbào/ :: blackboard with aesthetic content on it, used as a medium for announcement, propaganda or decoration; “blackboard newspaper”; “blackboard bulletin
黑板报 {def} SEE: 黑板報 ::
黑板擦 {n} /hēibǎncā/ :: blackboard eraser
黑板擦子 {n} /hēibǎncāzi/ :: blackboard eraser
黑板刷 {n} [dated or Min Bei] /hēibǎnshuā/ :: blackboard eraser
黑帮 {def} SEE: 黑幫 ::
黑幫 {n} /hēibāng/ :: gangsters; criminal gang; organized crime syndicate
黑背胡狼 {n} /hēibèi húláng/ :: black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas)
黑背鍾鵲 {def} SEE: 黑背鐘鵲 ::
黑背鐘鵲 {n} /hēibèi zhōngquè/ :: Australian magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen)
黑背钟鹊 {def} SEE: 黑背鐘鵲 ::
黑比諾 {n} /hēibǐnuò/ :: Pinot Noir (grape)
黑比諾 {n} /hēibǐnuò/ :: Pinot Noir (wine)
黑比诺 {def} SEE: 黑比諾 ::
黑冰 {n} /hēibīng/ :: black ice
黑部 {prop} /Hēibù/ :: (~ 市) 黑部 (city)
黑材料 {n} /hēicáiliào/ :: kompromat; dirt
黑草羊 {n} /hēicǎoyáng/ :: a kind of black goat (whose meat is used to make stews)
黑厕 {def} SEE: 黑廁 ::
黑茶 {n} /hēichá/ :: fermented tea
黑产 {def} SEE: 黑產 ::
黑產 {n} /hēichǎn/ :: abbreviation of 黑色產業
黑長直 {adj} [neologism, slang, of hair] /hēichángzhí/ :: black, long and straight
黑长直 {def} SEE: 黑長直 ::
黑超 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, colloquial] /hēichāo/ :: sunglasses; shades (Classifier: m,c:副)
黑車 {n} [colloquial] /hēichē/ :: unlicensed vehicle
黑車 {n} [colloquial] /hēichē/ :: illegal taxi; taxi operating without a licence
黑車 {n} /hēichē/ :: hearse
黑车 {def} SEE: 黑車 ::
黑沉沉 {adj} /hēichénchén/ :: pitch-black; pitch-dark; jet-black
黑吃黑 {v} /hēichīhēi/ :: (of a villain)​ to do the dirty on another villain
黑翅鳶 {n} /hēichìyuān/ :: black-winged kite, Elanus caeruleus
黑翅鸢 {def} SEE: 黑翅鳶 ::
黑船 {n} /hēichuán/ :: pirate ship; ships used for smuggling or other illegal acts
黑醋 {n} /hēicù/ :: black vinegar
黑醋栗 {n} /hēicùlì/ :: blackcurrant
黑带 {def} SEE: 黑帶 ::
黑帶 {n} /hēidài/ :: black belt
黑胆汁 {def} SEE: 黑膽汁 ::
黑膽汁 {n} /hēidǎnzhī/ :: black bile
黑道 {n} /hēidào,er/ :: dark road; unlit street
黑道 {n} [figurative] /hēidào,er/ :: organised crime; illegal activity
黑道 {n} [figurative] /hēidào,er/ :: criminal underworld
黑道 {n} [astrology] /hēidào,er/ :: inauspicious day
黑灯 {def} SEE: 黑燈 ::
黑点 {def} SEE: 黑點 ::
黑點 {n} /hēidiǎn/ :: black spot
黑點 {n} /hēidiǎn/ :: sunspot
黑點 {n} [figurative] /hēidiǎn/ :: mistake
黑點 {n} [figurative] /hēidiǎn/ :: place that problems frequently occur
黑貂 {n} /hēidiāo/ :: sable, Martes zibellina
黑鯛 {n} /hēidiāo/ :: blackhead sea bream (Acanthopagrus schlegelii)
黑鲷 {def} SEE: 黑鯛 ::
黑洞 {n} /hēidòng/ :: black hole
黑洞洞 {adj} /hēidòngdòng/ :: pitch-dark
黑豆 {n} /hēidòu,hěidòu,1nb/ :: black soya bean
黑发 {def} SEE: 黑髮 ::
黑髮 {n} /hēi髮/ :: black hair (as a sign of youthfulness and vitality)
黑非洲 {prop} /Hēi Fēizhōu/ :: black Africa
黑粉 {n} /hēifěn/ :: black powder
黑粉 {n} [slang] /hēifěn/ :: anti-fan
黑腹果蝇 {def} SEE: 黑腹果蠅 ::
黑腹果蠅 {n} /hēifù guǒyíng/ :: Drosophila melanogaster
黑芥 {n} /hēijiè/ :: Brassica nigra (black mustard)
黑鈣土 {n} /hēigàitǔ/ :: chernozem
黑钙土 {def} SEE: 黑鈣土 ::
黑橄榄 {def} SEE: 黑橄欖 ::
黑橄欖 {n} /hēigǎnlǎn/ :: black olive
黑格尔 {def} SEE: 黑格爾 ::
黑格爾 {prop} /Hēigé'ěr/ :: Hegel
黑頸鶴 {n} /hēijǐnghè/ :: black-necked crane, Grus nigricollis
黑颈鹤 {def} SEE: 黑頸鶴 ::
黑工 {n} /hēigōng/ :: illegal worker; undocumented worker
黑管 {n} [musical instrument] /hēiguǎn,er/ :: alternative name for 單簧管
黑冠𫛚 {def} SEE: 黑冠鳽 ::
黑冠鳽 {n} /hēiguānjiān/ :: Malayan night heron (Gorsachius melanolophus)
黑冠麻鷺 {n} /hēiguān málù/ :: Malayan night heron
黑冠麻鹭 {def} SEE: 黑冠麻鷺 ::
黑鬼 {n} [pejorative, ethnic slur] /hēiguǐ/ :: black devil; nigger (a derogatory term for a person with dark skin)
黑鍋 {n} [literally] /hēiguō/ :: black wok
黑鍋 {n} [figuratively] /hēiguō/ :: blame for a crime
黑锅 {def} SEE: 黑鍋 ::
黑海 {prop} /Hēihǎi/ :: Black Sea [sea between Europe and Asia]
黑海 {prop} /Hēihǎi/ :: Lake Heihai [lake in Qinghai, China]
黑函 {n} [Taiwanese Mandarin] /hēihán/ :: blackmail
黑河 {prop} /Hēihé/ :: (~ 市) 黑河 (prefecture-level city)
黑河-腾冲线 {def} SEE: 黑河-騰衝線 ::
黑河-騰衝線 {prop} [geography] /Hēihé-Téngchōng Xiàn/ :: Heihe–Tengchong Line
黑盒 {n} /hēihé/ :: black box
黑盒子 {n} /hēihézi/ :: black box
黑胡椒 {n} /hēihújiāo/ :: black pepper (both the spice and the plant)
黑戶 {n} /hēihù,er/ :: unregistered household; unregistered person
黑戶 {n} /hēihù,er/ :: unlicensed firm
黑戶口 {n} /hēihùkǒu/ :: unregistered household; unregistered person
黑户 {def} SEE: 黑戶 ::
黑户口 {def} SEE: 黑戶口 ::
黑話 {n} /hēihuà/ :: cant; argot; jargon of the underworld
黑話 {n} /hēihuà/ :: double-talk; malicious words
黑话 {def} SEE: 黑話 ::
黑貨 {n} /hēihuò/ :: smuggled goods; contraband goods
黑貨 {n} [figuratively, mainland] /hēihuò/ :: reactionary thinking; corrupt ideology
黑货 {def} SEE: 黑貨 ::
黑加仑 {def} SEE: 黑加侖 ::
黑加仑子 {def} SEE: 黑加侖子 ::
黑加侖 {n} /hēijiālún/ :: blackcurrant
黑加侖子 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /hēi jiālúnzǐ/ :: black currant
黑监狱 {def} SEE: 黑監獄 ::
黑監獄 {n} /hēijiānyù/ :: black jail
黑間 {n} [Mainland, colloquial] /hēijian/ :: evening; night
黑间 {def} SEE: 黑間 ::
黑鍵 {n} /hēijiàn/ :: black key (of a piano, etc.)
黑键 {def} SEE: 黑鍵 ::
黑将来 {def} SEE: 黑將來 ::
黑椒 {n} /hēijiāo/ :: black pepper
黑椒汁 {n} /hēijiāozhī/ :: peppercorn sauce; black pepper sauce
黑胶 {def} SEE: 黑膠 ::
黑胶唱片 {def} SEE: 黑膠唱片 ::
黑胶绸 {def} SEE: 黑膠綢 ::
黑膠 {n} /hēijiāo/ :: vinyl
黑膠唱片 {n} /hēijiāo chàngpiàn,hēijiāo chàngpiān,er/ :: vinyl record; record
黑膠綢 {n} /hēijiāochóu/ :: gambiered Guangdong silk (a rust-colored variety of summer silk)
黑金 {n} [metallurgy] /hēijīn/ :: niello
黑金 {n} /hēijīn/ :: alternative name for 石油
黑金 {n} /hēijīn/ :: alternative name for 鐵
黑金 {n} /hēijīn/ :: alternative name for 煤
黑金 {n} [politics] /hēijīn/ :: (~ 政治) black gold (politics); political corruption
黑警 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /hēijǐng/ :: police officer related to triads; police officer involved in gang activity
黑警 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, neologism, slang] /hēijǐng/ :: the police in general in the 2019 Hong Kong protests, as abusive and corrupt
黑卷尾 {def} SEE: 黑捲尾 ::
黑捲尾 {n} /hēijuǎnwěi/ :: black drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus)
黑咖啡 {n} /hēikāfēi/ :: black coffee
黑科技 {n} [neologism, slang] /hēikējì/ :: technology which transcends the perceived limit by common people; phenomenal and jaw-dropping new technology
黑客 {n} [Mainland China, Hong Kong] /hēikè,er/ :: hacker
黑鸝 {n} /hēilí/ :: blackbird (New World bird of the family Icteridae)
黑鹂 {def} SEE: 黑鸝 ::
黑裏 {def} SEE: 黑裡 ::
黑里 {def} SEE: 黑裡 ::
黑历史 {def} SEE: 黑歷史 ::
黑歷史 {n} [slang, especially, ACG] /hēilìshǐ/ :: something from the past that one desires to cover up
黑林 {prop} /Hēilín/ :: (~ 村) 黑林 (village)
黑磷 {n} [inorganic compound] /hēilín/ :: black phosphorus
黑領 {adj} /hēilǐng/ :: black-collar
黑領 {n} /hēilǐng/ :: black-collar worker (Classifier: 個)
黑领 {def} SEE: 黑領 ::
黑龍江 {prop} /Hēilóngjiāng/ :: Amur River; Heilong Jiang (the river forming the border between the Russian Far East and Northeastern China)
黑龍江 {prop} /Hēilóngjiāng/ :: (~ 省) 黑龍江 (province)
黑龙江 {def} SEE: 黑龍江 ::
黑輪 {n} [Taiwan] /hēilún/ :: oden
黑轮 {def} SEE: 黑輪 ::
黑落德 {prop} [Catholicism] /Hēiluòdé/ :: Herod
黑馬 {n} [figurative] /hēimǎ/ :: dark horse (racehorse or person with unexpected capabilities)
黑馬壋 {prop} /Hēimǎdàng/ :: (~ 村) 黑馬壋 (village)
黑马 {def} SEE: 黑馬 ::
黑马垱 {def} SEE: 黑馬壋 ::
黑麥 {n} /hēimài/ :: rye
黑麦 {def} SEE: 黑麥 ::
黑猫 {def} SEE: 黑貓 ::
黑猫子 {def} SEE: 黑貓子 ::
黑貓 {n} /hēimāo/ :: black cat
黑貓子 {n} [Sichuan] :: gnat
黑貓子 {n} [Jinan Hui Mandarin, euphemistic] :: pig
黑莓 {n} /hēiméi/ :: blackberry
黑莓 {prop} /hēiméi/ :: BlackBerry
黑米 {n} /hēimǐ/ :: black rice
黑民 {n} [colloquial] /hēimín/ :: illegal immigrant
黑名單 {n} /hēimíngdān,er/ :: blacklist
黑名单 {def} SEE: 黑名單 ::
黑命貴 {prop} [colloquial, sometimes, derogatory] /Hēimìngguì/ :: Black Lives Matter
黑命贵 {def} SEE: 黑命貴 ::
黑魔法 {n} /hēimófǎ/ :: black magic
黑墨镜 {def} SEE: 黑墨鏡 ::
黑牡丹菇 {n} /hēimǔdāngū/ :: oyster mushroom
黑幕 {n} [figuratively] /hēimù/ :: shady plot; hidden goings-on (of something sinister)
黑木耳 {n} /hēimù'ěr/ :: Jew's-ear; wood ear (Auricularia auricula-judae)
黑木耳 {n} [neologism, slang, derogatory] /hēimù'ěr/ :: [from the shape of the mushroom] sexually-experienced young female; promiscuous female or a young female who masturbates often
黑奴 {n} /hēinú/ :: black slave
黑皮 {n} /hēipí/ :: See: zh
黑皮 {n} [slang, ethnic slur, derogatory] /hēipí/ :: black people
黑皮 {n} [slang, derogatory] /hēipí/ :: police officer; cop
黑皮諾 {n} /hēipínuò/ :: Pinot Noir (grape)
黑皮諾 {n} /hēipínuò/ :: Pinot Noir (wine)
黑皮诺 {def} SEE: 黑皮諾 ::
黑漆板凳 {n} [obsolete, jocular] /hēiqī bǎndèng/ :: husband
黑漆漆 {adj} [ideophonic] /hēiqīqī/ :: pitch-black
黑旗 {n} /hēiqí/ :: black flag
黑旗 {n} [Hong Kong] /hēiqí/ :: a black banner used by the police: "Warning: Tear Smoke / 警告催淚煙"
黑錢 {n} /hēiqián/ :: black money; dirty money; ill-gotten money
黑钱 {def} SEE: 黑錢 ::
黑枪 {def} SEE: 黑槍 ::
黑槍 {n} /hēiqiāng/ :: an illicit and/or concealed firearm
黑槍 {n} /hēiqiāng/ :: a gunshot from unknown or unclear origin and/or direction
黑槍 {n} [neologism, internet slang, figuratively] /hēiqiāng/ :: a concealed attack at someone's reputation; the act of smearing; defamation
黑槍 {v} [neologism, internet slang] /hēiqiāng/ :: to smear; to attack someone's reputation in an concealed effort
黑巧 {n} /hēiqiǎo/ :: abbreviation of 黑巧克力
黑巧克力 {n} /hēiqiǎokèlì/ :: dark chocolate
黑区妈区 {def} SEE: 黑區媽區 ::
黑麴黴 {n} /hēiqūméi/ :: Aspergillus niger
黑黢黢 {adj} [ideophonic] /hēiqūqū/ :: pitch black
黑曲霉 {def} SEE: 黑麴黴 ::
黑人 {n} /hēirén/ :: black person
黑人 {n} /hēirén/ :: person in hiding as a result of having broken the law
黑人 {v} [colloquial] /hēirén/ :: to make fun of others; to mock others
黑人 {v} [slang] /hēirén/ :: to extort money from someone
黑人問號臉 {n} [neologism, Internet slang] /hēirén wènhào liǎn,er/ :: confused look
黑人问号脸 {def} SEE: 黑人問號臉 ::
黑塞哥維那 {prop} [Mainland China] /Hēisàigēwéinà/ :: Herzegovina
黑塞哥维那 {def} SEE: 黑塞哥維那 ::
黑嗓 {n} [music] /hēisǎng/ :: screaming (vocal technique in black metal music)
黑色 {adj} /hēisè/ :: black
黑色 {n} /hēisè/ :: the color black
黑色火药 {def} SEE: 黑色火藥 ::
黑色火藥 {n} /hēisè huǒyào/ :: black powder, gunpowder
黑色金属 {def} SEE: 黑色金屬 ::
黑色金屬 {n} /hēisè jīnshǔ/ :: iron, chromium, manganese and their alloys
黑色素 {n} [biochemistry] /hēisèsù/ :: melanin
黑色素瘤 {n} [diseases] /hēisèsùliú/ :: melanoma
黑色素細胞 {n} [cytology] /hēisèsù xìbāo/ :: melanocyte
黑色素细胞 {def} SEE: 黑色素細胞 ::
黑色星期五 {prop} /Hēisè Xīng期wǔ/ :: Black Friday (day after US Thanksgiving Day)
黑色幽默 {n} /hēisè yōumò/ :: black humour
黑森林 {prop} /Hēi Sēnlín/ :: Black Forest
黑森林蛋糕 {n} /hēi sēnlín dàngāo/ :: Black Forest gâteau; Black Forest cake
黑沙环 {def} SEE: 黑沙環 ::
黑沙環 {prop} /Hēishāhuán/ :: Areia Preta (an area in Macau)
黑山 {prop} [Mainland China, Hong Kong] /Hēishān/ :: Montenegro
黑山 {prop} /Hēishān/ :: (~ 縣) 黑山 (county)
黑哨 {n} [sports] /hēishào,er/ :: corrupt referee or refereeing; bad call
黑社会 {def} SEE: 黑社會 ::
黑社會 {n} /hēishèhuì/ :: the criminal underworld; gang
黑社會 {n} [more specifically] /hēishèhuì/ :: triad
黑石 {prop} /Hēishí/ :: (~ 市) 黑石 (city)
黑石头 {def} SEE: 黑石頭 ::
黑石頭 {prop} /Hēishítou/ :: (~ 村) 黑石頭 (village)
黑市 {n} /hēishì/ :: black market; illicit market; under the counter business
黑手 {n} /hēishǒu/ :: evil backstage manipulator; black hand
黑手 {n} [Taiwan] /hēishǒu/ :: mechanic
黑手党 {def} SEE: 黑手黨 ::
黑手黨 {n} /hēishǒudǎng/ :: mafia
黑鼠 {n} /hēishǔ/ :: black rat
黑水 {prop} /Hēishuǐ/ :: the present-day Hei River in Gansu and Inner Mongolia
黑水 {prop} [dated] /Hēishuǐ/ :: the Dan River in Shaanxi
黑水 {prop} [dated] /Hēishuǐ/ :: the Amur River in Manchuria
黑水 {prop} /Hēishuǐ/ :: the Black-River Mohe, a tribe in Manchuria named for the Amur
黑水 {prop} /Hēishuǐ/ :: two towns in Heishui, Liaoning and Heishui, Jilin in Manchuria, named for the Amur
黑水 {prop} [dated] /Hēishuǐ/ :: the Jinsha River (the upper course of the Yangtze) in Qinghai and Sichuan
黑水 {prop} /Hēishuǐ/ :: (~ 縣) Heishui County in Sichuan, named for the Jinsha
黑水晶 {n} /hēishuǐjīng/ :: Persian wine, the recipe of which was brought back to China by Zhang Qian in the Han Dynasty
黑丝 {def} SEE: 黑絲 ::
黑絲 {n} /hēisī/ :: black tights; black pantyhose; black stockings
黑死病 {n} /hēisǐbìng/ :: Black Death
黑素 {n} /hēisù/ :: melanin
黑素細胞 {n} [cytology] /hēisù xìbāo/ :: melanocyte
黑素细胞 {def} SEE: 黑素細胞 ::
黑索金 {n} /hēisuǒjīn/ :: hexogen
黑檀 {n} /hēitán/ :: ebony wood
黑檀木 {n} [botany] /hēitánmù/ :: ebony tree
黑糖 {n} /hēitáng/ :: (relatively dark) brown sugar
黑桃 {n} [card games] /hēitáo/ :: spade ()
黑特 {v} [chiefly Taiwan, neologism, slang] /hēitè/ :: to hate; to trash; to diss; to deprecate
黑特 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, neologism, slang] /hēitè/ :: hater
黑体 {def} SEE: 黑體 ::
黑體 {n} [physics] /hēitǐ/ :: blackbody
黑體 {n} [of typefaces] /hēitǐ/ :: bold
黑體 {n} [of typefaces] /hēitǐ/ :: sans-serif
黑天 {n} /hēitiān/ :: night; nightfall
黑天 {prop} [Hinduism] /Hēitiān/ :: Krishna
黑头 {def} SEE: 黑頭 ::
黑頭 {n} /hēitóu/ :: black hair
黑頭 {n} [medicine] /hēitóu/ :: blackhead
黑土 {n} /hēitǔ/ :: chernozem
黑苇𫛚 {def} SEE: 黑葦鳽 ::
黑葦鳽 {n} /hēiwěijiān/ :: black bittern (Dupetor flavicollis, syn. Ixobrychus flavicollis)
黑巫术 {def} SEE: 黑巫術 ::
黑巫術 {n} /hēiwūshù/ :: black magic
黑鎢礦 {n} [mineralogy] /hēiwūkuàng/ :: wolframite
黑钨矿 {def} SEE: 黑鎢礦 ::
黑五 {prop} [neologism] /Hēiwǔ/ :: Black Friday (the shopping day)
黑瞎子 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /hēixiāzi/ :: black bear
黑瞎子岛 {def} SEE: 黑瞎子島 ::
黑瞎子島 {prop} /Hēixiāzǐdǎo/ :: Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island
黑匣子 {n} /hēixiázi/ :: black box (in an aircraft)
黑線 {n} [literally] /hēixiàn/ :: black line; black string
黑線 {n} [figurative, politics] /hēixiàn/ :: black line (used during the Cultural Revolution to refer to things counterrevolutionary)
黑線 {n} [neologism, Internet slang] /hēixiàn/ :: the vertical lines in the emoji -_- which conveys a sense of helplessness, cheerlessness, awkwardness, etc
黑线 {def} SEE: 黑線 ::
黑厢车 {def} SEE: 黑廂車 ::
黑廂車 {n} /hēixiāngchē/ :: hearse
黑箱 {n} /hēixiāng/ :: black box
黑心 {n} /hēixīn/ :: black heart; evil heart; evil intention
黑心 {adj} /hēixīn/ :: black-hearted; ruthless and lacking in conscience
黑心金光菊 {n} /hēixīn jīnguāngjú/ :: Rudbeckia hirta; black-eyed Susan
黑心菊 {n} /hēixīnjú/ :: Rudbeckia hirta (black-eyed Susan)
黑信 {n} [colloquial] /hēixìn/ :: poison-pen letter; blackmail
黑星星 {n} [dialectal] /hēixīngxing,er/ :: black nightshade (Solanum nigrum)
黑猩猩 {n} /hēixīngxing/ :: chimpanzee (Classifier: 個隻)
黑熊 {n} /hēixióng/ :: black bear (Asian black bear or American black bear)
黑魆魆 {adj} /hēixūxū/ :: pitch-black; dark
黑魆魆 {adj} /hēixūxū/ :: black
黑压压 {def} SEE: 黑壓壓 ::
黑壓壓 {adj} [ideophonic, of a group of people or things] /hēiyāyā/ :: forming a dense mass; dark and dense
黑烟 {def} SEE: 黑煙 ::
黑煙 {n} [literary] /hēiyān/ :: dark clouds
黑煙 {n} [literary] /hēiyān/ :: black smoke
黑眼镜 {def} SEE: 黑眼鏡 ::
黑眼圈 {n} /hēiyǎnquān,er/ :: alternative name for 眼袋
黑眼圈 {n} /hēiyǎnquān,er/ :: black eye; periorbital haematoma
黑眼仁儿 {def} SEE: 黑眼仁兒 ::
黑眼珠 {n} /hēiyǎnzhū,er/ :: black eyes; dark eyes
黑眼珠 {n} /hēiyǎnzhū,er/ :: black part of the eye; pupil and iris
黑曜石 {n} [mineral] /hēiyàoshí/ :: obsidian
黑曜岩 {n} /hēiyàoyán/ :: obsidian
黑夜 {n} /hēiyè/ :: night; nighttime
黑夜饭 {def} SEE: 黑夜飯 ::
黑衣人 {n} [Hong Kong, neologism] /hēiyīrén/ :: "person dresssed in black": pro-democracy protestor in the 2019 Hong Kong protests
黑英山 {prop} /Hēiyīngshān/ :: (~ 鄉) 黑英山 (township)
黑影 {n} /hēiyǐng,er/ :: dark shadow; shadow
黑黝黝 {adj} /hēiyǒuyǒu,hēiyōuyōu,1nb/ :: shiny black
黑黝黝 {adj} /hēiyǒuyǒu,hēiyōuyōu,1nb/ :: pitch-black; jet-black
黑魚 {n} /hēiyú/ :: alternative name for 烏鱧
黑鱼 {def} SEE: 黑魚 ::
黑雨 {n} [Hong Kong] /hēiyǔ/ :: Hong Kong rainstorm warning signals
黑云 {def} SEE: 黑雲 ::
黑雲 {n} /hēiyún/ :: black clouds; dark clouds
黑枣 {def} SEE: 黑棗 ::
黑棗 {n} /hēizǎo,er/ :: black (smoked) jujube (Ziziphus jujuba)
黑樟沟 {def} SEE: 黑樟溝 ::
黑樟溝 {prop} /Hēizhānggōu/ :: (~ 村) 黑樟溝 (village)
黑芝麻 {n} /hēizhīma/ :: black sesame seed
黑痣 {n} /hēizhì/ :: mole (dark spot on the skin)
黑質 {n} [anatomy] /hēi质/ :: substantia nigra (brain structure)
黑质 {def} SEE: 黑質 ::
黑种草 {def} SEE: 黑種草 ::
黑种人 {def} SEE: 黑種人 ::
黑種草 {n} /hēizhǒngcǎo/ :: love-in-a-mist
黑種人 {n} /hēizhǒngrén/ :: black person
黑朱古力 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /hēizhūgǔlì/ :: dark chocolate
黑子 {n} [literary] /hēizǐ,er/ :: birthmark; mole
黑子 {n} [literary, figurative] /hēizǐ,er/ :: small piece of land
黑子 {n} /hēizǐ,er/ :: black seed
黑子 {n} [go, xiangqi] /hēizǐ,er/ :: black piece
黑子 {n} [astronomy] /hēizǐ,er/ :: sunspot
黑子 {n} [humorous] /hēizi/ :: someone with dark skin
黑子 {n} [Yinchuan Hui Mandarin, euphemism] /hēizi/ :: pig
黑子儿 {def} SEE: 黑子兒 ::
黑子兒 {n} [Mandarin, Jin] /hēizǐr/ :: erhua form of black piece in the board game go
黑子兒 {n} [Muping Mandarin] :: night
黑字 {n} /hēizì/ :: surplus; in the black
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hén/ :: scar; cicatrix (Classifier: 條)
{def} /hén/ :: mark; trace (Classifier: 條)
{def} [Cantonese] /hén/ :: itchy
痕跡 {n} /hén迹/ :: trace; mark; evidence; vestige; track
痕迹 {def} SEE: 痕跡 ::
痕痒 {def} SEE: 痕癢 ::
{def} /hén/ :: decoration on the front of a carriage
{def} /hěn/ :: [obsolete] to disobey; to defy
{def} /hěn/ :: to try to one's utmost
{def} /hěn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /hěn/ :: [obsolete] struggle; dispute
{def} /hěn/ :: very; rather; quite
{def} [especially before monosyllabic adjectives] /hěn/ :: (no meaning, see usage note)
很多 {adj} /hěnduō/ :: many; much; a lot
很好很強大 {phrase} [chiefly Mainland China, neologism, slang] /hěn hǎo hěn qiángdà/ :: very good very mighty
很好很强大 {def} SEE: 很好很強大 ::
很黃很暴力 {phrase} [chiefly mainland China, neologism, slang] /hěn huáng hěn bàolì/ :: sexually explicit and violent
很黄很暴力 {def} SEE: 很黃很暴力 ::
很久沒見 {interj} /hěnjiǔméijiàn/ :: long time no see
很久没见 {def} SEE: 很久沒見 ::
很傻很天真 {phrase} [chiefly Mainland China, neologism, slang] /hěn shǎ hěn tiānzhēn/ :: very silly very naive
很少 {adv} /hěnshǎo/ :: seldom; rarely
{def} /hěn/ :: vicious, cruel
{def} /hěn/ :: severely, extreme
狠毒 {adj} /hěndú/ :: vicious; malicious; venomous
狠狠 {adj} /hěnhěn/ :: ruthless; relentless; firm; resolute
狠話 {n} /hěnhuà/ :: harsh words
狠话 {def} SEE: 狠話 ::
狠心 {adj} /hěnxīn/ :: cruel; heartless; callous
{def} /hèn/ :: to resent; to hate
{def} /hèn/ :: to regret; to pity
{def} /hèn/ :: hatred; dislike
{def} /hèn/ :: regret
恨不得 {v} /hènbude/ :: to hate to be unable to; to eagerly wish to; to be itching to; to be anxious to; can't wait to
恨不能 {v} /hènbunéng/ :: to hate to be unable to; to eagerly wish to; to be itching to; to be anxious to; can't wait to
恨不相逢未嫁时 {def} SEE: 恨不相逢未嫁時 ::
恨不相逢未嫁時 {idiom} /hèn 不 xiāngféng wèi jià shí/ :: regret meeting a true lover only after one's marriage; What a pity that we didn't meet before you and I were married!
恨惡 {v} /hènwù/ :: to despise, to hate
恨嫁 {v} [originally, Cantonese, of a girl] /hènjià/ :: to hunger for a marriage
恨入骨髓 {idiom} /hènrùgǔsuǐ/ :: synonym of 恨之入骨
恨入心髓 {idiom} /hènrùxīnsuǐ/ :: synonym of 恨之入骨
恨鐵不成鋼 {idiom} [figurative] /hèn tiě 不 chéng gāng/ :: to feel resentful towards someone for failing to meet expectations; to be impatient to see improvement
恨铁不成钢 {def} SEE: 恨鐵不成鋼 ::
恨恶 {def} SEE: 恨惡 ::
恨意 {n} /hènyì/ :: hatred; bitterness; resentfulness; rancour
恨賊勒 {n} [Hui Mandarin, euphemism] /hènzéilè/ :: pig
恨贼勒 {def} SEE: 恨賊勒 ::
恨之切骨 {idiom} /hènzhīqiègǔ/ :: synonym of 恨之入骨
恨之入骨 {idiom} /hènzhīrùgǔ/ :: to hate to the bone; to hate deeply
{def} /hēng,héng/ :: smoothly progressing; prosperous
{def} [physics] /hēng,héng/ :: abbreviation of 亨利
{def} /hēng,héng/ :: surname
{def} /pēng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /xiǎng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
亨利 {prop} /Hēnglì/ :: Henry; Henri (name)
亨利 {classifier} [physics] /Hēnglì/ :: henry (unit of inductance)
亨利氏环 {def} SEE: 亨利氏環 ::
亨利氏環 {n} [anatomy] /hēnglìshìhuán/ :: loop of Henle
亨氏牛羚 {n} /Hēngshì niúlíng/ :: hirola
亨通 {adj} /hēngtōng/ :: smooth; prosperous
亨通 {n} /hēngtōng/ :: (~ 卦) The combination 二上二中四下 in the Lingqijing
{def} /hēng/ :: to hum; to croon
{def} /hēng/ :: to moan
{def} /hng/ :: hmph
哼唱 {v} /hēngchàng/ :: to hum a melody
哼哼 {v} /hēngheng,hēnghēng/ :: to groan or moan continually; to grunt
哼哼 {n} [Yinchuan Hui Mandarin, euphemism] /hēngheng,hēnghēng/ :: pig
哼唧 {v} /hēngji/ :: to speak, sing or chant in a low and indistinct voice; to mumble; to whisper
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /héng/ :: storm, tempest
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hěn/ :: alternative form of
{def} /hěn/ :: cruel
{def} /hěn/ :: to disobey; to defy
{def} /héng/ :: only used in 佷山
{def} /héng/ :: only used in 姮娥
姮娥 {prop} /Héng'é/ :: alternative name for 嫦娥
{def} SEE: ::
恒产 {def} SEE: 恆產 ::
恒常 {def} SEE: 恆常 ::
恒春 {def} SEE: 恆春 ::
恒春半岛 {def} SEE: 恆春半島 ::
恒等 {def} SEE: 恆等 ::
恒等式 {def} SEE: 恆等式 ::
恒娥 {def} SEE: 恆娥 ::
恒伽 {def} SEE: 恆伽 ::
恒河 {def} SEE: 恆河 ::
恒河鳄 {def} SEE: 恆河鱷 ::
恒河猴 {def} SEE: 恆河猴 ::
恒河沙 {def} SEE: 恆河沙 ::
恒河沙数 {def} SEE: 恆河沙數 ::
恒久 {def} SEE: 恆久 ::
恒例 {def} SEE: 恆例 ::
恒山 {def} SEE: 恆山 ::
恒温 {def} SEE: 恆溫 ::
恒温器 {def} SEE: 恆溫器 ::
恒心 {def} SEE: 恆心 ::
恒星 {def} SEE: 恆星 ::
恒星年 {def} SEE: 恆星年 ::
恒星系 {def} SEE: 恆星系 ::
恒毅 {def} SEE: 恆毅 ::
{def} SEE: ::
横霸 {def} SEE: 橫霸 ::
横暴 {def} SEE: 橫暴 ::
横滨 {def} SEE: 橫濱 ::
横波 {def} SEE: 橫波 ::
横埠 {def} SEE: 橫埠 ::
横财 {def} SEE: 橫財 ::
横插 {def} SEE: 橫插 ::
横插一杠子 {def} SEE: 橫插一槓子 ::
横塍 {def} SEE: 橫塍 ::
横冲直闯 {def} SEE: 橫衝直闖 ::
横冲直撞 {def} SEE: 橫衝直撞 ::
横穿 {def} SEE: 橫穿 ::
横当骨 {def} SEE: 橫當骨 ::
横道 {def} SEE: 橫道 ::
横堤 {def} SEE: 橫堤 ::
横笛 {def} SEE: 橫笛 ::
横睇掂睇 {def} SEE: 橫睇掂睇 ::
横掂 {def} SEE: 橫掂 ::
横渡 {def} SEE: 橫渡 ::
横断 {def} SEE: 橫斷 ::
横断步道 {def} SEE: 橫斷步道 ::
横断山脉 {def} SEE: 橫斷山脈 ::
横额 {def} SEE: 橫額 ::
横飞燕 {def} SEE: 橫飛燕 ::
横幅 {def} SEE: 橫幅 ::
横膈 {def} SEE: 橫膈 ::
横膈膜 {def} SEE: 橫膈膜 ::
横隔膜 {def} SEE: 橫隔膜 ::
横亘 {def} SEE: 橫亙 ::
横沟市 {def} SEE: 橫溝市 ::
横钩 {def} SEE: 橫鉤 ::
横贯 {def} SEE: 橫貫 ::
横过 {def} SEE: 橫過 ::
横桁 {def} SEE: 橫桁 ::
横行 {def} SEE: 橫行 ::
横行霸道 {def} SEE: 橫行霸道 ::
横行无忌 {def} SEE: 橫行無忌 ::
横行直撞 {def} SEE: 橫行直撞 ::
横祸 {def} SEE: 橫禍 ::
横戟 {def} SEE: 橫戟 ::
横截面 {def} SEE: 橫截面 ::
横桀 {def} SEE: 橫桀 ::
横结肠 {def} SEE: 橫結腸 ::
横空 {def} SEE: 橫空 ::
横空出世 {def} SEE: 橫空出世 ::
横跨 {def} SEE: 橫跨 ::
横狂 {def} SEE: 橫狂 ::
横澜岛 {def} SEE: 橫瀾島 ::
横脷 {def} SEE: 橫脷 ::
横梁 {def} SEE: 橫樑 ::
横流 {def} SEE: 橫流 ::
横蛮 {def} SEE: 橫蠻 ::
横蛮无理 {def} SEE: 橫蠻無理 ::
横眉竖眼 {def} SEE: 橫眉豎眼 ::
横门 {def} SEE: 橫門 ::
横目 {def} SEE: 橫目 ::
横逆 {def} SEE: 橫逆 ::
横批 {def} SEE: 橫批 ::
横撇 {def} SEE: 橫撇 ::
横剖面 {def} SEE: 橫剖面 ::
横七竖八 {def} SEE: 橫七豎八 ::
横切面 {def} SEE: 橫切面 ::
横人 {def} SEE: 橫人 ::
横肉 {def} SEE: 橫肉 ::
横肉面 {def} SEE: 橫肉面 ::
横肉生 {def} SEE: 橫肉生 ::
横扫 {def} SEE: 橫掃 ::
横山 {def} SEE: 橫山 ::
横声 {def} SEE: 橫聲 ::
横生 {def} SEE: 橫生 ::
横生枝节 {def} SEE: 橫生枝節 ::
横手 {def} SEE: 橫手 ::
横竖 {def} SEE: 橫豎 ::
横竖撇捺 {def} SEE: 橫豎撇捺 ::
横水渡 {def} SEE: 橫水渡 ::
横顺 {def} SEE: 橫順 ::
横死 {def} SEE: 橫死 ::
横头磡 {def} SEE: 橫頭磡 ::
横纹肌 {def} SEE: 橫紋肌 ::
横纹肌溶解症 {def} SEE: 橫紋肌溶解症 ::
横恶 {def} SEE: 橫惡 ::
横县 {def} SEE: 橫縣 ::
横线 {def} SEE: 橫線 ::
横向 {def} SEE: 橫向 ::
横向思维 {def} SEE: 橫向思維 ::
横小管 {def} SEE: 橫小管 ::
横心 {def} SEE: 橫心 ::
横须贺 {def} SEE: 橫須賀 ::
横丫肠 {def} SEE: 橫丫腸 ::
横溢 {def} SEE: 橫溢 ::
横折 {def} SEE: 橫折 ::
横直 {def} SEE: 橫直 ::
横坐标 {def} SEE: 橫坐標 ::
{def} /héng/ :: middle rail of a wooden door; crosspiece
{def} /héng/ :: to lie crossways; to be situated crosswise; to be horizontal
{def} /héng/ :: to move crosswise; to cross; to traverse; to stretch across
{def} /héng/ :: to cut crosswise; to intercept transversely
{def} /héng/ :: to hold crosswise; to put something horizontally; to wear across
{def} /héng/ :: crosswise; horizontal; transverse; across; east-west
{def} [historical] /héng/ :: Horizontal Alliance, i.e. states during the Warring States period in Chinese history which ally with Qin to participate in its ascendancy
{def} /héng/ :: side; nearby; something situated sideways
{def} /héng/ :: to cast a sidelong glance at; to look sideways
{def} /héng/ :: to brim with; to be brimming with; to fill; to be found all over
{def} /héng/ :: to place over; to cover
{def} /héng/ :: broad; vast; wide; extensive
{def} /héng/ :: to crisscross; to interlock; to intersect; to be mixed together
{def} /héng/ :: not listening to reason; unreasonable; unrestrained; outrageous
{def} [Chinese calligraphy] /héng/ :: horizontal stroke (*㇐)
{def} [historical] /héng/ :: alternative form of
{def} [historical] /héng/ :: alternative form of
{def} /héng/ :: ancient placename in modern-day Shangqiu city in Henan province of China
{def} [Beijing Mandarin, Jilu Mandarin] /héng/ :: probably; presumably; perhaps; maybe
{def} [Beijing Mandarin, dialectal Wu] /héng/ :: anyway; anyhow; in any case
{def} /héng/ :: surname
{def} /hèng/ :: perverse and violent; unrestrained and aggressive; brutal and unreasonable; cross-grained
{def} /hèng/ :: unrestrainedly; turbulently; intrusively and violently
{def} /hèng/ :: in vain; wastefully
{def} /hèng/ :: sudden (and catastrophic); unexpected; unpredicted
{def} /hèng/ :: additional; supplementary; extra; extraneous
{def} /hèng/ :: contingency; mishap; misfortune; accident
{def} /guāng/ :: alternative form of
{def} /guāng/ :: (~ 門) [historical] a gate of Chang'an City
{def} /guàng/ :: alternative form of
{def} /huáng/ :: alternative form of
{def} /huàng/ :: alternative form of
橫暴 {adj} [literary] /hèngbào/ :: arrogant and ferocious; perverse and violent
橫濱 {prop} /Héngbīn/ :: 橫濱 (capital city)
橫波 {n} [physics] /héngbō/ :: transverse wave
橫埠 {prop} /Héngbù/ :: (~ 鎮) 橫埠 (town)
橫財 {n} /hèngcái,héngcái,2nb/ :: ill-gotten gains; money accumulated inadvertently or via illegal means
橫插 {v} /héngchā/ :: to interfere; to intervene; to cut in
橫插一槓子 {idiom} /héngchā一gàngzǐ/ :: to interfere; to interrupt; to cut in; to have a hand in at a wrong time
橫塍 {prop} /Héngchéng/ :: (~ 村) 橫塍 (village)
橫衝直闖 {idiom} /héngchōngzhíchuǎng/ :: synonym of 橫衝直撞
橫衝直撞 {idiom} /héngchōngzhízhuàng/ :: to push one's way by shoving or bumping; to barge about
橫穿 {v} /héngchuān/ :: to go across; to cross; to traverse
橫道 {n} /héngdào/ :: crossing (Classifier: m:條)
橫堤 {prop} /Héng堤/ :: (~ 村) 橫堤 (village)
橫堤 {prop} /Héng堤/ :: (~ 村) 橫堤 (village)
橫笛 {n} /héngdí/ :: transverse flute; yokobue
橫渡 {v} /héngdù/ :: to cross (a body of water)
橫斷 {v} /héngduàn/ :: to cross; to be transverse
橫斷步道 {n} /héngduàn bùdào/ :: pedestrian crossing (place for pedestrians to cross a street)
橫斷山脈 {prop} /Héngduàn Shānmài/ :: Hengduan Mountains
橫額 {n} /héng'é/ :: banner [horizontal]
橫飛燕 {n} [classical Chinese dance] /héngfēiyàn/ :: (~ 跳) A jumping movement whereby the dancer kicks both legs into a side split of more than 180 degrees
橫幅 {n} /héngfú/ :: banner; streamer
橫幅 {n} /héngfú/ :: horizontal scroll of painting or calligraphy
橫膈 {n} [anatomy] /hénggé/ :: diaphragm
橫膈膜 {n} [anatomy] /hénggé膜,er/ :: diaphragm
橫隔膜 {n} [anatomy] /hénggé膜,er/ :: alternative form of 橫膈膜
橫亙 {v} /hénggèn/ :: to lie across; to span
橫溝市 {prop} /Hénggōushì/ :: (~ 鎮) 橫溝市 (town)
橫鉤 {n} /hénggōu/ :: horizontal stroke with a hook (in Chinese characters)
橫貫 {v} /héngguàn/ :: to go across; to cross; to traverse
橫過 {v} /héngguò/ :: to cross, to traverse
橫行 {v} /héngxíng/ :: to run amuck; to go on a rampage
橫行霸道 {idiom} /héngxíngbàdào/ :: to act in a fierce, domineering and unreasonable way
橫行無忌 {idiom} /héngxíngwújì/ :: to run amuck; to run wild
橫行直撞 {idiom} /héngxíngzhízhuàng/ :: synonym of 橫衝直撞
橫禍 {n} /hènghuò,hénghuò,2nb/ :: unexpected misfortune or disaster
橫戟 {v} [archaic] /héngjǐ/ :: to hold one's halberd in a horizontal position (in order to charge)
橫結腸 {n} [anatomy] /héngjiécháng/ :: transverse colon
橫截面 {n} /héngjiémiàn,er/ :: cross section; intersecting surface
橫空 {v} [literary] /héngkōng/ :: to arch across the sky
橫空 {v} [literary] /héngkōng/ :: to fill the atmosphere; to be covering the sky
橫空出世 {idiom} /héngkōngchūshì/ :: to appear suddenly; to appear out of the ordinary; to be spectacular
橫跨 {v} /héngkuà/ :: to stretch across; to stretch over
橫瀾島 {prop} /Hénglándǎo/ :: 橫瀾島 (island)
橫梁 {def} SEE: 橫樑 ::
橫樑 {n} [architecture] /héngliáng/ :: beam; crossbeam
橫樑 {n} [mechanics] /héngliáng/ :: crossmember
橫樑 {n} [sports] /héngliáng/ :: crossbar (top of a goal structure)
橫流 {v} [literary] /héngliú/ :: to flow out every which way; to pour out; to flow out sideways (of tears, water, etc.)
橫蠻 {adj} /hèngmán/ :: rude and unreasonable
橫蠻無理 {idiom} /hèngmánwúlǐ/ :: rude and unreasonable
橫眉豎眼 {idiom} /héngméi shù yǎn/ :: to have a dirty look on one's face; to give someone a dirty look
橫門 {n} [archaic] /héngmén/ :: a gate for a fence; a gate to a camp
橫門 {n} [Cantonese] /héngmén/ :: side door
橫門 {prop} [archaic] /héngmén/ :: Guangmen gate (the northwest gate to the ancient city of Chang'an)
橫目 {n} [literary, figurative] /héngmù/ :: men; people (as eyes are horizontal)
橫目 {adj} [literary] /héngmù/ :: with glaring eyes; glowering
橫批 {n} /héngpī/ :: a horizontal scroll bearing an inscription (usually hung over a door and flanked by two vertical scrolls forming a couplet)
橫撇 {n} /héngpiě/ :: horizontal left-falling Chinese stroke
橫剖面 {n} /héng剖miàn/ :: transverse section; cross section
橫七豎八 {idiom} /héngqīshùbā/ :: in disorder, at sixes and sevens
橫切面 {n} /héngqiēmiàn/ :: transverse section; cross section
橫肉 {adj} /héngròu/ :: fierce-looking
橫掃 {v} /héngsǎo/ :: to sweep across
橫山 {n} /héngshān/ :: the Chinese character component
橫山 {prop} /héngshān/ :: (~ 里) 橫山 (urban village)
橫山 {prop} /héngshān/ :: (~ 村) 橫山 (village)
橫生 {v} [of weed] /héngshēng/ :: to grow wild
橫生 {v} [of accidents, etc.] /héngshēng/ :: to occur one after another; to happen abundantly
橫生 {v} /héngshēng/ :: to happen unexpectedly
橫生枝節 {idiom} /héngshēng zhījié/ :: to raise unexpected difficulties; to deliberately complicate an issue
橫聲 {n} [phonetics] /héngshēng/ :: the ngang ("level") tone of Vietnamese
橫手 {prop} /Héngshǒu/ :: (~ 市) 橫手 (city)
橫豎 {adv} /héngshù,tl/ :: anyway; in any case; regardless
橫豎 {adv} [archaic] /héngshù,tl/ :: horizontally and perpendicularly
橫豎 {v} [archaic] /héngshù,tl/ :: to crisscross
橫豎撇捺 {idiom} /héngshùpiěnà,er/ :: horizontal stroke (), vertical stroke (), leftward-falling stroke (丿) and rightward-falling stroke (); the basic strokes in Chinese writing
橫水渡 {n} /héngshuǐdù/ :: cable ferry; chain ferry
橫死 {v} /hèngsǐ/ :: to die an unnatural death; to die by accident, killing or suicide
橫頭磡 {prop} /Héngtóukàn/ :: 橫頭磡 (area)
橫紋肌 {n} [physiology] /héngwénjī/ :: striated muscle
橫紋肌溶解症 {n} [disease] /héngwénjī róngjiězhèng/ :: rhabdomyolysis
橫線 {n} /héngxiàn/ :: horizontal line
橫縣 {prop} /Héngxiàn/ :: 橫縣 (county)
橫向 {adj} [attributive] /héngxiàng/ :: crosswise; horizontal
橫向 {adj} [attributive] /héngxiàng/ :: parallel
橫向 {adj} [attributive, of projects] /héngxiàng/ :: sponsored by companies
橫向思維 {n} /héngxiàng sīwéi/ :: lateral thinking
橫小管 {n} [anatomy] /héngxiǎoguǎn/ :: transverse tubule; T tubule
橫心 {v} /héngxīn/ :: to steel one's heart; to become desperate
橫須賀 {prop} /Héngxūhè/ :: (~ 市) 橫須賀 (city)
橫溢 {v} [of water] /héngyì/ :: to overflow
橫溢 {v} [figurative, of one's talent etc.] /héngyì/ :: to be abundant and fully manifested
橫折 {n} /héngzhé/ :: , horizontal-starting right angle Chinese character stroke
橫直 {adv} [dialectal Mandarin, including, Beijing, Wuhan, ;, Hakka, ;, Gan, ;, Min, ;, Hunan Tuhua, ;, Xiang, ;, Wu] /héngzhí/ :: anyway; in any case; regardless
橫直 {adv} [Yunnan Mandarin, Xiang] /héngzhí/ :: always; all the time
橫直 {adv} [Putian Min] /héngzhí/ :: might as well
橫坐標 {n} [mathematics] /héngzuòbiāo,er/ :: horizontal coordinate; x-coordinate
{def} /héng/ :: short for 杜衡
{def} /héng/ :: short for 微蘅
{def} /héng/ :: cross yoke (of an ox, in carriage, etc.)
