User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-w - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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wad {n} (compact mass) :: 固まり /katamari/
wad {n} (substantial pile (normally of money)) :: /taba/
waddle {v} (To walk with short steps, tilting the body from side to side) :: よたよた歩く /yotayota aruku/, よちよち歩く /yochiyochi aruku/
Wade-Giles {prop} (transcription system for Mandarin) :: ウェード式 /Wēdo-shiki/
Wadjet {prop} (The patron goddess and namesake of the Ancient Egyptian city of Per-Wadjet.) :: ウアジェト /Uajeto/
wafer {n} (biscuit) :: ウエハース /uehāsu/
Waffen-SS {prop} (combat arm of the Schutzstaffel) :: 武装親衛隊 /Busō shin’eitai/
waffle {n} (flat pastry) :: ワッフル /waffuru/
waffle {n} (speech or writing that is vague) :: むだ口 /mudaguchi/
waffle {v} (to speak or write at length without any clear point or aim) :: ごちゃごちゃ言う /gochagocha iu/
wag {v} (to swing from side to side) :: 振る /furu/, 揺れる /yureru/
wage {n} (money paid to a worker) :: 給料 /きゅうりょう, kyūryō/, サラリー /sararī/, 賃金 /chingin/
wage {v} (to conduct or carry out) :: 行う /おこなう, okonau/
wage earner {n} (someone who works for wages) :: 賃金労働者 /chingin-rōdō-sha/
wager {n} (a stake; a pledge) :: 賭け /かけ, kake/
wager {n} (the subject of a bet) :: 賭け /かけ, kake/
waggle {v} (move with short, quick motions; wobble) :: 振る /furu/, 動かす /ugokasu/, ぐらぐら動かす /guragura ugokasu/
waggon {n} (wagon) SEE: wagon ::
Wagner {prop} (surname) :: ワーグナー /Wāgunā/
wagon {n} (four-wheeled cart for hauling loads, see also: cart) :: 荷馬車 /にばしゃ, nibasha/
wagtail {n} (various small passerine birds) :: 鶺鴒 /セキレイ, sekirei/
Wahhabism {prop} (branch of Sunni Islam) :: ワッハーブ派 /Wahhābu-ha/
wah-wah {adj} (modifying the resonance of musical notes to produce the effect of a human voice) :: ワウ /wau/
wai {n} (Thai greeting) :: ワイ /wai/
waifu {n} (a fictional character that one is attracted to) :: /よめ, yome/
wail {n} (loud cry or shriek) :: 泣き声 /nakigoe/, うなり /unari/
waist {n} (part of the body between the pelvis and the stomach) :: 胴のくびれ /どうのくびれ, dō no kubire/, 腰部 /ようぶ, yōbu/, 胴回り /どうまわり, dōmawari/
waistcoat {n} (a sleeveless, collarless garment) :: チョッキ /chokki/, ベスト /besuto/, ウェストコート /wesutokōto/, ウェスクット /wesuo/
waistline {n} (line around the body at the waist; its measurement) :: 胴回り /dōmawari/
waistline {n} (narrowest part of a garment) :: ウエスト /uesuto/
wait {v} (delay until some event) :: 待つ /まつ, matsu/
wait {v} (to serve customers) :: ウエイターする {m} /ueitā o suru/, ウエイトレスする {f} /ueitoresu o suru/
wait {n} (a delay) :: 待ち /machi/
wait {v} (transitive: delay until) SEE: await ::
waiter {n} (a server in a restaurant or similar) :: ウエーター /uētā/, ウエイター /ueitā/
wait for {v} (await) SEE: await ::
waiting {n} (the act of staying or remaining in expectation) :: 待つこと /matsu koto/
waiting list {n} (ordered list of people waiting to obtain a good or service) :: 順番待ちの名簿 /junban-machi no meibo/
waiting room {n} (room) :: 待合室 /まちあいしつ, machiaishitsu/
waitlist {n} (waiting list) SEE: waiting list ::
waitress {n} (female waiter) :: ウェイトレス /weitoresu/, ウエイトレス /ueitoresu/
wait up {v} (wait) :: 少々 /shōshō/
waka {n} (a kind of classical Japanese poem) :: 和歌 /わか, waka/
Wakayama {prop} (a city in Japan) :: 和歌山 /Wakayama/
wake {v} (to stop sleeping) :: 目覚める /mezameru/, 起きる /okiru/, 目が覚める /me ga sameru/
wake {v} (to make somebody stop sleeping) :: 起こす /okosu/
wake {n} (period after death) :: 通夜 /つや, tsuya/
wake {n} (path left behind a ship on the surface of the water) :: 航跡 /kōseki/
wakefield {n} (small area of strong potential gradient) :: 航跡場 /こうせきば, kōsekiba/
wake up {v} (to (become) awake) :: 目覚める /めざめる, mezameru/, 目を覚ます /めをさます, me o samasu/, 覚める /さめる, sameru/, 起きる /おきる, okiru/
wake up {v} (to awaken (someone else)) :: 目覚めさせる /めざめさせる, mezamesaseru/, 起こす /おこす, okosu/
wake-up call {n} (morning courtesy call) :: モーニングコール /mōningu-kōru/
Wakkanai {prop} (a city in Japan) :: 稚内 /わっかない, Wakkanai/
waldmeister {n} (herb) SEE: sweet woodruff ::
Wales {prop} (a constituent nation of the UK) :: ウェールズ /Wēruzu/
walk {v} (to move on the feet) :: 歩く /あるく, aruku/
walk {v} (to travel a distance by walking) :: 歩く /aruku/
walk {v} (to take for a walk) :: 散歩する /sanpo suru/
walk {v} (baseball: to allow to advance after four balls) :: 四球 /shikyū/
walk {v} (to traverse by walking (or analogous gradual movement)) :: 歩き回る /arukimawaru/
walk {n} (trip made by walking) :: 散歩 /さんぽ, sanpo/
walk {n} (distance walked) :: 徒歩 /toho/
walk {n} (maintained place on which to walk) :: 歩道 /hodō/
walk {n} (baseball: instance of walking a batter) :: 四球 /shikyū/, フォアボール /foa bōru/
walkie-talkie {n} (portable radio) :: トランシーバー /toranshībā/, ウォーキートーキー /wōkītōkī/
walking {n} (gerund of walk) :: 歩き /あるき, aruki/, 歩行 /ほこう, hokō/
walking cane {n} (walking stick) SEE: walking stick ::
walking dictionary {n} (person familiar with a wide range of specialized terms) :: 生き字引 /iki jibiki/
walking frame {n} (framework device, see also: baby walker) :: 歩行器 /ほこうき, hokōki/
walking stick {n} (cane) :: /つえ, tsue/, ステッキ /sutekki/
walking stick {n} (insect) SEE: stick insect ::
walk in the park {n} (something easy or pleasant) :: お易い御用 /おやすいごよう, o-yasui go-yō/
walkman {n} (any personal cassette player) :: ウォークマン /wōkuman/
walkout {n} (stoppage of work) SEE: strike ::
walk the plank {v} (to be forced to walk off the end of a plank of wood and plunge into the ocean and drown) :: 板歩きの刑 /いたあるきのけい, ita aru ki no kei/
walkthrough {n} ((video games) playthrough detailing the steps involved in winning the game) :: ウォークスルー /wōkusurū/
walkway {n} (clearly defined path) :: 歩道 /ほどう, hodō/
wall {n} (defensive rampart) :: /かべ, kabe/, 城壁 /じょうへき, jōheki/
wall {n} (structure built for defense surrounding an area) :: /かべ, kabe/
wall {n} (substantial structure acting as side or division in a building) :: /かべ, kabe/
wall {n} (anatomy, zoology, botany: divisive or containing structure) :: /かべ, kabe/
wall {v} (to enclose by surrounding with walls) :: 巡らせる /kabe o meguraseru/
wallaby {n} (Any of several species of Marsupial) :: ワラビー /warabī/
Wallachia {prop} (region in Romania) :: ワラキア /warakia/
wall bars {n} (exercise equipment) :: 肋木 /ろくぼく, rokuboku/
wall clock {n} (clock mounted on a wall) :: 掛け時計 /かけどけい, kakedokei/
wallet {n} (case for keeping money) :: 財布 /さいふ, saifu/, 札入れ /さついれ, satsuire/
wallflower {n} (socially awkward person) :: 壁の花 /かべのはな, kabe no hana/
wall hanging {n} (wall decoration) :: 掛軸 /かけじく, kakejiku/ [hanging scroll], 掛物 /かけもの, kakemono/
Wallis and Futuna {prop} (an overseas territory of France in Oceania) :: ワリー・エ・フトゥーナ諸島 /ワリー・エ・フトゥーナしょとう, warī e futūna shotō/
Walloon {prop} (Romance language) :: ワロン語 /waron-go/
Walloon {n} (an inhabitant of Wallonia) :: ワロン人 /waron-jin/
wallop {n} (a heavy blow, punch) :: パンチ /panchi/
wallow {v} (to immerse oneself in, to occupy oneself with, metaphorically) :: 溺れる /oboreru/
wallpaper {n} (decorative paper for walls) :: 壁紙 /かべがみ, kabegami/
wallpaper {n} (computing: image used to cover a desktop) :: 壁紙 /かべがみ, kabegami/
wallpaper {v} (to cover with wallpaper) :: 壁紙をはる /kabegami o haru/
walls have ears {proverb} (be careful about what you say) :: 壁に耳あり、 障子に目あり /かべにみみあり、 しょうじにめあり, kabe ni mimi ari, shōji ni me ari/, 壁に耳あり /かべにみみあり, kabe ni mimi ari/, 障子に目あり /しょうじにめあり, shōji ni me ari/ [sliding doors have eyes]
wall socket {n} (electricity power point) :: コンセント /konsento/, ソケット /soketto/
walnut {n} (tree) :: クルミ /kurumi no ki/
walnut {n} (nut) :: クルミ /kurumi/
walnut {n} (wood) :: クルミ /kurumizai/
walnut {n} (colour) :: くるみ /kurumiiro/
walnut {adj} (colour) :: くるみの (kurumiiro no)
walrus {n} (large Arctic marine mammal) :: セイウチ /seiuchi/, 海象 /せいうち, seiuchi, かいぞう, kaizō/
Walter {prop} (male given name) :: ウォルター /Worutā/
waltz {n} (a ballroom dance) :: ワルツ /warutsu/, 円舞曲 /enbukyoku/
wan {adj} (pale, sickly-looking) :: 青ざめた /aozameta/
wand {n} (hand-held narrow rod) :: 魔法のつえ /mahō no tsue/
wander {v} (to move without purpose or destination) :: ぶらつく /buratsuku/, さ迷う /さまよう, samayou/, うろつく /urotsuku/
wander {v} (to go somewhere indirectly) :: 迷う /mayou/
wander {v} (of the mind, to lose focus or clarity of argument or attention) :: 横道にそれる /yokomichi ni soreru/
wanderer {n} (one who wanders) :: 放浪者 /hōrōsha/
wanderlust {n} (a strong impulse or longing to travel) :: 旅心 /たびごころ, tabigokoro/
Wang {prop} (Wang: the Chinese surname) :: /おう, Ō/, ワン /Wan/ [transliteration]
wangle {v} (falsify) SEE: falsify ::
wank {v} (intransitive: to masturbate) :: めく /meku/
wank {v} (transitive: to masturbate) :: めく /meku/
wannabe {n} (someone who wishes something but lacks the qualifications) :: ワナビー /wanabī/, ワナビ /wanabi/, もどき /modoki/
want {v} (desire) :: 欲しい /ほしい, hoshii/, 欲する /ほっする, hossuru/, 望む /のぞむ, nozomu/, ...たい /...tai/ (-i verb base + -tai), ...たがる /...tagaru/ (-i verb base + -tagaru, 2nd and 3rd person, 1st person only in the form of "たがっても")
want {v} (lack) SEE: lack ::
want ad {n} (type of ad) :: 求人広告 /kyūjin kōkoku/
wanted {adj} (subject to immediate detainment) :: 指名手配中 /しめいてはいちゅう, shimei tehai chū/
wanted poster {n} (printed announcement) :: 指名手配 /shimei tehai/
wanton {adj} (capricious, reckless of morals or justice) :: 悪意のある /akui no aru/
waqf {n} (inalienable endowment for charity) :: ワクフ /wakufu/
war {n} (conflict involving organized use of arms) :: 戦争 /せんそう, sensō/, /いくさ, ikusa/
warble {v} (to sing like a bird, especially with trills) :: さえずる /saezuru/
war crime {n} (offense for violations of the law of war) :: 戦争犯罪 /せんそうはんざい, sensō hanzai/
war criminal {n} (person guilty of a war crime) :: 戦犯 /senpan/
ward {n} (administrative subdivision of cities) :: /く, ku/
ward {n} (part of a hospital where patients reside) :: 病室 /byōshitsu/ 病棟 /byōtō/
ward {n} (minor looked after by a guardian) :: 被後見人 /hikōken-nin/
ward {v} (To keep in safety; to watch; to guard) :: かわす /kawasu/, 撃退する, 追い払う, 寄せつけない, 退ける, 通さない
ward {v} (To defend; to protect) :: かわす /kawasu/, 撃退する, 追い払う, 寄せつけない, 退ける, 通さない
ward {v} (To fend off; to repel; to turn aside) :: かわす /kawasu/, 撃退する, 追い払う, 寄せつけない, 退ける, 通さない
warden {n} (a chief administrative officer of a prison) :: 刑務所長 /けいむしょちょう, keimusho-chō/, 看守 /かんしゅ, kanshu/ [warden]
warden {n} (an official charged with supervisory duties) :: 所長 /しょちょう, shochō/
ward off {v} (to parry, or turn aside) :: かわす /kawasu/
wardrobe {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
wardrobe {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse ::
wardrobe {n} (movable furniture for storing clothes) :: 洋服だんす /ようふくだんす, yōfukudansu/, 洋服箪笥 /ようふくだんす, yōfukudansu/, ワードローブ /wādorōbu/
wardrobe {n} (collection of clothing) :: 洋服一式 /yōfuku isshiki/
wardrobe malfunction {n} ((euphemism) an accidental instance of indecent exposure) :: ワードローブの機能不全 /wādorōbu no kinōfuzen/
ware {n} (product) :: 品 (shina)
warehouse {n} (A place for storing large amounts of products) :: 倉庫 /sōko/
warehouseman {n} (person who manages or works in a warehouse) :: 倉庫業者 /そうこぎょうしゃ, sōkogyōsha/
warez {n} (software illegally obtained or distributed) :: 割れ /ware/, 割れもの /waremono/, ワレズ /warezu/
warez {v} (copy illegally) :: 割る /waru/
warfare {n} :: 戦い /tatakai/, 戦争 /sensō/
warfarin {n} (anticoagulant) :: ワルファリン /warufarin/
war game {n} :: 軍事演習 /ぐんじえんしゅう, gunji enshū/, ウォーゲーム /wōgēmu/
warhead {n} (part of a missile, projectile, torpedo, rocket, or other munition) :: 弾頭 /だんとう, dantō/
warlock {n} (male magic-user) :: 魔法使い /まほうつかい, mahō tsukai/, 魔術師 /まじゅつし, majutsushi/
warlord {n} (high military officer in a warlike nation) :: 将軍 /しょうぐん, shōgun/
warm {adj} (having a temperature slightly higher than usual) :: [weather] 暖かい /あたたかい, atatakai/, [objects, feelings] 温かい /あたたかい, atatakai/, ホカホカ /Hokahoka/
warm {adj} (being something that causes warmth) :: 暖かい /あたたかい, atatakai/, 温かい /あたたかい, atatakai/
warm {adj} (caring, of relation to another person) :: 温かい /atatakai/
warm {v} (to make or keep warm) :: 暖める /atatameru/, 温める /atatameru/
warm {v} (to increasingly favour) :: 温める /atatameru/
warm-blooded {adj} (maintaining constant body temperature) SEE: endothermic ::
war memorial {n} (commemorial monument) :: 戦没者追悼 /せんぼつしゃついとう, senbotsu-sha-tsuitō/, 戦争祈念施設 /せんそうきねんしせつ, sensō-kinen-shisetsu/
warm front {n} (the trailing edge of a mass of cold air) :: 温暖前線 /おんだんぜんせん, ondanzensen/
warmly {adv} (in a manner maintaining warm temperature) :: 暖かく /atatakaku/
warmly {adv} (in a friendly manner) :: 心から /kokoro kara/
warmonger {n} (one who advocates war) :: 戦争屋 /sensōya/, 軍国主義者 /gunkokushugisha/, 鷹派 /takaha/, 強硬派 /kyōkōha/, 戦争好き /sensōzuki/
warm someone's heart {v} (warm the cockles of someone's heart) SEE: warm the cockles of someone's heart ::
warmth {n} (moderate heat; sensation of being warm) :: [temperature] 暖かさ /atatakasa/, [feelings] 温かみ /atatakami/
warmth {n} (friendliness, affection) :: 親密さ /しんみつ-さ, shinmitsu-sa/
warm the cockles of someone's heart {v} (to provide happiness to someone) :: 温める /こころをあたためる, kokoro o atatameru/
warm up {v} (to become warmer) :: 温まる /あたたまる, atatamaru/
warm up {v} (to reheat food) :: 加熱する /かねつする, kanetsu suru/
warm up {v} (to reach a normal operating temperature) :: 暖める /atatameru/ [transitive], 暖まる /atatamaru/ [intransitive], ウォームアップする /wōmuappu suru/ [of athlete]
warm-up {n} (The act of exercising or stretching in preparation for strenuous activity) :: ウォームアップ /wōmuappu/
