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éclat {n} (brilliant or successful effect) :: 辉煌
e {n} (name of the letter E, e) :: [English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists]
E {n} (slang: spironolactone) :: , /bǔ/
E {n} (grade below D) ::
each {determiner} (every) :: /měi/, /gè/, 每隔 /měigé/
each other {pron} (to one another; one to the other) :: 互相 /hùxiāng/, 彼此 /bǐcǐ/, 交互 /jiāohù/
each to his own {proverb} (to each his own) SEE: to each his own ::
eager {adj} (excited by desire in the pursuit of any object) :: 急於, 急于 /jíyú/
eagle {n} (any of several large carnivorous birds in the family Accipitridae) :: 老鷹, 老鹰 /lǎoyīng/, , /yīng/
eaglet {n} (an eagle chick) :: 小鷹, 小鹰 /xiǎoyīng/
ear {n} (fruiting body of a grain plant) :: /suì/
ear {v} (archaic: to plough) :: /gēng/
ear {v} (plough) SEE: plough ::
ear {n} (external part of the organ of hearing) SEE: pinna ::
ear {n} (organ of hearing) :: 耳朵 /ěrduo/, /ěr/
earache {n} (pain in the ear) :: 耳痛 /ěrtòng/
ear canal {n} (tube or meatus running from the outer ear to the eardrum) :: 耳道 /ěrdào/
eardrop {n} (medicine) :: 滴耳劑, 滴耳剂 /dī'ěrjì/, 滴耳液 /dī'ěryè/
eardrop {n} (pendant for the ear) :: 耳環, 耳环 /ěrhuán/
eardrum {n} (membrane separating outer and middle ears) :: 鼓膜 /gǔmó/, 耳鼓 /ěrgǔ/, 耳膜 /ěrmó/
eared seal {n} (seal of the family Otariidae) :: 海獅, 海狮 /hǎishī/, 海狗 /hǎigǒu/
earl {n} (a British or Irish nobleman) :: 伯爵 /bójué/
earless {adj} (lacking ears) :: 沒有耳朵, 没有耳朵 (méiyǒu ěrduo)
earless seal {n} (seal of family Phocidae) :: 海豹 /hǎibào/
Earl Grey {n} (a type of tea) :: 伯爵茶, 伯爵茶 /bójuéchá/
ear lobe {n} (a part of the ear) :: 耳垂 /ěrchuí/
early {adj} (at a time in advance of the usual) :: /zǎo/
early {adv} (at a time before expected) :: /zǎo/
early bird {n} (one who wakes early) :: 早起 /zǎoqǐ de rén/, 早起 /zǎoqǐ zhě/
early childhood {n} (stage including toddlerhood and some time afterwards) :: 兒童早期, 儿童早期 /értóng zǎoqī/
early childhood education {n} (teaching and care of young children) :: 兒童早期教育學, 儿童早期教育学 /értóng zǎoqī jiàoyùxué/ [as a subject], 兒童早期教育, 儿童早期教育 /értóng zǎoqī jiàoyù/, 早期教育 /zǎoqī jiàoyù/, 學前教育, 学前教育 /xuéqián jiàoyù/, 幼教 /yòujiào/, 幼兒教育, 幼儿教育 /yòu'ér jiàoyù/, 早教 /zǎojiào/ [mainland China]
early fetal demise {n} (missed abortion) SEE: missed abortion ::
early riser {n} (early bird) SEE: early bird ::
early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise {proverb} (Benjamin Franklin quote) :: 早睡早起使人健康富裕聰穎, 早睡早起使人健康富裕聪颖 /zǎoshuìzǎoqǐ, shǐrén jiànkāng, fùyù hé cōngyǐng/
earmuff {n} (garment to keep the ears warm) :: 耳套 /ěrtào/, 耳罩 /ěrzhào/, 耳包子 /ěrbāozi/
earn {v} (transitive: receive (money) for working) :: , /zhèng/, , /zhuàn/, 賺取, 赚取 /zhuànqǔ/, 獲得, 获得 /huòdé/
earn {v} (deserve) :: 值得 /zhíde/, 應受, 应受 /yīngshòu/
earnest {adj} (ardent) :: 熱心, 热心 /rèxīn/
earnest {adj} (important, serious) :: 認真, 认真 /rènzhēn/, 嚴重, 严重 /yánzhòng/, 沉重 /chénzhòng/
earnest money {n} (money paid) :: 保證金, 保证金 /bǎozhèngjīn/, 定金 /dìngjīn/
earnings {n} (wages, money earned, income) :: 收益 /shōuyì/, 收入 /shōurù/, 所得 /suǒdé/
earphone {n} (sound device held near the ear) :: 耳機, 耳机 /ěrjī/, 耳筒 /ěrtǒng/
earphones {n} (small speakers worn over the ears) :: 耳機, 耳机 /ěrjī/
earpick {n} (instrument for removing earwax) :: 挖耳勺 /wā'ěrsháo/, 耳挖 /ěrwá/
earplug {n} (protective clothing for the ear canal) :: 耳塞 /ěrsāi/, 耳栓 /ěrshuān/
earring {n} (piece of jewelry) :: 耳環, 耳环 /ěrhuán/
ear shell {n} (abalone) SEE: abalone ::
ear tag {n} (tag on the ear of an animal) :: 耳標, 耳标 /ěrbiāo/
earth {n} (soil) :: /dì/, 土壤 /tǔrǎng/
earth {n} (any general rock-based material) :: 泥土 /nítǔ/
earth {n} (the ground, land) :: 陸地, 陆地 /lùdì/, 地面
earth {n} (electrical connection) :: 地線, 地线 /dìxiàn/, 接地線, 接地线 /jiēdìxiàn/
earth {n} (one of the four basic elements) :: 泥土 /nítǔ/
earth {n} (one of the five basic elements) ::
earth {prop} (our planet, third out from the Sun) SEE: Earth ::
Earth {prop} (third planet of the Solar System) :: 地球 /dìqiú/
earthbound {adj} (confined to the Earth) :: 固定在地面上的
Earth Day {prop} (global day of observance of the need to protect the earth) :: 世界地球日 /Shìjiè Dìqiúrì/, 地球日 /Dìqiúrì/
earthenware {n} (ceramic) :: 陶器 /táoqì/
Earthling {n} (inhabitant of the planet Earth) :: 地球人 /dìqiúrén/
earthly branch {n} (set of twelve terms in East Asian cultures) :: 地支 /dìzhī/, 十二支 /shí'èrzhī/ [the 12 earthly branches]
earth pig {n} (aardvark) SEE: aardvark ::
earthquake {n} (shaking of the surface of a planet) :: 地震 /dìzhèn/, 地動, 地动 /dìdòng/ [literary or dialectal]
earth science {n} (any of the sciences dealing with the planet Earth) :: 地球科學, 地球科学 /dìqiú kēxué/
earthwork {n} (structure made from earth) :: 土方工程 /tǔfāng gōngchéng/
earthworm {n} (worm (animal)) :: 蚯蚓 /qiūyǐn/, 地龍, 地龙 /dìlóng/
earwax {n} (waxy substance secreted by the ear) :: 耳屎 /ěrshǐ/, 耳垢 /ěrgòu/, 耵聹, 耵聍 /dīngníng/
earwig {n} (the insect) :: 蠼螋 /qúsōu/
earworm {n} (earwig) SEE: earwig ::
earworm {n} (tune that keeps replaying in one's head) :: 耳蟲, 耳虫 /ěrchóng/
easel {n} (upright frame for displaying or supporting something) :: 黑板架 /hēibǎn jià/, 畫架, 画架 /huàjià/
easement {n} (legal right to use another person's property) :: 地役权
ease nature {v} (to urinate and/or defecate (euphemism)) SEE: relieve oneself ::
easier said than done {adj} (easy to propose, but difficult to accomplish) :: 談何容易, 谈何容易 /tánhéróngyì/, 說得倒輕巧, 说得倒轻巧 /shuō de dào qīng qiao/
easily {adv} (comfortably) :: 舒適, 舒适 /shūshì de/
easily {adv} (without difficulty) :: 容易 /róngyì de/
easily {adv} (without question) :: 毫無疑問, 毫无疑问 /háowú yíwèn de/
east {n} (compass point) :: , /dōng/, 東方, 东方 /dōngfāng/
east {adj} (in or towards the east) :: , /dōng/
East {prop} (Eastern world) :: 東方, 东方 /Dōngfāng/, 東洋, 东洋 /Dōngyáng/
East Africa {prop} (eastern part of the continent of Africa) :: 東非, 东非 /Dōngfēi/, 東非洲, 东非洲 /Dōng Fēizhōu/
East al-Quds {prop} (East Jerusalem) SEE: East Jerusalem ::
East Asia {prop} (eastern subregion of Asia) :: 東亞, 东亚 /Dōngyà/
East Asian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to East Asia) :: 東亞, 东亚 /Dōngyà de/
East Asian {n} (a person from East Asia) :: 東亞人, 东亚人 /Dōngyàrén/
East China Sea {prop} (a sea) :: 東海, 东海 /Dōng Hǎi/
East Coast {prop} (the eastern seaboard of the United States) :: 東海岸, 东海岸 /dōnghǎi'àn/, 東岸, 东岸 /dōng'àn/
Easter {n} (Christian holiday) :: 復活節, 复活节 /fùhuójié/
Easter Bunny {prop} (Symbolic rabbit sometimes depicted delivering Easter eggs to children) :: 復活節兔, 复活节兔 /Fùhuójié tù/
Easter egg {n} (a dyed or decorated egg) :: 復活節彩蛋, 复活节彩蛋 /Fùhuójié cǎidàn/
Easter Island {prop} (Island in the Pacific) :: 復活節島, 复活节岛 /Fùhuójiédǎo/
eastern {adj} (related to the east) :: 東方的, 东方的 /dōngfāng de/, , /dōng/
Eastern Bloc {prop} (the largely Communist countries of the eastern world) :: 東方集團, 东方集团 /Dōngfāng jítuán/
easterner {n} (a native or inhabitant of the east) :: 東方人, 东方人 /dōngfāngrén/
Eastern Europe {prop} (Eastern Europe) :: 東歐, 东欧 /Dōng-Ōu/
Eastern Hemisphere {prop} (hemisphere of the Earth) :: 東半球, 东半球 /dōngbànqiú/
eastern jackrabbit {n} (European hare) SEE: European hare ::
Eastern Orthodox Church {prop} (division of Christianity) :: 東正教, 东正教 /Dōngzhèngjiào/
East Germany {prop} (former European country) :: 東德, 东德 /Dōng Dé/
East Jerusalem {prop} (eastern sector of Jerusalem) :: 東耶路撒冷, 东耶路撒冷 /Dōng Yēlùsālěng/
East Prussia {prop} (historical province of Germany) :: 東普魯士, 东普鲁士 /Dōng Pǔlǔshì/
East Sea {prop} (South China Sea) SEE: South China Sea ::
East Sea {prop} (Baltic sea) SEE: Baltic Sea ::
East Sea {prop} (Sea of Japan) SEE: Sea of Japan ::
East Sea {prop} (Dead Sea) SEE: Dead Sea ::
East Sea {prop} (East China Sea) SEE: East China Sea ::
East Timor {prop} (Country in Oceania) :: 東帝汶, 东帝汶 /Dōng-Dìwèn/
East Turkestan {prop} (Xinjiang) SEE: Xinjiang ::
East Turkestan {prop} (a historical region in Asia) :: 東突厥斯坦, 东突厥斯坦 /Dōng Tūjuésītǎn/, 東土耳其斯坦, 东土耳其斯坦 /Dōng Tǔ'ěrqísītǎn/
East Turkistan {prop} (East Turkestan) SEE: East Turkestan ::
easy {adj} (comfortable) SEE: comfortable ::
easy {adj} (requiring little skill or effort) :: 容易 /róngyì/, 簡單, 简单 /jiǎndān/
easy {adj} (consenting readily to sex) :: 隨便, 随便 /suíbiàn/
easy as pie {adj} (very easy) :: 易如反掌 /Yìrúfǎnzhǎng/, 得来全不费功夫 /Dé lái quán bù fèi gōngfū/
easy chair {n} (a comfortable chair) :: 安樂椅, 安乐椅 /ānlèyǐ/
easy does it {phrase} (do something gently or slowly) :: 慢慢來, 慢慢来 /mànmàn lái/; 別著急, 别着急 (bié zháojí); 慢一點, 慢一点 (màn yīdiǎn); 小心一點, 小心一点 (xiǎoxīn yīdiǎn)
easy listening {n} (style of music involving simple and laid-back melodies) :: 輕音樂, 轻音乐 /qīngyīnyuè/
eat {v} (to ingest, see also: consume; ingest) :: Literary Chinese: ; /chī/, /shí/ [literary]
eat {v} (eat a meal) :: 吃飯, 吃饭 /chīfàn/
eatable {adj} (able to be eaten) SEE: edible ::
eatery {n} (a restaurant or café) :: 小飯館, 小饭馆 /xiǎofànguǎn/, 小餐館, 小餐馆 /xiǎocānguǎn/, 館子, 馆子 /guǎnzi/
eating disorder {n} (psychological disorder) :: 進食障礙, 进食障碍 /jìnshí zhàng'ài/
eat like a bird {v} (to eat small amounts) :: 吃得少
eat one's fill {v} (to eat to one's satisfaction, until full) :: 吃飽, 吃饱 /chībǎo/
eat one's hat {v} (to express disbelief about a proposition) :: 字倒過來寫, 字倒过来写 /zì dào guòlái xiě/
eat one's heart out {v} (feel overwhelming negative emotion) :: 傷心, 伤心 /shāngxīn/
eat one's words {v} (regret something said) :: 承認, 承认 /chéngrèn shuō cuò huà/
eat out {v} (dine at a restaurant) :: 下館子, 下馆子 /xià guǎnzi/
eat pussy {v} (to perform cunnilingus) :: 舔陰, 舔阴 /tiǎnyīn/
eat up {v} (consume completely) :: 吃光 /chīguāng/
eau de toilette {n} (lightly scented perfume) :: 淡香水 /dànxiāngshuǐ/, 花露水 /huālùshuǐ/
eave {n} (the underside of a roof that extends beyond the external walls of a building) :: 屋檐 /wūyán/
eaves {n} (underside of a roof) :: 屋檐 /wūyán/, /yán/
eavesdrop {v} (to hear a conversation one is not intended to hear) :: 偷聽, 偷听 /tōutīng/, 竊聽, 窃听 /qiètīng/, 聽牆根, 听墙根 /tīng qiánggēn/
eavesdropping {n} (listening to private conversation) :: 竊聽, 窃听 /qiètīng/
eavesdropping {n} (interception of electronic communication) :: 竊聽, 窃听 /qiètīng/
eBay {prop} (eBay (alternative non-romanised names)) :: 電子灣, 电子湾 /diànzǐ-wān/, 電子港灣, 电子港湾 /diànzǐ-gǎngwān/
ebb {n} (receding movement of the tide) :: 退潮 /tuìcháo/, 落潮 /luòcháo/
e-bike {n} (bicycle powered by an electric motor) :: 電動自行車, 电动自行车 /diàndòng zìxíngchē/, 電瓶車, 电瓶车 /diànpíngchē/
Ebola {prop} (river) :: 埃博拉 /Āibólā/, 伊波拉 /Yībōlā/
Ebola {n} (Ebola virus) SEE: Ebola virus ::
Ebola {n} (Ebola fever) SEE: Ebola fever ::
Ebola fever {n} (illness caused by the Ebola virus) :: 埃博拉病 /Āibólā bìng/, 埃博拉出血熱, 埃博拉出血热 /Āibólā chūxiěrè/
Ebola virus {n} (virus) :: 埃博拉病毒 /Āibólā bìngdú/
ebonite {n} (product of vulcanizing rubber with sulfur) :: 硬膠, 硬胶 /yìngjiāo/, 硬橡膠, 硬橡胶 /yìngxiàngjiāo/
ebony {n} (wood) :: 烏木, 乌木 /wūmù/, 黑檀 /hēitán/
ebony {n} (tree) :: 黑檀樹, 黑檀树 /hēitánshù/, 烏木, 乌木 /wūmù/
ebony {n} (colour) :: 烏黑, 乌黑 /wūhēi/
e-book {n} (electronic book) :: 電子書, 电子书 /diànzǐshū/
e-book reader {n} (e-reader) SEE: e-reader ::
Ebro {prop} (Spanish river) :: 埃布羅河, 埃布罗河 /Āibùluó Hé/
ebullioscope {n} (an instrument used to measure the boiling point of liquids) :: 沸点测定器
eccentric {adj} (not at or in the centre) :: 偏心的
eccentric {adj} (deviating from the norm) :: 古怪 /gǔguài/
eccentric {n} (person who does not behave like others) :: 怪人 /guàirén/
ecchymosis {n} (skin discoloration) SEE: bruise ::
Ecclesiastes {prop} (book of the Bible) :: 傳道書, 传道书 /Chuándàoshū/
Ecclesiastical Latin {prop} (Latin language) :: 教會拉丁語, 教会拉丁语 /jiàohuì lādīngyǔ/
ecclesiology {n} (branch of theology) :: 教會學, 教会学 /jiàohuìxué/
Echeng {prop} (district in central China) :: 鄂城 /Èchéng/
echidna {n} (any of the four species of small spined monotremes) :: 針鼴, 针鼹 /zhēnyǎn/, 食蟻蝟, 食蚁猬 /shíyǐwèi/
echinoderm {n} (member of the Echinodermata) :: 棘皮動物, 棘皮动物 /jípí dòngwù/
echo {n} (reflected sound) :: 回聲, 回声 /huíshēng/, 應聲, 应声 /yìngshēng/
Echo {prop} (Asteroid) :: 司音星 /Sīyīnxīng/
echo chamber {n} ((derogatory) communication space which refuses the input of outsiders) :: 小圈子 /xiǎoquānzi/
echolalia {n} (echoing of words or phrases) :: 模仿言語 /mófǎngyányǔ/
echolocation {n} (use of echos to detect objects) :: 回聲定位, 回声定位 /huíshēng dìngwèi/
Eckankar {prop} (a pantheistic religion) :: 埃坎卡 /Āikǎnkǎ/
eclampsia {n} (complication of pregnancy) :: 子癇, 子痫 /zǐxián/
eclecticism {n} (arts: based on multiple art styles) :: 折衷主义 /zhé zhōng zhǔ yì/
eclipse {n} (passage of a planetary object between others) :: [solar] 日食 /rìshí/, [variant form] 日蝕, 日蚀 /rìshí/, [lunar] 月食 /yuèshí/, [variant form] 月蝕, 月蚀 /yuèshí/
ecliptic {n} (Earth's orbital plane) :: 黃道
eclogite {n} (coarse-grained rock) :: 榴輝岩, 榴辉岩 /liúhuīyán/
eco- {prefix} (concerning ecology or the environment) :: /sheng/
eco-city {n} (city) :: 生態城市, 生态城市 /shēngtài chéngshì/
eco-friendly {adj} (ecologically friendly) SEE: environmentally friendly ::
E-collar {n} (Elizabethan collar) SEE: Elizabethan collar ::
ecologic {adj} (related to ecology) SEE: ecological ::
ecological {adj} (relating to ecology) :: 生態的, 生态的 /shēngtài de/, 生態學的, 生态学的 /shēngtàixué de/
ecologism {n} (ideology) :: 生態主義, 生态主义 /shēngtàizhǔyì/
ecologist {n} (A scientist who studies ecology) :: 生態學家, 生态学家 /shēngtaìxúejiā/
ecology {n} (branch of biology) :: 生態, 生态 /shēngtài/, 生態學, 生态学 /shēngtàixué/
e-commerce {n} (commercial activity conducted via the Internet) :: 電子商貿, 电子商贸 /diànzǐ shāngmào/, 電子商務, 电子商务 /diànzǐ shāngwù/, e商務, e商务 /e-shāngwù/, e商業, e商业 /e-shāngyè/, 電商, 电商 /diànshāng/
econometrics {n} (branch of economics) :: 計量經濟學, 计量经济学 /jìliàng jīngjìxué/
economic {adj} (pertaining to an economy) :: 經濟, 经济 /jīngjì/
economical {adj} (relating to economy) SEE: economic ::
economical {adj} (careful with money) :: 節約的, 节约的 /jiéyuē de/
economic crisis {n} (period of economic slowdown) SEE: financial crisis ::
economic emigrant {n} (economic migrant) SEE: economic migrant ::
economic growth {n} (growth) :: 經濟增長, 经济增长 /jīngjì zēngzhǎng/
economic immigrant {n} (economic migrant) SEE: economic migrant ::
economic liberalism {n} (belief) :: 經濟自由主義, 经济自由主义 /jīngjì zìyóuzhǔyì/
economic migrant {n} (person) :: 經濟移民, 经济移民 /jīngjì yímín/
economics {n} (study) :: 經濟學, 经济学 /jīngjìxué/
economies of scale {n} (the characteristics of a production process) :: 規模經濟, 规模经济 /guīmó jīngjì/, 規模效益, 规模效益 /guīmó xiàoyì/
economist {n} (expert in economics) :: 經濟學家, 经济学家 /jīngjì xuéjiā/
economy {n} (frugal use of resources) :: 經濟, 经济 /jīngjì/
economy {n} (production and distribution and consumption) :: 經濟, 经济 /jīngjì/
ecosystem {n} (system of an ecological community and its environment) :: 生態系, 生态系 /shēngtàixì/, 生態系統, 生态系统 /shēngtài xìtǒng/
ecoterrorism {n} (terrorism with an ecological motive) :: 生態恐怖主義, 生态恐怖主义 /shēngtài kǒngbùzhǔyì/
ecoterrorist {n} (one who engages in ecoterrorism) :: 生態恐怖分子, 生态恐怖分子 /shēngtài kǒngbùfēnzǐ/
ecotourism {n} (responsible travel) :: 生態旅遊, 生态旅游 /shēngtài lǚyóu/, 生態觀光, 生态观光 /shēngtài guānguāng/
ecru {adj} (beige) SEE: beige ::
ecstasy {n} (intense pleasure) :: 狂喜 /kuángxǐ/
ecstasy {n} (intense emotion) :: 狂喜 /kuángxǐ/
ecstasy {n} (drug) :: 搖頭丸, 摇头丸 /yáotóuwán/
ectopic pregnancy {n} (type of pregnancy) ::  ; 異位妊娠, 异位妊娠 /yì wèi rènshēn/, 子宮外孕, 子宫外孕 /zǐgōng wài yùn/, 宮外孕, 宫外孕 /gōng wài yùn/
ectoplasm {n} (parapsychology: visible substance believed to emanate from spiritualistic mediums) :: 外質, 外质 /wàizhì/
ectoproct {n} (bryozoan) SEE: bryozoan ::
ectothermic {adj} (of or relating to ectotherm) :: 冷血的 /lěngxuè de/
Ecuador {prop} (country in South America) :: 厄瓜多爾, 厄瓜多尔 /Èguāduō'ěr/
ecumenism {n} (ecumenical doctrines and practices) :: 普世教會合一運動, 普世教会合一运动 /pǔshì jiàohuì héyī yùndòng/
eczema {n} (acute or chronic inflammation of the skin) :: 溼疹 or 濕疹, 湿疹 /shīzhěn/
Edam {prop} (Edam cheese) SEE: Edam cheese ::
edamame {n} (green soybeans) :: 毛豆 {n} /máodòu/
Edam cheese {n} (type of cheese) :: 埃德姆芝士 /Āidémǔ zhīshì/
edaphology {n} (ecological relationship of soil with plants, and land cultivation practices) :: 土壤生态学 /tǔrǎngshēngtàixué/
eddy {n} (air or water running in an opposite direction to the main current) :: 渦流, 涡流 /wōliú/
edelweiss {n} (a European perennial alpine plant) :: 雪絨花, 雪绒花 /xuěrónghuā/
edema {n} (excessive accumulation of serum in tissue) :: 水腫, 水肿 /shuǐzhǒng/, 浮腫, 浮肿 /fúzhǒng/
Eden {prop} (garden) :: 伊甸 /Yīdiàn/
edge {n} (boundary line of a surface) :: 邊界, 边界 /biānjiè/, 邊緣, 边缘 /biānyuán/
edge {n} (thin cutting side of the blade of an instrument) :: /rèn/
edible {adj} (that can be eaten without harm; suitable for consumption) :: 食用的 /shíyòng de/, 可吃的 /kěchī de/
edible bird's nest {n} (nest of certain species of swiftlet) :: 燕窩, 燕窝 /yànwō/
e-dictionary {n} (electronic dictionary) :: 電子詞典, 电子词典 /diànzǐ cídiǎn/
edifice {n} (building) :: 大廈, 大厦 /dàshà/, 建築物, 建筑物 /jiànzhùwù/
edifice {n} (school of thought) :: 學派, 学派 /xuépài/, 學說, 学说 /xuéshuō/, 制度 /zhìdù/
Edinburgh {prop} (capital of Scotland) :: 愛丁堡, 爱丁堡 /Àidīngbǎo/
Edirne {prop} (a city in Eastern Thrace) :: 埃迪爾內, 埃迪尔内 /Āidí'ěrnèi/
Edison {prop} (Transliterations of the surname) :: 愛迪生, 爱迪生 /Àidíshēng/
edit {n} (a change to the text of a document) :: 編輯, 编辑 /biānjí/
edit {v} (to change a text, or a document) :: 編輯, 编辑 /biānjí/
editable {adj} (capable of being edited) :: 編輯, 编辑 /néngbiānjí/
editing {n} (an act or instance of something being edited) :: 編輯, 编辑 /biānjí/
edition {n} (literary work) :: /bǎn/, 版本 /bǎnběn/, 版次 /bǎncì/
editor {n} (person who edits) :: 編輯, 编辑 /biānjí/
editor {n} (newspaper editor) :: 編輯, 编辑 /biānjí/
editor {n} (program for modifying text files) :: 编辑器, 編輯器
editorial {adj} (of or relating to an editor, editing, or an editorial) :: 编辑的, 社论的
editorial {n} (article giving the opinion of editors) :: 社論, 社论 /shèlún/, 社說, 社说 /shèshuō/
editor in chief {n} (highest ranking editor) :: 主編, 主编 /zhǔbiān/
editorship {n} (the position or job of being an editor) :: 編輯工作, 编辑工作 /biānjí gōngzuò/