{def} [by extension] /héng/ :: beam of steelyard; weighing apparatus
{def} /héng/ :: to weigh
{def} /héng/ :: to judge; to measure
{def} /héng/ :: level; even; balanced
衡量 {v} /héngliáng,tl/ :: to weigh; to measure; to judge; to evaluate
衡山 {prop} /Héng Shān/ :: Mount Heng (Hunan) (in Hunan province)
衡水 {prop} /Héngshuǐ/ :: (~ 市) 衡水 (prefecture-level city)
衡阳 {def} SEE: 衡陽 ::
衡陽 {prop} /Héngyáng/ :: (~ 市) 衡陽 (city)
衡州 {prop} /Héngzhōu/ :: Hengzhou, a former name for the city of Hengyang in Hunan province in the People's Republic of China
衡州 {prop} /Héngzhōu/ :: Heng prefecture, the former administrative division () controlled by the city
{def} SEE: ::
黉宫 {def} SEE: 黌宮 ::
黉教 {def} SEE: 黌教 ::
黉门 {def} SEE: 黌門 ::
黉舍 {def} SEE: 黌舍 ::
黉宇 {def} SEE: 黌宇 ::
{def} /hōng/ :: alternative form of
{def} /óu/ :: only used in 吽牙
{def} /hōng/ :: used in 唵嘛呢叭咪吽
{def} /hōng/ :: used in 阿吽
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hǒng/ :: noisy
{def} /hǒng/ :: to fool; to cheat
{def} /hǒng/ :: to tease
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [of many people] /hōng/ :: to vocalize simultaneously
哄动 {def} SEE: 哄動 ::
哄動 {v} /hōngdòng/ :: to cause a stir; to cause a sensation
哄騙 {v} /hǒngpiàn/ :: to dupe; to hoodwink; to take someone for a ride
哄骗 {def} SEE: 哄騙 ::
哄堂 {def} SEE: 鬨堂 ::
哄堂 {v} /hōngtáng/ :: to roar with laughter together [of a group of people gathered together]; to fill the room or house with laughter; to bring down the house as a result of witty remark, clownish acts, etc
哄吓 {def} SEE: 哄嚇 ::
哄笑 {v} /hōngxiào/ :: to break into laughter; to roar with laughter
哄笑 {v} /hǒngxiào/ :: to amuse; to make (people) laugh
{def} /hōng/ :: [obsolete] [onomatopoeia] the sound of a strike
{def} /hōng/ :: to drive away; to expel
{def} /hōng/ :: to sell
{def} [Min Nan] /hōng/ :: to slap (someone on their face)
{def} [literary] /hóng/ :: to strike; to beat
{def} [Cantonese] /hóng/ :: to hit someone hard (with a fist, a stick, etc.)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
揈头 {def} SEE: 揈頭 ::
揈头丸 {def} SEE: 揈頭丸 ::
{def} /hōng/ :: roar, crash
{def} /qìng/ :: cold; cool
{def} /hōng/ :: to bake; to roast
{def} /hōng/ :: to dry by fire
{def} [figurative] /hōng/ :: to set off; to play up; to showcase; to highlight
烘焙 {v} /hōngbèi/ :: to cure (over fire); to roast
烘焙机 {def} SEE: 烘焙機 ::
烘焙機 {n} /hōngbèijī/ :: roasting machine; roaster
烘橱 {def} SEE: 烘櫥 ::
烘豆 {n} /hōngdòu/ :: baked beans
烘干 {def} SEE: 烘乾 ::
烘干机 {def} SEE: 烘乾機 ::
烘烘 {adj} [ideophonic] /hōnghōng/ :: warm; cosy
烘烘 {adj} [ideophonic, of fire] /hōnghōng/ :: roaring
烘烤 {v} /hōngkǎo/ :: to bake; to toast
烘炉 {def} SEE: 烘爐 ::
烘爐 {n} /hōnglú/ :: oven; oast house
烘培 {v} /hōngpéi/ :: alternative form of 烘焙
烘培机 {def} SEE: 烘培機 ::
烘培機 {n} /hōngpéijī/ :: alternative form of 烘焙機
烘培機 {n} [computing, humorous] /hōngpéijī/ :: home page; front page; title page
烘培雞 {n} [Internet, humorous] /hōngpéijī/ :: alternative name for 首頁
烘培鸡 {def} SEE: 烘培雞 ::
烘乾 {v} /hōnggān/ :: to dry over heat
烘乾 {v} /hōnggān/ :: to dry in a dryer
烘乾機 {n} /hōnggānjī/ :: dryer (household appliance for drying clothing)
烘手机 {def} SEE: 烘手機 ::
烘手機 {n} /hōngshǒujī/ :: hand dryer
烘托 {v} /hōngtuō/ :: to set off by shading (in painting)
烘托 {v} [figurative] /hōngtuō/ :: to set off
{def} [archaic] /hōng/ :: angry appearance
焢肉饭 {def} SEE: 焢肉飯 ::
{def} [classical, of feudal lords or high officials] /hōng/ :: to pass away; to die
{def} [onomatopoeia] /hōng/ :: swarming; flocking; noisy
薨逝 {v} [classical, of feudal lords or high officials] /hōngshì/ :: to pass away; to die
{def} [onomatopoeia] /hōng/ :: a loud sound
{def} /hōng/ :: surname
{def} [onomatopoeia] /hōng/ :: bang; boom
{def} /hōng/ :: to rumble; to explode; to blast
{def} /hōng/ :: to shoo away; to expel
轟動 {v} /hōngdòng/ :: to cause a stir; to cause a sensation
轟轟烈烈 {adj} /hōnghōnglièliè/ :: vigorous, dynamic
轟擊 {n} /hōng击/ :: bombardment
轟擊 {v} /hōng击/ :: to bombard
轟隆 {n} [onomatopoeia] /hōnglóng/ :: the rumble
轟鳴 {v} /hōngmíng/ :: to roar; to rumble
轟趴 {n} [Mainland China] /hōngpā/ :: house party
轟趴 {n} [Taiwan] /hōngpā/ :: A party where a group of people gather at a discreet location (such as somebody's house or a motel) for the purpose of taking illegal drugs or engaging in sex acts
轟炸 {v} [military] /hōngzhà/ :: to bomb
轟炸 {v} [figurative] /hōngzhà/ :: to bombard (someone with something)
轟炸機 {n} [military] /hōngzhàjī/ :: bomber (aircraft)
{def} SEE: ::
轰动 {def} SEE: 轟動 ::
轰轰烈烈 {def} SEE: 轟轟烈烈 ::
轰击 {def} SEE: 轟擊 ::
轰隆 {def} SEE: 轟隆 ::
轰鸣 {def} SEE: 轟鳴 ::
轰趴 {def} SEE: 轟趴 ::
轰炸 {def} SEE: 轟炸 ::
轰炸机 {def} SEE: 轟炸機 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
魟魚 {n} /魟yú/ :: skate (fish)
魟魚 {n} /魟yú/ :: stingray
{def} /hóng/ :: (non-classical form) sound of the wind
{def} /hóng/ :: typhoon, great gale of wind
{def} /hóng/ :: typhoon, great gale of wind
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hóng/ :: big belly; potbellied
{def} [of body] /hóng/ :: fat
{def} /hóng/ :: alternative form of
{def} /hóng/ :: alternative form of
{def} [originally refers to houses] /hóng/ :: wide; spacious; great; vast
{def} /hóng/ :: extensive
{def} /hóng/ :: loud and clear
{def} /hóng/ :: to enlarge
{def} [computing] /hóng/ :: macro (comparatively human-friendly abbreviation of complex input to a computer program)
{def} /hóng/ :: surname
宏村 {prop} /Hóngcūn/ :: (~ 鎮) 宏村 (town)
宏村 {prop} /Hóngcūn/ :: (~ 村) 宏村 (village)
宏大 {adj} /hóngdà/ :: grand; vast; magnificent; ambitious
宏都拉斯 {prop} [Taiwan] /Hóngdūlāsī/ :: Honduras
宏觀 {adj} /hóngguān/ :: macro-; macroscopic
宏觀經濟學 {n} [Mainland China, Hong Kong] /hóngguān jīngjìxué/ :: macroeconomics
宏观 {def} SEE: 宏觀 ::
宏观经济学 {def} SEE: 宏觀經濟學 ::
宏亮 {adj} /hóngliàng/ :: loud and clear; sonorous
宏論 {n} /hónglùn/ :: informed opinion; intelligent view
宏论 {def} SEE: 宏論 ::
宏茂桥 {def} SEE: 宏茂橋 ::
宏茂橋 {prop} /Hóngmàoqiáo/ :: 宏茂橋 (area)
宏图 {def} SEE: 宏圖 ::
宏圖 {n} /hóngtú/ :: great plan; grand prospect
宏伟 {def} SEE: 宏偉 ::
宏偉 {adj} /hóngwěi/ :: grand; imposing; magnificent
宏扬 {def} SEE: 宏揚 ::
宏揚 {def} SEE: 弘揚 ::
宏愿 {def} SEE: 宏願 ::
宏願 {n} /hóngyuàn/ :: great aspirations; noble ambition
宏旨 {n} /hóngzhǐ/ :: gist; main idea
宏壮 {def} SEE: 宏壯 ::
宏壯 {adj} /hóngzhuàng/ :: grand; imposing; magnificent
{def} /hóng/ :: to spread; to enlarge; to expand
{def} /hóng/ :: great
{def} /hóng/ :: surname
弘大 {def} SEE: 宏大 ::
弘道 {v} [literary] /hóngdào/ :: to promote a cause; to propagate
弘道 {n} [literary] /hóngdào/ :: the Great Way
弘道 {n} [archaic, historical] /hóngdào/ :: era name of Emperor Gaozong of Tang (683)
弘法 {v} [Buddhism] /hóngfǎ/ :: to propagate Buddhist teachings
弘論 {def} SEE: 宏論 ::
弘论 {def} SEE: 弘論 ::
弘农 {def} SEE: 弘農 ::
弘农王 {def} SEE: 弘農王 ::
弘農 {prop} [archaic] /Hóngnóng/ :: Hongnong (approximately 20 km south of modern day Lingbao)
弘農王 {prop} /Hóngnóng Wáng/ :: Prince of Hongnong (176 - 190)
弘前 {prop} /Hóngqián/ :: (~ 市) 弘前 (city)
弘仁 {prop} /Hóngrén/ :: Kōnin (era) of Japanese history (from September 810 through January 824)
弘图 {def} SEE: 弘圖 ::
弘圖 {def} SEE: 宏圖 ::
弘扬 {def} SEE: 弘揚 ::
弘揚 {v} /hóngyáng/ :: to enhance; to promote; to enrich
弘愿 {def} SEE: 弘願 ::
弘願 {def} SEE: 宏願 ::
弘旨 {def} SEE: 宏旨 ::
{def} /hóng/ :: only used in 弸彋
{def} /hóng/ :: only used in 泓汯
{def} /hóng/ :: Strongest
{def} /hóng/ :: flood
{def} /hóng/ :: big; vast; grand
{def} /hóng/ :: surname
洪春 {prop} /Hóngchūn/ :: (~ 村) 洪春 (village)
洪大 {adj} /hóngdà/ :: loud (of sound)
洪大 {adj} /hóngdà/ :: massive
洪洞 {prop} /Hóngtóng/ :: (~ 縣) Hongtong County, Linfen, Shanxi Province, China
洪都拉斯 {prop} [Mainland China, Hong Kong] /Hóngdūlāsī/ :: 洪都拉斯 (country)
洪峯 {def} SEE: 洪峰 ::
洪峰 {n} /hóngfēng/ :: flood peak
洪福 {n} /hóngfú/ :: great blessing; good fortune
洪关 {def} SEE: 洪關 ::
洪關 {prop} /Hóngguān/ :: (~ 村) 洪關 (village)
洪湖 {prop} /Hónghú/ :: (~ 市) 洪湖 (county-level city)
洪湖 {prop} /Hónghú/ :: Hong Lake, a lake in Jingzhou, Hubei, China
洪荒 {n} /hónghuāng/ :: primeval chaos; primeval times
洪荒之力 {idiom} [neologism, slang, humorous] /hónghuāngzhīlì/ :: all of one's ability or power; the entirety of one's potential; mystic powers
洪江 {prop} /Hóngjiāng/ :: (~ 市) 洪江 (city)
洪涝 {def} SEE: 洪澇 ::
洪澇 {n} /hónglào/ :: flood; inundation; flooding
洪量 {n} [literary] /hóngliàng/ :: great tolerance; magnanimity
洪量 {n} [literary] /hóngliàng/ :: great ability to hold liquor
洪量 {n} [literary] /hóngliàng/ :: flood volume
洪亮 {adj} /hóngliàng/ :: loud and clear; sonorous
洪流 {n} /hóngliú/ :: powerful current; mighty torrent; flood (often fig., e.g. a flood of ideas)
洪炉 {def} SEE: 洪爐 ::
洪炉燎发 {def} SEE: 洪爐燎髮 ::
洪爐 {n} /hónglú/ :: large oven; great furnace
洪爐 {n} [figurative] /hónglú/ :: furnace; place where one's talent or character is forged
洪爐燎髮 {idiom} [archaic] /hónglúliáo髮/ :: overkill; to go way overboard; to use a sledge hammer to crack a nut
洪拳 {n} /hóngquán/ :: Hung Ga, a southern Chinese martial art
洪泉 {prop} /Hóngquán/ :: (~ 村) 洪泉 (village)
洪山 {prop} /Hóngshān/ :: (~ 區) 洪山 (district)
洪山 {prop} /Hóngshān/ :: (~ 街道) 洪山 (subdistrict)
洪山 {prop} /Hóngshān/ :: (~ 鎮) 洪山 (town)
洪山嘴 {prop} /Hóngshānzuǐ/ :: (~ 鎮) 洪山嘴 (town)
洪善 {prop} /Hóngshàn/ :: (~ 村) 洪善 (village)
洪圣 {def} SEE: 洪聖 ::
洪圣爷 {def} SEE: 洪聖爺 ::
洪聖 {prop} [religion] /Hóngshèng/ :: Hung Shing (a Chinese folk religion deity worshipped in Hong Kong and Guangdong)
洪聖爺 {prop} /Hóngshèngyé/ :: synonym of 洪聖
洪水 {n} /hóngshuǐ/ :: flood
洪水攻击 {def} SEE: 洪水攻擊 ::
洪水攻擊 {n} [Internet] /hóngshuǐ gōng击/ :: denial-of-service attack
洪水猛兽 {def} SEE: 洪水猛獸 ::
洪水猛獸 {idiom} /hóngshuǐměngshòu/ :: enormous disasters; something that causes enormous damage
洪水桥 {def} SEE: 洪水橋 ::
洪水橋 {prop} /Hóngshuǐqiáo/ :: 洪水橋 (place)
洪武 {prop} [historical] /Hóngwǔ/ :: The Hongwu Era of Chinese history (13681398), the first era of the Ming (*明) dynasty
洪災 {n} /hóngzāi/ :: flood
洪灾 {def} SEE: 洪災 ::
洪泽 {def} SEE: 洪澤 ::
洪泽湖 {def} SEE: 洪澤湖 ::
洪澤 {prop} /Hóngzé/ :: (~ 區) Hongze District (district of Huaian, Jiangsu province, China)
洪澤湖 {prop} /Hóngzé Hú/ :: Hongze Lake
{def} /hóng/ :: only used in 潰渱
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hóng/ :: to bake, to roast
{def} /hóng/ :: to dry at a fire
{def} /xiáng,hóng/ :: long necked clay jar (similar to )
{def} /xiáng,hóng/ :: clay vessel
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hóng/ :: red
{def} [colloquial] /hóng/ :: popular; in vogue
{def} /hóng/ :: The red clothes and bunting used on festive occasions
{def} [figurative] /hóng/ :: revolutionary; Communist; Red
{def} /hóng/ :: worldly
{def} /hóng/ :: women's
{def} /hóng/ :: bonus; dividend
{def} [Cantonese] /hóng/ :: blood tofu
{def} /hóng/ :: surname Hong
{def} /gōng/ :: [obsolete] substitute character for 功
{def} /gōng/ :: [obsolete] substitute character for 工
{def} /gōng/ :: Placename in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period in Chinese history, northeast of modern Tai'an, Shandong
{def} /jiàng/ :: [obsolete] substitute character for 絳
紅矮星 {n} [star] /hóng'ǎixīng/ :: red dwarf
紅安 {prop} /Hóng'ān/ :: (~ 縣) 紅安 (county)
紅白 {n} /hóngbái/ :: red and white
紅白 {n} /hóngbái/ :: happy and sad events in life
紅白大事 {idiom} /hóngbáidàshì/ :: matters related to weddings and funerals
紅白藍袋 {n} [Hong Kong] /hóngbáilándài/ :: synonym of 紅白藍膠袋
紅白藍膠袋 {n} [Hong Kong] /hóngbáilánjiāodài/ :: red-white-blue bag
紅白事 {n} /hóngbáishì/ :: weddings and funerals
紅白喜事 {idiom} /hóngbái xǐshì/ :: weddings and funerals
紅斑 {n} [pathology] /hóngbān/ :: erythema
紅斑 {n} [fish] /hóngbān/ :: red-spotted grouper
紅包 {n} /hóngbāo,er/ :: red envelope; red packet (monetary gift which is given during holidays or special occasions, such as the Chinese New Year)
紅包 {n} /hóngbāo,er/ :: bonus payment
紅包 {n} /hóngbāo,er/ :: bribe; kickback
紅包場 {n} /hóngbāo場/ :: Red Envelope Club, a form of cabaret in Taiwan
紅寶石 {n} /hóngbǎoshí/ :: ruby
紅寶書 {prop} /Hóng Bǎo Shū/ :: Little Red Book
紅背蜘蛛 {n} /hóngbèi zhīzhū/ :: redback (spider)
紅筆 {n} /hóngbǐ/ :: red pen
紅璧璽 {n} /hóngbìxǐ/ :: onyx
紅不讓 {n} [Taiwan, baseball] /hóng不ràng/ :: alternative name for 本壘打
紅菜頭 {n} /hóngcàitóu/ :: beet; beetroot
紅菜頭 {n} [Hakka, Min Nan] /hóngcàitóu/ :: carrot
紅茶 {n} /hóngchá/ :: black tea
紅茶菌 {n} /hóngchá菌/ :: kombucha; fermented tea
紅場 {prop} /Hóng场/ :: Red Square (Moscow square)
紅腸 {n} /hóngcháng/ :: a kind of sausage from Harbin
紅腸 {n} /hóngcháng/ :: red sausage (a siu mei item)
紅潮 {n} /hóngcháo/ :: blush; flush
紅潮 {n} /hóngcháo/ :: menstruation
紅潮 {n} /hóngcháo/ :: alternative name for 赤潮
紅塵 {n} [literary] /hóngchén/ :: dust (kicked up by vehicles and horses)
紅塵 {n} [figuratively] /hóngchén/ :: bustling places
紅塵 {n} [figuratively, Buddhism, Taoism] /hóngchén/ :: world of mortals; human society; worldly affairs
紅城 {prop} /Hóngchéng/ :: (~ 鄉) 紅城 (township)
紅籌 {n} [stock] /hóngchóu/ :: red chip
紅籌股 {n} [stock] /hóngchóugǔ/ :: red chip
紅春 {prop} /Hóngchūn/ :: (~ 社區) 紅春 (residential community)
紅醋栗 {n} /hóng cùlì/ :: redcurrant
紅村 {prop} /Hóngcūn/ :: 紅村 (town)
紅蛋 {n} /hóngdàn/ :: Chinese red eggs
紅當當 {def} SEE: 紅噹噹 ::
紅燈 {n} /hóngdēng/ :: red light; stop light
紅燈 {n} /hóngdēng/ :: red lantern
紅燈區 {n} /hóngdēngqū/ :: red-light district
紅底股 {n} [Hong Kong, finance] /hóngdǐgǔ/ :: stock trading at HK$100 or above
紅地毯 {n} /hóngdìtǎn/ :: red carpet
紅荳冰 {def} SEE: 紅豆冰 ::
紅豆 {n} /hóngdòu/ :: azuki bean; red bean (Vigna angularis)
紅豆 {n} /hóngdòu/ :: red bead tree (Adenanthera pavonina)
紅豆 {n} /hóngdòu/ :: jequirity bean (Abrus precatorius)
紅豆 {n} [Heilongjiang] /hóngdòu/ :: lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)
紅豆冰 {n} /hóngdòubīng/ :: red bean ice (a popular Hong Kong beverage usually served in cha chaan teng)
紅豆沙 {n} /hóngdòushā/ :: red bean paste
紅豆沙 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /hóngdòushā/ :: red bean soup
紅豆湯 {n} /hóngdòutāng/ :: red bean soup (a dessert)
紅髮 {n} /hóng髮/ :: red hair
紅番 {n} [pejorative] /hóngfān/ :: Red Indian; redskin
紅番 {n} [by extension] /hóngfān/ :: barbarian
紅粉 {n} [literary] /hóngfěn/ :: rouge and powder
紅粉 {n} [literary, figuratively] /hóngfěn/ :: woman; beautiful woman; beauty
紅粉 {n} [literary, figuratively] /hóngfěn/ :: fallen flower petals; falling blossoms
紅粉 {n} [slang, neologism] /hóngfěn/ :: devotee of the Communist Party of China; Chinese nationalist
紅粉佳人 {idiom} /hóngfěnjiārén/ :: beautiful woman
紅峯 {def} SEE: 紅峰 ::
紅峰 {prop} /Hóngfēng/ :: (~ 村) 紅峰 (village)
紅鳳菜 {n} /hóngfèngcài/ :: Gynura bicolor
紅腹袋鼠 {n} /hóngfù dàishǔ/ :: pademelon
紅圪墶 {prop} /Hónggēda/ :: (~ 村) 紅圪墶 (village)
紅歌 {n} /hónggē/ :: patriotic Chinese Communist song; revolutionary song
紅汞 {n} [pharmacy] /hónggǒng/ :: mercurochrome
紅姑娘 {n} /hónggūniang/ :: bladder cherry, Physalis alkekengi
紅館 {prop} [colloquial] /Hóngguǎn/ :: short fo 紅磡^體育館 (Hong Kong Coliseum)
紅鸛 {n} /hóngguàn/ :: flamingo
紅光 {n} [literary] /hóngguāng/ :: ruddy glow (of the face)
紅光 {prop} /hóngguāng/ :: (~ 村) 紅光 (village)
紅光滿面 {idiom} [of complexion] /hóngguāngmǎnmiàn/ :: glowing with health; ruddy and radiant
紅光紫霧 {idiom} /hóng guāng zǐ wù/ :: red rays of light and purple mist (considered to be a lucky omen)
紅果 {n} /hóngguǒ/ :: Chinese hawthorn, haw (Crataegus pinnatifida)
紅果果 {adj} [slang, humorous] /hóngguǒguǒ/ :: alternative form of 赤裸裸
紅果金栗蘭 {n} /hóngguǒ jīnlìlán/ :: Sarcandra glabra
紅海 {prop} /Hónghǎi/ :: Red Sea
紅鶴 {n} /hónghè/ :: flamingo
紅河 {prop} /Hóng Hé/ :: Red River of Yunnan in southern China and of northern Vietnam
紅河 {prop} /Hóng Hé/ :: (~ 哈尼族彝族自治州) Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture
紅河 {prop} /Hóng Hé/ :: (~ 縣) Honghe County
紅河哈尼族彝族自治州 {prop} /Hónghé Hānízú Yízú Zìzhìzhōu/ :: Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture
紅黑名單 {n} /hóng-hēi míngdān/ :: blacklist and whitelist
紅黑樹 {n} [computing] /hónghēishù/ :: red-black tree
紅紅火火 {adj} [Mainland China] /hónghónghuǒhuǒ,tl3/ :: prosperous; flourishing
紅紅火火 {adj} [Mainland China] /hónghónghuǒhuǒ,tl3/ :: lively; boisterous; magnificent
紅紅火火恍恍惚惚 {interj} [mainland China, internet slang] /hónghónghuǒhuǒ huǎnghuǎnghūhū/ :: LOL
紅厚殼 {n} /hónghòuké/ :: Calophyllum inophyllum
紅狐 {n} /hónghú/ :: red fox
紅花 {n} /hónghuā/ :: red flower (in general)
紅花 {n} [specifically] /hónghuā/ :: safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)
紅花 {n} [specifically] /hónghuā/ :: ornamental red rosette or pompon flower worn on the chest on celebratory occasions
紅花 {prop} /hónghuā/ :: (~ 村) 紅花 (village)
紅花坪 {prop} /Hónghuāpíng/ :: (~ 社區) 紅花坪 (residential community)
紅花坪 {prop} /Hónghuāpíng/ :: (~ 村) 紅花坪 (village)
紅花套 {prop} /Hónghuātào/ :: (~ 鎮) 紅花套 (town)
紅火 {adj} [Mainland China] /hónghuo/ :: lively; boisterous; exciting
紅火 {adj} [Mainland China] /hónghuo/ :: prosperous; booming; flourishing
紅教 {prop} /Hóngjiào/ :: Nyingma
紅教 {prop} [neologism, derogatory, slang] /Hóngjiào/ :: Marxism
紅椒 {n} /hóngjiāo/ :: red pepper or chilli
紅景天 {n} /hóngjǐngtiān/ :: roseroot, Rhodiola rosea
紅酒 {n} /hóngjiǔ/ :: red wine
紅軍 {prop} /hóngjūn/ :: Red Army
紅咖喱 {n} /hónggālí/ :: red curry
紅磡 {prop} /Hóngkàn/ :: 紅磡 (area)
紅客 {n} /hóngkè/ :: hacker who is patriotic towards the PRC
紅辣椒 {n} /hónglàjiāo/ :: red pepper or chilli
紅利 {n} [business, finance] /hónglì/ :: bonus; extra dividend
紅蓮 {n} /hónglián/ :: red lotus
紅鏈 {n} [Internet, Wiktionary and WMF jargon] /hóngliàn/ :: red link
紅蓼 {n} /hóngliǎo/ :: Polygonum orientale
紅磷 {n} [inorganic chemistry] /hónglín/ :: red phosphorus
紅嶺 {prop} /Hónglǐng/ :: (~ 村) 紅嶺 (village)
紅領巾 {n} [Communism] /hónglǐngjīn/ :: red scarf (as worn by young pioneers)
紅領巾 {n} [Communism, metonymic] /hónglǐngjīn/ :: young pioneer
紅柳 {n} /hóngliǔ/ :: Tamarix ramosissima
紅柳灘 {prop} /Hóngliǔtān/ :: (~ 村) 紅柳灘 (village)
紅柳灘 {prop} /Hóngliǔtān/ :: 紅柳灘 (location)
紅樓夢 {prop} /Hónglóumèng/ :: Dream of the Red Chamber, one of China's Four Great Classical Novels
紅輪 {n} [literary] /hónglún/ :: sun
紅蘿卜 {def} SEE: 紅蘿蔔 ::
紅蘿蔔 {n} /hóngluóbo/ :: carrot
紅蘿蔔 {n} /hóngluóbo/ :: red radish
紅鋁 {n} /hónglǚ/ :: sodium bis(2-methoxyethoxy)aluminium hydride; Red-Al
紅綠燈 {n} /hónglǜdēng,er/ :: traffic light (Classifier: m,c:盞m,c:支)
紅綠色盲 {n} /hónglǜ sèmáng/ :: red-green blindness
紅瑪瑙 {n} /hóngmǎnǎo/ :: cornelian
紅馬廟 {prop} /Hóngmǎmiào/ :: (~ 村) 紅馬廟 (village)
紅毛 {n} /hóngmáo/ :: red hair (on animals)
紅毛 {n} [derogatory, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, chiefly Hokkien, &, Teochew] /hóngmáo/ :: red-haired person; [by extension] Caucasian person; white person; ang moh
紅毛丹 {n} /hóngmáodān/ :: rambutan (fruit)
紅毛番 {n} [chiefly Taiwan or Min Nan] /hóngmáofān/ :: foreigner, especially a Caucasian
紅毛鬼 {n} [derogatory] /hóngmáoguǐ/ :: "red-haired ghost"; a Dutch or Spanish person, or Western foreigners in general; ang moh
紅毛猴 {n} [offensive, regional] /hóngmáohóu/ :: "red-haired monkey", ang moh (a racial epithet describing Caucasian (White people))
紅毛榴蓮 {n} /hóngmáo liúlián/ :: soursop
紅毛儂 {def} SEE: 紅毛人 ::
紅毛土 {def} SEE: 紅毛塗 ::
紅毛子 {n} [slang, pejorative, ethnic slur] /hóngmáozǐ/ :: a (stereotypically) red haired Westerner; a Russian, a Russki (person)
紅毛字 {n} [obsolete or dialectal] /hóngmáozì/ :: letter of the Latin alphabet
紅莓 {n} /hóngméi/ :: cranberry
紅莓汁 {n} /hóngméizhī/ :: cranberry juice
紅黴素 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /hóngméisù/ :: erythromycin
紅棉 {n} /hóngmián/ :: cotton; kapok
紅名單 {n} /hóngmíngdān/ :: whitelist
紅木 {n} /hóngmù/ :: a generic term referring to a number of tropical hardwoods whose wood is reddish in color, used to make Chinese furniture and musical instruments
紅娘 {n} /hóngniáng/ :: matchmaker
紅娘魚 {n} /hóngniángyú/ :: sea robin; red gurnard
紅牛 {n} /hóngniú/ :: Red Bull
紅牌 {n} [sports] /hóngpái,er/ :: red card
紅坪 {prop} /Hóngpíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 紅坪 (town)
紅撲撲 {adj} [of a complexion] /hóngpūpū/ :: rosy; flushed
紅葡萄酒 {n} /hóngpútáojiǔ/ :: red wine
紅旗 {n} /hóngqí/ :: red flag; red banner (Classifier: m:面c:支)
紅旗 {n} [Mainland China, figurative] /hóngqí/ :: advancement
紅旗 {n} [Hong Kong] /hóngqí/ :: a red banner used by the police: "Stop Charging or We Use Force / 停止衝擊否則使用武力"
紅旗 {prop} /hóngqí/ :: (~ 村) 紅旗 (village)
紅旗 {prop} /hóngqí/ :: (~ 村) 紅旗 (village)
紅旗 {prop} /hóngqí/ :: (~ 社區) 紅旗 (community)
紅橋 {prop} /Hóngqiáo/ :: (~ 村) 紅橋 (village)
紅青燈 {n} [Taiwanese Hokkien & Hakka, Malaysia, Singapore] /hóngqīngdēng/ :: traffic light
紅麴 {n} /hóngqū/ :: abbreviation of 紅麴米
紅麴霉 {def} SEE: 紅麴黴 ::
紅麴黴 {n} /hóng麴méi/ :: the ascomycete mold Monascus purpureus, used in Chinese cuisine for its purple-red color
紅麴米 {n} /hóng麴mǐ/ :: red yeast rice, a type of purple-red fermented rice cultivated with the fungus Monascus purpureus
紅氍毹 {n} [literary, historical] /hóngqú毹/ :: red woollen carpet
紅裙 {n} [literary] /hóngqún/ :: a red skirt
紅裙 {n} [archaic] /hóngqún/ :: a beautiful woman
紅壤 {n} /hóngrǎng/ :: red soil or earth
紅人 {n} /hóngrén/ :: favourite person of someone in power; pet
紅人 {n} /hóngrén/ :: celebrity; influential person
紅人 {n} /hóngrén/ :: Red Indian
紅日 {n} [literary] /hóngrì/ :: the red sun; the setting sun
紅肉 {n} /hóngròu/ :: red meat
紅瑞木 {n} /hóngruìmù/ :: Cornus alba; white dogwood
紅潤 {adj} [of skin or facial tone] /hóngrùn/ :: ruddy; florid; flushed; healthy-looking
紅色 {n} /hóngsè/ :: the color red
紅色 {adj} /hóngsè/ :: red
紅色 {adj} [Mainland] /hóngsè/ :: revolutionary
紅色高棉 {prop} /Hóngsè Gāomián/ :: Khmer Rouge
紅色炸彈 {n} [figurative, colloquial, humorous] /hóngsè zhàdàn/ :: red-coloured wedding invitation card (which implies a loss of money for the receiver in the near future, from having to give a red packet upon attendance)
紅沙 {prop} /Hóngshā/ :: (~ 村) 紅沙 (village)
紅山 {prop} /Hóngshān/ :: (~ 文化) Hongshan culture
紅山 {prop} /Hóngshān/ :: Hong Shan, a mountain in Ürümqi, Xinjiang, China
紅山 {prop} /Hóngshān/ :: (~ 區) 紅山 (district)
紅山 {prop} /Hóngshān/ :: (~ 鎮) 紅山 (town)
紅山 {prop} /Hóngshān/ :: (~ 社區) 紅山 (residential community)
紅山文化 {prop} /Hóngshān wénhuà/ :: Hongshan culture
紅山窯 {prop} /Hóngshānyáo/ :: (~ 鄉) 紅山窯 (township)
紅衫魚 {n} /hóngshānyú/ :: Nemipterus virgatus
紅衫魚 {n} /hóngshānyú/ :: Hong Kong one hundred-dollar note
紅湯 {n} [Hong Kong] /hóngtāng/ :: borscht
紅燒 {v} /hóngshāo/ :: to braise (meat, fish, etc.) in soy sauce until reddish-brown
紅燒肉 {n} /hóngshāoròu/ :: red-cooked meat, soy-braised pork
紅苕 {n} [chiefly dialectal Mandarin, Dungan] /hóngsháo/ :: sweet potato
紅葉 {n} /hóngyè/ :: red autumnal leaves
紅十字 {prop} /Hóngshízì/ :: the Red Cross
紅十字會 {prop} /Hóngshízìhuì/ :: the Red Cross
紅薯 {n} /hóngshǔ/ :: sweet potato
紅藷 {def} SEE: 紅薯 ::
紅樹 {n} /hóngshù/ :: mangrove tree
紅樹林 {n} /hóngshùlín/ :: mangrove forest or swamp
紅水 {n} /hóngshuǐ/ :: ferruginous discharge
紅水 {prop} /hóngshuǐ/ :: (~ 河) Hongshui River, Guangxi, China
紅水 {prop} /hóngshuǐ/ :: (~ 河) Narin Gol River, Qinghai, China
紅水河 {prop} /Hóngshuǐ Hé/ :: 紅水河 (river)
紅髓 {n} [anatomy] /hóngsuǐ/ :: red pulp (of spleen)
紅隧 {prop} /Hóngsuì/ :: short fo ^紅磡^海底^隧道 (Cross-Harbour Tunnel); CHT
紅塔 {prop} /Hóngtǎ/ :: (~ 鎮) 紅塔 (town)
紅堂 {prop} /Hóngtáng/ :: (~ 村) 紅堂 (village)
紅糖 {n} /hóngtáng/ :: brown sugar
紅桃 {n} [card games] /hóngtáo/ :: hearts
紅藤 {n} /hóngténg/ :: stem of the Sargentodoxa (an herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to "detoxify")
紅通通 {adj} /hóngtōngtōng/ :: synonym of 紅彤彤
紅彤彤 {adj} /hóngtóngtóng/ :: very red; strikingly red
紅銅 {n} /hóngtóng/ :: pure copper
紅統 {prop} /Hóngtǒng/ :: (~ 府) 紅統 (province)
紅頭火柴 {n} [literal] /hóngtóu huǒchái/ :: red-tip match (fire-starter)
紅頭火柴 {n} [figurative] /hóngtóu huǒchái/ :: someone who is hotheaded
紅頭嶼 {prop} [historical] /Hóngtóuyǔ/ :: former name of 蘭嶼: Orchid Island
紅透半邊天 {idiom} /hóng tòu bànbiāntiān/ :: one's popularity is at its zenith
紅土 {n} /hóngtǔ/ :: red soil or earth
紅土 {prop} /hóngtǔ/ :: (~ 鄉) 紅土 (township)
紅土 {prop} /hóngtǔ/ :: (~ 鄉) 紅土 (township)
紅外 {adj} /hóngwài/ :: infrared (having the wavelength in the infrared)
紅外線 {n} [physics] /hóngwàixiàn/ :: infrared ray
紅衛 {prop} /Hóngwèi/ :: (~ 街道) 紅衛 (subdistrict)
紅衛 {prop} /Hóngwèi/ :: (~ 村) 紅衛 (village)
紅衛兵 {n} [historical] /hóngwèibīng,er/ :: hongweibing (Red Guards in China, 1966–1967)
紅衞兵 {def} SEE: 紅衛兵 ::
紅細胞 {n} [mainland China, hematology, cytology] /hóngxìbāo/ :: red blood cell
紅線 {n} [literally] /hóngxiàn/ :: red line; red string
紅線 {n} [figurative] /hóngxiàn/ :: en:Red thread of fate, relationship between a predestined love couple [as if tied by an invisible red string]; marriage or matchmaking
紅線 {n} [figurative, literary] /hóngxiàn/ :: betrothal gifts
紅線 {n} [figurative, politics] /hóngxiàn/ :: central and politically correct theme of a piece of writing
紅線 {n} [figurative] /hóngxiàn/ :: main thread in literary works
紅線 {n} [figurative] /hóngxiàn/ :: red line (a boundary or limit which should not be crossed); bottom line
紅線 {prop} /hóngxiàn/ :: Hong Xian, the protagonist in the Tang dynasty tale zh:紅線傳
紅小豆 {n} /hóngxiǎodòu/ :: alternative name for 赤小豆
紅心 {n} [Communism] /hóngxīn/ :: loyalty to the revolutionary cause
紅心 {n} [playing card] /hóngxīn/ :: hearts
紅心大戰 {n} [mainland China, card games] /hóngxīndàzhàn/ :: hearts
紅星 {n} /hóngxīng/ :: red star
紅星 {n} [communism] /hóngxīng/ :: red star; red five-pointed star
紅星 {n} [figurative] /hóngxīng/ :: famous celebrity; popular celebrity
紅星 {prop} /hóngxīng/ :: (~ 村) 紅星 (village)
紅星 {prop} /hóngxīng/ :: (~ 社區) 紅星 (residential community)
紅杏出牆 {idiom} [of a wife] /hóngxìngchūqiáng/ :: to have an affair
紅學 {n} /hóngxué/ :: redology
紅血球 {n} [hematology, cytology] /hóng血qiú,er/ :: red blood cell
紅蟳 {n} /hóngxún/ :: female swimming crab (Scylla serrata) with eggs
紅崖 {prop} /Hóng崖/ :: (~ 村) 紅崖 (village)
紅牙 {n} [archaic] /hóngyá/ :: a red colored wooden clapper (used in traditional Chinese music)
紅牙 {n} [Hokkien, of skin or facial tone] /hóngyá/ :: ruddy; florid; flushed; healthy-looking
紅岩寺 {prop} /Hóngyánsì/ :: (~ 鎮) 紅岩寺 (town)
紅顏 {n} [literary] /hóngyán/ :: pretty face
紅顏 {n} [literary, figurative] /hóngyán/ :: beautiful woman
紅顏禍水 {idiom} /hóngyánhuòshuǐ/ :: charming beauty who makes men fall and leads to disasters (such as a loss of wealth or reputation, or a toppled nation); dangerous woman; femme fatale (Classifier: 灘)
紅眼 {v} /hóngyǎn,er/ :: to become infuriated; to see red
紅眼 {v} [dialectal] /hóngyǎn,er/ :: to be envious; to be jealous of
紅眼 {n} [Tianjin] /hóngyǎn,er/ :: one's son's child [as opposed to one's daughter's child ― *白眼]
紅眼航班 {n} /hóngyǎn hángbān,er/ :: red-eye flight
紅焰 {prop} /Hóngyàn/ :: (~ 村) 紅焰 (village)
紅艷艷 {def} SEE: 紅豔豔 ::
紅豔豔 {adj} /hóngyànyàn/ :: very red; bright red
紅瑤 {prop} /Hóngyáo/ :: Red Yao (a branch of the Yao people in China)
紅葯 {def} SEE: 紅藥 ::
紅藥 {n} /hóngyào/ :: flower of the Chinese peony
紅藥水 {n} [pharmacy] /hóngyàoshuǐ/ :: mercurochrome
紅衣 {n} /hóngyī/ :: red clothes
紅衣 {n} [literary] /hóngyī/ :: red feather
紅衣 {n} [literary] /hóngyī/ :: petal of lotus
紅移 {n} [physics] /hóngyí/ :: redshift
紅蟻 {n} /hóngyǐ/ :: red ant
紅蟻 {n} [Min Dong] /hóngyǐ/ :: ant
紅印度人 {n} [obsolete] /hóng-yìndùrén/ :: Red Indian; American Indian; Native American
紅油 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /hóngyóu/ :: chili oil
紅魚 {n} /hóngyú/ :: red snapper
紅雨 {n} [figuratively] /hóngyǔ/ :: fallen flower petals; falling blossoms
紅雨 {n} [Hong Kong] /hóngyǔ/ :: Hong Kong rainstorm warning signals
紅玉 {n} /hóngyù/ :: ruby
紅運 {def} SEE: 鴻運 ::
紅棗 {n} /hóngzǎo/ :: red jujube; red date (Ziziphus jujuba)
紅藻 {n} /hóngzǎo/ :: red algae
紅中 {n} [mahjong] /hóngzhōng/ :: red dragon
紅種人 {n} /hóngzhǒngrén/ :: Red Indian; American Indian; Amerindian; Native American
紅腫 {v} /hóngzhǒng/ :: to be red and swollen; to become inflamed
{def} SEE: ::
红𫊻 {def} SEE: 紅蟳 ::
红Van {def} SEE: 紅Van ::
红矮星 {def} SEE: 紅矮星 ::
红安 {def} SEE: 紅安 ::
红白 {def} SEE: 紅白 ::
红白大事 {def} SEE: 紅白大事 ::
红白蓝袋 {def} SEE: 紅白藍袋 ::
红白蓝胶袋 {def} SEE: 紅白藍膠袋 ::
红白事 {def} SEE: 紅白事 ::
红白喜事 {def} SEE: 紅白喜事 ::
红斑 {def} SEE: 紅斑 ::
红粄 {def} SEE: 紅粄 ::
红包 {def} SEE: 紅包 ::
红包场 {def} SEE: 紅包場 ::
红宝石 {def} SEE: 紅寶石 ::
红宝书 {def} SEE: 紅寶書 ::
红背蜘蛛 {def} SEE: 紅背蜘蛛 ::
红鼻 {def} SEE: 紅鼻 ::
红笔 {def} SEE: 紅筆 ::
红璧玺 {def} SEE: 紅璧璽 ::
红不让 {def} SEE: 紅不讓 ::
红簿仔 {def} SEE: 紅簿仔 ::
红菜 {def} SEE: 紅菜 ::
红菜头 {def} SEE: 紅菜頭 ::
红茶 {def} SEE: 紅茶 ::
红茶菌 {def} SEE: 紅茶菌 ::
红肠 {def} SEE: 紅腸 ::
红场 {def} SEE: 紅場 ::
红潮 {def} SEE: 紅潮 ::
红尘 {def} SEE: 紅塵 ::
红城 {def} SEE: 紅城 ::
红赤仁涂 {def} SEE: 紅赤仁塗 ::
红筹 {def} SEE: 紅籌 ::
红筹股 {def} SEE: 紅籌股 ::
红春 {def} SEE: 紅春 ::
红醋栗 {def} SEE: 紅醋栗 ::
红村 {def} SEE: 紅村 ::
红蛋 {def} SEE: 紅蛋 ::
红当当 {def} SEE: 紅噹噹 ::
红灯 {def} SEE: 紅燈 ::
红灯区 {def} SEE: 紅燈區 ::
红底股 {def} SEE: 紅底股 ::
红地毯 {def} SEE: 紅地毯 ::
红豆 {def} SEE: 紅豆 ::
红豆冰 {def} SEE: 紅豆冰 ::
红豆沙 {def} SEE: 紅豆沙 ::
红豆汤 {def} SEE: 紅豆湯 ::
红豆仔 {def} SEE: 紅豆仔 ::
红发 {def} SEE: 紅髮 ::
红番 {def} SEE: 紅番 ::
红番排队去厕所 {def} SEE: 紅番排隊去廁所 ::
红粉 {def} SEE: 紅粉 ::
红粉佳人 {def} SEE: 紅粉佳人 ::
红峰 {def} SEE: 紅峰 ::
红凤菜 {def} SEE: 紅鳳菜 ::
红腹袋鼠 {def} SEE: 紅腹袋鼠 ::
红哥鲤 {def} SEE: 紅哥鯉 ::
红圪垯 {def} SEE: 紅圪墶 ::
红歌 {def} SEE: 紅歌 ::
红蚣 {def} SEE: 紅蚣 ::
红汞 {def} SEE: 紅汞 ::
红姑娘 {def} SEE: 紅姑娘 ::
红馆 {def} SEE: 紅館 ::
红鹳 {def} SEE: 紅鸛 ::
红光 {def} SEE: 紅光 ::
红光满面 {def} SEE: 紅光滿面 ::
红光紫雾 {def} SEE: 紅光紫霧 ::
红龟 {def} SEE: 紅龜 ::
红龟粿 {def} SEE: 紅龜粿 ::
红龟仔粿 {def} SEE: 紅龜仔粿 ::
红果 {def} SEE: 紅果 ::
红果果 {def} SEE: 紅果果 ::
红果金栗兰 {def} SEE: 紅果金栗蘭 ::
红海 {def} SEE: 紅海 ::
红河 {def} SEE: 紅河 ::
红河哈尼族彝族自治州 {def} SEE: 紅河哈尼族彝族自治州 ::
红鹤 {def} SEE: 紅鶴 ::
红黑 {def} SEE: 紅黑 ::
红黑名单 {def} SEE: 紅黑名單 ::
红黑树 {def} SEE: 紅黑樹 ::
红红火火 {def} SEE: 紅紅火火 ::
红红火火恍恍惚惚 {def} SEE: 紅紅火火恍恍惚惚 ::
红厚壳 {def} SEE: 紅厚殼 ::
红狐 {def} SEE: 紅狐 ::
红花 {def} SEE: 紅花 ::
红花姑娘 {def} SEE: 紅花姑娘 ::
红花妹子 {def} SEE: 紅花妹子 ::
红花女 {def} SEE: 紅花女 ::
红花坪 {def} SEE: 紅花坪 ::
红花人 {def} SEE: 紅花人 ::
红花套 {def} SEE: 紅花套 ::
红火 {def} SEE: 紅火 ::
红记记 {def} SEE: 紅記記 ::
红绛绛 {def} SEE: 紅絳絳 ::
红教 {def} SEE: 紅教 ::
红椒 {def} SEE: 紅椒 ::
红轿 {def} SEE: 紅轎 ::
红轿子 {def} SEE: 紅轎子 ::
红景天 {def} SEE: 紅景天 ::
红酒 {def} SEE: 紅酒 ::
红军 {def} SEE: 紅軍 ::
红咖喱 {def} SEE: 紅咖喱 ::
红磡 {def} SEE: 紅磡 ::
红客 {def} SEE: 紅客 ::
红辣椒 {def} SEE: 紅辣椒 ::
红利 {def} SEE: 紅利 ::
红莲 {def} SEE: 紅蓮 ::
红链 {def} SEE: 紅鏈 ::
红蓼 {def} SEE: 紅蓼 ::
红磷 {def} SEE: 紅磷 ::
红岭 {def} SEE: 紅嶺 ::
红领巾 {def} SEE: 紅領巾 ::
红柳 {def} SEE: 紅柳 ::
红柳滩 {def} SEE: 紅柳灘 ::
红楼梦 {def} SEE: 紅樓夢 ::
红轮 {def} SEE: 紅輪 ::
红萝卜 {def} SEE: 紅蘿蔔 ::
红铝 {def} SEE: 紅鋁 ::
红绿灯 {def} SEE: 紅綠燈 ::
红绿色盲 {def} SEE: 紅綠色盲 ::
红玛瑙 {def} SEE: 紅瑪瑙 ::
红马庙 {def} SEE: 紅馬廟 ::
红毛 {def} SEE: 紅毛 ::
红毛丹 {def} SEE: 紅毛丹 ::
红毛冬节 {def} SEE: 紅毛冬節 ::
红毛豆油 {def} SEE: 紅毛豆油 ::
红毛番 {def} SEE: 紅毛番 ::
红毛鬼 {def} SEE: 紅毛鬼 ::
红毛猴 {def} SEE: 紅毛猴 ::
红毛话 {def} SEE: 紅毛話 ::
红毛灰 {def} SEE: 紅毛灰 ::
红毛茄 {def} SEE: 紅毛茄 ::
红毛榴莲 {def} SEE: 紅毛榴蓮 ::
红毛泥 {def} SEE: 紅毛泥 ::
红毛侬 {def} SEE: 紅毛儂 ::
红毛人 {def} SEE: 紅毛人 ::
红毛涂 {def} SEE: 紅毛塗 ::
红毛土 {def} SEE: 紅毛土 ::
红毛药 {def} SEE: 紅毛藥 ::
红毛子 {def} SEE: 紅毛子 ::
红毛字 {def} SEE: 紅毛字 ::
红莓 {def} SEE: 紅莓 ::
红莓汁 {def} SEE: 紅莓汁 ::
红霉素 {def} SEE: 紅黴素 ::
红米 {def} SEE: 紅米 ::
红棉 {def} SEE: 紅棉 ::
红名单 {def} SEE: 紅名單 ::
红木 {def} SEE: 紅木 ::
红木耳 {def} SEE: 紅木耳 ::
红目呆 {def} SEE: 紅目呆 ::
红目墘 {def} SEE: 紅目墘 ::
红娘 {def} SEE: 紅娘 ::
红娘鱼 {def} SEE: 紅娘魚 ::
红娘仔 {def} SEE: 紅娘仔 ::
红牛 {def} SEE: 紅牛 ::
红牌 {def} SEE: 紅牌 ::
红坪 {def} SEE: 紅坪 ::
红扑扑 {def} SEE: 紅撲撲 ::
红扑扑 {def} SEE: 紅扑扑 ::
红葡萄酒 {def} SEE: 紅葡萄酒 ::
红旗 {def} SEE: 紅旗 ::
红桥 {def} SEE: 紅橋 ::
红青灯 {def} SEE: 紅青燈 ::
红青火 {def} SEE: 紅青火 ::
红氍毹 {def} SEE: 紅氍毹 ::
红曲 {def} SEE: 紅麴 ::
红曲霉 {def} SEE: 紅麴黴 ::
红曲米 {def} SEE: 紅麴米 ::
红裙 {def} SEE: 紅裙 ::
红壤 {def} SEE: 紅壤 ::
红人 {def} SEE: 紅人 ::
红仁涂 {def} SEE: 紅仁塗 ::
红日 {def} SEE: 紅日 ::
红肉 {def} SEE: 紅肉 ::
红瑞木 {def} SEE: 紅瑞木 ::
红润 {def} SEE: 紅潤 ::
红色 {def} SEE: 紅色 ::
红色高棉 {def} SEE: 紅色高棉 ::
红色炸弹 {def} SEE: 紅色炸彈 ::
红沙 {def} SEE: 紅沙 ::
红山 {def} SEE: 紅山 ::
红山文化 {def} SEE: 紅山文化 ::
红山窑 {def} SEE: 紅山窯 ::
红衫鱼 {def} SEE: 紅衫魚 ::
红烧 {def} SEE: 紅燒 ::
红烧肉 {def} SEE: 紅燒肉 ::
红苕 {def} SEE: 紅苕 ::
红蛇赤鼠 {def} SEE: 紅蛇赤鼠 ::
红十字 {def} SEE: 紅十字 ::
红十字车 {def} SEE: 紅十字車 ::
红十字会 {def} SEE: 紅十字會 ::
红柿 {def} SEE: 紅柿 ::
红柿囝 {def} SEE: 紅柿囝 ::
红薯 {def} SEE: 紅薯 ::
红树 {def} SEE: 紅樹 ::
红树林 {def} SEE: 紅樹林 ::
红水 {def} SEE: 紅水 ::
红水河 {def} SEE: 紅水河 ::
红髓 {def} SEE: 紅髓 ::
红隧 {def} SEE: 紅隧 ::
红塔 {def} SEE: 紅塔 ::
红汤 {def} SEE: 紅湯 ::
红堂 {def} SEE: 紅堂 ::
红糖 {def} SEE: 紅糖 ::
红桃 {def} SEE: 紅桃 ::
红藤 {def} SEE: 紅藤 ::
红帖仔 {def} SEE: 紅帖仔 ::
红通通 {def} SEE: 紅通通 ::
红彤彤 {def} SEE: 紅彤彤 ::
红铜 {def} SEE: 紅銅 ::
红统 {def} SEE: 紅統 ::
红头鹤 {def} SEE: 紅頭鶴 ::
红头火柴 {def} SEE: 紅頭火柴 ::
红头屿 {def} SEE: 紅頭嶼 ::
红透半边天 {def} SEE: 紅透半邊天 ::
红土 {def} SEE: 紅土 ::
红外 {def} SEE: 紅外 ::
红外线 {def} SEE: 紅外線 ::
红卫 {def} SEE: 紅衛 ::
红卫兵 {def} SEE: 紅衛兵 ::
红细胞 {def} SEE: 紅細胞 ::
红先生 {def} SEE: 紅先生 ::
红线 {def} SEE: 紅線 ::
红小豆 {def} SEE: 紅小豆 ::
红心 {def} SEE: 紅心 ::
红心大战 {def} SEE: 紅心大戰 ::
红星 {def} SEE: 紅星 ::
红杏出墙 {def} SEE: 紅杏出牆 ::
红学 {def} SEE: 紅學 ::
红血球 {def} SEE: 紅血球 ::
红崖 {def} SEE: 紅崖 ::
红牙 {def} SEE: 紅牙 ::
红岩寺 {def} SEE: 紅岩寺 ::
红颜 {def} SEE: 紅顏 ::
红颜祸水 {def} SEE: 紅顏禍水 ::
红眼 {def} SEE: 紅眼 ::
红眼航班 {def} SEE: 紅眼航班 ::
红焰 {def} SEE: 紅焰 ::
红艳艳 {def} SEE: 紅豔豔 ::
红瑶 {def} SEE: 紅瑤 ::
红药 {def} SEE: 紅藥 ::
红药水 {def} SEE: 紅藥水 ::
红叶 {def} SEE: 紅葉 ::
红衣 {def} SEE: 紅衣 ::
红移 {def} SEE: 紅移 ::
红蚁 {def} SEE: 紅蟻 ::
红印度人 {def} SEE: 紅印度人 ::
红婴仔 {def} SEE: 紅嬰仔 ::
红油 {def} SEE: 紅油 ::
红鱼 {def} SEE: 紅魚 ::
红雨 {def} SEE: 紅雨 ::
红玉 {def} SEE: 紅玉 ::
红运 {def} SEE: 鴻運 ::
红枣 {def} SEE: 紅棗 ::
红藻 {def} SEE: 紅藻 ::
红支支 {def} SEE: 紅支支 ::
红中 {def} SEE: 紅中 ::
红种人 {def} SEE: 紅種人 ::
红肿 {def} SEE: 紅腫 ::
红竹 {def} SEE: 紅竹 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hóng/ :: prince's-feather (Polyonum orientale)
{def} /hóng/ :: [obsolete] alternative name for 蕹菜
{def} /hóng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /hóng,jiàng,gàng,1nb/ :: rainbow (Classifier: m:條m:道)
{def} [literary, figurative] /hóng,jiàng,gàng,1nb/ :: bridge
{def} /hòng/ :: [obsolete] to fester
{def} /hòng/ :: only used in 虹洞
{def} /gòng/ :: (county)
虹彩 {n} [anatomy] /hóngcǎi/ :: iris (part of the eye)
虹彩 {n} /hóngcǎi/ :: rainbow lustre
虹彩吸蜜鸚鵡 {n} /hóngcǎi xīmì yīngwǔ/ :: rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus)
虹彩吸蜜鹦鹉 {def} SEE: 虹彩吸蜜鸚鵡 ::
虹膜 {n} [anatomy] /hóng膜,er/ :: iris (of the eye)
虹蜺 {def} SEE: 虹霓 ::
虹霓 {n} /hóngní/ :: rainbow
虹桥 {def} SEE: 虹橋 ::
虹橋 {n} /hóngqiáo/ :: rainbow-like bridge
虹橋 {prop} /hóngqiáo/ :: (~ 鎮) 虹橋 (town)
虹橋 {prop} /hóngqiáo/ :: (~ 街道) 虹橋 (subdistrict)
虹吸 {v} [physics] /hóngxī/ :: to siphon
虹鱒 {n} /hóng鱒/ :: (~ 魚) rainbow trout
虹鳟 {def} SEE: 虹鱒 ::
{def} /訌/ :: confusion; discord; strife; quarrel
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hóng/ :: gate, barrier
{def} /hóng/ :: wide, vast, expand
{def} /hóng/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /hóng/ :: swan
{def} [literary] /hóng/ :: swan goose
{def} [literary, figuratively] /hóng/ :: letter; epistle; written message
{def} [literary] /hóng/ :: of great size; big; large; huge
{def} [literary] /hóng/ :: strong; powerful; energetic
鴻巢 {prop} /Hóngcháo/ :: (~ 市) 鴻巢 (city)
鴻都 {n} [archaic] /Hóngdū/ :: the capital
鴻都 {n} [archaic] /Hóngdū/ :: the capital of the spirit world
鴻都客 {n} [archaic] /Hóngdūkè/ :: a guest within the capital
鴻都客 {n} [archaic] /Hóngdūkè/ :: a person who is able to commune with the spirit world (a guest within the capital of the spirit world)
鴻福 {def} SEE: 洪福 ::
鴻福 {prop} /Hóngfú/ :: (~ 里) 鴻福 (urban village)
鴻溝 {n} [figuratively] /hónggōu/ :: chasm; divide; gap
鴻溝 {prop} /hónggōu/ :: honggou (canal in ancient China that divided the states of Chu and Han)
鴻鵠 {n} [literary] /hónghú/ :: big bird; swan
鴻鵠 {n} [literary, figurative] /hónghú/ :: person with lofty aspirations
鴻鵠之志 {idiom} [figurative] /hónghúzhīzhì/ :: the ambitions of a great person
鴻毛 {n} [literary] /hóngmáo/ :: a wild goose feather
鴻毛 {n} [literary, figurative] /hóngmáo/ :: something very light or insignificant
鴻門宴 {n} /hóngményàn/ :: a social gathering (e.g. party, meeting) with conspiracy against its guest; a malicious invitation; a trap
鴻篇 {n} /hóngpiān/ :: monumental work; great work; masterpiece; masterwork
鴻篇巨制 {def} SEE: 鴻篇巨製 ::
鴻篇巨帙 {idiom} /hóngpiānjùzhì/ :: synonym of 鴻篇巨製
鴻篇巨製 {idiom} /hóngpiānjùzhì/ :: monumental work; magnum opus; masterpiece; masterwork
鴻篇巨著 {idiom} /hóngpiānjùzhù/ :: synonym of 鴻篇巨製
鴻篇巨作 {idiom} /hóngpiānjùzuò/ :: synonym of 鴻篇巨製
鴻篇鉅制 {def} SEE: 鴻篇巨製 ::
鴻篇鉅帙 {def} SEE: 鴻篇巨帙 ::
鴻篇鉅製 {def} SEE: 鴻篇巨製 ::
鴻篇鉅著 {def} SEE: 鴻篇巨著 ::
鴻篇鉅作 {def} SEE: 鴻篇巨作 ::
鴻圖 {def} SEE: 宏圖 ::
鴻喜菇 {n} [Taiwan] /hóngxǐgū/ :: beech mushroom (Hypsizygus marmoreus)
鴻雁 {n} /hóngyàn/ :: swan goose
鴻雁 {n} [literary, figurative] /hóngyàn/ :: refugee; displaced people
鴻雁 {n} [literary, figurative] /hóngyàn/ :: letter
鴻雁 {n} [literary, figurative] /hóngyàn/ :: brother
鴻雁哀鳴 {idiom} [of disaster victims] /hóngyàn'āimíng/ :: living a miserable life of vagrancy
鴻雁傳書 {idiom} /hóngyànchuánshū/ :: a letter from afar
鴻雁河 {prop} /Hóngyànhé/ :: (~ 村) 鴻雁河 (village)
鴻鴈 {def} SEE: 鴻雁 ::
鴻運 {n} /hóngyùn/ :: good luck
鴻藻 {n} /hóngzǎo/ :: magnificent prose
鸿 {def} SEE: ::
鸿巢 {def} SEE: 鴻巢 ::
鸿都 {def} SEE: 鴻都 ::
鸿都客 {def} SEE: 鴻都客 ::
鸿福 {def} SEE: 鴻福 ::
鸿沟 {def} SEE: 鴻溝 ::
鸿鹄 {def} SEE: 鴻鵠 ::
鸿鹄之志 {def} SEE: 鴻鵠之志 ::
鸿毛 {def} SEE: 鴻毛 ::
鸿门宴 {def} SEE: 鴻門宴 ::
鸿篇 {def} SEE: 鴻篇 ::
鸿篇巨制 {def} SEE: 鴻篇巨製 ::
鸿篇巨帙 {def} SEE: 鴻篇巨帙 ::
鸿篇巨著 {def} SEE: 鴻篇巨著 ::
鸿篇巨作 {def} SEE: 鴻篇巨作 ::
鸿图 {def} SEE: 鴻圖 ::
鸿喜菇 {def} SEE: 鴻喜菇 ::
鸿雁 {def} SEE: 鴻雁 ::
鸿雁哀鸣 {def} SEE: 鴻雁哀鳴 ::
鸿雁传书 {def} SEE: 鴻雁傳書 ::
鸿雁河 {def} SEE: 鴻雁河 ::
鸿运 {def} SEE: 鴻運 ::
鸿藻 {def} SEE: 鴻藻 ::
{def} [historical] /hóng/ :: school
黌宮 {n} [literary] /hónggōng/ :: school
黌教 {n} /hóngjiào/ :: schooling
黌門 {n} /hóngmén/ :: school
黌舍 {n} /hóngshè/ :: school building
黌宇 {n} /hóngyǔ/ :: school building
{def} /hǒng/ :: only used in 羅嗊
{def} /gòng/ :: only used in 嗊吥
{def} /gǒng/ :: to push forward; to promote
嗊吥 {prop} [obsolete] /Gòngbù/ :: Kampot
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hòng/ :: only used in 澒洞
{def} /hòng/ :: to fight; to combat
{def} /hòng/ :: to cause a commotion or disturbance
鬨堂 {v} [dated] /hòngtáng/ :: alternative form of 哄堂
齁声 {def} SEE: 齁聲 ::
齁聲 {n} [onomatopoeia] /hōushēng/ :: sound of snoring
齁甜 {adj} [regional, colloquial] /hōutián,er/ :: nauseatingly sweet; sickly-sweet
齁甜 {adj} [figurative, colloquial, of words, behaviours] /hōutián,er/ :: nauseatingly sweet; revoltingly honeyed; mawkish
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hóu/ :: reckless, unrestrained, without limit (said of speech, words, etc.)
{def} /hóu/ :: eagle
{def} /hóu/ :: hawk
{def} /hóu/ :: marquis; lord
{def} /hóu/ :: surname
{def} /hòu/ :: only used in 閩侯
侯城 {prop} [chiefly Hong Kong] /Hóuchéng/ :: Kingston upon Hull
侯爵 {n} /hóujué/ :: marquess (a British nobleman)
侯爵 {n} /hóujué/ :: marquis (as called in other kingdoms)
侯馬 {prop} /Hóumǎ/ :: (~ 市) 侯馬 (city)
侯马 {def} SEE: 侯馬 ::
侯門深似海 {proverb} /hóumén shēn sì hǎi/ :: The mansions of nobility are inaccessible to the common people
侯门深似海 {def} SEE: 侯門深似海 ::
侯莫陈 {def} SEE: 侯莫陳 ::
侯莫陳 {prop} [historical] /Hóumòchén/ :: surname
侯斯頓 {prop} [chiefly Hong Kong] /Hóusīdùn/ :: 侯斯頓 (large city)
侯斯顿 {def} SEE: 侯斯頓 ::
侯營 {prop} /Hóuyíng/ :: (~ 村) 侯營 (village)
侯营 {def} SEE: 侯營 ::
{def} [anatomy] /hóu/ :: larynx
{def} [by extension] /hóu/ :: throat; gullet
{def} [Cantonese] /hóu/ :: pipe; duct; hose; tube
{def} /hóu/ :: guttural
喉𪡏 {def} SEE: 喉嗹 ::
喉癌 {n} /hóu癌/ :: throat cancer
喉返神經 {n} [anatomy] /hóufǎn shénjīng/ :: recurrent laryngeal nerve
喉管 {n} [anatomy] /hóuguǎn,er/ :: laryngeal portion of windpipe
喉管 {n} [musical instrument] /hóuguǎn,er/ :: double-reed woodwind instrument made of bamboo, used in Cantonese music
喉管 {n} [medicine] /hóuguǎn,er/ :: endotracheal tube
喉管 {n} [Cantonese] /hóuguǎn,er/ :: tube; tubing; hose
喉結 {n} /hóujié/ :: Adam's apple (the lump in the throat)
喉结 {def} SEE: 喉結 ::
喉𪡏径 {def} SEE: 喉嗹徑 ::
喉鏡 {n} [medicine] /hóujìng/ :: laryngoscope
喉鏡 {n} /hóujìng/ :: (~ 檢查) [medicine] laryngoscopy
喉镜 {def} SEE: 喉鏡 ::
喉科 {n} /hóukē/ :: laryngology
喉榄 {def} SEE: 喉欖 ::
喉铃仔 {def} SEE: 喉鈴仔 ::
喉咙 {def} SEE: 喉嚨 ::
喉咙椗 {def} SEE: 喉嚨椗 ::
喉嚨 {n} /hóulóng,tl/ :: throat; larynx and pharynx
喉塞音 {n} [phonetics] /hóusèyīn,hóusāiyīn,1nb/ :: glottal stop
喉舌 {n} [literally] /hóushé/ :: throat and tongue
喉舌 {n} [figurative] /hóushé/ :: mouthpiece; spokesperson
喉糖 {n} /hóutáng/ :: throat lozenge
喉头 {def} SEE: 喉頭 ::
喉頭 {n} /hóutóu/ :: larynx
喉咽 {n} [literary] /hóuyān/ :: pharynx and larynx; throat
喉咽 {n} [anatomy] /hóuyān/ :: laryngopharynx
喉咽 {n} [figurative, literary] /hóuyān/ :: strategically important place; key link
喉音 {n} [phonetics] /hóuyīn/ :: glottal/laryngeal consonant
喉钟 {def} SEE: 喉鐘 ::
{def} /hóu,er/ :: monkey; ape
{def} /hóu,er/ :: naughty child
{def} [Min Nan] /hóu,er/ :: male paramour
{def} [dialectal] /hóu,er/ :: to lean on someone; to pester someone
{def} [dialectal] /hóu,er/ :: to squat like a monkey
{def} [dialectal] /hóu,er/ :: naughty; clever
{def} [Min Nan] /hóu,er/ :: skinny and dark-skinned; ugly as a monkey
{def} /hóu,er/ :: surname
猴大 {n} [Wenzhou Wu] :: monkey
猴痘 {n} [medicine] /hóudòu/ :: monkeypox
猴儿 {def} SEE: 猴兒 ::
猴儿头 {def} SEE: 猴兒頭 ::
猴兒 {n} /hóur/ :: erhua form of monkey
猴兒 {n} [Nanjing Mandarin] /hóur/ :: die (polyhedron used in games of chance)
猴急 {adj} /hóují,er/ :: overeager; impatient; (too) keen; quick-tempered
猴筋儿 {def} SEE: 猴筋兒 ::
猴筋兒 {n} [dialectal] /hóujīnr/ :: rubber band; elastic band
猴面包树 {def} SEE: 猴麵包樹 ::
猴麵包樹 {n} /hóumiànbāoshù,er/ :: monkey bread tree (Adansonia digitata)
猴年馬月 {idiom} /hóuniánmǎyuè,er/ :: an unknown and long time; donkey's years; God knows when
猴年马月 {def} SEE: 猴年馬月 ::
猴皮筋儿 {def} SEE: 猴皮筋兒 ::
猴皮筋兒 {n} [chiefly Mandarin, Jin] /hóupíjīnr/ :: erhua form of rubber band; elastic band
猴皮筋兒 {n} [Jin] /hóupíjīnr/ :: erhua form of elastic cord; elastic braid
猴塞雷 {def} SEE: 猴賽雷 ::
猴賽雷 {adj} [neologism, slang] /hóusàiléi/ :: very impressive; amazing; shocking; synonym of 厲害
猴赛雷 {def} SEE: 猴賽雷 ::
猴三儿 {def} SEE: 猴三兒 ::
猴三兒 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /hóusānr/ :: monkey
猴三兒 {n} [Beijing, figurative, humorous] /hóusānr/ :: mischievous boy
猴狲 {def} SEE: 猴猻 ::
猴猻 {n} [dialectal] /hóusūn/ :: monkey
猴头菇 {def} SEE: 猴頭菇 ::
猴頭菇 {n} /hóutóugū/ :: Hericium erinaceus (Hericium erinaceus)
猴枣 {def} SEE: 猴棗 ::
猴棗 {n} /hóuzǎo/ :: The bezoar, calculus, or gallstone of the monkey. (a highly-valued substance used in traditional Chinese medicine to activate "qi" and to treat symptoms of stroke or coma.)
猴子 {n} /hóuzi/ :: monkey (Classifier: m:隻)
猴子 {n} [Beijing Mandarin, Lanyin Mandarin, Jianghuai Mandarin, dialectal Jin, dialectal Wu] /hóuzi/ :: dice
猴子 {n} [Zhongyuan Mandarin, Lanyin Mandarin, dialectal Gan, dialectal Hakka, dialectal Jin] /hóuzi/ :: praying mantis
猴子 {n} [dialectal Wu] /hóuzi/ :: boy
{def} /hóu/ :: warts, pimples
瘊子 {n} [pathology] /hóuzi/ :: wart
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hóu/ :: a kind of bamboo
{def} /hóu/ :: used in 箜篌
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hóu/ :: only used in 薃葔
{def} SEE: 缿 ::
{def} [anatomy] /hóu/ :: epiphysis
骺板 {n} [anatomy] /hóubǎn/ :: epiphyseal plate
{def} /hǒu,ǒu,kǒu/ :: [obsolete] calf
{def} /hǒu,ǒu,kǒu/ :: [obsolete] castrated bull
{def} [of a large animal] /hǒu/ :: to roar
{def} [of people] /hǒu/ :: to shout
{def} [of inanimate objects such as cars] /hǒu/ :: to squeal
{def} [Hokkien, Puxian Min] /hǒu/ :: to cry; to sob; to weep
吼猴 {n} /hǒuhóu/ :: howler monkey
吼叫 {v} /hǒujiào/ :: to howl; to roar; to shout
吼怒 {n} /hǒunù/ :: to roar; to howl; to bellow; to snarl
吼声 {def} SEE: 吼聲 ::
吼聲 {n} /hǒushēng/ :: roar
{def} [Chinese mythology] /hǒu/ :: a Denglong beast
{def} /hòu/ :: to reconnoitre; to scout
{def} /hòu/ :: to observe; to survey
{def} /hòu/ :: to wait for; to await
{def} /hòu/ :: to respectfully await
{def} /hòu/ :: to visit; to send one's respects to
{def} /hòu/ :: to wait on; to attend to; to take care of
{def} /hòu/ :: to forecast; to predict (by divination)
{def} [historical] /hòu/ :: scout; lookout; vanguard
{def} [historical] /hòu/ :: alternative form of
{def} [historical] /hòu/ :: official
{def} [historical] /hòu/ :: posthouse; station
{def} [historical] /hòu/ :: ancient time unit composed of five days
{def} /hòu/ :: climate; season
{def} /hòu/ :: omen; sign; portent
{def} [TCM] /hòu/ :: to examine (pulse)
{def} [TCM] /hòu/ :: medical sign and symptom
{def} [dialectal] /hòu/ :: to pay for (a bill)
候补 {def} SEE: 候補 ::
候补名单 {def} SEE: 候補名單 ::
候補 {v} /hòubǔ/ :: to be an alternate; to be a candidate for (for a vacancy, waiting list, etc.)
候補 {v} [archaic] /hòubǔ/ :: to temporarily fill a provincial or ministerial post prior to being assigned a permanent position by the Ministry for Personnel (during the Qing dynasty)
候補 {n} /hòubǔ/ :: alternate; candidate (for a vacancy, waiting list, etc.)