warm-up {n} (Any act of preparation for a performance) :: ウォームアップ /wōmuappu/
warm-up {n} (A period of time allocated for performing warm-ups) :: ウォームアップ /wōmuappu/
warn {v} (to make someone aware of impending danger) :: 警告する /けいこく する, keikoku suru/, 言い聞かせる /いいきかせる, iikikaseru/
warn {v} (to notify someone of something) :: 知らせる /shiraseru/
warning {n} (instance of warning someone) :: 警告 /けいこく, keikoku/
warning {n} (something spoken or written that is intended to warn) :: 警告 /keikoku/
war of words {n} (heated exchange of statements) :: 舌戦 /ぜっせん, zessen/, 論戦 /ろんせん, ronsen/
warp {n} (threads running lengthwise) :: /tateito/, 縦糸 /tateito/
warped {adj} (in figurative sense) :: ひねくれた /hinekureta/
warped wall {n} (a type of obstacle course racing obstacle) :: そり立つ壁 /soritatsu kabe/
warplane {n} (aircraft for combat) :: 軍用機 /gun'yōki/
warrant {v} (to guarantee) :: 値する /atai suru/
warrant {n} (warrant officer) SEE: warrant officer ::
warrant {v} (to justify) SEE: justify ::
warrant {v} (to authorize) SEE: authorize ::
warrant officer {n} (member of military) :: 准士官 /じゅんしかん, junshikan/, 准尉 /じゅんい, juni/
warranty {n} (legal: an agreement which states that the goods or property in question will be in exactly the same state as promised) :: 保証 /ほしょう, hoshō/
warring {adj} (engaged in war; belligerent) :: 戦争中の /sensōchū no/, 戦乱の /senran no/
warrior {n} (person actively engaged in battle, conflict or warfare) :: 戦士 /せんし, senshi/, 武士 /ぶし, bushi/, 武人 /bujin/, 武者 /musha/
Warsaw {prop} (capital city of Poland) :: ワルシャワ /Warushawa/
Warsaw Pact {prop} (pact) :: ワルシャワ条約 /Warushawa jōyaku/
Warsaw Uprising {prop} (millitary operation) :: ワルシャワ蜂起
warship {n} (ship built or armed for naval combat) :: 軍艦 /ぐんかん, gunkan/, 戦艦 /せんかん, senkan/
wart {n} (type of growth occurring on the skin) :: /いぼ, ibo/
warthog {n} (a species of wild pig) :: 疣猪 /いぼいのしし, iboinoshishi/, イボイノシシ /iboinoshishi/
wartime {n} (period of a war) :: 戦時 /せんじ, senji/
war tuba {n} (acoustic locator) :: 九〇式大空中聴音機 /kyūjū-shiki dai kūchū chōonki/
Warwick {prop} (county town of Warwickshire) :: ウォリック /Worikku/
wary {adj} (cautious of danger; timorously or suspiciously prudent; circumspect; scrupulous) :: 用心深い /yōjin-bukai/
wasabi {n} (green Japanese condiment) :: 山葵 /わさび, wasabi/
wash {v} (to clean with water) :: 洗う /あらう, arau/
wash {v} (to clean oneself) :: 洗面する /senmen suru/
washable {adj} (capable of being washed without being damaged) :: 洗濯できる /sentaku dekiru/
washbasin {n} (basin used for washing, sink) :: 洗面器 /せんめんき, senmenki/, 洗面台 /せんめんだい, senmendai/
washbowl {n} (a sink in a bathroom, connected to a supply of water and a drain) :: 洗面器 /senmenki/
washbowl {n} (a basin for washing the face and hands) :: 洗面器 /senmenki/
washcloth {n} (cloth used to wash) :: ハンドタオル /hando taoru/
washer {n} (something that washes) :: 洗濯機 /sentakuki/
washer {n} (person who washes for a living) :: 洗濯女 /sentaku-onna/
washer {n} (flat disk) :: 座金 /zagane/, ワッシャー /wasshā/
washi {n} (paper) :: 和紙 /わし, washi/
washing {n} (action of the verb "to wash") :: 洗濯 /sentaku/
washing {n} (textiles that have been or are to be washed) :: 洗濯物 /sentakumono/
washing machine {n} (machine that washes clothes) :: 洗濯機 /せんたっき, sentakki; せんたくき, sentakuki/
washing powder {n} (powder for washing clothes) :: 洗剤 /せんざい, senzai/, 洗浄剤 /せんじょうざい, senjōzai/, 洗濯洗剤 /せんたくせんざい, sentaku senzai/
Washington {prop} (name) :: ワシントン /Washinton/
Washington {prop} (US state) :: ワシントン /ワシントンしゅう, Washinton-shū/
Washington, D.C. {prop} (federal capital of the United States of America) :: ワシントンDC /Washinton-DC/, ワシントンD.C. /Washinton-D.C./, [obsolete] 華盛頓 /Washinton/, [obsolete] 華府 /Kafu/
washlet {n} (washlet) :: ウォシュレット /woshuretto/
wash one's hands of {v} (absolve oneself of responsibility) :: 手を引く /te o hiku/
washroom {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
wash up {v} (wash one's hands and/or face (US)) :: 洗面する /せんめんする, senmen suru/, 手を洗う /てをあらい, te o arau/
wash up {v} (clean utensils, dishes, etc.) SEE: do the dishes ::
wasp {n} (insect) :: 雀蜂 /すずめばち, suzumebachi/, /はち, hachi/
waste {n} (useless by-products, garbage) :: ゴミ /gomi/
waste {n} (excrement or urine) :: /fun/
waste {n} (waste land, desolate region) :: 荒れ地 /arechi/
waste {n} (action of wasting, ineffective use) :: 無駄 /むだ, muda/, 無駄使い /むだづかい, muda-zukai/, 浪費 /ろうひ, rōhi/
waste {adj} (barren) :: 荒れた /areta/
waste {adj} (excess) :: 無駄 /muda/
waste {adj} (superfluous; needless) :: 不必要 /fuhitsuyō/
waste {v} (to destroy) :: 潰す /tsubusu/
waste {v} (to squander) :: 無駄にする /muda ni suru/, ふいにする /fui ni suru/
waste away {v} (lose energy) :: やせ衰える /yaseotoroeru/
wastebasket {n} (wastepaper basket) SEE: wastepaper basket ::
wastebasket {n} (garbage can) SEE: garbage can ::
wasteful {adj} (inclined to waste) :: 不経済な /fukeizai na/
wasteland {n} (region with no remaining resources; desert) :: 荒地 /あれち, arechi/
waste of time {n} (meaningless or fruitless activity) :: 時間の無駄 /じかんのむだ, jikan no muda/, 時間の浪費 /じかんのろうひ, jikan no rōhi/
wastepaper {n} (unwanted paper that has been discarded) :: 紙屑 /かみくず, kamikuzu/, 屑紙 /くずかみ, kuzukami/
wastepaper basket {n} (small open container for discarded paper) :: くずかご /kuzukago/
waste product {n} :: 廃棄物 /haikibutsu/
waste time {v} (allow time to elapse in an unproductive manner) :: 時間無駄過ごす /じかんをむだにすごす, jikan o muda ni sugosu/
wastewater {n} (water containing waste products) :: 廃水 /haisui/, 排水 /haisui/
wat {n} (Buddhist temple) :: 寺院 /じいん, ji'in/
watch {n} (portable or wearable timepiece) :: [wristwatch] 腕時計 /うでどけい, udedokei/, [pocket watch] 懐中時計 /かいちゅうとけい, kaichū-tokei/, [any watch or clock] 時計 /とけい, tokei/, ウオッチ /uotchi/
watch {n} (particular time period) :: 警戒 /けいかい, keikai/
watch {v} (to look at for a period of time) :: 見る /みる, miru/
watch {v} (to observe) :: 観察する /かんさつする, kansatsu suru/
watch {v} (to attend or guard) :: 見守る /みまもる, mimamoru/, 見張る /みはる, miharu/
watch {v} (to be wary) :: 見張る /みはる, miharu/
watchdog {n} (person) :: 監視委員会 /kanshi iinkai/, 監視者 /かんししゃ, kanshisha/, 監視人 /かんしにん, kanshinin/
watchdog {n} (dog) SEE: guard dog ::
watcher {n} (guard) SEE: guard ::
watchful {adj} (observant, vigilant and aware) :: 注意深い /chūi-bukai/
watchlist {n} (list for special attention) :: ウォッチリスト /wotchirisuto/
watchmaker {n} (person who repairs (and originally made) watches) :: 時計屋 /とけいや, tokeiya/
watchman {n} (guard) :: 警備員 /けいびいん, keibiin/, ウォッチマン /wotchiman/
watch out {v} (to use caution) :: 気を付ける /ki o tsukeru/
watch out {interj} (proceed with caution) :: 気を付けて! /きをつけて!, ki o tsukete!/
watch over {v} (to guard and protect) :: 見守る /mimamoru/
watchtower {n} (observation tower) :: 望楼 /ぼうろう, bōrō/
water {n} (amniotic fluid) SEE: amniotic fluid ::
water {n} (mineral water) SEE: mineral water ::
water {v} (to pour water into the soil surrounding (plants)) :: やる /みずをやる, mizu o yaru/
water {v} (to provide (animals) with water) :: やる /みずをやる, mizu o yaru/
water {v} (colloquial: to urinate) :: おしっこする /oshikko suru/, 小便する /shōben suru/
water {v} (dilute) :: 割る /mizu de waru/, 薄める /mizu de usumeru/
water {v} (to fill with or secrete water) :: 濡れる /nureru/ [sexual: to get wet], 分泌液出す /bunpitsueki o dasu/ [clinical: to secrete a liquid], 積み込む /mizu o tsumikomu/ [to take on (drinking) water, as a ship in resupply]
water {n} (clear liquid H₂O) :: /mizu/
water aerobics {n} (a form of aerobics done while in water) :: アクアビクス /akuabikusu/
water bear {n} (A member of the phylum Tardigrada) :: クマムシ /kumamushi/, 緩歩動物 /kanpodōbutsu/
waterbody {n} (significant accumulation of water) SEE: body of water ::
water bottle {n} (A bottle used for carrying water) :: 水筒 /suitō/
water buffalo {n} (large ungulate) :: 水牛 /すいぎゅう, suigyū/, スイギュウ /suigyū/, 呉牛 /ごぎゅう, gogyū/
water caltrop {n} (Trapa bicornis) :: /ヒシ, hishi/
water cannon {n} (device shooting water) :: 放水砲 /ほうすいほう, hōsuihō/, 放水銃 /ほうすいじゅう, hōsuijū/, 水大砲 /みずたいほう, mizutaihō/
water carrier {n} (Aquarius) SEE: Aquarius ::
water chestnut {n} (water caltrop) SEE: water caltrop ::
water clock {n} (device for measuring time) :: 水時計 /みずどけい, mizudokei/
water closet {n} (room with a toilet) SEE: toilet ::
water closet {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
watercolor {n} (a painting technique) SEE: watercolour ::
watercolor {n} (an artwork) SEE: watercolour ::
watercolor {n} (any paint used in this method) SEE: watercolour ::
watercolor {adj} (pertaining to the methods or products of watercolor) SEE: watercolour ::
watercolour {n} (pigment) :: ウォーターカラー /wōtā karā/
watercolour {n} (painting) :: 水彩画 /すいさいが, suisaiga/
watercolour {n} (genre) :: 水彩絵の具 /suisai enogu/
watercourse {n} (channel through which water flows) :: 水路 /すいろ, suiro/
watercress {n} (Nasturtium officinale) :: クレソン /kureson/, オランダガラシ /orandagarashi/
watercress {n} (Nasturtium microphyllum) :: クレソン /kureson/
waterdog {n} (axolotl) SEE: axolotl ::
water down {v} (to dilute) :: 薄める /みず で うすめる, mizu de usumeru/, 希釈する /きしゃく-する, kisyaku-suru/
waterfall {n} (flow of water over the edge of a cliff) :: /たき, taki/, 瀑布 /ばくふ, bakufu/
waterfall {n} (waterfall-like outpouring) :: /たき, taki/
waterfowl {n} (birds that spend most of their non-flying time on water) :: 水鳥 /suichō/
Watergate {prop} (scandal) :: ウォーターゲート事件 /ウォーターゲートじけん, Wōtāgēto jiken/, ウォーターゲート /Wōtāgēto/
water gun {n} (toy gun used to shoot water) SEE: squirt gun ::
water heater {n} (appliance for heating water) :: 給湯器 /きゅうとうき, kyūtōki/, 湯沸かし器 /ゆわかしき, yuwakashiki/
water hemlock {n} (plant in the genus Cicuta) SEE: cowbane ::
watering can {n} (utensil for watering plants) :: じょうろ /jōro/
watering pot {n} (watering can) SEE: watering can ::
waterish {adj} (watery) SEE: watery ::
water level {n} (level of a body of water) :: 水位 /suii/
water level {n} (waterline of a ship) :: 喫水線 /kissuisen/
water lily {n} (Any members of Nymphaeaceae) :: スイレン /suiren/, 睡蓮 /すいれん, suiren/
waterline {n} (line on the hull of a ship) :: 喫水線 /kissuisen/
waterlogged {adj} :: 浸水した /shinsui shita/
watermark {n} (translucent design impressed on paper) :: 透かし /すかし, sukashi/
watermelon {n} (plant) :: スイカ /suika/ (西瓜)
watermelon {n} (fruit) :: スイカ /suika/ (西瓜 /すいか, suika/)
water meter {n} (device for measuring water usage volume) :: 水道メーター /suidō-mētā/
watermill {n} (mill powered by water) :: 水車小屋 /すいしゃごや, suishagoya/, 水車場 /すいしゃば, suishaba/
water of crystallization {n} (water present in crystals) :: 結晶水 /けっしょうすい, kesshōsui/
water park {n} (aquapark) SEE: aquapark ::
water pistol {n} (toy gun used to shoot water) SEE: squirt gun ::
water pollution {n} (water pollution) :: 水質汚染 /すいしつおせん, suishitsu-osen/
water polo {n} (a water sport) :: 水球 /すいきゅう, suikyū/, ウォーターポロ /uōtāporo/
water pox {n} (A common childhood disease caused by virus) :: 水疱瘡 /mizubōsō/, 水痘 /suidō/
waterproof {adj} (unaffected by water) :: 防水の /ぼうすいの, bōsui-no/
waterproof {adj} (made or covered with material that doesn't let water in) :: 防水の /ぼうすいの, bōsui-no/
waterproof {v} (to make waterproof or water-resistant) :: 防水加工する /bousui-kakō suru/
water rail {n} (Rallus aquaticus) :: 水鶏 /kuina/
water's edge {n} (edge of a body of water) :: 水際 /migiwa/
watershed {n} (drainage basin) SEE: drainage basin ::
waterside {n} (land bordering water) :: 水辺 /suihen, mizube/
waterside {adj} (situated on a waterside) :: 水辺の /suihen no, mizuabe no/
water skiing {n} (water sport) :: 水上スキー /suijō sukī/
water slide {n} (a recreational slide with water flowing down it) :: ウォータースライダー /wōtā suraidā/, ウォータースライド /wōtā suraido/
waterspout {n} (channel through which water is discharged) :: 雨樋 /あまどい, amadoi/
water strider {n} (any of a number of predatory insects in the family Gerridae) :: 飴棒 /amenbo/
watertight {adj} (tightly made) :: 通さない /mizu o tōsanai/, 水密の /すいみつの, suimitsu no/
water tower {n} (tank of water) :: 給水塔 /きゅうすいとう, kyūsuitō/
water under the bridge {n} (something in the past that cannot be controlled but must be accepted) :: 終わったこと /owatta koto/
water vapor {n} (water in a gaseous state) :: 水蒸気 /すいじょうき, suijōki/
water vapor {n} (steam) :: 蒸気 /じょうき, jōki/
water vapor pressure {n} (saturation vapor pressure of water) :: 飽和水蒸気圧 /hōwasuijōkiatsu/
water vole {n} (Old World vole) :: ミズハタネズミ /mizuhatanezumi/, 水畑鼠 /mizuhatanezumi/
waterway {n} (navigable body of water) :: 水路 /すいろ, suiro/
water wheel {n} (wheel propelled by water) :: 水車 /すいしゃ, suisha/
waterwheel plant {n} (Aldrovanda vesiculosa) :: 狢藻 /ムジナモ, mujinamo/
water wing {n} (inflatable plastic band worn on the upper arms) :: 浮き輪 /ukiwa/
watery {adj} (wet, soggy or soaked with water) :: 水っぽい /mizuppoi/
watery {adj} (tearful) SEE: tearful ::
watt {n} (derived unit of power) :: ワット /watto/
wattage {n} (An amount or power (especially electric), expressed in watts, kilowatts etc) :: ワット数 /wattosuu/
waulk {v} (full) SEE: full ::
wave {v} (to wave one’s hand) :: 振り動かす /ふりうごかす, furiugokasu/
wave {n} (moving disturbance, undulation) :: /なみ, nami/, 周波 /しゅうは, shūha/
wave dash {n} (symbol) :: 波ダッシュ /nami dasshu/
wavefunction {n} (notion in quantum mechanics) :: 波動関数 /hadō kansū/
waveguide {n} (a structure which guides waves) :: 導波路 /どうはろ, dōharo/
wavelength {n} (the length of a single cycle of a wave) :: 波長 /hachō/
wave mechanics {n} (mathematical basis for quantum mechanics) :: 波動力学
wave packet {n} (collection of waves) :: 波束 /はそく, hasoku/