edit war {n} (a dispute over the content of a page on a wiki or other editable work) :: 編輯戰, 编辑战 /biānjí zhàn/
Edmonton {prop} (city in Alberta, Canada) :: 埃德蒙頓, 埃德蒙顿 /Āidéméngdùn/, 艾德蒙頓, 艾德蒙顿 /Àidéméngdùn/
Edo {prop} (former name of Tokyo) :: 江戶, 江户 /Jiānghù/
Edom {prop} (name given to Esau in the Hebrew Bible) :: 以東, 以东 /Yǐdōng/
Edom {prop} (region whose inhabitants traditionally traced their ancestry to Esau) :: 以東, 以东 /Yǐdōng/
e-dress {n} (e-mail address) SEE: e-mail address ::
educated guess {n} (guess based on experience or knowledge) :: 根據推測, 根据推测 /yǒu gēnjù de tuīcè/
education {n} (process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment) :: 教育 /jiàoyù/, 教學, 教学 /jiàoxué/, 教養, 教养 /jiàoyǎng/
education {n} (facts, skills and ideas that have been learned, either formally or informally) :: 教育 /jiàoyù/
educational institution {n} (place where people of different ages gain an education) :: 教育機構, 教育机构 /jiàoyù jīgòu/
educationalist {n} (specialist in the theory of education) :: 教育家 /jiàoyùjiā/
education assistant {n} (teaching assistant) SEE: teaching assistant ::
educator {n} (teacher) SEE: teacher ::
educator {n} (person distinguished for his/her educational work, see also: teacher) :: 教育家 /jiàoyùjiā/
Edward {prop} (male given name) :: 愛德華, 爱德华 /Àidéhuá/
e-education {n} (education assisted by computer technology) :: 網絡教育, 网络教育 /wǎngluò jiàoyù/
eel {n} (any fish of the order Anguilliformes) :: 鰻魚, 鳗鱼 /mányú/, , /mán/, 鱔魚, 鳝鱼 /shànyú/
eeny, meeny, miny, moe {n} (similar children's counting-out games in other languages) :: 一二三四五,上山打老虎 /yī èr sān sì wǔ, shàngshān dǎ lǎohǔ/ (12345, climb a mountain and beat a tiger), 你拍一,我拍一,一隻小貓坐飛機, 你拍一,我拍一,一只小猫坐飞机 /nǐ pāiyī, wǒ pāiyī, yī zhī xiǎomāo zuò fēijī/ (You clap, I clap, a kitten boards a plane)
eerie {adj} (weird) :: 怪異, 怪异 /guàiyì/, 森森 /sēnsēn/
ef {n} (name of the letter F, f) :: [English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists]
effect {n} (result of an action) :: 效果 /xiàoguǒ/, 影響, 影响 /yǐngxiǎng/, 結果, 结果 /jiéguǒ/
effectiveness {n} (property) :: 有效范围
effectiveness {n} (degree) :: 效力
effects unit {n} (device that alters how a musical instrument sounds) :: 效果器 /xiàoguǒqì/
effeminate {adj} (of a man, behaving like a woman) :: 娘娘腔 /niángniángqiāng/, 女人氣, 女人气 /nǚrénqì/
effendi {n} (title of respect) :: 阿凡提 /āfántí/
effervescence {n} (the escape of gas from solution in a liquid) :: 冒泡
efficacious {adj} (effective, see also: effective) :: 有效 /yǒuxiào/, 管用 /guǎnyòng/, 奏效 /zòuxiào/, 靈驗, 灵验 /língyàn/, [of medicine] 藥效, 药效 /yàoxiào hǎo/, [of therapy or treatment] 療效, 疗效 /liáoxiào hǎo/
efficacity {n} (efficacy) SEE: efficacy ::
efficacy {n} (ability to produce effect) :: 功效 /gōngxiào/, 效力 /xiàolì/, 效能 /xiàonéng/, 效驗, 效验 /xiàoyàn/, [of medicine] 藥效, 药效 /yàoxiào/, [of therapy or treatment] 療效, 疗效 /liáoxiào/
efficiency {n} (extent to which time is well used) :: 效率 /xiàolǜ/, 效能 /xiàonéng/
efficiency {n} (extent to which a resource is used for the intended purpose) :: 效率 /xiàolǜ/, 效能 /xiàonéng/
efficient {adj} (making good use of resources) :: 效率 /gāo xiàolǜ/
effigy {n} (dummy or other crude representation) :: 假人 /jiǎrén/, 雕像 /diāoxiàng/, 肖像 /xiàoxiàng/
effloresce {v} (to come forth) SEE: emerge ::
efflower {v} (leatherworking: remove an outer surface with a knife) SEE: graze ::
effluent {n} (flow of liquid waste) :: 廢水, 废水 /fèishuǐ/, 污水 /wūshuǐ/, 髒水, 脏水 /zāngshuǐ/
effluvium {n} (gaseous or vaporous emission) :: 臭氣, 臭气 /chòuqì/, 惡臭, 恶臭 /èchòu/
effort {n} (endeavor) SEE: endeavor ::
effort {n} (the amount of work involved in achieving something) :: 努力 /nǔlì/, 費力, 费力 /fèilì/
effrontery {n} (insolent and shameless audacity) :: 厚顏無恥, 厚颜无耻 /hòuyánwúchǐ/
effulgent {adj} (radiant, resplendent, shining, see also: radiant; resplendent; shining) :: 鮮麗, 鲜丽 /xiānlì/, , /xuàn/
e.g. {adv} (abbreviation for “for example”) :: 例如 /lìrú/
egalitarian {adj} (characterized by social equality and equal rights for all people) :: 平等主義的, 平等主义的 /píngděngzhǔyì de/, 平均主義的, 平均主义的 /píngjūnzhǔyì de/
egalitarianism {n} (political doctrine of universal equality) :: 平均主義, 平均主义 /píngjūnzhǔyì/, 平等主義, 平等主义 /píngděngzhǔyì/
egestion {n} (act of egesting) :: 排糞, 排粪 /páifèn/, 排泄 /páixiè/, 排便 /páibiàn/, 排遺, 排遗 /páiyí/
egg {n} (body housing an embryo) :: 卵子 /luǎnzǐ/
egg {n} (egg of domestic fowl as food item) :: /dàn/, [chicken egg] 雞蛋, 鸡蛋 /jīdàn/
egg {n} (ovum) :: /luǎn/, 卵子 /luǎnzi/
eggbeater {n} (eggwhisk) SEE: eggwhisk ::
egg cell {n} (ovum) SEE: ovum ::
eggnog {n} (alcoholic beverage) :: 蛋酒 /dànjiǔ/, 蛋奶酒 /dànnǎijiǔ/, 蛋諾類, 蛋诺类 /dànnuòlèi/
egg on one's face {n} (suffer embarrassment or humiliation) :: 面上無光, 面上无光 /miànshàngwúguāng/, 出醜, 出丑 /chūchǒu/
eggplant {n} (plant) :: 茄子 /qiézi/
eggplant {n} (edible fruit) :: 茄子 /qiézi/, 酪酥 /làosū, luòsū/
egg roll {n} (a food made made by wrapping a combination of ingredients) :: 潤餅, 润饼 /rùnbǐng/
egg roll {n} (an egg-based, flute-shaped pastry with typically yellowish, flaky crust) :: 雞蛋卷, 鸡蛋卷 /jīdànjuǎn/, 蛋卷 /dànjuǎn/
eggs and bacon {n} (bacon and eggs) SEE: bacon and eggs ::
eggshell {n} (object) :: 蛋殼, 蛋壳 /dànké, dànke/
egg tart {n} (pastry commonly made in Hong Kong) :: 蛋撻, 蛋挞 /dàntà/
egg waffle {n} (Hong Kong street food) :: 雞蛋仔, 鸡蛋仔 /jīdànzǎi/
eggwhisk {n} (utensil) :: 打蛋器 /dǎdànqì/
egg white {n} (clear part of an egg) SEE: albumen ::
egg yolk {n} (central part of an egg) SEE: yolk ::
ego {n} (the self) :: 自我 /zì wǒ/
egocentrism {n} (following ones egotistical desires) :: 自我中心主義, 自我中心主义 /zìwǒzhōngxīnzhǔyì/
egoism {n} (tendency to think of self) :: 自我主義, 自我主义 /zìwǒzhǔyì/, 利己主義, 利己主义 /lìjǐzhǔyì/
egoist {n} (advocate of egoism) :: 自我主義者, 自我主义者 /zìwǒ zhǔyì zhě/, 利己主義者, 利己主义者 /lìjǐ zhǔyì zhě/
egotist {n} (egocentric or self-centered person) SEE: egoist ::
egress {n} (exit) SEE: exit ::
egret {n} (Any of various wading birds of the genera Egretta or Ardea) :: 白鷺, 白鹭 /báilù/
Egus {prop} (town in Yengisar, Kashgar, Xinjiang) :: 艾古斯 /Àigǔsī/
Egypt {prop} (country in North Africa) :: 埃及 /Āijí/
Egyptian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Egypt) :: 埃及的 /Āijí de/
Egyptian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Egyptians) :: 埃及的 /Āijí de/
Egyptian {n} (person from Egypt) :: 埃及人 /Āijírén/
Egyptian {prop} (language) :: 埃及語, 埃及语 /Āijíyǔ/
Egyptian Arabic {prop} (Egyptian Arabic) :: 埃及阿拉伯語, 埃及阿拉伯语 /Āijí Ālābó yǔ/
Egyptian cobra {n} (Naja haje) :: 埃及眼鏡蛇, 埃及眼镜蛇 /Āijí yǎnjìngshé/
Egyptologist {n} (A person; one who is skilled professes or practices Egyptology) :: 埃及古物學者, 埃及古物学者 /Aījí gǔwù xuézhě/, 埃及學家, 埃及学家 /Aījí xuéjiā/
Ehime {prop} (Ehime, Japan) :: 愛媛, 爱媛 /Àiyuàn/
Eid {prop} (Muslim religious festival) :: 爾代節, 尔代节 /ěrdàijié/, 爾德, 尔德 /ěrdé/
Eid al-Adha {prop} (Islamic festival) :: 古爾邦節, 古尔邦节 /Gǔ'ěrbāngjié/, 宰牲節, 宰牲节 /Zǎishēngjié/, 哈芝節, 哈芝节 /Hāzhījié/
Eid al-Fitr {prop} (religious celebration) :: 開齋節, 开斋节 /Kāizhāijié/, 肉孜節, 肉孜节 /Ròuzījié/, 爾代節, 尔代节 /Ěrdàijié/
eiderdown {n} (the down of the eider duck) :: 鸭绒被
Eiffel Tower {prop} (tower in Paris) :: 艾菲爾鐵塔, 艾菲尔铁塔 /Aìfěi'ěr tiětǎ/
eigenfunction {n} (function) :: 本徵函數, 本征函数 /běnzhēng hánshù/
eigenspace {n} (set of the eigenvectors associated with a particular eigenvalue) :: 特徵空間, 特征空间 /tèzhēng kōngjiān/
eigenvalue {n} (scalar multiplier of an eigenvector) :: 特征值 /tèzhēngzhí/, 本征值 /běnzhēngzhí/
eigenvector {n} (vector not rotated by linear transformation) :: 本徵向量, 特徵向量
eight {num} (cardinal number 8) :: /bā/ (numeral: )
eighteen {num} (cardinal number) :: 十八 /shíbā/
eighth {adj} (ordinal form of the number eight, see also: 8th) :: 第八 /dìbā/
eighth note {n} (eighth note) SEE: quaver ::
eight hundred {num} (cardinal number 800) :: 八百 /bābǎi/
eighties {n} (the decade of the 1980s) :: 1980年代 /yījiǔbālǐng niándài/
eightieth {adj} (ordinal form of the number eighty) :: 第八十 /dì bāshí/
eight-legged essay {n} (portion of the imperial examination) :: 八股文 /bāgǔwén/, 八股 /bāgǔ/, 四書文, 四书文 /sìshūwén/, 制藝, 制艺 /zhìyì/, 時文, 时文 /shíwén/
Eight Legions {prop} (Eight Legions) :: 八部眾, 天龙八部
eight o'clock {n} (the start of the ninth hour) :: 八點鐘, 八点钟 /bā diǎn zhōng/, 八點, 八点 /bā diǎn/
Eight Precepts {n} (Eight Precepts) :: 八關齋, 八關齋戒
eight thousand {n} (cardinal number) :: 八千 /bāqiān/
eighty {num} (80) :: 八十 /bāshí/
eighty-eight {num} (88) :: 八十八 /bāshíbā/
eighty-first {adj} (ordinal number 81st) :: 第八十一 /dì-bāshíyī/
eighty-nine {num} (89) :: 八十九 /bāshíjiǔ/
eighty-one {num} (81) :: 八十一 /bāshíyī/
Eighty Years' War {prop} (Dutch war of independence) :: 八十年戰爭, 八十年战争 /bāshí nián zhànzhēng/
eikonal {adj} (physics and maths term) :: 程函 /chénghán/
Einstein {prop} (Albert Einstein) :: 愛因斯坦, 爱因斯坦 /Àiyīnsītǎn/
einsteinium {n} (element with atomic number 99) :: /āi/
Einstein's constant {prop} (constant) :: 愛因斯坦常數, 爱因斯坦常数 /Àiyīnsītǎn chángshù/
either {conj} (introduces the first of two options) :: 或者……或者…… /huòzhě ... huòzhě .../, 要麼……要麼……, 要么……要么…… /yàome ... yàome .../; 兩者之一, 两者之一 /liǎng zhě zhī yī/
either way {adv} (regardless of what happens) :: 無論如何, 无论如何 /wúlùnrúhé/, 不管怎樣, 不管怎样 /bùguǎnzěnyàng/, 反正 /fǎnzheng/
ejaculate {v} (to eject semen or vaginal fluid) :: 射精 /shèjīng/
ejaculate {n} (the liquid ejected during ejaculation) :: 精液 /jīngyè/
ejaculation {n} (ejection of semen through the urethra) :: 射精 /shèjīng/, 射出 /shèchū/
eject {v} (to compel to leave) :: 逐出 /zhúchū/, 驅逐, 驱逐 /qūzhú/
eject {v} (to cause to come out of a machine) :: 排除 /páichú/
eject {v} (to come out of a machine) :: 彈出, 弹出 /tánchū/
ejecta {n} (material which has been ejected, especially from a volcano) :: 噴出物, 喷出物 /pēnchūwù/
eke {adv} (also) SEE: also ::
eke {n} (addition) SEE: addition ::
el {n} (name of the letter L, l) :: [English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists]
El Aaiún {prop} (El Aaiún, Western Sahara) :: 阿尤恩 /Āyóu'ēn/
elaborate {adj} (detailed) :: 详尽的, 复杂的
elanid kite {n} (bird of the Elaninae subfamily) :: 鸢亚科 /yuānyàkē/
elapse {v} ((of time) to pass or move by) :: 過去, 过去 /guòqù/, , /guò/
elastic {adj} (capable of stretching) :: 彈性的, 弹性的 /tánxìng de/, 有彈力的, 有弹力的 /yǒu tánlì de/
elastic {n} (elastic band) SEE: elastic band ::
elastic band {n} (loop of rubber or similar material) :: 橡皮筋 /xiàngpíjīn/, 皮筋 /píjīn/
elasticity {n} (physics: property by which a material can regain its original dimensions) :: 彈性, 弹性 /tánxìng/
elastic limit {n} (stress at which a solid undergoes change) :: 彈性極限, 弹性极限 /tánxìng jíxiàn/
elastomer {n} (any polymer having the elastic properties of rubber) :: 彈性體, 弹性体 /tánxìngtǐ/
elation {n} (An exhilarating psychological state of pride and optimism) :: 得意洋洋
elative case {n} (case used to indicate movement out of something) :: 出格 /chūgé/
Elbe {prop} (European river) :: 易北河 /Yìběi hé/
elbow {n} (joint between upper arm and forearm) :: /zhǒu/, 肘部 /zhǒubù/, 胳膊肘兒, 胳膊肘儿 /gēbozhǒur/, 胳膊肘子, 胳膊肘子 /gēbozhǒuzi/
elbow {n} (pipe fitting) :: 彎頭, 弯头 /wāntóu/
elbow {v} (to push with the elbow) :: /yòng zhǒu tuī/
elbow bone {n} (ulna) SEE: ulna ::
elbow grease {n} (effort or hard work) :: 賣力氣 , 卖力气 /mài lìqi de huó/ , 苦幹, 苦干 /kǔgàn/, 苦力 /kǔlì/
elbow room {n} (room or space in which to move or maneuver) :: 空間, 空间 /kōngjiān/
elbow room {n} (freedom or leeway) :: 自由度 /zìyóudù/, 餘地, 余地 /yúdì/, 退路 /tuìlù/
Elbrus {prop} (mountain) :: 厄爾布魯士峰, 厄尔布鲁士峰 /È'ěrbùlǔshì fēng/
El Clásico {n} (any match between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid) :: 西班牙打吡 /Xībānyá dǎbǐ/, 西班牙國家德比, 西班牙国家德比 /Xībānyá guójiā débǐ/, 經典大戰, 经典大战 /jīngdiǎn dàzhàn/, 世紀對決, 世纪对决 /shìjì duìjué/
elder {adj} (greater than another in age or seniority) :: 年長的, 年长的 /niánzhǎng de/
elder {n} (leader of a community) :: 老漢, 老汉 /lǎohàn/, 耆英 /qíyīng/
elder {n} (one who lived at an earlier period) :: 長老, 长老 /zhǎnglǎo/
elder {n} (title in Mormonism) :: 長老, 长老 /zhǎnglǎo/
elder {n} (Sambucus nigra) :: 西洋接骨木 /xīyángjiēgǔmù/
elder {n} (Sambucus) :: 接骨木 /jiēgǔmù/
elderberry {n} (elder tree) SEE: elder ::
elderberry {n} (fruit) :: 接骨木果 /jiēgǔmùguǒ/
eldercare {n} (care for the elderly) :: 養老護理, 养老护理 /yǎnglǎo hùlǐ/, 老年保健 /lǎonián bǎojiàn/, 老人贍養, 老人赡养 /lǎorén shànyǎng/
elderly {adj} (old) :: /lǎo/, 老年 /lǎonián/
elderly care {n} (eldercare) SEE: eldercare ::
e-learning {n} (learning conducted via electronic media) :: 數位化學習, 数位化学习 /shùwèihuà xuéxí/, e學習, e学习 /e-xuéxí/
elect {v} (to elect) SEE: choose ::
elect {v} (to choose or make decision) :: 選擇, 选择 /xuǎnzé/
elect {v} (to choose in election) :: 選舉, 选举 /xuǎnjǔ/
election {n} (process of choosing a new leader or representatives) :: 選舉, 选举 /xuǎnjǔ/
electioneering {n} (campaigning for elective office) :: 競選活動, 竞选活动 (jìngxuǎn huódòng)
elector {n} (person eligible to vote) :: 選舉人, 选举人 /xuǎnjǔrén/
elector {n} (in the Holy Roman Empire, a participant in the election of the emperor) SEE: Elector ::
Elector {n} (elector or prince-elector) :: 選帝侯, 选帝侯 /xuǎndìhóu/
electoral college {n} (body of electors empowered to elect someone to a particular office) :: 選舉人團, 选举人团 /xuǎnjǔ réntuán/
Electoral College {prop} (body chosen to elect the president and vice president of the US) :: 選舉人團, 选举人团 /xuǎnjǔ réntuán/
electoral district {n} (district represented by one or more elected officials) :: 選區, 选区 /xuǎnqū/
electoral system {n} (voting system) SEE: voting system ::
electorate {n} (those entitled to vote collectively) :: 選民, 选民 /xuǎnmín/
electorate {n} (geographic area encompassing electoral district) SEE: electoral district ::
electret {n} (solid dielectric having a quasi-permanent charge) :: 駐極體, 驻极体 /zhùjítǐ/
electric {adj} (electrical) :: 電動, 电动 /diàndòng/, 電氣, 电气 /diànqì/
electrical {adj} (electric) SEE: electric ::
electrical energy {n} (form of energy) :: 電能, 电能 /diànnéng/, 電力, 电力 /diànlì/
electrical engineer {n} :: 電氣工程師 电气工程师 /diànqì gōngchéngshī/
electrical resistance {n} (opposition offered by a conductor) :: 電阻, 电阻 /diànzǔ/
electric bass {n} (electric bass guitar) :: 電子貝斯, 电子贝斯 /diànzǐ bèisī/, 電貝司, 电贝司 /diànbèisī/
electric blanket {n} (type of blanket) :: 電熱毯, 电热毯 /diànrètǎn/
electric car {n} (a car that uses electric motors) :: 電動車, 电动车 /diàndòngchē/, 電動汽車, 电动汽车 /diàndòng qìchē/
electric chair {n} (device used for performing execution by electrocution) :: 電椅, 电椅 /diànyǐ/, 電刑, 电刑 /diànxíng/ [specifically as a method of execution]
electric chair {n} (electrically powered wheelchair) :: 電動輪椅, 电动轮椅 /diàndòng lúnyǐ/
electric charge {n} (quantity of unbalanced ions in an object) :: 電荷, 电荷 /diànhè/
electric current {n} (phenomenon) :: 電流, 电流 /diànliú/
electric current {n} (measurement of the rate of flow of electric charge) :: 電流, 电流 /diànliú/
electric eel {n} (species of fish) :: 電鰻, 电鳗 /diànmán/
electric energy {n} (electrical energy) SEE: electrical energy ::
electric fence {n} (electric fence) :: 電圍欄, 电围栏 /diànwéilán/
electric field {n} (region around a charged particle) :: 電場, 电场 /diànchǎng/
electric guitar {n} (guitar which requires electronic amplification) :: 電吉他, 电吉他 /diànjítā/
electric guitarist {n} (someone who plays or performs on the electric guitar) :: 電吉他手, 电吉他手 /diànjítāshǒu/
electrician {n} (tradesman who works with electrical equipment) :: 電工, 电工 /diàngōng/
electricity {n} (form of energy) :: , /diàn/, 電氣, 电气 /diànqì/, 電能, 电能 /diànnéng/, 電力, 电力 /diànlì/
electric multiple unit {n} (multiple unit powered by electricity) :: 電聯車
electric ray {n} (fish of the order Torpedodiniformes) :: 電鰩, 电鳐 /diànyáo/
electric shock {n} (physical reaction) :: 電擊, 电击 /diànjī/, 電震, 电震 /diànzhèn/
electric toothbrush {n} (toothbrush that uses electric power) :: 電動牙刷, 电动牙刷 /diàndòng yáshuā/
electric vehicle {n} (vehicle that uses an electric motor as the means of propulsion) :: 電動車, 电动车 /diàndòngchē/
electrification {n} (the act of electrifying, or the state of being charged with electricity) :: 電氣化, 电气化 /diànqìhuà/, 電化, 电化 /diànhuà/, 帶電, 带电 /dàidiàn/
electrify {v} (to adapt for electric power) :: 電氣化, 电气化 /diànqìhuà/
electro- {prefix} (of electricity or electrical) :: , /diàn/
electrobiology {n} (study of the production of electricity by organisms) :: 电生物学
electrocardiogram {n} (trace of an electrocardiograph) :: 心電圖, 心电图 /xīndiàntú/
electrocardiography {n} (the science of preparation and diagnostic interpretation of electrocardiograms) :: 心电描记术 /xīn diàn miáojì shù/
electrochemistry {n} (chemistry pertaining to electricity) :: 电化学, 電化學
electroconvulsive therapy {n} (biomedical therapy using electrical current) :: 電痙攣療法, 电痉挛疗法 /diànjìngluán liáofǎ/, 電休克療法, 电休克疗法 /diànxiūkè liáofǎ/, 電抽搐治療, 电抽搐治疗 /diànchōuchù zhìliáo/
electrocute {v} (to cause death from immediate complications resulting from electric shock) :: 電死
electrocute {v} (to inflict a severe electric shock, not necessarily fatally) :: 電擊
electrocution {n} (accidental death or suicide by electric shock) :: 電死, 电死 /diànsǐ/
electrocution {n} (deliberate execution by electric shock) :: 電刑, 电刑 /diànxíng/
electrocution {n} (a severe electric shock) :: 觸電, 触电 /chúdiàn/
electrode {n} (the terminal through which electric current passes) :: 電極, 电极 /diànjí/
electroencephalogram {n} (a recording of electrical brain activity made by an electroencephalograph) :: 腦電圖, 脑电图 /nǎodiàntú/
electroencephalography {n} (measurement of electrical activity in medicine) :: 腦電描記法, 脑电描记法 /nǎodiànmiáojìfǎ/
electrolarynx {n} (mechanical larynx to assist those who have list their original voicebox) :: 電子喉, 电子喉 /diànzǐhóu/
electrolysis {n} (chemical change) :: 電解, 电解 /diànjiě/
electrolyte {n} (substance that ionizes and conducts electricity) :: 電解質, 电解质 /diànjiězhì/
electromagnet {n} (magnet) :: 電磁體, 电磁体
electromagnetic {adj} (pertaining to electromagnetism) :: 電磁, 电磁 /diàncí/
electromagnetic field {n} (field of force) :: 電磁場, 电磁场 /diàncíchǎng/
electromagnetic force {n} (fundamental force) :: 電磁力, 电磁力 /diàncílì/