候補名單 {n} /hòubǔ míngdān/ :: waiting list
候車 {v} /hòuchē/ :: to wait for a bus or a train
候車室 {n} /hòuchē室/ :: waiting room (at a bus or train station)
候车 {def} SEE: 候車 ::
候车室 {def} SEE: 候車室 ::
候机 {def} SEE: 候機 ::
候机室 {def} SEE: 候機室 ::
候機 {v} /hòujī/ :: to wait for the departure of a flight
候機室 {n} /hòujī室/ :: waiting room (at an airport gate); departure lounge
候脈 {v} [literary or Min Nan, dialectal Wu, TCM] /hòumài/ :: to take someone's pulse
候脉 {def} SEE: 候脈 ::
候鳥 {n} /hòuniǎo/ :: migratory bird
候鸟 {def} SEE: 候鳥 ::
候任 {v} /hòurèn/ :: to be awaiting appointment (to a position); to be designated
候审 {def} SEE: 候審 ::
候審 {v} [legal] /hòushěn/ :: to await trial
候送 {v} [literary] /hòusòng/ :: to send someone off
候选 {def} SEE: 候選 ::
候选人 {def} SEE: 候選人 ::
候選 {n} /hòuxuǎn/ :: candidate
候選 {v} /hòuxuǎn/ :: to run for office
候選人 {n} /hòuxuǎnrén/ :: candidate
候診 {v} /hòuzhěn/ :: to wait to be seen by a doctor
候診室 {n} /hòuzhěn室/ :: waiting area (in a hospital or clinic)
候诊 {def} SEE: 候診 ::
候诊室 {def} SEE: 候診室 ::
{def} /hòu/ :: thick
{def} /hòu/ :: large; substantial; deep
{def} /hòu/ :: rich; strong
{def} /hòu/ :: generous; kind
{def} /hòu/ :: thickness; depth
{def} /hòu/ :: greatly
{def} [Min Nan] /hòu/ :: many; much
{def} /hòu/ :: (~ 鎮) (town)
厚愛 {n} [honorific] /hòu'ài/ :: great kindness; great favour
厚爱 {def} SEE: 厚愛 ::
厚薄 {n} /hòu薄/ :: thick and thin
厚薄 {n} [figurative] /hòu薄/ :: degree of thickness
厚薄 {n} [figurative] /hòu薄/ :: favour or disfavour; meanness and generosity; intimacy and alienation
厚待 {v} /hòudài/ :: to treat warmly and with respect; to give preferential treatment
厚道 {adj} /hòudào,tl/ :: sincere and magnanimous; kind and honest
厚德 {n} [literary] /hòudé/ :: great kindness; profound virtue
厚德載物 {idiom} /hòudézàiwù/ :: the virtuous ones will have great responsibility
厚德载物 {def} SEE: 厚德載物 ::
厚度 {n} /hòudù/ :: thickness
厚恩 {n} /hòu'ēn/ :: great benevolence; great grace
厚古薄今 {idiom} /hòugǔbójīn/ :: to highly praise the past but despise the present
厚黑 {adj} /hòuhēi/ :: thick-skinned and black-hearted
厚黑学 {def} SEE: 厚黑學 ::
厚黑學 {n} /hòuhēixué/ :: the philosophy of being thick-skinned and black-hearted in order to achieve success
厚话 {def} SEE: 厚話 ::
厚积薄发 {def} SEE: 厚積薄發 ::
厚積薄發 {idiom} [literally] /hòujībófā/ :: to gradually acquire knowledge, and make use of it when needed
厚積薄發 {idiom} [figuratively] /hòujībófā/ :: good preparation is the key to success
厚街 {prop} /Hòujiē/ :: (~ 鎮) 厚街 (town)
厚金 {n} /hòujīn/ :: high pay
厚利 {n} /hòulì/ :: substantial profit
厚脸皮 {def} SEE: 厚臉皮 ::
厚臉皮 {v} /hòu liǎnpí,er/ :: to be shameless; to be cheeky; to be impudent
厚臉皮 {v} /hòu liǎnpí,er/ :: to summon up one's courage
厚木 {prop} /Hòumù/ :: (~ 市) 厚木 (city)
厚朴 {def} SEE: 厚樸 ::
厚朴 {n} [TCM] /hòupò/ :: bark of the Magnolia officinalis
厚坪 {prop} /Hòupíng/ :: (~ 鄉) 厚坪 (township)
厚樸 {adj} [literary] /hòu朴/ :: sincere and honest
厚生 {v} [literary] /hòushēng/ :: to improve people's living conditions
厚生 {v} [literary] /hòushēng/ :: to maintain good health to reach longevity
厚实 {def} SEE: 厚實 ::
厚實 {adj} /hòushi/ :: sturdy; strong; solid; firm (of things)
厚實 {adj} /hòushi/ :: decent; good; honest (of people)
厚實 {adj} /hòushi/ :: rich; well-to-do
厚實 {n} /hòushi/ :: abundant riches; considerable wealth
厚望 {n} /hòuwàng/ :: great expectations
厚味 {n} [archaic] /hòuwèi/ :: delicious food
厚顏 {adj} /hòuyán/ :: shameless
厚顏無恥 {idiom} /hòuyán wúchǐ/ :: utterly shameless
厚颜 {def} SEE: 厚顏 ::
厚颜无耻 {def} SEE: 厚顏無恥 ::
厚意 {n} /hòuyì/ :: kind thought; kindness
厚艺 {def} SEE: 厚藝 ::
厚遇 {n} /hòuyù/ :: excellent pay and conditions; excellent treatment
厚遇 {n} /hòuyù/ :: warm reception; warm welcome
厚泽 {def} SEE: 厚澤 ::
厚澤 {n} [honorific] /hòuzé/ :: profound grace; huge favour
厚真 {prop} /Hòuzhēn/ :: (~ 町) 厚真 (town)
厚紙 {n} /hòuzhǐ/ :: thick paper
厚紙 {n} /hòuzhǐ/ :: carton; pasteboard
厚纸 {def} SEE: 厚紙 ::
厚重 {adj} /hòuzhòng/ :: thick and heavy; massive
厚重 {adj} [of gift] /hòuzhòng/ :: generous; munificent
厚重 {adj} [of person] /hòuzhòng/ :: kind and generous; generous and discreet
厚重 {v} [Zhangzhou Min Nan] /hòuzhòng/ :: to overemphasize
{def} /hòu/ :: [obsolete] king; ruler; emperor
{def} /hòu/ :: [obsolete] queen; empress
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hòu/ :: surname
后㬹 {def} SEE: 後㬹 ::
后哀 {def} SEE: 後哀 ::
后嫒 {def} SEE: 後嬡 ::
后爸 {def} SEE: 後爸 ::
后爸爸 {def} SEE: 後爸爸 ::
后摆 {def} SEE: 後擺 ::
后半 {def} SEE: 後半 ::
后半场 {def} SEE: 後半場 ::
后半暝 {def} SEE: 後半暝 ::
后半年 {def} SEE: 後半年 ::
后半晌 {def} SEE: 後半晌 ::
后半晌儿 {def} SEE: 後半晌兒 ::
后半叶 {def} SEE: 後半葉 ::
后半夜 {def} SEE: 後半夜 ::
后保险杠 {def} SEE: 後保險槓 ::
后备 {def} SEE: 後備 ::
后备箱 {def} SEE: 後備箱 ::
后背 {def} SEE: 後背 ::
后背体位 {def} SEE: 後背體位 ::
后辈 {def} SEE: 後輩 ::
后奔蛋 {def} SEE: 後奔蛋 ::
后壁 {def} SEE: 後壁 ::
后壁尾 {def} SEE: 後壁尾 ::
后边 {def} SEE: 後邊 ::
后便 {def} SEE: 後便 ::
后步 {def} SEE: 後步 ::
后部 {def} SEE: 後部 ::
后槽牙 {def} SEE: 後槽牙 ::
后层 {def} SEE: 後層 ::
后层齿 {def} SEE: 後層齒 ::
后柴耙 {def} SEE: 後柴耙 ::
后场 {def} SEE: 後場 ::
后尘 {def} SEE: 後塵 ::
后出世 {def} SEE: 後出世 ::
后厝 {def} SEE: 後厝 ::
后代 {def} SEE: 後代 ::
后的 {def} SEE: 後的 ::
后灯 {def} SEE: 後燈 ::
后底乸 {def} SEE: 後底乸 ::
后帝 {prop} [archaic, Chinese mythology] /hòudì/ :: Deity of Heaven; Emperor of Heaven; Celestial Ruler
后爹 {def} SEE: 後爹 ::
后靪 {def} SEE: 後靪 ::
后斗支 {def} SEE: 後斗支 ::
后肚 {def} SEE: 後肚 ::
后端 {def} SEE: 後端 ::
后楯 {def} SEE: 後楯 ::
后盾 {def} SEE: 後盾 ::
后儿 {def} SEE: 後兒 ::
后儿个 {def} SEE: 後兒個 ::
后发制人 {def} SEE: 後發制人 ::
后发座 {def} SEE: 后髮座 ::
后髮座 {prop} [constellation] /Hòu髮zuò/ :: Coma Berenices
后方 {def} SEE: 後方 ::
后放 {def} SEE: 後放 ::
后妃 {n} [archaic] /hòufēi/ :: the empress and the emperor's consort
后妃 {n} [archaic] /hòufēi/ :: the empress dowager and the emperor's consort
后福 {def} SEE: 後福 ::
后父 {def} SEE: 後父 ::
后负荷 {def} SEE: 後負荷 ::
后岗 {def} SEE: 後崗 ::
后疙瘩 {def} SEE: 後疙瘩 ::
后个月 {def} SEE: 後個月 ::
后跟 {def} SEE: 後跟 ::
后颈 {def} SEE: 後頸 ::
后宫 {def} SEE: 後宮 ::
后顾 {def} SEE: 後顧 ::
后顾之忧 {def} SEE: 後顧之憂 ::
后果 {def} SEE: 後果 ::
后果自负 {def} SEE: 後果自負 ::
后海 {def} SEE: 後海 ::
后海湾 {def} SEE: 后海灣 ::
后海灣 {prop} /Hòuhǎiwān/ :: Deep Bay (a bay between Hong Kong and Shenzhen)
后汉 {def} SEE: 後漢 ::
后汉书 {def} SEE: 後漢書 ::
后杭爱 {def} SEE: 後杭愛 ::
后行 {def} SEE: 後行 ::
后患 {def} SEE: 後患 ::
后患无穷 {def} SEE: 後患無窮 ::
后悔 {def} SEE: 後悔 ::
后悔莫及 {def} SEE: 後悔莫及 ::
后悔药 {def} SEE: 後悔藥 ::
后会有期 {def} SEE: 後會有期 ::
后婚 {def} SEE: 後婚 ::
后婚儿 {def} SEE: 後婚兒 ::
后婚汉 {def} SEE: 後婚漢 ::
后婚婆姨 {def} SEE: 後婚婆姨 ::
后脊梁 {def} SEE: 後脊樑 ::
后稷 {prop} /Hòujì/ :: Hou Ji (legendary Chinese culture hero of the Xia dynasty)
后继 {def} SEE: 後繼 ::
后继无人 {def} SEE: 後繼無人 ::
后记 {def} SEE: 後記 ::
后甲板 {def} SEE: 後甲板 ::
后嫁 {def} SEE: 後嫁 ::
后将军 {def} SEE: 後將軍 ::
后江 {def} SEE: 後江 ::
后脚 {def} SEE: 後腳 ::
后襟 {def} SEE: 後襟 ::
后金 {def} SEE: 後金 ::
后晋 {def} SEE: 後晉 ::
后进 {def} SEE: 後進 ::
后进位 {def} SEE: 後進位 ::
后劲 {def} SEE: 後勁 ::
后军 {def} SEE: 後軍 ::
后空 {def} SEE: 後空 ::
后空翻 {def} SEE: 後空翻 ::
后来 {def} SEE: 後來 ::
后来居上 {def} SEE: 後來居上 ::
后来人 {def} SEE: 後來人 ::
后栏 {def} SEE: 後欄 ::
后老子 {def} SEE: 後老子 ::
后类 {def} SEE: 後類 ::
后黎朝 {def} SEE: 後黎朝 ::
后里 {prop} /Hòulǐ/ :: (~ 區) 后里 (district)
后凉 {def} SEE: 後涼 ::
后梁 {def} SEE: 後梁 ::
后寮 {def} SEE: 後寮 ::
后龙 {def} SEE: 後龍 ::
后颅 {def} SEE: 後顱 ::
后路 {def} SEE: 後路 ::
后轮 {def} SEE: 後輪 ::
后妈 {def} SEE: 後媽 ::
后门 {def} SEE: 後門 ::
后面 {def} SEE: 後面 ::
后某 {def} SEE: 後某 ::
后母 {def} SEE: 後母 ::
后脑 {def} SEE: 後腦 ::
后脑盖 {def} SEE: 後腦蓋 ::
后脑骨 {def} SEE: 後腦骨 ::
后脑勺 {def} SEE: 後腦勺 ::
后年 {def} SEE: 後年 ::
后年暝 {def} SEE: 後年暝 ::
后年子 {def} SEE: 後年子 ::
后娘 {def} SEE: 後娘 ::
后钮 {def} SEE: 後鈕 ::
后瓯 {def} SEE: 後甌 ::
后怕 {def} SEE: 後怕 ::
后排 {def} SEE: 後排 ::
后爿 {def} SEE: 後爿 ::
后妻 {def} SEE: 後妻 ::
后期 {def} SEE: 後期 ::
后起 {def} SEE: 後起 ::
后起之秀 {def} SEE: 後起之秀 ::
后起字 {def} SEE: 後起字 ::
后窍 {def} SEE: 後竅 ::
后勤 {def} SEE: 後勤 ::
后秦 {def} SEE: 後秦 ::
后人 {def} SEE: 後人 ::
后任 {def} SEE: 後任 ::
后日 {def} SEE: 後日 ::
后晌 {def} SEE: 後晌 ::
后晌儿 {def} SEE: 後晌兒 ::
后晌饭 {def} SEE: 後晌飯 ::
后生 {def} SEE: 後生 ::
后生动物 {def} SEE: 後生動物 ::
后生哥 {def} SEE: 後生哥 ::
后生囝 {def} SEE: 後生囝 ::
后生可畏 {def} SEE: 後生可畏 ::
后生女 {def} SEE: 後生女 ::
后生人 {def} SEE: 後生人 ::
后生细仔 {def} SEE: 後生細仔 ::
后生仔 {def} SEE: 後生仔 ::
后史 {def} SEE: 後史 ::
后世 {def} SEE: 後世 ::
后世人 {def} SEE: 後世人 ::
后事 {def} SEE: 後事 ::
后视镜 {def} SEE: 後視鏡 ::
后手 {def} SEE: 後手 ::
后叔 {def} SEE: 後叔 ::
后蜀 {def} SEE: 後蜀 ::
后嗣 {def} SEE: 後嗣 ::
后送 {def} SEE: 後送 ::
后台 {def} SEE: 後臺 ::
后唐 {def} SEE: 後唐 ::
后堂 {def} SEE: 後堂 ::
后膛 {def} SEE: 後堂 ::
后藤 {def} SEE: 後藤 ::
后天 {def} SEE: 後天 ::
后庭 {def} SEE: 後庭 ::
后头 {def} SEE: 後頭 ::
后头厝 {def} SEE: 後頭厝 ::
后头湾 {def} SEE: 後頭灣 ::
后土 {n} [literary] /hòutǔ/ :: earth god; Houtu
后土 {n} [literary] /hòutǔ/ :: the vast earth
后土 {n} [literary, of ancient China] /hòutǔ/ :: an official charged with managing land
后腿 {def} SEE: 後腿 ::
后退 {def} SEE: 後退 ::
后退女 {def} SEE: 後退女 ::
后碗 {def} SEE: 後碗 ::
后王 {def} SEE: 後王 ::
后尾 {def} SEE: 後尾 ::
后尾溜 {def} SEE: 後尾溜 ::
后尾箱 {def} SEE: 後尾箱 ::
后尾枕 {def} SEE: 後尾枕 ::
后卫 {def} SEE: 後衛 ::
后味 {def} SEE: 後味 ::
后雾灯 {def} SEE: 後霧燈 ::
后戏 {def} SEE: 後戲 ::
后现代主义 {def} SEE: 後現代主義 ::
后效 {def} SEE: 後效 ::
后心 {def} SEE: 後心 ::
后岫 {def} SEE: 後岫 ::
后续 {def} SEE: 後續 ::
后学 {def} SEE: 後學 ::
后牙 {def} SEE: 後牙 ::
后燕 {def} SEE: 後燕 ::
后验 {def} SEE: 後驗 ::
后爷 {def} SEE: 後爺 ::
后叶 {def} SEE: 後葉 ::
后遗症 {def} SEE: 後遺症 ::
后羿 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Hòuyì/ :: Hou Yi (mythological Chinese archer)
后裔 {def} SEE: 後裔 ::
后影 {def} SEE: 後影 ::
后影儿 {def} SEE: 後影兒 ::
后元音 {def} SEE: 後元音 ::
后园 {def} SEE: 後園 ::
后援 {def} SEE: 後援 ::
后院 {def} SEE: 後院 ::
后月日 {def} SEE: 後月日 ::
后闸 {def} SEE: 後閘 ::
后朝 {def} SEE: 後朝 ::
后赵 {def} SEE: 後趙 ::
后者 {def} SEE: 後者 ::
后枕 {def} SEE: 後枕 ::
后殖民主义 {def} SEE: 後殖民主義 ::
后置 {def} SEE: 後置 ::
后置词 {def} SEE: 後置詞 ::
后周 {def} SEE: 後周 ::
后缀 {def} SEE: 後綴 ::
后座 {def} SEE: 後座 ::
后座 {n} [historical] /hòuzuò,er/ :: empress's seat; queen's seat
后座 {n} [figurative] /hòuzuò,er/ :: first place in a female competition; female winner of a competition
{def} /hòu/ :: behind; rear; back
{def} /hòu/ :: later; after; afterwards
{def} /hòu/ :: descendants; offsprings
{def} /hòu/ :: anus
{def} /hòu/ :: surname
後半 {n} /hòubàn/ :: second half
後半場 {n} /hòubàn場/ :: second half (of a game, concert, etc.)
後半晌 {n} /hòubànshǎng,er/ :: afternoon
後半晌兒 {n} /hòubànshǎngr/ :: erhua form of []
後半葉 {n} /hòubànyè/ :: latter half (of a time period, such as a certain century)
後半夜 {n} /hòubànyè/ :: latter half of the night; time after midnight
後保險槓 {n} [automotive] /hòu bǎoxiǎngàng/ :: rear bumper
後備 {adj} /hòubèi/ :: reserve
後備箱 {n} /hòubèixiāng/ :: trunk of a car
後背 {n} /hòubèi/ :: back (of the human body)
後背 {n} [Lichuan Gan, Hakka, Pinghua, Taishanese, Xiang, Ningbo Wu] /hòubèi/ :: behind; rear; back
後背體位 {n} /hòubēi tǐwèi/ :: doggy style
後輩 {n} /hòubèi/ :: younger generation; posterity; descendants
後輩 {n} /hòubèi/ :: juniors; inferiors
後輩 {n} [ACG] /hòubèi/ :: kohai
後壁 {n} [Min Nan] /hòubì/ :: at the back; the rear; the back
後壁 {prop} /hòubì/ :: (~ 區) 後壁 (district)
後邊 {n} /hòubiān,tl/ :: at the back; the rear; the back
後步 {n} /hòubù/ :: escape route; route of retreat; way out
後步 {n} /hòubù/ :: leeway; room (for negotiation, to maneuver, etc.); latitude; margin; space
後步 {n} /hòubù/ :: alternative course of action
後部 {n} /hòubù/ :: the rear; the back or posterior part
後場 {n} [sports] /hòu場/ :: backcourt
後塵 {n} [formal] /hòuchén/ :: dust kicked up by somebody walking in front
後塵 {n} [figurative] /hòuchén/ :: someone's footsteps
後塵 {n} [figurative] /hòuchén/ :: course in life
後厝 {prop} /Hòucuò/ :: (~ 里) 後厝 (urban village)
後代 {n} /hòudài/ :: descendants; progeny; offspring
後代 {adj} [of a person] /hòudài/ :: from a later generation
後燈 {n} /hòudēng/ :: taillight
後爹 {n} [colloquial] /hòudiē/ :: stepfather
後端 {n} /hòuduān/ :: posterior end; back end
後端 {n} [computing] /hòuduān/ :: backend
後楯 {def} SEE: 後盾 ::
後盾 {n} [figurative] /hòudùn/ :: support; backing
後兒 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /hòur/ :: day after tomorrow
後兒個 {n} [Mandarin, colloquial] /hòurge/ :: day after tomorrow
後發制人 {idiom} /hòufāzhìrén/ :: to gain mastery by striking only after the enemy had struck
後方 {n} /hòufāng/ :: rear
後方 {n} [military] /hòufāng/ :: behind the frontline
後放 {v} /hòufàng/ :: to put something in the back or behind
後放 {n} [physiology] /hòufàng/ :: afterdischarge
後福 {n} /hòufú/ :: good fortune in the future or in one's old age
後父 {n} /hòufù/ :: stepfather
後負荷 {n} [physiology] /hòufùhè/ :: afterload
後崗 {prop} /Hòugǎng/ :: (~ 村) 後崗 (village)
後跟 {n} /hòugēn/ :: heel (of a shoe or sock)
後頸 {n} [anatomy] /hòujǐng/ :: back of the neck; nape
後宮 {n} /hòugōng/ :: residence of imperial wives and concubines
後宮 {n} [by extension] /hòugōng/ :: imperial wives and concubines
後顧 {v} /hòugù/ :: to turn back (to take care of something)
後顧 {v} /hòugù/ :: to look back (on the past)
後顧之憂 {idiom} /hòugùzhīyōu/ :: trouble back at home; family worries
後果 {n} /hòuguǒ/ :: consequence; outcome; aftermath
後果自負 {phrase} /hòuguǒ zìfù/ :: at your own risk
後海 {prop} /Hòuhǎi/ :: Houhai (a lake and its surrounding neighborhood in central Beijing, China)
後漢 {prop} /Hòuhàn/ :: Later Han (947–951)
後漢 {prop} /Hòuhàn/ :: alternative name for 東漢
後漢書 {prop} /Hòuhànshū/ :: Book of the Later Han (a book covering the history of the Han dynasty from 6 to 189 CE)
後杭愛 {prop} /Hòuháng'ài/ :: (~ 省) 後杭愛 (province)
後行 {v} /hòuxíng/ :: to carry out as a second step; to act later
後戲 {n} /hòuxì/ :: afterplay
後患 {n} [literary] /hòuhuàn/ :: future trouble; later calamity; disaster later on
後患無窮 {idiom} /hòuhuànwúqióng/ :: to have endless future troubles and calamities
後悔 {v} /hòuhuǐ/ :: to regret
後悔莫及 {idiom} /hòuhuǐmòjí/ :: to be too late to regret
後悔藥 {n} [figuratively] /hòuhuǐyào,er/ :: medicine for remorse
後會有期 {interj} /hòuhuìyǒu期/ :: adieu; farewell; we'll meet again someday
後婚 {n} [dated] /hòuhūn,er/ :: remarried woman
後婚兒 {n} [dated] /hòuhūnr/ :: erhua form of remarried woman
後脊梁 {def} SEE: 後脊樑 ::
後繼 {v} /hòujì/ :: to succeed; to take the place of (the former)
後繼 {v} /hòujì/ :: to carry on; to continue (a tradition, profession, etc.)
後繼無人 {idiom} [idiomatic] /hòujìwúrén/ :: having no successor or heir; figuratively referring to having no one to continue practising a skilled profession or a talent
後記 {n} /hòujì/ :: afterword; postscript; epilogue
後甲板 {n} [nautical] /hòujiǎbǎn/ :: aftcastle, aftercastle, poop deck
後將軍 {n} [historical] /hòujiāngjūn/ :: General of the Rear (a high military rank held by generals in ancient China)
後江 {prop} /Hòujiāng/ :: (~ 省) 後江 (province)
後腳 {n} /hòujiǎo,er/ :: rear foot; back foot
後腳 {adv} [used with 前腳 /-/] /hòujiǎo,er/ :: indicating the ensuing action was done as soon as the previous action was completed
後襟 {n} /hòujīn/ :: back of a Chinese robe or jacket
後金 {prop} [historical] /Hòujīn/ :: The Later Jin state or dynasty, a Manchu realm between 1616 and 1636 which became the Qing Empire
後勁 {n} /hòujìn,er/ :: delayed effect; after-effect
後勁 {n} /hòujìn,er/ :: reserve strength; stamina
後勁 {n} /hòujìng/ :: elite troops
後晉 {prop} /Hòujìn/ :: Later Jin (936–947)
後進 {n} [literary] /hòujìn/ :: younger generation; posterity; descendants
後進 {n} [literary] /hòujìn/ :: juniors; inferiors
後進 {n} /hòujìn/ :: person or institution slow in progress
後進 {adj} /hòujìn/ :: backward; slow in progress; lagging behind
後進位 {n} /hòujìnwèi/ :: doggy style
後軍 {n} /hòujūn/ :: the army bringing up the rear; the rear army
後空翻 {n} /hòukōngfān/ :: backward somersault; backflip
後來 {adv} /hòulái/ :: later on; afterwards
後來 {n} /hòulái/ :: less advanced people
後來 {v} /hòulái/ :: to arrive late
後來居上 {idiom} /hòuláijūshàng/ :: the up-and-coming youngster outstrips the older generation; the pupil surpasses the master
後來人 {n} /hòuláirén/ :: successor
後欄 {n} [Cantonese] /hòulán/ :: back door of a shop
後欄 {n} [euphemistic] /hòulán/ :: anus
後類 {n} [literary] /hòulèi/ :: descendants
後黎朝 {prop} /Hòu Lícháo/ :: Later Lê dynasty
後梁 {prop} /Hòuliáng/ :: Later Liang (907–923)
後涼 {prop} /Hòuliáng/ :: Later Liang (386–403)
後寮 {prop} /Hòuliáo/ :: (~ 村) 後寮 (rural village)
後龍 {prop} /Hòulóng/ :: (~ 鎮) 後龍 (urban township)
後路 {n} [literally] /hòulù/ :: the road behind
後路 {n} [figurative] /hòulù/ :: escape route; route of retreat; way out
後路 {n} [figurative] /hòulù/ :: leeway; room (for negotiation, to maneuver, etc.); latitude; margin; space
後路 {n} [figurative] /hòulù/ :: alternative course of action
後輪 {n} /hòulún/ :: rear wheel
後媽 {n} [colloquial] /hòumā/ :: stepmother
後門 {n} /hòumén,er/ :: back door; back gate
後門 {n} [computing] /hòumén,er/ :: backdoor
後門 {n} [figuratively] /hòumén,er/ :: improper means; fraudulent means; way to get around something
後門 {n} [figuratively] /hòumén,er/ :: anus
後面 {postp} /hòumiàn,tl/ :: behind
後面 {n} /hòumiàn,tl/ :: in the rear; behind
後面 {adv} /hòumiàn,tl/ :: later
後母 {n} /hòumǔ/ :: stepmother
後腦 {n} [anatomy] /hòunǎo/ :: hindbrain; rhombencephalon
後腦勺 {n} [colloquial] /hòunǎosháo,er/ :: back of the head
後年 {n} /hòunián/ :: the year after next
後娘 {n} [colloquial] /hòuniáng/ :: stepmother
後怕 {v} /hòupà/ :: to have fear after an event
後排 {n} /hòupái/ :: the back row(s)
後妻 {n} [archaic] /hòuqī/ :: concubine; second wife
後期 {n} /hòu期/ :: the late period
後期 {n} /hòu期/ :: postprocessing
後起 {adj} [attributive] /hòuqǐ/ :: up-and-coming; emerging; new
後起 {v} [literary] /hòuqǐ/ :: to rise or develop later on
後起之秀 {idiom} /hòuqǐzhīxiù/ :: a young rising star; a young and promising talent
後起字 {n} /hòuqǐzì/ :: new graph; later form of a Chinese character (for example, 咕, 瘩)
後竅 {n} [literary] /hòuqiào/ :: anus
後勤 {n} [military] /hòuqín/ :: logistics
後勤 {n} [figurative] /hòuqín/ :: practical support
後秦 {prop} /Hòuqín/ :: Later Qin (384–417)
後人 {n} /hòurén/ :: later generations; future generations; posterity
後人 {n} [literary] /hòurén/ :: people in the rear
後人 {v} /hòurén/ :: to lag behind others
後任 {n} /hòurèn/ :: successor
後日 {adv} /hòurì/ :: day after tomorrow
後日 {n} /hòurì/ :: day after tomorrow
後日 {adv} /hòurì/ :: someday in the future; sometime later; henceforth
後日 {n} /hòurì/ :: days to come
後晌 {n} [dialectal] /hòushǎng,er/ :: afternoon; p.m.
後晌 {n} [dialectal] /hòushang,hòushǎng/ :: evening
後晌兒 {n} /hòushǎngr/ :: erhua form of afternoon; p.m.
後晌飯 {n} /hòushangfàn/ :: supper
後葉 {n} [anatomy] /hòuyè/ :: posterior lobe (of the pituitary gland)
後生 {n} /hòushēng/ :: young person; young generation
後生 {n} /hòushēng/ :: descendants
後生 {n} /hòushēng/ :: next life
後生 {n} [Hokkien, Longyan Min, Zhao'an Hakka] /hòushēng/ :: son
後生 {adj} /hòushēng/ :: born later
後生 {adj} [chiefly Cantonese, Gan, Hakka, Min, Wu] /hòushēng/ :: young
後生動物 {n} /hòushēngdòngwù/ :: metazoa
後生可畏 {idiom} /hòushēngkěwèi/ :: a young person displaying exceptional skills; a young person's abilities must be respected; though inexperienced, the younger generations will surpass us in time
後史 {n} /hòushǐ/ :: posthistory
後世 {n} /hòushì/ :: later generation
後世 {n} /hòushì/ :: later era
後世 {n} [Buddhism] /hòushì/ :: the future world; the next world; the world to come; the afterlife
後事 {n} [literary] /hòushì/ :: aftermath; future events
後事 {n} [archaic] /hòushì/ :: successor
後事 {n} /hòushì/ :: funeral arrangements
後視鏡 {n} /hòushìjìng/ :: rear-view mirror
後手 {n} /hòushǒu,er/ :: room for manoeuvre
後手 {n} [chess] /hòushǒu,er/ :: defensive position
後蜀 {prop} /Hòushǔ/ :: Later Shu (934–965)
後嗣 {n} /hòusì/ :: posterity; descendants; successors
後送 {n} /hòusòng/ :: evacuation
後送 {v} /hòusòng/ :: to evacuate
後臺 {n} /hòutái/ :: backstage
後臺 {n} [figurative] /hòutái/ :: behind-the-scenes supporter
後台 {def} SEE: 後臺 ::
後檯 {def} SEE: 後臺 ::
後唐 {prop} /Hòutáng/ :: Later Tang (923–937)
後堂 {n} /hòutáng/ :: rear hall; rear chamber
後堂 {n} /hòutáng/ :: imperial residence
後堂 {n} /hòutáng/ :: rear of a house
後膛 {def} SEE: 後堂 ::
後藤 {prop} /Hòuténg/ :: A Japanese surname: Gotō
後天 {n} /hòutiān/ :: day after tomorrow
後天 {n} /hòutiān/ :: nurture (as opposed to nature)
後庭 {n} [literary] /hòutíng/ :: backyard
後庭 {n} [literary] /hòutíng/ :: chambers of the imperial concubines
後庭 {n} [literary, figurative] /hòutíng/ :: palace maids
後庭 {n} [slang] /hòutíng/ :: anus; back door
後頭 {adv} /hòutou/ :: behind; in the back; the rear side
後頭 {adv} /hòutou/ :: later; in future; after
後頭 {n} [Min Nan] /hòutou/ :: married woman's parents' home
後頭灣 {prop} /Hòutouwān/ :: (~ 村) [historical] 後頭灣 (village)
後腿 {n} /hòutuǐ/ :: hindleg
後退 {v} /hòutuì/ :: to step back; to move back
後退 {v} /hòutuì/ :: to retreat
後退女 {n} [slang] /hòutuìnǚ/ :: woman who causes others problems
後退女 {n} [slang, figurative] /hòutuìnǚ/ :: jailbait
後王 {n} [literary] /hòuwáng/ :: kings of later generations
後尾 {n} /hòuwěi,er/ :: last part; end
後尾 {n} /hòuwěi,er/ :: rear part; back
後尾 {n} [Quanzhou Hokkien] /hòuwěi,er/ :: backyard
後尾箱 {n} /hòuwěixiāng/ :: trunk of a motor vehicle
後味 {n} /hòuwèi/ :: aftertaste
後衛 {n} [military] /hòuwèi/ :: rearguard
後衛 {n} [sport] /hòuwèi/ :: fullback; backfield; guard
後遺症 {n} [pathology] /hòuyízhèng/ :: sequela
後遺症 {n} /hòuyízhèng/ :: aftereffect; repercussion
後霧燈 {n} [automotive] /hòuwùdēng/ :: rear fog light; rear fog lamp
後現代主義 {n} /hòuxiàndàizhǔyì/ :: postmodernism; pomo
後效 {n} /hòuxiào/ :: aftereffect; delayed effect
後心 {n} [literary] /hòuxīn/ :: in the center of one's back
後續 {adj} [attributive] /hòuxù/ :: follow-up; ensuing; following
後續 {v} [dialectal] /hòuxù/ :: to remarry
後學 {n} [literary] /hòuxué/ :: young or junior scholar or student (often used as a modest term referring to oneself when addressing an elder in imperial China)
後牙 {v} [dentistry] /hòuyá/ :: to grind one's teeth during sleep
後牙 {v} [dialect] /hòuyá/ :: to argue pointlessly; to indulge in idle talk
後牙 {n} /hòuyá/ :: molar
後燕 {prop} /Hòuyān/ :: Later Yan (384–409)
後驗 {adj} /hòuyàn/ :: a posteriori
後裔 {n} /hòuyì/ :: descendant; offspring; progeny
後影 {n} /hòuyǐng/ :: shape of a person or thing as seen from the back
後影兒 {n} /hòuyǐngr/ :: erhua form of shape of a person or thing as seen from the back
後元音 {n} [linguistics] /hòuyuányīn/ :: back vowel
後園 {n} /hòuyuán/ :: rear courtyard; backyard
後援 {n} [military] /hòuyuán/ :: reinforcements
後援 {n} [by extension] /hòuyuán/ :: reinforcement; backing; supporting force
後院 {n} /hòuyuàn,er/ :: backyard; rear courtyard
後院 {n} [figurative] /hòuyuàn,er/ :: interior; home
後閘 {n} /hòuzhá/ :: rear gate (of a walled compound)
後趙 {prop} /Hòuzhào/ :: Later Zhao (319–351)
後者 {n} /hòuzhě/ :: the latter
後殖民主義 {n} /hòuzhímínzhǔyì/ :: postcolonialism
後置 {v} /hòuzhì/ :: to place after (e.g. in grammar)
後置 {n} /hòuzhì/ :: postposition
後置詞 {n} /hòuzhìcí/ :: postposition
後周 {prop} /Hòuzhōu/ :: Later Zhou (951–960)
後綴 {n} [linguistic morphology] /hòuzhuì/ :: suffix
後座 {n} /hòuzuò,er/ :: back seat
{def} /hòu/ :: to moisten; to dampen
{def} /hòu/ :: to be steeped in
{def} /hòu/ :: to be imbued with
{def} /hòu/ :: [obsolete] pig calling
{def} /hòu/ :: [obsolete] sound of a pig; oink
{def} /逅/ :: only used in 邂逅
{def} /hòu/ :: [obsolete] mystus catfish, of the genus Mystus
{def} /hòu/ :: horseshoe crab
{def} [Zhangzhou Hokkien] /hòu/ :: clumsy; ungraceful; ungainly
{def} SEE: ::
鲎百栅 {def} SEE: 鱟百柵 ::
鲎薸 {def} SEE: 鱟薸 ::
鲎尾 {def} SEE: 鱟尾 ::
鲎桸 {def} SEE: 鱟桸 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hū,hú,2nb/ :: in; at; on
{def} [indicates the object of an action] /hū,hú,2nb/ :: with; on
{def} [indicates comparison] /hū,hú,2nb/ :: than
{def} /hū,hú,2nb/ :: [obsolete] A suffix placed after adjectives and adverbs to express praise or amazement
{def} /hū,hú,2nb/ :: [obsolete] Sentence-final interrogative particle
{def} /hū,hú,2nb/ :: [obsolete] Sentence-final exclamatory particle
{def} /hū,hú,2nb/ :: [obsolete] Sentence-final imperative particle
{def} /hū,hú,2nb/ :: [obsolete] Sentence-final speculative particle
乎乎 {suffix} /hūhū/ :: An expressive suffix for monosyllabic adjectives
{def} /hū/ :: to breathe out; to exhale; to sigh
{def} /hū/ :: to shout; to yell
{def} /hū/ :: to call (someone); to address
{def} [onomatopoeia, of wind] /hū/ :: howling
{def} /xiāo/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /xū/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /hè/ :: [obsolete] Expression of anger
{def} /xià/ :: [historical dictionaries] alternative form of
呼哱哱 {n} /hūbōbō,tl/ :: hoopoe
呼出 {v} /hūchū/ :: to breathe out (something); to exhale
呼讀音 {n} /hūdúyīn/ :: letter names of Mandarin consonants; the pronunciation used when referring to Mandarin consonants
呼读音 {def} SEE: 呼讀音 ::
呼尔 {def} SEE: 呼爾 ::
呼爾 {def} SEE: 嘑爾 ::
呼風喚雨 {idiom} /hūfēnghuànyǔ/ :: to summon the wind and rain
呼風喚雨 {idiom} /hūfēnghuànyǔ/ :: to control the forces of nature
呼风唤雨 {def} SEE: 呼風喚雨 ::
呼格 {n} /hūgé/ :: vocative case
呼喊 {v} /hūhǎn/ :: to shout out; to call; to yell
呼號 {v} /hūháo/ :: to wail; to cry out in distress
呼號 {v} /hūháo/ :: to appeal; to call (for something to be done)
呼號 {n} [telecommunications] /hūhào,er/ :: call sign
呼號 {n} /hūhào,er/ :: slogan; motto
呼号 {def} SEE: 呼號 ::
呼和浩特 {prop} /Hūhéhàotè/ :: (~ 市) 呼和浩特 (capital city)
呼吼 {v} /hūhǒu/ :: to whistle, to roar, to howl (e.g. of wind)
呼呼 {n} [onomatopoeia] /hūhū/ :: the sound of the wind or the breathing of somebody who is sound asleep, the sound of snoring
呼呼 {interj} [onomatopoeia] /hūhū/ :: hoho; hihi
呼胡 {n} /hūhú/ :: huhu (a colloquial name for the banhu in some parts of northern China)
呼唤 {def} SEE: 呼喚 ::
呼喚 {v} [literally, figuratively] /hūhuàn/ :: to call (somebody); to shout to; to try to wake up
呼机 {def} SEE: 呼機 ::
呼叫 {v} /hūjiào/ :: to call; to shout; to cry out
呼叫 {v} /hūjiào/ :: to make a telephone call; to call (a phone number)
呼叫 {n} /hūjiào/ :: call; cry; shout
呼叫等待 {n} [telephony] /hūjiào děngdài/ :: call waiting
呼叫器 {n} /hūjiàoqì/ :: pager (device)
呼叫中心 {n} /hūjiào zhōngxīn/ :: call center; call centre
呼叫轉移 {n} [telephony] /hūjiào zhuǎnyí/ :: call transfer
呼叫转移 {def} SEE: 呼叫轉移 ::
呼救 {v} /hūjiù/ :: to call for help; to shout for help
呼拉尔 {def} SEE: 呼拉爾 ::
呼拉爾 {n} /hūlā'ěr/ :: khural or hural, national congress (in Mongolia); also in Buryatia, Kalmykia or Tyva (in Russia)
呼拉圈 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, Hong Kong] /hūlāquān,er/ :: hula hoop
呼啦圈 {n} [chiefly Mainland] /hūlāquān,er/ :: hula hoop
呼兰 {def} SEE: 呼蘭 ::
呼兰河 {def} SEE: 呼蘭河 ::
呼蘭 {prop} /Hūlán/ :: (~ 區) 呼蘭 (district)
呼蘭河 {prop} /Hūlánhé/ :: Hulan River (river in Heilongjiang Province, China)
呼雷 {n} [obsolete] /hūléi/ :: alternative form of 忽雷
𢫦呼噜 {def} SEE: 𢫦呼嚕 ::
呼噜 {def} SEE: 呼嚕 ::
呼嚕 {adj} [onomatopoeia] /hūlū/ :: the sound of snoring, wheezing, gurgling, etc
呼伦 {def} SEE: 呼倫 ::
呼伦贝尔 {def} SEE: 呼倫貝爾 ::
呼伦湖 {def} SEE: 呼倫湖 ::
呼倫 {prop} /Hūlún/ :: (~ 湖) Hulun Lake
呼倫貝爾 {prop} /Hūlúnbèi'ěr/ :: (~ 市) 呼倫貝爾 (prefecture-level city)
呼倫湖 {prop} /Hūlún Hú/ :: Hulun Lake
呼麻 {v} [chiefly Taiwan] /hūmá/ :: to smoke weed; to use cannabis
呼玛 {def} SEE: 呼瑪 ::
呼瑪 {prop} /Hūmǎ/ :: (~ 縣) 呼瑪 (county)
呼麥 {n} [music] /hūmài/ :: Tuvan throat singing
呼麦 {def} SEE: 呼麥 ::
呼气 {def} SEE: 呼氣 ::
呼氣 {v} /hūqì/ :: to exhale; to breathe out
呼哨 {n} /hūshào,er/ :: whistle
呼声 {def} SEE: 呼聲 ::
呼聲 {n} /hūshēng/ :: cry; voice
呼衰 {v} [disease] /hūshuāi/ :: abbreviation of 呼吸衰竭
呼天搶地 {idiom} /hūtiān-qiāngdì/ :: to cry bitterly and loudly in excessive grief
呼天抢地 {def} SEE: 呼天搶地 ::
呼吸 {v} [sometimes, specifically] /hūxī/ :: to breathe; to exhale and inhale; to breathe in; to inhale
呼吸道 {n} [anatomy] /hūxīdào/ :: respiratory tract; airway
呼吸机 {def} SEE: 呼吸機 ::
呼吸機 {n} [medicine] /hūxījī/ :: breathing apparatus; respirator
呼吸機 {n} [medicine] /hūxījī/ :: ventilator
呼吸窘迫 {n} [medicine] /hūxī jiǒngpò/ :: respiratory distress
呼吸困难 {def} SEE: 呼吸困難 ::
呼吸困難 {v} /hūxī kùnnan/ :: to have difficulty breathing; to be short of breath; to have dyspnea
呼吸器 {n} /hūxīqì/ :: ventilator (artificial breathing apparatus used in hospitals)
呼吸衰竭 {v} [disease] /hūxī shuāijié/ :: to have respiratory failure
呼吸系統 {n} /hūxī xìtǒng/ :: respiratory system
呼吸系统 {def} SEE: 呼吸系統 ::
呼吸相通 {idiom} [figuratively] /hūxīxiāngtōng/ :: to share the feelings and sentiments; to be of a heart
呼吸作用 {n} /hūxī zuòyòng/ :: respiration
呼啸 {def} SEE: 呼嘯 ::
呼嘯 {v} /hūxiào/ :: to whistle; to scream; to whiz
呼吁 {def} SEE: 呼籲 ::
呼籲 {v} /hūyù/ :: to appeal; to call (for something to be done)
呼延 {prop} /Hūyán/ :: surname
呼应 {def} SEE: 呼應 ::
呼應 {v} /hūyìng/ :: to call and answer; to echo
呼應 {v} /hūyìng/ :: to coordinate; to correlate
呼龥 {def} SEE: 呼籲 ::
呼之欲出 {idiom} [of artistic depictions] /hūzhīyùchū/ :: to be vividly portrayed
呼之欲出 {idiom} /hūzhīyùchū/ :: to be about to be disclosed or announced
唿哨 {n} /hūshào,er/ :: alternative form of 呼哨
{def} /hū/ :: original form of
{def} [onomatopoeia] /hū/ :: A puff of wind
{def} /hū/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hù/ :: only used in 嘑爾
嘑尔 {def} SEE: 嘑爾 ::
嘑爾 {v} [literary, archaic] /hù'ěr/ :: to shout loudly
{def} /hū/ :: [obsolete] to cover
{def} /hū/ :: suddenly, abruptly
{def} /hū/ :: to neglect
{def} /hū/ :: surname
忽必烈 {prop} /Hūbìliè/ :: Kublai Khan
忽布 {n} [dated] /hūbù/ :: hop (Humulus lupulus)
忽地 {adj} /hūdì/ :: suddenly
忽而 {adv} /hū'ér/ :: now..., now... (usually used twice)
忽見 {v} [literary] /hūjiàn/ :: to suddenly see
忽见 {def} SEE: 忽見 ::
忽雷 {n} [musical instrument, historical] /hūléi/ :: A plucked lute of non-Han origin
忽雷 {n} [archaic] /hūléi/ :: alternative name for 鱷魚
忽冷忽热 {def} SEE: 忽冷忽熱 ::
忽冷忽熱 {n} /hūlěnghūrè/ :: now hot, now cold; sudden changes (also figuratively)
忽栾 {def} SEE: 忽欒 ::
忽略 {v} /hūlüè/ :: to overlook (matters, details, etc.); to neglect; to forget (about something)
忽略 {v} /hūlüè/ :: to ignore; to disregard
忽律 {n} [archaic] /hūlǜ/ :: alternative name for 鱷魚
忽然 {adv} /hūrán/ :: suddenly
忽然 {v} [Classical, euphemistic] /hūrán/ :: to pass away
忽然間 {n} /hūránjiān/ :: suddenly
忽然间 {def} SEE: 忽然間 ::
忽閃 {v} [of a light, etc.] /hūshǎn/ :: to flash; to glitter; to shine
忽閃 {v} [of eyes, etc.] /hūshan/ :: to flash; to twinkle; to flicker; to sparkle
忽闪 {def} SEE: 忽閃 ::
忽哨 {n} /hūshào,er/ :: alternative name for 呼哨
忽視 {v} /hūshì/ :: to neglect
忽視 {n} /hūshì/ :: neglect; negligence
忽視兒童 {n} /hūshì értóng/ :: child neglect
忽视 {def} SEE: 忽視 ::
忽视儿童 {def} SEE: 忽視兒童 ::
忽悠 {v} [colloquial] /hūyou/ :: to flicker; to shine unsteadily; to shake; to rock; to sway
忽悠 {v} [colloquial] /hūyou/ :: to coax; to bluff; to dupe; to con; to trick
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hū/ :: absent-minded; confused
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /xì/ :: to play; to amuse; to have fun
{def} /xì/ :: to tease; to chaff
{def} /xì/ :: theatrical play; show; theater; opera (Classifier: 齣m:部)
{def} [dialectal] /xì/ :: movie; film (Classifier: c:齣)
{def} [figurative] /xì/ :: interesting part; hope
{def} /hū/ :: alternative form of only used in 於戲
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /xī/ :: [obsolete] slanting
{def} /yī/ :: only used in 戲氏阪
戲班 {n} /xìbān/ :: theatrical company; opera troupe
戲班子 {n} /xìbānzi/ :: theatrical company; opera troupe
戲本 {n} [old] /xìběn/ :: opera script
戲稱 {v} /xìchēng/ :: to jokingly call
戲稱 {n} /xìchēng/ :: jocular appellation
戲法 {n} /xìfǎ,er/ :: magic trick
戲份 {n} /xìfèn,er/ :: work of a specific actor in an opera, drama or film
戲份 {n} [Mainland] /xìfèn,er/ :: actor's renumeration (based on their role)
戲果 {v} [Beijing, colloquial] /xìguǒ,er/ :: to seduce a girl; to pick up a woman
戲精 {n} [neologism, slang] /xìjīng/ :: talented performer
戲精 {n} [neologism, slang] /xìjīng/ :: drama queen; attention whore
戲劇 {n} [uncountable] /xìjù/ :: drama; dramatic art; theatre
戲劇 {n} [countable] /xìjù/ :: play; script of a play; piece of theatre (Classifier: m:部m:齣)
戲劇感 {n} /xìjùgǎn/ :: sense of drama
戲劇家 {n} /xìjùjiā/ :: dramatist; playwright
戲劇界 {n} /xìjùjiè/ :: theatrical circles; drama world; theater
戲劇性 {adj} /xìjùxìng/ :: dramatic
戲劇性 {n} /xìjùxìng/ :: dramatic nature
戲碼 {n} [dated] /xìmǎ,tl/ :: theater program
戲迷 {n} /xìmí/ :: theater fan; theater lover
戲目 {n} /xìmù/ :: theatrical program; repertoire
戲弄 {v} /xìnòng/ :: to make a fool of; to play tricks on
戲謔 {v} /xì謔/ :: to banter; to prank; to joke
戲棚 {n} [regional] /xìpéng/ :: open-air stage
戲評 {n} /xìpíng/ :: a critique of a play
戲曲 {n} /xìqǔ/ :: Chinese opera
戲臺 {n} [colloquial] /xìtái/ :: stage
戲臺 {n} [Malaysia Hokkien] /xìtái/ :: cinema; theater
戲台 {def} SEE: 戲臺 ::
戲台子 {def} SEE: 戲臺子 ::
戲文 {n} /xìwén/ :: actor's part or lines
戲文 {n} /xìwén/ :: traditional opera
戲文 {n} /xìwén/ :: southern drama
戲箱 {n} /xìxiāng/ :: costume trunk (storage of props and costumes for opera troupes)
戲箱 {n} [Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /xìxiāng/ :: theater fan; theater lover
戲箱 {n} [Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /xìxiāng/ :: avid fan of a theater actor (usually of the opposite sex)
戲言 {n} /xìyán/ :: joking remarks; pleasantries
戲眼 {n} /xìyǎn/ :: the most interesting part of an opera or film
戲玉 {def} SEE: 戲肉 ::
戲院 {n} /xìyuàn/ :: theatre; theater (building where performances are given) (Classifier: m:座c:間)
戲院 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /xìyuàn/ :: cinema; movie theater (Classifier: m:座c:間)
戲裝 {n} /xìzhuāng/ :: theatrical or stage costume
戲子 {n} [derogatory, dated] /xìzi/ :: opera singer; actor (a performer in Chinese opera)
{def} /hū/ :: [obsolete] fast
{def} /hū/ :: [obsolete] to neglect
{def} /hū/ :: [obsolete] name of a sword
{def} /hū/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /hū/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /biāo/ :: only used in 淲淲
{def} /hū/ :: used in 淴泱
{def} /hū/ :: used in 淴浴
淴浴 {v} /hūyù/ :: to wash oneself; to bathe
滹沱河 {prop} /Hūtuó Hé/ :: Hutuo River
{def} /hū/ :: simmer
{def} /xù/ :: dry
{def} /xù/ :: heavy smoke with no visible flame
{def} /xù/ :: to stew; to simmer
{def} /hú/ :: used in 猢猻
{def} /hú/ :: used in 獑猢
猢狲 {def} SEE: 猢猻 ::
猢猻 {n} /húsūn/ :: monkey; macaque
{def} /hū/ :: [historical dictionaries] pattern of tiger fur
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hū/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
餬口 {def} SEE: 糊口 ::
{def} /hú/ :: throat
{def} /hú/ :: used in 㖤㗅
{def} [Mainland internet slang] :: to talk nonsense
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hú/ :: cakes
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /wò/ :: to move slowly and then swiftly (said of a horse)
{def} /wò/ :: a swift horse
{def} /wò/ :: to neigh
{def} [obsolete] /hú/ :: synonym of 蒲式耳
{def} /hú/ :: only used in 囫圇
囫囵 {def} SEE: 囫圇 ::
囫囵吞枣 {def} SEE: 囫圇吞棗 ::
囫圇 {adj} /húlún/ :: complete; whole
囫圇吞棗 {idiom} [figurative] /húlúntūnzǎo,er/ :: to accept without thinking; to read without understanding
{def} SEE: ::
壶腹 {def} SEE: 壺腹 ::
壶铃 {def} SEE: 壺鈴 ::
壶卢 {def} SEE: 壺盧 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hú/ :: pot; jar; kettle (vessel used to boil liquid); jug; vase; can; thermos; bottle; flask; canteen (water bottle)
{def} /hú/ :: classifier for bottled liquid
{def} /hú/ :: surname
{def} [historical] /hú/ :: a kind of ancient vessel
壺腹 {n} [anatomy] /húfù/ :: ampulla; dilated end of a duct
壺鈴 {n} /húlíng/ :: kettlebell; girya
壺盧 {def} SEE: 葫蘆 ::
{def} /hú/ :: wooden bow
{def} /hú/ :: arc, crescent
弧度 {n} [geometry] /húdù/ :: radian
弧分 {n} /húfēn/ :: arcminute
弧光 {n} /húguāng/ :: arc light
弧簏 {def} SEE: 胡祿 ::
弧簶 {def} SEE: 胡祿 ::
弧秒 {n} /húmiǎo/ :: arcsecond
弧線 {n} /húxiàn/ :: arc (segment)
弧线 {def} SEE: 弧線 ::
弧形 {n} /húxíng/ :: arch (shape)
{def} /hú/ :: to excavate; to unearth
{def} /hú/ :: to split; to crack; to break open
{def} /hú/ :: to affect
{def} /gǔ/ :: to disrupt; to throw into disorder
{def} [Cantonese] /hú,kū/ :: to shake
{def} /hú/ :: unit of measurement equal to about five or ten dou ()
{def} /hú/ :: used in 石斛
楜椒 {def} SEE: 胡椒 ::
槲寄生 {n} [botany] /hújìshēng/ :: mistletoe
槲树 {def} SEE: 槲樹 ::
槲樹 {n} /húshù/ :: Japanese emperor oak (Quercus dentata)
{def} /hú/ :: lake; loch
{def} /hú/ :: abbreviation of 湖北
{def} /hú/ :: abbreviation of 湖南
湖岸 {n} /hú'àn/ :: lakeshore; lakeside; shore of a lake
湖北 {prop} /Húběi/ :: (~ 省) 湖北 (province)
湖北口 {prop} /Húběikǒu/ :: (~ 回族鄉) 湖北口 (township)
湖北口回族乡 {def} SEE: 湖北口回族鄉 ::
湖北口回族鄉 {prop} /Húběikǒu Huízú Xiāng/ :: 湖北口回族鄉 (township)
湖边 {def} SEE: 湖邊 ::
湖邊 {n} /húbiān/ :: lakeshore; lakeside; shore of a lake
湖滨 {def} SEE: 湖濱 ::
湖濱 {n} /húbīn/ :: lakeside; lakeshore
湖泊 {n} /hú泊/ :: lake
湖唇 {def} SEE: 湖脣 ::
湖大 {prop} /Húdà/ :: abbreviation of
湖大 {prop} /Húdà/ :: abbreviation of
湖电 {def} SEE: 湖電 ::
湖電 {prop} /Húdiàn/ :: (~ 社區) 湖電 (community)
湖工 {prop} /Húgōng/ :: (~ 社區) 湖工 (residential community)
湖广 {def} SEE: 湖廣 ::
湖广熟,天下足 {def} SEE: 湖廣熟,天下足 ::
湖廣 {prop} /Húguǎng/ :: Hunan and Hubei
湖廣 {prop} [historical] /Húguǎng/ :: Huguang province
湖廣熟,天下足 {proverb} /Húguǎng shú, tiānxià zú/ :: Used to refer to the fertility of land in Hunan and Hubei
湖海 {n} [archaic] /húhǎi/ :: the lakes and oceans
湖海 {n} [archaic] /húhǎi/ :: across the land; everywhere
湖壳子 {def} SEE: 湖殼子 ::
湖口 {prop} /Húkǒu/ :: (~ 鄉) 湖口 (rural township)
湖里 {prop} /Húlǐ/ :: (~ 區) 湖里 (district)
湖面 {n} /húmiàn,er/ :: lake surface
湖南 {prop} /Húnán/ :: (~ 省) 湖南 (province)
湖南 {prop} /Húnán/ :: (~ 市) 湖南 (city)
湖南 {prop} /Húnán/ :: (~ 地方) 湖南 (region)
湖內 {prop} /Húnèi/ :: (~ 區) 湖內 (district)
湖内 {def} SEE: 湖內 ::
湖畔 {n} /húpàn/ :: lakeside; lakeshore
湖鳅 {def} SEE: 湖鰍 ::
湖鳅仔 {def} SEE: 湖鰍仔 ::
湖水 {n} /húshuǐ/ :: lake water; the water in a lake
湖西 {prop} /Húxī/ :: (~ 市) 湖西 (city)
湖西 {prop} /Húxī/ :: (~ 鄉) 湖西 (rural township)
湖西 {prop} /Húxī/ :: (~ 村) 湖西 (rural village)
湖鮮 {n} /húxiān/ :: freshwater seafood (from a lake)
湖鲜 {def} SEE: 湖鮮 ::
湖泽 {def} SEE: 湖澤 ::
湖澤 {n} /húzé/ :: lakes and marshes
湖沼 {n} /húzhǎo/ :: lakes and marshes
湖沼学 {def} SEE: 湖沼學 ::
湖沼學 {n} /húzhǎoxué/ :: limnology
湖州 {prop} /Húzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 湖州 (prefecture-level city)
{def} /hú/ :: only used in 瀫江
{def} /hú/ :: (appearance of) fire
{def} /hú/ :: fox
{def} /hú/ :: surname
狐笔 {def} SEE: 狐筆 ::
狐步 {n} /húbù/ :: foxtrot
狐臭 {n} /húchòu/ :: body odour [especially in the armpit region]
狐猴 {n} /húhóu/ :: lemur
狐惑 {n} /húhuò/ :: alternative name for 狐惑病
狐惑病 {n} [TCM] /húhuòbìng/ :: A disease characterised by recurrent oral and genital ulcers, hoarseness and eye inflammation. Likely equivalent to Behçet's disease
狐假虎威 {idiom} [figurative, pejorative] /hújiǎhǔwēi/ :: to use powerful connections to intimidate people
狐狼 {n} /húláng/ :: jackal
狐狸 {n} /húli,húlí,1nb/ :: fox (Classifier: 隻)
狐狸 {n} [figurative] /húli,húlí,1nb/ :: sly person; treacherous person (Classifier: 個)
狐狸精 {n} [Chinese mythology] /húlijīng/ :: hulijing; fox spirit
狐狸精 {n} [figurative, derogatory] /húlijīng/ :: woman of easy virtue; woman who seduces a married or otherwise romantically-involved man; homewreckervixen
狐狸座 {prop} [constellation] /Húlizuò/ :: Vulpecula
狐媚 {v} [of a woman] /húmèi/ :: to entice with feminine charms
狐獴 {n} /húměng,húméng/ :: meerkat
狐朋狗友 {idiom} [pejorative] /húpénggǒuyǒu/ :: disreputable friends; evil associates; gang of scoundrels
狐皮𦛨 {def} SEE: 狐皮朥 ::
狐气 {def} SEE: 狐氣 ::
狐裘 {n} /húqiú/ :: fox-fur robe
狐羣狗黨 {def} SEE: 狐群狗黨 ::
狐群狗党 {def} SEE: 狐群狗黨 ::
狐群狗黨 {idiom} /húqún-gǒudǎng/ :: a pack of rogues; a gang of scoundrels
狐臊 {n} /húsāo/ :: body odour
狐疝 {n} [TCM] /húshàn/ :: indirect inguinal hernia
狐仙 {n} [Chinese mythology] /húxiān/ :: huxian; fox spirit
狐献 {def} SEE: 狐獻 ::
狐疑 {n} /húyí/ :: doubt; suspicion
狐疑 {v} /húyí/ :: to be suspicious of; to doubt
狐鼬 {n} /húyòu/ :: tayra (Eira barbara)
瑚璉 {n} [literary, historical] /hú璉/ :: sacrificial vessel used to hold Chinese sorghum in an ancestral temple
瑚璉 {n} [literary, figurative] /hú璉/ :: capable person; talent
瑚琏 {def} SEE: 瑚璉 ::
{def} /hú,hū,hù/ :: paste
{def} /hú,hū,hù/ :: to apply a mixture
{def} /hú,hū,hù/ :: muddled; unclear
{def} [Mainland, fandom slang] /hú,hū,hù/ :: to flop
{def} [Cantonese] /hú,hū,hù/ :: victory in mahjong game
糊糊面 {def} SEE: 糊糊麵 ::
糊精 {n} [carbohydrate] /hújīng/ :: dextrin
糊口 {v} /húkǒu/ :: to scrape a meager living; to get by with difficulty; to eke out a livelihood
糊裏糊塗 {def} SEE: 糊裡糊塗 ::
糊裡糊塗 {adj} /húlihútú,húlǐhútú/ :: synonym of 糊塗
糊里糊塗 {def} SEE: 糊裡糊塗 ::
糊里糊涂 {def} SEE: 糊裡糊塗 ::
糊弄 {v} [colloquial] /hùnong/ :: to cheat; to hoodwink; to dupe; to fool; to deceive
糊弄 {v} [colloquial] /hùnong/ :: to make do
糊弄 {v} [colloquial] /hùnong/ :: to go through the motions
糊湯米酒 {n} [Wuhan] /hútāngmǐjiǔ/ :: hutang rice wine
糊湯米酒 {n} [Wuhan] /hútāngmǐjiǔ/ :: fool
糊汤米酒 {def} SEE: 糊湯米酒 ::
糊塗 {adj} /hútú,húdu,tl/ :: bewildered; confused; muddled
糊塗 {adj} /hútú,húdu,tl/ :: messy; disordered; chaotic
糊塗 {adj} /hútú,húdu,tl/ :: stupid; foolish
糊塗蟲 {n} /hútuchóng,hútúchóng,húduchóng,er/ :: blunderer; bungler
糊塗蛋 {n} [colloquial] /hútudàn,hútúdàn,1nb/ :: confused or clueless person
糊塗賬 {n} /hútuzhàng/ :: chaotic accounts
糊涂 {def} SEE: 糊塗 ::
糊涂虫 {def} SEE: 糊塗蟲 ::
糊涂蛋 {def} SEE: 糊塗蛋 ::
糊涂账 {def} SEE: 糊塗賬 ::
糊药 {def} SEE: 糊藥 ::
糊嘴 {v} [dated] /húzuǐ/ :: to scrape a meagre living
{def} /hú/ :: [obsolete] wattle; dewlap (fleshy lobe hanging from the head or neck of animals)
{def} /hú/ :: [obsolete] wattle-like object, such as pendent parts on implements
{def} /hú/ :: [obsolete] how; why; what
{def} [historical] /hú/ :: barbarian; a generic term for any non-Han peoples who lived to the north and west of China's borders
{def} [historical] /hú/ :: countries and peoples in the Western Regions, including Persia, Daqin, and in Pre-Tang texts, India
{def} [by extension] /hú/ :: introduced from the northern or western non-Han peoples or from abroad; non-Chinese; foreign; imported
{def} [musical instrument] /hú/ :: abbreviation of 胡琴
{def} [historical] /hú/ :: (~ 國) zh:胡國 in the Spring and Autumn Period in modern-day Anhui, conquered by the Chu (state) in 496 BCE
{def} /hú/ :: [obsolete] black; dark-skinned
{def} /hú/ :: [obsolete] far; great; senior
{def} /hú/ :: outrageously; recklessly; wildly; foolishly
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hú/ :: surname
胡安 {prop} /Hú'ān/ :: Juan
胡餅 {n} /húbǐng/ :: a baked cake of wheat flour usually topped with sesame
胡饼 {def} SEE: 胡餅 ::
胡拨 {def} SEE: 胡撥 ::
胡拨思 {def} SEE: 胡撥思 ::
胡拨四 {def} SEE: 胡撥四 ::
胡撥 {n} /húbō/ :: alternative name for 火不思
胡撥思 {n} /húbōsī/ :: alternative name for 火不思
胡撥四 {n} /húbōsì/ :: alternative name for 火不思
胡伯伯 {prop} [chiefly Vietnam, officialese] /Hú Bóbo/ :: “Uncle Ho”, an epithet for the Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh
胡茬 {def} SEE: 鬍茬 ::
胡茬茬 {def} SEE: 鬍茬茬 ::
胡場 {prop} /Hú场/ :: (~ 鎮) 胡場 (town)
胡场 {def} SEE: 胡場 ::
胡扯 {v} /húchě/ :: to talk nonsense; to chatter idly
胡扯 {n} /húchě/ :: random talk; aimless conversation
胡扯 {n} /húchě/ :: wild talk; lies
胡吃海塞 {idiom} /húchīhǎisāi/ :: to recklessly stuff oneself with food; gluttony
胡臭 {def} SEE: 狐臭 ::
胡床 {n} /húchuáng/ :: a type of portable folding chair
胡牀 {def} SEE: 胡床 ::
胡大 {prop} [chiefly Islam] /Húdà/ :: Khuda (name for god in Iranian languages); Allah; God
胡蝶 {def} SEE: 蝴蝶 ::
胡蝶夢 {def} SEE: 蝴蝶夢 ::
胡豆 {n} /húdòu/ :: broad bean; fava bean (Vicia faba)
胡豆 {n} [obsolete] /húdòu/ :: pea (Pisum sativum)
胡儿 {def} SEE: 胡兒 ::
胡兒 {n} /hú'ér/ :: northern barbarians in ancient China
胡匪 {def} SEE: 鬍匪 ::
胡粉 {n} /húfěn/ :: white lead powder (used in makeup or wall paint)
胡蜂 {n} /húfēng/ :: wasp, hornet
胡蜂酒 {n} /húfēngjiǔ/ :: A prescription used by the Jingpo people to relieve acute rheumatism and rheumatic arthritis. It is an extract of Vespa magnifica Smith (胡蜂) (syn. Vespa mandarinia magnifica), with liquor
胡服 {n} /húfú/ :: the clothing of the northern barbarians of Ancient China
胡搞 {v} /húgǎo/ :: to mess around
胡搞 {v} /húgǎo/ :: to sleep around; to have an affair
胡攪 {v} /hújiǎo/ :: to pester somebody; to be mischievous
胡攪 {v} /hújiǎo/ :: to argue tediously and vexatiously; to wrangle
胡攪蠻纏 {idiom} /hújiǎománchán/ :: to pester somebody endlessly; to be unreasonable; to plague somebody with unreasonable demands; to argue tediously and vexatiously
胡弓 {n} [musical instrument] /húgōng/ :: kokyū
胡瓜 {n} /húguā/ :: cucumber
胡化 {v} /húhuà/ :: to barbarianize or be barbarianized; to be influenced by barbarians
胡話 {n} /húhuà/ :: nonsense; rubbish
胡话 {def} SEE: 胡話 ::
胡焕庸线 {def} SEE: 胡煥庸線 ::
胡煥庸線 {prop} [geography] /Hú Huànyōng Xiàn/ :: Hu Line; Heihe–Tengchong Line
胡黃連 {n} /húhuánglián/ :: rhizome of the picrorhiza (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to "clear deficiency heat")
胡黄连 {def} SEE: 胡黃連 ::
胡姬花 {n} /hújīhuā/ :: orchid
胡集 {prop} /Hújí/ :: (~ 鎮) 胡集 (town)
胡集 {prop} /Hújí/ :: (~ 社區) 胡集 (residential community)
胡騎 {n} /hújì/ :: mounted northern barbarian troops
胡家塘 {prop} /Hújiātáng/ :: (~ 村) 胡家塘 (village)
胡家營 {prop} /Hújiāyíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 胡家營 (town)
胡家营 {def} SEE: 胡家營 ::
胡笳 {n} [archaic] /hújiā/ :: a kind of reed pipe adopted by the Chinese from nomadic peoples of Central Asia in ancient times and used in military music
胡笳十八拍 {prop} /hújiā shíbā pāi/ :: Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute (a famous piece of music written by Cai Yan (蔡琰) at the end of the Eastern Han dynasty)
胡建 {prop} [humorous] /Hújiàn/ :: Fujian
胡椒 {n} /hújiāo/ :: pepper, especially black pepper (both the plant and the spice)
胡椒 {n} /hújiāo/ :: abbreviation of 胡椒粉
胡椒 {n} [Min Dong] /hújiāo/ :: nonsense; bullshit
胡椒 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /hújiāo/ :: chili pepper; red pepper
胡椒薄荷 {n} /hújiāobòhé/ :: peppermint
胡椒餅 {n} /hújiāobǐng/ :: hujiao bing; pepper bun (a Chinese snack)
胡椒饼 {def} SEE: 胡椒餅 ::
胡椒粉 {n} /hújiāofěn/ :: ground pepper
胡椒粉儿 {def} SEE: 胡椒粉兒 ::
胡椒碱 {def} SEE: 胡椒鹼 ::
胡椒鹼 {n} [organic compound] /hújiāojiǎn/ :: piperine
胡椒面 {def} SEE: 胡椒麵 ::
胡椒面儿 {def} SEE: 胡椒麵兒 ::
胡椒喷雾 {def} SEE: 胡椒噴霧 ::
胡椒噴霧 {n} /hújiāo pēnwù/ :: pepper spray (non-lethal riot-control agent)
胡椒瓶 {n} /hújiāopíng/ :: pepper shaker (a small container designed to hold pepper and facilitate sprinkling it)
胡椒醛 {n} [organic compound] /hújiāoquán/ :: piperonal
胡搅 {def} SEE: 胡攪 ::
胡搅蛮缠 {def} SEE: 胡攪蠻纏 ::
胡金店 {prop} /Hújīndiàn/ :: (~ 鎮) 胡金店 (town)
胡辣湯 {n} /húlàtāng/ :: hulatang (Chinese soup popular in Henan and Shaanxi provinces)
胡辣汤 {def} SEE: 胡辣湯 ::
胡來 {v} /húlái/ :: to act indiscreetly; to mess around; to act recklessly
胡來 {v} /húlái/ :: to make trouble
胡来 {def} SEE: 胡來 ::
胡狼 {n} /húláng/ :: jackal
胡卢 {def} SEE: 胡盧 ::
胡盧 {def} SEE: 葫蘆 ::
胡盧 {n} [onomatopoeia, obsolete] /húlú/ :: the sound of someone laughing out loud
胡芦 {def} SEE: 胡蘆 ::
胡芦巴 {def} SEE: 胡蘆巴 ::
胡蘆 {def} SEE: 葫蘆 ::
胡蘆巴 {n} /húlúbā/ :: fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
胡虏 {def} SEE: 胡虜 ::
胡虜 {n} [historical] /húlǔ/ :: Beidi (non-Chinese ethnic groups living to China's north)
胡䩮 {def} SEE: 胡祿 ::
胡祿 {n} [literary, historical] /húlù/ :: arrow case; quiver
胡禄 {def} SEE: 胡祿 ::
胡簏 {def} SEE: 胡祿 ::
胡簶 {def} SEE: 胡祿 ::
胡鹿 {def} SEE: 胡祿 ::
胡乱 {def} SEE: 胡亂 ::
胡亂 {adv} /húluàn/ :: at random; casually; carelessly
胡亂 {adv} /húluàn/ :: as one pleases; as one likes; whatever one wants
胡萝卜 {def} SEE: 胡蘿蔔 ::
胡萝卜素 {def} SEE: 胡蘿蔔素 ::
胡蘿卜 {def} SEE: 胡蘿蔔 ::
胡蘿蔔 {n} /húluóbo/ :: carrot
胡蘿蔔 {v} [Mainland, fandom slang] /húluóbo/ :: to flop
胡蘿蔔素 {n} [organic chemistry] /húluóbosù/ :: carotene
胡麻 {n} /húmá/ :: flax (Linum usitatissimum); linseed
胡麻 {n} /húmá/ :: sesame (Sesamum indicum)
胡麻油 {n} /húmáyóu/ :: linseed oil
胡母 {prop} [rare] /Húmǔ,hú mǔ/ :: surname
胡母 {n} /Húmǔ,hú mǔ/ :: the mother of anyone whose family name is 胡
胡闹 {def} SEE: 胡鬧 ::
胡鬧 {v} /húnào/ :: to make trouble; to play the fool; to horse around; to fool about; to clown around
胡鬧 {v} /húnào/ :: to act rashly; to act recklessly; to be foolhardy
胡牌 {def} SEE: 和牌 ::
胡七八说 {def} SEE: 胡七八說 ::
胡骑 {def} SEE: 胡騎 ::
胡琴 {n} /húqín,tl/ :: huqin (any of a family of vertical bowed lutes used in Chinese music)
胡青 {def} SEE: 鬍青 ::
胡人 {prop} [historical] /Húrén/ :: the Northern and Western barbarian tribes of Ancient China
胡沙 {n} [literary] /húshā/ :: the deserts and sandstorms in the northern barbarian land (i.e. present-day western and northern China)
胡沙 {n} [literary] /húshā/ :: the power or bluster of invading non-Han troops from the north
胡沙 {n} [obsolete] /húshā/ :: a type of sharks
胡沙 {n} /húshā/ :: A compound surname
胡哨 {n} /húshào,er/ :: alternative name for 呼哨
胡狮狗 {def} SEE: 胡獅狗 ::
胡秫 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /húshú/ :: sorghum
胡說 {v} /húshuō/ :: to talk nonsense
胡說 {n} /húshuō/ :: nonsense; rubbish
胡說八道 {idiom} /húshuōbādào/ :: to talk nonsense; rubbish; balderdash
胡说 {def} SEE: 胡說 ::
胡说八道 {def} SEE: 胡說八道 ::
胡思乱想 {def} SEE: 胡思亂想 ::
胡思亂想 {v} /húsīluànxiǎng/ :: to daydream; to give way to foolish fancies; to go off into flights of fancy
胡荽 {n} /húsuī/ :: coriander
胡孙 {def} SEE: 胡孫 ::
胡孫 {def} SEE: 猢猻 ::
胡桃 {n} /hútáo/ :: walnut (Juglans)
胡桃 {n} [Nanjing Mandarin, card games] /hútáo/ :: spade ()
胡桃夹子 {def} SEE: 胡桃夾子 ::
胡桃夾子 {n} /hútáo夹zi/ :: nutcracker
胡桃仁 {n} /hútáorén/ :: seed kernel of the walnut (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to promote "yang" energy.)