wave packet {n} (probability wave) :: 波束 /はそく, hasoku/
wave-particle duality {n} (concept applying to matter and radiation) :: 粒子と波動の二重性 /りゅうしとはどうのにじゅうせい, ryūshi to hadō no nishūsē/
waver {v} (to sway back and forth) :: 揺らぐ /yuragu/
waver {v} (to shake or tremble) :: 揺らぐ /yuragu/
wavy {adj} :: くねくねした /kunekune shita/, ウエーブのかかった /uēbu no kakatta/
wax {n} (oily, water-resistant substance) :: /ろう, rō/, ワックス /wakkusu/, 蜜蝋 /みつろう, mitsurō/
wax {n} (preparation containing wax, used as a polish) :: ワックス /wakkusu/
wax {v} (of the moon: appear larger each night) :: 満ちる /michiru/
wax {n} (beeswax) SEE: beeswax ::
wax {n} (earwax) SEE: earwax ::
wax gourd {n} (vine) SEE: winter melon ::
wax gourd {n} (fuzzy melon fruit) SEE: winter melon ::
waxing {n} (cosmetic procedure) :: ワックス脱毛 /wakkusu datsumō/
wax paper {n} (semi-translucent, moisture-proof paper made with a waxy coating) :: 蝋紙 /ろうがみ, rōgami/
waxwork {n} (a wax figure, an effigy of a famous person) :: 蝋人形 /ろうにんぎょう, rōningyō/
way {adv} (very) SEE: very ::
way {adv} (far) SEE: far ::
way {n} (road, direction, path) :: /みち, michi/
way {n} (method or manner) :: 手段 /shudan/, 手口 /teguchi/, 方法 /hōhō/, 仕方 /shikata/
way {adv} (much) SEE: much ::
wayfarer {n} (traveller) :: 旅人 /tabibito/, トレッカー /torekkā/
way in {n} (entrance) :: 入り口 /iriguchi/
waylay {v} (to lie in wait for and attack from ambush) :: 待ち伏せする /まちぶせする, machibuse suru/
Wayne {prop} (male given name) :: ウェイン /Wein/, ウェーン /Wēn/
way of life {n} (style of living) :: 生活様式 /せいかつようしき, seikatsu yōshiki/, 生き方 /いきかた, ikikata/, ライフスタイル /raifusutairu/
way out {n} (exit) SEE: exit ::
way too {adv} (all too, much too, to a degree that is very excessive) :: 過ぎる (すぎる) /sugiru/
way too {adv} :: とても /totemo/, かなり /kanari/, 非常に /ひじょうに, hijōni/, 凄く /すごく, sugoku/, 大変 /たいへん, taihen/, 大分 /だいぶ, daibu/, 随分 /ずいぶん, zuibun/, ずっと /zutto/, めちゃ /mecha/, めっちゃ /metcha/ [slang, Kansai], /ちょう, chō/ [slang], ばり /bari/ [Hakata], つるつる /tsuru tsuru/ [Fukui], どえらい、でら /doerai, dera/
we {pron} (the speakers, or the speaker(s) and other person(s) not being addressed (exclusive we: he or she or they and I)) :: 私達 /わたしたち, watashitachi/, 我ら /われら, warera/, 我々 /われわれ, wareware/, 僕ら /ぼくら, bokura/, [mainly vulgar/informal] 俺達 /おれたち, oretachi/, [dialect] 俺等 /おいら, oira/, うち /uchi/, 僕達 /ぼくたち, bokutachi/, 私ども /わたしども, watashidomo/
weak {adj} (lacking in force or ability) :: 弱い /よわい, yowai/
weak {adj} (dilute, lacking in taste or potency) :: 薄い /うすい, usui/
weak {adj} (grammar: regular in inflection) :: 弱変化の /じゃくへんかの, jakuhenka no/
weak {adj} (physics: one of the four fundamental forces associated with nuclear decay) :: 弱い /よわい, yowai/
weak {adj} (slang: bad or uncool) :: ださい /dasai/
weaken {v} (to make weaker) :: 弱くする /yowaku suru/
weaken {v} (to become weaker) :: 弱くなる /yowaku naru/, 衰える /otoroeru/, 弱気になる /yowaki ni naru/
weakling {n} (person of weak character) :: 弱虫 /よわむし, yowamushi/
weakness {n} (condition of being weak) :: 弱さ /yowasa/, 弱小 /jakushō/, 脆弱 /zeijaku/
weakness {n} (fault) :: 弱点 /jakuten/, 弱み /yowami/, 泣き所 /nakidokoro/
weakness {n} (special fondness) :: 弱み /yowami/
weak nuclear force {n} (one of the fundamental forces) :: 弱い核力 /yowai kakuryoku/
weak spot {n} :: 弱点
wealth {n} (riches; valuable material possessions) :: 財産 /ざいさん, zaisan/, /とみ, tomi/, /たから, takara/, 富裕 /ふゆう, fuyū/
wealth {n} (great amount; an abundance or plenty, usually of money) :: 豊富 /hōfu/
wealth {n} (power, of the kind associated with a great deal of money) :: /tomi/
wealthy {adj} (rich) :: 裕福な /yūfuku na/, 豊かな /ゆたかな, yutaka na/, 富有な /ふゆうな, fuyū na/, 金持の /かねもちの, kanemochi no/
wean {v} (to cease to depend on the mother for nourishment) :: 乳離れさせる /chichibanare saseru/
wean {v} (to cease to depend) :: やめさせる /yame saseru/
weaning {n} (process of a child or animal ceasing to be dependent on the mother for nourishment) :: 卒乳 {m} /そつにゅう, sotsunyū/
weapon {n} (instrument of attack or defense in combat) :: 武器 /ぶき, buki/, 兵器 /へいき, heiki/
weapon of mass destruction {n} (weapon causing large-scale death or destruction) :: 大量破壊兵器 /tairyō hakai heiki/, 反応兵器 /hannouheiki/
wear {v} (to have on (clothes)) :: [upper body] 着る /きる, kiru/, 掛ける /かける, kakeru/, [lower body] 履く /はく, haku/, [head] 被る /かぶる, kaburu/
wear {v} (to erode due to use) :: 擦り切れる /surikireru/
wear {n} (clothing) :: /fuku/, 着物 /kimono/
wear {n} (damage) :: 疲労 /hirō/
wear away {v} (erode gradually) :: [intransitive] 擦り減る /suriheru/, [transitive] 擦り減らす /suriherasu/
wearing {adj} (causing tiredness) :: 疲れる /tsukareru/
wear off {v} (to diminish in effect) :: 消える /kieru/
wear off {v} (to disappear because of being abraded, over-polished, or abused) :: 消える /kieru/
wear out {v} (to cause to become damaged, useless, or ineffective through continued use) :: 擦り減らす /suriherasu/
wear out {v} (to deteriorate or become unusable or ineffective due to continued use, exposure, or strain) :: 擦り減る /suriheru/
wear out {v} (to exhaust; to cause or contribute to another's exhaustion, fatigue, or weariness) :: 疲れさせる /tsukaresaseru/
wear out {v} (to become exhausted, tired, fatigued, or weary) :: 疲れる /tsukareru/
wear rose-colored glasses {v} (to be excessively optimistic) :: 色眼鏡掛ける /iromegane o kakeru/, 色眼鏡見る /iromegane de miru/ [also “to be excessively pessimistic”]
weary {adj} (tired, fatigued) :: 疲れた /tsukareta/
weary {adj} (expressive of fatigue) :: 疲れた /tsukareta/
weasel {n} (least weasel, Mustela nivalis) :: イタチ /itachi/, /いたち, itachi/, 鼬鼠 /いたち, itachi/, 飯綱 /いいずな, īzuna/
weather {n} (state of the atmosphere) :: 天気 /てんき, tenki/, 天候 /てんこう, tenkō/, 気象 /きしょう, kishō/
weather {v} (to endure an event) :: 乗り切る /norikiru/
weather {n} (situation) SEE: situation ::
weather-beaten {adj} (damaged by exposure to the weather) :: 風雨にさらされた /fūu ni sarasareta/
weathercock {n} (weather vane) :: 風見鶏 /kazamidori/
weather forecast {n} (prediction of future weather) :: 天気予報 /てんきよほう, tenki yohō/
weather forecaster {n} (person who forecasts the weather) :: 気象予報士 /kishō yohōshi/
weather front {n} (boundary between two masses of air) :: 前線 /ぜんせん, zensen/
weatherman {n} (weather forecaster) :: 天気予報係 /tenki yohō-gakari/
weatherperson {n} (weatherman) SEE: weatherman ::
weather report {n} (translations) :: 天気予報 /てんきよほう, tenki yohō/
weather satellite {n} (weather satellite) :: 気象衛星 /きしょうえいせい, kishōeisei/
weather vane {n} (a device showing the direction of the wind) :: 風見鶏 /kazamidori/
weave {v} (to form something by passing strands of material over and under one another) :: [rough yarns such as a sweater] 編む /あむ, amu/, [fine yarns such as fabric or cloth] 織る /おる, oru/
weave {v} (to spin a cocoon or a web) :: 張る /はる, haru/
weave {n} (a type or way of weaving) :: 編み方 /ami-kata/
weave {v} (to weave) :: 縫う /nuu/
weaver {n} (one who weaves) :: 織工 /しょっこう, shokkō/
web {n} (the World Wide Web (also spelled Web)) :: ウェブ /webu/
web {n} (spiderweb) SEE: spiderweb ::
web browser {n} (a computer program used to navigate the World Wide Web) :: ブラウザ /burauza/, ウェブブラウザ /webu burauza/
webcam {n} (video camera viewed over a network) :: ウェブカメラ /webukamera/
web conference {n} (meeting, presentation or communication conducted via the World Wide Web) :: ウェブ会議 /webu kaigi/
web design {n} (creation of web pages) :: ウェブデザイン /webu dezain/
web designer {n} (person who designs and creates web sites) :: ウェブデザイナー /webu dezainā/
weber {n} (derived unit of magnetic flux) :: ウェーバ /wēba/
web hosting {n} (service) :: ウェブホスティング /webuhosutingu/
webinar {n} (interactive seminar conducted via Internet) :: ウェビナー /webinā/
weblog {n} (blog) SEE: blog ::
web page {n} (a single page in a website) :: ホームページ /hōmu pēji/, ウェブページ /webu pēji/
web server {n} (software) :: ウェブサーバー /webusābā/
website {n} (a collection of pages on the World Wide Web) :: ウェブサイト /webusaito/, サイト /saito/
WeChat {prop} (app) :: ウェイシン, ウィーチャット
wed {v} (to join in matrimony) :: 結婚する /けっこんする, kekkon suru/
wed {v} (transitive: to take as one's spouse) :: 結婚する /けっこんする, kekkon suru/
wed {v} (intransitive: to take a spouse) :: 結婚する /けっこんする, kekkon suru/; [male's action] 娶る /めとる, metoru/
Wed {n} (abbreviation of Wednesday) :: /sui/, 水曜 /suiyō/
wedding {n} (marriage ceremony) :: 結婚式 /けっこんしき, kekkonshiki/
wedding cake {n} (cake used as part of a wedding ceremony) :: ウェディングケーキ /wedingu kēki/
wedding dress {n} (the clothing worn by a bride during a wedding ceremony) :: ウェディングドレス /wedingu-doresu/, 花嫁衣装 /はなよめいしょう, hanayome ishō/
wedding gown {n} (wedding dress) SEE: wedding dress ::
wedding ring {n} (a ring symbolizing marriage) :: 結婚指輪 /kekkon yubiwa/
wedge {n} (simple machine) :: /くさび, kusabi/, ウェッジ /wedji/
wedge {n} (piece of food etc.) :: 一切れ /hitokire/
wedge {n} (typography: háček) SEE: háček ::
wedge-tailed eagle {n} (eaglehawk) SEE: eaglehawk ::
wedgie {n} (prank in which a person's underpants are pulled up sharply) :: ウェッジー /wedjī/
Wednesday {n} (day of the week) :: 水曜日 /すいようび, suiyōbi/, 水曜 /すいよう, suiyō/
wee {adj} (small, little) :: 小っちゃい /ちっちゃい, chitchai/
wee {n} :: おしっこ /oshikko/
weed {n} (cigar) SEE: cigar ::
weed {n} (the weed) SEE: tobacco ::
weed {n} (unwanted plant) :: 雑草 /ざっそう, zassō/
weed {n} (underbrush; low shrubs) :: /shiba/
weed {n} (slang: marijuana) :: クサ /kusa/
weed {n} (informal: puny person) :: ヒヨッコ /hiyokko/, 役立たず /yakutatazu/
weed {v} (to remove weeds from) :: [phrase] 雑草を抜く /zassō o nuku/, 草取りをする /kusatori o suru/, 雑草をとる /zassō o toru/
weed {n} (duckweed) SEE: duckweed ::
weedkiller {n} (chemical that destroys unwanted plants) :: 除草剤 /josōzai/
weed out {v} (to remove unwanted elements) :: 取り除く /torinozoku/
week {n} (period of seven days) :: /しゅう, shū/, 週間 /しゅうかん, shūkan/
weekday {n} (weekday) :: 平日 /heijitsu/, ウィークデー /wīkudē/, 週日 /しゅうじつ, shūjitsu/
weekend {n} (break in the working week) :: 週末 /しゅうまつ, shūmatsu/, 土日 /donichi/
weekly {adv} (once every week) :: 毎週 /まいしゅう, maishū/
weekly {adv} (every week) :: 毎週 /maishū/
weekly {adj} (happening once a week or every week) :: 毎週の /maishū no/
weekly {n} (publication that is published once a week) :: 週刊 /しゅうかん, shūkan/
weep {v} (to cry, shed tears) :: 泣く /なく, naku/, すすり泣く /susurinaku/, しくしく泣く /shikushiku naku/
weeping willow {n} (Salix babylonica) :: 枝垂柳 /shidareyanagi/, シダレヤナギ /shidareyanagi/
weevil {n} (beetle in the superfamily Curculionoidea) :: 象虫 /ぞうむし, zōmushi/, ゾウムシ /zōmushi/
wee-wee {n} :: おちんちん /ochinchin/ [male]
wee-wee {v} :: おしっこをする /oshikko o suru/
weft {n} (horizontal threads) :: 横糸 /yokoito/, /yokoito/
weigh {v} (to determine the weight of an object) :: 重さを計る /omosa o hakaru/, 量る /はかる, hakaru/
weigh {v} (to consider a subject) :: 気に掛ける /kinikakeru/
weigh {v} (nautical: to raise an anchor) :: 抜錨する /batsubyō suru/, 錨を上げる /ikari o ageru/
weigh anchor {v} (raise the anchor) :: 抜錨 /ばつびょう, batsubyou/
weighing machine {n} (a mechanical device for determing the weight of an object or person) :: /はかり/
weight {n} (physics: mass) SEE: mass ::
weight {n} (force due to gravity) :: [objects] 重さ /omosa/, [general] 重量 /jūryō/, [living things] 体重 /taijū/
weight {n} (object to make something heavier) :: 重り /omori/
weight {n} (standardized measuring weight) :: 分銅 /fundō/
weight {n} (weight for training muscles) :: 重り /omori/
weight {n} (statistics: multiplier) :: 重さ /omosa/, 重み /omomi/
weightlessness {n} (having zero weight) :: 無重力 /むじゅうりょく, mujūryoku/, 無重量 /むじゅうりょう, mujūryō/
weightlessness {n} (experience or instance of being weightless) :: 無重力 /むじゅうりょく, mujūryoku/, 無重量 /むじゅうりょう, mujūryō/
weightlifter {n} (person who competes for maximum weight lifted) :: 重量挙げ選手 /jūryōage senshu/
weightlifting {n} (form of exercise) :: 重量挙げ /じゅうりょうあげ, jūryōage/
weightlifting {n} (sport in which competitors lift heavy weights) :: 重量挙げ /じゅうりょうあげ, jūryōage/, ウエイトリフティング /ueitorifutingu/
weigh up {v} (assess a situation) :: 評価する /hyōka suru/
Weimar Republic {prop} (Germany between 1919 and 1933) :: ワイマル共和国 /Waimaru Kyōwakoku/, ヴァイマル共和政 /Waimaru Kyōwasei/
weir {n} (adjustable dam) :: /せき, seki/
weird {adj} (having an unusually strange character or behaviour) :: /へん, hen/
weird {adj} (deviating from the normal; bizarre) :: /へん, hen/
weirdo {n} (strange person) :: 変な人 /hen na hito/
Wei River {prop} (major river in west-central China's Gansu and Shaanxi provinces) :: 渭水 /いすい, Isui/, 渭河 /いが, Iga/
welcome {adj} (whose arrival is a cause of joy) :: 歓迎すべき /kangei subeki/
welcome {interj} (greeting given upon someone's arrival) :: ようこそ /yōkoso/, いらっしゃいませ /irasshaimase/, いらっしゃい /irasshai/
welcome {n} (act of greeting someone's arrival) :: 歓迎 /かんげい, kangei/
welcome {n} (utterance of such a greeting) :: 歓迎 /かんげい, kangei/, 挨拶 /あいさつ, aisatsu/
welcome {v} (affirm or greet the arrival of someone) :: 歓迎する /かんげいする, kangei suru/
welcome {v} (to accept willingly) :: うれしく思う /ureshiku omou/
welcome back {phrase} (welcome back) :: お帰りなさい /おかえりなさい, okaerinasai/, お帰り /おかえり, okaeri/
weld {v} (to join materials (especially metals) by applying heat) :: 溶接する /ようせつする, yōsetsu suru/
welder {n} (one who welds) :: 溶接工 /ようせつこう, yōsetsukō/
welding {n} (action or process of welding) :: 溶接 /Yōsetsu/
welfare {n} (health, safety, well-being, happiness and prosperity) :: 幸せ /しあわせ, shiawase/, 幸福 /こうふく, kōfuku/
welfare {n} (aid, provided by a government, etc.) :: 福祉 /ふくし, fukushi/
welfare state {n} (social system in which the state takes overall responsibility for the welfare of its citizens) :: 福祉国家 /fukushi kokka/