electromagnetic induction {n} (production of an electrical potential difference) :: 電磁感應, 电磁感应 /diàncí gǎnyìng/
electromagnetic interaction {n} (electromagnetic interaction) :: 電磁相互作用, 电磁相互作用 /diàncí xiānghù zuòyòng/
electromagnetic pulse {n} (short-duration burst of high-intensity electromagnetic radiation) :: 電磁脈衝, 电磁脉冲 /diàncí màichōng/
electromagnetic radiation {n} (radiation) :: 電磁輻射, 电磁辐射 /diàncí fúshè/
electromagnetic spectrum {n} (electromagnetic spectrum) :: 電磁波譜, 电磁波谱 /diàncí bōpǔ/
electromagnetic wave {n} (electromagnetic radiation) :: 電磁波, 电磁波 /diàncíbō/
electromagnetism {n} (a fundamental force) :: 電磁學, 电磁学 /diàncíxué/, 電磁, 电磁 /diàncí/ [force]
electron {n} (the negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit atoms) :: 電子, 电子 /diànzǐ/
electronegativity {n} (degree of electron attraction) :: 電負性, 电负性 /diànfùxìng/
electron hole {n} (lack of an electron) SEE: hole ::
electronic {adj} (pertaining to electrons) :: 電子的 /diànzǐ de/, 电子的 /diànzǐ de/
electronic {adj} (operating on behavior of electrons) :: 電子的 /diànzǐ de/, 电子的 /diànzǐ de/
electronic {adj} (generated by electronic device) :: 電子的 /diànzǐ de/, 电子的 /diànzǐ de/
electronic {adj} (of or pertaining to the Internet) :: 電子的 /diànzǐ de/, 电子的 /diànzǐ de/, 網絡的 /wǎngluò de/, 网络的 /wǎngluò de/
electronica {n} (any of a wide range of electronic music genres) :: 電子樂, 电子乐 /diànzǐyuè/
electronic book {n} (e-book) SEE: e-book ::
electronic cigarette {n} (electronic cigarette) :: 電子煙, 电子烟 /diànzǐyān/, 電子香煙, 电子香烟 /diànzǐ xiāngyān/
electronic game {n} (game played on an electronic device) :: 電子遊戲, 电子游戏 /diànzǐ yóuxì/
electronic mail {n} (email) SEE: email ::
electronic music {n} (music that employs electronic musical instruments) :: 電子音樂, 电子音乐 /diànzǐ yīnyuè/
electronics {n} ((physics)) :: 電子學, 电子学 /diànzǐxué/
electronics {n} (device) :: 電子產品, 电子产品 /diànzǐ chǎnpǐn/
electron microscope {n} (any of several forms of microscope that use a beam of electrons) :: 電子顯微鏡, 电子显微镜 /diànzǐ xiǎnwēijìng/
electron volt {n} (a unit for measuring the energy of subatomic particles) :: 電子伏特, 电子伏特 /diànzǐ fútè/, 電子伏, 电子伏 /diànzǐfú/
electrophoresis {n} (method for separation of large molecules) :: 電泳, 电泳 /diànyǒng/
electrophysiology {n} (the branch of physiology that studies the electrical activity of organisms) :: 電生理學 /diànshēnglǐxué/
electroscope {n} (device that detects the presence of an electric charge) :: 驗電器, 验电器 /yàndiànqì/
electrostatics {n} (branch of physics) :: 靜電學, 静电学 /jìngdiànxué/
electrotherapy {n} (use of electrical energy as a medical treatment) :: 電療法, 电疗法 /diànliáofǎ/
electrum {n} (fossil resin) SEE: amber ::
electrum {n} (alloy of gold and silver) :: 琥珀金
eleemosynary {adj} (relating to charity) :: 施舍
eleemosynary {adj} (given in charity) :: 慈善
eleemosynary {adj} (supported by charity) :: 接受接济
elegance {n} (grace, refinement, and beauty in movement, appearance, or manners) :: 高雅 /gāoyǎ/, 優雅, 优雅 /yōuyǎ/
elegant {adj} (exhibiting elegance) :: 典雅 /diǎnyǎ/, 文雅 /wényǎ/, 高雅 /gāoyǎ/
elegy {n} (mournful or plaintive poem or song) :: 挽歌 /wǎngē/ (trad. variant: 輓歌), 哀歌 /āigē/
element {n} (simplest or essential part or principle of anything) :: 要素 /yàosù/
element {n} (chemistry: simplest chemical substance) :: 元素 /yuánsù/
element {n} (alchemy: one of the four basic building blocks) :: 元素
element {n} (set theory: object in a set) :: 元素 /yuánsù/
elemental {adj} (basic, fundamental, elementary) SEE: elementary ::
elemental {n} (fantastic creature) :: 元素 /yuánsù/
elementary {adj} (relating to the basic, essential or fundamental part of something) :: 基本 /jīběn/
elementary {adj} (relating to an elementary school) :: 小學的, 小学的 /xiǎoxué de/
elementary particle {n} (subatomic particle that does not consist of smaller particles) :: 基本粒子 /jīběn lìzǐ/
elementary school {n} (school for children) SEE: primary school ::
element of surprise {n} (strategic advantage) :: 出其不意 /chūqíbùyì/, 兵者詭道, 兵者诡道 /bīngzhěguǐdào/
elephant {n} (mammal) :: /xiàng/, 大象 /dàxiàng/
elephant bird {n} (extinct flightless bird) :: 隆鳥, 隆鸟 /lóngniǎo/
Elephantine {prop} (an island) :: 象岛
elephant in the room {n} (problem that is obvious but ignored) :: 房間裡的大象, 房间里的大象 /fángjiān lǐ de dàxiàng/
elephant seal {n} (mammal of the genus Mirounga) :: 象海豹 /xiànghǎibào/
elephant shrew {n} (Any member of the order Macroscelidea) :: 象鼩 /xiàngqú/
elevate {v} (promote) SEE: promote ::
elevating work platform {n} (aerial work platform) SEE: aerial work platform ::
elevator {n} (permanent construction) SEE: lift ::
elevator music {n} (music played as a background in elevators and businesses) :: 電梯音樂, 电梯音乐 /diàntī yīnyuè/
eleven {num} (the cardinal number occurring after ten and before twelve) :: 十一 /shíyī/, [numeral] 拾壹
eleven o'clock {n} (the start of the twelfth hour) :: 十一點鐘, 十一点钟 /shíyī diǎn zhōng/, 十一點, 十一点 /shíyī diǎn/
elevenses {n} (short mid-morning break) :: 上午茶 /shàngwǔchá/
eleventy {num} (one hundred and ten) :: 一百一十
elf {n} (Norse mythology: luminous spirit dwelling in Álfheim) :: 精靈, 精灵 /jīnglíng/
elf {n} (mythical, supernatural being) :: 精靈, 精灵 /jīnglíng/
elf {n} (fantasy: magical, typically forest-guarding creature) :: 精灵 /jīnglíng/
elf {n} (very diminutive person) SEE: dwarf ::
elflock {n} (lock of hair that is tangled) :: 糾結頭髮, 纠结头发 /jiūjié de tóufa/
Elgar {prop} (male given name) :: 埃爾加, 埃尔加 /Āi'ěrjiā/
elicit {v} (to evoke, educe) :: 引出 /yǐnchū/
elicit {v} (to use logic to arrive at truth) :: 推斷, 推断 /tuīduàn/, 推理 /tuīlǐ/
elide {v} (to leave out or omit) :: 省略 /shěnglüè/
eliminate {v} (completely destroy) :: 消滅, 消灭 /xiāomiè/
eliminate {v} (kill) :: 抹殺, 抹杀 /mŏshā/
Elisabeth {prop} (female given name) SEE: Elizabeth ::
elision {n} (deliberate omission) :: 省略 /shěnglüè/
elision {n} (the omission of a letter or syllable) :: 元音省略 /yuányīn shěnglüè/, 音節省略, 音节省略 /yīnjié shěnglüè/
Elista {prop} (city in Russia) :: 埃利斯塔 /Āilìsītǎ/
elite {n} (group with higher status) :: 精英 /jīngyīng/
elitism {n} (belief society should be run by elite) :: 精英主義, 精英主义 /jīngyīngzhǔyì/
elixir {n} (alchemy: liquid which was believed to turn non-precious metals to gold) :: 鍊金藥, 炼金药 /liànjīnyào/
elixir {n} (liquid which is believed to cure all ills) :: 仙丹 /xiāndān/, 萬能藥, 万能药 /wànnéngyào/
elixir of life {n} (elixir that brings immortality) :: 金漿, 金浆 /jīnjiāng/, 金丹 /jīndān/, 長生不老之藥, 长生不老之药 /chángshēngbùlǎo zhī yào/
Elizabeth {prop} (female given name) :: 伊麗莎白, 伊丽莎白 /Yīlìshābái/
Elizabeth {prop} (mother of John the Baptist) :: 以利沙伯 /yǐlìshābó/, 伊麗莎白 /Yīlìshābái/, 伊丽莎白 /Yīlìshābái/
Elizabethan {n} (pertaining to the reign of Elizabeth I of England) :: 伊麗莎白時代的, 伊丽莎白时代
Elizabethan collar {n} (protective medical device) :: 伊麗莎白項圈, 伊丽莎白项圈 /Yīlìshābái xiàngquān/
elk {n} (Alces alces) SEE: moose ::
elk {n} (wapiti - Cervus canadensis) SEE: wapiti ::
Elliott wave {n} (wave pattern) :: 艾略特波浪 (Àilüètè bōlàng)
ellipse {n} (curve) :: 橢圓, 椭圆 /tuǒyuán/
ellipsis {n} (typographic mark) :: ……, 刪節號, 删节号 /shānjiéhào/, 省略號, 省略号 /shěnglüèhào/
elliptical {n} (elliptical galaxy) SEE: elliptical galaxy ::
elliptical galaxy {n} (galaxy having smooth, featureless light-profile) :: 橢圓星系
elliptical trainer {n} (exercise machine) :: 橢圓機, 椭圆机 /tuǒyuánjī/
elm {n} (tree of genus Ulmus) :: 榆木 /yúmù/, 榆樹, 榆树 /yúshù/
Elmo {prop} (male given name) :: 埃爾莫 /Āiěrmò/, 埃爾摩 /Āiěrmó/
El Niño {n} (a global coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomenon) :: 厄爾尼諾, 厄尔尼诺 /È'ěrnínuò/, 厄爾尼諾現象, 厄尔尼诺现象 /È'ěrnínuò xiànxiàng/, 聖嬰現象, 圣婴现象 /Shèng Yīng xiànxiàng/
elocution {n} (The art of public speaking with expert control of gesture and voice, etc.) :: 演講術, 演讲术 /yǎnjiǎngshù/, 講演術, 讲演术 /jiǎngyǎnshù/
Elohim {prop} (name for God) :: 伊羅欣, 伊罗欣 /Yīluóxīn/, 埃洛希姆 /Āiluòxīmǔ/, 耶洛因 /Yéluòyīn/
elongated {adj} (extensive in length) :: 拉長的, 拉长的 /lācháng de/, 引伸的 /yǐnshēn de/
elope {v} (run away to get married) :: 私奔 /sībēn/
eloquence {n} (the quality of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing) :: 雄辯, 雄辩 /xióngbiàn/, 口才 /kǒucái/
eloquent {adj} (fluently persuasive and articulate) :: 有口才 /yǒu kǒucái/, 口若懸河, 口若悬河 /kǒuruòxuánhé/, 能言善辯, 能言善辩 /néngyán-shànbiàn/
El Paso {prop} (a city in USA) :: 艾爾帕索, 艾尔帕索 /Ài'ěrpàsuǒ/
Elsagate {prop} (internet controversy) :: 艾莎門, 艾莎门 /Àishāmén/
El Salvador {prop} (country in Central America) :: 薩爾瓦多, 萨尔瓦多 /Sà'ěrwǎduō/
Elsinore {prop} (Danish city) :: 埃爾西諾, 埃尔西诺 /Āi'ěrxīnuò/
elucidate {v} (make clear) :: 阐明, 说明, 解释
Elvis {prop} (a male given name) :: 埃爾維斯, 埃尔维斯 /Āi'ěrwéisī/
Elysium {prop} (In mythology: paradise, see also: Elysian Fields) :: 極樂世界, 极乐世界 /jílè shìjiè/
em {n} (name of the letter M, m) :: [English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists]
emaho {interj} (Buddhist religious term) :: 欸瑪吙, 欸玛吙 //
e-mail {n} (email) SEE: email ::
e-mail {v} (email) SEE: email ::
email {n} (system for transferring messages from one computer to another) :: 電子郵件, 电子邮件 /diànzǐ yóujiàn/, 電郵, 电邮 /diànyóu/
email {n} (message sent through email an email system) :: 電子郵件, 电子邮件 /diànzǐ yóujiàn/, 電郵, 电邮 /diànyóu/, 伊妹兒, 伊妹儿 /yīmèir/
email {n} (email address, see also: e-mail address) :: 郵箱, 邮箱 /yóuxiāng/, 電郵地址, 电邮地址 /diànyóu dìzhǐ/
email {v} ((transitive) to send an email or emails to) :: 发邮件, 发送电子邮件
email address {n} (e-mail address) SEE: e-mail address ::
e-mail address {n} (unique identifier) :: 電子郵件地址, 电子邮件地址 /diànzǐ yóujiàn dìzhǐ/, 伊妹兒地址, 伊妹儿地址 /yīmèir dìzhǐ/, 電子函件, 电子函件 /diànzǐ hánjiàn/
emancipate {v} (To set free from the power of another) :: 解放 /jiěfàng/
emancipation {n} (act of setting free from the power of another) :: 解放 /jiěfàng/
embalmer {n} (one who embalms) :: 入殮師, 入殓师 /rùliànshī/, 屍體防腐師, 尸体防腐师 /shītǐ fángfǔshī/
embalming fluid {n} (fluid for embalming) :: 屍體防腐劑, 尸体防腐剂 /shītǐ fángfǔjì/
embankment {n} (artificial mound of earth and stone) :: 堤岸 /dī'àn/
embarge {n} (embargo) SEE: embargo ::
embarge {v} :: 加於 /jiā yú/
embargo {n} (an order by the government prohibiting ships from leaving port) :: 封港令 /fēnggǎnglìng/
embargo {n} (a ban on trade with another country) :: 禁運, 禁运 /jìnyùn/
embark {v} (to get on a boat) :: 登船 /dēngchuán/
embarkation {n} (embarking) :: 登船 /dēngchuán/, 乘船 /chéngchuán/, 上船 /shàngchuán/
embarrass {v} (to humiliate; to disrupt somebody's composure or comfort with acting publicly or freely) :: 使困窘
embarrassed {adj} (Having a feeling of shameful discomfort) :: 難為情, 难为情 /nánwéiqíng/, 尷尬, 尴尬 /gāngà/
embarrassing {adj} (causing embarrassment) :: 困窘的 /lìng rén kùnjiǒng de/, 的 /hǎo qiǔ de/
embarrassment {n} (state of confusion) :: 困窘 /kùnjiǒng/
embassy {n} (organization representing a foreign state) :: 大使館, 大使馆 /dàshǐguǎn/
embed {v} (lay as in a bed; lay in surrounding matter) :: 镶嵌 /xiāng qiàn/, /xiāng/
embedding {n} (in mathematics) :: 嵌入 /qiànrù/
embellish {v} (to make more beautiful and attractive) :: 美化 /měihuà/, 修飾, 修饰 /xiūshì/
embellish {v} (to make sound or look better) :: 點綴, 点缀 /diǎnzhui/, 修飾, 修饰 /xiūshì/
ember {n} (glowing piece of coal or wood) :: 餘燼, 余烬 /yújìn/
ember {n} (smoldering ash) SEE: embers ::
embers {n} (the smoldering or glowing remains of a fire, smoldering ash) :: 餘燼, 余烬 /yújìn/, , /jìn/
embetterment {n} (improvement) SEE: improvement ::
embezzle {v} (to steal money that one has been trusted with) :: 挪用 /nuóyòng/
embezzlement {n} (The fraudulent conversion of property from a property owner) :: 盜用, 盗用 /dàoyòng/, 侵吞 /qīntūn/, 侵佔, 侵占 /qīnzhàn/
embiggen {v} (enlarge) SEE: enlarge ::
emblem {n} (representative symbol) :: 象徵, 象征 /xiàngzhēng/, 象徵性, 象征性 /xiàngzhēngxìng/
embodiment {n} (entity typifying an abstraction) :: 化身 /huàshēn/
embody {v} (represent in a physical form; to incarnate or personify) :: 體現, 体现 /tǐxiàn/, 表現, 表现 /biǎoxiàn/, 表達, 表达 /biǎodá/
embody {v} (include or represent, especially as part of a cohesive whole) :: 體現, 体现 /tǐxiàn/, 表現, 表现 /biǎoxiàn/, 表達, 表达 /biǎodá/
embolism {n} (obstruction or occlusion of an artery by an embolus) :: 栓塞 /shuānsāi/
emboss {v} (to mark or decorate with a raised design or symbol) :: 拷花 /kǎohuā/
embouchure {n} (use of the lips, facial muscles, tongue, and teeth when playing a wind instrument) :: 口型 /kǒuxíng/
embrace {v} (to clasp (someone or each other) in the arms with affection, see also: hug) :: 擁抱, 拥抱 /yōngbào, yǒngbào/
embrace {n} (act of putting arms around someone and bringing the person close to the chest, see also: hug) :: 擁抱, 拥抱 /yōngbào, yǒngbào/
embrace {v} (to submit to) SEE: undergo ::
embrace {v} (to encircle; to enclose, to encompass) SEE: encircle ::
embroider {v} (to stitch a decorative design on fabric with needle and thread) :: 刺繡, 刺绣 /cìxiù/
embroider {v} :: 刺绣, 刺繡 /cìxiù/ (sense 1: sew)
embroidery {n} (ornamentation) :: 刺繡, 刺绣 /cìxiù/
embroidery {n} (fabric) :: 刺繡品, 刺绣品 /cìxiù pǐn/
embroil {v} (to draw into a situation) :: 使捲入, 使卷入 /shǐ juànrù/, 牽連, 牵连 /qiānlián/
embryo {n} (fertilized egg before developing into a fetus) :: 胎兒, 胎儿 /tāi'ér/, /tāi/, 胚胎 /pēitāi/
embryology {n} (the scientific study of embryos) :: 胚胎學, 胚胎学 /pēitāixué/
embryonic {adj} (embryology: of or relating to an embryo) :: 胚胎的 /pēitāi de/
emcee {v} (act as the master of ceremonies) :: 主持 /zhǔchí/
emerald {n} (gemstone) :: 綠寶石, 绿宝石 /lǜbǎoshí/
emerge {v} (to come into view) :: 出現, 出现 /chūxiàn/
emerge {v} (to come out of) :: 出來, 出来 /chūlái/
emergence {n} (the arising of emergent structure in complex systems) :: 出現, 出现 /chūxiàn/, 突現, 突现 /tūxiàn/
emergency {n} (situation requiring urgent assistance) :: 緊急事故, 紧急事故 /jǐnjí shìgù/, 緊急情況, 紧急情况 /jǐnjí qíngkuàng/, 急診, 急诊 /jízhěn/ [medical]; 急診室, 急诊室 /jízhěnshì/, 急症室 /jízhèngshì/
emergency escape {n} (fire escape) SEE: fire escape ::
emergency exit {n} (exit for evacuation) :: 太平門, 太平门 /tàipíngmén/, 緊急出口, 紧急出口 /jǐnjí chūkǒu/, 安全門, 安全门 /ānquánmén/, 安全出口 /ānquán chūkǒu/
emergency landing {n} (landing made in an emergency) :: 迫降 /pòjiàng/, 緊急迫降, 紧急迫降 /jǐnjí pòjiàng/
emergency medical service {n} (group of professional responders with medical skills) :: 緊急救援醫療服務, 紧急救援医疗服务 /jǐnjí jiùyuán yīliáo fúwù/
emergency room {n} (hospital department) :: 急診室, 急诊室 /jízhěnshì/
emergency stairs {n} (fire escape) SEE: fire escape ::
emerging {adj} (becoming prominent; newly formed; emergent; rising) :: 新出現, 新出现 /xīn chūxiàn/, 新興, 新兴 /xīnxīng/
emeritus {adj} (retired but retaining an honorific version of previous title) :: 名譽退休, 名誉退休 /míngyùtuìxiū/
emery {n} (mineral) :: 金剛砂, 金刚砂 /jīngāngshā/
emigrant {n} (someone who leaves a country to settle in a new country) :: 移民 /yímín/
emigrate {v} (to leave one's country in order to reside elsewhere) :: 移民 /yímín/, 移居 /yíjū/
emigration {n} (act of emigrating) :: 移民 /yímín/
eminence {n} (someone of high rank, reputation or social status) :: 顯貴, 显贵 /xiǎnguì/
eminence {n} (the quality or state of being eminent) :: 傑出 /jiéchū/
eminent {adj} (remarkable, great) :: 杰出的
emir {n} (Islamic prince or leader) :: 埃米爾, 埃米尔 /āimǐ'ěr/, 酋長, 酋长 /qiúzhǎng/ [headman]
emirate {n} (country ruled by an emir) :: 酋長國, 酋长国 /qiúzhǎngguó/, 君主國, 君主国 /jūnzhǔguó/
emissary {n} (an agent sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else) :: 使者 /shǐzhě/
emission {n} (something that is emitted) :: 排放 /páifàng/
emission {n} (act of sending or throwing out) :: 放射 /fàngshè/, 發射, 发射 /fāshè/
emissions trading {n} (carbon emissions trading) SEE: carbon emissions trading ::
emit {v} (to send out or give off) :: 排放 /páifàng/, 散發, 散发 /sànfā/
Emma {prop} (female given name) :: 艾瑪 /Àimǎ/
Emmanuel {prop} (figure whose birth is foretold) SEE: Immanuel ::
Emmanuel {prop} (this figure, regarded as Christ) SEE: Immanuel ::
emo {n} (music) :: 情感核 /qínggǎnhé/, 情緒搖滾, 情绪摇滚 /qíngxù yáogǔn/
emoji {n} (digital graphic icon) :: 繪文字, 绘文字 /huìwénzì/
emolument {n} (payment for an office or employment) :: 報酬, 报酬 /bàochou/, 酬金 /chóujīn/
emoticon {n} (representation of an emotion of the writer) :: 表情符號, 表情符号 /biǎoqíng fúhào/
emotion {n} (person's internal state of being) :: 感情 /gǎnqíng/, 情感 /qínggǎn/
emotional {adj} (of or relating to the emotions) :: 感情的 /gǎnqíng de/
emotional {adj} (characterised by emotion) :: 感情的 /gǎnqíng de/
emotional blackmail {n} (psychological misuse of a person's emotions) :: 情感威脅, 情感威胁 (qínggǎn wēixié), 情感操縱, 情感操纵 (qínggǎn cāozòng), 感情作為資本, 感情作为资本 (ná gǎnqíng zuòwéi zīběn), 感情訛詐, 感情讹诈 (gǎnqíng ézhà)
empathize {v} (to feel empathy for another person) :: 同情 /tóngqíng/
empathy {n} (intellectual identification with another person) :: 移情 /yíqíng/, 同感 /tónggǎn/
empathy {n} (capacity to understand another person's point of view) :: 移情 /yíqíng/, 同感 /tónggǎn/
emperor {n} (ruler of an empire) :: 皇帝 /huángdì/, 帝王 /dìwáng/, 皇上 /huángshang/, 天皇 /tiānhuáng/ [emperor of Japan]
emphasis {n} (special weight or forcefulness given to something considered important) :: 強調, 强调 /qiángdiào/
emphasis {n} (prominence given to a syllable or words) :: 強勢, 强势 /qiángshì/
emphasize {v} (stress) :: 強調, 强调 /qiángdiào/, 著重, 着重 /zhuózhòng/
emphatic {adj} (characterized by emphasis) :: 强调 /qiáng diào/
emphatic {adj} (of emphatic consonants) :: 強調, 强调 /qiángdiào/
emphysema {n} (abnormal accumulation of air in tissues) :: 肺氣腫, 肺气肿 /fèiqìzhǒng/
empire {n} (political unit, having numerous or extensive territories) :: 帝國, 帝国 /dìguó/
empire {n} (political unit ruled by an emperor) :: 帝國, 帝国 /Dìguó/
Empire of Japan {prop} (nation-state) :: 大日本帝國, 大日本帝国 /Dà Rìběn Dìguó/
empiric {n} (unqualified or dishonest practitioner) SEE: charlatan ::
empiric {adj} (empiric) SEE: empirical ::
empirical {adj} (pertaining to or based on experience) :: 經驗, 经验 /jīngyàn/
empirical {adj} (verifiable by means of scientific experimentation) :: 實證, 实证 /shízhèng/
empirical formula {n} (a notation indicating the ratios of the various elements present in a compound) :: 實驗式, 实验式 /shíyànshì/, 最簡式, 最简式 /zuìjiǎnshì/
empirical research {n} (research) :: 實證研究, 实证研究 /shízhèng yánjiū/