胡桃肉 {n} /hútáoròu/ :: meat of the walnut, semen juglandis (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to promote "yang" energy.)
胡梯 {n} [chiefly Wu] /hútī/ :: ladder; stairs
胡天 {n} /hútiān/ :: Zoroastrianism
胡同 {def} SEE: 衚衕 ::
胡桐 {n} /hútóng/ :: alternative name for 胡楊
胡桐 {n} /hútóng/ :: Calophyllum inophyllum
胡塗 {def} SEE: 糊塗 ::
胡涂 {def} SEE: 胡塗 ::
胡为 {def} SEE: 胡為 ::
胡為 {v} /húwéi/ :: to act like a bully; to act recklessly
胡為 {pron} [literary] /húwèi/ :: why; how
胡兀儿 {def} SEE: 胡兀兒 ::
胡兀兒 {n} [musical instrument] /húwù'ér/ :: alternative name for 馬頭琴
胡西它尔 {def} SEE: 胡西它爾 ::
胡西它爾 {n} [musical instrument] /húxītā'ěr/ :: khushtar (a bowed stringed Uyghur musical instrument)
胡西塔尔 {def} SEE: 胡西塔爾 ::
胡西塔爾 {n} /húxītǎ'ěr/ :: alternative form of 胡西它爾
胡须 {def} SEE: 鬍鬚 ::
胡言 {v} /húyán/ :: to talk nonsense
胡言 {n} /húyán/ :: nonsense; gibberish
胡言 {n} [archaic] /húyán/ :: languages of the non-Han people in northwestern and northern China
胡言汉语 {def} SEE: 胡言漢語 ::
胡言漢語 {idiom} /húyánhànyǔ/ :: to talk nonsense; to rave; babbling nonsense
胡言乱语 {def} SEE: 胡言亂語 ::
胡言亂語 {idiom} /húyánluànyǔ/ :: to talk nonsense; to drivel; drivel; nonsense; gibberish; double Dutch
胡杨 {def} SEE: 胡楊 ::
胡楊 {n} /húyáng/ :: Populus euphratica
胡夷 {n} [literary] /húyí/ :: foreigners; non-Han people
胡蝇 {def} SEE: 胡蠅 ::
胡蝇黐 {def} SEE: 胡蠅黐 ::
胡蝇虎 {def} SEE: 胡蠅虎 ::
胡蝇拍仔 {def} SEE: 胡蠅拍仔 ::
胡蝇屎 {def} SEE: 胡蠅屎 ::
胡蝇屎痣 {def} SEE: 胡蠅屎痣 ::
胡蝇纸 {def} SEE: 胡蠅紙 ::
胡渣 {def} SEE: 鬍渣 ::
胡志明 {prop} /Hú Zhìmíng/ :: Ho Chi Minh (Vietnamese leader)
胡志明 {prop} /Hú Zhìmíng/ :: (~ 市) Ho Chi Minh City
胡志明市 {prop} /Hú Zhìmíng Shì/ :: 胡志明市 (city)
胡謅 {v} /hú謅/ :: to cook up a story; to fabricate; to talk nonsense
胡謅 {n} /hú謅/ :: wild talk; nonsensical talk
胡诌 {def} SEE: 胡謅 ::
胡子 {def} SEE: 鬍子 ::
胡子楂 {def} SEE: 鬍子茬 ::
胡子碴 {def} SEE: 鬍子茬 ::
胡子茬 {def} SEE: 鬍子茬 ::
胡作非为 {def} SEE: 胡作非為 ::
胡作非為 {idiom} /húzuòfēiwéi/ :: to disregard rules and do evil as one pleases
{def} /hú/ :: used in 葫蘆
{def} /hú/ :: [obsolete] garlic
葫芦 {def} SEE: 葫蘆 ::
葫芦岛 {def} SEE: 葫蘆島 ::
葫芦儿 {def} SEE: 葫蘆兒 ::
葫芦瓜 {def} SEE: 葫蘆瓜 ::
葫芦瓠 {def} SEE: 葫蘆瓠 ::
葫芦笙 {def} SEE: 葫蘆笙 ::
葫芦丝 {def} SEE: 葫蘆絲 ::
葫芦藤 {def} SEE: 葫蘆藤 ::
葫蘆 {n} /húlu,er/ :: (~ 瓜) bottle gourd; calabash
葫蘆島 {prop} /Húlúdǎo/ :: (~ 市) 葫蘆島 (city)
葫蘆兒 {n} /húlur/ :: erhua form of bottle gourd
葫蘆兒 {n} [colloquial] /húlur/ :: candied fruits on a bamboo skewer
葫蘆笙 {n} [musical instruments] /húlúshēng/ :: hulusheng, a free-reed wind instrument similar to the sheng, consisting of multiple bamboo pipes of various lengths inserted into a wind chest made from a dried gourd; most commonly found in the Yunnan province of southwest China where it is used primarily by members of several ethnic minorities
葫蘆絲 {n} [musical instrument] /húlusī/ :: hulusi (Chinese free-reed wind instrument with three bamboo pipes that pass through a gourd wind chest; originating in Yunnan province)
{def} /hú,hù,2n/ :: only used in 蝴蝶
蝴蝶 {n} /húdié,er/ :: butterfly (Classifier: 隻)
蝴蝶 {n} [Hokkien] /húdié,er/ :: hinge (device for the pivoting of a door)
蝴蝶餅 {n} /húdiébǐng/ :: palmier (type of French biscuit)
蝴蝶餅 {n} /húdiébǐng/ :: pretzel
蝴蝶饼 {def} SEE: 蝴蝶餅 ::
蝴蝶刀 {n} /húdiédāo/ :: butterfly knife
蝴蝶儿 {def} SEE: 蝴蝶兒 ::
蝴蝶兒 {n} /húdiér,hùtiěr,hùdiǎr,2n/ :: erhua form of butterfly
蝴蝶花 {n} [botany] /húdiéhuā/ :: fringed iris
蝴蝶結 {n} /húdiéjié,er/ :: butterfly bow tie or bowknot (type of knot with two loops)
蝴蝶结 {def} SEE: 蝴蝶結 ::
蝴蝶夢 {n} [literary] /húdiémèng/ :: indistinct dream; hazy fantasy
蝴蝶梦 {def} SEE: 蝴蝶夢 ::
蝴蝶琴 {n} /húdiéqín/ :: yangqin; Chinese dulcimer
蝴蝶犬 {n} /húdiéquǎn/ :: papillon (lapdog with butterfly-like ears)
蝴蝶酥 {n} /húdiésū/ :: crispy short-crust pastry
蝴蝶酥 {n} /húdiésū/ :: mille-feuilles
蝴蝶酥 {n} /húdiésū/ :: palmier (type of French biscuit)
蝴蝶瓦 {n} /húdiéwǎ/ :: small black tile (a name for the old-style curved roof tile)
蝴蝶效应 {def} SEE: 蝴蝶效應 ::
蝴蝶效應 {n} /húdié xiàoyìng/ :: butterfly effect
{def} /hú/ :: [obsolete] mole cricket
{def} /hú/ :: only used in 衚衕
衚衕 {n} /hútòng,tl/ :: hutong (a narrow street, lane, or alley, most commonly in Beijing)
觳觫 {v} [literary] /húsù/ :: to tremble in fear
{def} /hú/ :: only used in 醍醐
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hú/ :: beard; moustache; whiskers
鬍茬 {n} /húchá/ :: stubble
鬍匪 {n} /húfěi/ :: bandit; brigand; outlaw
鬍青 {n} /húqīng/ :: beard shadow
鬍鬚 {n} /húxū/ :: beard; mustache; whiskers
鬍渣 {n} /húzhā/ :: stubble
鬍子 {n} /húzi/ :: beard, mustache or whiskers; facial hair
鬍子 {n} /húzi/ :: bearded man
鬍子 {n} [Northeastern Mandarin, dated] /húzi/ :: bandit; brigand; outlaw
鬍子楂 {def} SEE: 鬍子茬 ::
鬍子碴 {def} SEE: 鬍子茬 ::
鬍子茬 {n} /húzichá/ :: stubble
{def} /hú/ :: only used in 當魱
{def} /hú/ :: only used in 鰗鮧
{def} /hú/ :: only used in 鶟鶦
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /xiāo/ :: anger voice of tiger
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guó/ :: voice of bird
{def} /xià/ :: alternative form of
{def} /hǔ/ :: to frighten or to fool
唬秤头 {def} SEE: 唬秤頭 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hǎng,huǎng/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
浒梅 {def} SEE: 滸梅 ::
{def} /hǔ/ :: water’s edge
{def} /hǔ/ :: only used in 琥珀
琥珀 {n} /hǔpò/ :: amber
琥珀抱龍丸 {n} [TCM] /hǔpò bàolóngwán/ :: a brownish-red pill used in traditional Chinese medicine to induce tranquilization, and to remove heat and resolve phlegm in the treatment of fever with convulsion, restlessness and dyspnea
琥珀抱龙丸 {def} SEE: 琥珀抱龍丸 ::
琥珀色 {n} /hǔpòsè/ :: amber (color)
琥珀酸 {n} [carboxylic acid] /hǔpòsuān/ :: succinic acid
{def} /hǔ/ :: [obsolete] a kind of grass
{def} /hǔ/ :: [obsolete] a kind of bean
{def} /hǔ/ :: tiger
{def} [figurative] /hǔ/ :: brave; fierce
{def} /hǔ/ :: surname
{def} /hǔ,hū,1nb/ :: only used in 馬虎
{def} /hù,hǔ,1nb/ :: only used in 虎不拉
虎豹豺狼 {idiom} /hǔbàocháiláng/ :: alternative form of 豺狼虎豹
虎背 {adj} /hǔbèi/ :: sturdy; heavy
虎賁 {n} [archaic] /hǔbēn/ :: brave warrior
虎賁 {n} [archaic, historical] /hǔbēn/ :: captain of the imperial guard (official title)
虎賁中郎將 {n} [archaic] /hǔbēn zhōnglángjiàng/ :: captain of a monarch's personal protective force
虎贲 {def} SEE: 虎賁 ::
虎贲中郎将 {def} SEE: 虎賁中郎將 ::
虎波 {n} [botany] /hǔbō/ :: Faucaria britteniae or Faucaria crassisepala
虎波 {n} [musical instrument] /hǔbō/ :: A kind of Chinese court instrument
虎不拉 {n} [chiefly dialectal Mandarin] /hùbulǎ,hùbalǎ,hùbolǎ,hǔbulā,1nb/ :: shrike
虎不拉 {adj} [Beijing] /hùbulǎ,hùbalǎ,hùbolǎ,hǔbulā,1nb/ :: rude and unreasonable
虎步 {n} [literary] /hǔbù/ :: the stride of a tiger; a confident stride
虎耳草 {n} /hǔ'ěrcǎo/ :: saxifrage
虎符 {n} /hǔfú/ :: two-piece tiger-shaped tally issued to generals as imperial authorization for troop movement in ancient China, with one issued to a military officer which would be matched with the other half
虎父無犬子 {proverb} [idiom] /hǔfù wú quǎnzǐ/ :: like father, like son
虎父无犬子 {def} SEE: 虎父無犬子 ::
虎将 {def} SEE: 虎將 ::
虎將 {n} /hǔjiàng/ :: brave general
虎鯨 {n} /hǔjīng/ :: killer whale; Orcinus orca
虎鲸 {def} SEE: 虎鯨 ::
虎井 {prop} /Hǔjǐng/ :: (~ 嶼) 虎井 (island)
虎井 {prop} /Hǔjǐng/ :: (~ 里) 虎井 (urban village)
虎口 {n} /hǔkǒu/ :: a tiger's mouth
虎口 {n} /hǔkǒu/ :: the jaws of death
虎口 {n} /hǔkǒu/ :: the web between the thumb and forefinger of a hand
虎口余生 {def} SEE: 虎口餘生 ::
虎口餘生 {idiom} /hǔkǒuyúshēng/ :: to survive a disaster; to have a narrow escape
虎狼 {n} /hǔláng/ :: tigers and wolves
虎狼 {adj} [archaic] /hǔláng/ :: fierce
虎狼之师 {def} SEE: 虎狼之師 ::
虎狼之師 {n} [archaic] /hǔláng zhī shī/ :: an army of fierce fighters
虎牢 {prop} [archaic] /Hǔláo/ :: Hulao (also known as Sishui)
虎牢关 {def} SEE: 虎牢關 ::
虎牢關 {prop} [archaic] /Hǔláo Guān/ :: Hulao Pass
虎列拉 {n} [dated] /hǔlièlā/ :: cholera
虎林 {prop} /Hǔlín/ :: (~ 市) 虎林 (county-level city)
虎蝼蜂 {def} SEE: 虎螻蜂 ::
虎鲁舅 {def} SEE: 虎魯舅 ::
虎鑼 {n} [musical instrument] /hǔluó/ :: a type of Chinese gong
虎锣 {def} SEE: 虎鑼 ::
虎落平阳被犬欺 {def} SEE: 虎落平陽被犬欺 ::
虎落平陽被犬欺 {proverb} /hǔ luò píngyáng bèi quǎn qī/ :: a man who loses position and influence may be subjected to much indignity
虎妈 {def} SEE: 虎媽 ::
虎媽 {n} /hǔmā/ :: tiger mother; tiger mum; tiger mom
虎猫 {def} SEE: 虎貓 ::
虎貓 {n} /hǔmāo/ :: ocelot (Leopardus pardalis)
虎門 {prop} /Hǔmén/ :: (~ 水道) The Bogue; Humen; Bocca Tigris (a major strait in the Pearl River Delta between Guangzhou and the South China Sea)
虎門 {prop} /Hǔmén/ :: (~ 鎮) 虎門 (town)
虎门 {def} SEE: 虎門 ::
虎無爪,鳥無翼 {idiom} /hǔ wú zhuǎ, niǎo wú yì/ :: a useless individual
虎珀 {def} SEE: 琥珀 ::
虎魄 {def} SEE: 琥珀 ::
虎气 {def} SEE: 虎氣 ::
虎氣 {n} /hǔqì/ :: heroic manner; valour
虎鉗 {n} /hǔqián/ :: vice; clamp
虎钳 {def} SEE: 虎鉗 ::
虎入羊羣 {def} SEE: 虎入羊群 ::
虎入羊群 {idiom} /hǔrùyángqún/ :: fox in the henhouse
虎狮狗 {def} SEE: 虎獅狗 ::
虎势 {def} SEE: 虎勢 ::
虎勢 {adj} [dialect] /hǔshì,tl/ :: strong
虎視 {v} [literary] /hǔshì/ :: to eye covetously (like a tiger glaring at its prey); to stare down
虎視眈眈 {idiom} /hǔshìdāndān/ :: to glare like a tiger watching its prey; to glare at with fierceness; to keep a vigilant eye on; to eye covetously
虎视 {def} SEE: 虎視 ::
虎视眈眈 {def} SEE: 虎視眈眈 ::
虎体狼腰 {def} SEE: 虎體狼腰 ::
虎体熊腰 {def} SEE: 虎體熊腰 ::
虎体猿臂 {def} SEE: 虎體猿臂 ::
虎體狼腰 {idiom} /hǔ tǐ láng yāo/ :: describes someone with an imposing or majestic bearing
虎體熊腰 {idiom} /hǔtǐxióngyāo/ :: broad shoulders, like those of a tiger, and sturdy hips, like those of a bear
虎體猿臂 {idiom} /hǔ tǐ yuán bì/ :: a body like that of a tiger and arms like those of an ape
虎头蜂 {def} SEE: 虎頭蜂 ::
虎头夹仔 {def} SEE: 虎頭夾仔 ::
虎头钳 {def} SEE: 虎頭鉗 ::
虎头蛇尾 {def} SEE: 虎頭蛇尾 ::
虎頭蜂 {n} [Min Nan] /hǔtóufēng/ :: wasp
虎頭鉗 {n} /hǔtóuqián/ :: vice; pincer pliers
虎頭蛇尾 {idiom} /hǔtóushéwěi/ :: to start off strong, but finish weak; to be inconsistent with one's effort
虎威 {n} [literary, figurative] /hǔwēi/ :: prowess (of a general); valiance
虎尾 {prop} /Hǔwěi/ :: (~ 鎮) 虎尾 (urban township)
虎无爪,鸟无翼 {def} SEE: 虎無爪,鳥無翼 ::
虎啸 {def} SEE: 虎嘯 ::
虎嘯 {v} [of a tiger] /hǔxiào/ :: to roar
虎須 {def} SEE: 虎鬚 ::
虎须 {def} SEE: 虎鬚 ::
虎鬚 {n} /hǔxū/ :: tiger's whiskers
虎穴 {n} /hǔ穴/ :: tiger's den
虎穴 {n} [figurative] /hǔ穴/ :: danger spot; dangerous place
虎牙 {n} /hǔyá/ :: tiger's tooth
虎牙 {n} /hǔyá/ :: protruding canine tooth of a person
虎牙 {prop} /hǔyá/ :: (~ 街道) 虎牙 (subdistrict)
虎眼石 {n} /hǔyǎnshí/ :: tiger's eye
虎咬猪 {def} SEE: 虎咬豬 ::
虎咬豬 {n} [Taiwan, chiefly Min Nan] /hǔyǎozhū/ :: gua bao
虎魚 {n} /hǔyú/ :: tigerfish
虎鱼 {def} SEE: 虎魚 ::
虎杖 {n} [TCM] /hǔzhàng/ :: Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica, syn. Polygonum cuspidatum) (an herb used as a natural laxative)
虎子 {n} [literary, literally] /hǔzǐ/ :: tiger's cub
虎子 {n} [archaic] /hǔzǐ/ :: nightstool; closestool; commode; toilet; chamber pot (with shape similar to tiger)
虎字头 {def} SEE: 虎字頭 ::
虎字頭 {n} /hǔzìtóu/ :: the Chinese character component
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /xǔ/ :: to allow; to permit
{def} /xǔ/ :: to promise
{def} /xǔ/ :: to betroth
{def} /xǔ/ :: surname
許昌 {prop} /Xǔchāng/ :: (~ 市) 許昌 (prefecture-level city)
許的 {def} SEE: 遐的 ::
許都 {prop} [archaic] /Xǔdū/ :: the capital at Xu (present day Xuchang, Henan, China)
許多 {adj} /xǔduō/ :: a considerable number of; a significant amount of; a good deal of; a lot of; many; much
許爾 {def} SEE: 遐爾 ::
許許多多 {adj} /xǔxǔduōduō/ :: a good deal of; a lot of
許婚 {v} [of a female] /xǔhūn/ :: to accept the marriage proposal by a male
許家沖 {prop} /Xǔjiāchōng/ :: (~ 村) 許家沖 (village)
許嫁 {v} [literary] /xǔjià/ :: to consent to marry a man
許久 {adv} /xǔjiǔ/ :: for a long time; for ages
許可 {v} /xǔkě/ :: to permit; to allow
許可証 {def} SEE: 許可證 ::
許可證 {n} /xǔkězhèng/ :: permit; license
許諾 {v} /xǔnuò/ :: to promise; to make a promise
許配 {v} /xǔpèi/ :: to betroth (one's daughter) to somebody
許親 {v} /xǔqīn/ :: to accept a marriage proposal
許韶 {prop} /Xǔ Sháo/ :: Xu Shao (son of Xu Chang, a rebel who declared himself the Yangming Emperor during the Eastern Han Dynasty)
許是 {adv} /xǔshì/ :: perhaps; maybe
許旺細胞 {n} [anatomy] /Xǔwàngxìbāo/ :: Schwann cell
許愿 {def} SEE: 許願 ::
許願 {v} /xǔyuàn/ :: to make a vow to the gods
許願 {v} /xǔyuàn/ :: to promise someone a reward
許願池 {n} /xǔyuànchí/ :: wishing well; wishing pond
許願井 {n} /xǔyuànjǐng/ :: wishing well
許允 {v} [literary] /xǔyǔn/ :: to permit; to allow
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huò/ :: only used in 𩂹䨥
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hù/ :: mutually; reciprocally
{def} /hù/ :: mutual
{def} /hù/ :: crisscrossing; intertwining
{def} /hù/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /hù/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /hù/ :: [obsolete] error; mistake
{def} /hù/ :: [obsolete] gate
{def} /hù/ :: [obsolete] crustacean
{def} /hù/ :: surname
互帮互助 {def} SEE: 互幫互助 ::
互幫互助 {v} /hù bāng hùzhù/ :: to help one another; to help each other
互变异构 {def} SEE: 互變異構 ::
互變異構 {n} [organic chemistry] /hùbiànyìgòu/ :: tautomerism
互补 {def} SEE: 互補 ::
互补色 {def} SEE: 互補色 ::
互補 {v} /hùbǔ/ :: to complement
互補 {v} [geometry] /hùbǔ/ :: to be complementary angles
互補色 {n} /hùbǔsè/ :: complementary colour
互斥 {v} /hùchì/ :: to be mutually exclusive
互斥或閘 {n} [electronics] /hùchìhuòzhá/ :: XOR gate
互斥或闸 {def} SEE: 互斥或閘 ::
互調 {v} /hùdiào/ :: to exchange; to swap
互調 {n} [physics] /hùtiáo/ :: intermodulation
互调 {def} SEE: 互調 ::
互动 {def} SEE: 互動 ::
互动式 {def} SEE: 互動式 ::
互動 {v} /hùdòng/ :: to interact
互動式 {adj} [attributive] /hùdòngshì/ :: interactive
互怼 {def} SEE: 互懟 ::
互懟 {v} [neologism, slang] /hùduǐ,hùduì/ :: to argue with each other; to take on each other
互訪 {v} /hùfǎng/ :: to exchange visits
互访 {def} SEE: 互訪 ::
互粉 {v} [neologism, internet slang] /hùfěn/ :: to follow or friend each other on social media
互感 {n} [physics] /hùgǎn/ :: abbreviation of 互感應
互感应 {def} SEE: 互感應 ::
互感應 {n} /hùgǎnyìng/ :: mutual induction; mutual inductance
互花米草 {n} /hùhuā mǐcǎo/ :: Sporobolus alterniflorus
互换 {def} SEE: 互換 ::
互換 {v} /hùhuàn/ :: to exchange; to swap; to interchange
互惠 {v} /hùhuì/ :: to be reciprocal
互濟會 {n} /hùjìhuì/ :: mutual-aid society
互济会 {def} SEE: 互濟會 ::
互見 {v} /hùjiàn/ :: to refer to each other; to cross-reference
互見 {v} /hùjiàn,huxiàn/ :: to see both (good and bad points)
互见 {def} SEE: 互見 ::
互口 {v} [neologism, slang, of two people] /hùkǒu/ :: to perform oral sex on each other
互利 {v} /hùlì/ :: to be mutually beneficial
互利互惠 {idiom} /hùlìhùhuì/ :: mutual benefit; reciprocity
互联 {def} SEE: 互聯 ::
互联网 {def} SEE: 互聯網 ::
互联网+ {def} SEE: 互聯網+ ::
互聯 {v} /hùlián/ :: to connect to each other; to interconnect; to become interconnected
互聯網 {prop} [computing] /Hùliánwǎng/ :: Internet
互聯網+ {n} /hùliánwǎngjiā/ :: Internet Plus
互諒 {v} /hùliàng/ :: to understand and forgive each other
互谅 {def} SEE: 互諒 ::
互免 {v} [often, attributive] /hùmiǎn/ :: to mutually exempt
互勉 {v} /hùmiǎn/ :: to encourage each other
互殴 {def} SEE: 互毆 ::
互毆 {n} /hù'ōu/ :: handplay
互毆 {v} /hù'ōu/ :: to come to blows; to beat each other
互派 {v} /hùpài/ :: to send in exchange
互讓 {v} /hùràng/ :: to yield to each other; to give in to each other
互让 {def} SEE: 互讓 ::
互溶 {v} [of liquids] /hùróng/ :: to be miscible
互市 {v} [of two countries, tribes or nations] /hùshì/ :: to trade with each other
互撕 {v} [neologism, slang] /hùsī/ :: to attack each other; to fight each other; to quarrel
互素 {v} [mathematics] /hùsù/ :: relatively prime; coprime
互通 {v} /hùtōng/ :: to intercommunicate; to interflow
互通 {adj} [attributive] /hùtōng/ :: mutually intelligible
互文 {n} [rhetoric] /hùwén/ :: mutually implied phrasing (a kind of rhetorical device employed in early Chinese writing and argument); paired phrases
互相 {adv} /hùxiāng/ :: mutually; each other
互相 {adj} /hùxiāng/ :: mutual
互相监督 {def} SEE: 互相監督 ::
互相監督 {idiom} /hùxiāng jiāndū/ :: mutual supervision; to supervise each other
互相为谋 {def} SEE: 互相為謀 ::
互相為謀 {v} /hùxiāngwéimóu/ :: to make plans together
互信 {v} /hùxìn/ :: to trust each other
互信 {n} /hùxìn/ :: mutual trust
互信息 {n} [information theory, chiefly Mainland China] /hù xìnxī/ :: mutual information
互譯 {v} /hùyì/ :: to do bilingual translation; to translate between two languages
互译 {def} SEE: 互譯 ::
互余 {def} SEE: 互餘 ::
互餘 {v} /hùyú/ :: to be complementary angles
互質 {v} [mathematics] /hù质/ :: to be relatively prime; to be coprime
互質數 {n} [mathematics] /hù质shù/ :: coprime numbers
互质 {def} SEE: 互質 ::
互质数 {def} SEE: 互質數 ::
互助 {v} /hùzhù/ :: to help one another; to help each other
互助 {prop} /hùzhù/ :: (~ 土族自治縣) Huzhu Tuzu Autonomous County (county in Haidong, Qinghai province, China)
互助儲蓄銀行 {n} [banking] /hùzhù 储xù yínháng/ :: mutual savings bank
互助储蓄银行 {def} SEE: 互助儲蓄銀行 ::
互助会 {def} SEE: 互助會 ::
互助會 {n} /hùzhùhuì/ :: association; society; fraternity
互助婚姻 {n} [neologism] /hùzhù hūnyīn/ :: sham marriage (especially a marriage between a gay man and a lesbian woman arranged in response to parental expectations of a conventional marriage)
互助社 {n} /hùzhùshè/ :: mutual society; union
互助土族自治县 {def} SEE: 互助土族自治縣 ::
互助土族自治縣 {prop} /Hùzhù Tǔzú Zìzhìxiàn/ :: Huzhu Tu Autonomous County
互助組 {n} /hùzhùzǔ/ :: support group
互助组 {def} SEE: 互助組 ::
互資訊 {n} [information theory, chiefly Taiwan] /hù zīxùn/ :: mutual information
互资讯 {def} SEE: 互資訊 ::
{def} /hù/ :: freezing
{def} /hù/ :: stopped up, closed off
{def} SEE: ::
婟婎 {def} SEE: 古錐 ::
{def} [literary] /hù/ :: fine; beautiful
{def} [literary] /hù/ :: beauty; beautiful lady
{def} /hù/ :: to rely on, presume on
{def} /hù/ :: to persist in
{def} [classical] /hù/ :: father
怙惡不悛 {idiom} /hù'è不quān/ :: to keep doing evil without a sense of repentance
怙恃 {v} /hùshì/ :: to rely on
怙恃 {n} [classical] /hùshì/ :: parents
怙恶不悛 {def} SEE: 怙惡不悛 ::
{def} /hù/ :: door
{def} /hù/ :: family; household
{def} /hù/ :: classifier for households
戶部 {prop} [historical politics] /Hùbù/ :: The imperial Chinese Ministry of Revenue from the Tang to Qing dynasties
戶籍 {n} /hùjí/ :: household register; household record
戶籍 {n} /hùjí/ :: census register
戶籍紀 {prop} [Catholicism] /Hùjíjì/ :: Numbers (fourth book of the Bible)
戶均 {adj} /hùjūn/ :: per household, household average
戶口 {n} /hùkǒu,tl/ :: number of households and total population
戶口 {n} /hùkǒu,tl/ :: registered permanent residence
戶口 {n} /hùkǒu,tl/ :: record of registered permanent residence; hukou
戶口 {n} [Hong Kong] /hùkǒu,tl/ :: account (Classifier: 個)
戶口本 {n} [chiefly Mainland] /hùkǒuběn,er/ :: household registration booklet
戶口簿 {n} [chiefly Mainland] /hùkǒubù/ :: household registration booklet
戶口冊 {n} [chiefly Mainland] /hùkǒucè/ :: household registration booklet
戶口檢查 {n} /hùkǒu jiǎnchá/ :: census (official count of a population)
戶樞 {n} /hùshū/ :: door hinge
戶樞不蠧 {def} SEE: 戶樞不蠹 ::
戶樞不蠹 {idiom} /hùshū不dù/ :: A door hinge never gets plagued by worms; a rolling stone gathers no moss
戶田 {prop} /Hùtián/ :: (~ 市) 戶田 (city)
戶田 {prop} /Hùtián/ :: Toda (a Japanese surname)
戶頭 {n} /hùtóu/ :: bank account
戶外 {n} /hùwài/ :: outdoors, outside
戶外 {adj} /hùwài/ :: outdoor
戶限 {n} [literary] /hùxiàn/ :: threshold; doorsill; doorstep
戶型 {n} /hùxíng/ :: property type (e.g. of a house)
戶政 {n} /hùzhèng/ :: administrative affairs concerning registered permanent residence
戶主 {n} /hùzhǔ/ :: head of the household
{def} SEE: ::
户部 {def} SEE: 戶部 ::
户籍 {def} SEE: 戶籍 ::
户籍纪 {def} SEE: 戶籍紀 ::
户均 {def} SEE: 戶均 ::
户口 {def} SEE: 戶口 ::
户口本 {def} SEE: 戶口本 ::
户口簿 {def} SEE: 戶口簿 ::
户口册 {def} SEE: 戶口冊 ::
户口检查 {def} SEE: 戶口檢查 ::
户枢 {def} SEE: 戶樞 ::
户枢不蠹 {def} SEE: 戶樞不蠹 ::
户樞不蠧 {def} SEE: 戶樞不蠹 ::
户填 {def} SEE: 戶填 ::
户田 {def} SEE: 戶田 ::
户头 {def} SEE: 戶頭 ::
户外 {def} SEE: 戶外 ::
户尉 {def} SEE: 戶尉 ::
户限 {def} SEE: 戶限 ::
户型 {def} SEE: 戶型 ::
户政 {def} SEE: 戶政 ::
户主 {def} SEE: 戶主 ::
{def} SEE: ::
戽斗边 {def} SEE: 戽斗邊 ::
{def} [literary] /hù/ :: escort; retinue
{def} [literary] /hù/ :: to restrain; to prevent
扈從 {n} [literary] /hù從/ :: retinue; retainer; servant of the emperor or officials
扈从 {def} SEE: 扈從 ::
{def} SEE: ::
护兵 {def} SEE: 護兵 ::
护长 {def} SEE: 護長 ::
护城壕 {def} SEE: 護城壕 ::
护城河 {def} SEE: 護城河 ::
护从 {def} SEE: 護從 ::
护厝 {def} SEE: 護厝 ::
护厝埕 {def} SEE: 護厝埕 ::
护短 {def} SEE: 護短 ::
护发素 {def} SEE: 護髮素 ::
护法 {def} SEE: 護法 ::
护肤 {def} SEE: 護膚 ::
护肤品 {def} SEE: 護膚品 ::
护肤霜 {def} SEE: 護膚霜 ::
护符 {def} SEE: 護符 ::
护颈套 {def} SEE: 護頸套 ::
护工 {def} SEE: 護工 ::
护国佑民 {def} SEE: 護國佑民 ::
护航 {def} SEE: 護航 ::
护行 {def} SEE: 護行 ::
护驾 {def} SEE: 護駕 ::
护教学 {def} SEE: 護教學 ::
护具 {def} SEE: 護具 ::
护理 {def} SEE: 護理 ::
护理师 {def} SEE: 護理師 ::
护理学 {def} SEE: 護理學 ::
护龙 {def} SEE: 護龍 ::
护坡 {def} SEE: 護坡 ::
护墙 {def} SEE: 護牆 ::
护身 {def} SEE: 護身 ::
护身符 {def} SEE: 護身符 ::
护身符子 {def} SEE: 護身符子 ::
护生 {def} SEE: 護生 ::
护师 {def} SEE: 護師 ::
护士 {def} SEE: 護士 ::
护士长 {def} SEE: 護士長 ::
护手霜 {def} SEE: 護手霜 ::
护送 {def} SEE: 護送 ::
护跳 {def} SEE: 護跳 ::
护卫 {def} SEE: 護衛 ::
护卫舰 {def} SEE: 護衛艦 ::
护膝 {def} SEE: 護膝 ::
护宪 {def} SEE: 護憲 ::
护心镜 {def} SEE: 護心鏡 ::
护养 {def} SEE: 護養 ::
护阴 {def} SEE: 護陰 ::
护佑 {def} SEE: 護佑 ::
护于 {def} SEE: 護于 ::
护照 {def} SEE: 護照 ::
护罩 {def} SEE: 護罩 ::
{def} /hù/ :: meat-hanging wooden rack
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hù/ :: wooden fence
{def} [literary] /kǔ/ :: coarse; crude; rough
{def} /hù/ :: a kind of plant with thorns
楛箘 {n} [literary, figuratively] /kǔjùn/ :: talented person
楛窳 {adj} [literary] /kǔyǔ/ :: coarse; crude; rough
{def} /hù/ :: [obsolete] freezing
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hù/ :: [obsolete] stopped up, closed off
{def} SEE: ::
沪剧 {def} SEE: 滬劇 ::
沪语 {def} SEE: 滬語 ::
{def} /hù/ :: [obsolete] weir; bamboo fence for catching fish
{def} /hù/ :: Shanghai
{def} /hù/ :: surname
滬劇 {n} /hùjù/ :: Huju (Shanghai opera)
滬語 {n} /hùyǔ/ :: Shanghainese (dialect)
{def} /hù/ :: calabash gourd
{def} /hú/ :: [obsolete] only used in 瓠蘆 alternative form of 葫蘆
{def} /hú/ :: [obsolete] container made of a large old bottle gourd
{def} /hú/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /huò/ :: [obsolete] only used in 瓠落
{def} /gū/ :: only used in 瓠讘
瓠勺 {def} SEE: 瓠杓 ::
瓠子 {n} /hùzi/ :: Lagenaria siceraria (a type of gourd)
{def} /hù/ :: favor from heaven; blessing
{def} [archaic] /hù/ :: tablet held by officials at court, used to take notes, or for ceremonial purposes
{def} [literary] /huò/ :: meat broth
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hù/ :: to protect; to safeguard; to defend; to shelter
{def} /hù/ :: to side with (someone); to take sides; to discriminate in favor of; to show prejudice (to a particular party)
護兵 {n} /hùbīng/ :: official's bodyguard; guard
護長 {n} /hùzhǎng/ :: abbreviation of 護士長
護城壕 {n} /hùchéngháo/ :: moat
護城河 {n} /hùchénghé/ :: moat
護從 {v} [literary] /hù從/ :: to provide protective escort; to go with as an escort
護從 {n} [literary] /hù從/ :: escort
護短 {v} [idiomatic] /hùduǎn/ :: to stick up for oneself or one's ally despite their shortcoming or wrongdoing; to avoid exposing one's own or someone's inadequacy
護法 {v} /hùfǎ/ :: to uphold the constitution/law
護法 {v} /hùfǎ/ :: to protect and maintain the Buddha
護髮素 {n} /hù髮sù/ :: hair conditioner
護膚 {v} /hùfū/ :: to take care of one's skin; to maintain a healthy skin
護膚品 {n} /hùfūpǐn/ :: skincare product
護膚霜 {n} /hùfūshuāng/ :: cream used on skin (excluding cleansing products)
護符 {n} /hùfú/ :: amulet
護符 {n} /hùfú/ :: protector
護頸套 {n} /hùjǐngtào/ :: neck brace; cervical collar
護工 {n} /hùgōng/ :: nurse's aide; carer; caretaker
護國佑民 {idiom} /hùguóyòumín/ :: to protect the country and the people
護航 {v} /hùháng/ :: to escort (a ship or plane); to convoy
護行 {v} [literary] /hùxíng/ :: to accompany as protection
護駕 {v} [archaic] /hùjià/ :: to protect the emperor
護教學 {n} [Christianity] /hùjiàoxué/ :: apologetics
護具 {n} /hùjù/ :: protective gear; brace
護老院 {n} [Hong Kong] /hùlǎoyuàn/ :: nursing home; retirement home
護理 {v} /hùlǐ/ :: to nurse; to care for
護理 {v} /hùlǐ/ :: to tend to and protect; to nurture
護理 {n} /hùlǐ/ :: nursing (profession)
護理師 {n} /hùlǐshī/ :: nurse
護理學 {n} /hùlǐxué/ :: nursing (profession)
護目鏡 {n} /hùmùjìng/ :: goggles; protective eyewear
護坡 {n} /hùpō/ :: slope protection
護身 {n} /hùshēn/ :: self-protection
護身 {v} /hùshēn/ :: to protect oneself
護身符 {n} /hùshēnfú/ :: amulet
護身符子 {n} /hùshēnfúzi/ :: alternative form of 護身符
護生 {n} /hùshēng/ :: nursing student
護師 {n} /hùshī/ :: nurse practitioner
護士 {n} /hùshì,tl/ :: nurse (person trained to provide care for the sick)
護士長 {n} /hùshìzhǎng,tl2/ :: head nurse
護手霜 {n} /hùshǒushuāng/ :: hand cream
護送 {v} /hùsòng/ :: to escort; to see off in a convoy
護衛 {n} /hùwèi/ :: defender; guardian; guard; escort
護衛 {v} /hùwèi/ :: to defend; to guard
護衛 {v} /hùwèi/ :: to convoy
護衛艦 {n} /hùwèijiàn/ :: corvette (warship of 17th-18th century)
護膝 {n} /hùxī/ :: kneepad
護憲 {v} /hùxiàn/ :: to defend the Constitution
護心鏡 {n} [archaic] /hùxīnjìng/ :: a special protective plate which was sewn on the front and back parts of a war garment (for protection against arrows)
護養 {v} /hùyǎng/ :: to cultivate; to nurse; to rear
護養 {v} /hùyǎng/ :: to maintain
護佑 {v} [literary] /hùyòu/ :: to bless and protect; to be safeguarded
護于 {prop} /Hùyú/ :: a title of Xiongnu, renamed from the Left Virtuous King (左賢王)
護照 {n} /hùzhào,er/ :: passport (Classifier: m:張)
護罩 {n} /hùzhào/ :: protective guard; shield
{def} /bó,gòu,hù,huò/ :: [obsolete] a beast resembling a tiger or leopard
{def} /bó,gòu,hù,huò/ :: [obsolete] an animal like a dog, which is yellow above the waist and black below the waist
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huò/ :: seabirds in the order Procellariiformes (albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
哗变 {def} SEE: 譁變 ::
哗鬼 {def} SEE: 嘩鬼 ::
哗哗 {def} SEE: 嘩嘩 ::
哗哗滚 {def} SEE: 嘩嘩滾 ::
哗啦啦 {def} SEE: 嘩啦啦 ::
哗然 {def} SEE: 嘩然 ::
哗众取宠 {def} SEE: 嘩眾取寵 ::
{def} /huá/ :: to make noise; to be noisy; to be uproarious
{def} [onomatopoeia] /huā/ :: sound of flowing or gurgling water
{def} [onomatopoeia] /huā/ :: thump; clang; sound of crashing
嘩變 {def} SEE: 譁變 ::
嘩嘩 {n} /huāhuā/ :: sound of flowing or gurgling water
嘩啦啦 {interj} [onomatopoeia] /huālālā/ :: Used for the pitter-patter of rain or numerous objects falling down and scattering on the ground
嘩然 {adj} [ideophonic] /huárán/ :: chaotic; turbulent; uproarious; in an uproar
嘩眾取寵 {idiom} /huázhòngqǔchǒng/ :: to try to please the crowd with claptrap
{def} /xū,huā,huò,1nb/ :: sound of a thing flying fast by
{def} /xū,huā,huò,1nb/ :: whoosh
{def} /xū,huā,huò,1nb/ :: cracking sound
砉然 {n} [literary] /xūrán,huārán,huòrán,1nb/ :: the sound given off when skin and bone separate
{def} /huā,er/ :: flower; blossom (Classifier: m,c:朵m,c:支h,mn:蕊m,c:束m:把m,c:盆m:簇c:紮)
{def} /huā,er/ :: florid; flowery
{def} /huā,er/ :: pattern; design
{def} /huā,er/ :: blurred
{def} /huā,er/ :: fireworks
{def} /huā,er/ :: essence; cream
{def} /huā,er/ :: wound
{def} /huā,er/ :: smallpox
{def} /huā,er/ :: courtesan; prostitute
{def} /huā,er/ :: to spend (money, time, etc.); to cost
{def} /huā,er/ :: profligate
{def} [slang] /huā,er/ :: randy; lecherous
{def} [slang] /huā,er/ :: to be horny; to womanize
{def} /huā,er/ :: false
{def} [Cantonese] /huā,er/ :: scratched
{def} [Cantonese, card games] /huā,er/ :: flush
{def} [Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /huā,er/ :: to extinguish; to put out (of fire)
{def} [Quanzhou Hokkien] /huā,er/ :: to disappear (of a scar)
{def} /huā,er/ :: surname Hua
花白 {adj} [of hair, beards, etc.] /huābái/ :: salt-and-pepper
花斑 {n} /huābān/ :: spots (on an animal's body); mottles; patches
花斑马 {def} SEE: 花斑馬 ::
花斑癣 {def} SEE: 花斑癬 ::
花斑癬 {n} [medicine] /huābānxuǎn/ :: tinea versicolor
花瓣 {n} [botany] /huābàn,er/ :: petal
花苞 {n} /huābāo/ :: bud (of a flower)
花豹 {n} /huābào/ :: leopard
花边 {def} SEE: 花邊 ::
花邊 {n} /huābiān/ :: lace
花邊 {n} /huābiān/ :: decorative border
花邊 {n} [Mainland Hokkien, dated or Xiang] /huābiān/ :: a kind of silver dollar
花钵仔 {def} SEE: 花缽仔 ::
花钵子 {def} SEE: 花鉢子 ::
花布伞 {def} SEE: 花布傘 ::
花布傘 {n} /huābùsǎn/ :: (Hakka) floral fabric umbrella
花菜 {n} /huācài/ :: cauliflower
花草 {n} /huācǎo/ :: flowers and grass; plants
花草 {n} [figurative, literary] /huācǎo/ :: woman; girl
花草 {n} [Quanzhou, &, Xiamen Hokkien] /huācǎo/ :: a folk dance style in the Min Nan region
花草 {adj} [Quanzhou, &, Xiamen Hokkien] /huācǎo/ :: unnecessary and overelaborate
花茶 {n} /huāchá/ :: flowering tea
花城 {prop} [literary] /Huāchéng/ :: "City of Flowers", a nickname of Guangzhou (廣州)
花痴 {n} [literary] /huāchī/ :: anthomaniac; flower enthusiast
花痴 {n} [colloquial] /huāchī/ :: girl who is infatuated with good-looking guys; girl who is into looks
花癡 {def} SEE: 花痴 ::
花窗玻璃 {n} /huāchuāng bōli/ :: stained glass
花丛 {def} SEE: 花叢 ::
花叢 {n} /huācóng/ :: cluster of flowers; flowering shrub
花叢 {n} [figurative] /huācóng/ :: group of women (especially in a brothel)
花叢 {prop} /huācóng/ :: (~ 鎮) 花叢 (town)
花大姐 {n} /huādàjiě/ :: ladybird; ladybug (Classifier: 隻)
花旦 {n} [opera] /huādàn/ :: one of the main divisions of the *旦 or female role in traditional opera (traditionally the role of a woman of questionable morals, notably a coquettish maidservant or an amorous young woman, bold, seductive, and charming; great emphasis being placed on acting)
花道 {n} /huādào/ :: flower arrangement; ikebana
花灯 {def} SEE: 花燈 ::
花燈 {n} /huādēng/ :: festive lantern (Classifier: m:盞)
花店 {n} /huādiàn/ :: flower shop, florist's
花鈿 {n} [archaic] /huādiàn/ :: an ornate headdress (of a woman)
花钿 {def} SEE: 花鈿 ::
花都 {prop} /Huādū/ :: alternative name for 巴黎
花都 {prop} /Huādū/ :: (~ 區) 花都 (district)
花朵 {n} /huāduǒ/ :: flower (Classifier: m,c:朵)
花萼 {n} [botany] /huā'è/ :: calyx
花儿 {def} SEE: 花兒 ::
花兒 {n} [chiefly Mandarin, Jin] /huār,huā'ér/ :: erhua form of flower
花兒 {n} /huār,huā'ér/ :: erhua form of pattern
花兒 {n} /huār,huā'ér/ :: erhua form of smallpox
花兒 {n} /huā'ér/ :: a style of folk song popular in northwest China, including the provinces of Gansu, Qinghai, and Ningxia (Classifier: 首)
花房 {n} /huāfáng/ :: greenhouse
花飞 {def} SEE: 花飛 ::
花鲱 {def} SEE: 花鯡 ::
花費 {v} /huāfèi/ :: to spend; to expend
花費 {n} /huāfei/ :: expense; cost; expenditure
花费 {def} SEE: 花費 ::
花粉 {n} /huāfěn/ :: pollen
花粉 {n} [Mainland Hokkien] /huāfěn/ :: powdered cosmetics (for one's face)
花粉 {n} [Taiwanese Hokkien, TCM] /huāfěn/ :: powder from Trichosanthes kirilowii
花粉症 {n} [pathology, immunology] /huāfěnzhèng/ :: hay fever
花岗石 {def} SEE: 花崗石 ::
花岗岩 {def} SEE: 花崗岩 ::
花崗石 {n} /huāgāngshí/ :: granite
花崗岩 {n} [rock] /huāgāngyán/ :: granite
花蛤 {n} /huāgé/ :: huage clam (Ruditapes philippinarum)
花姑娘儿 {def} SEE: 花姑娘兒 ::
花菇 {n} /huāgū/ :: a high grade of shiitake with a flower-like cracking pattern on its cap
花古 {prop} /Huāgǔ/ :: (~ 村) 花古 (village)
花骨朵 {n} [Mandarin, colloquial] /huāgūduo,er/ :: flower bud
花骨朵儿 {def} SEE: 花骨朵兒 ::
花骨朵兒 {n} /huāgūduor/ :: erhua form of []
花鼓 {n} /huāgǔ/ :: flower drum, a traditional Chinese double-headed barrel drum of medium size, with a body painted with flower design and played with sticks
花鼓大筒 {n} /huāgǔ dàtǒng/ :: a vertical bowed string instrument with two strings in the huqin family, used primarily in the traditional music of Hunan
花鼓戲 {n} /huāgǔxì/ :: huaguxi (a form of Chinese opera from Hunan, China)
花鼓戏 {def} SEE: 花鼓戲 ::
花冠 {n} [botany] /huāguān/ :: corolla
花冠 {n} [literary] /huāguān/ :: wreath; garland; crown
花果 {prop} /Huāguǒ/ :: (~ 街道) 花果 (subdistrict)
花果园 {def} SEE: 花果園 ::
花果園 {prop} /Huāguǒyuán/ :: (~ 村) 花果園 (village)
花好月圆 {def} SEE: 花好月圓 ::
花好月圓 {idiom} /huāhǎoyuèyuán/ :: blooming flowers and full moon; perfect conjugal bliss
花紅 {n} /huāhóng/ :: Chinese pearleaf crabapple (Malus asiatica)
花紅 {n} /huāhóng/ :: bonus; premium; financial reward
花紅 {n} /huāhóng/ :: gift for wedding or other festive occasions
花红 {def} SEE: 花紅 ::
花湖 {prop} /Huāhú/ :: (~ 鎮) 花湖 (town)
花蝴蝶 {n} /huāhúdié/ :: variegated butterfly
花花 {adj} [literary] /huāhuā/ :: good-looking; beautiful; pretty
花花 {adj} [literary] /huāhuā/ :: bustling; lively; filled with activity
花花 {adj} [dialectal] /huāhuā/ :: novel; new; original in an interesting way
花花 {adj} [Hakka, of vision] /huāhuā/ :: blurry
花花 {n} [literary] /huāhuā/ :: sing-song girl; woman whose profession involves singing and dancing
花花 {n} [literary or dialectal] /huāhuā/ :: child; kid (person who has not yet reached adulthood)
花花公子 {n} /huāhuā gōngzǐ/ :: playboy
花花公子 {prop} /huāhuā gōngzǐ/ :: Playboy (a brand of adult magazines introduced in the United States)
花花世界 {idiom} /huāhuāshìjiè/ :: the dazzling and bustling world; the world of sensual pleasures; this mortal world
花花世界 {idiom} [chiefly derogatory] /huāhuāshìjiè/ :: the human world; the world of mortals
花环 {def} SEE: 花環 ::
花環 {n} /huāhuán/ :: garland
花会 {def} SEE: 花會 ::
花卉 {n} [botany] /huāhuì/ :: flowers and plants (especially ornamental ones)
花卉 {n} [painting] /huāhuì/ :: traditional Chinese painting of flowers and plants
花卉园 {def} SEE: 花卉園 ::
花卉園 {n} /huāhuìyuán/ :: flower garden
花會 {n} /huāhuì/ :: flower fair
花活 {n} [dialectal] /huāhuó,er/ :: trick, deception
花活 {n} /huāhuó,er/ :: a meticulous craftwork
花雞坡 {prop} /Huājīpō/ :: (~ 村) 花雞坡 (village)
花鸡坡 {def} SEE: 花雞坡 ::
花甲 {n} /huājiǎ/ :: complete sexagenary cycle of the Chinese calendar
花甲 {n} /huājiǎ/ :: sixty years of age
花甲 {n} /huājiǎ/ :: alternative name for 花蛤
花甲之年 {idiom} /huājiǎzhīnián/ :: sixty years old
花架 {n} /huājià/ :: a frame on which flowering plants grow
花间 {def} SEE: 花間 ::
花间仔 {def} SEE: 花間仔 ::
花剑 {def} SEE: 花劍 ::
花劍 {n} /huājiàn/ :: foil (type of sword used in fencing)
花見 {n} /huājiàn/ :: hanami
花見花開 {idiom} /huājiànhuākāi/ :: that which makes flowers blossom upon its encounter with flowers; that which is loved by all
花见 {def} SEE: 花見 ::
花见花开 {def} SEE: 花見花開 ::
花匠 {n} /huājiàng/ :: gardener; florist
花匠 {n} /huājiàng/ :: person engaged in flower pruning
花椒 {n} /huājiāo/ :: Sichuan pepper; prickly ash (species in the genus Zanthoxylum)
花椒 {n} /huājiāo/ :: the plant
花椒 {n} /huājiāo/ :: the spice
花胶 {def} SEE: 花膠 ::
花膠 {n} /huājiāo/ :: swim bladder (as food)
花轎 {n} /huājiào/ :: bridal sedan chair (in traditional Chinese weddings)
花轿 {def} SEE: 花轎 ::
花街 {n} /huājiē/ :: red-light district
花茎 {def} SEE: 花莖 ::
花莖 {n} [botany] /huājīng/ :: floral axis
花鏡 {n} /huājìng/ :: reading glasses (for sufferers of presbyopia)
花镜 {def} SEE: 花鏡 ::
花卷 {def} SEE: 花捲 ::
花卷 {prop} /Huājuǎn/ :: (~ 市) 花卷 (city)
花捲 {n} /huājuǎn,er/ :: Mandarin roll; flower roll (steamed bun with a twisted shape)
花开堪折直须折 {def} SEE: 花開堪折直須折 ::
花開堪折直須折 {proverb} /huā kāi kān zhé zhí xū zhé/ :: Seize the day; carpe diem
花魁 {n} /huākuí/ :: queen of flowers, referring especially to plum blossom
花魁 {n} [literary, historical] /huākuí/ :: the most famous courtesan in a brothel; famous prostitute
花括號 {n} /huākuòhào/ :: curly bracket
花括号 {def} SEE: 花括號 ::
花剌子模 {prop} /Huālàzǐmó/ :: Chorasmia; Khwarezm (large oasis region in Central Asia)
花剌子模 {prop} /Huālàzǐmó/ :: (~ 王朝) Khwarazmian dynasty (Persianate Sunni Muslim dynasty from 1077 to 1231)
花篮 {def} SEE: 花籃 ::
花籃 {n} /huālán/ :: basket of flowers
花籃 {n} /huālán/ :: gaily decorated basket
花老头 {def} SEE: 花老頭 ::
花老頭 {n} /huālǎotóu,er/ :: dirty old man
花蕾 {n} /huālěi/ :: flower bud
花梨木 {n} /huālímù/ :: rosewood
花梨木 {n} /huālímù/ :: padauk
花藜胡哨 {def} SEE: 花裡胡哨 ::
花哩胡哨 {def} SEE: 花裡胡哨 ::
花裏胡哨 {def} SEE: 花裡胡哨 ::
花裡胡哨 {idiom} [colloquial] /huālihúshào/ :: showy; gaudy; garish
花里胡哨 {def} SEE: 花裡胡哨 ::
花栗鼠 {n} /huālìshǔ/ :: chipmunk
花莲 {def} SEE: 花蓮 ::
花蓮 {prop} /Huālián/ :: (~ 縣) 花蓮 (county)
花蓮 {prop} /Huālián/ :: (~ 市) Hualien City (city in Hualien County, Taiwan)
花鰱 {n} /huālián/ :: (~ 魚) [regional] bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis)
花鰱魚 {n} /huāliányú/ :: bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis)
花鲢 {def} SEE: 花鰱 ::
花鲢鱼 {def} SEE: 花鰱魚 ::
花脸 {def} SEE: 花臉 ::
花臉 {n} /huāliǎn/ :: flowery-face role (a popular name for the painted face role 淨, so called from the elaborate face painting)
花林寺 {prop} /Huālínsì/ :: (~ 鎮) 花林寺 (town)
花灵花体 {def} SEE: 花靈花體 ::
花柳 {n} [literary] /huāliǔ/ :: red flowers and green willow leaves
花柳 {n} [literary, figurative] /huāliǔ/ :: brothel or prostitute
花柳 {n} /huāliǔ/ :: abbreviation of 花柳病
花柳病 {n} /huāliǔbìng/ :: venereal disease; sexually transmitted disease
花楼 {def} SEE: 花樓 ::
花樓 {prop} /Huālóu/ :: (~ 街道) 花樓 (subdistrict)
花樓 {prop} /Huālóu/ :: (~ 鄉) 花樓 (township)
花樓 {prop} /Huālóu/ :: (~ 村) 花樓 (village)
花露 {n} /huālù/ :: flower dew
花露 {n} /huālù/ :: liquid derived from flowers
花露水 {n} /huālùshuǐ/ :: (perfumed) toilet water; Florida water
花鹿 {n} /huālù/ :: chital (large spotted deer native to South Asia)
花萝虫 {def} SEE: 花蘿蟲 ::
花螺 {n} /huāluó/ :: Babylonia areolata, Babylonia lutosa or Babylonia formosae (edible, small conch)
花螺 {n} [Xiamen Hokkien] /huāluó/ :: conflict; dispute; disagreement
花螺 {v} [Xiamen Hokkien] /huāluó/ :: to be perverse; to act shamelessly
花码 {def} SEE: 花碼 ::
花猫 {def} SEE: 花貓 ::
花貓 {n} /huāmāo/ :: multicoloured cat; colorful cat; calico cat; tabby
花蜜 {n} /huāmì/ :: nectar
花面猫 {def} SEE: 花面貓 ::
花苗 {n} /huāmiáo/ :: flower seedling
花苗 {n} /huāmiáo/ :: cotton seedling
花名 {n} /huāmíng/ :: pseudonym, nickname; one's unofficial name
花名 {n} /huāmíng/ :: prostitute's name
花名 {n} /huāmíng/ :: (literally) name of a flower
花名冊 {n} /huāmíngcè/ :: register of names; membership roster; muster roll
花名册 {def} SEE: 花名冊 ::
花囊 {n} [historical] /huānáng/ :: perfume pouch
花鳥 {n} /huāniǎo/ :: painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style
花鳥蟲魚 {idiom} /huāniǎochóngyú/ :: alternative form of 花鳥魚蟲
花鳥魚蟲 {idiom} /huāniǎoyúchóng,er/ :: flowers, birds, insects and fish (the stereotypical items of enjoyment of an elderly Chinese person)
花鸟 {def} SEE: 花鳥 ::
花鸟虫鱼 {def} SEE: 花鳥蟲魚 ::
花鸟鱼虫 {def} SEE: 花鳥魚蟲 ::
花盘 {def} SEE: 花盤 ::
花盤 {n} [botany] /huāpán/ :: flower disc
花盤 {n} [mechanics] /huāpán/ :: disc chuck; faceplate
花炮 {n} /huāpào/ :: fireworks
花盆 {n} /huāpén,er/ :: flowerpot
花盆儿 {def} SEE: 花盆兒 ::
花盆兒 {n} /huāpénr/ :: erhua form of flowerpot
花盆鼓 {n} [musical instrument] /huāpéngǔ/ :: a large double-headed drum with a wooden body that tapers from top to bottom
花坪 {prop} /Huāpíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 花坪 (town)
花瓶 {n} /huāpíng,er/ :: vase
花瓶 {n} [figurative, derogatory] /huāpíng,er/ :: any similarly attractive but useless thing, something "purely decorative"
花瓶 {n} [figurative, derogatory] /huāpíng,er/ :: "pretty face": a person who is pretty but otherwise useless, particularly [drama] a young and attractive but untalented actress
花瓶 {prop} /huāpíng,er/ :: (~ 嶼) Huaping Islet, a pinnacle in the East China Sea administered by Zhongzheng, Keelung, Republic of China (Taiwan)
花瓶儿 {def} SEE: 花瓶兒 ::
花瓶兒 {n} /huāpíngr/ :: erhua form of vase
花圃 {n} /huāpǔ/ :: flowerbed (Classifier: m:個m:座)
花圃 {n} /huāpǔ/ :: flower garden (Classifier: m:個m:座)
花期 {n} /huā期/ :: flowering season; florescence
花旗 {prop} /Huāqí/ :: Star-Spangled Banner; Stars and Stripes (American flag)
花旗 {prop} [obsolete or Min Nan, Wu] /Huāqí/ :: 花旗 (country)
花旗参 {def} SEE: 花旗參 ::
花旗參 {n} /huāqíshēn/ :: American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius)
花旗国 {def} SEE: 花旗國 ::
花旗國 {prop} [obsolete] /Huāqíguó/ :: United States of America
花旗蔘 {def} SEE: 花旗參 ::
花旗銀行 {prop} /Huāqí Yínháng/ :: Citibank; First National City Bank
花旗银行 {def} SEE: 花旗銀行 ::
花器 {n} /huāqì/ :: flower vase
花錢 {v} /huāqián/ :: to spend money
花钱 {def} SEE: 花錢 ::
花腔 {n} [theater] /huāqiāng/ :: florid ornamentation in Chinese opera singing
花腔 {n} [music] /huāqiāng/ :: coloratura
花腔 {n} /huāqiāng/ :: guileful talk
花桥公 {def} SEE: 花橋公 ::
花橋公 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Huāqiáogōng/ :: Baosheng Dadi, a Chinese god of medicine worshiped in Chinese folk religion and Taoism most popularly in Fujian and Taiwan
花俏 {adj} /huāqiào/ :: beautiful; gaudy and modern
花青素 {n} [organic compound] /huāqīngsù/ :: anthocyanidin
花圈 {n} /huāquān/ :: wreath
花容月貌 {adj} [of a woman] /huāróng-yuèmào/ :: beautiful, attractive, gorgeous
花蕊 {n} [botany] /huāruǐ/ :: stamen and gynoecium
花蕊 {n} [literary or Min Dong] /huāruǐ/ :: flower bud
花蕊 {n} [Min Nan] /huāruǐ/ :: flower (Classifier: 蕊)
花洒 {def} SEE: 花灑 ::
花灑 {n} /huāsǎ/ :: sprinkler; shower
花色 {n} /huāsè/ :: colour of a flower
花色 {n} /huāsè/ :: design and color; pattern and colour
花色 {n} /huāsè/ :: variety; range (of goods)
花色 {n} [playing card] /huāsè/ :: suit
花商 {n} /huāshāng/ :: florist, florist's, flower shop
花哨 {adj} /huāshào,tl/ :: fancy; gaudy
花葉病 {n} [phytopathology] /huāyèbìng/ :: mosaic
花身𬶟 {def} SEE: 花身鯻 ::
花身鯻 {n} /huāshēnlà/ :: jarbua terapon
花生 {n} /huāshēng/ :: peanut (Classifier: m,c:粒m:顆)
花生酱 {def} SEE: 花生醬 ::
花生醬 {n} /huāshēngjiàng/ :: peanut butter
花生醬 {n} /huāshēngjiàng/ :: peanut sauce
花生米 {n} /huāshēngmǐ,er/ :: shelled peanut; peanut kernel (Classifier: m:粒m:顆)
花生奶 {n} /huāshēngnǎi/ :: peanut milk (may contain cow's milk)
花生仁 {n} /huāshēngrén,er/ :: shelled peanut; peanut kernel
花生骚 {def} SEE: 花生騷 ::
花生四烯酸 {n} [fatty acid] /huāshēngsìxīsuān/ :: arachidonic acid
花生糖 {n} /huāshēngtáng/ :: peanut brittle
花生衣 {n} /huāshēngyī/ :: peanut endocarp (An endocarp used in traditional Chinese medicine as hemostatic.)