welfare state {n} (country in which such a system operates) :: 福祉国家 /fukushi kokka/
welkin {n} (sky) SEE: sky ::
well {adv} (accurately; competently) :: 良く /よく, yoku/
well {adv} (completely; fully) :: 良く /よく, yoku/
well {adv} (to a significant degree) :: 良く /よく, yoku/
well {adj} (in good health) :: 元気 /げんき, genki/
well {interj} (used to introduce a statement that may be contrary to expectations) :: うーん /ūn/, ええと /ēto/, あのう /anō/
well {interj} (exclamation of surprise) :: おやおや /oya-oya/
well {interj} (used in conversation to fill space) :: ええと /ēto/, あのう /anō/
well {n} (hole sunk into the ground) :: 井戸 /いど, ido/
well {v} (to issue forth) :: にじみ出る /nijimideru/
well {n} (cockpit of a sailing boat) SEE: cockpit ::
well-balanced {adj} (properly balanced; in equilibrium) :: 常識のある /jōshiki no aru/
well-balanced {adj} (mentally stable and free from psychological disorder) :: バランスの取れた /baransu no toreta/
well-behaved {adj} (having good manners and acting properly) :: 行儀のいい /gyōgi no ii/
well-being {n} (state of health, happiness and/or prosperity) :: 福利 /ふくり, fukuri/, 福祉 /ふくし, fukushi/
well done {interj} (exclamation of praise) :: 良くやった! /よくやった!, yoku yatta!/, 善哉! /ぜんざい!, zenzai!/, 天晴れ! /あっぱれ!, appare!/
well-established {adj} (well-known) SEE: well-known ::
Wellington {prop} (capital of New Zealand) :: ウェリントン /Werinton/
well-known {adj} (familiar, widely known) :: 名高い /なだかい, nadakai/
well-read {adj} (well informed and knowledgeable because of having read extensively) :: 多読の /たどくの, tadoku no/
Welsh {n} (language) :: ウェールズ語 /Wēruzu-go/
Welsh {n} (collectively, people of Wales) :: ウェールズ人 /Wēruzu-jin/
Welsh cake {n} (sweet griddle-baked flatbread) :: ウェルシュケーキ /werushukēki/
Welsh onion {n} (Allium fistulosum) SEE: spring onion ::
weltanschauung {n} (worldview) SEE: worldview ::
Wen {prop} (Chinese surname) :: /おん, On/, ウェン /Wen/
Wend {n} (Slav) SEE: Slav ::
wendigo {n} (malevolent and violent cannibal spirit in Anishinaabe, Ojibwe, and Cree mythology) :: ウェンディゴ
Wendish {adj} (Sorbian) SEE: Sorbian ::
Wendish {prop} (Sorbian) SEE: Sorbian ::
Wendy {prop} (female given name) :: ウェンディ /Wendi/
Wenzhou {prop} (city in China) :: 温州 /おんしゅう, Onshū; うんしゅう, Unshū/
were- {prefix} (man) :: 人間 /ningen/
werebear {n} (shapeshifter) :: 熊人間 /kuma ningen/, 熊男 /kumao/, 人熊 /jinyū/, 熊人 /yūjin/
werecat {n} (shapeshifter assuming the shape of a cat) :: 猫人間 /neko ningen/
werefox {n} (shapeshifter assuming the shape of a fox) :: 狐人間 /kitsune ningen/
werehyena {n} (shapeshifter assuming the shape of a hyena) :: ハイエナ人間 /haiena ningen/
werejaguar {n} (shapeshifter) :: ジャガー人間 /jagā ningen/
wereleopard {n} (shapeshifter assuming the shape of a leopard) :: 豹人間 /hyō ningen/
werelion {n} (shapeshifter assuming the shape of a lion) :: ライオン人間 /raion ningen/
wererat {n} (shapeshifter who can assume the shape of a rat) :: 鼠人間 /nezumi ningen/, 鼠男 /nezumi otoko/, 人鼠 /jinso/
weretiger {n} (shapeshifter who can assume the shape of a tiger) :: 虎人間 /tora ningen/, 虎人 /kojin/, 人虎 /jinko/, 虎男 /torao/
werewolf {n} (wolflike human) :: 狼男 /おおかみおとこ, ōkamiotoko/, 人狼 /じんろう, jinrō/, 狼人 /ろうじん, rōjin/
west {n} (compass point) :: 西 /にし, nishi/, 西方 /せいほう, seihō/
west {adj} (towards the west) :: 西 /にし, nishi/
west {adj} (western) :: 西部 /せいぶ, seibu/
west {adj} (occidental) :: 西洋 /せいよう, seiyō/, 欧米 /おうべい, ōbei/
west {adv} (towards the west) :: 西へ /nishi e/
West {prop} (Western world) :: 西洋 /せいよう, Seiyō/, 欧米 /おうべい, Ō-Bei/
West {prop} (Western Europe, non-Cold War concept) :: 西洋 /せいよう, Seiyō/
West {prop} (Western states of the United States) :: 西部 /せいぶ, seibu/
West Bank {prop} (territory) :: ヨルダン川西岸地区 /Yorudan gawa seigan chiku/, 西岸地区 /せいがんちく, seigan chiku/
West Bengal {prop} (state) :: 西ベンガル州 /Nishi-Bengaru-shū/, 西ベンガル /Nishi-Bengaru/
west by north {n} (compass point) :: 西微北 /seibihoku/
west by south {n} (compass point) :: 西微南 /seibinan/
West Coast {prop} (the western seaboard of the United States) :: 西海岸 /nishi kaigan/, ウエストコースト /Uesuto Kōsuto/
western {adj} (pertaining to the west) :: 西の /にしの, nishi no/, 西方の /せいほうの, seihō no/
western {n} (film or other dramatic work) :: 西部劇 /せいぶげき, seibugeki/, ウェスタン /wesutan/
Western {adj} (of, situated in, or related to the West) SEE: western ::
Western Asia {prop} (the westernmost subregion of Asia) :: 西アジア /Nishi Ajia/
Western Australia {prop} (state of Australia) :: 西オーストラリア /Nishi-Ōsutoraria/
western barn owl {n} (Tyto alba furcata) :: メンフクロウ /menfukurō/
western cattle egret {n} (Bubulcus ibis) :: アマサギ /amasagi/
westerner {n} (inhabitant of Europe and the Americas) :: 西洋人 /せいようじん, seiyōjin/, 欧米人 /おうべいじん, ōbeijin/
Western Europe {prop} (Western Europe) :: 西ヨーロッパ /にしヨーロッパ, Nishi Yōroppa/
Western Hemisphere {prop} (hemisphere of the Earth) :: 西半球 /にしはんきゅう, nishihankyū/
westernization {n} (assimilation of the western culture) :: 欧米化 /ōbeika/, 西洋化 /seiyōka/
western osprey {n} (Pandion haliaetus) SEE: osprey ::
Western Sahara {prop} (a territory in northern Africa) :: 西サハラ /Nishi Sahara/
Western Samoa {prop} (the former name of Samoa) :: 西サモア /にしさもあ, Nishi Samoa/
western sandpiper {n} (Calidris mauri) :: ヒメハマシギ /himehamashigi/
western slaty antshrike {n} (bird) :: ニシハイイロアリモズ /nishi haiiro arimozu/
Western-style toilet {n} (Western-style toilet - translation entry) :: 洋式トイレ /ようしきトイレ, yōshiki toire/
Western Wall {prop} (ancient wall in Jerusalem, remnant of the Jewish Second Temple) :: 嘆きの壁 /なげきのかべ, Nageki no Kabe/
West Frisian {prop} (language spoken in Friesland) :: 西フリジア語 /Nishi-furijia-go/, フリジア語 /Furijia-go/
West Germany {prop} (former European country) :: 西ドイツ /Nishi doitsu/
West Indies {prop} (islands of the Caribbean sea) :: 西インド諸島 /Nishi Indo shotō/
West Jerusalem {prop} (western sector of Jerusalem) :: 西エルサレム /Nishi Erusaremu/
Westminster Abbey {prop} (large Gothic church) :: ウェストミンスター寺院 /Wesutominsutā-jiin/
Westminster Cathedral {prop} (chuerch) :: ウェストミンスター大聖堂 /Wesutominsutā daiseidō/
west-northwest {n} (compass point) :: 西北西 /seihokusei/
west-southwest {n} (compass point) :: 西南西 /seinansei/
West Virginia {prop} (US state) :: ウェストバージニア /Wesuto Bājinia/
wet {adj} (of an object: covered with or impregnated with liquid) :: 湿っぽい /shimeppoi/
wet {adj} ((slang) sexually aroused and thus having a moistened vulva) :: 濡れた /nureta/
wet {v} (cover or impregnate with liquid) :: 濡らす /ぬらす, nurasu/
wet {v} (become wet) :: 濡れる /ぬれる, nureru/
wet behind the ears {adj} (inexperienced, not seasoned) :: 尻が青い /しりがあおい, けつがあおい, shiri ga aoi, ketsu ga aoi/ ((to have a) blue butt)
wet dream {n} (literally) :: 夢精 /musei/
wet dream {n} (ejaculation or orgasm while asleep) SEE: nocturnal emission ::
wetland {n} (land that is covered mostly with water, with occasional marshy and soggy areas) :: 湿地 /しっち, shicchi/
wet nurse {n} (woman hired to suckle another woman's child) :: 乳母 /うば, uba, おんば, onba, ちうば, chiuba, ちおも, chiomo, にゅうぼ, nyūbo, まま, mama, めのと, menoto/
wet one's whistle {v} (to have a drink) :: 喉を潤す /nodo o uruosu/
wet season {n} (rainy season) SEE: rainy season ::
wetsuit {n} (close fitting, insulating garment) :: ウェットスーツ /wettosūtsu/
wettability {n} (ability of a solid surface to reduce the surface tension of a liquid) :: 濡れ性 /ぬれせい, nuresei/
wet t-shirt competition {n} (event) SEE: wet t-shirt contest ::
wet t-shirt contest {n} (contest in which women wear wet t-shirts) :: 濡れTシャツコンテスト /nure tīshatsu kontesuto/
whale {n} (large sea mammal) :: /くじら, kujira/, クジラ /kujira/, [archaic] 勇魚 /いさな, isana/
whale oil {n} (oil or fat extracted from whale blubber) :: 鯨油 /げいゆ, geiyu/
whale shark {n} (Rhincodon typus) :: ジンベエザメ /jinbēzame/
whale watching {n} (observing whales in their natural habitat) :: ホエールウォッチング /hoēru wotchingu/
whaling {n} (practice of hunting whales) :: 捕鯨 /ほげい, hogei/
whaling {n} (whale watching) SEE: whale watching ::
whaling station {n} (dock in which the carcasses of hunted whales are processed) :: 捕鯨基地
wham, bam, thank you ma'am {interj} (hit it and quit it) SEE: hit it and quit it ::
wharf {n} (man-made landing place) :: 波止場 /はとば, hatoba/, 埠頭 /ふとう, futō/, 桟橋 /さんばし, sanbashi/
what {pron} (what? (interrogative pronoun)) :: /なに, nani/ (when used alone), なん /nan/ (when used with another word)
what {pron} (relative pronoun: that which; those that; the thing that) :: /mono/, /no/, こと /koto/
what {adv} (such) :: 何と /nanto/
what {interj} (expression of surprise) :: /なに, nani/
what about {adv} (used to make a suggestion) :: ...いかがですか /...ikaga desu ka/, ...どうですか /...dō desuka/
what about {adv} (used to ask someone to consider something or someone that they have apparently not considered) :: /wa/
what about {adv} (used to repeat a question) :: /wa/
whataboutery {n} (whataboutism) SEE: whataboutism ::
whataboutism {n} (propaganda technique) :: そっちこそどうなんだ主義
what a lovely day {phrase} (what a lovely day) :: いいお天気ですね /ii o-tenki desu ne/
what a pity {phrase} (used to express regret) :: 残念 /ざんねん, zannen/
what are you doing {phrase} (what are you doing) :: 何をしていますか /なにをしていますか, nani o shite imasu ka?/, 何してるの? /なにしてるの?, nani shiteru no?/
what a shame {phrase} (used to express regret) SEE: what a pity ::
whatchamacallit {n} (any object the actual name of which the speaker does not know or cannot remember) :: 何とか /なんとか, nantoka/
what date is it today {phrase} (what date is it today?) :: 今日は何日ですか /きょうはなんにちですか, kyō wa nan-nichi desu ka/
what does XX mean {phrase} (what does XX mean?) :: XXの意味ですか /XX no imi wa nan desu ka/
what do you mean {phrase} (what do you mean?) :: どういうことですか? /dō iu koto desu ka?/
whatever {determiner} (anything) :: 何でも /なんでも, nan-demo/, 何事も /なにごとも, nanigoto-mo/, ... /なに...も,
whatever {interj} (indicating the speaker does not care what someone says) :: どうでもいい! /Dōdemo ii/, 勝手にしろ! /かってにしろ, Katte ni shiro!/, ご勝手に! /かってに, Gokatte ni!/
whatever it takes {n} (anything required to achieve an objective) :: 何が何でも /nani ga nan demo/
what for {adv} (For what reason; why) :: どうして /dōshite/
what goes around comes around {proverb} (actions have consequences) :: 因果応報 /いんがおうほう, inga-ōhō/, 業によりて果を引く /ごうによりてかをひく, gō ni yorite ka o hiku/
whath {determiner} (which ordinal number) SEE: whatth ::
what is more {adv} (furthermore) :: その上に /そのうえに, sono ue ni/, さらに /sara ni/
what is that {phrase} (what is that?) :: これは何ですか /これはなんですか, kore wa nan desu ka/ , これは何? /これはなに?, kore wa nani?/ [casual]
what is your name {phrase} (what is your name?) :: お名前は何ですか? /o-namae wa nan desu ka?/, お名前は? /o-namae wa?/ [informal]
what kind of {pron} :: どんな /donna/
what kind of music do you like {phrase} (what kind of music do you like?) :: どんな音楽が好きですか /donna ongaku ga suki desu ka/
what languages do you speak {phrase} (what languages do you speak?) :: 何ヶ国語話せますか /なんかこくごはなせますか, nan-ka kokugo hanasemasu ka/
what number {adv} (what number, which (in a numbered series)) :: 何番目 /なんばんめ, nanbanme/
what's done is done {proverb} :: 覆水盆に返らず
what's new {phrase} (informal greeting asking what has happened recently) :: お変わりありませんか? /o-kawari arimasen ka?/, [informal] 最近、何かあった? /saikin, nani-ka atta?/
what's the matter {phrase} (what's wrong?) :: どうしたんですか? /dō shita n desu ka?/
what's your job {phrase} (what's your job?) :: 仕事は何ですか /shigoto wa nan desu ka?/, 仕事は? /shigoto wa?/ [plain]
what's your phone number {phrase} (what's your phone number?) :: 電話番号は何ですか? /denwa bangō wa nan desu ka?/ [formal], 電話番号は? /でんわばんごうは?, denwa bangō wa/ [informal]
whatth {n} (which ordinal number) :: 何番目 /なんばんめ, nanbanme/, 何...目 /なん...め, (with a classifier)
what the fuck {phrase} (An intensive form of what) :: 一体なんだ? /いったいなんだ?, ittai nan da?/, 一体全体なんだ? /いったいぜんたいなんだ?, ittai-zentai nan da?/
what the hell {phrase} (an intensive form of what) :: 一体なんだ? /いったいなんだ?, ittai nan da?/, 一体全体なんだ? /いったいぜんたいなんだ?, ittai-zentai nan da?/, なんだよ、これ? /nan da yo, kore?/
what time is it {phrase} (what is the time of day?) :: 何時ですか /なんじですか, nanji desu ka?/
what you see is what you get {proverb} ((idiomatic, computing) the screen image resembles the printed output) :: 見たままが得られる /mita mama ga erareru/
wheat {n} (grain) :: 小麦 /こむぎ, komugi/
wheat flour {n} (flour from wheat) :: 小麦粉 /こむぎこ, komugiko/, メリケン粉 /メリケンこ, meriken-ko/
wheat germ {n} (embryo of the wheat kernel) :: 小麦胚芽 /こむぎはいが, komúgi-haiga/
wheel {n} (a circular device facilitating movement or transportation) :: /くるま, kuruma/, 車輪 /しゃりん, sharin/, /わ, wa/
wheel {n} (steering wheel and its implied control of a vehicle) SEE: steering wheel ::
wheel and axle {n} (simple machine) :: 輪軸 /rinjiku/
wheelbarrow {n} (small cart) :: 手押し車 /ておしぐるま, teoshi-guruma/ (handcart)
wheelchair {n} (chair) :: 車椅子 /くるまいす, kurumaisu/, ホイールチェア /hoīruchea/
wheel of Fortune {prop} (Tarot card) :: 運命の輪 /ummei no wa/
Wheel of Fortune {prop} (television game show) :: 転変 /tenpen/, ウィール・オブ・フォーチュン /wīru obu fōchun/
wheelwright {n} (person who builds and repairs wheels) :: 車大工 /kurumadaiku/
wheeze {n} (piping or whistling sound caused by difficult respiration) :: 喘鳴 /zeimei/
whelk {n} (edible sea snail of the family Buccinidae) :: エゾバイ /ezobai/, ツブ /tsubu/
when {adv} (at what time, as a direct question) :: 何時 /いつ, itsu/, いつ /itsu/
when {conj} (as soon as, at the time that) :: [literary] ...した時 /...shita toki/, ...したとき /...shita toki/, [colloquial] ...したら /...shitara/