empiricism {n} (philosophical theory) :: 經驗主義, 经验主义 /jīngyànzhǔyì/, 經驗論, 经验论 /jīngyànlùn/
employ {v} (employ, apply) SEE: use ::
employ {v} (to give someone work) :: 雇傭, 雇佣 /gùyōng/, /gù/
employability {n} (state of being employable) :: 就業能力, 就业能力 /jiùyè nénglì/, 可僱傭性, 可雇佣性 /kěgùyōngxìng/
employee {n} (individual who provides labor to a company or another person) :: 僱員, 雇员 /gùyuán/, 職員, 职员 /zhíyuán/
employee benefit {n} (non-wage benefit) SEE: fringe benefit ::
employer {n} (person or entity which employs others) :: 雇主 /gùzhǔ/
employment {n} (the act of employing) :: 就業, 就业 /jiùyè/, 僱用 or 僱傭, 雇用 /gùyòng/
employment {n} (the state of being employed) :: 就業, 就业 /jiùyè/, 僱用 or 僱傭, 雇用 /gùyòng/
employment {n} (the work or occupation for which one is paid) :: 職業, 职业 /zhíyè/, 工作 /gōngzuò/
employment agency {n} (organisation that matches employers to employees) :: 職業介紹所, 职业介绍所 /zhíyè jièshàosuǒ/
employment contract {n} (category of contract) :: 勞動合同, 劳动合同 /láodòng hétong/, 就業合同, 就业合同 /jiùyè hétong/, 僱用合同, 雇用合同 /gùyòng hétong/, 聘用合同 /pìnyòng hétong/, 工作合同 /gōngzuò hétong/
empower {v} (to give permission to) :: 允许去……
empower {v} (to give confidence and/or strength to) :: 使(……)能够使(……)有能力去……
empress {n} (female monarch of an empire) :: 女皇 /nǚhuáng/
empress {n} (wife or widow of an emperor) :: 皇后 /huánghòu/
empress dowager {n} (mother of an emperor) :: 皇太后 /huángtàihòu/, 太后 /tàihòu/
emptiness {n} (the state or feeling of being empty) :: 空虛, 空虚 /kōngxū/, 空洞 /kōngdòng/
empty {adj} (devoid of content) :: 空的 /kōng de/
empty-handed {adj} (emptyhanded) SEE: emptyhanded ::
emptyhanded {adj} (having nothing to give) :: 空手 /kōngshǒu/, 白手 /báishǒu/
empty nest {n} (home or family where the children have moved away) :: 空巢 /kōngcháo/
empty nester {n} (person whose children have left home) :: 空巢老人, (kōngcháo lǎorén) 空巢 (kōngcháo zhǔ)
empty nose syndrome {n} (condition where the nose has been crippled) :: 空鼻症 /kōngbízhèng/
empty set {n} (unique set that contains no elements) :: 空集 /kōngjí/
empty space {n} (vacuum) SEE: vacuum ::
empty vessels make the most sound {proverb} (proverb) :: 满瓶水不响,半瓶水晃荡, 滿瓶水不響,半瓶水晃蕩 /mǎn píng shuǐ bù xiǎng, bàn píng shuǐ huàng dàng/
empyrean {adj} (the highest heaven) :: 重霄 /chóngxiāo/
emu {n} (Dromaius novaehollandiae) :: 鴯鶓, 鸸鹋 /érmiáo/
emulate {v} (to attempt to equal or be the same as) :: 效仿
emulate {v} (to copy or imitate, especially a person) :: 模仿
emulsifier {n} (substance that helps an emulsion form) :: 乳化剂 /rǔ huà jì/
emulsify {v} (To make into an emulsion) :: 乳化 /rǔ huà/
emulsion {n} (suspension of one liquid in another) :: 乳浊液 /rǔ zhuó yè/
en {n} (name of the letter N, n) :: [English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists]
enable {v} (to activate a function of an electronic or mechanical device) :: 啟用, 启用 /qǐyòng/
enamel {n} (opaque, glassy coating baked onto metal or ceramic objects) :: 琺瑯, 珐琅 /fàláng/
enamel {n} (covering on the tooth) :: 琺瑯質, 珐琅质 /fàlángzhì/
encapsulate {v} (to epitomize) :: 概括, 梗概
encapsulate {v} (object-oriented programming: To enclose objects in a common interface) :: 封装
encapsulation {n} (act of enclosing in a capsule) :: 封装
Enceladus {prop} (moon of Saturn) :: 土衛二, 土卫二 /Tǔwèi'èr/
encephalitis {n} (inflammation of the brain) :: 腦炎, 脑炎 /nǎoyán/
encephalopathy {n} (condition affecting the brain) :: 腦病, 脑病 /naobing/
enchant {v} (to attract and delight) :: 迷惑
enchanter {n} (A spellcaster, conjurer, wizard, sorcerer or soothsayer) :: 魔法師, 魔法师 /mófǎshī/
enchantment {n} (act of enchantment or feeling of being enchanted) :: 魅力 /mèilì/
enchantment {n} (something that enchants) :: 魔法 /mófǎ/
enchantress {n} (attractive woman skilled at using magic) :: 女妖 /nǚyāo/, 女巫 /nǚwū/, 妖精 /yāojing/
enchantress {n} (beautiful, charming and irresistible woman) :: 妖精 /yāojing/
encircle {v} (surround) :: 包圍, 包围 /bāowéi/, 環繞, 环绕 /huánrào/
encirclement {n} (act of encircling) :: 包圍, 包围 /bāowéi/
encirclement {n} (isolation of a target) :: 包围圈, 包围圈 /bāowéiquān/
enclitic {n} (clitic which joins with the preceding word) :: 附属字 /fùshǔzì/
enclitic {adj} (affixed phonetically) :: 附属的 /fùshǔde/
enclose {v} (surround, fence in) :: 围绕, 包围
enclosure {n} (something enclosed) :: 附件 /fùjiàn/
enclosure {n} (area partially or entirely enclosed by walls, fences or buildings) :: 圍場, 围场 /wéichǎng/
encoding {n} (character encoding (computing)) :: 編碼, 编码 /biānmǎ/
encomium {n} (category of oratory) :: 赞美
encompass {v} (encircle) :: 包围
encompass {v} (surround) :: 围绕
encompass {v} (include) :: 包含
encore {n} (brief extra performance after the main performance is complete) :: 安可 /ānkě/, 安哥 /āngē/, 恩可 /ēnkě/
encounter {v} (meet (someone) or find (something), especially unexpectedly) :: 遇到 /yùdào/, 遇見, 遇见 /yùjiàn/
encounter {n} (unplanned meeting) :: 遇見, 遇见 /yùjiàn/, 偶遇 /ǒuyù/
encourage {v} (mentally support or motivate) :: 鼓勵, 鼓励 /gǔlì/, 提倡 /tíchàng/, 激勵, 激励 /jīlì/
encouragement {n} (the act of encouraging) :: 鼓勵, 鼓励 /gǔlì/
encouragement {n} (that which serves to incite, support, promote or advance, as favor, countenance, reward etc.) :: 獎勵, 奖励 /jiǎnglì/
encroach {v} (to intrude unrightfully on someone else’s rights or territory) :: 侵害 /qīnhài/, 侵犯 /qīnfàn/, 侵入 /qīnrù/
encrypt {v} (to conceal information by means of a code or cipher) :: 加密 /jiāmì/
encryption {n} (process of obscuring information to make it unreadable without special knowledge, key files, and/or passwords) :: 加密 /jiāmì/
encyclopaedia {n} (encyclopedia) SEE: encyclopedia ::
encyclopedia {n} (comprehensive reference with articles on a range of topics) :: 百科全書, 百科全书 /bǎikē quánshū/, 百科事典 /bǎikēshìdiǎn/
end {n} (extreme part) :: 結束, 结束 /jiéshù/, 末尾 /mòwěi/, /duān/ [edge]
end {v} (ergative, intransitive: be finished, be terminated) :: /wán/, 結束, 结束 /jiéshù/, 終止}, 终止 /zhōngzhǐ/
end {v} (transitive: finish, terminate (something)) :: 完成 /wánchéng/, /wán/, 結束, 结束 /jiéshù/
end {v} :: 劇終, 剧终 /jùzhōng/, 告終, 告终 /gàozhōng/, 了結, 了结 /liǎojié/, 了結, 收場, 收场 /shōuchǎng; shōucháng/, 完畢 /wánbì/, 完毕 /wánbì/, 完結, 完结 /wánjié/, 終了, 终了 /zhōngliǎo/
endanger {v} (to put someone or something in danger) :: 危害 /wēihài/, 危及 /wēijí/, 使危險, 使危险 /shǐ shòu wéixiǎn/
endangered species {n} (species which is in danger of becoming extinct) :: 瀕危物種, 濒危物种 /bīnwēi wùzhǒng/
endbrain {n} (telencephalon) SEE: telencephalon ::
endeavor {n} (a sincere attempt) :: 努力 /nǔlì/, 使命 /shiming/
endeavor {n} (enterprise; assiduous or persistent activity) :: 企业, 事業, 事业 /shìyè/
endeavor {v} (attempt through application of effort) :: 努力 /nǔlì/
endemic {adj} (peculiar to a particular area) :: 地方性流行
endgame {n} (end stage of a chess game) :: 殘局, 残局 /cánjú/, 殘棋, 残棋 /cánqí/
endianness {n} (the property of a computer of being either big-endian or little-endian) :: [chiefly mainland China] 字節序, 字节序 /zìjiéxù/, 字節順序, 字节顺序 /zìjié shùnxù/, [Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau] 位元組順序, 位元组顺序 /wèiyuánzǔ shùnxù/
ending {n} (termination or conclusion) :: 結束, 结束 /jiéshù/
ending {n} (last part of something) :: 結局, 结局 /jiéjú/
ending {n} (grammar: last morpheme of a word) SEE: termination ::
endive {n} (leafy salad vegetable, Cichorium endivia) :: 苦苣 /kǔjù/
endless {adj} (having no end) :: 無窮, 无穷 /wúqióng/
endlessly {adv} (in an endless manner) :: 不休 /bùxiū/, 不斷地, 不断地 /bùduàn de/, 不已 /bùyǐ/
endocrine system {n} (system of ductless glands) :: 內分泌系統, 内分泌系统 /nèifēnmì xìtǒng/
endocrinologist {n} (practitioner of endocrinology) :: 內分泌學家, 内分泌学家 /nèifēnmìxuéjiā/
endocrinology {n} (study of the endocrine glands) :: 內分泌學, 内分泌学 /nèifēnmìxué/
end of the world {n} (end of the world) :: 世界末日 /shìjiè mòrì/, 末日 /mòrì/
endometriosis {n} (endometrium condition) :: 子宮內膜異位, 子宫内膜异位 /zǐgōng nèimó yìwèi/
endometrium {n} (mucous membrane) :: 子宫内膜, 子宮內膜 /zǐgōng nèimó/
endonym {n} (a name used by a group or category of people to refer to themselves or their language) :: 當地地名, 当地地名 /dāngdì dìmíng/
endoplasmic reticulum {n} (network of membranes) :: 內質網, 内质网 /nèizhìwǎng, nèizhíwǎng/
endorphin {n} (any of a group of peptide hormones) :: 腦內啡, 脑内啡 /nǎonèifēi/, 安多芬 /ānduōfēn/, 內啡呔, 内啡呔 /nèifēidāi/
endosymbiosis {n} (living within another organism) :: 內共生, 内共生 /nèigòngshēng/
endosymbiotic theory {n} (the theory that concerns the origins of mitochondria and chloroplasts) :: 内共生學說, 内共生学说
endothermic {adj} (zoology: of animal with regulated temperature) :: 溫血的, 温血的 /wēnxuè de/, 熱血的, 热血的 /rèxuè de/
endpaper {n} (either of two folded sheets of paper used to connect the front and back covers of a book to the first and last pages) :: 襯頁, 衬页 /chènyè/
endpoint {n} (either of two points at the end of a line) :: 端點, 端点 /duāndiǎn/
endpoint {n} (entity at one end of a connection) :: 終端, 终端 /zhōngduān/
end product {n} (finished product) SEE: finished product ::
end up {v} (arrive at a destination) :: 到达
endurance {n} (the measure of a person's stamina or persistence) :: 持久度, 耐久
endurance {n} (ability to endure hardship) :: 坚韧度
endure {v} (to endure) SEE: take ::
endure {v} (endure, undergo) SEE: suffer ::
endure {v} (to continue despite obstacles) :: 承受 /chéngshòu/, 忍受 /rěnshòu/
endure {v} (to endure) SEE: take ::
enduring {adj} (long-lasting) :: /jiǔ/, 持久 /chíjiǔ/
end user {n} (the final consumer of a product; the intended recipient or user) :: 最終用戶, 最终用户 /zuìzhōng yònghù/
end user license agreement {n} (a contract between the manufacturer or copyright holder) :: 最終用戶許可協議, 最终用户许可协议 /zuìzhōng yònghù xǔkě xiéyì/
-ene {suffix} (alkene) :: -烯 /-xī/
enema {n} (injection of fluid into the rectum) :: 灌腸劑, 灌肠剂 /guànchángjì/, 灌腸, 灌肠 /guàncháng/
enemy {n} (someone who is hostile to, feels hatred towards, opposes the interests of, or intends injury to someone else) :: 敵人, 敌人 /dírén/, 仇敵, 仇敌 /chóudí/, , /dí/
enemy {n} (a hostile force or nation; a fighting member of such a force or nation) :: 敵國, 敌国 /díguó/
energetic {adj} (Possessing, exerting, or displaying energy) :: 積極, 积极 /jījí/, 有活力 /yǒu huólì/
energetically {adv} (in an energetic manner) :: 起勁, 起劲 /qǐjìng/
energy {n} (impetus behind activity) :: 能量 /néngliàng/, 能源 /néngyuán/, 精力 /jīnglì/
energy {n} (capacity to do work) :: 能量 /néngliàng/
energy {n} (physics) :: /néng/, 能量 /néngliàng/
energy drink {n} (caffeinated soft drink) :: 機能性飲料, 机能性饮料 /jīnéngxìng yǐnliào/
energy mix {n} (range of energy sources) :: 能源結構, 能源结构 /néngyuán jiégòu/
enfant terrible {n} (unconventional badly-behaved person) :: 頑童, 顽童 /wántóng/, 淘氣鬼, 淘气鬼 /táoqìguǐ/
enfeoff {v} (to give up completely) SEE: surrender ::
enfeoff {v} (to put (a person) in legal possession of a freehold interest) :: 分封 /fēnfēng/, 分茅 /fēnmáo/
enforce {v} (to keep up) :: 實施, 執行
engaged {adj} (busy or employed) SEE: busy ::
engaged {adj} (agreed to be married) :: 訂婚了, 订婚了 /dìnghūn le/ [verb]
engaged {adj} (already involved in a telephone call) :: 使用中的 /shǐyòngzhōng-de/
engagement {n} (period of time when marriage is planned or promised) :: 婚約, 婚约 /hūnyuē/, 訂婚, 订婚 /dìnghūn/
engagement ring {n} (a ring signifying a promise to wed) :: 訂婚戒指, 订婚戒指 /dìnghūn jièzhi/, 訂婚指環, 订婚指环 /dìnghūn zhǐhuán/
engaging {adj} (charming) :: 迷人
Eng Choon {prop} (Yongchun) SEE: Yongchun ::
Engels {prop} (surname) :: 恩格斯 /Ēngésī/
engender {v} (to bring into existence, cause) :: 引起
engine {n} (mechanical device) :: 引擎 /yǐnqíng/, 發動機, 发动机 /fādòngjī/, 馬達, 马达 /mǎdá/, 摩托 /mótuō/
engine {n} (locomotive) SEE: locomotive ::
engineer {n} (person qualified or professionally engaged in engineering) :: 工程師, 工程师 /gōngchéngshī/, 技師, 技师 /jìshī/
engineer {n} (locomotive operator) :: 司機, 司机 /sījī/
engineering {n} (application of science to the needs of humanity) :: 工程 /gōngchéng/
engineering {n} (work of an engineer) :: 工程 /gōngchéng/, 工程學, 工程学 /gōngchéngxué/
engineering {n} (profession) :: 工程 /gōngchéng/, 工學, 工学 /gōngxué/
England {prop} (region of Great Britain) :: 英格蘭, 英格兰 /Yīnggélán/, 英國, 英国 /Yīngguó/
English {adj} (of or pertaining to England) :: 英格蘭的, 英格兰的 /Yīnggélán de/, /Yīng/
English {adj} (of or pertaining to the English language) :: 英語的, 英语的 /yīngyǔ de/, 英文的 /yīngwén de/
English {adj} (of or pertaining to an Englishman, Englishwoman, the English) :: 英国人的 /yīngguórén de/
English {n} (people from England) :: 英國人, 英国人 /yīngguórén/
English {n} (one's ability to employ the English language) :: 英語, 英语 /Yīngyǔ/, 英文 /Yīngwén/
English {prop} (the English language) :: 英語, 英语 /yīngyǔ/, 英文 /yīngwén/
English Channel {prop} (The part of the Atlantic Ocean between Great Britain and France) :: 英吉利海峽, 英吉利海峡 /Yīngjílì hǎixiá/
English horn {n} (cor anglais) SEE: cor anglais ::
Englishman {n} (male native or inhabitant of England) :: 英格蘭人, 英格兰人 /yīngélánrén/ [male or female], 英國人, 英国人 /yīngguórén/ [also British]
English sparrow {n} (house sparrow) SEE: house sparrow ::
English studies {n} (academic discipline) :: 英語學, 英语学 /yīngyǔxué/
Englishwoman {n} (a female native or inhabitant of England) :: 英國人, 英国人 /Yīngguórén/ [male or female], 英國女子, 英国女子 /Yīngguó nǚzǐ/
engorge {v} :: 狼吞虎嚥, 狼吞虎咽
engrave {v} (carve text or symbols into (something)) :: 雕刻 /diāokè/, 鐫刻, 镌刻 /juānkè/
engraving {n} (the practice of incising a design onto a hard, flat surface) :: 雕刻 /diāokè/, 鐫刻, 镌刻 /juānkè/
engross {v} (to engage completely) :: 全神贯注
engulf {v} (overwhelm) :: 吞沒, 吞没 /tūnmò/
engulf {v} (surround; cover) :: 淹沒, 淹没 /yānmò/
enhance {v} (improve something by adding features) :: 改善 /gǎishàn/
enigma {n} (something puzzling, mysterious or inexplicable) :: , /mí/
enigma {n} :: 神秘的事物 /shén mì de shì wù/
enjail {v} (put in jail) SEE: imprison ::
enjoy {v} (to receive pleasure or satisfaction from something) :: 欣賞, 欣赏 /xīnshǎng/, 喜愛, 喜爱 /xǐ'ài/, 享受 /xiǎngshòu/
enjoy {v} (to have the use or benefit of something) :: 享有 /xiǎngyǒu/
enjoyable {adj} (giving pleasure or delight) :: 愉快 /yúkuài/
enjoyment {n} (the condition of enjoying anything) :: 享受 /xiǎngshòu/, 愉快 /yúkuài/, 樂趣, 乐趣 /lèqù/
enjoy oneself {v} (take pleasure) :: 開心, 开心 /wán de kāixīn/
enjoy your meal {phrase} (bon appétit) SEE: bon appétit ::
enlarge {v} (make larger) :: 放大 /fàngdà/, 增大 /zēngdà/, 加大 /jiādà/
enlargen {v} (enlarge) SEE: enlarge ::
enlightenment {n} (act of enlightening, state of being enlightened) :: 啟發, 启发 /qǐfā/, 啟迪, 启迪 /qǐdí/, 教育 /jiàoyù/, 啟蒙, 启蒙 /qǐméng/, 教化 /jiàohuà/
enlightenment {n} (philosophy and psychology related to achieving clarity of perception, reason and knowledge) :: 開悟, 开悟 /kāiwù/
Enlightenment {prop} (the Enlightenment) :: 啟蒙時代, 启蒙时代 /Qǐméng shídài/
en masse {adv} (in a single body or group) :: 集體, 集体 /jítǐ/
enmity {n} (hostile or unfriendly disposition) :: 敵意, 敌意 /díyì/
ennead {n} (the number nine) SEE: nine ::
enoki {n} (Flammulina velutipes) SEE: enoki mushroom ::
enoki mushroom {n} (Flammulina velutipes) :: 金針菇, 金针菇 /jīnzhēngū/, 金菇 /jīngū/
enol {n} (compound containing a hydroxyl group bonded to a carbon atom which is doubly bonded to another carbon) :: 烯醇 /xīchún/
enolize {v} (become an enol) :: 烯醇化 /xīchúnhuà/
enormous {adj} (extremely large) :: 巨大的 /jùdà de/
enormously {adv} (to an enormous degree) :: 大大 /dàdà/
enough {determiner} (sufficient) :: , /gòu/, 足夠, 足够 /zúgòu/, 充足 /chōngzú/, /zú/
enough {adv} (sufficiently) :: 足夠, 足够 /zúgòu/, , /gòu/, 充足 /chōngzú/
enough is enough {phrase} (the limit of patience or tolerance has been reached) :: 適可而止, 适可而止 /shìkě'érzhǐ/
en passant {n} (chess move) :: 吃過路兵, 吃过路兵 /chī guòlù bīng/
enquiry {n} (a question) :: 问询
enrage {v} (to fill with rage) :: 觸怒, 触怒 /chùnù/, 激怒 /jīnù/, 使憤怒, 使愤怒 /shǐ fènnù/
enrich {v} (to increase the amount of one isotope in a mixture of isotopes) :: 濃縮, 浓缩 /nóngsuō/
enriched uranium {n} (uranium enriched with a higher amount of U-235) :: 濃縮鈾, 浓缩铀 /nóngsuōyóu/
enrol {v} (enroll) SEE: enroll ::
enroll {v} (to enter (a name) in a register, roll or list) :: 註冊, 注册 /zhùcè/
enrolment {n} (act of enrolling or state of being enrolled) :: 註冊, 注册 /zhùcè/
en route {prep} (on the way) :: 在路上 /zài lùshàng/
en route {prep} (along the way) :: 在途中 /zài túzhōng/
ensemble {n} (a group of separate things that contribute to a coordinated whole) :: 全體, 全体 /quántǐ/ [entirety]
ensemble {n} (a coordinated costume or outfit; a suit) :: 服装
ensemble {n} (a group of musicians, dancers etc who perform together; the chorus of a ballet company) :: 合奏 /hézòu/, 樂隊, 乐队 /yuèduì/, 集體, 集体 /jítǐ/ [group, team]
ensemble {n} (a piece for several instrumentalists or vocalists) :: 合唱曲 /héchàngqǔ/
Enshi {prop} (autonomous prefecture in central China; county-level city in central China) :: 恩施 /Ēnshī/
En-shih {prop} (Enshi) SEE: Enshi ::
ensign {n} (military officer) :: 少尉 /shǎowèi/
enslave {v} (to make subservient; to strip one of freedom; enthrall) :: 奴役 /núyì/
enslavement {n} (the act of enslaving or the state of being a slave; bondage) :: 奴役 /núyì/
ensorcell {v} (to captivate, entrance, fascinate) SEE: captivate ::
ensue {v} (to occur as consequence) :: 接踵而來, 接踵而来 /jiēzhǒngérlái/
ensure {v} (assure) SEE: assure ::
enter {v} (to go into (a room, etc.)) :: 進入, 进入 /jìnrù/, , /jìn/
enter {v} (to type into a computer) :: 輸入, 输入 /shūrù/
entering tone {n} (short sharp tone) :: 入聲, 入声 /rùshēng/
enter into {v} (enter into) SEE: penetrate ::
enteritis {n} (intestinal disease) :: 小腸炎, 小肠炎 /xiǎochángyán/, 腸炎, 肠炎 /chángyán/
enterprise {n} (company, business, organization, or endeavor) :: 企業, 企业 /qǐyè/
enterprise {n} (undertaking, especially a daring and courageous one) :: 事業, 事业 /shìyè/
enterprise {n} (willingness to undertake projects, energy and initiative) :: 事業心, 事业心 /shìyèxīn/, 進取心, 进取心 /jìnqǔxīn/
enterprise liability {n} (legal doctrine) :: 企業責任, 企业责任 /qǐyè zérèn/
entertainer {n} (person who entertains) :: 演藝人員, 演艺人员 /yǎnyìrényuán/
entertaining {adj} (amusing) :: 有趣 /yǒuqù/, /dòu/ [colloquial]
entertainment {n} (activity designed to give pleasure or relaxation) :: 娛樂, 娱乐 /yúlè/