花生油 {n} /huāshēngyóu/ :: peanut oil
花时间 {def} SEE: 花時間 ::
花時間 {v} /huā shíjiān/ :: to take time; to spend time (on)
花士令 {n} [Cantonese] /huāshìlìng/ :: vaseline; petroleum jelly
花市 {n} /huāshì/ :: flower market
花式 {adj} [attributive] /huāshì/ :: fancy
花式溜冰 {n} /huāshì liūbīng/ :: figure skating
花鳀 {def} SEE: 花鯷 ::
花鼠 {n} /huāshǔ/ :: Siberian chipmunk, Eutamias sibiricus
花束 {n} /huāshù/ :: a bunch of flowers, a bouquet
花丝 {def} SEE: 花絲 ::
花絲 {n} /huāsī/ :: filament (stalk of a stamen in a flower)
花臺 {n} /huātái/ :: raised flowerbed
花臺 {prop} /huātái/ :: (~ 鄉) 花臺 (township)
花台 {def} SEE: 花臺 ::
花坛 {def} SEE: 花壇 ::
花壇 {n} /huātán/ :: raised flowerbed
花壇 {prop} /huātán/ :: (~ 鄉) 花壇 (rural township)
花天酒地 {idiom} [figurative] /huātiānjiǔdì/ :: to indulge in sensual pleasures; to spend one's time in drinking and pleasure; life of debauchery
花条马 {def} SEE: 花條馬 ::
花鲦 {def} SEE: 花鰷 ::
花跳 {def} SEE: 花鰷 ::
花王 {n} /huāwáng/ :: peony
花王 {n} [Cantonese] /huāwáng/ :: gardener
花紋 {n} /huāwén/ :: decorative design
花纹 {def} SEE: 花紋 ::
花屋脊 {prop} /Huāwūjǐ/ :: (~ 村) 花屋脊 (village)
花西 {prop} /Huāxī/ :: (~ 鄉) 花西 (township)
花县 {def} SEE: 花縣 ::
花縣 {prop} [historical] /Huāxiàn/ :: 花縣 (county)
花香 {n} /huāxiāng/ :: fragrance of flowers
花銷 {v} /huāxiao/ :: to spend; to expend
花銷 {n} /huāxiao/ :: expense; cost; expenditure  
花销 {def} SEE: 花銷 ::
花心 {adj} [colloquial] /huāxīn/ :: having a roving eye; promiscuous, fickle in love affairs
花心 {n} /huāxīn/ :: centre of a flower
花心 {n} [colloquial] /huāxīn/ :: stamen and gynoecium
花心萝卜 {def} SEE: 花心蘿蔔 ::
花心蘿蔔 {idiom} /huāxīn luóbo/ :: playboy; cad
花序 {n} [botany] /huāxù/ :: inflorescence (flower cluster)
花絮 {n} /huāxù/ :: catkin (which is fluttering in the air)
花絮 {n} [figurative] /huāxù/ :: bits of news; titbits; interesting sidelights
花押 {n} /huāyā/ :: stylized signature
花雅之争 {def} SEE: 花雅之爭 ::
花雅之爭 {n} [historical, music] /huāyǎzhīzhēng/ :: the struggle for audience between Kunqu (“elegant” classical opera dating from the Ming Dynasty) and luantan (newer, flashier/more raucous forms of “local opera”) during the Qing Dynasty in China
花言巧語 {idiom} /huāyánqiǎoyǔ/ :: sweet but insincere (usually flattering) speech; slick talk; dishonest rhetoric
花言巧语 {def} SEE: 花言巧語 ::
花顏 {n} [literary] /huāyán/ :: the face of a beautiful woman (that is as lovely as a flower)
花颜 {def} SEE: 花顏 ::
花眼 {n} /huāyǎn/ :: presbyopia
花眼 {v} /huāyǎn/ :: to be dazzled
花样 {def} SEE: 花樣 ::
花样滑冰 {def} SEE: 花樣滑冰 ::
花样溜冰 {def} SEE: 花樣溜冰 ::
花样游泳 {def} SEE: 花樣游泳 ::
花樣 {n} /huāyàng/ :: pattern
花樣 {n} /huāyàng/ :: variety; variation
花樣 {n} [colloquial] /huāyàng/ :: trick (act of mischief); ploy
花樣滑冰 {n} /huāyàng huábīng/ :: figure skating
花樣溜冰 {n} /huāyàng liūbīng/ :: figure skating
花樣游泳 {n} [sports] /huāyàng yóuyǒng/ :: synchronized swimming
花药 {def} SEE: 花葯 ::
花药 {def} SEE: 花藥 ::
花葯 {n} [botany] /huāyào/ :: anther
花藥 {def} SEE: 花葯 ::
花藥 {n} /huāyào/ :: alternative name for 芍藥
花椰菜 {n} /huā椰cài/ :: cauliflower
花叶病 {def} SEE: 花葉病 ::
花阴 {def} SEE: 花陰 ::
花陰 {n} [archaic] /huāyīn/ :: the shade of bushes and flowers (in a courtyard)
花有重开日,人无再少年 {def} SEE: 花有重開日,人無再少年 ::
花有重開日,人無再少年 {phrase} /huā yǒu chóng kāi rì, rén wú zài shàonián/ :: A flower may blossom again, but a person cannot get young again
花魚湖 {prop} /Huāyúhú/ :: (~ 村) 花魚湖 (village)
花鱼湖 {def} SEE: 花魚湖 ::
花屿 {def} SEE: 花嶼 ::
花嶼 {prop} /Huāyǔ/ :: 花嶼 (islet)
花嶼 {prop} /Huāyǔ/ :: (~ 村) 花嶼 (rural village)
花語 {n} /huāyǔ/ :: language of flowers; floriography; floral language (flowers as symbols of qualities or messages)
花语 {def} SEE: 花語 ::
花园 {def} SEE: 花園 ::
花园城市 {def} SEE: 花園城市 ::
花園 {n} /huāyuán,er/ :: flower garden; garden (Classifier: m:個m:座)
花園 {prop} /huāyuán,er/ :: (~ 鎮) 花園 (town)
花園 {prop} /huāyuán,er/ :: (~ 村) 花園 (village)
花園城市 {n} /huāyuán chéngshì/ :: garden city
花札 {n} [card games] /huāzhá/ :: hanafuda
花招 {n} /huāzhāo,er/ :: showy movement in wushu; flourish
花招 {n} [figurative] /huāzhāo,er/ :: trick; game
花着 {def} SEE: 花著 ::
花枝 {n} [literary] /huāzhī,er/ :: flowering branch; spray
花枝 {n} [figuratively] /huāzhī,er/ :: beautiful woman
花枝 {n} /huāzhī,er/ :: cuttlefish (as a dish)
花枝招展 {idiom} [typically of a woman] /huāzhīzhāozhǎn/ :: gorgeously dressed; all dolled up; seductively dressed
花軸 {n} [botany] /huāzhóu/ :: floral axis
花轴 {def} SEE: 花軸 ::
花烛 {def} SEE: 花燭 ::
花燭 {n} /huāzhú/ :: flowered candelabrum of the wedding night; wedding candles in the bridal chamber
花著 {def} SEE: 花招 ::
花砖 {def} SEE: 花磚 ::
花磚 {n} /huāzhuān/ :: ornamental slab for paving the floor
花啄木 {n} /huāzhuómù/ :: great spotted woodpecker
花子 {n} /huāzi/ :: beggar
花子 {n} /huāzǐ/ :: flower seed
花子 {n} /huāzǐ/ :: cottonseed
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huá/ :: [obsolete] a bird similar to a pheasant
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huá/ :: name of a mountain
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [Chinese mythology] /huá/ :: a gleaming flying fish with bird wings in legend
{def} /huá/ :: spotted steed (Hemibarbus maculatus)
{def} /huá/ :: sound of chewing bones
㓦劃 {v} [dialectal Mandarin] /bāihua,bāihuai,bòhuà/ :: to arrange; to deal with
㓦劃 {v} [dialectal Mandarin] /bāihua,bāihuai,bòhuà/ :: to repair; to renovate
{def} /huá,huà/ :: to divide; to mark off
{def} /huá,huà/ :: scratch
{def} /huá,huà/ :: alternative form of
劃撥 {v} /huàbō/ :: to transfer
劃撥 {v} /huàbō/ :: to assign; to allocate
劃定 {v} /huàdìng/ :: to delineate; to demarcate; to define
劃分 {v} /huàfēn/ :: to divide; to mark off
劃分 {v} /huàfēn/ :: to differentiate
劃分 {n} [economics, marketing] /huàfēn/ :: segmentation
劃歸 {v} /huàguī/ :: to put under; to incorporate into; to classify as
劃鬼腳 {def} SEE: 畫鬼腳 ::
劃痕 {n} /huáhén/ :: scratch (on car, glass, skin, etc.)
劃清界線 {idiom} [literally] /huàqīngjièxiàn/ :: to draw clear boundaries
劃清界線 {idiom} [figurative] /huàqīngjièxiàn/ :: to draw a line; to have nothing to do with each other
劃時代 {adj} [attributive] /huàshídài/ :: epoch-making
劃線支票 {n} [finance] /huàxiànzhīpiào/ :: crossed cheque
{def} SEE: ::
华安 {def} SEE: 華安 ::
华北 {def} SEE: 華北 ::
华北平原 {def} SEE: 華北平原 ::
华表 {def} SEE: 華表 ::
华埠 {def} SEE: 華埠 ::
华彩 {def} SEE: 華彩 ::
华彩乐段 {def} SEE: 華彩樂段 ::
华城 {def} SEE: 華城 ::
华盛顿 {def} SEE: 華盛頓 ::
华盛顿哥伦比亚特区 {def} SEE: 華盛頓哥倫比亞特區 ::
华盛顿特区 {def} SEE: 華盛頓特區 ::
华达呢 {def} SEE: 華達呢 ::
华大 {def} SEE: 華大 ::
华灯 {def} SEE: 華燈 ::
华电 {def} SEE: 華電 ::
华东 {def} SEE: 華東 ::
华而不实 {def} SEE: 華而不實 ::
华尔兹 {def} SEE: 華爾茲 ::
华尔街 {def} SEE: 華爾街 ::
华发 {def} SEE: 華髮 ::
华法林 {def} SEE: 華法林 ::
华夫 {def} SEE: 華夫 ::
华府 {def} SEE: 華府 ::
华富里 {def} SEE: 華富里 ::
华盖 {def} SEE: 華蓋 ::
华格纳 {def} SEE: 華格納 ::
华工 {def} SEE: 華工 ::
华工大 {def} SEE: 華工大 ::
华贵 {def} SEE: 華貴 ::
华航 {def} SEE: 華航 ::
华家河 {def} SEE: 華家河 ::
华教 {def} SEE: 華教 ::
华居 {def} SEE: 華居 ::
华莱士 {def} SEE: 華萊士 ::
华乐 {def} SEE: 華樂 ::
华乐团 {def} SEE: 華樂團 ::
华李 {def} SEE: 華李 ::
华里 {def} SEE: 華里 ::
华丽 {def} SEE: 華麗 ::
华利 {def} SEE: 華利 ::
华林 {def} SEE: 華林 ::
华骝 {def} SEE: 華騮 ::
华伦西亚 {def} SEE: 華倫西亞 ::
华美 {def} SEE: 華美 ::
华民 {def} SEE: 華民 ::
华南 {def} SEE: 華南 ::
华南虎 {def} SEE: 華南虎 ::
华南鼬鼠 {def} SEE: 華南鼬鼠 ::
华年 {def} SEE: 華年 ::
华农东 {def} SEE: 華農東 ::
华农西 {def} SEE: 華農西 ::
华企 {def} SEE: 華企 ::
华侨 {def} SEE: 華僑 ::
华清 {def} SEE: 華清 ::
华清池 {def} SEE: 華清池 ::
华人 {def} SEE: 華人 ::
华人街 {def} SEE: 華人街 ::
华人区 {def} SEE: 華人區 ::
华人新年 {def} SEE: 華人新年 ::
华容 {def} SEE: 華容 ::
华容道 {def} SEE: 華容道 ::
华沙 {def} SEE: 華沙 ::
华山 {def} SEE: 華山 ::
华商 {def} SEE: 華商 ::
华社 {def} SEE: 華社 ::
华师 {def} SEE: 華師 ::
华师大 {def} SEE: 華師大 ::
华氏 {def} SEE: 華氏 ::
华氏度 {def} SEE: 華氏度 ::
华田 {def} SEE: 華田 ::
华团 {def} SEE: 華團 ::
华文 {def} SEE: 華文 ::
华西 {def} SEE: 華西 ::
华夏 {def} SEE: 華夏 ::
华小 {def} SEE: 華小 ::
华校 {def} SEE: 華校 ::
华胥 {def} SEE: 華胥 ::
华夷 {def} SEE: 華夷 ::
华夷一家 {def} SEE: 華夷一家 ::
华裔 {def} SEE: 華裔 ::
华阴 {def} SEE: 華陰 ::
华蓥 {def} SEE: 華鎣 ::
华语 {def} SEE: 華語 ::
华语文 {def} SEE: 華語文 ::
华语文能力测验 {def} SEE: 華語文能力測驗 ::
华仔 {def} SEE: 華仔 ::
华中 {def} SEE: 華中 ::
华中大 {def} SEE: 華中大 ::
华中科技大学 {def} SEE: 華中科技大學 ::
华州 {def} SEE: 華州 ::
华胄 {def} SEE: 華胄 ::
华族 {def} SEE: 華族 ::
{def} /huà/ :: alternative form of the name of Mount Hua (mountain in Shaanxi province)
{def} /huà/ :: surname
{def} /huà/ :: birch
樺甸 {prop} /Huàdiàn/ :: (~ 市) 樺甸 (city)
樺樹 {n} /huàshù/ :: birch
樺太 {prop} /Huàtài/ :: (~ 島) alternative name for 庫頁
樺太島 {prop} /Huàtài Dǎo/ :: alternative name for 庫頁島
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huá/ :: to slip; to slide
{def} /huá/ :: to swipe (on an electronic product)
{def} /huá/ :: very smooth
{def} /huá/ :: slippery
{def} /huá/ :: surname
{def} /gǔ/ :: [obsolete] to disturb; to unsettle
{def} /gǔ/ :: [obsolete] to treat; to regulate
{def} /gǔ/ :: [obsolete] to muddy
{def} /gǔ/ :: used in 滑稽
滑板 {n} [mechanics] /huábǎn/ :: slide
滑板 {n} [sports] /huábǎn/ :: skateboard
滑板 {n} [sports] /huábǎn/ :: feint play (in table tennis)
滑板車 {n} /huábǎnchē/ :: kick scooter
滑板车 {def} SEE: 滑板車 ::
滑冰 {v} /huábīng/ :: to skate on ice
滑冰 {v} /huábīng/ :: to roller-skate
滑冰 {n} /huábīng/ :: skating
滑冰 {n} /huábīng/ :: roller skating
滑冰場 {n} /huábīng場/ :: skating rink (frozen surface for skating)
滑冰场 {def} SEE: 滑冰場 ::
滑車 {n} /huáchē/ :: pulley
滑車神經 {n} [neuroanatomy] /huáchē shénjīng/ :: trochlear nerve
滑车 {def} SEE: 滑車 ::
滑川 {prop} /Huáchuān/ :: (~ 市) 滑川 (city)
滑动 {def} SEE: 滑動 ::
滑動 {v} /huádòng/ :: to slide; to glide
滑旱冰 {v} /huáhànbīng/ :: to go rollerskating; to roller skate
滑行 {v} /huáxíng/ :: to coast; to slide (with negligible friction)
滑行 {v} [of vehicles, train, airplane] /huáxíng/ :: to move under inertia; to taxi
滑行道 {n} /huáxíngdào/ :: taxiway
滑稽 {adj} /huájī,gǔjī,2nb/ :: comical; funny; amusing
滑稽 {adj} /huájī,gǔjī,2nb/ :: according to custom
滑稽 {n} /huájī,gǔjī,2nb/ :: a type of ancient drinking vessel
滑稽 {n} /huájī,gǔjī,2nb/ :: a type of Chinese opera
滑家垱 {def} SEE: 滑家壋 ::
滑家壋 {prop} /Huájiādàng/ :: (~ 社區) 滑家壋 (residential community)
滑精 {n} [TCM] /huájīng/ :: involuntary emission; spermatorrhea
滑溜 {adj} [of objects] /huáliu,huáliū/ :: slick; smooth
滑溜 {adj} [of speech] /huáliu,huáliū/ :: smooth, fluent
滑溜 {adj} [of people] /huáliu,huáliū/ :: smooth, oily, cunning
滑溜 {v} [cooking] /huáliu,huáliū/ :: to sauté with added starch sauce
滑輪 {n} /huálún/ :: pulley
滑輪 {n} /huálún/ :: block and tackle
滑轮 {def} SEE: 滑輪 ::
滑落 {v} /huáluò/ :: to slip and fall; to fall off
滑面內質網 {n} [cytology] /huámiàn nèi质wǎng/ :: alternative name for 光面內質網
滑面内质网 {def} SEE: 滑面內質網 ::
滑膜 {n} [anatomy] /huá膜/ :: synovial membrane; synovium
滑膜关节 {def} SEE: 滑膜關節 ::
滑膜關節 {n} [anatomy] /huá膜 guānjié/ :: synovial joint
滑嫩 {adj} /huánèn/ :: silky smooth; soft and supple (e.g. of skin)
滑腻 {def} SEE: 滑膩 ::
滑膩 {adj} /huánì/ :: satiny; velvety; creamy [of the skin]
滑坡 {n} /huápō/ :: landslip; landslide; mudslide
滑坡 {v} [figuratively, mainly, mainland China] /huápō/ :: to decline; to go downhill; to be on the wane
滑润 {def} SEE: 滑潤 ::
滑潤 {adj} /huárùn/ :: smooth; well-lubricated
滑石 {n} /huáshí/ :: talc
滑石 {n} /huáshí/ :: talcum
滑石粉 {n} /huáshífěn/ :: talcum powder; baby powder
滑鼠 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, computing] /huáshǔ/ :: mouse
滑鼠垫 {def} SEE: 滑鼠墊 ::
滑鼠墊 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /huáshǔdiàn/ :: mouse pad
滑水 {n} [sports] /huáshuǐ/ :: water-skiing
滑水 {v} /huáshuǐ/ :: to water-ski
滑胎 {n} [TCM] /huátāi/ :: habitual miscarriage
滑膛 {n} /huátáng/ :: smoothbore
滑膛枪 {def} SEE: 滑膛槍 ::
滑膛槍 {n} /huátángqiāng/ :: smoothbore; musket
滑梯 {n} /huátī/ :: slide (play equipment)
滑天下之大稽 {idiom} /huátiānxiàzhīdàjī/ :: to be comical; to be ridiculous; to be laughable
滑鐵盧 {prop} /Huátiělú/ :: Waterloo (in various countries, especially Waterloo, Belgium)
滑鐵盧 {n} [figurative] /Huátiělú/ :: defeat; disastrous defeat
滑鐵盧 {v} [chiefly Cantonese] /Huátiělú/ :: to suffer a disastrous defeat
滑铁卢 {def} SEE: 滑鐵盧 ::
滑头 {def} SEE: 滑頭 ::
滑頭 {adj} /huátóu/ :: slippery; shifty; slick
滑頭 {n} /huátóu/ :: slippery fellow; sly customer
滑翔 {v} /huáxiáng/ :: to glide; to soar
滑翔机 {def} SEE: 滑翔機 ::
滑翔機 {n} /huáxiángjī/ :: glider (aircraft)
滑翔伞 {def} SEE: 滑翔傘 ::
滑翔傘 {n} /huáxiángsǎn/ :: paraglider (canopy)
滑心 {v} [literary] /gǔxīn/ :: to unsettle the mind; to disturb the mood
滑雪 {v} /huáxuě/ :: to ski
滑雪板 {n} /huáxuěbǎn/ :: ski; skis
滑雪板 {n} /huáxuěbǎn/ :: snowboard
滑雪場 {n} /huáxuě场/ :: ski field
滑雪场 {def} SEE: 滑雪場 ::
滑液 {n} /huá液/ :: synovial fluid
滑液关节 {def} SEE: 滑液關節 ::
滑液關節 {n} [anatomy] /huá液guānjié/ :: synovial joint
滑液膜 {n} [anatomy] /huá液膜/ :: synovial membrane
滑液囊 {n} [anatomy] /huá液náng/ :: synovial bursa
滑音 {n} [music] /huáyīn/ :: glissando; portamento; sliding tone
滑欲 {v} [literary] /gǔyù/ :: to regulate one's desires
滑奏 {n} /huázòu/ :: alternative name for 滑音
滑奏部 {n} [music] /huázòubù/ :: glissando
滑奏法 {n} [music] /huázòufǎ/ :: glissando
{def} /kuài/ :: field ditch
{def} /Huì/ :: (~ 河) the name of Huihe, a river that flows from Henan to Anhui province
{def} SEE: ::
狯味 {def} SEE: 獪味 ::
{def} /huá/ :: brilliance; magnificence
{def} /huá/ :: (good) times; years; period
{def} /huá/ :: young; youthful
{def} /huá/ :: literary grace; talent for literature
{def} /huá/ :: prestige; status; fame
{def} /huá/ :: colourful; brilliant (especially of carvings and decorations)
{def} /huá/ :: magnificent; gorgeous; resplendent
{def} /huá/ :: delicious; tasty
{def} /huá/ :: essence; quintessence
{def} [honorific] /huá/ :: your; your honourable
{def} [exalted] /huá/ :: abbreviation of 華夏 land of illustrious clothing and grand ritualChina; Chinese culture
{def} /huá/ :: abbreviation of 漢語
{def} /huá/ :: luxuriant; flourishing; prosperous
{def} /huá/ :: noble; influential; eminent
{def} /huá/ :: yellow (colour)
{def} /huá/ :: pink; rosy
{def} /huá/ :: grey (of hair)
{def} /huá/ :: flashy; extravagant; showy; ostentatious; florid
{def} [historical] /huá/ :: cover of a carriage
{def} /huá/ :: fruit (of a cucurbit plant)
{def} [geology] /huá/ :: sinter
{def} [chemistry] /huá/ :: chemical produced via sublimation
{def} [astronomy] /huá/ :: corona; ring of light
{def} /huá/ :: alternative form of
{def} /huā/ :: alternative form of
{def} /huā/ :: to flower; to blossom
{def} [TCM] /huā/ :: flower pulse; weak pulse
{def} /huā/ :: to be dim-sighted; to be dazzled
{def} /huā/ :: to dissect; to cut up
{def} /huà/ :: (~ 山) (mountain)
{def} /huà/ :: original form of
{def} /huà/ :: surname
華安 {prop} /Huá'ān/ :: (~ 縣) 華安 (county)
華北 {prop} [literary] /Huáběi/ :: North China
華北平原 {prop} /Huáběi Píngyuán/ :: North China Plain
華表 {n} /huábiǎo/ :: huabiao (ornamental columns erected in front of palaces, tombs, etc.)
華埠 {n} /huábù/ :: Chinatown
華彩 {adj} /huácǎi/ :: grand; gorgeous; resplendent
華彩 {n} /huácǎi/ :: rich colours; resplendent colours
華彩樂段 {n} [music] /huácǎi yuèduàn/ :: cadenza
華城 {prop} /Huáchéng/ :: (~ 市) 華城 (city)
華盛頓 {prop} /Huáshèngdùn/ :: Washington (English surname)
華盛頓 {prop} /Huáshèngdùn/ :: (~ 哥倫比亞特區) Washington, D.C. (federal capital of the United States of America)
華盛頓 {prop} /Huáshèngdùn/ :: (~ 州) 華盛頓 (state)
華盛頓哥倫比亞特區 {prop} /Huáshèngdùn Gēlúnbǐ亞 Tèqū/ :: Washington D.C.
華盛頓特區 {prop} /Huáshèngdùn Tèqū/ :: Washington D.C.
華達呢 {n} /huádání/ :: gabardine
華大 {prop} /Huádà/ :: short fo 華盛頓^大學 (University of Washington); UW
華燈 {n} /huádēng/ :: colorfully decorated lantern; light
華電 {prop} /Huádiàn/ :: abbreviation of
華東 {prop} /Huádōng/ :: Eastern China
華而不實 {idiom} /huá'ér不shí/ :: having a handsome exterior but hollow inside; flashy and without substance
華爾街 {prop} /Huá'ěrjiē/ :: Wall Street
華爾茲 {n} /huá'ěrzī/ :: waltz
華法林 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /huáfǎlín/ :: warfarin
華髮 {n} [literary] /huá髮/ :: salt-and-pepper hair
華夫 {n} /huáfū/ :: waffle
華府 {prop} /Huáfǔ/ :: alternative name for 華盛頓特區
華府 {prop} [metonymic] /Huáfǔ/ :: government of the United States
華富里 {prop} /Huáfùlǐ/ :: (~ 府) 華富里 (province)
華蓋 {n} [historical] /huágài/ :: canopy (domed umbrella-like roof) over an imperial carriage
華蓋 {n} [literary, by extension] /huágài/ :: imperial carriage; nobleman's chariot
華蓋 {n} [Chinese astronomy] /huágài/ :: Canopy of the Emperor, an asterism in the Purple Forbidden enclosure and a sign of bad luck
華蓋 {n} [astronomy] /huágài/ :: aureole
華蓋 {n} [Taoism] /huágài/ :: eyebrow
華格納 {prop} [Taiwan, Hong Kong] /Huágénà/ :: Wagner (surname)
華工 {n} [historical, obsolete] /huágōng/ :: overseas Chinese laborers
華工 {prop} /huágōng/ :: abbreviation of
華工大 {prop} /Huágōngdà/ :: abbreviation of
華貴 {adj} /huáguì/ :: luxurious; sumptuous; costly
華貴 {adj} /huáguì/ :: wealthy
華航 {prop} /Huáháng/ :: China Airlines (the largest airline in Taiwan), abbreviation of 中華航空
華家河 {prop} /Huàjiāhé/ :: (~ 村) 華家河 (village)
華教 {n} /huájiào/ :: Chinese language education (in overseas Chinese communities)
華居 {n} [honorific] /huájū/ :: the magnificent residence of yours; your house
華萊士 {prop} /Huáláishì/ :: Wallace (English name)
華樂 {n} [chiefly Malaysia, Singapore] /huáyuè/ :: traditional Chinese orchestral music
華樂團 {idiom} [Singapore, Malaysia] /huáyuètuán/ :: modern Chinese orchestra
華麗 {adj} /huálì/ :: gorgeous; splendid; resplendent
華李 {prop} /Huálǐ/ :: (~ 村) 華李 (village)
華里 {n} /huálǐ/ :: Chinese li (unit of measure)
華利 {prop} /Huálì/ :: (~ 村) 華利 (village)
華林 {prop} /Huálín/ :: (~ 村) 華林 (village)
華騮 {def} SEE: 驊騮 ::
華倫西亞 {prop} [Hong Kong, Macau] /Huálúnxī亚/ :: València
華美 {adj} /huáměi/ :: magnificent and beautiful
華美 {prop} [used attributively] /huáměi/ :: China and America
華民 {n} [literary] /huámín/ :: Chinese people
華南 {prop} /Huánán/ :: South China
華南虎 {n} /huánánhǔ/ :: South China tiger, Panthera tigris amoyensis
華南鼬鼠 {n} /Huánán yòushǔ/ :: Siberian weasel, Mustela sibirica davidiana
華年 {n} [literary] /huánián/ :: youth; prime of one's life
華農東 {prop} /Huánóngdōng/ :: (~ 社區) 華農東 (residential community)
華農西 {prop} /Huánóngxī/ :: (~ 社區) 華農西 (residential community)
華企 {n} /huá企/ :: Chinese business; Chinese company
華僑 {n} [law] /huáqiáo/ :: Chinese national who lives outside of China
華僑 {n} [in general] /huáqiáo/ :: Chinese person living abroad; overseas Chinese; Huaqiao
華清 {prop} /Huáqīng/ :: Huaqing Pool
華清池 {prop} /Huáqīng chí/ :: Huaqing Pool
華人 {n} /Huárén/ :: ethnic Chinese people (usually indicating those traveling or living outside of China)
華人街 {n} /huárénjiē/ :: alternative name for 唐人街
華人區 {n} /huárénqū/ :: area abroad primarily populated by people of Chinese descent
華人新年 {n} [Malaysia, Singapore] /Huárén xīnnián/ :: Chinese New Year
華容 {prop} /Huáróng/ :: (~ 縣) Huarong County
華容 {prop} /Huáróng/ :: (~ 區) 華容 (district)
華容 {prop} /Huáróng/ :: (~ 鎮) 華容 (town)
華容道 {prop} [historical] /Huáróngdào/ :: Huarongdao (a place in Hubei, China)
華容道 {n} /Huáróngdào/ :: Klotski (game)
華沙 {prop} /Huáshā/ :: 華沙 (city/capital city)
華山 {prop} /Huà Shān/ :: Mount Hua (in Shaanxi Province, China)
華商 {n} /huáshāng/ :: Chinese business or businessperson
華社 {n} /huáshè/ :: short fo 華人社群 (Chinese community)
華師 {prop} /Huáshī/ :: abbreviation of
華師 {prop} /Huáshī/ :: abbreviation of
華師 {prop} /Huáshī/ :: abbreviation of
華師大 {prop} /Huáshīdà/ :: abbreviation of
華師大 {prop} /Huáshīdà/ :: abbreviation of
華師大 {prop} /Huáshīdà/ :: abbreviation of
華氏 {adj} [preceding a number] /Huáshì/ :: Fahrenheit
華氏度 {n} /huáshìdù,tl2/ :: degrees Fahrenheit
華團 {n} /huátuán/ :: Chinese association (often in Malaysia)
華文 {n} /huáwén/ :: Chinese language
華文 {n} /huáwén/ :: Chinese script
華文 {n} /huáwén/ :: Chinese culture
華西 {prop} /Huáxī/ :: Western China, especially the areas of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, such as Sichuan province
華西 {prop} /Huáxī/ :: (~ 村) Huaxi Village (village in Jiangyin, Jiangsu province, China)
華夏 {prop} [poetic, historical] /Huáxià/ :: Huaxia (the land of Chinese culture, particularly in ancient historical contexts, as distinguished from non-Chinese barbarians)
華夏 {prop} /Huáxià/ :: China
華小 {n} /huáxiǎo,er/ :: short fo 華文小學 (Chinese-medium primary school)
華校 {n} /huáxiào/ :: Chinese school (schools in overseas Chinese communities that teach Chinese)
華胥 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Huáxū/ :: mythological civilisation to the south of Mount Hua; ideal state
華胥 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Huáxū/ :: mother of Fuxi
華胥 {prop} /Huáxū/ :: (~ 鎮) 華胥 (town)
華胥 {n} [figurative] /Huáxū/ :: dream; dreamland
華夷 {prop} /Huá-Yí/ :: Chinese and non-Chinese ethnic groups
華夷一家 {idiom} [historical] /huáyí一jiā/ :: the ideology that Chinese and non-Chinese ethnic groups (in China) are of one family; ethnic pluralism
華裔 {n} /huáyì/ :: person of Chinese ancestry (usually born abroad, to parent(s) of Chinese ancestry)
華陰 {prop} /Huàyīn/ :: (~ 市) 華陰 (city)
華鎣 {prop} /Huáyíng/ :: (~ 市) 華鎣 (county-level city)
華語 {n} [chiefly Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia, sometimes, in Taiwan] /huáyǔ/ :: Mandarin Chinese; (standard) Chinese
華語 {n} [Classical] /huáyǔ/ :: words of praise
華語文 {n} /huáyǔwén/ :: Chinese language (both spoken and written)
華語文能力測驗 {n} /Huáyǔwén Nénglì Cèyàn/ :: Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL)
華仔 {prop} [colloquial] /Huázǎi/ :: Andy Lau (Cantopop singer)
華中 {prop} /Huázhōng/ :: Central China
華中大 {prop} /Huázhōngdà/ :: abbreviation of
華中科技大學 {prop} /Huázhōngkējìdàxué/ :: (~ 社區) 華中科技大學 (community)
華州 {prop} /Huázhōu/ :: (~ 區) 華州 (district)
華州 {prop} /Huázhōu/ :: 華州 (state)
華胄 {n} [formal] /huázhòu/ :: Chinese people; Han people
華胄 {n} [formal] /huázhòu/ :: descendants of noblemen
華族 {n} [literary] /huázú/ :: noble family; noble ancestry
華族 {n} /huázú/ :: ethnic Chinese (as an ethnic group)
{def} /huá/ :: only used in 螖蠌
{def} SEE: ::
譁變 {v} /huábiàn/ :: to mutiny
譁變 {n} /huábiàn/ :: mutiny
譁眾取寵 {def} SEE: 嘩眾取寵 ::
{def} /huò/ :: open; clear; open-minded
{def} /huò/ :: to exempt; to remit
{def} /huò/ :: surname
{def} /huō/ :: to slit; to crack
{def} /huō/ :: to give up; to sacrifice; to risk one's life
{def} SEE: ::
豁出去 {v} [colloquial] /huō chūqù,huò chūqù,tl/ :: to go ahead at any price; to take the risk
豁达 {def} SEE: 豁達 ::
豁達 {adj} /huòdá/ :: open-minded; broad-minded; sanguine; optimistic; generous; liberal; progressive
豁口 {n} /huōkǒu/ :: opening; break; breach
豁亮 {adj} [literally, figuratively] /huòliàng/ :: roomy and bright
豁亮 {adj} /huòliàng/ :: sonorous; resonant
豁免 {v} /huòmiǎn/ :: to exempt; to excuse; to make immune
豁免权 {def} SEE: 豁免權 ::
豁免權 {n} [legal] /huòmiǎnquán/ :: immunity (such as diplomatic immunity, or immunity from prosecution)
豁拳 {def} SEE: 划拳 ::
豁然 {adj} [literary] /huòrán/ :: comprehended; understood
豁然 {adj} [literary] /huòrán/ :: open and clear
豁然 {adj} [literary] /huòrán/ :: optimistic
豁然 {adj} [literary] /huòrán/ :: unconstrained; unfettered; unrestrained
豁然 {adv} [literary] /huòrán/ :: suddenly (enlightened, see the light, etc.); all of a sudden
豁然开朗 {def} SEE: 豁然開朗 ::
豁然開朗 {idiom} /huòránkāilǎng/ :: to suddenly see the light; to be suddenly enlightened
豁然開朗 {idiom} /huòránkāilǎng/ :: the view instantly clears up; open and clear
豁嘴 {n} [colloquial] /huōzuǐ,er/ :: harelip
豁嘴 {n} [colloquial] /huōzuǐ,er/ :: person with a harelip
{def} /huá/ :: ploughshare
鏵犁 {n} /huálí/ :: ploughshare; share
{def} SEE: ::
铧犁 {def} SEE: 鏵犁 ::
{def} /huá/ :: only used in 驊騮
驊騮 {n} [literary] /huáliú/ :: fine horse
驊騮 {prop} [historical] /huáliú/ :: Hualiu (one of eight horses owned by King Mu of Zhou)
{def} SEE: ::
骅骝 {def} SEE: 驊騮 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
㓦划 {def} SEE: 㓦劃 ::
{def} /huá/ :: to row; to paddle
{def} /huá/ :: to calculate; to be profitable; to be a good deal
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: 𠜴 ::
划拨 {def} SEE: 劃撥 ::
划不來 {adj} /huábulái,huá不lái,1nb/ :: not worthwhile; it doesn't pay
划不来 {def} SEE: 划不來 ::
划船 {v} /huáchuán/ :: to row
划船 {n} /huáchuán/ :: rowing
划船 {n} /huáchuán/ :: small boat
划得來 {adj} /huádelái/ :: worthwhile; it will pay to
划得来 {def} SEE: 划得來 ::
划定 {def} SEE: 劃定 ::
划分 {def} SEE: 劃分 ::
划归 {def} SEE: 劃歸 ::
划鬼脚 {def} SEE: 劃鬼腳 ::
划痕 {def} SEE: 劃痕 ::
划桨 {def} SEE: 划槳 ::
划槳 {v} /huájiǎng/ :: to paddle
划清界线 {def} SEE: 劃清界線 ::
划拳 {v} /huáquán/ :: to play a game in which the participant guesses the figures the opponent will express with fingers, often as a drinking game
划时代 {def} SEE: 劃時代 ::
划水 {v} /huáshuǐ/ :: to row; to paddle; to do the arm pull
划水 {v} [slang] /huáshuǐ/ :: to shirk
划水 {v} [dialectal] /huáshuǐ/ :: to swim
划算 {adj} /huásuàn/ :: worthwhile
划算 {adj} /huásuàn/ :: cost-effective; being value for money; affordable
划算 {v} /huásuàn/ :: to calculate; to weigh
划艇 {n} /huátǐng/ :: canoe; rowboat; rowing boat
划线支票 {def} SEE: 劃線支票 ::
划子 {n} /huázi/ :: small rowboat
{def} /huà/ :: to change; to transform
{def} /huà/ :: to become; to turn into
{def} /huà/ :: [obsolete] to die
{def} /huà/ :: to melt
{def} /huà/ :: to dissolve
{def} /huà/ :: Suffix denoting "change into ...". Akin to English -ize and -ization
{def} /huà/ :: abbreviation of 教化
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huà/ :: abbreviation of 化學
化𬒈 {def} SEE: 化礐 ::
化成 {v} /huàchéng/ :: to transform; to turn into
化除 {v} [literary] /huàchú/ :: to eliminate; to dispel; to remove
化敌为友 {def} SEE: 化敵為友 ::
化敵為友 {idiom} /huàdíwéiyǒu/ :: to turn an enemy into a friend
化冻 {def} SEE: 化凍 ::
化凍 {v} /huàdòng/ :: to thaw, to melt
化凍 {v} /huàdòng/ :: to defrost
化毒丸 {n} [TCM] /huàdúwán/ :: huadu pill
化繁为简 {def} SEE: 化繁為簡 ::
化繁為簡 {idiom} /huàfánwéijiǎn/ :: to make it simple
化繁爲簡 {def} SEE: 化繁為簡 ::
化肥 {n} [agriculture] /huàféi/ :: abbreviation of 化學肥料
化分 {n} [chemistry] /huàfēn/ :: decomposition
化粪池 {def} SEE: 化糞池 ::
化糞池 {n} /huàfènchí/ :: septic tank
化腐朽为神奇 {def} SEE: 化腐朽為神奇 ::
化腐朽為神奇 {idiom} /huà fǔxiǔ wéi shénqí/ :: to find a new use for something that has been discarded; to make a silk purse of a sow's ear
化干戈为玉帛 {def} SEE: 化干戈為玉帛 ::
化干戈為玉帛 {idiom} /huà gāngē wéi yùbó/ :: to turn hostility into friendship; to bury the hatchet
化工 {n} /huàgōng/ :: abbreviation of 化學工業
化工 {n} /huàgōng/ :: abbreviation of 化學工程
化工 {n} [literary] /huàgōng/ :: nature's work
化工厂 {def} SEE: 化工廠 ::
化工廠 {n} /huàgōngchǎng/ :: chemical factory
化合 {v} [chemistry] /huàhé/ :: to combine
化合 {n} [chemistry] /huàhé/ :: chemical combination
化合价 {def} SEE: 化合價 ::
化合價 {n} /huàhéjià/ :: valence
化合物 {n} [chemistry] /huàhéwù/ :: chemical compound
化解 {v} /huàjiě/ :: to eliminate; to remove
化解 {v} /huàjiě/ :: to dissolve; to resolve (contradictions); to dispel (doubts); to defuse (conflicts)
化境 {n} /huàjìng/ :: sublimity; perfection
化竞 {def} SEE: 化競 ::
化競 {n} [Mainland] /huàjìng/ :: short fo 化學競賽
化开 {def} SEE: 化開 ::
化開 {v} /huàkāi/ :: to spread out after being diluted; to spread out after being melted
化開 {v} /huàkāi/ :: to dissolve into a liquid
化疗 {def} SEE: 化療 ::
化療 {n} [medicine] /huàliáo,er/ :: chemotherapy; chemo
化龍堰 {prop} /Huàlóngyàn/ :: (~ 鎮) 化龍堰 (town)
化龙堰 {def} SEE: 化龍堰 ::
化名 {v} /huàmíng/ :: to use an alias
化名 {n} /huàmíng/ :: assumed name, alias, pseudonym
化募 {v} /huàmù/ :: to collect alms (of Buddhist monks or Taoist priests)
化脓 {def} SEE: 化膿 ::
化膿 {v} /huànóng/ :: to suppurate; to fester (form or discharge pus)
化纤 {def} SEE: 化纖 ::
化身 {n} [Buddhism] /huàshēn/ :: avatar; reincarnation
化身 {n} [figuratively] /huàshēn/ :: living embodiment; reincarnation; personification
化身 {v} /huàshēn/ :: to transform into (a living embodiment of)
化身 {v} [Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /huàshēn/ :: to cremate
化生 {v} [literary] /huàshēng/ :: to nourish and bring up; to convert and produce
化生 {v} [zoology] /huàshēng/ :: to metamorphose
化生 {v} [Buddhism] /huàshēng/ :: to be born by transformation; to be born through metamorphosis
化生 {v} [medicine] /huàshēng/ :: to undergo metaplasia
化生 {n} [literary] /huàshēng/ :: incarnation; manifestation
化生 {n} [literary, historical] /huàshēng/ :: infant idol used in ancient times when supplicating for a son
化生 {n} [literary] /huàshēng/ :: statue of a goddess
化湿药 {def} SEE: 化濕藥 ::
化溼藥 {def} SEE: 化濕藥 ::
化濕藥 {n} /huàshīyào/ :: aromatic "dampness-dispersing" materia medica in traditional Chinese medicine. This term refers to herbs and other medicinal substances that are used to disperse "dampness" in the body
化石 {n} /huàshí/ :: fossil
化石燃料 {n} /huàshí ránliào/ :: fossil fuel
化食胆 {def} SEE: 化食膽 ::
化痰 {v} [TCM] /huàtán/ :: to reduce phlegm; to clear mucus in the throat
化外 {n} [dated] /huàwài/ :: areas outside the sphere of civilisation, beyond the pale of civilisation; barbarian lands; place beyond the reach of law and civilization
化外之地 {idiom} [historical] /huàwàizhīdì/ :: place inhabited by uncivilized people; place inhabited by non-Han ethnic groups that is less influenced by Han Chinese culture or not ruled or controlled by the Chinese government
化为 {def} SEE: 化為 ::
化为泡影 {def} SEE: 化為泡影 ::
化为乌有 {def} SEE: 化為烏有 ::
化為 {v} /huàwéi/ :: to change into; to become
化為泡影 {v} /huàwéi pàoyǐng/ :: to disappear completely; to come to nothing
化為烏有 {idiom} /huàwéiwūyǒu/ :: to vanish; to come to nothing
化纖 {n} /huàxiān/ :: synthetic fiber
化险为夷 {def} SEE: 化險為夷 ::
化險為夷 {idiom} /huà xiǎn wéi yí/ :: to head off a disaster
化学 {def} SEE: 化學 ::
化学变化 {def} SEE: 化學變化 ::
化学成分 {def} SEE: 化學成分 ::
化学传导物质 {def} SEE: 化學傳導物質 ::
化学当量 {def} SEE: 化學當量 ::
化学反应 {def} SEE: 化學反應 ::
化学方程式 {def} SEE: 化學方程式 ::
化学肥料 {def} SEE: 化學肥料 ::
化学分析 {def} SEE: 化學分析 ::
化学工程 {def} SEE: 化學工程 ::
化学工业 {def} SEE: 化學工業 ::
化学狗 {def} SEE: 化學狗 ::
化学剂 {def} SEE: 化學劑 ::
化学计量数 {def} SEE: 化學計量數 ::
化学家 {def} SEE: 化學家 ::
化学键 {def} SEE: 化學鍵 ::
化学疗法 {def} SEE: 化學療法 ::
化学能 {def} SEE: 化學能 ::
化学平衡 {def} SEE: 化學平衡 ::
化学纤维 {def} SEE: 化學纖維 ::
化学生物学 {def} SEE: 化學生物學 ::
化学式 {def} SEE: 化學式 ::
化学试剂 {def} SEE: 化學試劑 ::
化学武器 {def} SEE: 化學武器 ::
化学物质 {def} SEE: 化學物質 ::
化学性质 {def} SEE: 化學性質 ::
化学阉割 {def} SEE: 化學閹割 ::
化学药剂 {def} SEE: 化學藥劑 ::
化学元素 {def} SEE: 化學元素 ::
化学战 {def} SEE: 化學戰 ::
化学制剂 {def} SEE: 化學製劑 ::
化學 {n} /huàxué/ :: chemistry
化學 {n} /huàxué/ :: celluloid
化學 {adj} [Cantonese, Hakka] /huàxué/ :: fragile; brittle; unreliable; cheaply made; frail
化學變化 {n} /huàxué biànhuà/ :: chemical change
化學成分 {n} [chemistry, physics] /huàxué chéngfèn/ :: chemical composition
化學傳導物質 {n} [neuroscience] /huàxué chuándǎo wù質/ :: chemotransmitter
化學當量 {n} /huàxué dāngliàng/ :: chemical equivalent
化學反應 {n} /huàxué fǎnyìng/ :: chemical reaction
化學方程式 {n} [chemistry] /huàxué fāngchéngshì/ :: chemical equation
化學肥料 {n} [agriculture] /huàxué féiliào/ :: chemical fertilizer
化學分析 {n} /huàxué fēnxī/ :: chemical analysis
化學工程 {n} /huàxué gōngchéng/ :: chemical engineering
化學工業 {n} /huàxué gōngyè/ :: chemical industry
化學狗 {n} [neologism, slang, self-deprecating] /huàxuégǒu/ :: one who studies or makes a living from chemistry
化學劑 {n} /huàxuéjì/ :: chemical agent
化學計量數 {n} /huàxué jìliàngshù/ :: stoichiometric number
化學家 {n} /huàxuéjiā/ :: chemist
化學鍵 {n} /huàxuéjiàn/ :: chemical bond
化學療法 {n} /huàxué liáofǎ/ :: chemotherapy
化學能 {n} /huàxuénéng/ :: chemical energy
化學平衡 {n} [chemistry] /huàxué pínghéng/ :: chemical equilibrium
化學生物學 {n} /huàxué shēngwùxué/ :: chemical biology
化學式 {n} /huàxuéshì/ :: chemical formula
化學試劑 {n} /huàxué shìjì/ :: chemical agent
化學武器 {n} /huàxué wǔqì/ :: chemical weapon
化學物質 {n} [chemistry, physics] /huàxué wù质/ :: chemical substance
化學纖維 {n} /huàxué xiānwéi/ :: synthetic fiber
化學性質 {n} /huàxué xìng质/ :: chemical property
化學閹割 {n} /huàxué yāngē/ :: chemical castration
化學藥劑 {n} /huàxué yàojì/ :: chemical agent
化學元素 {n} [chemistry] /huàxué yuánsù/ :: chemical element
化學戰 {n} /huàxuézhàn/ :: chemical warfare
化學製劑 {n} /huàxué zhìjì/ :: chemical agent
化驗 {v} /huàyàn/ :: to run a laboratory test
化驗 {n} /huàyàn/ :: laboratory test
化驗單 {n} [medicine] /huàyàndān/ :: laboratory test report
化驗劑 {n} /huàyànjì/ :: chemical agent
化验 {def} SEE: 化驗 ::
化验单 {def} SEE: 化驗單 ::
化验剂 {def} SEE: 化驗劑 ::
化油器 {n} /huàyóuqì/ :: carburetor (a device in an internal combustion engine)
化雨 {n} [literary] /huàyǔ/ :: timely rain which nourishes all things
化雨 {n} [literary, figurative] /huàyǔ/ :: enlightenment; skilful and systematic guidance
化雨春風 {idiom} [figurative] /huàyǔchūnfēng/ :: benefits of education; positive influence of a teacher
化雨春风 {def} SEE: 化雨春風 ::
化育 {v} /huàyù/ :: to nurture; to foster
化育 {v} /huàyù/ :: to educate; to train
化緣 {v} [Buddhism] /huàyuán/ :: to beg for alms; to collect alms
化缘 {def} SEE: 化緣 ::
化症回生片 {n} /huàzhèng huíshēng piàn/ :: A brownish-yellow tablet used in traditional Chinese medicine "to remove blood stasis and dissolve masses in the treatment of mass formation in the abdomen, extreme leanness resulting from consumptive diseases with blood stasis in women, postpartum stagnation of blood with pain and tenderness in the lower abdomen"
化整为零 {def} SEE: 化整為零 ::
化整為零 {v} /huàzhěngwéilíng/ :: to break up the whole into parts
化州 {prop} /Huàzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 化州 (county-level city)
化州 {prop} /Huàzhōu/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] 化州 (county)
化州 {prop} [historical] /Huàzhōu/ :: 化州 (prefecture)
化妆 {def} SEE: 化妝 ::
化妆间 {def} SEE: 化妝間 ::
化妆品 {def} SEE: 化妝品 ::
化妆室 {def} SEE: 化妝室 ::
化妆水 {def} SEE: 化妝水 ::
化妆舞会 {def} SEE: 化妝舞會 ::
化妝 {v} /huàzhuāng,er/ :: to put on makeup; to apply makeup
化妝 {n} /huàzhuāng,er/ :: makeup
化妝間 {n} /huàzhuāngjiān/ :: toilet; bathroom; WC
化妝品 {n} /huàzhuāngpǐn/ :: cosmetics; make-up
化妝室 {n} /huàzhuāng室/ :: dressing room
化妝室 {n} [regional, euphemistic] /huàzhuāng室/ :: toilet; WC (especially ladies' toilet)
化妝水 {n} [cosmetics] /huàzhuāngshuǐ,er/ :: toner; lotion
化妝舞會 {n} /huàzhuāng wǔhuì/ :: masquerade, fancy ball
化粧 {def} SEE: 化妝 ::
化粧品 {def} SEE: 化妝品 ::
化粧室 {def} SEE: 化妝室 ::
化粧水 {def} SEE: 化妝水 ::
化装 {def} SEE: 化裝 ::
化装室 {def} SEE: 化裝室 ::
化裝 {v} /huàzhuāng,er/ :: alternative form of 化妝
化裝 {v} /huàzhuāng,er/ :: to disguise oneself
化裝 {n} /huàzhuāng,er/ :: alternative form of 化妝
化裝室 {n} /huàzhuāng室/ :: alternative form of 化妝室
化子 {def} SEE: 花子 ::
化作 {v} /huàzuò/ :: to become; to change into; to turn into
{def} SEE: 嫿 ::
嫿 {def} /huà/ :: [obsolete] [of a girl] tranquil and fine
嫿 {def} /huà/ :: [obsolete] good
{def} [obsolete] /huà/ :: large; wide
{def} SEE: ::
桦甸 {def} SEE: 樺甸 ::
桦树 {def} SEE: 樺樹 ::
桦太 {def} SEE: 樺太 ::
桦太岛 {def} SEE: 樺太島 ::
{def} [obsolete] /huà/ :: alternative form of
{def} /huà/ :: name of a river in Shandong province
{def} SEE: ::
画板 {def} SEE: 畫板 ::
画报 {def} SEE: 畫報 ::
画笔 {def} SEE: 畫筆 ::
画饼 {def} SEE: 畫餅 ::
画饼充饥 {def} SEE: 畫餅充飢 ::
画布 {def} SEE: 畫布 ::
画册 {def} SEE: 畫冊 ::
画策 {def} SEE: 畫策 ::
画地 {def} SEE: 畫地 ::
画儿 {def} SEE: 畫兒 ::
画舫 {def} SEE: 畫舫 ::
画风 {def} SEE: 畫風 ::
画幅 {def} SEE: 畫幅 ::
画阁 {def} SEE: 畫閣 ::
画供 {def} SEE: 畫供 ::
画公仔画出肠 {def} SEE: 畫公仔畫出腸 ::
画工 {def} SEE: 畫工 ::
画鼓 {def} SEE: 畫鼓 ::
画鬼脚 {def} SEE: 畫鬼腳 ::
画虎𡳞 {def} SEE: 畫虎𡳞 ::
画虎不成反类犬 {def} SEE: 畫虎不成反類犬 ::
画画 {def} SEE: 畫畫 ::
画戟 {def} SEE: 畫戟 ::
画家 {def} SEE: 畫家 ::
画架 {def} SEE: 畫架 ::
画匠 {def} SEE: 畫匠 ::
画卷 {def} SEE: 畫卷 ::
画刊 {def} SEE: 畫刊 ::
画廊 {def} SEE: 畫廊 ::
画龙点睛 {def} SEE: 畫龍點睛 ::
画眉 {def} SEE: 畫眉 ::
画眉草 {def} SEE: 畫眉草 ::
画谜 {def} SEE: 畫謎 ::
画面 {def} SEE: 畫面 ::
画皮 {def} SEE: 畫皮 ::
画商 {def} SEE: 畫商 ::
画蛇添足 {def} SEE: 畫蛇添足 ::
画室 {def} SEE: 畫室 ::
画素 {def} SEE: 畫素 ::
画坛 {def} SEE: 畫壇 ::
画堂 {def} SEE: 畫堂 ::
画帖 {def} SEE: 畫帖 ::
画图 {def} SEE: 畫圖 ::
画外音 {def} SEE: 畫外音 ::
画像 {def} SEE: 畫像 ::
画押 {def} SEE: 畫押 ::
画一 {def} SEE: 畫一 ::
画意 {def} SEE: 畫意 ::
画影图形 {def} SEE: 畫影圖形 ::
画展 {def} SEE: 畫展 ::
画质 {def} SEE: 畫質 ::
画轴 {def} SEE: 畫軸 ::
画烛 {def} SEE: 畫燭 ::
画作 {def} SEE: 畫作 ::
{def} /huà/ :: to write; to draw; to paint
{def} /huà/ :: to divide by a line
{def} /huà/ :: alternative form of
{def} /huà/ :: stroke of Chinese character
{def} /huà,er/ :: drawing; painting; picture (Classifier: c:幅)
畫板 {n} /huàbǎn,er/ :: drawing board
畫報 {n} /huàbào/ :: pictorial; magazine with pictures (Classifier: m:本m:張m:份m:冊m:期)
畫筆 {n} /huàbǐ/ :: paintbrush
畫餅 {v} [figurative] /huàbǐng/ :: to make (empty) promises; to give false hope
畫餅充飢 {idiom} [figurative] /huàbǐngchōngjī/ :: to feed on illusions; [of something attractive-looking] to be of no actual use
畫餅充饑 {def} SEE: 畫餅充飢 ::
畫布 {n} /huàbù/ :: canvas [for painting]
畫冊 {n} /huàcè/ :: picture album
畫策 {n} [literary] /huàcè/ :: tactics; strategy
畫策 {v} /huàcè/ :: alternative form of 劃策
畫地 {v} [literary] /huàdì/ :: to draw or write something in the dirt (using a stick or one's hand etc.)
畫兒 {n} /huàr/ :: erhua form of []
畫舫 {n} /huàfǎng/ :: decorated cruise ship
畫風 {n} [arts] /huàfēng/ :: style (of drawing, painting, etc.)
畫幅 {n} /huàfú/ :: picture; drawing; painting
畫幅 {n} /huàfú/ :: size of a picture; dimension of a painting
畫閣 {n} [archaic] /huàgé/ :: a (usually two story) pavillion painted with bright and lively colors; a painted (usually two story) pavillion
畫供 {v} /huà供/ :: to sign a written confession to a crime
畫工 {n} /huàgōng/ :: artisan painter
畫工 {n} /huàgōng/ :: painting technique
畫鼓 {n} [archaic] /huàgǔ/ :: drums that have been painted with decorations
畫鬼腳 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /huàguǐjiǎo/ :: ladder lottery
畫虎不成反類犬 {idiom} /huà hǔ 不chéng fǎn lèi quǎn/ :: to make a poor imitation
畫畫 {v} /huàhuà,er/ :: to paint; to draw
畫戟 {n} [archaic] /huàjǐ/ :: a special Chinese halberd (the weapon carried by Lü Bu)
畫家 {n} /huàjiā/ :: painter; artist who specialises in drawing
畫架 {n} /huàjià/ :: easel
畫匠 {n} /huàjiàng/ :: artisan painter
畫卷 {n} [literally] /huàjuàn/ :: picture scroll
畫卷 {n} [figuratively] /huàjuàn/ :: spectacular natural scenery; magnificent scene
畫刊 {n} /huàkān/ :: pictorial; magazine with pictures (Classifier: m:本m:張m:份m:冊m:期)
畫廊 {n} /huàláng/ :: art gallery
畫廊 {n} /huàláng/ :: painted, decorated or adorned corridor
畫龍點睛 {idiom} [figurative] /huàlóngdiǎnjīng/ :: to put on the finishing touches
畫眉 {n} /huàméi/ :: Chinese hwamei (Garrulax canorus)
畫眉 {v} /huàméi/ :: to apply makeup to the eyebrows
畫眉草 {n} /huàméicǎo/ :: variety of love grass (Eragrostis pilosa)
畫眉草 {n} /huàméicǎo/ :: teff (Eragrostis tef)
畫謎 {n} /huàmí/ :: rebus (a kind of word puzzle which uses pictures to represent words or parts of words)
畫面 {n} /huàmiàn/ :: scene (in a movie, video, etc.); frame
畫面 {n} /huàmiàn/ :: picture; tableau
畫面 {n} /huàmiàn/ :: display
畫面 {n} /huàmiàn/ :: visuals
畫皮 {n} /huàpí/ :: disguise or mask of an evildoer
畫商 {n} /huàshāng/ :: art dealer
畫蛇添足 {idiom} [figurative, pejorative] /huàshétiānzú/ :: to improve something unnecessarily; to gild the lily
畫室 {n} /huà室/ :: artist's studio
畫素 {n} /huàsù/ :: synonym of 像素
畫壇 {n} /huàtán/ :: art world; painting circles
畫堂 {n} [archaic] /huàtáng/ :: an ornately painted room or hall
畫帖 {n} /huàtiè,huàtiě,1nb/ :: book of model paintings
畫圖 {v} /huàtú/ :: to draw a picture
畫圖 {v} /huàtú/ :: to draw designs, maps, etc.; to design
畫圖 {n} [literary] /huàtú/ :: synonym of 圖畫
畫外音 {n} [television, film] /huàwàiyīn/ :: off-screen narration; voice-over
畫外音 {n} [figurative] /huàwàiyīn/ :: connotation; overtone; hidden meaning
畫像 {n} /huàxiàng/ :: portrait
畫像 {v} /huàxiàng/ :: to draw a portrait
畫押 {v} /huàyā/ :: to make one's cross (or mark); to sign
畫一 {adj} [literary] /huà一/ :: uniform; orderly; consistent
畫意 {n} [literary] /huàyì/ :: meaning of a painting; artistic concept of a painting; mood of a painting
畫影圖形 {v} [archaic] /huà yǐng túxíng/ :: to put up wanted posters with the likeness of the offender
畫展 {n} /huàzhǎn/ :: art/paintings exhibition
畫質 {n} /huà质/ :: picture quality; resolution
畫軸 {n} /huàzhóu/ :: painted scroll, scroll painting
畫燭 {n} [archaic] /huàzhú/ :: a candle which has been decoratively painted
畫作 {n} /huàzuò/ :: painting (painted illustration); drawing (drawn picture)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huà,huǎ,1nb/ :: speech; talk; language
{def} /huà,huǎ,1nb/ :: what somebody said; (somebody's) words (Classifier: 句)
{def} /huà,huǎ,1nb/ :: dialect; language
{def} [Cantonese, Gan, Hakka, Min Bei] /huà,huǎ,1nb/ :: to say; to refer to; to talk about
{def} [Cantonese, Hakka] /huà,huǎ,1nb/ :: to tell someone off; to scold
{def} [Cantonese] /huà,huǎ,1nb/ :: to think; to feel; to consider; to say
{def} [Cantonese] /huà,huǎ,1nb/ :: Sentence-final particle used to ask someone to repeat previous information
話把 {n} /huàbà/ :: words or behaviour used by others as a subject for ridicule
話靶 {n} /huàbǎ/ :: words or behaviour used by others as a subject for ridicule
話白 {n} /huàbái,huǎbái/ :: monologue; dialogue; spoken part of (of a story); prologue; prelude (of a storyteller)
話本 {n} /huàběn/ :: printed versions of the prompt-books used by popular storytellers in the Song dynasty and Yuan dynasty
話柄 {n} /huàbǐng,huàbìng,2nb/ :: words or behaviour used by others as a subject for ridicule
話不說不明 {proverb} /huà bù shuō bùmíng/ :: people won't understand you unless you explain things clearly
話不投機半句多 {proverb} /huàbùtóujī bàn jù duō/ :: When the conversation is not congenial, to say even half a sentence is too much
話糙理不糙 {idiom} /huàcāolǐ不cāo/ :: the wording is rude but the message is not
話費 {n} /huàfèi/ :: phonecall charge
話費 {n} /huàfèi/ :: mobile phone credit
話舊 {v} /huàjiù/ :: to talk over old times; to reminisce
話劇 {n} /huàjù/ :: stage play; modern drama
話癆 {n} /huàláo/ :: chatterbox; chatterer
話梅 {n} /huàméi/ :: a variety of umeboshi, usually with a white or off-white exterior
話是這麼說 {phrase} [colloquial] /huà shì zhème shuō/ :: you could say that; you've got a point
話說 {v} [literary] /huàshuō/ :: It is said that ..
話說 {v} [literary] /huàshuō/ :: Speaking of ..