when {conj} (during the time that) :: ...の時 / toki/, ...のとき / toki/
when {conj} (at what time; at which time) :: 何時 /itsu/, いつ /itsu/
when {conj} :: ...時 /... toki/, ...のとき / toki/, [used as in a longer time-span]...頃 /...koro/
when {pron} (what time; which time) :: 何時 /itsu/, いつ /itsu/
when {n} (the time) :: 何時 /itsu/, いつ /itsu/
whence {adv} (from where; from which place or source) :: どこから /doko kara/
whenever {conj} (when) SEE: when ::
whenever {conj} (at any time that) :: いつでも /itsu demo/
whenever {conj} (every time that) :: いつでも /itsu demo/
when in Rome {proverb} (adjust to local customs) SEE: when in Rome, do as the Romans do ::
when in Rome, do as the Romans do {proverb} (behave as those around do) :: 郷に入っては郷に従え /ごうにいってはごうにしたがえ, gō ni itte wa gō ni shitagae/, 郷に入りては郷に従え /ごうにいりてはごうにしたがえ, gō ni irite wa gō ni shitagae/
when life gives you lemons, make lemonade {proverb} (make the best out of difficult situations) :: 災い転じて福となせ /わざわいてんじてふくとなせ, wazawai tenjite fuku to nase/
when pigs fly {adv} (never, expressed by an idiom) :: 枯れ木に花咲く /kareki ni hana saku/ (dead trees blossom)
when the cat's away the mice will play {proverb} (in the absence of a controlling entity, subordinates will take advantage of circumstances) :: 鬼いぬ間の洗濯 /おにいぬまのせんたく, oni inu ma-no sentaku/, 鼬無き間の貂誇り /いたちなきまのてんほこり, itachi naki ma no ten hokori/, 鼬無き間の鼠 /いたちなきまのねずみ, itachi naki ma no nezumi/
where {conj} (at or in which place) :: 何処に /どこに, doko ni/, どこに /doko ni/
where {conj} (to which place or situation) :: 何処へ /どこへ, doko e/, どこへ /doko e/
where {conj} (wherever) :: する所はどこでも
where {adv} (at what place; to what place; from what place) :: 何処 /どこ, doko/, どこ /doko/, どうなる /dō naru/
where {pron} (the place in which) :: 場所 /ばしょ, basho/
where {n} (the place in which something happens) :: 何処 /どこ, doko/
whereabouts {n} (location) :: 所在 /しょざい, shozai/, 在所 /ざいしょ, zaisho/
whereafter {adv} (translation) :: それ以来 /soreirai/
where are we {phrase} (where are we) :: ここはどこですか? /koko wa doko desu ka?/, 私たちはどこにいますか? /watashitachi wa doko ni imasu ka?/
where are you {phrase} (where are you?) :: あなたはどこにいますか? /anata wa doko ni imasu ka?/
where are you from {phrase} (in which country or region were you born or raised) :: [origin] ご出身はどちらですか /go-shusshin wa dochira desu ka?/, どこから来ましたか /doko kara kimashita ka?/
where does this bus go {phrase} (where does this bus go) :: この バスはどこへ行きますか。 /kono basu wa doko e ikimasu ka?/
where does this train go {phrase} (where does this train go) :: この列車はどこへ行きますか。 /kono ressha wa doko e ikimasu ka?/
where do you live {phrase} (where do you live?) :: あなたはどこに住んでいますか? /anata wa doko ni sunde imasu ka?/
wherefore {conj} (because of which) :: 何故 /naniyue/
where is the toilet {phrase} (where is the toilet?) :: トイレはどこですか /toire wa doko desu ka?/, お手洗いはどこですか /o-tearai wa doko desu ka?/
wherenot {n} (wherever) SEE: wherever ::
where there is a will there is a way {proverb} (if someone wants or wills something strongly enough, a way can be found) :: 精神一到何事か成らざらん /seishin ittō nanigoto ka narazaran/, 愚公山を移す /gukō yama o utsusu/, 思う念力岩をも通す /omou nenriki iwa o mo tōsu/, 百姓昇る /hyakushō no iki ga ten ni noboru/, 為せば成る /naseba naru/, 蟻の思いも天に届く /ari no omoi mo ten ni todoku/, 蟻の思いも天に登る /ari no omoi mo ten ni noboru/
where there's smoke, there's fire {proverb} (if there is telltale evidence of some event, the event is probably occurring) :: 火のないところに煙は立たない /hi no nai tokoro ni kemuri wa tatanai/
wherever {conj} (in any place, anywhere) :: どこでも /dokodemo/
wherever {conj} (in all places, everywhere) :: どこでも /dokodemo/
wherewithal {n} (the ability and means to accomplish some task) :: 甲斐性 /kaishou/
where you at {phrase} (where are you) SEE: where are you ::
whether {conj} (introducing indirect questions) :: かどうか /...ka dō ka/, /ka/
whether {conj} (if, whether or not) :: /ka/, かどうか /-ka dō ka/, か否か /かいなか, -ka ina ka/
whetstone {n} (stone used to hone tools) :: 砥石 /toishi/, 磨石 /togiishi/
whey {n} (liquid remaining after milk has been curdled) :: 乳清 /にゅうせい, nyūsei/
which {determiner} ((interrogative) what, of those mentioned or implied) :: どの /dono/
which {pron} ((interrogative) what one or ones) :: どれ /dore/
which {pron} ((relative) who, whom, what) :: ...の /... no/
while {conj} (during the same time that) :: ...間に /...あいだに, ...aida ni/, ...時に /...ときに, ...toki ni/, ...ながら /...nagara/
while {conj} (until) SEE: until ::
whim {n} (fanciful impulse) :: 気紛れ /きまぐれ, kimagure/
whinge {n} (to complain or protest) :: 泣き事 /nakigoto/ [noun], 泣き事を言う /nakigoto o iu/ [verb]
whip {n} (rod or rope) :: /むち, muchi/
whip {v} (to hit with a whip) :: 鞭打つ /むちうつ, muchiutsu/
whip {n} (whipped cream) SEE: whipped cream ::
whipped cream {n} (thick cream that has had air incorporated into it by rapid beating) :: 泡立てクリーム /awadate kurīmu/, ホイップクリーム /hoippu kurīmu/
whippersnapper {n} (young, cheeky person) :: 青二才 /あおにさい, aonisai/
whirlpool {n} (swirling body of water) :: /うず, uzu/
whirlwind {n} (a violent windstorm of limited extent characterised by an inward spiral motion of the air) :: 旋風 /つむじかぜ, tsumujikaze/
whisk {n} (kitchen utensil) :: 泡立て器 /あわだてき, awadateki/
whisker {n} (long projecting hair at the sides of the mouth of a cat) :: 洞毛 /どうもう, dōmō/
whiskered tern {n} (Chlidonias hybrida) :: クロハラアジサシ /kuroharaajisashi/
whiskey {n} (alcoholic drink) :: ウィスキー /uisukī/
whisky {n} (whiskey) SEE: whiskey ::
whisper {n} (act of speaking in a quiet voice) :: 囁き /ささやき, sasayaki/
whisper {v} (to talk in a quiet voice) :: 囁く /ささやく, sasayaku/
whistle {n} (device used to make a whistling sound) :: /ふえ, fue/, ホイッスル /hoissuru/, 口笛 /くちぶえ, kuchibue/, 汽笛 /きてき, kiteki/ [steam whistle],
whistle {n} (act of whistling) :: 口笛 /くちぶえ, kuchibue/
whistle {n} (sound made by whistling) :: 口笛 /くちぶえ, kuchibue/
whistle {v} (to produce a whistling sound) :: 口笛吹く /くちぶえをふく, kuchibue o fuku/
whistle {n} (slang: a suit) SEE: suit ::
whistle-blower {n} (one who reports a problem or violation to the authorities) :: 内部告発者 /ないぶこくはつしゃ, naibukokuhatsusha/
white {n} (color/colour) :: /しろ, shiro/, (はく, haku), 白色 /はくしょく, hakushoku/
white {n} (Caucasian person) :: 白人 /はくじん, hakujin/
white {n} (albumen) :: 白身 /しろみ, shiromi/, 卵白 /らんぱく, rampaku/
white {n} (white of the eye) :: 白目 /しろめ, shirome/, 強膜 /きょうまく, kyōmaku/, 鞏膜 /きょうまく, kyōmaku/
white {n} (common name for the Pieris genus of butterflies) :: 白蝶 /しろちょう, shirochō/
white {n} (cue ball) :: 白球 /はっきゅう, hakkyū/
white {n} (white wine) SEE: white wine ::
white {adj} (bright and colourless) :: 白い /しろい, shiroi/, 白色の /はくしょくの, hakushoku no/
white {adj} (of or relating to Caucasians) :: 白人の /はくじんの, hakujin no/
white ant {n} (white ant) SEE: termite ::
white-backed black tit {n} (Melaniparus leuconotus) :: セジロクロガラ
white bear {n} (polar bear) SEE: polar bear ::
white-bearded antshrike {n} (passerine bird) :: ホオジロアリモズ /hoojiroarimozu/
white-bellied tit {n} (Melaniparus albiventris) :: シロハラクロガラ
white-billed diver {n} (Gavia adamsii) :: ハシジロアビ /hashijiroabi/
white blood cell {n} (cytology: a type of blood cell that is involved with an immune response) :: 白血球 /hakkekkyū/
whiteboard {n} (large vertical writing area) :: 白板 /はくばん, hakuban/, ホワイトボード /howaitobōdo/
white bread {n} (bread made from white flour) :: 白パン /しろパン, shiropan/
white chocolate {n} (food) :: ホワイト・チョコレート /howaito chokorēto/, ホワイト・チョコ /howaito choko/
white Christmas {n} (a Christmas Day or Eve with snow) :: ホワイトクリスマス /howaito kurisumasu/
white clover {n} (Trifolium repens) :: 白詰草 /しろつめくさ, shirotsumekusa/
white coat {n} (white coat worn in laboratories) :: 白衣 /はくい, hakui/
white coffee {n} (coffee with milk added) :: カフェオレ /kafeore/
white-collar {adj} (of or pertaining to office work and workers) :: ホワイトカラー /howaito karā/
White Day {prop} (14 March) :: ホワイトデー /Howaito Dē/
white devil {n} (white devil) :: 洋鬼子 /yōkishi/
white dwarf {n} (white dwarf star) :: 白色矮星 /はくしょくわいせい, hakushokuwaisei/
white-eyed gull {n} (Ichthyaetus leucophthalmus) :: メジロカモメ /mejirokamome/
whitefin dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji ::
whitefish {n} (whiting) SEE: whiting ::
whitefish {n} (beluga) SEE: beluga ::
white flag {n} (a flag used as a symbol of surrender) :: 白旗 /shirahata, shirohata/
white fox {n} (arctic fox) SEE: arctic fox ::
white gold {n} (A precious metal alloy consisting of gold and a platinum group metal) :: ホワイトゴールド /howaitogōrudo/, 白色金 /はくしょくきん, hakushokukin/
white goosefoot {n} (Chenopodium album) :: シロザ /shiroza/, 白藜 /shiroza/
white gourd {n} (vine) SEE: winter melon ::
white gourd {n} (fuzzy melon fruit) SEE: winter melon ::
white hole {n} (singularity) :: ホワイトホール /howaito hōru/
White House {prop} (the official residence of the President of the United States of America) :: ホワイトハウス /Howaitohausu/, 白堊館 /Hakuakan, Howaitohausu/ [dated]
white iron {n} (kind of cast iron that contains carbon as cementite) :: 白鋳鉄
white knight {v} (Hero) :: 白騎士 /shiro kishi/
white lie {n} (deliberate untrue statement which is intended to produce a favorable result) :: 悪意のない嘘 /あくいのないうそ, akui no nai uso/, 罪のない嘘 /つみのないうそ, tsumi no nai uso/
white light {n} (light perceived as having no colour) :: 白色光 /hakushokukō/
white lightning {n} (illegally distilled whiskey) SEE: moonshine ::
whitelist {n} (list of people that are known) :: ホワイトリスト /howaitorisuto/
white magic {n} (magic derived from benign forces) :: 白魔術 /shiromajutsu/
white man {n} (Caucasian) SEE: Caucasian ::
white matter {n} (region of the central nervous system) :: 白質 /hakushitsu/
whiten {v} (to make white or whiter; to bleach or blanch) :: 白くする /shirokusuru/, 白める /shiromeru/
whiten {v} (to become white or whiter; to bleach or blanch) :: 白む /shiramu/, 白ばむ /shirobamu/, 白くなる /shirokunaru/
white-naped tit {n} (Machlolophus nuchalis) :: ハジロシジュウカラ /hajiroshijuukara/
whiteout {n} (heavy snowstorm) :: 猛吹雪 /moufubuki/
whiteout {n} (correction fluid) SEE: correction fluid ::
white owl {n} (Tyto alba) SEE: western barn owl ::
white paper {n} (marketing document) :: 白書 /はくしょ, hakusho/, ホワイトペーパー /howaitopēpā/
white pepper {n} (Light-colored seed of pepper) :: 白胡椒 /しろこしょう, shirokoshō/
white petrolatum {n} (petroleum jelly) SEE: petroleum jelly ::
white pointer {n} (great white shark) SEE: great white shark ::
white roe {n} (milt) SEE: milt ::
white-rumped sandpiper {n} (Calidris fuscicollis) :: コシジロウズラシギ /koshijirouzurashigi/
White Russian {n} (Belarusian language) SEE: Belarusian ::
white sauce {n} (mayonnaise) SEE: mayonnaise ::
White Sea {prop} (a sea to the northwest of Russia) :: 白海 /はっかい, Hakkai/
white-shouldered antshrike {n} (passerine bird) :: シロボシアリモズ /shiroboshiarimozu/
whitesmith {n} (tinsmith) SEE: tinsmith ::
white sugar {n} :: 白砂糖 /しろざとう, shirozatō/
white supremacy {n} (ideology) :: 白人至上主義 /はくじんしじょうしゅぎ, hakujin shijōshugi/, 白人優越主義 /はくじんゆうえつしゅぎ, hakujin yūetsushugi/
white-tailed eagle {n} (Haliaeetus albicilla) :: 尾白鷲 /オジロワシ, ojirowashi/
white-tailed lapwing {n} (Vanellus leucurus) :: オジロゲリ /ojirogeri/
white-tailed plover {n} (Vanellus leucurus) SEE: white-tailed lapwing ::
white tea {n} (drink) :: 白茶 /しらちゃ, shiracha/
white tongue {n} (disease) :: 白い舌
white trash {n} (white person or people of low social status (pejorative)) :: ホワイトトラッシュ /howaitotorasshu/, [poor white] プアホワイト /puahowaito/
white whale {n} (a cetacean, Delphinapterus leucas) SEE: beluga ::
white wine {n} (light coloured wine) :: 白ワイン /shirowain/, 白葡萄酒 /しろぶどうしゅ, shirobudōshu/
white-winged black tit {n} (Melaniparus leucomelas) :: ハジロクロガラ
white-winged tern {n} (Chlidonias leucopterus) :: ハジロクロハラアジサシ /hajirokuroharaajisashi/
whither {adv} (to which place) :: どこへ /doko e/
whiting {n} (fish of the family Sillaginidae) :: /キス, kisu/
whitish {adj} (somewhat white) :: 白っぽい /しろっぽい, shiroppoi/
whitlow {n} (an infection) :: 瘭疽 /ひょうそ, hyōso/
Whitsunday {n} (the Sunday of the feast of Pentecost) :: 聖霊降臨祭 /せいれいこうりんさい, seirei kōrin sai/
whiz {n} (urination) SEE: urination ::
whiz {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate ::
who {pron} (who? (interrogative pronoun)) :: /だれ, dare/, だれ /dare/, どなた /donata/ [honorific], どちらさま /dochirasama/ [honorific]
whoa {interj} (stop, said to a horse) :: どう /dō/, どうどう /dōdō/
who are you {phrase} (who are you?) :: あなたは誰ですか? /anata wa dare desu ka?/
who cares {phrase} (reply to an unimportant statement) SEE: so what ::
whodunit {n} (a crime novel or drama) :: 推理小説 /すいりしょうせつ, suiri shōsetsu/
who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl {proverb} :: 朱に交われば赤くなる /しゅにまじわればあかくなる, shu ni majiwareba akaku naru/
who knows {phrase} (rhetorical question: one doesn't know) :: さあ? /sā?/, …かもそれない /…ka mo shirenai/
who knows {phrase} (rhetorical question: anything is possible) :: さあ? /sā?/
whole {adj} (entire) :: 全体の /ぜんたいの, zentai no/
whole {adv} (colloquial: in entirety) :: 全体を /zentai o/
whole {n} (something complete) :: 全体 /zentai/
wholegrain {n} (cereal grain that contains germ, endosperm, and bran) :: 全粒 /ぜんりゅう, zenryū/
wholeheartedly {adv} (in a wholehearted manner; with one's whole heart; enthusiastically) :: 切なる /setsu naru/
wholemeal {adj} (containing or made from the whole grain) SEE: wholegrain ::
whole milk {n} (milk from which nothing has been removed) :: 全乳 /ぜんにゅう, zennyū/
whole note {n} (semibreve) SEE: semibreve ::
whole number {n} (integer) SEE: integer ::
whole number {n} (natural number) SEE: natural number ::