enthalpy {n} (a measure of the heat content) :: /hán/
enthesis {n} (point at which a tendon, etc., inserts into a bone) :: 附著點, 附着点 /fùzhuó diǎn/
enthusiasm {n} (feeling of excited, lively interest) :: 熱情, 热情 /rèqíng/, 積極性, 积极性 /jījíxìng/
enthusiast {n} (person filled with or guided by enthusiasm) :: 热衷者
enthusiastic {adj} (with zealous fervor; excited, motivated) :: 熱心, 热心 /rèxīn/, 熱情, 热情 /rèqíng/, 感興趣, 感兴趣 /hěn gǎn xìngqù de/, 激動, 激动 /jīdòng/
enthusiastically {adv} (in an enthusiastic manner) :: 熱心地, 热心地 /rèxīn de/, 狂熱地, 狂热地 /kuángrè de/
entice {v} (to lure; to attract by arousing desire or hope) :: 誘惑, 诱惑 /yòuhuò/
entire {n} (stallion) SEE: stallion ::
entire {adj} (whole) :: 全部的 /quánbù de/, 整個, 整个 /zhěnggè/, 完全 /wánquán/
entirety {n} (wholeness) :: 全部 /quánbù/, 全體, 全体 /quántǐ/
entity {n} (that which exists as an individual unit) :: 實體, 实体 /shítǐ/, 整體
entomb {v} (to deposit in a tomb) :: 埋葬, 入土
entomologist {n} (scientist who studies insects) :: 昆蟲學家, 昆虫学家 /kūnchóngxuéjiā/
entomology {n} (study of insects) :: 昆蟲學, 昆虫学 /kūnchóngxué/
entrance {n} (place of entering) :: 入口 /rùkǒu/, 門口, 门口 /ménkǒu/, 進口, 进口 /jìnkǒu/
entrance {v} (to put into a trance) :: 使…出神 /shi chu shen/
entrance {v} :: 施展魔法
entrance examination {n} (examination used by an educational institution to select which students it will grant admission to) :: 入學考試, 入学考试 /rùxué kǎoshì/
entrée {n} (dish served before the main course of a meal, see also: starter; appetizer) :: 前菜 /qiáncài/
entrée {n} (main dish) SEE: main course ::
entrench {v} (surround with a trench) :: 挖掘壕沟
entrench {v} (establish financial position) :: 巩固
entrepreneur {n} (person who organizes and operates a business and assumes the associated risk) :: 企業家, 企业家 /qǐyèjiā/
entrepreneurship {n} (quality of being an entrepreneur) :: 創業, 创业 /chuàngyè/
entresol {n} (an intermediate floor in a building) :: 中层楼
entropy {n} (term in thermodynamics) :: /shāng/
entropy {n} (measure of the amount of information in a signal) :: /shāng/
entropy {n} (tendency of a system to descend into chaos) :: /shāng/
entrustment {n} (the act of entrusting) :: 委托 /wěituō/
entry {n} (act of entering) :: 進入, 进入 /jìnrù/
entry {n} (doorway that provides a means of entering a building) :: 入口 /rùkǒu/
entry {n} (article in a dictionary or encyclopedia) :: 條目, 条目 /tiáomù/, [lexical] 詞條, 词条 /cítiáo/, 項目, 项目 /xiàngmù/
entry {n} (record in a log or in a database) :: 記錄, 记录 /jìlù/
entry-level {adj} (simple enough to be appropriate to an inexperienced person) :: 初級, 初级 /chūjí/, 入門級, 入门级 /rùménjí/
entwine {v} (twist or twine) :: 纏繞, 缠绕 /chánrào/
enumerate {v} (to specify each member of a sequence individually in incrementing order) :: 枚举 /méijǔ/
enunciation {n} (mode of pronunciation) :: 吐字 /tǔzì/
envelope {n} (wrapper for mailing) :: 信封 /xìnfēng/
envious {adj} (feeling or exhibiting envy) :: 嫉妒的 /jídù de/
environment {n} (area around something) :: 環境, 环境 /huánjìng/
environment {n} (natural world or ecosystem) :: 環境, 环境 /huánjìng/
environmental {adj} (pertaining to the environment) :: 環境的, 环境的 /huánjìng de/
environmentalism {n} (ideology seeking to prevent the degradation of environment) :: 環境保護主義, 环境保护主义 /huánjìng bǎohù zhǔyì/
environmentalist {n} (one who advocates for the protection of the biosphere) :: 環保人士, 环保人士 /huánbǎo rénshì/, 環境論者, 环境论者 /huánjìng lùnzhě/, 環境保護論者, 环境保护论者 /huánjìng bǎohù lùnzhě/, 環境保護主義者, 环境保护主义者 /huánjìng bǎohù zhǔyìzhè/
environmentally friendly {adj} (causing little harm to the environment) :: 環保, 环保 /huánbǎo/
environmental protection {n} (protecting the environment) :: 環境保護, 环境保护 /huánjìng bǎohù/, [abbreviation] 環保, 环保 /huán-bǎo/
envoy {n} (representative) :: 使者 /shǐzhě/
envy {n} (resentful desire of something possessed by another) :: 妒嫉 /dùjí/, 羡慕 /xiànmù/
envy {v} (to feel displeasure towards (someone) because of their good fortune, possessions) :: 羡慕 /xiànmù/
enzyme {n} (catalytic protein) :: /méi/, 酵素 /jiàosù/ [dated]
enzymology {n} (branch of science) :: 酶學, 酶学 /méixué/
eon {n} (geological time period) :: /zhòu/
epaulet {n} (shoulder decoration) :: 肩章 /jiānzhāng/
epee {n} (A fencing sword) :: 重劍, 重剑 /zhòngjiàn/
epeirogeny {n} (broad regional upwarp of the cratonic portions of continents) :: 造陆运动 /zào lù yùn dòng/, 造陆作用 /zào lù zuò yòng /
epenthesis {n} (insertion of a phoneme or letter into a word) :: 插音 /chāyǐn/
ephedra {n} (plant) :: 麻黃屬 /máhuángshǔ/
ephedrine {n} :: 麻黃素, 麻黄素 /máhuángsù/, 麻黃鹼, 麻黄碱 /máhuángjiǎn/
ephemeral {adj} (lasting for a short period of time) :: 短暫, 短暂 /duǎnzàn de/, 一時, 一时 /yīshí de/
ephemeral {adj} (existing for only one day) :: 朝生暮死的, 昙花一现的
ephemeris {n} (table giving the apparent position of celestial bodies throughout the year) :: 皇曆, 皇历 /huánglì/
Ephesians {prop} (book of the Bible) :: 以弗所書, 以弗所书 /Yǐfúsuǒshū/
Ephesus {prop} (ancient city) :: 以弗所 /yǐfúsuǒ/
epic {n} (extended narrative poem) :: 史詩, 史诗 /shǐshī/
epicanthus {n} (a skin fold of the upper eyelid, typical of East Asians) :: 內眥贅皮, 内眦赘皮 /nèizìzhuìpí/
epicaricacy {n} (rejoicing at or deriving pleasure from the misfortunes of others) SEE: schadenfreude ::
epicarp {n} (exocarp) SEE: exocarp ::
epicene {n} (transvestite) SEE: transvestite ::
epicene {n} (transsexual) SEE: transsexual ::
epicene {adj} (effeminate) SEE: effeminate ::
epicene {adj} (androgynous, hermaphrodite) SEE: androgynous ::
epicene {adj} (suitable for use regardless of sex) SEE: unisex ::
epicene {n} (epicene person) SEE: androgyne ::
epicentre {n} (point above earthquake) :: 震央 /zhènyāng/, 震中 /zhènzhōng/, 震中心 /zhènzhōngxīn/
Epicurus {prop} (ancient Greek philosopher) :: 伊比鳩魯, 伊比鸠鲁 /Yībǐjiūlǔ/
epidemic {n} (widespread disease) :: 流行病 /liúxíngbìng/, 瘟疫 /wēnyì/
epidemic {adj} (like an epidemic) :: 流行性 /liúxíngxìng/
epidemiology {n} (branch of medicine dealing with transmission and control of disease in populations) :: 流行病學, 流行病学 /liúxíngbìngxué/
epidermis {n} (skin's outer layer in animals) :: 表皮 /biǎopí/
epididymal {adj} (epididymal) :: 附睾的
epididymis {n} (tube) :: 附睪, 附睾 /fùgāo/
epiglottis {n} (cartilaginous organ in the throat) :: 會厭, 会厌 /huìyàn/
epiglottitis {n} (inflammation of the epiglottis) :: 會厭炎, 会厌炎 /huìyànyán/
epigram {n} (brief but witty saying) :: 警句 /jǐngjù/
epigraph {n} (inscription) :: 題詞, 题词 /tící/, 碑文 /bēiwén/
epigraphy {n} (study of inscriptions) :: 金石學, 金石学 /jīnshíxué/
epilation {n} (loss of hair) :: 脱毛 /tuōmáo/, 脫髮, 脱发 /tuōfà/
epilation {n} (removal of hair) :: 脱毛法 /tuōmáofǎ/
epilepsy {n} (medical condition) :: 羊癲瘋, 羊癫疯 /yángdiānfēng/, 癲癇, 癫痫 /diānxián/, 癲癇癥, 癫痫症 /diānxiánzhèng/, 羊癇, 羊痫 /yángxián/, 羊癇瘋, 羊痫疯 /yángxiánfēng/, 羊角風, 羊角风 /yángjiǎofēng/
epilogue {n} (short speech at the end of a play) :: 結語, 結語 /jiéyǔ/
epilogue {n} (brief oration or script at the end of a literary piece) :: 後記 /hòujì/, 后记 /hòujì/
epimer {n} (diastereoisomer) :: 差向異構體, 差向异构体 /chàxiàng yìgòutǐ/
epinephrine {n} (hormone and nurotransmitter) :: 腎上腺素, 肾上腺素 /shènshàngxiànsù/
epiphany {n} (illuminating realization or discovery) :: 頓悟, 顿悟 /dùnwù/, 洞察 /dòngchá/, 領悟, 领悟 /lǐngwù/
epiphany {n} (Epiphany) SEE: Epiphany ::
Epiphany {n} (Christian feast) :: 主顯節, 主显节 /Zhǔxiǎnjié/
epiphysis {n} (pineal gland) SEE: pineal gland ::
Epirus {prop} (region; historical kingdom) :: 伊庇魯斯, 伊庇鲁斯 /Yībìlŭsī/, 伊庇魯斯大區, 伊庇鲁斯大区 /Yībìlŭsī Dàqū/
Epirus {prop} (one of the 13 peripheries) :: 伊庇魯斯, 伊庇鲁斯 /Yībìlŭsī/, 伊庇魯斯大區, 伊庇鲁斯大区 /Yībìlŭsī Dà'oū/
episiotomy {n} (surgical incision) :: 會陰切開術, 会阴切开术 /huìyīn-qièkāishù/
episode {n} (incident or action connected with a series of events) :: 事件 /shìjiàn/, 插曲 /chāqǔ/
episode {n} (instalment of a drama told in parts) :: /jí/
epistaxis {n} (nosebleed) :: [medical]鼻出血 /Taiwan:bí chū xiě/, [casual] 流鼻血 /Taiwan:liú bí xiě/
epistemology {n} (branch of philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge) :: 知識論, 知识论 /zhīshilùn, zhīshìlùn/, 認識論, 认识论 /rènshilùn, rènshìlùn/
epistemology {n} (particular theory of knowledge) :: 理論, 理论 /lǐlùn/
epitaph {n} (inscription on a gravestone) :: 墓誌銘, 墓志铭 /mùzhìmíng/, 碑文 /bēiwén/
epithelium {n} (membranous tissue) :: 上皮 /shàngpí/
epithet {n} (term used to characterize a person or thing) :: 稱號, 称号 /chēnghào/, 綽號, 绰号 /chuòhào/, 修飾語, 修饰语 /xiūshìyǔ/
epitome {n} (embodiment or encapsulation of) :: 縮影, 缩影 /suōyǐng/
epitrochoid {n} (geometric curve) :: 外旋輪線, 外旋轮线 /wàixuánlúnxiàn/
e pluribus unum {proverb} (e pluribus unum - a United States' motto) :: 合眾為一, 合众为一 /hé zhòng wéi yī/
epoch {n} (particular period of history) :: 時代, 时代 /shídài/
epoch {n} (geology: a unit of geologic time) :: /shì/
eponym {n} (person's name that has given rise to the name of something) :: 名祖 /míngzǔ/
epopee {n} (an epic, saga) :: 史詩, 史诗 /shǐshī/
epoxide {n} (cyclic ether) :: 环氧化合物, 环氧化合物 /huán yǎng huàhéwù/
epoxy {adj} (derived from an epoxide) :: 環氧, 环氧 /huányǎng de/
epoxy {n} (epoxy resin) SEE: epoxy resin ::
epoxy resin {n} (polyether resin) :: 環氧樹脂, 环氧树脂 /huányǎng shùzhī/
epsilon {n} (name for the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet) :: 伊普西隆 /yīpǔxīlóng/, 艾撲西龍, 艾扑西龙 /àipūxīlóng/
equal {adj} (the same in all respects) :: 平等 /píngděng/
equal {adj} (mathematics: exactly identical) :: 等於, 等于 /děngyú/, 等量 /děngliàng/
equal {v} (be equal to) :: 等於 /děngyú/
equalitarian {adj} (egalitarian) SEE: egalitarian ::
equality {n} (fact of being equal) :: 平等 /píngděng/, 均等 /jūnděng/
equality {n} (equal treatment of people irrespective of social or cultural differences) :: 平等 /píngděng/
equalize {v} (to make the score equal) :: 均等化 /jūnděnghuà/, 等化 /děnghuà/, 平等化 /píngděnghuà/
equalizer {n} (device for altering audio frequencies) :: 均衡器 /jūnhéngqì/
equally {adv} (in an equal manner) :: 一樣地, 一样地 /yīyàng de/, 同樣地, 同样地 /tóngyàng de/, 平等地 /píngděng de/
equal sign {n} (symbol) :: 等號, 等号 /děnghào/
equation {n} (mathematics: assertion) :: 方程式 /fāngchéngshì/, 方程 /fāngchéng/
equator {n} (circle around the earth) :: 赤道 /chìdào/
equator {n} (celestial equator) SEE: celestial equator ::
equatorial {adj} (of, near, or relating to the equator) :: 赤道的 /chìdào de/
Equatorial Guinea {prop} (country in Western Africa) :: 赤道幾內亞, 赤道几内亚 /Chìdào Jīnèiyà/
equerry {n} (responsible for the care of horses) :: 大司馬, 大司马 /dàsīmǎ/
equerry {n} (personal attendant to a dignitary) :: 大司馬, 大司马 /dàsīmǎ/
equestrianism {n} (the art or sport of riding horses) :: 馬術, 马术 /mǎshù/, 乘馬, 乘马 /chéngmǎ/
equilateral {adj} (referring to a polygon all of whose sides are of equal length) :: 等边的
equilateral triangle {n} (type of triangle) :: 等边三角形 /Děng biān sānjiǎoxíng/
equilibrium {n} (condition of a system in which competing influences are balanced) :: 平衡 /pínghéng/
equilibrium {n} (physics: state of a body at rest or in uniform motion in which the resultant of all forces on it is zero) :: 平衡 /pínghéng/
equilibrium {n} (chemistry: state of a reaction in which the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are the same) :: 平衡 /pínghéng/
equinoctial {n} (celestial equator) SEE: celestial equator ::
equinox {n} (intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial equator) :: 晝夜平分點, 昼夜平分点 /zhòuyè píngfēndiǎn/, 二分點, 二分点 /èrfēndiǎn/
equipment {n} (whatever is used in equipping) :: 設備, 设备 /shèbèi/, 裝備, 装备 /zhuāngbèi/
equitation {n} (the art, practice or act of riding a horse) :: 騎術 /qíshù/
equivalence {n} (degree to which a term or text is similar) :: 對等, 对等 /duìděng/, 對應, 对应 /duìyìng/
equivalent {adj} (similar or identical in value) :: 等值 /děngzhí/
equivalent {adj} (of two sets, having a one-to-one relationship) :: 等价的
equivalent {n} (anything that is virtually equal to something else) :: 當量, 当量 /dāngliáng/
-er {suffix} ((used to form agent nouns) person or thing that does...) :: ...者 /-zhě/, ...家 /-jiā/
-er {suffix} (person whose occupation is...) :: ...员 /-yuán/ [general], ...工 /-gōng/ [of physical work], ...手 /-shǒu/ [of sports, games or instruments], ...师 /-shī/ [of a skilled job], ...家 /-jiā/ [honorific], ...的 /-de/ [informal]
era {n} (time period) :: 時代, 时代 /shídài/
era {n} (geology: unit of time) :: /dài/
eradicate {v} (to pull up by the roots) :: 連根拔起
eradicate {v} (to completely destroy; to reduce to nothing radically) :: 根除
eradication {n} (act of plucking up by the roots) :: 根除 /gēnchú/
era name {n} (period) :: 年號, 年号 /niánhào/
erase {v} (to remove markings or information) :: 拭除 /shìchú/, 抹去 /mǒqù/, 擦去 /cāqù/
eraser {n} (thing used to erase something written or drawn) :: 橡皮 /xiàngpí/, 橡皮擦子 /xiàngpícāzi/, 橡皮擦 /xiàngpícā/
eraser {n} (chalkboard eraser) :: 黑板擦 /hēibǎncā/, 板擦 /bǎncā/
erbium {n} (chemical element) :: , /ěr/
Erdoğan {prop} (surname) :: 埃爾多安, 埃尔多安 /Āi'ěrduō'ān/
e-reader {n} (device) :: 電子閱讀器, 电子阅读器 /diànzǐ yuèdúqì/
erectile dysfunction {n} (erectile dysfunction) :: 陽痿, 阳痿 /yángwěi/, 勃起功能障礙, 勃起功能障碍 /bóqǐ gōngnéng zhàng'ài/
erection {n} (rigid state of penis or clitoris) :: 勃起 /bóqǐ/
eremite {n} (hermit) SEE: hermit ::
eremology {n} (desertology) SEE: desertology ::
ereyesterday {adv} (on the day before yesterday) SEE: day before yesterday ::
ereyesterday {n} (the day before yesterday) SEE: day before yesterday ::
erg {n} (unit of work or energy) :: 爾格
ergative verb {n} :: 作格动词
ergo {conj} :: 因此 (yīncǐ)
ergonomics {n} (science of the design of equipment) :: 人體工程學, 人体工程学 /réntǐ gōngchéngxué/, 人類工程學, 人类工程学 /rénlèi gōngchéngxué/, 工效學, 工效学 /gōngxiàoxué/
erhu {n} (Chinese fiddle) :: 二胡 /èrhú/, 南胡 /nánhú/, 二弦 /èrxián/
erhua {n} (a phonological process) :: 兒化, 儿化 /érhuà/
Eric {prop} (male given name) :: 艾里克 /Àilǐkè/
Eridanus {prop} (constellation) :: 波江座 /Bōjiāngzuò/
erinaceous {adj} (Of, pertaining to, or resembling a hedgehog) :: 相似刺蝟, 相似刺猬 (xiāngsì cìwei de)
Eris {prop} (Greek goddess of discord) :: 厄里斯, 愛莉絲 /Èlǐsī/
Eris {prop} (dwarf planet) :: 鬩神星, 阋神星 /Xìshénxīng/
Eritrea {prop} (country in Eastern Africa) :: 厄立特里亞, 厄立特里亚 /Èlìtèlǐyà/
Erlenmeyer flask {n} (conical laboratory flask) :: 錐形瓶, 锥形瓶 /zhuīxíngpíng/, 三角燒瓶, 三角烧瓶 /sānjiǎo shāopíng/
ermine {n} (Mustela erminea) :: 白鼬 /báiyòu/
erne {n} (Haliaeetus albicilla) SEE: white-tailed eagle ::
erode {v} (To wear away by abrasion, corrosion or chemical reaction) :: 侵蚀, 受腐蚀
erogenous zone {n} (erogenous zone) :: 性感帶, 性感带 /xìnggǎndài/
Eros {prop} (God of love) :: 厄洛斯 /Èluòsī/
Eros {prop} (433 Eros (asteroid)) :: 愛神星, 爱神星 /Àishénxīng/
erosion {n} (the result of having being eroded) :: 磨蝕, 磨蚀 /móshí/, 侵蝕, 侵蚀 /qīnshí/
erotic {adj} (tending to arouse sexual desire) :: 色情的 /sèqíng-de/, 引起性欲 /yǐnqǐ xìngyù de/, 性愛的, 性爱的 /xìng'ài-de/
erotica {n} (erotic literature or art) :: 色情作品 /sèqíng zuòpǐn/, 淫穢書畫, 淫秽书画 /yínhuì shūhuà/
err {v} :: 犯錯, 犯错 /fàncuò/, 做錯, 做错 /zuòcuò/, [colloquial] 走眼 /zǒuyǎn/
err {v} (sin) SEE: sin ::
errand {n} (trip to accomplish a small task) :: 使命 /shǐmìng/, 任務, 任务 /rènwu/, 差使 /chāishǐ/
errand {n} (purpose of a small trip) :: 任務, 任务 /rènwu/
errant {adj} (straying from the proper course or standard) :: 迷失 /mishi/
errata {n} (added page listing the errors which were discovered after printing) :: 勘誤表, 勘误表 /kānwùbiǎo/, 正誤表, 正误表 /zhèngwùbiǎo/
erratum {n} (corrigendum) SEE: corrigendum ::
erroneously {adv} (in an erroneous manner) :: 錯誤地, 错误地 /cuòwù de/
erroneously {adv} (incorrectly) SEE: incorrectly ::
error {n} (mistake) :: 错误, 錯誤 /cuòwù/, 失误, 失誤 /shīwù/
error {n} (difference between a measured or calculated value and a true one) :: 误差, 誤差 /wùchā/
error {n} (one or more mistakes in a trial that could be grounds for review of the judgement) :: 误审, 誤審 /wù-shěn/
error {v} ((nonstandard) To make a mistake; to result in an error) SEE: err ::
error message {n} (message displayed when a failure condition occurs) :: 錯誤信息, 错误信息 /cuòwù xìnxī/
ersatz {n} (something made in imitation) :: 代用品 /dàiyòngpǐn/
erstwhile {adv} (erstwhile) SEE: formerly ::
erudite {adj} (scholarly, learned) :: 博學, 博学 /bóxué/, 有學問, 有学问 /yǒu xuéwèn/
erudition {n} (profound knowledge, especially that based on learning and scholarship) :: 博學, 博学 /bóxué/, 學識, 学识 /xuéshí/, 學問, 學問 /xuéwen/
erupt {v} (to violently eject) :: 噴發, 喷发 /pēnfā/, 爆發, 爆发 /bàofā/, 噴出, 喷出 /pēnchū/
eruption {n} (violent ejection, such as that of lava from a volcano) :: 噴發, 喷发 /pēnfā/, 爆發, 爆发 /bàofā/, 噴出, 喷出 /pēnchū/
erysipelas {n} (severe skin disease) :: 丹毒 /dāndú/
Erythraean Sea {prop} (Red Sea) SEE: Red Sea ::
erythrocyte {n} (red blood cell) SEE: red blood cell ::
erythromycin {n} (any of a class of macrolide antibiotics) :: 红霉素 /hóngméisù/
erythronium {n} (vanadium) SEE: vanadium ::
erythropoiesis {n} (production of red blood cells) :: 红细胞生成 /hóngxìbāo shēngchéng/
erythrose {n} (aldotetrose) :: 赤藓糖 /chì xiǎn táng/
Esau {prop} (son of Isaac and Rebekah) :: 以掃, 以扫
escalate {v} (to intensify) :: 升級, 升级 /shēngjí/, 升高 /shēnggāo/
escalation {n} (a deliberate or premeditated increase in the violence or geographic scope of a conflict) :: 升級, 升级 /shēngjí/
escalator {n} (mechanical device) :: 自動扶梯, 自动扶梯 /zìdòngfútī/, 自動電梯, 自动电梯 /zìdòngdiàntī/, 自動樓梯, 自动楼梯 /zìdònglóutī/, 自動鏈梯, 自动链梯 /zìdòngliàntī/, 升降階梯, 升降阶梯 /shēngjiàngjiētī/
escallop {n} (scallop) SEE: scallop ::
escape {v} (to get free) :: 逃生 /táoshēng/, 逃跑 /táopǎo/
escape {v} (to elude) :: 逃逸 /táoyì/
escape {v} (to avoid capture) :: 逃逸 /táoyì/
escape {v} (to prefix a special key in order to make it an ordinary key) :: 轉義, 转义 /zhuǎnyì/
escape {n} (act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation) :: 逃跑 /táopǎo/, 逃脫, 逃脱 /táotuō/
escape {n} (computing: escape key) :: 退出鍵, 退出键 /tuìchū jiàn/, 逸出鍵, 逸出键 /yìchū jiàn/
escape character {n} :: 转义字符 /zhuǎnyì zìfú/
escapee {n} (someone free through escaping imprisonment) :: 逃犯
escape key {n} (key on a personal computer) :: 退出鍵, 退出键 /tuìchū jiàn/, 逸出鍵, 逸出键 /yìchū jiàn/
escape room {n} (room containing various puzzles and riddles that players must solve in order to escape) :: 逃生室 /táoshēngshì/