話題 {n} /huàtí/ :: topic; subject; theme
話題化 {n} [linguistics] /huàtíhuà/ :: topicalization
話筒 {n} /huàtǒng/ :: telephone receiver; handset
話筒 {n} /huàtǒng/ :: microphone
話筒 {n} /huàtǒng/ :: megaphone; loudhailer
話筒 {n} [figurative] /huàtǒng/ :: mouthpiece; megaphone; spokesperson
話頭 {n} /huàtóu,er/ :: thread of discourse; subject under discussion
話頭 {n} [Quanzhou, , Xiamen, &, Taiwanese Hokkien] /huàtóu,er/ :: starting portion of one's speech
話頭 {n} [Quanzhou, , Xiamen, &, Taiwanese Hokkien] /huàtóu,er/ :: utterance; speech; discourse
話外音 {n} /huàwàiyīn/ :: unsaid meaning of one's words; unspoken implication; unspoken words
話匣子 {n} [colloquial, dated] /huàxiázi/ :: phonograph; gramophone
話匣子 {n} [colloquial] /huàxiázi/ :: radio receiver
話匣子 {n} [colloquial, figurative, idiom] /huàxiázi/ :: eloquence; word-hoard; vocabulary (the collective of a person's words, figuratively stored in a box that is to be opened)
話匣子 {n} [colloquial, figurative] /huàxiázi/ :: chatterbox; talkative person
話音 {n} /huàyīn/ :: one's voice in speech
話音 {n} [colloquial] /huàyīn/ :: tone; implication
話語 {n} /huàyǔ/ :: utterance
話語 {n} /huàyǔ/ :: spoken words; speech; discourse
話語 {n} [linguistics, translation studies] /huàyǔ/ :: discourse
話語分析 {n} [linguistics] /huàyǔ fēnxī/ :: discourse analysis
話語權 {n} /huàyǔquán/ :: the power of speech; the right to express one's opinion
話中有話 {idiom} /huàzhōngyǒuhuà/ :: there are unspoken implications in one's words
{def} /huà/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
𠊎话 {def} SEE: 𠊎話 ::
{def} SEE: ::
话把 {def} SEE: 話把 ::
话靶 {def} SEE: 話靶 ::
话白 {def} SEE: 話白 ::
话本 {def} SEE: 話本 ::
话柄 {def} SEE: 話柄 ::
话不说不明 {def} SEE: 話不說不明 ::
话不投机半句多 {def} SEE: 話不投機半句多 ::
话糙理不糙 {def} SEE: 話糙理不糙 ::
话费 {def} SEE: 話費 ::
话缝 {def} SEE: 話縫 ::
话就话 {def} SEE: 話就話 ::
话旧 {def} SEE: 話舊 ::
话剧 {def} SEE: 話劇 ::
话痨 {def} SEE: 話癆 ::
话媒 {def} SEE: 話媒 ::
话梅 {def} SEE: 話梅 ::
话梦话 {def} SEE: 話夢話 ::
话母 {def} SEE: 話母 ::
话仁 {def} SEE: 話仁 ::
话时话 {def} SEE: 話時話 ::
话屎 {def} SEE: 話屎 ::
话事 {def} SEE: 話事 ::
话事啤 {def} SEE: 話事啤 ::
话是这么说 {def} SEE: 話是這麼說 ::
话说 {def} SEE: 話說 ::
话题 {def} SEE: 話題 ::
话题化 {def} SEE: 話題化 ::
话筒 {def} SEE: 話筒 ::
话头 {def} SEE: 話頭 ::
话外音 {def} SEE: 話外音 ::
话尾 {def} SEE: 話尾 ::
话唔定 {def} SEE: 話唔定 ::
话唔埋 {def} SEE: 話唔埋 ::
话匣子 {def} SEE: 話匣子 ::
话兴 {def} SEE: 話興 ::
话音 {def} SEE: 話音 ::
话语 {def} SEE: 話語 ::
话语分析 {def} SEE: 話語分析 ::
话语权 {def} SEE: 話語權 ::
话仔话栓 {def} SEE: 話仔話栓 ::
话仔话孙 {def} SEE: 話仔話孫 ::
话斋 {def} SEE: 話齋 ::
话中有话 {def} SEE: 話中有話 ::
话拄 {def} SEE: 話拄 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huái/ :: peaceful
{def} /huái/ :: joyful
{def} /huái,guī,guài/ :: (of rocks) rugged and uneven
{def} /huái,guī,guài/ :: small piece of stone, pebble
{def} /huái,guī,guài/ :: a fine stone resembling jade
{def} /wāi/ :: salt
{def} /wāi/ :: a certain minority group in ancient times used as a second name for salt
{def} /huí/ :: used in 佪佪
{def} /huí/ :: alternative form of
{def} /huái/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huái/ :: only used in 徘徊
怀 {def} SEE: ::
怀 {def} /fù/ :: anger
怀抱 {def} SEE: 懷抱 ::
怀璧其罪 {def} SEE: 懷璧其罪 ::
怀表 {def} SEE: 懷錶 ::
怀才不遇 {def} SEE: 懷才不遇 ::
怀愁 {def} SEE: 懷愁 ::
怀春 {def} SEE: 懷春 ::
怀德 {def} SEE: 懷德 ::
怀俄明 {def} SEE: 懷俄明 ::
怀古 {def} SEE: 懷古 ::
怀恨 {def} SEE: 懷恨 ::
怀恨在心 {def} SEE: 懷恨在心 ::
怀化 {def} SEE: 懷化 ::
怀集 {def} SEE: 懷集 ::
怀旧 {def} SEE: 懷舊 ::
怀里 {def} SEE: 懷裡 ::
怀念 {def} SEE: 懷念 ::
怀妊 {def} SEE: 懷妊 ::
怀柔 {def} SEE: 懷柔 ::
怀胎 {def} SEE: 懷胎 ::
怀特岛 {def} SEE: 懷特島 ::
怀娃娃 {def} SEE: 懷娃娃 ::
怀想 {def} SEE: 懷想 ::
怀疑 {def} SEE: 懷疑 ::
怀疑论 {def} SEE: 懷疑論 ::
怀冤抱屈 {def} SEE: 懷冤抱屈 ::
怀怨 {def} SEE: 懷怨 ::
怀孕 {def} SEE: 懷孕 ::
怀子 {def} SEE: 懷子 ::
{def} /huái/ :: bosom; breast
{def} [figurative] /huái/ :: heart; mind; affection
{def} /huái/ :: to carry in one's bosom or on one's body
{def} /huái/ :: to harbor in one's mind; to keep in mind
{def} /huái/ :: to think of; to cherish; to tend to
{def} /huái/ :: to miss; to long for
{def} [literary or dialectal Mandarin] /huái/ :: to be pregnant
{def} [Magong Hokkien] /huái/ :: pocket (bag sewn into clothing)
{def} /huái/ :: surname
懷抱 {v} /huáibào/ :: to hold in the arms; to embrace; to hug
懷抱 {v} /huáibào/ :: to have in one's heart; to embrace an ideal or aspiration
懷抱 {n} /huáibào/ :: bosom; chest
懷抱 {n} [literary] /huáibào/ :: aspiration; ambition; ideal
懷抱 {n} [literary] /huáibào/ :: plan; intention
懷璧其罪 {idiom} /huáibìqízuì/ :: to get into trouble on account of a cherished item, fig. A person's talent will arouse the envy of others
懷表 {def} SEE: 懷錶 ::
懷錶 {n} /huáibiǎo/ :: pocket watch
懷才不遇 {idiom} /huái cái 不 yù/ :: to have talent, but no opportunity to use it
懷愁 {adj} [literary] /huáichóu/ :: worried; anxious
懷春 {v} [of a young girl] /huáichūn/ :: to have thoughts of love; to become sexually awakened
懷德 {v} [literary] /huáidé/ :: to have honorable intentions
懷德 {v} [literary] /huáidé/ :: to recall kindness
懷俄明 {prop} /Huái'émíng/ :: (~ 州) 懷俄明 (state)
懷古 {n} [poetry] /huáigǔ/ :: huaigu
懷古 {v} [literary] /huáigǔ/ :: to be nostalgic for antiquity
懷恨 {v} /huáihèn/ :: to nurse hatred
懷恨 {v} /huáihèn/ :: to harbor resentment
懷恨在心 {idiom} /huáihènzàixīn/ :: to hold a grudge against; to harbor resentment towards
懷化 {prop} /Huáihuà/ :: (~ 市) 懷化 (prefecture-level city)
懷集 {prop} /Huáijí/ :: (~ 縣) 懷集 (county)
懷舊 {v} /huáijiù/ :: to look back fondly on the past and think of old friends; to experience nostalgia; to take a trip down memory lane; to reminisce
懷裡 {n} /huáilǐ/ :: in one's arms/bosom/embrace
懷念 {v} /huáiniàn/ :: to miss; to think of; to yearn for; to reminisce
懷妊 {v} /huáirèn/ :: to be pregnant
懷柔 {v} [literary, of feudal rulers] /huáiróu/ :: to make a show of conciliation in order to bring other nationalities or states under control
懷柔 {prop} /huáiróu/ :: (~ 區) 懷柔 (district)
懷胎 {v} /huáitāi/ :: to be pregnant
懷特島 {prop} /Huáitèdǎo/ :: Isle of Wight
懷想 {v} /huáixiǎng/ :: to miss; to think of; to yearn for; to reminisce
懷疑 {v} /huáiyí/ :: to doubt; to suspect
懷疑 {v} /huáiyí/ :: to speculate; to surmise
懷疑論 {n} [philosophy] /huáiyílùn/ :: skepticism
懷冤抱屈 {idiom} /huáiyuānbàoqū/ :: to be wronged on a false charge
懷怨 {v} [literary] /huáiyuàn/ :: to harbor a grudge
懷孕 {v} /huáiyùn/ :: to be pregnant
懷孕 {adj} [slang, neologism, jocular, of sounds or voices] /huáiyùn/ :: pleasing to the ears; orgasmic to listen to; causing an eargasm; eargasmic
懷子 {v} [literary] /huáizǐ/ :: to be pregnant
{def} /huái/ :: Chinese scholar tree (Styphnolobium japonicum), Japanese pagoda tree, locust tree
{def} /huái/ :: [obsolete] Dipsacus asper
{def} /huái/ :: surname
槐花 {n} /huáihuā/ :: flower of Styphnolobium japonicum (syn. Sophora japonica, pagoda tree or Chinese scholar tree) (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to arrest bleeding.)
槐角 {n} /huáijiǎo/ :: Fruit of the Chinese scholar tree (Sophora japonica) (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to arrest bleeding.)
槐角丸 {n} [TCM] /huáijiǎo wán/ :: A blackish-brown pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to arrest bleeding by reducing heat from blood in the treatment of hematochezia and hemorrhoidal swelling and pain"
槐树 {def} SEE: 槐樹 ::
槐樹 {n} /huáishù/ :: pagoda tree (Styphnolobium japonicum)
{def} /huái/ :: (~ 河) Huai River
{def} /huái/ :: surname
淮安 {prop} /Huái'ān/ :: (~ 市) 淮安 (prefecture-level city)
淮北 {prop} /Huáiběi/ :: (~ 市) 淮北 (prefecture-level city)
淮海 {prop} /Huáihǎi/ :: Huaihai, a name for the area surrounding modern Xuzhou city, to the north of the Huai River and to the west of Lianyungang city (formerly Hai Prefecture)
淮河 {prop} /Huái Hé/ :: Huai River
淮河 {prop} /Huái Hé/ :: (~ 鎮) 淮河 (town)
淮南 {prop} /Huáinán/ :: (~ 市) 淮南 (prefecture-level city)
淮南 {prop} [historical] /Huáinán/ :: Huainan, a principality under the Han dynasty
淮南 {prop} [archaic] /Huáinán/ :: the lands south of the Huai River but north of the Yangtze, generally
淮南子 {prop} [literature] /Huáinánzǐ/ :: The Huainanzi or Writings of the Masters South of the Huai River
淮山 {n} /huáishān/ :: Chinese yam (Dioscorea polystachya)
淮山药 {def} SEE: 淮山藥 ::
淮山藥 {n} /huáishānyào/ :: Chinese yam (Dioscorea polystachya)
淮泗 {prop} [archaic] /Huái Sì/ :: The area between the Huai and Si rivers (between Xuyi County and Xiapei)
淮盐 {def} SEE: 淮鹽 ::
淮鹽 {n} /huáiyán/ :: Huai salt, a type of table salt from the Huai river
淮扬 {def} SEE: 淮揚 ::
淮揚 {prop} /Huáiyáng/ :: an obsolete administrative region, which corresponds to the present areas of Huai'an (淮安) and Yangzhou (揚州), Jiangsu. See zh:淮扬道, zh:淮扬府 and also zh:淮扬菜
淮阴 {def} SEE: 淮陰 ::
淮陰 {prop} /Huáiyīn/ :: Huaiyin District, Huai'an
{def} /huái/ :: name of a river in northern China
{def} /wāi/ :: only used in 溛瀤
{def} /huái/ :: alternative form of
{def} /huái/ :: Dipsacus asper
{def} /huái/ :: ankle
踝骨 {n} [skeleton] /huáigǔ/ :: anklebone
踝关节 {def} SEE: 踝關節 ::
踝關節 {n} [anatomy] /huáiguānjié/ :: ankle joint
踝子骨 {n} [dialectal, skeleton] /huáizugǔ/ :: anklebone
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /坏/ :: unfired pottery and bricks; base
{def} /坏/ :: low hill
{def} /坏/ :: wall
{def} /坏/ :: to use earth to fill a crack
坏包 {def} SEE: 壞包 ::
坏包儿 {def} SEE: 壞包兒 ::
坏菜 {def} SEE: 壞菜 ::
坏处 {def} SEE: 壞處 ::
坏蛋 {def} SEE: 壞蛋 ::
坏分子 {def} SEE: 壞分子 ::
坏话 {def} SEE: 壞話 ::
坏疽 {def} SEE: 壞疽 ::
坏人 {def} SEE: 壞人 ::
坏事 {def} SEE: 壞事 ::
坏势 {def} SEE: 壞勢 ::
坏水 {def} SEE: 壞水 ::
坏水儿 {def} SEE: 壞水兒 ::
坏死 {def} SEE: 壞死 ::
坏小子 {def} SEE: 壞小子 ::
坏笑 {def} SEE: 壞笑 ::
坏心 {def} SEE: 壞心 ::
坏血病 {def} SEE: 壞血病 ::
坏运 {def} SEE: 壞運 ::
坏账 {def} SEE: 壞賬 ::
{def} /huài/ :: bad
{def} /huài/ :: rotten; spoiled
{def} /huài/ :: to spoil; to go rotten
{def} /huài/ :: broken (non-functional)
{def} /huài/ :: to break; to stop working
{def} /huài/ :: to ruin; to destroy
{def} /huài/ :: bad idea; dirty trick
{def} /huài/ :: extremely; very; highly
壞包 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /huàibāo,er/ :: rascal, rogue
壞包兒 {n} /huàibāor/ :: erhua form of []
壞菜 {adj} [dialectal Mandarin] /huàicài/ :: to be ruined; to be screwed up
壞處 {n} /huàichù,tl/ :: harm; damage; troubles
壞蛋 {n} [derogatory] /huàidàn/ :: bad egg; bastard; scoundrel
壞分子 {n} /huàifènzǐ/ :: bad element; evildoer
壞話 {n} /huàihuà/ :: malicious remarks; bad words
壞話 {n} /huàihuà/ :: incorrect or unpleasant words
壞疽 {n} /huàijū/ :: gangrene
壞人 {n} /huàirén/ :: bad person; scoundrel; evildoer; malefactor
壞事 {n} /huàishì,er/ :: bad thing; evil deed
壞事 {v} /huàishì,er/ :: to ruin things; to make things worse
壞水 {n} /huàishuǐ,er/ :: evil trick; evil intentions
壞水兒 {n} /huàishuǐr/ :: erhua form of []
壞死 {v} [pathology] /huàisǐ/ :: to become necrotic; to necrotise; to necrose
壞小子 {n} [pejorative] /huàixiǎozi/ :: bad guy; bad boy
壞笑 {v} /huàixiào/ :: to smile disingenuously; to smirk; to smile smugly; to grin
壞心 {n} /huàixīn/ :: evil intention; malicious intention
壞血病 {n} [disease] /huài血bìng/ :: scurvy
壞運 {n} /huàiyùn/ :: bad luck; misfortune
壞賬 {n} /huàizhàng/ :: bad debt
𠀾孬 {def} SEE: 𠁞孬 ::
𠁞孬 {def} SEE: 𣍐孬 ::
𫧃孬 {def} SEE: 𣍐孬 ::
{def} [regional, colloquial] /nāo/ :: not good
{def} [regional, colloquial] /nāo/ :: cowardly, contemptible
孬种 {def} SEE: 孬種 ::
孬種 {n} [regional] /nāozhǒng/ :: coward; weakling; chicken
孬種 {n} [regional, derogatory] /nāozhǒng/ :: bastard; rascal
{def} /huài/ :: [obsolete] a kind of grass
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
欢爱 {def} SEE: 歡愛 ::
欢畅 {def} SEE: 歡暢 ::
欢呼 {def} SEE: 歡呼 ::
欢聚 {def} SEE: 歡聚 ::
欢快 {def} SEE: 歡快 ::
欢乐 {def} SEE: 歡樂 ::
欢庆 {def} SEE: 歡慶 ::
欢送 {def} SEE: 歡送 ::
欢送会 {def} SEE: 歡送會 ::
欢腾 {def} SEE: 歡騰 ::
欢天喜地 {def} SEE: 歡天喜地 ::
欢头喜面 {def} SEE: 歡頭喜面 ::
欢喜 {def} SEE: 歡喜 ::
欢喜若狂 {def} SEE: 歡喜若狂 ::
欢笑 {def} SEE: 歡笑 ::
欢心 {def} SEE: 歡心 ::
欢欣 {def} SEE: 歡欣 ::
欢欣鼓舞 {def} SEE: 歡欣鼓舞 ::
欢迎 {def} SEE: 歡迎 ::
欢迎光临 {def} SEE: 歡迎光臨 ::
欢愉 {def} SEE: 歡愉 ::
欢悦 {def} SEE: 歡悅 ::
欢跃 {def} SEE: 歡躍 ::
{def} /huān/ :: happy; pleased; glad
{def} /huān/ :: joy
{def} /huān/ :: to enjoy
歡愛 {v} [euphemistic] /huān'ài/ :: to have sex
歡暢 {adj} /huānchàng/ :: thoroughly delighted; elated; cheerful; jubilant
歡呼 {v} /huānhū/ :: to hail; to cheer; to hurray
歡聚 {v} /huānjù/ :: to gather in celebration; to come together joyously
歡快 {adj} /huānkuài/ :: cheerful and light-hearted; lively
歡樂 {adj} /huānlè/ :: joyous; happy; pleasurable; merry
歡樂 {n} /huānlè/ :: joy; happiness; pleasure; merriment
歡慶 {v} /huānqìng/ :: to celebrate (to acknowledge an event with a social gathering or enjoyable activity)
歡送 {v} /huānsòng/ :: to see somebody off; to send off; to bid farewell
歡送會 {n} /huānsònghuì/ :: farewell party
歡騰 {v} /huānténg/ :: to rejoice; to exult; to jubilate
歡天喜地 {idiom} /huāntiānxǐdì/ :: with boundless joy; overjoyed
歡喜 {adj} /huānxǐ/ :: joyful; happy; delighted
歡喜 {v} [literary or regional, including, Cantonese, Gan, Min Dong, Min Nan, Sichuanese, Wu] /huānxǐ/ :: to like; to be fond of
歡喜若狂 {idiom} /huānxǐruòkuáng/ :: synonym of 欣喜若狂
歡笑 {v} /huānxiào/ :: to laugh heartily
歡笑 {n} /huānxiào/ :: belly laugh; guffaw
歡心 {n} /huānxīn/ :: liking; favour; love
歡欣 {adj} /huānxīn/ :: elated
歡欣鼓舞 {idiom} /huānxīngǔwǔ/ :: elated and excited; overjoyed; to dance with joy
歡迎 {v} /huānyíng/ :: to welcome
歡迎 {v} /huānyíng/ :: to be happy to accept; to appreciate
歡迎 {v} /huānyíng/ :: to be well received; to be popular
歡迎光臨 {interj} /huānyíng guānglín/ :: welcome (said to a customer entering a shop)
歡愉 {adj} [literary] /huānyú/ :: happy; joyous; delighted
歡悅 {n} [literary] /huānyuè/ :: happy; joyous; elated
歡躍 {v} [literary] /huānyuè/ :: happy; joyous; delighted
{def} /huān,fān/ :: only used in 连犿
{def} /huān,fān/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /huān/ :: a badger (mammal)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huān/ :: a kind of horse
{def} /huān/ :: surname
{def} /huān/ :: [obsolete] a mythical bird with a human face and a beak
{def} /huān/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /huán/ :: a one-year-old horse
{def} /hún/ :: a legendary animal
{def} /hún/ :: wild horse, mustang
{def} /huán/ :: [historical dictionaries] a one- or three-year-old deer
{def} [literary] /huán/ :: to revolve around
{def} [numismatics] /huán/ :: South Korean hwan (in circulation from February 15, 1953 to June 9, 1962)
{def} /yuán/ :: alternative form of
{def} [literary] /yuán/ :: heaven; celestial realm
{def} [archaic] /yuán/ :: prison
{def} [dated, Han dynasty] /yuán/ :: currency
{def} /yuàn,huán,1nb/ :: dike; embankment (used with reference to dikes on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huán,huàn/ :: to smear with varnishes and ashes
垸子 {n} /yuànzi,huánzi,1nb/ :: dike; embankment (used with reference to dikes on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River)
嬛嬛 {def} SEE: 煢煢 ::
寰椎 {n} [anatomy] /huánzhuī/ :: atlas; most superior cervical vertebra of the spine
寰球 {n} [literary] /huánqiú/ :: whole world; whole earth; universe
寰宇 {n} [literary] /huányǔ/ :: whole world; whole earth; universe
{def} /huán/ :: Chinese soapberry (Sapindus mukorossi)
{def} /huán/ :: surname
桓帝 {prop} /Huándì/ :: the Emperor Huan of Han
桓灵 {def} SEE: 桓靈 ::
桓靈 {prop} /Huán-Líng/ :: Emperor Huan of Han and Emperor Ling of Han
{def} /hún/ :: tray for carrying sacrificial meat
{def} /huán/ :: (~ 水) Huan River in Henan province
{def} [literary] /huán/ :: only used in 洹洹
{def} [Buddhism] /huán/ :: only used in 須陀洹
{def} /huán/ :: river in Hubei province
{def} /huán/ :: turbulent flowing water
澴潭 {prop} /Huántán/ :: (~ 鎮) 澴潭 (town)
{def} /huán/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
环靶 {def} SEE: 環靶 ::
环保 {def} SEE: 環保 ::
环保吹 {def} SEE: 環保吹 ::
环保袋 {def} SEE: 環保袋 ::
环抱 {def} SEE: 環抱 ::
环丙烷 {def} SEE: 環丙烷 ::
环丙烯 {def} SEE: 環丙烯 ::
环丙孕酮 {def} SEE: 環丙孕酮 ::
环渤海 {def} SEE: 環渤海 ::
环城 {def} SEE: 環城 ::
环岛 {def} SEE: 環島 ::
环丁烷 {def} SEE: 環丁烷 ::
环丁烯 {def} SEE: 環丁烯 ::
环庚烷 {def} SEE: 環庚烷 ::
环庚烯 {def} SEE: 環庚烯 ::
环顾 {def} SEE: 環顧 ::
环癸烷 {def} SEE: 環癸烷 ::
环癸烯 {def} SEE: 環癸烯 ::
环炔烃 {def} SEE: 環炔烴 ::
环环相扣 {def} SEE: 環環相扣 ::
环己醇 {def} SEE: 環己醇 ::
环己二烯 {def} SEE: 環己二烯 ::
环己酮 {def} SEE: 環己酮 ::
环己烷 {def} SEE: 環己烷 ::
环己烯 {def} SEE: 環己烯 ::
环江 {def} SEE: 環江 ::
环礁 {def} SEE: 環礁 ::
环礁湖 {def} SEE: 環礁湖 ::
环节 {def} SEE: 環節 ::
环节动物 {def} SEE: 環節動物 ::
环境 {def} SEE: 環境 ::
环境保护 {def} SEE: 環境保護 ::
环境污染 {def} SEE: 環境污染 ::
环流 {def} SEE: 環流 ::
环路 {def} SEE: 環路 ::
环论 {def} SEE: 環論 ::
环佩 {def} SEE: 環珮 ::
环评 {def} SEE: 環評 ::
环球 {def} SEE: 環球 ::
环绕 {def} SEE: 環繞 ::
环壬烷 {def} SEE: 環壬烷 ::
环壬烯 {def} SEE: 環壬烯 ::
环砂 {def} SEE: 環砂 ::
环蛇 {def} SEE: 環蛇 ::
环食 {def} SEE: 環食 ::
环视 {def} SEE: 環視 ::
环太平洋 {def} SEE: 環太平洋 ::
环太平洋地区 {def} SEE: 環太平洋地區 ::
环肽 {def} SEE: 環肽 ::
环烷烃 {def} SEE: 環烷烴 ::
环卫 {def} SEE: 環衛 ::
环卫工 {def} SEE: 環衛工 ::
环戊二烯 {def} SEE: 環戊二烯 ::
环戊烷 {def} SEE: 環戊烷 ::
环戊烯 {def} SEE: 環戊烯 ::
环烯烃 {def} SEE: 環烯烴 ::
环线 {def} SEE: 環線 ::
环辛烷 {def} SEE: 環辛烷 ::
环辛烯 {def} SEE: 環辛烯 ::
环形 {def} SEE: 環形 ::
环形码头 {def} SEE: 環形碼頭 ::
环形山 {def} SEE: 環形山 ::
环眼 {def} SEE: 環眼 ::
环游 {def} SEE: 環遊 ::
环状 {def} SEE: 環狀 ::
环状软骨 {def} SEE: 環狀軟骨 ::
环状线 {def} SEE: 環狀線 ::
环缀 {def} SEE: 環綴 ::
环子 {def} SEE: 環子 ::
{def} /huán/ :: circle; ring
{def} /huán/ :: round
{def} /huán/ :: to surround
{def} [mathematics] /huán/ :: ring
環靶 {n} /huánbǎ/ :: round shooting target
環保 {n} /huánbǎo/ :: environmental protection
環保 {adj} /huánbǎo/ :: environmentally friendly
環保 {adj} [Cantonese, slang, of sex] /huánbǎo/ :: without a condom
環保袋 {n} [Hong Kong] /huánbǎodài/ :: reusable shopping bag
環抱 {v} /huánbào/ :: to surround; to encircle; to hem in
環抱 {v} /huánbào/ :: to wrap one's arms around someone
環丙烷 {n} [organic compound] /huánbǐngwán/ :: cyclopropane
環丙烯 {n} [organic compound] /huánbǐngxī/ :: cyclopropene
環丙孕酮 {n} [organic compound] /huánbǐngyùntóng/ :: cyproterone
環渤海 {adj} [attributive] /huánbóhǎi/ :: surrounding the Bohai Sea
環城 {prop} /Huánchéng/ :: (~ 街道) 環城 (subdistrict)
環城 {prop} /Huánchéng/ :: (~ 村) 環城 (village)
環島 {n} [Mainland China] /huándǎo/ :: roundabout; traffic circle
環島 {adj} [attributive] /huándǎo/ :: around an island
環丁烷 {n} [organic compound] /huándīngwán/ :: cyclobutane
環丁烯 {n} [organic compound] /huándīngxī/ :: cyclobutene
環庚烷 {n} [organic compound] /huángēngwán/ :: cycloheptane
環庚烯 {n} [organic compound] /huángēngxī/ :: cycloheptene
環顧 {v} /huángù/ :: to look around; to look about
環顧 {v} /huángù/ :: to review; to survey
環癸烷 {n} [organic compound] /huánguǐwán/ :: cyclodecane
環癸烯 {n} [organic compound] /huánguǐxī/ :: cyclodecene
環炔烴 {n} [organic compound] /huánquētīng/ :: cycloalkyne
環環相扣 {idiom} [of many things] /huánhuánxiāngkòu/ :: to be closely connected
環己醇 {n} [organic compound] /huánjǐchún/ :: cyclohexanol
環己二烯 {n} [organic compound] /huánjǐ'èrxī/ :: cyclohexadiene
環己酮 {n} [organic compound] /huánjǐtóng/ :: cyclohexanone
環己烷 {n} [organic chemistry] /huánjǐwán/ :: cyclohexane
環己烯 {n} [organic compound] /huánjǐxī/ :: cyclohexene
環江 {prop} /Huánjiāng/ :: (~ 縣) 環江 (autonomous county)
環礁 {n} /huánjiāo/ :: atoll
環礁湖 {n} /huánjiāohú/ :: lagoon
環節 {n} [zoology] /huánjié/ :: segment (e.g. in worms); round segment
環節 {n} [figurative] /huánjié/ :: link; connection; sector
環節動物 {n} /huánjié dòngwù/ :: annelid
環境 {n} /huánjìng/ :: environment (place in which people, animals and plants live); surroundings (Classifier: m:個)
環境 {n} /huánjìng/ :: environment (setting or conditions in which an activity is carried out)
環境 {n} /huánjìng/ :: circumstances; context
環境保護 {n} /huánjìng bǎohù/ :: environmental protection
環境汙染 {def} SEE: 環境污染 ::
環境污染 {n} /huánjìng wūrǎn/ :: environmental pollution
環流 {n} [meteorology] /huánliú/ :: circulation
環路 {n} /huánlù/ :: ring road
環論 {n} [mathematics] /huánlùn/ :: ring theory
環佩 {def} SEE: 環珮 ::
環珮 {n} /huánpèi/ :: (round) jade pendant (worn on a girdle)
環珮 {n} [figurative] /huánpèi/ :: beauty, belle, beautiful woman
環評 {n} /huánpíng/ :: short fo 環境影響評價 (environmental impact assessment (EIA))
環球 {adj} /huánqiú,er/ :: worldwide; global
環球 {n} /huánqiú,er/ :: the earth; the whole world
環球 {v} /huánqiú,er/ :: to circumnavigate the world
環繞 {v} /huánrào,huánrǎo,2nb/ :: to surround; to encircle; to revolve around; to border; to circle; to skirt; to loop
環壬烷 {n} [organic compound] /huánrénwán/ :: cyclononane
環壬烯 {n} [organic compound] /huánrénxī/ :: cyclononene
環砂 {prop} /Huánshā/ :: (~ 村) 環砂 (village)
環蛇 {n} /huánshé/ :: krait
環食 {n} /huánshí/ :: annular eclipse
環視 {v} /huánshì/ :: to look around; to look about
環太平洋 {prop} /Huán Tàipíngyáng/ :: Pacific Rim
環太平洋地區 {prop} /Huán Tàipíngyáng Dìqū/ :: Pacific Rim
環肽 {n} [organic chemistry] /huántài/ :: cyclopeptide
環烷烴 {n} [organic compound] /huánwántīng/ :: cycloalkane
環衛 {n} /huánwèi/ :: short fo 環境衛生 (environmental sanitation)
環衛工 {n} /huánwèigōng/ :: sanitation worker
環戊二烯 {n} [organic compound] /huánwù'èrxī/ :: cyclopentadiene
環戊烷 {n} [organic compound] /huánwùwán/ :: cyclopentane
環戊烯 {n} [organic compound] /huánwùxī/ :: cyclopentene
環烯烴 {n} [organic compound] /huánxītīng/ :: cycloalkene
環線 {n} /huánxiàn/ :: circular route in public transport
環辛烷 {n} [organic compound] /huánxīnwán/ :: cyclooctane
環辛烯 {n} [organic compound] /huánxīnxī/ :: cyclooctene
環形 {adj} [attributive] /huánxíng/ :: annular; ringlike; loop-shaped
環形碼頭 {prop} /Huánxíng Mǎtóu/ :: Circular Quay (harbour in Sydney, Australia)
環形山 {n} /huánxíngshān/ :: crater
環眼 {n} [archaic] /huányǎn/ :: large round eyes
環遊 {v} /huányóu/ :: to travel around (the world, a country, etc.)
環狀 {adj} [attributive] /huánzhuàng/ :: annular; ringlike; loop-shaped
環狀軟骨 {n} [anatomy] /huánzhuàng ruǎngǔ/ :: cricoid cartilage
環狀線 {n} /huánzhuàngxiàn/ :: circular route in public transport
環綴 {n} [grammar] /huánzhuì/ :: circumfix
環子 {n} /huánzi/ :: ring; link
環子 {n} [Xiang] /huánzi/ :: earring
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huán/ :: [obsolete] goat with slender horns
{def} /huán/ :: [obsolete] a fierce beast resembling a goat
苋菜 {def} SEE: 莧菜 ::
{def} /huán/ :: [obsolete] a violet-like plant used in seasoning
{def} /huán/ :: [obsolete] goat with thin horns
{def} /huán/ :: [obsolete] porcupine
{def} /huán,huān/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /huán,huān/ :: [obsolete] young raccoon dog
{def} /huán,huān/ :: [obsolete] porcupine
{def} /xún/ :: surname
{def} /huán/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
闤闠 {n} /huánhuì/ :: street
闤闠 {n} /huánhuì/ :: shop
闤闠 {n} /huánhuì/ :: people
{def} SEE: ::
阛阓 {def} SEE: 闤闠 ::
{def} /huán/ :: type of owl
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huǎn/ :: bright; clear
{def} /huǎn/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huǎn/ :: relaxed
{def} /huǎn/ :: slow; leisurely
{def} /huǎn/ :: to postpone; delay
緩步 {v} /huǎnbù/ :: to walk slowly; to stroll
緩沖 {n} [literally, figuratively] /huǎnchōng/ :: to buffer; to cushion
緩沖期 {n} /huǎnchōng期/ :: buffer period; mitigation phase; grace period
緩衝 {v} /huǎnchōng/ :: to buffer
緩衝國 {n} /huǎnchōngguó/ :: buffer state
緩衝區 {n} [computing] /huǎnchōngqū/ :: buffer; buffer area
緩衝器 {n} [automotive] /huǎnchōngqì/ :: bumper
緩衝器 {n} [automotive] /huǎnchōngqì/ :: shock absorber
緩衝器 {n} [computer science] /huǎnchōngqì/ :: buffer
緩衝溶液 {n} [chemistry] /huǎnchōng róng液/ :: buffer solution
緩存 {n} [computing, chiefly Mainland China] /huǎncún/ :: cache (temporary storage of data)
緩和 {v} /huǎnhé/ :: to alleviate; to mitigate; to ease up
緩緩 {adv} /huǎnhuǎn/ :: slowly
緩急 {n} /huǎnjí/ :: pressing or otherwise; greater or lesser urgency; degree of urgency
緩急 {n} /huǎnjí/ :: emergency
緩解 {v} /huǎnjiě/ :: to alleviate; to relieve; to ease; to mitigate
緩解期 {n} [medicine] /huǎnjiě期/ :: remission (abatement or lessening of the manifestations of a disease)
緩考 {v} /huǎnkǎo/ :: to postpone one's examination
緩慢 {adj} /huǎnmàn/ :: slow; sluggish; tardy
緩轡 {v} [archaic] /huǎnpèi/ :: to loosen up on the reins and allow a horse to walk at a leisurely pace
緩期 {v} /huǎn期/ :: to postpone a deadline; to suspend
緩刑 {v} [law] /huǎnxíng/ :: to suspend the execution of a sentence
緩刑 {n} [legal] /huǎnxíng/ :: probation; suspended sentence
{def} SEE: ::
缓步 {def} SEE: 緩步 ::
缓冲 {def} SEE: 緩衝 ::
缓冲国 {def} SEE: 緩衝國 ::
缓冲期 {def} SEE: 緩沖期 ::
缓冲器 {def} SEE: 緩衝器 ::
缓冲区 {def} SEE: 緩衝區 ::
缓冲溶液 {def} SEE: 緩衝溶液 ::
缓存 {def} SEE: 緩存 ::
缓和 {def} SEE: 緩和 ::
缓缓 {def} SEE: 緩緩 ::
缓急 {def} SEE: 緩急 ::
缓解 {def} SEE: 緩解 ::
缓解期 {def} SEE: 緩解期 ::
缓考 {def} SEE: 緩考 ::
缓慢 {def} SEE: 緩慢 ::
缓辔 {def} SEE: 緩轡 ::
缓期 {def} SEE: 緩期 ::
缓刑 {def} SEE: 緩刑 ::
{def} /huò/ :: ice
{def} /huò/ :: ice-cold
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huò/ :: to freeze, to ice
{def} /huàn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /huàn/ :: [obsolete] to rear; to raise; to support
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huàn/ :: kneecap, patella
{def} SEE: ::
唤礼 {def} SEE: 喚禮 ::
唤起 {def} SEE: 喚起 ::
唤醒 {def} SEE: 喚醒 ::
{def} /huàn/ :: to call, to summon
喚禮 {n} /huànlǐ/ :: adhan
喚起 {v} /huànqǐ/ :: to arouse; to waken; to evoke (attention, memory, etc.); to initiate; to trigger (a reaction, process, etc.); to cause; to result in
喚醒 {v} /huànxǐng/ :: to wake somebody (up); to rouse
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huān/ :: noisy, clamorous
嚾嚾 {adj} [classical] /huānhuān/ :: noisy; clamorous; uproarious; boisterous
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huàn/ :: numerous
{def} /huàn/ :: to hold public office
{def} /huàn/ :: government official
{def} /huàn/ :: eunuch
{def} /huàn/ :: surname
宦官 {n} [chiefly historical] /huànguān/ :: eunuch of a palace or court; imperial eunuch
宦官 {n} [chiefly historical] /huànguān/ :: official; functionary
宦海浮沉 {idiom} /huànhǎifúchén/ :: the ups and downs of officialdom
宦海浮沈 {def} SEE: 宦海浮沉 ::
宦竖 {def} SEE: 宦豎 ::
宦豎 {n} [archaic] /huànshù/ :: a derogatory term for a eunuch; wretched eunuch
宦途 {n} [formal] /huàntú/ :: official career; officialdom
宦游 {def} SEE: 宦遊 ::
宦遊 {v} [formal] /huànyóu/ :: to go from place to place seeking official posts
{def} /huàn/ :: mystical; mysterious
{def} /huàn/ :: illusion; fantasy; mirage
幻触 {def} SEE: 幻觸 ::
幻觸 {n} [symptom] /huànchù/ :: tactile hallucination
幻灯 {def} SEE: 幻燈 ::
幻灯机 {def} SEE: 幻燈機 ::
幻灯片 {def} SEE: 幻燈片 ::
幻燈 {n} /huàndēng/ :: slide show
幻燈機 {n} /huàndēngjī/ :: slide projector; overhead projector
幻燈片 {n} [photography] /huàndēngpiàn,huàndēngpiān,er/ :: filmstrip
幻燈片 {n} [presentation software] /huàndēngpiàn,huàndēngpiān,er/ :: slideshow; slides; powerpoint
幻法 {n} /huànfǎ/ :: illusionary arts; magic; sleight of hand; legerdemain
幻方 {n} /huànfāng/ :: magic square
幻覺 {n} /huànjué/ :: hallucination; illusion
幻景 {n} /huànjǐng/ :: illusion, mirage
幻境 {n} /huànjìng/ :: fantasy land; dreamland
幻觉 {def} SEE: 幻覺 ::
幻夢 {n} /huànmèng/ :: dreamland; dream
幻夢 {n} [figurative] /huànmèng/ :: illusion; fantasy world; dream
幻梦 {def} SEE: 幻夢 ::
幻滅 {v} [of hope, illusions, etc.] /huànmiè/ :: to vanish into thin air; to be shattered; to be annihilated; to be dashed
幻灭 {def} SEE: 幻滅 ::
幻日 {n} /huànrì/ :: sun dog
幻視 {n} [medicine] /huànshì/ :: photism; visual hallucination
幻视 {def} SEE: 幻視 ::
幻术 {def} SEE: 幻術 ::
幻術 {n} /huànshù/ :: illusionary techniques
幻術 {n} /huànshù/ :: magic
幻听 {def} SEE: 幻聽 ::
幻聽 {n} /huàntīng/ :: auditory hallucination
幻想 {v} /huànxiǎng/ :: to have illusions; to have delusions
幻想 {n} /huànxiǎng/ :: illusion; delusion; fantasy
幻想曲 {n} [music] /huànxiǎngqǔ/ :: fantasia
幻象 {n} /huànxiàng/ :: mirage; phantom; phantasm
幻嗅 {n} [symptom] /huànxiù/ :: phantosmia; olfactory hallucination
幻影 {n} /huànyǐng/ :: phantom, vision, illusion
幻肢 {n} /huànzhī/ :: phantom limb
{def} /huàn/ :: to worry
{def} /huàn/ :: to contract (an illness); to gain; to suffer from; to be afflicted with
{def} /huàn/ :: trouble; peril
患癌 {v} [medicine] /huàn癌/ :: to get cancer; to be diagnosed with cancer
患病 {v} /huànbìng/ :: to fall ill
患病率 {n} [epidemiology] /huànbìnglǜ/ :: prevalence of a disease
患得患失 {v} /huàndéhuànshī/ :: to be mean; to be tight-fisted
患得患失 {v} /huàndéhuànshī/ :: to be overcautious; to tend to avoid risks
患儿 {def} SEE: 患兒 ::
患兒 {n} /huàn'ér/ :: child suffering from a particular disease; paediatric patient
患难 {def} SEE: 患難 ::
患难见真情 {def} SEE: 患難見真情 ::
患难之交 {def} SEE: 患難之交 ::
患難 {n} /huànnàn/ :: adversities; troubles; dangers
患難 {v} [literary] /huànnàn/ :: to suffer hardship; to experience adversities
患難見真情 {proverb} /huànnàn jiàn zhēnqíng/ :: a friend in need is a friend indeed
患難之交 {idiom} /huànnànzhījiāo/ :: a rock (a friend who always helps); a friend through thick and thin
患有 {v} /huànyǒu/ :: to suffer from an illness; to be afflicted with a condition; to contract a disease
患者 {n} [medicine] /huànzhě/ :: disease sufferer; patient
{def} SEE: ::
换把 {def} SEE: 換把 ::
换班 {def} SEE: 換班 ::
换车 {def} SEE: 換車 ::
换乘 {def} SEE: 換乘 ::
换成 {def} SEE: 換成 ::
换齿 {def} SEE: 換齒 ::
换代 {def} SEE: 換代 ::
换行 {def} SEE: 換行 ::
换货 {def} SEE: 換貨 ::
换季 {def} SEE: 換季 ::
换句话说 {def} SEE: 換句話說 ::
换毛 {def} SEE: 換毛 ::
换奶齿 {def} SEE: 換奶齒 ::
换气 {def} SEE: 換氣 ::
换钱 {def} SEE: 換錢 ::
换取 {def} SEE: 換取 ::
换衫 {def} SEE: 換衫 ::
换上 {def} SEE: 換上 ::
换算 {def} SEE: 換算 ::
换汤不换药 {def} SEE: 換湯不換藥 ::
换帖的 {def} SEE: 換帖的 ::
换帖兄弟 {def} SEE: 換帖兄弟 ::
换途 {def} SEE: 換途 ::
换位 {def} SEE: 換位 ::
换位思考 {def} SEE: 換位思考 ::
换新 {def} SEE: 換新 ::
换血 {def} SEE: 換血 ::
换牙 {def} SEE: 換牙 ::
换言之 {def} SEE: 換言之 ::
换药 {def} SEE: 換藥 ::
换衣 {def} SEE: 換衣 ::
换油 {def} SEE: 換油 ::
换羽 {def} SEE: 換羽 ::
换喻 {def} SEE: 換喻 ::
换置法 {def} SEE: 換置法 ::
{def} /huàn/ :: to change; to swap; to switch; to substitute
換把 {v} [music] /huànbǎ/ :: to shift; to change positions (on a string instrument)
換班 {v} /huànbān/ :: to change shifts [when working]
換車 {v} /huànchē/ :: to change; to transfer (to transfer to another vehicle)
換乘 {v} /huànchéng/ :: to transfer (between modes of transport); to change (to a different bus, subway, train, ferry, etc.)
換成 {v} /huànchéng/ :: to exchange (something) for (something else); to replace with; to convert into
換代 {v} /huàndài/ :: to have a change of dynasties
換代 {v} /huàndài/ :: to replace (with a newer generation); to update (with)
換行 {n} [computing] /huànxíng/ :: newline
換貨 {v} /huànhuò/ :: to exchange (goods); to replace
換季 {v} /huànjì,er/ :: to change seasons; to change clothes with the season
換句話說 {adv} /huànjùhuàshuō/ :: that is to say; in other words
換毛 {v} /huànmáo/ :: to moult
換氣 {v} [swimming] /huànqì,er/ :: to take a breath; to breathe; to come up for air
換氣 {v} /huànqì,er/ :: to change the air; to ventilate; to provide with fresh air
換氣 {v} /huànqì,er/ :: to replace a used-up gas cylinder
換錢 {v} /huànqián/ :: to change money; to exchange money
換錢 {v} /huànqián/ :: to sell something (to get money)
換取 {v} /huànqǔ/ :: to exchange something for; to barter; to get in return
換衫 {v} [Cantonese, Min Nan, Hakka] /huànshān/ :: to change one's clothes
換湯不換藥 {idiom} /huàn tāng 不 huàn yào/ :: the same medicine differently prepared; the same old stuff with a different label
換湯不換藥 {idiom} /huàn tāng 不 huàn yào/ :: to change only the form but not the content
換上 {v} /huànshàng/ :: to change (clothes)
換算 {v} /huànsuàn/ :: to convert (units, currencies, etc.)
換位 {v} /huànwèi/ :: to switch positions; to change over
換位思考 {idiom} /huànwèi sīkǎo/ :: to put oneself in someone's shoes
換新 {v} [literary] /huànxīn/ :: to exchange (the old) for something new
換血 {v} /huàn血/ :: to have a blood transfusion
換血 {v} [figuratively] /huàn血/ :: to reorganise by introducing fresh personnel or content; to get a shake-up
換牙 {v} [of a child] /huànyá/ :: to grow permanent teeth to replace milk teeth
換言之 {adv} /huànyánzhī/ :: that is to say; in other words
換藥 {v} [medicine] /huànyào/ :: to change the dressing of a wound; to change bandages
換衣 {v} /huànyī/ :: to change (clothing)
換油 {v} [automotive] /huànyóu/ :: to change oil
換羽 {v} /huànyǔ/ :: to moult (of birds)
換喻 {n} [figure of speech] /huànyù/ :: metonymy; metonym
換置法 {n} /huànzhìfǎ/ :: hypallage
擐甲 {v} [archaic] /huànjiǎ/ :: to don armor
擐甲持戈 {idiom} [archaic] /huànjiǎ chí gē/ :: describes someone who is armed and ready for battle
{def} /huàn/ :: Sapindus saponaria, a species of deciduous tree whose bark can be used in place of soap, and whose wood can be used to make rosary beads
{def} /浣/ :: to wash; to rinse
{def} /浣/ :: any of the three ten-day divisions of a month
{def} /浣/ :: surname
浣涤 {def} SEE: 浣滌 ::
浣滌 {v} /浣dí/ :: to wash, rinse
浣熊 {n} /浣xióng/ :: raccoon (nocturnal omnivore living in North America, Procyon lotor)
浣衣 {v} /浣yī/ :: to wash clothes
{def} SEE: ::
涣散 {def} SEE: 渙散 ::
{def} /huàn/ :: to dissipate; to dissolve
{def} [literary] /huàn/ :: to issue imperial edicts
{def} [literary] /huàn/ :: overflowing; brimming
{def} /huàn/ :: 59th hexagram of the I Ching
渙散 {adj} /huànsàn/ :: lax (in discipline); slack; disorganised
渙散 {v} /huànsàn/ :: to slacken (discipline); to demoralise
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
焕发 {def} SEE: 煥發 ::
焕然一新 {def} SEE: 煥然一新 ::
{def} /huàn/ :: [obsolete] flare; blaze
{def} /huàn/ :: glowing; shining; lustrous; brilliant
{def} /huàn/ :: to radiate
{def} /huàn/ :: surname
煥發 {v} /huànfā/ :: to shine; to glow; to irradiate
煥發 {v} [figurative] /huànfā/ :: to display vigour; to radiate (a sense of...)
煥然一新 {idiom} /huànrán一xīn/ :: brand new; changed beyond recognition
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huàn/ :: only used in 癱瘓
{def} /huàn/ :: to feed livestock
豢养 {def} SEE: 豢養 ::
豢養 {v} [literally] /huànyǎng/ :: to feed; to raise; to rear (livestock)
豢養 {v} [figuratively] /huànyǎng/ :: to keep (a spy, lackey, etc.) in one's pay
豢圉 {n} /huànyǔ/ :: pen for animals; animal barn; stable
轘轅 {prop} /Huányuán,Huànyuán,1nb/ :: Huanyuan Mountain; Huanyuan Pass (the site of an ancient strategic mountain pass, located approximately 3 kilometers northwest of the Shaolin Monastery in Henan)
轘辕 {def} SEE: 轘轅 ::
{def} /huàn/ :: grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)
鯇魚 {n} /huànyú/ :: grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
鲩鱼 {def} SEE: 鯇魚 ::
{def} /huāng,huang,2nb/ :: to flee
{def} /huāng,huang,2nb/ :: to fear; to dread; to be afraid
{def} /huāng,huang,2nb/ :: flustered; nervous; panicky; frantic
{def} [colloquial] /huāng,huang,2nb/ :: Used as an adjectival complement after 得 /de/, to emphasise the unbearability or extent of the adjectival state
{def} /huǎng/ :: [obsolete] dim; indistinct
{def} /huǎng/ :: [obsolete] to sleep talk
慌促 {adj} /huāngcù/ :: in a hurry; rushed  
慌急 {adj} [literary] /huāngjí/ :: agitated and panicked
慌乱 {def} SEE: 慌亂 ::
慌亂 {adj} /huāngluàn/ :: flustered; flurried; in a hurry
慌亂 {n} /huāngluàn/ :: fluster; hurry-scurry
慌忙 {adj} /huāngmáng/ :: in a hurry; rushed
慌忙 {adv} /huāngmáng/ :: hastily; hurriedly
慌忙無措 {adj} /huāngmáng wúcuò/ :: in a hurry and unsure of what to do
慌忙无措 {def} SEE: 慌忙無措 ::
慌张 {def} SEE: 慌張 ::
慌張 {adj} /huāngzhāng/ :: flustered; flurried; in a hurry
{def} /huāng/ :: wasteland, desert
{def} /huāng/ :: uncultivated
荒草 {n} /huāngcǎo/ :: weeds
荒村 {n} /huāngcūn/ :: deserted or uninhabited village
荒誕 {adj} /huāngdàn/ :: ridiculous; absurd
荒誕不經 {idiom} /huāngdànbùjīng/ :: ridiculous; absurd; illogical; nonsensical
荒诞 {def} SEE: 荒誕 ::
荒诞不经 {def} SEE: 荒誕不經 ::
荒岛 {def} SEE: 荒島 ::
荒島 {n} /huāngdǎo/ :: deserted or uninhabited island
荒地 {n} /huāngdì/ :: wasteland; undeveloped or uncultivated land
荒废 {def} SEE: 荒廢 ::
荒廢 {v} /huāngfèi/ :: to leave (land) uncultivated; to abandon (a field)
荒廢 {v} /huāngfèi/ :: to become wasted; to fall into disuse
荒廢 {v} /huāngfèi/ :: to waste; to neglect
荒古 {n} /huānggǔ/ :: remote antiquity
荒急 {adv} [literary] /huāngjí/ :: hurriedly; hastily
荒瘠 {adj} /huāngjí/ :: wild and barren; desolate and infertile
荒寂 {adj} /huāng寂/ :: desolate and still; bleak and quiet
荒郊 {n} /huāngjiāo/ :: desolate area outside a town
荒凉 {def} SEE: 荒涼 ::
荒涼 {adj} /huāngliáng/ :: bleak; desolate
荒乱 {def} SEE: 荒亂 ::
荒亂 {adj} /huāngluàn/ :: in great chaos; in utter turmoil
荒茫 {adj} /huāngmáng/ :: vast and desolate
荒謬 {adj} /huāngmiù/ :: ridiculous; absurd; preposterous
荒謬絕倫 {idiom} /huāngmiùjuélún/ :: absolutely ridiculous; preposterous; absurd in the highest degree
荒謬主義 {n} /huāngmiùzhǔyì/ :: absurdism
荒谬 {def} SEE: 荒謬 ::
荒谬绝伦 {def} SEE: 荒謬絕倫 ::
荒谬主义 {def} SEE: 荒謬主義 ::
荒漠 {n} /huāngmò/ :: desert; wilderness
荒漠 {adj} /huāngmò/ :: desolate; barren
荒漠化 {v} /huāngmòhuà/ :: to desertify
荒漠化 {n} /huāngmòhuà/ :: desertification
荒漠猫 {def} SEE: 荒漠貓 ::
荒漠貓 {n} /huāngmòmāo/ :: Chinese mountain cat, Felis bieti
荒年 {n} /huāngnián/ :: famine year; lean year
荒僻 {adj} /huāngpì/ :: desolate and out-of-the-way
荒歉 {v} /huāngqiàn/ :: to experience crop failure; to have harvest failure
荒腔走板 {idiom} /huāngqiāngzǒubǎn/ :: to sing out of tune (for a Chinese opera singer)
荒腔走板 {idiom} /huāngqiāngzǒubǎn/ :: to go off on a tangent
荒腔走板 {idiom} /huāngqiāngzǒubǎn/ :: to act beyond reasonable boundaries
荒丘 {n} /huāngqiū/ :: barren hillock
荒山 {n} /huāngshān/ :: desolate mountain; barren hill
荒疏 {v} /huāngshū/ :: to be out of practice; to be rusty
荒滩 {def} SEE: 荒灘 ::
荒灘 {n} /huāngtān/ :: barren or deserted beach
荒唐 {adj} /huāngtáng,tl/ :: absurd; ridiculous; preposterous
荒唐 {adj} /huāngtáng,tl/ :: dissipated; loose
荒唐 {adj} [obsolete] /huāngtáng,tl/ :: fantastical; imaginary; fanciful
荒土 {n} /huāngtǔ/ :: wasteland
荒尾 {prop} /Huāngwěi/ :: (~ 市) 荒尾 (city)
荒芜 {def} SEE: 荒蕪 ::
荒蕪 {adj} /huāngwú/ :: lying in waste; overgrown
荒野 {n} /huāngyě/ :: wilderness
荒淫 {adj} /huāngyín/ :: licentious; dissolute
荒原 {n} /huāngyuán/ :: wasteland; wilderness
荒远 {def} SEE: 荒遠 ::
荒遠 {adj} [literary] /huāngyuǎn/ :: distant; remote; faraway
{def} /huāng/ :: [obsolete] blood
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huáng/ :: [obsolete] leisure
{def} /huáng/ :: [obsolete] indulge
{def} /huáng/ :: [obsolete] hurried
{def} [Chinese mythology] /huáng/ :: female fenghuang (a mythological bird)
凰凤 {def} SEE: 凰鳳 ::
{def} /huáng/ :: used in 彷徨
{def} /huáng/ :: used in 徨徨
{def} /huáng/ :: fearful; afraid; anxious; nervous
{def} /huáng/ :: [obsolete] confuse; confused
惶怖 {adj} [literary] /huángbù/ :: terrified
惶惶 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /huánghuáng/ :: agitated; anxious; uneasy; terrified; upset
惶惶 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /huánghuáng/ :: hurried; hasty; rushed
惶惶不安 {idiom} /huánghuáng不'ān/ :: to be agitated; to be uneasy; to be upset
惶惑 {adj} /huánghuò/ :: perplexed and alarmed; apprehensive
惶惧 {def} SEE: 惶懼 ::
惶懼 {def} SEE: 惶遽 ::
惶遽 {adj} [literary] /huángjù/ :: panic-stricken; scared
惶恐 {adj} /huángkǒng/ :: terrified; scared
惶恐 {adv} /huángkǒng/ :: in a terrified manner
湟阳 {def} SEE: 湟陽 ::
湟陽 {prop} [historical] /Huángyáng/ :: former name of 城關, a town in Huangyuan County, Qinghai, China
湟源 {prop} /Huángyuán/ :: (~ 縣) 湟源 (county)
湟源 {prop} /Huángyuán/ :: synonym of 城關, the county seat
{def} /huáng/ :: bright; brilliant
{def} /huáng/ :: spaniel
{def} /huáng/ :: [obsolete] to flatter
{def} /huáng/ :: [obsolete] jade pendant of semi-circular shape
{def} /huáng/ :: anthrax of livestock
癀病 {n} [dialectal] /huángbìng/ :: anthrax
癀发 {def} SEE: 癀發 ::
{def} /huáng/ :: magnificent
{def} /huáng/ :: emperor; sovereign; ruler; superior
{def} /huáng/ :: royal; imperial; august
{def} /huáng/ :: surname
皇妣 {n} [archaic] /huángbǐ/ :: a posthumous name for mothers in Zhou rituals
皇辟 {n} [archaic] /huángbì/ :: a posthumous name for husbands in Zhou rituals
皇辟 {n} [archaic] /huángbì/ :: Son of Heaven; emperor
皇城 {n} /huángchéng/ :: imperial city
皇儲 {n} /huáng儲/ :: crown prince
皇储 {def} SEE: 皇儲 ::
皇帝 {n} /huángdì/ :: emperor
皇帝陛下 {n} /Huángdì bìxià/ :: Imperial Majesty; Your Majesty the emperor
皇帝陛下 {n} /Huángdì bìxià/ :: Your Majesty; His Majesty; Her Majesty
皇帝不急,急死太监 {def} SEE: 皇帝不急,急死太監 ::
皇帝不急,急死太監 {idiom} [figurative] /huángdì bù jí, jí sǐ tàijiàn,tl/ :: The person involved is calm and collected, but observers are very worried
皇帝菜 {n} /huángdìcài/ :: garland chrysanthemum; crown daisy (Glebionis coronaria)
皇帝豆 {n} [Taiwan] /huángdìdòu/ :: lima bean
皇帝蟹 {n} /huángdìxiè/ :: king crab
皇額娘 {n} [Qing dynasty, honorific] /huáng'éniáng/ :: empress mother; queen mother
皇额娘 {def} SEE: 皇額娘 ::
皇恩 {n} /huáng'ēn/ :: emperor's benevolence; imperial favour
皇妃 {n} /huángfēi/ :: imperial concubine; concubine of the emperor
皇甫 {prop} /Huángfǔ/ :: surname
皇綱 {n} [archaic] /huánggāng/ :: imperial rule
皇綱失統 {v} [archaic] /huánggāng shī tǒng/ :: The system of imperial rule has been corrupted
皇纲 {def} SEE: 皇綱 ::
皇纲失统 {def} SEE: 皇綱失統 ::
皇宫 {def} SEE: 皇宮 ::
皇宮 {n} /huánggōng/ :: imperial palace
皇冠 {n} /huángguān/ :: crown; imperial crown
皇后 {n} [Hong Kong] /huánghòu/ :: empress, particularly an empress consort or the British Queen
皇后區 {prop} /Huánghòuqū/ :: 皇后區 (borough)
皇后区 {def} SEE: 皇后區 ::
皇皇 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /huánghuáng/ :: magnificent; glorious; majestic; splendid
皇皇 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /huánghuáng/ :: brilliant; shining; radiant
皇皇 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /huánghuáng/ :: vast; wide-reaching
皇皇 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /huánghuáng/ :: alternative form of 惶惶
皇家 {n} /huángjiā/ :: royal family; imperial household
皇家 {n} /huángjiā/ :: imperial court
皇家同花順 {n} [card games] /huángjiā tónghuāshùn/ :: royal flush
皇家同花顺 {def} SEE: 皇家同花順 ::
皇军 {def} SEE: 皇軍 ::
皇軍 {n} [usually Japanese] /huángjūn/ :: imperial army
皇考 {n} [archaic, respectful] /huángkǎo/ :: one's deceased paternal great-grandfather or father
皇考 {n} [archaic] /huángkǎo/ :: ancestors; forebears; forefathers; progenitor
皇历 {def} SEE: 皇曆 ::
皇曆 {n} /huánglì,tl/ :: almanac; ephemeris
皇陵 {n} [literary] /huánglíng/ :: an imperial mausoleum; an imperial tomb
皇馬 {prop} [soccer] /Huángmǎ/ :: Real Madrid C.F
皇马 {def} SEE: 皇馬 ::
皇气 {def} SEE: 皇氣 ::
皇亲 {def} SEE: 皇親 ::
皇亲国戚 {def} SEE: 皇親國戚 ::
皇親 {n} [archaic] /huángqīn/ :: a relative of the imperial family; a relative of the emperor
皇親國戚 {idiom} /huángqīnguóqī/ :: member of royalty or royal household; royal person
皇親國戚 {idiom} /huángqīnguóqī/ :: person having powerful connections
皇清 {prop} /Huángqīng/ :: the Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
皇权 {def} SEE: 皇權 ::
皇權 {n} /huángquán/ :: imperial power
皇上 {n} /huángshang/ :: the emperor
皇上 {n} /huángshang/ :: Your Majesty; His Majesty (when directed to an emperor)
皇室 {n} /huáng室/ :: royal family; imperial household
皇室 {n} /huáng室/ :: imperial court; royal house
皇叔 {n} [literary] /huáng叔/ :: uncle of an emperor
皇太后 {n} /huángtàihòu/ :: empress dowager
皇太极 {def} SEE: 皇太極 ::
皇太極 {prop} /Huángtàijí/ :: Hong Taiji, a Qing dynasty emperor
皇太子 {n} /huángtàizǐ/ :: crown prince
皇天 {n} /huángtiān/ :: the great and almighty heavens above
皇天不負苦心人 {proverb} /huángtiān 不 fù kǔxīn rén/ :: Heaven helps those who help themselves; Providence doesn't let down a man who does his best
皇天不负苦心人 {def} SEE: 皇天不負苦心人 ::
皇天后土 {idiom} /huángtiān-hòutǔ/ :: by the gods of heaven and earth
皇王 {n} [Dungan] /huángwáng/ :: tsar; emperor
皇威 {n} [literary] /huángwēi/ :: the power of the royal household; the influence of the royal household
皇位 {n} /huángwèi/ :: throne
皇位 {n} /huángwèi/ :: the title of the emperor
皇子 {n} /huángzǐ/ :: prince (son of an emperor)
皇族 {n} /huángzú/ :: imperial kinsman; imperial family
皇祖妣 {n} [archaic] /huángzǔbǐ/ :: a posthumous name for grandmothers in Zhou rituals
皇祖考 {n} [archaic] /huángzǔkǎo/ :: a posthumous name for grandfathers in Zhou rituals
{def} /huáng/ :: [obsolete] [chemical element] sulphur, brimstone
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [chemistry] /huáng/ :: sulphonyl
磺胺 {n} [organic compound] /huáng胺/ :: sulfonamide
磺胺酸 {n} [Taiwan, inorganic compound] /huáng胺suān/ :: sulfamic acid
磺酸 {n} [organic chemistry] /huángsuān/ :: sulfonic acid
磺潭 {prop} /Huángtán/ :: (~ 里) 磺潭 (urban village)
磺酰胺 {n} [Mainland China, Hong Kong, organic compound] /huángxiān胺/ :: sulfonamide
磺酰基 {n} [chemistry] /huángxiānjī/ :: sulfonyl (functional group)
磺酰基 {n} [organic chemistry] /huángxiānjī/ :: sulfonyl (any univalent radical derived from a sulfonic acid)
{def} [literary] /huáng/ :: bamboo forest; bamboo grove
{def} [literary] /huáng/ :: bamboo
篁金斗瓮 {def} SEE: 篁金斗甕 ::
篁金瓮仔 {def} SEE: 篁金甕仔 ::
{def} /huáng/ :: reed (of a musical instrument)
{def} /huáng/ :: spring coil
{def} /huáng/ :: sweet words
簧管 {n} /huángguǎn/ :: reed pipe
簧乐器 {def} SEE: 簧樂器 ::
簧樂器 {n} /huángyuèqì/ :: reed instrument
簧片 {n} /huángpiàn,er/ :: reed (of a musical instrument)
{def} /huáng/ :: locust
{def} [Hong Kong, derogatory] /huáng/ :: swarms of Mainlander migrants
蝗虫 {def} SEE: 蝗蟲 ::
蝗蟲 {n} /huángchóng,er/ :: locust
蝗蟲 {n} /huángchóng,er/ :: person with a big appetite
蝗蟲 {n} [Hong Kong, slang, derogatory, offensive] /huángchóng,er/ :: a Mainland Chinese
蝗祸 {def} SEE: 蝗禍 ::
蝗禍 {n} /huánghuò/ :: locust plague
蝗军 {def} SEE: 蝗軍 ::
蝗軍 {n} /huángjūn/ :: locust army (literally)
蝗軍 {n} [Hong Kong, chiefly Cantonese, derogatory] /huángjūn/ :: immigrants from mainland China
蝗災 {n} /huángzāi/ :: locust plague
蝗灾 {def} SEE: 蝗災 ::
{def} /huáng/ :: used in compounds
{def} [literary] /huáng/ :: free time; leisure; spare time
{def} /huáng/ :: [obsolete] hurried; hasty
{def} /huáng/ :: [obsolete] how; how can (in rhetorical questions)
{def} /huáng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /huáng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
遑遑 {def} SEE: 惶惶 ::
遑急 {adj} [literary] /huángjí/ :: alarmed; frightened; panic-stricken
遑急 {adj} [literary] /huángjí/ :: urgent; pressing
遑論 {v} [literary] /huánglùn/ :: let alone; not to mention
遑论 {def} SEE: 遑論 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huáng/ :: dry moat
{def} /huáng/ :: the tutelary deity of a Chinese village, town, or city
{def} /huáng/ :: only used in 餦餭
{def} /huáng/ :: yellow-white horse
{def} [humorous] /huáng/ :: Ma Ying-jeou
{def} /huáng/ :: the kaluga, Huso dauricus
{def} /huáng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huáng/ :: only used in 鸝鷬
{def} /huáng,er/ :: yellow (colour)
{def} /huáng,er/ :: abbreviation of 蛋黃
{def} /huáng,er/ :: abbreviation of 蟹黃
{def} /huáng,er/ :: yellow; Far East Asian
{def} [colloquial] /huáng,er/ :: pornographic; lewd
{def} [colloquial] /huáng,er/ :: to fizzle out; to fall through
{def} [Min Nan] /huáng,er/ :: to ripen
{def} /huáng,er/ :: abbreviation of 黃帝
{def} /huáng,er/ :: surname
黃斑 {n} [anatomy] /huángbān/ :: macula lutea (yellow spot at the central area of the retina)
黃斑變性 {n} /huángbān biànxìng/ :: macular degeneration
黃斑病變 {n} [pathology] /huángbān bìngbiàn/ :: maculopathy
黃斑部變性 {n} [pathology] /huángbānbù biànxìng/ :: maculopathy
黃包車 {n} /huángbāochē/ :: rickshaw (two-wheeled carriage)
黃堡 {prop} :: (~ 鎮) 黃堡 (town)
黃堡 {prop} :: (~ 村) 黃堡 (village)
黃陂 {prop} /Huángpí/ :: (~ 區) 黃陂 (district)
黃餅 {n} /huángbǐng/ :: yellowcake
黃柏 {n} /huángbò,huángbó,1nb/ :: synonym of 黃檗
黃柏 {n} /huángbò,huángbó,1nb/ :: Amur cork tree (Phellodendron amurense)
黃柏 {n} [TCM] /huángbò,huángbó,1nb/ :: bark of the Amur cork tree (a herb used to reduce "damp-heat", to lower blood sugar and blood pressure)
黃柏山 {prop} /Huángbòshān/ :: (~ 村) 黃柏山 (village)
黃檗 {n} /huángbò/ :: Amur cork tree (Phellodendron amurense)
黃檗 {n} [TCM] /huángbò/ :: bark of the Amur cork tree (a herb used to reduce "damp-heat", to lower blood sugar and blood pressure)
黃埔 {prop} /Huángpǔ/ :: (~ 區) 黃埔 (district)
黃埔 {prop} /Huángpǔ/ :: 黃埔 (area)
黃澄澄 {adj} [colloquial, ideophonic] /huángdèngdèng,huángdēngdēng,huángchéngchéng,1nb/ :: glisteningly golden; shining yellow
黃大仙 {prop} /Huángdàxiān/ :: Wong Tai Sin (popular Taoist deity)
黃大仙 {prop} /Huángdàxiān/ :: 黃大仙 (area)
黃大仙 {prop} /Huángdàxiān/ :: (~ 區) 黃大仙 (district)
黃疸 {n} [medical sign] /huángdǎn/ :: jaundice
黃疸病 {n} /huángdǎnbìng/ :: jaundice
黃丹 {n} /huángdān/ :: lead monoxide
黃道 {n} [astronomy] /huángdào/ :: ecliptic
黃道帶 {n} [astronomy, astrology] /huángdàodài/ :: zodiac; belt of the zodiac
黃道吉日 {n} [idiomatic] /huángdàojírì/ :: an auspicious day in the lunar calendar on which a certain activity such as marriage is favoured
黃道十二宮 {n} [astrology] /huángdào shí'èrgōng/ :: the twelve signs of the Zodiac
黃燈 {n} /huángdēng/ :: yellow light; amber light
黃帝 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Huángdì/ :: the Yellow Emperor (legendary Chinese sovereign)
黃帝豆 {n} /huángdìdòu/ :: alternative name for 皇帝豆
黃貂魚 {n} /huángdiāoyú/ :: stingray
黃豆 {n} /huángdòu/ :: (yellow) soybean
黃毒 {n} /huángdú/ :: harm of pornography; evil of pornography
黃獨 {n} /huángdú/ :: air potato (Dioscorea bulbifera)
黃賭毒 {n} /huángdǔdú/ :: prostitution and pornography, gambling, and narcotics
黃賭毒黑 {n} /huángdǔdúhēi/ :: prostitution and pornography, gambling, narcotics, and organised crime
黃段子 {n} /huángduànzi/ :: dirty joke
黃俄 {n} [derogatory] /Huáng俄/ :: the Communist Party of China or a supporter of it
黃髮 {n} [literary] /huáng髮/ :: old person; the old; the elderly
黃蜂 {n} /huángfēng/ :: wasp
黃蓋 {n} [archaic] /huánggài/ :: the yellow canopy of the emperor's carriage
黃苷 {n} [chemistry] /huánggān/ :: xanthosine
黃淦淦 {def} SEE: 黃黚黚 ::
黃岡 {prop} /Huánggāng/ :: (~ 市) 黃岡 (prefecture-level city)
黃岡 {prop} /Huánggāng/ :: (~ 鎮) 黃岡 (town)
黃瓜 {n} /huángguā,tl/ :: cucumber (Classifier: m:根c:條)
黃瓜 {n} [Hakka, Fengshun Shehua] /huángguā,tl/ :: pumpkin
黃瓜種 {n} [Beijing] /huángguazhǒng,1n/ :: cucumber that is specifically for growing seeds
黃海 {prop} /Huáng Hǎi/ :: Yellow Sea
黃海北道 {prop} /Huánghǎiběi Dào/ :: 黃海北道 (province)
黃海南道 {prop} /Huánghǎinán Dào/ :: 黃海南道 (province)
黃鶴樓 {prop} /Huánghèlóu/ :: Yellow Crane Tower
黃鶴樓 {prop} /Huánghèlóu/ :: (~ 街道) 黃鶴樓 (subdistrict)
黃河 {prop} /Huáng Hé/ :: the Yellow River
黃河路 {prop} /Huánghélù/ :: (~ 街道) 黃河路 (subdistrict)
黃河三角洲 {prop} /Huánghé Sānjiǎozhōu/ :: Yellow River Delta
黃褐色 {n} /huáng褐sè/ :: yellowish-brown; tawny; khaki
黃喉貂 {n} /huánghóudiāo/ :: yellow-throated marten; Martes flavigula
黃花 {n} /huánghuā,er/ :: yellow flower (in general)
黃花 {n} [specifically] /huánghuā,er/ :: alternative name for 萱草
黃花 {n} [specifically] /huánghuā,er/ :: alternative name for 菜花
黃花 {n} [specifically] /huánghuā,er/ :: alternative name for 菊花
黃花 {n} [figurative, usually attributive] /huánghuā,er/ :: young virgin (especially a girl); maiden
黃花 {prop} /huánghuā,er/ :: (~ 鎮) 黃花 (town)
黃花菜 {n} /huánghuācài/ :: daylily bud (used as an ingredient in some Chinese dishes such as hot and sour soup and moo shu pork)
黃花城 {prop} /Huánghuāchéng/ :: (~ 村) 黃花城 (village)
黃花閨女 {n} /huánghuā guīnü,huánghuā guīnǚ,er/ :: maiden; (untouched) virgin
黃花蒿 {n} [TCM] /huánghuāhāo,er/ :: Artemisia annua
黃花魚 {n} /huánghuāyú,er/ :: small yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena polyactis)
黃花魚 {n} /huánghuāyú,er/ :: large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea)
黃驊 {prop} /Huánghuá/ :: (~ 市) 黃驊 (county-level city)
黃昏 {n} /huánghūn/ :: dusk; twilight
黃昏戀 {n} [figurative] /huánghūnliàn/ :: romantic relationship between an elderly couple
黃昏戀 {n} /huánghūnliàn/ :: falling in love in the autumn of one's life
黃昏市場 {n} /huánghūn shì场/ :: sunset market; (early) evening market
黃禍 {n} [historical] /huánghuò/ :: yellow peril (perceived threat from East Asia)
黃集 {prop} /Huángjí/ :: (~ 鎮) 黃集 (town)
黃家沖 {prop} /Huángjiāchōng/ :: (~ 村) 黃家沖 (village)
黃家口 {prop} /Huángjiākǒu/ :: (~ 鎮) 黃家口 (town)
黃家潭 {prop} /Huángjiātán/ :: (~ 村) 黃家潭 (village)
黃家營 {prop} /Huángjiāyíng/ :: (~ 村) 黃家營 (village)
黃薑 {n} [literary or Cantonese, Pinghua] /huángjiāng/ :: turmeric
黃薑 {n} [Jinan Mandarin] /huángjiāng/ :: ginger
黃教 {prop} [Tibetan Buddhism] /Huángjiào/ :: alternative name for 格魯派
黃巾 {n} /huángjīn/ :: yellow turban
黃巾 {prop} [historical] /huángjīn/ :: the Yellow Turban rebels
黃金 {n} /huángjīn/ :: gold
黃金 {n} /huángjīn/ :: money
黃金 {n} [humorous] /huángjīn/ :: poop
黃金 {n} /huángjīn/ :: copper
黃金 {adj} [attributive, figurative] /huángjīn/ :: golden; best
黃金洞 {prop} /Huángjīndòng/ :: (~ 鄉) 黃金洞 (township)
黃金分割 {n} [geometry] /huángjīn fēngē/ :: golden ratio
黃金分割 {n} [geometry] /huángjīn fēngē/ :: golden section
黃金海岸 {prop} /Huángjīn Hǎi'àn/ :: the "Gold Coast" of China; China's prosperous coastal provinces
黃金海岸 {prop} /Huángjīn Hǎi'àn/ :: Hong Kong Gold Coast
黃金海岸 {prop} /Huángjīn Hǎi'àn/ :: Gold Coast (in Australia)
黃金海岸 {prop} /Huángjīn Hǎi'àn/ :: Gold Coast (in Africa)
黃金螺旋 {n} [geometry] /huángjīn luóxuán/ :: golden spiral
黃金時代 {n} /huángjīn shídài/ :: golden age
黃金時段 {n} [television, radio] /huángjīn shíduàn/ :: prime time
黃金時間 {n} [television, radio] /huángjīn shíjiān/ :: prime time
黃金時期 {n} /huángjīn shí期/ :: golden period; prime
黃金樹 {n} /huángjīnshù/ :: eucalyptus
黃金雨 {n} /huángjīnyǔ/ :: golden shower; golden rain tree (Cassia fistula)
黃金周 {def} SEE: 黃金週 ::
黃金週 {prop} /Huángjīn Zhōu/ :: Golden Week
黃黅黅 {def} SEE: 黃黚黚 ::
黃精 {n} /huángjīng/ :: rhizome of the Polygonatum (Solomon's seal) (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat "yin" deficiency and to reduce "heat".)