wholesaler {n} (person or company that sells goods wholesale to retailers) :: 問屋 /とんや, ton'ya, といや, toiya/
wholly {adv} (to the fullest extent) SEE: completely ::
whoopee cushion {n} (inflatable bag used as practical joke) :: ブーブークッション /būbū kusshon/
whoopie cushion {n} :: ブーブークッション /pūpū kushon/
whooping cough {n} (a contagious disease) :: 百日咳 /ひゃくにちぜき, hyakunichizeki/
whore {n} :: 売春婦 /ばいしゅんふ, baishunfu/, 娼婦 /しょうふ, shōfu/, 街娼 /がいしょう, gaishō/, 売女 /ばいた, baita/, させ子 /させこ, saseko/, パンスケ /pansuke/; 痴女 /ちじょ, chijo/, 浮気女 /うわきおんな, uwakionna/, 売女 /ばいた, baita/
whore {v} (to engage a prostitute) :: 売春婦買う /baishunfu o kau/
whore {v} (to pimp) SEE: pimp ::
whoremaster {n} (pimp) SEE: pimp ::
whose {determiner} (of whom (interrogative)) :: 誰の /だれの, dare no/, どなたの /donata no/ (honorific)
why {adv} (for what reason) :: 何故 /なぜ, naze/, なんで /nande/, どうして /dōshite/, 何故 /なにゆえ, naniyue/ [dated]
why {n} (the reason) :: 何故 /なぜ, naze/, どうして /dōshite/
why not {adv} (state one has no objection) :: もちろん /mochiron/
Wicca {prop} (neo-pagan religion) :: ウィッカ /wikka/
wick {n} (the porous cord that draws up liquid fuel for burning) :: /しん, shin/, 灯心 /とうしん, tōshin/, [when for candles] ろうそく /ろうそくのしん, rōsoku no shin/
wicked {adj} (evil or mischevous) :: 邪悪 /じゃあく, jaaku/, 意地悪い /いじわるい, ijiwarui/, 腕白 /わんぱく, wanpaku/ [mischievous]
wicked {adj} (slang: awesome) :: 素晴らしい /すばらしい, subarashii/, 素敵 /すてき, suteki/, 凄い /すごい, sugoi/
wicker {n} (flexible branch or twig) :: 小枝 /こえだ, koeda/, /とう, tō/ [esp. attributive]
wicker {n} (wickerwork) SEE: wickerwork ::
wickerwork {n} (things made of wicker) :: 枝編み細工 /えだあみざいく, eda ami zaiku/
widdle {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate ::
wide {adj} (having a large physical extent from side to side) :: 広い /ひろい, hiroi/, 幅広い /はばひろい, habahiroi/
wide area network {n} (network) :: ワイド・エリア・ネットワーク /waido-eria-nettowāku/, ワン /wan/ [WAN]
widen {v} (to become wider) :: 広がる /ひろがる, hirogaru/, 広まる /ひろまる, hiromaru/
widen {v} (to make wider) :: 広げる /ひろげる, hirogeru/, 広める /ひろめる, hiromeru/
widen {v} (to let out clothes) :: 大きくする /おおきくする, ōkiku suru/
widen {v} (to broaden or extend) :: 拡張する /かくちょうする, kakuchō suru/, 広める /ひろめる, hiromeru/
widescreen {n} (screen with a wider than normal aspect ratio) :: ワイドスクリーン /waidosukurīn/
widescreen {adj} (filmed in a greater aspect ratio) :: ワイドスクリーン /waidosukurīn/, ワイド画面 /ワイドがめん, waido gamen/
widow {n} (woman whose spouse has died) :: 寡婦 /やもめ, yamome/, 未亡人 /みぼうじん, mibōjin/, 後家 /ごけ, goke/
widow {n} (single line of type carried over to the next page) :: 孤立行 /koritsu gyō/, ウィドー /widō/
widower {n} (a man whose spouse has died and who has not remarried) :: 寡夫 /kafu/, 男寡 /otokoyamome/
widow-maker {n} (something which or someone who takes the lives of men) :: ウィドウ・メーカー /widō mēkā/
widow's mite {n} ((numismatics) lepton) SEE: lepton ::
width {n} (measurement of something from side to side) :: /はば, haba/, /はば, haba/
wield {v} (to handle with skill and ease) :: つかいこなす /tukai-konasu/
wiener {n} (sausage) :: ウインナー /Winnā/
wife {n} (married woman) :: /つま, tsuma/, 家内 /かない, kanai/ [only for speaker's], ワイフ /waifu/, 奥さん /おくさん, okusan/ [traditionally except for speaker's], 奥様 /おくさま, okusama/ [except for speaker's, honorific], 夫人 /ふじん, fujin/ [humble], ご夫人 /ごふじん, go-fujin/ [honorific]
wifebeater {n} (singlet) SEE: singlet ::
wife carrying {n} (Scandinavian sport) :: 奥様運び /おくさまはこび, okusama hakobi/
Wi-Fi {n} (computing: wireless data communication standard) :: ワイファイ /waifai/
wig {n} (head of artificial hair) :: /かつら, katsura, かずら, kazura/, 仮髪 /かはつ, kahatsu/, ウィッグ /wiggu/
wigeon {n} (a kind of duck) :: 緋鳥 /hidori/
wigwam {n} (a Native American dwelling) :: ウィグワム /uiguwamu/
wiki {n} (collaborative website) :: ウィキ /wiki/
wiki {v} (contribute to a wiki) :: ウィキする /wiki-suru/, ウィキる /wiki-ru/
wikification {n} (the process of adding wiki syntax to text in a wiki platform) :: ウィキ化 /wiki-ka/
wikify {v} (to adapt (text) to a wiki, see also: wiki; -ify) :: ウィキ化する /wiki-ka suru/
wikiholic {n} (person who devotes lots of time to a wiki-based project) :: ウィキ中毒者 /wiki chūdokusha/
Wikipedia {prop} (online encyclopedia) :: ウィキペディア /Wikipedia/
Wikipedian {n} (a person who uses, edits, or contributes to Wikipedia) :: ウィキペディアン /Wikipedian/
Wikipedian {adj} (of or relating to Wikipedia) :: ウィキペディアの /Wikipedia no/
Wiktionary {prop} (the collaborative project; a particular version of this project written in a certain language) :: ウィクショナリー /Wikushonarī/
wilco {interj} (indication of agreement and compliance) :: 了解 /りょうかい, ryoukai/
wild {adj} (not domesticated or tamed) :: 野生の /やせいの, yasei no/
wild animal {n} (animal living in a natural, undomesticated state) :: 野生動物 /やせいどうぶつ, yaseidōbutsu/
wild boar {n} (Sus scrofa) :: 野猪 /やちょ, yacho/, /いのしし, inoshishi/, イノシシ /inoshishi/
wild card {n} (a substitute character) :: ワイルドカード /wairudokādo/
wildcard {n} (special character) :: ワイルドカード /wairudokādo/
wild cat {n} (Felis silvestris) SEE: wildcat ::
wild cat {n} (domesticated cat returned to the wild) SEE: feral cat ::
wild cat {n} (Lynx rufus) SEE: bobcat ::
wildcat {n} (Felis silvestris) :: ヤマネコ /yamaneko/, 山猫 /やまねこ, yamaneko/
wildcat {n} (domesticated cat returned to the wild) SEE: feral cat ::
wildcat {n} (Felix rufus) SEE: bobcat ::
wild cotton {n} (Gomphocarpus fruticosus) :: フウセントウワタ /fūsentōwata/, フウセンダマノキ /fūsendamanoki/
wildebeest {n} (gnu) SEE: gnu ::
wilderness {n} (uncultivated tract of land) :: 原野 /げんや, gen'ya/, 荒野 /こうや, kōya/
wildfire {n} (rapidly spreading fire) :: 山火事 /やまかじ, yama kaji/, 山林火災 /さんりんかさい, sanrin kasai/, 森林火災 /しんりんかさい, shinrinkasai/
wildfire {n} (Greek fire) SEE: Greek fire ::
wild goose {n} (species of wildlife goose) :: /がん, gan, かり, kari/
wildlife {n} (animals and plants in their natural environment) :: 野生動物 /やせいどうぶつ, yasei dōbutsu/
wildlife reserve {n} (nature reserve) SEE: nature reserve ::
wildlife sanctuary {n} (nature reserve) SEE: nature reserve ::
wildness {n} (the quality of being wild or untamed) :: 野性 /やせい, yasei/
wild turkey {n} (Meleagris gallopavo) :: [seven-faced bird] 七面鳥 /shichimencho/
wild turmeric {n} (Curcuma aromatica) :: 姜黄 /きょうおう, kyōō/
wile {n} (trick or stratagem) :: 策略 /さくりゃく, sakuryaku/
will {v} (indicating future action) :: だろう /darō/
will {v} (to wish or desire) :: 望む /nozomu/, 希望 /kibou/, 願う /negau/
will {n} (act of choosing to do something; conscious intent or volition) :: 意志 /いし, ishi/
will {n} (legal document) :: 遺書 /いしょ, isho/
Will {prop} (diminutive of William) :: ウィル
William {prop} (male given name) :: ウィリアム /Wiriamu/
Williams {prop} (transliterations of the English surname "Williams") :: ウイリアムス /Uiriamusu/, ウイリアムズ /Uiriamuzu/, ウィリアムス /Wiriamusu/, ウィリアムズ /Wiriamuzu/
willingly {adv} (of one’s own free will) :: 進んで /すすんで, susunde/
will o' the wisp {n} (strange light) :: 鬼火 /onibi/, ウィルオウィスプ /wiruowisupu/
willow {n} (tree) :: /ヤナギ, yanagi/
willow tit {n} (bird) :: 小雀 /kogara/
willow warbler {n} (Phylloscopus trochilus) :: キタヤナギムシクイ /kitayanagimushikui/
willpower {n} (strength of will) :: 意志力 /いしりょく, ishiryoku/, 気力 /きりょく, kiryoku/, 意力 /いりょく, iryoku/, 精神力 /せいしんりょく, seishinryoku/
willy {n} (The penis) :: おちんちん /ochinchin/, ちんちん /chinchin/
will you marry me {phrase} (marriage proposal) :: 私と結婚してくれませんか /watashi to kekkon-shite kuremasen ka?/, 僕と結婚してください /boku to kekkon-shite kudasai/
wily {adj} (sly, cunning) :: 狡猾な /こうかつな, kōkatsu na/, 狡い /ずるい, zurui/
win {v} (transitive: achieve victory in) :: 勝つ /かつ, katsu/, 勝利する /しょうりする, shōri suru/
win {v} (intransitive: achieve by winning) :: 勝つ /かつ, katsu/, 勝利する /しょうりする, shōri suru/
win {n} (individual victory) :: 勝ち /kachi/, 勝利 /shōri/
winch {n} (machine) :: ウインチ /uinchi/
Winchester {prop} (city in England) :: ウィンチェスター /Winchesutā/
wind {n} (movement of air) :: /かぜ, kaze/
wind {n} (the force developed by the movement of air) :: 風力 /ふうりょく, fūryoku/
wind {n} (ability to exert oneself without feeling short of breath) :: /いき, iki/
wind {n} (flatus) :: おなら /onara/, /へ, he/
wind {v} (blow air through (a wind instrument)) :: 吹く /fuku/
wind {v} (cause (someone) to become breathless) :: 気を失う /ki-wo-ushinau/
wind {v} (wind oneself: exhaust oneself to the point of being short of breath) :: 息が切れる /iki-ga-kireru/
wind {v} (to turn coils of something around) :: 巻く /maku/
wind {v} (to tighten a clockwork mechanism) :: 巻く /maku/
wind {v} (to travel in a way that is not straight) :: 曲がりくねる /magarikuneru/, 蛇行する /dakō suru/
wind back {v} (to wind towards the beginning) :: 巻き戻す /まきもどす, makimodosu/
windbreaker {n} (thin outer coat) :: ウインドブレーカー /uindoburēkā/
windcatcher {n} (architectural element) :: バードギール
windcheater {n} (a heavy weatherproof jacket) SEE: windbreaker ::
wind chimes {n} (chime made from suspended wooden, metal, etc. tubes, bells and rods that tinkle when moved by the wind) :: 風鈴 /ふうりん, fūrin/, /たく, taku/, [archaic] 風鐸 /ふうたく, fūtaku/
windfall {n} (sudden large benefit) :: 僥倖 /ぎょうこう, gyōkō/
Windhoek {prop} (capital of Namibia) :: ウィントフック /Wintofukku/, ヴィントフック /Vintofukku/
windhover {n} (common kestrel) SEE: common kestrel ::
winding {adj} (twisting, turning or sinuous) :: 曲がりくねっている /まがりくねっている, magarikunette iru/
wind instrument {n} (type of musical instrument) :: 管楽器 /かんがっき, kangakki/
windmeter {n} (an instrument for measuring and recording the speed of the wind) SEE: anemometer ::
windmill {n} (machine) :: 風車 /ふうしゃ, fūsha/
windmill {n} (structure) :: 風車小屋 /ふうしゃごや, fūshagoya/
windmill {n} (child's toy) :: 風車 /かざぐるま, kazaguruma/
windmill {n} (basketball: type of dunk) :: ウインドミル /uindomiru/
windmill {n} (guitar move) :: 風車奏法 /ふうしゃそうほう, fūsha sōhō/
window {n} (opening for light and air) :: /まど, mado/, [cashier window] 窓口 /まどぐち, madoguchi/, ウィンドウ /windō/
window {n} (area on a computer screen) :: ウィンドウ /windō/
window {n} (shop window) SEE: shop window ::
windowpane {n} (piece of glass filling a window) :: 窓ガラス /まどガラス, mado garasu/
Windows {prop} (Microsoft Windows) :: ウィンドウズ
window seat {n} (Seat beside a window) :: 窓側席 /まどがわせき, madogawa-seki/, 窓側座席 /まどがわざせき, madogawa-zaseki/, 窓側の席 /まどがわのせき, madogawa no seki/
window-shopping {n} (browsing shops with no intention of buying) :: ウィンドウショッピング /windou shoppingu/
windowsill {n} (the horizontal member protruding from the base of a window frame) :: 窓台 /まどだい, madodai/
windpipe {n} (anus) SEE: anus ::
windpipe {n} (trachea) :: 気管 /きかん, kikan/
wind power {n} (power harnessed from the wind) :: 風力 /ふうりょく, fūryoku/
windproof {adj} (providing protection from the wind) :: 防風 /bōfū/
windscreen {n} (windshield) SEE: windshield ::
windscreen wiper {n} (a device to clear a windscreen) SEE: windshield wiper ::
windshield {n} (screen located in front of a vehicle to protect from wind and weather) :: フロントガラス /furontogurasu/
windshield wiper {n} (device to clear a windshield) :: ワイパー /waipā/
Windsor bean {n} (fava bean) SEE: broad bean ::
wind speed {n} (speed of the wind) :: 風速 /ふうそく, fūsoku/
windsurfing {n} (a marine sport) :: ウィンドサーフィン /windosāfin/
wind turbine {n} (device) :: 風力タービン /fūryoku tābin/
windy {n} (fart) SEE: fart ::
windy {adj} (orally verbose) SEE: long-winded ::
windy {adj} (accompanied by wind) :: 風の吹く /kaze no fuku/, 風の強い /kaze no tsuyoi/
windy {adj} (empty and lacking substance) :: 空疎な /くうそな, kūso na/
wine {n} (alcoholic beverage made from grapes) :: ワイン /wain/, 葡萄酒 /ぶどうしゅ, budōshu/
wine {n} (alcoholic beverage made from other fruit or vegetables) :: 果実酒 /かじつしゅ, kajitsushu/
wine {n} (wine colour) :: ワインカラー /wain karā/
wine and dine {v} (to entertain someone with a fine meal) :: 饗応する /kyouou suru/, もてなす /motenasu/
wine and dine {v} (to eat lavishly) :: ご馳走になる /gochisou ni naru/
wine bar {n} (drinking establishment where only wine is served) :: ワインバー /wainbā/
wine bottle {n} (bottle for holding wine) :: ワインボトル /wainbotoru/
winecup {n} (vessel from which wine is drunk) :: 酒杯 /しゅはい, shuhai/
wine glass {n} (glass vessel for drinking wine from) :: ワイングラス /waingurasu/, /さかずき, sakazuki/
winery {n} (a place where wine is made, or a company that makes wine) :: ワイナリー /wainarī/, ワイン醸造所 /wain-jōzōsho/
wine vinegar {n} (vinegar made from wine) :: ワインビネガー /wainbinegā/
wing {n} (part of an animal) :: /つばさ, tsubasa/, /はね, hane/
wing {n} (part of an aircraft) :: /つばさ, tsubasa/
wing {n} (fraction of a political movement) :: /よく, yoku/
wing {n} (air force unit) :: 飛行隊 /ひこうたい, hikōtai/
wing {n} (panel of a car which encloses the wheel area) :: フェンダー /fendā/
wing {v} (to fly) SEE: fly ::
wing {v} (to throw) SEE: throw ::
Wing Chun {n} (Chinese martial arts) :: 詠春拳 /えいしゅんけん, eishunken/
winged bean {n} (legume) :: 四角豆 /shikakumame/
wink {v} (to blink with only one eye as a message, signal, or suggestion) :: 瞬く /またたく, matataku/
winkle {n} (gastropod) SEE: periwinkle ::
winnable {adj} (able to be won) :: 得られる /erareru/, 勝ち目のある /kachime no aru/
winner {n} (one who has won or often wins) :: 勝者 /しょうしゃ, shōsha/, 勝利者 /しょうりしゃ, shōrisha/, ウィナー /winā/, 優勝者 /ゆうしょうしゃ, yūshōsha/
Winnie the Pooh {prop} (the fictional bear) :: くまのプーさん /Kuma no Pū-san/
Winnipeg {prop} (capital of Manitoba) :: ウィニペグ /Winipegu/
Winnipeg {prop} (lake) :: ウィニペグ湖 /Winipegu-ko/
Winnipeg {prop} (river) :: ウィニペグ川 /Winipegu-gawa/
win over {v} (to persuade) SEE: persuade ::
winter {n} (fourth season, marked by short days and lowest temperatures) :: /ふゆ, fuyu/, 冬季 /とうき, tōki/