escape sequence {n} (escape character together with subsequent characters) :: 轉義序列, 转义序列 /zhuǎnyì xùliè/
escape velocity {n} (minimum velocity) :: 宇宙速度 /yǔzhòu sùdù/
escapist {adj} (intended or tending toward escape) :: 逃避现实的
escapist {n} (someone wanting to escape reality) :: 逃避现实的人
escapology {n} (the study or art of escaping from a constriction) :: 脫逃術, 脱逃术 /tuōtáoshù/
Escaut {prop} (the river Scheldt) SEE: Scheldt ::
eschatology {n} (the study of the end times) :: 末世論, 末世论 /mòshìlùn/, 末世學, 末世学 /mòshìxué/
e-scrap {n} (e-waste) SEE: e-waste ::
-ese {suffix} (forming adjectives and nouns describing things characteristic of a particular place) :: use attributive noun
Eskimo {prop} (group of native peoples) :: 愛斯基摩人, 爱斯基摩人 /Àisījīmórén/, 埃斯基摩人 /Āisījīmórén/, 依士企摩人 /Yīshìqǐmórén, Yīshìqìmórén/
Eskimo {prop} (language) :: 愛斯基摩語, 爱斯基摩语 /Àisījīmóyǔ/, 埃斯基摩語, 埃斯基摩语 /Āisījīmóyǔ/, 依士企摩語, 依士企摩语 /Yīshìqǐmóyǔ, Yīshìqìmóyǔ/
Eskimo {n} (member of the Eskimo people(s)) :: 愛斯基摩人, 爱斯基摩人 /Àisījīmórén/, 埃斯基摩人 /Āisījīmórén/, 依士企摩人 /Yīshìqǐmórén, Yīshìqìmórén/
Eskimo {adj} (of, or relating to an Eskimo, Eskimos or their language, languages) :: 愛斯基摩, 爱斯基摩 /Àisījīmó/, 埃斯基摩 /Āisījīmó/, 依士企摩 /Yīshìqǐmó, Yīshìqìmó/
Eskimo kiss {n} (rubbing of one's nose against another's) :: 愛斯基摩吻, 爱斯基摩吻 /Àisījīmó wěn/
esophageal cancer {n} (cancer) :: 食道癌 /shídào'ái/
esoteric {adj} (understood only by a chosen few) :: 深晦 /shēnhuì/
esoteric {adj} :: 神秘 /shenmi/
espadrille {n} (light shoe) :: 草編(底)帆布鞋, 繩底帆布鞋
esparto {n} (species of North African grass) :: 茅草 /máocǎo/
especially {adv} (particularly) :: 特別, 特别 /tèbié/
Esperantist {n} (specialist or speaker of Esperanto) :: 世界語主義者, 世界语主义者 /shìjièyǔ zhǔyìzhě/, 世界語者, 世界语者 /shìjièyǔzhě/
Esperanto {prop} (auxiliary language) :: 世界語, 世界语 /Shìjièyǔ/
Esperantujo {prop} (notional land) :: 世界語國度, 世界语国度 /shìjièyǔ guódù/ [uncommon calque]
espionage {n} (act of learning secret information through clandestine means) :: 間諜活動, 间谍活动 /jiàndié huódòng/
e-sports {n} (video games as a spectator sport) :: 電子競技, 电子竞技 /diànzǐ jìngjì/, 電競, 电竞 /diànjìng/
espousal {n} (betrothal) SEE: betrothal ::
espresso {n} (strong type of coffee) :: 濃縮咖啡, 浓缩咖啡 /nóngsuō kāfēi/, 濃咖啡, 浓咖啡 /nóngkāfēi/
esprit de corps {n} (shared spirit of comradeship, enthusiasm, and devotion) :: 團結精神, 团结精神 /tuánjié jīngshén/, 集體精神, 集体精神 /jítǐ jīngshén/
-esque {suffix} (in the style of) :: -式的 /... shì de/
-esque {suffix} (resembling) :: -似的 /... shì de/
-ess {suffix} (female suffix) :: 女…… /nǚ.../, 母- /mǔ-/
ess {n} (name of the letter S, s) :: [English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists]
essay {n} (written composition) :: 雜文, 杂文 /záwén/, 論文, 论文 /lùnwén/, 作文 /zuòwén/
essayist {n} (one who composes essays; a writer of short compositions) :: 散文家 /sǎnwénjiā/
Essen {prop} (city) :: 埃森 /Āisēn/
essence {n} (inherent nature) :: 本質, 本质 /běnzhì, běnzhí/
essence {n} (concentrate) :: /jīng/
essence {n} (true nature of something) :: 本質, 本质 /běnzhì, běnzhí/
essential {adj} (necessary) :: 必要 /必要/, 不可缺的 /bùkě quē de/, 必備, 必备 /bìbèi/
essential {adj} (of high importance) :: 要素 /yàosù/, 切要 /qièyào/
essential {adj} (in basic form) :: 精華的, 精华的 /jīnghuá de/
essential {n} (necessary ingredient) :: 必要的, 必要的 /bìyào de/
essential {n} (fundamental ingredient) :: 基本的, 基本的 /jīběn de/
essential amino acid {n} (amino acid which is a dietry requirement) :: 必需氨基酸 /bìxū ānjīsuān/
essential fatty acid {n} (any fatty acid required for human metabolism that cannot be synthesized) :: 必需脂肪酸 /bìxū zhīfángsuān/
essentialism {n} (view that objects have properties that are essential to them) :: 本质主义 /běnzhìzhǔyì, 精粹主义/
essentially {adv} (essentially) :: 本質上, 本质上 /běnzhìshàng/, 基本上 /jīběnshàng/, 大體上, 大体上 /dàtǐshang/
essential oil {n} (volatile oil used to make perfumes and flavourings) :: 精油 /jīngyóu/
essive case {n} (case used to indicate a temporary state of being) :: 樣格, 样格 /yànggé/
-est {suffix} (superlative of adjectives and adverbs) :: /zuì/ [prefix]
establish {v} (To make stable or firm; to confirm) :: 確定, 确定 /quèdìng/
establish {v} (To form; to set up in business) :: 建立 /jiànlì/
establish {v} (To found; to institute) :: 建立 /jiànlì/, 創辦, 创办 /chuàngbàn/
establish {v} (To prove and cause to be accepted as true; to establish a fact; to demonstrate) :: 證實, 证实 /zhèngshí/
establishment {n} (the act of establishing) :: 建立 /jiànlì/, 設立, 设立 /shèlì/
establishment {n} (that which is established) :: 機關, 机关 /jīguān/
establishment {n} (slang: the ruling class or authority group) :: 建制 /jiànzhì/
estate {n} (property and liabilities, especially of a deceased person) :: 财产
estate {n} ((extensive) area of land under single ownership) :: 地产
estate {n} (body style of cars) SEE: station wagon ::
estate agent {n} (one acting for another in sale or lease of real estate) :: [individual] 房地產經紀人, 房地产经纪人 /fángdìchǎn jīngjìrén/, [company] 房地產公司, 房地公司 /fángdìchǎn gōngsī/
estate car {n} (station wagon) SEE: station wagon ::
ester {n} (compound with carbon-oxygen double bond joined via carbon to another oxygen atom) :: /zhǐ/, 酯類, 酯类 /zhǐlèi/, 𨤎 /yán/ [obsolete]
esterase {n} (any of a certain class of enzymes) :: 酯酶 /zhǐ méi/
Esther {prop} (female given name) :: 艾丝特 /Àisītè/
Esther {prop} (book of the Bible) :: 以斯帖記, 以斯帖记 /Yǐsītiējì/
Esther {prop} (the heroine of the Book of Esther) :: 以斯帖 /Yǐsītiē/
estimate {v} (to calculate roughly) :: 估計, 估计 /gūjì/, 預估, 预估 /yùgū/, 預計, 预计 /yùjì/, 估算 /gūsuàn/
Estonia {prop} (country) :: 愛沙尼亞, 爱沙尼亚 /Àishāníyà/
Estonian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the country of Estonia, its people or their language) :: 愛沙尼亞的, 爱沙尼亚的 /Aìshāníyà de/
Estonian {n} (person) :: 愛沙尼亞人, 爱沙尼亚人 /Aìshāníyà rén/
Estonian {n} (language) :: 愛沙尼亞語, 爱沙尼亚语 /Aìshāníyàyǔ/
estoppel {n} (legal principle in the law of equity) :: 禁止反言 /jìnzhǐ fǎnyán/
estragon {n} (tarragon) SEE: tarragon ::
estrange {v} (cause to feel less close or friendly; alienate) :: 疏遠, 疏远 /shūyuǎn/
estranged {adj} (having become a stranger) :: 疏遠, 疏远 /shūyuǎn/
estrogen {n} (estrogen) :: 雌激素 (cíjīsù)
estuary {n} (place where ocean tides and river water merge) :: 河口 /hékǒu/, 出海口 /chūhǎikǒu/, 入海口 /rùhǎikǒu/
Estuary English {prop} (variety of English accent) :: 河口英語, 河口英语 /hékǒu Yīngyǔ/, 港灣英語, 港湾英语 /gǎngwān Yīngyǔ/
esurient {adj} (very greedy or hungry) SEE: voracious ::
eSwatini {prop} (country in Southern Africa, see also: Swaziland) :: 伊斯瓦蒂尼 /Yīsīwǎdìní/
eta {n} (Greek letter) :: 艾塔 /àitǎ/, 伊塔 /yītǎ/
et al. {phrase} (and others) :: 等人 /děng rén/, 等等 /děngděng/, 以及其他 /yǐjí qítā/, 以及其他人 /yǐjí qítā rén/ [of people]
etc. {phrase} (and so on, see also: and so forth) :: 等等 /děngděng/, /děng/
et cetera {phrase} (noting the omission of the remainder of a list) SEE: etc. ::
eternal {adj} (lasting forever) :: 永遠, 永远 /yǒngyuǎn/
Eternal City {prop} (nickname for Rome) :: 永恆之城, 永恒之城 /yǒnghéng zhī chéng/
eternal life {n} (immortality) SEE: immortality ::
eternal life {n} (afterlife) SEE: afterlife ::
eternity {n} (infinite time) :: 永遠, 永远 /yǒngyuǎn/
eternity {n} (time extending infinitely far into the future) :: 永遠, 永远 /yǒngyuǎn/, 永恆, 永恒 /yǒnghéng/
eternity {n} (period of time that elapses after death) :: 來世, 来世 /láishì/
eternity {n} (informal: a comparatively long time) :: 無終止, 无终止 /wúzhōngzhǐ/
ethane {n} (aliphatic hydrocarbon, C2H6) :: 乙烷 /yǐwán/
ethanol {n} (simple aliphatic alcohol: CH3-CH2-OH) :: 乙醇 /yǐchún/
ethanolamine {n} (a hydroxy-amine manufactured by the reaction of ethylene oxide with ammonia) :: 乙醇胺 /yǐ chún àn/
ethene {n} (ethylene) SEE: ethylene ::
ether {n} (substance supposed to fill the upper regions of the atmosphere) :: 以太 /yǐtài/
ether {n} (substance once thought to fill all unoccupied space) :: 以太 /yǐtài/
ether {n} ((organic chemistry) diethyl ether) :: 乙醚 /yǐmí/
ether {n} ((organic chemistry) compound containing an oxygen atom bonded to two hydrocarbon groups) :: /mí/
ether {n} (sky, heavens) SEE: heavens ::
ethereal {adj} (Pertaining to the hypothetical upper, purer air, or to the higher regions beyond the earth or beyond the atmosphere) :: 空靈, 空灵 /kōnglíng/
Ethernet {n} (network cabling protocol standards) :: 以太網, 以太网 /Yǐtàiwǎng/, 乙太網, 乙太网 /Yǐtàiwǎng/
Ethernet {n} (computer network which complies with standards) :: 以太網, 以太网 /Yǐtàiwǎng/, 乙太網, 乙太网 /Yǐtàiwǎng/
ethician {n} (ethicist) SEE: ethicist ::
ethicist {n} (person who studies principles governing right and wrong conduct) :: 倫理學者, 伦理学者 /lúnlǐ xuézhě/
ethics {n} (study of principles governing right and wrong conduct) :: 倫理學, 伦理学 /lúnlǐxué/
ethics {n} (standards of conduct) :: 倫理, 伦理 /lúnlǐ/, 道德 /dàodé/
ethidium bromide {n} (intercalating agent) :: 溴化乙錠, 溴化乙锭 /xiùhuàyǐdìng/
Ethiopia {prop} (country in Eastern Africa) :: 埃塞俄比亞, 埃塞俄比亚 /Āisài'ébǐyà/
Ethiopian wolf {n} (Canis simensis) :: 埃塞俄比亞狼, 埃塞俄比亚狼 /āisàiébǐyà láng/, 阿北西尼亞胡狼, 阿北西尼亚胡狼 /āběixīníyà húláng/, 西門豺, 西门豺 /Xīmén chái/
ethmoid bone {n} (bone of the skull between the eyes and at the roof of the nose) :: 篩骨, 筛骨 /shāigǔ/
ethnic {adj} (of or relating to a group of people) :: 民族 /mínzú/
ethnic cleansing {n} (ethnic cleansing) :: 種族清洗, 种族清洗 /zhǒngzú qīngxǐ/, 民族凈化, 民族净化 /mínzú jìnghuà/
ethnic group {n} (ethnic group) :: 民族 /mínzú/, 族群 /zúqún/
ethnicity {n} (The characteristics of an ethnic group) :: 種族, 种族 /zhǒngzú/, 民族 /mínzú/
ethnicity {n} (An ethnic group) :: 民族 /mínzú/
ethnic minority {n} (people with different characteristics to those of the majority) :: 少數民族, 少数民族 /shǎoshù mínzú/
ethnie {n} (ethnicity) SEE: ethnic group ::
ethnocentrism {n} (tendency) :: 民族優越感, 民族优越感 /mínzú yōuyuègǎn/, 民族优越感 /mínzú yōuyuègǎn/, 種族中心主義, 种族中心主义 /zhǒngzúzhōngxīnzhǔyì/, 我族中心主義, 我族中心主义 /wǒzúzhōngxīnzhǔyì/
ethnography {n} (branch of anthropology) :: 民族志 /mínzúzhì/
ethnology {n} (branch of anthropology) :: 民族學, 民族学 /mínzúxué/
ethnomusicology {n} (study of music and culture) :: 音樂人類學, 音乐人类学 /yīnyuè rénlèixué/, 民族音樂學, 民族音乐学 /mínzú yīnyuèxué/
ethnonationalism {n} (type of nationalism) :: 民族民族主義 /mínzú mínzú zhǔyì/
ethnonym {n} (name of an ethnic group) :: 族稱, 族称 /zúchēng/
ethology {n} (study of human and animal behaviour) :: 動物行為學, 动物行为学 /dòngwù xíngwéixué/
ethos {n} (character or fundamental values of a people) :: 精神 /jīngshén/, 氣質, 气质 /qìzhì/, 思潮 /sīcháo/
ethyl {n} (C2H5) :: 乙基
ethyl acetate {n} (ethyl ester of acetic acid) :: 乙酸乙酯 /yǐsuānyǐzhǐ/, 醋酸乙酯 /cùsuānyǐzhǐ/
ethylene {n} (compound) :: 乙烯 /yǐxī/
ethylenediamine {n} (diamine NH2-CH2-CH2-NH2) :: 乙二胺 /yǐèr'àn/
ethylene glycol {n} ((organic chemistry) organic compound HO-CH2-CH2-OH) :: 乙二醇 /yǐ'èrchún/
ethylene oxide {n} (simplest epoxide) :: 環氧乙烷, 环氧乙烷 /huányǎngyǐwán/
ethyne {n} (the compound C2H2) :: 乙炔 /yǐquē/
etiquette {n} (forms to be observed in social or official life) :: 禮儀, 礼仪 /lǐyí/, 禮節, 礼节 /lǐjié/
Etna {prop} (volcano in Sicily, Italy) :: 埃特納火山, 埃特纳火山 /Āitènà huǒshān/
Etobicoke {prop} (A suburban district of Toronto) :: 怡陶碧谷 /Yítáobìgǔ/, 伊陶碧谷 /Yītáobìgǔ/
Etruria {prop} (ancient country) :: 伊特魯里亞, 伊特鲁里亚 /Yītèlǔlǐyà/
Etruscan {adj} (pertaining to the region and culture of Etruria) :: 伊特魯里亞的, 伊特鲁里亚的 /Yītèlǔlǐyà de/
Etruscan {n} (inhabitant of Etruria) :: 伊特魯里亞人, 伊特鲁里亚人 /Yītèlǔlǐyàrén/, 伊特拉斯坎人, 伊特拉斯坎人 /Yītèlāsīkǎnrén/
Etruscan {prop} (extinct language of Etruria) :: 伊特魯里亞語, 伊特鲁里亚语 /Yītèlŭlĭyàyŭ/, 伊特拉斯坎語, 伊特拉斯坎语 /Yītèlāsīkǎnyǔ/
etude {n} (piece of music) :: 練習曲, 练习曲 /liànxíqǔ/
etymology {n} (study of the historical development of languages, particularly of individual words) :: 語源學, 语源学 /yǔyuánxué/
etymology {n} (account of the origin and historical development of a word) :: 詞源, 词源 /cíyuán/, 語源, 语源 /yǔyuán/, 字源 /zìyuán/
etymon {n} (source word) :: 字根
EU {prop} (European Union, see also: European Union; EUSSR) :: 歐盟, 欧盟 /Ōuméng/
Euboea {prop} (Greek island) :: 优卑亚岛 /Yōubēiyǎ dǎo/
eucalyptus {n} (any of many trees of genus Eucalyptus) :: 桉樹, 桉树 /ānshù/
Euclid {prop} (Greek mathematician) :: 歐幾里得, 欧几里得 /Ōujīlǐdé/, 歐基里德, 欧基里德 /Ōujīlǐdé/
Euclidean geometry {n} (mathematical system) :: 歐幾里德幾何, 欧几里德几何 /Ōujǐlǐdé jǐhé/
eudiometer {n} (tube for measuring volume of gases) :: 測氣管
Eugene {prop} (male given name) :: 尤金 /Yóujīn/
eugenics {n} (social philosophy) :: 優生學, 优生学 /yōushēngxué/
euglena {n} (any of several protests, of the genus Euglena) :: 眼蟲, 眼虫 /yǎnchóng/
eukaryote {n} (any of the single-celled or multicellular organisms whose cells contain at least one distinct nucleus) :: 真核生物 /zhēnhé shēngwù/
eukaryotic {adj} (having complex cells) :: 真核 /zhēnhé de/
Euler {prop} (Leonhard Euler) :: 歐拉, 欧拉 /Ōulā/
Euler's formula {prop} (Euler's formula) :: 歐拉公式, 欧拉公式 /Ōulā gōngshì/
eulogy {n} (an oration to honor a deceased person) :: 悼詞, 悼词 /dàocí/
eulogy {n} (high praise or recommendation) :: 表揚, 表扬 /biǎoyáng/, 稱讚, 称赞 /chēngzàn/, 誇獎, 夸奖 /kuājiǎng/
eunuch {n} (castrated human male) :: 閹人, 阉人 /yānrén/
eunuch {n} (such a man who was harem guard or in Middle Eastern courts under Roman Emperors, important officials of the state) :: 閹人, 阉人 /yānrén/, 太監, 太监 /tàijiàn/, 宦官 /huànguān/, 寺人 /sìrén/
euonymus {n} (tree of the genus Euonymus) SEE: spindle ::
euphemism {n} (use of a word or phrase to replace another word with one considered less offensive) :: 委婉語, 委婉语 /wěiwǎnyǔ/, 婉辭, 婉辞 /wǎncí/, 婉詞, 婉词 /wǎncí/
euphemism {n} (word or phrase that is used to replace another in this way) :: 委婉語, 委婉语 /wěiwǎnyǔ/, 婉辭, 婉辞 /wǎncí/, 婉詞, 婉词 /wǎncí/
euphemistic {adj} (of euphemism) :: 委婉的 /wéiwǎnde/
euphonium {n} (brass instrument) :: 粗管上低音號, 粗管上低音号 /cūgǔan shàngdīyīnhào/
euphony {n} (pleasant phonetic quality) :: 谐音, 諧音
euphoria {n} (an excited state of joy) :: 欣快症 /xīnkuàizhèng/; 狂喜 /kuángxǐ/; 極樂, 极乐 /jílè/
Euphrates {prop} (river in the Middle East) :: 幼發拉底河, 幼发拉底河 /Yòufāladǐ hé/
Eurasia {prop} (the largest landmass on Earth, consisting of Europe and Asia) :: 歐亞大陸, 欧亚大陆 /Ōuyà dàlù/, 歐亞, 欧亚 /Ōuyà/, 亞歐, 亚欧 /Yà'ōu/
Eurasian Economic Union {prop} (economic union, see also: EAU; EAEU) :: 歐亞聯盟, 欧亚联盟 /Ōu-Yǎ liánméng/
Eurasian lynx {n} (Lynx lynx) :: 歐亞猞猁, 欧亚猞猁 /Ōuyà shēlì/
Eurasian pygmy owl {n} (Glaucidium passerinum) :: 花头鸺鹠 /huā-tóu xiū-liú/
Eurasian siskin {n} (Spinus spinus) :: /ruò/
Eurasian sparrowhawk {n} (Accipiter nisus) :: 雀鷹, 雀鹰 /quèyīng/
Eurasian spoonbill {n} (Platalea leucorodia) :: 白琵鹭 /bái bì-lù/
Eurasian treecreeper {n} (Certhia familiaris) :: 旋木雀 /xuán-mù-què/
Eurasian woodcock {n} (Scolopax rusticola) :: 丘 鹬 /qiū-yù/
Eurasian wren {n} (Troglodytes troglodytes) :: 鹪鹩
eureka {interj} (exclamation indicating sudden discovery) :: 尤里卡 /yóulǐkǎ/, 發現!, 发现! /Wǒ fāxiàn le!/, ! /Wǒ zhǎo dào le!/
Euripides {prop} (a Greek tragedian) :: 歐裡庇得斯, 欧里庇得斯 /Ōulǐbìdésī/
euro {n} (currency unit of the European Monetary Union) :: 歐元, 欧元 /ōuyuán/
Euro- {prefix} (pertaining to Europe) :: 歐-, 欧- /Ōu-/
euro area {n} (Eurozone) SEE: Eurozone ::
Euroland {prop} (group of countries having Euro as currency) SEE: Eurozone ::
Europa {prop} (princess abducted to Crete by Zeus) :: 歐羅巴, 欧罗巴 /Ōuluóbā/
Europa {prop} (a moon of Jupiter) :: 木衛二, 木卫二 /Mùwèi'èr/, 歐羅巴, 欧罗巴 /Ōuluóba/
Europe {prop} (European Union) SEE: European Union ::
Europe {prop} (continent) :: 歐洲, 欧洲 /Ōuzhōu/, 歐羅巴, 欧罗巴 /Ōuluóbā/ [dated]
European {adj} (relating to Europe or the European Union) :: 歐洲的, 欧洲的 /Ōuzhōu de/
European {n} (person) :: 歐洲人, 欧洲人 /ōuzhōurén/
European alder {n} (black alder) SEE: black alder ::
European bison {n} (the wisent species Bison bonasus) :: 歐洲野牛, 欧洲野牛 /Ōuzhōu yěniú/, 野牛 /yěniú/, 封牛 /fēngniú/
European Central Bank {prop} (central bank for the European Union) :: 欧洲中央银行, 歐洲中央銀行 /Ōuzhōu Zhōngyāng Yínháng/
European hare {n} (hare species) :: 歐洲野兔, 欧洲野兔 /Ōuzhōu yětù/
European hedgehog {n} (Erinaceus europaeus) :: 西歐刺蝟, 西欧刺猬 /xī'ōu cìwèi/
Europeanisation {n} (assimilation) :: 歐化, 欧化 /Ōuhuà/, 歐洲化, 欧洲化 /Ōuzhōuhuà/
Europeanize {v} (to make something, or someone, more European) :: 歐洲化, 欧洲化 /Ōuzhōuhuà/; 歐化,
European rowan {n} (Sorbus aucuparia) SEE: rowan ::
European shag {n} (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) :: 欧鸬鹚
European starling {n} (Sturnus vulgaris) SEE: common starling ::
European Union {prop} (European supranational organisation) :: 歐洲聯盟, 欧洲联盟 /Ōuzhōu Liánméng/, 歐盟, 欧盟 /Ōuméng/
europium {n} (chemical element) :: , /yǒu/
Europol {prop} (the criminal intelligence agency of the European Union) :: 歐洲警察局, 欧洲警察局 /Ōuzhōu jǐngchá jú/, 歐洲刑警組織, 欧洲刑警组织 /Ōuzhōu xíngjǐng zǔzhī/
Europop {n} (European pop music) :: 歐洲流行音樂, 欧洲流行音乐 /Ōuzhōu liúxíng yīnyuè/
Eurotunnel {prop} (Channel Tunnel) SEE: Channel Tunnel ::
Eurovision {prop} (television network) :: 歐洲電視網, 欧洲电视网 /Ōuzhōu Diànshìwǎng/
Eurozone {prop} (those European Union members whose official currency is the euro) :: 歐元區, 欧元区 /Ōuyuán qū/
Eustachian tube {n} (tube that links the pharynx to the cavity of the middle ear) :: 耳咽管 /ěryānguǎn/
euthanasia {n} (practice of killing a human being or animal) :: 安樂死, 安乐死 /ānlèsǐ/
eutrophic {adj} (rich in nutriets) :: 富營養化, 富营养化 /fùyíngyǎnghuà/
eutrophication {n} (becoming eutrophic) :: 富營養化, 富营养化 /fùyíngyǎnghuà/
Euxine Sea {prop} SEE: Black Sea ::
EVA {n} (extravehicular activity) SEE: extravehicular activity ::
evacuate {v} (to move out of an unsafe location into safety) :: [evacuating from a place] 撤離, 撤离 /chèlí/, [evacuating people] 疏散 /shūsàn/, [military] 後送, 后送 /hòusòng/
evacuation {n} (act of emptying) :: 搬空 /bānkōng/
evacuation {n} (act of leaving a place for protection) :: [evacuating from a place] 撤離, 撤离 /chèlí/, [evacuating people] 疏散 /shūsàn/, [military] 後送, 后送 /hòusòng/
evade {v} (to avoid by dexterity, subterfuge, elude) :: , /shǎn/
evaluate {v} (to draw conclusions from by examining) :: 評價, 评价 /píngjià/
evaluation {n} (assessment) :: 評價, 评价 /píngjià/
evanescent {adj} (ephemeral) SEE: ephemeral ::
evanescent {adj} (disappearing, vanishing, see also: disappearing; vanishing) :: 消逝 /xiāoshì/