黃酒 {n} /huángjiǔ/ :: huangjiu (class of Chinese alcoholic beverages fermented from rice, millet, or wheat)
黃軍 {n} [historical] /huángjūn/ :: the Japanese army during World War II
黃梨 {n} [Malaysia, Singapore, Hakka, Min Dong] /huánglí/ :: pineapple
黃鸝 {n} /huánglí/ :: oriole
黃曆 {def} SEE: 皇曆 ::
黃蓮 {def} SEE: 黃連 ::
黃連 {n} /huánglián/ :: Chinese goldthread (Coptis chinensis)
黃連 {n} [TCM] /huánglián/ :: rhizome of the Chinese goldthread
黃連鹼 {n} [organic compound] /huángliánjiǎn/ :: coptisine
黃連木 {n} /huángliánmù/ :: Chinese pistache (Pistacia chinensis)
黃連素 {n} [organic chemistry] /huángliánsù/ :: berberine
黃臉婆 {n} [figurative, colloquial, pejorative] /huángliǎnpó/ :: ugly old woman; hag
黃粱 {n} [literary] /huángliáng/ :: yellow and large-grained variety of Setaria italica
黃粱 {n} [literary, figurative] /huángliáng/ :: abbreviation of 黃粱夢
黃粱夢 {n} [figurative] /huángliángmèng/ :: illusions of wealth and glory; pipe dream
黃粱一夢 {idiom} /huángliáng一mèng/ :: fanciful dream of wealth and rank; pipe dream; one's hopes coming to nothing
黃糧 {prop} /Huángliáng/ :: (~ 鎮) 黃糧 (town)
黃磷 {n} /huánglín/ :: alternative name for 白磷
黃陵廟 {prop} /Huánglíngmiào/ :: (~ 村) 黃陵廟 (village)
黃六 {n} [figurative, colloquial] /huángliù,er/ :: quack; swindler
黃龍 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Huánglóng/ :: Yellow Dragon (incarnation of the Yellow Emperor)
黃龍 {prop} /Huánglóng/ :: Huanglong, Sichuan (a scenic and historic interest area)
黃龍 {prop} /Huánglóng/ :: (~ 縣) Huanglong County, Shaanxi
黃龍 {prop} /Huánglóng/ :: various era names (49 BC; 229–231 AD; 761 AD)
黃龍 {prop} /Huánglóng/ :: (~ 鎮) 黃龍 (town)
黃龍 {prop} /Huánglóng/ :: (~ 鎮) 黃龍 (town)
黃龍病 {n} /huánglóngbìng/ :: huanglongbing (citrus tree disease that causes mottled yellow leaves and immature green lopsided fruit)
黃龍廟 {prop} /Huánglóngmiào/ :: (~ 村) 黃龍廟 (village)
黃櫨 {n} /huánglú/ :: Cotinus coggygria; smoketree
黃綠 {n} /huánglǜ/ :: yellow-green
黃麻 {n} /huángmá/ :: (roundpod) jute
黃茅 {n} /huángmáo/ :: black speargrass (Heteropogon contortus)
黃茅 {n} /huángmáo/ :: (~ 屬) [by extension] tanglehead (genus Heteropogon)
黃茅尖 {prop} /Huángmáo Jiān/ :: Huangmao Peak, an ultra-prominent mountain in Zhejiang, China
黃梅 {n} /huángméi/ :: ripe plums; plum (i.e. humid) season
黃梅 {n} /huángméi/ :: Japanese apricot (Prunus mume)
黃梅 {prop} /huángméi/ :: (~ 縣) 黃梅 (county)
黃梅 {prop} /huángméi/ :: (~ 鎮) 黃梅 (town)
黃梅戲 {n} /huángméixì/ :: Huangmei opera
黃梅季 {n} /huángméijì/ :: rainy season (lit.: plum season)
黃梅天 {n} /huángméitiān/ :: rainy season
黃門 {n} [archaic] /huángmén/ :: Edict Examination Bureau (門下省)
黃門 {n} [archaic] /huángmén/ :: a eunuch
黃門侍郎 {n} [archaic] /huángmén shìláng/ :: Deputy Head of the Edict Examination Bureau (門下省)
黃燜 {adj} [cooking, attributive] /huángmèn/ :: braised in sugar and soy sauce (and appearing golden-brown)
黃米 {n} /huángmǐ/ :: hulled grain of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum)
黃南 {prop} /Huángnán/ :: (~ 藏族自治州) Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
黃南藏族自治州 {prop} /Huángnán Zàngzú Zìzhìzhōu/ :: Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
黃泥塘 {prop} /Huángnítáng/ :: (~ 自然村) 黃泥塘 (village)
黃牛 {n} /huángniú/ :: ox; cattle
黃牛 {n} /huángniú/ :: ticket scalper
黃牛 {n} [Taiwan] /huángniú/ :: one who bribes and speaks on someone else's behalf to illegally gain benefits
黃牛 {v} [Taiwan] /huángniú/ :: to break a promise; to fail to assume responsibility; to fail to show up
黃牛黨 {n} /huángniúdǎng/ :: scalper; ticket tout
黃牛岩 {prop} /Huángniúyán/ :: (~ 村) 黃牛岩 (village)
黃牌 {n} [sports] /huángpái,er/ :: yellow card
黃袍加身 {idiom} /huángpáojiāshēn/ :: to stage a coup d'état; overthrow a government; take the throne
黃袍加身 {idiom} /huángpáojiāshēn/ :: to be crowned (as a monarch, ruler, winner, champion, etc.)
黃皮 {n} /huángpí/ :: wampee (Clausena lansium)
黃片 {n} [slang] /huángpiàn,huángpiān,er/ :: pornographic film
黃嘌呤 {n} [chemistry] /huáng嘌lìng/ :: xanthine
黃浦 {prop} /Huángpǔ/ :: (~ 江) Huangpu River
黃浦 {prop} /Huángpǔ/ :: (~ 區) Huangpu District, Shanghai
黃浦江 {prop} /Huángpǔjiāng/ :: Huangpu River
黃岐 {prop} /Huángqí/ :: (~ 半島) 黃岐 (peninsula)
黃岐 {prop} /Huángqí/ :: (~ 鎮) 黃岐 (town)
黃旗 {n} [archaic] /huángqí/ :: a yellow banner (used by the military in ancient times)
黃旗 {n} [Hong Kong] /huángqí/ :: a yellow banner used by the police: "Police Cordon, Do Not Cross / 警察封鎖線不得越過"
黃旗 {n} [Hong Kong] /huángqí/ :: a yellow banner used by the police: "Police Warning: You are in breach of the law. You may be prosecuted. / 警察警告現在違反法例 可能檢控"
黃旗 {prop} [obsolete] /huángqí/ :: Denmark
黃芪 {n} [TCM] /huángqí/ :: Astragalus propinquus
黃鰭金槍魚 {n} /huángqíjīnqiāngyú/ :: yellowfin tuna
黃鰭鮪魚 {n} /huángqíwěiyú/ :: yellowfin tuna
黃腔 {n} /huángqiāng,er/ :: obscene remarks or jokes; off-color humour
黃腔 {n} [opera] /huángqiāng,er/ :: synonym of 宜黃腔
黃腔 {n} [opera] /huángqiāng,er/ :: synonym of 荒腔
黃芩 {n} /huángqín/ :: root of the Chinese skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat hypertension, to reduce "fire" and "dampness", and to treat prostate and breast cancers.)
黃秋葵 {n} /huángqiūkuí/ :: okra; ladies' fingers
黃麴黴 {n} /huáng麴méi/ :: Aspergillus flavus (yellow mold)
黃麴黴毒素 {n} [organic compound] /huáng麴méi dúsù/ :: aflatoxin
黃麴黴素 {n} [organic compound] /huáng麴méisù/ :: aflatoxin
黃渠 {prop} /Huángqú/ :: (~ 鎮) 黃渠 (town)
黃曲霉 {def} SEE: 黃麴黴 ::
黃曲霉毒素 {def} SEE: 黃麴黴毒素 ::
黃曲霉素 {def} SEE: 黃麴黴素 ::
黃泉 {n} /huángquán/ :: underground spring
黃泉 {n} [figuratively] /huángquán/ :: underworld; the land of the dead
黃泉路 {n} [Chinese folk religion] /huángquánlù/ :: road to the Underworld
黃雀 {n} /huángquè/ :: Eurasian siskin (Carduelis spinus)
黃熱病 {n} /huángrèbìng/ :: yellow fever
黃人 {n} [obsolete] /huángrén/ :: the yellow race
黃三角 {prop} /Huángsānjiǎo,er/ :: abbreviation of 黃河三角洲
黃顙口 {prop} /Huángsǎngkǒu/ :: (~ 鎮) 黃顙口 (town)
黃色 {n} /huángsè/ :: yellow
黃色 {adj} /huángsè/ :: yellow
黃色 {adj} [attributive] /huángsè/ :: pornographic
黃色電影 {n} /huángsè diànyǐng/ :: pornographic movie
黃色工會 {n} /huángsè gōnghuì/ :: yellow union
黃色小說 {n} /huángsè xiǎoshuō/ :: pornographic novel; pornographic fiction (Classifier: m:本m:部)
黃色炸藥 {n} /huángsè zhàyào/ :: trinitrotoluene; TNT (a highly explosive yellow crystalline substance)
黃沙 {def} SEE: 黃砂 ::
黃砂 {n} [literally] /huángshā/ :: yellow sand; loess
黃砂 {n} /huángshā/ :: Asian Dust (meteorological phenomenon in East Asia)
黃砂 {prop} /Huángshā/ :: 黃砂 (region)
黃山 {prop} /Huángshān/ :: Huangshan; Yellow Mountain (scenic mountain range)
黃山 {prop} /Huángshān/ :: (~ 市) 黃山 (prefecture-level city)
黃山頭 {prop} /Huángshāntóu/ :: (~ 鎮) 黃山頭 (town)
黃鱔 {n} /huángshàn/ :: Monopterus albus; Asian swamp eel
黃蓍 {n} /huángshī/ :: root of the milk vetch Achillea millefolium or alpine yarrow Achillea alpina (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to promote "qi".)
黃石 {prop} /Huángshí/ :: (~ 市) 黃石 (prefecture-level city)
黃石 {prop} /Huángshí/ :: (~ 街道) Huangshi Subdistrict (a subdistrict in Baiyun District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China)
黃石 {prop} /Huángshí/ :: (~ 鎮) Huangshi Town (a town in Licheng District, Putian, Fujian, China)
黃石 {prop} /Huángshí/ :: Wong Shek (an area in Tai Po District on the Sai Kung Peninsula in Hong Kong)
黃石 {prop} /Huángshí/ :: (~ 國家公園) Yellowstone National Park
黃石港 {prop} /Huángshígǎng/ :: (~ 區) 黃石港 (district)
黃書 {n} /huángshū/ :: erotic literature
黃鼠 {n} /huángshǔ,er/ :: Daurian ground squirrel (Spermophilus dauricus)
黃鼠狼 {n} /huángshǔláng,er/ :: Siberian weasel (Mustela sibirica)
黃鼠狼給雞拜年——沒安好心 {idiom} [xiehouyu] /huángshǔláng gěi jī bàinián, méi ān hǎoxīn/ :: Greeks bearing gifts; wolf in sheep's clothing
黃水晶 {n} /huángshuǐjīng/ :: citrine
黃水仙 {n} /huángshuǐxiān/ :: wild daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus)
黃絲 {n} [Hong Kong] /huángsī/ :: supporter of Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement
黃絲 {prop} /huángsī/ :: (~ 村) 黃絲 (village)
黃灘 {prop} /Huángtān/ :: (~ 鎮) 黃灘 (town)
黃檀 {n} /huángtán/ :: rosewood (Dalbergia)
黃糖 {n} /huángtáng/ :: brown sugar
黃體 {n} [anatomy] /huángtǐ/ :: corpus luteum
黃體期 {n} [gynaecology] /huángtǐ期/ :: luteal phase
黃體生成激素 {n} /huángtǐ shēngchéng jīsù/ :: luteinizing hormone, LH
黃體酮 {n} [hormone] /huángtǐtóng/ :: progesterone
黃天 {n} [literary] /huángtiān/ :: summer
黃天 {prop} [archaic] /huángtiān/ :: an alternate name for Zhang Jue, leader of the Yellow Turban Rebellion
黃鐵礦 {n} [mineral] /huángtiěkuàng/ :: pyrite
黃酮 {n} /huángtóng/ :: flavonoid
黃銅 {n} /huángtóng/ :: brass
黃銅器 {n} /huángtóngqì/ :: brassware
黃土 {n} [geology] /huángtǔ/ :: loess
黃土崗 {prop} /Huángtǔgǎng/ :: (~ 鎮) 黃土崗 (town)
黃土高原 {prop} /Huángtǔ Gāoyuán/ :: the Loess Plateau
黃灣 {prop} /Huángwān/ :: (~ 村) 黃灣 (village)
黃圩 {prop} /Huángwéi/ :: (~ 鎮) 黃圩 (town)
黃葦鳽 {n} /huángwěijiān/ :: yellow bittern (Ixobrychus sinensis)
黃癬 {n} /huángxuǎn/ :: favus of the scalp
黃縣 {prop} [archaic] /Huáng Xiàn/ :: Huang County (in present day Longkou)
黃歇口 {prop} /Huángxiēkǒu/ :: (~ 鎮) 黃歇口 (town)
黃歇浦 {prop} /Huángxiēpǔ/ :: alternative name for 黃浦江
黃血鹽 {n} /huáng血yán/ :: potassium ferrocyanide
黃芽白 {n} [Cantonese] /huángyábái/ :: napa cabbage
黃岩 {def} SEE: 黃巖 ::
黃岩島 {prop} /Huángyándǎo/ :: Scarborough Shoal
黃巖 {prop} /Huángyán/ :: (~ 區) 黃巖 (district)
黃巖 {prop} /Huángyán/ :: (~ 市) 黃巖 (former county-level city)
黃楊木 {n} /huángyángmù/ :: boxwood
黃羊 {n} /huángyáng/ :: Mongolian gazelle; zeren
黃頁 {n} /huángyè,er/ :: yellow pages
黃鶯 {n} /huángyīng/ :: oriole, especially the black-naped oriole (Oriolus chinensis)
黃油 {n} /huángyóu/ :: grease
黃油 {n} /huángyóu/ :: butter
黃油 {n} [ACG, neologism, slang] /huángyóu/ :: eroge
黃鼬 {n} /huángyòu/ :: Siberian weasel (Mustela sibirica)
黃魚 {n} /huángyú/ :: yellow fish, particularly:
黃魚 {n} [literary] /huángyú/ :: alternative name for 鱣
黃魚 {n} /huángyú/ :: (~ 屬) yellow croaker (Larimichthys)
黃魚 {n} /huángyú/ :: rock greenling (Hexagrammos lagocephalus)
黃魚 {n} /huángyú/ :: Chacunda gizzard shad (Anodontostoma chacunda)
黃魚 {n} /huángyú/ :: naked osman (Gymnodiptychus dybowskii)
黃魚 {n} /huángyú/ :: Xenocypris davidi
黃魚 {n} [dated] /huángyú/ :: passenger picked up by a sailor or driver for extra money earned on the side
黃魚 {n} [dialectal] /huángyú/ :: gold bar
黃魚 {n} [southern Jiangsu, dated] /huángyú/ :: woman with large feet
黃魚腦袋 {n} [chiefly Wu] /huángyú nǎodài/ :: idiot
黃雨 {n} [Hong Kong] /huángyǔ/ :: Hong Kong rainstorm warning signals
黃玉 {n} /huángyù/ :: topaz
黃鉞 {n} [archaic] /huángyuè/ :: gilded axes (signifying the start of a military expedition)
黃鍾 {n} /huángzhōng/ :: ancient Chinese percussion instrument, usually used in temples
黃鍾 {n} /huángzhōng/ :: first note of the shí-èr-lǜ
黃鐘 {def} SEE: 黃鍾 ::
黃種 {n} /huángzhǒng/ :: (~ 人) mongoloid; yellow; Far East Asian
黃種人 {n} /huángzhǒngrén/ :: mongoloid
黃州 {prop} /Huángzhōu/ :: (~ 區) 黃州 (district)
黃竹坑 {prop} /Huángzhúkēng/ :: 黃竹坑 (place)
黃竹山 {prop} /Huángzhúshān/ :: (~ 村) 黃竹山 (village)
黃棕色 {n} /huángzōngsè/ :: (color) cinnamon; sandy
黃嘴山鴉 {n} /huángzuǐ shānyā/ :: alpine chough
{def} SEE: ::
黄斑 {def} SEE: 黃斑 ::
黄斑变性 {def} SEE: 黃斑變性 ::
黄斑病变 {def} SEE: 黃斑病變 ::
黄斑部变性 {def} SEE: 黃斑部變性 ::
黄包车 {def} SEE: 黃包車 ::
黄堡 {def} SEE: 黃堡 ::
黄陂 {def} SEE: 黃陂 ::
黄饼 {def} SEE: 黃餅 ::
黄病 {def} SEE: 黃病 ::
黄柏 {def} SEE: 黃柏 ::
黄柏山 {def} SEE: 黃柏山 ::
黄檗 {def} SEE: 黃檗 ::
黄埔 {def} SEE: 黃埔 ::
黄澄澄 {def} SEE: 黃澄澄 ::
黄哒眼 {def} SEE: 黃噠眼 ::
黄大仙 {def} SEE: 黃大仙 ::
黄疸 {def} SEE: 黃疸 ::
黄疸病 {def} SEE: 黃疸病 ::
黄丹 {def} SEE: 黃丹 ::
黄旦 {def} SEE: 黃旦 ::
黄道 {def} SEE: 黃道 ::
黄道带 {def} SEE: 黃道帶 ::
黄道吉日 {def} SEE: 黃道吉日 ::
黄道十二宫 {def} SEE: 黃道十二宮 ::
黄灯 {def} SEE: 黃燈 ::
黄帝 {def} SEE: 黃帝 ::
黄帝豆 {def} SEE: 黃帝豆 ::
黄貂鱼 {def} SEE: 黃貂魚 ::
黄豆 {def} SEE: 黃豆 ::
黄豆子 {def} SEE: 黃豆子 ::
黄毒 {def} SEE: 黃毒 ::
黄独 {def} SEE: 黃獨 ::
黄赌毒 {def} SEE: 黃賭毒 ::
黄赌毒黑 {def} SEE: 黃賭毒黑 ::
黄段子 {def} SEE: 黃段子 ::
黄俄 {def} SEE: 黃俄 ::
黄发 {def} SEE: 黃髮 ::
黄蜂 {def} SEE: 黃蜂 ::
黄蜂子 {def} SEE: 黃蜂子 ::
黄盖 {def} SEE: 黃蓋 ::
黄苷 {def} SEE: 黃苷 ::
黄淦淦 {def} SEE: 黃黚黚 ::
黄冈 {def} SEE: 黃岡 ::
黄瓜 {def} SEE: 黃瓜 ::
黄瓜仔 {def} SEE: 黃瓜仔 ::
黄瓜种 {def} SEE: 黃瓜種 ::
黄海 {def} SEE: 黃海 ::
黄海北道 {def} SEE: 黃海北道 ::
黄海南道 {def} SEE: 黃海南道 ::
黄河 {def} SEE: 黃河 ::
黄河路 {def} SEE: 黃河路 ::
黄河三角洲 {def} SEE: 黃河三角洲 ::
黄褐色 {def} SEE: 黃褐色 ::
黄鹤楼 {def} SEE: 黃鶴樓 ::
黄喉貂 {def} SEE: 黃喉貂 ::
黄瓠 {def} SEE: 黃瓠 ::
黄花 {def} SEE: 黃花 ::
黄花菜 {def} SEE: 黃花菜 ::
黄花草 {def} SEE: 黃花草 ::
黄花城 {def} SEE: 黃花城 ::
黄花闺女 {def} SEE: 黃花閨女 ::
黄花蒿 {def} SEE: 黃花蒿 ::
黄花鱼 {def} SEE: 黃花魚 ::
黄骅 {def} SEE: 黃驊 ::
黄黄 {def} SEE: 黃黃 ::
黄钺 {def} SEE: 黃鉞 ::
黄昏 {def} SEE: 黃昏 ::
黄昏恋 {def} SEE: 黃昏戀 ::
黄昏市场 {def} SEE: 黃昏市場 ::
黄祸 {def} SEE: 黃禍 ::
黄集 {def} SEE: 黃集 ::
黄家冲 {def} SEE: 黃家沖 ::
黄家口 {def} SEE: 黃家口 ::
黄家潭 {def} SEE: 黃家潭 ::
黄家营 {def} SEE: 黃家營 ::
黄姜 {def} SEE: 黃薑 ::
黄教 {def} SEE: 黃教 ::
黄巾 {def} SEE: 黃巾 ::
黄金 {def} SEE: 黃金 ::
黄金洞 {def} SEE: 黃金洞 ::
黄金分割 {def} SEE: 黃金分割 ::
黄金海岸 {def} SEE: 黃金海岸 ::
黄金螺旋 {def} SEE: 黃金螺旋 ::
黄金时代 {def} SEE: 黃金時代 ::
黄金时段 {def} SEE: 黃金時段 ::
黄金时间 {def} SEE: 黃金時間 ::
黄金时期 {def} SEE: 黃金時期 ::
黄金树 {def} SEE: 黃金樹 ::
黄金雨 {def} SEE: 黃金雨 ::
黄金周 {def} SEE: 黃金周 ::
黄黅黅 {def} SEE: 黃黚黚 ::
黄锦锦 {def} SEE: 黃錦錦 ::
黄精 {def} SEE: 黃精 ::
黄酒 {def} SEE: 黃酒 ::
黄桷树 {def} SEE: 黃桷樹 ::
黄军 {def} SEE: 黃軍 ::
黄老鼠 {def} SEE: 黃老鼠 ::
黄梨 {def} SEE: 黃梨 ::
黄鹂 {def} SEE: 黃鸝 ::
黄历 {def} SEE: 皇曆 ::
黄莲 {def} SEE: 黃蓮 ::
黄连 {def} SEE: 黃連 ::
黄连碱 {def} SEE: 黃連鹼 ::
黄连木 {def} SEE: 黃連木 ::
黄连素 {def} SEE: 黃連素 ::
黄脸婆 {def} SEE: 黃臉婆 ::
黄粮 {def} SEE: 黃糧 ::
黄粱 {def} SEE: 黃粱 ::
黄粱梦 {def} SEE: 黃粱夢 ::
黄粱一梦 {def} SEE: 黃粱一夢 ::
黄磷 {def} SEE: 黃磷 ::
黄陵庙 {def} SEE: 黃陵廟 ::
黄六 {def} SEE: 黃六 ::
黄六医生 {def} SEE: 黃六醫生 ::
黄龙 {def} SEE: 黃龍 ::
黄龙病 {def} SEE: 黃龍病 ::
黄龙庙 {def} SEE: 黃龍廟 ::
黄栌 {def} SEE: 黃櫨 ::
黄绿 {def} SEE: 黃綠 ::
黄绿医生 {def} SEE: 黃綠醫生 ::
黄麻 {def} SEE: 黃麻 ::
黄茅 {def} SEE: 黃茅 ::
黄茅尖 {def} SEE: 黃茅尖 ::
黄梅 {def} SEE: 黃梅 ::
黄梅季 {def} SEE: 黃梅季 ::
黄梅天 {def} SEE: 黃梅天 ::
黄梅戏 {def} SEE: 黃梅戲 ::
黄门 {def} SEE: 黃門 ::
黄门侍郎 {def} SEE: 黃門侍郎 ::
黄焖 {def} SEE: 黃燜 ::
黄米 {def} SEE: 黃米 ::
黄篾 {def} SEE: 黃篾 ::
黄南 {def} SEE: 黃南 ::
黄南藏族自治州 {def} SEE: 黃南藏族自治州 ::
黄泥塘 {def} SEE: 黃泥塘 ::
黄牛 {def} SEE: 黃牛 ::
黄牛党 {def} SEE: 黃牛黨 ::
黄牛岩 {def} SEE: 黃牛岩 ::
黄牌 {def} SEE: 黃牌 ::
黄袍加身 {def} SEE: 黃袍加身 ::
黄皮 {def} SEE: 黃皮 ::
黄片 {def} SEE: 黃片 ::
黄嘌呤 {def} SEE: 黃嘌呤 ::
黄浦 {def} SEE: 黃浦 ::
黄浦江 {def} SEE: 黃浦江 ::
黄岐 {def} SEE: 黃岐 ::
黄旗 {def} SEE: 黃旗 ::
黄芪 {def} SEE: 黃芪 ::
黄鳍金枪鱼 {def} SEE: 黃鰭金槍魚 ::
黄鳍鲔鱼 {def} SEE: 黃鰭鮪魚 ::
黄黚黚 {def} SEE: 黃黚黚 ::
黄腔 {def} SEE: 黃腔 ::
黄禽禽 {def} SEE: 黃禽禽 ::
黄芩 {def} SEE: 黃芩 ::
黄秋葵 {def} SEE: 黃秋葵 ::
黄渠 {def} SEE: 黃渠 ::
黄曲霉 {def} SEE: 黃麴黴 ::
黄曲霉毒素 {def} SEE: 黃麴黴毒素 ::
黄曲霉素 {def} SEE: 黃麴黴素 ::
黄泉 {def} SEE: 黃泉 ::
黄泉路 {def} SEE: 黃泉路 ::
黄犬 {def} SEE: 黃犬 ::
黄雀 {def} SEE: 黃雀 ::
黄热病 {def} SEE: 黃熱病 ::
黄人 {def} SEE: 黃人 ::
黄三角 {def} SEE: 黃三角 ::
黄颡口 {def} SEE: 黃顙口 ::
黄色 {def} SEE: 黃色 ::
黄色电影 {def} SEE: 黃色電影 ::
黄色工会 {def} SEE: 黃色工會 ::
黄色小说 {def} SEE: 黃色小說 ::
黄色炸药 {def} SEE: 黃色炸藥 ::
黄沙 {def} SEE: 黃沙 ::
黄砂 {def} SEE: 黃砂 ::
黄山 {def} SEE: 黃山 ::
黄山头 {def} SEE: 黃山頭 ::
黄鳝 {def} SEE: 黃鱔 ::
黄蓍 {def} SEE: 黃蓍 ::
黄石 {def} SEE: 黃石 ::
黄石港 {def} SEE: 黃石港 ::
黄书 {def} SEE: 黃書 ::
黄鼠 {def} SEE: 黃鼠 ::
黄鼠狼 {def} SEE: 黃鼠狼 ::
黄鼠狼给鸡拜年——没安好心 {def} SEE: 黃鼠狼給雞拜年——沒安好心 ::
黄水晶 {def} SEE: 黃水晶 ::
黄水猫儿 {def} SEE: 黃水貓兒 ::
黄水仙 {def} SEE: 黃水仙 ::
黄丝 {def} SEE: 黃絲 ::
黄酸 {def} SEE: 黃酸 ::
黄酸黄酸 {def} SEE: 黃酸黃酸 ::
黄酸雨 {def} SEE: 黃酸雨 ::
黄滩 {def} SEE: 黃灘 ::
黄檀 {def} SEE: 黃檀 ::
黄糖 {def} SEE: 黃糖 ::
黄体 {def} SEE: 黃體 ::
黄体期 {def} SEE: 黃體期 ::
黄体生成激素 {def} SEE: 黃體生成激素 ::
黄体酮 {def} SEE: 黃體酮 ::
黄天 {def} SEE: 黃天 ::
黄铁矿 {def} SEE: 黃鐵礦 ::
黄酮 {def} SEE: 黃酮 ::
黄铜 {def} SEE: 黃銅 ::
黄铜器 {def} SEE: 黃銅器 ::
黄土 {def} SEE: 黃土 ::
黄土岗 {def} SEE: 黃土崗 ::
黄土高原 {def} SEE: 黃土高原 ::
黄湾 {def} SEE: 黃灣 ::
黄圩 {def} SEE: 黃圩 ::
黄苇𫛚 {def} SEE: 黃葦鳽 ::
黄䘆 {def} SEE: 黃䘆 ::
黄癣 {def} SEE: 黃癬 ::
黄县 {def} SEE: 黃縣 ::
黄歇口 {def} SEE: 黃歇口 ::
黄歇浦 {def} SEE: 黃歇浦 ::
黄血盐 {def} SEE: 黃血鹽 ::
黄芽白 {def} SEE: 黃芽白 ::
黄岩 {def} SEE: 黃巖 ::
黄岩岛 {def} SEE: 黃岩島 ::
黄杨木 {def} SEE: 黃楊木 ::
黄羊 {def} SEE: 黃羊 ::
黄页 {def} SEE: 黃頁 ::
黄莺 {def} SEE: 黃鶯 ::
黄油 {def} SEE: 黃油 ::
黄鼬 {def} SEE: 黃鼬 ::
黄鱼 {def} SEE: 黃魚 ::
黄鱼脑袋 {def} SEE: 黃魚腦袋 ::
黄雨 {def} SEE: 黃雨 ::
黄玉 {def} SEE: 黃玉 ::
黄蚻 {def} SEE: 黃蚻 ::
黄钟 {def} SEE: 黃鍾 ::
黄种 {def} SEE: 黃種 ::
黄种人 {def} SEE: 黃種人 ::
黄州 {def} SEE: 黃州 ::
黄竹坑 {def} SEE: 黃竹坑 ::
黄竹山 {def} SEE: 黃竹山 ::
黄竹筒 {def} SEE: 黃竹筒 ::
黄棕色 {def} SEE: 黃棕色 ::
黄嘴山鸦 {def} SEE: 黃嘴山鴉 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
幌头仔 {def} SEE: 幌頭仔 ::
幌子 {n} /huǎngzi/ :: shop sign
幌子 {n} [figurative] /huǎngzi/ :: pretense; excuse
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huǎng/ :: seemingly, as if (often used with 如, 若)
{def} /huǎng/ :: absent-minded
{def} /huǎng/ :: Used in 恍惚
恍忽 {def} SEE: 恍惚 ::
恍惚 {adj} /huǎnghū,tl/ :: in a trance; absentminded
恍惚 {adj} /huǎnghū,tl/ :: faint; vague; indistinct; obscure
恍惚 {adv} /huǎnghū,tl/ :: faintly; vaguely; roughly
恍狂 {adj} /huǎngkuáng/ :: delirious
恍然 {adj} [ideophonic] /huǎngrán/ :: sudden [e.g. of realisation]; in a flash
恍然 {adj} [ideophonic] /huǎngrán/ :: at a loss; confused
恍然大悟 {idiom} /huǎngrándàwù/ :: to suddenly realise
恍如 {adj} [literary] /huǎngrú/ :: to seem; to be like; as if
恍如隔世 {idiom} /huǎngrúgéshì/ :: to feel as if one has been separated from the outside world for ages; to feel like something is from another world
恍若 {v} /huǎngruò/ :: to be as though; rather like; as if
{def} /huǎng/ :: to shine
{def} /huàng/ :: to sway, to shake
晃荡 {def} SEE: 晃蕩 ::
晃蕩 {v} /huàngdàng,tl/ :: to rock; to sway; to shake
晃动 {def} SEE: 晃動 ::
晃動 {v} /huàngdòng/ :: to rock; to sway
晃杠仔 {def} SEE: 晃槓仔 ::
晃晃 {adj} [ideophonic] /huǎnghuǎng/ :: shining; bright
晃晃 {adj} [ideophonic] /huǎnghuǎng/ :: happening quickly; [of time] flashing past
晃晃 {v} /huànghuàng/ :: to sway; to shake; to rock
{def} /huàng/ :: screen, curtain
{def} [of water] /huàng/ :: used in 滉瀁
{def} [literary] /huàng/ :: to wave; to sway; to swing
{def} /huàng/ :: [historical dictionaries] to dye paper
{def} /huǎng/ :: lie; untruth
{def} /huǎng/ :: to lie; to tell a lie
謊報 {v} /huǎngbào/ :: to falsely report; to lie about something
謊話 {n} /huǎnghuà/ :: lie; falsehood; untruth (Classifier: m:句)
謊言 {n} /huǎngyán/ :: lie; falsehood; untruth (Classifier: m:句)
{def} SEE: ::
谎报 {def} SEE: 謊報 ::
谎话 {def} SEE: 謊話 ::
谎言 {def} SEE: 謊言 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huī/ :: Used in female names
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huī/ :: badge; emblem; insignia
{def} /huī/ :: fine; glorious
{def} /huī/ :: crest; logo; coat of arms
{def} [of the guqin] /huī/ :: The white dots made of mother-of-pearl inlaid onto the surface board, marking the harmonic positions
{def} /huī/ :: abbreviation of 安徽
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huī/ :: abbreviation of 徽州
徽菜 {n} /huīcài/ :: Anhui cuisine
徽號 {n} /huīhào/ :: emblem; badge
徽號 {n} /huīhào/ :: title of honour
徽号 {def} SEE: 徽號 ::
徽剧 {def} SEE: 徽劇 ::
徽劇 {prop} /Huījù/ :: Huiju, a variety of Chinese opera from the east-central province of Anhui, China
徽劇 {n} /Huījù/ :: a Huiju opera show
徽語 {n} /huīyǔ/ :: Hui (dialect of Chinese)
徽语 {def} SEE: 徽語 ::
徽章 {n} /huīzhāng/ :: emblem; badge
徽州 {prop} [historical] /Huīzhōu/ :: 徽州 (ancient prefecture)
徽州 {prop} /Huīzhōu/ :: (~ 區) 徽州 (district)
{def} /huī/ :: extensive; vast
{def} /huī/ :: to expand; to enlarge
{def} /huī/ :: to restore; to recover
恢复 {def} SEE: 恢復 ::
恢復 {v} /huīfù,tl/ :: to return or restore to a former state; to reinstate; to resume; to reinstitute
恢復 {v} /huīfù,tl/ :: to recover or restore what is lost; to regain; to rehabilitate
恢宏 {adj} [formal] /huīhóng/ :: vast; broad; wide; generous
恢宏 {v} [formal] /huīhóng/ :: to develop; to boost (e.g. morale)
恢弘 {def} SEE: 恢宏 ::
恢恢 {adj} /huīhuī/ :: vast
{def} SEE: ::
挥春 {def} SEE: 揮春 ::
挥动 {def} SEE: 揮動 ::
挥发 {def} SEE: 揮發 ::
挥发性 {def} SEE: 揮發性 ::
挥毫 {def} SEE: 揮毫 ::
挥霍 {def} SEE: 揮霍 ::
挥霍无度 {def} SEE: 揮霍無度 ::
挥金如土 {def} SEE: 揮金如土 ::
挥军 {def} SEE: 揮軍 ::
挥泪 {def} SEE: 揮淚 ::
挥洒 {def} SEE: 揮灑 ::
挥手 {def} SEE: 揮手 ::
挥舞 {def} SEE: 揮舞 ::
挥之不去 {def} SEE: 揮之不去 ::
挥麈 {def} SEE: 揮麈 ::
{def} /huī/ :: to wield; to wave; to brandish
{def} /huī/ :: to direct; to command
{def} /huī/ :: to wipe away
{def} /huī/ :: to disperse; to scatter
{def} /huī/ :: to squander
揮動 {v} /huīdòng/ :: to wield; to brandish; to shake
揮發 {v} [physics] /huīfā/ :: to volatilise; to evaporate
揮發性 {n} [chemistry] /huīfāxìng/ :: volatility
揮毫 {v} [formal] /huīháo/ :: to wield one's writing brush; to write or draw a picture (with a brush)
揮霍 {v} /huīhuò/ :: to spend freely; to squander
揮霍無度 {idiom} /huīhuòwúdù/ :: to spend money (and squander) freely and extravagantly
揮金如土 {idiom} /huījīnrútǔ/ :: to spend money like water; to spend money extravagantly
揮軍 {v} [literary] /huījūn/ :: to command an army
揮淚 {v} [literary] /huīlèi/ :: to shed tears
揮灑 {v} /huīsǎ/ :: to sprinkle (water); to shed (tears)
揮灑 {v} /huīsǎ/ :: to write or paint freely and easily
揮手 {v} /huīshǒu/ :: to wave one's hand
揮舞 {v} /huīwǔ/ :: to brandish; to wield; to wave
揮之不去 {idiom} /huīzhī不qù/ :: to linger and bother someone constantly, while being impossible to be got rid of
揮麈 {v} /huīzhǔ/ :: to brandish
{def} SEE: ::
晖映 {def} SEE: 暉映 ::
暉映 {def} SEE: 輝映 ::
{def} /huī/ :: to mix flour with water; to knead dough
{def} /huī/ :: to shoulder
{def} /huī/ :: to dry up; to drain
{def} /huī/ :: to exhaust; to use up
{def} /huī/ :: to shake off water
{def} /huī/ :: lime; mortar
{def} /huī/ :: dust; ash
{def} /huī/ :: grey
{def} /huī/ :: disheartened
{def} /huī/ :: The tenth day of the month in Chinese telegraph messages
{def} [Cantonese, slang] /huī/ :: powdered drug; heroin
灰白 {n} /huībái/ :: light grey; grayish white; ashen
灰斑鸻 {def} SEE: 灰斑鴴 ::
灰斑鴴 {n} /huībānhéng/ :: grey plover (Pluvialis squatarola)
灰常 {adv} [Internet slang, humorous] /huīcháng/ :: alternative form of 非常
灰塵 {n} /huīchén/ :: dust
灰尘 {def} SEE: 灰塵 ::
灰飛煙滅 {idiom} /huīfēiyānmiè/ :: to vanish completely
灰飞烟灭 {def} SEE: 灰飛煙滅 ::
灰狗 {n} /huīgǒu/ :: greyhound
灰姑娘 {prop} /Huīgūniang/ :: Cinderella
灰冠鶴 {n} /huīguànhè/ :: grey crowned crane, Balearica regulorum
灰冠鹤 {def} SEE: 灰冠鶴 ::
灰灰儿 {def} SEE: 灰灰兒 ::
灰技 {n} /huījì/ :: abbreviation of 灰色技能
灰甲 {n} /huījiǎ/ :: onychomycosis; ringworm of the nails
灰浆 {def} SEE: 灰漿 ::
灰漿 {n} /huījiāng/ :: mortar
灰烬 {def} SEE: 灰燼 ::
灰燼 {n} /huījìn/ :: ashes (Classifier: m:把)
灰猎犬 {def} SEE: 灰獵犬 ::
灰獵犬 {n} /huīlièquǎn/ :: greyhound
灰領 {adj} /huīlǐng/ :: gray-collar
灰領 {n} /huīlǐng/ :: gray-collar worker (Classifier: 個)
灰领 {def} SEE: 灰領 ::
灰綠藜 {n} /huīlǜlí/ :: oak-leaved goosefoot (Oxybasis glauca, syn. Chenopodium glaucum)
灰绿藜 {def} SEE: 灰綠藜 ::
灰濛蒙 {adj} /huīméngméng/ :: overcast; dusky
灰蒙蒙 {def} SEE: 灰濛蒙 ::
灰錳氧 {n} /huīměngyǎng/ :: potassium permanganate
灰锰氧 {def} SEE: 灰錳氧 ::
灰米 {n} /huīmǐ/ :: quinoa (plant, seed of Chenopodium quinoa)
灰面 {def} SEE: 灰麵 ::
灰麪 {def} SEE: 灰麵 ::
灰泥 {n} [architecture] /huīní/ :: plaster
灰泥 {n} /huīní/ :: mortar
灰色 {n} /huīsè/ :: the colour grey
灰色 {adj} /huīsè/ :: grey
灰色技能 {n} [neologism, slang] /huīsè jìnéng/ :: “grey skills”, referring to soft skills such as drinking, singing karaoke, playing mahjong or poker, etc. that allow a person to establish connections and survive in the society
灰色收入 {n} /huīsè shōurù/ :: grey income; off-the-books income
灰山鶉 {n} /huīshānchún/ :: partridge
灰山鹑 {def} SEE: 灰山鶉 ::
灰山椒鳥 {n} /huīshānjiāoniǎo/ :: ashy minivet
灰山椒鸟 {def} SEE: 灰山椒鳥 ::
灰鼠 {n} /huīshǔ/ :: squirrel (Classifier: m:隻)
灰树花 {def} SEE: 灰樹花 ::
灰樹花 {n} /huīshùhuā/ :: hen of the woods (Grifola frondosa)
灰水 {n} /huīshuǐ/ :: gray water
灰水 {n} /huīshuǐ/ :: lye
灰涂 {def} SEE: 灰塗 ::
灰心 {v} /huīxīn/ :: to lose heart; to despair; to be discouraged
灰心 {adj} /huīxīn/ :: in despair; discouraged; dejected
灰心丧气 {def} SEE: 灰心喪氣 ::
灰心喪氣 {idiom} /huīxīnsàngqì/ :: disheartened; discouraged; downhearted; downcast; in despair
灰星鯊 {n} /huīxīngshā/ :: spotless smooth-hound
灰星鲨 {def} SEE: 灰星鯊 ::
灰熊 {n} /huīxióng/ :: grizzly bear
灰汁 {n} [chemistry] /huīzhī/ :: lixivium; lye
灰指甲 {n} /huīzhǐjia,huīzhǐjiǎ,huīzhījia,1nb/ :: onychomycosis; ringworm of the nails
灰質 {n} [neuroanatomy] /huī质/ :: grey matter
灰质 {def} SEE: 灰質 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
煇煌 {def} SEE: 輝煌 ::
{def} SEE: ::
珲春 {def} SEE: 琿春 ::
{def} /huī/ :: Used in 璦琿
{def} [literary] /huī/ :: beautiful jade
{def} /hún/ :: Used in 琿春
{def} [literary] /hún/ :: beautiful jade
琿春 {prop} /Húnchūn/ :: (~ 市) 琿春 (county-level city)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huī/ :: [obsolete] to fly; to soar
{def} /huī/ :: [obsolete] pheasant with colourful feathers
{def} /huī/ :: [obsolete] feather (of a pheasant)
{def} /huī/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /huī/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} [mythological] /huǐ/ :: venomous snake
{def} /huī/ :: only used in 虺隤
虺豺 {n} [literary] /huǐchái/ :: vipers and ferocious beasts
虺虺 {adj} /huǐhuǐ,huīhuī/ :: rumbling (of thunder, etc.)
虺蛇 {n} /huǐshé,huīshé/ :: venomous snake
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [archaic] /kūn/ :: trousers; pants
{def} /kūn/ :: fundoshi (traditional Japanese loincloth)
詼諧 {adj} /huīxié/ :: humorous; jocular
{def} SEE: ::
诙谐 {def} SEE: 詼諧 ::
{def} /huī/ :: clamor
{def} /huī/ :: brightness; lustre; brilliance; radiance; splendour
{def} /huī/ :: to shine upon
輝發河 {prop} /Huīfāhé/ :: Huifa River (a river in northeast China)
輝光 {n} [literary] /huīguāng/ :: brilliance; radiance
輝光 {n} [physics] /huīguāng/ :: glow
輝煌 {adj} [of lights, colours] /huīhuáng/ :: bright; brilliant
輝煌 {adj} [of achievements, etc.] /huīhuáng/ :: magnificent; splendid; glorious
輝石 {n} [mineral] /huīshí/ :: pyroxene; augite
輝縣 {prop} /Huīxiàn/ :: (~ 市) 輝縣 (county-level city)
輝映 {v} /huīyìng/ :: to shine; to reflect
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
辉发河 {def} SEE: 輝發河 ::
辉光 {def} SEE: 輝光 ::
辉煌 {def} SEE: 輝煌 ::
辉石 {def} SEE: 輝石 ::
辉县 {def} SEE: 輝縣 ::
辉映 {def} SEE: 輝映 ::
{def} /huī/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [of city walls] /huī/ :: to collapse
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huī/ :: to destroy
隳突 {v} [literary] /huī突/ :: to harass; to disturb
{han} :: An adjective indicating a powerful fish or a whale
麾军 {def} SEE: 麾軍 ::
麾軍 {v} [literary] /huījūn/ :: to command an army
麾下 {n} /huīxià/ :: under the banner (of); under the flag (of)
麾下 {n} [archaic, said to a commander] /huīxià/ :: your excellency
麾下 {n} [archaic] /huīxià/ :: troops under one's command
{def} SEE: ::
囘祿 {def} SEE: 回祿 ::
{def} /huí/ :: to turn around
{def} /huí/ :: to return; to go back
{def} /huí/ :: to surround
{def} /huí/ :: to reply; to respond; to answer
{def} /huí/ :: to decline; to refuse
{def} /huí/ :: to avoid
{def} /huí/ :: to redo; to do again
{def} /huí/ :: classifier for chapters
{def} /huí/ :: classifier for number of occurrences of events
{def} /huí/ :: (~ 族) Hui ethnic group
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [dated in mainland China] /huí/ :: Muslim; anything related to Islam
回拜 {v} /huíbài/ :: to pay a return visit
回報 {v} /huíbào/ :: to report back; to return with a report
回報 {v} /huíbào/ :: to reciprocate; to repay; to pay back
回報 {v} /huíbào/ :: to take revenge; to retaliate; to fight back
回報 {v} /huíbào/ :: to be rewarded (for one's efforts)
回報率 {n} [finance] /huíbàolǜ/ :: rate of return
回报 {def} SEE: 回報 ::
回报率 {def} SEE: 回報率 ::
回避 {def} SEE: 迴避 ::
回禀 {def} SEE: 回稟 ::
回稟 {v} /huíbǐng/ :: to report back to one's superior
回拨 {def} SEE: 回撥 ::
回撥 {v} /huíbō/ :: to call back; to dial back
回單 {n} /huídān,er/ :: receipt (Classifier: 張)
回單兒 {n} /huídānr/ :: erhua form of []
回肠 {def} SEE: 迴腸 ::
回腸 {def} SEE: 迴腸 ::
回潮 {n} /huícháo/ :: resurgence; reversion
回潮 {v} /huícháo/ :: to get damp again [of dried things]
回車 {n} [typewriting, computing] /huíchē,er/ :: carriage return
回車 {n} [computing] /huíchē,er/ :: Enter (key)
回車 {prop} /huíchē,er/ :: (~ 鎮) 回車 (town)
回车 {def} SEE: 回車 ::
回程 {n} /huíchéng/ :: return trip; the journey back
回程票 {n} /huíchéngpiào/ :: ticket for the return trip; return ticket
回春 {v} [of spring] /huíchūn,er/ :: to return; to come around
回春 {v} [figurative] /huíchūn,er/ :: to bring back to life; to cure
回答 {v} /huídá/ :: to reply; to answer; to respond
回答 {n} /huídá/ :: reply; answer; response
回单 {def} SEE: 回單 ::
回单儿 {def} SEE: 回單兒 ::
回荡 {def} SEE: 迴蕩 ::
回蕩 {def} SEE: 迴蕩 ::
回到 {v} /huídào/ :: to return to; to go back; to get back to
回电 {def} SEE: 回電 ::
回电话 {def} SEE: 回電話 ::
回電 {n} /huídiàn/ :: a reply telegram
回電 {v} /huídiàn/ :: to call back someone on the telephone
回電 {v} /huídiàn/ :: to send a telegram back to someone
回電話 {v} /huídiànhuà/ :: to call back someone on the telephone
回調 {n} [Mainland, computing] /huídiào/ :: callback
回调 {def} SEE: 回調 ::
回动 {def} SEE: 回動 ::
回动弹簧 {def} SEE: 回動彈簧 ::
回動 {v} [mechanics] /huídòng/ :: to reverse
回動彈簧 {n} /huídòng tánhuáng/ :: return spring
回訪 {v} /huífǎng/ :: to pay a return visit
回访 {def} SEE: 回訪 ::
回放 {v} /huífàng/ :: to replay
回飛棒 {n} /huífēibàng/ :: boomerang
回飞棒 {def} SEE: 回飛棒 ::
回鋒 {v} [Chinese calligraphy] /huífēng/ :: to turn the tip of the brush slightly in the opposite direction when writing a stroke
回锋 {def} SEE: 回鋒 ::
回府 {v} [archaic] /huífǔ/ :: to return home; to return to one's residence
回复 {def} SEE: 回復 ::
回复 {def} SEE: 回覆 ::
回復 {v} /huífù/ :: to return or restore to a former state; to reinstate; to resume; to reinstitute
回覆 {v} /huífù/ :: to reply; to respond; to answer to
回覆 {n} /huífù/ :: response; reply; answer
回港 {v} /huígǎng/ :: to return to Hong Kong
回紇 {prop} [archaic, pre-Tang dynasty] /Huíhé/ :: Uighur
回纥 {def} SEE: 回紇 ::
回購 {v} /huígòu/ :: to buy back; to counter-purchase
回购 {def} SEE: 回購 ::
回鶻 {prop} [archaic, Tang dynasty] /Huíhú/ :: Uighur
回鹘 {def} SEE: 回鶻 ::
回顧 {v} /huígù/ :: to look back
回顧 {v} /huígù/ :: to look back on; to recall
回顧 {v} /huígù/ :: to engage in retrospection
回顧 {v} /huígù/ :: to review (e.g. a product)
回顾 {def} SEE: 回顧 ::
回归 {def} SEE: 回歸 ::
回归年 {def} SEE: 回歸年 ::
回归线 {def} SEE: 回歸線 ::
回歸 {v} /huíguī/ :: to return (to the original place, organisation, etc.); to retreat
回歸 {v} [mathematics] /huíguī/ :: to regress
回歸年 {n} /huíguīnián/ :: tropical year
回歸線 {n} [geography] /huíguīxiàn/ :: tropic (Classifier: m:條m:道)
回歸線 {n} [statistics] /huíguīxiàn/ :: regression line
回過神來 {v} /huíguòshénlái,er/ :: to recover one's senses
回鍋 {v} /huíguō/ :: to cook again; to heat up (a cooked dish)
回鍋肉 {n} /huíguōròu,er/ :: twice-cooked pork (a Chinese dish)
回鍋肉 {n} [figurative] /huíguōròu,er/ :: one who returns to the same state, place, person, position, etc. after a period away
回鍋油 {n} /huíguōyóu/ :: recycled cooking oil; yellow grease
回锅 {def} SEE: 回鍋 ::
回锅肉 {def} SEE: 回鍋肉 ::
回锅油 {def} SEE: 回鍋油 ::
回国 {def} SEE: 回國 ::
回國 {v} /huíguó/ :: to return to one's home country
回过神来 {def} SEE: 回過神來 ::
回还 {def} SEE: 回還 ::
回還 {v} [archaic] /huíhuán/ :: to return
回合 {n} [of war] /huíhé/ :: attack and counter-attack; [of golf, negotiations] round; [of sporting competitions] bout; [of tennis] rally
回話 {n} /huíhuà/ :: reply; answer
回話 {v} /huíhuà/ :: to reply; to get back to; to answer
回話 {v} [Mainland China Hokkien] /huíhuà/ :: to relay a message; to pass on a message
回话 {def} SEE: 回話 ::
回回 {adv} /huíhuí,tl/ :: every time
回回 {adj} /huíhuí,tl/ :: winding
回回 {adj} /huíhuí,tl/ :: spiraling
回回 {adj} /huíhuí,tl/ :: disorderly
回回 {adj} /huíhuí,tl/ :: bright
回回 {adj} /huíhuí,tl/ :: vast
回回 {n} [dated] /Huíhui/ :: Hui (Muslim group in China)
回回 {n} [dated] /Huíhui/ :: Islam
回回 {prop} [obsolete] /Huíhui/ :: alternative name for 回鶻
回回話 {n} /huíhuihuà/ :: the Dungan language
回回话 {def} SEE: 回回話 ::
回回教 {prop} /Huíhuijiào/ :: alternative name for 回教
回回历 {def} SEE: 回回曆 ::
回回曆 {prop} /Huíhuilì/ :: alternative name for 伊斯蘭曆
回火 {v} /huíhuǒ/ :: to temper (iron); to flare back; to backfire
回击 {def} SEE: 回擊 ::
回擊 {v} /huí击/ :: to fight back; to return fire; to retaliate; to counterattack
回家 {v} /huíjiā/ :: to return home; to go home; to come home
回家吃自己 {idiom} /huíjiā chī zìjǐ/ :: to be fired; you're fired!
回見 {v} [literary] /huíjiàn/ :: to return to see; to return and meet with
回見 {interj} /huíjiàn/ :: goodbye
回见 {def} SEE: 回見 ::
回疆 {prop} [historical] /Huíjiāng/ :: 回疆 (an area roughly corresponding to the modern-day Tarim Basin in <<ar/Xinjiang>>)
回教 {prop} /Huíjiào/ :: Islam
回教堂 {n} [chiefly Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia] /huíjiàotáng/ :: mosque; masjid
回教徒 {n} /huíjiàotú/ :: Muslim (believer of Islam)
回敬 {v} /huíjìng/ :: to return a compliment; to do or give something in return
回絕 {v} /huíjué/ :: to decline (a request); to reject; to turn down
回绝 {def} SEE: 回絕 ::
回扣 {n} /huíkòu/ :: commission; brokerage fee (Classifier: m:個m:筆)
回扣 {n} /huíkòu/ :: kickback; rebate (Classifier: m:個m:筆)
回饋 {v} /huíkuì/ :: to give back
回饋 {n} /huíkuì/ :: feedback
回馈 {def} SEE: 回饋 ::
回來 {v} /huílái,tl/ :: to return; to come back; to be back
回来 {def} SEE: 回來 ::
回廊 {def} SEE: 迴廊 ::
回老家 {v} [literally] /huí lǎojiā/ :: to return to one's hometown
回老家 {v} [figuratively, euphemism, colloquial, jocular] /huí lǎojiā/ :: to join one's ancestors; to pass away
回礼 {def} SEE: 回禮 ::
回禮 {v} /huílǐ/ :: to return a salute; to return a greeting
回禮 {v} /huílǐ/ :: to give a gift in return
回禮 {v} [Zhangzhou Hokkien, of a married woman] /huílǐ/ :: to visit one's parents
回禮 {n} /huílǐ/ :: return gift
回力鏢 {n} /huílìbiāo/ :: boomerang
回力镖 {def} SEE: 回力鏢 ::
回历 {def} SEE: 回曆 ::
回曆 {prop} /Huílì/ :: alternative name for 伊斯蘭曆
回聊 {phrase} [colloquial] /huíliáo/ :: talk to you later
回鈴音 {n} /huílíngyīn/ :: ringback tone
回铃音 {def} SEE: 回鈴音 ::
回流 {v} /huíliú/ :: to flow back
回流 {n} /huíliú/ :: reflux
回笼 {def} SEE: 回籠 ::
回笼觉 {def} SEE: 回籠覺 ::
回籠 {v} /huílóng,er/ :: to put the food back in the steamer to steam again; to rewarm food in a bamboo steamer
回籠 {v} [figurative] /huílóng,er/ :: to redo something that has been done
回籠 {v} [figurative, finance] /huílóng,er/ :: to withdraw currency from circulation
回籠覺 {n} [colloquial] /huílóngjiào,er/ :: going back to sleep after waking up and getting up for a while in the morning
回龍 {prop} /Huílóng/ :: (~ 鎮) 回龍 (town)
回龍 {prop} /Huílóng/ :: (~ 鄉) 回龍 (township)
回龍 {prop} /Huílóng/ :: (~ 村) 回龍 (village)
回龍 {prop} /Huílóng/ :: (~ 村) 回龍 (village)
回龍壋 {prop} /Huílóngdàng/ :: (~ 村) 回龍壋 (village)
回龍山 {prop} /Huílóngshān/ :: (~ 鎮) 回龍山 (town)
回龙 {def} SEE: 回龍 ::
回龙垱 {def} SEE: 回龍壋 ::
回龙山 {def} SEE: 回龍山 ::
回炉 {def} SEE: 回爐 ::
回爐 {v} /huílú/ :: to melt down
回爐 {v} /huílú/ :: to bake (cakes, etc.) again
回祿 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Huílù/ :: fire god
回祿 {n} /Huílù/ :: abbreviation of 回祿之災
回禄 {def} SEE: 回祿 ::
回路 {n} /huílù/ :: the way back
回路 {n} [electronics] /huílù/ :: circuit in which energy or matter moves in a cycle, such as an electrical circuit
回路 {n} [electronics] /huílù/ :: loop in a circuit
回路 {v} /huílù/ :: to return; to go back
回落 {v} /huíluò/ :: to fall after a rise [of water levels, prices, etc.]