winter cherry {n} (bladder cherry) SEE: bladder cherry ::
wintergreen {n} (evergreen) SEE: evergreen ::
winter melon {n} (fuzzy melon fruit) :: トウガン /tōgan/
winter solstice {n} (the moment when the hemisphere is most inclined away from the sun) :: 冬至 /とうじ, tōji/
winter sport {n} (sport played on ice or snow) :: ウィンタースポーツ /wintā supōtsu/
winter storm {n} (A winter storm) :: 冬の嵐 /fuyu no arashi/
Winter Triangle {prop} (a bright asterism of the northern winter sky) :: 冬の大三角形 /Fuyu no Daisankak(u)kei/
wipe {v} (remove surface substance) :: 拭く /ふく, fuku/
wipe out {v} (to destroy or obliterate) :: 一掃する /issō suru/
wire {n} (thin thread of metal) :: 針金 /はりがね, harigane/, /せん, sen/, ワイヤー /waiyā/
wire {n} (metal conductor that carries electricity) :: 電線 /でんせん, densen/
wire {n} (informal: telegraph) SEE: telegraph ::
wire {n} (informal: message transmitted by telegraph) SEE: telegram ::
wire cutters {n} (hand tool) :: ニッパー /nippā/
wireless {adj} (not having any wires) :: 無線 /むせん, musen/, ワイヤレス /waiyaresu/
wireless {adj} (of or relating to wireless telegraphy) :: ワイヤレス /waiyaresu/, 無線 /むせん, musen/
wireless {n} (radio) :: 無線機 /むせんき, musenki/, ワイヤレス /waiyaresu/
wireless network {n} (a type of computer network that is not connected by cables of any kind) :: ワイヤレスネットワーク /waiyaresu nettowāku/, 無線ネットワーク /musen-nettowāku/
wiretap {n} (covert connection) :: 盗聴器 /とうちょうき, tōchōki/
wiretap {v} (to install or to use such a device) :: 盗聴器を仕掛ける /tōchōki wo shikakeru/
wire transfer {n} (electronic transfer of funds) :: 電信送金 /でんしんそうきん, denshin sōkin/, 振り込み /ふりこみ, furikomi/
Wisconsin {prop} (state of the United States of America) :: ウィスコンシン /Wisukonshin/
wisdom {n} (element of personal character) :: 知恵 /ちえ, chie/
wisdom {n} (piece of wise advice) :: 知恵 /ちえ, chie/
wisdom {n} (discretionary use of knowledge for the greatest good) :: 知恵 /ちえ, chie/
wisdom {n} (ability to apply relevant knowledge in an insightful way) :: 英知 /えいち, eichi/, 知識 /ちしき, chishiki/
wisdom {n} (ability to make a decision based on the combination of knowledge, experience, and intuitive understanding) :: 知識 /ちしき, chishiki/
wisdom {n} (ability to know and apply spiritual truths) :: 英知 /えいち, eichi/, 知識 /ちしき, chishiki/
Wisdom of Solomon {prop} (book) :: ソロモンの知恵 /ソロモンのちえ, Soromon no Chie/, 知恵の書 /ちえのしょ, Chie no Sho/
wisdom tooth {n} (rearmost molar in humans) :: 親知らず /おやしらず, oya-shirazu/
wise {adj} (showing good judgement) :: 賢い /かしこい, kashikoi/, 賢明な /けんめいな, kenmei na/
wisent {n} (European bison, Bison bonasus) :: ヨーロッパバイソン /Yōroppa baison/
wish {n} (desire) :: 願い /ねがい, negai/, 願望 /がんぼう, ganbō/, 希望 /きぼう, kibō/
wish {v} (to hope for an outcome) :: 願う /ねがう, negau/, 祈る /inoru/, 欲する /hossuru/, 望む /nozomu/
wishable {adj} (desirable) SEE: desirable ::
wishbone {n} (bird's bone) :: 叉骨 /さこつ, sakotsu/
wishful thinking {n} (illusion that what one would like is true) :: 希望的観測 /きぼうてきかんそく, kibōteki kansoku/, 甘い考え /あまいかんがえ, amai kangae/
wisteria {n} (a genus of about ten species of woody climbing vines) :: /フジ, ふじ, fuji/
wit {n} (intelligence) SEE: intelligence ::
witch {n} (person who uses magic) :: 魔女 /まじょ majo/
witch {n} (derogatory: ugly or unpleasant woman) :: 鬼女 /きじょ, kijo/
witchcraft {n} (the practice of witches) :: 魔法 /まほう, mahō/, 魔術 /まじゅつ, majutsu/, 妖術 /うじゅつ, yōjutsu/
witch doctor {n} (person believed to ward off witchcraft and heal through magic) :: 呪術医 /じゅじゅつい, jujutsui/
witchgrass {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass ::
witch-hunt {n} (persecution of persons believed to be using magic) :: 魔女狩り /まじょがり, majogari/
witch's milk {n} (milk secreted from the breasts of newborn babies) :: 魔乳 /まにゅう, manyū/, 鬼乳, 奇乳 /きにゅう, kinyū/
with {prep} (against) :: ...と /-to/
with {prep} (in the company of) :: ...と /to/, ...とともに / tomo ni/, と一緒に /to issho ni/
with {prep} (in addition to) :: …を伴って /o tomonatta/, …付きの /tsuki no/
with {prep} (in support of) :: …に賛成して /ni sansei shite/, …を支持して /o shiji shite/
with {prep} (by means of) :: … /-de/, …使って /-o tsukatte/, …用いて [literary]
with a grain of salt {adv} (with common sense and skepticism) :: 話半分
with all due respect {prep} (phrase used before disagreeing with someone) :: 全ての敬意をもって /subete no keii wo motte/
withdraw {v} (pull back) :: 引き出す /ひきだす, hikidasu/
withdraw {v} (take back) :: 引き出す /ひきだす, hikidasu/, 取り消す /とりけす, torikesu/
withdraw {v} (remove, stop providing) :: 引き揚げる /hikiageru/, 手を引く /te o hiku/
withdraw {v} (extract (money from an account)) :: 引き出す /ひきだす, hikidasu/, 下ろす /おろす, orosu/
withdraw {v} (retreat) :: 後退する /kōtai-suru/, 退却する /taikyaku-suru/
withdrawal {n} (receiving from someone's care what one has earlier entrusted to them) :: 引き出し /hikidashi/, 出金 /shukkin/
withdrawal {n} (method of birth control) :: 膣外射精 /chitsugai-shasei/
withdrawal {n} (type of metabolic shock) :: 禁断症状 /きんだんしょうじょう, kindan-shōjō/
withdrawal {n} (act of withdrawing) :: 引き出し /ひきだし, hikidashi/
wither {v} ((intransitive) shrivel, droop, dry up) :: 枯れる /かれる, kareru/
within {prep} (spatial enclosure) :: ...の中に /...のなかに, naka ni/
within {prep} (before the specified duration ends) :: ...以内に /...inai ni/
without {prep} (not having) :: ...なしで /...nashi de/, ...無し /...なし, ...nashi/
without a doubt {prep} (certainly) SEE: certainly ::
without a doubt {prep} (probably) SEE: probably ::
without fail {prep} (certainly) :: 是非 /ぜひ, zehi/
with pleasure {prep} (willingly, without argument) :: 喜んで /よろこんで, yorokonde/, 進んで /すすんで, susunde/
with respect to {prep} (pertaining to) :: について /ni tsuite/
withspeak {v} (speak against) SEE: oppose ::
withstand {v} (to resist) :: 抵抗する /teikō-suru/, 反抗する /hankō-suru/, 耐える /kotaeru/, 撃退する /gekitai-suru/, 堪える /taeru/
witness {n} (attestation of a fact or event) :: 証人 /しょうにん, shōnin/, /あかし, akashi/
witness {n} (one who has a personal knowledge of something) :: 目撃者 /もくげきしゃ, mokugekisha/
witness {n} (someone called to give evidence in a court) :: 証人 /しょうにん, shōnin/
wizard {n} (person skilled with magic) :: 魔男 /まだん, madan/, 魔法使い /まほうつかい, mahōtsukai/, 魔術師 /まじゅつし, majutsushi/, ウィザード /wizādo/
wizard {n} (computing: program or script used to simplify complex operations) :: ウィザード /wizādo/
wizardess {n} (sorceress) SEE: sorceress ::
wizardry {n} (art of a wizard; sorcery) :: 魔法 /mahō/, 魔術 /majutsu/, 呪術 /jujutsu/ [black magic]
wizardry {n} (great ability) :: 有能 /yūnō/, 才能 /sainō/
wobble {n} (unsteady motion) :: フラフラ /furafura/, ブラブラ /burabura/
wobble {n} (tremulous sound) :: 震え /furue/
wobble {v} (move with an uneven or rocking motion) :: ブラブラする /burabura-suru/, 震える /furueru/, ぶれる /bureru/
wobble {v} (quaver) :: 震える /furueru/
wobble {v} (vacillate) :: ブラブラする /burabura-suru/, ぶれる /bureru/
wobble {v} (cause to wobble) :: ブラブラさせる /burabura-saseru/, 揺らす /yurasu/
wobbler {n} (tantrum) SEE: tantrum ::
wobbly {adj} (unsteady and tending to wobble) :: ブラブラした /burabura-shita/
woe {interj} (exclamation of grief) :: ああ /ā/, あたら /atara/
wog {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop ::
wok {n} (large round pan) :: 中華鍋 /ちゅうかなべ, Chūka-nabe/
wokou {n} (pirates) :: 倭寇 /わこう, wakō/
wolf {n} (animal) :: /おおかみ, ōkami/, オオカミ /ōkami/, ウルフ /urufu/
wolf {n} (constellation) SEE: Lupus ::
wolfberry {n} (Lycium) :: クコ /kuko/, 枸杞 /くこ, kuko/
wolfberry {n} (fruit of Lycium barbarum or Lycium chinense) :: クコ /kuko no mi/, クコ果実 /kuko no kajitsu/
wolf cub {n} (young wolf) :: 子オオカミ /koōkami/
Wolfgang {prop} (male given name) :: ヴォルフガング /Vorufugangu/
wolfhound {n} (dog) :: ウルフハウンド /urufuhaundo/
wolf in sheep's clothing {n} (someone or something harmful or threatening but disguised as something peaceful or pleasant) :: 猫被り /ねこかぶり, nekokaburi/ (pretending to be a cat), 羊の皮を着た狼 /hitsuji no kawa o kita ōkami/ [literal borrowing]
wolfkin {n} (young or small wolf) SEE: wolf cub ::
wolfling {n} (wolf cub) SEE: wolf cub ::
wolfpack {n} (group of wild wolves, see also: pack) :: オオカミの群れ /ōkami no mure/
wolfram {n} (tungsten) SEE: tungsten ::
wolfsbane {n} (herbs of the genus Aconitum) SEE: aconite ::
wolf whelp {n} (young, esp. infant, wolf) SEE: wolf cub ::
wollastonite {n} (grey inosilicate mineral) :: 珪灰石
Wolverhampton {prop} (city) :: ウルヴァーハンプトン
wolverine {n} (Gulo gulo) :: クズリ /kuzuri/, 貂熊, 屈狸
woman {n} (wife) SEE: wife ::
woman {n} (adult female person) :: 女の人 /おんなのひと, onna no hito/ [polite], /おんな, onna/, 女性 /じょせい, josei/
womanizer {n} (habitual seducer of women) :: 女たらし /おんなたらし, onnatarashi/
womanliness {n} (femininity) SEE: femininity ::
womanly {adj} (having the characteristics of a woman) :: 女らしい /おんならしい, onnarashii/
woman of the world {n} (worldly woman) :: 粋人 /すいじん, suijin/
woman's tongue tree {n} (lebbek) SEE: lebbek ::
womb {n} (uterus) :: 子宮 /しきゅう, shikyū/, 母胎 /ぼたい, botai/
womb {n} (belly) SEE: belly ::
wombat {n} (marsupial) :: ウォンバット /wonbatto/
women's refuge {n} (women's shelter) SEE: women's shelter ::
women's shelter {n} (temporary refuge for women) :: DVシェルター /dī-bui sherutā/
won {n} (currency of Korea) :: ウォン /won/
wonder {n} (something that causes amazement or awe, a marvel) :: 驚嘆 /きょうたん, kyōtan/, 驚異 /きょうい, kyōi/
wonderful {adj} (excellent, extremely impressive) :: 素晴しい /すばらしい, subarashii/
wonderland {n} (Imaginary or real place full of wonder or marvels) :: 不思議な国 /ふしぎなくに, fushigi na kuni/, おとぎの国 /おとぎのくに, otogi no kuni/, 仙境 /せんきょう, senkyō/
Wonder Woman {prop} (DC Comics character) :: ワンダーウーマン /Wandā Ūman/
Wonsan {prop} (a city in North Korea) :: 元山 /ウォンサン, Wonsan/
wonton {n} (Chinese dumpling) :: ワンタン /wantan/, 雲呑 /わんたん, wantan/
woo {v} (to endeavor to gain someone's affection) :: 求愛する /きゅうあいする, kyūai surú/
wood {n} (substance) :: /き, ki/, 木材 /もくざい, mokuzai/
wood apple {n} (Limonia acidissima) :: ゾウノリンゴ /zōnoringo/, ナガエミカン /nagae-mikan/
wood apple {n} (Aegle marmelos) SEE: bael ::
woodcock {n} (wading bird in the genus Scolopax) :: ヤマシギ /yamashigi/, 山鷸 /やましぎ, yamashigi/
woodcut {n} (method of printmaking) :: 木版術 /もくはんじゅつ, mokuhanjutsu/
woodcutter {n} (lumberjack) SEE: lumberjack ::
wood ear {n} (black fungus) :: 木耳 /キクラゲ, kikurage/
wooden {adj} (made of wood) :: 木製 /もくせい, mokusei/
wooden fish {n} (percussion instrument) :: 木魚 /mokugyo/
wooden spoon {n} (spoon made from wood) :: 杓文字 /しゃもじ, shamoji/
woodie {n} (erection) SEE: erection ::
woodlouse {n} (any species of suborder Oniscidea) :: 草鞋虫 /ワラジムシ, warajimushi/ [that cannot curl up into a ball], 団子虫 /ダンゴムシ, dangomushi/ [that can curl up into a ball]
woodpecker {n} (bird in Picinae) :: 啄木鳥 /きつつき, kitsutsuki/, キツツキ /kitsutsuki/
wood pigeon {n} (Columba palumbus) :: 森鳩 /モリバト, moribato/
woodruff {n} (herb) :: クルマバソウ
woods {n} (forest) SEE: forest ::
wood sandpiper {n} (Tringa stagnatilis) :: タカブシギ /takabushigi/
wood sorrel {n} (a white-flowered woodland plant, Oxalis acetosella) :: 小深山傍食 /こみやまかたばみ, komiyama katabami/
wood sorrel {n} (any of several other species of the genus Oxalis) :: 酢漿草 /かたばみ, katabami/
woodwind instrument {n} (musical instrument) :: 木管楽器 /もっかんがっき, mokkangakki/
woodworker {n} (a person skilled at woodworking) :: 指物師 /さしものし, sashimonoshi/
woof {n} (sound of a dog) :: ワン /wan/
woof {v} (to make the sound of a dog) :: ウーうなる /ū to unaru/
woofer {n} (low-frequency audio speaker) :: ウーファー /ūfā/, 低音域用スピーカー /tei-on'iki-yō supīkā/
wooing {n} (courting) SEE: courtship ::
wool {n} (hair of sheep, etc.) :: ウール /ūru/, 羊毛 /ようもう, yōmō/
wool {n} (cloth or yarn) :: 羊毛 /ようもう, yōmō/
woolen {adj} (made of wool) :: 毛織物 /keorimono/
woomera {n} (atlatl) SEE: atlatl ::
wop {n} (person of Italian descent) :: ウォップ /woppu/
Worcester {prop} (city in England) :: ウスター /Usutā/
Worcestershire sauce {n} (English condiment) :: ウスターソース /usutā sōsu/
word {n} (unit of language) :: 言葉 /ことば, kotoba/, 単語 /たんご, tango/
word {n} (computing: fixed-size group of bits handled as a unit) :: 言語 /げんご, gengo/
word {n} (promise) :: 言質 /genchi/
word {n} (the word of God) :: 福音 /ふくいん, fukuin/
word {n} (proverb) SEE: proverb ::
Word {n} (Creative word of God) :: /kotoba/
wordbook {n} (dictionary) SEE: dictionary ::
wordbook {n} (lexicon) SEE: lexicon ::
wordbook {n} (libretto) SEE: libretto ::
word count {n} (number of words in a passage) :: 字数 /じすう, jisū/
word for word {adv} (in exactly the same words) SEE: verbatim ::
word-hoard {n} (vocabulary) SEE: vocabulary ::
wordhood {n} :: 単語性 /tangosei/
wording {n} (choice of words) :: 言葉遣い /ことばづかい, kotobazukai/, 言い回し /いいまわし, iimawashi/
word of honor {n} (a promise, or a pledge of one's good faith) :: 名誉の単語 /meiyo no tango/
word of honour {n} (word of honor) SEE: word of honor ::
word of mouth {n} (verbal means of passing of information) :: 口コミ /くちこみ, kuchikomi/
word order {n} (order of syntactic constituents) :: 語順 /ごじゅん, gojun/
wordplay {n} :: 言葉遊び /ことばあそび, kotoba asobi/
word processor {n} (device) :: ワープロ /wāpuro/, ワードプロセッサ /wādopurosessa/
word processor {n} (software) :: ワープロ /wāpuro/, ワードプロセッサ /wādopurosessa/, ワープロソフト /wāpurosofuto/
words {n} (lyrics) SEE: lyrics ::
wordster {n} (one who uses words instead of actions) SEE: hypocrite ::
word-stock {n} (vocabulary) SEE: vocabulary ::
wordy {adj} (using an excessive number of words) :: 饒舌な /jōzetsuna/, くどい /kudoi/, くどくどしい /kudokudoshii/
work {n} (labour, employment, occupation, job) :: 仕事 /しごと, shigoto/, 労働 /ろうどう, rōdō/, 職業 /しょくぎょう, shokugyō/
work {n} (place where one is employed) :: 仕事場 /shigoto-ba/