Evangeline {prop} (female given name) :: 伊万杰琳 /Yīwànjiélín/
evangelist {n} (itinerant or special preacher, especially a revivalist) :: 福音傳道者, 福音传道者 /fúyīn chuándàozhě/, 傳道者, 传道者 /chuándàozhě/
evaporate {v} (to transition from a liquid state into a gaseous state) :: 蒸发掉, 消失 /xiāoshī/
evaporated milk {n} (milk that has been concentrated by evaporation) :: 淡奶 /dànnǎi/
evapotranspiration {n} (the transfer of water from the surface of the earth to the atmosphere by evaporation) :: 蒸發散
evasive {adj} (Tending to avoid speaking openly or making revelations about oneself) :: 迴避, 回避 /huíbì/, 閃爍其詞, 闪烁其词 /shǎnshuòqící/, 含糊其辭, 含糊其辞 /hánhú qí cí/, 顧左右而言他, 顾左右而言他 /gùzuǒyòuéryántā/
eve {n} (day or night before) :: 前夕 /qiánxī/, 前夜 /qiányè/
Eve {prop} (the first woman) :: 夏娃 /Xiàwá/, 厄娃 /Èwá/
Eve {prop} (given name) :: 夏娃 /Xiàwá/, 伊夫 /Yīfū/
even {adj} (flat and level) :: 平坦 /píngtǎn/
even {adj} (arithmetic: divisible by two) :: 雙數 /shuāngshù/, 双数, 偶数 /ǒushù/, 偶數
even {adv} (implying extreme example) :: , /lián/
even {adv} (emphasising comparative) :: /gēng/
even {n} (even number) SEE: even number ::
Even {prop} (language) :: 埃文語, 埃文语 /Āiwényǔ/
Even {n} (ethnic Even) :: 埃文人 /Āiwénrén/
even Homer nods {proverb} (no one is immune to error) :: 智者千慮,必有一失, 智者千虑,必有一失 /zhìzhě qiān lǜ, bì yǒu yī shī/
even if {conj} (irrespective of) :: 即使 /jíshǐ/, 即便 /jíbiàn/, 就是……也…… /jiùshì ... yě .../, 就是……還……, 就是……还…… /jiùshì ... hái .../, 哪怕 /nǎpà/, 就算 /jiùsuàn/
evening {n} (time of day between the approximate time of midwinter dusk and midnight) :: 晚上 /wǎnshang/, 黃昏, 黄昏 /huánghūn/
evening primrose {n} (flowering plant of the genus Oenothera) :: 柳葉菜科, 柳叶菜科 /liǔxiécàikē/
evening primrose {n} (Oenothera biennis) :: 月見草, 月见草 /yuèjiàncǎo/
evening primrose oil {n} (oil from the seeds of the evening primrose) :: 月見草油, 月见草油 /yuèjiàncǎoyóu/
evening star {n} (planet Venus seen in the evening) :: 長庚 /chánggēng/
Evenk {n} (member of the Tungus people of Northeastern Asia) :: 埃文基人, 埃文基人 /Āiwénjī rén/, 鄂溫克人, 鄂温克人 /Èwēnkè rén/
Evenki {prop} (language) :: 埃文基語, 埃文基语 /Āiwénjī yǔ/, 鄂溫克語, 鄂温克语 /Èwēnkè yǔ/
even number {n} (positive integer that can be divided by two) :: 偶數, 偶数 /ǒushù/
even so {adv} (in spite of the preceding remark or facts) :: 即使這樣, 即使这样 /jíshǐ zhèyàng/, 雖然如此, 虽然如此 /suīrán rúcǐ/
event {n} (occurrence) :: 事件 /shìjiàn/, 活動, 活动 /huódòng/
event {n} (computing: action which triggers an event handler) :: 事件 /shìjiàn/
event-driven {adj} :: 事件驅動, 事件驱动 /shìjiàn qūdòng/
eventful {adj} (pertaining to high levels of activity) :: 多事 /duōshì de/
event horizon {n} (gravitational sphere within which light cannot escape) :: 事件視界, 事件视界 /shìjiàn shìjiè/, 視界, 视界 /shìjiè/, 事界 /shìjiè/
even though {conj} (although) :: 即使 /jíshǐ/, 儘管, 尽管 /jǐnguǎn/
eventually {adv} (in the end) :: 最後, 最后 /zuìhòu/, 終於, 终于 /zhōngyú/ (used in the present), 終究, 终究 /zhōngjiǔ/, 終歸, 终归 /zhōngguī/, 始終, 始终 /shǐzhōng/
ever {adv} (always) :: 總是, 总是 /zǒngshì/
ever {adv} (at any time) :: 曾經, 曾经 /céngjīng/
Everest {prop} (Mount Everest) SEE: Mount Everest ::
evergreen {adj} (of plants, that do not shed their leaves) :: 常青 /chángqīng/, 常綠, 常绿 /chánglǜ/
evergreen {n} (tree or shrub) :: 常青樹, 常青树 /chángqīngshù/
everlasting {adj} (Lasting or enduring forever) :: 永活 /yǒnghuó/
every {determiner} (all of a countable group) :: /měi/, /gè/
everybody {pron} (all people) :: 大家 /dàjiā/
every cloud has a silver lining {proverb} (in every bad situation there is an element of good) :: 陽光總在風雨後, 阳光总在风雨后 /yángguāng zǒng zài fēngyǔ hòu/, 塞翁失馬,焉知非福, 塞翁失马,焉知非福 /sàiwēng shī mǎ, yānzhī fēi fú/
every day {adv} (daily) SEE: daily ::
everyday {adj} (appropriate for ordinary use, rather than for special occasions) :: 日常的 /rìchángde/
everyday {adj} (commonplace, ordinary) :: 常見的
everyday life {n} (everyday life) :: 日常生活 /rìcháng shēnghuó/, 起居 /qǐjū/
every dog has its day {proverb} (proverb) :: 風水輪流轉, 风水轮流转 /fēngshuǐ lúnliú zhuàn/
every man for himself {phrase} (forget about comradeship; save yourselves!) :: 人各為己, 人各为己 /rén gè wèi jǐ/, 各人自掃門前雪, 各人自扫门前雪 /gèrén zì sǎo ménqiánxuě/
every man has a price {proverb} (proverb) :: 有錢能使鬼推磨, 有钱能使鬼推磨 /yǒu qián néng shǐ guǐ tuīmó/
everyone {pron} (every person) :: 大家 /dàjiā/, 人人 /rénrén/
everyone else {pron} (all other persons) :: 所有其他 (suǒyǒu qítā rén)t
every other {adj} (all except for some previously mentioned set) :: 所有其他的 /suǒyǒu qítā de/
every other {adj} (every second) SEE: every second ::
every second {adj} (every other; each alternate) :: 每隔一 /měi gé yī/, 每兩, 每两 /měi liǎng/
everything {pron} (all the things) :: 一切 /yīqiè/, 每事 /měishì/, 什麼, 什么 /shénme dōu/, 凡事 /fánshì/, 萬事, 万事 /wànshì/
every time {adv} (at each occasion that) :: 每當, 每当 /měidāng/
everywhere {adv} (at all places) :: 到處, 到处 /dàochù/
evict {v} (to expel) :: 驅逐, 驱逐 /qūzhú/, 赶出 /gǎnchū/
eviction {n} (the act of evicting) :: 驅逐, 驱逐 /qūzhú/, 赶出 /gǎnchū/
evidence {n} (facts or observations presented in support of an assertion) :: 證據, 证据 /zhèngjù/
evidence {n} (anything admitted by a court as proof) :: 證據, 证据 /zhèngjù/
evidentiality {n} (encoding) :: 言據性, 言据性 /yánjùxìng/, 傳信, 传信 /chuánxìn/
evil {adj} (intending to harm) :: 邪惡的, 邪恶的 /xié'è de/, 壞的, 坏的 /huài de/, 凶狠 /xiōnghěn/
evil {n} (moral badness, wickedness) :: 邪惡, 邪恶 /xié'è/, , /è/
evildoer {n} (person who performs evil acts) :: 壞分子, 坏分子 /huàifènzi/, 壞人, 坏人 /huàirén/
evil eye {n} (wicked look) :: 邪眼 /xiéyǎn/
evince {v} (to show or demonstrate clearly) :: 表露 /biǎolù/, 顯示, 显示 /xiǎnshì/, 證明, 证明 /zhèngmíng/
evoke {v} (to cause the manifestation of) :: 喚起 /huànqǐ/
evolution {n} (general: a gradual process of development) :: 演變, 演变 /yǎnbiàn/, 變遷, 变迁 /biànqiān/
evolution {n} (biology: change in the genetic composition of a population over time) :: 進化, 进化 /jìnhuà/, 演化 /yǎnhuà/
evolutionary biology {n} (sub-field of biology) :: 演化生物學, 演化生物学 /yǎnhuà shēngwùxué/
evolutionary developmental biology {n} (branch of biology) :: 演化發育生物學, 演化发育生物学 /yǎnhuà fāyù shēngwùxué/
evolutionary theory {n} (theory of evolution) :: 進化論, 进化论 /jìnhuàlùn/, 演化論, 演化论 /yǎnhuàlùn/
ew {interj} (expression of disgust or nausea) :: 惡心, 恶心 /ěxin/, [strong, offensive] /pēi/, /cuì/, 哎呀 /āiyā/, /āi/, /ài/
e-warfare {n} (cyberwarfare) SEE: cyberwarfare ::
e-waste {n} (discarded electrical and electronic equipment) :: 電子廢棄物, 电子废弃物 /diànzǐ fèiqìwù/, 電子廢物, 电子废物 /diànzǐ fèiwù/, 電子垃圾, 电子垃圾 /diànzǐ lājī/
ewe {n} (female sheep) :: 母羊 /mǔyáng/, /zāng/
Ewe {n} (ethnic group) :: 埃維族, 埃维族 /Aīwéizǔ/, 埃維人, 埃维人 /Aīwéirén/
Ewe {prop} (language) :: 埃維語, 埃维语 /Aīwéiyǔ/
Ewe {adj} (pertaining to the Ewe people or language) :: [people] 埃維人的, 埃维人的 /Aīwéirén de/, [language] 埃維語的, 埃维语的 /Aīwéiyǔ de/
ex {n} (name of the letter X, x) :: [English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists]
ex {n} (colloquial: former partner or spouse) :: 前任 /qiánrèn/
exa- {prefix} (SI prefix) :: 艾- /ài-/, 艾可薩-, 艾可萨- /àikěsà-/ [mainland China]
exacerbate {v} (make worse) :: 使惡化, 使恶化 /shǐ èhuà/, 加劇, 加剧 /jiājù/, 加重 /jiāzhòng/
exact {adj} (precisely agreeing) :: 正確, 正确 /zhèngquè/, 準確, 准确 /zhǔnquè/, 精密 /jīngmì/
exactly {adv} (in an exact manner) :: 恰恰 /qiàqià/
exactness {n} (the state of being exact) :: 精確, 精确 /jīngquè/, 準確度, 准确度 /zhǔnquèdù/
exact science {n} (field of science capable of quantitative expression) :: 精密科學, 精密科学 /jīngmì kēxué/, 精確科學, 精确科学 /jīngquè kēxué/
exaggerate {v} (to overstate, to describe more than is fact) :: 誇大, 夸大 /kuādà/, 誇張, 夸张 /kuāzhāng/
exaggerated {adj} (that has been described as greater than it actually is) :: 誇張, 夸张 /kuāzhāng/
exaggeration {n} (act of exaggerating) :: 誇大, 夸大 /kuādà/, 誇張, 夸张 /kuāzhāng/
exalt {v} (to honor) :: 褒揚 /bāoyáng/
exalt {v} (to elevate in rank, status etc.) :: 抬高 /táigāo/, 提昇 /tíshēng/
examination {n} (inspection by a doctor) :: 檢查, 检查 /jiǎnchá/
examination {n} (formal test) :: 考試, 考试 /kǎoshì/
examination {n} (interrogation) SEE: interrogation ::
examine {v} (to observe or inspect carefully or critically) :: 检查 /jiǎnchá/, 调查 /diàochá/
examiner {n} (person who investigates someone or something) :: 檢查員, 检查员 /jiǎncháyuán/, 調查員, 调查员 /diàocháyuán/
examiner {n} (person who marks an examination) :: 考官 /kǎoguān/
exam paper {n} (paper on which questions of an examination are written) :: 考卷 /kǎojuàn/, 試卷, 试卷 /shìjuàn/, 試題冊, 试题册 /shìtícè/, 答題紙, 答题纸 /dátízhǐ/
exam paper {n} (paper on which examination candidates are expected to write their answers) :: 答題卡, 答题卡 /dátíkǎ/, 答卷 /dájuàn/ [completed answer sheet]
example {n} (something representative of a group) :: 例子 /lìzi/, /lì/, 榜樣, 榜样 /bǎngyàng/
exasperate {v} (frustrate, vex, annoy) :: 使(sb.) 恼怒 /shǐ (sb. ) nǎo nù/
ex-boyfriend {n} (a former boyfriend) :: 前男友 /qián nányǒu/
Excalibur {prop} (Legendary sword) :: 王者之劍, 王者之剑 /Wángzhězhījiàn/
excavation {n} (archaeological excavation) :: 挖掘 /wājué/, 發掘, 发掘 /fājué/
excavator {n} (curette used to scrape out pathological material) SEE: curette ::
excavator {n} (person) :: 挖掘机 /wājué jī/, 挖掘機
excavator {n} (vehicle) :: 掘土機, 掘土机 /juétǔjī/, 挖掘機, 挖掘机 /wājuéjī/, 挖土機, 挖土机 /wātǔjī/
excel {v} (transitive: to surpass someone or something) :: 勝過, 胜过 /shèngguò/, 優於, 優於, 超越 /chāoyuè/
excel {v} (intransitive: to be much better than others) :: 擅長, 擅长 /shàncháng/
excellence {n} (the quality of being excellent) :: 卓越 /zhuóyuè/
Excellency {n} (Form of address for certain high officials or dignitaries) :: 閣下 /géxià/
excellent {adj} (of the highest quality) :: /bàng/ [informal], 極好, 极好 /jíhǎo/ [informal], 出色 /chūsè/ [formal], 優秀, 优秀 /yōuxiù/ [formal], 卓越 /zhuóyuè/ [formal], 優異, 优异 /yōuyì/ [formal], 高超 /gāochāo/ [formal]
except {prep} (with the exception of) :: 除了...以外 /chúle...yǐwài/
exception {n} (act of excepting or excluding; exclusion) :: 排除 /páichú/
exception {n} (that which is excepted or taken out from others) :: 例外 /lìwài/
exception {n} (computing: an interruption in normal processing) :: 異常, 异常 /yìcháng/
exceptional {adj} (forming an exception) :: 異常, 异常 /yìcháng/, 超常 /chāocháng/, 特異, 特异 /tèyì/, 非凡 /fēifán/, 特殊 /tèshū/
exceptional {adj} (superior due to exception or rarity) :: 優越, 优越 /yōuyuè/, 傑出, 杰出 /jiéchū/, 優異, 优异 /yōuyì/, 非凡 /fēifán/, 特殊 /tèshū/
exceptionalism {n} (belief that a particular nation does not conform to an established norm) :: 例外論, 例外论 /lìwàilùn/, 例外主義, 例外主义 /lìwài zhǔyì/
exceptionally {adv} (unusual, remarkable or exceptional degree) :: 分外 /fènwài/, 格外 /géwài/
excess {n} (state of surpassing limits) :: 過量, 过量 /guòliàng/, 過剩, 过剩 /guòshèng/
excess {n} (insurance condition) :: 墊底費, 垫底费 /diàndǐfèi/, 啟動費, 启动费 /qǐdòngfèi/, 起步價, 起步价 /qǐbùjià/
excessive {adj} (exceeding the bounds of something) :: 過度, 过度 /guòdù/, 過分, 过分 /guòfèn/
excessively {adv} (to an excessive degree) :: 過分地, 过分地 /guòfènde/, 過度地, 过度地 /guòdùde/
excessively {adv} (in excess) :: 過分地, 过分地 /guòfènde/, 過度地, 过度地 /guòdùde/
exchange {n} (act of exchanging or trading) :: 交換, 交换 /jiāohuàn/, 調換, 调换 /diàohuàn/, 兌換, 兑换 /duìhuàn/, 外匯, 外汇 /wàihuì/ [currency]
exchange {n} (place for conducting trading) :: 交易所 /jiāoyìsuǒ/
exchange {v} (To trade or barter) :: 交換, 交换 /jiāohuàn/
exchange rate {n} (currency rate (finance)) :: 匯率, 汇率 /huìlǜ/
exchange rate risk {n} (currency risk) SEE: currency risk ::
exchange student {n} (student in an exchange scheme) :: 交換生, 交换生 /jiāohuànshēng/
exchequer {n} (treasury) SEE: treasury ::
excise {n} (excise tax) SEE: excise tax ::
excise tax {n} (any of various taxes levied on the production or sale of certain goods) :: 消費稅, 消费税 /xiāofèishuì/, 特許權稅, 特许权税 /tèxǔquánshuì/
excitation {n} (the act of producing excitement (stimulation); also, the excitement produced) :: 刺激 /cìjī/, 激动 /jīdòng/, 兴奋 /xīngfèn/
excitation {n} ((physiology) activity produced in an organ, tissue, or part, such as a nerve cell, as a result of stimulation) :: 兴奋 /xīngfèn/
excitation {n} ((physics) change in state as an excited state is formed by the absorption of a quantum of energy) :: 激发 /jīfā/
excite {v} (to stir the emotions of) :: 激動, 激动 /jīdòng/
excite {v} (to arouse or bring out (eg feelings); to stimulate) :: 激發, 激发 /jīfā/
excited {adj} (having great enthusiasm) :: 興奮, 兴奋 /xīngfèn/, 激動, 激动 /jīdòng/, 亢奮, 亢奋 /kàngfèn/
excited {adj} (being in a state of higher energy) :: 受激 /shòujī de/
excitement {n} (state of being excited) :: 興奮, 兴奋 /xīngfèn/, 激動, 激动 /jīdòng/
exciting {adj} (causing excitement) :: 令人激動, 令人激动 /lìng rén jīdòng de/
exciton {n} (bound state of electron and hole) :: 激子
exclaim {v} (to cry out) :: 感嘆, 感叹 /gǎntàn/, 呼喊 /hūhǎn/
exclamation {n} (exclamation mark) SEE: exclamation mark ::
exclamation {n} (loud calling or crying out; outcry) :: 叫喊 /jiàohǎn/, 感嘆, 感叹 /gǎntàn/
exclamation mark {n} (punctuation “!”) :: 感嘆號, 感叹号 /gǎntànhào/
exclamation point {n} (exclamation mark) SEE: exclamation mark ::
excluding {prep} (to the exclusion of) :: ...之外 /...zhiwài/
exclusive {adj} (excluding items or members that do not meet certain conditions) :: 獨家, 独家 /dújiā/
exclusive right {n} (The power to allow or disallow others from taking certain actions) :: 專有權, 专有权 /zhuān yǒuquán/
excommunication {n} (act of excommunicating, disfellowshipping or ejecting) :: 逐出教會, 逐出教会 /zhú chū jiàohuì/
ex-con {n} (former prisoner) :: 前科犯 /qiánkēfàn/
excrement {n} (human and animal solid waste) :: 大便 /dàbiàn/, /shǐ/, , /fèn/
excrete {v} (to discharge material) :: 排泄 /páixiè/
excretion {n} (process of removing from the body) :: 排泄 /páixiè/
excursion {n} (brief recreational trip) :: 遠足, 远足 /yuǎnzú/, 短途旅行 /duǎntú lǚxíng/, 郊遊, 郊游 /jiāoyóu/, 野遊, 野游 /yěyóu/
excuse {v} (forgive, pardon) :: 原諒, 原谅 /yuánliàng/
excuse {v} (allow to leave) :: 請求離開, 请求离开 /qǐngqiú líkāi/
excuse {v} (explain with the aim of alleviating guilt or negative judgement) :: 辯解, 辩解 /biànjiě/
excuse {n} (explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgement) :: 藉口, 借口 /jièkǒu/, 辯解, 辩解 /biànjiě/
excuse me {phrase} (request to repeat, see also: come again) :: 請再説一遍, 请再说一遍 /qǐng zài shuō yíbiàn/, [less formal] 再説一遍, 再说一遍 /zài shuō yíbiàn/, [plain] 什麼?, 什么? /shénme/, 哦? /é?/
excuse me {phrase} (request for attention) :: 請問, 请问 /qǐngwèn/, 勞駕, 劳驾 /láojià/
excuse me {phrase} (request to pass) :: 借過, 借过 /jièguò/, 勞駕, 劳驾 /láojià/
excuse me {phrase} (sorry, as apology) :: 對不起, 对不起 /duìbùqǐ/, 抱歉! /bàoqiàn!/, 不好意思 /bùhǎoyìsi/
executable {n} (file that can be run) :: 執行檔, 执行档 /zhíxíngdàng/
execute {v} (to kill as punishment) :: 處決, 处决 /chǔjué/, 處死, 处死 /chǔsǐ/
execute {v} (to start a defined process and run it to completion) :: 執行, 执行 /zhíxíng/, 運行, 运行 /yùnxíng/
execution {n} (act of executing or the state of being executed) :: 執行, 执行 /zhíxíng/
execution {n} (act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty) :: 處死, 处死 /chǔsǐ/, 處決, 处决 /chǔjué/, 死刑 /sǐxíng/
executioner {n} (the person who carries out the execution) :: 劊子手, 刽子手 /guìzishǒu/
executive {adj} (designed for execution) :: 執行的, 执行的 /zhíxíng de/; 行政的 /xíngzhèng de/
executive {n} (title of a chief officer or administrator) :: 執行者, 执行者 /zhíxíngzhě/
executive branch {n} (branch of government) :: 行政部門, 行政部门 /xíngzhèng bùmén/, 行政機關, 行政机关 /xíngzhèng jīguān/
executive committee {n} (subcommittee of a board) :: 專門小組, 专门小组 /zhuānmén xiǎozǔ/
executive committee {n} (the cabinet of ministers for a city government) :: 執行委員會, 执行委员会 /zhíxíng wěiyuánhuì/
executive order {n} (decree issued on the authority of the executive branch of government) :: 行政命令 /xíngzhèng mìnglìng/
executor {n} (one who carries out some task) :: 執行者, 执行者 /zhíxíngzhě/
executor {n} (someone appointed by a testator to administer a will) :: 執行者, 执行者 /zhíxíngzhě/
exegesis {n} (formal written exposition or explanatory essay) :: 評註, 评注 /píngzhù/, 詮釋, 诠释 /quánshì/, 注釋, 注释 /zhùshì/
exegete {n} (person skilled in exegesis) :: 注釋家, 注释家 /zhùshìjiā/, 評註家, 评注家 /píngzhùjiā/, 訓詁家, 训诂家 /xùngǔjiā/
exegete {v} (perform an exegesis) :: 訓詁, 训诂 /xùngǔ/, 註疏, 注疏 /zhùshū/
exemplar {n} (role model) SEE: role model ::
exemplify {v} (to show or illustrate by example) :: 举例说明
exemption {n} (act of exempting) :: 豁免
exercise {n} (any activity designed to develop or hone a skill or ability) :: 練習, 练习 /liànxí/
exercise {n} (physical activity intended to improve strength and fitness) :: 運動, 运动 /yùndòng/
exercise {v} (exert for the sake of training) :: 練習, 练习 /liànxí/, 運動, 运动 /yùndòng/, 運動, 运动 /zuò yùndòng/, 進行演習, 进行演习 /jìnxíng yǎnxí/, 鍛鍊, 锻炼 /duànliàn/
exercise {v} (perform physical activity) :: 鍛鍊, 锻炼 /duànliàn/, 鍛鍊身體, 锻炼身体 /duànliàn shēntǐ/, 健身 /jiànshēn/
exercise book {n} (booklet for students) :: 練習本, 练习本 /liànxíběn/, 複習簿, 复习簿 /fùxíbù/, 筆記本, 笔记本 /bǐjìběn/, 本子 /běnzi/, 本子 /běnzi/, 練習簿, 练习簿 /liànxíbù/, 字帖 /zìtiè/ [copybook for calligraphy]
exercise machine {n} (fitness device) :: 運動機, 运动机 /yùndòngjī/, 健身器材 /jiànshēn qìcái/
exert {v} (to put in vigorous action) :: 尽力
exert {v} (to make use of) :: 施加
exertion {n} (the action of exerting) :: 竭尽全力
Exeter {prop} (city) :: 埃克塞特 /Āikèsāitè/
exeunt {v} ("they leave", usually in the context of theatre) :: 退场 /tuìchǎng/
exfoliate {v} (to remove a layer of skin, as in cosmetic preparation) :: 去角質, 去角质 /qùjiǎozhí/
exfoliation {n} (the removal of a layer of skin, as in cosmetic preparation) :: 去角質, 去角质 /qùjiǎozhì, qùjiǎozhí/
ex-girlfriend {n} (a former girlfriend) :: 前女友 /qián nǚyǒu/
exhalation {n} (meteor) SEE: meteor ::
exhale {v} (to breathe out) :: 呼出 /hūchū/
exhaust {v} (to draw or let out wholly; to drain off completely) :: 抽完
exhaust {v} (to empty by drawing or letting out the contents) :: 用盡, 用尽 /yòngjìn/, , /jìn/, 耗盡, 耗尽 /hàojìn/
exhaust {n} (exhaust pipe) SEE: exhaust pipe ::
exhausted {adj} :: 疲憊, 疲惫 /píbèi/, 精疲力盡, 精疲力尽 /jīngpílìjìn/, 精疲力竭 /jīngpílìjié/, 累死 /lèisǐ/, [depleted] 用盡, 用尽 (bèi yòngjìn de), 耗盡, 耗尽 (bèi hàojìn de), 用光 (bèi yòngguāng de)
exhaustion {n} (point of complete depletion) :: 耗盡, 耗尽 /hàojìn/, 用光 /yòngguāng/, 枯竭 /kūjié/