回馬 {v} [literary] /huímǎ/ :: to wheel one's horse around and retreat
回马 {def} SEE: 回馬 ::
回盲瓣 {def} SEE: 迴盲瓣 ::
回眸 {v} [literary] /huímóu/ :: to look back; to glance back
回眸一笑 {idiom} /huímóu一xiào/ :: to smile attractively; an attractive smile
回南风 {def} SEE: 回南風 ::
回念 {v} /huíniàn/ :: to think back; to recall
回娘家 {v} [of a married woman] /huí niángjiā,tl/ :: to return to her parents' home for a visit
回娘家 {v} [figurative] /huí niángjiā,tl/ :: to return to one's old place, former job, etc
回暖 {v} [of cold weather or relations] /huínuǎn/ :: to become warm again
回聘 {v} [chiefly Taiwan] /huí聘/ :: to employ a retired person (usually in the same workplace)
回棋 {v} /huíqí/ :: to retract a move; to do a takeback (in chess)
回請 {v} /huíqǐng/ :: to return hospitality; to give a return banquet
回请 {def} SEE: 回請 ::
回去 {v} /huíqù,tl/ :: to return; to go back; to go; to leave
回去 {v} /huíqù,tl/ :: to go back (used after a verb to indicate direction away from speaker)
回去 {v} [Taiwan, euphemistic] /huíqù,tl/ :: to die; to go home
回圈經濟 {def} SEE: 迴圈經濟 ::
回圈经济 {def} SEE: 迴圈經濟 ::
回身 {v} /huíshēn/ :: to turn around; to turn one's body in another direction
回升 {v} /huíshēng/ :: to pick up (after a fall or decline)
回声 {def} SEE: 回聲 ::
回生 {v} /huíshēng/ :: to be brought back to life; to bring back to life
回生 {v} /huíshēng/ :: to be out of practice; to become rusty
回聲 {n} /huíshēng/ :: echo
回聲 {n} /huíshēng/ :: response; reply
回收 {v} /huíshōu/ :: to recycle
回收 {v} /huíshōu/ :: to reuse
回收 {v} /huíshōu/ :: to reclaim; to retrieve
回收 {v} /huíshōu/ :: to recall (a defective product)
回收站 {n} [Mainland China, computing] /huíshōuzhàn/ :: recycle bin
回收站 {n} /huíshōuzhàn/ :: recycling station; recycling centre
回手 {v} /huíshǒu/ :: to hit back; to retaliate
回手 {v} /huíshǒu/ :: to turn a hand over; to put one's hand over one's back
回首 {v} /huíshǒu/ :: to turn round; to turn one's head back
回首 {v} [figurative] /huíshǒu/ :: to look back; to recollect
回书 {def} SEE: 回書 ::
回書 {v} [literary] /huíshū/ :: to send a letter in reply
回溯 {v} /huísù/ :: to recall; to look back (on past events)
回条 {def} SEE: 回條 ::
回條 {n} /huítiáo,er/ :: note acknowledging something has been received; receipt
回头 {def} SEE: 回頭 ::
回头见 {def} SEE: 回頭見 ::
回头客 {def} SEE: 回頭客 ::
回头率 {def} SEE: 回頭率 ::
回头人 {def} SEE: 回頭人 ::
回头是岸 {def} SEE: 回頭是岸 ::
回頭 {v} [literally] /huítóu/ :: to turn round; to turn one's head back
回頭 {v} [figuratively] /huítóu/ :: to repent
回頭 {v} /huítóu/ :: to retrogress
回頭 {v} [literary] /huítóu/ :: to decline (a request); to reject; to turn down
回頭 {adv} /huítóu/ :: later
回頭 {n} [literary] /huítóu/ :: letter in reply
回頭見 {phrase} /huítóu jiàn,er/ :: see you later
回頭客 {n} /huítóukè/ :: returning customer; regular customer
回頭率 {n} /huítóulǜ/ :: rate of second glance (when people are walking past a particular person on the streets)
回頭人 {n} [dialectal] /huítóurén/ :: remarried widow
回頭是岸 {idiom} /huítóu shì àn/ :: Repentance is salvation
回望 {v} [literary] /huíwàng/ :: to turn back toward; to look back
回味 {n} /huíwèi/ :: aftertaste
回味 {v} /huíwèi/ :: to recall and ponder
回味無窮 {idiom} [figuratively] /huíwèiwúqióng/ :: leaving a rich aftertaste; memorable, lingering in memory
回味无穷 {def} SEE: 回味無窮 ::
回文 {n} /huíwén/ :: palindrome
回文針 {n} /huíwénzhēn/ :: paper clip
回文针 {def} SEE: 回文針 ::
回紋針 {def} SEE: 迴紋針 ::
回纹针 {def} SEE: 迴紋針 ::
回屋 {v} /huíwū/ :: to go back to one's room
回毋着 {def} SEE: 回毋著 ::
回席 {v} [archaic] /huíxí/ :: to reciprocate an invitation to a banquet
回乡 {def} SEE: 回鄉 ::
回乡证 {def} SEE: 回鄉證 ::
回鄉 {v} /huíxiāng/ :: to return to one's home village
回鄉證 {n} [Hong Kong, colloquial] /huíxiāngzhèng/ :: Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents; Home Return Permit (Classifier: 張)
回响 {def} SEE: 迴響 ::
回想 {v} /huíxiǎng/ :: to recall; to recollect; to remember; to think back
回響 {def} SEE: 迴響 ::
回銷 {v} /huíxiāo/ :: to be sold back to a grain-producing area (in cases of natural disaster, etc.) [of state-purchased grain]
回销 {def} SEE: 回銷 ::
回心轉意 {idiom} /huíxīnzhuǎnyì/ :: to change one's mind
回心转意 {def} SEE: 回心轉意 ::
回信 {v} /huíxìn/ :: to reply (to a piece of correspondence); to respond; to write back
回信 {n} /huíxìn/ :: letter in reply
回形針 {def} SEE: 迴形針 ::
回形针 {def} SEE: 迴形針 ::
回旋 {v} /huíxuán/ :: to cycle around; to turn back around
回旋 {v} /huíxuán/ :: to accommodate to circumstances
回旋鏢 {n} /huíxuánbiāo/ :: boomerang
回旋镖 {def} SEE: 回旋鏢 ::
回旋处 {def} SEE: 迴旋處 ::
回言 {v} [literary] /huíyán/ :: to reply; to respond
回忆 {def} SEE: 回憶 ::
回忆录 {def} SEE: 回憶錄 ::
回忆杀 {def} SEE: 回憶殺 ::
回憶 {v} /huíyì/ :: to remember; to recall; to reminisce; to recollect
回憶 {n} /huíyì/ :: reminiscence; memory; recollection
回憶錄 {n} /huíyìlù/ :: memoir
回憶殺 {n} /huíyìshā/ :: deja vu, flashback, nostalgia
回譯 {v} [translation studies] /huíyì/ :: to back-translate
回譯 {n} [translation studies] /huíyì/ :: back-translation
回译 {def} SEE: 回譯 ::
回音 {n} /huíyīn/ :: echo
回音 {n} /huíyīn/ :: reply
回应 {def} SEE: 回應 ::
回應 {v} /huíyìng/ :: to respond; to answer
回應 {n} /huíyìng/ :: response; answer
回游 {def} SEE: 洄游 ::
回援 {v} /huíyuán/ :: to turn back to rescue
回朝 {v} [literary, historical] /huícháo/ :: to return to the imperial court; to return to the capital
回折 {v} /huízhé/ :: to diffract
回折 {n} /huízhé/ :: diffraction
回執 {n} /huízhí/ :: short note acknowledging receipt of something; receipt
回执 {def} SEE: 回執 ::
回中 {v} [badminton] /huízhōng/ :: to return to the central base position
回轉 {def} SEE: 迴轉 ::
回轉道 {def} SEE: 迴轉道 ::
回转 {def} SEE: 迴轉 ::
回转道 {def} SEE: 迴轉道 ::
回子 {classifier} [colloquial] /huízi/ :: classifier for the number of occurrences of events
回子 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, may be derogatory] /huízi/ :: Hui person; Muslim
回字形 {n} /huízìxíng/ :: shape of the character , such as that formed by certain siheyuan structures
回族 {n} /huízú/ :: Hui people
回族 {n} [Dungan] /huízú/ :: Dungan people
回族語言 {n} /huízú yǔyán/ :: Hui language
回族語言 {n} [Dungan] /huízú yǔyán/ :: Dungan language
回族语言 {def} SEE: 回族語言 ::
回嘴 {v} [colloquial] /huízuǐ,er/ :: to answer back; to talk back
{def} SEE: ::
囬旋 {def} SEE: 回旋 ::
込廻 {def} SEE: 迂回 ::
{def} SEE: ::
込廽 {def} SEE: 迂回 ::
洄游 {v} /huíyóu/ :: to migrate (of marine wildlife)
洄游 {n} /huíyóu/ :: migration (of marine wildlife)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huí/ :: only used in 茴香
{def} /huí/ :: fennel; aniseed
茴香 {n} /huíxiāng,tl/ :: fennel
茴香 {n} /huíxiāng,tl/ :: abbreviation of 八角茴香
茴香豆 {n} /huíxiāngdòu,er/ :: broad beans flavoured with star anise (local delicacy of Shaoxing, Zhejiang)
茴香豆 {n} [TCM] /huíxiāngdòu,er/ :: fruit of the fennel or Foeniculum
茴香橘核丸 {n} /huíxiāng júhé wán/ :: A yellowish-brown pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to dispel cold, promote the flow of qi, induce the subsidence of swelling and alleviate pain in the treatment of abdominal colic with cold limbs, painful swelling of the testis or epididymis with the scrotum feeling cold"
{def} /huí/ :: [obsolete] alternative name for 恶芋
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huí/ :: Used in 蛔蟲
{def} /huí/ :: tapeworm
蛔虫 {def} SEE: 蛔蟲 ::
蛔虫病 {def} SEE: 蛔蟲病 ::
蛔蟲 {n} /huíchóng,er/ :: giant roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides); roundworm; intestinal worm
蛔蟲 {n} [figurative] /huíchóng,er/ :: mindreader; someone who knows what another person is thinking
蛔蟲病 {n} [disease] /huíchóngbìng/ :: ascariasis; roundworm disease
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huí/ :: to revolve; to rotate
{def} /huí/ :: to return; to go back
{def} /huí/ :: winding
迴避 {v} /huíbì/ :: to avoid; to dodge; to evade
迴避 {v} /huíbì/ :: to withdraw
迴腸 {n} [anatomy] /huícháng/ :: ileum
迴腸 {adj} [formal] /huícháng/ :: worried; agitated; anxious
迴蕩 {v} /huídàng/ :: to resound; to reverberate
迴歸 {def} SEE: 回歸 ::
迴歸線 {def} SEE: 回歸線 ::
迴廊 {n} /huíláng/ :: winding corridor; cloister
迴路 {def} SEE: 回路 ::
迴盲瓣 {n} [anatomy] /huímángbàn/ :: ileocecal valve
迴圈經濟 {n} [economics] /huíquān jīngjì/ :: circular economy
迴紋針 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /huíwénzhēn/ :: paper clip
迴響 {v} /huíxiǎng/ :: to echo; to reverberate; to respond
迴響 {n} /huíxiǎng/ :: echo; reverberation
迴響 {n} [figurative] /huíxiǎng/ :: response; reaction; impact
迴形針 {n} /huíxíngzhēn/ :: paper clip
迴旋 {def} SEE: 回旋 ::
迴轉 {v} /huízhuǎn/ :: to rotate
迴轉 {v} /huízhuǎn/ :: to turn around
迴轉 {n} /huízhuǎn/ :: rotation
迴轉道 {n} [Taiwan] /huízhuǎndào/ :: U-turn lane
込逥 {def} SEE: 迂回 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huǐ/ :: to repent; to show remorse; to regret
悔改 {v} /huǐgǎi/ :: to mend one's ways
悔過 {v} /huǐguò/ :: to repent; to regret
悔過自新 {idiom} /huǐguòzìxīn/ :: to turn over a new leaf
悔过 {def} SEE: 悔過 ::
悔过自新 {def} SEE: 悔過自新 ::
悔恨 {v} /huǐhèn/ :: to show remorse; to repent; to deeply regret
悔婚 {v} /huǐhūn/ :: to break off an engagement, to break a promise of marriage
悔疚 {v} [literary or Cantonese] /huǐjiù/ :: to be filled with remorse; to be remorseful
悔棋 {v} [game of go, xiangqi, chess, etc.] /huǐqí/ :: to regret and retract one's move; to do a takeback (in chess)
悔寤 {def} SEE: 悔悟 ::
悔悟 {v} /huǐwù/ :: repent (to feel sorrow or regret for what one has done or omitted to do)
悔意 {n} /huǐyì/ :: sense of remorse; feeling of regret
悔之晚矣 {idiom} /huǐ zhī wǎn yǐ/ :: it is (or will be) too late to regret
悔罪 {v} /huǐzuì/ :: to show repentance; to show penitence
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huǐ/ :: destroy, ruin, injure
毀謗 {v} /huǐbàng/ :: to slander; to malign; to calumniate
毀掉 {v} /huǐdiào/ :: to destroy; to cause to perish
毀壞 {v} /huǐhuài/ :: to destroy; to damage
毀滅 {v} /huǐmiè/ :: to annihilate; to eradicate; to exterminate; to extinguish; to stamp out; to wipe out; to destroy; to ruin
毀人不倦 {idiom} /huǐrén不juàn/ :: to be tireless in ruining people
毀容 {v} /huǐróng/ :: to disfigure (especially of the face)
毀三觀 {v} [neologism, slang] /huǐ sānguān/ :: to destroy one's fundamental values; to be jaw-dropping, shocking, surprising, disappointing, etc
毀損 {v} /huǐsǔn/ :: to damage; to impair
毀於一旦 {idiom} /huǐyú一dàn/ :: to be ruined all at once
毀譽 {n} /huǐyù/ :: praise or condemnation
毀譽 {v} /huǐyù/ :: to praise or blame
毀譽參半 {idiom} /huǐyùcānbàn/ :: to get both praise and censure; mixed reception
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
毁谤 {def} SEE: 毀謗 ::
毁掉 {def} SEE: 毀掉 ::
毁坏 {def} SEE: 毀壞 ::
毁灭 {def} SEE: 毀滅 ::
毁人不倦 {def} SEE: 毀人不倦 ::
毁容 {def} SEE: 毀容 ::
毁三观 {def} SEE: 毀三觀 ::
毁损 {def} SEE: 毀損 ::
毁于一旦 {def} SEE: 毀於一旦 ::
毁誉 {def} SEE: 毀譽 ::
毁誉参半 {def} SEE: 毀譽參半 ::
{def} /huí/ :: light, the color of light
{def} /huǐ,ǎi/ :: the color of fire
{def} /huǐ/ :: [obsolete] blazing fire
{def} /huǐ/ :: to burn up; to burn down
{def} /huì,huǐ/ :: to teach; to instruct
{def} /huì,huǐ/ :: to encourage; to induce
誨人不倦 {idiom} /huìrén不juàn/ :: to be tireless in teaching others
{def} /huǐ/ :: to slander; to defame
{def} /huì,huǐ/ :: to bribe
{def} /huì,huǐ/ :: property, belongings
{def} /huì,huǐ/ :: to give belongings
賄賂 {v} /huìlù,tl/ :: to bribe
賄賂 {n} /huìlù,tl/ :: bribe
賄賂 {n} /huìlù,tl/ :: bribery
賄選 {v} /huìxuǎn/ :: to practice bribery at an election; to get elected by bribery
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuǐ,huì/ :: grow up
{def} /kuǐ,huì/ :: commodity prices
{def} /huì/ :: [historical dictionaries] unhappy
{def} /yè/ :: only used in 嬈㜇
{def} [ancient Chu dialect] /huǐ/ :: fire
{def} SEE: ::
䙌儿 {def} SEE: 䙡兒 ::
{def} [dialectal] /kuì,er/ :: to tie up; to fasten
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [dialectal] /kuì,er/ :: knot; button
䙡兒 {n} /kuìr/ :: erhua form of knot
{def} /huì/ :: bald-headed
𦿊会 {def} SEE: 𦿊會 ::
{def} SEE: ::
会安 {def} SEE: 會安 ::
会饼 {def} SEE: 會餅 ::
会餐 {def} SEE: 會餐 ::
会长 {def} SEE: 會長 ::
会场 {def} SEE: 會場 ::
会城 {def} SEE: 會城 ::
会串 {def} SEE: 會串 ::
会当 {def} SEE: 會當 ::
会党 {def} SEE: 會黨 ::
会挡得 {def} SEE: 會擋得 ::
会得 {def} SEE: 會得 ::
会得通 {def} SEE: 會得通 ::
会典 {def} SEE: 會典 ::
会冻 {def} SEE: 會當 ::
会儿 {def} SEE: 會兒 ::
会费 {def} SEE: 會費 ::
会赴 {def} SEE: 會赴 ::
会宫 {def} SEE: 會宮 ::
会馆 {def} SEE: 會館 ::
会行得 {def} SEE: 會行得 ::
会合 {def} SEE: 會合 ::
会话 {def} SEE: 會話 ::
会活 {def} SEE: 會活 ::
会稽 {def} SEE: 會稽 ::
会籍 {def} SEE: 會籍 ::
会集 {def} SEE: 會集 ::
会计 {def} SEE: 會計 ::
会计成本 {def} SEE: 會計成本 ::
会计师 {def} SEE: 會計師 ::
会计学 {def} SEE: 會計學 ::
会计员 {def} SEE: 會計員 ::
会计证 {def} SEE: 會計證 ::
会见 {def} SEE: 會見 ::
会津若松 {def} SEE: 會津若松 ::
会进 {def} SEE: 會進 ::
会聚 {def} SEE: 會聚 ::
会刊 {def} SEE: 會刊 ::
会堪得 {def} SEE: 會堪得 ::
会考 {def} SEE: 會考 ::
会客 {def} SEE: 會客 ::
会客室 {def} SEE: 會客室 ::
会盟 {def} SEE: 會盟 ::
会面 {def} SEE: 會面 ::
会宁 {def} SEE: 會寧 ::
会期 {def} SEE: 會期 ::
会齐 {def} SEE: 會齊 ::
会商 {def} SEE: 會商 ::
会摄 {def} SEE: 會攝 ::
会社 {def} SEE: 會社 ::
会审 {def} SEE: 會審 ::
会师 {def} SEE: 會師 ::
会使 {def} SEE: 會使 ::
会使得 {def} SEE: 會使得 ::
会试 {def} SEE: 會試 ::
会说 {def} SEE: 會說 ::
会所 {def} SEE: 會所 ::
会谈 {def} SEE: 會談 ::
会堂 {def} SEE: 會堂 ::
会通 {def} SEE: 會通 ::
会同 {def} SEE: 會同 ::
会头 {def} SEE: 會頭 ::
会务 {def} SEE: 會務 ::
会悟 {def} SEE: 會悟 ::
会晤 {def} SEE: 會晤 ::
会晓 {def} SEE: 會曉 ::
会晓得 {def} SEE: 會曉得 ::
会心 {def} SEE: 會心 ::
会须 {def} SEE: 會須 ::
会演 {def} SEE: 會演 ::
会厌 {def} SEE: 會厭 ::
会厌炎 {def} SEE: 會厭炎 ::
会意 {def} SEE: 會意 ::
会议 {def} SEE: 會議 ::
会议室 {def} SEE: 會議室 ::
会阴 {def} SEE: 會陰 ::
会阴浅横肌 {def} SEE: 會陰淺橫肌 ::
会阴切开术 {def} SEE: 會陰切開術 ::
会用 {def} SEE: 會用 ::
会用得 {def} SEE: 會用得 ::
会友 {def} SEE: 會友 ::
会元 {def} SEE: 會元 ::
会员 {def} SEE: 會員 ::
会员卡 {def} SEE: 會員卡 ::
会员证 {def} SEE: 會員證 ::
会仔 {def} SEE: 會仔 ::
会展 {def} SEE: 會展 ::
会战 {def} SEE: 會戰 ::
会诊 {def} SEE: 會診 ::
会值得 {def} SEE: 會值得 ::
会众 {def} SEE: 會眾 ::
会做 {def} SEE: 會做 ::
会做得 {def} SEE: 會做得 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huì/ :: concourse
{def} /huì/ :: to flow together, gather together
{def} /huì/ :: to remit money
匯報 {v} /huìbào/ :: to report; to give an account of
匯編 {def} SEE: 彙編 ::
匯編語言 {n} [computing] /huìbiān yǔyán/ :: assembly language
匯兌 {v} /huìduì/ :: to remit (funds)
匯兌 {n} /huìduì/ :: remittance (of funds)
匯豐 {prop} /Huìfēng/ :: HSBC
匯合 {v} [of rivers] /huìhé/ :: to converge
匯合 {v} [figurative] /huìhé/ :: to merge; to converge; to join; to fuse; to come together
匯劃 {v} /huìhuà/ :: to transfer money; to remit
匯劃 {n} /huìhuà/ :: money transfer; remittance
匯集 {v} /huìjí/ :: to gather
匯聚 {v} /huìjù/ :: to come together; to gather
匯款 {v} /huìkuǎn/ :: to remit; to send payment
匯款 {n} /huìkuǎn/ :: remittance; payment
匯流排 {n} [Taiwan, computing] /huìliúpái/ :: bus
匯率 {n} [economics, finance] /huìlǜ/ :: exchange rate (between currencies)
匯率操縱國 {n} [economics, politics] /huìlǜ cāozòngguó/ :: currency manipulator
匯率風險 {n} [finance] /huìlǜ fēngxiǎn/ :: currency risk; exchange rate risk; foreign exchange risk; FX risk
匯票 {n} [banking] /huìpiào/ :: bill of exchange
匯入 {v} /huìrù/ :: to flow into, to converge (of a river)
匯入 {v} [computing] /huìrù/ :: to import (data)
匯水 {n} /huìshuǐ/ :: remittance fee
匯演 {n} /huìyǎn/ :: joint performance
匯總 {n} /huìzǒng/ :: summary
匯總 {v} /huìzǒng/ :: to collect (data, receipts, etc.); to gather; to pool
匯總 {v} /huìzǒng/ :: to summarize
{def} /huì/ :: a generic term for plants
{def} /huì/ :: flower
{def} /huì/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huì/ :: beak; snout
{def} [obsolete or Min] /huì/ :: mouth
{def} [Min] /huì/ :: classifier for bites or mouthfuls
喙残 {def} SEE: 喙殘 ::
𫜪喙齿 {def} SEE: 齩喙齒 ::
喙齿 {def} SEE: 喙齒 ::
喙齿缝 {def} SEE: 喙齒縫 ::
喙齿膏 {def} SEE: 喙齒膏 ::
喙齿根 {def} SEE: 喙齒根 ::
喙齿抿 {def} SEE: 喙齒抿 ::
喙齿攕 {def} SEE: 喙齒攕 ::
喙齿屎 {def} SEE: 喙齒屎 ::
喙唇 {def} SEE: 喙脣 ::
喙唇皮 {def} SEE: 喙脣皮 ::
喙唇珠 {def} SEE: 喙脣珠 ::
喙坚 {def} SEE: 喙堅 ::
喙燋 {def} SEE: 喙焦 ::
喙锦 {def} SEE: 喙錦 ::
喙尽臭 {def} SEE: 喙盡臭 ::
喙澜 {def} SEE: 喙瀾 ::
喙须 {def} SEE: 喙鬚 ::
{def} /yuē/ :: to hiccup
{def} /yuē/ :: to retch
{def} /huì/ :: only used in 噦噦
{def} /huì/ :: broomstick
{def} /huì/ :: comet
{def} /wèi/ :: alternative form of
彗差 {n} [optics] /huìchā/ :: coma aberration
彗星 {n} [astronomy] /huìxīng/ :: comet
{def} /huì/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /huì/ :: to gather; to assemble
{def} /huì/ :: collection; class; category
彙報 {def} SEE: 匯報 ::
彙編 {n} /huìbiān/ :: collection; compilation; corpus
彙編 {n} [computing] /huìbiān/ :: assembly
彙編 {v} /huìbiān/ :: to compile
彙編 {v} [computing] /huìbiān/ :: to assemble (to translate from assembly language to machine code)
彙集 {v} /huìjí/ :: to gather
彙整 {n} /huìzhěng/ :: archive
彙整 {v} /huìzhěng/ :: to archive
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /huì/ :: anger; rage; resentment
恚恨 {v} [literary] /huìhèn/ :: to hate; to resent
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huì/ :: benefit; favor; advantage
{def} /huì/ :: to benefit; to grant a favor; favor; to advantage
{def} /huì/ :: benevolent; kindhearted
{def} /huì/ :: mild; gentle; kind
{def} [polite] /huì/ :: used as a form of compliment
{def} /huì/ :: surname Hui
{def} /xì/ :: (Shaanxi Dialect)surname Xi
惠安 {prop} /Huì'ān/ :: (~ 縣) 惠安 (county)
惠比壽 {prop} /Huìbǐshòu/ :: alternative form of 惠比須
惠比寿 {def} SEE: 惠比壽 ::
惠比須 {prop} [Japanese mythology, Shinto] /Huìbǐxū/ :: Ebisu
惠比须 {def} SEE: 惠比須 ::
惠城 {prop} /Huìchéng/ :: (~ 區) 惠城 (district)
惠存 {v} [honorific, said when giving a gift to someone] /huìcún/ :: to be so kind as to keep; to kindly accept
惠东 {def} SEE: 惠東 ::
惠東 {prop} /Huìdōng/ :: (~ 縣) 惠東 (county)
惠風 {n} [literary] /huìfēng/ :: gentle breeze; fair wind
惠風和暢 {idiom} /huìfēnghéchàng/ :: a gentle breeze is freely blowing
惠风 {def} SEE: 惠風 ::
惠风和畅 {def} SEE: 惠風和暢 ::
惠顧 {n} [polite] /huìgù/ :: your patronage
惠顾 {def} SEE: 惠顧 ::
惠及 {v} [literary] /huìjí/ :: to be of benefit to
惠來 {prop} /Huìlái/ :: (~ 縣) 惠來 (county)
惠来 {def} SEE: 惠來 ::
惠灵顿 {def} SEE: 惠靈頓 ::
惠靈頓 {prop} [Mainland China, Hong Kong, possibly, obsolete in Taiwan] /Huìlíngdùn/ :: 惠靈頓 (city/capital city)
惠美須 {prop} /Huìměixū/ :: alternative form of 惠比須
惠美须 {def} SEE: 惠美須 ::
惠民 {v} /huìmín/ :: to benefit the people
惠那 {prop} /Huìnà/ :: (~ 市) 惠那 (city)
惠山 {prop} /Huìshān/ :: (~ 市) 惠山 (city)
惠山 {prop} /Huìshān/ :: (~ 區) 惠山 (district)
惠斯登电桥 {def} SEE: 惠斯登電橋 ::
惠斯登電橋 {n} [physics] /Huìsīdēngdiànqiáo/ :: Wheatstone bridge
惠斯勒 {prop} /Huìsīlè/ :: 惠斯勒 (resort town)
惠庭 {prop} /Huìtíng/ :: (~ 市) 惠庭 (city)
惠阳 {def} SEE: 惠陽 ::
惠陽 {prop} /Huìyáng/ :: (~ 區) 惠陽 (district)
惠允 {v} [formal, honorific, especially in letters] /huìyǔn/ :: to allow; to approve; to agree
惠泽 {def} SEE: 惠澤 ::
惠澤 {n} [literary] /huìzé/ :: kindness; favor
惠州 {prop} /Huìzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 惠州 (prefecture-level city)
惠州話 {n} /huìzhōuhuà/ :: Huizhou dialect (dialect spoken in and around Huicheng, Huizhou, Guangdong)
惠州话 {def} SEE: 惠州話 ::
{def} /huì/ :: bright; intelligent
{def} /huì/ :: intelligence
慧明 {n} [literary] /huìmíng/ :: wisdom; intelligence
慧黠 {adj} [formal] /huìxiá/ :: clever and artful; shrewd
慧心 {n} [originally, Buddhism, now, generally] /huìxīn/ :: wisdom; intelligence; insight  
慧星 {def} SEE: 彗星 ::
慧眼 {n} [Buddhism] /huìyǎn/ :: mind which perceives both past and future; an all-seeing mind
慧眼 {n} [figurative] /huìyǎn/ :: mental discernment; insight; acumen
{def} /huì/ :: last day of a lunar month
{def} /huì/ :: dark, unclear, obscure
{def} /huì/ :: night
{def} /huì/ :: 67th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "darkening" (𝍈)
晦暗 {adj} [literary] /huì'àn/ :: dark and gloomy; dull
晦气 {def} SEE: 晦氣 ::
晦氣 {adj} /huìqì/ :: unlucky; calamitous; wretched
晦日 {n} [literary] /huìrì/ :: the last day of a month in the lunar calendar
晦涩 {def} SEE: 晦澀 ::
晦澀 {adj} [of literary writing, music, etc.] /huìsè/ :: hard to understand; obscure; pedantic; inkhorn; abstruse
晦朔 {n} [literary] /huìshuò/ :: last and first days of the lunar month
晦朔 {n} [literary, obsolete] /huìshuò/ :: lunar month
𦿊會 {n} [ancient] /lúhuì/ :: alternative name for 蘆薈
{def} /huì/ :: union; group; association (Classifier: 個)
{def} /huì/ :: a place where people meet; an economic or political centre; city, town
{def} /huì/ :: occasion; opportunity; chance
{def} /huì/ :: to understand; to grasp
{def} /huì/ :: [obsolete] lid; cover
{def} /huì/ :: [obsolete] to match; to conform
{def} /huì/ :: [obsolete] to marry
{def} /huì/ :: [obsolete] to copulate
{def} /huì/ :: to gather; to assemble
{def} /huì/ :: to meet; to rendezvous
{def} /huì/ :: meeting; gathering (Classifier: 場次)
{def} /huì/ :: Especially, meetings of deputies of their sovereigns in ancient China to form alliances
{def} /huì/ :: [obsolete] rhythm; cadence
{def} [literary] /huì/ :: by chance; as it happens
{def} [literary] /huì/ :: ought to; should
{def} /huì/ :: to know how to perform a task; can; to be able to
{def} /huì/ :: to be possible; can
{def} /huì/ :: will; to be likely to; to be sure to
{def} /huì,huǐ,er/ :: moment
{def} /kuài/ :: [obsolete] to compute; to calculate; to sum; to do accounting
{def} /kuài/ :: surname
{def} /kuài,guì,1nb/ :: only used in 會稽
{def} /kuò/ :: only used in 會撮
會安 {prop} /Huì'ān/ :: (~ 市) 會安 (city)
會餐 {v} /huìcān/ :: to dine together; to have a dinner party
會場 {n} /huì場/ :: conference hall; meeting place; venue
會長 {n} /huìzhǎng/ :: president (of a club, committee, etc.)
會城 {prop} /Huìchéng/ :: (~ 街道) 會城 (subdistrict)
會串 {v} /huìchuàn/ :: to play a part; to act (together)
會當 {v} [literary] /huìdāng/ :: to be supposed to; should
會黨 {n} [historical] /huìdǎng/ :: anti-Qing secret societies
會得 {v} [literary, Min Nan] /huìde/ :: can; to be able to; to be capable of
會得 {v} [literary] /huìde/ :: to understand; to comprehend
會典 {n} /huìdiǎn/ :: collected statutes (of a particular dynasty); records of imperial laws and regulations (usually used in book titles)
會凍 {def} SEE: 會當 ::
會兒 {n} /huìr,huǐr/ :: erhua form of a moment; a while
會費 {n} /huìfèi/ :: dues; membership dues; membership fees
會宮 {prop} /Huìgōng/ :: (~ 鎮) 會宮 (town)
會館 {n} /huìguǎn/ :: institution set up in a capital city or other domestic or overseas city by people from the same hometown or operating the same business; guildhall; clan association; kongsi
會館 {n} [Taiwan] /huìguǎn/ :: hostel; hotel
會合 {v} /huìhé/ :: to meet; to assemble; to join; to converge
會話 {v} /huìhuà/ :: to converse
會話 {n} /huìhuà/ :: conversation; dialogue (Classifier: 個)
會稽 {prop} /Kuàijī,Guìjī,1nb/ :: (~ 山) [historical] Mount Kuaiji, the historical name of Mount Xianglu, a peak south of Hangzhou Bay legendarily connected to Yu the Great
會稽 {prop} /Kuàijī,Guìjī,1nb/ :: (~ 山) the Kuaiji Mountains, a short range of mountains in Zhejiang south of Hangzhou Bay
會稽 {prop} /Kuàijī,Guìjī,1nb/ :: (~ 郡) [historical] Kuaiji Commandery, a former commandery of China around the mountain
會稽 {prop} /Kuàijī,Guìjī,1nb/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] Kuaiji County, a former county of China around Shaoxing
會稽 {prop} [historical] /Kuàijī,Guìjī,1nb/ :: Kuaiji, the name borne by Suzhou during the Qin and Han dynasties and by Shaoxing during subsequent dynasties, owing to their position as headquarters of the commandery
會籍 {n} /huìjí/ :: membership
會集 {v} /huìjí/ :: to gather together
會計 {n} /kuàijì,tl/ :: accounting; accountancy
會計 {n} /kuàijì,tl/ :: accountant
會計 {v} [Classical] /kuàijì,tl/ :: to examine and calculate
會計 {v} [Classical] /kuàijì,tl/ :: to do accounting work
會計 {v} [Classical, of the Son of Heaven] /kuàijì,tl/ :: to give out rewards to vassals based on merit
會計 {v} [Classical] /kuàijì,tl/ :: to plan; to manage
會計 {prop} [historical] /kuàijì,tl/ :: alternative name for 會稽
會計 {prop} [historical] /kuàijì,tl/ :: alternative name for 會稽
會計成本 {n} [economics, accounting] /kuàijì chéngběn/ :: accounting cost
會計師 {n} [specifically] /kuàijìshī,tl2/ :: accountant; certified public accountant
會計學 {n} /kuàijìxué/ :: accounting (science)
會計員 {n} /kuàijìyuán/ :: accountant [especially a junior one]; treasurer
會計證 {n} /kuàijìzhèng/ :: accounting certificate
會見 {v} /huìjiàn/ :: to meet (with someone); to pay a visit
會見 {n} /huìjiàn/ :: meeting; visit
會津若松 {prop} /Huìjīnruòsōng/ :: (~ 市) 會津若松 (city)
會聚 {v} /huìjù/ :: to assemble; to flock together; to get together
會刊 {n} /huìkān/ :: periodical; publication; journal; magazine
會考 {n} /huìkǎo/ :: general examination (test conducted within a certain scope and with a unified set of questions)
會考 {n} /huìkǎo/ :: Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination
會客 {v} /huìkè/ :: to receive a visitor or guest
會客室 {n} /huìkè室/ :: reception room; parlor
會盟 {v} [literary] /huìméng/ :: to meet and form an alliance (of feudal states)
會面 {v} /huìmiàn/ :: to meet (as scheduled); to have a meeting
會寧 {prop} /Huìníng/ :: (~ 市) 會寧 (city)
會寧 {prop} /Huìníng/ :: (~ 縣) 會寧 (county)
會期 {n} /huì期/ :: date of a meeting
會期 {n} /huì期/ :: duration of a meeting
會齊 {v} /huìqí/ :: to get together; to assemble
會商 {v} /huìshāng/ :: to confer with multiple parties; to hold a meeting or conference; to negotiate; to consult
會社 {n} [history] /huìshè/ :: guild
會社 {n} /huìshè/ :: association
會社 {n} [Japanese or Korean] /huìshè/ :: company
會審 {n} /huìshěn/ :: joint hearing (or trial)
會審 {v} /huìshěn/ :: to make a joint checkup
會師 {v} /huìshī/ :: to join forces; to effect a junction
會試 {n} [historical] /huìshì/ :: metropolitan examination [as held in the civil service examination system of Imperial China]
會說 {v} /huìshuō/ :: to be able to speak (especially a language)
會說 {adj} /huìshuō/ :: fond of talking; a good talker; talkative
會所 {n} /huìsuǒ,er/ :: meeting place; gathering place
會所 {n} /huìsuǒ,er/ :: office (of an association or organisation)
會所 {n} /huìsuǒ,er/ :: club; centre (providing leisure and recreational facilities)
會所 {n} [euphemism] /huìsuǒ,er/ :: brothel; escort agency
會談 {n} /huìtán/ :: negotiation; talks
會談 {v} /huìtán/ :: to negotiate
會堂 {n} /huìtáng/ :: hall; meeting hall; assembly hall
會堂 {n} /huìtáng/ :: alternative name for 教堂
會通 {v} [literary] /huìtōng/ :: to gain a thorough understanding of
會通 {v} [Hokkien] /huìtōng/ :: to be able to do something; can
會通 {v} [Hokkien] /huìtōng/ :: to be permitted to do something; may
會同 {v} /huìtóng/ :: to coordinate jointly (especially with other departments or organizations when handling an issue); to join forces
會務 {n} /huìwù/ :: affairs of a club, committee or meeting
會悟 {v} [literary] /huìwù/ :: to realize; to understand
會晤 {v} [literary] /huìwù/ :: to meet
會心 {v} /huìxīn/ :: to understand what is implied
會須 {v} [literary] /huìxū/ :: to just happen to need
會須 {v} [literary] /huìxū/ :: ought to; should
會厭 {n} [anatomy] /huìyàn/ :: epiglottis
會厭炎 {n} [diseases] /huìyànyán/ :: epiglottitis
會演 {n} /huìyǎn/ :: festival
會演 {n} /huìyǎn/ :: (joint) performance
會意 {n} /huìyì/ :: (Chinese character classification) compound ideographs, one of the six classifications of Chinese characters (六書)
會意 {v} /huìyì/ :: to comprehend
會議 {n} /huìyì/ :: meeting; conference (Classifier: 場屆次)
會議 {n} /huìyì/ :: council; congress (Classifier: 場屆次)
會議室 {n} /huìyì室/ :: meeting room, conference room
會陰 {n} [anatomy] /huìyīn/ :: perineum
會陰淺橫肌 {n} [anatomy] /huìyīnqiǎnhéngjī/ :: superficial transverse perineal muscle; transversus superficialis perinei
會陰切開術 {n} [medicine] /huìyīnqièkāishù/ :: episiotomy
會友 {v} /huìyǒu/ :: to make friends
會友 {v} /huìyǒu/ :: to meet friends
會友 {n} /huìyǒu/ :: member (of the same organization)
會元 {n} [historical] /huìyuán/ :: someone who ranked first in the metropolitan imperial examination (*會試)
會元 {n} [chiefly in book titles] /huìyuán/ :: summary; outline
會員 {n} /huìyuán/ :: member (of a group, club, etc.)
會員卡 {n} /huìyuánkǎ/ :: membership card
會員證 {n} /huìyuánzhèng/ :: membership card
會展 {prop} [Hong Kong] /Huìzhǎn/ :: short fo 香港^會議^展覽^中心 (Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre)
會戰 {v} [military] /huìzhàn/ :: to meet for a decisive battle
會戰 {v} /huìzhàn/ :: to launch a mass campaign; to join in a battle
會診 {v} [medicine] /huìzhěn/ :: to hold a group or specialist consultation to discuss a patient's case, especially in view of an uncertain diagnosis; to have a multispecialty meeting
會診 {v} [figurative, of many parties] /huìzhěn/ :: to gather to collectively solve an issue
會眾 {n} /huìzhòng/ :: congregation
會眾 {v} /huìzhòng/ :: to congregate; to gather everyone together
{def} [literary] /huì/ :: small coffin
殨膿 {def} SEE: 潰膿 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
汇报 {def} SEE: 匯報 ::
汇编 {def} SEE: 彙編 ::
汇编语言 {def} SEE: 匯編語言 ::
汇兑 {def} SEE: 匯兌 ::
汇丰 {def} SEE: 匯豐 ::
汇合 {def} SEE: 匯合 ::
汇划 {def} SEE: 匯劃 ::
汇集 {def} SEE: 匯集 ::
汇集 {def} SEE: 彙集 ::
汇聚 {def} SEE: 匯聚 ::
汇款 {def} SEE: 匯款 ::
汇流排 {def} SEE: 匯流排 ::
汇率 {def} SEE: 匯率 ::
汇率操纵国 {def} SEE: 匯率操縱國 ::
汇率风险 {def} SEE: 匯率風險 ::
汇票 {def} SEE: 匯票 ::
汇入 {def} SEE: 匯入 ::
汇水 {def} SEE: 匯水 ::
汇演 {def} SEE: 匯演 ::
汇整 {def} SEE: 彙整 ::
汇总 {def} SEE: 匯總 ::
{def} /huì,huǐ/ :: sound of water waves瀖泋
{def} /huì,huǐ/ :: water ripple
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huì/ :: to wash the face
{def} SEE: ::
滙豐 {def} SEE: 匯豐 ::
{def} [of a dike or dam] /kuì,huì/ :: to break; to burst; to overflow
{def} /kuì,huì/ :: to break through an encirclement
{def} /kuì,huì/ :: to be utterly defeated; to be routed
{def} /kuì,huì/ :: to decompose; to be destroyed
{def} /kuì,huì/ :: to fester; to ulcerate
潰敗 {v} /kuìbài/ :: to be utterly defeated; to be routed
潰不成軍 {idiom} /kuì不chéngjūn/ :: badly defeated; soundly defeated
潰決 {v} [of flood waters] /kuìjué/ :: to burst (a dyke); to collapse (a dam)
潰爛 {v} /kuìlàn/ :: to ulcerate; to fester
潰亂 {v} /kuìluàn/ :: to be defeated and in disorder
潰滅 {v} /kuìmiè/ :: to crumble and fall (of a regime, etc.)
潰膿 {v} [of a sore etc.] /huìnóng,kuìnóng,1nb/ :: to fester; to ulcerate
潰散 {v} [military] /kuìsàn/ :: to disperse in defeat
潰逃 {v} /kuìtáo/ :: to escape in disorder; to fly pell-mell; to flee helter-skelter
潰退 {v} /kuìtuì/ :: to retreat as a result of defeat
潰瘍 {n} [pathology] /kuìyáng/ :: ulcer (external or internal)
潰癰 {n} [archaic] /kuìyōng/ :: to pierce an abscess in order to let the puss drain
{def} [literary] /huì/ :: vast; expansive
{def} [literary] /huì/ :: alternative form of
{def} [historical] /wèi/ :: An ancient place and nation
{def} /huò/ :: only used in 濊濊
濊濊 {adj} [literary] /huòhuò/ :: Sound of a fishing net hitting the water
濊貊 {prop} /Wèimò/ :: Yemaek
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huì/ :: ragout, cook, braise
{def} /huì/ :: a Chinese dish consisting of fish grilled to the rare stage and then thinly sliced similar to tataki
{def} /huì/ :: only used in 獩貊
{def} SEE: ::
秽乱 {def} SEE: 穢亂 ::
秽人 {def} SEE: 穢人 ::
秽世 {def} SEE: 穢世 ::
秽土 {def} SEE: 穢土 ::
秽物 {def} SEE: 穢物 ::
秽语 {def} SEE: 穢語 ::
{def} /huì,wèi,1nb/ :: dirty; filthy; unclean
{def} /huì,wèi,1nb/ :: immoral; obscene
{def} [dialectal Hakka, Malaysian Mandarin] /huì,wèi,1nb/ :: disgusting; revolting
{def} [Min Nan] /huì,wèi,1nb/ :: to infect (a person)
穢亂 {v} [literary] /huìluàn/ :: to be promiscuous; to be licentious
穢土 {n} [Buddhism] /huìtǔ/ :: impure land; earthly realm; land of the living
穢土 {n} /huìtǔ/ :: dirt; mud
穢物 {n} [literary] /huìwù/ :: tainted material; polluted material; filth
穢語 {n} /huìyǔ/ :: profanity; obscene language; foul language; bad words
{def} [literary] /huì/ :: alternative form of
{def} [literary] /huì/ :: to sweep
篲星 {def} SEE: 彗星 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huì/ :: [historical dictionaries] leftover embroidery
{def} /huì/ :: alternative form of
{def} /huì/ :: to draw; to sketch; to paint
{def} /guì/ :: [historical dictionaries] to tie one's hair with various colors
繪本 {n} /huìběn/ :: picture book
繪畫 {n} /huìhuà/ :: painting; picture; drawing (Classifier: 張幅)
繪畫 {v} /huìhuà/ :: to paint; to draw
繪架座 {prop} [constellation] /Huìjiàzuò/ :: Pictor
繪聲繪色 {idiom} /huìshēnghuìsè/ :: vivid; lively; lifelike
繪圖 {n} /huìtú/ :: charting; map-making; drafting; drawing
繪圖 {v} /huìtú/ :: to draw pictures; to prepare engineering drawings
繪文字 {n} /huìwénzì/ :: emoji
繪製 {v} /huìzhì/ :: to draw; to draft
{def} SEE: ::
绘本 {def} SEE: 繪本 ::
绘画 {def} SEE: 繪畫 ::
绘架座 {def} SEE: 繪架座 ::
绘声绘色 {def} SEE: 繪聲繪色 ::
绘图 {def} SEE: 繪圖 ::
绘文字 {def} SEE: 繪文字 ::
绘制 {def} SEE: 繪製 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /huì/ :: fluttering of wings; whirr
{def} SEE: ::
𦿊荟 {def} SEE: 𦿊薈 ::
{def} SEE: ::
荟萃 {def} SEE: 薈萃 ::
{def} /huì/ :: orchid
𦿊薈 {n} [ancient] /lúhuì/ :: alternative name for 蘆薈
薈萃 {v} [literary] /huìcuì/ :: to get together (especially of distinguished people or exquisite objects); to gather; to assemble
{def} /huì/ :: only used in 蟪蛄
蟪蛄 {n} /huìgū/ :: Platypleura kaempferi
{def} /huì/ :: to avoid mentioning
{def} /huì/ :: to avoid; to regard as taboo
{def} /huì/ :: taboo
{def} [historical] /huì/ :: name of a deceased emperor or elder
{def} /huì/ :: [obsolete] to fear; to dread
諱疾忌醫 {idiom} /huìjíjìyī/ :: to avoid seeking medical attention for fear of disease
諱疾忌醫 {idiom} /huìjíjìyī/ :: to conceal one's shortcomings for fear of criticism
諱莫如深 {idiom} /huìmòrúshēn/ :: to keep one's mouth shut about a secret to guard it closely
諱言 {v} /huìyán/ :: to dare not or would not speak up
{def} SEE: ::
讳疾忌医 {def} SEE: 諱疾忌醫 ::
讳莫如深 {def} SEE: 諱莫如深 ::
讳言 {def} SEE: 諱言 ::
{def} SEE: ::
诲人不倦 {def} SEE: 誨人不倦 ::
贿 {def} SEE: ::
贿赂 {def} SEE: 賄賂 ::
贿选 {def} SEE: 賄選 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /huì/ :: gate of a city; city
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /huì/ :: to wash the face
靧面 {v} [literary] /huìmiàn/ :: to wash the face
{def} [classical] /huì/ :: to wash the face
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hūn/ :: to marry; to get married
{def} /hūn/ :: wedding; marriage
{def} /hūn/ :: [obsolete] relative by marriage; kin by marriage; in-law
{def} /hūn/ :: [obsolete] father of wife
{def} /hūn/ :: [historical dictionaries] family of wife
婚变 {def} SEE: 婚變 ::
婚變 {n} /hūnbiàn/ :: marital change
婚車 {n} /hūnchē/ :: wedding car; bridal car
婚车 {def} SEE: 婚車 ::
婚房 {n} /hūnfáng/ :: property (e.g. apartment, house) purchased or reserved for the newlyweds
婚后 {def} SEE: 婚後 ::
婚後 {n} /hūnhòu/ :: after marriage
婚後 {adj} [attributive] /hūnhòu/ :: postnuptial; postmarital
婚嫁 {v} /hūnjià/ :: to get married
婚介 {n} /hūnjiè/ :: abbreviation of 婚姻介紹所
婚介所 {n} /hūnjièsuǒ,er/ :: abbreviation of 婚姻介紹所
婚戒 {n} /hūnjiè/ :: abbreviation of 結婚戒指
婚礼 {def} SEE: 婚禮 ::
婚禮 {n} /hūnlǐ/ :: wedding
婚恋 {def} SEE: 婚戀 ::
婚戀 {n} /hūnliàn/ :: love and marriage
婚配 {v} /hūnpèi/ :: to get married
婚騙 {n} /hūnpiàn/ :: swindler who marries one to defraud one's property
婚骗 {def} SEE: 婚騙 ::
婚期 {n} /hūn期/ :: wedding day
婚前 {n} /hūnqián/ :: before marriage
婚前 {adj} [attributive] /hūnqián/ :: prenuptial; premarital
婚前协议 {def} SEE: 婚前協議 ::
婚前协议书 {def} SEE: 婚前協議書 ::
婚前協議 {n} [law] /hūnqián xiéyì/ :: prenuptial agreement; prenup
婚前協議書 {n} [law] /hūnqián xiéyìshū/ :: prenuptial agreement
婚娶 {v} [literary] /hūnqǔ/ :: to marry
婚丧嫁娶 {def} SEE: 婚喪嫁娶 ::
婚喪嫁娶 {idiom} /hūnsāngjiàqǔ/ :: marriages and funerals [generally speaking]
婚紗 {n} /hūnshā/ :: wedding dress
婚紗照 {n} /hūnshāzhào/ :: wedding photo, pre-wedding photo
婚纱 {def} SEE: 婚紗 ::
婚纱照 {def} SEE: 婚紗照 ::
婚史 {n} /hūnshǐ/ :: marital history; previous marriages
婚事 {n} /hūnshì/ :: marriage; matrimony (Classifier: 門樁)
婚事 {n} /hūnshì/ :: wedding (Classifier: 門樁)
婚外 {adj} /hūnwài/ :: extramarital
婚外恋 {def} SEE: 婚外戀 ::
婚外戀 {n} /hūnwàiliàn/ :: extramarital affair
婚外情 {n} /hūnwàiqíng/ :: extramarital affair
婚宴 {n} /hūnyàn/ :: wedding reception
婚約 {n} /hūnyuē/ :: engagement; betrothal
婚姻 {n} /hūnyīn/ :: marriage; matrimony (Classifier: m:樁m:次)
婚姻法 {n} /hūnyīnfǎ/ :: marriage law
婚姻介紹所 {n} /hūnyīn jièshàosuǒ/ :: matchmaking service (for the purpose of marriage)
婚姻介绍所 {def} SEE: 婚姻介紹所 ::
婚姻状况 {def} SEE: 婚姻狀況 ::
婚姻狀況 {n} /hūnyīn zhuàngkuàng/ :: marital status
婚育 {v} [chiefly attributive] /hūnyù/ :: to get married and bear children
婚约 {def} SEE: 婚約 ::
婚証 {n} /hūnzhèng/ :: synonym of 結婚證
{def} /hūn/ :: blur; confused
{def} /hūn/ :: alternative form of
{def} /hūn/ :: alternative form of
{def} /mèn/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hūn/ :: dusk; nightfall; twilight; dark
{def} /hūn/ :: confused; dizzy; dazed; muddled
{def} /hūn/ :: to faint; to lose consciousness
昏暗 {adj} [literally and figuratively] /hūn'àn/ :: dim; gloomy
昏车 {def} SEE: 昏車 ::
昏沉 {adj} [of the sky] /hūnchén/ :: murky
昏沉 {adj} [of the mind] /hūnchén/ :: befuddled; muddled; disoriented
昏倒 {v} /hūndǎo/ :: to faint; to fall unconscious; to fall into a swoon
昏古七 {v} [Mainland, slang] /hūn gǔqī/ :: to faint
昏花 {adj} /hūnhuā/ :: dim-sighted; dull-eyed
昏黃 {adj} /hūnhuáng/ :: pale yellow; faint; dim
昏黄 {def} SEE: 昏黃 ::
昏昏欲睡 {adj} /hūnhūnyùshuì/ :: sleepy, drowsy
昏厥 {v} [symptom] /hūnjué/ :: to faint; to swoon; to have a syncopal episode
昏君 {n} /hūnjūn/ :: debauched monarch; incapable ruler
昏愦 {def} SEE: 昏聵 ::
昏憒 {def} SEE: 昏聵 ::
昏聩 {def} SEE: 昏聵 ::
昏聵 {adj} /hūnkuì/ :: decrepit and muddleheaded
昏乱 {def} SEE: 昏亂 ::
昏亂 {adj} /hūnluàn/ :: dazed and confused; befuddled
昏亂 {adj} [formal] /hūnluàn/ :: benighted and disorderly
昏迷 {v} [symptom] /hūnmí/ :: to lose consciousness
昏迷 {v} [symptom] /hūnmí/ :: to be comatose
昏暮 {n} [literary] /hūnmù/ :: dusk; twilight
昏睡 {n} /hūnshuì/ :: lethargic sleep; lethargy
昏睡 {n} /hūnshuì/ :: coma
昏头昏脑 {def} SEE: 昏頭昏腦 ::
昏頭昏腦 {adj} /hūntóuhūnnǎo/ :: dizzy; fainting
昏頭昏腦 {adj} /hūntóuhūnnǎo/ :: addlebrained; addleheaded; muddleheaded; absentminded; forgetful
昏眩 {adj} /hūnxuàn/ :: dizzy; giddy
昏庸 {adj} /hūnyōng/ :: fatuous; muddle-headed
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hūn/ :: silk tree
{def} [literary, of mind] /hūn/ :: confused; mentally disturbed
{def} [literary, of a baby] /hūn/ :: to die prematurely; to die without being given a name
{def} /hūn/ :: only used in 涽涽
{def} SEE: ::
荤菜 {def} SEE: 葷菜 ::
荤段子 {def} SEE: 葷段子 ::
荤素 {def} SEE: 葷素 ::
荤腥 {def} SEE: 葷腥 ::
荤油 {def} SEE: 葷油 ::
{def} [Buddhism] /hūn/ :: strong-smelling vegetables, such as spring onion, garlic and garlic chives
{def} /hūn/ :: meat or fish dishes [as opposed to vegetarian dishes]
{def} [figurative] /hūn/ :: low-class; obscene; vulgar; dirty
{def} /xūn/ :: only used in 葷粥
葷菜 {n} /hūncài/ :: non-vegetarian dish; meat dish
葷段子 {n} /hūnduànzi/ :: dirty joke
葷素 {n} /hūnsù/ :: meat and vegetable dishes
葷腥 {n} /hūnxīng/ :: meat and fish
葷油 {n} /hūnyóu/ :: animal fat, especially lard
{def} [literary] /hūn/ :: gatekeeper
{def} [literary] /hūn/ :: to guard the gate
{def} [literary] /hūn/ :: palace gate
閽人 {n} [archaic] /hūnrén/ :: the person in charge of opening the palace gates at dawn and closing them again at dusk
閽人 {n} [archaic] /hūnrén/ :: gate guard
{def} SEE: ::
阍人 {def} SEE: 閽人 ::
{def} /hún/ :: surname
{def} /hùn/ :: facial complexion (yellowish because of worrying)
{def} /hùn/ :: a round skull and face
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hún,huàn/ :: use the whole piece of barley to ferment for brewing
{def} /huī,hún/ :: wooden clothes peg (nailed to the wall)
{def} SEE: ::
浑蛋 {def} SEE: 混蛋 ::
浑敦 {def} SEE: 混沌 ::
浑沌 {def} SEE: 渾沌 ::
浑厚 {def} SEE: 渾厚 ::
浑浑 {def} SEE: 渾渾 ::
浑浑噩噩 {def} SEE: 渾渾噩噩 ::
浑家 {def} SEE: 渾家 ::
浑仑 {def} SEE: 渾侖 ::
浑沦 {def} SEE: 渾淪 ::
浑名 {def} SEE: 渾名 ::
浑朴 {def} SEE: 渾樸 ::
浑球 {def} SEE: 渾球 ::
浑然 {def} SEE: 渾然 ::
浑然一体 {def} SEE: 渾然一體 ::
浑身 {def} SEE: 渾身 ::
浑身解数 {def} SEE: 渾身解數 ::
浑水 {def} SEE: 渾水 ::
浑水摸鱼 {def} SEE: 渾水摸魚 ::
浑天绫 {def} SEE: 渾天綾 ::
浑天仪 {def} SEE: 渾天儀 ::
浑象 {def} SEE: 渾象 ::
浑仪 {def} SEE: 渾儀 ::
浑圆 {def} SEE: 渾圓 ::
浑浊 {def} SEE: 渾濁 ::
{def} /hùn,hún,hǔn,1na/ :: torrent
{def} /hùn,hún,hǔn,1na/ :: to mix; to blend; to mingle
{def} /hùn,hún,hǔn,1na/ :: to bumble along
{def} /hùn,hún,hǔn,1na/ :: to unite
{def} /hùn,hún,hǔn,1na/ :: to make trouble
{def} /hùn,hún,hǔn,1na/ :: to pass for
{def} /hùn,hún,hǔn,1na/ :: to drift
{def} /hùn,hún,hǔn,1na/ :: to fool
{def} /hùn,hún,hǔn,1na/ :: to joke
{def} /hùn,hún,hǔn,1na/ :: to get along
{def} /hùn,hún,hǔn,1na/ :: muddy
{def} /hùn,hún,hǔn,1na/ :: careless
{def} /hùn,hún,hǔn,1na/ :: confused
{def} /hún/ :: used in personal names
{def} /hún/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gǔn/ :: only used in 混混
{def} /kūn/ :: used in 混夷
{def} /kūn/ :: alternative form of
混成詞 {n} [linguistics] /hùnchéngcí/ :: blend; portmanteau
混成词 {def} SEE: 混成詞 ::
混充 {v} /hùnchōng/ :: to pass off; to palm off; to masquerade
混搭 {v} /hùndā/ :: to mix and match
混蛋 {n} [offensive] /húndàn,hùndàn,1nb/ :: bastard; motherfucker; asshole; son of a bitch
混沌 {n} [Chinese mythology] /hùndùn/ :: Hundun (the unclear, confused and nebulous state of the primordial world)
混沌 {n} /hùndùn/ :: wholeness; inseparability
混沌 {n} /hùndùn/ :: unclearness; indistinctness; obscurity; vagueness; obfuscation
混沌 {n} /hùndùn/ :: silliness; stupidity
混沌 {n} [Chinese mythology] /hùndùn/ :: hundun (legendary faceless creature)
混沌 {n} [physics] /hùndùn/ :: chaos
混沌理論 {n} [mathematics] /hùndùn lǐlùn/ :: chaos theory
混沌理论 {def} SEE: 混沌理論 ::
混钝 {def} SEE: 混鈍 ::
混飯 {v} /hùnfàn/ :: to work (just) for a living
混飯吃 {v} [colloquial] /hùnfànchī/ :: to cook up a little food; to scrape a living
混飯吃 {v} [colloquial] /hùnfànchī/ :: to eat at another person's expense
混饭 {def} SEE: 混飯 ::
混饭吃 {def} SEE: 混飯吃 ::
混紡 {v} /hùnfǎng/ :: to blend fabric
混紡 {n} /hùnfǎng/ :: blended fabric
混纺 {def} SEE: 混紡 ::
混合 {v} /hùnhé,hǔnhé,2nb/ :: to jumble; to mix; to blend
混合器 {n} /hùnhéqì/ :: mixer; blender (industrial and laboratory appliance)
混合物 {n} /hùnhéwù/ :: mixture
混和 {n} /hùnhuò,hùnhé/ :: mixture, amalgam
混混 {v} /hùnhun,hùnhùn/ :: to idle; to loaf about; to drift
混混 {n} /hùnhùn,ertl/ :: hooligan; rascal; scoundrel
混混 {adj} [literary] /hùnhùn/ :: muddled
混混 {adj} [literary] /hùnhùn/ :: vague
混混 {adj} [literary] /hùnhùn/ :: muddy
混混 {adj} [literary] /hùnhùn/ :: mixed
混混 {def} SEE: 滾滾 ::
混混 {adj} [literary] /hùnhùn/ :: simple; plain
混混儿 {def} SEE: 混混兒 ::
混混兒 {n} /hùnhunr,hùnhùnr/ :: erhua form of rascal; scoundrel
混交 {v} [of species of trees] /hùnjiāo/ :: to grow together
混交林 {n} /hùnjiāolín/ :: mixed forest (forest composed of more than one species of tree)
混居 {v} [literary] /hùnjū/ :: to live together (of people of two or more nationalities or races)
混乱 {def} SEE: 混亂 ::
混亂 {adj} /hùnluàn/ :: chaotic; confused; disordered
混亂 {n} /hùnluàn/ :: chaos; confusion; disorder
混沦 {def} SEE: 混淪 ::
混淪 {adj} [obsolete] /hùndùn/ :: alternative form of 混沌
混凝土 {n} /hùnníngtǔ,hǔnníngtǔ,2nb/ :: concrete (building material)
混頻器 {n} [electronics] /hùnpínqì/ :: frequency mixer
混频器 {def} SEE: 混頻器 ::
混球 {n} [colloquial] /húnqiú,er/ :: scoundrel; asshole; fucker; punk; jerk
混日子 {v} /hùnrìzi/ :: to muck around; to drift through the days
混日子 {v} /hùnrìzi/ :: to live paycheck to paycheck
混入 {v} /hùnrù/ :: to sneak into; to mix into (usually when one is not paying attention or otherwise undesirably)
混身 {n} /húnshēn,hùnshēn/ :: whole body
混水摸魚 {idiom} /húnshuǐmōyú,hùnshuǐmōyú,1nb/ :: alternative form of 渾水摸魚
混水摸鱼 {def} SEE: 混水摸魚 ::
混同 {v} /hùntóng/ :: to confuse; to mix up
混为一谈 {def} SEE: 混為一談 ::
混為一談 {idiom} /hùnwéi一tán/ :: to equate; to muddle; to confuse one thing for another
混爲一談 {def} SEE: 混為一談 ::
混淆 {v} /hùn淆,,hǔnxiáo,3nb/ :: to obscure; to blur; to mix up
混淆是非 {idiom} /hùn淆 shìfēi,,hǔnxiáo shìfēi,3nb/ :: to confuse right and wrong
混淆視聽 {idiom} /hùn淆shìtīng,,hǔnxiáoshìtīng,3nb/ :: to mislead the public with prevarication and deliberate falsehoods; to obscure the facts
混淆视听 {def} SEE: 混淆視聽 ::
混血 {n} /hùn血/ :: person of mixed blood
混血 {n} /hùn血/ :: hybrid
混血儿 {def} SEE: 混血兒 ::
混血兒 {n} /hùn血'ér/ :: person of mixed race
混殽 {def} SEE: 混淆 ::
混一 {v} [literary] /hùn一/ :: to mix together as one; to be unified; to be amalgamated
混一色 {n} [mahjong] /hùn一sè/ :: half flush; a winning hand composed of only honor tiles and tiles of a single suit
混音 {v} /hùnyīn/ :: to create a mixdown
混音 {n} /hùnyīn/ :: mixdown
混音版 {n} [music] /hùnyīnbǎn/ :: remix
混浴 {v} [of men and women] /hùnyù/ :: to bathe together
混杂 {def} SEE: 混雜 ::
混雜 {v} /hùnzá,hǔnzá,2nb/ :: to mix; to mingle
混战 {def} SEE: 混戰 ::
混戰 {n} /hùnzhàn/ :: tangled warfare; chaotic warfare
混戰 {v} [literary] /hùnzhàn/ :: to fight without any unified strategy; to fight in confused fighting; to be in total disarray; to have a battle in which every man is fighting for himself
混帐 {def} SEE: 混帳 ::
混帐东西 {def} SEE: 混帳東西 ::
混帐话 {def} SEE: 混帳話 ::
混帳 {adj} [term of abuse] /hùnzhàng,húnzhàng/ :: shameless; unreasonable; outrageous
混帳 {n} [term of abuse] /hùnzhàng,húnzhàng/ :: shameless person; idiot; son of a bitch; arsehole
混帳東西 {n} [term of abuse] /hùnzhàng dōngxi,húnzhàng dōngxi/ :: bastard; jerk
混帳話 {n} /hùnzhànghuà,húnzhànghuà/ :: impudent remark
混賬 {def} SEE: 混帳 ::
混账 {def} SEE: 混賬 ::
混浊 {def} SEE: 混濁 ::
混濁 {adj} /hùnzhuó/ :: muddy; turbid