work {n} (effort expended on a particular task) :: 労力 /ろうりょく, rōryoku/, 労働 /ろうどう, rōdō/, 作業 /さぎょう, sagyō/
work {n} (literary, artistic, or intellectual production) :: 作品 /さくひん, sakuhin/, 著作 /ちょさく, chosaku/
work {n} (measure of energy expended in moving an object) :: 仕事 /しごと, shigoto/
work {v} (to do a specific task) :: 働く /はたらく, hataraku/
work {v} (set into action) :: 働かせる /hatarakaseru/
work {v} (use or manipulate) :: 働かせる /hatarakaseru/
work {v} (cause to happen) :: 起こす /okosu/
work {v} (cause to work) :: 働かせる /hatarakaseru/
work {v} (influence) :: 働きかける /hataraki-kakeru/
workaholic {n} (person) :: 仕事中毒の人 /しごとちゅうどくのひと, shigotochūdoku no hito/, 働き中毒 /はたらきちゅうどく, hatarakichūdoku/, 仕事の虫 /しごとのむし, shigoto no mushi/
workbench {n} (sturdy table) :: 仕事台 /しごとだい, shigotodai/, ワークベンチ /wākubenchi/
workbook {n} (book used by a student) :: 練習帳 /れんしゅうちょう, renshūchō/, ワークブック /wākubukku/
worker {n} (person who performs labor) :: 労働者 /ろうどうしゃ, rōdōsha/, 勤労者 /きんろうしゃ, kinrōsha/, 働く人 /はたらくひと, hataraku hito/
worker bee {n} (sterile bee) :: 働きバチ /hatarakibachi/, 働き蜂 /はたらきばち, hatarakibachi/
workers of the world, unite {phrase} (workers of the world, unite) :: 万国の労働者よ、団結せよ! /bankoku no rōdōsha yo, danketsu seyo!/
work ethic {n} (value that one ought to work hard at one's job or duties) :: 労働観 /ろうどうかん, rōdōkan/
workflow {n} (The rate at which a flow of work takes place) :: ワークフロー /wākufurō/
workflow {n} (A process or procedure by which tasks are completed) :: ワークフロー /wākufurō/
workforce {n} (workers employed by an organization) :: 労働力 /ろうどうりょく, rōdōryoku/, 労働人口 /ろうどうじんこう, rōdō jinkō/
working class {n} (social class doing physical work) :: 労働者階級 /ろうどうしゃかいきゅう, rōdōsha kaikyū/
working conditions {n} (environment in which one works) :: 労働条件 /ろうどうじょうけん, rōdō jōken/
workmate {n} (coworker) SEE: coworker ::
work of art {n} (product of the fine arts) :: 作品 /さくひん, sakuhin/, 芸術作品 /げいじゅつさくひん, geijutsu sakuhin/
work one's butt off {v} (to work excessively) :: 身を粉にして働く /みをこにしてはたらく, mi-o konishite hataraku/, 馬車馬のように働く /ばしゃうまのようにはたらく, bashauma-no yō-ni hataraku/, がむしゃらに働く /がむしゃらにはたらく, gamushara-ni hataraku/, 齷齪働く /あくせくはたらく, akuseku hataraku/, あくせく働く /akuseku hataraku/, 一生懸命に働く /いっしょうけんめいにはたらく, isshōkenmei-ni hataraku/
workout {n} (an exercise session; a period of physical exercise) :: 運動 /うんどう, undō/, トレーニング /torēningu/, ワークアウト /wākuauto/
work permit {n} (authorization to work in a foreign country) :: 労働許可 /ろうどうきょか, rōdō kyoka/
workplace {n} (place where someone works) :: 職場 /しょくば, shokuba/, 仕事場 /shigotoba/
workshop {n} (small manufacturing room) :: 作業場 /さぎょうば, sagyōba/, アトリエ /atorie/, 工房 /こうぼう, kōbō/
workshop {n} (intensive course of education) :: 講習会 /こうしゅうかい, kōshūkai/, 研修会 /けんしゅうかい, kenshūkai/
workshop {n} (academic conference) :: 講習会 /こうしゅうかい, kōshūkai/, 研修会 /けんしゅうかい, kenshūkai/, 作業部会 /さぎょうぶかい, sagyōbukai/, ワークショップ /wākushoppu/
worksome {adj} (industrious) SEE: industrious ::
workstation {n} (powerful desktop computer) :: ワークステーション /wākusutēshon/
workstead {n} (laboratory) SEE: laboratory ::
work-to-rule {n} (labor protest in which the minimum work is carried out) :: サボタージュ /sabotāju/, サボタージ /sabotāji/, サボ /sabo/
work up {v} (To develop) SEE: develop ::
world {n} (human collective existence) :: 世界 /せかい, sekai/, /よ, yo/
world {n} (the Earth) :: 世界 /せかい, sekai/, ワールド /warudo/ [slang]
world {n} (individual or group perspective or social setting) :: -界 /-かい, -kai/
world cup {n} (event; competition) :: ワールドカップ /wārudokappu/, W杯
world egg {n} (mythological motif) :: 梵卵 /ぼんらん, bonran/
World Exposition {n} (a regular international exposition) :: 国際博覧会 /こくさいはくらんかい, kokusai hakurankai/, 世界博覧会 /せかいはくらんかい, sekai hakurankai/, 万博 /ばんぱく, banpaku/
World Heritage Site {n} (place listed by UNESCO as being of significance) :: 世界遺産 /せかいいさん, sekai isan/
world peace {n} (ideology of universal global understanding and nonviolence) :: 世界平和 /せかいへいわ, sekaiheiwa/
world power {n} (nation which influences world affairs) :: 列強 /れっきょう, rekkyō/, 大国 /たいこく, taikoku/
world's oldest profession {n} (euphemism for prostitution) :: 世界最古の職業 /sekai saiko no shokugyō/
World Trade Organization {prop} (World Trade Organization) :: 世界貿易機関 /せかいぼうえききかん, sekai bōeki kikan/, WTO
worldview {n} (personal view of the world) :: 世界観 /せかいかん, sekaikan/
worldview {n} (totality of one's beliefs about reality) :: 世界観 /せかいかん, sekaikan/
worldview {n} (general philosophy or view of life) :: 世界観 /せかいかん, sekaikan/
world war {n} (a war involving the major nations of the world) :: 世界大戦 /せかいたいせん, sekai taisen/
World War I {prop} (war) :: 第一次世界大戦, 第1次世界大戦 /だいいちじせかいたいせん, dai ichiji sekai taisen/
World War II {prop} (war from 1939 to 1945) :: 第二次世界大戦 /dainiji sekai taisen/
World War III {prop} (hypothetical world war (World War III)) :: 第三次世界大戦 /daisanji sekai taisen/
World War One {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I ::
World War Two {prop} (World War II) SEE: World War II ::
worldwide {adj} (affecting every place in the world) :: 世界的な /せかいてきな, sekaiteki na/
worldwide {adv} (throughout the world) :: 世界的に /せかいてきに, sekaiteki ni/
World Wide Web {prop} (information space on the Internet) :: ワールド ワイド ウェブ /Wārudo Waido Uebu/
worm {n} (animal) :: 蠕虫 /ぜんちゅう, zenchū/, ワーム /wāmu/
wormhole {n} (a shortcut between distant parts of space) :: ワームホール /wāmuhōru/
worm lizard {n} (reptile of Amphisbaenidae) :: 蚯蚓蜥蜴 /ミミズトカゲ, mimizutokage/
wormwood {n} (Artemisia absinthium) :: 苦蓬 /nigayomogi/
worn out {adj} (damaged and useless due to hard or continued use) :: 使い古した /つかいふるした, tsukaifurushita/, ぼろぼろ /boroboro/, おんぼろ /onboro/
worn out {adj} (exhausted from exertion) :: ぼろぼろ /boroboro/
worn-out {adj} (worn-out) SEE: worn out ::
worried {adj} (thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen) :: 心配した /しんぱいした, shinpai shita/
worry {v} (be troubled) :: 心配する /shinpai suru/, 気にする /ki ni suru/
worry {v} (disturb the peace of mind of) :: せがむ /segamu/, 困らす /komarasu/
worry {v} (harass, irritate) :: じらす /jirasu/, 悩ます /nayamasu/
worry {v} (seize or shake by the throat) :: 噛んで振り回す /kande furimawasu/
worry {n} (strong feeling of anxiety) :: 心配 /shinpai/
worry {v} (strangle) SEE: strangle ::
worse {adj} (comparative form of bad) :: さらに悪い /sara ni…warui/, もっと悪い /もっとわるい, motto warui/, いっそう悪い /いっそうわるい, issō warui/, より悪い /...yori warui/
worsen {v} (transitive: make worse) :: 改悪する /kaiaku suru/, 悪化させる /akka saseru/, 悪くする /waruku suru/
worsen {v} (intransitive: get worse) :: 悪化する /akka suru/, 悪くなる /waruku naru/
worship {n} (devotion accorded to a deity or to a sacred object) :: 礼拝 /れいはい, reihai/
worship {v} (to honor and adore, especially as a deity) :: 崇拝する /すうはいする, sūhai suru/
worst {adj} (most inferior) :: 最低の /saitei no/, 最悪の /saiaku no/, びりの /biri no/, ワースト /wāsuto/
worst comes to worst {adv} (if a bad situation develops) :: 最悪の場合 /さいあくのばあい, saiaku no baai/
wort {n} (any of various plants or herbs) :: /くさ, kusa/
worth {adj} (deserving of) :: 価値がある /かちがある, kachi ga aru/
worth {n} (value) :: 価値 /かち, kachi/
worthless {adj} (not having worth and use, without value, inconsequential) :: 詰まらない /つまらない, tsumaranai/, 無価値な /mukachi na/, 軽賎な /keisen na/
worthy {adj} (deserving, or having sufficient worth) :: 値する /あたいする, atai suru/
would like {v} (transitive) :: (the exact form depends on the situation, e.g. "何になさいますか。" (nani ni nasaimasu ka?) "What would you like to have?")
would like {v} (intransitive) :: 欲しい /ほしい, hoshii/, ...たい /...tai/ (-i verb base + -tai, 1st person only) [the exact form depends on the situation]
wound {n} (injury) :: /きず, kizu/, 怪我 /けが, kega/
wound {n} (something that offends a person’s feelings) :: /きず, kizu/
wound {v} (hurt or injure) :: 傷付ける /きずつける, kizutsukeru/, 怪我させる /けがさせる, kega saseru/
wound {v} (hurt (someone's feelings)) :: 傷付ける /きずつける, kizutsukeru/
wounded {adj} (suffering from a wound) :: 負傷した /ふしょうした, fushō-shita/
wow {interj} (amazement) :: わあ /wā/, すごい! /sugoi/
wramp {v} (to sprain part of the body) SEE: sprain ::
Wrangel Island {prop} (an island in the Chukchi Sea) :: ウランゲリ島 /Urangeru-tō/
wrap {v} (to enclose completely in fabric, paper, etc) :: 包む /つつむ, tsutsumu/, 包装する /ほうそうする, hōsō suru/
wrapper {n} (something that is wrapped around something else as a cover or protection) :: 包装紙 /ほうそうし, hōsōshi/, 上包み /うわづつみ, uwadzutsumi/
wrapping paper {n} (paper used for wrapping parcels or presents) :: 包装紙 /ほうそうし, hōsōshi/
wrap-up {n} (brief final summary) :: まとめ /matome/
wrasse {n} (Fish) :: 遍羅, 倍良 /bera/
wrath {n} (great anger) :: 激怒 /げきど, gekido/, 憤怒 /ふんぬ, funnu/
wreath {n} (ornamental circular band) :: 花輪 /はなわ, hanawa/
wreath {v} (to place a wreath around something) :: 纏う /matou/
wreck {n} (ruined object or person) :: 荒廃 /kōhai/, 敗残 /haizan/
wreck {n} (remains) :: 残骸 /zangai/
wreck {n} (collision) :: 衝突 /shōtotsu/
wreck {v} (to cause severe damage) :: 破壊する /hakai suru/, 打ち壊す /buchikowasu/, めちゃめちゃにする /mechamecha ni suru/
wreck {v} (to ruin) :: 荒廃させる /kōhai saseru/, 打ち壊す /buchikowasu/, めちゃめちゃにする /mechamecha ni suru/
wreck {v} (to dismantle wrecked objects) :: 解体する /kaitai suru/, ばらす /barasu/
wreckage {n} (something wrecked) :: 残骸 /ざんがい, zangai/
wrecker {n} (tow truck) SEE: tow truck ::
wrecker {n} (person or company that dismantles old or wrecked vehicles or other items, to reclaim useful parts) :: 解体屋 /kaitaiya/
wrecker {n} (one who breaks up situations, events) :: 破壊者 /hakaisha/
wren {n} (bird of family Troglodytidae) :: ミソサザイ /misosazai/
wrench {n} (screw) SEE: screw ::
wrench {n} (hand tool) :: レンチ /renchi/, スパナ /supana/
wrest {v} (to seize) SEE: seize ::
wrest {v} (to distort, pervert, twist) SEE: distort ::
wrestle {v} (to contend, with an opponent, by grappling and attempting to throw) :: 格闘する /かくとうする, kakutō suru/
wrestler {n} (person who wrestles) :: レスラー /resurā/
wrestling {n} (sport) :: レスリング /resuringu/
wretch {n} (exile) SEE: exile ::
wriggle {v} (to twist one's body and move the limbs) :: うごめく /ugomeku/, のたくる /notakuru/
wring {v} (to squeeze or twist tightly so that liquid is forced out) :: 絞る /しぼる, shiboru/
wrinkle {n} (line or crease in the skin) :: /しわ, shiwa/
wrinkle {v} (to make wrinkles in; to cause to have wrinkles) :: しわが寄る /しわがよる, shiwa ga yoru/ [intransitive], 皺ばむ /しわばむ, shiwabamu/
wrinkled {adj} (having many wrinkles) :: しわくちゃ /shiwakucha/
wrist {n} (wrist) :: 手首 /てくび, tekubi/
wristband {n} (the cuff of a sleeve that wraps around the wrist) :: 袖口 /そでぐち, sodeguchi/
wristband {n} (a strip of material worn around the wrist, e.g. to absorb perspiration, especially in sports) :: リストバンド /risutobando/
wristband {n} (a band that supports a wristwatch) :: 腕輪 /うでわ, udewa/
wristlet {n} (handcuff) SEE: handcuff ::
wristwatch {n} (watch worn on the wrist) :: 腕時計 /udedokei/
writ {n} (a written order) :: 令状 /れいじょう, reijō/
write {v} (to form letters, etc.) :: 書く /かく, kaku/
write {v} (to send a letter to) :: 書く /かく, kaku/
write {v} (to be the author of) :: 書く /かく, kaku/
write {v} (to show (information)) :: 書く /かく, kaku/, 示す /shimesu/
write {v} (to be an author) :: 書く /かく, kaku/
write {v} (record (data)) :: 書込む /かきこむ, kakikomu/
write down {v} (to set something down in writing) :: 書き留める /かきとめる, kakitomeru/
write down {v} (to make a downward adjustment in the value of an asset) :: 値引きする /nebiki suru/
writer {n} (person who writes; an author) :: 著者 /ちょしゃ, chosha/, 作家 /さっか, sakka/, 筆者 /ひっしゃ, hissha/
writing {n} (written letters or symbols) :: 筆記 /ひっき, hikki/, 文字 /もんじ, monji, もじ, moji/
writing {n} (work of an author) :: 著作 /ちょさく, chosaku/
writing as separate words {n} (writing an expression with spaces) :: 分かち書き /wakachigaki/
writing desk {n} (desk) :: 書き物机 /かきものづくえ, kakimonodzukue/, ライティングデスク /raitingu desuku/, /つくえ, tsukue/
Wroclaw {prop} (a city in southwestern Poland) :: ヴロツワフ /Vurotsuwafu/, ブレスラウ /Buresurau/ [historical, signifying "Breslau"]
wrong {adj} (incorrect) :: 間違った /まちがった, machigatta/, 誤った /あやまった, ayamatta/, 違った /ちがった, chigatta/
wrong {adj} (immoral) :: 悪い /わるい,warui/, よくない /yokunai/
wrong {adj} (improper) :: 悪い /わるい,warui/, よくない /yokunai/, 不適当な /ふてきとうな,futekitō na/, 不適切な /ふてきせつな,futekisetsuna/
wrong {adj} (not working) :: 具合が悪くて /ぐあいがわるくて,guai ga warukute/, 故障で /こしょうで, koshōde/, 調子が狂って /ちょうしがくるって,chōshi ga kurutte/
wroth {adj} (full of anger) :: 激怒した /げきどした, gekido shita/
wrought iron {n} (form of iron that is not cast) :: 錬鉄 /れんてつ, rentetsu/
wryneck {n} (torticollis) SEE: torticollis ::
WSC {prop} (Mandarin) SEE: Mandarin ::
Wu {prop} (one of the families of the Chinese language) :: 呉語 /ごご, gogo/
Wu {prop} (Chinese surname) :: /ご, Go/, ウー /Ū/
wuderove {n} (herb) SEE: sweet woodruff ::
Wu-han {prop} (Wuhan) SEE: Wuhan ::
Wuhan {prop} (sub-provincial city in central China) :: 武漢 /ぶかん, Bukan/
Wuhan pneumonia {n} (form of pneumonia) :: 武漢肺炎 /Bukan haien/
Wulumuqi {prop} (Capital of Xinjiang) SEE: Ürümqi ::
wunderkind {n} (child prodigy) SEE: child prodigy ::
wushu {n} (martial art) :: 武術 /ぶじゅつ, bujutsu/
Wuxi {prop} (a city of China) :: 無錫 /むしゃく, Mushaku/
WW1 {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I ::
wy {n} (name of the letter Y, y) SEE: wye ::
wye {n} (name of the letter Y, y) :: ワイ /wai/
wynkernel {n} (common moorhen) SEE: common moorhen ::
Wyoming {prop} (US state) :: ワイオミング /Waiomingu/, ワイオミング州 /Waiomingu-shū/
wyvern {n} (mythical dragon-like creature) :: 飛竜 /ひりゅう, hiryū/, ワイバン /waiban/