exhaustion {n} (supreme tiredness; having exhausted energy) :: 精疲力竭 /jīngpílìjié/, 精疲力盡, 精疲力尽 /jīngpílìjìn/, 累死 /lèisǐ/ [colloquial]
exhaust pipe {n} (pipe that vents waste gases from the engine) :: 排氣管, 排气管 /páiqìguǎn/
exhibit {n} (something exhibited) :: 展品 /zhǎnpǐn/
exhibition {n} (large scale public showing of objects or products) :: 展覽會, 展览会 /zhǎnlǎnhuì/, 展示會, 展示会 /zhǎnshìhuì/
exhibitionism {n} (practice of displaying one's private bodily parts in public) :: 暴露癖 /bàolùpǐ/, 露陰癖, 露阴癖 /lùyīnpǐ/, 露體癖, 露体癖 /lùtǐpǐ/
exhumation {n} (the act of digging up that which has been buried) :: 發掘, 发掘 /fājué/
exhume {v} (To dig out of the ground; to take out of a place of burial; to disinter) :: 發掘, 发掘 /fājué/
ex-husband {n} (a former husband) :: 前夫 /qiánfū/
exile {n} (the state of being banished from one's home or country) :: 流亡 /liúwáng/, 放逐 /fàngzhú/, 流放 /liúfàng/
exist {v} (to be) :: 存在 /cúnzài/
existence {n} (state of being, existing, or occurring) :: 存在 /cúnzài/
existent {adj} (existing; having life or being, current; occurring now) :: 現存, 现存 /xiàncún/
existential {adj} :: 存在主義的, 存在主义的
existentialism {n} (philosophical movement) :: 存在主義, 存在主义 /cúnzàizhǔyì/
existentialist {n} (a person who adheres to the philosophy of existentialism) :: 存在主義者, 存在主义者 (cúnzài zhǔyì zhě)
existing {adj} (that exists) :: 現有, 现有 /xiànyǒu/, 現存, 现存 /xiàncún/
exit {n} (action of going out or going away, or leaving, see also: departure) :: 離開, 离开 /líkāi/, 退場, 退场 /tuìchǎng/
exit {n} (way out) :: 出口 /chūkǒu/
exit {n} (passage or opening through which one can go from inside a place to the outside) :: 出口 /chūkǒu/
exit {v} (to go out or go away from a place or situation, see also: depart; leave) :: 出門, 出门 /chūmén/, 出去 /chūqù/, 離開, 离开 /líkāi/, /zǒu/
exit {n} (act of departing from life) SEE: death ::
exit {v} (to depart from life) SEE: die ::
exit poll {n} (poll taken of a sample of voters as they leave a voting station) :: 出口民调 /chūkǒu míndiào/, 出口調查, 出口调查 /chūkǒu diàochá/, 票站調查, 票站调查 /piàozhàn diàochá/, 出口民調
exit strategy {n} (plan) :: 退出策略 /tuìchū cèlüè/
ex libris {n} (bookplate) :: 藏書票 /cángshūpiào/
exobiology {n} (biology dealing with extraterrestrial lifeforms) :: 天體生物學, 外空生物学, 太空生物学
exocarp {n} (outermost layer of the pericarp) :: 外果皮 /wàiguǒpí/
Exodus {prop} (book of Torah and Old Testament) :: 出埃及記, 出埃及记 /Chū Āijí-jì/, 出谷紀, 出谷纪 /Chūgǔjì/ [Catholic]
exon {n} (region of a gene) :: 外顯子
exonym {n} (name used by foreigners) :: 外來地名, 外来地名 /wàilái dìmíng/
exoplanet {n} (planet outside Earth's solar system) :: 太陽系外行星, 太阳系外行星 /Tàiyángxì wài xíngxīng/, 系外行星 /xìwài xíngxīng/
exorbitant {adj} (exceeding proper limits) :: 過高的, 过高的 /guògāo de/, 過度的, 过度的 /guòdù de/
exorcism {n} (ritual driving out of evil spirits) :: 驅魔, 驱魔 /qūmó/, 破魔 /pòmó/
exoskeleton {n} (hard outer structure) :: 外骨骼 /wàigǔgé/
exoteric {adj} :: 通俗 (tongsu)
exotic {adj} (foreign, with the connotation of excitingly foreign) :: 異國情調, 异国情调 /yǒu yìguó qíngdiào/
exotic {adj} (non-native to the ecosystem) :: 外來, 外来 /wàilái de/, 引進, 引进 /yǐnjìn de/
exotic dancer {n} (exotic dancer) :: 舞孃 /wǔniáng/
exoticism {n} (the state of being exotic) :: 異國情調, 异国情调 /yìguó qíngdiào/
exoticism {n} (something exotic) :: 異國情調事物, 异国情调事物 /yǒu yìguó qíngdiào de shìwù/
expandable {adj} (having the capacity to be expanded) :: 可扩展的
expansion {n} (act of expanding) :: 擴張, 扩张 /kuòzhāng/, 擴大, 扩大 /kuòdà/, 展開, 展开 /zhǎnkāi/
expatriate {n} (person living outside own country) :: 僑民, 侨民 /qiáomín/, 僑居國外者, 侨居国外者 /qiáojū guówài zhě/, 海外國民, 海外国民 /hǎiwài guómín/
expatriate {n} (person banished from their own country) :: 流人 /liúrén/
expect {v} :: 期望 /qīwàng/, 預期, 预期 /yùqī/, 預料, 预料 /yùliào/, 意料 /yìliào/, 意想 /yìxiǎng/
expectation {n} (act or state of expecting) :: 等待 /děngdài/
expectation {n} (that which is expected or looked for) :: 期望 /qīwàng/, 期待 /qīdài/
expectorate {v} (spit) SEE: spit ::
expedition {n} (An important enterprise, implying a change of place) :: 遠征, 远征 /yuǎnzhēng/
expel {v} (to eject) :: 排出 /páichū/
expel {v} (to remove from membership) :: 開除, 开除 /kāichú/
expel {v} (to deport) :: 驅逐出境, 驱逐出境 /qūzhú chūjìng/, 驅逐, 驱逐 /qūzhú/
expenditure {n} (act of expending) :: 花費, 花费 /huāfèi/
expenditure {n} (amount expended) :: 支出 /zhīchū/, 費用, 费用 /fèiyòng/
expense account {n} (bank account) :: 費用賬戶, 费用账户 /fèiyòng zhànghù/
expense account {n} (arrangement) :: 費用賬戶 , 费用账户 /fèiyòng zhànghù/
expensive {adj} (having a high price or cost) :: , /guì/, 昂貴, 昂贵 /ángguì/
experience {n} (event(s) of which one is cognizant) :: 經驗, 经验 /jīngyàn/
experience {n} (activity which one has performed) :: 經歷, 经历 /jīnglì/
experience {n} (collection of events and/or activities from which an individual or group may gather knowledge) :: 經歷, 经历 /jīnglì/, 經驗, 经验 /jīngyàn/
experience {n} (the knowledge thus gathered) :: 經驗, 经验 /jīngyàn/
experience {v} (to observe or undergo) :: 經歷, 經歷 /jīnglì/, 體驗, 体验 /tǐyàn/
experienced {adj} (having experience) :: 有經驗的, 有经验的 /yǒu jīngyàn de/
experience points {n} (set of points accumulated by a player character) :: 經驗值, 经验值 /jīngyànzhí/, 經驗點數, 经验点数 /jīngyàn diǎnshǔ/
experiential {adj} (of, related to, encountered in, or derived from experience) :: 来自经验的
experiment {n} (test under controlled conditions) :: 實驗, 实验 /shíyàn/
experimentation {n} (act of experimenting) :: 實驗, 实验 /shíyàn/
expert {n} (person with extensive knowledge or ability) :: 專家, 专家 /zhuānjiā/, 專門家, 专门家 /zhuānménjiā/, 高手 /gāoshǒu/
expertise {n} (great skill or knowledge) :: 專門知識, 专门知识 /zhuānmén zhīshì/
expire {v} (become invalid) :: 失效 /shīxiào/
expire {v} (to exhale (something)) :: 呼出 /hūchū/
expire {v} (exhale) SEE: exhale ::
expire {v} (die) SEE: die ::
expired {adj} (dead) SEE: dead ::
expiry {n} (death) SEE: death ::
explain {v} (report) :: 解釋, 解释 /jiěshì/, 說明, 说明 /shuōmíng/, 闡釋, 阐释 /chǎnshì/
explanation {n} (the act or process of explaining) :: 解釋, 解释 /jiě shì/
explanation {n} (something that explains) :: 說明, 说明 /shuōmíng/
explanatory {adj} (serving as an explanation) :: 说明的, 解释的
expletive {n} (profane, vulgar term) SEE: swear word ::
explicate {v} (explain meticulously) :: 闡明, 阐明 /chǎnmíng/, 解釋, 解释 /jiěshì/, 辨明 /biànmíng/, 闡述, 阐述 /chǎnshù/
explication {n} (explanation) SEE: explanation ::
explicit {adj} (very specific) :: 精确 /jingque/
explicitly {adv} (in an explicit manner) :: 明確地, 明确地 /míngquè de/
explode {v} (to explode (intransitive)) :: 爆炸 /bàozhà/, 爆發, 爆发 /bàofā/
exploit {n} (heroic or extraordinary deed) :: 功勛, 功勋 /gōngxūn/, 勛績, 勋绩 /xūnjì, xūnjī/, 偉業, 伟业 /wěiyè/
exploit {v} (use for one’s advantage) :: 利用 /lìyòng/, 剝削, 剥削 /bōxuē/, 開發, 开发 /kāifā/
exploitation {n} (act of exploiting) :: 剥削, 开发
exploiter {n} (one who exploits) :: 剝削者, 剥削者 /bōxuēzhě/
exploration {n} (act of exploring) :: 勘探 /kāntàn/, 勘察 /kānchá/
exploration {n} (physical examination) SEE: physical examination ::
explore {v} (to examine or investigate something systematically) :: 探索 /tànsuǒ/, 探險, 探险 /tànxiǎn/
explorer {n} (person who explores) :: 探險者, 探险者 /tànxiǎnzhě/
explosion {n} (violent release of energy) :: 爆炸 /bàozhà/, 爆發, 爆发 /bàofā/
explosive {adj} (with the capability to, or likely to, explode) :: 易爆 /yìbào/
explosive {adj} (having the character of an explosion) :: 爆炸 /bàozhà de/
explosive {adj} (easily driven to anger) :: 暴躁 /bàozào/
explosive {n} (explosive substance) :: 炸藥, 炸药 /zhàyào/, 爆炸物 /bàozhàwù/
explosive {adj} (shocking) SEE: shocking ::
exponent {n} :: 指数 /zhǐshù/
exponential function {n} (function in which an independent variable is in the form of an exponent) :: 指數函數 /zhǐshùhánshù/
exponentially {adv} (in an exponential manner) :: 指数地
export {n} (something that is exported) :: 出口 /chūkǒu/, 輸出, 输出 /shūchū/, 出口商品 /chūkǒu shāngpǐn/
export {n} (the act of exporting) :: 出口 /chūkǒu/, 輸出, 输出 /shūchū/
export {v} (to sell (goods) to a foreign country) :: 出口 /chūkǒu/, 輸出, 输出 /shūchū/
exporter {n} (person who or organization that exports) :: 出口商 /chūkǒu shāng/
exposé {n} (publication of investigative journalism) :: 揭露 (jielou)
expose {v} (to reveal, uncover, make visible, bring to light, introduce to) :: 揭露 /jiēlù/, 暴露 /bàolù/, 露出 /lùchū/, 揭發, 揭发 /jiēfā/
expose {v} (to subject photographic film to light) :: 曝光 /pùguāng/
expose oneself {v} (display one's genitalia) :: 裸露自己性器官 /luǒlù zìjǐ de xìngqìguān/
expose oneself {v} (put oneself in a vulerable position) :: 暴露自己 /bàolù zìjǐ/, 冒風險, 冒风险 /mào fēngxiǎn/
exposition {n} (action of putting something out to public view) :: 博覽會, 博览会 /bólǎnhuì/
exposure {n} (part exposed) :: 暴露 /bàolù/
exposure {n} (taking a photograph) :: 相片 /xiàngpiàn/
exposure {n} (film exposed) :: 曝光 /bàoguāng/
expound {v} (explain or discuss at length) :: 闡述, 阐述 /chǎnshù/, 闡明, 阐明 /chǎnmíng/
ex-president {n} (a former president) :: 前總統, 前总统 /qiánzǒngtǒng/
express {n} (quick mode of transportation) :: 急行列車, 急行列车 /jíháng lièchē/
express {v} (to convey meaning) :: 表達, 表达 /biǎodá/, 表示 /biǎoshì/, 表現, 表现 /biǎoxiàn/
expression {n} (particular way of phrasing an idea) :: 表示 /biǎoshì/, 表達, 表达 /biǎodá/, 用語, 用语 /yòngyǔ/, 說法, 说法 /shuōfǎ/
expression {n} (colloquialism or idiom) :: 表示 /biǎoshì/, 成語, 成语 /chéngyǔ/, 說法, 说法 /shuōfǎ/
expression {n} (facial appearance) :: 表情 /biǎoqíng/
expression {n} (mathematics: arrangement of symbols) :: 表達式, 表达式 /biǎodáshì/
expression {n} ((computing) a piece of code in a high-level language that returns a value) :: 表達式, 表达式 /biǎodáshì/
expressionism {n} (movement in the arts) :: 表現主義, 表现主义 /biǎoxiànzhǔyì/
expressionism {n} (genre in music) :: 表現主義, 表现主义 /biǎoxiànzhǔyì/
expressway {n} (US: divided highway) :: 高速公路 /gāosùgōnglù/
expressway {n} (freeway) SEE: freeway ::
expulsion {n} (the act of expelling or the state of being expelled) :: 開除, 开除 /kāichú/, 驅逐, 驱逐 /qūzhú/
exquisite {adj} (especially fine) :: 精緻, 精致 /jīngzhì/
extant {adj} (still in existence) :: 現存, 現存的
extend {v} (to cause to last for a longer period of time) :: 延长 /yáncháng/
extended family {n} (family (parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren etc)) :: 大家庭 /dàjiātíng/
extension block {n} (power strip) SEE: power strip ::
extension cord {n} (an electrical cord) :: 電源延長線, 电源延长线 /diànyuán yáncháng xiàn/, 延長線, 延长线 /yánchángxiàn/
extensive {adj} (wide) :: 廣泛, 广泛 /guǎngfàn/
extensively {adv} (to a great extent) :: 广阔地, 广大地
extensor carpi radialis brevis {n} :: 橈側腕短伸肌
extent {n} (range of values or locations) :: Mandrain: 範圍, 范围 /fànwéi/
extent {n} (space, area, volume to which something extends) :: 程度 /chéngdu/
exterior {adj} (being from outside a country) SEE: foreign ::
exterior {adj} (external) SEE: external ::
extermination camp {n} (death camp) SEE: death camp ::
external {adj} (outside of something) :: 外部的 /wàibù de/
extinction {n} (the action of making or becoming extinct) :: 滅絕, 灭绝 /mièjué/
extinct language {n} (dead language) SEE: dead language ::
extinguish {v} (to put out, as in fire; to end burning; to quench) :: 熄滅, 熄灭 /xīmiè/, 撲滅, 扑灭 /pūmiè/
extol {v} (to praise; to make high) :: 頌揚, 颂扬 /sòngyáng/
extort {v} (to wrest from an unwilling person by undue or illegal exercise of power or ingenuity) :: 勒索 /lèsuǒ/, 敲詐, 敲诈 /qiāozhà/
extort {v} (to obtain by means of the offense of extortion) :: 勒索 /lèsuǒ/, 敲詐, 敲诈 /qiāozhà/
extortion {n} (the practice of extorting money or other property) :: 勒索 /lèsuǒ/, 敲詐, 敲诈 /qiāozhà/
extortioner {n} (someone who extorts) SEE: extortionist ::
extortionist {n} (someone who extorts) :: 強奪者, 强夺者 /qiángduózhě/
extra {adv} (to an extraordinary degree) :: 額外, 额外 /èwài/, 超級, 超级 /chāojí/
extract {n} (solution made by drawing out from a substance) :: /jīng/
extraction {n} (extract obtained from a mixture or from a plant etc) SEE: extract ::
extractor hood {n} (kitchen device) :: 吸油煙機, 吸油烟机 /xīyóuyānjī/, 抽油煙機, 抽油烟机 /chōuyóuyānjī/
extracurricular {adj} (outside of the normal curriculum of an educational establishment) :: 課外, 课外 /kèwài/
extradite {v} (to remove a person from one state to another by legal process) :: 引渡 /yǐndù/
extradition {n} (a formal process by which a criminal suspect is handed over to another government) :: 引渡 /yǐndù/
extrajudicial {adj} (carried out without legal authority) :: 法外 /fǎwài/
extralegal {adj} (occurring outside the law) :: 法外 /fǎwài/
extramarital {adj} (taking place outside marriage) :: 婚外 /hūnwài/
extra-natural {adj} (supernatural) SEE: supernatural ::
extraordinary {adj} (not ordinary) :: 非凡 /fēifán/, 了不起 /liǎobuqǐ/, 出眾, 出众 /chūzhòng/
extrapolation {n} (calculation of an estimate) :: 延拓 /yántuò/
extrasensory perception {n} (supposed ability to obtain information without the use of normal sensory channels) :: 超感官知覺, 超感官知觉 /chāogǎnguān zhījué/
extraterrestrial {adj} (originating from outside of the Earth) :: 地球外的 /dìqiúwài de/, 外星的 /wàixīng de/
extraterrestrial {n} (being originating from outside of the Earth) :: 外星人 /wàixīngrén/
extravagant {adj} (exceeding the bounds of something) :: 奢侈 /shèchí/
extravagant {adj} (exorbitant) :: 奢侈 /shèchí/
extravaganza {n} (event or display of fantastic or chaotic behaviour or conduct) :: 華麗演出, 华丽演出 /huálì de yǎnchū/
extravehicular activity {n} (work outside of spacecraft) :: 艙外活動, 舱外活动 /cāngwài huódòng/
extreme {adj} (of a place, the most remote, farthest or outermost) :: 盡頭, 尽头 /jìntóu/, 末端 /mòduān/
extreme {adj} (in the greatest or highest degree; intense) :: 極度的, 极度的 /jídùde/; 極大的, 极大的 /jídàde/
extreme {adj} (excessive, or far beyond the norm) :: 極端的, 极端的 /jídùde/
extreme {adj} (drastic, or of great severity) :: 激烈的 /jīliède/
extreme {adj} (of sports, difficult or dangerous; performed in a hazardous environment) :: 極限, 极限 /jíxiàn/
extreme {adj} (archaic: ultimate, final or last) :: 終極, 终极 /zhōngjí/
extreme {n} (greatest or utmost point, degree or condition) :: 極端, 极端 /jíduān/
extremely {adv} (to an extreme degree) :: 非常 /fēicháng/, 極其 /jíqí/, , /jí/, 極度, 极度 /jídù/, [used after the adjective] 極了, 极了 /jíle/
extreme sport {n} (sport) :: 極限運動, 极限运动 /jíxiàn yùndòng/
extremism {n} (extreme ideas or actions) :: 極端主義, 极端主义 /jíduānzhǔyì/, 過激主義, 过激主义 /guòjīzhǔyì/
extremist {n} (person who holds extreme views) :: 極端主義者, 极端主义者 /jíduānzhǔyìzhě/
extremity {n} (furthest point) :: 末端 /mòduān/
extremity {n} (hand or foot) :: 四肢 /sìzhī/ [the four limbs of the body]
extremity {n} (limb) SEE: limb ::
extremization {n} (extremization) :: 極端化, 极端化 /jíduānhuà/
extremophile {n} (organism that lives under extreme conditions) :: 嗜極生物, 嗜极生物 /shìjí shēngwù/
extrinsic {adj} (external, separable from the thing itself, inessential) :: 外來 /wàilái/
extrinsic {adj} (not belonging to, outside) :: /fēi/本質 /běnzhí/,固有 /gùyǒu/,外在 /wàizài/
extrovert {n} (one who is outgoing, sociable) :: 外向的人
exude {v} (to discharge through pores) :: 滲出, 渗出 /shènchū/
exultation {n} (lively joy at success or victory) :: 大喜 /dàxǐ/, 歡騰, 欢腾 /huānténg/
ex-wife {n} (a former wife) :: 前妻 /qiánqī/
eye {n} (organ) :: Literary Chinese: ; 眼睛 /yǎnjīng/, /yǎn/
eye {n} (hole in needle) :: 針眼, 针眼 /zhēnyǎn/
eye {n} (of a hurricane) :: 颱風眼, 台风眼 /táifēngyǎn/, 風眼, 风眼 /fēngyǎn/
eyebags {n} (dark circles under the eyes, caused by lack of sleep etc.) :: 眼袋 /yǎndài/
eyeball {n} (ball of the eye) :: 眼球 /yǎnqiú/, 睛球 /jīngqiú/, 眼珠 /yǎnzhū/
eyebrow {n} (hair that grows over the bone ridge above the eye socket) :: 眉毛 /méimáo/, 眼眉 /yǎnméi/ [regional]
eyebrow pencil {n} (makeup used to define or draw on the eyebrows) :: 眉筆, 眉笔 /méibǐ/
eye candy {n} :: (adjectives) 養眼, 养眼 /yǎngyǎn/, 秀色可餐 /xiùsèkěcān/
eye color {n} (color or pigment of the iris) :: 眼睛顏色, 眼睛颜色 /yǎnjing yánsè/
eye colour {n} (eye color) SEE: eye color ::
eye contact {n} (action of looking at another human or animal in the eye) :: 目光接觸, 目光接触 /mùguāng jiēchù/, 眼神接觸, 眼神接触 /yǎnshén jiēchù/
eye dialect {n} (deliberate nonstandard spellings) :: 視覺方言, 视觉方言 /shìjué fāngyán/
eye doctor {n} :: 眼科醫生, 眼科医生 /yǎnkē yīshēng/
eyedrop {n} (eye medicine) :: 眼藥水, 眼药水 /yǎnyàoshuǐ/
eye for an eye {n} (compensation for an injury) :: 以眼還眼, 以眼还眼 /yǐ yǎn huán yǎn/, 以牙还牙, 以牙還牙 /yǐ yá huán yá/
eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth {proverb} (compensation for an injury) :: 眼還眼,以牙還牙, 眼还眼,以牙还牙 /yǎn huán yǎn, yǐ yá huán yá/, 針鋒相對, 针锋相对 /zhēnfēngxiāngduì/, 以眼還眼,以牙還牙, 以眼还眼,以牙还牙 /yǐ yǎn huán yǎn, yǐ yá huán yá/
eyeglass {n} (eyepiece) SEE: eyepiece ::
eyeglasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
eyehole {n} (eye socket) SEE: eye socket ::
eyelash {n} (hair growing on the edge of an eyelid) :: 睫毛 /jiémáo/
eyelid {n} ((anatomy) a thin skin membrane that covers and moves over an eye) :: 眼皮 /yǎnpí/, , /jiǎn/, 眼瞼, 眼睑 /yǎnjiǎn/
eyeliner {n} (makeup) :: 眼線筆, 眼线笔 /yǎnxiànbǐ/, 眼線膏, 眼线膏 /yǎnxiàngāo/
eye MD {n} (ophtalmologist) SEE: eye doctor ::
eye patch {n} (patch worn to cover one eye) :: 眼罩 /yǎnzhào/
eyepiece {n} (lens or combination of lens) :: 目鏡, 目镜 /mùjìng/, 接目鏡, 接目镜 /jiēmùjìng/
eye shadow {n} (makeup around the eyes) :: 眼影 /yǎnyǐng/
eyesight {n} (faculty of sight) :: 視力, 视力 /shìlì/, 視覺, 视觉 /shìjué/, 眼力 /yǎnlì/
eye socket {n} (socket of eye) :: 眼窩, 眼窝 /yǎnwō/
eyesore {n} (a displeasing sight) :: 眼中釘
eye tooth {n} (canine tooth) SEE: canine tooth ::
eyewitness {n} (person who has seen and can testify about an event) :: 目擊者, 目擊者 /mùjīzhě/, 目擊證人, 目击证人 /mùjī zhèngrén/
eyot {n} (islet) SEE: islet ::
eyrie {n} (bird of prey's nest) :: 鷹巢, 鹰巢 /yīng cháo/
ezafe {n} (grammatical particle) :: 耶扎菲 /yēzhāfēi/
Ezekiel {prop} (book of the Bible) :: 以西結書, 以西结书 /Yǐxījiéshū/
Ezekiel {prop} (prophet) :: 以西結, 以西结 /Yǐxījié/
Ezhou {prop} (prefecture-level city in central China) :: 鄂州 /Èzhōu/
Ezra {prop} (book of the Bible) :: 以斯拉記, 以斯拉记 /Yǐsīlājì/
Ezra {prop} (Jewish high priest) :: 以斯拉 /Yǐsīlā/
éminence grise {n} (a secret or unofficial decision-maker; the power behind the throne, see also: power broker) :: 權力經紀人, 权力经纪人 /quánlì jīngjìrén/